Tag Archives: Promotions GH3

GH3 Promotions O'Shanique Foster et Lavarn Harvell score 1st circuitu knockouts in Washington, DC

Nutley, NJ (August 25, 2015)Hoc praeterito Saturday nox at North Hall at East Market in Washington, D.C, duobus pugnatores sub GH3 Promotional stabilis laceratum primum circum lentiorem et nunc prospiciebat magnum praelia in ruinam.

Card promotus per Jeter Promotions.
Lux Pullover Lavarn Harvell (15-1, 8 KO scriptor)of Atlantic City, New Jersey protulit de Quincy Miner Kansas urbem, while Jr. Lightweight O'Shanique Foster (7-0, 4 KO scriptor) Houston, Texas obturaverunt Frank Iordanem.
IRCA primus pro Foster sub vexillo GH3 Promotional. He registered two knockdowns in the 86-second fight.
Harvell omissa Miner duro a dextris et Miner posset non verberavit predictum comitem et pugnaretur remeaverat quartumque apud 2:35 of una circum.
“Utrumque Lavarn & O'Shanique reliquit benefaciens jobs on Saturday et nunc revertar ut recta posita utrumque Septembri. We tentatively have Lavarn penciled in forSeptember 26 in Portu Beach, New Jersey et O'Shanique erit superSeptember 18 et tunc in November 6,” Said GH3 Promotions, Vito Mielnicki
Promotions GH3 features inuictum Middleweight Antoine Douglas, Super Middleweight Odom Jerry scriptor & Derrick Webster, Super Bantamweight inuictus est Adam Lopez necnon Boxcino 2015 Jr. Middleweight Champion John Thompson, Jr., undefeated Welterweight Jerrell Harris scriptor & Keenan Smith,undefeated Super lightweight Bienvenido Diaz, Natu heavyweight Visinia, Lux Pullover Lavarn Harvell, Jr. Lightweight O'Shanique Foster & Super Middleweight Andrew Hernandez ad GH3 Promotions stabilis.

Promotions GH3 O'Shanique Foster et Lavarn Harvell in actione in sabbati nocte in Washington, DC

Nutley, NJ (August 21, 2015) – Cras at North Hall East Market in Washington, D.C, sub duobus pugnatores GH3 Promotional stabilis erit in actione in card, provehatur Jeter Promotions.

Lux Pullover Lavarn Harvell (14-1, 7 KO scriptor) of Atlantic City, New Jersey accipiet Quincy Miner of Kansas urbeculam in bout scheduled pro VI-rounds.

Jr. Lightweight O'Shanique Foster (6-0, 3 KO scriptor) Houston, Texas accipiet Frank Iordanem in circuitu a IV-.

IRCA in primis pro Foster sub GH3 Promotions Banner.

O'Shanique Foster
O'Shanique Foster

Promotions GH3 signa invictam Jr. Welterweight Keenan Smith

Nutley, NJ (August 7, 2015) – Promotions GH3 est superbus nuntio praefuerunt inuicti Jr. Welterweight Keenan Smith Quisque exclusive to an contractus.
Recordum habet Philadelphiae Smith 7-0 apud 2 knockouts.
Pro in faber conversus 2009 et tamquam peritus amet.
“Suus 'a voluptate signare GH3 Promotions. I like the way they move their fighters and they are starting to do big things and I feel I fit in with that,” inquit Cicero.
“Ego similis via bicchier Mielnicki operatur. They have been getting a lot of television dates and I look forward to showcasing my skills throughout the country.
Ferrarius 72-4 nationale ac defensores ut amateur necnon aureum Jr Gloves. Olympia fortissimus olympic.
Volturcius interrogatus de brevi et longa metas, autem 24 annus-vetus Smith said, “Octavo in anno altero pugnat quaero ut mox admoto summo loco in XV.”
Perveniens ad bonum satus ad fabrum esse ut duobus illis metas in sex septimanas proximas horarium pugnat.
“EGO sum vultus ad pugnam August 15 ego igitur ad urbem pencilled pugna in AtlanticSeptember 18 tum etiam in Las Pro television novembri. That when I believe people will start to take notice that I am coming and establish myself as a legitimate contender on my to a world title.
Dicta bicchier Mielnicki of GH3 Promotions, “Signati sumus Keenan laeti sumus. He has slipped underneath the radar and he has a ton of talent. We plan to keep him extremely busy and we feel could have found a real gem in Keenan. He had some problems that he has put behind him but I have had several conversations with him and I love the kid and his personalty. He is a young man that learned from his mistakes. He defeated Amir Imam 2 times in possumus, rudi. He is a real quality kid we are very happy to have him. Dave Price et Doc Nowicki dedit mihi displosa operari cum illis sicut socii Keenan et eundo esse fun excitetque. Haedo pugna potuit hensus”.
Keenan popinulae Doc Nowicki Daveque Price regulae D et D Management.
Promotions GH3 features inuictum Middleweight Antoine Douglas, Super Middleweight Odom Jerry scriptor & Derrick Webster, Super Bantamweight inuictus est Adam Lopez necnon Boxcino 2015 Jr. Middleweight Champion John Thompson, Jr., Invictus ergo Welterweight Jerrell Harris,Super inuictum Bantamweight Qa'id Muhammad, PERFUSORIUS Oscar Bonilla, Natu heavyweight Visinia, Lux Pullover Lavarn Harvell , Jr. Lightweight O'Shanique Foster & inuictus est Jr. Welterweight Keenan Smith ad GH3 Promotions stabilis.

Promotions GH3 pronuntiari Jerry Odom defeat

Nutley, NJ (July 20, 2015) – Hoc praeterito Friday noctem Sands Casino Bethleem, Jerry Odom (13-2, 12 KO scriptor) prohibitæ in tres rounds per Samuel Clarkson (15-3, 9 KO scriptor) in quo certamine pugna credebantur divisio Super Middleweight.
Odom Washington, DC contractuum obligatione sua parte obviam fecit 168 libram contrahitur pondus. Unfortunately Clarkson checked in over 4 mensibus libras altiores 172.8
Ad matutinam- post ponderis et, Clarkson solum erat supponitur esse 10 non potuit ingredi in contractae libras pondere 180 sed semel eundemque rursum at overweight 184.6 libras. Odom erat 173 libras.
Ut ergo descenderunt in horas paucas ante pugnam unoffical scale, Odom erat 175.8 dum Clarkson 189.7.
Sciens nationalibus television certamine pars esse ShoBox: The New Generation, Promotions GH3 Praeses Vito Mielnicki, results acceptis nihil de re male vult sententia saeculi quoniam pati se culpam repellentes in umeris certamine per Odom.
“Ego incidi pugnans pugnam ultimam ponderis sententiam meam sed militare velle Jerry. I thought about it but wanted to give Jerry the opportunity to showcase that he is one of the best Super Middleweights out there,” Dicta Mielnicki.
“Quanto magis si adhuc puto Jerry ante feci in pugna. He showed that he wont back down from anybody. He was in there with a Cruiserweight and against my better judgement, Numquid ego qui alios fight happen. I signed options with Clarkson and I am looking to do the rematch on television at the proper weight of 168 libras. Si sciret se in pondere in mensura venturum, ut possimus et nos et potuisset amet exercuissem insudare non ita de ultimo Jerry hoc biduo ante libras ponderis. Quae quo magis viam dedisset pugnae vincere. Look at some the pre fight pictures and interviews, Jerry quasi exaruisset et exhaustam sicut extinguere potuerunt, respexit tamen Clarkson quirrigabatur sicut sampsucho. We will look to have a rematch on television in the next four months.
Promotions GH3 features inuictum Middleweight Antoine Douglas, Super Middleweight Odom Jerry scriptor & Derrick Webster, Super Bantamweight inuictus est Adam Lopez necnon Boxcino 2015 Jr. Middleweight Champion John Thompson, Jr., Invictus ergo Welterweight Jerrell Harris,Super inuictum Bantamweight Qa'id Muhammad, PERFUSORIUS Oscar Bonilla, Natu heavyweight Visinia, Lux Pullover Lavarn Harvell and Jr. Lightweight O'Shanique Foster ad GH3 Promotions stabilis.
Pro magis notitia in GH3 Promotions, Contact:

Derrick Webster – Arif Magomedov pro Nabo Middleweight titulum illius ShoBox , July 17 at Sands Casino Bethleem



Antoine Douglas – Istavan Szili in X-circuitu Middleweight main eventum; Adam Lopez – Eliecer Aquino pro WBA FEDELATIN et WBC Interim Latino Super Bantamweight title et Jerry Odom ad bellandum Samuel Clarkson apertis IRCA de televised sequintibus-header

Bethlehem, PA (June 29, 2015)–Die Veneris, July 17 in Sands Casino Bethleem, Derrick Webster (19-0, 10KO scriptor) of Glassboro, New Jersey accipiet Arif Magomedov pro Nabo Middleweight title, quae rem as the co-pluma of a big sequintibus-header quod erit televised live on SHOWTIME compromisso conciliandos ShoBox: The New Generation.

Certamen est scheduled pro X-rounds.

IRCA promotus est per GH3 Promotions, Greg Cohen Promotions et Main Events et sustinere X-circuitu Middleweight principale eventus inter eventus inuictus est Pugnator s Antoine Douglas (17-0-1, 11 KO scriptor) of Burke, VA Istavan et Catius (18-0-2, 8 KO scriptor) of Frenkendorf, Switzerland. In aliam discordibus, Adam Lopez (12-0, 6 KO scriptor) San Antonio ex, Texas accipiet Eliecer Aquino (17-0-1, 11 KO scriptor) of Higuey, Respublica Dominicana in X-circuitu Super Bantamweight bout pro WBA FEDELATIN et WBC Interim Latino titles. Bout foramen will pit Super Middleweight Jerry scriptor Odom (13-1, 11 KO scriptor) De serpentium natura, DC, BC Samuel Clarkson (14-3, 8 KO scriptor) of Ceder Hill, TX in IRCA scheduled pro VIII-rounds.

De optimis regionibus ingenio non erit in ostensionem sicut horarium apparere erit undercard Boxcino Televised 2015 Jr. Middleweight champion John Thompson (17-1, 6 KO scriptor) de novo, NJ; Lux Pullover Lavarn Harvell (14-1, 7 KO scriptor) of Atlantic City, NJ; Super Middleweight Christopher Brooker (3-0, 3 KO scriptor) ex Philadelphia, PA; Super Bantamweight Manny Stultitia (4-0, 3 KO scriptor) ex Philadelphia, PA; Lightweight Samuel Seah (5-1, 3 KO scriptor).

Lightweight Bienvenidio Diaz (2-0, 2 KO scriptor) of Paterson, NJ pugnabit Oscar Bonilla (3-1-2, 2 KO scriptor) of New Haven, Connecticut in IRCA scheduled pro quattuor vices.

Jr card erit etiam circum IV. Middleweight bout inter Ricky Nuno (1-0) Bethlehem,, PA in Pi Tim Kunkel.

Nullam at sunt precii $100, $75 atque $50 et potest empti Ticketmaster et www.ticketmaster.com

Promotions GH3 features inuictum Middleweight Antoine Douglas, Super Middleweight Odom Jerry scriptor & Derrick Webster, Super Bantamweight inuictus est Adam Lopez necnon Boxcino 2015 Jr. Middleweight Champion John Thompson, Jr., Invictus ergo Welterweight Jerrell Harris,Super inuictum Bantamweight Qa'id Muhammad, PERFUSORIUS Oscar Bonilla, Natu heavyweight Visinia Lux, Pullover Lavarn Harvell ad GH3 Promotions stabilis.

Adam Lopez – Eliecer Aquino nunc WBA FEDELATIN & Interim WBC Latino Super Bantamweight titulum illius ShoBox , July 17 at Sands Casino Bethleem

Antoine Douglas – Istavan Szili in X-circuitu Middleweight main eventum; Derrick Webster susciperet Arif Magomedov et Jerry Odom ad bellandum Samuel Clarkson apertis IRCA de televised sequintibus-header

Bethlehem, PA (June 25, 2015)–Die Veneris, July 17 in Sands Casino Bethleem, Adam Lopez (12-0, 6 KO scriptor) San Antonio ex, Texas accipiet Eliecer Aquino pro WBA FEDELATIN & Interim WBC Latino Super Bantamweight title, quae rem as the 2nd IRCA de sequintibus magnum, quod erit televised live on-header SHOWTIME compromisso conciliandos ShoBox: The New Generation.

IRCA promotus est per GH3 Promotions et sustinere X-circuitu Middleweight principale eventus inter eventus inuictus est Pugnator s Antoine Douglas (17-0-1, 11 KO scriptor) of Burke, VA Istavan et Catius (18-0-2, 8 KO scriptor) of Frenkendorf, Switzerland. In pluma co-, Derrick Webster (19-0, 10 KO scriptor) of Glassboro, NJ accipiet Arif Magomedov (15-0, 9 KO scriptor) of Chekhov, Russia in X-circuitu Middleweight bout. Super foramen bout will pit Middleweights Jerry Odom (13-1, 11 KO scriptor) De serpentium natura, DC, BC Samuel Clarkson (14-3, 8 KO scriptor) of Ceder Hill, TX in IRCA scheduled pro VIII-rounds.

De optimis regionibus ingenio non erit in ostensionem sicut horarium apparere erit undercard Boxcino Televised 2015 Jr. Middleweight champion John Thompson (17-1, 6 KO scriptor) de novo, NJ; Lux Pullover Lavarn Harvell (14-1, 7 KO scriptor) of Atlantic City, NJ; Super Middleweight Christopher Brooker (3-0, 3 KO scriptor) ex Philadelphia, PA; Super Bantamweight Manny Stultitia (4-0, 3 KO scriptor) ex Philadelphia, PA; Lightweight Samuel Seah (5-1, 3 KO scriptor) et Lightweight Bienvenidio Diaz (2-0, 2 KO scriptor) of Paterson, NJ videbitis actio.

Jr card erit etiam circum IV. Middleweight bout inter Ricky Nuno (1-0) Bethlehem,, PA in Pi Tim Kunkel.

Nullam at sunt precii $100, $75 atque $50 et potest empti Ticketmaster et www.ticketmaster.com

Promotions GH3 features inuictum Middleweight Antoine Douglas, Super Middleweight Odom Jerry scriptor & Derrick Webster, Super Bantamweight inuictus est Adam Lopez necnon Boxcino 2015 Jr. Middleweight Champion John Thompson, Jr., Invictus ergo Welterweight Jerrell Harris,Super inuictum Bantamweight Qa'id Muhammad, PERFUSORIUS Oscar Bonilla, Natu heavyweight Visinia Lux, Pullover Lavarn Harvell ad GH3 Promotions stabilis.

Super Bantamweight Adam Lopez remains undefeated and looks to next big fight


San Antonio, TX (June 4, 2015)This past May 22, Super Bantamweight Adam Lopez won a 6-round unanimous decision over Miguel Tamayo to raise his record to 12-0.
The San Antonio native pitched a shutout on all three judges scorecards by 60-54 tallies.
Lopez was especially enthusiastic about the victory as it took place not far from where he grew up in Southern California.
I am originally from California and I had lots of family and friends at the fight. It was a tough fight with a veteran of 30 pugnat. I boxed and took my time to win every round,”dicta Lopez.
The win did not come without a cost as Lopez hurt his hand but managed to come through with the victory.
I hurt my hand and did my best with an experienced opponent. My hand is in a cast and I am taking a few weeks off. I am supposed to be back on July 17 in ShoBox. I am just seeing what my team has planned for me. I am happy that my promoter Vito Mielnicki of GH3 Promotions has me on another ShoBox card.
I am excited to be with GH3 Promotions. Vito has done a great job keeping me busy. I have had three fights since March and stay tuned for July 17.”
Promotions GH3 features inuictum Middleweight Antoine Douglas, Super Middleweight Odom Jerry scriptor & Derrick Webster, Super inuictum Bantamweight Adam Lopez necnon Jr. John Middleweight Thompson, Jr., Invictus ergo Welterweight Jerrell Harris,Super inuictum Bantamweight Qa'id Muhammad, PERFUSORIUS Oscar Bonilla, Natu heavyweight Visinia Lux, Pullover Lavarn Harvell ad GH3 Promotions stabilis.

Boxcino 2015 Jr. Middleweight champion John “Apollo Kidd” Thompson ready for next opportunity


Immediate enim Release
Newark, NJ (June 3, 2015)–Just two weeks after winning the 2015 Jr Boxcino, Middleweight tournament, John “Apollo Kidd” Thompson (17-1, 6 KO scriptor) is already getting back in shape and wants a quick ring return.
Thompson won his title by stopping Brandon Adams in two rounds on May 22 in Corona, California, in what was the last show of ESPN Friday Night Fights.
Everything is going well. I am already back working out. I have been receiving a lot of calls to do interviews and being acknowledged,” dicta Thompson.
I am going back to down to camp this weekend and start preparing for my next fight.
Thompson credits his self belief for his success and knows that the best is yet to come.
I always had big confidence in myself. If you don’t believe in yourself, you already lost. My goal is to be number-one.
I am just ready to get back in the ring and put on a good show, entertain and continue to win,” finished Thompson.
Thompson is promoted by GH3 Promotions and Banner Promotions.
Promotions GH3 features inuictum Middleweight Antoine Douglas, Super Middleweight Odom Jerry scriptor & Derrick Webster, Super inuictum Bantamweight Adam Lopez necnon Jr. John Middleweight Thompson, Jr., Invictus ergo Welterweight Jerrell Harris,Super inuictum Bantamweight Qa'id Muhammad, Lux et inuictus lightweight Oscar Bonilla Heavyweight Lavarn Harvell ad GH3 Promotions stabilis.

Undefeated Super Bantamweight Adam Lopez returns Friday night in Corona, California

Crown, QUALIS (May 21, 2015)Cras night in Corona, California, Super inuictum Bantamweight Adam Lopez returns to the ring for the third time in three months when he battles Miguel Tamayo in bout scheduled for six rounds at the Omega Products Outdoor Arena.
The bout will be on the undercard of the Boxcino finals where Lopez GH3 Promotions stablemate John Thompson takes on Brandon Adams in Jr. Middleweight championship bout.
Training went really well. I did a lot of sparring to get ready for Tamayo who is a southpaw,” dicta Lopez.
Lopez, who has a record of 11-0 with six knockouts will be fighting for the third time since March 13, is coming off of two consecutive 2nd round knockouts with the first being over undefeated Pablo Cruz that was nationally televised by ShoBox.
I feel good about keeping active and having fights to keep me busy. It is a good confidence boost to keep me active.
In Tamayo, he is fighting a guy that has 30 fights under his belts (16-12-2, 14 KO scriptor) and has been in the ring with former world title challenger Cesar Seda, current world champion Gary Russell Jr and prospects Diego De La Hoya &McWilliams Arroyo.
He is a veteran journeyman. He fought guys like Russell and De La Hoya so it is a measuring stick and it will put me in a category that I should start getting more notice. I don’t care what the others did with him. I am just going out to do my thing and win the fight.
Even though the 24 year-old Lopez is from San Antonio, Texas, he has California roots and did not grow up far from Corona.
I am from California and not too far from Corona. I fought here as an amateur and am excited to fight here as a professional.
I am excited GH3 is keeping me active and have been fighting every month. This is exactly what I need to do. I am going to go out there and do my thing. I am excited and honored to be fighting on the Boxcino finals show and on the last ESPN Friday Night Fights card,”finished Lopez.
Said Lopez promoter Vito Mielnicki of GH3 Promotions, “We are happy to have Adam fight on this card. With John fighting in Boxcino, it gives Adam a chance to fight close to where he grew up and get him exposure on the West coast.
Promotions GH3 features inuictum Middleweight Antoine Douglas, Super Middleweight Odom Jerry scriptor & Derrick Webster, Super inuictum Bantamweight Adam Lopez necnon Jr. John Middleweight Thompson, Jr., Invictus ergo Welterweight Jerrell Harris,Super inuictum Bantamweight Qa'id Muhammad, inuictus est PERFUSORIUS Oscar Bonilla, Natu heavyweight Visinia Lux, Pullover Lavarn Harvell ad GH3 Promotions stabilis.

GH3 Promotions adds Heavyweight Natu Visinia to stable in co-promotional deal with Final Forum Boxing

Nutley, NJ (May 15, 2015) Vito Mielnicki’s GH3 Promotions is pleased to announced the addition of Heavyweight contender Natu Visinia to it’s roster.

Visinia will now be co-promoted with Sal Musumeci’s Final Forum Boxing.

Visinia, 30 years-old of Clinton, Illinois scored a 4th round stoppage over Joshua Clarke on May 13 in Hollywood, California as part of the Sugar Ray Leonard Charity Event. With that win he upped his record to 11-1 apud 9 knockouts and it was his first effort since his lone setback when he he lost to two-time world champion Steve Cunningham in October.
I think its a great thing to get with GH3. Vito has been great at moving fighters and getting them fights. That has been my problem is getting fights. I think that being able to stay consistent with fighting and staying in the ring and being able to stay busy will help me out in the long run,”said Visinia.
The win over Clarke is impressive because Clarke is 12-1 as an MMA fighter and 2-3-2 ut pugil. Clarke went the distance with world-ranked Charles Martin and Visinia was able to impressively stop the native of Richmond, Virginia.
Clarke was a tough guy. He has never been knocked out in any of his 20 pugnat. He doesnt have a very good boxing record and everyone he has fought has been undefeated. Going in there to knockout a durable guy like that gives me confidence.
I want to stay busy and I will do my end and that is to train hard, I will leave it to Vito and his team to put the fights together. It never matters who I am fighting. People questioned me about taking on Steve Cunningham after 10 fights but that is the fighter I am.

We are very happy to make the deal get Natu into the fold with us at GH3,” Said Vito Mielnicki.

Natu has shown that he is a huge puncher. The only thing he has been lacking is experience and everybody knows how active I like to keep my guys. We already have plans to bring him back June 6 and June 27. I look forward to overseeing the development of Natu and want to thank Sal Musumeci for making this happen. Together with Sal, we can bring Natu to the top of the Heavyweight division.

I am excited to co-promote with Natu with GH3 Promotions,” said Final Forum’s Sal Musumeci. “Vito keeps his fighters very busy and we feel that is what Natu needs. With the proper activity, Natu Visinia can become a major force in the Heavyweight division.

Promotions GH3 features inuictum Middleweight Antoine Douglas, Super Middleweight Odom Jerry scriptor & Derrick Webster, Super inuictum Bantamweight Adam Lopez necnon Jr. John Middleweight Thompson, Jr., Invictus ergo Welterweight Jerrell Harris,Super inuictum Bantamweight Qa'id Muhammad, Lux et inuictus lightweight Oscar Bonilla Heavyweight Lavarn Harvell ad GH3 Promotions stabilis.