Tag Archives: immune system

The All-Natural, Non-Toxic Immune system booster that could Revolutionize Health Care as we know it


Sa pamamagitan ng: Rich Bergeron

My father died in the hospital on a ventilator last June in a situation that is eerily similar to what is going on in hospitals all over the country right now. It was the most egregious example of the broken traditional healthcare system that I have ever seen.

My father did not give up orlet go.Hospital staff purposely medicated him to death when they determined he could not beweaned offthe ventilator, a machine they only put him on to do a heart catheter procedure that he didn’t even need.

My stepmother, my father’s second wife (see part one for the story of how Dad lost my mother), had some major heart issues late in her life that sent her to the Intensive Care Unit as well. She died a few years before my father, but I would later discover the abovememofrom her days in nursing school. It was obviously meant as a joke when she wrote it, but it became her sad, true story when I discovered it just a few months ago.

The point of including her ominous words here is to illustrate how little medicine has really changed in the grand scheme of things. Medical professionals are clearly doing the same old thing in dealing with critical patients. They are constantly repeating the same mistakes they were making when my stepmother was a nurse decades ago. Some of the devices and drugs they use have changed, but their practices and procedures on treating dangerous conditions and diseases are still stale and tired.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo holds daily press conferences detailing the damage being done by thenovelCorona Virus sweeping across the world right now. This is an exact quote from one of his little press parties:

The longer you are on a ventilator the less likely you will ever come off that ventilator, and as we have now some period of time when people first entered the hospital and were first intubated, we’re seeing that death number go up as their length on the ventilator increases.

Another New York doctor went further and explained that there aresaferways to use ventilators for lung issues like those we are seeing in Covid-19 patients. Cameron Kyle-Sidell, MD published a sincere, urgent message through YouTube as Corona ravaged New York City. He called on fellow physicians and supervisors to challengelong held, dogmatic beliefs within the medical community and among lung specialists, which will not be easy to overcome.

Dr. Kyle-Sidell still thinks ventilators are needed, but other experts insist it is a blood oxygen issue. These medical professionals suggest: more patients could receive simpler, noninvasive respiratory support, such as the breathing masks used in sleep apnea, at least to start with and maybe for the duration of the illness.

Before I get into the meat of the story I’m trying to tell about 714X, it’s critical to point out the true mess we are in when it comes to the health care we have in the United States. It was a mess my father faced when there was no pandemic at all. It’s a mess my family’s dealt with one way or another for my entire life.

Our problem is that there is always someone pushing the wrong product, procedure or equipment based solely on sales and manipulating numbers for investors. Unlike the oldsnake oilfolks who gave natural medicine a bad name, the tonics that big pharma is selling are toxic to the core.

We see the warnings on the airwaves all the time. Watch a drug commercial and count the side effects while watching the people in the ad doing things that have no relation to the condition or alleviation of the symptoms. Listen to those segments when they tell you what debilitating thingshave happenedto the drug’s users. This is the part where words like lymphoma get thrown out. How can we not see that capitalist medicine as we know it has no qualms about hurting people to make a profit? Why is it that nothing they sell to you is ever really acureof any kind?

The drug commercials often tell you to consult a doctor before stopping the medication. Traditional medicine’s dogma and tired approach tomaintaininga person’shealthare both tied directly to dollar bills. It’s all designed to keep you in their loop, continuously shelling out money for doctor/clinic visits and medication. This is how we end up with drugs like Fentanyl and Oxycontin that make both legal and illegal practitioners (AKA Drug Dealers) of health care a fortune while leaving broken lives behind them. Our system promotes suffering to pad the bottom line.

Consider the case of Glyphosate, known as RoundUp Weed Killer. Lawsuits claiming the insecticide gave people cancer began sprouting up everywhere over the last couple years. It was not uncommon during this time period to see a RoundUp commercial actually selling the product right after or before a commercial for a law firm seeking to find people injured by the product. So the media plays both sides of such issues and proves itself as always willing to profit off the misery of others.

The lawsuit commercials have since died down, but they still appear sporadically. Samantala, RoundUp is taking advantage of all the folks stuck at home in thispandemicby running persistent ads touting that the brand has beentrusted for 40 taon.” This is particularly disturbing considering there is at least one expert suggesting the toxic main ingredient in RoundUp is actually causing the most serious issues people face when they come down with Corona Virus.

My father always badmouthed glyphosate before he died last year. One of his favorite hobbies was gardening. His last spoken words to me were a reminder to make sure I watered his plants. Another toxic product he condemned was the one he knew killed his second wife.

My stepmother Jean died due to a fatal bleeding event in the hospital, which my father believed the medication Plavix was solely responsible for. During his own conscious time at the hospital, he refused the heart catheter because he knew they wanted to use Plavix on him. I also refused for the same reason when nurses and doctors pushed me to OK the procedure after my father went under sedation.

One day I received a chilling call from a doctor with a heavy Russian accent. He was again insisting that I authorize the catheter. I refused again, explaining that my father would not ever agree to Plavix being used on him. “This is your father, Richard, so it is your decision, but if it were my father, Richard, I would do it,” he later said to me.

I pushed back again and inquired as to if there was another way to do the procedure without the Plavix. Almost without hesitation, the physician told me nonchalantly thatWe can use Brillinta. It is safer.

I did not realize how totally ridiculous that entire admission was until much later, long after the procedure was over and done with. Here was a practicing doctor admitting unwittingly that he was purposely pushing a medication on my father when he knew there was a much safer alternative. I also did not understand how such an invasive procedure could help my father with the real issue of his pneumonia. The Russian doc insisted that the catheter needed to be done since my father was having a heart attack on paper. The results indicated otherwise. There was nothing they could do for his heart during the catheter procedure, and the damage they did find to his heart turned out to be minimal.

I later spoke with the ICU nurses a few days before my father passed away, and I told them I worried that they were shocking his system with all the sedatives and blood thinners they gave him. Here was a man in their care who had no history of regular pharmaceutical use, and they kept on bombarding him with toxic, potent drugs. Ultimately they used similar painkillers and sedatives like Fentanyl to put him down like a house pet.

I saw a man who wanted desperately to live when I visited my father before they knocked him out. He was conscious of his numbers on all the monitors and proud of the fact that they showed improvement. Pneumonia did not kill my father. The intubation, ventilation, catheter procedure, and other medical issues he faced in his already weakened physical state is what really made recovery impossible. The toxic chemicals and drugs they flooded him with took him out of what should have been a conscious fight for his life.

The toxins we ingest as humans do not typically come from nature, unless of course you live near an active volcano. These toxins can poison our systems and infect our blood. One place toxins tend to collect and block proper flow and filtering of fluid is in the lymph system. Lymph fluid in sick patients often becomes stagnant, leading to degenerative diseases or conditions. So where are the medical products designed to liquefy the lymph and break down toxins trapped there?

The above image is the pictorial representation of the Somatidian Cycle, which a Canadian biologist named Gaston Naessens first identified after inventing and building a special microscope.

Naessens recognized that there were tiny particles in the blood which moved ordancedin a particular rhythm between the blood cells. These particles had 16 stages they would go through in a life cycle, and Naessens discovered that only the first three stages appeared in healthy people with no underlying diseases or conditions. He subsequently invented 714-X to fortify something he calledthe protection gatethat theoretically would prevent somatids from transitioning from a third stage healthy state to a 4th stage onset of disease.

I took a cycle of 714-X myself that began on March 16th, 2020. Although the start date of 3/16 seems to hint at a religious message, I am actually agnostic, but I did go to Catholic School up until 6th grade. John 3:16 reads: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Sonthat whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

The quote is about faith, which is a more powerful healer than most people will admit, especially if they wear the white robe of a doctor. I do have spiritual faith and believe in human kindness and taking up righteous causes for worthy people. I just do not choose to worship any particular god or supreme being. Faith is not religion in that context. Faith is often just the strongly held belief that everything is going to work itself out and be fine.

During my cycle of 714-X I encountered an employee in my logging business who had all the symptoms of Covid-19. His entire family was infected with the bug, or at the very least they all had serious flus. My co-worker was even staying in my house during the days he suffered the worst fever and body aches. I continued to work with him, and I developed no symptoms of my own.

I also made great strides in my workout routines during my 21 days on 714-X. My daily runs became more effortless, my aches and pains from old injuries dissipated, and my reflexes improved. Then I sustained a pretty serious injury to the tip of my index finger while splitting wood. It was the third week of injections, so I knew that 714-X would play a role in my recovering from what appeared to be a shattered bone.

The injury happened while I was holding onto a piece of wood I just split, just about to lift it off the ground. Another worker split a piece of wood near me at the exact same time, sending the split piece smashing into the one I was holding. My index finger above the first knuckle was caught in the middle when the two butt ends of the wood pieces collided.

The pain was immediate and severe, especially when I decided I needed a splint for it to heal correctly. Just taping the popsicle stick to my finger was difficult and extremely painful. I slept a little bit that night, but not much. By the end of the second day there was almost no pain at all. I removed the splint and tape. I could run a chainsaw without a problem on the third day. It is now about a week later, and I have to bump it pretty hard to get any pain from it. It is only slightly swollen, and there is no visible bruising. I really don’t think it would have gone so smoothly for me with this injury if I was not taking 714-X.

The most daunting part of injecting yourself with 714-X is getting the needle in the right spot. You have to locate a spot that is between your belly button and your femoral artery pulse in your waistline. Missing the spot is painful, because it gives off a burning sensation when it hits the bloodstream instead of being introduced into the lymph node. The first two weeks might require repeated measurements and marking the spot with a circle before the lymph node actually raises up and solidifies as a round lump just under the skin.

Here are some video tutorials I filmed when I did my 3rd cycle in 2009:


I apologize in advance for the out of focus moments and the audio quality. I will be doing a new video series for the next cycle I plan to take later this year.

I definitely felt real effects from taking this product, namely an energy burst and a feeling of damage being repaired at an aggressive pace. A nagging shoulder injury went away completely during the cycle. I lost a total of 10 pounds and gained some significant muscle from running and my other workouts.

It is important to note that I also typically enjoyed up to three years without any sickness whatsoever after each of my three prior 714-X cycles. I am not taking my chances with this Corona Virus likely to mutate and come back around for another run at the US population later this year. I’ll take my second cycle in December, starting on what would have been my father’s 76th birthday.

The next cycle will be the one I obtained originally because I wanted my father to take it. The hospital would not even touch the stuff when I offered it when there was still time left. They said they could only offer him drugs from their own pharmacy. Those drugs killed him in the end, and the broken health care system that made it happen didn’t even blink. Nurses apologized and pretended to care, but it was obvious to me that if they cared they would have taken my warnings to heart.

I know everyone who reads this can tell their own horror story about their own or a loved one’s treatment at the hands of traditional medicine. “First do no harmis the greatest lie ever told. I’m here to tell you the only harm you can do with 714-X is when you miss the injection spot. Even then, you won’t suffer any horrible side effect. It’s just a temporary burning feeling you can eliminate by keeping your ice pack on.

The only issue I experienced was some minor bruising and slight pain in the injection area from all those stabs with the needle in the same small vicinity. The benefits definitely outweigh the risks.

The true promise in this treatment is as a preventive measure to avoid sickness. If every citizen of this country took a cycle of 714-X, I don’t think we’d have any problem with viruses like the one that recently shut the country down. We would all have an immune system that would react positively and efficiently to virtually any threat.

714-X can be ordered directly from Canada through the web-site www.cerbe.com. You will also get a pack of 24 needles for injection and a packet of instructions. The company does not advertise at all, but the word of mouth reports from users who benefit from it speak for themselves. One thing you won’t ever read about 714-X is any complaints from people saying they lost someone close to them who took only 714-X.

714X has been used in Canada for the last 19 years in a compassionate use program not unlike what US President Donald Trump signed into law last year. Higit sa 21,000 cycles were authorized by the Canadian Government over these two decades. 714X has never had any negative side effects reported. This has been confirmed during a Class Action Suit of patients against Health Canada.

Though injection is the preferred method, the product is also available in a form that can be inhaled through a nebulizer. This is always suggested only as an extra measure on top of injections, and it is only needed in cases where the upper lymphatic system is impacted by a degenerative disease or condition.

For more information about 714-X, please visit the following links:



Ang Paggamot Para sa Iyong Sistema ng Imunidad na Magagamit na WALANG PRESCRIPTION Sa Ngayon

Sa pamamagitan ng: Rich Bergeron

Ang kamakailang Corona Virus (Covid-19) ang sitwasyon ay lumikha ng isang perpektong pagkakataon na bumalik sa pagsulat ng aklat na matagal ko nang planong magsulat tungkol sa isang all-natural immune system booster na tinatawag na 714X. Hindi handa ang mundo na tanggapin ang mga katotohanan na balak kong isiwalat noong una kong itinakda ang tungkol sa pagsusulat ng aking libro 15 taon na ang nakalipas, ngunit ang mga bagay ay nagbago. Isinasama ko muna ang mga pangunahing mani at bolts ng aking proyekto sa libro dito, kung saan maaaring ma-access ng bawat isa kung ano ang maaaring maging impormasyon sa pagbabago ng buhay para sa tamang taong nagdurusa mula sa isang degenerative na kondisyon o sakit na ang paggamot na ito ay maaaring magkaroon ng isang napakalaking positibong epekto sa.

Bago pa tayo magpatuloy, Nais kong ipaalam sa lahat na nagbabasa nito na mayroon akong ganap na zero na pampinansyal na interes sa produktong ito. Hindi ko ito sinusulat “ibenta” kahit ano kundi ang totoo. Ang produktong ito ay ikinategorya bilang quackery kung naniniwala kang nakasulat sa online at tinanggap sa karamihan ng mga search engine na nauugnay. Humihiling lang ako sa iyo na tanggapin ang katotohanang ang pagsisinungaling tungkol sa pagiging epektibo ng paggamot na ito ay ginagawang mas madali upang mapanatili ang pagbebenta ng nakakapinsala, nakakalason na mga parmasyutiko na may mga pahina ng kakila-kilabot na mga epekto at komplikasyon mula sa pangmatagalang paggamit. Hindi ito isang sabwatan dahil ito ay isang blacklisting ng lahat ng tinatawag “natural” mga produkto o anumang bagay na tumatagal ng isang biological na diskarte sa kung ano ang itinuturing ng mga medikal na doktor na mga problemang medikal na tutugon lamang sa mga solusyon sa gamot.

Nang magtakda ako tungkol sa aking plano na isulat ang bagong kwento ng edad ng milagrosong booster ng immune system na ito, Alam kong kailangan ko itong kunin. Kailangang maranasan ko muna kung ano ang magagawa nito para sa katawan ng tao. Nagsusulat ako ng isang napakahalagang follow up na piraso na nagpapaliwanag at naglalarawan ng mga epekto ng aking patuloy na pag-ikot ng 714X (21 araw, isang injection bawat araw).

Una kong naabutan ang kwento ng 714X noong ako ay nagdadalaga. Ang mas natutunan ko tungkol sa pangako ng paggamot at ang teknolohiya sa likod nito-at ang mas karaniwang mga kabiguang tradisyonal na gamot ay naging isang kadahilanan sa pagpatay sa aking mga mahal sa buhay-mas nais kong tawagan ang pansin sa rebolusyonaryong hindi nakakalason na kababalaghan.

Ang kanser at kapabayaan sa medisina ay pinagsama upang patayin ang halos lahat ng mahal sa buhay na nawala sa buong buhay ko. Tanging ang aking nakababatang kapatid na babae ang namatay sa ibang kapalaran, pagmamaneho sa ilalim ng impluwensiya ng alkohol sa 22 taong gulang. Nakakita ako ng welga ng cancer, ang daanan na iniiwan nito, at ang mga sugat na pisikal at mental na binubuksan nito. Ang aking sariling ina ay nakipaglaban sa Hodgkin's Disease (Kanser ng lymph) noong nagsasanay siya na maging isang rehistradong nars at nakikipag-date sa aking ama. Tinalo niya ang cancer at nabuhay upang manganak ng tatlong anak. Si Amy at Maryjane ay ang aking dalawang nakatatandang kapatid na babae, bawat isa sa atin ay ipinanganak na higit sa isang taon ang agwat.

Ang nagpakitang-gilas sa kalagayan ni Nanay ay hindi lamang na nanalo siya sa kanyang laban. Ang tunay na nakasisiglang kwento ay umiikot sa pagiging matatag na ipinakita niya nang harapin niya ang kanyang kapalaran. “Wala pa akong balak mamatay,” sumulat siya sa a 1979 Artikulong American Journal of Nursing, “Kailangan kong magpatuloy sa maraming mga plano.”

Ang pakikipaglaban niya kay Hodgkin's ay nagpakita ng kanyang pagpapasiya, at binigyan din siya nito ng isang natatanging pag-unawa sa kung ano ang magiging isang walang magawa na pasyente na nakikipag-usap sa mga hindi nakakaugnay na doktor. Sa oras ng kanyang paggamot sa radiation ay nagtatrabaho siya bilang isang striper ng kendi para sa isang lokal na ospital. Nang maglaon natapos niya ang pag-aaral ng narsing. Ang kanyang malupit na karanasan sa mga doktor na nagpagamot sa kanya ay umalis sa kanya nakatuon sa pakikitungo sa kanyang sariling mga pasyente nang iba, na may higit na pagkahabag at kabutihang loob. Kung ang kanyang buhay ay may isang tema ng kanta ay maaaring ito “Hawakan mo ang aking kamay” ni Hootie at The Blowfish:

Si Nanay ay nagsimulang sumakit muli tungkol sa 15 taon matapos niyang sakupin ang Hodgkin's. Sa oras na ito ito ay sunud-sunod na komplikasyon. Ang pababang spiral ay umalis sa kanyang kanang bahagi na naparalisa ng isang stroke. Natuto siyang magsulat gamit ang kanyang kaliwang kamay kahit na ipinanganak siya ng kanang kamay. Nakakamangha, hindi lang niya naiintindihan ang kanyang kalagayan, ngunit nagawa niyang iparating iyon sa aking ama.

“Na-stroke ba ako?” Tinanong siya nito sa pagsulat isang araw.

“Oo,” Sinabi niya sa kanya.

Isang araw pa ay natagpuan si Nanay na kumakagat sa kanyang oxygen tube, sinusubukang huminga nang mag-isa.

Sa isang punto ay nagkaroon siya ng isang bangungot na walang tumutulong sa kanya sa ospital. Ang isang pulutong ng mga doktor at nars ay nakatayo sa paligid niya sa panaginip habang siya ay sumisigaw para sa tulong. Hindi sila kumilos, at nang magising siya ay natakot siya na ang kanyang pangarap ay magkatotoo at ang tauhan ng ospital ay manatili lamang at hayaan siyang mamatay.

Mahalaga, ang kanyang pangunahin ay malas na tama, bagaman hindi ito eksaktong nangyari sa paraang pangarap niya. Isang Linggo ay namatay siya, at siya ay muling nabuhay upang maglaon ay sumuko sa kanyang lumalalang kondisyon. Ang impeksyon ang opisyal na sanhi ng pagkamatay, ngunit ang kawalan ng kakayahan na kaakibat ng kanyang dating pagkakalantad sa radiation ay ang totoong sanhi ng kanyang pagbagsak.

Sa resulta ng pagkawala ni Nanay, Agad kong napagtanto kung gaano karaming mga buhay ang nahipo niya sa kanya 35 taon sa Earth. Milya ang haba ng prusisyon, at ang aking unang pagsakay sa isang limousine ay isang kaganapan, kahit na malungkot. Malinaw kong naaalala kung gaano katagal bago matagalan ng bawat kotse ang makitid na mga daan ng sementeryo at makahanap ng paradahan. Namangha ako sa dami ng tao. Ang higit na nakamamangha ay ang malawak na pagpapakita ng mga bulaklak na ganap na natakpan ang kanyang kabaong habang nakaupo ito sa itaas ng libingan. Hindi ko makakalimutan ang araw na iyon, at hindi ko maisip kung ano ito magiging kung nagkaroon siya ng buong buhay.

Isang pagsubok sa kapabayaan ang sumalot sa aming buhay nang si Amy, Maryjane, at lahat ako ay nasa high school pa lamang. Ang mga pag-aayos sa paglaon mula sa aming mga kaso laban sa kanyang doktor at dalawang ospital ay nagbigay ng mga pondo ng pagtitiwala na inilalagay ang bawat isa sa amin sa kolehiyo, ngunit hindi maibalik ng pera ang nanay, na kung saan ay ang lahat ng talagang nais namin.

Anim na pagpunta ako sa siyete nang siya ay namatay at halos labing-anim nang magsimula ang paglilitis. Habang hindi ko pinapanatili ang maraming mga alaala mula sa oras niya sa amin, Alam ko na nagpakita siya ng isang malakas na halimbawa. Isa siya sa totoo, hindi makasarili at banal na mga kababaihan na hindi kayang mawala sa mundo ang napakabata, ngunit ito ay ginawa. Ang sistema ng pangangalagang pangkalusugan at ang mga tao sa loob nito ay pinagkakatiwalaan niya na naantala at hinila ang kanilang mga paa sa paggawa ng tamang pagsusuri at pagtatakda ng tamang kurso ng paggamot. Ang hindi sapat na pagsubok ay humantong sa lahat ng kanyang pangunahing mga maagang isyu na ganap na hindi napansin at / o hindi napapansin.

Kung ito ay katulad ng ilan sa parehong mga argumento na naririnig natin ngayon tungkol sa Covid-19, ito ay dahil ang sapat na pagsubok ay ALWAYS na naging isyu sa halos bawat sakit at kundisyon sa ilalim ng araw. Ang pinaka-kamangha-manghang bahagi ng agham sa likod ng 714x (na malalaman pa natin tungkol sa paglaon) ay ang pagsubok na maaaring gawin sa mikroskopyo na nilikha ni Gaston Naessens bago siya makabuo ng 714x. Ito ay ang “Somatascope” na humantong sa kanya sa paglikha ng kanyang all-natural, detoxifying paggamot na gagamitin para sa isang iba't ibang mga sakit at degenerative na kondisyon. Ang pagtingin sa dugo ng mga pasyente na may hindi kapani-paniwala na tool na ito, hinulaan niya hanggang 18-24 buwan bago magsimula ang isang degenerative disease o kundisyon upang makuha ang mga unang sintomas sa isang partikular na tao.

Sa aking unang taon sa kolehiyo nalaman ko ang aking pitong taong gulang na pinsan, Katie Hartley, pamangkin ng aking ina, ay tinamaan ng isang bagay na tinawag na isang Hindi Pinagkakaibang Sarcoma. Ang tumor sa kanyang utak ay hindi tumugon nang maayos sa chemotherapy, at maaabot ni Katie ang bingit ng pagkahapo bago pa ipahayag ng kanyang doktor na mayroon lamang siyang tatlong linggo upang mabuhay.

Ang diagnosis ni Katie ay tila napakapangit sa una, at itinakda ko ang aking sarili para sa isa pang trahedya. Ang aking mga pag-aalinlangan ay malapit nang maging isang katotohanan nang bigla siyang tumalbog dahil sa isang huling kanal, desperadong pagsisikap. Tumanggi siya sa higit pang chemotherapy at inangkin ng kanyang mga doktor na wala siyang pag-asa.

Pagkatapos, nakilala niya Billy Best. Labing pitong taong gulang na si Billy Best ay nawalan ng tiyahin sa cancer, kapatid ng kanyang ama, sa mismong araw din na nasuri ng mga doktor ang kanyang Hodgkin’s Disease. Ang isang sirko ng media ay bumaba sa Pinakamahusay na Pamilya nang tumakas si Billy sa kanyang bahay sa labas ng Massachusetts upang maiwasan na sumailalim sa anumang karagdagang paggamot sa chemotherapy.

Umapela ang kanyang mga magulang sa mga reporter na ipinakita sa publiko ang kanyang larawan sa mga airwaves kasama ang pakiusap ng kanyang ina at ama na umuwi ang kanilang anak o makipag-ugnay sa kanila. Natapos si Billy sa Texas, at siya ay umuwi lamang pagkatapos siya at ang kanyang mga tao ay sumang-ayon na hindi na niya kailangang magtiis pa sa chemo.

Sinimulan ni Billy ang kanyang paggaling sa Essiac tea habang iniimbestigahan ng kanyang pamilya ang iba pang mga alternatibong paggamot upang matupad ang kanilang pangako na hindi siya ibabalik sa chemo. Tampok sa Isang Kasalukuyang Pag-iibigan ang kwento ng Pinakamahusay na pamilya, at ang dramatikong pagliko ng mga kaganapan ay nakakuha ng pambansang mga ulo ng balita. Bombarded ng mga sumusuportang mail mula sa buong bansa, sama-sama ang pagdarasal ng pamilya para sa patnubay. Isang tawag sa telepono mula sa isang tagapayo sa pananalapi sa Clinton White House, sinagot ang kanilang mga panalangin sa pamamagitan ng pagpapakilala sa pamilya ng 714-X, isang kontrobersyal na paggamot na hindi nakakalason sa kanser.

714-Tinutulungan ni X si Richard Aitken na masakay ang sakit ni Lou Gehrig na may nakakagulat na biyaya at isang mas mahusay na kalidad ng buhay. Si Billy at ang kanyang ama ay bumisita sa Aitken sa kanyang Burlington, Umuwi sa Vermont at nakita na ang lalaki ay maaari pa ring magmaneho at magsagawa ng mga kasanayan na dapat hindi nagawa ng isang pasyente sa kanyang yugto. Ang pagbisita ay nakumbinsi ang parehong Billy at ang kanyang ama na subukan ang 714-X para sa cancer ni Billy.

Inakay sila sa biologist na taga-Canada na taga-Canada Gaston Naessens, ang tagalikha ng 714-X. Si Naessens ay isang doktor ng biology. Natanggap niya ang kanyang degree mula sa isang pansamantalang paaralan na na-set up sa Timog Pransya sa panahon ng World War II. Hindi siya kailanman humingi ng katumbas na degree mula sa gobyerno pagkatapos ng giyera, ngunit si Naessens ay nabuhay ng mahaba, malusog na buhay bilang isang modelo ng kung ano ang dapat na mga doktor. Inilaan niya ang higit pa sa 50 taon hanggang sa matinding pagsasaliksik ng hematology. Nagawa niyang labanan ang mga posibilidad sa paglipas ng mga taon, at ang kanyang produkto ay nagdala pabalik ng ilang mga pasyente mula sa labi ng tiyak na kamatayan.

Dahil sa mahusay na naisapubliko na kwento ng labing pitong taong gulang na si Billy Best, Ang tita ni Katie na si Maryanne ay naihatid ang kanyang kwento kina Paul at Julie Hartley, Magulang ni Katie. Isang pulong ang naayos sa Pinakamahusay na tahanan sa Pembroke. Ang aking pinsan ay nagtanong kay Billy ng ilang mga katanungan tungkol sa 714-X.

“Masakit ba?” Tanong ni Katie.

“Huwag,” Sagot ni Billy.

“Nagagawa ka ba nitong sumuka?” sumunod na tanong niya.

“Huwag,” sinabi niya.

Nag-isip siya sandali at pagkatapos ay ibinigay ang kanyang huling katanungan, “Ginagawa ba nitong mawala sa iyo ang iyong buhok?”

“Huwag,” Sinabi sa kanya ni Billy.

“Susubukan ko,” Sinabi ni Katie sa kanyang mga magulang. Nakita ni Katie kung gaano malusog ang hitsura ni Billy at alam na ang 714-X ay nagkakahalaga ng isang pagbaril.

Ang tatay ni Katie na si Paul, medyo nag-aalangan pa rin, nagpasya na tanungin ang mga doktor tungkol sa paggamot. Sinabi nila sa kanya kung sinubukan ito ng kanyang anak na babae ay hindi siya karapat-dapat para sa anumang karagdagang paggamot sa ospital. Napasimangot, Nakandado ni Paul ang mga mata sa isa sa mga manggagamot na alam niyang may anak at tinanong, “Ama sa ama, ano talaga sa tingin mo dapat kong gawin?”

“Ano ang kailangan mong mawala? Wala nang iba pa na makakatayo siya ngayon ayon sa kaugalian,” sagot ng doktor. Sina Paul at Julie ay pareho na sumang-ayon na bigyan ng pagkakataon ang paggamot.

Sinimulan ni Katie ang kanyang unang 714-X cycle noong Enero 17, 1996. Dahil sa nakatakdang pagpupulong ni Katie sa Pinakamahusay na pamilya, nakapaglakbay siya sa Canada sa 2001 upang personal na pasalamatan si Gaston Naessens sa paglikha ng produkto na pinaniniwalaan niya at ng kanyang pamilya na nagligtas ng kanyang buhay.

Si Naessens ay dumating sa Boston para sa isang press conference pagkaraan ng ilang linggo, at kina Katie at Billy ay nagsalita sa ngalan niya. Naupo ako sa madla na nagtataka kung bakit ang promising treatment na ito ay hindi pa rin nakakakuha ng pansin at kredito na nararapat. Parehong tumigil sina Katie at Billy ng masakit na paggagamot at lumingon sa biologist at sa kanyang homeopathic na lunas bilang huling pag-asa. Parehong buhay pa rin ngayon at napaka malusog, pareho pa ring gumagamit ng 714-X, at pareho ang kabilang 16 case study Naessens isinumite sa National Cancer Institute para sa pagsusuri sa Agosto ng 2001.

Ang uri ng sakit at pagdurusa na ipinataw sa mga biktima ng cancer dahil sa chemotherapy at radiation ay nakakagulat at talagang nakakagulat. Mas nakakagulat na ang industriya ng cancer ay umani ng daan-daang milyong dolyar mula sa kapaki-pakinabang na pagbebenta ng hindi mabilang na nakakalason na gamot. Ang mga firm ng batas at ang mga executive ng parmasyutiko ay nagpapakain sa bawat isa. Habang mayroong isang komersyal para sa isang partikular na gamot sa isang channel, ang isa pang network ay magpapakita ng isang komersyal para sa isang malakas na law firm na kumukuha ng armas para sa tagagawa ng gamot na iyon para sa pinaka-labis na epekto hanggang sa at kabilang ang mga kakila-kilabot na tunog ng mga bagay tulad “gangrene ng genitalia.”

Totoong naniniwala ako na ang mga pamamaraan ng paghigop ng lakas ng katawan upang mapahinto ang pagkalat ng kanser at sa huli ay patayin ito nang ganap ay o hindi bababa sa dapat na lipas sa panahon. Panahon na para sa mas mahusay na mga paraan ng paggamot. Lumaki ako noong ikawalumpu't taong gulang at nakakita ng mga imbensyon tulad ng Walkman na walisin ang bansa. Ngayon ang makina na iyon ay itinuturing na lipas na sa pamamagitan ng portable at mga wireless na aparato na tumutugtog ng musika, tumawag sa telepono at mag-access sa Internet. Gayunpaman gumagamit pa rin kami ng teknolohiyang medikal at mga pamamaraan ng paggamot na dekada na ang edad? Bakit?

Ang mga computer system ay outmode matapos ang isang taon sa maraming mga pagkakataon. Bakit ito ang parehong makabago at umuusbong na mga resulta ay hindi maaaring makamit sa mundo ng paggamot sa kanser? Bakit maraming iba`t ibang mga pagsusuri sa cancer? Bakit pinupunan ng mga kalbo na bata ang mga kama sa ospital sa mga ward ward? Ang mga taong tulad ni Dr.. Inaangkin ni Ralph Moss na ito ang industriya sa lugar na humahadlang sa mga bagong pagsulong na mapapahamak sa chemotherapy at radiation sa nakaraan.

Ang industriya ay nakatuon laban sa hindi masakit at hindi nakakalason na pamamaraang alternatibong gamot sa mga kadahilanang pangunahing may kinalaman sa pera at trabaho, Pahayag ni Moss, at mayroon siyang katibayan upang suportahan ito.

Sa halip na bigyan ang mga pasyente ng isang produkto na sanhi ng sakit, pagduduwal, at nakakahiyang pagkawala ng buhok, Ang Naessens ay nag-imbento ng paggamot na may napakaliit na epekto. Dr. Itinaguyod ni Naessens ang isang buong pagbabago sa pamumuhay, suplemento ng bitamina, isang espesyal na diyeta, ang kanyang camphor batay sa likidong iniksyon sa 21 araw na mga pag-ikot, at ang napakahalagang sangkap ng suporta at pananampalataya ng pamilya. Sa halip na isang simpleng lunas, nag-alok siya ng solusyon sa maraming larangan, isang kumbinasyon na nagbibigay sa pasyente ng paghahari at hinahayaan siyang mag-alab ng kanyang sariling landas.

Inirekomenda ni Naessens ang isang pakete na nagtatayo ng back-up ng katawan, naibalik ang immune system pabalik sa paglaban sa pagsalakay sa mga cancer cells. Nang nawala ang tumor ni Katie pagkatapos ng paggamot na may 714-X, ang kanyang buong kuwento ay dumating sa akin ng isang maliit na piraso nang paisa-isa.

Una kong nakilala si Billy sa parehong press conference ng Boston kung saan isinumite ni Naessens ang kanyang 16 pinakamahusay na mga kaso para sa pag-aaral ng National Cancer Institute. Maya-maya ay naupo ako at nagsalita ng matagal sa mga magulang ni Billy. Nakipag-usap ako kay Dr.. Naessens sa pamamagitan ng kanyang asawang si Jacinte. Napakakaunting Ingles niya, at hindi ako nagsasalita ng French, kaya kinakailangan ang tulay.

Ang aking kumpiyansa sa tradisyunal na pamamaraan ng pagpatay sa cancer ay mahina na nang magsimulang mapansin ng kapatid na babae ng aking ama ang isang pagbabago sa kalusugan ng kanyang asawa. Pagkatapos ng a “matagumpay” operasyon upang alisin ang isang benign tumor sa utak, medyo naghiwalay ang tito kong Don. Ang mga komplikasyon mula sa operasyon at isang kakila-kilabot na impeksyon ay natupok siya pitong taon na ang lumipas.

Si Tiyo Don ay namatay sa edad na 45, ilang sandali lamang matapos ang huling pagkakataon na bumisita ako sa kanya at sa kanyang pamilya. Kumuha siya ng 714-X kapag wala nang ibang pag-asa, matapos ang pinsala ay nagawa. Matibay akong naniniwala na mabubuhay siya ngayon kung kinuha niya ito sa halip na sumailalim sa operasyon o kahit papaano bago magawa ang pamamaraan. Sinusundan lamang niya at ng kanyang asawa ang sa tingin nila ay mabuting payo ng medikal nang pumayag sila sa operasyon. Ni alinman sa kanila ay hindi handa para sa mga peligro na sinamahan ng pamamaraan at ang masakit na resulta.

Tahimik si tito Don sa takipsilim ng kanyang buhay. Ang gamot sa sakit at 714-X ay nakapagpagaan ng kanyang pagdurusa, ngunit nang makita ko siya parang alam niyang papalapit na siya sa huli. Nang bumaba ako mula sa paaralan upang bisitahin siya sa huling pagkakataon alam kong araw na siya mula sa kanyang pagkamatay. Kinamayan ko si Don bago ako umalis, at pinasalamatan niya ako sa aking pagpunta. Hindi ko na maalala kung ano ang sinabi ko pabalik, ngunit mahirap pigilan ang luhang naramdaman kong bumuo.

Hindi ko na siya nakita. Ang kanyang asawa at dalawang anak ay nawala sa kanya magpakailanman hindi nagtagal pagkatapos ay iniwan ko siya na nakatayo sa kanila sa tuktok ng kanilang hagdan sa harap. Sa pagkakataong ito ay naharap ako sa isang pagkawala kapag sapat na ang edad upang malaman kung gaano mapinsala ang kamatayan sa isang pamilya.

Umiiyak ako madalas para kay Tiyo Don at para sa kanyang pamilya. Siya ay isang mahusay na tao, sobrang bata pa para mamatay, at masyadong mabait upang maging karapat-dapat sa kanyang kapalaran. Ang pamilya niya at namimiss ko pa rin siya ng sobra.

Inaasahan ko ang araw kung kailan ang 714-X at iba pang mga gamot na tulad nito ay pumapalit sa operasyon, chemotherapy, at radiation bilang karaniwang paggamot para sa cancer. Naiisip ko ang unang pasyente ng US na inireseta ng Naessens’ pakete, ang mga kompanya ng seguro na sumasang-ayon na bayaran ito, and all of the government agencies finally coming together to put a stamp of long awaited approval on the treatment. I can see the day when our husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles, sons and daughters, cousins and friends will not fade so quickly from our lives at the hands of the scourge that is cancer and other degenerative diseases and conditions.

I am so confident in 714-X, because I took it myself. The homeopathic treatment is valuable in preventing any degenerative disease. As a long time smoker, I decided to quit, change my lifestyle, and protect myself against heart disease and cancer. I quit smoking and gave myself 2 cycles of 714-X injections, though I would later take up the habit again and have to quit once more. I’ve since taken a 3rd cycle since then, and I am on day 14 of cycle number four as I write this article.

A strong sense of spiritual faith and a background of family support combined with the right treatment can help anyone beat disease. They were shaken and shattered at their lowest points, but Billy Best and Katie Hartley resolved to live full, vibrant lives even as doctors told them that would be impossible. My mother struggled to raise a family and keep her health. Struck with further health complications years after beating Hodgkin’s, she hung on to the last breath.

Previous radiation treatments may have initially brought mom to the hospital, but ultimately her death at the age of 35 was a sad result of substandard care. Uncle Don was a victim of poor surgical work and regretful medical advice. His world-renowned doctors told him and his wife that his relatively small tumor would take another 50 years to double in size, yet they still recommended removing it. He died at 45. He might have been better off just taking his chances with another fifty years of benign growth.

Katie Hartley and Billy Best knew their cancer might kill them. My uncle and my mother knew death was near at some point during their struggles. Millions of cancer patients who have been diagnosed with the worst forms of the disease have known well before their death that their chances of survival were slim to none.

Katie’s doctor told her that she might just go to sleep one day and not wake up. Because of Dr. Naessens and his life’s work, Katie can fall asleep at night without having to worry about missing another sunrise. She has her own family now, something she never thought would be possible before taking 714X.

When standard medicine wakes up to the possibility of seeing things another way, we may all behold the day when people with cancer will no longer have to suffer going bald, losing weight, and wasting away under a regimen of life-draining chemo and radiation. The same day will bring testing that can predict degenerative diseases and conditions up to two years before their onset. I embrace that vision, because I know, in time, 714-X’s emergence as a powerful method of compassionate treatment will become reality.

Gaston Naessens, Somatids, and 714-X (History and Relevant Background):

If Naessens is right, biologists won’t have to rewrite their textbooks. They can throw them away.Ralph W. Moss, MD, The Cancer Chronicles, Disyembre, 1994

Gaston Naessens was born in the northern France textile town of Roubaix in 1924. He was the youngest boy in his family. He had two older sisters and an older brother who was nine years his senior and the closest in age to him.

Not surprisingly, he became somewhat of a loner early on in his life. At the tender age of four Gaston used his alarm clock to make his Meccano set into a moving, motorized device. Mamaya, as a teenager, he built a functional airplane. His mother subsequently torched it before its maiden flight. As soon as she learned it could actually fly, she knew she had to destroy it.

During World War II, Naessens even conquered the gas shortage by modifying his motorcycle to run on wood. Bumalik sa 1935, when Gaston was only 11 taong gulang, he lost his father, a popular banker in their hometown. His mother raised him thereafter. During his teenage years he studied at the University of Lille, but the family’s relocation to southern France after the German invasion suspended his quest for a degree.

Some of the professors from his former school formed the Union Scientifique Nationale Francaise that operated during the war in the south of France. Naessens acquired a biological engineering degree from the temporary school, but he never sought an equivalency degree from the new government after the war.

For that reason, those who try to discredit Naessens say he has no official degree.

Naessens was drawn early to the field of Hematology, the study of blood. While a student in this field, he claimed he could see small particles in blood plasma that were dismissed by his mentors. Everyone he asked about them called them artifacts: false or man made images created by manipulation of the specimen.

Naessens remained committed to proving that the particles he saw were real and significant. To study them better he thrust himself into a new field of study: microscopy. Maintaining his career in hematology, Naessenshobby became designing his own new microscope. He began this process in 1950, and it evolved into a nine-year mission.

Once completed in 1959, with the help of artisans from Germany, his microscope achieved a resolution of 150 angstroms. 1 angstrom is 100 millionth of a centimeter. The sharpness of the image produced by his microscope soared above and beyond any other in existence. It allowed him 30,000 x magnification. With his new tool he could also view live specimens. He called his invention the Somatoscope.

The somatoscope uses two sources of light. Incandescent and ultraviolet light combine to produce a third wavelength. The new wavelength passes through a monochromator which generates a ray of light. That ray then hits an electrical field that breaks it into three new parallel rays. This process is called the Zeeman effect. One of these new rays then passes through a Kerr cell, increasing the frequency. The light source, completely invisible to the naked eye, analyzes the specimen.

Because his own original somatoscope was a behemoth, Naessens also invented a condenser in 1998. The condenser can be fitted to conventional microscopes and allows a similar picture to that available under the original somatoscope. With a new world opened to him, Gaston observed thousands of specimens.

Even in the early stages of his research with his new scope, he was able to confirm his earlier suspicions. In live blood he could certainly distinguish an unknown element, a tiny brilliant particle that maintained a unique rhythm of movement between the blood cells.

His first inclination was to attempt to isolate the particle in a growth medium (an ideal biological environment) to prove it was alive. This was a very difficult procedure for him to master, and it was a frustrating struggle that encompassed several years. He finally accomplished this feat, opening a door to a fascinating new realm of research. He later named the new particle he discovered the somatid.

The word comes from two Greek words: soma, which means body, and tidos, which means creating or building. Once isolated in the growth medium, Naessens discovered his particle was indeed alive. Its development evolved through 16 stages every 90 oras, an always identical regular cycle. The somatid was able to transform itself rapidly from one form to another in reaction to its biological environment. The transformation was spontaneous and occurred without cellular division, a process called polymorphism.

Watching somatids allowed Naessens to discover many different qualities the particles possessed. He discovered they were electromagnetic. He concluded that somatids do not contain DNA, yet they are carriers of genetic information. His research ultimately proved to him that somatids are the smallest unit of life capable of transforming energy into matter, and they are the most basic condenser of energy needed to sustain life. He came to believe that cell division is impossible without the growth promoters somatids produce.

While a person is alive, the somatid sustains life. After a person’s death, somatids transform the body into its basic ingredients (carbon, mineral salts) and they become dormant in their resistant form. In that stage they are indestructible, and they can survive for years. Perhaps because of these qualities, these tiny particles may even hold the key to realizing the ultimate goal of Cryogenic research.

Excited about his new discovery, Naessensnext shocking breakthrough allowed him to predict disease. He observed in the living blood of sick people some of the same forms his somatids took in their growth medium. To further explore this development, Naessens enlisted the help of several French doctors and laboratories.

The same group of people underwent both traditional testing for disease and Naessenslive blood testing. Naessens would confirm or deny the presence of disease from his observations of a particular patient’s blood seen under his scope. Doctors would not tell Naessens what their own diagnosis was until he’d finalized his live blood analysis of each patient. In more than 10,000 cases Naessensestablished a link between the somatid forms and the state of disease in the patient.

He had created his own screening test, and it proved reliable. Conventional lab tests confirmed the biologist’s conclusions on the state of each patient’s health. Further research allowed Naessens to observe that there was a fundamental difference between the somatids of healthy people and those of sick people.

He observed the first three stages of somatid growth in fit people with no disease. The final thirteen stages existed in people in various stages of disease. Naessens concluded that he could use this new information to discover what causes somatids to change from stage 3 (healthy) to stage four (the onslaught of disease). He called the point between the third and fourth stages the protection gate. In theory, the protection gate sustains equilibrium and prevents disease from taking hold in healthy people.

This theoretical protection gate somehow restrains the further polymorphism of the somatid beyond stage three. Now it was clear to Naessens that his microscope and his research would make the screening and prevention of degenerative diseases possible. He could look at a person’s blood and tell that person if he or she would develop any kind of degenerative disease. His test would be so sensitive that he would be able to predict the beginning of a disease before any conventional medical test could. He could identify the weakening of a person’s natural defenses 18 sa 24 months before the localization of any disease or medical condition.

It is therefore understandable that the world of traditional medicine would go to great lengths to discredit Naessensresearch. The somatoscope essentially makes countless conventional testing theories and machinery obsolete. The live blood test Naessens perfected would cost less, involve much less risk, and give a patient much more time to decide how to treat the oncoming disease. Millions, maybe even billions of dollars worth of equipment and services will have to be scrapped if Naessenstesting protocol ever reaches full potential.

Since even conventional medicine dictates that early diagnosis means a better prognosis, Naessens became overjoyed. His new test would be a preventive detection method to help patients long before traditional doctors would be able to assist them.

While the test is currently restricted to fundamental and clinical research, Gaston and his staff are committed to making this detection method just as available to the public as current traditional testing methods are.

Observation and intense study led Naessens to discover exactly what factors are responsible for the progressive weakening of the protection gate. He concluded that five major factors influence the breakdown of the gate: the progression of stage 3 somatids to stage 4.

Una, toxic products represent great risk. Continuous or extended exposure to toxins can negatively effect the protection gate. Examples are asbestos and cigarettes. Physical traumas can also cause a breech in the gate. Bruises, fractures, sprains, deep cuts, and serious burns are some examples. Even something as subtle as jetlag can disturb the protection gate, though the gate will repair itself within a few days after a long flight. Sudden psychological traumas can also destabilize a person’s equilibrium. An unexpected emotional shock can be responsible for the gate becoming susceptible to a breakdown. The abrupt loss of a loved one, an unpredictable deception, or any psychologically crippling experience that happens without a warning is enough to dismantle the gate.

Such situations that are recurring would also present a threat. An ongoing feeling of being trapped can exhaust the natural defenses of the body.

Sa wakas, simple thoughts or beliefs contribute to breaches in the gate. Whether conscious or unconscious, the brain acts upon thoughts, and sometimes that can be dangerous. For instance, if the thought I wish I were sick so I wouldn’t have to work were to be transmitted to the brain, it could change the body enough to allow sickness to overtake it. Essentially this follows the principle of mind over matter. If you will it, it may happen. This is why the technique of visualizing the destruction of a tumor can sometimes be an effective way to treat it.

Naessens-armed with the knowledge of decades of research-then set about creating a product that could restore the protection gate and possibly even reverse the natural polymorphism of the somatidian cycle.

His next invention would need to meet three requirements. First it had to be non-toxic and have no negative side effects. It would need to sustain life instead of compromising it. Second, the product had to act directly and immediately on the lymph. This condition meant the final creation would have to be a liquid capable of absorption into the lymphatic system. Naessens associated the clogging of the lymphatic system with the onset of disease. The lack of fluidity of the lymph fluid encourages stagnation of cellular toxins. When stagnant, the toxins can no longer be sent into the large blood circulation which eliminates them. Sa wakas, the product would ultimately have to contain Nitrogen. Naessens believed Nitrogen is widely misunderstood, and it was his belief that the element is of paramount importance to our living cells.

Naessens worked from 1972 sa pamamagitan ng 1976 on his liquid. He perfected the product and called it 714-X. The seven stands for the seventh letter of the alphabet: G. Ang 14 stands for the fourteenth letter: N. The X is the 24th letter of the alphabet and stands for the year of Naessensbirth: 1924. Therefore he named the product after his initials and birth year. He secured the first patent for his mixture in 1980. The scientific name of the product is a lengthy one: Trimethylbicyclonitraminoheptane Chloride. It is also sometimes called Camphorminium Chloride.

714-X has many ingredients, the most important of which is nitrogen carried by camphor. It also includes the mineral salts ammonium chloride and sodium chloride. Eighteen trace elements make up the rest of the product. Sila ay: Aluminum, Antimony, Arsenic, Barium, Bore, Cadmium, Calcium, Chrome, Cobalt, Copper, Iron, Lead, Magnesium, Mercury, Molybdenum, Nickel, Phosphor, and Zinc. The PH of the mixture is 7, making it acceptable for injection.

It is essentially a booster shot, and it is not to be confused with a vaccine. 714-X is no vaccine. It does not stimulate antibodies. It does not act directly upon disease. 714-X instead detoxifies and repairs the body’s cells. It contains nothing designed to destroy diseased cells. Rather, it holds vital and essential elements that promote life. It helps fortify the immune system, and the immune system can then fight off disease itself.

The more pronounced the disease is, the more toxins pollute the body. These toxins are either introduced by the disease itself or by the treatments for the disease. The more toxins present, the longer it will take to detoxify and repair the diseased cells.

714-X aims to accomplish three tasks. Una, it is designed to liquefy the lymph. The ammonium chloride and sodium chloride accomplish this goal in a matter of five days in most patients. The proper flow of the lymph allows for the removal of toxins that have stagnated within the lymph. Before tumors develop, calcification often occurs. Like tumors, calcification can be benign or malignant. When the lymph is liquefied, calcifications are broken up and flushed out. Susunod, 714-X provides Nitrogen. Nitrogen is an essential component of living matters such as carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. It is also an integral part of nucleic acids such as DNA and RNA. Nitrogen facilitates the normal growth and cellular repair of damaged tissues and organs.

Nitrogen therefore helps maintain bones, muscles, and other physical aspects of the body. Nitrogen is also important to cancer cells. Healthy cells require oxygen to proliferate. Cancerous cells have a different type of metabolism. They require nitrogen. Cancerous cells secrete CKF, a substance that paralyses the immune system. Once the immune system is disabled, the cancer cells steal nitrogen from healthy cells.

714-X gives the cells the nitrogen so they don’t have to destroy the immune system and raid healthy cells to find it. Instead of destroying the diseased cells, 714-X saturates them with nitrogen and saves the immune system. Unhindered, the immune system carries on its regular duties and helps the body kill the cancer cells naturally.

Sa wakas, the trace elements in 714-X act to facilitate the smooth communication between cells. The essential trace elements aid intra and extra cellular interaction. They also maintain the PH of the blood and other body fluids. Since the body does not manufacture these trace elements, they can only be brought in by nutrition or otherwise. 714-X satisfies the body’s need for these elements and promotes proper metabolic function.

714-X is a successful product only when the right conditions are present. The moment biological imbalances become apparent in live blood, the proper elements must be provided to remedy the situation. 714-X accomplishes this task and allows the human body to step in and heal itself.

It is primarily designed to be injected into the lymph node in the groin area, and it travels through the large lymphatic circulation once injected. This irrigates three quarters of the body. If the disease is located in the upper right side of the body, the product must be administered to the small lymphatic circulation by a nebulizer.

714-X is also available in ampoules for use with nebulizers, but this procedure is recommended for administration in addition to injections and not in lieu of. Lung, brain, or breast cancer located on the right side are some examples of when inhaled 714-X is required or recommended.

714-X should be administered in 21 day cycles. One shot is administered per day, and between cycles there should be a minimum two day break. This allows the body to begin the next cycle of restorative activity. For preventive treatment (no diagnosis made but natural defenses are weakened) one to three cycles of 714-X are recommended. That should be enough to restore health.

714-X is most beneficial during this stage. It was designed specifically to return the somatidian cycle to its healthy stages before disease has set in and secured a significant foothold. Just like in traditional medicine, the earlier the detection and treatment, the better the results.

Effectively curing a certain advanced state of disease could potentially take six to eight cycles. An advanced state of disease will require more time for 714-X to clean your system and repair the damage. The progression of the disease and the level of the toxic therapy given for it will ultimately determine how long it will take for 714-X to complete its mission.

714-X always encourages vitality and renewed energy. Gayunman, to maximize its potential the product must be combined with a diet that does not interfere with the digestive system. Overloading the digestive organs just leads to energy being taken away from cellular cleansing and repair to be used solely for digestion purposes. Samakatuwid, food items that are difficult to digest should be cut out of any 714-X user’s diet. Foods that carry any kind of toxins should also be cut. Any beverages that meet these conditions should be put aside as well. 714-X is complemented only by a diet that brings nutrients in and doesn’t further intoxicate the body.

It is not absolutely necessary to ingest dietary supplements in conjunction with 714-X, but each case is different. Some patients may want to use supplements, and there are only a few supplements that should never be used with the product. Those are: Vitamin B-12, Vitamin E, and anything with shark or bovine cartilage. If small quantities of these discouraged substances are digested in food, it does not present a problem. 714-X users must only avoid the supplements.

714-X does not interfere with any conventional therapies. Sa katunayan, 714-X aids the healing process. It promotes the return to normal metabolic function after intense conventional therapy has run its course. In most scenarios, particularly in cases of cancer, 714-X should always be administered before surgery if possible. Surgery can cause infection, and the fluidity of the lymph during and after surgery will eliminate any toxins that are introduced to the body as a result of any invasive surgical procedure. 714-X taken prior to surgery reduces the likelihood of metastasis. Since 714-X’s first priority is to deep clean the cells, intensive therapies such as toxic chemotherapy may delay tissue repair. Repairing is the second priority and occurs after cleansing is complete. Gaston Naessens always claimed that the patient must do 50 percent of the work, and 714-X does the other 50.

Each patient must come to terms with the cause of his/her condition. What caused the protection gate to break down in my body? That is the question each patient should ask and try to find the answer to. If the person is a smoker and he/she develops lung cancer, the answer is simple. It may not be as simple if there is a psychological factor involved in the collapse of the protection gate. Samakatuwid, family support, faith, and spirituality are integral factors in recovery. If there is a problem or set of problems impacting negatively on the life of the 714-X patient, he must do his best to correct the issues or baggage that put the unnecessary strain on his life.

Mula sa 1976 sa 1989, Gaston Naessens operated his own clinic attached to his Rock Forest, Quebec lab. The clinic was shut down in 1989 when Naessens was arrested and charged with murder. Even though Naessens was absolved of the crime after a three week jury trial, the clinic was never allowed to re-open. Naessenstrial is fully illustrated in Christopher Bird’s Book: The Gallileo of the Microscope.

In January of 1990 714-X was made available in Canada through the Emergency Drug Release program. As of March, 2001 13,574 authorizations were issued by the Canadian government. 4,039 patients were granted the chance to try 714-X due to the requests of 1,484 doctors.

Former Iowa congressman Berkley Bedell, who believed Naessensproduct helped cure his prostate cancer, designed the law that now protects 714-X in the United States and allows patients here access to it without prescriptions. Bedell, probably more well known for founding the Berkley fishing company, passed away last December at the ripe old age of 98.

Nakalulungkot, Naessenssomatoscope is not as highly regarded in today’s microscopy world as it should be. It is not used widely enough, though even some government facilities utilize the condenser Naessens invented. It was developed at nearly the same time as electron microscopy. The electron microscope gained a bigger foothold over time, and more scientists swear by it today because they are familiar with it. This is much the same case as the medical establishment being used to their own treatments and tests.

Naessenssomatoscope, blood test, and degenerative disease treatment have unlimited potential. According to Naessenstranslator, wife, and assistant, Jacinte Levesque Naessens, cancer and most degenerative diseases would drop dramatically over the next five years if medical professionals and research scientists would adopt her husband’s inventions and theories.

Naessens, who died at home on February 16th, 2018 (sa edad na 94), was everything the current pharmaceutical juggernaut’s brainwashed medical slaves aren’t: humble, honest, and selfless. Naessens was always in practice to help people. This absolute genius of biology will someday get the respect and reverence his inventions, theories, and practices deserve. A whole new world of medicine will emerge. A revolutionary new perspective on cancer treatment and overall disease detection and prevention will unfold. When Naessens earns a fair shake, he will be heralded with the Isaac Newtons, Albert Einsteins, and Thomas Edisons of the world. There is a Nobel Prize in the future with his name all over it.

Please stay tuned to this site for my follow up article on the last 14 days of 714x and the final 7 ahead of me in the midst of the most threatening virus outbreak in modern history. This treatment could have a monumental effect on our current state of affairs in the world, and it’s not going to cause any harmful side effects or fatalities.

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