Arkivji Tag: Jonathan Guzman


8 P.M. U/5 P.M. PT
Biljetti fuq BEJGĦ ISSA!
LOWELL, Massa. (Ottubru 6, 2015) – Il Boston kbira vs. New York City isports rivalità tkompli IS-SIBT, Ottubru 10 fiċ-ċirku fuq it-televiżjoni nazzjonali bi drittijiet bragging grigal fuq il-linja kif Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) fuq NBCSN jasal għall storiku Lowell Memorial Awditorju fil Lowell, Massachusetts.
It-tim dar Boston tibgħat welterweight Danny “Bhoy” O'Connor (26-2, 10 Kos) u featherweight Ryan “Il-Prinċep Pollakk” Kielczweski (23-1, 7 Kos), rispettivament, kontra invażuri Brooklyn Gabriel “Tito” Bracero (23-2, 4 Kos) u Rafael “Dynamite” Vazquez (16-1, 13 Kos).
Biljetti għall-avveniment live, li tippromovi l DiBella Divertiment f'assoċjazzjoni ma 'Murphys Boxing, huma għall-bejgħ u pprezzati għal $125, $85, $50 u $35, mhux inklużi ħlasijiet għal servizzi applikabbli u taxxi. Student speċjali, veteran u l-prezzijiet tal-biljetti anzjani wkoll disponibbli. Għall-biljetti, żjara
O'Connorwill jkunu qed ifittxu vendetta għal 2011 telf għall Braceroin l-avveniment ewlieni 10-round, filwaqt Kielczweski tiffaċċja t-test aktar ħorox tal-karriera tiegħu kontra Vasquez fil bout 10-round tagħhom li jiftħu l-xandira NBCSN fil 8 p.m. U/5 p.m. PT.
Fil-ġlieda televiżjoni oħra skedati, undefeated Dominikana bantamweight super KO artistJonathan “Salomon King” Guzman (19-0, 19 Kos), ġlieda kontra minn Lawrence qrib (MA), jieħu Connecticut tal mqalleb moħħom Danny Aquino (17-2, 10 Kos) fil-ko-karatteristika 10-round.
Boston vs. New York hija matchup klassika li ddominat aħbarijiet sportivi fil-grigal għal snin bħala l-Yankees New York u Boston Red SOx seħħet gwerer għadd filwaqt li l-England Patriots New ffaċċjati l-ġganti New York f'żewġ Super skutelli u komplew rivalità żmien twil tagħhom mal-Ġdid York Ġettijiet. It-tradizzjoni għanja ta 'din rivalità wkoll mxerrda fil-ring ġellieda top kif ħafna minn kull reġjun jkollhom jiffaċċjaw off matul is-snin.
L-ewwel Boston sinifikanti vs. Ġlieda NYC tmur lura għall 1927 fil Yankee Stadium, meta Jack Dempsey waqfet Jack “Il GOB Boston” Sharkey fis-seba 'rawnd ta' eliminatur tagħhom titolu heavyweight li jikkontestaw champion dinja Gene Tunney. Controversy surrounded this fight as Sharkey, baħri fil-U.S. Navy, iġġieled boxing idolu tiegħu, Dempsey, li flimkien ma ' Babe Ruth ruled Manhattan during America’s Golden Age of Sports in the 1920s. Sharkey out-boxed Dempsey for six rounds until, tilmenta lill-perit dwar puntelli baxxi Dempsey ta, kien knocked out kiesaħ ganċ left-istampa perfetta.
Champion heavyweight ieħor leġġendarju miż-żona Boston, Rocky Marciano, ma kienx rtirati bil famużi tiegħu 49-0 record if one round or another were scored differently against Bronx favorite Roland LaStarza in 1950. Marciano took a questionable 10-round decision from LaStarza at Madison Square Garden. Tliet snin wara lejn il-Grounds Polo, Marciano difiżi b'suċċess titolu tiegħu dinja, iħabbtu LaStarza fil- 11thrawnd ta 'tagħhom 1953 Ġlieda tas-Sena.
A par ta 'Sala tal heavyweights fama minn Brooklyn, Floyd Patterson u “Ħadid” Mike Tyson, rispettivament, knocked out tal Boston Tom McNeeley u ibnu, Peter McNeeley. McNeeley dropped Patterson once but he hit the deck 11 ħinijiet qabel finalment succumbing fir-raba 'rawnd ta' tagħhom 1961 title fight in Toronto. His son, Peter, mitlufa mill iskwalifika-ewwel rawnd li Tyson li kien jiġġieldu għall-ewwel minn meta ġiet rilaxxata mill-ħabs.
A fireman minn Boston bl-idejn fraġli, Paul Pender, darbtejn defeated forsi l-kunsens Greatest ta 'Kull-time, Tal Harlem “Zokkor” Ray Robinson, mhux darba imma darbtejn bi 15-round maqsuma deċiżjonijiet 1960 titolu middleweight dinja tissielet fil-Garden Boston.
“Marvellous” Marvin Hagler, a trapjantati ġlied New Jersey li għexu fil Hometown Marciano ta 'BROCKTON, Massa., feltru ripped off meta kien ingħata l-draw fl-ewwel titolu dinja ġlieda tiegħu kontra champion tiddefendi Brooklyn Vito Antuofermo fil Las Vegas. Sentejn wara fl 1981, Hagler jinqabad il-kuruna coveted fil-Garden Boston bħala Antuofermo rtirati wara erba 'rawnds.
Anke Lowell s “Irlandiż” Micky Ward kellhom rivali New York City fl Brooklyn Zab Judah, who he dropped a hard-fought 12-round decision to in 1998. For many years Judah said Ward was the toughest opponent he ever fought.
Aktar reċentement, Irish Olympian Kevin McBride, ġlieda kontra l barra mill-taqsima Dorchester ta 'Boston, spiċċa l-karriera Tyson fil 2005 bil-sitt round TKO rebħa li ħalla l-dinja boxing taħt xokk, u heavyweight Boston John Ruiz – l-unika champion heavyweight Latino tad-dinja – rebaħ 2008 ġlieda fil-Messiku kontra s Harlem Jameel McCline permezz ta 'deċiżjoni 12-round fil eliminatur titolu dinja.
Fuq Ottubru 10, O'Connor, Bracero, Kielczweski u Vazquez se jkollhom opportunità tagħhom li mhux biss jirrappreżentaw hometowns tagħhom, iżda li b'inċiżjoni ruħhom fil-Annals ta 'l-rivalità.
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Għal aktar tagħrif żur, u, isegwu fuq TwitterPremierBoxing, LouDiBella, DropkickMurphys, MurphysBoxing, DOC_Boxing, TeamBracero, @NBCSports and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at,,, /


DANNY O'Connor VS. GABRIEL BRACERO rematch aħbarijiet
Biljetti fuq BEJGĦ ISSA!
(Photo Kreditu: Premier Boxing Champions)
LOWELL, Massa. (Ottubru 1, 2015) – Tnejn u erbgħin sena wara li jinqabad ewwel Golden Nazzjonali Ingwanti titolu tiegħu Tournament fil Lowell Memorial Awditorju, Hall-of-Famer Zokkor Ray Leonard prospetti IS-SIBT, Ottubru 10 l-istess bini storiku bħala analista televiżjoni għal Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) fuq NBCSN, promossi mill DiBella Divertiment f'assoċjazzjoni ma 'Murphys Boxing, ventilazzjoni ħajjin mill Lowell, Massachusetts.
PBC fuq NBCSN hija headlined minn rematch 10-round bejn Framingham (MA) welterweight Danny “Bhoy” O'Connor (26-2, 10 Kos), li qed jiġġieled jpattuha tiegħu 2011 telf għall welterweight Brooklyn Gabriel “Tito” Bracero (23-2, 4 Kos). O'Connor u Leonard huma tnejn biss erba persuni li qatt tirbaħ il Ingwanti Golden Nazzjonali u National Championship Dilettanti fl-istess sena. O'Connor miġbura kemm accolades fil 2008.
Leonard jinqabdux ogħla unuri fid-diviżjoni ħfief (132 liri) ta 'l- 1973 Golden Ingwanti nazzjonali Tournament, outpointing Hilmer Kenty fl-aħħar kampjonat fil Lowell Memorial Awditorju. Leonard rebaħ il-Golden Ingwanti Nazzjonali Tournament fil titlu welterweight dawl sena ta 'wara, filwaqt li seba 'snin wara Kenty sar l-ewwel professjonali champion tad-dinja minn Emanuel Steward"s dalwaqt iridu jsiru leġġendarju Kronk Gym fil Detroit.
“Wieħed mill-mumenti l-aktar prezzjużi tal-karriera tiegħi ġara fil Lowell, Massachusetts,” Leonard recently said about his aforementioned experience. “Kien prezzjuża.”
Minbarra l Leonard u Kenty, ħames champions dinjija oħrajn futuri – Marvin Hagler,Aaron Pryor, Art Frias, Leon u Michael Spinks – kkompetew fil- 1973 Golden Ingwanti nazzjonali Tournament. Leonard, Hagler, Pryor u Michael Spinks huma Internazzjonali Boxing Sala ta 'fama inductees.
Leonard għandha rabta oħra li Lowell, the fourth-largest city in Massachusetts. Fl 1978, rebaħ deċiżjoni 10-round fuq Dicky Eklund fil Hynes Awditorju fil Boston. Eklund kien il-trainer kap ta 'nofs-aħwa tiegħu, “Il Pride ta Lowell” u tliet-time “Ġlieda tas-Sena” parteċipant “Irlandiż” Micky Ward, li tiċċelebra tiegħu 50th birthday din ġejjin Ottubru 4.
Wkoll dehru fuq il-PBC fuq telecast NBCSN hija bantamweight super undefeated star dejjem Jonathan “Salomon King” Guzman (19-0, 19 Kos), nattiv Repubblika Dominikana li issa jgħix fi Lawrence qrib (MA), jieħu speċjalista mqalleb Danny Aquino (17-2, 10 Kos), tal Meriden (CT), fil-ko-karatteristika 10-round.
Ix-xandira tibda fil 8 p.m. U/5 p.m. PT u se vetrina Quincy, Massa. prospett featherweight Ryan “Il-Prinċep Pollakk” Kielczweski (23-1, 7 Kos) kontra s Brooklyn Rafael “Dynamite” Vazquez (16-1, 13 Kos) fi bout 10-round.
Lowell Memorial Awditorju, li ospitat ukoll il- 1995 Golden Ingwanti nazzjonali Tournament, jirrappreżenta homecoming għall O'Connor u Kielczweski, li t-tnejn rebaħ New England Golden Ingwanti titoli Tournament hemm.
Biljetti jinsabu għall-bejgħ u pprezzati għal $125, $85, $50 u $35, mhux inklużi ħlasijiet għal servizzi applikabbli u taxxi. Student speċjali, veteran u l-prezzijiet tal-biljetti anzjani wkoll disponibbli. Għall-biljetti żjara
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Għal aktar informazzjoni, żjara, u, isegwu fuq TwitterPremierBoxing, LouDiBella, DropkickMurphys, MurphysBoxing, DOC_Boxing, TeamBracero, @NBCSports and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at,,, /


8 P.M. U/5 P.M. PT
Biljetti fuq BEJGĦ ISSA!
LOWELL, Massa. (Settembru 25, 2015) – Invażjoni Irlandiż huwa li ġejjin biex Lowell, MA fuqIS-SIBT, Ottubru 10 bħala Gary “Spike” O'Sullivan (21-1, 14 Kos), Stephen “Il Rock” Ormond (18-2, 9 Kos) u Patrick “Il Punisher” Hyland jidħlu fil-ċirku u tipprovdi appoġġ colorful għall- Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) fuq NBCSN card, promossi mill DiBella Divertiment f'assoċjazzjoni ma 'Murphys Boxing, minn storiku Lowell Memorial Awditorju.
Fl-istess post li fih sar New England Golden Ingwanti champion dilettanti, welterweight wildly popolari Danny “Bhoy” O'Connor (26-2, 10 Kos), se tkun 'il barra jpattuha tiegħu 2011 telf għall welterweight Brooklyn Gabriel “Tito” Bracero (23-2, 4 Kos) fil-każ prinċipali 10-round.
The 10-round co-feature showcases undefeated super bantamweight knockout specialist Jonathan “Salomon King” Guzman (19-0, 19 Kos), nattiv Repubblika Dominikana issa jgħixu fil-qrib Lawrence MA, jiffaċċjaw New England speċjalista mqalleb Danny Aquino (17-2, 10 Kos), tal Meriden, CT.
Ftuħ-xandira NBCSN, jibda 8 p.m. U/5 p.m. PT, se jkun Quincy, Massa. prospett jogħlew Ryan “Il-Prinċep Pollakk” Kielczweski (23-1, 7 Kos), li darbtejn maqbuda New England Golden Ingwanti titolu fil Lowell Memorial Awditorju, kontra s Brooklyn Rafael “Dynamite” Vazquez (16-1, 13 Kos) fi bout featherweight 10-round.
Biljetti jinsabu għall-bejgħ u pprezzati għal $125, $85, $50 u $35, mhux inklużi ħlasijiet għal servizzi applikabbli u taxxi. Student speċjali, veteran u l-prezzijiet tal-biljetti anzjani wkoll disponibbli. Għall-biljetti, żjara
Champion middleweight Irlandiż O'Sullivan ritorni lejn l-Istati Uniti għal darb'oħra, fejn għandha perfetta 5-0 (3 Kos) rekord. The charismatic, top 10 dinja brawler ratata, fis-sens truest Irlandiż, għandha fan base tikber madwar New England, kif ukoll dar lura f'Cork, Irlanda. O'Sullivan, li l-uniku telf pro kien sentejn ilu mill kontroversjali deċiżjoni 12-round li isfidant attwali titolu dinja
Billy Joe Saunders, jieħu fuq invader Kolombjana 29-il sena Francisco “Volcano” Cordero(31-4, 22 Kos) fil potenzjalment splussivi logħba 10-round.
A champion Ewropew Ex, Ormond, minn Dublin, se jkunu ġlied fil-U.S. għall-ewwel darba fi kważi sitt snin, kontra favoriti lokali Agustine “Bla ħniena” Maura (6-1-3, 3Kos), minn Lawrence, MA, fi Showdown ħfief.
Tal-ewwel isfidant titolu dinja” Hyland (30-1, 14 Kos), ġlieda kontra wkoll minn Dublin, huwa slated għal bout ħfief tmien round.
Jikkompetu wkoll fuq il undercard hija unbeaten prospett heavyweight 26-il sena PollakkAdam Kownacki (11-0, 10 Kos), ġlieda kontra minn Brooklyn, fi bout tmien round. Il 6′ 3″, 250-lira Kownacki huwa żewġ time New York Golden Ingwanti champion.
Prospett featherweight Super Titus Williams (2-0, 1 KO) se jidħlu fis-ring ta 'erba bout round. 26-il sena rebaħ midalja tad-deheb fil- 2013 New York Golden Ingwanti tournament.
Veteran Arġentina Fernando “Il Bask” Saucedo (56-6-3, 9 Kos), ex champion Amerika t'Isfel, se jikkompetu fi bout tmien round. Il 33-il sena huwa ex isfidant titolu dinja li se tkun qed tfittex raba rebħa tiegħu ta ' 2015.
# # #
Għal aktar tagħrif żur, u, isegwu fuq TwitterPremierBoxing, LouDiBella, DropkickMurphys, MurphysBoxing, DOC_Boxing, TeamBracero, @NBCSports and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at,,, /


Aktar! Unbeaten Jonathan Guzman Jieħu Fuq Il Danny Aquino eċċitanti & Featherweights Ryan Kielczweski & Rafael Vasquez jikkonfliġġu
Biljetti fuq BEJGĦ ISSA!
LOWELL, MA. (Settembru 11, 2015) – Popular Massachusetts’ welterweight Danny “Bhoy” O'Connor (26-2, 10 Kos) jieħu s Brooklyn Gabriel “Tito” Bracero (23-2, 4 Kos), fi rematch 10-round tagħhom 2011 bout mirbuħa minn Bracero, bħala l-avveniment ewlieni tal Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) fuq NBCSN IS-SIBT, Ottubru 10 mill-Awditorju Lowell Memorial fil Lowell, Massachusetts b'kopertura fuq it-televiżjoni li tibda fl 8 p.m. U/5 p.m. PT.
The evening’s co-main event will feature undefeated super featherweight knockout artist Jonathan Guzman (19-0, 19 Kos) battling brawler eċċitanti Danny Aquino (17-2, 10 Kos) fi bout 10-round u jogħlew prospett lokali Ryan “Il-Prinċep Pollakk” Kielczweski (23-1, 7 Kos) jieħu l-eċċitanti Rafael “Dynamite” Vazquez (16-1, 13 Kos) fi bout featherweight.
“Jien eċċitati li jiġġieldu fil-bini bi storja boxing kbira bħall-Lowell Memorial Awditorju,” qal O'Connor. “I rebaħ il-Golden Ingwanti hemm u I ma jistgħux jistennew għall-ġlieda kontra hemmhekk mill-ġdid. Jien ukoll eċċitati li jpattuha-ewwel telf tiegħi kontra Gabriel Bracero. Jien hekk lesti għal dan!”
“Din hija ġlieda enormi għalija u l-karriera tiegħi,” Said Bracero. “I biss setgħu ħasbu wieħed fil-moħħ tiegħi u li l-rebħa. Danny huwa avversarju iebsa u fuq Streak rebbieħa dritt issa. Il- "Tito aħjar’ Bracero will be there Ottubru 10. I taħbit Danny qabel u I pjan biex jagħmlu dan mill-ġdid, fil arrière tiegħu, saħansitra aktar konvinċenti. My best days are still ahead of me and you will see that come Ottubru 10.”
I’m excited for the Ottubru 10 PBC on NBC Sports Net from the Lowell Memorial Auditorium,” qal Lou DiBella, President tal DiBella Entertainment. “Tliet tissielet kollha tat-televiżjoni huma matchups super kompetittivi mal-eżiti fil dubju. Fil-avveniment prinċipali, Danny O'Connor Boston se rematch ma Gabriel Bracero Brooklyn f'tentattiv biex jpattuha telf deċiżjoni qrib. Undefeated zgħir featherweight junior Jonathan Guzman se jippruvaw iżommu rekord tiegħu perfetta kontra konkorrent perikolużi Danny Aquino. Il bout ftuħ karatteristiċi oħra 50/50-tip matchup kif Ryan Quincy tal "Il-Prinċep Pollakk’ Kielczweski tiffaċċja hard-ippanċjar, -dinja kklassifikati Rafael Vazquez minn Brooklyn.”
Il-belt ta 'Lowell huwa wieħed rikka fl-istorja boxing u hija l-Hometown ta' Massachusetts leġġenda u tlett darbiet Ġlieda tal-parteċipant Sena “Irlandiż” Micky Ward. “Huwa ta 'unur li jkollhom din il-ġlieda jiġri fil Hometown tiegħi,” qal Ward. “Danny O'Connor hija tant lest għal din l-opportunità. Huwa ffokat bħal Stajt qatt lilu qabel.”
Parti mill-istorja Lowell tal-boksing fond huma l-Hall futur tal Famers li ġġieldu fil-belt bħala dilettanti, Inklużi Rocky Marciano, Zokkor Ray Leonard, Mike Tyson &Marvellous Marvin Hagler.
“Ftuħ ta 'ġlieda kbira li Lowell huwa inkredibbli,” qal Ken Casey, Fundatur tal Murphys Boxing, “Lowell huwa tali belt ġlieda kbira u huwa Hometown Micky Ward. Għal Danny O'Connor li jkollhom l-opportunità li jpattuha-ewwel telf tiegħu fil arrière tiegħu stess ma 'fannijiet kollha tiegħu cheering lilu fuq se tkun sit biex tara.”
Biljetti għall-avveniment live, li tippromovi l DiBella Divertiment f'assoċjazzjoni ma 'Murphys Boxing, huma pprezzati għal $125, $85, $50 u $35, mhux inklużi ħlasijiet għal servizzi applikabbli u taxxi, u huma fuq bejgħ issa. Student speċjali, veteran u l-prezzijiet tal-biljetti anzjani wkoll disponibbli. Għall-biljetti żjara
A Golden Nazzjonali Ingwanti champion li stinka bħala pro peress 2008, O'Connorgets ċans li jpattuha telfa tiegħu biex Bracero meta kwadru off Ottubru 10. 30-il sena huwa ġejjin off fi tliet rebħiet eliminatorja dritta fuq Michael Clark, Andrew Farmer u Chris Gilbert. Il-ġlieda kontra minn Framingham, Massachusetts, O'Connor qed tfittex li timpressjona fi ġlieda fuq terf dar tiegħu.
Bracero rebaħ disa 'dmirijietu 11 tissielet peress jisfratta O'Connor fil 2011 u jittama li jara repetizzjoni ta 'dak l-prestazzjoni fuq Ottubru 10. Il-ġlieda kontra minn Brooklyn, l 34-il sena tippossjedi rebħiet fuq Dmitry Salita, Pavel Miranda u Jermaine White. Hu se jkunu għaddejjin fit-territorju unfriendly għall-ewwel ġlieda pro tiegħu f'Massachusetts.
Sid ta 'perċentwali eliminatorja perfetta, Guzman jistenna li jibnu off ta aħħar tliet tissielet tiegħu, knockouts kollha li ġejjin fir-reġjun New England. Imwieled fl Santo Domingo, Ir-Repubblika Dominikana, l-ġlied 26-il sena minn Lawrence, Massachusetts qed tiffaċċja l-isfida aktar ħorox tal-karriera tiegħu u se tfittex li jagħmlu marka tiegħu bħala konkorrent 122-lira.
Il Aquino 25-il sena għamlet-trade mark tiegħu b'rebħa hard ġġieldu matul il Kielczweski qabel undefeated f'April u prospetti lejn New England fit-tamiet ta 'teħid down prospett unbeaten ieħor. Imwieled fil-Messiku, Aquino tissielet minn Meriden Connecticut u jippossjedi rebħiet fuq Jhon Alberto Molina u Coy Evans u se jittamaw li jagħmilha tliet jirbaħ fir-ringiela fuq Ottubru 10.
A runner-up fil- 2008 Golden Glove nazzjonali tournament, l Kielczweski 25-il sena saret ġlied staple fl-istat tiegħu ta 'Massachusetts. Mwielda u mrobbija fil Quincy, huwa marret lura mill-ewwel telfa tiegħu li jagħti l-ewwel eliminatorja round fuq Anthony Napunyi Mejju. Sfida oħra iebsa jistenna “Il-Prinċep Pollakk” kif hu jistenna li jipprova tiegħu jiswew titolu dinja.
Vazquez Brooklyn żamm skeda busy fil 2015 u se terġa 'lura għall-ħames ġlieda tiegħu din is-sena meta hu isfidi Kielczweski. Filwaqt li l-Vazquez 37-il sena hija kklassifikati ħafna fil-klassifiki dinja fuq in-numru sebgħa u qed tfittex opportunità titolu dinja, fama u glorja mhumiex prijoritajiet ewlenin tiegħu. Ma 'bint autistic u mara dijanjostikati bil-kanċer ċervikali, Vazquez tissielet għall-familja tiegħu. Getting bidu tard għall boxing, Vazquez, li tilfu żewġ ġenituri tiegħu f'età bikrija u imġarrab stint fil-ħabs bħala żgħażagħ wayward, daru pro f'Settembru 2010. Huwa minħabba li donat porzjonijiet ta 'portmonijiet tiegħu għar-riċerka awtiżmu, filwaqt li żżomm ukoll fundraisers biex jgħinu nżidu l-għarfien.
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Għal aktar tagħrif żur, u, isegwu fuq TwitterPremierBoxing, @DiBellaEnt, DropkickMurphys, MurphysBoxing, DOC_Boxing, TeamBracero, @NBCSports and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at,,, /


Ikklikkja HERE Għal Ritratti mill Ed Diller / DiBella Entertainment

Ikklikkja HERE Għal Ritratti mill Lucas Noonan / Premier Boxing Champions

BROOKLYN (Mejju 30, 2015) – Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) fuq Spikereturned to Brooklyn’s Barclays Center nhar il-Ġimgħa night with another explosive night of bouts for fight fans. Fil-avveniment prinċipali, Amir “King” Khan (31-3, 19 Kos) scored a crafty and hard fought unanimous decision over Chris Algieri (20-2, 8 Kos) u Javier Fortuna (28-0-1, 20 Kos) won a crowd-pleasing unanimous decision victory over Bryan Vasquez (34-2, 18 Kos) in the televised opener.


Below are comments made by the televised fighters after their performances tonight:




I thought I worked well inside. I’ve never done a lot of work in the pocket like that and I plan to do more of that in the future.


I give Chris a lot of credit. He came forward a lot more than we thought he would and he had a big chin tonight.


Chris gave it his all tonight. This is the best Algieri we’ve seen in a long time, and if he’d have fought Manny (Pacquiao) that way he might have won.


Everyone knows I want Floyd (Mayweather) next after all the talk about it, but when you wait and hope for something for this long it can set you back. I don’t want to overlook any other fighters, including Chris.


My first show with PBC has been great. The New York crowd was awesome and really got into it. The promotion was excellent and I’m proud to be a part of this team.




I thought I pressured Khan well and got my touches. He definitely didn’t like it when I got into his body.


I thought I hurt him several times, but Khan’s a cagey fighter and he spins off. I guess the judges liked that tonight. I would think the cleaner, harder shots would get a little more respect.


I think PBC is fantastic. The focus is on the fighters, not the politics or the promoters. This is helping bring the sport back to boxing’s glory days of primetime events for the fans.


I haven’t thought much about after this fight. Jien diżappuntat, but I’ll watch the film from this fight and we’ll go from there.




I’m very surprised that the fight went the distance. Vasquez is a strong fighter. After the fifth round, I was boxing to score points.


I was never really hurt by Vasquez, but I hurt my own hand on his head.


Vasquez didn’t really affect me throughout the fight. The swelling on my eye is from a headbutt.


The biggest key to my success tonight was my training. Before this I didn’t have the stamina that I needed. Madankollu, after my work with Hector Bermudez leading up to this fight I was more than ready.


Becoming a champion here in New York is huge for me. I’m very proud of my performance tonight.”




My style is to box and then move. Fortuna fought a smart fight tonight. He wouldn’t engage me and fight.


Fortuna used his head and elbows a lot tonight, but I don’t want to use that as an excuse. I tried telling the referee, but nothing was done.


I worked very hard for three months of training to get to this fight. I hope I won over some fans today because I fight to please them.


Hopefully I get a rematch because this is not the end of my career, and I’d love the chance to take that belt from Fortuna.


I want to thank PBC for this opportunity. It was great being a part of this show and I hope they’ll think of me again in the future.


# # #

The card was promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Star Boxing. Għal aktar tagħrif żur uċampjins, isegwu fuq TwitterPremierBoxing, @LouDiBella and @SpikeTV and become a fan on Facebook at


Ikklikkja HERE Għal Ritratti mill Lucas Noonan / Premier Boxing Champions

Ikklikkja HERE Għal Ritratti mill Ed Diller / DiBella Entertainment

Ikklikkja HERE For Barclays Center TV Interview With Amir Khan

BROOKLYN (Mejju 27, 2015) – Fight week activities for Premier Boxing Championsfuq Spike kompliet L-Erbgħa as fighters participated in the final press conference and media workouts at Barclays Center before they enter the ring on Friday, Mejju 29.


Biljetti għall-avveniment live, promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Star Boxing, huma pprezzati għal $250, $150, $75, u $45, mhux inklużi ħlasijiet għal servizzi applikabbli u taxxi, u huma fuq bejgħ issa. Biljetti huma disponibbli fuq, u fl-Uffiċċju Box American Express fi Barclays Center. Biex ħlas bis-telefon, sejħa Ticketmaster fil (800) 745-3000. Għall-biljetti tal-grupp, jekk jogħġbok ċempel 800-GRUPP-BK.


Hawnhekk huwa dak li l-parteċipanti kellhom jgħidu L-Erbgħa:




I really believe that I have the movement, the skills and the technique to beat Chris Algieri and look spectacular doing it.


Algieri has been in the ring with big names before so we know that’s not going to scare him and he won’t get nervous. I’m going to be ready for anything he brings to the table.


This is going to be an entertaining fight because of our styles. We both like to throw a lot of punches and there will be a lot of movement. This will be a more skillful fight and I think the fans will enjoy what they see.


I’ve always wanted to fight here at Barclays Center and I really am excited to put on a great performance for all the New Yorkers.


Virgil Hunter has been great for me as a fighter and he’s helped me really understand the sport of boxing. I’ve worked on my technique and my defense and really just everything.


Training camp for me has been really good. I’m focused on my opponent and I’m not going to make any mistakes. It’s going to be a great performance from me nhar il-Ġimgħa.”




This is going to be a great fight with two fast-paced boxers. It’s going to be very exciting for everyone watching.


Working down in Florida with John David Jackson really refreshed a lot of things in boxing for me. I got to see new things and try new things. I learned a lot.


The only thing that matters is proving something to myself and I do feel like I have to prove something. I wasn’t happy with my last performance at all. I know I belong here at the elite level and it’s time for me to prove it.


I like to challenge myself and this is a great opportunity. I’m ready for this, I will challenge anybody in the welterweight division.


I feel very comfortable being here in New York and I’m happy to be back at Barclays Center.




For me it is an honor to be here in Brooklyn. This will be a great night for all of my fans.


I hope my opponent doesn’t have any excuses nhar il-Ġimgħa, because I’m going to knock him out.


Everyone here is going to see a great performance and I can’t wait to get in the ring.


I’m a strong fighter and I am looking forward to showing everyone what I am capable of.




I’m very thankful to be here and I look forward to a great fight. I promise it’s going to be a war.


I’m an exciting fighter who always comes to fight. This is my time and I will not disappoint.


Fighting in New York is a great opportunity. I want people to see that Costa Rica has great fighters.


I know I have a tough opponent, but he has never faced anyone like me. I’m going to give it my all and I hope he does the same.




I feel like having a daughter has given me the kick in the rear that really has me focused on what I want to do, which is becoming a world champion. I want to give her a better life than I ever had.


My intensity and focus has never been higher. The fun part of boxing is back again.


I told my daughter that ‘daddy is going to give you the world.So I guess I need to become a world champion to give her the world. Her first word might be ‘champ.'


I’m so thankful to all the people at Barclays Center that allow me to continue to show off my talent and skills in this beautiful building.


Fighting on this Premier Boxing Champions card is really special and amazing. When I went to the Olympics in 2012 we stayed in Bolton and worked out at Amir Khan’s gym, now it comes full circle.


Fans can expect to see ‘spizazzfrom me. That’s a word I came up with back in my amateur days. I’m here to bring that ‘spizazz’ back, if you want to know what that is you have to buy a ticket for Il-ġimgħa lejl.”




I don’t look past what is in front of me. I have a really tough challenge in front of me nhar il-Ġimgħa. I know she has an incredible desire to win and I’m ready for that.


I’m a pretty aggressive fighter but I’ve been known to box. I go in there and make adjustments but I’m not afraid to throw punches.


There was a really unfinished feeling after my last fight, I was disappointed. I expected more from my opponent. I wanted to put on a show for fans to remember.


I definitely want to make up for my last fight this time and I feel like my opponent is on the same page with me about where we need to go to take this sport further.



# # #

Għal aktar tagħrif żur,ċampjins, Segwi fuq TwitterPremierBoxing, @AmirKingKhan, ChrisAlgieri, LouDiBella, @SpikeTV and @BarclaysCenter and become a fan on Facebook,, u Follow the conversation using #PremierBoxingChampions and #BrooklynBoxing.



BEGINNING AT 9:00 P.M. U/6:00 P.M. PT

Aktar, Undercard Action Featuring

Staten Island’s 2012 Olympian Marcus Browne Battling Cornelius White

& Brooklyn’s Heather Hardy Facing Noemi Bosques

BROOKLYN (Mejju 21, 2015) – An electric showdown between Javier Fortuna (27-0-1, 20 Kos) u Bryan Vasquez (35-1, 18 Kos) will open up the Premier Boxing Champions fuq Spike telecast taking place Il-ġimgħa, Mejju 29 fi Barclays Center.


The 12-round junior lightweight bout between Fortuna and Vasquez will lead into the highly anticipated contest between former world champions Amir Khan u Chris Algieri. The Spike telecast begins at 9 p.m. U/6 p.m. PT.


Undercard action will also feature a slew of exciting local prospects competing in tough fights. 2012 U.S. Olympian “Sir” Marcus Browne (14-0, 11 Kos) of Staten Island will take on the experienced Cornelius White (21-2, 16 Kos) fil 10 round light heavyweight bout while Heather “Il Sħana” Hardy (12-0, 2 Kos) uċuħ Foresti Noemi (8-2-2) in eight rounds of featherweight action.


Also on the card are Wesley Ferrer (8-0, 5 Kos) tieħu fuq Jose Miguel Castro (4-2, 2 Kos) in a six round lightweight attraction, Noel Murphy (1-0) battling Michael Black(0-1) in four rounds of welterweight action, Adam Kownacki (9-0, 9 Kos) jitħallas off kontra Ytalo Perea (5-1-1, 3 Kos) in an eight round heavyweight fight and the eight round cruiserweight battle between Keith Tapia (14-0, 9 Kos) u Leo Pla (5-4-2, 2 Kos).


Rounding out the action is the professional debut of Chris Colbert as he battles Marquis Pierce (1-5) in a four round featherweight bout and Luis Franco (12-1-1, 8 Kos) tieħu fuq Guillermo Sanchez (15-15-1, 6 Kos).


Biljetti għall-avveniment live, promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Star Boxing, huma pprezzati għal $250, $150, $75, u $45, mhux inklużi ħlasijiet għal servizzi applikabbli u taxxi, u huma fuq bejgħ issa. Biljetti huma disponibbli fuq, u fl-Uffiċċju Box American Express fi Barclays Center. Biex ħlas bis-telefon, sejħa Ticketmaster fil (800) 745-3000. Għall-biljetti tal-grupp, jekk jogħġbok ċempel 800-GRUPP-BK.


An amateur standout who participated in the first Pan American Junior Championships in 2003, 25-il sena Fortune (27-0-1, 20 Kos) owns victories over Abner Cotto, Miguel Zamudio u Patrick Hyland. The undefeated rising star out of La Romana, Dominican Republic holds four knockouts over his last six fights as he looks to put on another great show on Mejju 29.


The 27-year-old Vasquez (35-1, 18 Kos) is quickly becoming known as the preeminent pugilist from Costa Rica. The San Jose-native is the winner of his last five fights, including a stoppage of Sergio Thompson in Dec. 2014. Vasquez does not shy from any competition and will not back down when he faces his toughest test to date in Javier Fortuna on Spike TV.


As he approaches his record ninth appearance at Barclays Center, l- 2012 U.S. Olympian Browne (13-0, 10 Kos) qed issir sinonimu mal Mecca ġodda boxing l. Unbeaten bħala professjonali, with six knockouts at Barclays Center, l-indiġeni Staten Island wriet kemm hu iħobb ġlied fil arrière tiegħu, most recently scoring a sixth round stoppage over Aaron Pryor Jr. at Barclays Center in April. The 24-year-old faces the 34-year-old White (21-3, 16 Kos) from Houston.


Diġà l-rebbieħ tal-ewwel qatt professjonali logħba boxing femminili Barclays Center,Hardy (12-0, 2 Kos) prospetti fuq Mejju 29 looking to bounce back from a frustrating no contest on April 11. Rebħa preċedenti tagħha fil Barclays Center daħal f'Ġunju 2014 meta rebħet deċiżjoni qasma fuq Jackie Trivilino. Her most recent victory was a dominant unanimous decision against Elizabeth Anderson in December 2014. Hija tidher li tinżamm dik momentum għaddejjin Mejju 29 when she faces the 32-year-old Bosques out of Saint Petersburg, Florida.


An accomplished amateur out of Brooklyn, Ferrer owns a 2012 New York Amateur Boxing Championship and a 2013 New York Daily News Golden Gloves Championship. The 22-year-old has already won twice in 2015, scoring a second round TKO over Bryan Timmons in April. He prepares to face the 27-year-old Castro out of Carolina, Puerto Rico.


A 20-year-old prospect out of Woodlawn, New York, Murphy turned pro in November of last year with a unanimous decision over Anthony Smith. He returns to the ring on Mejju 29għall-ġlieda kontra Black out of Las Vegas.


Originally from Lomza, Polonja, iżda ġlieda kontra minn Brooklyn, Kownacki huwa 2006 u 2009 New York Daily News Golden Gloves Champion. The 26-year-old delivered a first round knockout in April over Randy Easton and returns to the ring in his adopted hometown looking for his 10th professional victory. He faces the 21-year-old 2012 Olympian Pereafrom Ecuador.


An undefeated prospect from Santurce, Puerto Rico, Tapia aims to build on his previous two outings, which both ended in first round knockouts. The 24-year-old will battle with the 33-year-old Pla out ta Wichita, Kansas.


Making his professional debut on Mejju 29, Tal Brooklyn stess Colbert will face off against the 25-year-old Pierce out of Newark, New Jersey.


An accomplished amateur who represented Cuba in the 2004 Olimpjadi, Franco won a Junior World Championship in 2003. The 33-year-old, who now fights out of Miami, will take on the 26-year-old Sanchez out of Buffalo, New York.


# # #

Għal aktar tagħrif żur,ċampjins, Segwi fuq TwitterPremierBoxing, @AmirKingKhan, ChrisAlgieri, LouDiBella, @SpikeTV and @BarclaysCenter and become a fan on Facebook,, u Follow the conversation using #PremierBoxingChampions and #BrooklynBoxing.


Ikklikkja HERE For Photos From Carly Gillis Photography

BOSTON (Mejju 20, 2015) – Fighters took part in a media workout at The Ring Boxing Club in Boston Wednesday to kick off fight week for din Sibt Premier Boxing Champions fuq NBC card at Agganis Arena that is headlined byAndre Dirrell vs. James DeGale with coverage starting at 4:30 p.m. U/1:30 p.m. PT.


Biljetti għall-avveniment live, li tippromovi l DiBella Divertiment f'assoċjazzjoni ma 'Murphys Boxing, huma pprezzati għal $250, $200, $100, $75, $50 u $35, mhux inklużi ħlasijiet għal servizzi applikabbli u taxxi, u huma fuq bejgħ issa. Tickets will be available at Biex ħlas bis-telefon, sejħa Ticketmaster fil (800) 745-3000.


See here what the participants had to say Wednesday:




I always knew my day would come. I put in the work, I love this sport so I give it what I owe.


I’m happy to get a shot at another title. I’m not going to take it for granted. I’m going to put in my work and perform to the best of my ability and that will make me a world champion.


I’m glad to be getting in there with somebody who believes he can win. I want someone who will test me like I’ll test them. That’s a real championship fight.


I’m much hungrier than I was early in my career and I’m more focused mentally. With age comes wisdom. Everything I went through is all a blessing.


My goals are set and I’m going to accomplish every one.




Dirrell’s team is trying to get in my head. They must be scared. I’m wound up and I’m ready.


I’m obsessed with making history. It’s what drives me to work so hard in the gym and succeed in the ring.


It’s been a 16-week camp come fight night, so it’s been a long time. My body and mind feel ready to fight, I am so sharp and in a very good place.


He’s a tricky, talented, confident fighterhe believes in his ability. He said that he would not get beaten again in his career, and I am sure he believes that 100 mija. So you have two very confident fighters going into the ring nhar is-Sibt.


I’m going to show everybody who I am. I’m driven to become the first Olympic gold medalist from the U.K. to win a world title and I’m doing it for my country.




It’s an extremely important fight because it’s so close to my home.


I’m excited to be fighting on NBC. This is a great opportunity for me to be back at the elite level.


It’s important for me to get this win and get into a big fight against the best. I know I have to look impressive and that’s what I plan on.


DANNY O'Connor

I was disappointed in my fight with Paulie Malignaggi dropping out but there are always positives and one of them is that I’m now fighting in my hometown of Boston.


I do a lot of work in and out of the ring to prepare for a fight. I’m full focused now on fighting Chris Gilbert.


I want to thank all the people who helped get me onto this card, including Murphys Boxing, I promise I’m going to put on a show come IS-SIBT.”




This is a huge opportunity for me. I’ve known about Danny since I started boxing and I’ve even been on a few cards with him.


Danny has been the top New England fighter in my division and you always want to compare your skills with somebody like him.


I was in Vermont and I’m always in top shape prepared to get a call to fight and this here is that big opportunity.




This is absolutely awesome fighting here and it’s a very important fight for me to go win.


When I knock out my opponent nhar is-Sibt, I want to be the number one contender in the division and fight all the big names.



It’s awesome fighting in Boston in front of my home crowd with all of my friends, family and friends in attendance.


Fighting on the undercard of this huge event with so many great fights makes the experience even better and one I’ll never forget.


# # #

Il IS-SIBT, Mejju 23 edition of Premier Boxing Champions fuq NBC Karatteristiċi Andre Dirrell (24-1, 16 Kos) uJames DeGale (20-1, 14 Kos) in a 12-round super middleweight showdown and Edwin Rodriguez (26-1, 17 Kos) vs.Craig Baker (16-0, 12 Kos) in 10-round light heavyweight match up. Live coverage of this special Memorial Day weekend afternoon edition of PBC on NBC starts at 4:30 p.m. U/1:30 p.m. PT on NBC and goes until 6:00 pm. U / 3:00 p.m. PT when the action switches over to NBCSN from 6:00 p.m. U/3:00 p.m. PT until 7:00 p.m. U/4:00 p.m. PT.

Għal aktar tagħrif żur,, isegwu fuq TwitterPremierBoxing, @AndreDirrell, @JamesDeGale1, LouDiBella, DropkickMurphys, MurphysBoxing, @NBCSports and @AgganisArena and become a fan on Facebook at,,, u Follow the conversation using #PremierBoxingChampions and #PBConNBC





BROOKLYN (Mejju 15, 2015) – An exciting junior lightweight battle between Javier Fortuna u Bryan Vasquez will now open the Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) fuq Spike telecast on Il-ġimgħa, Mejju 29 live from Barclays Center in Brooklyn beginning at9:00 p.m. U/6:00 p.m. PT.


Fortuna vs. Vasquez, which was originally scheduled to take place Mejju 23, replaces the bout between Paulie Malignaggi and Danny O’Connor as Malignaggi suffered a severe cut above his eye in training camp. The 12-round brawl will lead into the highly anticipated contest between former world champions Amir Khan u Chris Algieri.


An amateur standout who participated in the first Pan American Junior Championships in 2003, 25-il sena Fortune (27-0-1, 20 Kos) owns victories over Abner Cotto, Miguel Zamudio u Patrick Hyland. The undefeated rising star out of La Romana, Dominican Republic holds four knockouts over his last six fights as he looks to put on another great show on Mejju 29.


The 27-year-old Vasquez (35-1, 18 Kos) is quickly becoming known as the preeminent pugilist from the island of Costa Rica. The San Juan-native is the winner of his last five fights, including a stoppage of Sergio Thompson in Dec. 2014. Vasquez does not shy from any competition and will not back down when he faces his toughest test to date in Javier Fortuna on Spike TV.


O’Connor will now fight in his hometown of Boston on IS-SIBT, Mejju 23 on the undercard of the PBC fuq NBC event from Boston University’s Agganis Arena.



# # #


Tickets for the live event on Mejju 29 fi Barclays Center, promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Star Boxing, huma pprezzati għal $250, $150, $75 u $45, mhux inklużi ħlasijiet għal servizzi applikabbli u taxxi, u huma fuq bejgħ issa. Biljetti huma disponibbli fuq, u fl-Uffiċċju Box American Express fi Barclays Center. Biex ħlas bis-telefon, sejħa Ticketmaster fil (800) 745-3000. Għall-biljetti tal-grupp, jekk jogħġbok ċempel 800-GRUPP-BK.


Local Favorites Ryan Kielczweski, Javier Fortuna & Jonathan Guzman

Prepare For Undercard Bouts on IS-SIBT, Mejju 23 at Agganis Arena

Danny O’Connor Faces Paulie Malignaggi On Premier Boxing Champions

fuq Mejju 29 fi Barclays Center fi Brooklyn

Ikklikkja HERE For Photos From Emily Harney/Premier Boxing Champions

BOSTON (Mejju 14, 2015) – Some of Boston’s most popular local fighters participated in media workouts yesterday at Peter Welch’s Gym in South Boston as they prepare for respective Premier Boxing Champions fights taking place in the coming weeks.


Exciting local favorites Ryan Kielczweski (22-1, 6 Kos), Javier Fortuna (27-0, 20 Kos)u Jonathan Guzman (18-0, 18 Kos) all worked out in anticipation of their bouts taking place IS-SIBT, Mejju 23 at Agganis Arena. Also in attendance was President and CEO of Murphys Boxing, Ken Casey.


Biljetti għall-avveniment live, li tippromovi l DiBella Divertiment f'assoċjazzjoni ma 'Murphys Boxing, huma pprezzati għal $250, $200, $100, $75, $50 u $35, mhux inklużi ħlasijiet għal servizzi applikabbli u taxxi, u huma fuq bejgħ issa. Tickets will be available Biex ħlas bis-telefon, sejħa Ticketmaster fil (800) 745-3000.


Also participating is local welterweight contender Danny O'Connor (25-2, 9 Kos), who is preparing for his Mejju 29 fight against Paulie “Il-Man Magic” Malignaggi (33-6 7 Kos) fi Barclays Center.


Here are what the participants had to say at yesterday’s workout:


Danny O'Connor, Framingham, MA:

I think the show is big but, for me, it’s just another fight with Paul. I’m excited about the challenge in front of me, matching my skills against somebody like Paul with his resume. Jien estremament iffokat. All the work is done here (in gym).”


Ryan Kielczweski, Quincy, MA:

It’s really cool fighting close to home on such a big card with double world title fights. Someday, hopefully, I’ll be there. I’m focusing on my fight and when that’s over I’ll watch Edwin (Rodriguez) fight.


Javier Fortuna, Il Rumen, Ir-Repubblika Dominikana

I feel super good and super confident. I’ve been training here (Boston) but haven’t seen much of the city. I expect a lot of fans there for me. I’ve been doing a lot of Spanish interviews. I await their approval of my performance.


Jonathan Guzman, Santo Domingo, Ir-Repubblika Dominikana

I feel very, very good. Jien lest għall-ġlieda kontra, 19 għall 19 (19 jirbaħ, 19 Kos). I have a lot of family living in Lawrence (suburb) ta 'Boston) and I’ve been staying here (S. Boston).”


Ken Casey, President & CEO of Murphys Boxing

Boston is a sports-crazed city with a lot of good local fighters. It’s a shame a show like this hasn’t happened here in a long time. Sometimes it just takes good fighters and the right promoter to help them. It’s the perfect combination now.


* * *


Għal aktar tagħrif żur,, isegwu fuq TwitterPremierBoxing, @AndreDirrell, @JamesDeGale1, LouDiBella, DropkickMurphys, MurphysBoxing, @NBCSports and @AgganisArena and become a fan on Facebook at,,, u Follow the conversation using #PremierBoxingChampions and #PBConNBC