Tag Archives: hector Camacho


HALL OF FAMER „GULLDRAKKURINN“ OSCAR DE LA HOYAAÐ MÆTA 2024 HALL OF FAME HELGIN 35 ára afmæli Hall of Fame sett í júní 6 – 9
KARFA, NY – MARS 18, 2024 Alþjóðlega frægðarhöllin og safnið í hnefaleikum, sem fagnar 35 ára afmæli sínu í 2024, er ánægð að tilkynna að Hall of Famer „Gulldrengurinn“ Oscar De La Hoya mun taka þátt í veislu meistaranna og aðra viðburði sem fyrirhugaðir eru fyrirhugaðir á 2024 Hall of Fame Induction helgi sett í júní 6-9.
„Frá ólympíugull til heimsmeistaratitla í sex deildum, Oscar De La Hoya fangaði ímyndunarafl hnefaleikaaðdáenda um allan heim,“ sagði Hall of Fame leikstjórinn Edward Brophy. „Við hlökkum mikið til að bjóða „Gullna drenginn“ velkominn aftur til Canastota í tilefni 35 ára afmælis Hall of Fame.“

De La Hoya skoraði a 223-5 (153 Kos) áhugamannaferill með því að vinna léttvigt gull á 1992 Olympic Games. Hann gerðist atvinnumaður sama ár og vann sinn fyrsta heimsmeistaratitil - WBO ofurfjaðurvigt – í aðeins 12. atvinnumannabardaga hans og myndi halda áfram að vinna 10 heimsmeistaratitla í sex þyngdarflokkum.

Meðal meistaranna sem hann sigraði eru Jorge Paez, John John Molina, Rafael Ruelas, Genaro Hernandez, Ike Quartey, Fernando Vargas, Ricardo Mayorga og Hall of Famers Hector Camacho, Julio Cesar Chavez, Pernell Whitaker og Arturo Gatti.

Einn stærsti aðdráttaraflið sem greitt er fyrir hverja skoðun í sögu hnefaleika. De La Hoya lét af störfum 2008 með atvinnumannaskrá um 39-6 (30 Kos). Í 2002 hann stofnaði kynningarstöð Golden Boy Promotions. Í 2014 „Gulldrengurinn“ var kjörinn í frægðarhöllina á fyrsta ári sínu sem kjörgengi.

Glæsilegur listi yfir 35 stórmenn í hnefaleikum frá Bandaríkjunum og erlendis, þar á meðal Class of 2024, Frægðarhöllin sem snýr aftur og sérstakir gestir munu taka þátt í hátíðarhöldunum um frægðarhöllina.

Flokkur af 2024 til heiðurs eru hnefaleikakappar Ricky Hatton, Ivan Calderon, Diego Corrales (eftirlifandi), Michael Moorer, Jane sófi, Ana María Torres, Luis Angel Firpo (eftirlifandi), Theresa Kibby (eftirlifandi), þjálfari Kenny Adams, framkvæmdastjóri Jackie Kallen, kynningarmaður Fred Sternburg, blaðamaður Wallace Matthews og útvarpsstjóri Nick Charles (eftirlifandi).
Flokkur af 2024 verður heiðraður á Hall of Fame Induction Helga í júní 6-9, 2024, í "Boxing's Hometown." Margir viðburðir munu eiga sér stað í Canastota og í nágrenninu Turning Stone Resort spilavítinu allan fjögurra daga hátíðina, þar á meðal hringborðsviðræður, hnefakast, bardagakvöld, 5K keppni / skemmtihlaup, sýning á eiginhandaráritanir í hnefaleikum, veislu, skrúðgöngu og vígsluathöfn.

Allar upplýsingar um viðburðinn má finna á www.ibhof.com. Fyrir frekari upplýsingar um 2024 Hall of Fame Innsetningarhelgi, vinsamlegast hringdu (315) 697-7095.

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Um International Boxing Hall of Fame
Alþjóðlega frægðarhöllin í hnefaleikum opnaði almenningi í 1989 og er tileinkað því að varðveita arfleifð hinnar miklu hnefaleikaíþróttar. Staðsett í Canastota, New York, það þjónar sem virðing til bestu hnefaleikakappa heims og stuðlar að íþróttinni, leyfa hnefaleikaáhugamönnum að meta og fagna ríkri sögu og hefð hnefaleika.

International Boxing Hall of Fame er staðsett við Exit 34 frá New York fylki Thruway. Opnunartími er mánudaga-sunnudaga 10 a.m. að 4 p.m.
Margra ára samstarf Turning Stone Resort Casino og International Boxing Hall of Fame vekur athygli á öllu svæðinu, vakið athygli á landsvísu og efla ferðaþjónustu í miðbæ New York. Samstarfið felur í sér röð hnefaleikaviðburða í sjónvarpi á landsvísu í Turning Stone, hámarki á hverju ári í júní með vandaðri og stærri alþjóðlegri frægðarhöll helgi en nokkru sinni fyrr með nokkrum spennandi viðburðum í Madison County og Oneida County allan fjögurra daga hátíðina.


MACHO: THE HECTOR CAMACHO STORY Premieres Friday, Desember 4 á 9 PM ET/PT on SHOWTIME ®

A group of people around each other

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Courtesy of SHOWTIME

NEW YORK – November 24, 2020 – Past opponents of legendary boxing icon Hector “Macho” Camacho, including “Sugar” Ray Leonard, Felix “Tito” Trinidad and Hall of Fame trainer Freddie Roach, share their first-hand experiences with the former world champion and recall his trademark flamboyant style in advance of the MACHO: THE HECTOR CAMACHO STORY documentary premiere Friday, Desember 4 á 9 p.m. ET / PT á Showtime.

MACHO: THE HECTOR CAMACHO STORY is an unflinching look at the remarkable life, storied career and unsolved murder of one of boxing’s greatest showmen. Through rare and revealing interviews with his mother, Maria Matias, sisters, wife Amy and son Hector Jr., the documentary also delves into the legendary fighter’s troubled mind and spirit, his battle with addiction and the inner turmoil that ultimately led to his demise – a mysterious double homicide on a roadside in November 2012. The film isdirected by two-time Emmy® Award winner Eric Drath. Drath and Danielle Naassana, both of Live Star Entertainment, served as producers and sixteen-time Emmy Award winner Aaron Cohen served as writer and consulting producer.

In addition to Leonard, Trinidad and Roach, past world champions Ray Mancini, Greg Haugen, Vinny Pazienza and more reminisce about climbing into the ring against the flashy and skilled Hector “Macho” Camacho:

SUGAR RAY LEONARD – March 1, 1997; In Ray Leonard’s final career fight, Camacho won by fifth-round TKOWe were both naturally past our prime, but I just felt that I was a bigger man. I was smarter, sterkari, all those things, but the first time he threw a punch, það var eins og, Pow! And I said, ‘Wow, that hurt.’ I tried the best I could to just go the distance. When he was at his best, he was a thing of beauty.”

FELIX “TITO” TRINIDAD - Janúar 29, 1994; IBF Welterweight Title: “I first met Macho Camacho when I was 12 years old at an indoor arena event in Puerto Rico. He was already a world champion. I was in awe. Camacho was talking to everyone and being himself. He ate 12 empanadas at once just to be funny.

“When I got to fight him, it was my third title defense. Ég var 21 and he was 10 years older than me. He had so much experience and played so many mind games. At the final press conference, he sat at the very end of the table – sideways, kind of ignoring the press – and staring at me. When it was his time to talk, he just talked trash. He was such a showman. When we got in the ring in Las Vegas, like every fighter at a crossroads fight, I was a little nervous. He was such a great fighter. He was so experienced and technical. He was a little crazy but was such a good person. Humble.

“After the fight, he came over with his chin down and congratulated me. He was like a different person – he was so friendly and calm. ‘It was a good fight,’ he told me. ‘You are going to be a great champion. Keep on climbing.’ It was a great experience for me. After that fight, I felt something had changed in me as a fighter. I had shared a ring with Macho Camacho. You are never the same after that. He helped me be a better fighter. He was the first Puerto Rican I ever faced. The only fighter that cut me. I got my win against him the same night [Frankie] Randall handed Julio Cesar Chavez his first defeat. It was a historic night.”

FREDDIE ROACH – December 18, 1985; Camacho won a super lightweight bout via unanimous decision to improve to 28-0: “Hector Camacho was the best boxer I ever fought. His speed was unbelievable. At one point during the fight, we were in a clinch and I bit his shoulder. He stepped back, smiled, and told me, ‘That’s not going to work.He was right. I had so much trouble handling his speed. You just couldn’t prepare for itand I had a really good training camp. I was really up for that fight. I think I won one round and that was only because I stepped on his foot and got a knock down. After the fight, we bumped into each other in our hotel lobby and he took me to dinner at the hotel restaurant. We talked and laughed throughout dinner. He was a great guy.”

RAY MANCINI – March 6, 1989; Camacho won a split decision for the vacant WBO Junior Welterweight titleHector had an uncanny ability to avoid punches. He had excellent hand speed, movement and reflexes. He got in the ring with everybody. And he was funny as hell. Í fyrstu, I couldn’t stand him. But once we were retired, we buried the hatchet and every time we’d see each other, it was hugs and laughs. He made everyone laugh. He was a good soul. I was heartbroken when I heard the news about his murder. In my book, when you talk about all-time greats, he is in the top five for Puerto Rican fighters and top 20 for Latino fighters.”                 

GREGHAUGEN – February 23, and May 18, 1991; Camacho’s first career loss and the rematch for WBO Jr. Welterweight World Championship“Camacho was looking for a tune-up fight for the big battle of the undefeateds with Julio Cesar Chavez so that’s how I got the fight. But I had studied his fights and I knew Hector only liked to fight a minute, minute and a half of each round. My plan going into the fight was to make him fight three minutes of each round. I was hitting him with body shots and he was wincing. And plus, I was talking to him the whole fight, so he was getting frustrated. So we get to the 12th round and he ends up sucker punching me before the start of the round because I refused to touch gloves, and they end up taking a point from him which won me the fight. (In the rematch) he was so sure he lost the fight, he actually left the ring after the fight. The promoter Dan Duva had to pull him out of his dressing room and basically talk him into getting back in the ring to hear the decision. He had to win that fight because that would line him up with Chavez. I thought I beat him more so in the second fight than the first fight.”

VINNY PAZIENZA – February 3, 1990; Camacho won a unanimous decision for the WBO Junior Welterweight titleI thought I was going to wreck him. I thought I was going to go right through him. But he was much stronger and much faster than I believed. And I was thinking, ‘Oh God, I’m in for a long night.’ He got ready for me like no other fight. He was so amped and so ready. He got off all the drugs. He wasn’t drinking. He got up so high and after he beat me, he was never the same again. Hector was such a character. He surpasses me in that capacity. He was a wild guy and he was wild his whole life.”

PJ GOOSSEN – June 18, 1999; Camacho won a unanimous decision at the age of 37 to improve his record to 68-4-1: “That was a bad night for me. I had three broken ribs, and no one really knew it. Svo, I could barely breathe, let alone fight, but that’s what you have to do in boxing sometimes. As we were getting ready for the fight, his dressing room was right next to mine and they had this door separating us. I could hear him before the fight yelling, ‘Macho time!’ ‘Macho time!’ And he hits the wall. And he keeps doing that, yelling louder and louder. Jæja, he hit the door so hard it busted through and he fell into my dressing room. Svo, he gets up and walks back in around through the other opening and says, ‘Sorry about that.’ It was actually pretty funny and me and my dad and brother were laughing. To come back in and apologize when he’s supposed to be getting hyped up to fight me. I would mark him down as one of the best lefthanders there ever was, especially when he was at featherweight and lightweight.”


Film Chronicles the Unlikely Rise and Untimely Death of One of Boxing’s Most Colorful Champions

Premieres Friday, Desember 4 á 9 PM ET/PT

NEW YORK – October 27, 2020 – Showtime Sports Documentary Films today announced it will air MACHO: THE HECTOR CAMACHO STORY, an unflinching look at the remarkable life, storied career and unsolved murder of one of boxing’s greatest showmen. Premiering Friday, Desember 4 á 9 p.m. ET / PT á Showtime, the documentary debuts just two weeks after the eighth anniversary of Camacho’s fatal shooting in Bayamon, Puerto Rico.

For the first time on film, MACHO: THE HECTOR CAMACHO STORY offers a thorough examination of an unlikely sports hero. The film celebrates Camacho’s sublime boxing skills and the unbridled charisma that brought Spanish Harlem and Puerto Rican culture to the center of the sports world. Through rare and revealing interviews with his mother, Maria Matias, sisters, wife Amy and son Hector Jr., the documentary also delves into the legendary fighter’s troubled mind and spirit, his battle with addiction and the inner turmoil that ultimately lead to his demise – a mysterious double homicide on a roadside in November 2012.

“Macho Camacho’s charisma, boxing prowess and flamboyant style made him a Puerto Rican sports icon, og, for a time, the biggest star in boxing. When he stepped into the ring, everyone knew it was ‘Macho Time,’” said Stephen Espinoza, President, Sports and Event Programming, Showtime Networks Inc. “This film reveals the complex highs and lows of Hector’s life: the joy he brought so many, as well as the demons that he battled privately behind the scenes. Through it all, þó, Camacho brought boxing a level of showmanship and flamboyance that was far ahead of his time.”

Born in Bayamon and raised in the projects of Spanish Harlem in the 1970s, Camacho ascended to the pinnacle of boxing. His dynamic speed, footwork and power combined with his unparalleled showmanship helped usher in a new era of modern boxing and made him a member of an exclusive club of fighters who transcended the sport. The film tells the story of Camacho’s rise from a troubled youth to a multi-division world champion. MACHO: THE HECTOR CAMACHO STORY revisits Camacho’s unforgettable performances against legends such as Roberto Duran, Sugar Ray Leonard and Julio Cesar Chavez, and pivotal career turning points in bouts with Ray “Boom Boom” Mancini and beloved New England fighter Vinny Pazienza. Through all the ups and downs and wins and losses, Camacho’s story of resilience is inspiring, þó, in the end, there was one opponent he could never beat – himself.

MACHO: THE HECTOR CAMACHO STORY er directed by two-time Emmy® Award winner Eric Drath (Assault in the Ring and No Más, 30 fyrir 30), and produced by Drath and Danielle Naassana, both of Live Star Entertainment. Sixteen-time Emmy Award winner Aaron Cohen served as writer and consulting producer.

Showtime Networks Inc. (SNI), a wholly owned subsidiary of ViacomCBS Inc., á og rekur aukagjald sjónvarp net Showtime®, THE MOVIE CHANNEL og Flix®, og býður einnig upp Showtime Á Krafa®, THE MOVIE CHANNEL Á eftirspurn og Flix á eftirspurn®, og staðfesting þjónusta Showtime hvenær sem kerfisins®. Showtime Digital Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of SNI, rekur standa-einn á þjónustu Showtime®. SHOWTIME is currently available to subscribers via cable, DBS, and telco providers, and as a stand-alone streaming service through Amazon, Apple®, Google, LG Smart TVs, Oculus Go, Ár®, Samsung Smart TVs, Xbox One and PlayStation®4. Consumers can also subscribe to SHOWTIME via Amazon’s Prime Video Channels, Apple TV Channels, AT&T TV Now, FuboTV, Hulu, The Roku Channel, Sling TV and YouTube TV. Viewers can also watch on computers at Showtime.com. SNI markaðir og dreifir íþróttir og viðburðir afþreying fyrir sýningu til áskrifenda á a borga-á-útsýni grundvelli gegnum Showtime jákvætt forspárgildi®. Fyrir frekari upplýsingar, fara til www.SHO.com.
# # #

Celebrated manager Jackie Kallen predicts unbeaten Mykquan Williams will be her sixth world champion

MANCHESTER, Conn. (Febrúar 12, 2020) – Women’s pioneerJackie Kallen, the first and arguably most successful female manager in the boxing history, strongly believes unbeaten 21-year-old“Marvelous” Mykquan Williams (15-0-1, 7 Kos) will develop into her sixth world champion.

Williams, fighting out of East Hartford, CT, is the reigning the World Boxing Council (WBC) United States super lightweight champion.

“Mykey has a lot of the qualities as some of the greats in boxing,” Kallen said. “He has some of the flash and speed of fighters like Ray Leonard, and the training habits and dedication of Thomas Hearns og Mike Tyson. He also has a killer smile and good looks like hector Camacho, Sr.

“Mykey can go all the way to a world title. He has the speed, attitude, and heart, along with exceptional boxing ability. He has been groomed perfectly by his trainer, Paul Cichon, who has kept Mykey true to his style, working hard to perfect his skill. Mykey trains hard, eats right, and takes the game seriously.”

“Jackie’s very experienced and knowledgeable in boxing,” Williams remarked. “She’s worked with some great, world-class fighters, so she knows the route to take for me to get there.”

Cichon added, “I sought out Jackie as our manager because of her love for the sports, as well as the knowledge of that she brings to the table. She’s very well respected, as she certainly deserves to be.”

Boxing has dramatically changed since Kallen covered her first fight for a Detroit daily newspaper in 1978. The card showcased Hearns andMickey Goodwin.  She became an instant fan and wrote about boxing on a regular basis. A legendary trainer/manager based in DetroitEmanuel Steward, hired her as a publicist for his famed Kronk Gym. Some of her best friends to this day are fighters who she worked with back then. She and Hearns still get together.

After serving as Kronk’s publicist for a decade, Kallen decided to branch out and she started managing fighters. Her first client was heavyweightBobby Hitz, who today is a successful promoter and restaurateur in Chicago. She went on to manage a group of Who’s Who fighters, including world championsJames ToneyBronco McKartTom “Boom Boom” JohnsonPinklon Thomas ogNonito Donaire.

Kallen, who overcame sexism in the boxing industry, is best known, kannski, for her working relationship with Toney, largely because her life during that period was the inspiration for the popular 2004 movieAgainst the Ropes, starringMeg Ryan as Kallen.

“Boxing today is a totally different animal,” she explained. “That’s not to say it’s better or worse, just different. There used to be more gyms in every city, heavy amateur programs, lots of shows on television networks, and enough local club shows to keep a young fighter active. I had guys back then who fought 8 að 10 times a year, sem, Auðvitað, is almost impossible in 2020.

“There wasn’t as much information available on opponents either. If you were lucky, you could buy a tape. If the fighter hadn’t been on television, þó, you were out of luck. There was no Internet, so there was nothing like BoxRec to check opponents’ records. You just had to believe the matchmaker. I had fighters expecting to fight a 14-4 guy who found out at the weigh in that he was actually 16-0.”

Box, likely the second-oldest profession, has continued to survive, albeit often on a roller-coaster ride.

“Today’s fighters are not as quick to fight each other as they were in the days of Hearns/Hagler/Leonard/Duran,” Kallen noted. “Back then, fighters wanted to really fight to be the best they could be. I see fighters today being more analytical and taking less chances.

“There are also more sanctioning organizations today. Back then it was most the WBA, WBC and IBF. Not to mention there was never one person who managed dozens and dozens of boxers at the same time. The game has definitely changed!"

Kallen, though is still heavily invested in the sport she loves. Confident Williams will be her next world champion, her dream is to be inducted into the Hall of Fame with Toney.

“In 1992,Kallen concluded, “I was named ‘Manager of the Year’ and my love for the sport has never waned. As long as there is talent out there needing guidance, I will stay active.”


Twitter:  @MarvelousMyke, @JackieKallen

Instagram: @M.mkw_, @jackie.Kallen

Facebook: /MykquanWilliams, /PaulCichon, /JackieKallen


Skjóta losun

Atlantic City, N.J. – Nóvember 27, 2017 – Evander Holyfield and Bob Arum headline the 2018 inductees into the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame.
The Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame (ACBHOF) hefur tilkynnt sína 25 meðlimur 2018 Induction Class, which also includes President Donald J. Trump. This epic event will take place at The Claridge, a Radisson Hotel located at Park Place & Boardwalk in Atlantic City, New Jersey á Júní 1 – 3, 2018.
Atlantic City, New Jersey Mayor-Elect Frank M. Gilliam Jr. athugasemd, “The future of boxing in Atlantic City is brighter than ever. Being the newly elected Mayor of the City of Atlantic City, New Jersey it gives me great honor to be a part of bringing the 2nd Annual Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame Induction Weekend back to our Great City. I believe boxing and Atlantic City has always been a natural fit and we see it returning to its glory days, and under my administration, we plan on welcoming it back wholeheartedly: Congratulations to the ACBHOF “2018” Inductees!”
The Claridge Hotel serves as the signature Corporate Sponsor for this knockout weekend, “The Claridge is proud to be in partnership with the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame and to continue to promote professional boxing’s exceptional history in Atlantic City,” says Cem Erenler, Vice President/ Operations & Business Development for TMJ Properties, the owner and developer of The Claridge. The iconic hotel, which is now part of the global Radisson brand first opened in 1930. “Hosting this signature event is in the best traditions of The Claridge, which for more than 80 years has been Atlantic City’s center for exciting events in sports and entertainment,” Mr. Erenler said.
The 2018 inductees in the Fighter category are:
Evander Holyfield
Héctor Camacho (eftirlifandi)
Bruce Seldon
Bobby Czyz
Jeff Chandler
Ray Mercer
Vinny Paz
Richie Kates

Trainer and Cutmen
Carmen Graziano

George Benton
Ralph Citro
Bob Arum
Dan Duva
Diane Fischer-Cristiano
Ed Derian
Jean Williams
Joseph Pasquale
Jersey Joe Walcott
Bernard Fernandez
Dave Weinberg
Ray Bailey
Jose Sulaiman
Marian Muhammad
Mark Etess
President Donald J. Trump

Evander Holyfield stated: “I have many great memories fighting in Atlantic City, and I am honored to be inducted into its Hall of Fame.
The 2nd Annual Induction Ceremony & Celebration Weekend will honor some of the world’s most prominent trailblazers from the sport of boxing: President Donald J. Trump, José Sulaimán, and Bob Arum are just a few names who will be enshrined with the 2018 induction class. Also expected to be in attendance; current and former boxing champions, and VIP Guests for a fun-filled weekend that’s highlighted by a black-tie evening, and the acclaimed, unforgettable Induction Ceremony.
The Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame is here to stay! The epic success of our 2017 Inaugural Induction weekend was pivotal to our brand value in the boxing and business community,” said Rodrick Green Vice President and Business Strategist for ACBHOF. “We are excited about the economic and sports entertainment impact the ACBHOF will continue to have in Atlantic City. Thank you for your support and be reassured that at the 2018 Induction Celebration the bar will be raised even higher.
Over the next several weeks there will be updates on the schedule of events, room packages and expected VIP appearances on the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame and the Claridge Hotel websites and social media platforms.
We’re excited about the ACBHOF 2018 Induction Class; I believe our nomination committee did an incredible job in selecting a diverse and richly deserving group of individuals. I’m extremely proud of this class because it contains three remarkable women: Diane Fischer-Cristiano, Jean Williams, and Marian Muhammad. The ACBHOF team along with our partners and sponsors are looking forward to June where we will pay homage to our 2018 inductees,” said Ray McCline ACBHOF President and Founder.

Wilfredo Vázquez, Jr.-JuanMaLópez press Conference quotes & myndir

(L-R) — Wilfredo Vasquez, Jr. & Juan Manuel Lopez
(other press conference pictures below. Press conference video available – í spænsku – upon request)
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (Október 25, 2016) – A near brawl broke out today between former world champions Wilfredo “PapitoVázquez, Jr. (24-6-1, 19 Kos) og Juan Manuel “JuanMaLópez (34-5, 31 Kos) at today’s press conference, during the traditional face-off picture, in advance of laugardag night’s grudge showdown, airing live on pay per view from Roberto Clemente Coliseum in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Guerra En El Clemente: Vázquez Jr. v. López, presented by Black Tiger Promotions, is being distributed live by Integrated Sports Media in the United States and Puerto Rico, byrja á 9 p.m. OG /6 p.m. PT, on both snúru og gervitungl pay per view on iN Demand, Fat, Stjórna, Liberty Cable, Claro TV and Vubiquity. The event will also be available to watch across Canada on Fight Network, as well as via Fite TV app for iOS and Android devices or watch on the www.Fite.TV website. Suggested retail price is $29.95.
Blaðamannafundi Quotes
WILFREDO VASQUEZ, JR.: ‘JuanMaLopez and many people have belittled me. They have disparaged my sacrifice, the food that I put on the table for my family, en Laugardagur I will hurt him. I have a Maciavelli plan to destroy him so he will respect me. I respect everybody that has had a rough time.
JUAN MANUEL LOPEZ: Vasquez was interrupting at all times during the press conference. He was singing out loud and during the face-to-face picture he tried to kiss me and I did not permit. I understand that he’s afraid and what a better moment than in front of everybody including the press to release his emotions.
CARLOS MALDONADO, President of Black Tiger Promotions: “Security will be tripled for Föstudagur er weigh in so everybody can feel at ease and secure including the press.
In other PPV fights, fyrrum veröld titill Challenger Jonathan Oquendo (26-5, 16 Kos) takes on Mexican rival GustavoEl Gustavo” Molina (23-13, 9 Kos) í 10-umferð co-lögun.
Heimur Boxing Council (WBC) FECARBOX junior welterweight champion YomarThe MagicAlamo (11-0, 8 Kos), the reigning, will be fighting in his first scheduled 10-round bout against Edwin “Bazookita” Lopez (27-6-1, 24 Kos).
Puerto Rico Olympian Jantony Ortiz (5-0, 3 Kos) faces fellow Puerto Rican bantamweight Luis Hernandez in a 6-round match to open the PPV action.
Websites: www.blacktigerpromotionspr@gmail.com, www.integratedsportsnet,með
Twitter: @integratedPPV


Juan Manuel López-Wilfredo Vázquez, Jr. Jákvætt forspárgildi
This Saturday night in San Juan, Puerto Rico
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (Október 25, 2016) – Former 3-time, 2-division work champion Juan Manuel “JuanMaLópez (34-5, 31 Kos) held an open workout yesterday in Puerto Rico in advance of his showdown this Saturday night against former world Wilfredo”PapitoVázquez, Jr. (24-6-1, 19 Kos) airing live on pay per view from Roberto Clemente Coliseum in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Guerra En El Clemente: Vázquez Jr. vs. López, presented by Black Tiger Promotions, will be distributed live by Integrated Sports Media in the United States and Puerto Rico, byrja á 9 p.m. OG / 6 p.m. PT, on both snúru og gervitungl pay per view on iN Demand, Fat, DIRECTV and Vubiquity. The event will also be available to watch across Canada on Fight Network, as well as via Fite TV app for iOS and Android devices or watch on the www.Fite.TV website. Suggested retail price is $29.95.
Link to Lopezvideo workout for download purposes
Twitter: @integratedPPV

Juan Manuel “JuanMaLópez plans to KO WilfredoPapitoVázquez, Jr.

Október. 20 PPV live from San Juan, Puerto Rico
9 p.m. OG / 6 p.m. PT
TENAFLY, NJ (September 25, 2016) – Fyrrverandi tveggja deild heimsmeistariJuan Manuel “JuanMaLópez plans to knockout bitter arch-rival Wilfredo”PapitoVázquez, Jr., also a past world titlist, in their 12-round Special Attraction showdownLaugardagur, Október 8, airing live on pay per view from San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Guerra En El Clemente: Vázquez Jr. v. López, presented by Black Tiger Promotions, will be distributed by Integrated Sports Media live, byrja á 9 p.m. OG / 6 p.m. PT, in the United States and Puerto Rico on both snúruog gervitungl pay per view on iN Demand, Fat, DIRECTV and Vubiquity. The event will also be available to watch across Canada on Fight Network, as well as via Fite TV app for iOS and Android devices or watch on thewww.Fite.TV website. Suggested retail price is $29.95.
The Vázquez, Jr. vs. López main event is presented in association with Matias Entertainment and sponsored by Best Alarms and Municipio de San Juan.
The 33-year-old López (34-5, 31 Kos), fighting out of Caguas, Puerto Rico, is a former World Boxing Organization (WBO) super bantamweight and featherweight world champion. Frá 2008 að 2010, “Juanma” was one of the top pound-4-pound fighters in the world, but he hasn’t fought á tveimur árumheading into his much anticipated confrontation with his fellow countryman Vázquez, Jr.
I still think I have a lot left in the tank,” López confidently said from his Puerto Rican training camp. “This is the first fight of my career that I feel I owe to fans because of the history behind it. I don’t think there will be any rust because I have been training for many, months and I have been inside the gym working hard. Maybe the agility I had four or five years ago isn’t quite the same, true, but at the same time I am more mature and much more calm and more intelligent in the ring. I definitely feel that I am a better fighter than ever before.
Vázquez, Jr. (24-6-1, 19 Kos), the son of the great three-time division world champion Wilfredo Vázquez, fights out of Bayamón whose best known boxing son is late Hall of Famer Héctor “Macho” Camacho. Vázquez became the vacant WBO super bantamweight world champion in 2010, knocking out previously unbeaten Marvin Sonsona (14-0-1) í fjórðu umferð.
I think my opponent is a very persistent fighter and a person who will do anything to meet his goals, even though that will make him behave improperly,” López added. “I think it will be a very aggressive fight, more of a brawl, and I’m sure the night of the fight I will be the stronger fighter. I will dominate him, round by round, and the first moment I have an opportunity to go for the kill, I will pressure him and won’t stop until I get a knockout.

Integrated Sports Media secures Vasquez, Jr.-Lopez PPV rights in U.S. and Puerto Rico for Oct. 8 langrækinn samsvörun

Live from San Juan, Puerto Rico
9 p.m. OG / 6 p.m. PT
TENAFLY, NJ (September 18, 2016) — Integrated Sports Media, North America’s undisputed leader of pay-per-view distribution of major boxing events, has secured the rights to for the much anticipated showdown between former world champions Wilfredo “Papito” Vazquez, Jr. og Juan Manuel “JuanMa” Lopez, aðalnúmerið “Guerra En El Clemente,” Laugardagur nótt, Október 8, live from San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Guerra En El Clemente: Vasquez Jr. Lopez, presented by Black Tiger Media, will be distributed by Integrated Sports Media live, byrja á 9 p.m. OG / 6 p.m. PT, in the United States and Puerto Rico on both snúru og gervitungl pay per view on iN Demand, Fat, DIRECTV and Vubiquity. The event will also be available to watch across Canada on Fight Network, as well as via Fite TV app for iOS and Androide devises or watch on the www.Fite.TVwebsite. Suggested retail price is $29.95.
We’re excited to bring North American boxing fans a true grudge match between former world champions Wilfredo Vasquez, Jr. and Juan Manuel Lopez,” Integrated Sports Media forseti Doug Jacobs sagði. “It’s also a crossroads fight with the winner most likely back as a legitimate world title contender and the loser possibly facing retirement. They really don’t like each other and sparks will be flying from the opening bell. Additional pay-per-view fights will be announced soon and with the passion of Puerto Rican fighters, we anticipate a can’t-miss show for real boxing fans.
I am thrilled and happy to be able to present this highly anticipated event to boxing fans in Puerto Rico and the United States,” sagði Carlos Maldonado, President of Black Tiger Promotions. “The response from all cable and satellite providers has been phenomenal. This fight promises to be an all-out war in the ring, non-stop action from the opening bell until the end, which could happen at any moment. No hype; these guys really don’t like each other. “
The 12-round Vasquez, Jr. vs. Lopez main event is presented in association with Matias Entertainment and sponsored by Best Alarms and Municipio de San Juan.
The 32-year-old Vasquez, Jr. (24-6-1, 19 Kos), the son of the great 3-time division world champion Wilfredo Vasquez, fights out of the boxing hotbed of Bayamon, Puerto Rico, which is known for producing great boxers including the late Hall of Famer hector “Macho” Camacho. He captured the vacant World Boxing Organization (WBO) super bantamweight world title in 2010, stopping previously unbeaten Marvin Sonsona (14-0-1) by way of a fourth-round knockout.
Vasquez, Jr. made a pair of successful title defenses against 15-0 Zsolt Bedak(TKO10) og 26-6-1 Ivan Hernandez(TKO11), before losing his title belt in 2011 að Jorge Arce (TKO12) marking the only time Vasquez has been stopped in his nearly 10-year professional boxing career. He had another world title shot in 2012, losing a 12-round majority decision to Nonito Donaire (27-1) for the vacant WBO 122-pound division championship.
Lopez (34-5, 31 Kos), fighting out of Caguas, Puerto Rico, is a former WBO super bantamweight and featherweight world champion. Frá 2008 að 2010, “JuanMawas one of the most feared punchers in boxing, as well as one of its most popular because of his electrifying performances in the ring and engaging personality. During this stretch, he developed into one of the leading pound-4-pound fighters in the working, defeating a Who’s Who of the top super bantamweights and featherweights in the world such as 34-1 Daniel De Leon (TKO1), 33-1 Sergio Medina(TKO1), 54-6-2 Gerry Penalosa (RTD10), 37-1-1 Steve Luevano (37-1-1) og 39-5 Rafael Marquez (RTD8).
Lopez, 33, who hasn’t fought á tveimur árum, gerðist atvinnumaður í 2005 and the gifted southpaw won his first 30 berst. All five of Lopezcareer losses have been to world champions: Orlando Salido tvisvar, Mikey Garcia, Francisco Vargasog Jesus Marcelo Andres Cuellar
Twitter: @integratedPPV



Tune In Kvöld Á 10 p.m. OG/PT On Showtime Extreme® To Relive Chavez vs. Hector “Macho” Camacho; Watch Round 12 NOW:HTTP://s.sho.com/2996PsP

Meira, Chavez vs. Pernell “Sweet Pea” Whitaker, vs.Frankie Randall II and vs. Meldrick Taylor II On “Throwback Thursdays” This Month


NEW YORK (Júlí 7, 2016) – Widely acknowledged as the preeminent Mexican-born fighter in history and one of the greatest prizefighters of all time, Julio Cesar Chavez will be honored as Showtime Sports® airs classic Chavez fights in continuation of its year-long celebration of 30 years of Showtime CHAMPIONSHIP Hnefaleikar.


The month will be highlighted by four of the incomparable Chavez’ most memorable fights – against Hector “Macho” Camacho, Pernell “Sweet Pea” Whitaker, the second of three fights with Frankie Randall and the rematch with Meldrick Taylor. All four fights will air Thursdays at 10 p.m. OG/PT á Showtime Extreme (full schedule below).


Í mörg ár, the revered ring legend was considered the world’s best pound-for-pound fighter. In an amazing 25-year-career (1980-2005), Chavez fought 115 sinnum (107-6-2 með 88 knockouts). At the highest level, he competed in four weight classes – 130 pounds to 147 pounds – and was a six-time world champion in three divisions.


He holds records for the most world title successful defenses (27), most title fight victories (31), most title fights (37) and the second-most title defenses won by knockout (21, eftir Joe Louis með 23). Chavez was 31-4-2 með 21 KOs in world title fights. A multiple Fighter ársins sigurvegari, Chavez was inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame in 2011.


The fights will air on “Throwback Fimmtudagur” during the month of July at 10 p.m. OG/PT á Showtime Extreme® and are available on SHOWTIME ON DEMAND®, Showtime hvenær sem® and via the network’s online streaming service.


Below is the schedule of SHOWTIME EXTREME premieres for the month of July:

  • Í kvöld/Fimmtudagur, Júlí 7: Chavez vs. Camacho
  • Fimmtudagur, Júlí 14: Chavez vs. Whitaker
  • Fimmtudagur, Júlí 21: Chavez Randal II
  • Fimmtudagur, Júlí 28: Chavez vs. Taylor II


“Throwback Fimmtudagur” Tidbits

  • WBC super featherweight champion Chavez (81-0) and his WBO counterpart, Camacho, fought on Sept. 12, 1992, í Las Vegas. JCC turned back a determined bid by “Macho” to take a unanimous 12-round decision.


  • Chavez had an 87-fight winning streak end when he and WBC welterweight champion Whitaker fought to a highly controversial 12-round majority draw in Sept. 10, 1993, at the Alamodome in San Antonio. One judge scored it for “Sweet Pea” by 115-113; the others had it 115-115.


  • Chavez was dealt his initial defeat on a 12-round split decision to nemesis Randall on Jan. 29, 1994. In the rematch the following Maí 7, Chavez won a razor-thin, split eight-round technical decision after the fight was stopped because of a large cut over Chavez’ eyebrow. Chavez and Randall would fight a third time, with Chavez taking the rubber match on a clear, unanimous 10-round decision on May 22, 2004.


  • Chavez went 2-0 against Taylor, winning by eighth-round knockout in a rematch on Sept. 17, 1994. In their initial fight four-and-a-half years earlier, Chavez rallied to win by 12th-round stoppage.

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