Tag Archives: James DeGale


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Foto Credit: Frank Coppi / Matchroom Bokss

LONDON (Novembris. 16, 2015) - Divas dienas pirms viņš izbrauc uz Kanādu, IBF Super middleweight Pasaules čempions James "Chunky" DeGale (21-1, 14 Kos) rīkoja atklātu mediju treniņu pie Stonebridge Boksa kluba Londonā, jo viņš tuvojoties pabeigšanu 10 plus nedēļu treniņnometnē savu titulu aizstāvēt pret bijušo pasaules čempionu un Kanādas līdzjutēju favorīts, Lucian Bute (32-2, 25 Kos), Monreālas, par Sestdiena, Novembris. 28, dzīvot Showtime (11 p.m. UN/PT) no Videotron centrs Kvebekas pilsēta.


Pasākums jāmaksā kā "reģenerācija" ir prezentācija Videotron sadarbībā ar mise-O-JEU.


Lūk, ko DeGale bija teikt pirmdien:



"Es domāju, ka es esmu labākais super middleweight kas tur tieši tagad. There are hard fights in the division. Badou Jack is a good fighter, bet es domāju, ka es sita viņu un sita viņu labi, ja es palikt ieslēgta pilna 12 kārtas.


"Arthur Abraham joprojām ir grūts klients un, cerams, Martin Murray var veikt uzņēmējdarbību. Es domāju, ka viņš būs pārspēt viņu, lai gan tas ir grūti uzvarēt Vācijā.


"Es gribu, lai pierādītu, es esmu labākais, Es iešu visur to darīt, un tas ir iemesls, kāpēc es esmu aizstāvēt savu titulu Kanādā. Visas pasaules čempioni Lielbritānijā ir liels sāncenšiem uz sliekšņa, tāpēc tas ir ļoti aizraujošs laiks iekšzemē, kā arī par boksa Lielbritānijā tieši tagad - bet es stingri uzskatu, ka es pārspēt ikvienu šajā divīzijā.


"Man patīk boksa prom no mājām – maybe it’s time I started being called ‘the road warrior’. I won my world title in Boston and now I am defending it in Canada against a classy opponent in Lucian Bute. I know it’s going to be a hard fight but I am ready for that. My sparring has been great, Es esmu hitting lielas reizes trasē, Es jūtos stiprs sporta zālē, un es esmu tikai cer uz to.


"Nekas nemainās zem Jim McDonnell – tas viss ir par smago darbu, ilgi iet līdz Hampstead Heath, 15 apaļas sparring sesijas, piecu minūšu kārtās vingrošanas zāle – Es esmu vienmēr lieliska forma. We haven’t changed anything really. Ja kaut kas, we’ve had to just adjust the mindset and train like a challenger even though I am the champion. That’s the way you have to think.


"Es jūtos svaigi, asas un gatavs. ES ceļoju trešdien and I am raring to go. I just can’t wait to get in there now. Es gribēju, lai izkļūt tur labs 10 days early to acclimate to the weather and the time. Once I am there, Es jūtos vēl vairāk ieslēgts. "


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Jo Showtime čempionātā boksā® Novembris. 28 co-funkcija, undefeated Eleider Alvarez (18-0, 10 Kos) atbilst Isaac Mark (24-2-2, 10 Kos) in a 12-round WBC Light Heavyweight Title Eliminatorn. Uzvarētājs kļūs obligāto sāncensi uz WBC 175 mārciņu čempions Adonis "Superman" Stevenson.


Pirms Showtime raidījums būs cīņas par Showtime EXTREME(9 p.m. UN/PT): Undefeated, pasaules ieņēma Amir I (18-0, 15 Kos) sejasAdrian Granados (14-3-2, 9 Kos) ar 10 kārtu super viegla maču, nepārspēts Oscar Rivas (17-0, 12 Kos) satiekas ar Curtis Harper (12-4, 8 Kos) ar 10 kārtu smagsvara lūžņu un, laiks atļauj, Custio Clayton(4-0, 3 Kos) tiks iebilst Ivan Pereyra (19-5, 13 Kos) ar četru / sešu apaļu papildsvars cīkstēšanās.


Biļetes ir pārdošanā pie Videotron centra kasē, parwww.ticketmaster.ca, pie vingrošanas zāle (514) 383-0666, at InterBox (450) 645-1077 vai Champion boksa klubs (514) 376-0980.

butelucian, @ Jamesdegale1, yvonmichelGYM, interboxca,stormalvarez, SHOsports,

Undefeated WBC NO. 1 Sāncensis AMIR Imam saskarties ar Adrian Granados Sestdien, Novembris. 28, Showtime EXTREME®


Amir Imam vs. Adrian Granados - 10 Round Super Viegls Bout

Oscar Rivas vs. Curtis Harper - 10 Round Heavyweight Bout

Showtime ČEMPIONĀTS boksa® LIVE Showtime® (11 p.m. UN/PT)

James DeGale vs. Lucian Bute - IBF Super middleweight Pasaules čempionāts

Eleider Alvarez vs.. Isaac Chilemba - WBC Light smagiem titulu Eliminator


NEW YORK (Novembris. 10, 2015) -WBC Nr. 1 ieņēma super viegls Amir I (18-0, 15 Kos) atgriežas sejas Adrian Granados (14-4-2, 11 Kos) ar a 10-apaļu bout par Sestdiena, Novembris. 28 par SHOWTIME BOKSA par sho EXTREME.


Undefeated Imam ir obligāta izaicinātāju WBC 140 mārciņu čempions Viktor Postol, kurš uzvarēja vakanto titulu ar 10th kārta TKO no Lucas Matthysse oktobrī.


Showtime BOKSA par SHO EXTREME raidījums sākas live at 9 p.m. UN/PT no Videotron centrs in Quebec City prior to that evening’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast. In the SHO EXTREME opener, undefeated smagiem un bijušais Starptautiskā zvaigzne Oscar Rivas (17-0, 12 Kos) saskarsies Curtis Harper (12-4, 8 Kos) in 10 apaļu bout.


IBF Super middleweight Pasaules čempions James DeGale (21-1, 14 Kos) aizstāvēs savu jostu pret bijušo 168 mārciņu Champ Lucian Bute(32-2, 25 Kos) galvenajā gadījumā Showtime ČEMPIONĀTS boksa® dzīvot Showtime® (11 p.m. UN/PT).


Jo līdzfinansējuma funkciju, WBC nav. 1-ieņēma 175-mārciņa cīnītājs Isaac Mark (24-2-2, 10 Kos) būs kvadrātveida off ar Nr. 2-ieņēma Eleider Alvarez (18-0, 10 Kos) ar gaismas smagiem pasaules titulu šķirotājs. The winner earns the right to become the mandatory challenger for WBC Light Heavyweight World Champion Adonis Stevenson.


Pasākums, jāmaksā kā "reģenerācija", ir prezentācija Videotron sadarbībā ar mise-O-JEU.


Viens no Boksa visātrāk augošo sāncenšiem, 25 gadus vecais Imam ir izsisti 15 no viņa 18 profesionālie pretinieki kopš pagrieziena Pro 2011. Albany, N.Y., dzimtā nāk pie ceturtās kārtas nokauts bijušā pasaules titulu Challenger Fernando Angulo par Jūlijs 18 Showtime.


26 gadus vecais Granados, Čikāgas, ir uzvarējis trīs cīņas pēc kārtas, jo cieša, split lēmums zaudējums undefeated papildsvars izredzesBrad Solomon par undercard no Floyd Mayweather vs. Manny Pacquiao PPV pēdējais Maijs 2 Las Vegas. Granados’ only other defeat since 2011 bija vairākums lēmums zaudējums tad, undefeated Felix Diazuz 2014. Granados, kuram neizšķirti pret bijušo papildsvars pasaules čempions Kermit Cintron, pāries atpakaļ uz leju, lai 140 mārciņas viņa cīkstēšanās ar Imam.


Monreālas balstītas Rivas pārstāvēja Kolumbija In 2008 Olimpiskās spēles. The 28-year-old is coming off a three-knockdown, pirmā kārta TKO of Jason Pettaway par Jūlijs 26 viņa neatrodas ASV. debija uz ShoBox: Jaunās paaudzes. Rivas returns to the province of Quebec, vietā 16 no viņa 17 gali, pret 27 gadus veco Harper, kurš ir 5-1 viņa pēdējo sešu cīņas.


Arfists, no Jacksonville, Fla., nāk off ciešu lēmumu zaudējumus ilgu laiku smagsvara sāncensis Chris Arreola par Gājiens 13. Harper was knocked down in the first round against Arreola but rallied in an entertaining slugfest.


Biļetes ir pārdošanā pie Videotron centra kasē, parwww.ticketmaster.ca, pie vingrošanas zāle (514) 383-0666, at InterBox (450) 645-1077 vai Champion boksa klubs (514) 376-0980.

butelucian, @ Jamesdegale1, yvonmichelGYM, interboxca,stormalvarez, SHOsports,

JAMES DEGALE & LUCIAN BUTE TWO-CITY, TWO VALSTU Kickoff preses konference citātus & Fotogrāfijas NOV. 28 Kāršu atklāšana ON SHOWTIME®

Do Not. 1-Ieņēma Mark Issac sejas Nr. 2 Eleider Alvarez

Leikocītu gaismas smagiem atcelšana Bout

"Mans ceļojums ir tikai sākums, viņa tiks beidzas. "- James DeGale

"Es esmu underdog…bet spiediens ir uz viņu. Josta paliks Kvebekā "- Lucian Bute

Klikšķiniet ŠEIT Lai lejupielādētu fotogrāfijas no Kvebekas

Kredīts: Stevens Leblanc / Quebecor Media

Klikšķiniet ŠEIT Lai lejupielādētu fotogrāfijas no Londonas

Kredīts: Frank Coppi / Matchroom Bokss

NEW YORK (Oktobris. 8, 2015) - Super middleweight pasaules čempionsJames DeGale (21-1, 14 Kos), Anglijas, un bijušais pasaules čempionsLucian Bute (32-2, 25 Kos), Monreālas, pabeigta divu pilsētu, Divu valsts kickoff preses konference Ceturtdiena Londonā oficiāli paziņot par savu Nov. 28 autoizstāde galvenajā gadījumā Showtime ČEMPIONĀTS boksa® dzīvot Showtime no Videotron centrs Kvebekas pilsēta. Tur arī bija preses konference Otrdiena Kvebekā.


Pasākums, jāmaksā kā "reģenerācija", ir prezentācija Videotron sadarbībā ar mise-O-JEU.


Jo SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Bokss līdzfinansējuma funkciju, Do Not. 2 IBF gaismas smagiem Artur Beterbiev (9-0, 9 Kos), bijušais divu laikā Krievijas olimpietis dzīvo Monreālā, will face an opponent to be announced.


Showtime Sports® būs arī pārraidīt gaismas smagiem pasaules titulu šķirotājs starp WBC nav. 1-ieņēma 175 mārciņa cīnītājs Isaac Mark (24-2-2, 10 Kos), Malāvijas, un Nr. 2-ieņēma Eleider Alvarez (18-0, 10 Kos), bijušais Kolumbijas olimpietis, kurš tagad dzīvo Monreālā. The winner earns the right to become the mandatory challenger for WBC Light Heavyweight World Champion Adonis Stevenson.


The Mark, kas atrodas Dienvidāfrikā, ir uzvarējis četras reizes pēc kārtas cīņas, ieskaitot 10-apaļas lēmumu par pār Vasilija Lepikhin savā pēdējā izbrauciens pēdējais Gājiens 14 Monreālā.


Monreālas balstīta Alvarez ir cīnījusies visiem, bet viens no viņa 18 pro cīņas Kanādā. Viņš nāk pie lēmumu 12 kārtas pāri Isidro Ranoni ar WBC Silver 175 mārciņu titulu cīnīties pēdējais Augusts. 15 Monreālā.


Zemāk ir tas, ko DeGale un Bute, un vadītāji bija teikt otrdien pie Videotron centrā Kvebekā un ceturtdien pie Arsenal Emirates Stadium Londonā:


"Es esmu satraukti, lai risinātu elites cīnītājs, piemēram, Lucian, kurš bija čempions piecus gadus.


"Viņš joprojām ir labs bokseris un viņš man teica, viņš grib jostu atpakaļ. Bet ticiet man; Es esmu pārāk jauna, pārāk svaigas un vienkārši pārāk labi.


"Tas, kā es jūtos, garīgi un fiziski, Es esmu fantastisku formu. Tas būs ļoti grūti pārspēt mani.


"Mans ceļojums ir tikai tikko sākusies, viņa drīz beigsies novembrī.


"Tas, kā es esmu mācības, neviens sita mani. Jūs varat redzēt manu raksturu tikai ar to, es pieņēmu nākt šeit un pieņemt, ka cīņa. Be ready for a furious and spectacular fight.


"Nav neviena šajā divīzijā, kas var pārspēt mani. Es esmu gatavs ailes ikviens. Es gribu, lai cīnītos visi lielie cīnītāji lielākajiem cīņas. "



"Es esmu ļoti laimīgs būt atpakaļ Kvebekā. Daži no maniem labākajiem atmiņām ir šeit. Es uzvarēja četras cīņas šeit. Pirms sešiem gadiem, Novembris. 28, 2009, tajā pašā dienā, es cīnīšos James DeGale, Es pieklauvēju out Librado Andrade. And I also defeated Glen Johnson Kvebekā.


"DeGale ir lielisks čempions, bet uz šejieni saskarties manā dzimtajā pilsētā, priekšā 15,000 cilvēki, tas nebūs viegli viņam. Es esmu Challenger, Es esmu underdog, un viņš ir čempions, bet spiediens ir uz viņu.


"Pagātne ir pagātnē. Es jūtos svaigi. Man ir jauna komanda un dažādi cilvēki aiz manis. Šī iespēja ir milzīgs par mani.


"Man bija jostu uz pieciem gadiem, un par Novembris. 28, Es būs jaunais pasaules čempions. Es esmu ļoti pārliecināts par to.


"Es nodarbojas ar šo, kad es saskāros Carl Froch Anglijā.


"Mans sapnis ir, lai atgūtu savu pasaules titulu. Es vienmēr ticu sev un saviem instrumentiem. Josta paliks Kvebekā. "

HOWARD GRANT (Bute galva treneris)

"Mans darbs ir vienkāršs: Man ir jāsagatavo Lucian uzvarēt titulu. British fighters were always dominant in the 160-pound and 168-pound divisions.


"DeGale ir sprādzienbīstama, viņš uzvarēja olimpiskajās spēlēs 2008, un Pasaules čempionāts ASV, bet tas nestrādās Nov. 28."

JIM McDonnell (DeGale galva treneris)

“James ir atšķirīgs. Viņš darīja visu, uz aptuvenu ceļu: Būt olimpisko čempionu, winning the British title in his ninth fight and becoming world champion in the United States. Jo vairāk spiediens viņš ir, jo labāk viņš ir.


“I never knew anybody like him before. Viņš nevar iebiedēt. James respektē Bute, bet viņi saka, kad jūs uzvarēt titulu, jums labāk. It will be frightening.”

JEAN Bédard

"Tas būs jautri nakts. Man ir divas lielas definējot momentus manā 10 gadi boksa pasaulē. The first one was Oct. 19, 2007, kad Lucian kļuva par pasaules čempionu tiešraidē TVA (Quebec TV kanāls) un Novembris. 28, 2009, priekšā ievārījuma pildīta pūļa 16,000 fani pie Kvebekas Kolizeja kad Lucian pārspēt Librado Andrade. Tagad, sešus gadus vēlāk, mēs esam gatavi vēsturisko datumu.”



“No champion in Quebec’s boxing history ever regained a world title after losing it. The task will be hard because DeGale is very skilled and brave. Viņš ieguva savu titulu ASV, tālu no viņa mājas. Vēl, mēs saknes Lucian Bute 100 procents. Mums ir 12.000-sēdeklis stadionā konfigurāciju pavisam jaunu Videotron centra un mums jau bija celta vairāk cilvēku pirms dažiem no Lucian s cīņas. Mēs esam pārliecināti, ka Kvebekas boksa fani būs arī saknes Lucian. "

Biļetes nonāks pārdošanā šā Sestdiena, Oktobris 10 pie Videotron centra kasē, par www.ticketmaster.ca, pie vingrošanas zāle (514) 383-0666, at InterBox (450) 645-1077 vai Champion boksa klubs (514) 376-0980.

butelucian, @ Jamesdegale1, yvonmichelGYM, interboxca,stormalvarez, @abeterbiev, SHOsports,

Reģenerācija DEGALE VS. BUTE WORLD SUPER middleweight CHAMPIONSHIP novembris 28 pie Videotron centrā Kvebekā

(L-R) galva treneris Howard Grant un Lucian Bute
(L-R) James DeGale un galva treneris Jim mMcDonnell
(bildes ar Stevens Leblanc, Quebecor Media no šodienas preses konferencē, skatīt turpmāk pēdiņām)

Quebec City, Kanāda (Oktobris 6, 2015) — Popular vietējās mīļākie un bijušais pasaules čempions Lucian Bute (32-2, 25 Kos), Monreālas, centīsies atgūt savu pasaules titulu jostu pret 2008 Olimpiskais čempions un valdošo super middleweight pasaules čempions James DeGale (21-1, 14 Kos), Anglijas, galvenajā notikums SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOKSA tiešraidē Showtime, Sestdiena, Novembris 28, pie Videotron centrā Kvebekā.
Šī super boksa pasākums, “Reģenerācija,” kopīgi veicina Groupe Yvon Michel (GYM un Interbox, sponsorēja Videotron un mise-O-JEU.
“Es esmu ļoti priecīgs par šo iespēju šajā brīdī manā karjerā,” Bute teica. “Es pazaudēju savu titulu Anglijā pret angļu cīnītājs un tagad, Es kaste Kvebekā pret citu Anglijas bokseris, par tāda paša nosaukuma aizstāvēju uz pieciem gadiem. Es esmu patiešām motivēti par šo iespēju, lai atgūtu titulu I zaudēto 2012. Fakts, ka cīņa notiks pie maniem faniem Kvebekā, kur es nekad neesmu zaudējis, būs faktors, kas padara starpību. Es dodu visu savu cieņu pret čempionu, James DeGale, pieņemšanai ceļot savu pirmo aizstāvību, bet IBF josta paliks Kvebekā Novembris 28!”
“Bute ir pasaules klases, elites līmeņa cīnītājs, kurš tur savu pasaules titulu piecus gadus,” DeGale komentēja. “Ikviens, kurš var darīt, ka ir pelnījis dažas nopietnas cieņu. Es esmu čempions un viņš būs ļoti uzkurināta mēģina atgūt savu veco nosaukumu, bet es esmu pārāk jauna, par ātru, and too skilful to let that happen. Es esmu paveicies ir liekami Kanādā tikai pirms dažiem gadiem, kad es ņēma Sebastien Demers Kvebekā in 2013. Es satiku dažus lieliskus cilvēkus, kas tur. Tas ir jauki valsts, un es nevar gaidīt, lai dotos atpakaļ. Es pārspēt Demers pēc pāris kārtās, un es gribētu ņemt tādu pašu rezultātu atkal. Neatkarīgi notiek, Tomēr es vinnēju, Es esmu nāk atpakaļ ar manu jostu.”
“Par Lucian, Tas ir definēt cīņa viņa karjerā,” paskaidroja par InterBox un La Cage priekšsēdētāju – Brasserie Sportive, Jean Bédard. “Šī ir unikāla iespēja, lai atgūtu savu IBF super middleweight titulu. Mēs esam patiesi priecīgi, ka ir noslēgusi darījumu par šo cīņu pret James DeGale. Vēlreiz, Kvebekas boksa fani būs apmierināti ar šo pirmo boksa karti pavisam jaunu Videotron Centre.
“Šis notikums ir iespējams, pateicoties sadarbībai un palīdzību galvenajiem partneriem,” GYM prezidents YMichel pievienotās. “Es vēlos pateikties Izpildu vietnieks Prezidents & General Manager, Sports un notikumu programmēšana Showtime tīkls, M. Stephen Espinoza,Pierre Dion, Prezidents un izpilddirektors Quebecor, Robert Benoît, Prezidents un izpilddirektors Groupe Sports et divertissement no Quebecor, un La Cage prezidents – Brasserie Sportive, Jean Bédard, kā arī mūsu partneri, Videotron un Mise-O-Jeu.
Novembris 28, Quebecers būs privilēģija, lai palīdzētu, atbalstīt un veicināt, lai šo nozīmīgo izaicinājums Bute – kurš aizstāvēja savu titulu par ierakstu deviņas reizes – atgūt savu veco nosaukumu, kas nekad netika darīts agrāk šeit,” Michel pievienotās. “Uzdevums būs grūti, jo čempions ir ļoti kvalificēti un nebaidās aizstāvēt savu pavisam jaunu jostu bijušā čempions ir piemājas. Es vēlētos pateikties James DeGale par to pieņēma uzaicinājumu, bet visa GYM komanda ir lepna, lai veicinātu šo notikumu, un ir rakņājoties Lucian Bute savā vēsturiskajā meklējumos.”
Mēs esam ļoti lepni iepazīstināt pasaules čempionāta cīņa starp Lucian Bute un James DeGale pirmo boksa karti jebkad Videotron centrā,” Dion atzīmēja. “Ir skaists mīlas stāsts starp Kvebekas pilsētas iedzīvotājiem un Lucian Bute, kurš uzvarēja četras cīņas viņš bija vecajā galvaspilsētā savas pro karjeras laikā.
Lucian Bute, Kvebekas ventilators mīļākie
Bute ir bokseris, kurš vienmēr ir bijis ļoti populārs Quebecers’ hearts. Pēc cietā amatieru karjeru, pārtraukta ar zelta medaļu sniegumu tajā 2001 Frankofono spēles Ottawa, plus dalība trijos Pasaules čempionātos, Bute izvēlējās Kvebeka kā viņa otrās mājas.
Sākot kā sparring partneris, tad Pasaules boksa padomes (WBC) pasaules super middleweight čempions Eric Lucas, kreilis parādīja, cik lielā mērā viņa talantu un harizmu, papildus mācīties jaunu valodu, Franču.
Ļoti īpaša un disciplinēti, dzimtā no Pechea, Rumānija ātri pieauga caur rindās profesionālā boksa, apstāšanās daudz grūts un pieredzējušus cīnītājiem.

Skaidra pūļa favorīts, Bute saprata savu sapni kļūt pasaules čempions gada oktobrī 19, 2007 pie Bell Centre Monreālā, knocking out Kolumbijas Alejandro Berrio uzvarēt IBF super middleweight jostu.

Ar deviņu secīgu aizsardzību viņa pasaules titulu, 35 gadus vecais gladiatoru joprojām pieder, ka ieraksts par kanādiešu bokseris. Bute arī ieguvis Kanādas pilsonību Marts 26, 2012.
Pēc win over Krievijas Denis Grachev beigās 2012, sportists, kurš tagad dzīvo Laval pakāpās uz gaismas smagiem sadalīšanu par super cīņu pret vietējo konkurentu Jean Pascal. Priekšā izpārdošana pūļa Bell centra janvārī 18, 2014, Bute zaudēja vienprātīgs pret bijušo Lineal gaismas smagsvara čempions.
Pēc 18 mēnešu layoff, pūļa favorīts Bute atgriezās iespaidīgu modes, iznīcinot Eiropas Savienība super middleweight čempions Andrea Di Luisa Izdarot ceturto kārtu apstāšanās.
Novembris 28, Bute centīsies atriebt savu zaudējumu Carl Froch pret citu anglis un atgūt savu zaudēto titulu.
DeGale no olimpisko čempionu pro čempions
Dzimtā Londonā, DeGale kļuva britu varonis, iegūstot zelta medaļu kā middleweight (165 mārciņas) Pekinas olimpiskajās spēlēs 2008.
Lai to izdarītu, viņš bested Ēģiptes Mohamed Hikal (pēdējais cilvēks, lai uzvarētu Gennady Golovkin), Amerikāņu Shawn Estrada, Kazahu Bakhtiyar Artayev (2004 Olimpisko zelta medaļu 2004), Īrs Darren Sutherland un Kubas Emilio Correa Jr.
DeGale pārcēlās uz pro rindās 2009, uzvaras viņa 10 Pirmie cīņas pirms zaudēt pretrunīgi lēmumu iekšzemes konkurents George Groves maijā 2011.
Acīmredzot ne satricināja viņa pirmo zaudējumu, slēdzis-hitting DeGale atgriezās win kolonnas piecus mēnešus vēlāk, pukstēšana Eiropas un WBO Inter-Continental super middleweight čempionu, Peter Wilczewskiof Polija.
Kopš šī uzvara, DeGale uzvarēja 10 bouts ieskaitot vienu Kvebekā, Maijs 2013, pie Lac-Leamy Casino Gatineau, kur viņš sakāva Sébastien Demers ko KO otrajā kārtā.
DeGale kļuva IBF super middleweight čempions savā pēdējā izbrauciens, Maijs 23 Bostonā, ar vienprātīgu lēmumu win over slidens amerikāņu Andre Dirrell.
DeGale ir vienīgais britu cīnītājs ir uzvarējis olimpisko zelta medaļu un profesionālo boksa titulu.
Alvarez un Beterbiev arī darbībā
Arī cīnās par karti ir gaiši smagsvara pasaules čempiona titulu Eleider Alvarez unArtur Beterbiev. Abi cīnīsies savās 175 mārciņu nodaļa novēršanas bouts. Preses konference notiks tuvāko nedēļu laikā sniegt papildu informāciju.
Preses konference citē
“Es esmu patiesi priecīgs atkal būt Kvebekā. Daži no maniem labākajiem atmiņām ir šeit. Es uzvarēja četras cīņas šeit. Pirms sešiem gadiem, Novembris 28, 2009, tajā pašā dienā, es cīnīšos James DeGale, Es pieklauvēju out Librado Andrade. Un es arī sakāva Glen Johnson Kvebekā. DeGale ir lielisks čempions, bet uz šejieni saskarties manā dzimtajā pilsētā, priekšā 15,000 cilvēki, tas nebūs viegli viņam. Es esmu Challenger, Es esmu underdog, un viņš ir čempions, bet spiediens ir uz viņu. Es esmu dzīvojis šo, kad es saskāros Carl Froch Anglijā. Mans sapnis ir, lai atgūtu savu pasaules titulu. Es vienmēr ticu mani un manu instrumentus to darīt. Josta paliks Kvebekā.”
“Jums vajadzētu zvanīt man ceļu karavīrs! Es esmu satraukti, lai risinātu elites cīnītājs, piemēram, Lucian, kurš bija čempions piecus gadus. Bet kā es esmu mācības, neviens sita mani. Jūs varat redzēt manu raksturu tikai ar to, es pieņēmu nākt šeit un pieņemt, ka cīņa. Esi gatavs negants un iespaidīgu cīņu.”
HOWARD GRANT (Bute galva treneris)
“Mans darbs ir vienkāršs: Man ir jāsagatavo Lucian uzvarēt titulu. Britu cīnītāji vienmēr bija dominējošs 160 mārciņas un 168 mārciņas šķelšanos. DeGale ir sprādzienbīstama, viņš uzvarēja olimpiskajās spēlēs 2008, un Pasaules čempionāts ASV…bet tas nestrādās 28. novembris.”
JIM McDonnell (DeGale galva treneris)
“James ir atšķirīgs. Viņš darīja visu, uz aptuvenu ceļu: Būt olimpisko čempionu, uzvarētāju britu titulu pie viņa ninth fight, un kļūst Pasaules čempions ASV. Jo vairāk spiediens viņš ir, jo labāk viņš ir. Es nekad zināja kāds, piemēram, viņu pirms. Viņš nevar iebiedēt. James respektē Bute, bet viņi saka, kad jūs uzvarēt titulu, jums labāk. Tas būs biedējoši.”
JEAN Bédard
“Tas būs jautri nakts. Man ir divas lielas definējot momentus manā 10 gadi boksa pasaulē. Pirmais bija oktobris 19, 2007, kad Lucian kļuva Pasaules čempions tiešraidē TVA (Quebec TV kanāls) un novembrī 28, 2009, priekšā ievārījums iepakojuma pūļa 16,000 fani pie Kvebekas Kolizeja kad Lucian pārspēt Librado Andrade. Howard Grant (kurš bija Andrade stūrītis) joprojām atceras, ka es esmu pārliecināts, ka! Tagad, sešus gadus vēlāk, mēs esam gatavi vēsturisku datumu.”

“Nē čempions Kvebekas boksa vēsturē jebkad atguva pasaules titulu pēc zaudēt. Uzdevums būs grūti, jo DeGale ir ļoti kvalificēti un drosmīgs. Viņš izcīnīja savu titulu ASV valsts, tālu no viņa mājas. Vēl, mēs saknes Lucian Bute at 100%. We have a 12 000 spectators configuration in the brand new Vidéotron Centre and we had already brought more people before for some of Lucian’s fight. Mēs esam pārliecināti, ka Kvebekas boksa fani būs arī saknes Lucian.”

Biļetes ir pārdošanā pie Videotron centra kasē, par www.ticketmaster.ca, pie vingrošanas zāle(514) 383-0666, at InterBox (450) 645-1077 vai Champion boksa klubs (514) 376-0980.
butelucian, @ Jamesdegale1, yvonmichelGYM, interboxca, stormalvarez,@abeterbiev, SHOsports, premierboxing

Bryan Vera- Rocky Fielding Media Day citātus un bildes

Liverpool, Anglija (Jūnijs 24, 2015)– Super middleweight sāncensis Bryan Vera (23-9, 14 KO s) un Rocky Fielding (20-0, 11 KO s) rīkoja mediju treniņu otrdienā pirms to bout piektdien.

Cīņa notiks Echo Arena, un viņš ir ar savu komandu, kas sastāv no viņa brālis Gilbert, vadītājs David Watson un Matthew Rowland, Priekšsēdētāja vietnieks Banner Promotions.

“Mēs to darījām mediju dienu priekšā labu pūļa Liverpūlē. Mēs veicām nelielu treniņu par pūļa. Rocky Fielding atnāca pēc manis un darīja viņa lieta par pūļa,” Said Vera

“Es esmu gatavs atvest jostu. Es esmu gatavs un justies lieliski cīņu pie 168. Man ir cīnījušies daudzus lieliskus cīnītāji. Man ir pārbaudīti atkal un atkal. Rocky Fielding zina, ka tas nav viņa tipisks cīņa. Viņš cīnās karavīrs, un es esmu nāk, lai uzvarētu. Ka es zinu.”

Bryan Vera Anglijā piektdiena cīņai ar undefeated Rocky Fielding


Liverpool, Anglija (Jūnijs 23, 2015)– Super middleweight sāncensis Bryan Vera (23-9, 14 KO s) ir Liverpool, Anglija un ir vērsta uz viņa piektdienas vakarā kāršu atklāšana ar undefeated Rocky Fielding (20-0, 11 KO s)

Cīņa notiks Echo Arena, un viņš ir ar savu komandu, kas sastāv no viņa brālis Gilbert, vadītājs David Watson un Matthew Rowland, Priekšsēdētāja vietnieks Banner Promotions.

“Es neesmu redzējis daudz Fielding, izņemot to, ko es esmu redzējis Youtube,” norādīja, Vera.

“Kad es uzvarēt šo cīņu, Es mīlu, lai cīnītos par vienu no Rocky s stablemates in IBF Super middleweight čempiona Džeimsa DeGale vai WBC čempions Badou Jack. Es zinu 168 mārciņas ir mans ideāls svars. I feel stronger at this weight and I will put on a great performance on Friday. Es esmu gatavs par izteiksmīgs win piektdien”

Said Matthew Rowland, “Pēc Bryan uzvar piektdien, viņš būs tiesības mix par pasaules titulu vai lielā cīņa 168 mārciņas.”



(No kreisās uz labo: Murphys Boxing Ken Casey, Andre Dirrell, DiBella Entertainment’s Lou DiBella, James Degale, Matchroom Boxing’s Eddie Hearn & Murphys Boxing Sean Sullivan)

(No kreisās uz labo: Murphys Boxing Ken Casey, Chris Gilbert, Logan McGuinness, Gary O’Sullivan, Edwin Rodriguez, Andre Dirrell, James DeGale, Craig Baker, Danny O'Connor & Murphys Boxing Sean Sullivan)

Klikšķiniet ŠEIT Par Fotogrāfijas no Suzanne Teresa / Premier Boxing Champions

Klikšķiniet ŠEIT For Photos From Carly Gillis Photography

BOSTON (Maijs 21, 2015) – Cīnītāji, kas piedalās par sestdienas Premier Boksa Champions par NBC card took part in the final press conference today at historic Fenway Park in Boston before their respective fights at Agganis Arena, with televised coverage starting at 4:30 p.m. UN/1:30 p.m. PT.


Biļetes uz tiešraides pasākumā, kas veicina DiBella Entertainment sadarbībā ar Murphys Boxing, cena ir $250, $200, $100, $75, $50 un $35, neieskaitot piemērojamos maksu par pakalpojumiem un nodokļiem, un ir pārdošanā tagad.


Lūk, ko preses konferences dalībnieki bija teikt:




A title means everything. It completes you as a fighter. That’s the top of the food chain in this sport, and that’s the pedestal we’re all trying to reach – pasaules čempions. Everybody wants to be a world champion. The greats had it and now we want it. It would mean more for my city, mana ģimene un mani draugi, and it’s something I’ll always be able to look back it. It would put me in the record books for life.


DeGale is not quiet. Today he’s chilling, maybe because he’s a little out of his comfort zone. But there’s a lot of tension when you’re standing right there next to your opponent. He might just be a little cranky today.


I like to lighten the mood and stay comfortable. This is all a part of the game. Let’s have fun now. It’s ass-kicking time when we get in that ring, but outside it’s all love.


There was a time when I didn’t want to do interviews. I didn’t want to go to fights. I didn’t want to hear fans online and on social media. I closed all them down because I didn’t want to hear people ask, ‘When are you fighting again? Talking about talent wasted, or saying I’m glad he’s gone.It hurt because there was nothing I could do. I was powerless even with all the power in the world.



Andre says the belt doesn’t mean anything to him in the fight – labi, the belt means everything to me and more. I am here to make history and it doesn’t happen without that title.


I could win sestdien night and retire a happy manthat’s how much I want to beat Andre Dirrell. But when I do win that title, I am going for the rest of the belts, creating a lasting legacy for my country, my fans and myself.


Andre is a classy fighter and he showed in the press conference that he is a classy guy toowhen two fighters who believe in their ability 100 percent and know they are going to win a fight, it is going to be explosive.


There’s nothing but respect between us, but ultimately, we’re going to take each other to dark territory sestdien nakts, it’s going to be a brutal battleand one that I am going to win.




This is home for me and I’m thrilled. I know I have a good undefeated fighter in front me, so I’m looking forward to a competitive matchup. It’s going to be a great fight for the fans.


This is an exciting day for me. I saw Pedro Martinez pitch so many times here at Fenway and he’s going into the Hall of Fame. Arī, my fellow countrymen Manny Ramirez and David Ortiz have made so much history here.


Being here today and then having the weigh-in at Faneuil Hall rīt and fighting sestdien, it’s just an amazing experience.



“Šī ir lieliska iespēja, lai mani. I’ve dreamed of fighting on a grand scale like this since I first started boxing.


The entire experience has been awesome. It’s going to be an interesting fight. I’m going to keep coming forward. I’m going to keep boxing all night.


Everyone should look forward to an action packed night, I know it’s going to be an interesting matchup.




A couple of years ago Ken Casey and I talked about bringing boxing back to the city of Boston. Fast-forward to today and we’re doing it.


I’m excited to be part of it and to see boxing in Boston blossom. It’s good for the city and all the young boxers in this area.


I know I have a tough opponent in front of me and I won’t take him lightly. I’m planning on putting on a show for the fans come Sestdiena nakts.”




I’m an aggressive come forward, in your face boxer from the first bell to the last.


I was full steam ahead when I got the call for this fight. I train all the time, I don’t take breaks and I’m always looking for an opportunity. Es nevarētu būt laimīgāki.


Danny O’Connor is one of the best in my weight division in New England. Everything he does, he does well.


I just need to keep my head and continue to come forward, I can’t get frustrated. I’m going 100 percent the full way through. If I’m busy and I fight smart I get good outcomes.


# # #


The Sestdiena, Maijs 23 edition of Premier Boxing Champions par NBC IespējasAndre Dirrell (24-1, 16 Kos) un James DeGale (20-1, 14 Kos) in a 12-round super middleweight showdown and Edwin Rodriguez (26-1, 17 Kos) vs. Craig Baker (16-0, 12 Kos) in 10-round light heavyweight match up. . Live coverage of this special Memorial Day weekend afternoon edition of PBC on NBC starts at 4:30 p.m. UN/1:30 p.m. PT on NBC and goes until 6:00 pm. UN / 3:00 p.m. PT when the action switches over to NBCSN from 6:00 p.m. UN/3:00 p.m. PT until 7:00 p.m. UN/4:00 p.m. PT.

Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, apmeklējiet www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.nbcsports.com/boxing, www.AgganisArena.com un www.dbe1.com, sekot TwitterPremierBoxing, @AndreDirrell, @JamesDeGale1, LouDiBella, DropkickMurphys, MurphysBoxing, @NBCSports and @AgganisArena and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/NBCSports,www.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/DropkickMurphys unwww.facebook.com/MurphysBoxing. Follow the conversation using #PremierBoxingChampions and #PBConNBC



BOSTON (Maijs 20, 2015) – Boston is known for being home to some of the most passionate sports fans in the country, but many may not know that it is also a city that has had a long and rich history with the sweet science. Par Sestdiena, Maijs 23, world championship boxing is officially back in Beantown when Premier Boksa Champions par NBC returns with a showdown between Andre Dirrell un James DeGale at Boston University’s Agganis Arena with coverage on NBC beginning at 4:30 p.m. UN/1:30 p.m. PT.


The last time Boston saw a world championship fight was May 23, 2006 when two world title fights took place at TD Bank Garden, formerly the Boston Garden. That night saw British superstar Ricky “Gangsteris” Hatton sakāve Luis Collazo in a welterweight world title fight, kamēr Eric Aiken sajukums iepriekš undefeated Valdemir Pereira for a featherweight world title.

Fighting in the Boston Garden was a great honor, never mind in a world title fight, but even a four rounder,” teica Tony DeMarco, who won the welterweight world title in 1955 at the Boston Garden. “I had more fights there than anybody (28), including my pro debut. It’s always good fighting at home. You’re more comfortable at home. The fans know and honor you. Boston fans were real fight fans.


Boston has been deeply invested in boxing since the early 20th gadsimtā. No 1902-1908 the small town of Chelsea that borders Boston became the mecca for boxing as the sport was banned throughout most of America. Tomēr, Chelsea had a special ordinance that legalized boxing. It was during this time that Jack Johnson was faced with what he admitted was the toughest fight of his career, when he defended his heavyweight title against Sam Langford on April 6, 1906. Johnson won by a 15-round unanimous decision and refused to fight Langford again.


Turklāt, Fenway Park, famed home of the Boston Red Sox, hosted 29 professional boxing cards between 1919 un 1956. Beyond just hosting big fights, Boston has also produced a slew of Hall of Fame talent who were either born in Massachusetts or called the state home.


Noteworthy names include Roxbury heavyweight champions John L. Sullivan, Brockton heavyweight Rocky Marcianoand Brockton resident and middleweight champion Brīnišķīgs Marvin Hagler. Boston’s own featherweight championsSandy jājamzirgs un George Dixon plus Boston promoter Rip Valenti have all been enshrined in the International Boxing Hall of Fame.


Fighting in Boston was a great experience,” teica John Ruiz, a two-time heavyweight world champion from Chelsea. “Like any sport, Boston sports fans are true fans who follow your progress. I could feel their emotion wherever I fought. I will never forget them. I fought in Las Vegas a lot and there were always Boston fans there supporting me. I always appreciated them traveling all over the country to my fights.


A father-son duo from Arlington, Masa. both had an impact on the heavyweight landscape decades after each other. Tom McNeeley fought heavyweight world champion Floyd Patterson uz 1961 and dropped the champion before eventually succumbing to a fourth round knockout. Vairāk nekā 30 years later, his son Peter was the first man to fight Mike Tyson after he was released from prison, with the fight ending in McNeeley being disqualified.


One of the more unique athletes to come out of Boston, Dr. WilbertSkeeterMcClure was an Olympic Gold medalist, a doctor of psychology and a Massachusetts boxing commissioner. While at the 1960 Olimpiskās spēles, McClure served as the co-captain for Team USA and was the roommate of fellow gold medalist Cassius Clay. While he never reached his potential as a professional, he received opportunities against world class opponents Luis Manuel Rodriguez divreiz unJose Torres, losing all three by decision. He also lost a decision and fought to a draw against Rubin “Orkāns” Ormanis. After his professional boxing career, McClure served as a Massachusetts boxing commissioner before eventually retiring in the Boston area where he resides to this day.


Another greatly revered fighter to come out of the Boston-area is Lowell’s Micky Ward. Hugely popular for his exciting style, Ward compiled a 38-13 pro record with 27 knockouts. He was most known for the three epic fight of the year award-winning battles with the late Arturo Gatti. Ward’s life and career was portrayed in the award-winning filmThe Fighter”, which starred Mark Wahlberg as Ward.


It was great fighting in Boston. The fans were very supportive and knowledgeable about the game,” teica Ward. “It was like I was fighting at homeit was home for me as a fighter. Fans traveled a lot to my fights, pārāk. They were a little crazy, drank lot of beer and were more vocal than most places I ever fought. I loved it.


Par Sestdiena, Maijs 23 a new crop of young and hungry fighters will lay it all on the line, hoping to write the next exciting chapter of boxing history in the city of Boston. The action begins at 1:30 p.m. UN inside of Agganis Arena.


* * *


Tickets for the return of big-time boxing to Boston, kas veicina DiBella Entertainment sadarbībā ar Murphys Boxing, cena ir $250, $200, $100, $75, $50 un $35, neieskaitot piemērojamos maksu par pakalpojumiem un nodokļiem, un ir pārdošanā tagad. Tickets will be available at www.ticketmaster.com. Lai uzlādētu tālruni, zvaniet Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000.


Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, apmeklējiet www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.nbcsports.com/boxing, www.AgganisArena.com unwww.dbe1.com, sekot TwitterPremierBoxing, @AndreDirrell, @JamesDeGale1, LouDiBella, DropkickMurphys, MurphysBoxing, @NBCSports and @AgganisArena and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/NBCSports, www.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/DropkickMurphys un www.facebook.com/MurphysBoxing. Follow the conversation using #PremierBoxingChampions and #PBConNBC


For Immediate relīze

Lou DiBella

Paldies, everybody for joining us for Premier Boxing Champions on NBC press call. The card is Saturday, Maijs 23rd. That’s the Sestdiena of Memorial Day weekend at Boston’s Agganis Arena. The start time on NBC is 4:30 p.m. UN/1:30 p.m. PT.


Biļetes uz tiešraides pasākumā, which is being promoted in associated with Murphys Boxing are priced at $250, $200, $100, $75, $50 un $35, and they’re available at ticketmaster.com. Lai uzlādētu tālruni, zvaniet Ticketmaster at 800-745-3000. Atkal, the NBC broadcast goes on at 4:30 p.m. UN/1:30 p.m. PT.


We’re going to start the call by talking to our co-main event fighters, the guys are going to open the telecast. That’s light-heavyweight contender Edwin Rodriguez taking on undefeated light-heavyweight contender Craig Baker. Craig is 10-0 ar 12 KO. He’s coming off a KO of highly regarded Umberto Savigne in his last fight and he’s looking to upset the apple cart and derail the career of Edwin Rodriguez who’s looking for another shot at a world title; this time at 175 mārciņas.


Craig is promoted by Sampson Boxing. Craig, if you’d like to say a few words.


Craig Baker

Labi, I’m just grateful to have the opportunity to fight on such a grand field again. It clearly is what I dream about. It’s one of those things I’ve always looked forward to since I was little bity kid.


L. DiBella

Paldies. Edwin Rodriguez, the pride of Worchester, Massachusetts and is fighting in his home state. This is his second fight at light heavyweight. His only loss is to Andre Ward, one of the pound-for-pound fighters in the world and Edwin believes at light heavyweight he’s stronger, better and that he can win the title. Tik, Edwin, would you like to say a few words?


Edwin Rodriguez

Jā. Pirmkārt, I’d like to thank you, Lou, for bringing me back on NBC and giving me such a great opportunity and also to Al Haymon and the NBC crew. I’m ready to show the world that I’m one of the best or the best 175 pound fighter in the world. I just got to prove it and this is one of the steps to do it, fighting an undefeated fighter, Craig Baker, who’s hungry and I’m excited because I know that he’s hungry; I’m hungry to get at that elite level. It’s going to be a great fight for the fans.



Jā, I have a question for each of you if you don’t mind. Craig, how do you feel about fighting Edwin so close to his hometown?


C. Maiznieks

At the end of the day that doesn’t really matter to me because everyone is out to pretty much beat the crap out of you. Tik, it doesn’t matter where you fight. It’s the competition, and that’s how I take it.



Edwin, what will it mean to you to fight so close to Worcester?


Un. Rodriguez

It means a lot because I haven’t fought at home for about four years now. Tik, I’m excited to come back and fight close to home with family and friends supporting me. It’s something that helps me and pushes me to take it to the next level.



Edwin, first question; how do you feel at light-heavyweight? Are you more comfortable now than you were at super middleweight? Do you feel stronger, and is your stamina a little better?


Un. Rodriguez

I feel great now. I feel like 175 is the weight that I belong at. I feel like I’m strong and I’m fast and I feel like I’m the best light heavyweight. I just need the opportunity to prove it, and this is one of them and I’m excited.



You’re with Al Haymon. Adonis Stevenson is with Al Haymon. Is that what boxing and fans can assume, that this is all building towards a fight with Adonis Stevenson for the title?


Un. Rodriguez

Tieši tagad, I’m focused on Baker. He’s an undefeated hungry fighter, but that’s the goal. I want to fight the best guy so I can prove that I’m the best. Adonis Stevenson is a good fighter. He has proved he’s the world champion and that’s who I want in the future. Tik, I’m just setting myself up and I’m working hard to look impressive against Baker and to get my opportunity to show the world that I’m on the best.



Craig, just what is it about Edwin that impresses you and what will you have to do to beat him?


C. Maiznieks

Labi, I’m really impressed with the improvements that he’s made. I see him pushing forward, pushing issues and always in your face. That’s good. Man patīk, ka. Beigās dienas, I just have to show up and fight. That’s the way I take the game. I have to bring my A game at all times and that’s what I do.



I was looking at the records of a lot of your opponents. You fought a lot of guys with pretty poor records. Why is that and why did you make the step up a couple of fights ago?


C. Maiznieks

I just felt like it was time, viens.



Edwin, what impresses you about Craig Baker?


Un. Rodriguez

He’s a hungry fighter and it doesn’t matter who he’s fought. He’s undefeated and you can’t take an undefeated fighter lightly, especially one that defeated a guy that had over 400 amateur fights and was a big prospect in the pros, like Savigne. You can’t take a guy like Craig Baker lightly.



You’ve defeated undefeated fighters in the past. Tik, how is your confidence level going in when you fight somebody who hasn’t lost?


Un. Rodriguez

I believe a lot of my skills and I’m very confident, but I’m not stupid. I know that a fighter who’s undefeated comes in with a very strong mentality and I’m ready. I’ve been working hard for this fight knowing that this guy is undefeated and I have to take that away from him. But at the same time, we’ve got to respect everyone because we’re all competitors and it’s all about looking good and winning and he’s just in my way right now.


L. DiBella

Paldies. The main event of the evening is a super middleweight world title fight and it features two guys that have been engrained into boxing since they were amateurs. James DeGale is an Olympic gold medalist. He’ll be facing Andre Dirrell. James is from England; Andre from the US. Andre was a bronze medalist in the Olympics. This is a match of two of the very best super middleweights in the world and figures to be a terrific fight.


James is promoted by Matchroom Boxing and Eddie Hearn is on the call. When you go to Q&A, if anyone has a question for Eddie, Eddie is available. We’re going to start with James DeGale. James, would you like to say a few words? James is 21-1, ar 14 Kos.


James DeGale

Yeah, my time is here. My time is here, nākamajā sestdienā. I’ve trained extremely hard and you’re in for a treat because you’re going to watch two very talented hungry fighters nākamajā sestdienā fight it out for a world title. I honestly think it’s going to be a hell of a fight, one I’m confident of winning. Tik, fasten your seatbelts, viens. It should be good.


L. DiBella

Paldies, James. Andre Dirrell, please say a few words.


Andre Dirrell

I agree with James. This is going to be a very good fight. I’ve trained my butt off as well. Everything went very smoothly this camp. He’s a hungry fighter. I’m a hungry fighter. We are both in desperate need or desperate want of a world title and I myself feel very confident and I’m excited about this match, viens. He feels like he’s an undefeated fighter. I feel like I’m an undefeated fighter, but we both have a lot to prove, viens. Tik, we’re going to come to the full effect and I believe it’s going to be a great show.


L. DiBella

Paldies, Cits. We’re going to open it up to questions now. One more time, it’s PBC on NBC broadcast. It will be on May 23rd, Sestdiena afternoon of Memorial Day Weekend, 4:30 p.m. UN/1:30 p.m. PT. Tickets are available at Ticketmaster, 1-800-745-3000 and we’re going to open it up for questions now.



This is for James. This is your first fight in the United States and also, this is the first time a lot of people are going to get to see you because you’re going to be on national television. What are you expecting in terms of the energy and what it’s going to be like performing in a completely new audience?


J. DeGale

Yeah. I’m looking forward to it. I’m used to it as well because obviously back in England I’m promoted by Matchroom, a well-known commercial company. Tik, I box on big shows in front of 10,000-20,000 cilvēki. It should be good. They have a lot of Irish and English over there. Tik, I should have some good support and I’m looking forward to it.



Let me follow-up with another question. There was a time that you considered retiring from the sport and becoming a personal trainer. Can you talk about that a little bit and looking back, are you glad you made the right decision to continue to do boxing?


J. DeGale

Yeah. It’s pretty simple. I was going through a hard time with my promoter at the time and I was a bit depressed because I wasn’t getting my chances and I wasn’t getting the right fights and I boxed on small shows. I basically was a bit depressed and I couldn’t motivate myself properly. Tik, yeah, that was the way it was and then I made the change to Matchroom and things have just gone from pretty bad to really great.


Acīmredzot, my last two performances speak for themself. I boxed Brandon Gonzales, an undefeated American, a confident American. He come over to America and I boxed him front of 80,000 people and knocked him out in four rounds.


Then four months later, I boxed Periban. If you don’t know Marco Antonio Periban, he boxed Sakio Bika for the world title and lost on a split decision and I knocked him out in three rounds. Tik, I’m confident. I’m feeling good, and I’m motivated very well at the minute.



Cits, when you brother lost, he lost a close decision .What was your conversation with Anthony like because you lost a close fight you thought you’d won. Tik, how have you been able to converse with him about getting through that loss?


A. Dirrell

Labi, I didn’t have to say much because he was confident after the fight, but I pretty much had him realize that you’ve had a bad night after he had a terrific camp, but I believe that’s where he left it. He left it in that. When it came to fight time, he had a few setbacks leading up to the fight and unfortunately, he lost, but we saw a lot of things that he needs to correct. I told him to watch the fight over and over again because that’s what I used to do in my fight, any fight that I feel bad about. Tik, I just told him keep his confidence up, man and stay on that run, viens. Don’t lay off at all. That’s all we can do, viens. I’ve learned a lot from past experience and one thing’s for certain; you can’t take anything from the past and bring it to the future. Only confidence.


Tik, I’m feeling good, viens. He’s excited for me and I’m going to keep that name alive and keep the Dirrell name going.



Everybody talks about the super middleweights, they talk about Andre Ward. But it seems like some people forget how good of a boxer that you are because you had to take this time off. With this being on NBC and getting in front of a large audience, are you looking at this as an opportunity to put your name back in that conversation for people who may have forgotten how good Andre Dirrell is?


A. Dirrell

People know and in the end, it’s my job to keep my name lean. I haven’t had the opportunity to do that as well. I had a major setback as well, but with that I stayed in the game, stayed sharp. I was sharp in my last couple of performances. I’m looking forward to the future and this is the breakout fight like I said. James is one hell of a fighter. He has a lot of heart, a lot of spunk, a lot of energy, viens, and he wants to win.


If you want to put me in front of a fighter for a world championship fight, then James DeGale is bar none one of the best to do it in front of. Tik, I’m excited about this fight. I think this is probably one of the biggest fights from Premier Boxing Champion that they’ve had and I’m excited to be on that big stage. Tik, I want a breakout performance and I did everything in camp to make sure I can do so.



How does it feel to be the first Brit on the verge of making some boxing history?


J. DeGale

Tā uzskata, lieliski, but I need to stay focused and keep my eye out on the prize. That’s what I have to do. Bet, jūs zināt, ko? A lot of people say I’m obsessed about making history, about becoming the first Olympic gold medalist from Great Britain to win a genuine world title. Bet jūs zināt, ko? Es esmu. I am because that’s what drives me and that’s what makes me train hard every day. Tik, yeah, I’m looking forward to it.



Labi, and you touched on a little bit there. I mean not so long ago you were boxing in front of a couple of hundred people at the shopping center in Blue Water and now you’re making noise on TV in America. How does that feel, the difference?


J. DeGale

Labi, it’s fantastic. Sure a lot of credit has to go to Eddie Hearn. I’m a buzz fire. I like the big audience. I like the big lights. I’m just feeling real relaxed, chilled and ready to perform nākamajā sestdienā. I’m buzzing. I really can’t wait; just being in America and knowing that I’m going to make my debut nākamajā sestdienā in front of millions of Americans and back in the UK as well. It’s going to be fantastic.



Cits, this fight seems to be your highest profile fight since five years ago when you had the Abraham fight, when he got DQ’ed. You were leading at that time. Can you tell us at this point, where are you physically and mentally compared to where you were when you were obviously at the top of the division five years ago?


A. Dirrell

Labi, I look at it all from a mental aspect. As of now, viens, I’m grown tremendously in my mind. I’ve realized how important boxing is to me and what it takes to become world champion, the work you have to put in and I just follow those guidelines every day. I’m a very motivated fighter, very self-motivated. A lot of fighters run with music, have to listen to music.


If I can hear my punches while I’m hitting the bag, I’m motivated. Tik, nothing motivates me more than hard work and that’s all I look for. The fight is won in the gym, not on fight night. It’s what you do in the gym, not how hard you put up a fight.


I’ve done all of that and more. I feel very relaxed. I’m very energetic and I’m feeling the vibe already and I really can’t wait to make Sestdiena myself. I feel I have a lot to prove and I have a different Andre Dirrell to show, one that’s just as sharp, just as fast, just as brave, but just has a bigger mental capacity. I’m excited about next week.



What do you think your advantages are over James DeGale in this fight?


A. Dirrell

We’re pretty much evenly matched and I actually like that scenario because I know I’m faster. I know I’m smarter and I know I’m a better boxer. It’s just as simple as that. Bet, none of that can come into play without hard work, and I know he’s worked his ass off, viens. He has to come over to America just like I went over there to England to try to fight for a world championship.


I know what kind of guy I’m going to face come the 23rd. I’ve worked my butt off like I said, , and with those advantages, I’ve put the hard work in so I can display that. I just feel like I’ll be the better man that night.



James, tell us why you think you’re confident that you’re going to be able to win this fight?


J. DeGale

Momentum is a big thing. Look at my last two performances against good, quality opponents and look his last three. Listen, I come from good pedigree and so does Andre. We’re good, quality, young fighters. But I just think overall, I’m better. I think he struggles. He doesn’t like it when it gets hard in there. He’s a competent fighter, but he likes it when he’s dictating the pace and he’s on the front foot.


Well listen, I’m not going to let him rest. He thinks this is going to be a boxing match. Labi, this ain’t. I’m telling him now. This ain’t going to be a boxing match. I’m going in there and I’m taking the title. I’m taking it. I’m ripping it away from him.



Do you think you’re a really improved fighter? I know that the loss that you had to Groves was very controversial, but how much do you think you’ve improved since that fight with Groves?


J. DeGale

It’s like night and day. Listen, and another thing, I was in this for two years as well. I had two operations on my groin. Tik, I couldn’t throw my shots with any power. I couldn’t run the ring properly. Even in the fight at Wembley in front of 80,000 Man nebija 100% tiesības. Even against Periban I wasn’t 100% tiesības. Now I’m 100% tiesības, fully healthy, fully focused and mentally right. Tik, you’re going to see me step up again nākamajā sestdienā.



James, you mentioned about being a buzz fighter and this is the biggest stage, the biggest pressure you’ve ever been under. Tik, does this mean we’re going to see your best ever performance?


J. DeGale

I honestly do. The way I’ve been in the gym training, sparring, running, I honestly think you’re going to see the performance of my career so far. My last couple of fights after my injuries have been sorted and I just got better and better and I think this one is going to top it and winning my world title as well and making history.



Bet, do you deal with the pressure and does that inspire you more?

JamesI thrive on it. Tu mani zini. I thrive in it. I’m just looking forward to it. As I say, it’s my debut as a professional in America. Tik, I’m buzzing right now. You don’t understand. I’m just really looking forward to it.



Cits. You’ve obviously fought Carl Froch and you’ve watched video of James I imagine. How do they compare as fighters and who do you rate as a better fighter?


A. Dirrell

As far as skill, I can give it to James DeGale, but as far as toughness, mental toughness, physical toughness, that’s Carl Froch. We all know how mentally strong he is. Tik, I have to give the edge to Carl Froch in that aspect, but as I said before, I know DeGale is coming to fight and no one gets in that ring and fights me as they want to fight. You know what I’m saying? Just like he thinks it’s going to be an easy fight. I feel like I have a lot more to prove as well.


Tik, I’m looking to bring the fight as well and I’m working hard in the gym. I made it tough on myself. The more pressure you actually put on me, the more dangerous I become.


I’m really excited as well, viens. I have a lot to prove. He has a lot to prove. This is going to be the best fight yet on Premier Boxing Champions.



Basically for Andre, there was a chance obviously this fight could end up going to Britain. You’ve been to Britain before and you were very unlucky against Carl Froch. Was that something you were against, to face another title fight in Britain?


A. Dirrell

I’m not going to say that because I enjoyed my time over there. I believe I won the fight like I said and it just didn’t go my way unfortunately. I don’t like to judge my future fights based on past. I look forward to fighting in Britain again, in England again, the UK again whenever that day may come. I had a lot of fans over there; I have a lot of fans over there and I enjoy my time over there. I’ve been going over there since the amateurs. I enjoy it very much and I’m a world-class fighter. Tik, I want to be displayed on a world-class level.


I’m definitely looking forward to it. If it was over there, if it had to be over there, lai tā būtu. I would have came over there to fight James. We are world competitors, world-class. We fight for world titles. Why should it be in America all the time? This is a world-class sport and we should treat it like one.



Arthur Abraham kind of robbed you of your great win when he hit you on the floor. That was looking like such a great performance that night. In the sort of layup after that, how close did you come to actually having to retire? Was there ever a time you thought you might not box again?


A. Dirrell

I was going through some stuff with my family. I actually wanted to. I knew in my heart that I’d get my time again. I knew my time would come. I knew I had a chance of getting out of my contract. Tik, I kept training. Protams, there were times that I would hit slumps and feel like I’m doing it for nothing, but it was quite a stressful time for me. I think I always knew that I would be able to get back in that ring. Tik, I stayed busy and it didn’t really totally veer me away from the sport, but I do know the feeling.


I did feel like any moment could come up to where that it could be over just like that and I had to deal with it and I could easily retire. If it happened again, I just might. I knew that my time was coming again. There’s always hope there. I just kept pushing forward and here I am now.



One for you, James, quickly. You’re in Florida now. Can you tell us where you are and how’s it going?


J. DeGale

Yeah, nav, I’m in Miami. I’ve been training here for the past week. Tik, we climatized and we adjusted and we’re ready to go.


L. DiBella

Just a couple of final words. Paldies, Edwin, Craig, Andre and James. This is a great undercard that features a lot of New England talent and I want to acknowledge Murphys Boxing, our friend Ken Casey who’s with the legendary Irish band, the Dropkick Murphys, and is helping us with local promotion. We’re going to have a lot of announcements coming about some great fight week activities.


Premier Boxing Champions on NBC, PBC on NBC Saturday, Maijs 23rd at Boston’s Agganis Area,4:30 p.m. UN/1:30 p.m. PT for the beginning of the broadcast. Tickets for the live event are available at Ticketmaster.com. Lai uzlādētu tālruni, zvaniet Ticketmaster at 1-800-745-3000. Tune into NBC on Saturday, Maijs 23rd, but if you can be with us in Boston, join us at the Agganis Arena. Paldies, visi, for joining us.


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Tickets for the return of big-time boxing to Boston, kas veicina DiBella Entertainment sadarbībā ar Murphys Boxing, cena ir $250, $200, $100, $75, $50 un $35, neieskaitot piemērojamos maksu par pakalpojumiem un nodokļiem, un ir pārdošanā tagad. Tickets will be available atwww.ticketmaster.com. Lai uzlādētu tālruni, zvaniet Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000.

Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, apmeklējiet www.premierboxingchampions.com www.nbcsports.com/boxing,www.AgganisArena.com un www.dbe1.com, sekot TwitterPremierBoxing, @AndreDirrell, @JamesDeGale1, LouDiBella, DropkickMurphys, MurphysBoxing, @NBCSports and @AgganisArena and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,www.facebook.com/NBCSports, www.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/DropkickMurphys un www.facebook.com/MurphysBoxing. Follow the conversation using #PremierBoxingChampions and #PBConNBC



Ireland’s Gary O’Sullivan Takes On Melvin Betancourt

Plus Local Favorites Ryan Kielczweski & Logan McGuinness

Atsevišķā bouts

Premier Boxing Champions on NBC Starts At 4:30 P.M. UN/1:30 P.M. PT

BOSTON (Maijs 19, 2015) – Boston-area fans will be treated to fireworks this Memorial Day weekend as a full slate of exciting undercard fights come to Agganis Arena on Sestdiena, Maijs 23. The undercard action is highlighted by Boston’s own Danny O'Connor (25-2, 9 Kos) taking on the fighting pride of Vermont, Chris Gilbert (13-1, 10 Kos) in an eight-round welterweight battle for the New England welterweight championship title.


Undercard fights will support the Premier Boksa Champions par NBC show featuring the super middleweight showdown between Olympic medalists Andre Dirrell (24-1, 16 Kos) un James DeGale (20-1, 14 Kos) un Edwin Rodriguez (26-1, 17 Kos) taking on the undefeated Craig Baker (16-0, 12 Kos).


O'Connor vs. Baker will put two of the most popular fighters in the New England area on display as the slick boxing O’Connor will look to pick apart the hard-charging Gilbert. The bout will be the final event of the evening and close down the show in spectacular fashion at Agganis Arena.


I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to fight Chris in Boston,” teica O'Connor. “Being able to do what I love in front of my hometown fans that have supported me since day one is very meaningful to me


I’m very excited to have the opportunity to fight on such an amazing card,” said Gilbert. “I’m coming off a first round knockout last week and I plan to bring the same intensity, aggressiveness and hard hitting style into the ring this week. O’Connor has been at the top of the welterweight division, whether in the amateurs or pros, and I’m excited to see how my skills compare.


This is a fight that local fight fans have been eager to see for a long time,” teica Ken Casey, President and CEO of Murphys Boxing. “New England’s premiere welterweight versus New England’s hardest hitting welterweight. Pride can be worth more than money sometimes and the right to call yourself ‘New England welterweightchamp is very important to a fighter in this close knit community.


The undercard will also feature a highly anticipated 10-round middleweight contest that pits Gary O’Sullivan (20-1, 13 Kos) pret Melvin Betancourt (29-1, 23 Kos) as both men look to prove themselves as contenders in the division.


Biļetes uz tiešraides pasākumā, kas veicina DiBella Entertainment sadarbībā ar Murphys Boxing, cena ir $250, $200, $100, $75, $50 un $35, neieskaitot piemērojamos maksu par pakalpojumiem un nodokļiem, un ir pārdošanā tagad. Tickets will be available at www.ticketmaster.com. Lai uzlādētu tālruni, zvaniet Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000.


Further action will feature the six round featherweight bout between local favorite Ryan Kielczweski (22-1, 6 Kos) unAnthony Napunyi (15-14, 8 Kos) and a six round junior lightweight bout that showcases Logan McGuinness (22-0-1, 10 Kos) uzņemoties Christian Esquivel (17-13, 15 Kos). Plus undefeated prospect Immanuel Aleem (12-0, 8 Kos) saskaras David Toribio (21-14, 14 Kos) in a six or eight round middleweight swing bout.


Also stepping into the ring at Agganis Arena is undefeated knockout artist Jonathan Guzman (18-0, 18 Kos) kas uzņemas Christian Esquivel (27-6, 20 Kos) in an eight-round junior featherweight matchup. Heavyweight prospect Danny Kelly (7-1-1, 1 KO) uzņemsies Curtis Lee Tate (7-5, 6 Kos) in a six-round heavyweight attraction while Antonio Russell (1-0,1 KO) uzņemoties Brandon Garvin (0-1) in a four round bantamweight fight. Kicking off the action in the arena is undefeated prospect Edwin Espinal (5-0, 4 Kos) kurš uzņemsies Alvaro Enriquez (12-13-2, 4 Kos) in a four round light heavyweight fight.


A former National Golden Gloves champion who has fought as a pro since 2008, O'Connor was set to face former two-division champion Paulie Malignaggi, but will now return home for a Maijs 23 beigas. The 30-year-old out of Framingham, Massachusetts is coming off of back-to-back knockout victories over Michael Clark and Andrew Farmer and looks to leave a big impression on his hometown fans.


A hard-hitting fighter out of Windsor, Vermont, Gilbert has become a staple throughout New England, appearing on cards all around the region since turning pro in 2011. The 30-year-old boasts an impressive knockout percentage and just last week recorded his tenth professional stoppage with a first round knockout over Raphael Valenzuela. He takes a step up in competition when he battles O’Connor on Maijs 23.


A resident of Cork, Īrija, O'Sullivan will be fighting for the fifth time as a professional in the state of Massachusetts, where he is yet to lose. At 30-years-old, he has won his last four fights since a defeat to Billy Joe Saunders in 2013, including three straight by knockout. He will take on a strong opponent making his U.S. debija Betancourt. The fighter out of Villa Gonzalez, Dominican Republic has won nine fights in a row.


Runner-up in 2008 National Golden Glove turnīrs, 25 gadus vecais Kielczweski has become a staple fighting in his home state of Massachusetts. Dzimis un audzis Quincy, he hopes to rebound from the first loss of his career, a split decision defeat to Danny Aquino in April of this year. He will take on the 32-year-old Napunyi, who is coming off of a third round TKO victory over Joshua Omukhulu in January of this year. Fighting out of Canal Point, Florda, he hopes to make it back-to-back victories on Maijs 23.


Fighting out of Ontario, Kanāda, McGuinness will make his second start in the U.S. after debuting in April with a first round TKO over Carlos Fulgencio at Memorial Hall in Massachusetts. The 27-year-old will take on the 35-year-oldCuevas no Mehiko.


An undefeated prospect out of Richmond, Virginia, the 21-year-old Aleem will take on the very dangerous and experienced 35-year-old Toribio out of Miami.


With a perfect knockout percentage, 25 gadus vecais Guzman looks to build off of his Massachusetts debut, which saw him knockout Juan Guzman in the fifth round in February of this year. Fighting out of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic he returns to the ring to take on 28-year-old Esquivel out of Temoaya, Meksika.


23 gadus vecais Kelly will return to the same city where he delivered a first round TKO of Eric Newell in June 2014 looking for another big victory. The fighter out of Washington D.C. will take on the 31-year-old Tate out of Oakland, Tennessee.


Another native of Washington D.C., Russell made his professional debut this year with a second round knockout over Harold Reyes in January. The 22-year-old takes on Philadelphia’s Garvin.

A 22-year-old prospect who has racked up five wins since turning pro in February of this year, Espinal will get back in the ring again on Maijs 23. The fighter out of Providence, Rhode Island will take on the 33-year-old Enriquez out of Tlaxcala, Meksika.

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Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, apmeklējiet www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.nbcsports.com/boxing, www.AgganisArena.com unwww.dbe1.com, sekot TwitterPremierBoxing, @AndreDirrell, @JamesDeGale1, LouDiBella, DropkickMurphys, MurphysBoxing, @NBCSports and @AgganisArena and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/NBCSports, www.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/DropkickMurphys un www.facebook.com/MurphysBoxing. Follow the conversation using #PremierBoxingChampions and #PBConNBC