Yorliq Archives: Johnny Tapia

Holden Productions Looks to Add to Four State Franchise; On Worldwide Search

Mayami, OK (May 21, 2016) – Promoter Tony Holden is searching the globe for prospects he believes can develop into world champions.
Hozirgi paytda, Holden’s company Holden Productions promotes five local boxers known as the “Four State Franchise” and they routinely sell out the Buffalo Run Casino in Miami, OK. The members of the “Four State Franchise” are unbeaten heavyweights Trey Lippe-Morrison and his step brother Kenzie Witt along with undefeated junior middleweight Jarrett Rouse and the Cook Brothers Dillon and Jesse.
Holden also promoted a number of big name fighters in the past including former heavyweight champion Tommy Morrison, boxing legends Naseem Hamed and Johnny Tapia, top contender Joe Mesi and world title challengers Allen Green and Zahir Raheem.
With many changes taking place in the boxing business and great local support for his fighters in the Sooner State, Holden’s expanding his horizons. Oxir oqibatda, his goal is to find the right fighter or fighters to compliment the “Four State Franchise” while also making them crowd attractions.
"There are so many great fighters out there, many in places where people aren’t looking,"Holdem dedi. “When I co-promoted the Showtime card here in March, we had two very talented Russian fighters on our card. Both fighters look like future world champions but still have gone a bit under the radar from a recognition standpoint. One of those fighters, Ivan Baranchyk, is somebody I believe would be a perfect fit.”
Oxir oqibatda, Holden is confident in his ability to scout talent and believes he’ll find the right boxers for his stable.
"I’ve had all kinds of people reach out to me from trainers to managers and other promoters. I’m currently reviewing the fighters presented to me, carefully scouting each of them and putting together a list of fighters I plan to meet with. We will definitely be making some significant moves in the very near future.”






Aprel 28: PAULIE AYALA vs. JOHNNY TAPIA I (1999)

Bosing BU YERGA To Watch The Round Of The Year (9th) From 1994’s Fight Of The YearJORGE CASTRO vs. JOHN DAVID JACKSON I:http://s.sho.com/1SyzVjH

NYU YORK (Aprel 6, 2016) - Kvplt_fan sport® presents its latest installment of a year-long salute commemorating 30 years of Kvplt_fan CHEMPIONATIDA BOKS® with “Fights of the Year” in April on SHO FAVQULOTDA®.


The fourth round of a 12-month tribute will be highlighted by four of the most rousing and unforgettable fights in boxing history:

  • Jorge Castro vs. John David Jackson I - 1994 Ring Magazine Fight of the Year (Dumaloq 9 earned Round of the Year honors)
  • Paulie Ayala vs. Johnny Tapia Men - 1999 Ring Magazine Yilning Fight (Ayala earned Fighter of the Year honors)
  • Va boshqalar Diego Corrales. Jose Luis Castillo I - 2005 Consensus Fight of the Year (Dumaloq 10 earned Round of the Year honors)
  • Lucas Matthysse va boshqalar. John Molina Jr. - 2014 Boxing Writers Association of America Fight of the Year.


The four celebrated battles will air on “Throwback Thursdays” all month at 10 p.m. VA/PT on SHO EXTREME and are available on SHOWTIME ON DEMAND®, Kvplt_fan qaytadan® and via the network’s online streaming service. Each fight will be wrapped with brief context and commentary from SHOWTIME Sports ring announcer and International Boxing Hall of Fame inductee Jimmy Lennon Jr.


Below is the schedule of SHOWTIME EXTREME premieres for the month of April:

  • Payshanba, Aprel 7: Jorge Castro vs. John David Jackson I
  • Payshanba, Aprel 14: Lucas Matthysse vs. John Molina Jr.
  • Payshanba, Aprel 21: Va boshqalar Diego Corrales. Jose Luis Castillo I
  • Payshanba, Aprel 28: Paulie Ayala vs. Johnny Tapia I


Castro-Jackson I (Dec. 10, 1994, Castro KO 9) –Castro, thoroughly battered, bloodied and losing by a wide margin, rallies from the absolute brink of defeat to score three knockdowns in the ninth round to overcome Jackson in one of the most dramatic turnarounds ever.


Ayala-Tapia I (Iyun 26, 1999, Ayala W 12) – In some of the fiercest two-way action in the history of Las Vegas boxing, southpaw Ayala hands Tapia his first professional loss in 49 fights and captures the WBA bantamweight title by the scores of 115-114 va 116-113 ikki marotaba. Game On: As the boxers were being announced, Tapia walked across the ring and shoved Ayala causing a momentary skirmish.


Diego Corrales-Jose Luis Castillo I (May 7, 2005, Corrales TKO 10)After nine intense, back-and-forth rounds, Corrales accomplishes the unthinkable, miraculously regrouping from ikki knockdowns in the 10th to stop Castillo in the same round (2:06) and etch his spot in boxing lore. After managing to beat the count (and lose a point for excessive spitting out of the mouthpiece), Corrales got Castillo on the ropes and connected with a huge right hand. He continued to unload and Castillo got nailed with a bundle of vicious punches. Moments keyinchalik, the ref stopped it.


Lucas Matthysse-John Molina Jr. (Aprel 26, 2014, Matthysse KO 11)Abloody slugfest, in which both fighters were knocked down multiple times,became an instant classic. Matthysse who went down in the second and fifth rounds, came back with a late-fight onslaught to wear down and drop Molina in the eighth, 10th va 11th tur. The tremendous brawl was as brutal as it was exciting and more compelling to witness than anyone could have imagined.

# # #


Showtime Networks Inc. (SNI), CBS Korporatsiyasining to'liq qarashli yordamchi, egalik qiladi va sifatli televidenie tarmoqlari kvplt_fan faoliyat®, Movie DASTUR ™ va Flix®, va shuningdek On Demand ShowTime taklif etadi®, On Demand talab va Flix kino CHANNEL ™®, va tarmoqlari autentifikatsiya xizmati kvplt_fan qaytadan®. Showtime Digital Inc., sni bir to'liq qarashli yordamchi, avtonom Oqim xizmatini kvplt_fan faoliyat®. Kvplt_fan kabel orqali abonentlari uchun hozircha mavjud emas, DBS va telekommunikatsiya provayderlari, va Apple orqali avtonom Oqimli xizmat sifatida®, Yil®, Amazon va Google. Iste'molchilar, shuningdek, hulq orqali showtime obuna mumkin, Sony PlayStation® Vue and Amazon Prime Video. SNI ham Smithsonian Networks boshqaradi, sni va Smitson instituti o'rtasida qo'shma korxona, qaysi Smitson Kanal taklif, va Smithsonian Yerni taklif etadiSN Raqamli MChJ orqali. SNI bozorlar va kvplt_fan PPV orqali pay-boshiga-ko'rinishida asosida abonentlari uchun ko'rgazma uchun sport va ko'ngilochar tadbirlarni tarqatadi. Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun, borish www.SHO.com.


Afsonaviy Jesse Reid bilan Trey Lippe-Morrison jamoalar up!

Oklahoma City, OK (Aprel 16, 2015) - Undefeated og'ir vaznli his Trey Lippe-Morrison hozir hududdagi fermer Jesse Reid madaniyat saroyida tomonidan o'rgatilgan qilinmoqda.


Boks tarixida buyuk murabbiylar biri, Reid of Fame Jahon boks zali ishtirokchisidir. Umumiy, Reid ning ko'proq o'qigan 20 Johnny Tapia jumladan jahon chempioni, Hector Kamacho, Orlando Canizales, Bruce Curry, Roger Mayweather, Boshqalar orasida Reggie Jonson va Paul Spadafora. Ko'proq bilan 40 eng yaxshi jangchilarni rivojlanayotgan tajriba yil, Reid global biznes eng yaxshi biri sifatida e'tirof yotipti.


"Bu Oklaxoma bir katta o'zgarish, lekin men zarur bir,"Lippe-Morrison dedi, kim bir necha kun oldin yig'inini boshladi. "Men Jesse meni ta'lim ekanligini juda minnatdorman. U bir afsona bo'ldi va biz darhol chertayotgan. U erda iste'dodlar ko'p, bu erda gap va men ba'zi juda yaxshi jangchilar bilan Spar imkoniga ega bo'lasiz. Ta'lim va men, albatta, komil qaerda, menga ko'rsating yordam beradi eng yaxshi jangchilar bilan antreman. "


Uning afsonaviy otasi Tommy Morrison uchun taqqoslash tortadi A dinamik zımba, Lippe-Morrison hisoblanadi 7-0 uning g'alabalari barcha nokautga tomonidan kelayotgan bilan. Uning eng so'nggi Butning In, Lippe-Morrison ikki daqiqa va bir soniya ichida faxriysi Richard Dawson yassilangan. Uning og'ir qo'llari orasida, salohiyati va tanish familiya, 25 yoshli Lippe-Morrison uch amerikalik og'ir vaznli istiqbollari biri hisoblanadi. Hatto yig'in uchun ko'chirilishi bilan, Lippe-Morrison Buffalo Run Casino Mavsum yakuniga Elektron kutubxona olomon oldida jang mashhur "To'rt Davlat Franchise" a'zosi bo'lib qolmoqda.


"Trey bir og'ir vazn toifasi uchun maxsus qo'l tezligi va ohangiga mos harakatlanishni bor va u juda qattiq keldi,"Reid dedi. "U buyuk munosabatini bor va o'rganish ishtiyoqida xolos. Biz kichik narsalar ustida ish va unga qilmoq yaxshi bir butun kurashchi atrofida uchun jumboq birga dona qo'yib ku. U erda Trey ichida salohiyati ko'p albatta ekan va men uni oshkor orziqib. "


Lippe-Morrisonning promoter nalar biridan o'rganish, uning qimmatli o'quvchi haqida teng deb xursand bo'lib.


"Men Trey eshitilmagan nalar biri bilan bir sport zalni ichiga olish ko'rish uchun xursandman,"Holdem Productions Tony Holdem dedi. "Powerhouse Gym korchalonlari bilan yuklagan va Trey har doim buyuk hisob o'zgarmadi kerak. U hozir qaerda, men shaxsan ta'lim Trey katta ish yuritish va uni olish uchun Team uyg'otmoq rahmat olmoqchiman. Afsuski, Oklahoma Trey uchun etarli hisob o'zgarmadi yo'q edi, lekin Kaliforniya harakat boshqa buyuk iste'dodi bilan ishlash uchun imkoniyat bilan uni taqdim etadi. "


Lippe-Morrisonning keyingi navbat may oyida sodir bo'lishi kutilmoqda va rasmiy ma'lumotlar e'lon qilinadi 2 pm bo'yicha Payshanba, Aprel 23 Buffalo Run Casino matbuot anjumanida.