Tag Archives: Yamauchi i fyny



SANTA MONICA, CALIF. (Chwefror 4, 2015) – The main card of "Bellator 151: Warren vs. Caldwell” arMawrth 4 is coming together with today’s addition of Yamauchi i fyny (19-2), who will meet Bubba Jenkins (10-2) ar waith pwysau plu, with both men hoping to keep their current winning streaks intact.

Mae tocynnau ar gyfer "Bellator 151: Warren vs. Caldwell” are on sale now and start at just $45. You can purchase tickets at the WinStar World Casino and Resort Box Office, as well as Ticketmaster.com and Bellator.com. Drysau ar gyfer y digwyddiad agored yn 5:00 p.m. CT amser lleol, with the first contest taking place one hour later.

"Bellator 151: Warren vs. Caldwell” alawon yn fyw ac yn rhydd ar Spike yn 9 p.m. A/8 p.m. CT, while preliminary boutswill stream live on Bellator.com ac Mae'r Bellator App Symudol.. Additional preliminary bouts will be announced in the coming weeks.


Yamauchi comes into the fight riding a wave of momentum he’s caught after wins against Mike Richman, Martin Stapleton, ac Isao Kobayashi. The 23-year-old Japanese fighter has only lost once in six appearances under the Bellator MMA banner and has notched 15 o'i 19 wins as a professional by way of submission.


It’s hard to ignore Jenkins inside or outside the Bellator MMA cage, being that “The Highlight Kid” also doubles as a podcast host during his free time. The Arizona State alum notched two straight wins to cap off 2015, yn fwyaf diweddar, an impressive offensive display against a promising prospect in Jordan Parsons.


Diweddarwyd "Bellator 151: Warren vs. Caldwell” Fight Card:

Bellator MMA Bantamweight Main Event: Joe Warren (13-4) vs. Darrion Caldwell (8-0)

Bellator MMA Welterweight Co-Main Event: Michael Tudalen (9-0) vs. Fernando Gonzalez (24-13)

Bellator MMA pwysau plu Bout Nodwedd: Yamauchi i fyny (19-2) vs. Bubba Jenkins (10-2)





MULVANE, Mai. (Mehefin 26, 2015) - Cheick Kongo (23-10-2) Defnyddiwyd amrywiaeth eang o streiciau penelin i drechu Alexander Volkov (24-6) drwy benderfyniad unfrydol yn y prif achos o Bellator MMA: "Kongo vs. Volkov "gan Kansas Star Arena yn MULVANE, Mai., ar ddydd Gwener.

Y Ffrancwr yn di-baid gyda'i ymdrechion takedown a "Drago" oedd yn gallu defnyddio ei hyd i ward i ffwrdd, treulio cyfnod dda o'r cyfarfyddiad pwysau trwm ar ei gefn.

Gyda'r fuddugoliaeth, Kongo yn gwella i 4-2 dan ymbarél Bellator MMA, tra Volkov bellach wedi gostwng dau benderfyniad yn olynol.


Yn y digwyddiad cyd-main, Dave Rickels (16-3, 1 CC) Roedd yn ôl pob golwg ar y ffordd i rhoi'r gorau i weithio ysblennydd o John Alessio (35-17, 1 CC) ond mae pen-glin annoeth i ben Alessio downed arwain at dim cystadleuaeth.


Mae'r 26-mlwydd-oed Derby, Mai. Roedd brodorol y cyn cystadleuydd Cagefighting Eithafol Byd siglo'n yn erbyn y cawell, ond efallai y bydd y rhuo y cefnogwyr hometown wedi cymylu ei gwneud penderfyniadau, fel Rickels Taflodd y pen-glin ac o ganlyniad canolwr Rob Hinds chwifio oddi ar y frwydr.


"Kansas, Rydw i mor flin,"Meddai Rickels. "Mae'r frwydr yn mynd yn union fel yr wyf yn disgwyl. Byddwch yn gweld fy wneud hyn eto, ac eithrio y tro nesaf, Rydw i'n mynd i orffen fy gwrthwynebydd yn gyfreithiol. Yr wyf yn kneed iddo yn y pen, Yr wyf yn sgriwio i fyny, Gallwn i wedi stopio ar unrhyw ail ond roeddwn i eisiau orffen. "


Yn yr hyn a fydd yn ddi-os yn y pen draw fel "'knockout' y flwyddyn" ymgeisydd, Hisaki Kato (5-1) gorffenedig Joe Schilling (2-5) gydag ail-rownd Superman punch i greu argraff yn ei ymddangosiad cyntaf Bellator MMA.


"Rwy'n credu yn fy hun. Rwy'n gwybod fy mod wedi dwylo 'n sylweddol drwm ac fe gymerodd dim ond un ergyd mawr i guro ef allan,"Meddai Kato ar ôl y frwydr. "Rwy'n teimlo fy mod yn gwneud gwaith gwych o gynrychioli MMA Siapaneaidd. Mae'n nid yn unig am ymgodymu, rydym hefyd yn streicwyr yn ogystal. "


Kato yn arddangos ei mynd i'r afael y rownd gyntaf, dirymu'r y Thai Muay safon fyd-eang o Schilling ar lawr gwlad. Ond ar ôl ychydig o cyfnewid hyd yn oed i agor yr ail llechi, Kato taro gyda punch sefyllfa berffaith a anfonodd y rhai oedd yn bresennol i mewn i frenzy. Mae'n werth nodi bod y ryngwladol Siapan wedi ennill pob un o'r pum o'i ymladd gan KO neu TKO.


Yn y prif bout cerdyn agor y noson, Pat Curran (21-7) mynd yn ôl ar y trac buddugol gyda unfrydol (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) penderfyniad dros gêm Emmanuel Sanchez (10-2).


Roedd Curran llechi yn wreiddiol i wynebu Yamauchi i fyny, ond anaf creu cyfle i Sanchez i lenwi-mewn ar fyr rybudd. Roedd y ddau featherweights cynnal cyflymder tanbaid dros gyfnod o 15 cofnodion, ond mae'r tri beirniad a benodwyd gan y comisiwn Kansas pob dyfarnu o blaid y cyn bencampwr 145-punt.


Ar ôl y frwydr, "Paddy Mike" addo i barhau i wella ar ei grefft.


"Fi 'n sylweddol angen ennill hwn,"Meddai Curran. "Hoffwn ddiolch iddo am gamu i fyny ar dair wythnos o rybudd ac yn cymryd y frwydr. Rydw i'n mynd i barhau i ddod, Mae gen i lawer i wella ac yn parhau i weithio ar. Rydw i'n mynd i fod yn bennaeth yn ôl i'r gampfa a chadw yn gwella. "


Josh Koscheck Arwyddo:


Hefyd, cyhoeddodd Bellator MMA arwyddo Josh "Kos" Koscheck (17-10) to a multi-fight deal. Daw'r pwysau welter at hyrwyddo a arweinir gan Coker Scott o Bencampwriaeth Ymladd Ultimate (UFC) lle y casglu ei record ymladd rhai o'r enwau mwyaf nodedig yn yr adran pwysau welter, gan gynnwys Georges St. Pierre a Matt Hughes.


Koscheck, yn gyn-bencampwr reslo Is-adran yr wyf yn awr yn ymuno adran pwysau welter ultra-gystadleuol, lle mae rematch yn erbyn Paul Daley Gallai o bosibl yn dwyn ffrwyth.


Canlyniadau Rhagarweiniol:

Frederick Brown (3-1) stopio Derek OHI (6-4) gyda punches yn y Bellator 139 prif ddigwyddiad tywyll. Daeth y knockout technegol :29 eiliadau i mewn i'r cylch cyntaf.

Aaron Ely (5-2) Defnyddiwyd ei sgiliau grappling slic i gyflwyno Jeimeson Šaudiņš (8-5) gyda dagu gilotîn yn sefyll ar 1:05 o rownd dau. "Mae'r Cyborg" wedi ennill pob un o'i bum fuddugoliaethau ar ffurf cyflwyniad.


Frwydr y merched sengl ar y Bellator 139 Nid yw cerdyn yn siomi, fel Bryanna Fissori (2-0) ennill unfrydol 29-28 ennill yn erbyn penderfyniad Iona Razafiarison (2-1). Y gwahaniaeth oedd y trydydd a'r olaf ffrâm, lle "Mae'r Ceidwad Pinc" sicrhau mount llawn a bwrw glaw i lawr gyda'r gorau, chwilio am y gorffeniad a derbyn y mantais yr amheuaeth gan y beirniaid.

Alex Huddleston (6-1) yn gwneud arfer o sbarion yn gorffen yn gynnar, gorffen ei wrthwynebydd Javy Ayala (8-4) via rear-naked choke a mere 72-seconds after the opening bell sounded. Gyda'r fuddugoliaeth, Mae "The Shaved Gorilla" dau gorffeniadau rownd-gyntaf yn ei ddau ymladd dan faner Bellator MMA.


Cyn Augusto Sakai (10-0) ac Daniel Gallemore (4-3) allai gael oddi ar eu carthion ar gyfer trydydd rownd, Cornel Gallemore yn atal y frwydr. Rhywle ar hyd y ffordd, "Big Kansas" Dechreuodd cael trafferth gweld, gan roi'r fuddugoliaeth trwy TKO Sakai a chadw cofnod yr ymladdwr Brasil dilychwyn i ddechrau ei yrfa broffesiynol.


Bubba Jenkins (9-2) mynd yn ôl at ei ffordd fuddugol yn erbyn Joe Wolf (19-10) ar ddydd Gwener nos, gorffen y Kansas yn gynhenid ​​gyda punches yn 1:00 o un rownd. "Mae'r Kid Amlygu" gwella i 6-2 y tu mewn i'r cawell MMA Bellator.


Cymerodd 15 herio cofnodion dynn i ddod o hyd i enillydd rhwng lightweights Pablo Villaseca (9-1) ac Bobby Cooper (12-5). Yn y pen, dau farnwr sgoriodd y frwydr o blaid y dyn maen nhw'n ei alw'n "Super duper,"Rhoi'r penderfyniad rhaniad iddo (29-28, 28-29, 29-28) buddugoliaeth.


Yn yr ornest agoriadol y noson, Gaston Reyno (4-0, 2 CC) gwneud gwaith cyflym o Greg Scott (3-4), yn cydio yn y fuddugoliaeth cyflwyno ar ôl dim ond 1:17 o weithredu pwysau plu.


MULVANE, Mai. (Mehefin 25, 2015) - Yn dilyn pwyso i mewn yn Kansas Star Arena ar ddydd Iau, y Bellator 139 prif ddigwyddiad rhwng Cheick Kongo (22-10-2) ac Alexander Volkov (24-5) Bydd mynd ymlaen yn ôl y bwriad yn llai na 24 awr yn ddiweddarach.

Yn ychwanegol at y headliner, "Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov,"Sy'n alawon yn fyw ac yn rhydd ar Spike yn 9 p.m. A / 8 p.m. CT, nodweddion tri ychwanegol rhaid i-weld prif ornestau cerdyn.

Yn y digwyddiad cyd-main, arwr wladwriaeth cartref David "The Caveman" Rickels (16-3) yn edrych i roi diwedd ar y streak buddugol presennol John "The Natural" Alessio (35-17). Nid yn unig y mae Rickels cyffrous ar ôl iddo mynd i mewn i'r cawell, ond mae'n ei walkouts sydd hefyd yn ennyn digon o sylw

Mae bob amser yn gyffrous- Joe Schilling (2-4) bydd yn parhau ei gyflymder tanbaid mewn 2015 pan fydd yn cwrdd â newydd-ddyfodiad hyrwyddol Hisaki Kato (4-1). "Stitch Em 'Up" eisoes yn llechi i gystadlu yn ystod y rhan kickboxing o "Bellator: Dynamite "ym mis Medi.

Yn yr agoriadol bout y teledu y noson, cyn Pencampwr pwysau plu Bellator Pat Curran (20-7) Bydd yn ceisio rhoi terfyn ar ei sgid dwy frwydr bresennol pan fydd yn cwrdd 24-mlwydd-oed Emmanuel Sanchez (10-1) ar fyr rybudd. "Paddy Mike" ei llechi yn wreiddiol i wynebu Yamauchi i fyny, ond anaf derailed y gogwydd.


Prif Cerdyn (9 p.m. A)

Bellator Pwysau Trwm Prif Ddigwyddiad: Cheick Kongo (238.6) vs. Alexander Volkov (242)


Bellator Ymladd ysgafn: David Rickels (155.9) vs. John Alessio (155.4)


Bellator Canol Ymladd: Joe Schilling (185.9) vs. Hisaki Kato (185.5)

Bellator pwysau plu Ymladd: Pat Curran (145.6) vs. Emmanuel Sanchez (145.5)


Cerdyn rhagarweiniol (6:45 p.m. A)


Bellator pwysau trwm Ymladd: Derek OHI (264) vs. Frederick Brown (229.4)


Bellator Pwysau Bantam Ymladd: Jeimeson Šaudiņš (134.3) vs. Aaron Ely (134.7)


Bellator pwysau plu Ymladd: Iona Razafiarison (140.8) vs. Bryanna Fissori (144)


Bellator pwysau trwm Ymladd: Alex Huddleston (248.6) vs. Javy Ayala (263.9)


Bellator pwysau trwm Ymladd: Daniel Gallemore (264.9) vs. Augusto Sakai (263)


Bellator pwysau plu Ymladd: Bubba Jenkins (145.9) vs. Joe Wolf (145.8)


Bellator Ymladd ysgafn: Bobby Cooper (155.9) vs. Pablo Villaseca (156)


Bellator pwysau plu Ymladd: Greg Scott (145.7) vs. Gaston Reyno (145)

Emmanuel Sanchez Replaces Injured Goiti Yamauchi; Plus Four Additional Preliminary Bouts Complete 13-Fight “Bellator: Kongo vs. Volkov” Card On June 26

SANTA MONICA, Calif. (Mehefin 8, 2015) – With an unfortunate injury forcing the withdrawal of Yamauchi i fyny, Emmanuel "El Matador" Sanchez (10-1) receives the call to step in against former featherweight champion Pat "Paddy Mike" Curran (20-7). With this change of opponent, and four newly announced matchups, "Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov” on Mehefin 26 is now complete with 13 total scraps to sink your teeth into.


The additional fights include heavyweight bouts between Alex Huddleston (5-1) vs. Javy Ayala (8-3) ac Derek OHI (5-4) vs. Frederick Brown (2-1) as well as featherweights Greg Scott (3-3) vs. Gaston Reyno (3-0) a lightweights Marcio Navarro (13-11) vs. Cody Carrillo (8-11).


"Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov” is headlined by a heavyweight clash between French striking specialist Cheick “The Darkness” Kongo (22-10-2) and former Bellator MMA Heavyweight World Champion Alexander “Drago” Volkov (24-5). Cynhelir y digwyddiad Mehefin 26 at Kansas Star Event Center Arena in Mulvane, Mai.


The night’s main card airs live and free on Spike at 9 p.m. A/ 8 p.m. CT, tra bod pyliau rhagarweiniol ffrwd ar Spike.com yn 7 p.m. A/ 6 p.m. CT. Mae tocynnau ar gyfer “Bellator: Kongo vs. Volkov” start at just $17 and are currently available at Ticketmaster.com.


Additional announced pairings on the SPIKE-televised card include lightweights Dave “The CavemanRickels (16-3) vs.John “Mae'r Naturiol” Alessio (35-17) and a contest between middleweight sluggers with Joe “Stitch ‘Em UpSchilling (2-4) vs. Hisaki Kato (4-1).


The 24-year-old Sanchez is an explosive featherweight, fighting with Duke Roufus out of the famed Roufusport gym in Milwaukee. The two-time Bellator veteran has shined throughout his current six-fight winning streak, most recently scoring a first-round rear naked choke over Stephen Banaszak at Bellator 128 followed by a dominant unanimous decision over Costa Rican standout Alejandro Villalobos at Bellator 135 y mis Mawrth blaenorol. Sanchez faces stiff competition in former featherweight kingpin Curran, who has been involved in some of the most memorable Bellator fights of all time.


Huddleston, 28, is a key training has won four consecutive tilts since dropping the first fight of his professional career in 2011. Mae'r rhan fwyaf diweddar, “The Shaved Gorilla” stopped Derek Bohl at Bellator 130. Standing opposite Huddleston inside the cage will be the 26-year-old Ayala, who is on a three-fight promotional winning streak of his own. The California native has stopped his last three foes before reaching the judges’ discretion.


In the second added heavyweight feature, Bohl will seek his first win for the Southern California-based promotion. “Marshmallow” has won his first two bouts in 2015 on the regional circuit. Brown will have his second opportunity at success for Bellator against Bohl. The hometown fighter was finished by Daniel Gallemore at Bellator 113, which was his last time in action.


Undefeated at 3-0, Reyno will bring the tenacity he has shown on the independent MMA scene to the Bellator cage. “Tonga” has finished every fight he has been involved in and will look to make a mark on the featherweight division with his debut. Scott, a Whichita native, made his Bellator MMA debut in 2011 and has had a mixed bag of success.


Lastly, a pair of experienced lightweights will round out the preliminary portion of the card when Navarro and Carrillo tangle inside the steel mesh. Gyda 43 professional bouts between them, both veterans will attempt to string together some wins under the Bellator banner.


“Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov” - Dydd Gwener, Mehefin 26, Kanas Star Event Center Arena, MULVANE, Kansas

Prif Cerdyn (9 p.m. A)


Bellator Pwysau Trwm Prif Ddigwyddiad: Cheick Kongo (22-10-2) vs. Alexander Volkov (24-5)

Bellator Ymladd Nodwedd Ysgafn: Dave Rickels (16-3) vs. John Alessio (35-17)

Bellator pwysau plu Ymladd Nodwedd: Pat Curran (20-7) vs. Emmanuel Sanchez (10-1)

Bellator Canol Ymladd Nodwedd: Joe Schilling (2-4) vs. Hisaki Kato (4-1)


Cerdyn rhagarweiniol

Bellator pwysau plu rhagbrawf Ymladd: Bubba Jenkins (8-2) vs. Joe Wolf (18-10)

Bellator Pwysau Bantam rhagbrawf Ymladd: Jeimeson Šaudiņš (8-4) vs. Aaron Ely (4-2)

Bellator Ysgafn rhagbrawf Ymladd: Bobby Cooper (12-5) vs. Pablo Villaseca (9-0)

Bellator Pwysau Trwm rhagbrawf Ymladd: Daniel Gallemore (4-2) vs. Augusto Sakai (7-0)

Bellator Female Featherweight Prelim Fight: Iona Razafiarison (2-0) vs. Bryanna Fissori (1-0)

Bellator Pwysau Trwm rhagbrawf Ymladd: Alex Huddleston (5-1) vs. Javy Ayala (8-3)

Bellator pwysau plu rhagbrawf Ymladd: Greg Scott (3-3) vs. Gaston Reyno (3-0)

Bellator Pwysau Trwm rhagbrawf Ymladd: Derek OHI (5-4) vs. Frederick Brown (2-1)

Bellator Ysgafn rhagbrawf Ymladd: Marcio Navarro (13-11) vs. Cody Carrillo (8-11)

Bellator Knocks Out Four Additional Preliminary Bouts for Kansas Card On June 26


SANTA MONICA, Calif. (Mehefin 3, 2015) – With a complete four-fight main card already announced for “Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov” on June 26, the promotion has turned its focus to the preliminary showcase with four new fights.


The newly announced bouts include bantamweights Jeimeson “The Minion” Saudino (8-4) vs. Aaron “The Cyborg” Ely (4-2), lightweights Bobby “Super Duper” Cooper (12-5) vs. Pablo Villaseca (9-0), as well as heavyweights Daniel “Big Kansas” Gallemore (4-2) vs. Augusto Sakai (7-0), and female featherweights Iona Razafiarison (2-0) ac Bryanna “Pink Ranger” Fissori (1-0).


"Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov” is headlined by a heavyweight clash between French striking specialist Cheick Kongo (22-10-2) and former Bellator MMA Heavyweight World Champion Alexander “Drago” Volkov (24-5). Cynhelir y digwyddiad Mehefin 26 at Kansas Star Event Center Arena in Mulvane, Mai.


The night’s main card airs live and free on Spike at 9 p.m. A/ 8 p.m. CT, tra bod pyliau rhagarweiniol ffrwd ar Spike.com yn 6:45 p.m. A/ 5:45 p.m. CT. Mae tocynnau ar gyfer “Bellator: Kongo vs. Volkov” start at just $17 and are currently available at Ticketmaster.com.


Additional announced pairings on the SPIKE-televised card include lightweights Dave “The CavemanRickels (16-3) vs.John “Mae'r Naturiol” Alessio (35-17), former Bellator MMA featherweight champion Pat “Paddy Mike” Curran (20-7) vs. Yamauchi i fyny (18-2) and a contest between middleweight sluggers with Joe “Stitch ‘Em UpSchilling (2-4) vs. Hisaki Kato (4-1) on the event’s featured portion.


In a bantamweight battle between two Kansas natives, Wichita’s Saudino is a scrapper who has won half of his eight professional victories without the judge’s help. He looks to improve to nine wins against Leavenworth’s Ely, a ground game specialist who has earned all four professional victories by submission. This 135-pound bout will be a must-see showcase of Midwest MMA talent.


RFA and Titan FC veteran Cooper has already earned two victories in the Bellator cage and will look to make his fight at Bellator 139 three in a row. He goes up against Villaseca, a Chilean MMA prospect with an unblemished professional record at 9-0, with three knockouts and three submission finishes.


Emporia’s “Big Kansas” Gallemore is a heavyweight who’s hands have earned all four of his victories, three of which have taken place under the Bellator banner. He will meet the undefeated Sakai, a dangerous Brazilian striker who has finished six of seven of his opponents with either his fists or knees.


Iony Razafiarison is a coming off of a unanimous decision victory in her professional debut this past January, and will look to make an immediate impact in her first fight with the Bellator promotion. She will take on Bryanna Fissori, who also makes her promotional debut at Bellator 139 after winning her first career victory by knockout last October.


“Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov” - Dydd Gwener, Mehefin 26, Kanas Star Event Center Arena, MULVANE, Kansas

Prif Cerdyn (9 p.m. A)


Bellator Pwysau Trwm Prif Ddigwyddiad: Cheick Kongo (22-10-2) vs. Alexander Volkov (24-5)

Bellator Ymladd Nodwedd Ysgafn: Dave Rickels (16-3) vs. John Alessio (35-17)

Bellator pwysau plu Ymladd Nodwedd: Pat Curran (20-7) vs. Yamauchi i fyny (18-2)

Bellator Canol Ymladd Nodwedd: Joe Schilling (2-4) vs. Hisaki Kato (4-1)


Cerdyn rhagarweiniol

Bellator pwysau plu rhagbrawf Ymladd: Bubba Jenkins (8-2) vs. Joe Wolf (18-10)

Bellator Pwysau Bantam rhagbrawf Ymladd: Jeimeson Šaudiņš (8-4) vs. Aaron Ely (4-2)

Bellator Ysgafn rhagbrawf Ymladd: Bobby Cooper (12-5) vs. Pablo Villaseca (9-0)

Bellator Pwysau Trwm rhagbrawf Ymladd: Daniel Gallemore (4-2) vs. Augusto Sakai (7-0)

Bellator pwysau plu rhagbrawf Ymladd: Iona Razafiarison (2-0) vs. Bryanna Fissori (1-0)

“Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov” receives first prelim fight, as featherweight standout Bubba Jenkins meets gritty Midwestern veteran Joe Wilk




“Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov” receives first prelim fight,

as featherweight standout Bubba Jenkins meets gritty Midwestern veteran Joe Wilk

Hawdd Tweet: ".@2sinsurrJenkins ac @JoeNoseMMA set to headline #Bellator139 yn y @KansasStarArena ar Fehefin 26. http://bit.ly/1GfVzbx"

SANTA MONICA, Calif. (Mai 18, 2015) – With an incredible four-fight Spike-broadcast main card already locked up for next month’s “Bellator: Kongo vs. Volkov” Digwyddiad, Bellator MMA officials are now turning their attention to the evening’s Spike.com-streamed preliminary lineup.


The first preliminary contest booked features featherweight standout BubbaThe Highlight Kid” Jenkins (8-2), as he looks to build his way back to a title shot against 28-fight veteran Joe “The NoseWilk (18-10).


Featuring a heavyweight contest between French striking specialist Cheick Kongo (22-10-2) and former Bellator MMA Heavyweight World Champion Alexander “Drago” Volkov (24-5), “Bellator: Kongo vs. Volkov” takes place June 26 at Kansas Star Event Center Arena in Mulvane, Mai.


Additional announced matchups include lightweights Dave “The CavemanRickels (16-3) vs. John “Mae'r Naturiol” Alessio(35-17), former Bellator MMA featherweight champion Pyn “Paddy Mike” Curran (20-7) vs. Yamauchi i fyny (18-2) and a contest between middleweight sluggers with Joe “Stitch ‘Em UpSchilling (2-4) vs. Hisaki Kato (4-1) on the event’s featured portion.


The night’s main card airs live and free on Spike at 9 p.m. A / 8 p.m. CT, tra bod pyliau rhagarweiniol ffrwd ar Spike.com yn 7 p.m. A / 6 p.m. CT.


Bydd pyliau ychwanegol yn cael eu cyhoeddi cyn bo hir.


Mae tocynnau ar gyfer “Bellator: Kongo vs. Volkov,” sy'n dechrau am ychydig $17 and include cageside seats for just $97, ar gael ar hyn o bryd ynTicketmaster.com.


Jenkins, a former NCAA Division I wrestling champion at Arizona State University, also earned All-American honors during a separate stint at Penn State University. Dim ond 27 oed, Jenkins has already fought seven times under the Bellator MMA banner and is considered one of the top up-and-coming fighters in the 145-pound division. “The Highlight Kid” was one step away from a shot at the Bellator MMA Featherweight World Title before coming up short against Georgi Karakhanyan yn Bellator 132 ym mis Ionawr. The Corona, Calif. resident now looks to get back on the winning track at Bellator 139.


Wilk is a 33-year-old Kansas native who already boasts 28 professional contests to his name and made his Bellator MMA debut this past October, where he suffered a TKO loss to fellow Sunflower State veteran Ricky Musgrave. Wilk has been a staple on the Midwestern scene since 2007 and has incredibly fought to a judges decision only once in his 28 ymddangosiadau. He’s at his most dangerous on the mat, where he’s earned a remarkable 15 o'i 18 career victories by way of submission.


“Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov” - Dydd Gwener, Mehefin 26, Kanas Star Event Center Arena, MULVANE, Kansas

Prif Cerdyn (9 p.m. A)


Bellator Pwysau Trwm Prif Ddigwyddiad: Cheick Kongo (22-10-2) vs. Alexander Volkov (24-5)

Bellator Ymladd Nodwedd Ysgafn: Dave Rickels (16-3) vs. John Alessio (35-17)

Bellator pwysau plu Ymladd Nodwedd: Pat Curran (20-7) vs. Yamauchi i fyny (18-2)

Bellator Canol Ymladd Nodwedd: Joe Schilling (2-4) vs. Hisaki Kato (4-1)


Cerdyn rhagarweiniol

Bellator pwysau plu rhagbrawf Ymladd: Bubba Jenkins (8-2) vs. Joe Wolf (18-10)

“Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov” receives first prelim fight,

as featherweight standout Bubba Jenkins meets gritty Midwestern veteran Joe Wilk

Hawdd Tweet: ".@2sinsurrJenkins ac @JoeNoseMMA set to headline #Bellator139 yn y @KansasStarArena ar Fehefin 26. http://bit.ly/1GfVzbx"

SANTA MONICA, Calif. (Mai 18, 2015) – With an incredible four-fight Spike-broadcast main card already locked up for next month’s “Bellator: Kongo vs. Volkov” Digwyddiad, Bellator MMA officials are now turning their attention to the evening’s Spike.com-streamed preliminary lineup.


The first preliminary contest booked features featherweight standout BubbaThe Highlight Kid” Jenkins (8-2), as he looks to build his way back to a title shot against 28-fight veteran Joe “The NoseWilk (18-10).


Featuring a heavyweight contest between French striking specialist Cheick Kongo (22-10-2) and former Bellator MMA Heavyweight World Champion Alexander “Drago” Volkov (24-5), “Bellator: Kongo vs. Volkov” takes place June 26 at Kansas Star Event Center Arena in Mulvane, Mai.


Additional announced matchups include lightweights Dave “The CavemanRickels (16-3) vs. John “Mae'r Naturiol” Alessio(35-17), former Bellator MMA featherweight champion Pyn “Paddy Mike” Curran (20-7) vs. Yamauchi i fyny (18-2) and a contest between middleweight sluggers with Joe “Stitch ‘Em UpSchilling (2-4) vs. Hisaki Kato (4-1) on the event’s featured portion.


The night’s main card airs live and free on Spike at 9 p.m. A / 8 p.m. CT, tra bod pyliau rhagarweiniol ffrwd ar Spike.com yn 7 p.m. A / 6 p.m. CT.


Bydd pyliau ychwanegol yn cael eu cyhoeddi cyn bo hir.


Mae tocynnau ar gyfer “Bellator: Kongo vs. Volkov,” sy'n dechrau am ychydig $17 and include cageside seats for just $97, ar gael ar hyn o bryd ynTicketmaster.com.


Jenkins, a former NCAA Division I wrestling champion at Arizona State University, also earned All-American honors during a separate stint at Penn State University. Dim ond 27 oed, Jenkins has already fought seven times under the Bellator MMA banner and is considered one of the top up-and-coming fighters in the 145-pound division. “The Highlight Kid” was one step away from a shot at the Bellator MMA Featherweight World Title before coming up short against Georgi Karakhanyan yn Bellator 132 ym mis Ionawr. The Corona, Calif. resident now looks to get back on the winning track at Bellator 139.


Wilk is a 33-year-old Kansas native who already boasts 28 professional contests to his name and made his Bellator MMA debut this past October, where he suffered a TKO loss to fellow Sunflower State veteran Ricky Musgrave. Wilk has been a staple on the Midwestern scene since 2007 and has incredibly fought to a judges decision only once in his 28 ymddangosiadau. He’s at his most dangerous on the mat, where he’s earned a remarkable 15 o'i 18 career victories by way of submission.


“Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov” - Dydd Gwener, Mehefin 26, Kanas Star Event Center Arena, MULVANE, Kansas

Prif Cerdyn (9 p.m. A)


Bellator Pwysau Trwm Prif Ddigwyddiad: Cheick Kongo (22-10-2) vs. Alexander Volkov (24-5)

Bellator Ymladd Nodwedd Ysgafn: Dave Rickels (16-3) vs. John Alessio (35-17)

Bellator pwysau plu Ymladd Nodwedd: Pat Curran (20-7) vs. Yamauchi i fyny (18-2)

Bellator Canol Ymladd Nodwedd: Joe Schilling (2-4) vs. Hisaki Kato (4-1)


Cerdyn rhagarweiniol

Bellator pwysau plu rhagbrawf Ymladd: Bubba Jenkins (8-2) vs. Joe Wolf (18-10)

Hawdd Tweet: ".@2sinsurrJenkins ac @JoeNoseMMA set to headline #Bellator139 yn y @KansasStarArena ar Fehefin 26. http://bit.ly/1GfVzbx"

SANTA MONICA, Calif. (Mai 18, 2015) – With an incredible four-fight Spike-broadcast main card already locked up for next month’s “Bellator: Kongo vs. Volkov” Digwyddiad, Bellator MMA officials are now turning their attention to the evening’s Spike.com-streamed preliminary lineup.


The first preliminary contest booked features featherweight standout BubbaThe Highlight Kid” Jenkins (8-2), as he looks to build his way back to a title shot against 28-fight veteran Joe “The NoseWilk (18-10).


Featuring a heavyweight contest between French striking specialist Cheick Kongo (22-10-2) and former Bellator MMA Heavyweight World Champion Alexander “Drago” Volkov (24-5), “Bellator: Kongo vs. Volkov” takes place June 26 at Kansas Star Event Center Arena in Mulvane, Mai.


Additional announced matchups include lightweights Dave “The CavemanRickels (16-3) vs. John “Mae'r Naturiol” Alessio(35-17), former Bellator MMA featherweight champion Pyn “Paddy Mike” Curran (20-7) vs. Yamauchi i fyny (18-2) and a contest between middleweight sluggers with Joe “Stitch ‘Em UpSchilling (2-4) vs. Hisaki Kato (4-1) on the event’s featured portion.


The night’s main card airs live and free on Spike at 9 p.m. A / 8 p.m. CT, tra bod pyliau rhagarweiniol ffrwd ar Spike.com yn 7 p.m. A / 6 p.m. CT.


Bydd pyliau ychwanegol yn cael eu cyhoeddi cyn bo hir.


Mae tocynnau ar gyfer “Bellator: Kongo vs. Volkov,” sy'n dechrau am ychydig $17 and include cageside seats for just $97, ar gael ar hyn o bryd ynTicketmaster.com.


Jenkins, a former NCAA Division I wrestling champion at Arizona State University, also earned All-American honors during a separate stint at Penn State University. Dim ond 27 oed, Jenkins has already fought seven times under the Bellator MMA banner and is considered one of the top up-and-coming fighters in the 145-pound division. “The Highlight Kid” was one step away from a shot at the Bellator MMA Featherweight World Title before coming up short against Georgi Karakhanyan yn Bellator 132 ym mis Ionawr. The Corona, Calif. resident now looks to get back on the winning track at Bellator 139.


Wilk is a 33-year-old Kansas native who already boasts 28 professional contests to his name and made his Bellator MMA debut this past October, where he suffered a TKO loss to fellow Sunflower State veteran Ricky Musgrave. Wilk has been a staple on the Midwestern scene since 2007 and has incredibly fought to a judges decision only once in his 28 ymddangosiadau. He’s at his most dangerous on the mat, where he’s earned a remarkable 15 o'i 18 career victories by way of submission.


“Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov” - Dydd Gwener, Mehefin 26, Kanas Star Event Center Arena, MULVANE, Kansas

Prif Cerdyn (9 p.m. A)


Bellator Pwysau Trwm Prif Ddigwyddiad: Cheick Kongo (22-10-2) vs. Alexander Volkov (24-5)

Bellator Ymladd Nodwedd Ysgafn: Dave Rickels (16-3) vs. John Alessio (35-17)

Bellator pwysau plu Ymladd Nodwedd: Pat Curran (20-7) vs. Yamauchi i fyny (18-2)

Bellator Canol Ymladd Nodwedd: Joe Schilling (2-4) vs. Hisaki Kato (4-1)


Cerdyn rhagarweiniol

Bellator pwysau plu rhagbrawf Ymladd: Bubba Jenkins (8-2) vs. Joe Wolf (18-10)

“Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov” adds middleweight slugfest pitting Joe Schilling vs. Hisaki Kato, making it the fourth and final main-card matchup

Hawdd Tweet: ".@JoeSchilling187 and Hisaki Kato join #Bellator139 yn y @KansasStarArena ar Mehefin 26. http://bit.ly/1GfVzbx"


SANTA MONICA, Calif. (Mai 18, 2015) – A card loaded with explosive contests has received one more potential slugfest, as middleweight sluggers Joe “Stitch ‘Em UpSchilling (2-4) ac Hisaki Kato (4-1) will clash in the fourth and final main-card matchup of next month’s “Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov” event which airs live on Spike.


Headlined by a heavyweight contest between French striking specialist Cheick Kongo (22-10-2) and former Bellator MMA Heavyweight World Champion Alexander “Drago” Volkov (24-5), “Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov” yn digwydd Mehefin 26 at Kansas Star Event Center Arena in Mulvane, Mai.


Additional matchups include lightweights Dave “The CavemanRickels (16-3) vs. John “Mae'r Naturiol” Alessio (35-17) and former Bellator MMA Featherweight Champion Pat “Paddy Mike” Curran (20-7) cymryd ar Yamauchi i fyny (18-2).


The night’s main card airs live and free on Spike at 9 p.m. A/ 8 p.m. CT, tra bod pyliau rhagarweiniol ffrwd ar Spike.com. Bydd pyliau ychwanegol yn cael eu cyhoeddi cyn bo hir.


Mae tocynnau ar gyfer “Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov,” sy'n dechrau am ychydig $17 and include cage side seats for just $97, ar gael ar hyn o bryd yn Ticketmaster.com.


Mae'r 31-mlwydd-oed Schilling wedi bod yn ymladd yn broffesiynol ers 2006, starting his combat sports career in muay Thai, lle bu'n ennill y ddau U.S. and world titles. Since he’s turned his focus to MMA, Schilling continues to compete in kickboxing events, yn ogystal, gweithio ei ffordd i Last twrnamaint Man Sefydlog hon Mehefin gorffennol GLORY yn, cystadlu dair gwaith mewn noson sengl. Gwneud SCHILLING ei ymddangosiad cyntaf Bellator MMA ym mis Tachwedd, sgorio a “Knockout y Flwyddyn” candidate stoppage of noted striker Melvin Manhoef.


A karate stylist who first made his name in Japan in the sport of Kudo – a hybrid version of MMA that involves fighting in a gi, gloves and a mask – the 32-year-old Kato will fight in the U.S. ar Fehefin 26fed am y tro cyntaf. Kato’s transition in 2013 to traditional MMA rules has proven to be a rousing success, as he’s earned four knockout victories in his first five bouts. Three of those wins were earned in the first round, including an April 2014 victory that came in just 53 eiliad.


“Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov” - Dydd Gwener, Mehefin 26, Kanas Star Event Center Arena, MULVANE, Kansas


Bellator Pwysau Trwm Prif Ddigwyddiad: Cheick Kongo (22-10-2) vs. Alexander Volkov (24-5)

Bellator Ymladd Nodwedd Ysgafn: Dave Rickels (16-3) vs. John Alessio (35-17)

Bellator pwysau plu Ymladd Nodwedd: Pat Curran (20-7) vs. Yamauchi i fyny (18-2)

Bellator pwysau plu Ymladd Nodwedd: Joe Schilling (2-4) vs. Hisaki Kato (4-1)

International knockout artists Cheick Kongo and Alexander Volkov clash on June 26 in headlining bout of “Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov”


Hawdd Tweet: ".@ Kongo4real ac @AlexDragoVolkov set to headline #Bellator139 yn y @KansasStarArena ar Fehefin 26. http://bit.ly/1GfVzbx"


SANTA MONICA, Calif. (Ebrill 21, 2015) – French striking specialist Cheick Kongo (22-10-2) and former Bellator MMA Heavyweight World Champion Alexander “Drago” Volkov (24-5) will stand toe-to-toe in the Bellator MMA cage on Mehefin 26.


The two sluggers clash in the five-round main event of “Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov,” which takes place at Kansas Star Event Center Arena in Mulvane, Mai.


The heavyweight slugfest joins previously announced matchups of lightweights Dave “The CavemanRickels (16-3) vs. John “Mae'r Naturiol” Alessio (35-17) and former Bellator MMA featherweight champion Pat “Paddy Mike” Curran (20-7) vs. Yamauchi i fyny (18-2) on the event’s featured portion.


The night’s main card airs live and free on Spike at 9 p.m. A/ 8 p.m. CT, tra bod pyliau rhagarweiniol ffrwd ar Spike.com.


Bydd pyliau ychwanegol yn cael eu cyhoeddi cyn bo hir.


Mae tocynnau ar gyfer “Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov,” sy'n dechrau am ychydig $17 and include cageside seats for just $97, ar gael ar hyn o bryd yn Ticketmaster.com.


Kongo, 6 troedfedd-4 Ffrancwr, is a striking ace who boasts black belts in both Karate and Kendo. A multiple-time world champion in kickboxing, Kongo bellach yn canolbwyntio'n llwyr ar MMA ac wedi adeiladu 4-2 cofnod o dan faner Bellator MMA. One of the most imposing figures in all of MMA, Kongo boasts 12 career knockout victories, including the sport’s 2011 “Knockout of the Year.


The 26-year-old Volkov is an eight-time Bellator MMA veteran who rose to the promotion’s highest rank in 2012 as the Bellator MMA Heavyweight World Champion. Though he would eventually cede the belt to current title holder Vitaly Minakov, Volkov bounced right back with three-consecutive stoppage wins. Yn ei 24 buddugoliaethau gyrfaol, Volkov has scored 17 gan knockout.


“Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov” - Dydd Gwener, Mehefin 26, Kanas Star Event Center Arena, MULVANE, Kansas


Bellator Pwysau Trwm Prif Ddigwyddiad: Cheick Kongo (22-10-2) vs. Alexander Volkov (24-5)

Bellator Ymladd Nodwedd Ysgafn: Dave Rickels (16-3) vs. John Alessio (35-17)

Bellator pwysau plu Ymladd Nodwedd: Pat Curran (20-7) vs. Yamauchi i fyny (18-2)

Hawdd Tweet: ".@ Kongo4real ac @AlexDragoVolkov set to headline #Bellator139 yn y @KansasStarArena ar Fehefin 26. http://bit.ly/1GfVzbx"


SANTA MONICA, Calif. (Ebrill 21, 2015) – French striking specialist Cheick Kongo (22-10-2) and former Bellator MMA Heavyweight World Champion Alexander “Drago” Volkov (24-5) will stand toe-to-toe in the Bellator MMA cage on Mehefin 26.


The two sluggers clash in the five-round main event of “Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov,” which takes place at Kansas Star Event Center Arena in Mulvane, Mai.


The heavyweight slugfest joins previously announced matchups of lightweights Dave “The CavemanRickels (16-3) vs. John “Mae'r Naturiol” Alessio (35-17) and former Bellator MMA featherweight champion Pat “Paddy Mike” Curran (20-7) vs. Yamauchi i fyny (18-2) on the event’s featured portion.


The night’s main card airs live and free on Spike at 9 p.m. A/ 8 p.m. CT, tra bod pyliau rhagarweiniol ffrwd ar Spike.com.


Bydd pyliau ychwanegol yn cael eu cyhoeddi cyn bo hir.


Mae tocynnau ar gyfer “Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov,” sy'n dechrau am ychydig $17 and include cageside seats for just $97, ar gael ar hyn o bryd yn Ticketmaster.com.


Kongo, 6 troedfedd-4 Ffrancwr, is a striking ace who boasts black belts in both Karate and Kendo. A multiple-time world champion in kickboxing, Kongo bellach yn canolbwyntio'n llwyr ar MMA ac wedi adeiladu 4-2 cofnod o dan faner Bellator MMA. One of the most imposing figures in all of MMA, Kongo boasts 12 career knockout victories, including the sport’s 2011 “Knockout of the Year.


The 26-year-old Volkov is an eight-time Bellator MMA veteran who rose to the promotion’s highest rank in 2012 as the Bellator MMA Heavyweight World Champion. Though he would eventually cede the belt to current title holder Vitaly Minakov, Volkov bounced right back with three-consecutive stoppage wins. Yn ei 24 buddugoliaethau gyrfaol, Volkov has scored 17 gan knockout.


“Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov” - Dydd Gwener, Mehefin 26, Kanas Star Event Center Arena, MULVANE, Kansas


Bellator Pwysau Trwm Prif Ddigwyddiad: Cheick Kongo (22-10-2) vs. Alexander Volkov (24-5)

Bellator Ymladd Nodwedd Ysgafn: Dave Rickels (16-3) vs. John Alessio (35-17)

Bellator pwysau plu Ymladd Nodwedd: Pat Curran (20-7) vs. Yamauchi i fyny (18-2)




HAWDD tweet: "@TheCaveman316 yn cymryd ar @JohnAllesio79 yn @kansasstararena am #Bellator139!

Hefyd: Featherweight Faceoff! @PatCurranMMA & @GoitiOfficial"




SANTA MONICA, Calif. (Ebrill 8, 2015) Bellator MMA has announced plans for a summer return to the Kansas Star Arena in Mulvane, Mai., ar Fehefin 26 for an event currently titled “Bellator 139.”


The first two fights confirmed to take place on the “Bellator 139” main card have been announced with Kansas’ own David "The Caveman" Rickels (16-3) taking on Pride Fighting Championships veteran John Alessio (35-17) in lightweight action and former featherweight champ Pat Curran (20-7) wynebau Yamauchi i fyny (18-2).


Ymladd Ychwanegol, including a main event, Bydd yn cael ei gyhoeddi cyn bo hir.


The event will broadcast live at 9 p.m. EST/ 8 p.m. CST Live ac am ddim ar Spike. The preliminary card will be streamed on Spike.com beginning at 7:30 p.m. EST/ 6:30 p.m. CST Tocynnau yn dechrau am $20 mynd ar werth dydd Sadwrn, Ebrill 11 yn 10 a.m. CT, and can be purchased online at KansasStarEventCenter.com neu Ticketmaster.com.


A fan-favorite in the Kansas area, Rickels will be making his 14fed appearance for the Scott Coker-led promotion since 2011. “The Caveman,” a 26-year-old who competed for the 155-pound title against Michael Chandler at Bellator 97, was most recently in action against Davi Ramos at Bellator 130, winning via unanimous decision.


Alessio, 35, has not been in action since May of 2014, when he earned a unanimous decision win against Eric Wisely at Bellator 119. The 53-fight veteran has competed professionally since 1998 against the likes of Pat Miletich, Diego Sanchez and Paul Daley.


A former Bellator MMA 145 pound champion, Curran will return to action for the first time since his split decision loss to Daniel Weichel at Bellator 133. “Paddy Mike” has been involved in some of the most entertaining scraps in promotional history and will look to continue that trend against Yamauchi.


At only 22-years-old, Yamauchi is already making waves in Bellator’s featherweight division. The Japanese competitor holds victories over Mike Richman and Martin Stapleton and has earned 15 o'i 18 professional wins before reaching the judges’ scorecards. The upcoming bout with Curran will serve as his toughest test to date under the Bellator banner.


HON WYTHNOS: Bellator Lightweight World Champion Will Brooks looks to defend his title for the first time against former lightweight tournament winner Dave Jansen. Hefyd ar y cerdyn, World Champion kickboxer Joe Schilling returns to the Bellator cage for the first time since he produced a Knockout of the Year candidate over Melvin Manhoef last November. Schilling faces a tough Rafael Carvalho at “Bellator: Brooks vs. Jansen,” which airs Live and Free on Spike this Dydd Gwener, Ebrill 10, at 9/8c from the Bren Events Center at UC Irvine.


Ynglŷn Bellator MMA

Bellator MMA yn sefydliad Crefft Ymladd Cymysg blaenllaw yn cynnwys llawer o'r diffoddwyr gorau yn y byd. O dan gyfarwyddyd hyrwyddwr frwydr hynafol Scott Coker, Bellator ar gael i bron 500 miliwn o gartrefi ledled y byd mewn mwy na 140 gwledydd. Yn yr Unol Daleithiau, Gall Bellator i'w gweld ar y teledu Spike, the MMA television leader. Bellator MMA is comprised of an executive team that includes top industry professionals in television production, offeryniaeth digwyddiad byw, Datblygiad Diffoddwr / cysylltiadau, caffael lleoliad, creu nawdd / datblygiad, trwyddedu rhyngwladol, marchnata, hysbysebu, publicity and commission relations. Bellator is based in Santa Monica, California ac yn eiddo i cawr adloniant Viacom, cartref i brandiau adloniant premier yn y byd sy'n cysylltu â chynulleidfaoedd drwy gynnwys cymhellol ar draws teledu, llun cynnig, lwyfannau ar-lein a symudol.


Ynglŷn teledu Spike:

Spike teledu is available in 98.7 million homes and is a division of Viacom Media Networks. A unit of Viacom (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Media Networks is one of the world’s leading creators of programming and content across all media platforms. Spike TV’s Internet address is www.spike.com and for up-to-the-minute and archival press information and photographs, visit Spike TV’s press site at http://www.spike.com/press. Dilynwch ni ar Twitter spiketvpr for the latest in breaking news updates, y tu ôl i'r llenni gwybodaeth a lluniau.


About Kansas Star Arena

The Kansas Star Arena, a Boyd Gaming facility, is located just off Exit 33 on the Kansas Turnpike and is adjacent to the Kansas Star Casino. The 42,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art Kansas Star Arena is south-central Kansas’ home for big-name national acts such as Journey, Pat Benatar, Championship Rodeo, mixed martial arts events and more. The Arena accommodates up to 6,500 guests for headliner events. Yn 2014, Midwest Gaming and Travel awarded the Kansas Star more than 25 honors in its annual Reader’s Choice Awards, including “Best Concert Venue” in the state of Kansas. Am fwy o wybodaeth, Ymweliad kansasstarcasino.com. Connect with Kansas Star Arena at facebook.com/kansasstararena ac www.kansasstarcasino.com/entertain/arena.

Headquartered in Las Vegas, Boyd Gaming is a leading diversified owner and operator of 22 gaming entertainment properties located in Nevada, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and New Jersey. Boyd Gaming and Kansas Star Casino press releases are available at boydgaming.mediaroom.com.