Tag Archives: Jarred Mercado



Гол үйл явдал:
Ben Smith vs Gilbert Smith

Las Vegas, Невада – Амилалт тэмцэх холбоо (RFA) president Ed Soares announced today that the promotion will be returning to the state of Colorado next month. RFA 26 – Сүсэг Смит. Смит will feature a main event between two RFA fan favorites. RFA welterweight champion Benjamin Smith returns to face man similar in name and talent. Түүний анхны нэр нь батлан ​​хамгаалах эсрэг байх болно #1 contender Gilbert Smith, who will be looking to keep the title from leaving his home state. үйл явдал Баасан гаригт явагддаг, June 5th at the 1STBANK Center in Broomfield, Колорадо. бүх гол карт амьд телевизээр, дор AXS телевизээр орон даяар болно 10 p.m. БОЛОН / 7 p.m. PT.

“Сүсэг Смит. Smith will be a fantastic welterweight title fight at RFA 26,” Заасан Soares. “Benjamin Smith was completely dominant in winning the title, while Gilbert Smith was valiant in his last title fight by going 5 rounds with a guy who missed weight by 5 кг. Smith and Smith will give Colorado a title fight they deserve.
RFA зориулсан хэрэгслээр зорчих тасалбар 26 – Сүсэг Смит. Smith are available for purchase NOW through AltitudeTickets.com. Хэрэгслээр зорчих тасалбар эхлэх $25.00. A limited number of catered 8-seat cageside VIP tables are available by calling 303-521-0966.
Benjamin Smith (14-2) returns to the RFA octagon after winning the vacant RFA welterweight strap with a dominant TKO victory over Tat Romero in March. That win came after he bested Josh Cavan in the co-main event of RFA 20 to close out last year. Smith has been perfect in MMA for the past two years and is currently riding a 6-fight winning streak. The surging Minnesota based fighter now looks to solidify his control of the RFA welterweight division with his first title defense.
It feels great to be defending my title in ColoradThe, оноос хойш I had a great experience fighting there in November,” Смит хэлсэн. “I won the title back in March and this is a great opportunity. It gives me holding status. Gilbert Smith has a great last name. He’s also a really physically strong competitor. I look forward to finishing him and keeping the belt at RFA 26 on June 5th.
Гилберт Смит (10-4) enters the title fight looking for redemption and some vindication after his first shot at the title in January was hindered when his opponent egregiously missed weight by 5-pounds. The always-game Smith agreed to take the fight anyway, but the brazen weight advantage that his opponent possessed, played a pivotal and unfair role in the outcome of their 5-round affair. Smith is now eager to get his shot at the title on a level playing field.
“Юуны өмнө, I am really excited to be getting this opportunity,” Смит тайлбарлав. “It will be nice to get redemption. I do wish my opponent made weight in the last fight, but I ended up learning a lot from that fight. I was back in the gym on the Wednesday after the fight and I have filled in the holes that I needed to fix. Benjamin Smith is a deserving champion. He’s a good grappler that has been working on his boxing, but he has a similar style to me. That will play to my advantage. I don’t know how, but I will finish him, and get that belt strapped around my waist in front of my friends and family in Colorado.
RFA 26 will also see the return of former RFA bantamweight title challenger JarredShutoutMercado (12-2). He faces fellow two-time RFA vet Bruno Frazatto (6-2). Mercado has NCAA Division I wrestling credentials, while Frazatto is a highly-decorated jiu-jitsu black belt. The main card will feature another pair of RFA bantamweights that are both known for their exciting and action-packed fights. Hawaiian striking sensation Boston Salmon (3-0) will look to keep his flawless record intact with a fourth straight TKO win. He will face collegiate wrestler and three-time RFA vet Danny Mainus (3-3) in a bout that has “Шөнийн тэмцэх” Бүх Хэрэв гаруй бичсэн.
The co-main event, feature fight, and additional bouts RFA дээр 26 хүсч байнаl be announced soon. RFA 26 will be the promotion’s sixth event to take place in the state of Colorado. It will be the second time the RFA has visitedThe Centennial State” дахь 2015. Бүсийн ойн нөөцийн гэрээг бүхэлд нь гол карт 26 – Сүсэг Смит. Smith will be televised live and nationwide on AXS TV at 10 p.m. БОЛОН / 7 p.m. Баасан гаригт ПТ, June 5th.
Please visit RFAfighting.com for bout updates and information. RFA is also on Facebook at Facebook.com/RFAfighting, Instagram at @RFAfighting, and Twitter at @RFAfighting.
RFA тухай:
RFA өсч одод, дээд өрсөлдөгчдийн салбар дахь хөгжөөн дэмжигчид, удирдагч нарт нь тэдний авьяас нотлох боломжийг олгодог мэргэжлийн холимог тулааны урлагийн дэмжих нь. RFA Лас-Вегас зэрэг АНУ-ын эргэн тойронд нь сар бүр амьд үйл явдлыг танилцуулж байна, Лос-Анжелес хотын, Денвер болон Milwaukee. RFA гаруй амьд харж болно 43 AXS ТВ-тэй гэрээ өөрийн телевизийн дамжуулан улсын хэмжээнд сая орон сууц. Лас-Вегас хотод төвтэй, Невада, RFA дэлхийн хамгийн хурдацтай хөгжиж буй спортын хамгийн идэвхтэй, нэр хүндтэй ММА байгууллагуудын нэг юм. (Octagon, Ultimate Fighting Championship®, UFC®, ньd the eight-sided competition mat and cage design are registered trademarks owned exclusively by Zuffa, ХХК-ийн. Бүх эрх хуулиар хамгаалагдсан).
AXS телевизийн тулаан тухай:
Тэмцэж AXS TV нь нийтээр хүлээн зөвшөөрсөн Баасан гарагийн орой Холимог тулааны урлаг болон Kickboxing үйл явцуудад зориулсан алдартай юм. ММА нь Таны хувьд Нүүр хуудас, AXS ТВ АНУ-аас урамшуулал нь өргөн цар хүрээтэй сүлжээ ашиглан, Канад, , Европ. And Asia to broadcast more LIVE fights than any other television network. “Дуу хоолой” Майкл Schiavello таван удаагийн ММА дэлхийн аварга Пат Miletich үзэгчдэд шинжээч тоглолтыг тус тоглох хангах, дахь гүн сөнөөгч хамрах хүрээ, бүр тэмцэл карт өргөн хүрээтэй дүн шинжилгээ. AXS телевизийн RFA нь дэлхийн хэмжээний LIVE тэмцэл үйл явдал цацдаг, Арслан тэмцэх, Legacy FC, мөн MFC Баасан гараг бүрийн орой дээр 7 p.m. PT / 10 p.m. БОЛОН.