標記檔案: 賈雷爾米勒

從塞內卡尼亞加拉度假村重量 & 賭場的'拳擊錦標賽在CBS體育網’

丹尼斯·霍根 151 磅. VS. 肯尼四月 152 磅.

10 ROUNDS WBA-NABA美國超級次中量級冠軍

托尼·路易斯 137.5 磅. VS. 愛德華·瓦爾迪茲 136 磅.

合作的主要事件: 輕量級 – 10 ROUNDS

賈雷爾 “大寶貝” 磨坊主 268 磅. VS. EXCELL霍姆斯 250 磅.

電視開瓶器: 權重股 – 6 ROUNDS

巴赫蒂亞爾Eubov 150 磅. VS. 傑森 - 湯普森 146 磅.


喬·格林 169 磅. VS. 蓋伊帕克 165 磅.

超級middleweights – 6 ROUNDS

Hoshuan Sambolin 133 磅. VS. 戴夫·安東尼 139 磅.

超級羽量級 – 4 ROUNDS

丹尼爾·NA德吉澤斯 VS. 若蘇埃里維拉NA

輕量級 – 4 ROUNDS

地點: 塞內卡尼亞加拉度假村 & 賭場, 尼亞加拉大瀑布, 紐約

促銷員: 格雷格·科恩促銷聯同亞當·威爾科克的戰卡促銷, 維托Mielnicki的GH3促銷, 德米特里Salita的六角星的促銷活動和生產的大衛·舒斯特的贏家通吃製作


電視: CBS體育網 (9 P.M. AND/PT)


門票:售價 $35 和 $45, 而場邊座位 $75 並且可以與主要的信用卡致電特瑪在購買 (800) 745-3000, onlineat Tick​​etmaster.com或者通過Seneca Niagara賭場票房: 716-501-2444.


點擊 這裡 查看更多圖片

尼亞加拉大瀑布, 紐約 (六月 25, 2015) – 今天舉行的決賽新聞發布會明天 晚上的 “拳擊錦標賽在CBS體育網” 在塞內卡尼亞加拉塞內卡尼亞加拉度假村 & 賭場在尼亞加拉大瀑布, 紐約.

由格雷格·科恩促銷聯同主辦 亞當·威爾科克的戰卡促銷, 維托Mielnicki的GH3促銷, 德米特里Salita的六角星的促銷活動和生產的大衛·舒斯特的贏家通吃製作, 晚上的10輪的主要活動將包括WBA #11- 和國際羽聯#6級丹尼斯 “颶風” 霍根 (21-0-1, 7 科斯) 昆士蘭, 澳大利亞 (基爾代爾通過, 愛爾蘭) 使他的WBA-NABA美國超中量級冠軍的第一道防線,對當地最喜愛的肯尼四月 (14-7-1, 7 科斯) 羅切斯特, 紐約.

行動開始在CBS體育網的 9 P.M. AND/與PT 美國重量級淘汰賽藝術家賈雷爾 “大寶貝” 磨坊主 (13-0-1, 10 科斯) 同時水牛當地猛男的Excell霍姆斯在六全才. 電視轉播合作的主要活動將包括加拿大的WBA#14級托尼 “閃電” 路易斯 (19-3, 7 科斯) 面對紐約 (經多明尼加共和國) 老將愛德華·瓦爾迪茲 (13-10-2, 3 科斯) 在10全才.

門票 “拳擊錦標賽在CBS體育網” 售價為 $35 和 $45, 而場邊座位 $75 並可以購買 與主要的信用卡致電特瑪在 (800) 745-3000, 在線 Tick​​etmaster.com 或者通過Seneca Niagara賭場票房: 716-501-2444.



我知道他是 (四月) 光滑的左撇子. 我知道他有一些很好的勝利,他的耐用. 作為棘手, 他可能會導致問題, 所以我一直努力工作,能夠預測的不可預測的在我的訓練.

我確定與正在城外的人對這場鬥爭. 100%. 為此,我做了很多作為一個業餘. 如果你打從都柏林一個人在都柏林體育場的整個人群是反對你.

我們聯手格雷格·科恩促銷, 這是好事,因為我想獲得到美國在那裡的一切都發生. 這是我的月以來的第三次戰鬥,我們正在努力的方式進步的階梯. 我們正在做什麼大動作與每場戰鬥. 我越來越受歡迎這裡,我開始變得眾所周知,這一切都工作得很好.


丹尼斯·霍根, 我們已經看到了他的戰鬥. 他的堅韌,他挺身而出. 他保持忙碌. 它看起來像他進來形狀, 但他是一維. 我覺得他太站在直線上升,有時. 除此之外, 我真的給他的信用. 他是一個堅強的鬥士.

戰勝他會重振我的職業生涯. 我已經過了一年, 但我一直在健身房陪練和保持活躍. 它不象我一直在家裡吃薯片. 它會提高我回來了,給我所需要的信心.

它的美麗將在我的家鄉戰鬥在國家電視台. 我認為這是告訴我,'你不這樣做的運動還神的方法。’ 很多人告訴我,我有才華. 我是一個真正的好拳擊手. 我一直以來拳擊七歲. 我已經通過我的職業生涯已經在路上有些顛簸, 思前想後我贏得了我的第一個三戰我是世界冠軍. 但我漸漸長大,拳擊運動成熟,現在我知道如何才能.

# # #

塞內卡尼亞加拉賭場 & 酒店位於 310 4第街的尼亞加拉大瀑布, 紐約. 欲了解更多信息, 通話 716.299.1100, 或訪問www.senecaniagaracasino.com. 該賭場票房為開放 12下午- 8下午 太陽週四. & 12下午 – 12 是 星期五 & 星期六 而位於位於賭場的北翼四季禮品店. 關於格雷格·科恩促銷活動的更多信息, 訪問 www.gcpboxing.com 或檢查我們在Facebook上www.facebook.com/GCPBoxing. 嘰嘰喳喳: @GCPBoxing.



一個拳擊首屈一指的促銷服裝, 格雷格·科恩促銷 (GCP) 是在世界各地舉辦的世界級職業拳擊賽事,促進專業精英戰士一個受人尊敬的名字.


創始人兼首席執行官格雷格·科恩曾參與職業拳擊在各種能力自上世紀80年代末, 磨練自己的手藝,並建立了自己作為一個精明的國際拳擊商人.


他發現和培養人才的原料區分能力, 科恩做了標題為他的專家指導, 在許多其他, 前WBA超次中量級冠軍奧斯汀 “毫無疑問” 鱒魚, 誰科恩幫助指導來自未知新墨西哥州前景精英按次視圖級巨星.


除了鱒魚, 格雷格·科恩促銷已經既定的名字,如前統一和兩次重量級冠軍​​Hasim工作 “搖滾” 拉赫曼 (50-8-2, 41 科斯); 和所有的時間偉大的多的重量級別的世界冠軍詹姆斯 “熄燈” 托尼 (74-7-3, 45 科斯).


在GCP名冊當今世界級的競爭者包括阿拉什Usmanee, 舉世公認的頂級10超羽量級; 前WBA國際中量級冠軍和世界級的中量級的競爭者賈羅德·弗萊徹; 頂級輕量級喬爾Brunker; 重量級拉蒂夫卡約德; 加拿大輕巧和電視動作英雄托尼·路易斯, 和WBA和五次愛爾蘭全國業餘冠軍, 丹尼斯·霍根; 和瑞星重量級的轟動塞西爾McCalla.


格雷格·科恩促銷活動已經舉辦了最好的場館遍布美國和世界的世界級拳擊項目,還自豪地提供人才和/或內容數電視網包括HBO, 開演時間, ESPN, NBC體育網, CBS體育網, 味精和FOX體育網.

欲了解更多信息, 訪問 gcpboxing.com. 找到我們在Facebook上www.facebook.com/GCPBoxing.

Canada’s Tony Luis Set for Ring Return on Friday, 六月 26, 在塞內卡尼亞加拉度假村 & 賭場和住在CBS體育網


一個成功的轉作為電視評論員拳後,, 康沃爾, 安大略, 加拿大的托尼 “閃電” 路易斯設置為返回到環中的協調功能回合 “拳擊錦標賽在CBS體育網”, 預定 星期五, 六月 26, 2015, 從塞內卡加拉度假村 & 賭場在尼亞加拉大瀑布, 紐約.

自從他飽受爭議的他的第一次戰鬥 “損失” 英格蘭的德里馬修斯的WBA世界冠軍去年四月, WBA#14級路易斯將面臨紐約 (經多明尼加共和國) 老將愛德華·瓦爾迪茲 (13-10-2, 3 科斯) 在10全才.

門票 “拳擊錦標賽在CBS體育網” 售價為 $35 和 $45, 而場邊座位 $75 並可以購買 與主要的信用卡致電特瑪在 (800) 745-3000, 在線 Tick​​etmaster.com 或者通過Seneca Niagara賭場票房: 716-501-2444.

由格雷格·科恩促銷聯同亞當·威爾科克的戰卡促銷贈送, 維托Mielnicki的GH3促銷, 德米特里Salita的六角星的促銷活動和生產的大衛·舒斯特的贏家通吃製作, 晚上的10輪的主要活動將包括WBA #11- 和國際羽聯#6級丹尼斯 “颶風” 霍根 (21-0-1, 7 科斯) 昆士蘭, 澳大利亞 (基爾代爾通過, 愛爾蘭) 使他的WBA-NABA美國超中量級冠軍的第一道防線,對當地最喜愛的肯尼四月 (14-7-1, 7 科斯) 羅切斯特, 紐約.

“培訓會很大!” 說一個樂觀的冠冕堂皇的路易斯. “愛德華·巴爾德斯是一個艱難, 經驗豐富的老將,如果你睡在他誰也不足為奇. 他給伊万Redkach八年艱苦的回合,這就是巴爾德斯我準備。”

路易斯在他的第一項任務是顏色評論員做了很好的工作. 他曾在VS卡約德. Kisner從比爾街上個月播出. “在孟菲斯的解說演出是一個偉大的經驗. 我一直想這項工作作為一個孩子,感覺就像我一直做這一切我的生活. 我學到了很多東西,很開心,並期待著在未來的老毛病又犯了。”

受歡迎的人物在他的家鄉,並在他的家鄉加拿大, 路易斯還表示,他期待著他的同胞表現強勁, 如尼亞加拉大瀑布是由加拿大一個很短的距離.

“戰鬥如此接近加拿大邊境,我希望從我的同胞加拿大的支持者一個良好的投票! 我打算把一個偉大的演出,他們和全國電視觀眾. 我希望這樣的表現的力量將推動我進入了另一個世界冠軍的爭奪,這一次我打算採取帶回家。”

並在兩個非常特殊的附加功能, 美國重量級淘汰賽藝術家賈雷爾 “大寶貝” 磨坊主 (13-0-1, 10 科斯) 將返回到環剛 22 他的主要事件將軍澳天后 2 在達蒙麥克里承擔布法羅當地猛男的Excell霍姆斯在六全才; 和長期頂量級競爭者 “意味著” 喬·格林 (25-1, 16 科斯) 將返回到環首次在兩年多面對密歇根州的蓋伊帕克在六全才.

在undercard, 兩名當地的前景將會使他們的親亮相, 羅切斯特, 紐約超羽量級Hashuan Sambolin會去他的前四個反對辛辛那提的彌分公司; 和布法羅輕量級丹尼爾德吉澤斯會讓他對TBA.And亮相四捨五入行動, 哈薩克斯坦的不敗Bakhtiyer Eubov看起來保住自己的完美 5-0, 5 科斯記錄完整的對紐約的次中量級傑森 - 湯普森 (5-10-4, 4 科斯).




塞內卡尼亞加拉賭場 & 酒店位於 310 4第街的尼亞加拉大瀑布, 紐約. 欲了解更多信息, 通話 716.299.1100, 或訪問www.senecaniagaracasino.com. 該賭場票房為開放 12下午- 8下午 太陽週四. & 12下午 – 12 是 星期五 & 星期六 而位於位於賭場的北翼四季禮品店. 關於格雷格·科恩促銷活動的更多信息, 訪問 www.gcpboxing.com 或檢查我們在Facebook上www.facebook.com/GCPBoxing.TWItter: @GCPBoxing



一個拳擊首屈一指的促銷服裝, 格雷格·科恩促銷 (GCP) 是在世界各地舉辦的世界級職業拳擊賽事,促進專業精英戰士一個受人尊敬的名字.


創始人兼首席執行官格雷格·科恩曾參與職業拳擊在各種能力自上世紀80年代末, 磨練自己的手藝,並建立了自己作為一個精明的國際拳擊商人.


他發現和培養人才的原料區分能力, 科恩做了標題為他的專家指導, 在許多其他, 前WBA超次中量級冠軍奧斯汀 “毫無疑問” 鱒魚, 誰科恩幫助指導來自未知新墨西哥州前景精英按次視圖級巨星.


除了鱒魚, 格雷格·科恩促銷已經既定的名字,如前統一和兩次重量級冠軍​​Hasim工作 “搖滾” 拉赫曼 (50-8-2, 41 科斯); 和所有的時間偉大的多的重量級別的世界冠軍詹姆斯 “熄燈” 托尼 (74-7-3, 45 科斯).


在GCP名冊當今世界級的競爭者包括阿拉什Usmanee, 舉世公認的頂級10超羽量級; 前WBA國際中量級冠軍和世界級的中量級的競爭者賈羅德·弗萊徹; 頂級輕量級喬爾Brunker; 重量級拉蒂夫卡約德; 加拿大輕巧和電視動作英雄托尼·路易斯, 和WBA和五次愛爾蘭全國業餘冠軍, 丹尼斯·霍根; 和瑞星重量級的轟動塞西爾McCalla.


格雷格·科恩促銷活動已經舉辦了最好的場館遍布美國和世界的世界級拳擊項目,還自豪地提供人才和/或內容數電視網包括HBO, 開演時間, ESPN, NBC體育網, CBS體育網, 味精和FOX體育網.

欲了解更多信息, 訪問 gcpboxing.com. 找到我們在Facebook上www.facebook.com/GCPBoxing. wITES: @GCPBoxing.

拳擊錦標賽在哥倫比亞廣播公司體育網卡預定星期五, 六月 26, at Seneca Niagara Casino Taking Shape



下一個分期付款 “拳擊錦標賽在CBS體育網”, 預定星期五, 六月 26, 2015, 從塞內卡加拉度假村 & 賭場在尼亞加拉大瀑布, 紐約, 正在形成.

由格雷格·科恩促銷聯同亞當·威爾科克的戰卡促銷贈送, 維托Mielnicki的GH3促銷, 德米特里Salita的六角星的促銷活動和生產的大衛·舒斯特的贏家通吃製作, 晚上的10輪的主要活動將包括WBA #11- 和國際羽聯#6級丹尼斯 “颶風” 霍根 (21-0-1, 7 科斯) 昆士蘭, 澳大利亞 (基爾代爾通過, 愛爾蘭), 使他的WBA-NABA美國超中量級冠軍的第一道防線,對當地最喜愛的肯尼四月 (14-7-1, 7 科斯) 羅切斯特, 紐約.

門票 “拳擊錦標賽在CBS體育網” 售價為 $35 和 $45, 而場邊座位 $75 並可以購買 與主要的信用卡致電特瑪在 (800) 745-3000, 在線 Tick​​etmaster.com 或者通過Seneca Niagara賭場票房: (716) 501-2444.

在協調功能回合, 加拿大的WBA#14級托尼 “閃電” 路易斯 (19-3, 7 科斯) 因為他的高度爭議返回到環首次 “損失” 英格蘭的德里馬修斯的WBA世界冠軍去年四月. 路易斯將採取強硬的老將愛德華·瓦爾迪茲 (13-10-2, 3 科斯) 在10全才.

並在兩個非常特殊的附加功能, 美國重量級淘汰賽藝術家賈雷爾 “大寶貝” 磨坊主 (13-0-1, 10 科斯) 將返回到環剛 22 他的主要事件將軍澳天后 2 在達蒙麥克里承擔布法羅當地猛男的Excell霍姆斯在六全才; 和長期頂量級競爭者 “意味著” 喬·格林 (25-1, 16 科斯) 將返回到環首次在兩年多面對密歇根州的蓋伊帕克在六全才.

在undercard, 兩名當地的前景將會使他們的親亮相, 羅切斯特, 紐約, 超羽量級Hashuan Sambolin會去他的前四個反對辛辛那提的彌分公司; 和布法羅輕量級丹尼爾德吉澤斯會讓他對TBA.And亮相四捨五入行動, 哈薩克斯坦的不敗Bakhtiyer Eubov看起來保住自己的完美 5-0, 5 科斯記錄完整的對紐約的次中量級傑森 - 湯普森 (5-10-4, 4 科斯).

塞內卡尼亞加拉賭場 & 酒店位於 310 4第街的尼亞加拉大瀑布, 紐約. 欲了解更多信息, 通話 716.299.1100, 或訪問 www.senecaniagaracasino.com. 該賭場票房為開放 12 下午- 8 下午太陽週四. & 12 下午 – 12 週五上午和 星期六 而位於位於賭場的北翼四季禮品店. 關於格雷格·科恩促銷活動的更多信息, 訪問 www.gcpboxing.com 或檢查我們在Facebook上 www.facebook.com/GCPBoxing. 嘰嘰喳喳: @GCPBoxing.

Damon McCreary looking to upset undefeated Jarrell Miller next Thursday night at LIU Brooklyn Paramount Theater

Fight Card Part of Brooklyn Brawl Series
Promoted by Dmitriy Salita’s Star of David Promotions
布魯克林 (五月 28, 2015)在星期四 夜晚, 六月 4, Dmitry Salita’s Star of David Promotions will bring it’s Brooklyn Brawl series to LIU Brooklyn Paramount Theater with a terrific night of boxing.
在主要事件, 不敗重量級 賈雷爾 “大寶貝” 磨坊主 (12-0-1, 10 KO的) will risk his undefeated mark when he takes on Damon McCreary (15-4, 11 KO的) in a bout scheduled for 8 發.
McCreary has been training hard in Detroit as Miller will be his 4th consecutive and 7th overall undefeated opponent.
He has previously been in with current WBC Heavyweight champion Deontay Wilder as well as Jordan Shimmell, Ali Mansour and Charles Martin.
“我的訓練一直很好. 我感覺好極了. I know what I have going against me,” said McCreary.
In Miller, McCreary will be facing a guy who stands about 6’4and checks in around 260 磅. McCreary has been preparing for that with regular sparring against huge men.
I know he is a big guy. I been sparring with guys who stand about 6’8″ 和6'9″. I know Miller is young, hungry and a puncher. His skills are OK but he hasn’t fought at the level I have been at.
McCreary has been a pro since 1998 and he feels that could be a big factor in his favor.
My experience is a huge factor. I know up until the last couple years that he has been an MMA fighter. I just hope he doesn’t kick me or put me in a headlock.quipped McCreary.
Despite being 41 歲, McCreary is confident that a win in New York will catapult him into some great opportunities.
I have a few years left in me. This win will get me a bigger fight. It is great to fight in New York. I have fought in Los Angeles and Chicago but I have to treat this as just another fight.
Because of the his past opponents, McCreary is giving himself a great shot to pull the upset.
I am from Detroit. I am a soldier who won’t back down and I am coming to win. By the grace of god, I can pull the upset and further my career.
在8輪的共同特徵, Dimash尼亞佐夫 (7-0-3, 4 KO的) 史泰登島, NY takes on 阿里爾·杜蘭 (8-7-1, 5 KO的) 皇后, 紐約州在JR. 次中量級回合.
史蒂芬·馬丁內斯 (15-2, 12 KO的) 布朗克斯, NY will take on an opponent to be named in a Super Welterweight bout.
明智的奧古斯塔 (6-1, 5 KO的) 布魯克林, 紐約州將爭取 昆西·布朗 (1-2, 1 KO) 米爾布魯克的, 人在一個回合中量級.
Steve Geffrard (10-2, 7 KO的) 邁阿密, FL將爭奪 埃里克·喬治 (3-9) of Niagara Falls, NY in a Cruiserweight bout.
巴赫蒂亞爾Eyubov (5-0, 5 KO的) of Almaty, Kazakhstan will take on 傑森 - 湯普森 (5-9-4, 4 KO的) of New York in a Super Welterweight bout.


Dewayne Zeigler (4-0-1, 4 KO的) of Montgomery, AL will fight Jeremy Graves (0-4) of Niagara Falls, 紐約的輕量級回合.

朱利安·索薩 (1-0) 布魯克林, NY will take on an opponent to be named in a Welterweight bout.
超輕量級 司徒德 長島, NY will make his pro debut against an opponent to be named.
門票 for the event are on sale and can be purchased online via Ticketmaster by visiting www.ticketmaster.com 或致電 800-745-3000.

PEC was launched in April by Barclays Center developer Bruce Ratner and Onexim Sports and Entertainment, with all business operations overseen by Barclays Center CEO Brett Yormark. PEC and LIU Brooklyn announced recently that LIU Brooklyn Paramount Theatre, located at Flatbush and DeKalb Avenues on the LIU Brooklyn campus, will focus on booking emerging talent. LIU Brooklyn Paramount will soon undergo a 24-month renovation and will host more than 120 events annually.

大衛促銷之星成立於 2010 由德米特里Salita, 誰認為有必要進行宣傳推廣的實體一位職業拳擊手和世界冠軍挑戰者為特色的光明的前景, 以及經驗豐富的拳擊手, 和周圍的紐約市地區. 觀眾都喜歡看大衛戰士之星近年來在釘電視, ESPN2, 味精, 和環球體育網. 請訪問 www.Salitapromotions.com 了解更多信息.


Fight Card Part of Brooklyn Brawl Series

Promoted by Dmitriy Salita’s Star of David Promotions

-Tickets On Sale Friday, 五月 15 at Noon-

布魯克林 (五月 15, 2015)LIU Brooklyn Paramount Theatre is set to host its first boxing event with Paramount Events Center (PEC) 上 星期四, 六月 4 在 7 P.M. The fight card will be part of the Brooklyn Brawl Series promoted by professional boxer Dmitriy Salita’s Star of David Promotions.
The event will feature Brooklyn Heavyweight 賈雷爾 “大寶貝” 磨坊主 (12-0, 10 KO的) VS. Damon McCreary (15-4,11 KO的); two-time Daily News Golden Gloves champion and Bronx based Jr. 中量級的競爭者 史蒂夫·馬丁內斯 (15-2, 12 KO的); 布魯克林 Dimash尼亞佐夫 (7-0-3, 4 KO的); former New York State champion 阿里爾·杜蘭 (8-7-1, 5 KO的); and Brooklyn Middleweight Akil Aguste (6-1, 5 KO的). Kazakh Welterweight 巴赫蒂亞爾Eyubov (5-0, 5 KO的) and Detroit based fighter Dewayne “阿拉巴馬州” Ziegler (4-0-1, 4 KO的) are also looking to make explosive New York City debuts and keep their knockout streaks alive.
門票 for the event will go on sale on 星期五, 五月 15 中午 and can be purchased online via Ticketmaster by visiting www.ticketmaster.com 或致電 800-745-3000.

PEC was launched in April by Barclays Center developer Bruce Ratner and Onexim Sports and Entertainment, with all business operations overseen by Barclays Center CEO Brett Yormark. PEC and LIU Brooklyn announced recently that LIU Brooklyn Paramount Theatre, located at Flatbush and DeKalb Avenues on the LIU Brooklyn campus, will focus on booking emerging talent. LIU Brooklyn Paramount will soon undergo a 24-month renovation and will host more than 120 events annually.
I am thrilled to join with PEC to bring boxing to LIU Brooklyn Paramount,” 所述字. “Over the last few years, Star of David Promotions has brought New York boxing fans exciting shows with incredible fights through our Brooklyn Brawl Series. This card will be an exciting addition to our series.
“此 六月 4 boxing event will reintroduce LIU Brooklyn Paramount to the sports community,” 布雷特說Yormark, 巴克萊中心的首席執行官. “Dmitriy has provided great opportunities for aspiring fighters and we are looking forward to working with him to solidify our grassroots boxing efforts in Brooklyn.

I commend Dmitriy and PEC for putting together this show,” said New York boxing promoter Lou DiBella, DiBella娛樂總裁. “Boxing is flourishing right now in New York, especially in Brooklyn. Being a fellow Brooklynite, it is wonderful to see yet another venue in this great borough opening up its doors to the sport. I see a lot of potential at LIU Brooklyn Paramount, and would definitely be open to staging a card there in the future.

大衛促銷之星成立於 2010 由德米特里Salita, 誰認為有必要進行宣傳推廣的實體一位職業拳擊手和世界冠軍挑戰者為特色的光明的前景, 以及經驗豐富的拳擊手, 和周圍的紐約市地區. 觀眾都喜歡看大衛戰士之星近年來在釘電視, ESPN2, 味精, 和環球體育網. 請訪問www.Salitapromotions.com 了解更多信息.

Salita Signs Amateur Standout; 前奧海; Asian Games Champion Serdar Hudayberdiyev

The Salita Promotions stable continues to grow in size, and scope.

布魯克林, 紐約 (五月 7, 2015)--德米特里Salita, the New York City based boxing promoter, is proud to announce a new talent is coming aboard.

一 2012 Olympian for Turkmenistan, and junior welterweight prospect, is now in the fold. He carried the flag for his country at the Olympics, and Salita expects him to make as much progress, if not more, in the professional ranks.
He will connect with his community as well as the Russian speaking community in NYC and he is looking forward to representing his people,” 一句話說,.

Fans can expect to see a seasoned product in his professional debut that will come this summer.

The 28-year-old boxer, named the 2009 Best Athlete of Turkmenistan by the State Committee of Tourism and Sport, is light on his feet and aggressive. He can lead or counter. He has been working on firming up his jab and setting down on his punches.

He is coming off an impressive showing at the Asian Games in Korea. His nation holds him in high regard and has immense hopes for him. He currently is the only professional boxer hailing from Turkmenistan.

He will join future heavyweight star Jarrell Miller, 從布魯克林; 重量級的競爭者初中賴特, 從芝加哥; 車隊吝嗇Dimash尼亞佐夫從史泰登島; 新簽署人巴赫蒂亞爾Eyubov, 從Kazahkstan KO了擊球手, middleweight contender Steven Martinez and other rising stars on the Salita roster.

請登錄 www.salitapromotions.com 有關Salita戰機和即將到來的促銷活動的詳細信息.

塞內卡尼亞加拉度假村 & Casino and Greg Cohen Promotions Proudly Announce ‘Championship Boxing on CBS Sports Network

托尼 “閃電” Luis to fight for regional championship in 六月 26 main event of the Sully Huff Invitational at Seneca Niagara Resort & 賭場


尼亞加拉大瀑布, 紐約州.The thrill of championship professional boxing is returning to Niagara Falls, 紐約. 塞內卡尼亞加拉度假村 & Casino and Greg Cohen Promotions (produced by David Schuster’s Winner Take All Productions), in compliance with the Seneca Nation of Indians Athletic Commission, announced today that an installment of the popular “拳擊錦標賽在CBS體育網” series will be presented in the Seneca Niagara Event Center on 星期五, 六月 26.

The night’s card is being dubbed the Sully Huff Invitational, in memory of StanleySullyHuff, a successful boxer from the Seneca Nation of Indians, 誰在去世 2014 在年齡 84. Huff was a Courier-Express Golden Gloves champion in 1950 and later founded the Iroquois Boxing Club. He also served in the United States Army during the Korean War, earning the rank of Sergeant, and later was elected to serve on the Seneca Nation of Indians Tribal Council.

In the night’s televised 10-round main event, Canada’s popular, world-rated and fast-rising lightweight star Tony “閃電” 路易斯 (19-3, 7 科斯) will fight for a regional championship against an opponent TBA. This past weekend, Luis dropped a controversial decision to Derry Mathews in Liverpool, 英國 (38-9-2, 20科斯), where the two battled for the interim WBA Lightweight title.

在電視的共同特徵, brand-new NABA-US Super Welterweight Champion and WBA #12- 和IBF#11級 “颶風” 丹尼斯·霍根 (21-0-1, 7 科斯), of Australia, 基爾代爾通過, 愛爾蘭, will take on comebacking Kenny Abril (14-7-1, 7 科斯) 羅切斯特, 紐約.

The televised opener will feature up-and-coming American heavyweight KO artist Jarrell “大寶貝” 磨坊主 (12-0-1, 10 科斯) of Brooklyn taking on an opponent that will be announced at a future date.

門票 “拳擊錦標賽在CBS體育網” 開始 $35 and go on sale on 星期三, 四月 22 at Noon. Tickets are available at select Seneca Resorts & Casinos retail outlets, Tick​​etmaster.com, all Ticketmaster locations or by phone at800-745-3000.

“速度, energy, 行動, 激動, and entertainment are the hallmarks of any visit to Seneca Niagara Resort & Casino and exactly what our guests will enjoy with this world-class professional boxing card,” said Audrey Oswell, chief operating officer, Seneca Gaming Corporation. “We are happy to once again bring an incredible display of athletic competition to Western New York.

Before the highly debatable decision loss for the world championship in mid-April, the 27-year-old Tony Luis, 從康沃爾, 安大略, pulled off a dominant 10-round unanimous-decision upset victory over then IBF #15 額定卡爾 “炸藥” Dargan in January. 然後在 二月 20, 他和未婚夫曼儂Latulippe迎來了他們的第一個孩子的誕生, 一個兒子叫米格爾. 路易斯被評為 #11 在世界的WBA和 #14 由IBF.

30-歲的丹尼斯·霍根是四次全國業餘冠軍有超過 150 在他的家鄉基爾代爾打架, 愛爾蘭. 他目前居住在昆士蘭州的火車, 澳大利亞. Hogan is the current NABA-US Super Welterweight Champion. 在他四年職業生涯, Hogan has also won the WBA Oceania Light Middleweight, Queensland State Super Middleweight, 昆士蘭州中量級和中量級澳大利亞錦標賽.

肯尼四月, a 30-year-old southpaw, started boxing at age seven and had 120 amateur bouts before turning professional in 2003. He has faced several undefeated and top contenders, scoring a late-2012 victory over heavily decorated veteran Dennis Laurente, which is still Laurente’s only loss in the last nine years.

Prior to boxing professionally, 26-year-old Jarrell Miller had a three-year, 不敗 (18-0) kickboxing and MMA career. As a boxer, he was a New York Golden Gloves finalist and has worked as chief sparring partner for both Wladimir and Vitali Klitschko.

I’m excited to be helping bring nationally televised championship boxing to a world-class venue such as the Seneca Niagara Resort & 賭場,” 所說的啟動子格雷格·科恩. “Tony Luis has a huge fan following in his nearby native Canada. His supporters will be out in force to watch. Kenny Abril is from nearby Rochester, New York and he’ll have a giant following in attendance as well. On the undercard will be several local favorites in exciting match-ups. I’m proud to be part of this great event and the resurgence of televised professional boxing.

Several other exciting match-ups will be announced soon.

The event is being conducted under the rules and regulations of the Seneca Nation of Indians Athletic Commission, whose members are Scott Snyder, Sean Crane, and Justin Schapp.

We look forward to welcoming the boxers and their teams to Seneca territory,” Commissioner Snyder said. “As a Commission, our primary focus is to ensure the safety and well-being of the fighters who will be competing at Seneca Niagara. We will be working with the fighters, promoters and everyone involved to ensure that we have a safe and enjoyable evening of sports entertainment.


About Seneca Niagara Resort & 賭場

塞內卡尼亞加拉度假村 & Casino is located just minutes from the world-famous Niagara Falls in Western New York, near the Canadian border. The property is open 24 每天小時, seven days a week and 365 days a year. Guests can enjoy 147,000 square feet of gaming space with more than 3,600 老虎機和 90 table games, 10 餐館, live entertainment and a AAA Four Diamond Award-winning, 26-story hotel with 604 deluxe rooms and suites, a spa and salon, fitness center, indoor pool and STIRthe new high-energy feature bar with a 43-foot high-definition video wall.


More information is available by calling 1-877-8-SENECA (1-877-873-6322) or visiting
SenecaCasinos.comConnect with us on Facebook的, follow us on 嘰嘰喳喳Instagram的, download our mobile app and view us on YouTube的.


一個拳擊首屈一指的促銷服裝, 格雷格·科恩促銷 (GCP) 是在世界各地舉辦的世界級職業拳擊賽事,促進專業精英戰士一個受人尊敬的名字.


創始人兼首席執行官格雷格·科恩曾參與職業拳擊在各種能力自上世紀80年代末, 磨練自己的手藝,並建立了自己作為一個精明的國際拳擊商人.


他發現和培養人才的原料區分能力, 科恩做了標題為他的專家指導, 在許多其他, 前WBA超次中量級冠軍奧斯汀 “毫無疑問” 鱒魚, 誰科恩幫助指導來自未知新墨西哥州前景精英按次視圖級巨星.


除了鱒魚, 格雷格·科恩促銷已經既定的名字,如前統一和兩次重量級冠軍​​Hasim工作 “搖滾” 拉赫曼 (50-8-2, 41 科斯); 和所有的時間偉大的多的重量級別的世界冠軍詹姆斯 “熄燈” 托尼 (74-7-3, 45 科斯).


在GCP名冊當今世界級的競爭者包括阿拉什Usmanee, 舉世公認的頂級10超羽量級; 前WBA國際中量級冠軍和世界級的中量級的競爭者賈羅德·弗萊徹; 頂級輕量級喬爾Brunker; 重量級拉蒂夫卡約德; 加拿大輕巧和電視動作英雄托尼·路易斯, 和WBA和五次愛爾蘭全國業餘冠軍, 丹尼斯·霍根; 和瑞星重量級的轟動塞西爾McCalla.


格雷格·科恩促銷活動已經舉辦了最好的場館遍布美國和世界的世界級拳擊項目,還自豪地提供人才和/或內容數電視網包括HBO, 開演時間, ESPN, NBC體育網, 味精和FOX體育網.

欲了解更多信息, 訪問 gcpboxing.com. 找到我們在Facebook上www.facebook.com/GCPBoxing.

Undercard Announced for ‘Championship Boxing on CBS Sports NetworkEvent this Friday from Grand Casino Hinckley in Hinckley, MN

The finalized undercard has been announced for 週五 (四月 17) “拳擊錦標賽在CBS體育網” event being held at the Grand Casino Hinckley in Hinckley, 明尼蘇達州, and presented by Greg Cohen Promotions in association with Adam Wilcock’s Fight Card Promotions and produced by David Schuster’s Winner Take All Productions.

Topping the night’s untelevised action will be one of the most exciting American heavyweight prospects on the horizon, hard-punching Jarrell “大寶貝” 磨坊主 (11-0-1, 9 科斯) from Brooklyn taking on always dangerous veteran Raymond Ochieng (26-18-3, 21 科斯) from Kenya in a six-rounder.

米勒VS. Ochieng will serve as the main supporting bout before the CBS Sports Network-televised portion of the event, featuring a 10-round main event between Ireland’s WBA #12- 和IBF#11級 “颶風” Dennis Hogan and Tyrone “年輕的槍” Brunson for the World Boxing Association’s NABA-US Super Welterweight Championship.


在10輪電視轉播的共同特徵, Venezuelan KO artist Ismael Barroso (17-0-2, 16 科斯) will face Memphis, 田納西, 老將特里艾拉 (26-13, 16 科斯) in an eight-round showcase. And in the eight-round televised opener, 不敗聖保羅, 明尼蘇達州, 中量級羅布 “做得好” 黑雁 (14-0, 8 科斯) will face Miami via Colombia’s Dionisio “淘汰賽先生” 米蘭達 (22-10-2, 19 科斯).


門票 “拳擊錦標賽在CBS體育網” 開始 $35 並且可以是 從大賭場欣克利票房購買 8 是10 下午 (1-800-GRAND21) 或者在所有票務網點, 或在網上www.ticketmaster.com.

Also featured on the undercard will be the return of popular local heavyweightMinnesota IceJoseph Abell (29-8, 28 KO的) of Coon Rapids, 明尼蘇達州, taking on tough trialhorse Travis Fulton (22-38-1, 21 KO的) of Cedar Falls, 愛荷華州, 在六輪比賽中.

Also featured will be super bantamweight Philip Adyaka (4-4, 2 科斯) of Minneapolis taking on promising undefeated prospect Adam Lopez (10-0, 5 科斯) of Texas in a six-rounder; and an all-Minneapolis four-round heavyweight brawl between Van Goodman (3-5-2, 2 KO的) and Brett Murphy (1-0, 1 KO).




SANTA YNEZ, CALIFORNIA (一月 9, 2015) Tonight at the Chumash Casino 在聖伊內斯, 加利福尼亞州, 加里邵氏製作 presented his final show as a promotional company on ESPN “星期五 夜戰鬥”. In the 12-round main event, Darleys佩雷斯 (32-1, 20 科斯) won an impressive unanimous decision as he defended his WBA Interim Lightweight Championship against 喬納森Maicelo (21-2, 12 科斯). Perez vs. Maicelo was a promoted in association with Thompson Boxing Promotions.


In the early rounds, Jonathan Maicelo was using lateral movement to set up his punches, but Darleys Perez was timing him every time he jumped in. Maicelo to his demise was going straight back after every combination and Perez was making him pay. As the fight entered the later rounds, Perez had control of the fight and was up on the scorecards. Perez was timing his punches well and landed some very clean shots that had Maicelo off balance. Perez caught Maicelo jumping in and sent him to the canvas in round eleven. In round twelve, Perez closed the show as he landed a plethora of hard shots to close out the round. Maicelo, gave a gallant effort in defeat. Scorecards read 118-109, 118-108, 120-107 in favor of Perez.


I was prepared for a tough fight,” said Darleys Perez. “Maicelo is an incredible competitor. It took me a few rounds to settle into a rhythm, but once I did, I was able to land whatever I wanted. After a few rounds, I was able to time his movements and connect with a variety of punches. I want to be the best in the lightweight division. That’s what drives me. I put my heart and soul into every fight and I’m going to keep preparing the same way.


I did my best tonight but was up against a better man in Darleys Perez.” 說Maicelo. “He did a good job of using his reach to keep me off balance. It was very difficult to land my shots. He’s a great champion and I take my hat off to him. I still want to fight and see if I can work my way back to the top. This is not the end of my career. I know I can get back in there and compete at a high level.



In the 10-round co-main event, Santa Barbara’s welterweight contender, 舊金山桑塔納 (22-3-1, 11 科斯) didn’t need much time to finish off his opponent, Kendal Mena (20-0, 11 科斯) 在多明尼加共和國的. While the taller Mena was trying to establish his distance and jab, 桑塔納, the local hero, landed a left hook that dropped him in the begging of the round. As soon as Mena got up off the canvas, Santana landed a right hook, left hook combo that put Mena down for good at the 1:43 圓一個標誌. 憑藉這場勝利, Santana captures the WBA International Welterweight Championship.


My trainer had a great game plan going into this fight,” said Francisco Santana. “Once I saw an opening in his defense I knew I could land my left hook. This was great exposure for me and I’m very please I was able to get the knockout on national television. I want to thank Gary Shaw for this opportunity and I look forward to the future with him moving forward with RocNation. I’m ready to challenge any of the top welterweights in the division.


Tonight everyone showed up and gave it their best and the fans go to witness a great night of boxing.” 說 加里·肖. “Perez is a very tough fighter and I see him taking over the lightweight division. Santana showed he has what it takes to be something special in the welterweight division and he’ll be in a very big fight in the near future. I’m ready to start the next chapter of my legacy with RocNation and I’m very energized with what the future holds for all my fighters.




6-Round Super-Bantamweight Bout

Roman Morales (19-0, 10 科斯) VS. 埃內斯托·格雷羅 (15-14, 10 科斯)

San Andro, California’s undefeated Super-Bantamweight prospect, Roman Morales extending on his winning streak with an impressive 3rd round knockout. After a slow start, Morales landed a left hook to the body in round three dropping Guerrero to the canvas. The referee gave Guerrero the full 10 count and the bout was stopped at the 1:05 mark of the round.



賈雷爾米勒 (11-0-1, 9 科斯) VS. Aaron Kinch (5-4-2, 1 KO)

Brooklyn New York’s Jarrell Miller battered Newark, New Jersey’s Aaron Kinch over six rounds en route to a lopsided unanimous decision. Even though Miller landed a plethora of power shots throughout the fight, Kinch survived, making it to the final bell giving the fans a spirited effort. Scorecards read 60-54 兩次, 60-53 in favor of Miller.


6-Round Flyweight Female Attraction

Maria Suarez (8-1-1) VS. Jolene Blackshear (9-5, 4 科斯)

聖瑪麗亞, California’s Maggie Suarez won a close majority decision against a very tough Jolene Blackshear. Suarez used her superior boxing skills to squeak out the victory. Jolene had her moments but it wasn’t enough as Suarez landed at a higher percentage in most of the rounds. Scorecards read 57-57, 58-56 for Maggie



Manuel Romero (1-2-2) VS. 卡洛斯·岡薩雷斯 (1-6)

Santa Maria California’s Manuel Romero made quick work of Carlos Gonzales. Round one was all Romero as he came out guns blazing. 在第二輪, Romero landed a barrage of punches and the referee halted the bout at the 2:16 mark of the round two.


4-Round Jr. Flyweight Female Attraction

Poula Estrada (2-0) VS. Kayana Rain (0-1)

Palmdale, California’s Poula Estrada did enough to pull off a close victory against a game Kayana Rain, who hails from Los Angeles. . The taller Estrada used a good jab and movement to negate the pressure style of Rain. Although Rain landed some good power shots, Estrada landed the cleaner blows throughout the fight. Scorecards read 38-38, 39-37 for Estrada.