Архивы: Джамель сельди

Джамель “Semper Fi” Сельдь Patriot, Олимпиец & Теперь World Champ

США Alumni бокса: (L) Jamel сельдь и его stablemate, Terence “Бутон” Кроуфорд
(фото любезно предоставлено Mikey Williams / Top Rank)

Колорадо-Спрингс, Круг. (Июнь 13, 2019) – Недавно коронованная Всемирная боксерская организация (WBO) супер полулегком весе Джамель “Semper Fi” Сельдь был борцом практически всю свою жизнь, как U.S. Морской и элитный боксер.

33-летний Herring (20-2, 10 КО), борются Цинциннати, пришел полный круг, так как он начал заниматься боксом в возрасте 15. “Я начал, потому что я делал плохо в школе, вырезанные из баскетбольной команды,” он объяснил, почему он выбрал Sweet Science. “Я не хочу быть на улицах. Это был не мой характер, так что я должен был найти что-то еще, чтобы сделать. Друг познакомил меня с боксом, и я застрял с ним. В конце концов я получил мои оценки резервного копирования и сделал высокую честь ролл.”

Сельдь превратился олимпийский боксер, в основном, в то время как он служил девять лет в U.S. морская пехота, и даже когда он был развернут дважды в Ираке. Он скомпилирован 81-15 любительские записи, в том числе высших наград в то 2011 & 2012 Чемпионат Вооруженных сил, 2011 U.S. Олимпийские игры и 2012 США Гражданам золотой медалист, наряду с серебряной медалью на 2010 Всемирные игры военнослужащих. Он был первым активным долг U.S. Marine, чтобы претендовать на США бокса команды, так как 1992, а также первый U.S. Морские состязаться в 2012 Олимпийские игры.

“Я боксировал немного во время моего второго развертывания в свободное время,” он отметил,. “Я вернулся из моего второго развертывания к концу 2007 и начал заниматься боксом для морской пехоты в 2008. Большая часть моей любительской карьеры попал под морской пехоты. Я узнал много путешествовать с морской пехотой. Я получил увидеть больше стилей и соревновались в национальных турнирах, как морской. Кроме того, они имели средства, чтобы отправить мне.”

Изюминкой его любительской карьеры представлял свою страну на 2012 Олимпийские игры в Лондоне в качестве капитана сборной США. Несмотря на то, что он потерял (19-9) в первом раунде два времени казахского боксера Елеусинов, который выиграл золото на 2013 Чемпионат мира, а затем на 2016 Олимпийские игры, открывающие Олимпийские церемонии был самым запоминающимся моментом всей его любительского бокса карьеры по особой причине.

“Это была годовщина кончины моей дочери,” Сельдь сказал. “Это дайте мне знать, что независимо от того,, Вы все еще можете сделать что-нибудь, еще через взлеты и падения.”

Другие члены 2012 США Olympic Team Сельдь капитана включена нынешние чемпионы мира дня в профессиональных рядах, такие как Эррол Спенс, Младший., Claressa Shields и Маркус Браун, бывший чемпион мира Rau'Shee Уоррен, и титул чемпиона мира претенденты Террелл Gausha, Майкл Хантер и Доминик Breazeale.

Сельдь по-прежнему близко к США бокса, говоря: “США Бокс помог мне из-за отношения я создал, многие из которых до сих пор остаются сегодня. Я встретил других бойцов со всего мира, что я сохранил хорошие отношения с. Это также помогло мне стать больше людей-я человек сегодня. Будучи капитаном команды научил меня терпению, потому что я должен был иметь дело с большим количеством личностей, Я до сих пор использую эти черты сегодня. И я по-прежнему близко к моим Олимпийским товарищам по команде сегодня.”

США бокса Ассоциация выпускников

Созданный чемпион пожизненного, взаимовыгодные отношения между США боксом и выпускниками, –боксеры, должностные лица, тренеры и любители бокса — Ассоциация выпускников связывает поколения чемпионов, вдохновляя и Отдача будущих чемпионов бокса США бокса, в и из кольца.

США бокса Ассоциация выпускников открыта для всех, кто имеет любовь к боксу, и хотел бы, чтобы оставаться на связи с любительским боксом. Члены получают доступ к широкому спектру специальных мероприятий, организуемых Ассоциацией выпускников., включая его ежегодный США бокса Ассоциации выпускников Зал славы приема.

Для того, чтобы вступить в Ассоциацию выпускников, просто зарегистрироваться на alumni@usaboxing.org для $40.00 за членский взнос года. Новые участники получат футболку, брелок для ключей и электронный кошелек.

“Jamel является прекрасным примером устойчивости и настойчивости,” упомянутый Крис tofflemire, США директор Ассоциации бокса выпускников. “Его тяжелая работа, жертва, и неспособность выйти независимо от того, какие препятствия он сталкивается будет вдохновлять новое поколение чемпионов на протяжении многих лет. Бокс США Ассоциация выпускников хочет, чтобы поблагодарить его за все, что он дал другим, как в и из кольца.”

Ничто никогда не приходит легко для Jamel Herring, особенно его замечательный поворот после трагической гибели его новорожденной дочери, Ariynh, которое произошло три года в день до церемонии открытия Олимпийских игр.

“Моя дорога была не просто,” добавлено Herring, “У меня были свои взлеты и падения. Я олимпиец, но ничего не было когда-либо передал мне. Я должен был бороться за все, что я получил. Это мое время!”

Это определенно, особенно после того, как он победил защиты WBO супер полулегком весе Масаюки Ито, в мае этого года 25, чтобы стать чемпионом мира. Доказательство того, что хорошие вещи действительно случаются с хорошими людьми.

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Former World Champion Juan Carlos Payano Earns Unanimous Decision Over Alexis Santiago In Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes

Ladarius Miller Tops Jamel Herring in Exciting Battle of Lightweight Contenders Tuesday Night from Sam’s Town Live in Las Vegas
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Первый Boxing ChampionФотографии будут добавлены в ближайшее время
Нажмите ВОТ для фотографий от Идрис Эрба / Мэйвезер Акции
ЛАС-ВЕГАС (Август 22, 2017) – Экс-чемпион мира Хуан Карлос Паяно (19-1, 9 КО) scored an impressive decision victory over Алексис Сантьяго (24-5-1, 8 КО) в главном событииПремьер Бокс чемпионов ОО до пят ВТОРНИКАМ на FS1 и Бокс чемпионовна FOX Sports, Вторник night from Sam’s Town Live in Las Vegas and presented by Mayweather Promotions.
Payano set the pace early, closing the distance with Santiago and delivering consistent flurries of punches. Santiago was unable to keep Payano from charging forward early and seemed focused on landing a big counter.
The fight was defined by its rough nature and constant fighting on the inside. This led to a cut above Payano’s left eye after round three, but his corner was able to manage it and the cut was never a problem.
I felt like I was winning every single round,” Said Паяно. “There were small moments on the inside that I gave away but I think I did the better work each round.
Santiago had moments in the fight and landed big right hands late in the fourth and fifth rounds that got Payano’s attention, but the former champion was able to throw back with high volume and regain control of the fight.
The strategy was to wear him down and then really try to walk him down and take him out,” Said Паяно. “Santiago was a little too tough for his own good so I kept some distance at times and controlled the fight.
I felt the long layoff when I got in there,” сказал Сантьяго. “I was a little tight and I loaded up too much instead of using my speed.
Even when Santiago was able to corner Payano, the slippery fighter was able to fight his way off the ropes and turn the tide back in his favor. After the end of 10 rounds of super bantamweight action all three judgessaw the fight in Payano’s favor by scores of 100-90 и 99-91 дважды.
I want my titles back,” Said Паяно. “I don’t care who is holding which titles at 118 и 122 фунты. I’ll fight anyone and show I’m still a champion.
I thought the fight was a little closer,” сказал Сантьяго. “He did more work than me but I thought I had good moments. I wanted to box him a little more but I couldn’t find my range so I just tried to close down the gaps. We just have to go back to the drawing board and stay more active. I want to get a tune-up fight then get right back to fighting top guys.
The co-main event saw once-beaten Ladarius Миллер (14-1, 4 КО) score a unanimous decision victory over 2012 U.S. Олимпиец Джамель сельди (16-2, 9 КО) in their 10-round lightweight bout.
The southpaws began the fight carefully, with Miller looking to establish his jab while Herring showed great movement early and tried to catch Miller in the pocket. The exchanges picked up in round two, although both men were still primarily throwing one punch at a time.
I know I out-jabbed him,” сказал Миллер. “When we jabbed each other, I thought my jab was stronger than his. I gave him two different styles. There were times where I walked him down and times where I boxed him.
Miller began to pick up the aggressiveness in round three, following up his jab with a straight left hand over the top that snapped Herring’s head. Herring continued to focus on his movement and mixed-in good body work several times to finish off exchanges.
In round five Herring began to plant himself inside and looked to counter Miller, but was unable to do enough clean work to get the attention of the judges as Miller continued to throw back with left hands and movement that occasionally frustrated Herring.
“Я думал, что это был рукопашный бой,” Саид Сельдь. “I thought when I came forward and pressed the fight he started retreating and moving.
Both men squared-off in the center of the ring for the final three rounds, as each looked to deliver a shot that would seal the fight in their favor. The flurry of action led to judgesdisagreements on all three of the final action-packed rounds.
In the end it was Miller’s consistent work throughout the fight that got him the nod from all three judges by scores of 98-92 и 97-93 дважды.
“я думал 97-93 was the right score,” сказал Миллер. “I took it easy in round nine and felt him out in the first two rounds. But the rest of the fight I felt like I dominated. It’s a process. I’m just climbing the ladder right now. I want to get another test and fight more strong fighters. I want to be on the biggest stages. I’m ready for the step up.
I thought I landed some heavy shots in there and was more aggressive,” Саид Сельдь. “Obviously the judges saw it differently. I’ll get back with my team and see what’s next, but I did think I won the fight. I thought I won the last two rounds and pulled it out.
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Поклонники могут транслировать бои в прямом эфире на FOX Sports GO, доступно на английском или испанском языках через каналы FS1 или FOX Deportes. Бои доступны на рабочем столе на FOXSportsGO.com и в магазине приложений., или подключенных устройств, включая Apple TV, Android TV, Огонь ТВ, Xbox One и Roku. В дополнение, все программы также доступны на FOX Sports на канале SiriusXM 83 спутниковые радиостанции и на приложении SiriusXM.
Для получения более подробной информации: визит WWW.premierboxingchampions.com, ХТф://www.foxsports.com/PressPass / домашнюю и www.foxdeportes.com. Следуйте по щебетатьPremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, @ FS1, FOXDeportes ИSwanson_Comm и стать поклонником на Facebook по www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, WWW.facebook.com/foxsports,www.facebook.com/foxdeportesand www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. КПБ по FS1 & FOX Deportes был спонсирован Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Former World Champion Juan Carlos Payano Returns to Take On Alexis Santiago in Main Event Of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 & ЧЕМПИОНЫ ПО БОКСУ на FOX Deportes

Вторник, Август 22 от Сэма города живут в Лас-Вегасе
Больше! Once Beaten Lightweights Jamel Herring and Ladarius Miller
Square-Off в со-главном событии
Билеты на продажу Завтра!
ЛАС-ВЕГАС (Август 8, 2017) – Экс-чемпион мира Хуан Карлос Паяно (18-1, 9 КО) столкнется Алексис Сантьяго (21-4-1, 8 КО) in a 10-round bantamweight matchup that headlines Премьер Бокс чемпионов ОО до пят ВТОРНИКАМ на FS1 и Бокс чемпионов на FOX Sports Август 22 from Sam’s Town Live in Las Vegas and presented by Mayweather Promotions.
Payano versus Santiago replaces the previously announced main event that featured a lightweight match between Mickey Bey and Anthony Peterson that was cancelled after Bey was injured in training.
I am excited to be back in the ring and on the way back to the top,” Said Паяно. “I don’t plan to allow anything to derail me from being champion again. I’m ready to put on a great performance and get the big fights that I want. I’m looking forward to once again reigning supreme in this division. I’m never in a boring fight so you won’t want to miss it on Август 22!”
I’ve been staying steady with training camp and everything has been really smooth,” сказал Сантьяго. “After my last fight I took a few months off to let my body heal and I feel much better going into this fight. My opponent is tough and aggressive. He’s a former world champion but I feel that I have what it takes to win. This fight is happening during the biggest fight week in boxing and I couldn’t be happier. I’m just staying focused on doing what I have to do to get in the ring and get that win.
Телевизионный охват начинается 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT as part of an exciting week of events presented by Mayweather Promotions and leading up to the Mayweather vs. McGregor showdown в субботу.
The Август 22 show will also feature a showdown between once-beaten lightweights Джамель сельди (16-1, 9 КО) и Ladarius Миллер (13-1, 4 КО), who will meet in a 10-round match.
I was so excited when I got the news that I got this opportunity,” Саид Сельдь. “This is a huge stage for me to be on and it is an honor. I’ve been training alongside some great guys in camp to make sure I am in top shape and I’m really looking forward to it. I’m familiar with Ladarius from when I trained in the Mayweather Boxing Club a couple years ago. Я не недооцениваю его, but I’ve been in the ring with tough vets and I think I’ve got what it takes.
I think a lot of people have doubted me in the past, but lately I feel like I am finally getting the recognition I knew I deserved,” сказал Миллер. “My team has been great in encouraging me to stay consistent. I had to make a lot of changes to help me evolve as a fighter physically and mentally. I feel mentally locked in right now and my last few fights have showed my hungry wont-back-down side and on Август 22 the fans just better be ready to see ‘Memphis.I’ve seen my opponents resume and all I can say is, this is going to be a good olbrawl.
Билеты на турнире, который способствует Мэйуэзер Акции, по цене $125, $100, $75 и $50 и на продажу завтра, Август 9. Билеты доступны онлайн по адресу www.samstownlv.com/entertain.
This is an incredible event to kick-off the biggest fight week in the history of boxing,” сказал Леонард Эллерб, Генеральный директор Мэйуэзер Акции. “We are proud to announce that some of Mayweather Promotionstop prospects will be featured on their own FS1 and FOX Deportes card, giving the fans nonstop action and excitement for the whole week. We have a great lineup in-store with former world champion Juan Carlos Payano taking on Alexis Santiago in the main event and Jamel Herring and Ladarius Miller in the co-feature. It is truly going to be an action filled night of boxing.
The two-time Dominican Olympian Payano began his path towards another world title with a stoppage of Isao Gonzalo Carranza in January, after first becoming a champion via a technical decision over Anselmo Moreno in September 2014. The accomplished amateur won gold at the 2006 Central American and Caribbean games with victories over McJoe Arroyo and Yoandris Salinas. He defeated Jundy Maraon, Jose Silveria and Luis Maldonado on the way to his title shot and engaged in a pair of exciting fights with Rau’shee Warren that saw him defend his title in August 2015 and lose in June 2016.
Про с 2009, the 26-year-old Santiago had won ten consecutive bouts before dropping a decision to Jose Cayetano in his last contest. Уроженец Финикса победил Густаво Молину, Хавьер Галло и Антонио Тостадо Гарсия. 2015 and and has also taken down once-beaten fighters Alex Rangel and Hanzel Martinez. He will make his 2017 debut against one of his most experienced foes to date in Payano.
An amateur standout who won a 2012 Amateur National Championship the same year as his Olympic run, Herring fights out of Cincinnati and is originally from Coram, Нью-Йорк. 31-летний футболист выиграл свой первый 15 pro fights including triumphs over Luis Eduardo Florez, Yakubu Amidu and Hector Velasquez. A former member of the U.S. Marine Corps, Herring bounced back from his first defeat and stopped experienced contender Art Hovhannisyan in February.
Про с 2014, Miller won his first nine pro fights as he used his speed and skills to out box opponents. Originally from Memphis but now living and training in Las Vegas, Miller has won four fights in a row, including three by stoppage. His last bout saw Miller fight to the eighth round for the first time in his career and impressively stop the then once-beaten Jesus Gutierrez in the final frame.
# # #
Поклонники могут транслировать бои в прямом эфире на FOX Sports GO, доступно на английском или испанском языках через каналы FS1 или FOX Deportes. Бои доступны на рабочем столе на FOXSportsGO.com и в магазине приложений., или подключенных устройств, включая Apple TV, Android TV, Огонь ТВ, Xbox One и Roku. В дополнение, все программы также доступны на FOX Sports на канале SiriusXM 83 спутниковые радиостанции и на приложении SiriusXM.
Для получения более подробной информации: визит WWW.premierboxingchampions.com, ХТф://www.foxsports.com/PressPass / домашнюю и www.foxdeportes.com. Следуйте по щебетатьPremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, @ FS1, FOXDeportes ИSwanson_Comm и стать поклонником на Facebook по www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, WWW.facebook.com/foxsports, www.facebook.com/foxdeportes aй www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. КПБ по FS1 & FOX Deportes спонсируется Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Премьер Бокс чемпионов – The Next Round on Bounce Sets Series Highs, Reaches 1.5 Million Viewers

АТЛАНТА (Февраль. 14, 2017) – The latest Премьер Бокс чемпионов – Следующий раунд на подпрыгивать on Fri. Февраль. 10 был успех нокаутом.
The live telecast (9:00 p.m. – 12:13 a.m. И) delivered series records of 501K Persons 2+ (+73% против. the prior PBC – Следующий раунд событие), 285K Men 2+ (+47%), 120K Persons 18-34 (+264%) and 201K P18-49 (+95%). Viewership peaked with over half a million total viewers 2+ (557К).
The live telecast also racked up impressive time-period gains of +56% in P2+, +83% in M2+, +64% in P18-34 and +37% in P18-49 and became the youngest-skewing PBC event ever on Bounce, with a median age of 44 лет. Among its target audience of African Americans, Bounce was a top three network in the delivery of AA18-49 among all ad-supported cable.
Bounce aired an immediate encore of Премьер Бокс чемпионов – Следующий раунд after the live event and the two telecasts combined reached 1.5 миллионов телезрителей.
Около 10,000 fans packed the Huntington Center in Toledo, Огайо Пятница night for hometown hero Роберт Пасха (19-0, 14 КО) as he impressively defended his lightweight world title against Puerto Rico’s Луис Крус (22-5-1, 16 КО) в главном событии Премьер Бокс чемпионов: Следующий раунд. The 2012 Olympic alternate used his reach and power throughout the fight, knocking Cruz down three times en route to a unanimous decision victory.
In the exciting co-main event, three-time U.S. Олимпиец Rau'shee Уоррен(14-2, 4 КО) of Cincinnati lost a split decision to Zhanat Zhakiyanov (27-1, 18 КО) Казахстан. The telecast kicked off with Cleveland-native Террелл Gausha (20-0, 9 КО) earning a unanimous decision over Puerto Rico’s Луис Эрнандес (15-4, 8 КО) в среднем бой.
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Zhanat Zhakiyanov Wins Bantamweight World Championship Against Rau’Shee Warren in Co-Main Event
Terrell Gausha Earns Unanimous Decision Victory Over Puerto Rico’s Luis Hernandez
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Фото кредит: Leo Wilson Jr./Premier Boxing Champions
ТОЛЕДО, Огайо (Февраль 10) – Около 10,000 fans turned out for hometown hero Роберт Пасха (19-0, 14 КО) as he impressively defended his lightweight world title against Puerto Rico’s Луис Крус (22-5-1, 16 КО) at the Huntington Center in Toledo, OH in the main event of Премьер Бокс чемпионов: Следующий раунд на ТВ отказов. The 2012 Olympic alternate used his reach and power throughout the fight, knocking Cruz down three times en route to a unanimous decision victory.
Cruz’s best round came in the fifth as he turned up the action, giving Easter a pause more than once and pushed the champion toward the ropes. After that round, it was all Easter who threw flurries of punches, not always depending on his range, doing his best to pin Cruz back with powerful hooks and body shots. Easter wasn’t fazed by seeing the 10th round for the third time in his career as a big right hand sent Cruz to the canvas for the first knockdown of the fight. Cruz impressively rose to his feet, but Easter didn’t relent.
He continued his conquest and with 10 seconds to go in the 11th round, Cruz was saved by the bell after being knocked down again. Fighting to the finish, Easter gave the raucous crowd what they came for as he threw a big right hand that nearly ended the fight. Cruz did notably did not quit, but was no match for Easter as the judges scored the bout 119-106, 118-107, 117-108.
В со-главном событии, three-time U.S. Олимпиец Rau'shee Уоррен (14-2, 4 КО) came out strong from the opening bell as he utilized his hand speed and power by knocking Zhanat Zhakiyanov (27-1, 18 КО) of Kazakhstan not once, but twice. Кроличий садок, who was defending his bantamweight title for the first time, could not finish the fight in the first round despite throwing a flurry of unanswered punches following the two knockdowns. The tables started to turn in favor of Zhakiyanov in the third round as he threw several consecutive uppercuts, pressuring Warren against the ropes. He threw two right hooks that knocked Warren to the canvas, but referee Gary Rosato ruled it a slip.
Trained and promoted by former unified world champion Ricky Hatton, Zhakiyanov applied pressure throughout the middle rounds, wearing Warren down. But the Cincinnati-native seemed to have gotten a second wind to kick-off the eighth round as he turned up the heat with one minute to go. Zhakiyanov continued to put pressure on Warren and use his strength. The fight was action packed from start to finish, but it was the Kazakh who earned the split decision victory with scores of 116-110, 115-111 for Zhakiyanov and 115-111 Кроличий садок.
The telecast kicked off with a middleweight bout between Cleveland-native Terrell Gausha(20-0, 9 КО)and Puerto Rico’s Luis Hernandez (15-4, 8 КО). Gausha established his jab midway through the first round with three straight right hands to the face of Hernandez. Однако, it was Hernandez who surprised Gausha with a huge overhand right that floored the 2012 Олимпиец. Gausha easily bounced back from the knock down and was able to get himself out of trouble and continued to show his power throughout.
Referee Jim Howe deducted a point from Hernandez after two low blows in the seventh round. Hernandez remained determined despite taking a lot of big shots, especially in the ninth round when Gausha was a few shots away from ending the fight. В конце, Gausha earned a unanimous decision with scores of 98-90 в два раза и 97-91.
Роберт-младший Пасха:
It was very important for me to remain focused tonight but also have fun. My people came out in full force so I wanted to give them a show, a night to remember. I feel like I did that, even though I wish I could’ve given them the knockout.
I admit, I was very surprised that Luis Cruz could take my punches like that and finish the fight. When I had him down and hurt (в раунде 10), I thought he was done. Я даю ему кредит. He came a long way and showed a lot of heart.
I said before the fight and I’m going to keep saying itI’m here to collect all them belts. I’m not gonna pretend to be that guy who doesn’t call out other fights. I’m calling out Mikey Garcia, Jorge Linares and Terry Flanagan. I want them to see what we were able to do here tonight, the crowd I pulled in. I’m a superstar on the rise and now it’s time for me to collect my prizes and bring these fights and all of the belts home to Toledo.
Even in seeing my brother (Rau'Shee Уоррен) lose a fight we all thought he won, I couldn’t let that distract what I had to do in the ring. I hated that Rau’Shee had to go through that againlosing in the Olympics three times, not getting his win in the first fight with Juan Carlos Payano, then not getting his belt for months after winning it, and now losing it like that. He’s had it rough, but we’re a team and we have to pick each other up. That became my mission to rise for the sake of the team.
Realistically I’d like to come back maybe May or June. It’s always hard work but I’m not cut or marked up. I want to stay active and get all the champions and best challengers out there. TBTThe Bunny Team is getting ready to take over.
Луис Крус:
He’s a very strong fighter. I wanted to do more but he took away my energy late in the fight. The first knockdown took a lot of out me. I felt dizzy but it was important for me to finish the fight on my feet. I never stopped trying to win, but he a great champion and the best I’ve ever faced.
I’m going to return home (в Пуэрто-Рико) and enjoy time with my family. I need to rest and relax. После этого, I’ll think about what’s next for my career.
Zhanat Zhakiyanov:
I knew at the end of the fight that I deserved to win, but because of where we were, we weren’t sure if the judges would give it to us. So that surprised us, but not that I won the fight. I was hurt early, but I outworked him in almost every round after that and was the stronger fighter in the end.
The knockdowns shocked me, но (trainer and promoter, бывший чемпион мира в двух дивизионах) Ricky Hatton kept me level-headed, telling me the adjustments I had to make. Once I was able to get inside and force the action, я видел (Warren’s) energy level drop.
We are grateful that he gave us the opportunity to fight for the world title. It’s an amazing feeling to win that belt. He feels like he won the fight and wants the rematch. We can definitely talk about doing that. I’ve fought everywhere in the world and don’t back down from any challenge.
Рикки Хаттон:
We were surprised when Zhanat went down like that in the beginning of the fight. I just wanted to remind him what he does better and what Rau’Shee is good at. He is never going to outbox him; he had to get in his chest, he had to mug him and make it a brawl. Zhanat did that very well and that’s how he won the fight.
If we lost the fight, we would have been upset, but we’d know it wouldn’t have been a bad decision. I know that Warren is gutted, he feels like he won the fight and let’s be honestit was the type of fight where no matter who won, the loser would have felt like he deserved to have his hand raised.
Their styles make for a great fight. Why not do it again? Not just because it was close but because it was such a great action fight and it always will be.
Rau'Shee Уоррен:
“Мужчина, Я выиграл этот бой. я сбил его с ног, I was landing the cleaner punches and making him miss. What it is, the judges are favoring aggressive fighters, even when they ain’t even landing.
I went through the same thing with (Хуан Карлос) Паяно, losing the first fight that I should’ve won and then getting the decision in the rematch. So now I have to prove to these judges the second time what I should’ve got tonight. Of course I want that rematch. I want it next, I want my world titles back.
Obviously you can always do more. We’re gonna go back, look at what we could’ve done differently and make sure the judges don’t take it from me no more.
Террелл Gausha:
The knockdown was legitimate, but that was (Hernandez’) only good moment in the fight. He caught me clean, but it happened to me before (versus William Waters earlier in his career). Just like I did back then, I immediately adjusted and controlled the rest of the fight.
It felt good to get so much from the fans in Toledo and all my fans that came from Cleveland (Gausha’s hometown). It was a great night out here and I’d love to do it again whenever they’re ready to bring us back here or even in my hometown.
I’m ready to return whenever my team says the next opportunity is there for me. Hopefully it’s as soon as possible. This is going to be a big year for me.
Луис Эрнандес:
I had him hurt but I didn’t finish him. I didn’t throw enough punches to slow him down after I knocked him down. He deserved to win; I could have done better and will do better in the future. I hope PBC brings me back soon as I want to show I belong with the best.
Адриен Broner:
It was a great turnout tonight. This was the first big promotion for About Billions; it definitely won’t be the last. We got my fight next week in Cincinnati and we gonna keep coming back strong.
Ravone Littlejohn, CEO of About Bilions Promotions:
It was a bittersweet night for us, with Robert Easter looking like a superstar but then with Rau’Shee Warren not getting the victory. We wanted the win in both fights for the fans, but the judges saw what they saw in Rau’Shee’s fight.
The crowd exceeded our expectations. We knew it would be a big turnout but when they opened up the entire venue and we saw nearly all the seats filled, it was a special feeling. Now we get to roll this over to Adrien’s fight next week and look forward to keep bringing big events to Ohio.
Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.premierboxingchampions.com, следовать по Twitter @ PremierBoxing, @RobertEaster_Jr, RauSheeWarren, BounceTV, и @Swanson_Comm и следить за разговором с помощью #PBConBounce, Вступить в группу на Facebook на www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions иwww.Facebook.com/BounceTV. PBC на Отказов спонсируется Corona: Finest Beer. Easter vs. Cruz was promoted by About Billions Promotions in association with TGB Promotions.
Отказов телевизор быстро растет афро-американец (А.А.) Сеть по телевидению и транслируется по широковещательным сигналам местных телевизионных станций и соответствующему кабель каретки. Сеть имеет программирования сочетание оригинальной и вне сети серии, театральные фильмы, Скидки, живые виды спорта и более. Отказов ТВ выросла, будет доступна в более чем 94 миллионы домов по всей территории Соединенных Штатов и 93% всех афро-американских телевизионных домов, в том числе все телевизионных рынков сверху АА. Among the founders of Bounce TV are iconic American figures Martin Luther King, III и посол Эндрю Янг.
Для местного расположения канала, визит BounceTV.com.

Robert Easter vs. Luis Cruz Final Press Conference Quotes & Фото

Премьер Бокс чемпионов: The Next Round on Bounce
Пятница, Февраль 10 from the Huntington Center in Toledo, Огайо
Нажмите ВОТ для фото с Лео Уилсон / Premier бокса чемпионов
ТОЛЕДО, Огайо (Февраль 8, 2017) – Undefeated lightweight world champion Роберт Пасхаand Puerto Rican contender Луис Крус hosted a final press conference before Easter makes his first world title defense as he headlines Премьер Бокс чемпионов: Следующий раунд наподпрыгивать at the Huntington Center in Easter’s hometown of Toledo, Огайо.
Телевизионное покрытие на отскоке начинается 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT and features bantamweight world champion and three-time U.S. Олимпиец Rau'shee Уоррен battling once-beaten contenderZhanat Zhakiyanov.
Билеты на турнире, which is promoted by About Billions Promotions in association with TGB Promotions, по цене $30, $50, $75, $100 и $200, и уже в продаже. Билеты можно приобрести в Интернете по адресу www.ticketmaster.com, или по телефону 1-800-745-3000.
Вот то, что бойцы должны были сказать, Среда:
As everyone knows, I don’t like doing too much talking. I like to do my talking in the ring with these hands. Февраль 10 is going to be an exciting night with a tremendous undercard filled with local talent.
These guys up here and on this card are people I’ve grown up with. It means a lot for me to share the stage with them. I’m excited for them.
I’m so grateful for all of the support I’ve received from fans here in Toledo. You keep me going forward and you keep me motivated.
My dad and I have come a long way. It’s been a long road and we’re finally here, наверху. I couldn’t have done this without him.
Toledo has been showing up like crazy for my last two fights so it’s got me feeling very comfortable and confident.
I have a very tough fighter in front of me. Cruz is going to come to fight and put on a show, but I’m prepared to deliver a knockout.
I can’t wait to get into the ring for this fight. This is something I’ve been waiting on for years. I’m a world champion just like I knew I always would be.
Having Adrien Broner here means a lot. He is a big brother to me. He showed me the ropes and he’s somebody I always looked up to.
Being able to bring this title back home to Toledo is really exciting. I hope you all are as excited as I am, because on Февраль 10 you’re going to see fireworks. It’s going to be short.
I’m very thankful to everyone who helped me earn this opportunity. I’ve been training really hard and I’m planning on taking full advantage of this.
I hope that all the people who come out в пятницу are ready to see a great fight. I’m going to leave it all in the ring.
I know that everything is up against me going to his hometown, but it is my dream to fight for a world title and I will give it everything I have.
Rau'Shee Уоррен
“Это очень важный бой для меня. I’m a world champion but I have a lot more work to do. I’m looking to grab more titles.
My first obstacle is taking care of this mandatory. After I get him out of the way I’ll be ready put my titles up against other champions.
I have to be sharp in this fight. I have to stick with my game plan because this guy is coming to take my title.
My opponent is a pressure fighter. He’s trying to come forward. With the abilities that I have, I’m going to try to make it look easy.
Адриен Broner, Former-Four Division World Champion
I have on my promoter hat today for my first major card and I’m really excited about it. Being able to promote a card like this with two world championship fights is amazing, especially because of the fighters on this card.
These fighters are guys that I’ve been in the gym sacrificing with. These guys came from water and cornflakes just like I did. It’s going to be a real surreal moment seeing them up in that ring.
I could tell stories about me, Robert and Rau’shee all day. Now we’re all on the same stage as champions, representing this sport. I’m excited to give the fans of Toledo a great show.
Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.premierboxingchampions.com, следовать по Twitter @ PremierBoxing, @RobertEaster_Jr, RauSheeWarren, BounceTV, и @Swanson_Comm и следить за разговором с помощью #PBConBounce, Вступить в группу на Facebook наwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions и www.Facebook.com/BounceTV. PBC на Отказов спонсируется Corona: Finest Beer.
Отказов телевизор быстро растет афро-американец (А.А.) Сеть по телевидению и транслируется по широковещательным сигналам местных телевизионных станций и соответствующему кабель каретки. Сеть имеет программирования сочетание оригинальной и вне сети серии, театральные фильмы, Скидки, живые виды спорта и более. Отказов ТВ выросла, будет доступна в более чем 94 миллионы домов по всей территории Соединенных Штатов и 93% всех афро-американских телевизионных домов, в том числе все телевизионных рынков сверху АА. Among the founders of Bounce TV are iconic American figures Martin Luther King, III и посол Эндрю Янг.
Для местного расположения канала, посетить BounceTV.com.

Непобедимый 2012 U.S. Olympian Terrell Gausha Battles Puerto Rico’s Luis Hernandez & 2012 U.S. Olympian Jamel Herring Takes On Armenia’s Art Hovhannisyan in Undercard Action Friday, Февраль 10 from the Huntington Center in Toledo, Огайо

Премьер Бокс чемпионов: The Next Round on Bounce
Headlined by Lightweight World Champion Robert Easter Defending Against Puerto Rican Contender Luis Cruz
ТОЛЕДО, Огайо (Февраль 8, 2017) – Unbeaten contender and Cleveland-native Террелл Gausha will face Puerto Rico’s Луис Эрнандес while lightweight contender Джамель сельди enters the ring against Armenia’s Art Hovhannisyan in undercard action on Пятница, Февраль 10 from the Huntington Center in Toledo, Огайо.
The event is headlined by unbeaten lightweight world champion Роберт Пасха returning to his hometown for his first world title defense as he takes on Puerto Rico’s Луис Крус в главном событии Премьер Бокс чемпионов: Следующий раунд на подпрыгивать.
Телевизионное покрытие на отскоке начинается 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT and features bantamweight world champion and three-time U.S. Олимпиец Rau'shee Уоррен battling once-beaten contenderZhanat Zhakiyanov.
Билеты на турнире, which is promoted by About Billions Promotions in association with TGB Promotions, по цене $30, $50, $75, $100 и $200, и уже в продаже. Билеты можно приобрести в Интернете по адресу www.ticketmaster.com, или по телефону 1-800-745-3000.
Gausha (19-0, 9 КО) and Hernandez (15-3, 8 КО) will compete in a 10-round middleweight bout while Herring (15-1, 8 КО) meets Hovhannisyan (17-3, 9 КО) in an eight-round lightweight fight.
Additional action features a pair of unbeaten prospects as Рейнелл Уильямс (11-0, 5 КО) бои Джастин Сави (29-9, 19 КО) in a six-round junior lightweight bout while Тайлер McCreary (12-0, 6 КО) берет на себя Джонатан Перес (36-16, 28 КО) в привлечении полулегком восемь круглых.
Rounding out the night of action is heavyweight Девин Варгас (18-4, 7 КО) в шесть-раундовом поединке против Tim Washington (6-4, 6 КО), unbeaten lightweight Albert Bell (6-0, 2 КО) против Джеймс Lester (11-11, 4 КО) in a six-round bout and Адриан Уилсон (3-1, 2 КО) против непобежденных Rashad Scott (3-0, 1 КО) в четырех раундов в полусреднем действий.
The 29-year-old Gausha is undefeated since turning pro in 2012 after his exceptional amateur career that saw him win a U.S. National Amateur championship in addition to his Olympic experience. Gausha has picked up six victories in the last two years against increasingly experienced competition including triumphs over Orlando Lora and Steven Martinez in 2016. He looks to continue his march towards a world title when he takes on the Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico-native Hernandez who won five times in 2016.
Another amateur standout who won an Amateur National Championship the same year as his Olympic run, Herring fights out of Cincinnati and is originally from Coram, Нью-Йорк. 31-летний футболист выиграл свой первый 15 pro fights including triumphs over Luis Eduardo Florez, Yakubu Amidu and Hector Velasquez. A former member of the U.S. Marine Corps, Herring will face the experienced contender Hovhannisyan who is originally from Armenia but trains now out of Glendale, Калифорния.
# # #
Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.premierboxingchampions.com, следовать по Twitter @ PremierBoxing, @RobertEaster_Jr, RauSheeWarren, BounceTV, и @Swanson_Comm и следить за разговором с помощью #PBConBounce, Вступить в группу на Facebook наwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions и www.Facebook.com/BounceTV. PBC на Отказов спонсируется Corona: Finest Beer.
Отказов является наиболее быстро растущим афро-американским (А.А.) Сеть по телевидению и транслируется по широковещательным сигналам местных телевизионных станций и соответствующему кабель каретки. Сеть имеет программирования сочетание оригинальной и вне сети серии, театральные фильмы, Скидки, живые виды спорта и более. Отказов вырос быть доступен в более чем 94 миллионы домов по всей территории Соединенных Штатов и 93% всех афро-американских телевизионных домов, в том числе все телевизионных рынков сверху АА. Среди основателей Отказов знаковых американских деятелей Мартин Лютер Кинг, III и посол Эндрю Янг.
Для местного расположения канала, посетить BounceTV.com.

Сельдь – Shafikov weigh in video plus interview with Kermit Cintron

Чтение, Пенсильвания (Июль 2, 2016)–Below is the weigh in video for сегодня вечером Premier Boxing Champions fight card at the Santander Arena. В главном событии, undefeated and former U.S. Olympian Jamel Herring squares off against former world title challenger Denis Shafikov. In the co-feature undefeated Patrysk Szymanski battles Wilky Campfort in a junior middleweight bout.
Also there is a video imterview with former world champion Kermit Cintron, who fights Carlos Garcia in an eight-round welterweight bout.
Media outlets may use the videos on their digital platforms by copy/pasting the embedded links.
Сельдь - Shafikov weigh in
Сельдь – Shafikov weigh in

Embedded Link:
<IFRAME ширина =”560″ высота =”315″ SRC =”HTTPS://www.youtube.com/embed/6lCyvEngroU” frameborder =”0″ allowfullscreen></IFRAME>

Кермит Цинтрон
Кермит Цинтрон

Embedded Link:
<IFRAME ширина =”560″ высота =”315″ SRC =”HTTPS://www.youtube.com/embed/z2yu3hLNtEA” frameborder =”0″ allowfullscreen></IFRAME>

Билеты на турнире, которые способствуют Акции Короля, по цене $20, $35, $55 и $75, и уже в продаже через Ticketmaster..

Суббота, Июль 2

Расположение: 700 Penn Street;Чтение, Пенсильвания 19601

6:30 p.m. Первый бой


# # #

Для подробной информации посетите www.premierboxingchampions.com, Следуйте по щебетатьPremierBoxing, @ДжамелХерринг, @KingsBoxing, @ESPNBoxing и @Swanson_Comm и стать поклонником на Facebook в www.facebook.com/premierboxingchampions. Основные доступные для встраивания в www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC на ESPN спонсируется Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Джамель сельди, Денис Шафиков, Патрик Шиманский & Wilky Campfort Media Workout Quotes & Фото

PBC на ESPN & ESPN депортирует в субботу, Июль 2 От Сантандер Арены в Ридинге, Пенсильвания.
(9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT)
Нажмите ВОТ for Photos From Nabeel Ahmad/Premier Boxing Champions
ЧТЕНИЕ, Пенсильвания. (Июль 1, 2016) – Four fighters set for pivotal showdowns this Saturday, Июль 2 held an open media workoutЧетверг как они готовятся к их Премьер Бокс чемпионов на ESPN и ESPN Deportes battles live from Santander Arena in Reading, Пенсильвания.
Unbeaten lightweight contender Джамель “Semper Fi” Сельдь встретится с бывшим претендентом на титул Денис Шафиков в главном событии вечера. Телевизионный охват начинается 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT and features unbeaten Polish prospect Патрик Шиманский сразиться с бывшим претендентом на титул “Шелковистый” Wilky Campfort.
Билеты на турнире, которые способствуют Акции Короля, по цене $20, $35, $55 и $75, и уже в продаже через Ticketmaster..
Вот то, что бойцы должны были сказать, Четверг:
“Лагерь был большой. I started in Cincinnati and finished in D.C. с Барри Хантер, Patrice Harris and of course Mike Stafford. During my time in D.C., I sparred with Lamont Peterson, who turned southpaw for me.
I have a great deal of respect for Shafikov. Tough guy, experienced but he had his chance and it’s my time now. This is my toughest fight on paper but I feel good. It’s my time to earn my respect.
It’s a huge honor and blessing to headline on ESPN on 4th of July weekend. I want to put on a good show,
Its extra special to honor on this weekend, being that I was a marine and to headline and I want to put on a patriotic and great performance.
I believe a win will open the doors for a world title. В моей голове, I am taking this fight as a world title fight. That is how important this fight is and before the end of the year, I hope to get a crack at a world title.
“Все шло хорошо в лагере. We had a four-month camp. We were supposed to fight a couple of months ago but when that fight was cancelled, Denis relaxed for a minute and then this opportunity came up.
Herring has a great record and he represented the U.S. in the Olympics. He is still young and I feel that my experience will be the determining factor.
I accepted this fight because a win gets us in line for big opportunities, including another shot at a world championship.
I’m excited about the opportunity to take on an experienced opponent. I think it will be a good test for me and a chance to show off my skills.
I’ve worked very hard so that I can leave an impression with my performance. These are the kind of fights that I have to win and win in style if I want to reach my goals in this sport.
“Тренировочный лагерь прошел очень хорошо. I don’t know too much about my opponent but I did see him fight once in Tampa. Такой Как Субботаночь, I will see what he has.
It means a lot to fight on ESPN. The first fight that I saw that involved a fellow Haitian was Daniel Edouard on ESPN and it gave me a lot of motivation to pursue my career.
I am not only fighting for myself, but all of the people in Haiti and Florida that have been supporting me.
A win will put me right back into where I was when I had my long winning streak. A win will put me back in the mix at 154-pounds.
Для подробной информации посетите www.premierboxingchampions.com, Следуйте по щебетатьPremierBoxing, @ДжамелХерринг, @KingsBoxing, @ESPNBoxing и @Swanson_Comm и стать поклонником на Facebook в www.facebook.com/premierboxingchampions. Основные доступные для встраивания в www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC на ESPN спонсируется Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Непобедимый перспективный полулегкий вес Стивен Фултон встретится с мексиканцем Кристианом Рентерией в программе Premier Boxing Champions на ESPN & ESPN депортирует в субботу, Июль 2 От Сантандер Арены в Ридинге, Пенсильвания.

Больше! Претенденты в полулегком весе Фрэнк ДеАльба & Джонатан Перес встретился с бывшим чемпионом мира Кермит Цинтрон сражается с Карлосом Гарсией из Пуэрто-Рико
ЧТЕНИЕ, Пенсильвания. (Июнь 28, 2016) – Непобедимый перспективный игрок в полулёгком весе Стивен Fulton (9-0, 4 КО) берет на Мексики Кристиан Рентерия (5-2, 4 КО) в шестираундовом поединке в полулёгком весе в рамках турнира Премьер Бокс чемпионов на ESPN & ESPN Суббота, Июль 2 из Сантандера Arena в Reading, Пенсильвания.
PBC на ESPN & Главным событием ESPN Deportes станет непобедимый претендент в легком весе. Джамель сельди поединок с бывшим претендентом на титул Денис Шафиков в 10-раундовом бою. Телевизионный охват начинается 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT и показывает непобедимого польского проспекта Патрик Syzmanski борьба с бывшим претендентом на титул “Шелковистый” Wilky Campfort.
Билеты на турнире, которые способствуют Акции Короля, по цене $20, $35, $55 и $75, и уже в продаже через Ticketmaster..
Дополнительное действие увидит местного претендента Фрэнк ДеАльба (18-2-2, 7 КО) встреча с ветераном Колумбии Джонатан Перес (35-14, 28 КО) в восьмираундовом бою в полулёгком весе, будучи бывшим чемпионом мира Кермит Цинтрон (36-5-2, 28 КО) берет на Пуэрто-Рико Карлос Гарсия (10-15-1, 8 КО) в восьми раундах юниорского среднего веса и местного проспекта Эрик Весна(7-1, 1 KO) против Пенсильвании Джеймс Робинсон (3-4-2, 1 KO) в шестираундовом бою в полусреднем весе
Завершает ночь боев непобедимая перспектива Chordale Букер (2-0, 2 КО) в четырехраундовом поединке в полусреднем весе против Кевин Вомак (7-11-3, 5 КО), местный супертяжелый вес Мигель Мартинес (1-1) в четырёхраундовом поединке против Филадельфии Антонио Аллен (0-1), профессиональный дебют команды из Нью-Джерси Кашон Хатчинсон в четырехраундовом сверхлегком аттракционе против Роберт Рамос (1-4-1, 1 KO) и профессиональный дебют команды из Нью-Джерси Christian Carto в четырехраундовом поединке в наилегчайшем весе против Раким Паркер (0-2).
Родился и вырос в Западной Филадельфии., Фултон восстанавливается после нокаута в четвертом раунде ранее непобедимого Адальберто Сорилья в апреле.. 21-летний футболист не проигрывает с тех пор, как стал профессионалом. 2014 и буду стараться сделать его идеальным 10 побед 10 про стартует, когда выйдет на ринг в июле 2. Ему будет противостоять Тихуана, Уроженец Мексики Рентерия, вышедший на ринг после двух подряд побед нокаутом.
Для подробной информации посетите www.premierboxingchampions.com, Следуйте по щебетатьPremierBoxing, @ДжамелХерринг, @KingsBoxing, @ESPNBoxing и @Swanson_Comm и стать поклонником на Facebook в www.facebook.com/premierboxingchampions. Основные доступные для встраивания в www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC на ESPN спонсируется Corona Extra, Finest Beer.