Tag Archives: Heavyweight

50-XYOO contender “BRONCO” Billy Wright hais txog nws TSIS NTEV LOS NO THAWJ HLOOV KNOCKOUT

Heavyweight Contender Bronco Billy Wright Discusses His Future In Boxing

Las Vegas (Lub peb hlis ntuj 19, 2015) – Qhov # 16 Heavyweight contender, Bronco Billy Wright (47-4, 38 Kos) hais lus txog nws tsis ntev los no ua ntej puag ncig knockout tshaj Gilberto Domingos. He’s just three first round knockouts away (29) from breaking the record which stands at 31 held by Shannon Briggs. He’s currently riding a 14-fight knockout streak which includes a winning streak of 18.

Steve “USS” Cunningham chimes nyob rau hauv on teeb meem kev txiav txim siab nyob rau hauv Glazkov sib ntaus

Philadelphia (Lub peb hlis ntuj 17, 2015)–Nyob rau hauv lub aftermath ntawm nws IBF tshem tawm sib ntau sib tw no yav dhau los Saturday nyob rau ntawm lub Tswb Centre nyob rau hauv Montreal, yav tas los ob-lub sij hawm cruiserweight ntiaj teb no yeej thiab tam sim no Heavyweight contender Steve “USS” Cunningham xav qhia nws cov ntaub ntawv mus rau dab tsi lub boxing ntiaj teb no pom, thiab hais tias yog cov tsis ncaj ncees lawm tus txiv neej tau nws txhais tes tsa.
Lub saib pej xeem pom tau hais tias Cunningham tswj lub sib ntau sib tw thiab tawm tsaws Vyacheslav Glazkov nyob rau hauv yim ntawm lub kaum ob rounds nrog jabs ua zoo txawm thiab Cunningham tsaws ntau hwj chim txhaj tshuaj rau lub suab nkauj 123-84.
Nyob rau hauv tag nrho cov, Cunningham tawm txawb Glazkov los ntawm 208 punches thiab tawm tsaws nws 180-144 tshaj lub kaum ob puag ncig sib ntaus sib tua.
“Cov zauv, lub xaav, cov kev yees duab, tsis muaj leej twg ntawm nws cov lus dag,” Hais Cunningham.
“Saib cov stats. Saib nws lub ntsej muag. Tus txiv neej nti tawm nws ncauj npog ncig sab peb lub sij hawm vim hais tias nws yeej twb tsis muaj lus teb rau dab tsi kuv ua rau nws. Kuv twb ua phem rau nws rau hauv lub cev. Nws ces kaum txawm thov nrog nws hais tias nws xav tau ib tug knockout nyob rau hauv lub kawg puag ncig tuav kuv. Cas ob hais plaub muab nws yim rounds thiab lwm muab nws xya. Yog vim li cas thab sib ntaus sib tua yog cov khoom no yuav tshwm sim? Kuv outworked nws, tawm tsaws nws thiab ntaus nws txhua txhua txoj kev uas tau. Nws suav hais tias yog Puncher tuaj mus rau hauv kev sib ntaus tab sis raws li kev sib ntaus loj hlob nws yog kuv taug kev nws down ua kom nws sib ntaus.”
“Thaum yuav tus kiv cua tau nkees ntawm tag nrho cov kev txiav txim siab phem? What can the fighters do about that? It has to be the fans that pay the money. Look at my rematch with Tomasz Adamek and now this fight. Txoj cai tam sim no, Kuv yuav tsum tau ib tug yuav tsum challenger sib ntaus rau Heavyweight championship ntawm lub ntiaj teb no tab sis vim yog cov phem cov txiav txim, Kuv puas yuav tau xav txog kuv tom ntej no txav.”



Las Vegas (Lub peb hlis ntuj 14, 2015) – Nag hmo 50-xyoos Qhov #16 Heavyweight contender, “Bronco” Billy Wright (47-4, 38 Kos), puam tsuaj Gilberto Matheus Domingos (22-3, 20 Kos), siv ceev xwmphem lub Brazilian nrog ib tug ntsoog loj heev cev tshuab nyob rau hauv cov1:15 mark of round one. The10-round main event took place on the RJJ Boxing Promotions at the We Ko Pa Casino in Fort McDowell, Arizona.


Nrog lub yeej, “Bronco” Billy muab khaws cia tseg nws Qhov LATIN AMERICAN thiabFECARBOX titles while extending his winning streak to 18, 14 ntawm cov uas tuaj los ntawm txoj kev ntawm knockout nyob rau hauv sib law liag bouts .



“Kuv xav thov ua tsaug heev rau lub sij hawm los mus tiv thaiv kuv Qhov koj cov menyuam no nyob rau hauv lub tebchaws United States raws li nws yog ib tug ntev lub sij hawm txij li thaum kuv tiv thaiv no.” hais tias Bronco Billy Wright. “Mauricio Sulaiman tau ib tug txiv neej ntawm nws lo lus, moving me up the rankings as I continue to win fights. Right now I’m a #16, tab tom nrhiav kom keej lub sab saum toj 15 with this victory. Against Domingos, I wanted to make a statement and end the fight early with a knockout. The plan was to go in and land as many powerful body shots as possible. It worked and I came out on top. I’m going to keep marching up the WBC rankings with the goal getting a big fight against any of top contenders. The problem is, tsis muaj leej twg ntawm cov hais mav xav mus tua kuv. I’m ready to take on all comers ahead of me.


Nyob rau hauv tas li ntawd, Bronco Billy kaw nws 29th thawj round knockout. One of his goal is to break the heavyweight record for 1st round knockouts held by Shannon Briggs which stands at 35.

Dawejko pom loj lub sij hawm nyob rau hauv lub neej tom ntej tab sis thawj yuav tsum tau txais los ntawm Umohette no hnub Friday ntawm 2300 Arena nyob rau hauv Philadelphia

Philadelphia (Lub peb hlis ntuj 5, 2015 ) – No hnub Friday hmo ntuj nyob rau ntawm lub 2300 Arena nyob rau hauv South Philadelphia, streaking Heavyweight Joey Dawejko (13-3-2, 6 KO lub) of Philadelphia takes on Enobong Umohette (9-2, 8 KO lub) ntawm Milwaukee, Wisconsin in a bout scheduled for 8-rounds.
Dawejko yuav tau nrhiav nws plaub sib law liag ua ntej puag ncig knockout thiab nws cia li ua tiav ib lub hlis ntev kev kawm rog nyob rau hauv Easton, PA.
Lub camp muaj tag nrho cov tswv cuab ntawm Mark Cipparone lub Club 1957 Kev tswj thiab muab ib tug zoo huab cua uas muaj raws li ntau raws li ib tug kaum os cov boxers.
“Kev kawm camp mus zoo. My whole team was there and I am ready to go forFriday,” Hais Dawejko.
Nyob rau hauv Umohette, Dawejko yog sib ntaus sib tua ib tug txiv leej tub hais tias nws tsis paub ntau txog lwm yam ces nws tau tiv thaiv feem ntau nyob rau hauv lub Midwest thiab tuas ib tug knockout tshaj qub US. Olympian, Dante Craig.
“Muaj tsis ntau daim kab xev rau nws. He is about 6-feet tall and he must be able to punch a little bit based on his record.
Yuav tsum lub qub ntiaj teb no Jr. Pib xyaum ua champion yuav yeej xwb, he could be in line for a Tej zaum 8 showdown nrog Amir Mansour nyob rau hauv ib tug sib ntau sib tw uas yuav tau ib feem ntawm ib tug ESPN Friday Hmo ntuj Fights card.
“Nws tsis yog nyuaj heev nyob tsom ntsoov rau hauv no sib ntaus. I need this fight to put me in position for whatever fight is being talked about.
Txawm yog Dawejko lub xeem peb bouts tau tas ua ntej thaum xaus ntawm thawj puag ncig, nws yeej tsis mus nyob rau hauv tab tom nrhiav rau hauv thaum ntxov stoppage.
“Kuv yeej tsis mus rau hauv tej kev sib ntaus nrhiav mus khob leej twg tawm. We train for 8 rounds los yog ntau tshaj thiab yog hais tias nws los, nws los.”
Dawejko yuav sib ntaus sib tua ntxiv zog raws li nws thiab nws cov fiancee Maria yog ntev yuav muaj nkawd 2nd tus me nyuam nyob ib ncig ntawm Plaub Hlis Ntuj 9.
Nws tsis xav tham ntau heev txog Mansour, tab sis Mansour artist yuav ringside hu qhov kev txiav txim nyob rau hauv gfl.tv thiab Comcast thiab thaum nug yog hais tias Dawejko yuav muaj dab tsi hais rau Mansour, “Kuv xav tias nws yog zoo uas Amir yuav ringside ces nws yuav pov thawj dab tsi nws yuav tau saib rau pem hauv ntej rau ntawm Tej zaum 8.”
Hais Dawejko lub saib xyuas Mark Cipparone ntawm Club 1957 Tswj,” The reality is that Joey Dawejko “Lub Tank” tau tsim ib tug zoo yuav tsum tau txais nyob rau hauv buzz boxing ib zaug dua. Kuv nco ntsoov hais tias nws lub xeem 3 fights xaus nyob rau hauv thawj round heev KO muaj ib yam dab tsi ua nrog nws! Thiab hnub no, Kuv yuav tsis zoo li mus nyob qhov twg tsis muaj ib tug neeg nug kuv thaum “Lub Tank” yuav sib ntaus sib tua dua? Nws yog vim hais tias exciting Joey tau tshiaj txaus siab rau ntau yam nyob rau hauv boxing xws li los ntawm cov siab kiv cua mus rau lub tshiab comer thiab txhua leej txhua tus nyob rau hauv nruab nrab ntawm. Txhua leej txhua tus xav saib Joey sib ntaus!

Raws li ib tug txhais tes rau ntawm tus neeg saib xyuas kuv siv ib tug ntau lub sij hawm nyob rau hauv lub gym ntsuas boxers thiab Joey kom meej meej muaj saum toj no qhov nruab nrab ceev, saum toj no qhov nruab nrab lub hwj chim thiab tseem ceeb tshaj plaws uas nws muaj ib tug tsis tshua siab boxing IQ. Raws li ib tug tshwm sim ntawm no, Joey tau khwv tau ob kuv mloog thiab kuv tag nrho cov nyiaj them yug thiab kuv zoo siab rau nws ua tiav. Nyob tuned vim hais tias qhov zoo tshaj plaws yog tsis tau tuaj raws li ntau yam yog ua ntej rau “Team Dawejko”.
Dawejko yog nce los ntawm Peltz Boxing.
Joey Dawejko 022115
Joey Dawejko
Club 1957 Management yog founded hauv 2013 los ntawm lub zos businessman Mark Cipparone. Cipparone is the owner of the widely successful and popular Rocco’s Collision. Since the formation of Club 1957 Tswj nws tau ua lub hauj lwm ntawm ib co rau saum neeg tua hluav taws nyob rau hauv lub teb chaws. Currently he manages Heavyweight Joey Dawejko, Welterweight Raymond Serrano, Jr. Sib Tevin Yawg thiab Jr. Sib Jason Sosa thiab lwm tus neeg.

Dominic “Teeb meem” BREAZEALE yuav siv KAUJ RUAM UP HAUV kev sib tw

Las Vegas, Nevada (Lub peb hlis ntuj 4, 2015) Qhov no Saturday evening marks a historic night as the sweet science returns to prime time network television on NBC after over thirty years. Al Haymon’s “Premier Boxing Champions” series yuav ua kom nws debut nyob rau hauv lab ntawm cov tsev thoob plaws lub teb chaws thiab yog tseeb los mus txog xws li kev sib ntaus kiv cua thiab boxing aficionados. Qhov no yog zoo rau kev ua si nawv raws li nws qhia ib tug platform rau viewers ntawm tag nrho cov muaj hnub nyoog los ua me ntsis txog cov kev ua si nawv ntawm boxing thiab nws cov neej yav tom ntej hnub qub.


Nws kuj yog ib tug platform rau kev tua hluav taws los ua tsev neeg lub npe thiab muaj cov pej xeem paub uas lawv thiab lawv tom qab. Ib tug xws li fighter yog sab saum toj U.S. Heavyweight prospect, Dominic “Teeb meem” BREAZEALE (13-0, 12 KO lub). BREAZEALE, tam sim no 29, was introduced to boxing at a relatively late age. After playing quarterback for the University of Northern Colorado, Breazeale ua ib tug txiav txim siab tawm hauv daim phiaj hlau thiab nkag mus rau hauv lub boxing nplhaib nyob rau hauv 2008.


Tsis pub dhau peb thiab ib nrab xyoo, Breazeale yeej heev heev tournaments nyob rau hauv lub pib xyaum ua ibyam nws thiaj li tsaws nws ib qhov chaw nyob rau hauv lub 2012 United States Olympic Team competing in the Super Heavyweight division. Several months later, Breazeale yuav kos npe rau nrog influential advisor Al Haymon thiab tig pro nyob rau hauv lub tutelage ntawm yav tas los pib xyaum ua lub hnub qub thiab kev Heavyweight John Bray.


Vector C / bStunt.com

Nyob rau hauv nws thawj thawj cuaj bouts, Breazeale plowed through his opposition in four rounds or less including the dismantling of heavyweight veteran Lenroy Thomas. In his tenth professional bout, Breazeale would go the distancefor the first time in his career against a tough veteran in Nagy Aguilera. Although the bout would last all eight scheduled rounds, Breazeale pom nws yuav BOX zoo peppering Aguilera ntawm yuav nrog ob peb ua ke ntawm jabs, ncaj cai, sab laug hooks thiab uppercuts.

His next three bouts ended in familiar fashion with his opponents being stopped in three rounds or less. It has been a great start to Breazeale’s career and he is learning everyday with trainer John Bray. “Kuv txaus siab qhov twg kuv txoj cai tam sim no nyob rau hauv kuv cov hauj lwm, but I know I still have a lot to improve on in order to be ready to become the heavyweight champion of the world. I trust and believe in John’s ability to take me to that level. John has been in camps with the likes of Tyson, Lewis thiab Holyfield thiab tau raug cob qhia los ntawm legendary trainers zoo li.”


Breazeale rov qab los rau lub nplhaib no hnub vas xaum thaum yav tsaus ntuj tawm tsam nws toughest tus nrog sib ntaus rau hnub tim, Victor Bisbal (21-2, 15 KO lub), ib tug 2004 Olympian from Puerto Rico. The opportunity to fight in Las Vegas at the MGM Grand Arena on NBC is a dream come true and the 2012 Olympian yog npaj txhij rau qhov no

Yees duab C / O Adrian Jimenez

kev sib tw. “I am truly excited to be fighting this weekend on such a huge platform and I am looking forward to this challenge and making my name a household name. I know Victor is coming prepared and I am definitely prepared as well. Nws yuav yog ib lub zoo hmo ntuj ntawm boxing rau cov kiv cua”, Hais Breazeale.


Trainer John Bray is also excited for this opportunity as he knows this fight can take his pupil from prospect to contender. “Victor Bisbal yog ib tug qub tub rog thiab ib tug heev accomplished fighter raws li ib tug Olympian nrog ib cov ntaub ntawv ntawm 21-2 nrog 15 knockouts. Dominic will have to be on his “A” game to shine and as his trainer I can tell you that he will be that and more. By out-boxing and beating Bisbal in an impressive fashion, qhov no yuav ua rau lub ntiaj teb no nqa mus boxing daim ntawv ceeb toom uas Dominic Breazeale yog tiag tiag thiab npaj txhij rau loj thiab zoo dua yam.”


PBC rau NBC yog nce los ntawm Goossen Promotions thiab daim pib rau qhov no amazing hmo ntuj ntawm boxing yuav yuav nyob rau ntawm lub www.mgmgrand.com thiab yog luv nqi ntawm $400, $300, $100 thiab $50.

“No los Teeb meem!






Las Vegas (Lub peb hlis ntuj 3, 2015) – 50-year old WBC #17 Heavyweight contender, “Bronco” Billy Wright (46-4, 37 Kos), yog tsawg tshaj li ob lub lis piam deb ntawm nws los tom ntej 10-round ntsiab kev tshwm sim sib ntau sib tw nrog Gilberto Matheus Domingos (22-2, 20 Kos). The bout takes place at the Peb Ko Pa Twv txiaj yuam pov in Fort McDowell, Arizona on the RJJ Boxing Promotions card Lub peb hlis ntuj 13, 2015. Bronco Billy Wright gives his thoughts on training camp and defending his Qhov LATIN AMERICAN thiab FECARBOX lub npe.


Bronco Billy rau kev kawm camp npaj….

Training camp has been tough this time around. I’ve been working really hard to get in the best shape of my life. My trainer Rafael Garcia Jr. has me doing some out of the box training methods that has been real beneficial to my boxing style. We are finishing up our last days of sparring this week. I’ll be ready to bring it tom ntej no Friday.


Bronco Billy muab nws xav txog nws sib ntau sib tw nrog Domingos….

“Kuv paub Domingos yuav tau nrhiav lub knockout li am Kuv, so we’ll see who lands the first bomb. Like in all my fights, I’ll be looking to end the fight early. If I need to go some extra rounds, Kuv ok nrog uas, raws li kuv nyob rau hauv zoo boxing zoo. Nws yuav mus saj ib co kuv lub hwj chim, yog tseeb.


Bronco Billy lus ntawm tiv thaiv nws Qhov npe….

“Tiv thaiv kuv Qhov LATIN AMERICAN thiab FECARBOX titles is a pretty big deal for me. It’s my leverage to compete at the top level as I try to crack the top ten in the WBC. Right now I’m at #17, tab sis kuv npaj yuav tsiv mus nrog txhua kev sib ntaus xyoo no.


Bronco Billy tham txog ua ib tug 50-xyoo laus Heavyweight contender….

At this age I feel stronger then I was when I was younger. It’s that old man strength I guess you can call it. Kuv smarter, wiser and more discipline at this stage in my career. I have a goal to become the heavyweight champion of the world and motivation is greater than ever. A lot of these top contenders are shying away from fighting me. I just want to earn my opportunity and fight the best.


# # #


Daim pib luv nqi $20 general nkag, $35 thiab $50, yog on muag tam sim no thiab yuav tau muas los ntawm hu xov tooj Bronco Billy Wright ntawm (702) 524-3331.


Lub Peb Ko Pa Twv txiaj yuam pov yog nyob rau ntawm 10424 Sab qaum teb Fort McDowell Txoj kev, Fort McDowell, LUB 85264. Qhov rooj qhib rau ntawm 6:00 P.M. thawj sib ntaus yog nyob rau 7:00 P.M.

Bronco Billy Wright – Lub taleas Ntawm Ib tug 50-xyoo Laus contender

Tus txiv neej yog 50 xyoo thiab muaj ib tug plab uas protrudes nyob rau hauv ib yam uas qhia nws cov ntshav siab thiab roj ntau ntau yog nyob rau hauv code liab ib ncig.


Tsis yog li ntawd, hais tias “Bronco” Billy Wright, cov feem ntau tsis zoo li ntawm Heavyweight contenders kuv tau tuaj nyob thoob plaws nyob rau hauv kuv decades ntawm npog no teeb liab koog tsev kawm ntawv ntawm ib tug kev ua si nawv.


“Kuv yuav tuav ib tug txiv qaub meringue khoom noj qab zib nyob rau hauv ib txhais tes thiab ib lub taub dag khoom noj qab zib nyob rau hauv lub lwm yam thiab tseem khob koj tawm!” hais tias lub Las Vegas nyob (46-4, 37 knockouts) nyob rau hauv ib tug tsis ntev los no phoner.


Wright, uas debuted li ib tug pro nyob rau hauv 1986 tom qab noj rau boxing tau rov qab nyob rau hauv lub cev tom qab tawg nws rov qab nyob rau hauv ib tug chaw ua hauj lwm kev huam yuaj, told me he’s set to glove up on Lub peb hlis ntuj 13 at We Ko Pa Casino in Fort McDowell, AZ against Gilberto Matheus Domingos, ib tug 22-2 (20 Kos) Brazilian.


Nws yog thawj kev sib ntaus nyob rau hauv lub US txij thaum 2012 rau Wright, uas tau ua Bolivia nws ntiv nplhaib tsev deb ntawm lub tsev ntawm lig. “Sib ntaus sib tua nyob rau hauv America tseem ceeb heev,” hais tias lub boxer, nyob tsis. 17 ntawm Heavyweight los ntawm lub Qhov. “Qhov no comeback yog ib tug yooj yim rau ib tug txais rau cov neeg. Kuv yuav tsum tau mus txawv teb chaws mus tau fights. Sib ntaus sib tua no, Kuv xav tau cia li tau ib tug qws fighter thiab, tsis muaj dab tsi tiv thaiv uas, tab sis hais tias yog tsis ua li kuv xav tau.”


Seb nws xav kom, nws hais tias, yog rau koj tsuas mus tune nyob rau hauv thiab txiav txim rau nws los ntawm nws merits, tsis nws muaj hnub nyoog los yog lub fact tias nws muaj ntau heev ntawm ib tug heev rau cov khoom qab zib. Roy Jones Jr. lub pab pawg neeg yog kam muab Wright txhaj tshuaj thiab muab tso rau nws nyob rau daim npav no thiab nws vam koj muaj ib qho qhib siab zoo li.


“Saib koj tus kheej! Yog, Kuv 50 tab sis nws ua hauj lwm rau kuv kom zoo dua. Kuv so; Kuv muaj kuv lub hom phiaj check. Kuv tsis haus dej haus, tsis txhob ua lub vwm os kuv puas tau nyob rau hauv kuv 20s thiab 30s, haus npias, chasing daim tiab. Ua Tsis, Kuv tsis yog tus bodybuilder, Adonis-hom neeg tau tuaj mus rau kev cia siab txog. Kuv yog ib tug laus-lub tsev kawm ntawv fighter. Koj muaj, rov qab nyob rau hauv lub '80s, Larry Holmes, Tim Witherspoon, Tony Tubbs; Kuv zoo li ib tug lumberjack. Yog hais tias koj nyob nraum nrhiav saib ib lub cev, txuag koj cov nyiaj tab sis lwm yam los pom kuv thiab ib tug muaj siab knockout sib ntaus. Koj yuav pom tau tias tseeb.” Mus nyeem ntawv…



Daim pib luv nqi $20 general nkag, $35 thiab $50, yog on muag tam sim no thiab yuav tau muas los ntawm hu xov tooj Bronco Billy Wright ntawm (702) 524-3331.


Lub Peb Ko Pa Twv txiaj yuam pov yog nyob rau ntawm 10424 Sab qaum teb Fort McDowell Txoj kev, Fort McDowell, LUB 85264. Qhov rooj qhib rau ntawm 6:00 P.M. thawj sib ntaus yog nyob rau 7:00 P.M.

Lippe-Morrison mus fim Richard Dawson Lub peb hlis ntuj 7


Miami, OK (Lub ob hlis ntuj 26, 2015) - Heavyweight knockout huab tais Trey Lippe-Morrison ntsib nws toughest tus nrog sib ntaus rau hnub tim thaum nws battles Richard Dawson Saturday, Lub peb hlis ntuj 7 nyob rau hauv rau round ntsiab kev tshwm sim ntawm "Plaub lub xeev Franchise" nyob rau ntawm lub twm khiav twv txiaj yuam pov nyob rau hauv Miami, OK.


Daim card yog nthuav los ntawm Holden Productions thiab daim pib los ntawm $30 yog on muag tam sim no los ntawm hu xov tooj 918-542-9400 los yog mus rau Buffalorun.com.


Hailing los ntawm nyob ze Tulsa, OK, Lippe-Morrison yog ib tug zoo meej 6-0 nrog tag nrho nws cov yeej los knockout. Zoo li nws lig, zoo txiv Tommy Morrison, Trey yog ib tug loj kos thiab muaj lub ntiaj teb no hauv chav kawm ntawv xuas nrig ntaus hwj chim. Muaj nres txhua ntawm nws lub xeem tsib foes nyob rau hauv tsawg tshaj li ob feeb, Lippe-Morrison tos ntsoov lub sijhawm los qhia lub ntiaj teb no hais tias nws yuav mus ib ncig yog tias yuav tsum tau.


Sawv thoob plaws lub nplhaib ntawm Lippe-Morrison yuav khub Oklahoman Richard Dawson ntawm Okmulgee. Ib tug cuaj sib ntaus qub tub rog, Dawson tus 5-2-2 with three wins by KO. Known for having an excellent chin, Dawson tau yeej tsis tau nres thiab tau qhab nia los ntawm ib tug lossis loj chim besting Ty Cobb (16-3) nyob rau hauv Lub rau hli ntuj 2013.


Interestingly txaus, Dawson tus txiv Anthony tse twb teem mus tua Tommy Morrison Kaum ib hlis 3, 1996 in Japan but was replaced due to out of the ring issues. Dawson li cas los xij ntseeg hais tias nws mam li ua rau nws txiv tus xiam sijhawm.


"Kuv ua siab ncaj tsis paub ntau txog Trey dua li hais tias nws tsuas yog tiv thaiv bums,"Hais tias lub ultra ntseeg Dawson. "Kuv tuaj mus coj kev sib ntaus rau nws thiab tswj qhov kev txiav txim. Kuv ntxiv mob siab tom qab kuv kawg sib ntaus (ib tug poob rau hauv ib rematch tiv thaiv Cobb). Kuv twb hnov ​​nws yog zoo, tab sis kuv yuav los ua pov thawj rau txhua leej txhua tus dab tsi kuv yuav ua tau!"


Lub siab loj thiab hwm Lippe-Morrison pom nws txawv.


"Qhov no yog ib tug loj sib ntaus rau kuv. Kuv tsiv mus txog rau ib ncig thiab Dawson tau rau ntau lub sij hawm. Kuv cia siab tias qhov no yuav tsum tau ib tug zoo sib ntaus thiab yuav tawm hauv lub thoob khib nyiab hais lus rau nws. Kuv nqa kuv A kev ua si thiab kuv xav tias nws yuav tag nrho nws tau ko. Kuv tham yog ua li cas nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib. "


"Richard Dawson yog ib qho zoo heev xeem rau Trey thiab nws yog tsis tshua hais tias nws yuav mus rub tawm lub chim,"Hais tias pab txhawb Tony Holden. "Txhua leej txhua tus xav paub yog hais tias Trey yuav thawv thiab yuav ua li cas nws mam li ua tom qab thawj ob peb rounds. Kuv twb pom Dawson tua ntau lub sij hawm thiab nws yog ib tug nyuaj fighter nrog ib qho zoo heev puab tsaig. Nws yuav tsum tau mus kuaj Trey rau cov thawj lub sij hawm nyob rau hauv nws cov hauj lwm. Nyob rau tib lub sij hawm, Trey muaj lub siab zoo ntawm lub hwj chim uas yuav xaus kev sib ntaus nyob rau txhua lub sij hawm. Tias yog dab tsi ua rau hauv no sib ntaus li ntawd nthuav!"


Heavyweight hopeful Kenzie Witt-Morrison ofBartlesville, OK txaus ntshai nws 3-0 cov ntaub ntawv nyob rau hauv ib tug plaub puag ncig seem tawm tsam ib tug nrog sib ntaus yuav tsum tau tshaj tawm. Qhov nrov Witt-Morrison lub Yeej tag nrho peb ntawm nws bouts los ntawm knockout thiab yog Morrison tus tub thiab Lippe-Morrison lub ib nrab kwv tij.


Unbeaten Welterweight Jesse noj ntawm Seneca, MO txaus ntshai nws 14-0 cov ntaub ntawv tiv thaiv sib ntaus sib tua-kuaj Michigan haiv neeg Patrick Boozer tshaj yim rounds. Lub txawj ntse noj tus Yeej feem ntau ntawm cov rounds nws tiv thaiv raws li ib tug pro, xeem tau ib tug ntshiab-txiav kev txiav txim siab tshaj 35 sib ntaus qub tub rog Larry Smith kawg Kaum Ob Hlis Ntuj. Ntawm 7-3 nrog 2 knockouts, Boozer yuav los tawm ib qho impressive yeej, upsetting Anthony Hluas (10-0) nyob rau hauv Lub kaum hli ntuj 2014.


Bartlesville, OK lub Jarrett Rouse yuav saib los txhim kho kom 5-0 thaum nws squares tawm tiv thaiv Steve Kolin, 2-2, ofHarrison, AR. Lub Rouse-Colin contest yog teem rau plaub rounds nyob rau hauv lub Welterweight faib.


Ntxiv bouts thiab tw yuav qhia tawm uas tsocai.


Boxcino 2015 Jr. Middleweight thiab Heavyweight semifinals yuav tsum tau nyob rau Friday, Plaub Hlis Ntuj 10 nyob rau Sands Twv txiaj yuam pov Resort nyob rau hauv Npelehees, PA

Npelehees, PA (Lub ob hlis ntuj 26, 2015)–Nyob rau hnub Friday hmo ntuj, Plaub Hlis Ntuj 10, ib tug tshwj xeeb hmo ntuj ntawm boxing yuav pib los ntawm lub Sands Resort nyob rau hauv twv txiaj yuam pov Npelehees, PA, raws li cov Boxcino 2015 Jr. Middleweight & Heavyweight semifinals yuav muab qhov chaw rau tib yav tsaus ntuj.
Tus yeeb yam yog nce los ntawm Arthur Pelullo lub Banner Promotions thiab yuav broadcasted nyob rau ESPN lub Friday Hmo ntuj Fights ntawm 9 p.m. THIAB on ESPN2
Tshaj yav dhau los ob lub lim piam, lub quarterfinals coj qhov chaw nyob rau hauv ob qho tag nrho kev sib cais, thiab cov match-ups rau Plaub Hlis Ntuj 10 yog raws li nram no:
Nyob rau hauv lub Jr. Middleweight faib:
Brandon Adams (16-1, 11 KO lub) yuav tua Vito Gasparyan (15-3-5, 8 KO lub) thaum lub sij hawmStanyslav Skorokhod (9-0, 7 KO lub) battles John Thompson (15-1, 5 KO lub).
Nyob rau hauv lub Heavyweight faib:
Andrey Fedosov (26-3, 21 KO lub) yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv Lenroy Thomas (19-3, 9 KO lub) thiabRazvan Cojanu (13-1, 7 KO lub) squares tawm nrog Donovan Dennis (13-2, 10 KO lub).
Tag nrho plaub Boxcino semifinal bouts yog teem rau yim rounds.
“Peb yog heev siab heev yuav tsum tau nqa lub Boxcino semifinals mus rau lub Sands nyob rau hauv Npelehees,” hais tias Banner Promotions Thawj Tswj Hwm Arthur Pelullo.
“Nws yuav tsum yog ib lub zoo hmo ntuj ntawm boxing los mus txiav txim uas lub finalists yuav nyob rau hauv lub Jr. Middleweight thiab Heavyweight pawg.”

This event starts at 7pm. Daim pib cov nqi $100, $75, $50. Tickets can be purchased at www.ticketmaster.com, 1-800-745-3000 and at the box office at the Sands Event Center.


Ua raws li Banner Promotions nyob rau kev tawm rau tag nrho qhov tseeb Banner thiab # Boxcino2015 tshiab:

BannerBoxing #TeamBanner ; @ Boxcino2015 #Boxcino

Facebook.com/BannerPromotions; instagram.com/BannerBoxing

Fedosov, Dennis, Thomas thiab Cojanu ua ntej nyob rau hauv Boxcino Heavyweight kev sib tw

Fedosov, Cojanu, Dennis thiab Thomas
Verona, NY (Lub ob hlis ntuj 22, 2015)Andrey Fedosov, Donovan Dennis, Lenroy Thomas thiab Razvan Cojanu tag nrho qhab nia victories nyob rau hauv lawv quarterfinal bouts nyob rau hauv lub Boxcino Heavyweight kev sib tw nyob rau ntawm lub Txoj siav pob zeb Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov.
Tus yeeb yam twb txhawb los ntawm Banner Promotions thiab broadcasted nyob rau ESPN lubFriday Hmo ntuj Fights.
Tag nrho cov Boxcino bouts tau teem rau 6 rounds.
Dennis coj tawm yav tas los undefeated Steve Vukosa nyob rau hauv round plaub.

Dennis dominating Vukosa
Dennis yog qhov ntau cuam sai fighter los ntawm cov nyuam thiab tsaws nyuaj txhaj tshuaj rau Vukosa los ntawm thaum ntxov nyob rau hauv. Nyob rau hauv round peb, Dennis poob Vukosa los ntawm ib tug nyuaj ua ke. Vukosa yog tsis tau tib yam li nws twb staggered ib ob peb ntau lub sij hawm thiab txawm ntsia zoo li nws twb tsis muaj kev tiv thaiv raws li nws sim tig nws rov qab ob peb zaug nyob rau hauv Dennis kom txog thaum nws poob dua nyob rau hauv lub plaub puag ncig thiab kev sib ntaus twb nres ntawm2:52.
Dennis, 222 phaus ntawm Davenport, Iowa yog tam sim no 13-2 nrog 10 knockouts. Vukosa, 218 phaus ntawm Quincy, Massachusetts yog tam sim no 10-1.
“Nws yog ib tug neeg mob fighter thiab thaum ntxov nyob rau hauv, Kuv coj li cas kuv yuav tau txais,” hais tias Dennis. “Kuv tau ua hauj lwm tawm kuv jab thiab pib mus cuag. Kuv kawm nyuaj heev thiab kuv muaj ib tug ntau ntau nyob rau hauv lub tank. Kuv yog ib tug me ntsis chim hais tias nws twb nres thaum ntxov. Kuv tsis tau tos kom tau rov qab nyob rau hauv lub gym thiab ua hauj lwm rau tau zoo dua.”
Andrey Fedosov tua nkag ib tug leeg tub heev 1 puag ncig stoppage tshaj Nate Saum ntuj ceeb tsheej
Nyob rau hauv round ib, Fedosov poob Saum ntuj ceeb tsheej nrog ib tug thudding sab laug sib ntsib. Nws xa nws mus rau lub hom ntaub khov heev rau ib tug 2nd lub sij hawm nrog ib tug devastating peb punch ua ke uas xa Saum Ntuj Ceeb Tsheej rau lub lawj rau ib tug thib ob lub sij hawm thiab kev sib ntaus twb nres ntawm 2:53.

Fedosov khob Saum Ntuj Ceeb Tsheej Down
Fedosov ntawm Los Angeles ntawm Russia yog tam sim no 24-3 nrog 21 knockouts. Saum ntuj ceeb tsheej, 227 phaus ntawm Ocla, IBCE. yog tam sim no 9-2.
“Txhua yam mus raws li npaj,” Hais Fedosov. “Kuv lub tswv yim yog pab kom qhov kev ncua deb thiab siv kuv lub hwj chim thiab koj pom dab tsi tshwm sim.”
Razvan Cojanu yeej drawbreaker txiav txim siab tshaj Ed Tug ciav.
Ciav ua nws zoo tshaj plaws kom tau sab hauv thiab yuam uas txiav txim nyob rau hauv lub ices jab ntawm Cojanu. Ob mav tau zoo nyob rau sab hauv thaum lub sij hawm grueling sib ntaus thiab cov sib ntau sib tw yog txawm tom qab rau.
Ciav pib lub 7 nrog ib tug zoo sab laug uas phua qhib txoj cai daim tawv muag ntawm Cojanu. Cojanu tau mus tua rov qab thiab tsaws ib tug nyuaj ua ke nyob rau hauv lub ropes thiab hais tias proved tau qhov txawv nyob rau hauv lub sib ntaus.
Cojanu, 265 phaus ntawm Las Vegas ntawm Romania yog tam sim no 13-1. Tug ciav, 236 1/2 phaus ntawm Furguson, MO yog tam sim no 10-1.

Cojanu thiab ciav
“Kuv yuav tsis pom dab tsi thiab kuv yeej sib ntaus nrog ib lub qhov muag,” Hais Cojanu.
“Phooj ywg McGirt hais kom kuv jab ntau thiab hais tias yuav tau ua nws yooj yim dua.”
Hais Tug ciav, “Kuv tiv thaiv nyuaj. Tus saib xyuas kev tsis pab kuv tab sis kuv yuav pom Razvan dua tom qab txoj kev sib tw.
Lenroy Thomas qhib mus rau ntawm lub Boxcino quarterfinals nrog ib tug drawbreaker kev txiav txim siab tshaj yav tas los US. Olympian Jason Estrada.
Txhua txiv leej tub pauv ib co zoo txhaj tshuaj tshaj thawj ob-plus rounds. Thomas tsaws ib tug khoom peb punch ua ke nyob rau hauv ib puag ncig peb. Estrada yog zoo thaum nws muaj peev xwm kom tau nyob rau hauv lub ncaj cai.
Nyob rau hauv round plaub, ob clashed taub hau thiab nws tshwm sim los ib tug me me txiav nyob rau hauv lub hauv pliaj ntawm Estrada. Lub sib ntau sib tw yog kev sib tw nrog txhua txiv leej tub noj lem ua tus thawj coj nyob rau hauv luv luv spurts. Tom qab lub thib rau puag ncig, lub sib ntau sib tw yog ib tug txawm nyob rau scorecards thiab lawv tau mus rau lub xya thiab txiav txim siab drawbreaker puag ncig.
Nyob rau hauv uas ntxiv ncej, Thomas boxed zoo los ntawm tsaws ceev ob peb ua ke rau ib tug pom nkees Estrada thiab nws tshaj tawm hais tias cov khiav los ntawm unanimous kev txiav txim siab.
Thomas, 237 phaus ntawm St. Petersburg, Florida yog tam sim no 19-3. Txoj kev, 261 phaus ntawm Providence, Rhode Island yog tam sim no 20-6.

Lenroy Thomas
“Kuv pom tias zog ua hauj lwm them cov nqi tawm,” Hais Thomas.
“Nyob rau hauv lub ntxiv puag ncig, Kuv yuav tsum tau khawb tob thiab qhia kuv boxing kev txawj ntse.”
Thomas yuav ntsib Fedosov nyob rau hauv ib semifinal thaum Dennis yuav sib ntaus sib tua Cojanu.
Ob semifinals yuav muab qhov chaw nyob Friday, Plaub Hlis Ntuj 10 nyob rau ntawm lub Sands nyob rau hauv Npelehees, PA
Greg Jackson sau npe ob knockdowns en txoj kev mus rau ib tug plaub puag ncig unanimous kev txiav txim siab tshaj Paulo Souza nyob rau hauv ib tug Jr, Middleweight sib ntau sib tw.

Jackson av ib tug nyuaj jab
Jackson poob Souza nyob rau hauv round ob thiab ces rov nyob rau hauv round plaub nrog ib tug neeg siab phem sab laug sib ntsib rau lub taub hau.
Jackson, 150 phaus ntawm Philadelphia yeej los ntawm cov qhab nia ntawm 40-34 rau tag nrho cov phaib thiab yog tam sim no 5-1-1. Souza, 149 phaus ntawm Woburn, MA yog tam sim no 0-6.
Guillermo Sanchez tua nkag ib tug 1 puag ncig stoppage tshaj Pablo Batres nyob rau hauv ib tug teem 6-round Jr.Welterweight sib ntau sib tw.
Sanchez tsaws ib txoj cai sib ntsib uas xa Batres cia rau cov suav ntawm 1:44 ntawm puag ncig ib.
Sanchez, 132 phaus ntawm Twm, New York yog 15-14-1 nrog 6 knockouts. Batres, 137 phaus ntawm Tuscon, Arizona yog 6-12-1.
Yexus Alvarez Rodriguez qhib lub hmo ntuj nrog ib tug 4-round stoppage tshaj Bryan Abraham nyob rau hauv ib tug teem 8-round Welterweight sib ntau sib tw.

Yexus Rodriguez Alvarez
Rodriguez tua nkag ob knockdowns nyob rau hauv lub 2nd round thiab seemingly mob Abraham nrog txhua punch tom qab. Nyob rau hauv round plaub, Rodriguez tsaws ib tug nyuaj flurry nyob rau hauv lub ces kaum thiab lub sib ntau sib tw tau nres ntawm 2:48 ntawm puag ncig plaub.
Rodriguez, 145 phaus ntawm Los Mochis, Mexico yog tam sim no 13-0 nrog 10 knockouts. Abraham, 144 phaus ntawm Schenectady, New York yog 6-21.

Cov duab los ntawm Shane Sims ntawm Banner Promotions


Tag nrho Boxcino kev sib tw yog nce los ntawm Arttie Pelullo lub Banner Promotions.
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