Tag Archives: heavyweight


Heavyweight Contender Bronco Billy Wright Discusses His Future In Boxing

Las Vegas (March 19, 2015) – WBC # 16 Heavyweight CONCERTATOR, Billy Bronco Wright (47-4, 38 KOs) knockout primum circuitu de conloquia super et recentia Gilberto Domingos. He’s just three first round knockouts away (29) from breaking the record which stands at 31 held by Shannon Briggs. He’s currently riding a 14-fight knockout streak which includes a winning streak of 18.

Steve “USS” Cunningham in controversiae cohaeret consilio in proelio Glazkov

Philadelphia (March 17, 2015)–In CHORDUS de eius suppressione IBF bout praeterita Saturday Bell ad centrum in Montrealensi, current et priore duo-tempus mundi fortissimus cruiserweight heavyweight CONCERTATOR Steve “USS” Cunningham wants to state his case to what the boxing world saw, et elevata manu hominis est errare.
Et qui vidit publica viewing Cunningham coerceri IRCA et de Vyacheslav Glazkov in terram egressus cum octo ex duodecim rounds pungit ens virtualiter etiam magis virtutem et Cunningham cum venissemus ad cantus de shots 123-84.
In numerus, Projecit de Cunningham a Glazkov 208 de pugnis et exposuit eum 180-144 super duodecim per proelium.
“Iste quoque est numerus, perceptio, et video, ex eo est,,” dicta Cunningham.
“Aspice stats. Respice in faciem suam,. The man spit out his mouthpiece three times because he really had no answer for what I was doing to him. I was hurting him to the body. His corner even pleaded with him that he needed a knockout in the final round to beat me. Somehow two judges gave him eight rounds and another gave him seven. Why bother fighting if this stuff is going to happen? I outworked him, quo modo fieri posset de omni exposuit ei caedentes. He was considered the puncher coming into the fight but as the fight progressed it was me walking him down trying to make him fight.
“Quando haec male consuluerint fastidiunt fans? What can the fighters do about that? It has to be the fans that pay the money. Look at my rematch with Tomasz Adamek and now this fight. Nunc, Vellem clamatoribus pugnare pro commodo sed tantis Heavyweight patrocinium orbis iudices, Pensanda mihi proximus moventur.”

“Bronco” BILLY WRIGHT exstinguit Gilberto Domingos IN 1 SPIRITUS ENIM CORPUS circumuecti FOEDUS


Las Vegas (March 14, 2015) – Hac in nocte L-anniculum WBC #16 heavyweight CONCERTATOR, “Bronco” Billy Wright (47-4, 38 KOs), annihiletur Gilberto Matheus Domingos (22-3, 20 KOs), cum stetissent in Brasiliensium uastationis corpus ad ictus1:15 et per unam marcam. The10-round main event took place on the Boxing RJJ Promotions at the We Ko Pa Casino in Fort McDowell, Arizona.


Cum victoria, “Bronco” Billy retinebat WBC latin atqueFECARBOX titles while extending his winning streak to 18, 14 ex quo factum est per modum consequenter se daret in knockout .



“Occasionem gratissimam mihi in zonis WBC defendere eros huc ea, quae diu pugnavi.” dixit Bronco Billy Wright. “Verbum autem vir ejus Mauricio Sulaiman, moving me up the rankings as I continue to win fights. Right now I’m a #16, respiciens ad resiliunt super verticem 15 with this victory. Against Domingos, I wanted to make a statement and end the fight early with a knockout. The plan was to go in and land as many powerful body shots as possible. It worked and I came out on top. I’m going to keep marching up the WBC rankings with the goal getting a big fight against any of top contenders. The problem is, nihil horum me vultis pugnare. I’m ready to take on all comers ahead of me.


In addition, 29 knockout primum circuitu eius scripta Bronco Billy. One of his goal is to break the heavyweight record for 1st round knockouts held by Shannon Briggs which stands at 35.

Maiores occasiones in futuro, sed prius oportet a Dawejko videt Umohette ad hoc Friday 2300 Arena in Philadelphia

Philadelphia (March 5, 2015 ) – Hoc Friday nocte ad 2300 Arena in Philadelphia Auster, streaking Heavyweight Joey Dawejko (13-3-2, 6 KO scriptor) of Philadelphia takes on Enobong Umohette (9-2, 8 KO scriptor) of London, Wisconsin in a bout scheduled for 8-rounds.
Dawejko erit vultus pro suo quarto consecutive knockout primum circuitu, et in tantum quod a mensis diu disciplina castra Easton, PA.
Castra erant omnia membra Cipparone Mark scriptor Club 1957 Procuratio quod si bonum aeris, quod ex quam plurimis quod pugillatores duodecim.
“Training castra Ibant. My whole team was there and I am ready to go forFriday,” dicta Dawejko.
In Umohette, Qui non scit enim pugnat Dawejko metus alia multa tum maxime in Midwest et pugnavit contra quondam US tenet fringilla. Olympio, Dante Craig.
“Non multum ei machinae. He is about 6-feet tall and he must be able to punch a little bit based on his record.
Si autem contingat, orbem Jr. Amateur pugilem esse victorem,, he could be in line for a May 8 showdown cum Amir Mansour in parte, quod esset a IRCA ESPN Friday Diei Pugnat card.
“Nec difficile manere focused in proelio. I need this fight to put me in position for whatever fight is being talked about.
Quamvis Dawejko ultimum finem habuit ante finem temporis daret tria circa primum, et non pervenit usque ad mane in exspectantes sistendum.
“Ego numquam quemquam ad pulso si templum in ea pugna aspiciens. We train for 8 circumitio ac si aut fit, it comes.”
Dawejko ipse pugnabit, sicut extra se, et qui moderatiora sequatur consilia durum Maria ipsis sperentur infantem in circuitu eorum, 2 Aprilis 9.
Et non vis loqui plura de Mansour, sed ut artifex Mansour ringside vocans actione gfl.tv et interrogatus blandit ac si esset quid ad Dawejko Mansour, “Puto quod grande Amir testis erit ringside ita quod non potest in expectamus May 8.”
Said Dawejko scriptor Club of procurator Mark Cipparone 1957 Management,” The reality is that Joey Dawejko “The Tank” bene meritus, in pugilatu a stridore vocales condidit quondam iterum. Certus sum enim quia ultimus hominis 3 in KO scriptor explosivae finis primus per pugnat habere aliquid in ea in ea! Et hodie, Non videntur mihi poscenti non ire “The Tank” Et bellabunt iterum? Suus 'quod Joey excitando ad has novo quodam studio multis in pugilatu vndique a dedicated ad ventilandum et omnis advena fuerit in medio. Omnis qui vult de qua pugna Joey!

Ut labore et multum temporis in manibus procurator Ego autem studiosissime pugiles et mensurae gym Joey clare superius average celeritate, an non habet potestatem supra mediocris maxime maximum esse caestu IQ. Ut a praecessi of hoc,, Et meum et operam et auxilium meruit joey habeo quae fecit. Mane pervenimus luctum quia magna sunt optima quia ante “Team Dawejko”.
Promotus est per Dawejko Peltz Boxing.
Joey Dawejko 022115
Joey Dawejko
Club 1957 Management fundata in 2013 per loci negotiatoris Mark Cipparone. Cipparone is the owner of the widely successful and popular Rocco’s Collision. Since the formation of Club 1957 Qui te direxit Management gestas cum aliqua caput capitis in regionem pugnatores. Currently he manages Heavyweight Joey Dawejko, Raymond Welterweight Serrano, Jr. Lightweight Tevin Farmer et Jr. Jason et alii Lightweight Sosa.


Las Vegas, Nevada (March 4, 2015) Hoc Saturday evening marks a historic night as the sweet science returns to prime time network television on NBC after over thirty years. Al Haymon’s “Premier Boxing Propugnatores” eius debut in millions of series faciam domibus trans regionem, et ad certum est fortuita pugna fans et aficionados pugilatu. Magnum est quod perficiat lusus diam visorum ad horum omnium saeculorum ludibrio futura sidera pugilatum.


Etiam sit amet diam et pugnatores ad domesticos nomina eorum, quibus publica nota margin. Top Talis pugnacem U.S. heavyweight prospectu, Dominico “Tribulatio” BREAZEALE (13-0, 12 KO scriptor). BREAZEALE, nunc 29, was introduced to boxing at a relatively late age. After playing quarterback for the University of Northern Colorado, Breazeale proposuerunt ferrum velit exire et intrare circulum in pugilatu 2008.


Intra tres annos et dimidium,, Breazeale parta numerosa tournaments in littora expositis aliquando amateur ordinibus in eum locum 2012 United States Olympic Team competing in the Super Heavyweight division. Several months later, Breazeale esset itura signare Al dum expositionem Haymonis et consuasor pro turn sub tot quondam sidus et amateur amet heavyweight John Bray.


Vector C / bStunt.com

In his primus novem daret, Breazeale plowed through his opposition in four rounds or less including the dismantling of heavyweight veteran Lenroy Thomas. In his tenth professional bout, Breazeale would go the distancefor the first time in his career against a tough veteran in Nagy Aguilera. Although the bout would last all eight scheduled rounds, Potuit efficienter pixidem Breazeale ostendit peppering Aguilera at cum voluntas in junctionibus pungit, recta rights, et capita earum cum uppercuts sinistram.

His next three bouts ended in familiar fashion with his opponents being stopped in three rounds or less. It has been a great start to Breazeale’s career and he is learning everyday with trainer John Bray. “Nunc ego sum, ubi fortunae meae satisfactum, but I know I still have a lot to improve on in order to be ready to become the heavyweight champion of the world. I trust and believe in John’s ability to take me to that level. John has been in camps with the likes of Tyson, Lewis et Holyfield et doctus a fabuloso lanistis pariter.”


Breazeale redit ad anulus hoc Saturday date durior adversarius ad vesperam super his, Victor Bisbal (21-2, 15 KO scriptor), a 2004 Olympian from Puerto Rico. The opportunity to fight in Las Vegas at the MGM Grand Arena on NBC is a dream come true and the 2012 Olympio est parati

Photo C / O Adrian Jimenez

provocatio. “I am truly excited to be fighting this weekend on such a huge platform and I am looking forward to this challenge and making my name a household name. I know Victor is coming prepared and I am definitely prepared as well. Tradet autem nox caestu magnam in fans”, dicta Breazeale.


Trainer John Bray is also excited for this opportunity as he knows this fight can take his pupil from prospect to contender. “Victor Bisbal est veteranus, et ut pugil Olympionices ornatissimo cum recordum 21-2 apud 15 knockouts. Dominic will have to be on his “A” game to shine and as his trainer I can tell you that he will be that and more. By out-boxing and beating Bisbal in an impressive fashion, Observa orbem caestu, faciat quod est realis et ad Dominicum Breazeale maioribus et melioribus.”


Promotus est per norma a NBC Goossen Promotions et tesseras hoc enim mirabile est nox caestu potest empti www.mgmgrand.com et pretium at $400, $300, $100 atque $50.

“Hic venit tribulatio!






Las Vegas (March 3, 2015) – 50-year old WBC #17 heavyweight CONCERTATOR, “Bronco” Billy Wright (46-4, 37 KOs), ab his minor est Lorem X-circuitu quindecim IRCA consectetur Gilberto Matheus Domingos (22-2, 20 KOs). The bout takes place at the Nos Ko Pa Casino in Fort McDowell, Arizona on the Boxing RJJ Promotions card March 13, 2015. Bronco Billy Wright gives his thoughts on training camp and defending his WBC latin atque FECARBOX titles.


Billy Bronco disciplina castra in apparatu….

Training camp has been tough this time around. I’ve been working really hard to get in the best shape of my life. My trainer Rafael Garcia Jr. has me doing some out of the box training methods that has been real beneficial to my boxing style. We are finishing up our last days of sparring this week. I’ll be ready to bring it Veneris proximo sequente.


Billy Bronco qui cogitationes ejus in IRCA Domingos….

“Scio Domingos est iens futurus I am exspectantes ut knockout, so we’ll see who lands the first bomb. Like in all my fights, I’ll be looking to end the fight early. If I need to go some extra rounds, Im ok cum illo, quod Im 'vultus in bonum pugilatu. Quam brevi viribus degustare, ut est certe.


Billy Bronco commentatur defendenti WBC titles….

“Defenderet meum WBC latin atque FECARBOX titles is a pretty big deal for me. It’s my leverage to compete at the top level as I try to crack the top ten in the WBC. Right now I’m at #17, Eodem anno bellum inter consilium et movere.


Disputat cum L-heavyweight natus Bronco anniculos CONCERTATOR….

At this age I feel stronger then I was when I was younger. It’s that old man strength I guess you can call it. Im smarter, wiser and more discipline at this stage in my career. I have a goal to become the heavyweight champion of the world and motivation is greater than ever. A lot of these top contenders are shying away from fighting me. I just want to earn my opportunity and fight the best.


# # #


Nullam pretium $20 confessio generalis,, $35 atque $50, et nunc in venditionem potest redimi vocando Billy Bronco Wright at (702) 524-3331.


The Nos Ko Pa Casino situm est 10424 North Road Fort McDowell, McDowell Fort, THE 85264. At ianuae 6:00 P.m. prima pugna 7:00 P.m.

Billy Bronco Wright – Fabula a L annos Contender

Vir 50 annos habens quasi venter qui suggerit sanguinis pressionem extare in codice ruber agrum eu elit.


Non fiet ita,, dicit, “Bronco” Billy Wright, maxime probabile est heavyweight contendencium in mea ingressus sum in latitudinem complures decades hoc tegumentum rubrum lux regionibus a ludo.


“Lemon sustineam meridius pie in vna manu et in alia, sed vobiscum me cucurbita pastillus!” Las Vegas dicit resident (46-4, 37 knockouts) in recenti phoner.


Wright, sicut qui pro debuted in 1986 ut impetro tergum in figura post captam caestu retro in workplace accidens solveret, told me he’s set to glove up on March 13 at We Ko Pa Casino in Fort McDowell, AZ against Gilberto Matheus Domingos, a 22-2 (20 KOs) Brazilian.


Praesent in elit a prima pugna 2012 quia Wright, qui nuper fecit domicilio locum anulum Bolivia. “Bellator est valde maximus in America,” Dixit autem pugil, No aestimavit. 17 at per heavyweight WBC. “Hoc est difficilis ad REGRESSUS accipere pro populo. Habui egredi ad hauriendam pugnat. Pugnans huc, Fuit et robustos clava minus, ut nihil contra, sed non quod ego.”


Et quod ille vult,, inquit, est enim tunc in tantum ut ejus meritis et judicet:, non in eo, quod nimium aut aetatis studio dulcia. Marcus Tullius Cicero dare Jones Jr coetus a offa capitis sperabam id velit et ipsum quoque animum habere.


“Urna! Yes, Im ' 50 ad quod mihi utile est, sed is officina. I relaxat; Sed mea me Perscriptio in. Non biberent, Non enim faciebam rabidus effercio 20s 30s, potus cervisia, persequimur fimbrias. Do Not, Im 'non bodybuilder, Adonis-type populo venimus ad specto. Uetere schola sum fortissimus. Tune enim tibi, retro in in '80s, Marcus Tullius Cicero, Tim Witherspoon, Tony Tubbs; Sicut iussisti a lumberjack. Et si quaeritis, ut corpus, veniat ad me, et salva animam tuam, sed aliter pecunia excitantis knockout certamen. Venis certe videmus.” Continue Reading…



Nullam pretium $20 confessio generalis,, $35 atque $50, et nunc in venditionem potest redimi vocando Billy Bronco Wright at (702) 524-3331.


The Nos Ko Pa Casino situm est 10424 North Road Fort McDowell, McDowell Fort, THE 85264. At ianuae 6:00 P.m. prima pugna 7:00 P.m.

Morrison Dawson Ricardus March-Lippe ad faciem 7


Miami, CALLIDE (February 26, 2015) - Heavyweight rex Trey Lippe-knockout Morrison durior adversarius est ejus facies, dum pugnat date Richard Dawson Saturday, March 7 sex in circuitu consectetur of "Quattuor publicae libertate" Run in Casino in Miami Buffalo, CALLIDE.


The card sistitur per Holden et tesseras a Productions $30 es nunc in venditionem vocando 918-542-9400 aut ad Buffalorun.com.


Salutantem ex propinquo consectetur, CALLIDE, Morrison Lippe-suus 'perfectus 6-0 cum omnibus suis venientes uincit a knockout. Quasi late, magnus pater Tommy Morrison, Trey 'a magnus ducatur et habet potestatem mundi class punching. Stans singulos quinque minuta hostium intra, Morrison Lippe gestit ostendere, qui si opus obire non possit.


Stabat trans-anulum de Lippe Morrison erit iste Oklahoman of Richard Dawson Okmulgee. A novem veteranos proelium, Dawson scriptor 5-2-2 with three wins by KO. Known for having an excellent chin, Dawson numquam cessaverunt, et laceratum a ingens perturba besting Ty Cobb (16-3) in June 2013.


Interestingly satis, Dawson patris Antonii Cooks est scheduled ad pugnam Tommy Morrison November 3, 1996 in Japan but was replaced due to out of the ring issues. Dawson tamen credit quod desiderari occasionem propter patris Faciesne.


"Bene, quod suus 'non est multum de Trey praeter solum pugnavit bums,"Dixit autem ultra confident Dawson. "Venio ad coercendas defungi proelio facto et. Im 'comprobata extra post acceptam proxima pugna meum (in damnum a rematch contra Cobb). Sed ego scio quod bonis omnibus quæ probare possum!"


Et confident in observantia Lippe Morrison videt aliter-.


"Hoc est enim magnum certamen. Im 'been sursum moveatur, ut sex talentorum Dawson sex multiple times. Expecto hunc pugnare cum illo loqui nugas et relinquam. Affero meum puto ludus tractatur, erit omnium. Meaque annulum feci. "


"Optimum Richard Dawson Trey tium et avellere 'valde perturbatus fidenti deferretur,"Dixit promotor Tony Holden. "Quisque scire, si vult, potest Trey buxum et quomodo faciam post primis rounds. Vidi ego, et tempora, et Dawson pugna aspera pugnantis cum optimus mento. Ut possit temptare primum cursum Trey. Eodem tempore, Desinat pugna Trey habet potestatem ut aliquando. Hoc interest hoc proelio!"


Cum spe, Heavyweight Kenzie Witt-Morrison ofBartlesville, OK periculum 3-0 a record in circuitu quattuor exiguo contra adversarios annuntiari. Volgi Witt Morrison-won est tribus omnibus sui temporis daret a knockout Morrison est et frater et filius et Lippe scriptor dimidium-Morrison.


Jesse autem Senecae Cook Unbeaten welterweight, MO periculum 14-0 bellum contra patriam record-exploratae Michigan Patrick Boozer rounds super octo. Cook est scriptor ingeniosi won maxime exactor circumiret ipse pugnavit pro quod a, spretis iudicii super distinctam 35 Thomas Smith pugnam veteranus ultimum December. At 7-3 apud 2 knockouts, Boozer adventum off an infigo victoria, turbabat Anthony Young (10-0) in October 2014.


Bartlesville, OK scriptor Jarrett consurge diluculo consurrexeris ad ad emendare 5-0 cum quadratis adversum Steve Kolin, 2-2, ofHarrison, AR. The Rouse Colin-certamen est scheduled pro quattuor circumeunt welterweight divisio.


Additional adversariis vestris: et erit nuntiatum in brevi.


Boxcino 2015 Jr. Et teneri in semifinals Middleweight Heavyweight Friday, Aprilis 10 in Sands Obstinatus Casino in Bethlehem, PA

Bethlehem, PA (February 26, 2015)–Die Veneris nox, April 10th, specialis caestus nox Resort inchoare a Casino in Bethlehem Sands, PA, sicut Boxcino 2015 Jr. Middleweight & Heavyweight semifinals assumam loco, eodem vespere.
Promotus est per Arthur Pelullo Agnitio Domini et gratiis vivunt super Promotions Banner ESPN scriptor Friday Diei Pugnat at 9 p.m. ATQUE in ESPN2
Super praeteritum duo weeks, et factum est in partes quarterfinals, et super match-ups Aprilis 10 sunt hae causae,:
In Jr. Middleweight divisio:
Brandon Adams (16-1, 11 KO scriptor) et bellabunt Vito Gasparyan (15-3-5, 8 KO scriptor) dumStanyslav Skorokhod (9-0, 7 KO scriptor) proeliis John Thompson (15-1, 5 KO scriptor).
In divisione Heavyweight:
Andrey Fedosov (26-3, 21 KO scriptor) capietis Thomas Lenroy (19-3, 9 KO scriptor) atqueRazvan Cojanu (13-1, 7 KO scriptor) cum quadratis Donovan Dennis (13-2, 10 KO scriptor).
Omnes quattuor Boxcino semifinal daret scheduled per octo orbes.
“Nos ad harenam Semifinals Boxcino ipsum dolor sit portantes in Bethleem,” Praeses dixit Banner Promotions Arthur Pelullo.
“Ut sit amet magna nox caestu, quis erit in Jr. Et divisiones Middleweight Heavyweight.”

This event starts at 7pm. Tessera prices sunt $100, $75, $50. Tickets can be purchased at www.ticketmaster.com, 1-800-745-3000 and at the box office at the Sands Event Center.


Sequere vexillum vexillum Promotions in amicabiliter interventus, pro omnibus et tardus updates # Boxcino2015:

BannerBoxing #TeamBanner ; @ Boxcino2015 #Boxcino

Facebook.com/BannerPromotions; instagram.com/BannerBoxing

Fedosov, Dennis, Thomas and Cojanu advance in Boxcino Heavyweight tournament

Fedosov, Cojanu, Dennis and Thomas
Verona, NY (February 22, 2015)Andrey Fedosov, Donovan Dennis, Thomas Lenroy atque Razvan Cojanu all scored victories in their quarterfinal bouts in the Boxcino Heavyweight tournament at the Turning Stone Resort Casino.
The show was promoted by Banner Promotions and was broadcasted live on ESPN’sFriday Diei Pugnat.
All Boxcino bouts were scheduled for 6 rounds.
Dennis took out previously undefeated Steve Vukosa in round four.

Dennis dominating Vukosa
Dennis was the much quicker fighter from the outset and landed hard shots on Vukosa from early on. In circuitu tres, Dennis dropped Vukosa from a hard combination. Vukosa was never the same as he was staggered a few more times and even looked like he had no defense as he tried to turn his back several times on Dennis until he was dropped again in the fourth round and the fight was stopped at2:52.
Dennis, 222 lbs of Davenport, Iowa is now 13-2 apud 10 knockouts. Vukosa, 218 lbs of Quincy, Massachusetts is now 10-1.
He was a patient fighter and early on, I took what I could get,” said Dennis. “I was working off my jab and started to connect. I trained very hard and I had a lot more in the tank. I was a little mad that it was stopped early. I can’t wait to get back in the gym and work on getting better.
Andrey Fedosov scored an emphatic 1st round stoppage over Nate Heaven
In round one, Fedosov dropped Heaven with a thudding left hook. He sent him to the canvas for a 2nd time with a devastating three punch combination that sent Heaven to the deck for a second time and the fight was stopped at 2:53.

Fedosov knocking Heaven Down
Fedosov of Los Angeles via Russia is now 24-3 apud 21 knockouts. Caelum, 227 lbs of Ocla, FL. et nunc, 9-2.
Everything went as planned,” said Fedosov. “My plan was to shorten the distance and use my power and you see what happened.
Razvan Cojanu won a drawbreaker decision over Ed Fountain.
Fountain did his best to get inside and force that action under the ineffective jab of Cojanu. Both guys had success on the inside during the grueling fight and the bout was even after six.
Fountain started the 7th with a nice left that split open the right eyelid of of Cojanu. Cojanu was able to fight back and land a hard combination on the ropes and that proved to be the difference in the fight.
Cojanu, 265 lbs of Las Vegas via Romania is now 13-1. Fons, 236 1/2 lbs of Furguson, MO is now 10-1.

Cojanu and Fountain
I could not see anything and I won the fight with one eye,” said Cojanu.
Buddy McGirt told me to jab more and that could have made it easier.
Said Fountain, “I fought hard. The referee did not help me but I will see Razvan again after the tournament.
Lenroy Thomas opened up the Boxcino quarterfinals with a drawbreaker decision over former U.S. Olympio Jason Estrada.
Each guy traded some good shots over the first two-plus rounds. Thomas landed a solid three punch combination in round three. Estrada was effective when he was able to get in the straight right.
In circuitu quattuor, the two clashed heads and it caused a small cut on the forehead of Estrada. The bout was competitive with each guy taking turns being the boss in short spurts. After the sixth round, the bout was a even on the scorecards and they went to the seventh and deciding drawbreaker round.
In that extra frame, Thomas boxed well by landing quick combinations to a visibly tired Estrada and he was declared the winner by unanimous decision.
Thomas, 237 lbs of St. Petersburg, Florida is now 19-3. Road, 261 lbs of Providence, Rhode Island is now 20-6.

Thomas Lenroy
I showed that hard work pays off,” said Thomas.
In the extra round, I had to dig deep and show my boxing skills.
Thomas will meet Fedosov in one semifinal while Dennis will battle Cojanu.
Both semifinals will take place on Friday, Aprilis 10 at the Sands in Bethlehem, PA
Greg Jackson registered two knockdowns en route to a four round unanimous decision over Paulo Souza in a Jr, IRCA Middleweight.

Jackson lands a hard jab
Jackson dropped Souza in round two and then again in round four with a wicked left hook to the head.
Jackson, 150 lbs of Philadelphia won by scores of 40-34 et nunc est super omnem cards 5-1-1. Souza, 149 lbs de Woburne, MA et nunc 0-6.
Guillermo Sanchez scored a 1st round stoppage over Pablo Batres in a scheduled 6-round Jr.Welterweight bout.
Sanchez landed a right hook that sent Batres down for the count at 1:44 of una circum.
Sanchez, 132 lbs of Buffalo, Novi Eboraci 15-14-1 apud 6 knockouts. Batres, 137 lbs of Tuscon, Arizona is 6-12-1.
Jesus Alvarez Rodriguez opened the night with a 4th-round stoppage over Bryan Abraham in a scheduled 8-round Welterweight bout.

Jesus Rodriguez Alvarez
Rodriguez scored two knockdowns in the 2nd round and seemingly hurt Abraham with every punch after. In circuitu quattuor, Rodriguez landed a hard flurry in the corner and the bout was stopped at 2:48 et in circuitu quattuor.
Rodriguez, 145 lbs of Los Mochis, Mexico is now 13-0 apud 10 knockouts. Abraham, 144 lbs of Schenectady, Novi Eboraci 6-21.

Photos by Shane Sims of Banner Promotions


The entire Boxcino tournament is promoted by Arttie Pelullo’s Banner Promotions.
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