标记档案: HBO

沃德VS. 谢尔盖·科瓦列夫 2: “重赛”媒体精选


星期六, JUNE 17, 2017

曼德勒海湾活动中心, LAS VEGAS

由 HBO 按次付费® 直播

LAS VEGAS, NV (六月二十号, 2017) - 继今夏最令人期待的战斗之后, 这是一些媒体对安德烈·沃德对阵安德烈·沃德的预测. 谢尔盖·科瓦廖夫 2: “复赛”上 星期六, 六月 17 在拉斯维加斯曼德勒海湾活动中心. 锦标赛赛事, 由 Corona Extra 呈现, 将于 HBO Pay-Per-View® 现场制作和发行 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT.


蒂姆·达尔伯格, 美联社

我让科瓦列夫赢得了第一场比赛, 所以也许我问错了. 但我认为拳击手总是比拳击手更容易做出调整,这应该有利于沃德在复赛中. 沃德对科瓦列夫的力量有很好的衡量,他真的很擅长在拳击场上改变局面, 正如他在第一场比赛的最后几轮中所做的那样. 我想这又会走远了, 沃德一致决定.


病房: 一致决定

伯纳德·费尔南德斯, 甜蜜科学网

沃德有一个不断扩大的思想流派, 工匠/技术员, 第二次会更好, 曾经有过 12 数轮和数月的录音时间来制定更复杂的战斗计划. 我不确定我是否相信这一点. 科瓦列夫不是只会一招的小马; 他拥有与超强力量相匹配的技能. 如果是KO的话, 他可能明白了, 而且他也能在积分上获胜并不是不可能的. 我们就这样称呼它吧 “Krusher” 由 10 回合暂停.


科瓦廖夫: 10 回合暂停


基思·艾德克, BoxingScene.com

科瓦廖夫分歧判定. 这些轻重量级精英选手之间没有太大区别. 期待另一场竞争激烈的战斗,其中包括更多非常困难的得分回合. 科瓦列夫这次将赢得一个有争议的决定,并创造对橡胶比赛的需求.


科瓦廖夫: 分裂的决定

迈克尔·罗森塔尔, 编辑环

沃德在与科瓦列夫的首战后半段取得了成功,因为他做出了必要的调整. 我相信他会将这些知识和动力带入复赛, 他将在另一场竞争性战斗中以一致决定获胜. 这次没有争议.


病房: 一致决定



马特·克里斯蒂, 拳击新闻在线

就像第一场比赛一样, 这是一场非常难以预测的比赛,而且这场比分接近的揭幕战的事件并没有让选择获胜者的工作变得更加容易. 科瓦列夫自始至终都是一个威胁, 但也许决定性因素可能是沃德的调整能力. 他在第一回合就做到了,而科瓦列夫则在形势明显逆转时挣扎着做到了这一点. 沃德的选择是再次在积分上获胜, 但没有争议.

病房: 一致决定

布赖恩·坎贝尔, CBSSports.com

沃德已经尝到了科瓦列夫的威力,并找到了调整和解除武装的方法 “克鲁舍尔。” 这给前冠军带来了压力. 虽然你可以预期科瓦列夫会更具侵略性, 沃德似乎对向他抛出的每一种风格都有答案.


病房: 一致决定

威拉德·奥根, NBC 体育湾区

战斗将缓慢开始,沃德在里面工作. 科瓦列夫的身体射击将在.


病房: 10 回合TKO

迈克尔·伍兹, 纽约战斗网

沃德很快就适应了俄罗斯人的攻击. 我们应该看到“第 13 轮”看起来像第一场比赛的后三分之二. 除非谢尔盖在战斗之夜更加新鲜,因为他没有接受过过度训练. 但他是 34, 他就是他. Ward 是更好的适配器, 和一个防守大师.


病房: 一致决定

杉浦大辅, 雅虎! 日本

科瓦列夫可能花了太多精力来讨厌沃德, 这可能会适得其反, 沃德镇定自若, 专注于他需要做的事情. 话虽这么说,, 第一部打斗我看了两遍, 科瓦列夫两次进球. 很简单, 科瓦列夫在这个重量级是一个更好、更强的战士, 它不会改变, 这次评委们会做对的.


科瓦廖夫: 一致决定


Ward vs. 科瓦廖夫 2: “复赛, WBO/IBF/WBA 轻重量级世界锦标赛 12 回合大战, 由 Roc Nation Sports 主办, 主要事件, 安德烈·沃德促销, Krusher 促销和 Corona Extra, 由曼德勒海湾度假村和赌场赞助, 捷力士航空, Life10电解液, Zappos的, 杜塞干邑白兰地, 专业支持和 由怪物提供动力. 冠军赛即将举行 星期六, 六月 17 在拉斯维加斯曼德勒湾活动中心举行,并将由 HBO Pay-Per-View® 现场制作和分发,从 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT. 沃德-科瓦廖夫门票 2: “重赛”可在 axs.com 以及曼德勒湾活动中心售票处.


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安德烈“S.O.G.”沃德 & 谢尔盖“克鲁舍尔”科瓦列夫盛大到来视频, 照片 & QUOTES


沃德-科瓦列夫 2: “重赛”已定 星期六, JUNE 17, 2017

曼德勒海湾活动中心, LAS VEGAS

由 HBO 按次付费® 直播

点击 这里 for Photos

图片来源: Roc Nation Sports/Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos

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视频信贷: Roc Nation 体育/主要赛事

LAS VEGAS, NV (六月 13, 2017) – 统一轻重量级世界冠军 安德烈“S.O.G.”病房 (31-0, 15 科斯) 和前冠军 谢尔盖·“克鲁舍”·科瓦列夫 (30-1-1, 26 科斯) 搏击周开幕 由怪物提供动力 周二,他们在曼德勒海湾度假村和赌场的 Mizuya 酒廊迎来了盛大的到来, 六月 13, 在他们的最终重赛之前 星期六, 六月 17 在拉斯维加斯曼德勒海湾活动中心. 锦标赛赛事, 由 Corona Extra 呈现, 将于 HBO Pay-Per-View® 现场制作和发行 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT.




安德烈“S.O.G.”病房 – 统一轻重量级世界冠军

“我期待在这场战斗中发表声明,回答可能存在的任何问题,并消除可能存在的任何疑问, 所以我很兴奋. 你必须看看硬币的另一面, 很多人认为我赢得了这场战斗,他得到了他想要的. 现在在这之后, 我们不想听到任何借口. 我们不想听到任何事情. 我们将对此关闭大门, 就像我说的, 消除所有疑虑和问题.


“在这项运动中, 我犯错的余地很小. 我身边总是有压力——无论我是挑战者还是冠军. 但这没关系,因为我和我的团队, 我们学会了如何应对压力. 我们知道如何应对. 我来到这里期待着带回我带来的一切, 包括那些腰带. 我很兴奋. 我不能等, 我们还有几天时间. 所有这些谈话都准备结束了. 我们正在为我最喜欢的部分做准备, 这就是战斗. 六月 17. 与商业有关, 所以我做了第一次必须做的事. 我想这次把它打开.


“压力始终存在, 一. 它是我的领地,从我还是个婴儿的时候就是这样—— 16 岁, 17 岁. 你到达了一个不再逃避压力的地步, 你拥抱它. 这就是所有伟人所做的. 我所要做的就是做我自己,这就足够了. 其他一切都会自行解决. 在最高级别, 你将面临逆境. 这不是如果, 就在这时. 但问题是你如何回应? 我们的反应就像我们应该做的那样. 我只是期待着几天后在曼德勒湾活动中心为球迷们带来另一场精彩的战斗 六月 17.


“很多人谈论刺拳和右手. 但如果你看看战斗的第二部分, 他 [科瓦廖夫] 没有用右手击打. 他度过了一段美好的时光,他是一位非常伟大的战士——我不会从他身上夺走任何东西. 这就是为什么我想面对最好的, 是最好的. 有些人以为我赢了, 有些人以为我输了. 所以让我们再做一次,这就是这项运动中重赛的美妙之处. 没什么值得防御的. 你只需系好鞋带, 再做一次,我们看看会发生什么.


“我很久以前就退出了这个行业 - 试图证明人们错了——因为这不是一个公平的竞争环境. 我把男人拒之门外—— 120-108; 120-107 在记分卡上——我确实听到过一些抱怨. 如果不是这个, 就是那个. 你到达了一个作为一个男人成熟的地方, 作为一名成熟的运动员, 然后你决定“我要过中间的生活。”我很欣赏这些赞美, 但我不能对这些感到太兴奋. 还有批评——我不能对这些批评太低. 人们有权表达自己的意见. 让我继续做我自己,这确实是作为一名运动员最好的地方.


“战术上, 我显然想要有一个更好的开始并且我将会有一个更好的开始. 这才是让我陷入困境的真正原因——开始. 我确信他已经做出了一些调整并且他会变得更加努力, 但我准备好了. 我已经做了我应该做的一切. 当您按照应有的方式做好准备并勾选所有复选框后,就该去上班了. 我要去上班了, 享受我所做的事情, 并在此过程中进行表演 六月 17.”


谢尔盖·“克鲁舍”·科瓦列夫 – 前统一轻重量级世界冠军


“你知道他现在相信自己是件好事, 他有我的钥匙, 但他没有拿到钥匙. 他以空科瓦列夫的身份赢了我两回合, 我记得我就像一个沉重的包. 就像一个月前来到拳击馆的拳击手一样. 而他现在就像, ‘哦,是的,我击败了科瓦列夫, 但他以空空的科瓦列夫获胜”.

“为了这场战斗, 我绝对必须保持身材, 有不同的情绪和不同的动机. 我不只是想拿回我的腰带并感谢拳击迷的支持. 我要感谢那些讨厌我的人——他们激励我继续前进. 我想要获得我的腰带,我就是为此而来.

“是啊, 我的拳头会说出来. 我已经说得够多了. 我想对沃德团队说——他们对我说了很多垃圾话, 我的团队. 他会付出一切的代价; 我答应你.


“我很感激他给我机会重新戴上我的腰带 六月 17 这将是一场不同的战斗.

“十一月比赛前一个月我空虚. 沃德与空科瓦列夫战斗. 这次我不会空着——沃德将与克鲁舍作战. 训练营一开始我就给自己施加了很大的压力,以至于一个月后我就空虚了. 我对这场比赛感到非常紧迫——这是我在 HBO 按次付费观看的第一场比赛——以至于我训练得太刻苦了。”


沃德-科瓦列夫 2: “重赛”

星期六, JUNE 17, 2017

曼德勒海湾活动中心, LAS VEGAS

由 HBO 按次付费® 直播

LAS VEGAS, NV (六月 8, 2017) - 昨天, 统一轻重量级世界冠军 安德烈“S.O.G.”病房 (31-0, 15 科斯) 在与前冠军谢尔盖·“克鲁舍”·科瓦列夫进行备受期待的复赛之前,参加了国际媒体电话会议 (30-1-1, 26 科斯). 沃德-科瓦列夫 2: “复赛”将于周六举行, 六月 17 在拉斯维加斯曼德勒海湾活动中心. 锦标赛赛事, 由 Corona Extra 呈现, 将于 HBO Pay-Per-View® 现场制作和发行 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT.



安德烈“S.O.G.”病房 – 统一轻重量级世界冠军

“这是一种祝福, 湾区球迷一直为我以及他们为运动员所做的事情, 无论它们是本土的还是从其他城市移植的. 他们只是欣赏那些走出去并很好地代表他们的人. 他们总是回报我们的恩惠.


“我很享受我的胜利,就像我享受任何其他胜利一样. 人们必须明白,任何时候都会有一个势均力敌的决定, 不管怎样你都会有意见. 我从来没有否认这是一个势均力敌的决定,但所有那些人都说这是一些家常菜, 他们必须记住我不是, 你知道, 从拉斯维加斯, 内华达. 你不能只强调它的那一面. 你必须强调那些也认为我应得的胜利的人 (那它) 是一次巨大的回归. 不需要经过深思熟虑的决定就会受到批评. 我把男人们拒之门外 12 回合并受到批评. 所以在一段时间后你就会对其产生免疫力.


“就像我之前说的, [科瓦廖夫的] 好战士. 事实并非如此,但我尊重他. 他是冠军,一旦你成为冠军并卫冕你的金腰带, 你是人生的冠军.


“我以为我至少赢了两回合. 但最终, 有一些势均力敌的回合,您可以将其称为“摇摆回合”. 我不知道这个人如何评价这一轮比赛,也不知道他们对此有何感受,但如果你看看记分卡, 我认为评委们做得非常出色,因为他们一致同意.


“我很荣幸能够代表我的国家,自从我有幸能够做到这一点以来,我一直在这样做 [如] 一个从青少年奥林匹克级别一直到奥运会的小男孩. 作为一名职业球员,我参加过很多国际比赛,能够居住在美国并代表我的国家参赛是我的荣幸. 我一直尝试这样做, 不管我在和谁战斗.


“我认为第一场比赛是一场伟大的比赛. 我认为第一场比赛有很多戏剧性, 比我想要的更多的戏剧. 我认为这是一场激烈的战斗,我相信, 第二轮将是一场激烈的战斗.


“我在擂台上遇到过很多逆境. 你知道, 其中一些公众已经看到. 很多, 有可能, 公众在许多健身房或许多陪练课程中都没有看到过,以及在这项运动中达到一定水平所需要做的一切. 我知道我身上有什么. 我以前曾在画布上. 我在打架中受过伤. 我被砍了. 事情已经发生并且, 你知道, 如果我身体可以的话,我的反应总是一样的, 我想把它拿回来. 我还有一位出色的教练,他是我的教父. 你看到他转变并进入不同的档位来告诉我我需要听到的内容. 他并不惊慌,但他有一种紧迫感,他告诉了我我需要听到的内容. 他只是让我想起了所有曾经辉煌的伟人. 他只是提醒我这是 [我的] 片刻. 而且有时候在打架的时候, 尤其是在这样的时刻, 这并不是什么技术性的东西……而是一种感觉.


“在物理方面, 当我还是个小男孩的时候,维吉尔就很有先见之明. 他看到我有很多的能力和技能. 他总是告诉我,我不看事物 [I] 做得好, 我看看你能在哪里被打败. 他说当我 11, 12 (或) 13 岁, “现在唯一会给你带来麻烦的款式是圆锯。”


“如今,刺拳已成为一门失传的艺术. 熟练的内线格斗确实是一门失传的艺术,很多人都不想在那里. 他们希望你在射程内. 他们希望你在某个地方,如果他们不能让你在那里,那么你会看到一个完全不同的战士.


“所以除了我的家庭之外, 我真的没有很多可以拿起电话打电话的前战士. 所以我只是尽力做到有空, 有我的电话吗, 并在我需要的地方腾出时间 (对于一些年轻的战士来说). 他们会让您知道他们需要谈论什么以及他们想要谈论什么. 如果我有答案, 我一定会给他们我能给他们的一切. 如果我不, 我会尽力帮助他们找到它,因为最终, 无论是克拉丽莎 [希尔兹] 或沙库尔 [史蒂文森], 我是为了战士. 我是职业格斗家. 我们谈论 [训练] 但更重要的是生活——保持稳定并立即做出正确的决定,以便在未来的道路上, 你很高兴你做了你必须做的事. 能够成为那些战士愿意拿起电话打电话的人是一种荣幸. 我不认为它是一种负担. 这是一种荣誉和特权。”


Virgil Hunter – 安德烈·沃德的教练

“我们度过了一个很好的训练营. 我们的训练营非常顺利, 你希望他们成为什么样的人. 有时情况并不总是如此,但这次我们很幸运,一切顺利. 很高兴看到安德烈在四场比赛后回到健身房,看到他越来越接近真正的自己——不仅仅是作为一个战士和一个战斗者,一个内心充满狗性的人,而且还非常熟练拳师. 我很期待六月 17 那天晚上让安德烈用他的左手和右手说话.


“[安德烈是] 作为一名专业人士,他已经经历过这一切了 24 他生命中的岁月. 你必须明白,当他去参加奥运会时,他已经三个月没有和我在一起了. 所以他是专业人士. 他知道该怎么做. 他是我离开小镇一周最不担心的人. 这是运动的一部分. 这是游戏的一部分. 当你有像安德烈这样的专业人士时, 你知道, 你不担心这些事情.


“出于多种原因,对手肯定不会在这场战斗中看到同一架战斗机. 无需透露,但我们总是会制定多个计划或任何需要在特定时间实施的计划. 当然, 我不会要求他做任何我知道他做不到、没有做过或没有练习过的事情,但我们很幸运能够调整和适应. 我相信我们为 A 计划所做的工作已经足够了.


“业余爱好者就是当你处于顶级水平并在顶级水平战斗时. 你参加全国锦标赛,往往会多次见到某些对手,甚至不止两次. 所以从某种意义上来说, [其他] 已经进行过复赛. 就这场复赛而言,我只能说“哦,天哪。”这就是我能说的.


“第一场比赛没有任何恐惧或不安. 你不能拥有那个. 当然, 你知道对手会带来什么. 我们知道你有一个更大的对手或更强大的对手, 能出拳的对手. 我们知道这一切,但我们以前经历过这种情况. 我的意思是,当他参加奥运会轻重量级比赛时,人们不知道或者他们从未承认他只是 170 英镑. 所以, 他正在放弃体重, 那里的高度和尺寸. 所以, 他已经习惯了. 他已经习惯了. 由于他的体力、耐力和智商,他能够克服其他拳击手可能拥有的所有这些所谓的优势. 所以, 我们再次尊重我们的对手,我们尊重科瓦列夫所做的事情和他有能力做的事情. 这是一种健康的尊重,但这并不能阻止他被粉碎 六月 17.


“我的工作就是在那个现实的时刻. 我知道 [其他] 会接受并理解我所说的话,因为这是我和他之间的事, 多年来我们谈论过的事情, 多次. 有时你只需要把策略抛到九霄云外,然后向你认识的斗士求助. 而且我知道他是谁。”

乔什·杜宾 (Josh Dubin) – 安德烈·沃德 (Andre Ward) 的顾问兼律师

“代表詹姆斯·普林斯和我自己, 我只是想感谢大家参与这次电话会议. 我们非常感谢HBO的支持, 我们所有的赞助商都挺身而出,当然还有, ROC国家. 冒着让维吉尔更不舒服的风险, 我确实觉得从上到下我们都有最好的团队,当然, 世界上最好的教练. 我很幸运能够参与这样一个历史性的活动. 我知道在 六月 17 你会在那枚戒指中看到魔法,并且是最好的戒指之一, 如果不是最好的, 踏上擂台,再次做他的事。”

迈克尔·R. Yormark – 中华民国总统 & 品牌与战略主管

“明显, 沃德-科瓦列夫 2: “复赛”有潜力成为年度最佳之战. 正如你所听到的和你所写的,这些战士彼此不喜欢. 这些战士彼此不尊重,这显然引起了很大的争议, 对下周的比赛充满好奇和期待.


“正如你所听到的,安德烈在这场比赛后一次又一次地表示,没有任何借口. 毫无疑问,这场比赛的胜利者绝对是拳击运动中的拳王。”


Ward vs. 科瓦廖夫 2: “复赛, WBO/IBF/WBA 轻重量级世界锦标赛 12 回合大战, 由 Roc Nation Sports 主办, 主要事件, 安德烈·沃德促销, Krusher 促销和 Corona Extra, 由曼德勒海湾度假村和赌场赞助, 捷力士航空, Life10电解液, Zappos的, 杜塞干邑白兰地, 专业支持和 由怪物提供动力. 冠军赛即将举行 星期六, 六月 17 在拉斯维加斯曼德勒湾活动中心举行,并将由 HBO Pay-Per-View® 现场制作和分发,从 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT. 沃德-科瓦廖夫门票 2: “重赛”可在 axs.com 以及曼德勒湾活动中心售票处.


使用#WardKovalev 关注对话. 跟着我们:


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吉列尔莫·里贡多·奥尔蒂斯 & 路易斯·阿里亚斯媒体锻炼引言和照片


沃德-科瓦列夫 2: “重赛”已定 星期六, JUNE 17, 2017 曼德勒海湾活动中心, LAS VEGAS 由 HBO 按次付费® 直播

点击 这里 for Photos

图片来源: 胡安·卡洛斯·方

MIAMI, FL (五月 19, 2017) - 昨天, 卫冕 WBA 世界超最轻量级冠军 吉列尔莫·“豺狼”·里贡多 (17-0, 11 科斯) 和 USBA 中量级冠军 路易斯“古巴”阿里亚斯 (17-0, 8 科斯) 参加在迈阿密历史悠久的热带公园拳击馆举行的媒体训练. 两位拳手都在为卫冕做准备,他们将在 HBO 付费电视节目中观看安德烈·沃德 (Andre Ward) 对阵. 谢尔盖·科瓦廖夫 2: “复赛”上 星期六, 六月 17 在拉斯维加斯曼德勒海湾活动中心. 里贡多将迎战WBA临时冠军头衔持有者莫伊塞斯·“查基”·弗洛雷斯 (25-0, 17 科斯), 而阿里亚斯则面临着上升的前景 A里夫“铁血战士”马戈梅多夫 (18-1, 11 科斯). 锦标赛赛事, 由 Corona Extra 呈现, 将于 HBO Pay-Per-View® 现场制作和发行 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT.


拳手们进行了包括太极拳在内的展示, 沉重的包, 手套工作和伸展运动. Roc Nation 拉丁艺术家也加入了他们的行列 维多利亚·拉·马拉, 谁将担任国歌演奏者 六月 17.



吉列尔莫·里贡多·奥尔蒂斯, WBA世界超最轻量级冠军:

“迈阿密的训练进行得很顺利, 我们一直在准备与莫伊塞斯·弗洛雷斯进行一场伟大的战斗. 我尊重查基, 他是一位伟大的拳击手,这些都是非常适合拳击的大型战斗类型. 没有什么比两个不败的战士将他们的记录置于危险之中更好的了.


“弗洛雷斯将为他一生的战斗做好准备,我也是如此. 我们永远不会低估任何人,两位不败的战士将在六月上场进行一场激动人心的战斗 17.


“我所在部门的所有战士都不断地回避我. 我是世界上最好的 122 磅和顶级的磅对磅战斗机之一. 我迫不及待地想向世界证明我仍然是最好的. 我感谢弗洛雷斯有勇气和我一起上擂台,这与许多回避挑战的顶级竞争者不同。. 收听 六月 17 观看两名拳手将他们所拥有的一切带到擂台上. 这将是今年最大的拳击赛事上激动人心的联合主赛事.


“我很高兴有机会参加如此大型的按次付费活动, 今年最受期待的战斗之一 – Ward vs. 科瓦廖夫 2. 很感谢能在这么大的平台上战斗, 我想让拳击迷们知道除了一场激动人心的战斗之外别无期待. 我的对手感受到了我的力量并在第一轮后逃跑. 查基·弗洛雷斯 (Chucky Flores) 是一位勇敢的不败拳击手,他将竭尽全力, 我们已经准备好展示为什么我们每个人都是最棒的 六月 17.


“我让我部门的每个人都避开了与他们一起在擂台上提及我的事情. 我的团队首先专注于弗洛雷斯之战, 我们已经准备好与我所在部门中最优秀的选手进行战斗,这样我们就可以为粉丝们提供他们支付大笔按次付费所得到的东西, 激动人心的大型战斗.


“我很高兴能成为迈阿密如此紧密的社区的一员, 佛罗里达州,尤其是我在热带公园拳击馆的拳击家庭. 迈阿密是我的家,我在这里得到了所有的支持. 我感谢我的球迷在迈阿密训练营期间给予我的所有支持. 我们已经能够将拳击带回迈阿密,并对社区产生巨大影响, 尤其是所有来公园的家庭。”

路易斯·阿里亚斯, USBA中量级冠军:


六月 17, 我开始在这款游戏中巩固我的名字和遗产! 我已经准备好抢尽风头并证明我是该部门中最优秀的人之一.


“我已经加强了各个级别的训练. 我每周训练六天,其中有两个小时的拳击训练, 一小时的力量和体能训练, 并运行 3.5 - 5 平均里程数. 我还与一位顶级营养师合作, 克里斯过敏. 他帮助我吃什么以及如何监测我的体重. 迫不及待地想展示我的所有进展 六月 17.


“我给马戈梅多夫的信息很简单......我希望他做好准备. 他最好做仰卧起坐. 我来了!


“当我踏入擂台时, 这不再只是为了赢得胜利. 这是关于获胜和看起来不错. 我已经建立了我的记录. 现在, 我希望能有一场A级的表演. 这将使我脱颖而出.


“我下半年的目标是 2017 就是让自己处于职业拳击界最顶尖的“竞争者”位置. GGG, CANELO, 勒米厄……带上他们!”



“很荣幸能够在如此令人期待的拳击赛事上唱国歌. 来自墨西哥家庭, 我是看着拳击长大的,是老胡里奥·塞萨尔·查韦斯 (Julio Cesar Chavez Sr) 的超级粉丝. 我迫不及待地想为我的 Roc 家族加油–其他, 里戈和路易斯–上 六月 17.”


Ward vs. 科瓦廖夫 2: “复赛, WBO/IBF/WBA 轻重量级世界锦标赛 12 回合大战, 由 Roc Nation Sports 主办, 主要事件, 安德烈·沃德促销, Krusher 促销和 Corona Extra, 由曼德勒海湾度假村和赌场赞助, 捷力士航空, 生命10水, 美捷步和 由怪物提供动力. 冠军赛即将举行 星期六, 六月 17 在拉斯维加斯曼德勒湾活动中心举行,并将由 HBO Pay-Per-View® 现场制作和分发,从 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT. 沃德-科瓦廖夫门票 2: “重赛”可在 axs.com 以及曼德勒海湾活动中心售票处.




Joshua Overcomes First Professional Knockdown To Score 11 Round TKO In Front Of Record Crowd At London’s Wembley Stadium

007_Anthony Joshua vs Wladimir Klitschko.jpg

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伦敦 (四月 29, 2017) – Anthony Joshua was crowed the king of the heavyweight division 星期六 live on SHOWTIME as he unified the division with an 11 round TKO of long-reigning champion Wladimir Klitschko before a record 90,000 fans at London’s Wembley Stadium.


约书亚, who remains a perfect 19-0 同 19 击倒, overcame the first knockdown of his career to successfully defend his IBF belt and pick up the vacant WBA title.


Joshua knocked Klitschko down once in the fifth and twice in the 11 before referee David Fields stepped in to protect the defenseless former champion at 2:25 of the penultimate round.


“I’m not perfect but I’m trying,”约书亚说:. “I got a bit emotional because I know I have doubters. I’m only going to improve. Sometimes you can be a phenomenal boxer, but boxing is about character. When you go into the trenches that’s when you find out who you really are.


“I came out and I won – that’s how far I had to dig. I came back and I fought my heart out.”


“As boxing states you leave your ego at the door and you respect your opponent. A massive shout out to Wladimir Klitschko for taking the fight. I don’t want to say too much because I don’t know if he wants to come back and fight me. He’s a role model in and out of the ring.”


战斗结束后, Joshua called out former heavyweight champion Tyson Fury, who dethroned Klitschko in 2015 but was subsequently forced to vacate his belts due to a number of issues outside the ring.


“Tyson Fury where you at, 婴儿,”约书亚说:. “Come on – that’s what they want to see. I just want to fight everyone. I’m really enjoying this right now.”


Klitschko floored Joshua in the sixth and was up on Steve Weisfeld’s scorecard at the time of the stoppage 95-93. The other two judgesDon Trella and Nelson Vazquez – had Joshua up 96-93 和 95-93, 分别.


“The best man won 今晚 and it’s an amazing moment for boxing. Anthony was better today than I. It’s really sad that I didn’t make it 今晚. I was planning to do it. 它没有工作, but all the respect to Anthony.


“Of course we have a rematch in the contract. I need to analyze and see what the heck happened. I wish I could have raised my hands, but congrats to him. He got up, he fought back and he won the titles.”



约书亚VS. 克里琴科 | 星期六, 四月 29

住在SHOWTIME®4:15 P.M. AND/1:15 P.M. PT

From Sold-Out Wembley Stadium in London

“I’ve prepared since day one for this… 四月 29 is just another stepping stone towards greatness.” – Anthony Joshua

“I’m the challenger again. 我觉得年轻, 饿, humble and totally obsessed with my goal to raise my hands again.” – Wladimir Klitschko

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伦敦 (四月 27, 2017) – Anthony Joshua and Wladimir Klitschko came face-to-face 周四 at the sprawling Sky Headquarters in London as the two 6-foot-6 giants participated in a final press conference for 周六 blockbuster heavyweight world championship event.

SHOWTIME will televise the fight LIVE at 4:15 P.M. AND/1:15 P.M. PT from sold-out Wembley Stadium where a record-setting 90,000 fans are expected to be in attendance.

The 27-year-old Joshua (18-0, 18 科斯), who won the IBF belt in just his 16 professional fight, faces his toughest challenge yet in Klitschko but has “prepared since day one for this” and sees the future Hall of Famer as “just another stepping stone towards greatness.”

The 41-year-old Klitschko (64-4, 54 科斯), who has competed in 28 world title fights and is the second longest reigning world champion in history, is “obsessed” with winning back two belts he held during his 11-year reign as heavyweight champion.

Joshua and Klitschko will unify the heavyweight division as they meet for Joshua’s IBF World Championship and the vacant WBA World Championship. The event from Britain’s national stadium will be televised in over 150 countries worldwide.

The ringwalks are set for 4:35 P.M. AND/1:35 P.M. PT with the first bell scheduled for 5 P.M. AND/2 P.M. PT. 精彩表演拳击锦标赛® pre-fight coverage begins live on SHOWTIME at 4:15 P.M. AND/1:15 P.M. PT with all the grand pre-fight pageantry from London.

Here’s what the fighters had to say 周四. 点击 这里 to watch Sky Sports coverage of the press conference on the SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/0wYEuEAMW94


“Even though this is such a great event, I always try to strip it down to what it really is and just focus that it’s just me and this man coming to blows and the best man will win. I’m not only prepared physically but mentally as well for any battle.

四月 29 is just another stepping stone towards greatness.

“Any fight is the right fight. I’ve never shied away from any fight, any opponent. 我开始拳击 2008; 在 2009, '10, ‘11 I was in the World Championships, 而在 2012 I was representing Great Britain competing to be the best in the world in the Olympics. 没关系,我打谁. I just enjoy what I do and I just embrace every opportunity.

“I don’t underestimate any opponent. Through my mistakes I have learned and made myself right.”


“I win. It’s not complicated. Let’s not overthink it. This isn’t rocket science. This is just a fight. Let’s strip it right back to what it is – a young lion, ferocious, 饿, very determined. I left no stone unturned in training camp. We do talk about experience, but even when I was fighting guys with lesser experience I was preparing for this. I’ve prepared since day one for this.

“Carrying the belt hasn’t changed me as a person. I just want to represent myself the best way because I know behind me are a million people that walk the same path as me and come from the same background. I think I’m a representation of these people.

“This is another stop. You can’t sit down and enjoy the fruits of your labor. As you sit down on your throne there is always someone knocking on your door to take you down. 对我来说, it’s just another stepping stone.”

On potentially celebrating after a win:

“You can’t deny it. This is epic. As much as I’m calm, when I look around and see how pumped people are for this fight it gives me energy, it gives me life. So it would be hard for me to hold myself together after such an amazing event.”

On this being a pivotal moment for the sport of boxing:

“绝对, this is 110 percent a pivotal moment for boxing.”


“Can you imagine my next opponent is going to fight a guy whose age is exactly the number of how long he has been in boxing – 27 岁月? Can you imagine that? It’s a pretty amazing task. Is it a degradation that I’m actually a challenger and underdog in this fight after 27 years in the sport? 我不这么认为. 我认为这很棒.

“I’m the challenger again. 我觉得年轻, 饿, humble and totally obsessed with my goal to raise my hands again.

“I’m so obsessed with winning. I realized that life is a circle, and I see myself in AJ. I do believe I know how he thinks, how he goes, and how the actual fight is going to be.

“The belts are very important. I’ve been attached to these belts for a very long. I had those belts in my past fight, and I’m fighting for these belts in this fight. The only difference is in my last fight they went to the opposite corner. So my goal and obsession is for those belts to land in my corner, in my hands.

“Obsession is love in extreme shape. I’m in love with my goal.

“Defeat? 我去过那儿, I’ve done that. I got up, shook it off and came back stronger. Just a little help (for Joshua) – there’s nothing scary about it.”



沃德-科瓦列夫 2: “重赛”已定 星期六, JUNE 17, 2017 曼德勒海湾活动中心, LAS VEGAS

由 HBO 按次付费® 直播


纽约, 纽约 (四月 27, 2017) - USBA中量级冠军 路易斯“古巴”阿里亚斯 (17-0, 8 科斯) and prime contender Arif “The Predator” Magomedov (18-1, 11 科斯) will lead off the HBO Pay-Per-View lineup for Andre Ward vs. 谢尔盖·科瓦廖夫 2: “复赛”上 星期六, 六月 17 在拉斯维加斯曼德勒海湾活动中心. 锦标赛赛事, 由 Corona Extra 呈现, 将由 HBO 按次付费制作并现场发行® 在开始 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT.


阿里亚斯将与赛区最有希望的球员之一捍卫自己的冠军头衔和不败记录. 马戈梅多夫此前曾担任过WBO洲际锦标赛冠军, 青少年组和 NABO 中量级冠军,职业生涯仅输过一场,对手是安德鲁·埃尔南德斯 (Andrew Hernandez),争夺空缺的 WBC USNBC 中量级冠军. 两位拳手都渴望在拉斯维加斯首秀中给人留下深刻印象.


“我的机会终于来了. 通往大舞台的道路很漫长,但它就在这里,我已经准备好了. 是时候向世界证明我对这个部门的任何人都构成威胁了. 我已经说了有一段时间了, 我的记录表明了这一点, 但现在我将有机会证明这一点,”阿里亚斯说. “我来发表声明 六月 17! 我的对手以前被击败过,并且将会再次被击败. 感谢 Roc Nation Sports 和我的经纪人让这一切发生. 一颗新星将会诞生。”


“我的目​​标是成为世界冠军. 我一直在等待这样的战斗. 阿里亚斯是一个很难对付的对手,但我会为他做好准备,“马戈梅多夫说. “我很高兴能与我的新教练一起工作, 马可·孔特雷拉斯 (Marco Contreras) 将在 HBO 付费频道上进行战斗. 准备好观看《掠食者》 六月 17.”


“如果沃德和科瓦列夫之间的竞争还没有升温, 那么 Roc Nation Sports 的 Luis Arias 和 Main Events 的 Arif Magomedov 的交叉晋级对决肯定会火上浇油,” 中华民国总统说道 & 品牌与战略主管 Michael R. Yormark. “We are excited to have USBA Middleweight Champion Luis Arias make his Las Vegas debut and open the HBO Pay-Per-View telecast with a title defense on June 17 against Arif Magomedov.”


“Arif has been ready for this fight since the first Kovalev-Ward card in November. We are so pleased to finally give him this match-up,” said Main Events CEO Kathy Duva. “This is a huge opportunity for both Arif and Luis to test themselves on such a big stage. A win or a good showing by either fighter could catapult them in the rankings and put them on the map in this stacked middleweight division.”


USBA中量级冠军 路易斯“古巴”阿里亚斯 (17-0, 8 科斯), 26, takes great pride in his Cuban heritage. 这位密尔沃基人选择自己的昵称是为了向他父亲的祖国及其人民致敬, 每次他踏上擂台时都会向他们致敬. 前美国青少年业余选手, 阿里亚斯于 11 月完成职业首秀 10, 2012 在洛杉矶斯台普斯中心, 加利福尼亚州, 他通过四回合一致判定击败了乔什·索普. 自从2月份加入Roc Nation Sports以来 2015, 阿里亚斯刷新了自己的不败纪录, 为他八月的第一次冠军头衔铺平道路 20, 2016. 在密尔沃基中心的返校节, 阿里亚斯在比赛中击败了底特律的达里尔·坎宁安,夺得了空缺的 USBA 中量级冠军头衔。 1:11第四轮大关. 阿里亚斯三月成功卫冕 31, 2017 在匹兹堡卡内基音乐厅, 10回合一致判定击败弗吉尼亚选手斯科特·西格蒙. All three judges scored the fight 99-91 阿里亚斯为了解决与西格蒙的长期恩怨而进行了强有力的身体拳击表演.

Arif “The Predator” Magomedov (18-1, 11 科斯), 24, 是来自 Kizlyar 的中量级选手, 俄罗斯. 他于一月份首次亮相职业生涯 2013 当他在俄罗斯以判定战胜鲁斯兰·西拉热夫时. 马戈梅多夫将继续完成 2013 伴随着一声巨响, 发布记录 8-0 同 6 全部KO,六名对手无一晋级第三轮. 4月份他在美国首次亮相 2015 当他一致指出强硬的熟练工德里克·芬德利(Derrick Findley)时. 在五月 2015, 当他在第一轮击倒一向坚韧耐用的达内尔·布恩时,他赢得了职业生涯中最大的胜利之一. 七月份 2015, 马戈梅多夫一致判定战胜了此前不败且不断崛起的新秀德里克·韦伯斯特. 在他最近的回合, 马戈梅多夫在莫斯科第二回合TKO战胜克里斯·赫尔曼, 俄罗斯. Arif 由 Main Events 和 Shamo Boxing 联合推广,并由 Egis Klimas 管理.


Ward vs. 科瓦廖夫 2: “复赛, WBO/IBF/WBA 轻重量级世界锦标赛 12 回合大战, 由 Roc Nation Sports 主办, 主要事件, 安德烈·沃德促销, Krusher 促销和 Corona Extra, 由曼德勒海湾度假村和赌场赞助, 和 由怪物提供动力. 冠军赛即将举行 星期六, 六月 17 在拉斯维加斯曼德勒湾活动中心举行,并将由 HBO Pay-Per-View® 现场制作和分发,从 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT. 沃德-科瓦廖夫门票 2: “重赛”可在 axs.com 以及曼德勒海湾活动中心售票处.


约书亚VS. 克里琴科 | 星期六, 四月 29

住在SHOWTIME®4:15 P.M. AND/1:15 P.M. PT

From Sold-Out Wembley Stadium in London


点击 这里 对于照片; 信用以斯帖林/欣欣


伦敦 (四月 26, 2017) – Fight Week for 这个星期六的 heavyweight world championship blockbuster began in earnest 周三with a Public Workout in front of an excitable pro-Joshua crowd at London’s Wembley Arena, just steps from sold-out Wembley Stadium where undefeated champion Anthony Joshua and long-reigning kingpin Wladimir Klitschko will square off in the most significant heavyweight event in more than a decade.


SHOWTIME will televise the fight LIVE at 4:15 P.M. AND/1:15 P.M. PT from Britain’s national stadium where a record-setting 90,000 fans are expected to be in attendance.


英国感觉约书亚 (18-0, 18 科斯) and Klitschko (64-4, 54 科斯) will unify the heavyweight division as they meet for Joshua’s IBF World Championship and the vacant WBA World Championship.


Undefeated IBF Champion Anthony Joshua hosted a media conference call to give his thoughts 上周六的 heavyweight blockbuster between him and long-reigning kingpin Wladimir Klitschko live on SHOWTIME® (4:15 P.M. AND/1:15 P.M. PT) from sold-out Wembley Stadium in London.


英国感觉约书亚 (18-0, 18 科斯) and Klitschko (64-4, 54 科斯) will unify the heavyweight division as they meet for Joshua’s IBF World Championship and the vacant WBA World Championship in front of record-setting 90,000 fans at Britain’s largest stadium.


以下是约书亚不得不在电话会议上说, 周三:



“This is a good era for boxing so I try to live the life. Over the years when I started boxing until now I’ve been at training camp. The whole time I’ve been training it has been pretty beneficial, 我学到了很多. I’m not a perfect fighter but what I do do, I try to do well. I’m looking forward to the fight.


“If you’re asking about 星期六 夜晚, all roads have led to this and I’ve been training for a long time, I’ve stayed injury free. I’ve ran, I’ve sparred I’ve done my bag work and it comes to a stage in camp when I’m looking for the buy in now and that’s where I’m at really. 精神上, I’m excited.”


On how significant this fight is:

“For the sport in general, 快点. For what UK-ers are doing supporting boxing globally, it’s massive. I also feel just to sell out the stadium without having to do the traditional entertainment to make a fight it just shows that kids can fight from different backgrounds …Where me and Klitschko are at, we don’t need to be trash talking and we are two half pieces coming together to lay it down on the line. It’s an amazing time for boxing in that sense that it’s mainstream. I’m not going to say win-or-lose, because the focus is to win, but it’s a massive benefit to Klitschko win-or-lose. Either he has another fight in him, or this time he’s done. I wish him all the best. I’m glad we got through training camp and we actually make it happen because as long as my heart was beating I still want to fight. I’m happy to be involved in such a mega showdown.”


Do you feel there is more pressure on you?

“Definitely not. I knew the significance of this fight before I took it. So I would never put that pressure upon myself if I didn’t want to deal with this pressure. I would have taken another route. But I want to fight guys in the division who are good. I don’t want to wait like eight years, nine years, six years before I start making a move on the heavyweight division – let’s get it on now. So if this is what comes with stepping up a level and a division I’m all for it. I’m not going to start saying ‘because I’m champion I’ve got pressure and I don’t think I’m going to perform.’ For me as a champion I don’t feel that pressure but I can relate to where he is coming from. As a champion you’re supposed to throw down like there’s no 明天 so I’m not going to say because I’m a champion I’ve got so much pressure on my hands.”


How do you bridge the experience gap between you and Klitschko?

“I think it’s just destiny. I’m meant for this. I’m built for this. Let’s say we strip away what you just said, 兴奋, the hype and just put us together. Go at it for 12 发, get down and dirty. I have the ability to come out on top and that’s how I take it. I don’t look at it like, ‘Oh my God, I’m fighting a guy who has been through it’, I don’t look at it that way. I just look at it as ‘I’m going to fight this guy called Wladimir Klitschko’ and we’ve got 12 发. I simplify it.

I practice boxing. Long range jab, jab to the body. I think I’m very capable of hitting someone continuously until they break down. So I think I’ll keep on plugging away, 圆 6, 7 and I should have him in a bad place. I just have to take the fight and break it down round by round.”

How will to deal with Kitschko’s reach:

“I’ve never fought him so I can’t say for sure. But what will I do about his reach? I’ve got my right hand to parry a jab, I’ve got my left hand to shield and protect me, to deflect his right hand. It’s no problem if he wants to grab. I can whip in a body shot and that would definitely slow him down. If you keep getting hit to the body at 41 that will take the fight out of anyone. On the outside I have got ways to deal with the majority of his shots. On the inside I just have to keep on swinging to the body and round-by-round I’ll start seeing an effect.”


What motivated him to take such a significant fight so early in his career:

“It was bound to happen. I felt the division needed it. I’m not doing it just for myself. I’m always about the industry. A lot of my friends from the amateur system have a chance to express their skill on the undercard, and it’s a massive platform. 我认为, as I said, the division needed it … 弗拉基米尔克里琴科, Deontay怀尔德, let’s keep it going. Let’s start mixing it up because we’re in the same division, and it’s our era. What type of era are we if we don’t come together and have some trilogies and bring some excitement. So I’m all for it and that’s why I really wanted to take the fight.”


When was the first time you saw Klitschko and thought you could fight him?

“Not until last year. 在 2015 I wasn’t really focusing on fighting Klitschko. I was moving towards maybe after [埃里克] Molina we could have done [库布拉特] Pulev as a mandatory and gone that route of dominating the European market, but the opportunity came up. 这是一个大的战斗, it’s a good challenge and let’s get it cracking. 就像我说的, it’s good for the division and the attention it has brought is phenomenal. I think it benefits everyone so let’s be a part of that, and let’s be at the forefront of this.”


On earning more money than Floyd Mayweather Jr.?

“Not in boxing. I don’t think I could do it in boxing. Outside, if I make the right investments I think I can because I have some highly intelligent people around me but I think in boxing I don’t think I will but I think there will be a boxer who can because Floyd Mayweather has definitely set the benchmark, and records are only there to be broken. So I think someone could definitely achieve that financial status. 但对我来说, that’s not so much my goal to try to be richer than Floyd Mayweather. The heavyweight division is so different from the welterweight division in the sense that all it takes is one shot, it’s a lot tougher, a lot more wear and tear on the body so I think it’ll be interesting. I definitely think we’ll make money, there’s no doubt about that but I’m not trying to put myself on the same pedestal as Mayweather.”


When do you think Klitschko was at his best?

“When he fought Marius Beck. He was a bit of a bigger guy and he controlled him with the jab and the one-twos. Remember he went twelve rounds. So he had to control a bigger man who was potentially heavier and stronger and he controlled his boxing skill and I think that’s when he was at his best. As I studied him that’s when I saw him at his best so I have watched fights around that era.”


Do you feel it’s a miracle you’re here?

“是. I was talking about it with my coach today. If you would have told me – I’ve only been in boxing eight or nine years – if you would have told me eight years ago, ‘Listen son, if you walk through that door into the boxing gym you’ll do this, 此, 此, this and this’ I would have been like ‘yeah, right’. It’s been phenomenal and why we do all the promotional stuff and get involved in big fights is for motivational purposes. I know there’s some other kids that are going to come up and be phenomenal because he may have seen myself and my journey and wants to get involved in what we’re creating. I’m all for that. 我喜欢它. Today was my last day of training camp and I’m thinking now what am I going to do in my next training camp, how am I going to improve. I’m enjoying the journey. It has been fun, boxing is a good sport.”


What is your history in sparring with Klitschko?

“I’m not a gym fighter so I did not go to try to prove anything with the sparring. I mainly went to go to see how a champion sets up his training camp. While I was sparring, it was good. Wladimir is technical. He will try to maneuver you with his lever hand to put you in a position to throw his right hand. That’s what I got from Klitschko. He is patient, he was just trying to set me up so he could throw his shots and I was just working on moving, jabbing to the body, jabbing to the head and I would go back to the corner and Andy Breshear would say ‘stick it on the champ’ and I would say ‘no I’m not here for that, I’m not here to prove anything.’ I wanted to watch, I wanted to analyze. That’s what I got from sparring with him. To learn how he operates in the ring and I learned how a champion sets up training camp.”


On the strength of Klitschko’s chin:

“He’s got a good chin. How long has he reigned, 10 岁月? 是啊, he’s got a good chin. You can’t be a championship fighter for 10 years if you have a bad chin. That’s the thing about the heavyweight division, it takes one shot. All these fighters that we claim have got good chins are the ones who get knocked out by Wladimir, so he must be doing something right. I remember Samuel Peters had a granite chin but they still end up getting knocked out down the line and they don’t go on to do great things. 所以, regardless of the chin, I think he’s got something right that works.”


Opinion of Klitschko’s Career:

“He is underrated. Heavyweight boxing comes with bigger prize money, more attention. To stay that disciplined for that long is a serious task. He and his brother have done well to reign for that long … I would want to go down as one of the greatest because I reigned for so long. No one could beat me for the last 10 岁月. It’s a good achievement and I would want to be recognized for that achievement.”


On potentially fighting in America:

“I think just fight Wilder, 杰拉尔德·华盛顿, [Bryant] Jeninngs as well. These are the hotshots in America right now. I’ve made sure I fought some Americans on my way up so we could get a buzz out there. But I think I have to come out there for a fight for sure that’s important.


“America is the mecca of boxing. If we can cross over into the states and keep the fan base in the UK I think we’ve cracked it. That’s mega stuff, that’s global boxing. You’ve got a big guy, heavyweight with a name that’s easy to pronounce and speaks English well. I can relate to the U.S. market. All I have to do is get out there show them what my trade is and hopefully they’ll appreciate it and hopefully we can start talking about setting up major fights and bringing the same attention in the UK to the U.S. That would be phenomenal.”


How much of a concern is Klitschko’s holding?

“The holding is natural. But what do you do when someone is holding? How do you fight them off? You bring in the upper cut, you whip in a right hand to the body until the ref tells you to break. It’s a fight so I can’t prevent the holding but it makes it interesting to see what fighter does when they’re being held. When I’m being held I’m just going to throw the right hand to the body, left hook to the body and that will start taking the wind out of Klitschko.”


On Klitschko’s last fight against a British fighter David Haye:

“I think my fights will be entertaining. It is important for me to be entertaining. It’s not only winning, but it’s about how you win. I’ve always tried to go in there and perform to that level. It would be sweet to go in there and knock Wladimir out, because that’s what heavyweight boxing is about. So that would be sweet. I’m not into the 12-round boxing.


“David Haye was up against it because you had Klitschko, who was a champion. 伊曼纽尔管家, who trained the champion. Then you had David Haye, who wasn’t a champion and Adam Booth, who wasn’t a heavyweight championship trainer. He was up against it and he found it tough. It just showed that the bigger, stronger man would win. He just got the job done and that’s what led him to here. He got the win and I’m happy or we wouldn’t be here right now.”


# # #


American Premium Television Giants SHOWTIME and HBO To Produce Separate Telecasts on 星期六, 四月 29 From London’s Wembley Stadium

SHOWTIME Live at 4:15 P.M. AND/1:15 P.M. PT;

HBO Telecast in Primetime at approx. 10:45 P.M. AND/PT

图片来源: 阿曼达韦斯科特/欣欣


伦敦 (四月 17, 2017) – Matchroom Sport, 克里琴科管理集团 (KMG) and K2 Promotions have reached agreement with U.S. premium television giants Showtime and HBO to televise the most significant heavyweight world championship match in more than a decade. 上 星期六, 四月 29, IBF Heavyweight World Champion Anthony Joshua will face former unified world champion 弗拉基米尔克里琴科 from a sold-out Wembley Stadium in London.


Showtime is the exclusive U.S. television partner of Joshua, while HBO has an exclusive agreement with Klitschko in the States. Each premium network will produce its own separate telecast of the main event match for the U.S. 听众. SHOWTIME will televise its SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING presentation 住在 4:15 P.M. AND/1:15 P.M. PT, while HBO will televise its WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING production 大约 10:45 P.M. AND/PT.


约书亚 (18-0, 18 科斯) and Klitschko (64-4, 53 科斯) will meet for Joshua’s IBF World Championship and the vacant IBO and WBA World Championships. The British sensation Joshua has knocked out all 18 of his professional opponents in a meteoric rise to stardom, while the long-reigning world champion from Ukraine, 克里琴科, aims to win back titles he previously held in his 11-year rule as heavyweight world champion. 约书亚VS. Klitschko is promoted by Matchroom Boxing, KMG and K2 Promotions and has officially sold out Wembley Stadium with a record-setting 90,000 tickets sold.


“I’m extremely happy and thankful that our respective U.S. TV partners Showtime and HBO reached an agreement,” said Bernd Boente, Managing Director of Klitschko Management Group. “This happened before in the Mayweather vs. Pacquiao and the Lewis vs. Tyson fights and shows you the magnitude of our event at Wembley Stadium on April 29.”


I’m delighted to announce this historic deal that will see Britain’s biggest ever fight shown on both HBO and SHOWTIME in the U.S.,” said Eddie Hearn of Matchroom Sport. “It takes a special fight to break down barriers and boundaries but also networks and executives who believe in working with the best interest of fight fans in mind. With the obstacles in place it would have been any easy resolution to not air the fight in the States but I want to thank HBO and Showtime for their perseverance and allowing America to see one hell of a fight at our national stadium in front on 90,000 passionate fans. 约书亚VS. Klitschko is a fight for the ages and we look forward to the show!”


We are thrilled to be delivering Joshua vs. Klitschko to the U.S. audience live on SHOWTIME,“斯蒂芬·埃斯皮诺萨说, Executive Vice President and General Manager, SHOWTIME体育. “On the afternoon of 四月 29, 中美. sports fans will be able to tune in to SHOWTIME to join a record-breaking crowd of 90,000 at Wembley Stadium and a worldwide television audience in witnessing an event that represents not only the contesting of the heavyweight world championship, but potentially the changing of the guard in the most influential division in boxing. We are proud to be Anthony Joshua’s exclusive U.S. television partner as he attempts to establish his legacy against the legendary Wladimir Klitschko, live on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, as Showtime continues its unrivaled commitment to the sport.


Said Peter Nelson, executive vice president, HBO体育: “Both promoters and both networks have found a solution that enables boxing fans in the U.S. to watch the world heavyweight championship. This agreement ensures that our subscribers have access to same-day primetime coverage of the fight. It will mark Wladimir Klitschko’s 22nd appearance on HBO and the first for Anthony Joshua.”


The 27-year-old Joshua has been perfect since turning professional shortly after winning Gold at the 2012 Olympics for Great Britain. 约书亚, of Watford, 英国, won the IBF Heavyweight World Championship with a second-round knockout of defending champion Charles Martin in April 2016, earning a heavyweight belt in the fewest number of fights in more than 20 岁月. He has since successfully defended the title twice—against Dominic Breazeale in June and Eric Molina in December.


Joshua is just the sixth Olympic Gold Medalist at super heavyweight to go on to win a professional heavyweight world title, joining Joe Frazier, 乔治·福尔曼, 伦诺克斯·刘易斯, Alexander Povetkin and his rival on 四月 29, 弗拉基米尔克里琴科.


HBO has been the long-time home of Klitschko’s professional boxing career in the States. The 41-year-old has been a kingpin in the heavyweight division since winning Gold at the 1996 奥运会. He turned pro shortly after the Atlanta games and ran an undefeated campaign for 24 fights before suffering his first defeat to experienced veteran Ross Puritty. Klitschko quickly rebounded by winning 10 in a row and captured his first world title (WBO) with a unanimous decision victory over Chris Byrd in 2000, a win which avenged a loss by his brother, Vitali, earlier that year.


Klitschko’s most recent reign at heavyweight began in 2006 when he captured the IBF and IBO belts via knockout in a rematch against Chris Byrd. He went on to make 17 consecutive defenses of the IBF and IBO crowns, 13 consecutive defenses of the WBO belt, and eight consecutive defenses of the WBA title. 一路上, he amassed victories over Sultan Ibragimov, 美国人拉赫曼, Ruslan Chagaev, 大卫·海耶, 塞缪尔·彼得, 亚历山大Povetkin, Kubrat Pulev and more. In total he has fought in 28 total world title fightsa unique record in the history of the heavyweight division – 相比于刚 18 total professional fights for Anthony Joshua. He was the longest reigning world champion (2006-2015) after Joe Louis.


This will be Klitschko’s first outing since losing the IBF, IBO, WBA and WBO titles to Tyson Fury in 2015, his first defeat 在 11 岁月.