Tag Archives: Jordan Morales

El Matador Management Fighters Mathew Gonzalez and Justin Biggs in action on Saturday night in Brooklyn


New York (Septambra 28, 2018) – Two undefeated fighters from Felipe Gomez’s El Matador Management will be on display on Saturday night at The King’s Theatre in Brooklyn, New York.




Super Welterweight Mathew Gonzalez (6-0, 4 Kos) will take on Jordan Morales (3-4, 1 KO) in a four-round bout, while super welterweight Justin Biggs (4-0, 4 Kos) will take on Noe Lozano (2-3) in a six-round tilt.




Gonzalez of Ridgewood, New York will be making his 5th start of 2018, and the busy fighter is ready for his next challenge.




Everything is going well. I have had good sparring, ny lanjan'ny tsara, and it is time to perform,” Hoy Gonzalez.




He will be facing Morales, ny Sunbury, Pennsylvania, who took the fight on two-weeks notice.




I don’t know too much about him. A friend of mine, Richardson Hitchins fought him at Barclays Center, and I was at that fight, so I have seen him fight.




Gonzalez has established himself as one of the top ticket sellers in the New York area, ary ny 23 year-old nicknamedLeftyis getting noticed.




I go to different places and people are starting to know me. It’s good to know that I am building a fan base. I thrive on having a big fan base. It makes me want to go out and execute and perform for my fans,”




Gonzalez is happy on where he is at in his career, as getting in a 5th fight in 2018 is setting himself up for a good year in 2019.




I am where I should be. Ady rehetra, I am getting better and better. I am just taking one fight at a time. I just want everyone to stay tuned and keep and eye on me. Fans can follow me on Instagram at leftygunz_




Biggs of Brooklyn will be making his 3rd consecutive appearance at the venue in his hometown.




“Ny fanofanana dia lehibe. I have been working hard, and I am on weight,” said Biggs.




Biggs has a pretty good scouting report on his foe, and he is looking for a great fight on Saturday.




He is a fellow southpaw. He is pretty intense, and he comes at you, which should make for a great fight. I think that my body punching and jab will be too much for him to handle.




Biggs has a nice knockout streak to start his career, and unlike most fighters he feels that stoppages are important for many reasons.




The most important thing is to win. I don’t go in there looking for a knockdown, but I feel I will eventually get him out of there by breaking my opponents down. It is important to get knockouts because that is what people pay to see.




Four fights into his career, Biggs continues to see himself evolve as a fighter.




I see myself from old fights in the amateurs, and I see that I am more disciplined. I am more defensively responsible, and I am moving more fluidly. I feel that I am efficient and exciting. I am happy with my progress.




Biggs, 26 years-old has a very ambitious schedule, and within a year, he sees himself as a legitimate contender.




In the next year, I would like to be 14 na 15 ary 0. Maybe even higher. I feel good that more that I fight, the more that I learn. I want to be fighters on the networks and being called a future world champion. Asabotsy, i will do my best, and hope people will be inspired by watching me fight.




Both Gonzalez and Biggs are promoted by Real Deal Boxing.




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Split-T ny Welterweight Management Duo, Poindexter Knight & Janelson Bocachica ho ao miseho ny Zoma alina ao amin'ny The SugarHouse Casino any Filadelfia

Philadelphia, PA (Janoary 23, 2018)–Zoma night at The SugarHouse Casino, roa amin'ireo welterweight fanantenana mamiratra tany Filadelfia ny Poindexter manokana “The Savage” Knight, Jr. & Janelson Bocachica of Detroit will look to thrill the knowledgeable Philadelphia fight crowd as part of Evander Holyfield’s Real Deal Boxing Showcase Series.
Knight (1-0, 1 KO) ny 2 andro Philadelphia Golden fonon-tanana sy ny tompon-daka 2017 National Golden fonon-tanana dia hanandratra ny tompon-daka amin'ny taniny bitany araka ny sitrapony handray Jordana Morales tao amin'ny bout hatao ny efa-fihodinana.







The 22 taona dia tena nafana fo ho ao naseho teo anoloan'ny tanàna nahaterahany mpankafy.
“Tena faly aho hiady amin'ny tanàna niaviako eo anoloan'ny ny fianakaviana sy ny namana,” hoy Knight. Friday Night you are going to see the next great fighter to come out of Philadelphia, PA, Poindexter Knight!”
Bocachica (8-0, 5 Kos) dia ny 2 andro fonon-tanana Michigan Golden tompon-daka sy ny 3 andro National tompon-daka.
Izy no hiatrika Victor Gaytan.
The 19 taona lasa matihanina amin'ny fotsiny 17 taona-antitra sy efa Nokorontanin'ny ny valo miavaka Fandresena.
Ny hoe avy amin'ny manan-karena ny ady totohondry tanàna Detroit, Bocachica koa vonona ny hahazo vaovao mpankafy sasany tao amin'ny Tanànan'i ny fitiavan-drahalahy.
“Faran'izay mientanentana aho hiady tany Filadelfia, satria misy taonina Porto Rikana teo, ary tiako azy ireo hahita ny manaraka Ady Totohondry Boricua Star!” said Bocachica. “Tena nanosika ny mpitantana sy ny mampiroborobo mba amiko hiady amin'ny karatra izany mba hahafahako maneho Puerto Rico manaraka Zavatra Big!”

“Dia lazaina, Porto Rikana hahafantatra ny Goya Izany dia midika hoe nahazo ny ho tsara!”
Samy mpiady dia nasandratry ny Evander Holyfield ny Real Deal Ady Totohondry ary niezaka ny Split-T Management.
Split-T ny David Management McWater Tsy vahiny amin'ny sehatra ny ady Filadelfia, ary fantany ny zavatra mahavariana fampisehoana noho ny mpiady afaka manao ho azy ireo
“Back amin'ny andro, Aho taloha mitondra fiara ho any Philadelphia ny fotoana rehetra mba hijery ady totohondry tao amin'ny Blue Horizon,” Said McWater. “The whole Philadelphia boxing scene was so special as you got to see boxing at its purest. Amin'ny Zoma alina, I, miaraka amin'ny olon-tao amin'ny SugarHouse Casino hankafy ny ady, ka jereo izao tontolo izao ho avy tompondaka roa hitafy ny fampisehoana ny ady totohondry izay tsy hita nanomboka tamin'ny Blue Horizon andro.”
Ticket dia ho hita eo am-baravarana $125, $75 & $50.
voalohany bout : 7 am