Tag Archives: Ивайло Gotzev

Former Heavyweight Contender and Well-Known Boxing Manager Team up with Texas-based Businessman to Form Lone Star Boxing Promotions


Former heavyweight contender David “Нино” Rodriguez, well-known former boxing manager Ivaylo Gotzev and Laredo, Texas-based businessman and boxing historian Arturo Ortiz are proud to announce the formation of Lone Star Boxing Promotions, ЖШС.
The trio, with Gotzev acting as CEO, Rodriguez as President and Ortiz as Vice-President, say they plan to bring big-time, televised and competitive fights back to the state of Texas, as well as across the country.
Lone Star Boxing Promotions will present its first event on Сенбі, Сәуір 7, at the Laredo Energy Arena in Laredo, Техас, featuring former multiple-time world champion Ricardo Mayorga taking on hometown veteran Rodolfo “Cobrita” Gomez Jr. in a super middleweight 10-rounder.
Lone Star was formed, Rodriguez says, after his retirement from fighting (due to a spinal injury), when he called up his trusted friends Gotzev and Ortiz to talk about stepping into the promotional arena.
The difference between Lone Star Boxing and other promotional firms is that we will treat the fighters ethically and fairly,” деді Родригес. “I spent 20 years as a boxer and contender and I know the good, the bad and the ugly sides of boxing. I will not treat any fighter that signs with Lone Star any different than I would want to be treated myself. I will be honest and upfront with every fighter, therefore setting a new standard of ethics and honesty in our sport. We hope to make Lone Star the standard of boxing when it comes to our fighterswelfare.
We won’t be afraid to get our hands dirty and will plant ourselves in the location of the fight for a month or more leading up to the shows,” added Gotzev, who may be best known for his outstanding work with former WBC heavyweight champion Samuel Peter. “We want to deliver the best shows by putting together great match-ups and then getting the excitement going straight to the fans from the area. We’re not going to be promoters on paper and at the mercy of network executives giving away handouts. We are ready to work the old-fashioned way and make history.
The pair say the addition of Ortiz, heavily connected to the Texas boxing scene, will prove extremely advantageous to their mission.
Arturo knows the people we need to know to make our first show a smashing success,” деді Родригес. “He is well-respected in Laredo and his name adds a great deal of credibility to our endeavor.
The plan, дегенмен, is to branch out to multiple towns around the United States and the world.




This is only the beginning,” said Gotzev. “We are already planning events in other cities and signing fighters to our promotional stable. I’m very happy to be in business with these two friends and looking forward to a bright future for Lone Star Boxing Promotions.

“Bronco” BILLY ұшыратпаңыз: “Ешкім де мен оның WBC атағы үшін ұрыс Деонтей Уайлдер күресуге құқығы тапқан болатынмын жоққа болады”

LAS VEGAS (Желтоқсан 7, 2015) – WBC Latino және FECARBOX чемпионы, Bronco Billy Wright (49-4, 38 КО), is willing and able to step up and challenge Ұрыс Деонтей Уайлдер (35-0, 34 КО) оның әлемдік атағы үшін. Қазіргі уақытта номиналды #20 WBC арқылы, Bronco Billy Wright қазіргі уақытта бар 20-күрес жеңіске қатарынан мініп 17 нокаутпен жолымен келгендерге жеңістері.
Wilder Егер, Қазіргі уақытта оның жоспарланған үшін қарсылас іздейді кім Қаңтар 16, 2016дата, Бұл күрес қабылдауға болды, ол Wright ойын қарсылас алдында тұрған еді, who hasn’t lost a fight since 1998. Бірге 31 Оның несие бірінші дөңгелек нокдауны, Billy ол Wilder тақтан алады не бар сезінеді.
“Ешкім де мен оның WBC атағы үшін ұрыс Деонтей Уайлдер күресуге құқығы тапқан болатынмын жоққа болады,” Bronco Billy Wright деді. “Мен жоғарғы қатарына келеміз 20 with the WBC for the last three years. This is the American Dream for a fighter like myself who’s been waiting patiently to get an opportunity to fight for a world championship. Менің төлейтін жарналары болатынмын, мен осы шақыру қабылдауға дайынмын.”
“Бұл күрес жүргізілуі тиіс емес, неге ешқандай себеп жоқ,” Wright агенті деді Ивайло Gotzev. “Billy уақытқа дейін оның қайтып жасады күннен бастап, he’s made a believer out of me with everything that he’s accomplished. This is America where everyone should have an opportunity to fulfill their dreams, that’s what makes this country great. The man is active having just fought last month. Age should not be a factor. Джордж шебері және Бернард Хопкинс олардың соңғы жылдары чемпионаты деңгейде күресуге алатын болса, then the networks should not have a double standard when it comes to Bronco Billy. He wants to raise the bar and become the oldest heavyweight champ in boxing history. He currently holds two WBC belts which makes him more than qualified. There should be no discrimination in this matter. Billy қазір Wilder күресуге дайын!”