태그 아카이브: 자렛 허드

에리 슬 랜디 라라 대. 테렐 가우 샤 교육 캠프 노트

슈퍼 웰터급 타이틀전 헤드라인 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Tripleheader Saturday, 10월 14 브루클린 바클레이스 센터에서 & 에 의해 발표
프리미어 복싱 챔피언

클릭 여기 훈련 캠프 사진
BROOKLYN (10월 2, 2017) – WBA 슈퍼 웰터급 세계 챔피언 Erislandy “아메리칸 드림” 라라 다섯 번째로 그의 벨트를 방어할 것이다, 무패 상대와의 첫 번째, 그가 싸울 때 2012 과 미국의. 올림포스 산의 테럴 Gausha SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING 트리플헤더의 헤드라인 싸움에서 토요일, 10월 14 바클레이 센터에서, BROOKLYN 권투의 집®.
쇼 타임의 범위는 라이브에서 시작 10 시이. AND/7 시이. PT 및 기능 져 본 일이없는 챔피언 충격적인 Jermell “아이언 맨 (Iron Man)” Charlo 최고 경쟁자에 복용 에릭슨 “망치” 루빈“빠른” 자렛 허드 힘든 전 세계 챔피언에 대한 그의 첫 타이틀 방어를 만들기 오스틴 “의심의 여지” 송어.
이벤트에 티켓은 현재 판매되고 및 시작 $50 (해당 수수료를 포함하지 않음). 티켓은 구입하실 수 있습니다 ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com 또는 호출하여 800-745-3000. 티켓은 바클레이 센터에서 아메리칸 익스프레스 박스 오피스에서 구입할 수 있습니다. 그룹 할인은 844-BKLYN-GP를 호출하여 사용할 수 있습니다.
선수들이 각각의 훈련 캠프에서 말한 내용은 다음과 같습니다.:
(24-2-2, 14 KOS 호텔) 관타나모에서, 쿠바 & 휴스턴에서 Ronnie Shields와 훈련
. 훈련소는 어떻게 됐어? 허리케인의 영향을 받았습니까? 휴스턴에 있는 훈련소와 마이애미에 있는 집에서 영향을 받은 사람들을 위한 메시지는 무엇입니까??
“훈련소는 언제나처럼 순조롭게 진행되고 있습니다.. 캠프에 많은 노력을 기울였습니다.. 허리케인까지, 우리 체육관과 가까운 지역에서 심하게 침수되었습니다., 하지만 우리는 며칠 동안 밖에 없었습니다. 체육관으로 가는 길은 물에 잠겼다, 그래서 우리는 그 날 체육관에 갈 수 없었습니다. 휴스턴의 허리케인으로 피해를 입은 모든 사람들을 위해 기도하고 있다고 말하고 싶습니다., 마이애미와 푸에르토리코.”
큐. Gausha에 대해 무엇을 알고 있으며 그가 제시하는 문제는 무엇입니까?? 승리를 위해 무엇을 준비해야 하는가?
“Gausha는 아주 좋은 전사입니다. 나는 그가 올림픽 선수였으며 현재 프로로서 무패임을 알고 있습니다.. 내가 본 적이 없는 그가 하는 일은 없다. 그래서, 난 그냥 내 계획을 고수하고 내 귀를 기울일거야. 침착하면 내가 원하는 연기를 할 수 있을 것이다.”
큐. 이 모든 154파운드 챔피언 및 최고의 경쟁자와 함께 카드에 있다는 것은 당신에게 무엇을 의미합니까?? 부서의 나머지 사람들에게 성명을 발표하는 것이 얼마나 중요한가?
“그것은 큰 영광입니다, 특히 내가 메인 이벤트에 있기 때문에. 내가 디비전 최고의 파이터라는 걸 보여주네. 필요한 모든 방법으로 승리를 얻는 것이 내 진술이 될 것입니다.. 내가 녹아웃을 얻는다면, 여기 미국에서 말하는 것처럼 케이크 위에 장식이 될 것입니다.”
큐. 당신이 154파운드 챔피언을 가장 오랫동안 통치한 것의 의미는 무엇이라고 생각합니까?? 10월에 이길 수 있다면 14 앞으로 디비전에서 어떤 경기를 하고 싶나요??
“그것은 큰 의미. 난 기록을 깨는 목표가 있어, 지안프랑코 로스가 보유한, 대부분의 타이틀 방어를 위해 11. 하지만 난 항상 그들이 내 앞에 놓인 누구와도 싸울 준비가 되어 있을거야. 큰 도전을 원하기 때문에 GGG나 카넬로와 싸우고 싶다., 그리고 나는 또한 Cotto 또는 Hurd에 대항하여 통합할 기회에 뛰어들 것입니다.”
(20-0, 9 KOS 호텔) 클리블랜드에서, 오하이오 & Norwalk에서 Manny Robles와 함께 훈련, 캘리포니아
큐. 어떻게 훈련 캠프는 지금까지왔다? 당신은 누구와 스파링을 했으며 그들이 라라를 위해 당신을 준비시키기 위해 무엇을 할 수 있었습니까?? 이 훈련 캠프에서 새로운 것을 시도 했습니까??
“훈련은 정말 좋았어요. 우리는 그것에 있었다 10 주. 좋은 파트너들과 스파링을 해왔다., 대부분의 이름을 발음할 수 없지만. 동메달리스트를 모셨습니다. 2012 올림픽, Chris Pearson과 훌륭한 나이지리아 전투기. 그들은 수비적으로 능숙하고 우리가 찾을 수 있는 Lara의 스타일에 가깝습니다.. 그는 흉내내기 어렵다, 하지만 그들은 가깝다. 우리는 정말로 새로운 것을 하는 것이 아닙니다, 그냥 더 많은 라운드를 작동. 나는 스파링에서 많은 12라운드 경기를 해왔다., 그러나 우리는 싸움의 밤을 위해 나머지 비밀을 저장할 것입니다.”
큐. 처음으로 세계 타이틀을 위해 싸운다는 것은 당신에게 무엇을 의미합니까?? 다른 사람을 보는 것에서 추가적인 동기가 있습니까? 2012 타이틀을 획득한 올림픽 선수들?
“그것은 축복이고 꿈은 이루어집니다. 처음 장갑을 맬 때부터 이 작업을 해왔다.. 모든 사람이 이 주사를 맞는 것은 아니며 최대한 활용할 계획입니다.. 에서 그 사람들 2012 올림픽은 내 형제들. 우리는 과거 올림픽에서 이와 같은 것에 대해 이야기했습니다.. 그런 다음 그들은 나가서 가능하다는 것을 보여주었습니다.. 나도 약속을 지키기 위해 타이틀을 따는 다음 사람이 되고 싶다.”
큐. 라라는 링에서 어떤 문제를 제시합니까?? 그의 스킬 세트를 어떻게 준비하고 그가 링에서 잘하는 것은 무엇입니까??
“오랜만에 라라를 보고. 나는 그가 움직이는 사람이라는 것을 안다.. 그런 놈들은 날렵하고 카운터펀치도 잘해. 그는 교활한 베테랑이며 많은 정상급 선수들과 싸웠습니다.. 그러나 나는 많은 경험을 가지고 있습니다.. 나는 무패이고 내 시간이다.”
큐. 디비전에서 최고의 재능을 가진 트리플헤더의 일원이 된다는 것은 당신에게 어떤 의미입니까?? 이 기회를 활용하고 가능한 최고의 성능을 발휘하는 것이 얼마나 중요한지?
“이 일에 참여하면 내가 어디에 있는지 알 수 있습니다.. 아무나 이 카드를 받은 것이 아닙니다.. 우리는 여기까지 왔고 오늘 밤 디비전에서 또 다른 큰 싸움을 열 것입니다.. 내게 부담은 없어, 그래도. 나는 체육관에서 모든 노력을 기울였습니다.. 싸움의 밤에, 나는 단지 일이 흐르도록 내버려 두었습니다.”
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자세한 내용을 보려면 다음 사이트를 방문 www.SHO.com/Sports,WWW.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 트위터 @ShowtimeBoxing에 따라, @PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, @TGBPromotions @BarclaysCenter 및 @Swanson_Comm 또는에서 페이스 북에서 팬되기 www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter,

전 타이틀 도전자 토니 해리슨은 멕시코의 폴 발렌 주 엘라 주니어에 걸릴 작업에 반환. 토요일, 10월 14 브루클린 바클레이스 센터에서

더! 페더급 챔피언 신디 세라노는 반지를 입력
& 져 본 일이없는 지역의 전망 리처드슨 Hitchins을, 줄리안 소사 & 오프닝 명소의 신나는 밤에 Chordale 부커 기능
BROOKLYN (9월 25, 2017) – 전 타이틀 도전자 토니 해리슨 (24-2, 20 KOS 호텔) 10 라운드 미들급의 한판 승부에 대한에 반지로 돌아갑니다 폴 발렌 주 엘라 주니어. (20-5, 14 KOS 호텔) 오프닝 복싱 경기의 흥미 진진한 밤에의 한 부분으로 토요일, 10월 14 바클레이 센터에서, BROOKLYN 권투 ™의 집.
추가 조치는 페더급 세계 챔피언을 볼 수 신디 세라노 (26-5-3, 10 KOS 호텔) 브루클린은 8 라운드 특별한 매력의 한판 승부에서 그녀의 바클레이 센터 데뷔에서.
프리미어 복싱 챔피언 이벤트에 의해 표제한다 Erislandy “아메리칸 드림” 라라 무패 방어 테럴 Gausha 쇼 타임 챔피언 쉽 복싱의 메인 이벤트에서. 쇼 타임의 범위는 라이브에서 시작 10 시이. AND/7 시이. PT 및 기능 져 본 일이없는 챔피언 충격적인 Jermell “아이언 맨 (Iron Man)” Charlo 최고 경쟁자에 복용 에릭슨 “망치” 루빈“빠른” 자렛 허드 힘든 전 세계 챔피언에 대한 그의 첫 타이틀 방어를 만들기 오스틴 “의심의 여지” 송어.
이벤트에 티켓은 현재 판매되고 및 시작 $50 (해당 수수료를 포함하지 않음). 티켓은 구입하실 수 있습니다 ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com 또는 호출하여 800-745-3000. 티켓은 바클레이 센터에서 아메리칸 익스프레스 박스 오피스에서 구입할 수 있습니다. 그룹 할인은 844-BKLYN-GP를 호출하여 사용할 수 있습니다.
흥미로운 지역의 잠재 고객의 트리오는 자신의 고향에서 경쟁한다 2016 아이티 크리올어 올림픽 리처드슨 Hitchins (2-0, 1 KO) 네 라운드 웰터급의 한판 승부에서 싸움, 브루클린의 줄리안 소사 (9-0-1, 3 KOS 호텔) 여섯 라운드 웰터급 명소와 정복당한 일이없는 전망 광장 - 오프 브루클린의 같은 슈퍼 웰터급 행동의 여덟 라운드에 대한 반지를 입력 Chordale 부커 (7-0, 4 KOS 호텔) 만족 말콤 맥 칼리 스터 (9-0, 8 KOS 호텔).
싸움의 밤이되어 마무리하는 저스틴 허드 (3-0, 3 KOS 호텔), 154 파운드 챔피언 자렛의 형제, 조지아에 대해 6 라운드 슈퍼 웰터급 한판 승부 스티븐 엔드 레데 (3-2, 2 KOS 호텔) 와 져 본 일이없는 딜런 가격 (3-0, 3 KOS 호텔) 네 라운드 주니어 밴텀급 일에.
27 세의 해리슨은 그가 자렛 허드에 대해 심도있는 대회를 잃은 올해 초 자신의 세계 타이틀 샷을 적립 바클레이 센터에서 세르게이 랩 첸코의 폭발적인 아홉 번째 라운드 파업 지난 7 월 득점. 디트로이트 네이티브는 그의 첫 번째 무패 행진했다 21 프로 싸움, 10 내지 직선 녹아웃 기록 2013 과 2015 그리고 세실 McCalla 이상의 승리를 소유, 그의 7 년 프로 경력을 통해 페르난도 게레로와 타이론 브 런슨. 그는 30 세의 발렌 주 엘라 주니어에 걸립니다. 바하 캘리포니아 수르 중, 그의 마지막 네 콘테스트 세를 수상했다 멕시코.
다섯 부문 챔피언 아만다의 언니 (누나), 그녀는 WBO 페더급 세계 선수권을 캡처 Calixta Silgado를 격파 할 때 신디는 작년에 세계 챔피언이되었다. 푸에르토 리코에서 태어난하지만 제기과 브루클린 밖으로 싸우고, 그녀는 파올라 토레스를 물리 치고 5 월에 성공적으로 그녀의 타이틀을 방어. 세라노는 그녀의 마지막에 져 12 다시 데이트 콘테스트 2012 그리고 10 월에 그녀의 클레이 센터 무대를 만드는 것입니다 14.
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자세한 내용을 보려면 다음 사이트를 방문 www.SHO.com/Sports,WWW.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 트위터 @ShowtimeBoxing에 따라, @PremierBoxing, LouDiBella,@TGBPromotions @BarclaysCenter 및 @Swanson_Comm 또는에서 페이스 북에서 팬되기 www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter,

에리 슬 랜디 라라 대. 테럴 Gausha; Jermell Charlo 대. 에릭슨 루빈; 자렛 허드 vs.. Austin Trout SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Tripleheader Press Conference Quotes & 사진

프리미어 복싱 챔피언에 의해 발표 토요일, 10월 14 브루클린 바클레이스 센터에서
클릭 여기 스테파니 트랩 / 쇼 타임에서 사진에 대한
클릭 여기 에드 Diller에서 사진에 대한 / 디벨 라 엔터테인먼트
BROOKLYN (9월 6, 2017) – Six of the top 154-pound fighters in the world spoke to media in Brooklyn 수요일 ahead of their respective 토요일, 10월 14showdowns featured in a SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING tripleheader live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center, BROOKLYN 권투의 집®.
프리미어 복싱 챔피언 이벤트에 의해 표제한다 Erislandy “아메리칸 드림” 라라 무패 방어 테럴 Gausha plus hard-hitting unbeaten champion Jermell “아이언 맨 (Iron Man)” Charlo 최고 경쟁자에 복용 에릭슨 “망치” 루빈“빠른” 자렛 허드 힘든 전 세계 챔피언에 대한 그의 첫 타이틀 방어를 만들기 오스틴 “의심의 여지” 송어.
이벤트에 티켓은 현재 판매되고 및 시작 $50 (해당 수수료를 포함하지 않음). 티켓은 구입하실 수 있습니다 ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com 또는 호출하여 800-745-3000. Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays CenterGroup discounts are available by calling 844-BKLYN-GP.
다음은 기자 회견 참가자들이 말을했다 무엇인가 수요일:
“나는 반지에 내 이야기를 할 좋아. 에 10월 14 that’s exactly what I’m going to do. It’s an honor to be headlining on SHOWTIME and we’re looking forward to a great fight.
I’m excited to be part of this huge card. 이것은 훌륭한 이벤트. These are the best guys in the division. It’s a pleasure to be the main event and I look forward to putting on a show.
Gausha is a good fighter. He’s an Olympian and a guy who wants to win and become world champion. I know what that feels likes, but I also know what it takes. We’ll see how it plays out on 10월 14.
“나는이 싸움에 대한 흥분. I’ve beat champions, former champions and now I’ll add an Olympian. After I take care of business I look forward to unifying the division.
My prayers and my thoughts are with everyone down in Houston. I have family and friends who were affected. It’s a sad situation, but Houston has to be strong. That’s why I’m going to have ‘Houston Strongon my trunks because we all need to stick together and unite. That’s the way we’ll make it through.
I was extremely excited to get the call for this fight. I’ve been working for this my whole career and it’s a great opportunity. Lara is considered to be the best in the division and I want to fight the best. Now is my time.
I’ll have to make adjustments in there. Obviously with Lara you have to cut the ring off. We have a game plan that I’m going to go in there and execute on 10월 14.
I’m fighting a tough competitor. 그는 교활하다. We all know he has skills. But I’ve prepared for this and I’m going to do what I have to do. I like to do my talking in the ring and I’ll leave it all on the line on fight night.
I’m a more mature fighter now. I’m a true professional. I’ve been through some things in my career that have helped me leading up to this fight. I’m well-seasoned and ready for the test.
I’m training with my coach Manny Robles in Norwalk, California and it’s been going really well. We’re adding a few things for this fight but mostly just putting in the same hard work that we always do.
“나는이 위치에 축복 해요. I feel like all my hard work is paying off now that I’m on a big card like this. I worked hard and I deserve this chance.
I’m honored to be in Brooklyn. This is another exciting fight card like the last card I was on here. 나는 4월에 해야 할 일을 했다. I let the opponent run his mouth and then I took care of him. 다시 그런 일이 일어나도록 할게요.
“나는이 기회를 활용해야. I know that I have a lot of advantages but I just need to go seize the moment. 그는 힘든, strong fighter who’s going to be ready to take my title.
It’s interesting to see a guy as young as he is come for a world title. I’ve been here a long time in the pro game. It’s a big stage for both of us. I’ve fought a lot of tough guys up to this point. This is what I’ve been preparing for.
I want to fight Jarrett Hurd after this. I’d also like to get an opportunity to unify against Miguel Cotto. I want to show the old guard that the Charlo twins are as good as anyone.
I got my hands full with Ericskon Lubin and I know he comes to fight. He’s a dog, but I’m an animal as well. I’m going to step up and do what I’ve done each time before.
I’m doing this for Houston. Houston is going through a lot. My friends and family are all affected. It really doesn’t seem real to me. I’m ready to help however I can.
This is the fight I asked for. I said I wanted to go the WBC route and when it was officially announced I was really excited. I’ve been training for this since my last fight. I’m even more motivated now to go get the belt.
I’ve been sparring with bigger guys. Guys who throw one-two combos like Jermell. I’m getting prepared mentally and physically for this fight.
Jermell has some power. He moves pretty well, but I’ll be prepared for everything. Whether he pressures or boxes me I’ll be prepared.
I laugh at people who say this is too soon for me. Mike Tyson was 19 when he dared to be great. This is the perfect time for me to show that I’m not a regular 21-year-old.
This is a stacked card we have here and I’m ready to showcase my talent. I want to prove I’m the best in this division. I think we’re bringing back the era of all fighters going out there and giving it their all each time they step into the ring. I always steal the show and I’m planning to do that 10월 14.”
It means everything to be defending my belt on a card like this. I fought here at Barclays Center on the Keith Thurman vs. Shawn Porter undercard so to be back here against a veteran in Austin Trout is great. 나는 쇼를 위해 기다릴 수 없어.
We’re going to have two buses of fans coming up here. The ‘Swiftfans will be in the house. It’s going to be a great atmosphere on fight night.
In my last bout, Tony Harrison won some early rounds by boxing me, so we’ve known that my next opponent is going to try to outbox me. We expect him to move around and use the ring against me.
This has been a long training camp. We’ve had this bout set for a long time. We’re more than prepared.
We’ve been training to catch a ‘Trout.We’ll put the bait out there and let him come in. If he doesn’t take the bait, we’ll step right in the water and get him out of there.
I’m going to keep the pressure on him. I’m planning on attacking the body and making sure I cut off the ring. He’s going to be on the move so I have to be prepared.
My fans can expect a stoppage on 10월 14. He’s got three losses against great opponents but none have been able to stop him. I’m going to separate myself by being the first to do it.
This is going to put me back to where I belong. Right back on top. This is for my legacy so this is of the utmost importance.
It’s an honor to be on a card like this. I’m blessed to be a part of this great lineup of fighters. This place is the new hotspot of boxing and I can’t wait to perform.
Hurd is tall, he’s a big guy who I think is going to come forward. We’re preparing for the best possible Hurd that there could be.
I’m ready to take my career to a whole new level. I’ve been in big fights, but none like this. There is so much riding on this fight. He wants to make a name for himself off of my name.
He didn’t have to take this fight and I’m happy he did. But he messed up. I’m leaving the ring with his belt and his ‘0.’ I want to stake my claim as the best in the division.
I’m coming home as a world champion. I’ll be a two-time world champion who’s going to unify this division. I’m going to have my hand raised at the end of the night.
루 디벨, 디벨 라 엔터테인먼트 회장
This is going to be a sensational show. If you’re a boxing fan this is going to be an amazing show. It’s going to bring some clarity to the division with six talented guys matching off. It’s a boxing fan’s fight and it’s priced that way.
What boxing needs is the best matchups. Boxing needs shows like this. These are the kind of shows that SHOWTIME has been showing for the last few years. There is no question that they’re the number one network in boxing.
This card is about finding out who will be the last man standing in the 154-pound division. It starts on 10월 14 and it’ll all go down on SHOWTIME.
스티븐 에스피 노자, 부사장 & 일반 관리자, 쇼 타임 스포츠
Last week we had the world’s attention for an unprecedented event in Mayweather vs. 맥그리거. What this sport needs to do to continue to expand is to follow that up with high quality boxing matchups. That’s why this card is so important. It was critical that we had a top to bottom high quality card to capture those people who started paying attention to boxing on Aug. 26.
Over the last couple of years, SHOWTIME along with Barclays Center and DiBella Entertainment have brought fans the biggest and best fights in boxing. This might be the highest quality card from top to bottom since we started working with Barclays Center.
This tripleheader will be the 18, 19 과 20 world title fights this year on SHOWTIME. More than anyone else. More important and meaningful fights than anyone else. This is a talent-rich division we’ve been showcasing for years.
I’ve never had any doubts about boxing’s future. Boxing is very healthy. All you have to do is look at these six fighters in their prime, taking on top competition. I know that this sport is in very good health.
브렛 YORMARK, 브루클린 스포츠의 CEO & 환대
It has been an incredible year for BROOKLYN BOXING. Probably the best since we opened Barclays Center. 10 월, 28, we will celebrate our fifth anniversary. We’re very committed to boxing, not only showcasing the best and brightest talent, but to use it as a platform for those who aspire to get in this ring. We’re committed to their futures.
There are a lot of championships on the line which should make it a great night. All of these fights promise to bring action to our great fans. We look forward to seeing everyone on the 14.”
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자세한 내용을 보려면 다음 사이트를 방문 www.SHO.com/Sports,WWW.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 트위터 @ShowtimeBoxing에 따라, @PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, @TGBPromotions @BarclaysCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter,

Boxing Doubleheader Features Two Blockbuster Shows on Separate Networks from Both Coasts & Showcases Five World Championship Matches on Saturday, 10월 14 프리미어 복싱 챔피언에 의해 발표

Action Kicks Off With Leo Santa Cruz & Abner Mares Defending Their Titles in Separate Matches In Primetime On FOX & FOX Deportes from StubHub Center in Carson, 칼리프. 에 7:30 시이. AND/4:30 시이. AND
Nightcap Features a Thrilling Tripleheader of
World Championship Matches in the 154-pound Division
Live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center in Brooklyn at
10 시이. AND/7 시이. PT
LAS VEGAS (9월 6, 2017) – Let’s play two! Boxing fans will have the rare opportunity to enjoy a boxing doubleheader with two separate live shows on different networks that will showcase five world championship matches from coast to coast on 토요일, 10월 14 프리미어 복싱 챔피언 제시.
In the first show, sensational featherweight champion 레오 산타 크루즈 (33-1-1, 18 KOS 호텔) will defend his world title against 크리스 Avalos는 (27-5, 20 KOS 호텔), while three-division world champion 아브넬의 Mares (30-2-1, 15 KOS 호텔) defends his 126-pound belt against once-beaten 안드레스 구티에레즈 (35-1-1, 25 KOS 호텔) 카슨의 스터브 허브 센터에서, California in primetime on FOX & FOX Deportes에서 7:30 시이. AND/4:30 시이. PT.
Following that will be a scintillating 154-pound world championship tripleheader on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center in Brooklyn at 10 시이. AND/7 시이. PT.
Erislandy 라라 (24-2-2, 14 KOS 호텔), arguably the most-skilled boxer in the division and the longest reigning world champion, will headline and defend his title against undefeated 2012 과 미국의. 올림포스 산의 테럴 Gausha (20-0, 9 KOS 호텔). Hard-hitting undefeated champion Jermell Charlo (29-0, 14 KOS 호텔) will take on top contender 에릭슨 루빈 (18-0, 13 KOS 호텔) 동안 자렛 허드 (20-0, 14 KOS 호텔) will make his first title defense against tough former world champion 오스틴 송어 (30-3, 17 KOS 호텔).
It’s a common occurrence in Major League Baseball, the NFL and the NBA to be able to watch two or three games back-to-back on the same day, but it is rare in boxing to watch back-to-back live shows from two locations on the same day,” 사이드 팀 스미스, Haymon 권투 통신 부사장. “This is a unique opportunity for boxing fans to watch two separate live cards on two different networks from both U.S. coasts, featuring five world championship matches in the 126-pound and 154-pound divisiontwo of the hottest divisions in boxing. If you’re a boxing fan you’re going to want to get your popcorn ready for October 14.
All five of the featured championship matches hold major significance in the future for the winners.
산타 크루즈와의 Mares는 각각의 경기를 이기면, they have both agreed to terms to meet in a highly anticipated rematch and featherweight title consolidation bout in early 2018. 산타 크루즈 원 격전, narrow decision against Mares in 2015.
The 154-pound title tripleheader features four undefeated boxers and the very best the division has to offer. The winners in each match will face each other in the future to determine which one will eventually be the undisputed 154-pound world champion.


프리미어 복싱 챔피언에 의해 발표 & Headlined by
Erislandy Lara Defending Title Against Unbeaten Terrell Gausha; Also Features Unbeaten Champion Jermell Charlo Against Top Challenger Erickson Lubin, and Jarrett Hurd in First Defense Against Former World Champion Austin Trout
티켓 판매 시작 내일, 위엄있는 31 에 10 시에 남긴. AND
BROOKLYN (8월. 30, 2017) – A trio of 154-pound world champions will defend their titles as part of a SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING tripleheader headlined by Erislandy Lara defending against undefeated Terrell Gausha, in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions on 토요일, 10월 14 쇼 타임에 살고 (9 시이. AND/6 시이. PT) 부터 바클레이스 센터, BROOKLYN 권투의 집®.
카드, promoted by DiBella Entertainment and TGB Promotions, will feature four undefeated 154-pound boxers and will pave the way for an undisputed king of the 154-pound division.
Erislandy “아메리칸 드림” 라라 (24-2-2, 14 KOS 호텔), generally recognized as the best boxer in the super welterweight division and its longest reigning champion, will defend his title against undefeated 2012 과 미국의. 올림포스 산의 테럴 Gausha (20-0, 9 KOS 호텔).
공동 메인 이벤트에서, hard-hitting unbeaten champion Jermell “아이언 맨 (Iron Man)” Charlo (29-0, 14 KOS 호텔) takes on top contender 에릭슨 “망치” 루빈 (18-0, 13 KOS 호텔), 동안 “빠른” 자렛 허드 (20-0, 14 KOS 호텔) will make his first title defense against tough former world champion 오스틴 “의심의 여지” 송어 (30-3, 17 KOS 호텔).
“10 월 14 바클레이 센터, three world champions will be defending their belts, 쇼 타임, in a night of tremendous super welterweight action,” 루 디벨 말했다, 디벨 라 엔터테인먼트 회장. “Long reigning Cuban Erislandy Lara takes on undefeated Olympian Terrell Gausha and newly crowned Jarrett Hurd faces respected former world champion Austin Trout. This card also features one of the best matchups that can be made between two undefeated fighters, champion Jermell Charlo and young sensation Erickson Lubin.
This is a blockbuster card for boxing fans,” 톰 브라운은 말했다, TGB 프로모션의 대통령. “The 154-pound division is full of talent and this card is loaded with the best champions and top-ranked contenders in the division. The guy who will be the eventual king of the division is fighting on this show and the fans will be treated to matches that will determine who that unified champion will be.
Tickets to the event will go on sale on 내일, 위엄있는 31 에 10 시에 남긴. AND 및 시작 $50 (해당 수수료를 포함하지 않음). 티켓은 구입하실 수 있습니다 ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com 또는 호출하여 800-745-3000. Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center starting 금요일, 9월 1 정오 ET에서. 그룹 할인은 844-BKLYN-GP를 호출하여 사용할 수 있습니다.
We are thrilled to continue our best year yet of BROOKLYN BOXING with our fifth major boxing event of 2017,” 브렛 Yormark 말했다, 브루클린 스포츠의 CEO & 환대. “We always aim to deliver fight fans an evening packed with top-notch matchups from start to finish, and this card certainly does that.
라라, a 34-year-old Cuban southpaw, owns victories over Trout, Alfredo Angulo and a slew of former champions and top contenders in addition to a controversial split decision loss to Canelo Alvarez on the way to cementing his credentials as the top boxer in the division. Lara will make the seventh defense of his world title as he continues to train with renowned trainer Ronnie Shields.
I’m very excited to be making another title defense back on SHOWTIME headlining a great tripleheader,” 사이드 라라. “This is an interesting fight versus an undefeated U.S. Olympian in Terrell Gausha. I know he will be ready because it’s his opportunity to beat the best fighter in the division and become a champion. But come fight night, he will quickly realize and know why I’m the consensus No. 1 super welterweight in the world. After this performance, I look forward to, one-by-one, adding a WBC and IBF title to my collection.
The 29-year-old Gausha, 클리블랜드의, 오하이오, earned a shot at the world title with solid victories in his last two matches. He won a hard-fought decision over Steven Martinez last August and followed it up with another impressive victory over Luis Hernandez on 2월. 10. Lara figures to be his toughest battle in his pro career that dates back to 2012.
I’ve been talking about this since I was a three-year-old watching Muhammad Ali on television,” 사이드 Gausha. “I’m here now and blessed for this opportunity. Lara’s a tough fighter, champion and the best opponent I’ll fight on paper. He’s been in with the bigger names. But the better the opponent, the better I am, and I’m coming to dethrone him. 그는 교활하다, but the world hasn’t seen all that I can bring to the table. I’ll make adjustments on the fly and do things that I’ve never shown before. Seeing other Olympic team members win titles gives me motivation to earn the victory and the notoriety I’ve been looking for.
Charlo of Houston, Texas will be making the second defense of his title, which he won by knockout victory over John Jackson on May 21, 2016. The 27-year-old Charlo successfully defended the title with a highlight reel knockout victory over fellow Texan Charles Hatley on4월 22 바클레이 센터. 그와 그의 쌍둥이 형제, Jermall, both held world titles at 154-pounds, before Jermall relinquished his title to move up to 160 파운드. Charlo now trains in Dallas with Derrick James, trainer of world champion Errol Spence Jr.
Lubin is young and hungry and I know he always comes to fight, but there’s a reason why I’m where I am in the sport,” 사이드 Charlo. “I’ve been through the trenches and I don’t plan to stop anytime soon. This is what boxing always needstwo young, undefeated fighters willing to risk their ‘0'. But I think it’s a little early for Lubin to step in the ring with me, and I plan on keeping my title. 10월 14 I’ll show everyone why I’m a world champion.
루빈, 21, is nicknamed “해머” because of his power in both hands and his ability to bring a quick conclusion to every match. Lubin of Orlando, 플로리다., has picked up 10 victories since the beginning of 2015 including seven knockouts on his way to contender status. Lubin most recently scored a sensational knockout of Jorge Cota in a title eliminator in March at Barclays Center.
This is a fight for the fans,” 루빈은 말했다. “You have an undefeated champion against an undefeated Prospect of the Year. I’m very excited to be fighting for the belt and it’s truly been a dream of mine ever since I first got into boxing. 밤에 싸우자, Charlo will either give it to me or I’m going to rip the belt out of his hands. Many fans and reporters have said that he’s one of the best, and that will make it even sweeter. My mentality will be to seek and destroy, so everyone tune-in to SHOWTIME on 10월 14, you will witness boxing’s new superstar!”
허드, 26, will be making the first defense of the title that he won with a KO victory over Tony Harrison on 2월. 25. Accokeek에서 싸움, 메릴랜드, Hurd soared up the rankings with stoppage victories over previously unbeaten fighters Frank Galarza and Oscar Molina at Barclays Center plus veteran Jo Jo Dan.
I got a Trout to catch,” 사이드 허드. “His losses have all been to top champions Canelo Alvarez, Erislandy Lara and Jermall Charlo. But I’m on a streak of six straight knockouts and Trout has never been stopped, so I’m looking for the stoppage to make a statement that the other fighters couldn’t make. This is definitely my toughest fight, and I didn’t have to take it since it’s a voluntary defense. But I wanted this fight to stop Austin Trout, proving to the fans and people in general I’m the real deal and a true champion.
송어, a 31-year-old southpaw from Las Cruces, 뉴 멕시코, has faced some of the top 154-pound boxers in the division. He defeated Miguel Cotto in New York to win a title in 2012 and has close losses to Canelo Alvarez and Lara on his resume. In his most recent attempt at winning the title, Trout gave Jermall Charlo perhaps the toughest test of his career after looking impressive in four straight victories leading up to the challenge.
‘What a blessing it is to have this opportunity at a world title shot,” 송어는 말했다. “I want to thank everyone who has been in my corner to help get me career defining fights. It’s refreshing to see young champions showing heart and testing their skill with the best in the game. With thatsaid, salute to Hurd for allowing this fight to go through.
# # #
자세한 내용을 보려면 다음 사이트를 방문 www.SHO.com/Sports,WWW.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 트위터 @ShowtimeBoxing에 따라, @PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, @TGBPromotions@BarclaysCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter,

AC 스포츠 관리를 사용하는 Frank Galarza 잉크

Jr. 미들급 경쟁자 Frank Galarza, 17-2-2(11코스) AC Sports Management의 Adrian Clark을 고용했습니다., LLC는 자신의 경력이 앞으로 나아가도록 안내합니다. Galarza는 현재 Jr에 대한 연속 손실에서 벗어납니다. 미들급 챔피언, 자렛 허드와 전 주니어 미들급 챔피언, Ishe 스미스.

The 31 브루클린에서 살, 뉴욕은 자신의 경력을 되찾기를 원하고 있습니다..

“나는 내 안에 많은 싸움이 남아 있음을 알고. 과거 2 몇 년은 힘들었지 만 그게 너의 사업이야. 내 뒤에 올바른 팀이있어서 기쁘다, 지금. 앞으로 큰 일,” 사이드 Galarza.

갈라자는 제한된 아마추어 배경으로 경쟁자 상태로 올라갔습니다.. 그의 2014 당시 패배하지 않은 존 톰슨의 녹아웃은 11 에 녹아웃 17 그의 승리.

AC Sports의 Adrian Clark는 Galarza의 1 차 대표가되지만 Frank의 전 관리자가 합류합니다., 특별 고문으로 AJ Galante.

“AJ가 관여하지 않았다면 옳지 않을 것입니다. 나는 AJ에게 연락하여 Frank를 위해 일하고 싶다고 말했지만 (Galante의) 기내에 있어야했다. Notorious FG 및 AJ와 함께 일하게되어 기쁩니다.. 이것은 훌륭한 팀 노력이 될 것입니다”. 클라크는 말했다.

Clark은 Galarza의 귀국 날짜를 지정하지 않았지만 Galarza에 서명하는 데 관심이있는 몇몇 발기인과 접촉했다고 언급했습니다..

FNU 전투 스포츠 쇼: UFC, Bellator 권투 요점의 반복 / 미리보기; 다나 드라마의 여왕; 무하마드 알리 주니어. 플로리다 공항에 억류; 트랜스 젠더 레슬러는 텍사스에서 여성 레슬링 우승

톰, 풍부하고 토니는 지난 주 주요 전투 스포츠 이벤트를 정리해, 디언 테이 와일더와 제럴드 워싱턴 사이의 주요 헤비급 대결 포함, 더블린에서 리암 맥 게어리하여 성공적인 타이틀 방어 지난 금요일, 아일랜드 Bellator 쇼, 토니 해리슨 이상 자렛 허드하여 멋진 컴백. 우리는 또한 취임 여성의 Bellator 내일 밤에 페더급 타이틀 한판 승부와 스타 박힌 UFC 기대 209 최근 UFC의 역사에서 가장 기대되는 공동 메인 이벤트 두 가지를 포함하여 카드 싸움. Khabib Nurmagomedov 토니 퍼거슨 감독이 공동 메인 이벤트에서 경량 제목면 코너 맥그리거에 슈팅을 싸우는 동안 스티븐 톰슨은 메인 이벤트에서 UFC 웰터급 챔피언 타이론 우 들리와의 재 대결을 얻는다. 우리는 또한 마이클 비스핑에 대한 GSP의 컴백 싸움을 논의, 텍사스 여성의 레슬링 우승 남성이되기 위해 그녀의 방법에 트랜스젠더 여성, 무하마드 알리의 아들은 월 초에 플로리다 공항에 수감. 스포츠 쇼 YouTube에서 호스팅 우리의 첫 번째 전체 FNU 전투를 확인하세요:

갈렙 공장 FS1과 FOX Deportes에 프리미어 복싱 챔피언의 토마스 Awimbono에서 메인 이벤트 이상의 만장일치 결정을 수상

Tugstsogt Nyambayar에 의해 수상 10 라운드 TKO 이상 Jhon GEMINO
클릭 여기 프리미어 복싱 챔피언에서 사진에 대한
(사진은 곧 사용할 수 있습니다)
버밍엄, AL. (2월 25, 2017) – 무패 상승 전망 갈렙 공장 (15-0, 10 KOS 호텔) 만장일치 결정을 득점 (100-89, 100-89, 99-90) 숙련 된 토마스 Awimbono 승리 (25-7-1, 21 KOS 호텔) 버밍엄의 유산 아레나에서 FS1과 FOX Deportes에 프리미어 복싱 챔피언의 메인 이벤트에서, AL.
방송 오프너에서, Tugstsogt Nyambayar (8-0, 7 KOS 호텔) 격전으로 승리 등장 10Jhon GEMINO 이상 라운드 녹아웃 기술 (15-8-1, 7 KOS 호텔).
여기에 선수는 자신의 관찰을 다음과 같은 말을했다 무엇인가:
갈렙 공장
“오늘은 제어 머무에 대해이었다. 나는 힘 아무것도 거기 가고 싶지 않았다. 난 그냥 긴장을하고 싶어하고 내 잽 뒤에 정착, 내 실신을 사용, 그냥 나를 위해 거기에 있었다 촬영을.
“이 같은 승리가 나를 위해 약간의 문을 열어 것을 바라고 있어요. The 168 파운드 부문 내 다시 주머니에. 나는 한 번에 싸움을 우리는 우리의 목표에 도달 할 수 있습니다를 데려 갈거야.
“Awimbono 같은 경험 전투기 이상의 승리를 얻기 위해 거리를가는 것은 내 가능성에 대해 많은 것을 보여줍니다. 그는 훌륭한 선수를 가지고 거기에있었습니다, 하지만 난 내 싸움을 싸우고 승리를 얻었다.
“나는 단말마와 함께 초기 그를 떨어졌다, 하지만 참여하지 않은 사람에 대한 어렵다. 당신은 그들이 당신을 줄 무엇을 가지고있어. 그렇지 않으면 너무 공격적으로 가고 위험과 방심 해서요, 이는 내가 허용 할 수 없습니다. 나는 환자 남아 내 지점을 찾을 수있다.
“나는 큰 싸움마다 시간을 바라고 있어요. 우리는 어떤 부드러운 접촉을 원하지 않는다. 나는 일부 최고 전망과 싸움을 얻으려고 노력 했어요, 약간의 타이틀을 가진 사람, 하지만 그들은 싸움을하지 않습니다. 나는 비록 귀찮게 것을 할 수 없습니다, 내가 알고 있기 때문에 나는이 사람에 대한 높은 위험 해요. 그것은 내 경력에서 조기 수 있습니다, 하지만 난 조정하고 모든 것을 할 수 있습니다.”
“그것은 짧은 시간에 거친 전투기에 대해 같은 승리를 얻기 위해 많은 의미.
“우리는 훨씬 이전에 한방을 찾고 있었다, 하지만 GEMINO 힘든 오늘 밤에 정말로. 그는 마음을 많이 보여 주었다, 그러나 다행히도 우리는 승리를 얻었다.
“이 무거운 무게 였지만 나는에서 싸움에 익숙해보다, 나는 그의 크기를 취급 아무런 문제가 없었다.
“FS1과 FOX Deportes에서이 같은 카드에 싸움은 나에게 세상을 의미. 이것은 내 기술을 보여줄 큰 기회였습니다.
“다음에 그들이 내 앞에 놓인 사람을 원해. 누구든 마주 할게”
“변명하려하지 않아요, 그러나 우리는 매우 짧은 통지 로이 싸움을했다. 오늘 밤 공연에 매우 좌절합니다.
“미국에서 또 다른 싸움을하기 위해 최선을 다하겠습니다. 나는 항상 내 모든 것을 줄 것을 약속드립니다. 오늘 밤 팬들이 우리의 싸움을 즐겼기를 바랍니다.
“나는 누구와도 싸울 용의가있다, Nyambayar를 준비 할 시간이 더 있었으면 좋겠다.”
# # #
이 카드는 TGB 프로모션과 브루노 이벤트 팀과 연관 디벨 라 엔터테인먼트에 의해 추진되었다.
자세한 내용은, 방문 www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.alabamatitlefight.comwww.dbe1.com, http://www.tgbpromotions.com/시간ttp://www.foxsports.com/프레스 패스 / 홈페이지foxdeportes.com. 트위터 @PremierBoxing에 따라, BronzeBomber, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @LouDiBella 및 @Swanson_Comm과에서 페이스 북에서 팬되기www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/FoxSportswww.Facebook.com/FoxDeportes. #PBConFOX를 사용하여 대화를 따라. FOX에 PBC는 코로나 후원, 가장 마지막 맥주.

디온테이 와일더가 제럴드 워싱턴을 상대로 놀라운 5라운드 KO를 기록하며 헤비급 세계 타이틀을 유지하다

Jarrett Hurd Defeats Tony Harrison By Ninth Round KO To
Secure IBF Junior Middleweight Title
Dominic Breazeale Stops Izuagbe Ugonoh In Action-Packed
Brawl To Win by Fifth Round KO
클릭 여기 프리미어 복싱 챔피언에서 사진에 대한
(사진은 곧 사용할 수 있습니다)
버밍엄, AL. (2월 25, 2017) – Undefeated heavyweight world champion Deontay “청동 폭격기” 와일더 (38-0, 37 KOS 호텔) knocked out Gerald “검은 수탉” 워싱턴 (18-1-1, 12 KOS 호텔) in the fifth round of the main event of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes at the Legacy Arena in Birmingham, AL.
In front of a crowd of 12,346 팬, Wilder was able to give his home state crowd another scintillating victory. Although Washington stole some of the early rounds, Wilder’s patience paid off as he was able to find his pace and finish Washington in the fifth frame.
In the blistering televised opener, 도미닉 Breazeale (18-1, 16 KOS 호텔) stopped previously unbeaten Izuagbe Ugonoh (17-1, 14 KOS 호텔). Ugonoh controlled the fight early landing heavy blows to both Breazeale’s body and head, but Breazeale was able to compose himself and stormed back to knock out Ugonoh in impressive fashion.
The co-main event featured Jarrett Hurd (20-0, 14 KOS 호텔) knocking out Tony Harrison (24-2, 20 KOS 호텔) in the ninth round of their contest.
여기에 선수는 자신의 관찰을 다음과 같은 말을했다 무엇인가:
I knew he was going to come in excited to fight for a world title. I just kept calm and found my rhythm. I really knew he was going to tire out, and when he did I took advantage.
It was all about timing. I’m very smart when it comes to using different tactics in the ring.
Fighting here in Alabama is a blessing. The people here show up to support me and I love them for it. I’m always going to support and be here for my Alabama family. To see the crowd’s response tonight meant a lot to me.
As I’ve been saying, I’m looking to unify the division. I think it’s critical to have one fighter and one champion, and that’s Deontay Wilder. Let’s hope Joseph Parker is ready for me because I’m definitely ready for him.
제럴드 워싱턴
I just got a little impatient. I was trying to go for it. It was an even boxing match. I could have kept it like that and kept it boring. I don’t know why I fell asleep there. I guess I lost a little focus.
I caught him with one shot when he was coming in. But instead of me keeping that play going and keep pushing him back and keep him in control by keeping him in the center of the ring, I tried to get on him. I was trying to play a little counter punch role and catch him coming in. 그는 단지 나를 붙 잡았다.
It’s just an experience. You have to follow the game plan and stay focused, 숙박 환자. You may not get all the shots you want in the beginning, but you have to play the game all the way out and then things will start to happen.
We wanted to take our time with him because Harrison can box and move. But every time he fights he wears down toward the end.
During the sixth round, he caught me with a good shot inside my left eye. But I managed to fight through it and get the win.
It feels great to be a champion. I’ve never had a feeling this great before. It’s pure Accokeek power. I can finally pull my pants up now. My pants were falling down, but I finally got my belt.
It took a little time for me to find my pace, but eventually I found my Rhythm. Izu came in in great shape and with guns blazing. He came at me with some stuff that I wasn’t expecting. Him being the lighter guy I wasn’t really expecting the power he possessed.
I was able to connect some big shots tonight, especially with my right hand. You see what happens when I put him down and he never really recovered.
Coming off the loss to Joshua, this win puts me right back in there. This is what I’ve always asked for. My team does an incredible job of getting me any fight I ask for, and I wanted to fight an undefeated guy like Izu. 그는 큰이야, 강한, athletic guy.
“오늘 밤, the story was about me having the heart of a lion, getting knocked down, but getting right back up to finish this fight.
I expected that I was going to knock him out. I believed I would accomplish that, but he didn’t surprise me with anything. I was landing some good shots to both his body and his face.
Breazeale showed a lot of heart though, and I think that his experience really helped him. I think a fight like Anthony Joshua really helped him realize that he could take anything and win the fight. He did that tonight.
“정직하게, I just got tired. I gave him what I had and then I got tired. When he came back at me I wasn’t able to keep up and finish through on my game plan.
The plan was to really use my double jab, and I’m not making any excuses. 이것은 싸움 게임입니다. 이것은 나를 위해 좋은 기회였다, a big step up, and I was hoping to get it done. 나는하지 않았다, but that is part of sports. I’m not used to losing, but that time came today. I’m still a dangerous man to fight.
# # #
이 카드는 TGB 프로모션과 브루노 이벤트 팀과 연관 디벨 라 엔터테인먼트에 의해 추진되었다.
자세한 내용은, 방문 www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.alabamatitlefight.comwww.dbe1.com, http://www.tgbpromotions.com/시간ttp://www.foxsports.com/프레스 패스 / 홈페이지foxdeportes.com. 트위터 @PremierBoxing에 따라, BronzeBomber, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @LouDiBella 및 @Swanson_Comm과에서 페이스 북에서 팬되기www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/FoxSportswww.Facebook.com/FoxDeportes. #PBConFOX를 사용하여 대화를 따라. FOX에 PBC는 코로나 후원, 가장 마지막 맥주.

디언 테이 와일더 대. Gerald Washington PBC on FOX & FOX Deportes 최종 기자 회견 지수 & 사진

Heavyweight World Title Showdown Headlines Action Saturday, 2월 25 버밍엄에서 레거시 아레나에서, 알라바마
클릭 여기 for Photos from Jennifer Hagler/Premier Boxing Champions
버밍엄, AL. (2월 23, 2017) – 헤비급 세계 챔피언 Deontay 와일더 와 져 본 일이없는 제럴드 워싱턴 얼굴을 맞대고 갔다 목요일 at the final press conference before their primetime showdown that headlines 프리미어 복싱 챔피언 FOX FOX 스포츠토요일, 2월 25 버밍엄에서 BJCC에서 레거시 아레나에서, 알라바마.
Also in attendance and featured in televised action beginning at 8 시이. AND/5 시이. PT were rising super welterweight contenders 토니 해리슨 자렛 허드, who battle for a vacant junior middleweight world title, 플러스 충격적인 도미닉 Breazeale 무패 이자 그베 우고 노, who meet in a 10-round heavyweight battle.
라이브 이벤트 티켓, which is promoted by DiBella Entertainment and TBG Promotions in association with Bruno Event Team, 시작 $25 (해당 수수료를 포함하지 않음) 지금 판매되고있다. Tickets are available through Ticketmaster and by visiting AlabamaTitleFight.com.
Additional action on FS1 and FOX Deportes begins at 10 시이. AND/7 시이. PT and features unbeaten super middleweight 갈렙 공장, 누가 참석했는지 목요일 행사.
여기에 전투기가 무슨 말을했다입니다 목요일:
My time off has allowed me to get a better relationship with my left hand. There are so many different ways to throw a jab that I didn’t think I could do. Working with one arm allowed me to be exposed to a lot of new things. It’s going to be a different Deontay Wilder in the ring.
“그것은 나를위한 여행이었다. I know there’s a purpose to all of it and there’s a reason why I’m here and why I’m the champ. Everything has manifested my way.
This is a fantastic card 토요일에 night and I know these other guys can’t wait to get into the ring.
토요일 night is going to be an electric fight. I love my state and I love being able to come back to Alabama. Home is where my heart is. It feels good to continue to give back.
I’m overwhelmed. I’m so ready for this fight. Everyone has a story to tell. Everything that has happened with my opponents is in the past. I’m in love with this sport. I have a goal to reach in this sport and I will reach it.
I always put myself in the position of my opponents and think about if that was me. That’s why I have so much passion for this sport and I give it my all. I don’t want to end up like my opponents. I don’t want to see what those lights looks like from the bottom.
I want people to look back on my legacy and see that it was a long journey. I’ve paved the way for my city and my state. I’ve laid the bread crumbs and now people can follow.
When my first opponent dropped out, the first name that came to my mind was Gerald Washington. I appreciate the way he conducted himself. Every time I saw him, he always shook my hand and told me he was ready.
I know Gerald is excited. I was too. I know what it’s like to be able to fight for one of the most prestigious belts in the world. 하지만, it’s my belt. I’m still enjoying it. Even though I’m heavyweight champion of the world, I’m still humble. I keep the belt in its case, until it’s time for me to fight again. I’m not satisfied. There is still more to attain.
제럴드 워싱턴
I’ve had an incredible run to get me hear. I’m thankful to Deontay for picking me for this fight. He could have chosen a lot of opponents, but he picked me and I’m grateful for that.
“이 꿈은 실현된다. I started boxing as a kid but I didn’t know what I wanted to do. I’ve had a long road, but now I’m here fighting for the heavyweight championship of the world. This just means so much to me.
My trainer John Pullman and I started working together and we’ve gotten through every obstacle. It’s hard work but we put in the work together and now we’re here. That’s what life is all about. You have to take risks and when it’s time, it’s time to handle your business. It’s my time and I’m ready.
I’m so happy to be able to do what I love. I’m going up against Deontay Wilder, the Bronze Bomber, 자신의 뒷마당에서. You can’t take away what he’s accomplished. But I’m here to handle my business.
I try to live as a champion and now it’s my opportunity to be a champion. I’m going to grab this opportunity and take it.
토니 해리슨
As a competitor, I was already excited about the fight when they called me about fighting Hurd. I said yes immediately. Jarett Hurd’s name is mentioned every time you mention the 154-pound division. I started this off wanting to be the best and to do that, I have to beat the best.
It was a fight for me that I jumped on immediately. When I got the call that it was going to be a title fight, I knew that this was going to be a legacy fight.
I think we have mutual respect heading into this fight. He respects me just as much as I respect him. 하지만 토요일 밤, I’m looking to gain my respect as a fighter. For both of us, I think a lot of questions have been raised about who we’ve fought. These questions are answered 토요일에 밤.
This is a fight where you have to respect both fighters. The city of Detroit is coming out to see me bring this world title home and I’m sure Maryland is expecting the same from Hurd. It’s going to be a great atmosphere.
From the time that I started at six-years-old, this day has been the pot at the end of the rainbow. I’m fighting a great fighter for a great belt in a great weight class.
I just have to go out there and take it one round at a time. I believe that I have too much in the arsenal. I can’t get too excited, even if I see an opening to stop the fight, I’m going to do it the smart way. I’m in shape to go 12 rounds but if I see my opportunity, 내가받을거야.
I’m looking to continue the legacy. It’s going to be an amazing fight. I love Deontay, but I’m looking to steal the show. This is the best division in boxing. I’m coming out hard and I know my opponent is too. We’re both ready to lay it all on the line for this world title.
We were excited when we first got the fight with Tony Harrison and we were even more excited when we found out it would be for a world title. This is every champion’s dream and I get a big opportunity on a big network. Everyone gets to see who Jarrett Hurd is.
“이것은 모든 것을 의미합니다. Staying undefeated is something that opens a lot of doors for you. I’m in quality fights so I’m doing something well. I have another great opponent in front of me, 하지만에 2월 25 나는 세계 챔피언이 될 것입니다.
We had a really good long training camp. I didn’t need to do anything too drastic to make weight. I’m a big fighter for this division but I’ve never had a problem with weight. 나는 링에 위해 기다릴 수 없어.
My father was born in Birmingham, Alabama so to be able to have my world title shot here is exciting for my whole family. 이것은 나에게 큰 싸움이다. I’ve trained hard and I’m prepared for it.
I want this fight to answer a lot of questions. Some people say I’m not the fastest or that I don’t have enough defense. I want to be an undefeated fighter but I also want to build a legacy. I want to be on the platform with the best. I think this fight will give me that credibility.
The jab is going to be really important. Tony Harrison has a really nice jab and the winner of the jab battle is going to be victorious. My jab and taking away his jab is going to win the fight for me.
“내 시간은 여기. There will be a new 154-pound champion 토요일에 밤. My pants are falling down and I need my belt!”
It’s great to be back on this stage. I’m ready to come back and show my boxing skills. Deontay and Gerald are going to put on a great show and I’m excited to be a part of it.
My opponent is definitely an unknown character. We prepared for everything to get ready for a guy that will move a lot. It’s big for him to be fighting on a big card like this for his first U.S. 싸움. I’m glad he took the fight.
I just need to be a pressure fighter. I’ve been down and gotten up. 나는 최고의 거기에 있었어요. I can’t let him get comfortable. I’m going to bring him a kind of fight he’s never seen before.
I’ve been training hard with Manny Robles and we’ve done some phenomenal things over the last 10 주. I’ve been on the big stage and I’m ready to do it again. I feel good and I’m prepared put on a show.
I’ve been training in Las Vegas for three years and I’m very excited to make my U.S. 데뷔 토요일밤. It’s a great opportunity and I’m glad to get a big fight straight away against a good former title challenger who is also an Olympian. I couldn’t have wished for anything better than this.
I’ve watched a lot of Dominic’s fights, even before I knew I was going to fight him. We know what he’s good at and we know where he makes mistakes. All my training partners were taller than me, so I’m comfortable fighting against big guys.
“나를 위해, this is everything. If you’re a fighter and you train hard to be a champion, then this is the stage you want to reach. When you get here, the question is, are you comfortable with it? I’ve always believed that this is where I belong and now I have the opportunity. Now I just want to have fun and do what I do best.
I think this is going to be a very explosive fight. I’m in the best shape I’ve ever been in. I prepared for a better Dominic Breazeale than who fought Joshua. I think it’s going to be a beautiful night.
My road has been very rocky. 나는 세계의 모든 싸웠습니다, but everything happens for a reason and happens at the right time. The time is now for me.
갈렙 공장
“나는 좋은 캠프를 했어. I know everyone says that, but this really has been my most productive camp. I’ve had great sparring since I moved to Las Vegas. 불꽃놀이가 될 거야 토요일에.
I know my opponent has been in there with some tough guys. 그는 중단 된 적이있어. 그게 우리가 원하는거야. Soft touches won’t get me to where I’m headed. This is my closest fight to my hometown of Nashville since I turned pro so I’m expecting a lot of support.
I’m not here to take the easy road. 이제 내 시간. This is a great opportunity and I think it’s going to be a great fight. I’m excited to get in the ring.
Coming from where I came from, all of this is surreal. My hard work got me here. I’m blessed to be here and I feel like I deserve it.
Everything went so smoothly during camp and now it’s time to put it together in the ring. I’ve always been able to show out when the pressure’s on.
I’m looking to win and win in impressive fashion. I’m going to have a strong defense but I’ll have to put the heat on him. This is the kind of pressure I love.
“나는 큰 싸움을 원하는. I’m focused on getting myself better every day. I have a great team around me and I feel like I can beat anybody.
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살 수있는 팬 FOX 스포츠 GO의 싸움을 스트리밍, FS1 또는 FOX Deportes 피드를 통해 영어 또는 스페인어로 사용할 수. 싸움은 FOXSportsGO.com에서와 앱 스토어를 통해 바탕 화면에서 볼 수 있습니다, 또는 Apple TV를 포함한 장치를 연결, 안드로이드 TV, 화재 TV, X 박스 하나와 로쿠. 게다가, the show will be simulcast on FOX Sports on SiriusXM channel 83 위성 라디오에와 위성 라디오 방송국 인 SiriusXM 응용 프로그램에.
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