Tag Archives: John Scully

Richard “Popeye Marinarul” Rivera puternic pentru a termina, deoarece el mănâncă spanac său

Neînvinsă Hartford lumina perspectivă grea titluri vs. Kevin Cobbs
“New England Viitorul 5”
Februarie. 10 în Worcester, MA
Richard “Popeye Marinarul” Rivera
(Fotografie de @Bonesprostudio)
WORCESTER, Masă. (Ianuarie 8, 2018) – Una dintre cele mai populare perspective de box New England, neînvinsă Hartford (CT) grea lumină Richard “Popeye Marinarul” Rivera (5-0, 4 KO), voința titlu a treia emisiune Sâmbătă noapte, Februarie 10, la Palladium din Worcester, Massachusetts.
În a cincea tranșe din “Viitorul New England” serie, prezentat de Rivera Promoții Entertainment (EPR), în vârstă de 27 de ani, Rivera se întâlnește Kevin “KRAY 2 UNKL” Cobbs (10-2, 4 KO), lupta din Burlington (VT), pentru vacant Box Federația Universală (UBF) New England din titlu în evenimentul principal de opt rotund.
Rivera, care a fost un 2016 campion Rocky Marciano Tournament, vine de pe o a doua rundă knock-out senzațional de veteran 146-lupta Roberto Valenzuela acest trecut decembrie 9 în Hampton, New Hampshire.
“Sunt încântat să aibă Richie box pentru titlul UBF New England atât de devreme în cariera sa pro,”” promotorul spus Jose Antonio Rivera, pensionari 3-time, 2-divizie campion mondial. “Aceasta este a treia oară când am avut privilegiul să-l lupta pe una dintre cărțile noastre. A luptat în evenimentul principal al ultimei noastre spectacol (Octombrie) la Centrul de DCU. Rivera arată mai bine și mai clare de fiecare dată când îl luptă mă uit. Văd lucruri mari vin pentru el. El are instrumentele și disciplina un antrenor aceștia caută și un boxer trebuie să devină campion mondial. Cerul este limita pentru Richard și, pentru acum, suntem recunoscători pentru a juca o mică parte pentru a ajuta la dezvoltarea carierei sale.”
Rivera a comercializat cu succes persona lui Popeye în timpul carierei sale tinere de box profesionist, purtând o șapcă de marinar în ring cu un dangling tradițional țeavă Popeye-ca și în gura lui. “Există mai multe motive pentru porecla mea, „Popeye“, dar când eram foarte tânăr,” Rivera a explicat, “Am avut antebrațelor anormal de mari. Pur și simplu a ramas cu mine prin anii, când oamenii se face referire la mine în sala de gimnastică, așa că am alerga cu ea. Aduc viața înapoi la Hartford cu răbdare, peste tot New England, cu răbdare, perseverență și stil. Eu locuiesc în acest moment.”
Deși el nu a câștigat mai multe premii importante sau turnee ca un boxer amator, Rivera a câștigat o experiență neprețuită de box multe dintre cele mai bune amatori din New England și în evenimente naționale, precum și sparring cu place de fosti campioni mondiali Peter “Ciocolata Kid” Quillin, Ciad Dawson și Joe Smith, Jr. De asemenea, el a învățat din timpul petrecut în ring cu fostul pretendenți titlu Israel “mai curând” Cardona și John Scully.
“Mi-am luat timpul meu de cotitură pro pentru că nu am avut un sistem de sprijin pentru a-mi ajunge la nivelul următor,” Rivera a remarcat. “Am fost nesigur. Feedback-ul pozitiv am primit de la luptători am sparred alimentat în încrederea mea. Acum, în doar lupta mea pro sasea, Eu voi fi cap de afis pentru a treia oară, și lupta pentru primul meu titlu. Nu pot să mulțumesc Rivera (Jose și fiul său, A.J.) suficient pentru ceea ce au făcut pentru mine. Ei au crezut în mine.”
În primul rând, Rivera a fost oarecum reticente în a lupta mai experimentat Cobb, dar, după ce face unele de cercetare, el a acceptat provocarea. “Am fost un pic nervos la început,” el a recunoscut. “Unii au fost sub semnul întrebării dacă am fost gata să-și intensifice să lupte cu el. Am făcut niște cercetări: el nu a avut o carieră mai mare amator, sau au luptat mai mult de șase sau opt lupte runde decât mine. Și am fost partenerul sparring pentru primul pro să-l bată, Tyron Burris(TKO2 în 2012). Sunt gata! Sunt 27 și au nevoie de o luptă ca asta.”
de două ori campion național de amatori Worcester lui Polițist “BH3” Harris, III întâlnește Mijlocie brazilian Saul Almeida (0-8-1) în caz de co-featured patru rotund.
Lupta pe undercard, toate în crize de patru rotunde, sunt în creștere New Haven (CT) super-mijlocie perspectivă Elvis Figueroa (3-0, 1 KO), de trei ori Statele Unite ale Americii Box Campionatul Nationals medaliat cu aur, vs. TBA, Worcester pană Andino Ranse (1-0) vs. Alex Montes (1-2-1), Lawrence (MA), Danbury (CT) semimijlocie Omar Borðoy, Jr. (2-0) vs. invadator portoricana Alexander “El Bravo” Picot (2-4-1), Southbridge (MA) semimijlocie Wilfredo “Sucaro” Păgân (3-0, 1 KO) vs. pro-debutant nick Peralta, Lawrence, neînvinsă Springfield (MA) grea lumină Rază “bazooka” Graceski (5-0, 3 KO). vs. pro-debutant Hartford Paul Bansiak, Hartford Mijlocie Junior Jose “R evaluat” Rivera (4-1, 3 KO) vs. Troy “Omar KO Artist” artist(4-7-1 (3 KO), Springfield Semimijlocie Sondă “Impact dublu” Whitley (2-0) vs. Roger Blankenship (1-2), neînvinsă Mijlocie Puerto Rico Jelame Garcia (6-0, 6 KO) vs. Brazilian Rodrigo Almeida 1-7), Meriden (CT) cocoș James Aquino (6-0, 6 KO), 2016 New England de Aur Mănuși campion, vs. Luis Rivera (3-3) si Hartford Semimijlocie pro-debutant Joseph Goss vs. Seth Basler (0-3).
Toate luptele și luptători sunt supuse schimbării.
Bilete, la pretul de $75.00 (ring) și $45.00 (admitere generală), sunt în vânzare și sunt disponibile pentru a achiziționa la www.ThePalladium.net sau box office Palladium (numai generale de admitere), sau prin contactarea Jose Rivera (elgallojar@gmail.com/508.864.6954), AJ Rivera (anthoneerivera@gmail.com/774.272.2269) sau la oricare dintre luptători.
Usi deschise la 6 p.m. ȘI, primul meci 7 p.m. ȘI.
Stare de nervozitate: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_


Interactive fight series has averaged 108,000 Facebook views per broadcast, thrilling more than three-quarters of a million fans since Mai 11.
NEW YORK (Șapte. 19, 2017) – The first-everdoubleheader weekend” pentru FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series saw the four-month old, fan-friendly Facebook platform attract more than 188,000 views via back-to-back, Vineri și Sâmbătă shows in New England with DiBella Entertainment and CES Boxing.

În plus, the interactive series thatamong other aspectsprides itself on the real-time conversations held between fight commentators and the viewing audience recorded a new high-mark with 40,714 Likes, Loves, Comments and Shares vineri de la Foxwoods. The ultimate result of all of the show-by-show views, the series interactivity and the global reach of the Facebook platform throughout the U.S. and also to significant audiences in the U.K., Mexico and South AmericaFIGHTNIGHT LIVE surpassed a new milestone by reaching its 750,000th view in only its seventh show.

We’re extremely proud that Facebook FIGHTNIGHT LIVE has provided free, action-packed events for more than three-quarters of a million fans in just over four months, by posting a show-by-show average audience of 108,000,” a spus Mark Fratto, Principal and Director of Business Development, Linacre Media. “But beyond the numbers, we’re really pleased with the way the shows have been presented and produced. We’ve been able to showcase up-and-coming fighters to fight fans all over the world, and help them expand their bases. And we’ve been able to invite our viewers to be part of the action by fostering real-time interaction between our broadcasters and viewers on the fight activity, the decisions and the knockouts; it’s the next-best thing to having a ringside seat.

Over the first four-plus months of programming, the numbers on the FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series have showed promise and potential for the new platform with an average of almost 108,000 fight fans tuning in per event. The Sept. 9 “Promoții Reale: Empire State” de la Resorts World Casino (225,000), august CES “Super Sâmbătă” de la Foxwoods (203,000), Sept. CES “Twin River Twinbill” din Lincoln, R.I. (157,000), the July Roy Jones Jr. “Desert Showdownfrom Phoenix (63,000), the MaySlugfest at the Sunfrom Mohegan Sun (45,000), the JuneRosemont Rumble” de la Chicago (32,000) and the Sept. Dibella “Vineri Night Foxwoods Fights” (32,000) saw a total of almost 14,000 total hours of Facebook video consumed by 755,253-plus users across all devices.

În plus față de numerele prime a numărului de spectatori, complet interactiv, fan-friendly productions have seen more than 122,819 angajamente poștale în direct colective (17,700-plus pentru fiecare spectacol), including almost 88,000 “îi place” sau “iubește,” mai mult decât 13,000 comments and 4,200-plus shares. FIGHTNIGHT LIVE broadcasts are viewed by 76 la sută bărbați, 24 la suta femei. The top demographic is comprised of males aged 25-34, care cuprinde aproximativ 30 la sută din public, in medie.

The Sept. 9 “Promoții Reale: Empire State” set a new bar with 224,658 views and the Sept. 15-16 DiBella-CES doubleheader carried the series to three-quarters-of-a-million views in just over four months. The Aug. 26 Foxwoods “Super Sâmbătă” spectacol iese în evidență în mod individual cu 3,336 live hours of content viewed, while the Sept. 15 DiBella card saw more than 40,000 viewer interactions including almost 39,000 “îi place” sau “iubește.”

Facebook FIGHTNIGHT LIVE has been delivered to fans absolutely free since its May 2017 launch courtesy of series corporate partners like Barbour One 9, Talent Management and Entertainment Production (www.barbourone9.com) and Northeastern Fine Jewelry (www.nefj.com).

Many FIGHTNIGHT LIVE cards are called by world-renowned blow-by-blow announcer Ray Flores of Premier Boxing Champions, Showtime Box, HBO Boxing and CBS Sports Networks. Often joining Flores ringside are analysts like Michael Woods of the TalkBox Podcast, NYFights.com and Ring TV. Locally-based ringside reporters with significant social media followings are often employed for weigh-in daybehind the scenestaped interviews and post-fight reports.

Creat si produs de Linacre Media din New York City, seria FIGHTNIGHT LIVE caracteristici crainicii profesionale, mai multe unghiuri ale camerei, grafică de televiziune, reluări și în spatele-the-scene de acces și interviuri. Cele transmise în flux Spectacolele sunt disponibile la nivel global oriunde Facebook este disponibil. Inițiativa nu numai că permite fanilor din întreaga lume pentru a acorda, dar, de asemenea, oferă luptători în sus promițători o platformă globală pentru a prezenta abilitățile lor, oferă promotorilor o accesibilă “difuzare” soluție și oferă sponsori posibilitatea de a ajunge la o audiență de masă prin intermediul conținutului de marcă.

More FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Fall 2017 datele vor fi anunțate oficial în următoarele săptămâni.

FIGHTNIGHT LIVE este disponibil online la: https://www.facebook.com/FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE /

Follow all the action via social media at FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE on Facebook, @FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE on Instagram and @FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_ on Twitter, or by using the hashtag #FIGHTNIGHTLIVE. Pentru cele mai recente evenimente Linacre Media și grila de emisie, follow @LinacreMedia across all social platforms or use the tags #LinacreMediaEvents or #LinacreMediaOnTV.

Niall Kennedy wins controversial decision versus defending champion Alexis Santos to capture New England heavyweight title


Alexis Santos (L) vs. Niall Kennedy
(all pictures by Ed Diller / Dibella Divertisment)
Mashantucket, CT (Septembrie 16, 2017)Undefeated Irishman Niall “Boom Boom” Kennedy won a controversial 10-round split decision versus defending champion Alexis Santos to capture the New England heavyweight championship in last night’s (Sâmbătă) main event of Broadway Box held in Fox Theater, at Foxwoods Resort Casino, in Mashantucket, CT.
The Broadway Box series is promoted by DiBella Entertainment and presented by Nissan of Queens, Azad Watches, OPTYX, and Christos Steak House. Last night’s show, which was streamed by FightNight LIVE on Facebook, was promoted in association with Murphys Boxing.
Kennedy (9-0, 5 KO), fighting out of Galway, Irlanda, by way of Boston, battled Santos in a competitive, action-packed brawl to be awarded the N.E. title by scores of 96-93, 96-93, 93-96. The majority of fans in attendance, outside of Kennedy’s Irish supporters, and the ringside media felt that Santos, de la Lawrence, MA, had the edge and deserved the decision.
Arbitru Al LoBianco deducted a point from Santos in the ninth round for a highly questionable low blow and failed to rule a knockdown when it appeared the ropes kept Kennedy upright in a tremendous last round surge from the Dominican American.
În meciul de co-featured, Fostul campion mondial Shelly “Calea lui Shelito” Vincent (20-1, 1 KO), of Providence, RI, defeated former world title challenger AngelNon-StopGladney (9-13-1, 6 KO) in a junior lightweight match. The colorful Vincent was the aggressor throughout the fight, effectively cutting off the ring, outboxing and walking down Gladney for a lop-sided eight-round unanimous decision (80-72, 80-71 de două ori).
Shelly Vincent (L) outclassed Angel Gladney
Rising Connecticut welterweight star “Minunat” Mykquan Williams îmbunătățit recordul la 8-0 (4 KO), pitching a complete shutout in an impressive six-round unanimous decision (toate 60-54) win over a much more experienced and considerably taller EvinciiPrize FighterDixon (7-20-2, 2 KO). Williams is a 19-year-old from East Hartford who is a freshman at Manchester Community College.
Mykquan Williams (L) cruised to another victory
2012 Ucrainean Olympian IevgenThe Ukrainian Lion” Khytrov (15-1, 13 KO), lupta din Brooklyn, bounced back from his only pro loss with a near shutout eight-round decision victory (80-72 de două ori, 79-73) over his always tough super middleweight adversary, battle-tested veteran Sondă “Supraom” Finley (27-22-1, 18 KO).
It was different when I first started training after a loss,” Khytrov said after the fight. “I started to think more and work on my defense; to fight much smarter instead of just brawling, throwing punches, like I did before my loss. I came the US four years ago from a small country that’s not rich to become a world champion. I feel I’m back on the right track.
Ievgen Khytrov (R) bounced back with a solid win
Hot New England junior welterweight prospect AdrianTonka” Sosa (5-0, 4 KO) stepped up in class against Mexican Francisco “El MonoMedel (11-10, 7 KO), and remained undefeated by displaying his overall game, offensively and defensively. Fighting out of Lawrence, MA, the 2014 N.E. amateur champion Sosa dropped Medal with a straight right in the first round, a sneaky body shot in the second and finished him off in the third with a crisp right to the temple as referee Al LoBianco immediately halted the action.
Pro-debuting welterweights Nicky DeQuattro (1-0, 1 KO) și Timothy Wheeler (0-1) engaged in a street fight from the opening bell until DeQuartro, fighting out of Johnson, RI, connected with an overhand right that dropped his New York City rival. Momente mai târziu, DeQuattro unleashed a four-punch combination that dropped Wheeler for a complete 10-count.
The night started with a barnburner as former Irish amateur standout Ray Moylette (6-0, 2 KO) kept his undefeated pro record intact but it certainly wasn’t easy. Moylette overcame a second-round knockdown, coming back strong in the second half of the fight to take a six-round split decision versus game junior welterweight Donte Bryant (1-3-1, 1 KO).
Complete Foxwoods results below:
Niall Kennedy (8-0, 5 KO), Gorey, Irlanda
WDEC10 (96-93, 96-93, 93-96)
(Kennedy won New England heavyweight title)
Shelly Vincent (20-1, 1 KO), Providență, RI
WDEC8 (80-71, 80-71, 80-72)
Angel Gladney (9-13-1, 6 KO), Columbia, Brooklyn, NY
SUPER mijlocie
Ievgen Khytrov (15-1, 12 KO), Brooklyn, NY
WDEC8 (80-72, 80-72, 79-73)
Derrick Finley (27-22-1 (18 KO), Gary, IN
Myquan Williams (8-0, 4 KO), East Hartford, CT
WDEC6 (60-54, 60-54, 60-54)
Evincii Dixon (7-20-2 (2 KO), Lancaster, PA
Nicky DeQuattro (1-0, 1 KO), Johnston, RI
WKO1 (2:28)
Timothy Wheeler (0-1, 0 KO), New York, NY
Adrian Sosa (5-0, 4 KO), Lawrence, MA
WTKO3 (0:30)
Francisco Medel (11-10, 7 KO)
Raymond Moylette (6-0, 2 KO), Islandeady, Irlanda
WDEC6 (57-56, 57-56, 55-58)
Donte Bryant (1-3-1, 1 KO), Kalamazoo, MY
Social media
Stare de nervozitate


Fan-friendly, interactive platform joins forces with long-running fight series live from Foxwoods vineri.
NEW YORK (Șapte. 13, 2017) – After attracting more than 200,000 viewers in each of its last two shows, Facebook FIGHTNIGHT LIVE continues its September programming by aligning with one of the longest-running fight series anywhere. The tech-forward, fan-friendly Facebook broadcast platform now partners with Dibella Divertisment to deliver the next edition of the promotion’s “Broadway Box,” live from Foxwoods Resort Casino in Connecticut.

I am thrilled to bring Broadway Boxing to such a wide-reaching social media platform as Facebook via FightNight LIVE,” a spus Lou Dibella, Președintele Dibella Divertisment. “We are streaming the entire card for free and will have a terrific team of commentators calling the action, with Showtime’s Corey Erdman, boxing/MMA star Heather Hardy, and Hartford, Connecticut’s former world title challenger John Scully. Viewers will be treated to a great lineup featuring New England heavyweight champion Alexis Santos facing Ireland’s Niall Kennedy în evenimentul principal, along with middleweight contender Ievgen Khytrov, popular female fighter Shelly Vincent, East Hartford’s Mykquan Williams and other local talent on the undercard.

Headlining the night in a 10-round heavyweight battle of local rivals, Alexis Santos (18-1, 15 KO), Lawrence, Mass., clashes with Ireland’s Niall Kennedy (8-0, 5 KO), fighting out of Boston, Masă. Co-promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Fight Promotions Inc., mijlocie pretendent IevgenThe Ukranian Lion” Khytrov (14-1, 12 KO), Brooklyn, N.Y., battles upset-minded specialist Sondă “Supraom” Findley (27-21-1, 18 KO), of Gary, Ind., over eight rounds in the co-main event. New England fan favorite “Minunat” Mykquan Williams (7-0, 4 KO), of East Hartford, Conn., will return against battle-tested Evincii Dixon, de Lancaster, Penn., over six rounds. In a special feature attraction women’s eight-round junior lightweight battle, Shelly “Calea lui Shelito” Vincent(19-1, 1 KO) pătrate off împotriva AngelNonstopGladney (9-12-1, 6 KO).

We’ve seen Facebook FIGHTNIGHT LIVE grow into a truly global platform over the first five months, and we’re pleased that so many promoters have taken notice. Vineri card with DiBella Entertainment features quality bouts with international standouts and regional stars, and we’re excited that a long-running, high-quality series like Broadway Boxing has found a new home on Facebook,” a spus Mark Fratto, Principal and Director of Business Development, Linacre Media.

Over the first five months of programming, the numbers on the FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series have showed promise and potential for the new platform with an average of more than 113,000 fight fans tuning in per event. The Sept. 9 “Promoții Reale: Empire State” de la Resorts World Casino (224,658), the August “Super Sâmbătă” de la Foxwoods (203,000), the July Roy Jones Jr. “Desert Showdownfrom Phoenix (63,000), the MaySlugfest at the Sunfrom Mohegan Sun (45,000) and the JuneRosemont Rumble” de la Chicago (32,000) saw a total of more than 12,700 total hours of Facebook video consumed by 567,000-plus users across all devices.

În plus față de numerele prime a numărului de spectatori, complet interactiv, fan-friendly productions have seen more than 71,000 angajamente poștale în direct colective (14,000-plus pentru fiecare spectacol), inclusiv mai mult 40,400 “îi place” sau “iubește,” mai mult decât 10,300 comments and 3,200-plus shares. FIGHTNIGHT LIVE broadcasts are viewed by 76 la sută bărbați, 24 la suta femei. The top demographic is comprised of males aged 25-34, care cuprinde aproximativ 30 la sută din public, in medie.

The Sept. 9 “Promoții Reale: Empire State” set a new bar with 224,658 views and carried the series to over half-a-million views in just under four months, while the Aug. 26 Foxwoods “Super Sâmbătă” spectacol iese în evidență în mod individual cu 201,935 views across 3,336 live hours of content, cu 8,224 viewer interactions including 1,133 “îi place” sau “iubește,” 1,570 comments and 1,392 shares.

Facebook FIGHTNIGHT LIVE has been delivered to fans absolutely free since its May 2017 launch courtesy of corporate partners like Barbour One 9, Talent Management and Entertainment Production (www.barbourone9.com) and Northeastern Fine Jewelry (www.nefj.com).

Vineri noapte, Șapte. 15, live from Foxwoods, fanii se pot aștepta la un mare impact, multi-camera de experiență de streaming cu o grafica, animații, reluări, interviews and an announce team anchored by blow-by-blow announcer Corey Erdman of Showtime, VICE Boxing Scene. Erdman will be joined on the show by former world-ranked light heavyweight “Vânzător de gheață” John Scully, Brooklyn’s own WBC International Female Female Super Bantamweight titleholder Buruiană “Căldură” Rezistent and DiBella himself as analysts. To provide spectators with a fully-interactive ringside experience, comentatori va cere și să răspundă la întrebări din public pe Facebook pe tot parcursul transmisiunii.

Creat si produs de Linacre Media din New York City, seria FIGHTNIGHT LIVE caracteristici crainicii profesionale, mai multe unghiuri ale camerei, grafică de televiziune, reluări și în spatele-the-scene de acces și interviuri. Cele transmise în flux Spectacolele sunt disponibile la nivel global oriunde Facebook este disponibil. Inițiativa nu numai că permite fanilor din întreaga lume pentru a acorda, dar, de asemenea, oferă luptători în sus promițători o platformă globală pentru a prezenta abilitățile lor, oferă promotorilor o accesibilă “difuzare” soluție și oferă sponsori posibilitatea de a ajunge la o audiență de masă prin intermediul conținutului de marcă.

More FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Fall 2017 datele vor fi anunțate oficial în următoarele săptămâni.

FIGHTNIGHT LIVE este disponibil online la: https://www.facebook.com/FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE /

Follow all the action via social media at FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE on Facebook, @FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE on Instagram and @FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_ on Twitter, or by using the hashtag #FIGHTNIGHTLIVE. Pentru cele mai recente evenimente Linacre Media și grila de emisie, follow @LinacreMedia across all social platforms or use the tags #LinacreMediaEvents or #LinacreMediaOnTV.

Iunie 3, NYC, Wilfred Benitez Fundraising event

(Youngest World Champion Ever at age 17)
Organized and promoted by Efrain Diaz, FranklinBeatle” Flori, former NYC amateur boxer Eddie Montalvo, Yvonne Benitez (Wilfred’s sister) și “Vânzător de gheață” John Scully
Sâmbătă, Iunie 3, 2017 @ Monique’s Lounge in Spanish Harlem, New York City. 1 pm – 7 pm
181 East 108th St. Spanish Harlem, NY 10029.
$20 admission. All proceeds go to Wilfred Benitez.
Wilfred Benitez tee-shirt comes with the admission price)
Invited and expected guests include the likes of Mark Breland, Iran “The BladeBarkley, “Poison” Junior Jones, Seamus McDonough, Dennis “The Magician” Milton, Marlon “Magic Man” Starling, Angel Manfredy, Israel “mai curând” Cardona, Harold “Umbra” Cavaler, Pedro Vilella, Hector Camacho Jr. RichieThe MountainLamontagne, Alfred “Gheaţă” Cole, Tyrone “The Harlem Butcherand HBO Judge Harold Lederman.
Benitezsister Evelyn will also be in attendance.
Actor and former professional boxer Mickey Rourke has already donated an undisclosed sum to the Fundraiser.

Iceman John Scully’s 6th Official Amateur Boxing Reunion

Sâmbătă, Martie 18, 2017
12:00 Amiază (until around 3 pm)
@ Monique’s Lounge (aka 108 Lounge)
181 East 108th Street
East Harlem, New York
I am proud to officially announce my 6th Official Amateur Boxing Reunion that will take place on March 18 at Monique’s Lounge in Harlem, New York. I am expecting by far the largest turn out of any of the previous 5 reunions which were held twice at Rival Boxing in Las Vegas, once at Jimmy’s Corner in Manhattan and once each at Connecticut’s Mohegan Sun and Foxwoods Casinos.
Of the over 100 boxers attending this far, among them I expect the likes of 1988 Olympic Silver Medaliat Riddick Big Daddy Bowe, NYC Golden Gloves Champ Poison” Junior Jones, 1984 Olympic champ Mark Breland, 1974 National Junior Olympic champ Marlon Starling, 1996 USA Olympic team captain Lawrence Clay-Bey și 1988 Campion național de mănuși de aur Marcă “Prea Sharp” Johnson.
At my past reunions, including the most recent one held at the Rival Boxing Store in Las Vegas on Noiembrie 18, we’ve had the likes of Roy Jones Jr., Alex “Bombardierul Bronx” Ramos, 1992 Olympian Montell Griffin, former three time world champions Mike McCallum and Iran Barkley, și “The Fighterand Irish Micky Ward in attendance.
Among the most special of moments at my reunions, we had Mike McCallum and Alex Ramos, who met each other in the semi-finals of the 1980 NYC Golden Gloves, reconnect in Las Vegas in late 2014, we had Luis Ortiz and Lawrence Clay-Bey, who were brought together in 2015 at Foxwoods after not only not seeing each other in 38 YEARS but after not even knowing they fought against each other in 1977 until just a few days before they reunited and in NYC over the summer of 2015 Noi am avut 1984 New York City Golden Gloves 156 pound champion and runner up DennisThe MagicianMilton and Jesse Lanton connect once again.
Any media who wish to attend the event in Harlem, New York on March 18 are more than welcome to be a part of the festivities.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=htZpAj5JPHE&feature=youtu.be ...former champion Michael Second To Nunn calling in to my Amateur Boxers Reunion in Las Vegas last year to speak to former (1986) opponent Alex “Bombardierul Bronx” Ramos.


Premiera acest vin Miercuri iulie 8, 2015 la Nuvo-TV și Siguranță TV.
Cu Host Roy Jones Jr., formatori “Zahăr” Shane Mosley, Floyd “Bucurie” Mayweather Sr. și “Vânzător de gheață” John Scully, nouă boxeri profesioniști (în pană, divizii ușoare și Cruiserweight), director Benny Boom și producător Steve Marcano.
Filmat la Foxwoods Resort & Casino în Ledyard, Connecticut, FĂCUT PRAF: SEZONUL 2 va începe aerisire miercuri și se va desfășura până la final în direct’ peAugust 15 la Foxwoods Resort & Casino în Ledyard, Connecticut.