Tag Archives: Jose Pedraza


Jose Pedraza Remains Unbeaten With Unanimous Decision Over Stephen Smith In IBF Junior Lightweight Championship

Ta ponedeljek pri 10 p.m. IN/PT Na SHO EXTREME®

Kliknite TUKAJ Za Fotografije From Stephanie Trapp/SHOWTIME


MASHANTUCKET, Conn. (April. 17, 2016) – WBC Featherweight World Champion Gary Russell Jr. retained his title with a remarkable TKO of Irishman Patrick Hyland Sobotaon SHOWTIME from Fox Theater at Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, Conn. V sodelovanju funkcijo, Jose Pedraza defended his IBF Junior Lightweight title with a unanimous decision over Stephen Smith.


Nocoj je event was a family affair with Russell Jr. working his brother Antonio’s corner during Nocoj je undercard and boxing’s Smith brothers, including current WBO Super Welterweight World Champion Liam Smith, cheering from the crowd.


A relentless Russell brought the main event to a quick halt by registering three knockdowns in the second round, the last of which forced referee Danny Schiavone to end the contest at 1:33. Od prvega zvona, Washington, Enosmerno. native came out swinging with his trademark hand speed and dangerous power. Russell, a southpaw, successfully broke down—and knocked out—Hyland with multiple vicious right hooks.


“We stuck to the game plan. We stayed sharp,” said Russell Jr., ki izboljšuje svoj rekord do 27 zmaga, one loss, 15 Knockouts.


“I’m ready to fight anyone in the division – Santa Cruz, Lee Selby. We are ready. But what I really want is [Vasyl] Lomachenko. I don’t care if he moves up to 147 funtov. I will go anywhere to get that fight,” Russell said.


“There aren’t many fighters who you instantly know are special,” said SHOWTIME Sports expert analyst Steve Farhood. “The combination of Gary Russell’s hand speed and accuracy instantly shows us that he’s special. That was plainly evident Nocoj and at times his hand speed was frightening.”


Pedraza (22-0, 12 Kos) remained disciplined and came out victorious during his second IBF 130-pound world title defense. A combination of timing, hand speed and good defense allowed the Puerto Rican native to dominate the 12-round championship fight.


“This definitely was a tough fight but the training really came to advantage in this fight,” Pedraza told SHOWTIME Sports reporter Jim Gray. “I knew he was a tough fighter so I was always aware.”


“I had better focus Nocoj. I had a better training camp,” said Pedraza, referring to his controversial split decision win over Edner Cherry two fights ago. “I knew that Stephen Smith was a great fighter and even after the knockdown, we were very cautious not to rush in.”


“Pedraza won Nocoj with different weapons. Mostly right hands to the head,"Je dejal Farhood. “I had the fight even after eight rounds and once Pedraza dropped Smith in the ninth, he gained momentum that he never lost and he pulled away. It was an impressive performance but also an important one because it erased a lot of the negative criticism Pedraza received in his controversial win over Edner Cherry.”


Pedraza was the more accurate fighter, pristanek 50 percent of his power punches over the 12-round bout. The Sniper was able to pick his spots and pocket rounds once he figured out the distance. Smith had his moments, but wasn’t active enough.


Brian Custer gostila Showtime televizijska oddaja, s Mauro Ranallo kliče dejanje, Hall of Fame analitika Al Bernstein in nekdanji dvakratni svetovni prvak Paulie Malignaggi commentating in Jim Gray poročanje. V španskem simultanega prenosa, Alejandro Luna imenuje udarec-by-blow in nekdanji svetovni prvak Raul Marquez služil kot barvni komentator. Izvršni producent Showtime CHAMPIONSHIP boks je David Dinkins Jr. s Bob Dunphy režija.


“jaz morajo ohraniti nadzor nad bojem, zmanjšati razdaljo, in vzdržuj udarec. Popolna dominacija.”
Gary Russell Jr.
Boriti se za naslov WBC je vse, o čemer sem sanjal, odkar sem bil otrok.”
– Patrick Hyland
Dolgo sem čakal, da pride ta dan in Smithu bomo pokazali, da sem orožje.” – Jose Pedraza
“Verjamem, da imam vse, kar je potrebno, da se borim s komer koli in nič mi ne bo preprečilo, da bi postal svetovni prvak.” –
Stephen Smith

Kliknite TUKAJ Download Fotke; Credit: Stephanie Trapp / SHOWTIME
NEW YORK (April 13, 2016) – WBC lahka stvar prvak Gary Russell Jr. (26-1, 15 Kos), od Capitol Heights, Md., in irski kandidat Patrick Hyland (31-1, 15 Kos), iz Dublina, soočili na zadnji tiskovni konferenci Sreda v Highline Ballroom v New Yorku, ko se približujejo to soboto je Boj za naslov svetovnega prvaka v pollahki kategoriji se nadaljuje v živo SHOWTIME® iz gledališča Fox v igralnici Foxwoods Resort v Mashantucketu, CT.
The SHOWTIME PRVENSTVO BOKS® oddaja se začne v živo ob 11 p.m. IN/8 p.m. PT na SHOWTIME z IBF mladinskim svetovnim prvenstvom v lahki kategoriji spopad med neporaženim Portoričanom Jose Pedraza (21-0, 12 Kos) in obvezni izzivalec Stephen Smith (23-1, 13 Kos), iz Liverpoola, Anglija.
Evo, kaj so imeli borci povedati Sredinem zaključna tiskovna konferenca.
(O Patricku Hylandu…)
“Najprej in predvsem, Moram mu pustiti kapo. Slišal sem ga, ko je rekel, da ga je treniral oče. Tudi mene in moje mlajše brate trenira moj oče. Moj oče je moj najljubši superjunak, zato se je zelo težko soočiti s takšno situacijo in se vrniti nazaj ter zmleti in vložiti ves trud in trud v to po vsem srčnem bolečini in izgubi, Za to mu moram pustiti kapo.
Vem, da kadarkoli imaš borca, ki trenira šest do osem tednov in se pripravlja na nikogar drugega kot na tebe, je nevaren boj. On je visok, on je dolg, lahko pa ga vzamemo. Obvladali bomo.”
(Ob vrnitvi po poškodbi…)
“Počutim se dobro. Jaz sem pripravljen; Delo sem dal v telovadnico. Kot sem rekel prej, Večkrat so me preklinjali in včasih sem zapustil telovadnico z občutkom, da sem najslabši borec vseh časov. Vendar, zdaj, pripravljeni smo in pripravljeni smo vlagati v moje sposobnosti.”
(O tem, kaj pomeni imeti svojega brata Antonia na kartici, ki jo vodi…)
“To pomeni veliko. veselim se tega. Pravzaprav se bolj veselim gledanja svojega brata na tekmovanju kot svojega boja. V tej borbi bom zagotovo delal njegov kot. Veliko nam pomeni, da lahko te informacije prenašamo iz generacije v generacijo in gledamo, kako rastejo, in gledamo, kako gradimo kot družina in kot enota. Neverjetno je.’
“Vsekakor ima potencial biti najboljši. Tako on kot Antuanne, ki je zdaj na 2016 olimpijska ekipa. To so vse informacije, ki se prenašajo iz roda v rod. Počutim se, kot da so zagotovo sposobni biti boljši od mene. Želel bi, da so vseeno.”
(O tem, kaj potrebuje za zmago v boju…)
“Moram ohraniti nadzor nad borbo, zmanjšajte razdaljo in ohranite udarec. Popolna dominacija; Želim se dotakniti telesa zgodaj. Zelo rad se giblje, zato bomo vse to zmanjšali.”
(O morebitnih bodočih nasprotnikih…)
“Božja volja, vse gre prav pride April 16, radi bi se poenotili z Leejem Selbyjem. Če bi imel svojo izbiro, Najprej bi šel z Leejem Selbyjem za poenotenje. Takoj za tem, Hočem Lea Santa Cruza in potem potrebujem Lomachenka.
“Ne zanima me kje [Lomachenko] premika. Naslednjega lahko izgubi 10 pretepi, toda preden je moja kariera končana, me mora videti.”
(O tem, kaj mu daje občutek zadovoljstva v boksu…)
“Boriti se za naslov WBC je vse, o čemer sem sanjal, odkar sem bil otrok, in vse trdo delo, ki sem ga vložil, da sem prišel do tega položaja, da bi se boril zanj.. Srečna sem in zdaj samo za to živim Sobota noč.”
(Kot prvi irski boksar po Barryju McGuiganu, ki je osvojil naslov svetovnega prvaka v perolahki kategoriji…)
“To je vihra in je super. Sem samo lokalni fant iz Johnstowna v Dublinu in se borim na velikem odru in se borim za velik svetovni naslov, in spet bi bil imenovan za drugega perolahkega, ki bi kdaj osvojil naslov svetovnega prvaka, bi bilo prav neverjetno; resnične sanje zase.”
(O Garyju Russlu…)
“Vem, da ima hitre roke. Je odličen levičar in odličen boksar, zato moram biti po svojih najboljših močeh v soboto noč za to. V telovadnici sem delal na načrtu igre, da bi preprečil njegovo hitrost rok in vse se mora združiti na noč borbe. Lahko naredim vse to in povem vse to, ampak moram samo nastopiti v soboto noč in to vložil tako, da sem naredil vse, na kar sem delal, da bi postal prvak.”
Jose Pedraza
(Na trening kampu…)
“Počutim se res dobro, smo v zadnjem delu kondicioniranja. Bil je zelo dolg in intenziven trening, vendar smo opazili izboljšave v mojih sposobnostih. Dolgo sem čakal, da pride ta dan in Smithu bomo pokazali, da sem orožje.
(O Stephenu Smithu…)
“Smith je zelo dober boksar, ima veliko sposobnosti in inteligence. Je boksar z zelo dobro obrambo, vendar že uporabljamo različne strategije, da lahko nevtraliziramo vse njegove sposobnosti.”
(O tem, kaj namerava pokazati v soboto…)
“S svojimi sposobnostmi, kot Sobota, Dokazal bom, da sem nad Smithom in da sem na ravni tega, kar sem, prvak. Skupni, Želim samo pripraviti predstavo in upam, da bodo oboževalci uživali v tej odlični kartici.”
(O tem, kaj se je naučil iz boja z Ednerjem Cherryjem…)
“Naučil sem se, kar sem vedno govoril in kaj sem vedno počel do danes, ki nikoli ne gleda. Nikoli ne gledam preveč videoposnetkov svojega nasprotnika, ker bi bil na dan boja lahko popolnoma drugačen borec in mislim, da se je to zgodilo takrat. Poleg tega, uporabil je odlično strategijo.”
(O njegovih mislih o drugih portoriških boksarjih…)
“Pravzaprav sem svetovni prvak tako kot Rocky Martinez; obstaja veliko portorikanskih možnosti. Všeč mi je [Felix] Verdejo, vendar ga še ne štejem za kandidata za naslov svetovnega prvaka. Z boksarjem prvenstvenega kalibra se še ni boril, je pa trenutno med najboljšimi borci v Portoriku.”
(Na drugih borbah, ki bi ga morda zanimale 130 funtov…)
“Vedno sem govoril, da se manj borim proti Portoričanom, boljše. Če je zadnja možnost, Boril se bom tudi s Portoričani, vendar razen tega Rockyja [Martinez] svetovni prvak, tu je Francisco Vargas, [Javier] Fortune, da naštejem nekaj, ki so na vrhu mojega seznama.”
(Ko se je prvič boril v ZDA….)
“Jaz sem navdušena. Če želite narediti ime v boksu, potem boš to storil v zveznih državah in to nameravam narediti tako, da bom v soboto postal svetovni prvak.”
(O tem, kaj ve o Pedrazi…)
“Dobro, ne prav veliko. Njegovo ime poznam iz amaterskih dni. Je dobro uveljavljen, on je olimpijec in je nadarjen človek. Boj proti nekomu pomeni zmagati ali ne, presega taktiko, onkraj sloga in res nabor spretnosti. Verjamem, da imam vse, kar je potrebno, da se borim s komer koli in nič mi ne bo preprečilo, da bi postal svetovni prvak.”
(O tem, kaj mora storiti, da pride do zmage…)
“Lahko je drugačen boj; vemo, da ga rad zamenja in boksa iz različnih stališč. Očitno je nadarjen, tako da bo za vsako smer drugačen niz, a vemo, kaj lahko pričakujemo. Vse sem opravil s svojim trenerjem Joejem Gallagherjem in pripravljeni smo.”
(O tem, da sta njegova brata Liam in Callum prvaka in kaj bi lahko pomenilo, da bi se jim pridružil…)
“je posebno. Pred dvema tednoma sta Liam in Callum osvojila naslov evropskega prvaka in to mi samo daje samozavest, duha za pohod. Psihično sem v res dobrem položaju in ne bi se mogel počutiti bolje, ko grem v to. Po tem, ko je moj tabor uspešno potekal, le bolje se počutiš, ko postaneš svetovni prvak.”
(O britanskih prvakih v porastu v zadnjem letu…)
“Tam je veliko zgodovine in zame in za mojo družino, zato delamo tisto, kar smo si vedno želeli, in želimo iti naprej.”
(Na trening kampu…)
“Dobro je bilo. Očitno je zavrelo do Callumove zmage. Obstaja dober zagon. Callum in nato Stephen imata priložnost za naslov svetovnega prvaka. S Stephenom je bil počasen vzpon, vendar ga je, kot jaz temu rečem "njegov finale svetovnega prvenstva".’ — nekaj, kar bo vzelo srce in moč. Njegova moč gre zelo dobro. Pedraza je zelo dober borec, dober pravoslavec, dobra južnica, lahko ga pomeša in pripravljeni smo na kateri koli slog, ki ga želi prinesti v soboto.”
(O procesu priprav na borca, kot je Pedraza…)
“To je nočna mora. Dovolj težko je, ko se boriš s kakovostnim pravoslavcem ali kakovostnim južnikom, katerega je, ampak ne samo to. Lahko boksa tudi na zadnji in na sprednji nogi, tako da smo različni sparing partnerji, med krogi mešamo sparinge, menjavanje stališč, in kakorkoli se želi Pedraza boriti ob koncu noči, Prepričan sem, da bomo imeli odgovor.”
(Glede na to, kako se bo boj odvijal po njegovem mnenju…)
“Mislim, da je to vse odvisno od Pedraze, se ozrem na nekaj njegovih bojev, boksa počasi in dobro začne, potem pa se zdi, da v rundah malo izgubi pot. Ko ga gledaš proti [Andrey] Klimov, začel je zelo dobro, ga zelo hitro spravil v manire in ga skoraj premagal v četrtem krogu, vendar [Andrey] uspel se zelo dobro obstati in zelo dobro boksati. Prišel je v srednje kroge, malo izgubil pot, zamenjal južnjak, tako da bo tako ali tako fascinantno. Poskrbeti moramo le, da nas ne ujamejo zgodaj, ko je hiter in oster ter poskuša v Stephena Smitha vnesti manire in ga nato odpeljati v globoke vode, kot je Edner Cherry.”
(Njegova napoved…)
“Stephen Smith. Po možnosti z nokautom. Ne, vsekakor z nokavtom.”
# # #
Za več informacij, Obisk www.SHO.com/Sports, sledite na TwitterjuSHOSports, MrGaryRussellJr, @PajPunisher, @Sniper_Pedraza, @SwiftySmith, LouDiBella, @FoxwoodsCT in @Swanson_Comm ali postanite oboževalec na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, in www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.

Former World Champion Chad Dawson, Featherweight Contender Ryan Kielczweski & Undefeated Prospects Antonio Russell & Carlos Gongora Highlight Undercard Action on Saturday, April 16 From Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, CT.

Doubleheader of World Title Fights Featured on
(11 p.m. IN/8 p.m. PT)
MASHANTUCKET, CT (April 11, 2016) – A stacked undercard of action featuring former world champion “Bad” Chad Dawson (33-4, 18 Kos), Peresno bojevnik Ryan Kielczweski (24-1, 7 Kos) and undefeated prospects Antonio Russell (5-0, 4 Kos) in Carlos Góngora (4-0, 3 Kos) gre za Foxwoods Resort Casino v Mashantucket, CT., na Sobota, April 16.
The event is headlined by a SHOWTIME PRVENSTVO BOKS doubleheader of world title fights: WBC lahka stvar svetovni prvak Gary Russell Jr. battles Ireland’s Patrick “Punisher” Hyland and IBF Junior Lightweight World Champion Jose “Sniper” Pedraza takes on top contender Stephen “Swifty” Smith from the UK, pri televiziji pokritost, ki se začnejo v živo na Showtime na 11 p.m. IN/8 p.m. PT.
Dawson will face the veteran Cornelius White (23-4, 17 Kos) v 10 krogu svetlobe težji dvoboj, Kielczweski enters the ring for eight rounds of featherweight action, Gongora competes in a super middleweight attraction while Russell takes on Leonardo Reyes (3-9, 1 KO) in a bantamweight fight.
Also entering the ring is popular super bantamweight contender Shelley Vincent (16-0, 1 KO) out of Providence, RI., who will have plenty of support behind her when she takes on New Mexico’s Elizabeth Anderson (4-7, 1 KO) v šestih krogu dvoboja z.
Rounding out the action are a pair of prospects making their pro debuts as Providence’s Anthony Marsella Jr. fights in a four-round junior welterweight match and Connecticut’s Mykquan Williams in a four-round welterweight contest. Williams is a highly touted local prospect who fought to a 45-13 amateur record including three gold medal performances at the Ringside World Tournament.
Nekdanji svetovni prvak v svetlo težji, Dawson returns to the ring looking for the 34th Zmaga svoji uspešni karieri. 33-year-old lastnik zmage nad nekdanji svetovni prvaki Bernard Hopkins, Antonio Tarver and Tomasz Ademek and most recently defeated Shujaa El Amin in December 2015. The veteran owns a 17-1 record in fights in his home state of Connecticut. He takes on the veteran White out of Houston who picked up victories in his last two starts over Marcus Oliveira and William Johnson.
Runner-up v 2008 Turnir National Golden Glove, 25-year-old Kielczweski has become a staple fighting in his native New England. Rodil in odraščal v Quincy, Mass., he bounced back from his first defeat to deliver a first-round knockout over Anthony Napunyi in May 2015 and followed that up with a victory over veteran contender Rafael Vazquez in October of last year. During this camp, Kielczweski served as a chief sparring partner of the 126-pound champion Russell Jr.
Twice a National Golden Gloves runner up, Russell won the national championship in 2013 and he now looks to follow in the footsteps of his older brother and current 126-pound world champion Gary. A 23-year-old fighting out of Washington, D. C., Antonio has won four of his five fights inside of the distance. He faces the 22-year-old Mexican Reyes.
Fighting out of Brooklyn but originally from Esmereldas, Ekvador, Gongora was an Olympian in 2008 in 2012. Ker se obrača v pro 2015, the 26-year-old has picked up four victories, including a fourth-round stoppage of Derrick Adkins in his most recent triumph in January.
Za več informacij, Obisk www.SHO.com/Sports, sledite na TwitterjuSHOSports, MrGaryRussellJr, @PajPunisher, @Sniper_Pedraza, @SwiftySmith, LouDiBella, @FoxwoodsCT in @Swanson_Comm ali postanite oboževalec na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, in www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.



SHOWTIME PRVENSTVO BOKS® World Title Doubleheader

Živi na Showtime® (11 p.m. IN/8 p.m. PT) od
Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, CT

NEW YORK (April 7, 2016) – The boxers who will be fighting Sobota, April 16 on aSHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® world title doubleheader are deep into their respective training camps as they continue preparation for their bouts at Foxwoods Resort Casino v Mashantucket, CT.


V glavni dogodek, živeti SHOWTIME® (11 p.m. IN/8 p.m. PT), the talented and speedy southpaw Gary Russell Jr. (26-1, 15 Kos) makes the first defense of his WBC Featherweight World Title against Irish contender Patrick Hyland (31-1, 15 Kos). In the SHOWTIME co-feature, unbeaten sniper Jose Pedraza (21-0, 12 Kos) risks his IBF 130-pound world title as he defends his title for the second time against a mandatory challenger, Stephen Smith (23-1, 13 Kos).


Russell, who won the 126-pound title with a fourth-round knockout over defending champion Jhonny Gonzalez marca 28, 2015, trains in Washington, Enosmerno.


Hyland, whose only loss suffered was to WBA Super Featherweight World Champion Javier Fortuna, has been training at a gym in Dublin, Slovenija, owned and operated by his trainer, Paschala Collinsa, whose older brother Steve was a former two-time WBO world champion. Paschal Collins also boxed as a pro but is best known for being Irish heavyweight Kevin McBride’s head trainer during his shocking knockout of Mike Tyson.


The switch-hitting Pedraza, a 2012 Portoričan Olympian, has been working out in his native Puerto Rico. Smith, iz Liverpoola, Anglija, has been training in the UK.


Below is what the confident boxers had to say with less than two weeks to go before their major fights:


GARY RUSSELL JR., WBC lahka stvar svetovni prvak

(On Training Camp)

“I’ve been in camp in Washington, Enosmerno. for about eight weeks. I suffered the head butt before my November fight but I have been able to train this whole time and returned to sparring eight weeks ago. It’s been a really long training camp but I’m ready to go. This is the hardest part. Fighting is easy, but the preparation before the fight is where the hard work comes in. Being out of the ring so long is difficult, but it’s part of the business. Everything happens for a reason and I’m just really keyed in mentally.”


(On fighting Patrick Hyland)

“Hyland is going to come in there to win. You have to have that confidence to get in the ring. He’s preparing himself, but the question is, will it be good enough? I highly doubt it. We don’t take anyone lightly and we prepare to the best of our abilities. Everyone in the ring can pull off the upset. That’s why I have to be prepared to the fullest.”


“He’s not really a pressure fighter so I might have to take the fight to him. He’s long and rangy and he tries to keep his distance. He’s not a big puncher but he definitely has the ability to steal a fight.”


(On the fighting Russell family)

“My brother Antuanne made the 2016 U.S.. Olympic Team in the 141-pound division and he has a chance soon to qualify for the games with a tournament in Azerbaijan. My other brother Antonio is going to be on my undercard as well. Within my family we’re actually the first set of four brothers to all win the National Golden Gloves. That just goes to show the level of coaching we get from our dad, to have a world champion, two Olympians and four National Golden Gloves winners. We’re trying to leave a legacy in this sport. We’re all very similar in temperament and attitude. We all want to be world champions.”


(On dealing with injuries)

“I’ve never had a fight where I was 100 odstotkov. There’s always been something going on. I have had hand injuries since the beginning of my career but we have creative ways to handle that and preserve my hands. Sedaj, Počutim se odlično. I just have to pick my shots more, but that’s where the speed becomes a factor.”


(On possible future opponents)

“If I can get by Hyland, I want to fight the winner of the Lee Selby vs. Eric Hunter fight and unify titles. After that I’d like to see Leo Santa Cruz and take care of that. Then I want another crack at Vasyl Lomachenko. I don’t care what weight Lomachenko is at, I’ll follow him. He has to see me.”
PATRICK HYLAND, Peresno Contender


(On Training Camp)

“I’ve been training at Celtic Warriors Gym in Dublin since before Christmas because I had a fight here (Slovenija) na Februar. 6 but pulled out when I got word that I was fighting on March 12 (na Mohegan Sun). When that fight was postponed, I took it easy for two weeks until the April 16show was announced. That’s when I started picking up training again. I’ve been training really hard and putting everything on the line to become WBC champ. We plan to arrive in the U.S. a week prior to the fight.”

(On fighting Gary Russell Jr.)
“To challenge a great champion, Gary Russell, Jr., is an honor for me. I think Gary is an awesome fighter with great hand speed and boxing ability. I’ve been working with Jono Carroll, an unbeaten Irish southpaw with good hand speed and good movement, who is ideal for what I have to work on to beat Russell.”

(On fighting again in the U.S.)
“I love fighting in the U.S. because there’s always a great atmosphere at the fights and it’s the real home of boxing. I’ve met friends for life who I consider family from the Marlboro area (Hyland lived in Marlboro, NY, for a couple of years). They’ll be at this fight, as always.”

(On the fighting Hyland brothers)
My brothers are no longer fighting. Their last fights were on the same show, Jan. 28, 2012 v Atlantic City, which I headlined in (against Emmanuel Lucero). My older brother, Edward (“Pride of Tallaght”) fought at super featherweight. He runs his own Boxing Club in Dublin. My other brother, Paulie, was a former European and Irish super bantamweight champion. He is back doing a bit of training. No other members of our Hyland family were in professional boxing. I’m hoping we’re not the last, čeprav, as I’ve got a few nephews and my own son now. One day they might lace up the gloves.”

Jose Pedraza, IBF Super Featherweight World Champion


(On Training Camp)

“I am currently training in the Municipal gym in Cidra, P.R., where I took my first steps in boxing. I decided to train here because it feels like home and I can feel the warmth of my people and I am able to set an example for those who are starting out in boxing as well.”

“My training started in December and it is divided into two sections (morning and evening). During the morning portion we work on all of the specifics of boxing, including gloving up in addition to physical training lasting about three and a half hours. For the evening portion of the training I run. Two days a week it is track training and four days of the week it is distance running for about two hours in the evening, making it a total of about five and a half to six hours of work daily.’’

(On his diet)

“Actually, thank God, I do not have a strict diet and can eat all varieties of foods. I am doing really well with weight and I just reduce portions in the evenings during the final stages of the camp to meet the required 130 funtov. That’s why I do not miss any foods. My favorite foods are steak and other grilled foods. After the weigh-in I prefer the pastas my mom makes. She always prepares three different kinds for me.’’


(On his team)

“My team is composed of Mr. Luis Espada (trainer-manager), Francisco Flores (conditioning and track trainer), Andres Melendez (Moč in naprave) in dr. Hector Santos (cutman and spiritual director). I’ve been with my trainer, who is my father, za 14 years ever since I threw my first punch. I haven’t made any major changes since I became champion. I’ve remained the same humble young man from a small town. I just push myself more to reach the bigger fights in the five categories from 130 to 154.”


(On his challenger Stephen Smith)

“I have seen some videos with my team of his fights and I can see that he is a boxer with a lot of resources who utilizes hooks to the body just as much as to the head. He is strong but something that works in my favor is that he is a come-forward fighter. He can handle 12 rounds comfortably. I hope on fight night I can neutralize all of his abilities and get the victory. I wouldn’t doubt if the win came by a KO anywhere from the sixth through the eighth round.’’

(Plans for his future in boxing)

“There are conversations about going up to 135. I’ve been at this weight since 2007; my body is demanding for me to go up to 135. Eventually my aspirations as a boxer are to be able to make boxing history not just in Puerto Rico but in the world. I want to go up and be the champion in five categories.”

“First and foremost I would like to face Francisco Vargas; he’s a seasoned boxer and is strong with a lot of rage. He went to the Olympics like I did in 2008 and he became a champion in what could be considered the fight of the year for 2015, very dramatic. It would be the Mexico vs. Puerto Rico rivalry. Another fighter who I would like to face is the champion Javier Fortuna. He is simply just a loud mouth with a poor memory (or selective memory) but I’ll send him a note to look up what happened in boxing history during the Roman Cup 2006 v Dominikanski republiki. I’ll leave it to him as an assignment.’’


(On his inspiration and role models)

“My biggest inspiration is my family. It is they who always, dan za dnem, are there supporting me as my No. 1 fan. I am a pro-family man and my family is my engine with God as my strength. Together they inspire me to carry the responsibility on my shoulders of doing my best in and out of the ring.’’


“Floyd Mayweather. He is an intelligent boxer and his abilities distinguish himself. He also works and trains very hard and puts in the gym time. He’s a man of his word and he invests 100 percent to each in his training camps and knows how to manage his fans as well. So many fans would like to see him win and just as many like to see him lose, but people just want to see him.’’


STEPHEN SMITH, IBF Ne. 1 Super Featherweight Contender


(On the significance of this matchup)

“All fights are important but this one is especially very important for me to win so that I can get back to where I was in the division.’’


(On finally getting a crack at the world title)

“I’ve waited a long time for this opportunity, but the timing couldn’t be better. I’m excited to get the opportunity to win the world title live on Sky Sports in the UK and on SHOWTIME in America.’’


(His views of the defending champion)

“Pedraza is a good fighter with a good amateur background and he’s not a world champion for nothing. He can box from either stance but I am confident of winning. I wouldn’t expect it to be an easy fight. It’s a world title fight, it’s meant to be tough. I’m preparing for the best of him; I don’t think he was at his best last time out against (Edner) Cherry.


“He could have lost that fight, but he got the win and he’s going to look to show he’s better than that. We’ve covered all bases as far as sparring for whatever way he comes out, and I think I have the game plan to beat him.


“It’s not like he’s looked at me and thought ‘he’s an easy fight– he has no choice if he wants to keep his title. I think this fight has happened at the right time for me. It’s dragged out a bit but I’ve got a good head on my shoulders and I think that everything happens for a reason. My last outing was a career-best performance and I think that this has come at the right time.’’


(On his strategy)

»(Trainer) Joe Gallagher is as meticulous as anyone when it comes to preparing to face someone. Pedraza’s a lot more aggressive from the orthodox stance, but we’ve studied everything and we’re really confident. The gym is still going strong; we were gutted for Scott Quigg as we know how much he gives in the gym for each fight. Spirits were down for a bit but big fights keep coming round, and now I have my fight.”


(On answering the critics who said he’d never fight for a title after his 2011 defeat to Selby)

“Because I had such a successful amateur career, I think that big things were expected of me. I had a bit of bad luck with injury, the loss to Selby set me back, but that was more from people writing me off. Lee is world champion now so there’s no disgrace in that, but people were saying after that fight that I wouldn’t fight for a world title. It can be a fickle sport at times but I’ve come back stronger and I think I will prove a lot of people wrong in America.’’


(On his fighting brothers, Paul, Liam and Callum)

“The family is doing great things, but it’s just something that we all set out to do when we started boxing so it’s not really come as a surprise to us. We work hard every day and we’ve hit the goals we’ve set ourselves; Liam is world champion, Paul has boxed for the world title twice, Callum is on the verge and I box for a world title soon. Four brothers fighting for world titles is a massive achievement but for us, it’s not enoughwe want to win them. I think it’s very achievable for us, Paul is back tonight and he’s looking for another shot, so it’s realistic to say that three of us will box for world titles this year.’’


(On making his U.S. debut)

“The training is the same but there’s more pressure and more media attention on this one as it’s the big one. I’ve never boxed in the states myself but I’ve been over there with Paul and Callum, and anyone who has brothers that box will tell you it is worse when they are fighting than when it’s your own fight. I know what to expect over there and I’m going to embrace it and soak it all up.”


Za več informacij, Obisk www.SHO.com/Sports, sledite na TwitterjuSHOSports, MrGaryRussellJr, @PajPunisher, @Sniper_Pedraza, @SwiftySmith, LouDiBella,@FoxwoodsCT in @Swanson_Comm ali postanite oboževalec na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, in www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.


The event is promoted by DiBella Entertainment. The bout featuring Pedraza and Smith is promoted in association with Gary Shaw Productions, Universal Promotions and Matchroom Boxing.


Patrick “Punisher” Hyland Fighting For Irish Boxing History

Russell-Hyland, Pedraza-Smith Twin World Title Fights
Sobota, April 16 Živo Na Showtime®
MASHANTUCKET, Conn. (April 4, 2016) – Always tough Patrick “Punisher” Hyland (31-1, 15 Kos) will be fighting for Irish boxing history Sobota, April 16 as he challenges WBC Featherweight World Champion Gary Russell Jr. (26-1, 15 Kos) in the 12-round main event, airing live on SHOWTIME od Foxwoods Resort Casino v Mashantucket, CT.
The SHOWTIME PRVENSTVO BOKS® telecast kicks off at 11 p.m. IN/8 p.m. PT with undefeated IBF Super Lightweight World Champion Jose “Sniper” Pedraza (21-0, 12 Kos), od CIDRA, Puerto Rico, defending against mandatory challenger Stephen “Swifty” Smith (23-1, 13 Kos), fighting out of the United Kingdom.
Hyland is on the verge of joining a pair of exclusive Irish boxing clubs. The 32-year-old from Dublin is attempting to become the first Irishman to be world featherweight champion in 30 let, since Hall-of-Famer Barry “The Clones Cyclone” McGuigan, in addition to being only the second IrishmanWayneThe Pocket RocketMcCullough stands alone right nowto ever wear the coveted green WBC world title belt.
McGuigan (32-3, 28 Kos), fighting out of Clones, captured the WBA Featherweight Title in 1985, taking a 12-round decision from Eusebio Pedroza, and he successfully defended his crown twice against Bernard Taylor in Danilio Cabrera before losing by decision to Steve Cruz v 1986.
The only other Ireland-born world featherweight titlist was Dave Sullivan (27-12-7, 18 Kos), who was born in Knocknanaff, County Cork, Slovenija, but fought professionally out of Boston, Mass. V 1898, Sullivan stopped Solly Smith in the fifth round to become world featherweight champion.
Belfast, Northern Ireland-product McCullough (27-7, 18 Kos), who was the WBC Bantamweight Champion in 1995-97, is the lone Irishman to ever be WBC World Champion in any weight class.
Just to be fighting for this title is an honor for me and to challenge a great champion in Gary Russell, Jr. is also an honor,” Hyland said from his training camp at Celtic Warrior Gym in Dublin. “To join great Irish boxing names is a dream come true for me. It will also mean the world to me to win this belt for my and family and, Najpomembneje, for my (pozno) dad, for all the hard work he put into me and my two brothers since I was eight years old. To look up and say, ‘Dad, we did it,’ will be the best feeling in the world.
Hyland has fought 10 times in the United States, including a 12-round loss to interim WBA featherweight champion Javier Fortuna in 2012. Hyland lived in Marlboro, New York for a few years when he was promoted by a company headed by then reality television star NicoleSnookiPolizzi.
I love fighting in the United States,” Hyland added. “There’s always a great atmosphere at fights there and the US is the real home of boxing. Snooki Boxing didn’t work out as planned, but they did a great job getting me the WBA title shot which was a great achievement in their first year in boxing. Na žalost, things didn’t work out after that fight, but I do have great respect for them. I met friends for life from Marlboro who I consider family and they’ll be at my fight as always.
Vstopnice za dogodek v živo, ki ga spodbuja DiBella Entertainment, stanejo $150, $90 in $45, ne vključno z veljavnimi stroškov storitev in davkov in so na prodaj zdaj. Vstopnice so na voljo na www.ticketmaster.com in www.foxwoods.com ali z obiskom Foxwoods’ Box Office. Zaračunati po telefonu, pokličite na Ticketmaster (800) 745-3000. The Pedraza vs. Smith bout is promoted in association with Gary Shaw Productions, Universal Promotions and Matchroom Boxing.
Za več informacij, Obisk www.SHO.com/Sports, sledite na TwitterjuSHOSports, MrGaryRussellJr, @PajPunisher, @Sniper_Pedraza, @SwiftySmith, LouDiBella, @FoxwoodsCT in @Swanson_Comm ali postanite oboževalec na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, in www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.


Featherweight Title Showdown Headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING At 11 p.m. IN/8 p.m. PT from Foxwoods Resort Casino In Mashantucket, CT.

MASHANTUCKET, CT (Marec 17, 2016) - Patrick “The Punisher” Hyland spent St. Patrick’s Day in Ireland with his family, trading green beer for his son’s green bib, as he prepares for his featherweight world championship showdown against Gary Russell Jr. na Sobota, April 16živeti SHOWTIME® od Foxwoods Resort Casino v Mashantucket, CT.


“I spent St. Patrick’s Day with family and friends,” said Hyland. “We just got back from dinner after bringing my son up to the parade in Rathcoole.


“It was a lovely, sunny day for the beer garden, but none for me. I’ll have to celebrate April 17. I’m looking to bring that title back to Ireland.”


The Irish born and raised Hyland has won four fights in a row as he prepares for his world title opportunity stateside with the expectations of his nation on his shoulders.


“This win would be massive for the Irish boxing community,” said Hyland. “I want to become a world champion like Carl Frampton and Andy Lee and this is a prime chance. I’m going to proudly represent the Irish people and leave everything in the ring.”


Hyland has extra motivation, along with fighting for his wife, Lorna, and newborn son, Callum, he will be honoring the memory of his late father and longtime trainer who passed away recently.


“This fight means the world to me and it’s why I got into boxing,” Hyland said. “I’m dedicating this to my late father and after I win I’ll look up and say ‘Dad, we did it!’ ”


SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING begins at 11 p.m. IN/8 p.m. PT with undefeated IBF Super Featherweight World Champion Jose Pedrazadefending against mandatory challenger Stephen Smith.


Vstopnice za dogodek v živo, ki ga spodbuja DiBella Entertainment, stanejo $150, $90 in $45 ne vključno z veljavnimi stroškov storitev in davkov in so na prodaj zdaj. Vstopnice so na voljo na www.ticketmaster.comin www.foxwoods.com or by visiting the Foxwoods’ Box Office. Za polnjenje z telefonski klic Ticketmaster na (800) 745-3000. The Pedraza vs. Smith bout is promoted in association with Gary Shaw Productions, Universal Promotions and Matchroom Boxing.


Za več informacij, Obisk www.SHO.com/Sports, sledite na TwitterjuSHOSports, MrGaryRussellJr, @PajPunisher, @Sniper_Pedraza, @SwiftySmith, LouDiBella, @FoxwoodsCT in @Swanson_Comm ali postanite oboževalec na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/SHOSports,in www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.


IBF Super Featherweight World Champion Jose Pedraza Takes On Liverpool’s Stephen Smith In Co-Feature
Živo Na Showtime® Na 11 p.m. IN/8 p.m. PT
Vstopnice so že na voljo!
MASHANTUCKET, CT (Marec 15, 2016) – Gary Russell Jr. will return to the ring to defend his WBC Featherweight World Title against Irish contender Patrick Hyland na Sobota, April 16, živeti SHOWTIME® (11 p.m. IN/8 p.m. PT) od Foxwoods Resort Casino v Mashantucket, CT.
V sodelovanju funkcijo SHOWTIME PRVENSTVO boks, undefeated IBF Super Featherweight World Champion Jose Pedraza will defend against mandatory challenger Stephen Smith.
Russell Jr. (26-1, 15 Kos) will be making the first defense of his featherweight world title that he earned after stopping defending champion Jhonny Gonzalez in the fourth-round last March. He was set to defend last November, but was forced to withdraw due to a training injury. If he can get by the extremely motivated Hyland (31-1, 15 Kos), Russell Jr. is in line for big fights with fellow champions and top contenders such as Leo Santa Cruz, Lee Selby, Abner Mares in Carl Frampton.
I’m excited about being back in the ring,” said Russell. “It’s been a year because of an injury, but I’m feeling great and more ready than ever. I’ll be prepared for anything. I’m looking forward to meeting Mr. Hyland on the 16th and I’m ready to prove I’m the best featherweight in the world.
This is a fantastic opportunity to fight for the WBC title, one of the belts that I’ve always wanted to hold,” said Hyland. “It means the world to me to be fighting for this title against a real champion like Gary Russell Jr. I think he’s a great fighter who does everything well so I have to be at my best on fight night. But I know I can beat him and take that belt home to Ireland. I’m just a lad from Jobstown in Tallaght who works hard and loves the fight game. I’ve been trained all my life by my father, may God rest him, and to win a world title will make all of his hard work and effort worthwhile.
Pedraza (21-0, 12 Kos) won his 130-pound world title last June when he dominated Andrey Klimovto capture the vacant belt, and he successfully defended it last October in an exciting battle againstEdner Cherry. Both bouts aired on SHOWTIME. Now he faces the mandatory challenger in Smith(23-1, 13 Kos), ki je osvojil 11 straight bouts and may present the toughest challenge of Pedraza’s burgeoning career.
I am in excellent condition, had an extraordinary training camp and am anxious to demonstrate my skills in the ring on April 16,” Said Pedraza. “I am truly looking forward to entertaining the fans in attendance and remaining undefeated as I defense my crown against Smith. I am determined to become the next big star out of Puerto Rico.
I’ve waited a long time for this opportunity, but the timing couldn’t be better,” Said Smith. “I’m excited to get the opportunity to win the world title live on Sky Sports in the UK and on SHOWTIME in America. Pedraza is a quality fighter but I know I will do whatever is needed to become world champion on April 16 and I can’t wait.
Vstopnice za dogodek v živo, ki ga spodbuja DiBella Entertainment, stanejo $150, $90 in $45 ne vključno z veljavnimi stroškov storitev in davkov in so na prodaj zdaj. Vstopnice so na voljo nawww.ticketmaster.com in www.foxwoods.com ali z obiskom Foxwoods’ Box Office. Za polnjenje z telefonski klic Ticketmaster na (800) 745-3000. The Pedraza vs. Smith bout is promoted in association with Gary Shaw Productions, Universal Promotions and Matchroom Boxing.
This SHOWTIME doubleheader is a can’t-miss event,” je rekel Lou DiBella, Presidentof DiBella Entertainment. “In Russell-Hyland, you have one of the most gifted fighters in all of boxing defending his title against a hungry and tough-as-nails Irishman in the biggest fight of his career. Pedraza is looking to make a statement against Smith, Britain’s number one contender, and to follow in the footsteps of past Puerto Rican superstars.
A speedy and supremely talented boxer, Russell Jr., was impressive in his fourth-round stoppage of the battle-tested Gonzalez last March. The 2008 U.S.. Olympian had scored important victories overVyacheslav Gusev, Juan Ruiz, in Miguel Tamayo before losing a majority decision to Vasyl Lomachenko for the WBO 126-pound title in June 2014. Ljevak, od Capitol Heights, Md., was able to return to his winning ways with a unanimous decision over Christopher Martin that December prior to his coronation against Gonzalez, whom he dropped three times en route to capturing the title.
Leading into his last fight on Oktober. 10, V Lowell, Mass., Irska je Hyland was dealing with heavy emotions following the death of his beloved father and longtime trainer, and the birth of his first son. The 32-year-old remained steadfast, fighting in memory of his father to stop David Martinez V osmem krogu. It was his fourth consecutive victory since suffering his lone defeat, a close and competitive loss to the unbeaten Javier Fortuna for the interim WBA World Featherweight Title in December 2012. Zdaj, presented with another world title opportunity, Hyland seeks to honor his father’s legacy by bringing the championship back home.
The switch-hitting former Puerto Rican Olympian Pedraza backed up his “Sniper” moniker against Klimov as he picked apart the Russian with superior speed and accuracy on his way to a world title. Pedraza earned a shot at the title in his previous bout with a career-best win over former world title challenger Michael Farenas. The 26-year-old will have title unification on his mind if he can conquer his mandatory opponent on April 16.
Part of a fighting family, Smith’s brothers Callum, Liam and Paul all fight professionally at a high level and he hopes to join Liam as a fellow world champion on April 16. The 30-year-old has fought professionally since 2008 and his only blemish came against featherweight world champion Lee Selby in 2011. Smith earned his title shot with a sixth-round stoppage of Devis Boschiero v septembru 2015 in bo tako njegova U.S. debut at Foxwoods.
Za več informacij, Obisk www.SHO.com/Sports, sledite na TwitterjuSHOSports, MrGaryRussellJr, @PajPunisher, @Sniper_Pedraza, @SwiftySmith, LouDiBella, @FoxwoodsCT in @Swanson_Comm ali postanite oboževalec na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/SHOSports,in www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.


Caption: L-R (back row): Bute; Martin, Jack, DeGale, Russell Jr., Matere, Selby, Provodnikov, Quellar, Pedraza.

L-R (front row): Joshua, Thurman, Wilder, Nosite, Povetkin.


NEW YORK (Marec 11, 2016)-SHOWTIME Šport v petek announced seven live boxing telecasts over a 12-week span, a stacked lineup featuring nine world championship fights and 14 overall matches in boxing’s deepest and most exciting divisions.


The full slate of programming is free to SHOWTIME subscribers, and the presentation on CBS is the first Prime Time boxing event on CBS television network in decades.


Stephen Espinoza, Izvršni podpredsednik & General Manager of SHOWTIME Sports, also announced a summer blockbuster in the making.


“This is an incredibly exciting time in boxing, a time for emerging stars to make their mark, and for established champions to break through to the next level,” Espinoza said.


“This schedule features high level matchups with champions taking on the highest-rated contenders available, and top-ranked challengers facing one another. We are thrilled and grateful to the promoters and the fighters themselves who have worked with us these last few weeks to put together such an impressive lineup for SHOWTIME Boxing. It has to be one of the best we’ve ever assembled.


“We have seven live telecasts over a 12-week span that runs the gamut of our SHOWTIME boxing series. It includes nine world title fights, and that doesn’t count a great fight that’s just coming together today, as both Leo Santa Cruz and Carl Frampton have now agreed to a championship matchup to be scheduled for late summer.


“All of these events are free to SHOWTIME subscribers, in Junij 25 event is the first Prime Time boxing presentation on CBS television network in decades.


“Again, thanks to the fighters and promoters for not only making these great matches a reality, but for their cooperation in today’s major announcement.”

See below for details on the events that Espinoza, and the principals involved, are in the process of finalizing. Additional details on each individual event will be announced in the coming days.



Main Event: Charles Martin (23-0-1, 21 Kos) vs. Anthony Joshua (15-0, 15 Kos) – IBF Heavyweight World Title Championship

Co-feature: Lee Selby (22-1, 8 Kos) vs. Eric Hunter (21-3, 11 Kos) – IBF Featherweight Championship

Start Time: TBD

Kraj: The O2 – London

Promotor: Warriors Boxing & Matchroom Sport


Petek, April 15 - ShoBox: New Generation

Main Event: Nikolay Potapov (14-0, 6 Kos) vs. Stephon Young (14-0-2, 6 Kos) – 10-Rd Bantamweight Bout

Start Time: 10 p.m. IN/PT

Kraj: Turning Stone Casino – Verona, NY

Promotor: Salita Promocije

  • Four-fight telecast featuring at least six undefeated fighters.



Main Event: Gary Russell Jr. (26-1, 15 Kos) vs. Patrick Hyland (31-1, 15 Kos) – WBC Featherweight World Championship

Co-Feature: Jose Pedraza (21-0, 12 Kos) vs. Stephen Smith (23-1, 13 Kos) – IBF Super Featherweight World Championship

Start Time: 11 p.m. IN/8 p.m. PT

Kraj: Fox Theatre at Foxwoods Resort Casino

Promotor: DiBella Entertainment

  • Featherweight world title fights in consecutive weeks.
  • Gary Russell Jr. returns to make his first title defense
  • Crucial Super Featherweight bout between defending champ Jose Pedraza and No. 1 challenger Stephen Smith.



Main Event: Badou Jack (20-1-1, 12 Kos) vs. Lucian Bute (32-3, 25 Kos) – WBC Super Middleweight Championship

Co-Feature: James DeGale (22-1, 14 Kos) vs. Rogelio Medina (35-6, 29 Kos) – IBF Super Middleweight World Championship

Start Time: 10 p.m. IN/7 p.m. PT

Kraj: TBD

Promotor: Mayweather Promotions

  • Former champ Bute, fresh off a great fight against DeGale, steps in to replace the injured Julio Cesar Chavez Jr.
  • Medina is the IBF’s mandated challenger for DeGale.
  • The winners will meet in an immediate unification.



Main Event: Deontay Wilder (36-0, 35 Kos) vs. Alexander Povetkin (30-1, 22 Kos) – WBC Heavyweight World Championship

Start Time: TBD

Kraj: TBD



Main Event: Ruslan Provodnikov (25-4, 18 Kos) vs. John Molina Jr. (28-6, 23 Kos) – 12-Rd Super Lightweight Bout

Start Time: 9 p.m. IN/6 p.m. PT

Kraj: Turning Stone Casino – Verona, NY

Promotor: Banner Promotions

  • Induction Weekend for International Boxing Hall of Fame.
  • Main event features two fighters involved in Fights of Year


Sobota, Junij 25 – SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on CBS Presented by PBC

Main Event: Keith Thurman (26-0, 1 ND, 22 Kos) vs. Shawn Porter (26-1-1, 16 Kos) – WBA Welterweight World Championship

Co-Feature: Jezus Cuellar (28-1, 21 Kos) vs. Abner Mares (29-2-1, 15 Kos) – WBA (reg.) Featherweight World Championship

Start Time: TBD

Kraj: TBD

Promotor: DiBella Entertainment

  • Thurman cleared to resume training after minor injury
  • Three-division world champ Mares to now face Jesus Cuellar for featherweight title



Main Event: Leo Santa Cruz (32-0-1, 18 Kos) vs. Carl Frampton (22-0, 14 Kos) – WBA (super) Featherweight World Championship

  • Frampton the unified 122-pound titlist, will move up to face Santa Cruz for the WBA (super) Featherweight World Championship


Pedraza prikupen Split sklep Over Edner Cherry
Easter and Herring Notch Victories on SHO EXTREME®
Credit: Stephanie Trapp / SHOWTIME
SHOWTIME® Announces ALL ACCESS Epilogue: Adrien Broner bodo na voljo na Showtime šport® Digital Platforms Next Week
CINCINNATI, Ohio — (Oktober. 3, 2015) – Cincinnati’s Adrien Broner won a world title in his fourth weight division with an impressive 12-round TKO over Khabib Allakhverdiev boja pred 5,932 o svojem rojstnem mestu oboževalcev na U.S.. Bank Arena and live on SHOWTIME PRVENSTVO BOKS®\\. Broner (zdaj 30-2, 22 Kos) položil hitre roke, thudding moč in ljubezen showmanship na zaslonu v razburljivo uspešnosti.
Allakhverdiev (zdaj 19-2, 9 Kos) je najboljše posnetke Broner, ne da bi šlo dol, vendar z v-oblike Broner, vendar z upping kazen v zadnjem krogu, Referee Harvey Dock decided to mercifully wave the fight over at 2:23.
Broner pogledal ostro v vrnitvi v super lahke divizije. Pristal 50 odstotkov svojih moči luknjači, s pravico uppercut čemer je njegovo najbolj učinkovito orodje.
“Odkrito, a young guy like me, they just threw me a lot of cash at a young age. It was hard to adjust to the fame, to the lights. After my last fight I said I wasn’t putting my all into it,” Said Broner. “To je definitivno vse do mene. Po tem zvonu, no one can help me. I’m still AB, ampak to zraven polovica moje kariere bom, da bo o boksu in o poslovanju. Nič se ni spremenilo. I’m comfortable at whatever weight my opponent is comfortable at. But I’m getting wiser, Jaz sem stara.”
“Ni vprašanje Broner zmagal boj. He is the real thing and tonight he showed it,” dejal Allakhverdiev je promotor Vlad Hrunov.
V uvodnem dvoboju na televizijska oddaja, IBF Junior Lahki svetovni prvak Jose Pedraza (21-0, 12 Kos) ostal nepremagan in uspešno zagovarjal prvenstvu preko 12-okrogli split odločbo nad Florida Edner Cherry (34-7-2, 19 Kos).
Pedraza prevladovala v tesno sporne in težje sodnika bitko, jih mnogo 117-111 Pedraza, 116-112 Cherry in odločanju 117-111 Pedraza.
Cherry pristala težje udarce in pritisnil napad, medtem ko je bil Ljevak Pedraza zelo nedosegljiva in dobro zoperstavimo s hitrimi kombinacijami.
I won the fight. It was a very tight fight and very hard fight, vendar sem definitivno zmagal boj,” Said Pedraza. “Bil sem zelo miren, ko so branjem rezultate, ker sem vedel, da sem zmagal. Zelo sem vesel,. Naredili smo veliko delo in začel močan, vendar Edner imel svoje trenutke. Z mojo ekipo, smo uporabili našo inteligenco, da bi dobili zmago. Sem bila sposobna spremeniti svoj stil, preklopite na Ljevak in Cherry ni zmogel levo roko.”
Cherry je bil milostiv v porazu rekel, “Pravkar sem jo pustil v sodnikom’ roke. If I knocked him out it wouldn’t be up to the judges. It’s them. That’s the judges. That’s what happens when you leave it to the judges. Ne bom ničesar proč od njega. It was a good fight.
Fighting in the main event of the SHOWTIME boks na sho EXTREME® Del noči, Toledo, Ohio lightweight Robert Velikonočni Jr. preselil svoj neporažen rekord 16-0, 13 KOs with a three-round demolition of Argentinean veteran Juan Ramon Solis (zdaj 25-10, 9 Kos).
Velikonočni Jr. je bilo videti enostavno, kot je izkopal thudding telesa posnetkov na Solis in ga zaniha s trdo, natančne strele na glavi. Velikonočni vrgel 177 Bilančna udarcev in pristali 68 od njih. Solis vrgel 44 in pristali le devet.
Z tretjem krogu, Solis’ corner je videl dovolj, in je zahteval ustavitev Na :45 Druga znamka.
“Si pripraviti na najhujše v telovadnici, s temi vrstami bojev nikoli ne veš, Said Velikonočni Jr. “Z nastopom, kot je ta, veste, da ste na naslednjo raven. I showed that tonight.
Če želite odpreti televizijska oddaja, 2012 U.S.. Olympian and undefeated lightweight Jamel Herring (14-0, 8 Kos) šla 10 rounds for the first time in his career while scoring a dominant unanimous decision over durable Ghanaian Yakubu “Črna mamba” Amid (19-8-2, 19 Kos).
Sled je pokazala svojo izjemno hitrost in izjemno moč, medtem ko streljanje hitro požara kombinacij Amidu glave in telesa. Da njegov kredit, Amidu visela težka za čas in nikoli ne ustavi poskuša.
“Vedel sem, da je dober. Spoštovati sem, kakšna je njegova izkušnja in kaj je bil odlaganjem,” Said Herring. “Pokazala sem moje znanje in šel razdaljo z veteran, ki je nikoli ni bilo dol. To je blagoslov, da pokažejo svoj talent na svetovnem prizorišču. Sem delal težko priti sem in dobre stvari pridejo k tistim, ki čakajo.”
Sodniki’ rezultati (99-91, 100-90, in 100-90) odraža prevlado Herring je.
V ne-televizijskem ukrepanje, Cincinnati lastno Jamontay Clark preselila 7-0, 4 Kos z brutalno dve okrogli ustavitve Hartford je Joe Wilson Jr. (zdaj 3-3).
Uporaba natančen in močan levico kot svojo primarno orožje, Clark je imel Wilson dol dvakrat prvi in ​​enkrat več, da začnete sekundo pred usmiljenega prekinitev na :28.
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Broner vs. Allakhverdiev je napredoval s Warriors Boxing in več milijard Promotions.
Za več informacij obiščite www.SHO.com/Sports sledite na TwitterjuSHOSports, AdrienBroner, WarriorsBoxProm InSwanson_Comm ali postanejo oboževalec na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/SHOSports in www.Facebook.com/AdrienTheProblemBroner


“Jaz bom zmagala v soboto Night.” – Adrien Broner
On lahko klovn okoli vse hoče, ampak da ga, ko ne bo pomagal
we are in the ring.” – Khabib Allakhverdiev
TO Sobota, Oktober. 3, LIVE ON Showtime®
IZ U.S. BANKA ARENA v Cincinnati
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Photo Credit: Stephanie Trapp / SHOWTIME
Vstopnice so še vedno na prodajo!!!
CINCINNATI, Ohio — (Oktober. 1, 2015) –Dva dni pred Adrien Broner gre za njegov četrti naslov svetovnega prvaka v svoji matični državi Ohio, Broner in njegov nasprotnik, Rusija je Khabib Allakhverdiev sodeloval pri končnem novinarski konferenci četrtek v ZDA. Bank Arena v Cincinnatiju, Ohio.
Nekdanji tri delitev svetovni prvak Broner(30-2, 22 Kos)se vrne v svojem rojstnem mestu pred kolegi nekdanjega svetovnega prvaka Allakhverdiev(19-1, 9 Kos) za WBA Super lahki naslov svetovnega prvaka teSobota, Oktober. 3 živeti SHOWTIME (10 p.m. IN/7 p.m. PT) od U.S.. Bank Arena.
V SHOWTIME PRVENSTVO BOKS co-funkcija, neporažen IBF Junior Lahki svetovni prvak Jose Pedraza (20-0, 12 Kos) bo branil svoj naslov proti nekdanji svetovni naslov izzivalecEdner Cherry (24-6-2, 19 Kos).
V glavni dogodek na SHOWTIME boks na sho EXTREME®, top neporažen možnosti Robert Velikonočni Jr. (15-0, 12 Kos), Toledo, Ohio, in argentinski veteran Juan Ramon Solis (25-9, 9 Kos) bo kvadratni off v 10 krogu lahek dvoboj.
Odpiranje SHO EXTREME televizijska oddaja (8 p.m. IN/PT), neporažen U.S. Olympian Jamel Herring (13-0, 8 Kos), Cincinnati bo nasprotoval nekdanji afriški prvak Yakubu “Črna mamba” Amid(19-7-2, 19 Kos), V 10 krogu lahkega boja.
Spodaj je tisto, kar so borci imeli za povedati danes:
“Sem ti rekel, da ne bi naredil nobenih intervjujev ali pogovor. Nič se ni spremenilo. Rad bi se zahvalil vsem za prihod. Jaz bom zmagala v soboto noč, Oktober 3.”
“Ne govori preveč. Pripravljen sem se boriti Sobota.
“On [Broner] je živčen. Zato je tudi obnaša kot klovn.
“To je njegov rojstni kraj. To je njegova zadnja priložnost za naslov svetovnega prvaka in se pojavi pozno in zaradi česar je videti, kot da se šali okrog z vsem in ne skrbi. Videl sem borci to storiti, preden in to je zato, ker je prestrašen.
He knows what will happen v soboto. On lahko klovn okoli vse hoče, ampak da mu ne bo pomagalo, ko smo v ringu.
“Počutim se super ga videli nervozna. Za mene, To je samo še en boj in le še ena zmaga in to je tisto, kar bo. Zmaga za mene v tem živčnem klovna. Bom ga premagal pred vsemi svojimi prijatelji.”
Jose Pedraza, IBF Junior Lahki svetovni prvak
“Vsakdo pravi, da boš prišel knock me, Srečno z njim. To se ne dogaja.
“Ima veliko izkušenj kot strokovni, vendar sem bil boj za dolgo časa, pa tudi zato, da nisem v skrbeh, ki je bil s katerimi se soočajo.
“Pripravljen sem 12 krogov, ampak želim, da bi ga dobili od tam prej. Jaz grem na delo telo težko poskušali dobiti, da done.
“Želim, da se soočajo najboljše. Raje ne soočajo drugo Portoričan, ampak, če je to najboljši boj tam, Bom obraz nikogar.
“Nimam napoved za boj. Imam dobro strategijo za boj in če deluje, Bom zmagal s Knockout.”
“Rad bi se zahvalil navijačem. Vsakdo, ki me je podpirala. Tune in Sobota noč. To bo super nastop.”
“Prihajam ven, da dajo na veliki razstavi. Saj veš, da ne maram, da se v ringu predolgo, da boste videli Knockout.
“Jaz ne gledam veliko trak ali kaj podobnega. Pravkar sem trdo delo v telovadnici in narediti najbolje, kar sem lahko.”
“Moje tehnične sposobnosti so moje najboljše lastnosti v ringu. To je moje delo in se borim s častjo.
“Argentinski boksarice so poznana po tem, kar je v njihovih bojih. I am going to do everything to win Sobota noč.”
“Počaščen sem, da je tukaj. Vsak, ki me pozna, ve, da sem prišel ven in sem dal to moje vse.
“Pričakujejo, da bodo videli velik boj. Veliko spoštovanje do mojega nasprotnika, za uporabo tega boja, ampak da je, kjer se ustavi. Ko pridemo v ringu je vse o poslu.”
Yakubu derivati ​​in zlasti
“I so se borili nekaj odličnih borcev. Imam izkušnje v boksu igre. Tukaj sem, da Jamel sleda dober boj. Želim si, da pridejo in gledal dober boj.
“Jaz sem iz Gane. Živim v Los Angelesu. Sem bil tam živijo šest let. Začel sem boks kot profesionalec v Gani. Šel sem v Južno Afriko. Potem sem šel v Anglijo, potem pa sem prišel sem. Imam ogromno prednost v izkušnjah.”
MIKE STAFFORD, Adrien Broner je Trainer
“Adrien je na njegovo težo razred tokrat. Smo bili boj na 146 in 147, on je imel naziv na 147, zdaj pa se je vrnil na svojo težo. Hudoben in pusto.
“Adrien ve, kako pomembno je to. On ve Khabib je odličen nekdanji prvak. Zahvaljujemo se vam za obisk na našem mestu. Ne bi preveč ljudi prišli v to situacijo.
“Zahvaljujemo se našim družinam in prijateljem in brez ti ljudje ne bi bili tu gor. To so velik kup fantov. Sem kot stand-in oče vse od njih in cenim, da jih podpirajo.”
LEON MARGULES, Predsednik Warriors Boxing
“Vsakdo ve, kdo Adrien Broner je. Adrien ima promocijsko podjetje, imenovano O milijard Promocije in so bili zabavno, zanimiva in upam, da bomo dobili spet skupaj delati.
“Ne samo, da imamo veliko mednarodno kartico, ampak imamo več borcev, up-and-novoprišleki s tega področja.
“Ko pogledate na to kartico, imate eno od več eksplozivnih bojev boks fans bodo videli letos. Vladajoči IBF Junior Lahki prvak Jose Pedraza in nekdanji naziv challenger, ki se bori v težnostnem razredu, ki hoče – Edner Cherry.
“Cincinnati je veliko mesto. Prav tako je svetovno športno mesto. Bengals, Reds, University of Cincinnati, Xavier University in cikloni, ki imajo v tej stavbi. Imajo tudi Adrien Broner.
“Bil je najbolj nadarjen in naravno nadarjen borec v današnjem svetu. Verjamem, da je lahko naslednji zvezdnik v našem športu. Bil je 26 let star. Njegovo finesse hitrost in moč je za razliko od vseh ki sem jih videl v dolgem času. Ponosen sem, da je njegov partner in sodelovati z njim na tem boju.”
RAVONE Littlejohn, Predsednik O milijard Promocije
“Hvala Adrien za kazanje ki gre gor. On je prinesel nekaj odličnih stvari v tem kampu.
“Hvala Adrien Broner mi dali priložnost za spodbujanje tega boja. Mi smo pripravljeni, da gredo. Vstopnice so še na voljo. Se vidiva Sobota noč.”
VLAD HRUNOV, World of Boxing
“Najlepša hvala. Zakaj še vedno ne prodajajo? Če smo v vašem kraju. Dobrodošli na najboljšem boju tega mesta v zgodovini boksa.”
Javier Bustillo, Predsednik Universal Promocije
“To je veselje in čast mi je, da se dela z Leon Margules. Sem delal v boksu za 20 let in še nikoli nisem videl nikogar, kot so Jose Pedraza. Vemo, da se borimo Edner Cherry – dober boksar.
“Pravimo Jose "Ostrostrelec.’ You are going to see a sniper Sobota noč. On ne bo pogrešal udarec.”
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