Tag Archives: heavyweight

50-AFỌ CONTENDER “BRONCO” Billy Wright okwu banyere ya na-adịbeghị anya MBỤ gburugburu knockout

Heavyweight Contender Bronco Billy Wright Discusses His Future In Boxing

Las Vegas (March 19, 2015) – WBC # 16 Heavyweight contender, Bronco Billy Wright (47-4, 38 Kos) okwu banyere ya na-adịbeghị anya mbụ gburugburu knockout n'elu Gilberto Domingos. He’s just three first round knockouts away (29) from breaking the record which stands at 31 held by Shannon Briggs. He’s currently riding a 14-fight knockout streak which includes a winning streak of 18.

Steve “USS” Cunningham chimes na controversial mkpebi Glazkov agha

Philadelphia (March 17, 2015)–Na kpara nke ya IBF mkpochapu n'obi a gara aga Saturday na Bell Centre na Montreal, mbụ abụọ oge cruiserweight n'ụwa onye mmeri ma ugbu a heavyweight contender Steve “USS” Cunningham wants to state his case to what the boxing world saw, na nke ahụ bụ ihe ọjọọ nwoke aka ya kpọlite.
The elele ọha hụrụ na Cunningham achịkwa na n'obi na rutere Vyacheslav Glazkov asatọ nke iri na abụọ agba na jabs ịbụ fọrọ nke nta ọbụna na Cunningham ọdịda ike gbaa ahụ na-akụ nke 123-84.
Na ngụkọta, Cunningham si tụbara Glazkov site 208 punches na rutere ya 180-144 n'elu iri na abụọ gburugburu agha.
“Nọmba, uzọ, na video, onye ọ bụla nke ya dị,” Kwurula Cunningham.
“Lee anya na stats. Lee anya na ihu ya. The man spit out his mouthpiece three times because he really had no answer for what I was doing to him. I was hurting him to the body. His corner even pleaded with him that he needed a knockout in the final round to beat me. Somehow two judges gave him eight rounds and another gave him seven. Why bother fighting if this stuff is going to happen? I outworked him, si rutere ya na-eti ya ihe ọ bụla nke kwere omume. He was considered the puncher coming into the fight but as the fight progressed it was me walking him down trying to make him fight.
“Mgbe a ga-Fans-esi ike gwụrụ nke ndị a niile ọjọọ mkpebi? What can the fighters do about that? It has to be the fans that pay the money. Look at my rematch with Tomasz Adamek and now this fight. Ugbu a, M ga-a amanyere bụ iwu ịma ya aka na-alụ ọgụ maka Heavyweight egwuregwu nke ụwa ma n'ihi ndị a dị egwu ikpe, M ga-atụgharị uche m na-esote nditọete.”

“BRONCO” Billy Wright kpochapụrụ Gilberto DOMINGOS NA 1 Gburugburu nwere mkpari AHỤ Fụọnụ


Las Vegas (March 14, 2015) – N'abalị ikpeazụ 50-afọ WBC #16 heavyweight contender, “Bronco” Billy Wright (47-4, 38 Kos), n'iyi Gilberto Matheus Domingos (22-3, 20 Kos), nkwụsị Brazil na a na-agbawa obi ahu igbu na1:15 mark of round one. The10-round main event took place on the RJJ Boxing n'ọkwá at the We Ko Pa Casino in Fort McDowell, Arizona.


Na mmeri, “Bronco” Billy nọgidere na- WBC Latin America naFECARBOX titles while extending his winning streak to 18, 14 nke bịara site n'ụzọ nke knockout na consecutive oké .



“M nnọọ ekele maka ohere iji chebe m WBC eriri ebe a na United States dị ka ọ meela a ogologo oge ebe m agha ebe a.” kwuru Bronco Billy Wright. “Mauricio Sulaiman kemgbe a onye nke okwu ya, moving me up the rankings as I continue to win fights. Right now I’m a #16, na-achọ ịgbawa n'elu 15 with this victory. Against Domingos, I wanted to make a statement and end the fight early with a knockout. The plan was to go in and land as many powerful body shots as possible. It worked and I came out on top. I’m going to keep marching up the WBC rankings with the goal getting a big fight against any of top contenders. The problem is, onye ọ bụla nke ndị a na ụmụ okorobịa chọrọ ịlụ agha m. I’m ready to take on all comers ahead of me.


Na mgbakwunye, Bronco Billy e dere ya 29th mbụ gburugburu knockout. One of his goal is to break the heavyweight record for 1st round knockouts held by Shannon Briggs which stands at 35.

Dawejko ahụ isi ohere na-eme n'ọdịnihu ma mbụ ga-enweta site na Umohette a Friday na 2300 Arena na Philadelphia

Philadelphia (March 5, 2015 ) – Nke a Friday n'abalị na 2300 Arena na South Philadelphia, streaking Heavyweight Life Dawejko (13-3-2, 6 Ko si) of Philadelphia takes on Enobong Umohette (9-2, 8 Ko si) nke Milwaukee, Wisconsin in a bout scheduled for 8-rounds.
Dawejko ga-achọ ya nke anọ consecutive mbụ gburugburu knockout na ọ dị nnọọ dechara a ọnwa ọzụzụ ruo ogologo mara ụlọikwuu na Easton, På.
The mara ụlọikwuu ẹkewetde nke òtù nile nke Mark Cipparone si Club 1957 Management na ọ bụrụhaala na a ọma ikuku na ẹkewetde nke dị ọtụtụ dị ka a na-eti ọkpọ na iri na abuo.
“Ọzụzụ mara ụlọikwuu wee oké. My whole team was there and I am ready to go forFriday,” Kwurula Dawejko.
Na Umohette, Dawejko na-alụ a Ihọd na ọ na-amaghị ọtụtụ ihe banyere ndị ọzọ na ọ bụ na ọ lụrụ ọgụ ukwuu n'ime ke Midwest na esetịpụ a knockout n'elu mbụ US. Olympia, Dante Craig.
“E nwere bụghị ọtụtụ teepu na ya. He is about 6-feet tall and he must be able to punch a little bit based on his record.
Kwesịrị bụbu ụwa Obere. Na-amu amu onye mmeri ga-enwe mmeri, he could be in line for a Ka 8 showdown na Amir Mansour na a n'obi nke ga-abụ akụkụ nke ihe ESPN Friday Night alụkarị ọgụ kaadị.
“Ọ bụ oke ike ịnọ uche nke a agha. I need this fight to put me in position for whatever fight is being talked about.
Ọ bụ ezie na Dawejko ikpeazụ atọ oké na biri tupu ọgwụgwụ nke mbụ gburugburu, ọ dịghị mgbe ọ na-aga na-achọ mmalite stoppage.
“Ọ dịghị mgbe m na-aga n'ime ihe ọ bụla agha na-achọ ịkụ aka onye ọ bụla si. We train for 8 agba ma ọ bụ karịa ma ọ bụrụ na ọ na-abịa, ọ na-abịa.”
Dawejko ga-alụ ọgụ mmezi siri ike dị ka ya na onye olulu Maria na-atụ anya na ha 2nd nwa gburugburu April 9.
Ọ chọghị ịgwa ukwuu banyere Mansour, ma Mansour omenka ga-ringside akpọ ihe na gfl.tv na Comcast na mgbe jụrụ ma ọ bụrụ Dawejko ga-nwere ihe ọ bụla na-asị Mansour, “Echere m na ọ bụ oké na Amir ga-ringside otú ọ pụrụ isi na-agba àmà ihe ọ pụrụ ịtụ anya na Ka 8.”
Kwurula Dawejko si njikwa Mark Cipparone nke Club 1957 Management,” The reality is that Joey Dawejko “The tank” kere a ọma kwesịrị uzu ọkpọ otu ugboro ọzọ. M n'aka na ikpeazụ ya 3 ịlụ ọgụ agwụcha ke mbụ gburugburu mgbawa ko si nwere ihe na-eme na ya! Na taa, Enweghị m ike iyi ka aga ebe ọ bụla na-enweghị onye na-arịọ m mgbe “The tank” ga-alụ ọgụ ọzọ? Ọ bụ na-akpali akpali n'ihi na Life ka ọhụrụ na-adọrọ mmasị ọtụtụ ọkpọ sitere na site raara onwe ya nye na-akwado ndị ọhụrụ comer na onye ọ bụla n'etiti. Onye ọ bụla chọrọ ịhụ Life agha!

Dị ka a na aka na njikwa m na-emefu a otutu oge na mgbatị ji atụ na-eti ọkpọ na Life n'ụzọ doro anya nwere n'elu nkezi ọsọ, n'elu nkezi ike na ihe kasị mkpa o nwere oké elu ọkpọ IQ. Dị ka a N'ihi nke a, Life emeela ma m ntị ma na m nkwado zuru ezu na m mpako nke ya rụzuru. Nọrọ na-ekiri n'ihi na kacha mma bụ na-abịa dị ka oké ihe ndị na-echere “Team Dawejko”.
Dawejko na-akwalite Peltz Boxing.
Life Dawejko 022115
Life Dawejko
Club 1957 Management e hiwere na 2013 site na mpaghara na-azụ ahịa Mark Cipparone. Cipparone is the owner of the widely successful and popular Rocco’s Collision. Since the formation of Club 1957 Management o duziri ọrụ nke ụfọdụ n'elu alụso na mba. Currently he manages Heavyweight Joey Dawejko, Welterweight Raymond Serrano, Obere. Kedu otu m ga Tevin Ọrụ Ugbo na Obere. Kedu otu m ga Jason Sosa na ndị ọzọ.

Dominic “Mfịna” BREAZEALE ewe ntụpụ ụkwụ ke Mmo

Las Vegas, Nevada (March 4, 2015) Nke a Saturday evening marks a historic night as the sweet science returns to prime time network television on NBC after over thirty years. Al Haymon’s “Premier Boxing agbachitere” usoro ga-eme ka ya mpụta mbụ na ọtụtụ nde obibi gafee mba ma ọ bụ n'aka iru ukporo agha Fans na ọkpọ aficionados. Nke a bụ oké maka egwuregwu dị ka ọ na-egosi a ikpo okwu maka ndị na-ekiri nọ n'afọ ndụ nile na-maara na egwuregwu nke ịkụ ọkpọ na ọdịnihu ya ga-kpakpando.


Ọ bụkwa a ikpo okwu maka ọkachamara alụso ghọọ ezinụlọ aha na-enwe ọha maara na onye ha na-na zụlite ha. Otu onye dị otú fighter bụ top U.S. heavyweight atụmanya, Dominic “Nsogbu” BREAZEALE (13-0, 12 Ko si). BREAZEALE, ugbu a 29, was introduced to boxing at a relatively late age. After playing quarterback for the University of Northern Colorado, Breazeale mere a mkpebi na-ahapụ okporo ígwè na-abanye na ọkpọ mgbaaka 2008.


N'ime atọ na ọkara afọ, Breazeale merie ọtụtụ tournaments na amu amu n'ohu emecha ọdịda ya a ntụpọ na 2012 United States Olympic Team competing in the Super Heavyweight division. Several months later, Breazeale ga banye na akpa Ndụmọdụ Al Haymon na-atụgharị pro n'okpuru tutelage nke mbụ na-amu amu kpakpando na ọkachamara heavyweight John bere akwa.


Vector C / bStunt.com

Ke akpa itoolu oké, Breazeale plowed through his opposition in four rounds or less including the dismantling of heavyweight veteran Lenroy Thomas. In his tenth professional bout, Breazeale would go the distancefor the first time in his career against a tough veteran in Nagy Aguilera. Although the bout would last all eight scheduled rounds, Breazeale gosiri na o nwere ike igbe irè peppering Aguilera na uche na n'ịgwa nke jabs, ogologo ikike, ekpe hooks na uppercuts.

His next three bouts ended in familiar fashion with his opponents being stopped in three rounds or less. It has been a great start to Breazeale’s career and he is learning everyday with trainer John Bray. “M afọ ojuju ebe m ugbu a na ọrụ m, but I know I still have a lot to improve on in order to be ready to become the heavyweight champion of the world. I trust and believe in John’s ability to take me to that level. John has been in camps with the likes of Tyson, Lewis na Holyfield ma e zụọ kpara ọzụzụ dị ka mma.”


Breazeale laghachi mgbanaka a Saturday mgbede megide ya toughest iro ka ụbọchị, Victor Bisbal (21-2, 15 Ko si), a 2004 Olympian from Puerto Rico. The opportunity to fight in Las Vegas at the MGM Grand Arena on NBC is a dream come true and the 2012 Olympia dị njikere maka nke a

Photo C / O Adrian Jiménez

ịma aka. “I am truly excited to be fighting this weekend on such a huge platform and I am looking forward to this challenge and making my name a household name. I know Victor is coming prepared and I am definitely prepared as well. Ọ na-aga na-a oké n'abalị ọkpọ maka Fans”, Kwurula Breazeale.


Trainer John Bray is also excited for this opportunity as he knows this fight can take his pupil from prospect to contender. “Victor Bisbal bụ a vetiran na a nnọọ ezu fighter dị ka ihe Olympia na a ndekọ nke 21-2 na 15 knockouts. Dominic will have to be on his “A” game to shine and as his trainer I can tell you that he will be that and more. By out-boxing and beating Bisbal in an impressive fashion, a ga-eme ka ọkpọ ụwa ahụ mara na Dominic Breazeale dị adị nakwa na njikere maka ibu ma ihe ndị ka mma.”


PBC na NBC na-akwalite Goossen n'ọkwá na tiketi maka nke a dị ịtụnanya n'abalị ọkpọ nwere ike zụrụ na www.mgmgrand.com ma na-ọnụ na $400, $300, $100 na $50.

“Lee Abịa Nsogbu!



Mara ụlọikwuu na-ekwu: BRONCO Billy Wright



Las Vegas (March 3, 2015) – 50-year old WBC #17 heavyweight contender, “Bronco” Billy Wright (46-4, 37 Kos), bụ ihe na-erughị izu abụọ n'ebe ya na-abịa 10-gburugburu isi omume n'obi na Gilberto Matheus Domingos (22-2, 20 Kos). The bout takes place at the Anyị Ko pa cha cha in Fort McDowell, Arizona on the RJJ Boxing n'ọkwá kaadị March 13, 2015. Bronco Billy Wright gives his thoughts on training camp and defending his WBC Latin America na FECARBOX utu aha.


Bronco Billy ọzụzụ mara ụlọikwuu preparations….

Training camp has been tough this time around. I’ve been working really hard to get in the best shape of my life. My trainer Rafael Garcia Jr. has me doing some out of the box training methods that has been real beneficial to my boxing style. We are finishing up our last days of sparring this week. I’ll be ready to bring it Friday na-esonụ.


Bronco Billy enye echiche ya na ya n'obi na Domingos….

“M maara Domingos na-aga na-achọ knockout dị ka am m, so we’ll see who lands the first bomb. Like in all my fights, I’ll be looking to end the fight early. If I need to go some extra rounds, M mma na na, dị ka m na-ezi ọkpọ udi. Ọ na-aga nụrụ ụtọ ụfọdụ ike m, nke a bụ n'ezie.


Bronco Billy banyere ịgbachitere ya WBC utu aha….

“Ịgbachitere m WBC Latin America na FECARBOX titles is a pretty big deal for me. It’s my leverage to compete at the top level as I try to crack the top ten in the WBC. Right now I’m at #17, ma m na-eme atụmatụ ịkwaga elu na onye ọ bụla ọgụ afọ a.


Bronco Billy eneme ịbụ a 50-afọ heavyweight contender….

At this age I feel stronger then I was when I was younger. It’s that old man strength I guess you can call it. M echeta, wiser and more discipline at this stage in my career. I have a goal to become the heavyweight champion of the world and motivation is greater than ever. A lot of these top contenders are shying away from fighting me. I just want to earn my opportunity and fight the best.


# # #


Tiketi ọnụ $20 n'ozuzu mbanye, $35 na $50, ndị na ere ugbu a na ike zụrụ ndikot Bronco Billy Wright na (702) 524-3331.


The Anyị Ko pa cha cha na emi odude ke 10424 North Fort McDowell Road, Fort McDowell, IHE 85264. Ụzọ na-emeghe na 6:00 P.M. mbụ agha bụ na 7:00 P.M.

Bronco Billy Wright – The Akụkọ Of A 50-Year Old Contender

Nwoke ahụ bụ 50 afọ na nwere afọ na sikwa n'ụzọ na-atụ aro ya ọbara mgbali na cholesterol etoju ndị na koodu red n'ókèala.


Ọ bụghị otú ahụ, na-ekwu, “Bronco” Billy Wright, kasị eleghi anya nke heavyweight contenders m abịa gafee m ọtụtụ iri afọ nke na-ekpuchi nke a red ìhè district nke a egwuregwu.


“M nwere ike ijide a lemon meringue achịcha n'otu aka na a ugu achịcha na ndị ọzọ na na ka akụ aka gị!” na-ekwu na Las Vegas bi (46-4, 37 knockouts) na a na-adịbeghị anya phoner.


Wright, onye debuted dị ka a pro na 1986 mgbe na-ewere ka ọkpọ na-azụ ke udi mgbe agbasa ya azụ na a na-arụ ọrụ na mberede, told me he’s set to glove up on March 13 at We Ko Pa Casino in Fort McDowell, AZ against Gilberto Matheus Domingos, a 22-2 (20 Kos) Brazil.


Ọ bụ nke mbụ agha na US ebe 2012 n'ihi na Wright, onye meworo Bolivia ya mgbanaka n'ụlọ pụọ n'ụlọ n'oge. “Na-alụ ọgụ America dị ezigbo mkpa,” kwuru na oku okpu, e gosiri Ọ dịghị. 17 na heavyweight site WBC. “Nke a comeback bụ ihe siri ike onye na-anabata ndị mmadụ na-. M na-aga mba ọzọ ga-esi akpata ịlụ ọgụ. Alụ ọgụ ebe a, M gaara nnọọ a osisi fighter na, ihe ọ bụla megide na, ma nke ahụ abụghị ihe m chọrọ.”


Ihe ọ chọrọ, ọ na-ekwu, bụ maka gị nanị na-akụ na-ekpe ya ikpe site na ya kpọkwara, ya afọ ma ọ bụ eziokwu na o nwere ukwuu nke a ụtọ maka Grafica. Roy Jones Jr. si ìgwè njikere inye Wright a ogbugba na-etinye na ya na nke a na kaadị na ọ na-enwe olileanya na i nwere ihe na-emeghe uche yana.


“Hụ onwe gị! Ee, M 50 ma ọ na-arụ ọrụ na-abara m uru. M zuru ike; M nwere m na-ebute ụzọ na ego. M anaghị aṅụ, unu adịghị eme ihe crazy stof m mere na m 20s na 30s, mmanya biya, achụ skirts. Emela, M bụghị bodybuilder, Adonis-ụdị ndị na-na-atụ anya. M agadi-school fighter. Ị nwere, azụ ke '80s, Larry Holmes, Tim Witherspoon, Tony Tubbs; M ihe dị ka a lumberjack. Ọ bụrụ na ị na-achọ ịhụ a ahu, ịzọpụta gị ego ma ọ bụghị abịa ịhụ ihu m na onye na-akpali akpali knockout agha. Ị na-aga na-ahụ na n'ezie.” Gaa n'ihu Ịgụ…



Tiketi ọnụ $20 n'ozuzu mbanye, $35 na $50, ndị na ere ugbu a na ike zụrụ ndikot Bronco Billy Wright na (702) 524-3331.


The Anyị Ko pa cha cha na emi odude ke 10424 North Fort McDowell Road, Fort McDowell, IHE 85264. Ụzọ na-emeghe na 6:00 P.M. mbụ agha bụ na 7:00 P.M.

Lippe-Morrison na ihu Richard Dawson March 7


Miami, Ọ DỊ MMA (February 26, 2015) - Heavyweight knockout eze Trey Lippe-Morrison chere ihu ya toughest iro ka ụbọchị mgbe ọ na-agha Richard Dawson Saturday, March 7 na isii gburugburu isi omume nke "anọ State aha" ke Buffalo Run cha cha na Miami, Ọ DỊ MMA.


The kaadị n'ihu site Holden nwetara na tiketi site $30 ndị na ere ugbu a site na-akpọ 918-542-9400 ma ọ bụ na-aga Buffalorun.com.


Hailing si dị nso Tulsa, Ọ DỊ MMA, Lippe-Morrison bụ a zuru okè 6-0 na ya nile Enwee Mmeri abịa site knockout. Dị ka ya mbubreyo, oké nna Tommy Morrison, Trey bụ nnukwu Olee na nwere ụwa klas punching ike. Ebe kwụsịrị ya nke ọ bụla ise gara iro na-erughị nkeji abụọ, Lippe-Morrison chọsiri-egosi na ụwa na o nwere ike na-aga agba ma ọ bụrụ na ọ dị mkpa.


Eguzo gafee mgbanaka si Lippe-Morrison ga-ibe Oklahoman Richard Dawson nke Okmulgee. A itoolu agha vetiran, Dawson si 5-2-2 with three wins by KO. Known for having an excellent chin, Dawson mgbe a kwụsịrị ma gbatara a nnukwu iwe site besting Nam Cobb (16-3) na June 2013.


Na-akpali mmasị ezuru, Dawson nna Anthony osi ite e mere ndokwa na-alụ ọgụ Tommy Morrison November 3, 1996 in Japan but was replaced due to out of the ring issues. Dawson Otú ọ dị na-ekwere na ọ ga-eme ka elu maka nna ya Agbaghara ohere.


"M n'eziokwu amaghị ọtụtụ ihe banyere Trey e wezụga na ọ bụ naanị agha bums,"Kwuru na àjà ihe ọṅụṅụ obi ike Dawson. "Ana m abịa ime ka ndị agha ya ma na-achịkwa ihe. M amara akpali mgbe ikpeazụ m agha (a ọnwụ na a rematch megide Cobb). M nụrụ na ọ bụ ihe ọma, ma m na-aga na-egosi na onye ọ bụla na ihe m nwere ike ime!"


The obi ike na nkwanye ùgwù Lippe-Morrison na-ahụ ya dị iche iche.


"Nke a bụ nnukwu agha n'ihi na m. M na-akpụ akpụ isii agba na Dawson meela isii otutu ugboro. M na-atụ anya na nke a na-abụ ezigbo ọgụ na ga-ahapụ ndị ahịhịa na-ekwu okwu ya. M na-eweta m A egwuregwu na m chere na ọ ga-ihe niile o nwere ike ijikwa. My okwu na mere mgbanaka. "


"Richard Dawson bụ ihe magburu onwe ule maka Trey na ọ bụ nnọọ obi ike na ọ na-aga sere kwụsịrị iwe,"Kwuru ume Tony Holden. "Onye ọ bụla chọrọ ịmata ma ọ bụrụ na Trey nwere ike igbe na otú o ga-eme mgbe mbụ ole na ole agba. Ahụwo m Dawson agha otutu ugboro na ọ bụ a siri ike fighter na ihe ndị magburu onwe agba. Ọ ga-enwe ike iji nwalee Trey maka oge mbụ ya ọrụ. N'otu oge ahụ, Trey nwere ụdị ike na ike agwụ a agha n'oge ọ bụla. Nke ahụ bụ ihe na-eme ka nke a agha-adọrọ nnọọ mmasị!"


Heavyweight olileanya Kenzie Witt-Morrison ofBartlesville, OK ize ndụ ya 3-0 ndekọ na a anọ gburugburu scrap megide iro na-mara ọkwa. Na-ewu ewu Witt-Morrison si merie ihe atọ ya oké site knockout na bụ Morrison nwa na Lippe-Morrison si ọkara nwanne nwoke.


Unbeaten welterweight Jesse Cook nke Seneca, Knife ize ndụ ya 14-0 ndekọ megide agha-anwale Michigan ala Patrick Boozer n'elu asatọ agba. The nkà Cook si merie ọtụtụ ndị agba ọ na-agha dị ka a pro, isi a doro anya-ịkpụ mkpebi n'elu 35 agha vetiran Larry Smith ikpeazụ December. Mgbe 7-3 na 2 knockouts, Boozer si na-abịa anya otu nnukwu mmeri, akpasu iwe Anthony Young (10-0) na October 2014.


Bartlesville, OK si Jarrett-akpali ga-ele anya ka mma ka 5-0 mgbe ọ n'ámá anya megide Steve Kolin, 2-2, ofHarrison, AR. The akpali-Colin zoo na ndokwa anọ agba na welterweight nkewa.


Agbakwunyere oké ma na-emegide ga-mara ọkwa obere oge.


Boxcino 2015 Obere. Middleweight na Heavyweight semifinals a ga-enwe na Friday, April 10 na omume cha cha Resort na Betlehem, På

Bethlehem, På (February 26, 2015)–Na Fraịdee n'abalị, April 10th, a pụrụ iche n'abalị ọkpọ ga-namalite si ájá cha cha amalite na Betlehem, På, dị ka Boxcino 2015 Obere. Middleweight & Heavyweight semifinals ga-ebe na otu mgbede.
The show na-akwalite Arthur Pelullo si Pụrụ Iche n'ọkwá ga-agbasara na ozi-ebi ndụ na ESPN si Friday Night alụkarị ọgụ na 9 p.m. NA na ESPN2
N'ime gara aga izu abụọ, na quarterfinals ada itie ke ma nkewa, na egwuregwu-acha ọkụ na April 10 ndị dị ka ndị:
Na Obere. Middleweight nkewa:
Brandon Adams (16-1, 11 Ko si) ga-alụ ọgụ Vito Gasparyan (15-3-5, 8 Ko si) mgbeStanyslav Skorokhod (9-0, 7 Ko si) agha John Thompson (15-1, 5 Ko si).
Na Heavyweight nkewa:
Andrey Fedosov (26-3, 21 Ko si) ga-on Lenroy Thomas (19-3, 9 Ko si) naRazvan Cojanu (13-1, 7 Ko si) n'ámá oyi na Donovan Dennis (13-2, 10 Ko si).
All anọ Boxcino semifinal oké na-ndokwa maka asatọ agba.
“Anyị nwere nnọọ obi ụtọ na-eweta na Boxcino semifinals ka ájá na Betlehem,” kwuru Pụrụ Iche n'ọkwá President Arthur Pelullo.
“Ọ ga-abụ oké n'abalị ọkpọ iji chọpụta onye finalists ga-Obere. Middleweight na Heavyweight nkewa.”

This event starts at 7pm. Ticket ahịa bụ $100, $75, $50. Tickets can be purchased at www.ticketmaster.com, 1-800-745-3000 and at the box office at the Sands Event Center.


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Fedosov, Dennis, Thomas and Cojanu advance in Boxcino Heavyweight tournament

Fedosov, Cojanu, Dennis and Thomas
Verona, NY (February 22, 2015)Andrey Fedosov, Donovan Dennis, Lenroy Thomas na Razvan Cojanu all scored victories in their quarterfinal bouts in the Boxcino Heavyweight tournament at the Turning Stone Resort Casino.
The show was promoted by Banner Promotions and was broadcasted live on ESPN’sFriday Night alụkarị ọgụ.
All Boxcino bouts were scheduled for 6 agba.
Dennis took out previously undefeated Steve Vukosa in round four.

Dennis dominating Vukosa
Dennis was the much quicker fighter from the outset and landed hard shots on Vukosa from early on. Na gburugburu atọ, Dennis dropped Vukosa from a hard combination. Vukosa was never the same as he was staggered a few more times and even looked like he had no defense as he tried to turn his back several times on Dennis until he was dropped again in the fourth round and the fight was stopped at2:52.
Dennis, 222 lbs of Davenport, Iowa is now 13-2 na 10 knockouts. Vukosa, 218 lbs of Quincy, Massachusetts is now 10-1.
He was a patient fighter and early on, I took what I could get,” said Dennis. “I was working off my jab and started to connect. I trained very hard and I had a lot more in the tank. I was a little mad that it was stopped early. I can’t wait to get back in the gym and work on getting better.
Andrey Fedosov scored an emphatic 1st round stoppage over Nate Heaven
In round one, Fedosov dropped Heaven with a thudding left hook. He sent him to the canvas for a 2nd time with a devastating three punch combination that sent Heaven to the deck for a second time and the fight was stopped at 2:53.

Fedosov knocking Heaven Down
Fedosov of Los Angeles via Russia is now 24-3 na 21 knockouts. Heaven, 227 lbs of Ocla, FL. bụ ugbu a 9-2.
Everything went as planned,” said Fedosov. “My plan was to shorten the distance and use my power and you see what happened.
Razvan Cojanu won a drawbreaker decision over Ed Fountain.
Fountain did his best to get inside and force that action under the ineffective jab of Cojanu. Both guys had success on the inside during the grueling fight and the bout was even after six.
Fountain started the 7th with a nice left that split open the right eyelid of of Cojanu. Cojanu was able to fight back and land a hard combination on the ropes and that proved to be the difference in the fight.
Cojanu, 265 lbs of Las Vegas via Romania is now 13-1. Isi iyi, 236 1/2 lbs of Furguson, MO is now 10-1.

Cojanu and Fountain
I could not see anything and I won the fight with one eye,” said Cojanu.
Buddy McGirt told me to jab more and that could have made it easier.
Said Fountain, “I fought hard. The referee did not help me but I will see Razvan again after the tournament.
Lenroy Thomas opened up the Boxcino quarterfinals with a drawbreaker decision over former U.S. Olympia Jason Estrada.
Each guy traded some good shots over the first two-plus rounds. Thomas landed a solid three punch combination in round three. Estrada was effective when he was able to get in the straight right.
Na gburugburu anọ, the two clashed heads and it caused a small cut on the forehead of Estrada. The bout was competitive with each guy taking turns being the boss in short spurts. After the sixth round, the bout was a even on the scorecards and they went to the seventh and deciding drawbreaker round.
In that extra frame, Thomas boxed well by landing quick combinations to a visibly tired Estrada and he was declared the winner by unanimous decision.
Thomas, 237 lbs of St. Petersburg, Florida is now 19-3. Road, 261 lbs of Providence, Rhode Island is now 20-6.

Lenroy Thomas
I showed that hard work pays off,” said Thomas.
In the extra round, I had to dig deep and show my boxing skills.
Thomas will meet Fedosov in one semifinal while Dennis will battle Cojanu.
Both semifinals will take place on Friday, April 10 at the Sands in Bethlehem, På
Greg Jackson registered two knockdowns en route to a four round unanimous decision over Paulo Souza in a Jr, Middleweight n'obi.

Jackson lands a hard jab
Jackson dropped Souza in round two and then again in round four with a wicked left hook to the head.
Jackson, 150 lbs of Philadelphia won by scores of 40-34 na niile kaadị na ugbu a 5-1-1. Souza, 149 lbs nke Woburn, MA bụ ugbu a 0-6.
Guillermo Sanchez scored a 1st round stoppage over Pablo Batres in a scheduled 6-round Jr.Welterweight bout.
Sanchez landed a right hook that sent Batres down for the count at 1:44 nke gburugburu otu.
Sanchez, 132 lbs of Buffalo, New York bụ 15-14-1 na 6 knockouts. Batres, 137 lbs of Tuscon, Arizona is 6-12-1.
Jesus Alvarez Rodriguez opened the night with a 4th-round stoppage over Bryan Abraham in a scheduled 8-round Welterweight bout.

Jesus RODRÍGUEZ Alvarez
Rodriguez scored two knockdowns in the 2nd round and seemingly hurt Abraham with every punch after. Na gburugburu anọ, Rodriguez landed a hard flurry in the corner and the bout was stopped at 2:48 nke gburugburu anọ.
RODRÍGUEZ, 145 lbs of Los Mochis, Mexico is now 13-0 na 10 knockouts. Abraham, 144 lbs of Schenectady, New York bụ 6-21.

Photos by Shane Sims of Banner Promotions


The entire Boxcino tournament is promoted by Arttie Pelullo’s Banner Promotions.
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