标记档案: 杰拉尔德·华盛顿

MIKEY GARCIA出点阿德里恩·布罗纳一致决定在超轻量级主赛事周六SHOWTIME®巴克莱中心在布鲁克林

杰默尔·查洛KO的豪尔赫·塞巴斯蒂安Heiland在四轮精彩表演拳击锦标赛® 共同特征
赶上重播 星期一10:30 P.M. AND/PT在
点击 这里 for Photos; 信用汤姆赌场/欣欣
点击 这里 for Photos: 信用埃德迪勒/ DiBella娱乐
布鲁克林 (七月 30, 2017) – 三处世界冠军 米奇·加西亚 保持他的不败纪录完好,对四分裂世界冠军主导的12轮表现 阿德里安Broner 在精彩表演拳击锦标赛的主要事件, 周六在Showtime巴克莱中心, 布鲁克林拳击家®.
在什么可以被认为是他职业生涯中表现最好的一个, 加西亚 (37-0, 30 KO的) 通过分数赢得了一致的决定 117-111 和 116-112 两次.
“我们训练 10 周, 我们有一个伟大的训练营和伟大的陪练, 我们知道这将是一场艰苦的战斗,” 加西亚说,.
加西亚率先早期, 展示基本上是健全的技术和背衬Broner将绳索穿过第二框架的中途. 人体拍摄乱舞把Broner麻烦在第二轮. 虽然Broner能够留在他的脚, 加西亚出现了又一轮对他有利.
“我觉得我控制在前几轮的斗争,我不停地活动起来,” 加西亚说,. “Broner是一个伟大的战士,他有很大的技巧,但我比他强的战斗机 今晚.”
加西亚显示刺戳的组合, 权力拳和身体拍摄一整夜. 他狗急跳墙Broner上的绳索与一个巨大的左钩拳中途第三帧, 并再次支持他的绳索与 39 剩余全面秒. 虽然Broner表现出一定的运动在第四轮和命中加西亚继承 1-2 组合, 加西亚的车身保持Broner在海湾.
“这是战略的一部分,在这场斗争比我以前有战斗忙一点,” 加西亚说,.
Broner (33-3, 24 科斯) 看着回来的斗争中,他开始第八轮尖锐组合的连续, 但是他缺乏一致性抵挡不住加西亚的惊人的身体拍摄和整体冲输出. 经过八轮, 加西亚曾抛出一个总的 500 拳, 而Broner刚刚抛出 291.
“这是一个很好的一天结束战斗, 我来打我来取胜,我把我的心脏就行了,” Broner说. “但它是汤姆 & 杰里; 我不得不抓老鼠。”
虽然加西亚已经从战斗的第一四分之三积累了早期的领先, Broner继续企图通过从加西亚猛烈的炮火步行到一个大冲连接,改变了斗争的浪潮. 虽然他能够在最后三轮点燃人群和土地几大拳, 它没有一个被证明是不足以减缓加西亚.
“这是我的时间, 我总是说我有很好的时机,” 加西亚说. “当你是内外环,但它被低估了,一旦你与我同在环内, 我是领先一步。”
不败 Jermall夏洛茨维尔 (26-0, 20 科斯) 做了他的首演在160磅,阿根廷竞争者的停工 豪尔赫·塞巴斯蒂安Heiland (29-5-2, 16 科斯) 在精彩表演拳击锦标赛的共同功能的事件. 停工来得 2:13 第四轮查洛交付后毁灭性的左钩拳,接着一个大的权利,以结束战斗.
夏洛茨维尔, 休斯顿, 得克萨斯州, 占主导地位从一开始的步伐. 他落在了更清晰,更准确的拳整个战斗, 尤其是在第一轮他在那里降落 50 他的力量,投篮%至Heiland的 13 百分. 夏洛茨维尔的右直拳是在比赛中他的力量武器.
“我感觉很好,在这个重量. 我是在良好的状态都营,” 说夏洛茨维尔. “我只是让我镇静环. 这一直是我的东西都在工作,我能做到这一点.
“之后,我把他的第一次,他们说,他倒在他的脚踝之上. 这就是拳击比赛的公正一部分. 我只是保持一致,并完成工作。”
救世主, 布宜诺斯艾利斯, 阿根廷, 曾与他左腿的问题在第一轮他的膝盖受伤后,. 他的不适是在他的笨拙的步法清晰,缺少他的拳背后的力量. 裁判班吉特维斯曾医生检查了他在整个战斗中两次, 一旦第三轮前四之前,然后再.
“我把我的左膝在第一轮, 但我不想放弃,” 说Heiland. “我试图给我的一切, 但它不是我的夜晚. 我倒霉,但我要的工作比以往任何时候都更难找回并得到另一个机会实现我的梦想,赢得了世界冠军。”
夏洛茨维尔精力始终集中在自己的比赛计划,尽管看到他的对手受伤. “有时损伤可以是诱饵, 你永远不希望只是跳,并认为它的部分他的比赛计划,” 查洛说. “我的教练告诉我要留在我背后戳像我一样; 继续工作,它要来。”
这场比赛的胜利, 夏洛茨维尔成为了WBC中量级世界冠军的强制性挑战者.
“我已经准备好对任何人. 我已经准备好谁想打我,” 查洛加. “带来的大腕在 160. 我才是真正的汤米·赫恩斯. 我觉得这是我转,我会去得到它。”
领衔 “精彩表演拳击锦标赛[引文,” 重量级 贾雷尔米勒 (19-0-1, 17 科斯), 布鲁克林, 纽约州, 停止前世界冠军挑战者 杰拉尔德·华盛顿 (18-2-1, 12 科斯) 后八轮.
米勒用他显著的规模优势和效益的功率冲压打破了前大学足球运动员. 华盛顿年初与他的刺拳和身体攻击取得了一些成功, 但没能留下米勒的冲压范围的出
华盛顿在第六轮飙升了一系列的电力杆是交错米勒, 然而布鲁克林反驳,并进一步打破了华盛顿, 谁刚刚登陆 20% 他刺戳的整体.
磨坊主, 谁落在他的权力拳的近一半, 继续在第七和第八轮猛攻, 同时华盛顿能够留在他的脚, 他花了足够的惩罚,他的角落叫第八轮后,战斗.
“我肯定觉得环锈,” 米勒说, 谁是他在Showtime第三次亮相. “杰拉德是非常艰难. 这是一个很好的斗争,迫使我思考. 我的力量在那里, 但我不能把它放在一起,我想今天的方式.
“我把硬盘的方式早在裁减掉到来. 杰拉德肯定推我,激励着我. 我不得不依靠我的大脑,我的动力.
“我知道会有斗争中的付出与收获. 这是一两件事,当你有体力打, 它的另一个当你累了打. 我试图outthink他。”
在开幕回合 “精彩表演拳击锦标赛[引文” 在Facebook上直播, 爱尔兰感觉 凯蒂·泰勒 (6-0, 4 科斯) 停 茉莉花克拉克森 (4-9) 后后者战斗机的中美三轮行动. 登场.
奥运会金牌得主从一开始就主导, 在角落里偷偷靠近她的对手,周围环,始终圈住她. 泰勒是用双手有效和最做她的工作克拉克森的头. 经过三轮的损害, 克拉克森的角落停止回合,给泰勒她的第一个美国本土赢得作为一个亲.
“这是一个奇妙的经历是我第一次在这里的竞争在中美,” 泰勒说. “有绝对的一些神经前打. 这是伟大的去那里得到了停工.
“我希望我做了一些球迷 今晚. 爱我在人群中听到爱尔兰球迷. 我希望能有更多的下一次我在这里打会. 在更多的战斗,我这里在中美. 更好.
“我想我的表现相当不错. 我肯定被抓住了的几个愚蠢的投篮. 我本来可以更清洁,但总体来说是一个很好的表现. 我觉得好强. 我将准备尽快回到那里。”
附加动作锯前世界冠军 Rau'shee沃伦 (15-2, 4 科斯) 收入超过前世界冠军一致决定胜利 McJoe阿罗约 (17-2, 8 科斯) 并成为了国际羽联初中轻量级世界冠军强制性的挑战者.
沃伦攻击全身各处回合,落在清洁, 在12轮比赛更有效的拳. 法官同意和的成绩给了他的决定 118-10 和 117-111 两次.
“我想给自己一个B +为性能,” 华伦说. “我想确保用我的刺拳,我觉得它真的帮我赢得了战斗.
“我觉得在这个重量真的好. 现在是时候让我去得到一个带. 我既然奥运会都没有在这个重量. 我想这些标题,然后再往 112 英镑另一个标题. 首先,我想借此Jerwin Ancajas的照顾。”
周六 战斗将重播周日, 七月 30 在 8:35 A.M. ET在Showtime和 星期一, 七月 31 在 10:30 P.M. AND/PT在Showtime极端,将可在SHOWTIME ON DEMAND® 和SHOWTIME ANYTIME®.
# # #
阿德里恩·布罗纳VS. 米奇·加西亚是一个12轮的超轻量级对决是头条新闻精彩表演拳击锦标赛周六, 七月 29 住在Showtime. Broner VS. 加西亚是由总理拳击冠军在巴克莱中心颁发, 布鲁克林拳击家®. 中国人民银行电晕赞助, 香格里拉Cerveza塔马斯菲娜和本次活动是由梅威瑟促销和DiBella娱乐推广.
欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports,万维网.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MikeyGarcia, AdrienBroner, @MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, 或成为Facebook上的粉丝在 www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, , www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotionswww.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment

阿德里恩·布罗纳VS. 米奇·加西亚最后的新闻发布会行情 & 照片

英超冠军拳击事件 星期六, 七月 29

巴克莱中心在布鲁克林 & 住在Showtime

点击 这里 从阿曼达韦斯科特/ SHOWTIME照片

点击 这里 从埃德迪勒图片/ DiBella娱乐

布鲁克林 (七月 27, 2017) – 四分裂世界冠军 阿德里安Broner 三处世界冠军 米奇·加西亚 去觌周四在最后的新闻发布会上,他们一个标题前两天 总理拳击冠军 事件 星期六, 七月 29 住在Showtime巴克莱中心, 布鲁克林拳击家®.

精彩表演拳击锦标赛开始于 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT不败的前世界冠军 Jermall夏洛茨维尔会议最有力竞争者 豪尔赫·塞巴斯蒂安Heiland 在中量级世界冠军消除.

在“精彩表演拳击锦标赛[引文” UNDERCARD行动将直播流在Facebook和YouTube将有重量级的竞争者 杰拉尔德·华盛顿贾雷尔米勒 在10轮匹配, 加上爱尔兰的感觉 凯蒂·泰勒在她中美. 登场.

门票活动, 这是由梅威瑟促销和DiBella娱乐推广, 开始 $50 (不包括适用的费用), 现已公开发售, 并可以在购买 ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com 或致电 800-745-3000. 门票也可在美国运通票房购买巴克莱中心. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP.



“就知道,我会做好准备 周六 夜晚. 我不担心他会的体重是多少,当我们步入环. 我做好了一切准备.

“训练营是艰难, 但它是伟大的. 我做了很多不同的事情,并确信我做的一切权利. 我确信没有削减任何角落这一阵营.

“这将是拳击一个伟大的斗争. 我做我的尽职调查. 我要照顾生意. 我只知道我自己并了解我的能力.

“每场战斗是一个必须要赢在这项运动. 有没有打你去与你的心茫然. 我要去作秀 周六.

“我笑的时候人写我送行. 我已经习惯了被从我来自哪里来的弱旅. 人们不知道我经历过才能到这一点. 我很幸运是我在哪里. 星期六 晚上都会有这个行列中来了很多更多的空间.

“我们将看到谁是磅磅名单后 星期六 夜晚. 我们本可以多年前战斗,但现在是时候,我已经准备好了.

“我很高兴的是,加西亚队采取了这场斗争中迅速,因为我们没有. 我一直在科罗拉多州认真对待一切. 我知道,米奇将准备过. 罗伯特·加西亚肯定有殴打我和马科斯Maidana一些信心. 但米奇是不是Maidana的.

“我只是不喜欢米奇就可以做任何事情,从获得胜利阻止我. 我敢肯定,他相信太. 我做之后,它看起来很容易, 我希望每个人都了解它的写和说些什么好.

“我可以让任何人在戒环. 米奇是没有什么不同. 如果我执行和保持专注, 不要惊讶. 我准备好这场斗争.

星期六 将是一个特殊的日子对我来说. 我的生日是 明天. 我几乎 30. 我想这场胜利献给我的孪生兄弟安德烈. 看到他的笑容将使它更特别为我“。


“我准备去 12 硬几轮阿德里恩·布罗纳. 这是一个高调的斗争. 可能比我的其他战斗. 它创造了大量的谣言在乐迷和媒体. 每个人都在期待一个伟大的斗争. 这是一个伟大的对决,可以带我到一个新的水平.

“我不认为他会不顾一切,但他知道,我不是一个容易对付的对手. 这就是为什么他采取阵营如此严重. 我希望他是在他最好的准备. 他知道,如果他击败我,他可以发动他的职业生涯回到它是哪里.

“他是一个四分部世界冠军这么清楚他有技能. 我需要有人谁是饿了,激励带出最好的我. 我的主要焦点是获得胜利以任何必要手段.

“我要去看看罗有效框,并表明我更好的战斗机. 我们都是聪明的战士,但我们俩都将从其他运行. 当你有喜欢的款式自己, 与谁喜欢交流拳两个家伙, 你在为一个伟大的战斗.

“我认为,阿德里安将与重罚款. 他是一个亲和的他知道,他真的有使体重. 他从自己的错误中汲取教训. 有时,他开玩笑左右,但那是他性格的一部分刚. 他更严重的是,因为他面对着我需要的东西很多.

“如果我能获得这场比赛的胜利, 我只是想继续向前发展,实现我的梦想. 我想在巨大的战斗持续. 这是我们俩打一十字路口达到那样的水平.

“我很高兴能在这里. 布鲁克林是对我非常好,当我去年在这里打. 我希望球迷们能在这里和显示像他们总是这样 周六. 有在纽约令人难以置信的拳击迷.

“我来这里就是为了证明,我回来了,比以往任何时候都更强大. 这又是一个机会来展示样的战士,我. 我不会让阿德里恩·布罗纳站在我的路. 这是我的机会,展现自我的最好的版本。”


“我感觉非常好,并准备让我的首次亮相 160 英镑. 训练营已经顺利. 我准备像我一样主宰这个师 154 英镑. 我的计划是关心Heiland,然后一切就会陷入从那里线.

“这是一个更大的, 更好杰默尔·查洛的强大的版本. 营的时候一切都走到了一起. 罗尼盾运行一个伟大的营地,我相信他继续给我的最好的了.

“我完全集中在这个对决. 我知道,我不能让任何大的战斗,我渴望的不考虑Heiland的护理. 我要打破他如果来到淘汰赛, 我会确保利用.

“我的帽子是关闭阿德里恩·布罗纳和米奇·加西亚为带出所有的球迷和媒体对这个伟大的演出. 这是一个真正的刺激是本次活动的一部分“。


“我很感谢大家谁也欢迎我到纽约. 我很高兴有这个机会大,我 100 %的任何杰默尔·查洛带来的准备. Jermall是一个伟大的战士,我知道他会带来的一切,他有.

“我有一个惊人的营地,我从来没有比这样的机会感到更准备. 我很耐心,我会充分利用. 我的计划是在环放弃一切 周六.

“我的团队一直与我很长一段时间,我等待这个机会. 做好准备,因为这将是一场战斗,一个伟大的对决 周六. 你不会想错过。”


“我来这里上班. 我要关机那张大嘴了起来. 我希望有人拿着他所有,他一直在说的话负责任. 你在那里与一个真实的 周六 夜晚. 我要欢迎您到这个游戏真正的.

“我敢肯定,他会尽量把一些额外的压力. 我打算把他介绍给了一类新的拳击. 我在训练营采取了很多从我的经验与弗拉基米尔克里琴科和与Deontay怀尔德环. 你会看到其中的差别 周六.

“我仍然在这项运动中成长. 我一直在学习在工作中这整个的时间和每次经历只是意味着我太重要了. 我想采取强硬不败的战斗机,因为我知道,这将使它成为一个伟大的斗争.

“这是最肯定结束的距离内. 我跟着他来了. 我要他穿出来. 那么它的时间带他出去。”


“如果你不知道是谁‘大宝贝’, 你很快会. 我从来没有见过任何人得到淘汰并得到称赞它, 但是,这是什么人在做华盛顿. 我从来没有伤害我的生命中环,我会证明这一点 周六.

“这家伙说他打算把我介绍给大拳击. 我一直在巨大的观众面前,我已经通过与淘汰赛的胜利来. 我会多准备 周六 夜晚.

“我在这项运动中得到了很大的计划,这仅仅是个开始. 布鲁克林球迷的喜爱家乡的重量级人物迈克·泰森和里迪克·鲍. 我要在该行未来和这个城市会爱我。”


“这是令人难以置信的是在纽约,并让这个令人难以置信的卡上我的美国首演. 这是一个真正的特权.

“培训已经这么好,我很高兴,精彩表演将流的斗争. 这是令人难以置信的我的海外歌迷和女子拳击的所有风扇.

“我希望制作一个强烈的声明,这个周末,我希望每个人都喜欢打 周六 晚上“。


“这绝对是一个不容错过的活动 周六 夜晚. 两个伟大的战士, 在正确的时间战斗, 无论是在其职业生涯的黄金. 这将是一个伟大的演出.

“其中一个原因拳要到一个新的水平,一个主要原因就是人们在上面看到有伟大的战斗的愿景. 我们的另一个很好的例子 这个星期六 晚上在巴克莱中心

“任何时候你有一个伟大的事件, 这将开始在undercard. 我们有很多年轻的战士望着炫耀自己的技巧. 我们很高兴能有我们自己的理查德森Hitchins和肯尼罗伯斯在令人兴奋的undercard的行动进行竞争。”

娄DiBella, DiBella娱乐总裁

“从现在开始一个月会出现在拉斯维加斯的一个巨大事件, 但 从现在看两天 还有就是夏天最好的拼牌, 夏天最好的斗争, 并从上到下一个伟大的演出在巴克莱中心在布鲁克林.

“这是拳击欣欣的大夏天,它是伟大的,在这个房间里,看到所有的极大关注,这场斗争卡越来越. 这是最好的图示之一,我们可以有我们的运动. 这是我曾经参与最堆叠卡之一.

“有很多很好的理由一票,来到巴克莱中心 周六 夜晚. 会有卡上的浓重的爱尔兰存在 星期六 既凯蒂·泰勒和诺埃尔·墨菲进入环“。


星期六 证明了SHOWTIME的承诺,拳击和拳击迷. 我们努力从世界各地的客户提供最重要的较量. 我们有三个独立的演播, 5个打架, 在两大洲.

“我们也将流凯蒂·泰勒的中美. 登场. 人们都知道,女儿从单独的口碑, 我们认为有她的奋斗看作是很重要的. 杰拉尔德·华盛顿和贾雷尔米勒之间的重量级的斗争是另外一个值得待观察,我认为这可能是抢尽了风头的斗争.

“主要事件有两个最亮的年轻恒星在拳击. 他们都觉得自己已经在这个舞台上一会儿. 你知道自己的简历,你必须给他们在世界上所有的功劳采取这一斗争. 无论是不得不采取这一斗争, 但是这将是今夏最令人兴奋的对决之一.

“我们有 19 现场演示和 15 世界冠军战斗,到目前为止,我们是什么,我们已经做了迄今为止的成就感到自豪. 拳击是伟大的一年有过,其中大部分已被欣欣拳击携带. 这将继续 这个星期六.”

BRETT YORMARK, 布鲁克林体育的CEO & 娱乐

“此卡是我们的第四个主要卡今年. 它已经布鲁克林拳击难以置信的一年. 我们已经作出承诺,把最好的拳击自治市镇. 与所有的合作伙伴帮助, 我们已经能够实现这一目标.

“我们欢迎这些战机的回布鲁克林. 他们俩都内置风扇基地,我们很高兴看到他们两人早在建设和环 周六.

“拳击的整个晚上将是令人难以置信. 我欢迎杰默尔·查洛布鲁克林, 你哥哥有一个伟大的夜晚四月,我敢肯定你会追随他的脚步。”

# # #


阿德里恩·布罗纳VS. 米奇·加西亚是一个12轮的超轻量级对决是头条新闻精彩表演拳击锦标赛 星期六, 七月 29 住在Showtime. Broner VS. 加西亚是由总理拳击冠军在巴克莱中心颁发, 布鲁克林拳击家®. PBC由电晕赞助, 香格里拉Cerveza塔马斯菲娜和此事件是由梅威瑟促销和DiBella娱乐推广.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MikeyGarcia, AdrienBroner, @MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, 或成为Facebook上的粉丝在www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, , www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotionswww.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment

视频: 阿德里恩·布罗纳冲洗出的负在他准备FACE MIKEY GARCIA本星期六ONSHOWTIME®

“像我的背,我觉得是靠墙. 大家再次计数我出去。” - 阿德里恩·布罗纳

SHOWTIME体育® 视频功能: HTTP://s.sho.com/2tKCUR0

图片来源: 阿曼达韦斯科特/欣欣

四分裂世界冠军阿德里恩·布罗纳采取了独特的方法,因为他准备面对不败三师锦标米奇·加西亚这 星期六, 七月 29 住在Showtime (9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT). 一个只 16 在拳击历史四分区冠军, 直言不讳Broner在他基于泉科罗拉多训练营练瑜伽,因为他试图尽量减少干扰和重点也许是他职业生涯中最大的打击.

“像我的背,我觉得是靠墙,” Broner表示在这个欣欣体育视频功能. “每个人都再次计数我出去.

“不要误会我的意思, 他可以打, 他可以框. 但, 在一天结束, 我只是没有看到他打我“。

Broner面临着加西亚的两个拳击的最大的明星对决的精彩表演拳击锦标赛的主要事件®. 电视报道开始活在Showtime在 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT作为不败的前世界冠军杰默尔·查洛返回到脸豪尔赫·塞巴斯蒂安Heiland在中量级世界冠军消除. 本次活动由总理拳击冠军巴克莱中心在布鲁克林呈现.

# # #


阿德里恩·布罗纳VS. 米奇·加西亚是一个12轮的超轻量级对决是头条新闻精彩表演拳击锦标赛 星期六, 七月 29 住在Showtime. Broner VS. 加西亚是由总理拳击冠军在巴克莱中心颁发, 布鲁克林拳击家®. PBC由电晕赞助, 香格里拉Cerveza塔马斯菲娜和此事件是由梅威瑟促销和DiBella娱乐推广.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports,万维网.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MikeyGarcia, AdrienBroner, @MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, 或成为Facebook上的粉丝在www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, , www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotionsand www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment



Broner现场报道VS. 加西亚UNDERCARD加上卡尔·弗兰普顿似水流年布特可在数字平台上在先的精彩表演拳击锦标赛®

纽约 (七月 25, 2017) - 欣欣体育将提供三个独立的拳击演示 星期六, 七月 29, 提供了当晚的精彩表演拳击锦标赛电视转播的连前两个数字的直播. 纯数字产品将可在 Facebook的活YouTube的 前现场精彩表演® 电视节目在 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT, 随着网络继续拳击无与伦比的承诺.


高风险的拳击整天将开始在大约 5:30 P.M. AND/2:30 P.M. PT从贝尔法斯特流覆盖, 作为爱尔兰 2016 年度战斗机 卡尔·弗兰普顿 让他期待已久的衣锦还乡. 前两种分锦标弗兰普顿 (23-1, 14 科斯) 将面临一次挨打 安德烈斯·古铁雷斯 (35-1-1, 25 科斯) 在12轮的轻量级回合, 他的第一次,因为分裂的三处世界锦标利奥圣克鲁斯slugfests比肩. 弗兰普顿的覆盖面VS. 古铁雷斯将通过渠道提供 5, 电视台在北爱尔兰.


欣欣体育将然后从巴克莱中心在布鲁克林提供现场直播的开始 7:15 P.M. AND/4:15 P.M. PT以“精彩表演拳击锦标赛[引文”. 双战斗实况流将有前世界冠军挑战者 杰拉尔德·华盛顿 (18-1-1, 12 科斯) 对布鲁克林人 贾雷尔米勒 (18-0-1, 16 科斯), 再加上中美. 出道的女拳击明星和爱尔兰奥运金牌得主的 凯蒂·泰勒 (5-0, 3 科斯). 名人堂成员 巴里·汤普金斯 将调用流媒体直播的战斗从布鲁克林并肩前世界冠军 丹尼尔·雅各布斯.


精彩表演拳击锦标赛[引文和弗兰普顿VS. 古铁雷斯将提供给中美. 只有观众.


七月 29 精彩表演拳击锦标赛转播是由大片的对决两个拳击的最大的明星之间的标题为三处世界冠军米奇·加西亚向上移动到 140 英镑脸四科冠军阿德里安“问题” Broner. 电视报道开始活在Showtime在 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT作为不败的前世界冠军杰默尔·查洛返回到脸豪尔赫·塞巴斯蒂安Heiland在中量级世界冠军消除. 本次活动由总理拳击冠军巴克莱中心在布鲁克林呈现.


精彩表演拳击锦标赛[引文是欣欣拳击的精彩表演EXTREME延伸, 这是第一个付费电视系列提供现场的undercard报道. 这两种产品提供奖金回合在主场观众, 提供了以前只提供给在舞台上的球迷体验. 通过精彩表演拳击锦标赛[引文, 观众提供实时活动期间与拳击界互动的独特机会.


欣欣体育也将实时流的,Broner VS. 加西亚最后的新闻发布会 周四 而官方称在 在周五 跨越数字平台, 包括Facebook直播和YouTube.


UNDERCARD行动突出显示的令人兴奋的夜晚爱尔兰明星凯蒂·泰勒 & 诺埃尔·墨菲在上周六独立景点, 七月 29 巴克莱中心布鲁克林



本地前景乔治·阿里亚斯, 肯尼·罗伯斯 & 理查德森Hitchins, 加上澳大利亚的比利·迪布 & 亚历杭德罗·不败格雷罗, 圆了动感十足的卡

布鲁克林 (七月 6, 2017) – 的undercard较量的堆叠晚上将上升不败的爱尔兰明星高亮 凯蒂·泰勒 诺埃尔·墨菲 在单独摊牌 星期六, 七月 29巴克莱中心, 布鲁克林拳击™的家.


七月 29 事件由四个处世界冠军之间的超轻量级对决标题 阿德里安Broner 和不败的三处世界冠军 米奇·加西亚, 由总理拳击冠军提出了12轮的较量. 欣欣拳击锦标赛转播也将采用不败 Jermall夏洛茨维尔 面对阿根廷 豪尔赫·塞巴斯蒂安Heiland 加上前冠军挑战者之间的重量级对决的亮点 杰拉尔德·华盛顿 不败 贾雷尔米勒.


泰勒将在八轮轻量级回合的竞争,而墨菲进入环八轮次中量级外遇. 其他行动将看到澳大利亚的竞争者 比利迪布 (42-4, 24 科斯) 在八轮轻量级的斗争,不败的前景 亚历杭德罗·格雷罗 (3-0, 2 科斯) 在四回合比赛轻量级.


为完善这个夜晚将是不败本地前景布朗克斯的三重奏 乔治·阿里亚斯 (7-0, 3 科斯) 进入环步骤进行六轮重量级回合, 加上Staten岛的 肯尼·罗伯斯 (2-0, 1 KO) 在四个轮次中量级的吸引力和布鲁克林的竞争理查德森Hitchins (2-0, 1 KO) 在四回合初中量级对决.


门票活动, 这是由梅威瑟促销和DiBella娱乐推广, 售价为 $950, $750, $350, $300, $250, $150, $75, 和 $50 (不包括适用的费用), 现已公开发售, 并可以在购买 ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com 或致电 800-745-3000. 门票也可在美国运通票房购买巴克莱中心. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP.


“凯蒂显然是在爱尔兰拳击最大的明星,她的存在,此卡上的另一个能证明在女子拳击的崛起,” 说娄DiBella, DiBella娱乐总裁. “她加入五次, 5重师波多黎各世界冠军阿曼达·塞拉诺和美国名将哈迪希瑟在继续我们的承诺,包括巴克莱中心最好的卡最好的女人. 虽然凯蒂将出现在国际电视节目, 当地爱尔兰社区和总部位于美国的球迷将需要在巴克莱中心加入我们 七月 29 看到她在行动. 不败诺埃尔·墨菲, 从科克郡, 爱尔兰, 进一步垫此卡爱尔兰拳击迷,而澳大利亚的前世界冠军比利·迪布和年轻的本地人才, 如布朗克斯重量级乔治·阿里亚斯和前金手套冠军肯尼 - 罗伯斯和理查德森Hitchins一轮出牌。”


“我很高兴地看到凯蒂让她的美国首演如此优秀的卡上,”埃迪·赫恩说:, 集团董事总经理Matchroom的运动. “我相信凯蒂是在女子拳击最有趣的和危险的战士,在她的职业旅程已经亮了很多场馆, 最近温布利大球场的约书亚v克里琴科卡的正面上 90,000. 她是爱尔兰最大的明星之一,我们从爱尔兰社区在东海岸为她的第一美国的经验期待梦幻般的支持。”


后起之秀海外, 嘶叫, 爱尔兰 泰勒 会让她中美. 亮相 七月 29 并进行弗农她的训练营, 康涅狄格州后,在英国可以追溯到她去年十一月亲亮相五名拥护打架. 泰勒已经拿起三场胜利中 2017, 包括她最近在四月战胜了此前保持不败的尼娜Meinke. 泰勒寻找,看到她两次代表她的国家在奥运会上引起轰动的业余生涯后,一个专业的世界冠军, 其中包括一枚金牌殊荣的性能 2012, 除了五枚金牌在AIBA世界女子拳击锦标赛.


最初从科克, 爱尔兰, 墨菲 回到自己的祖国争取作为一个专业在二月份的第一次,当他在阿韦利诺·巴斯克斯赢得了八轮的决定. 这位22岁的打架出来的伍德劳恩, 纽约,并期待拿起他的第四个冠军后,今年最近在五月收入超过布赖恩·琼斯的决定. 墨菲试图在巴克莱中心今年第二次他的第三个专业取胜,并在一月击败Maxito Sainvil后.


# # #



阿德里恩·布罗纳VS. 米奇·加西亚是一个12轮的超轻量级对决是头条新闻精彩表演拳击锦标赛 星期六, 七月 29 住在Showtime. Broner VS. 加西亚是由总理拳击冠军在巴克莱中心颁发, 布鲁克林拳击家®.


欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MikeyGarcia, AdrienBroner, @MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, 或成为Facebook上的粉丝在www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, , www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotionswww.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment PBC由电晕赞助, 最好的啤酒.




米勒VS. Washington Highlights Will Be Featured on



信贷: 罗西Cohe /欣欣


纽约 (七月 6, 2017) – Consensus top-10 heavyweight 贾雷尔“大宝贝”米勒 will make his hometown debut just down the block from where he was born when he faces former world title challenger Gerald Washington at Barclays Center, 布鲁克林拳击家, after an 11-month hiatus.


6英尺-4-, 285-pound undefeated Miller (18-0-1, 16 科斯) will meet dangerous heavyweight contender and former college football player, 华盛顿 (18-1-1, 12 科斯) in a 10-round showdown on 星期六, 七月 29. Highlights of Miller vs. Washington will air on SHOWTIME (9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT), part of a SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING doubleheader headlined by Adrien Broner and Mikey Garcia.


Jarrell Miller is promoted by Salita Promotions and Greg Cohen Promotions in association with Big Baby Promotions.


The confident and hard-hitting Miller has knocked out seven consecutive opponents since his pro debut in 2009. Following a voluntary layoff due to contractual disputes, the 28-year-old former professional kickboxer will take a step up in opposition when he faces Washington, 一个中美. Navy veteran who challenged heavyweight champion Deontay Wilder earlier this year in a hard-fought bout.


“The day has been set and it can’t come soon enough,” said Miller. “Fighting is my life and being able to make my debut at Barclays Center is beyond monumental. This will be a night to remember for me, my family and for the fans.”


Jarrell Miller is the heir to the heavyweight championship throne,“说着德米特里Salita, 的Salita促销总裁. “Like the great American heavyweights from Brooklyn, Mike Tyson and Riddick Bowe, Jarrell has the skills and charisma to be the face of the heavyweight division. Following in their footsteps I believe he is the next boxing superstar from the world famous borough.


排名不. 5 由WBO和无. 7 by the WBA and IBF, Miller earned three stoppage victories in 2016, including a third-round TKO over veteran Fred Kassi in his 2016 headlining fight on 的ShoBox: 新一代, where he landed 57 他的力量,投篮的百分比.


“I’m a born, bred fighter,” Miller continued. “I’ve been fighting since Day 1. I’m good at everything – damn good at everything. 我可以框, I can slug, and I bring the pain. Every time I go into a fight, I look for the knockout. I’m fast, I’m powerful, and I’ve got a big damn mouth.”


Charismatic and eloquent with an outspoken affinity for cheeseburgers, Miller doesn’t hesitate to dole out trash talk, especially when it comes to his opinion on the state of the heavyweight division and its big names.


The heavyweight division is gaining momentum overseas but it’s still wide open,” Miller continued. “Big Baby Miller has arrived to stay. I will shake up the division by turning it upside down and I will put not just my beloved hometown of Brooklyn on the map, but the entire United States of America.”


The 6-foot-6 Washington, 35, is a well-rounded athlete from Vallejo, 加利福尼亚州. who turned to pro boxing in 2012. He played football under Pete Carroll and Steve Sarkisian at University of Southern California and was part of the Buffalo Bills and Seattle Seahawks practice squads before turning to boxing. Washington holds victories over experienced one-time Wladimir Klitschko foe Eddie Chambers and veteran Ray Austin. He will be making his East Coast debut on 七月 29.


I’d like to take this opportunity to personally welcome Big Baby Miller to big-time boxing,” 说,华盛顿. “Big Baby Miller has done a lot of talking, I’ll be looking to stop that talking from the moment the bell to start the fight rings.


# # #


阿德里恩·布罗纳VS. 米奇·加西亚, a 12-round super lightweight bout that headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING星期六, 七月 29. 在共同特征, Jermall Charlo meets Jorge Sebastian Heiland in a 12-round middleweight world title eliminator bout. The doubleheader will take place at Barclays Center, home of BROOKLYN BOXING® and will be televised live on SHOWTIME (9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT). In the undercard, Jarrell Miller meets Gerald Washington in a 10-round heavyweight bout. The event is promoted by promoted by Mayweather Promotions and DiBella Entertainment presented by Premier Boxing Champions. 查洛VS. Heiland bout is promoted in association with TGB Promotions.


门票活动, 售价为 $950, $750, $350, $300, $250, $150, $75, 和 $50 (不包括适用的费用), 现已公开发售, 并可以在购买 ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com 或致电 800-745-3000. 门票也可在美国运通票房购买巴克莱中心. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP.


欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MikeyGarcia, AdrienBroner, @MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, 或成为Facebook上的粉丝在www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, , www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotionswww.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment PBC由电晕赞助, 最好的啤酒.

FNU搏击运动展: UFC, Bellator 和拳击回顾/预览; 戏剧女王达娜; 小穆罕默德·阿里. 在佛罗里达机场被拘留; 变性摔跤手在德克萨斯州赢得女子摔跤冠军

汤姆, 里奇和托尼回顾上周的主要格斗运动赛事, 其中包括德昂泰·维尔德和杰拉德·华盛顿之间的重量级对决, 利亚姆·麦基里 (Liam McGeary) 上周五在都柏林成功卫冕, 爱尔兰 Bellator 表演, 贾勒特·赫德 (Jarrett Hurd) 精彩逆转托尼·哈里森 (Tony Harrison). 我们还期待明晚在 Bellator 举行的首届女子羽量级冠军争夺战以及众星云集的 UFC 209 战斗卡包括最近 UFC 历史上最受期待的两项联合主要赛事. 斯蒂芬·汤普森在主赛事中与 UFC 次中量级冠军泰伦·伍德利重赛,而卡比布·努尔马戈梅多夫和托尼·弗格森则力争在联合主赛中与康纳·麦格雷戈争夺轻量级冠军头衔. 我们还讨论了 GSP 与迈克尔·比斯平的复出之战, 一名变性女性正在成为一名男性,赢得德克萨斯州女子摔跤冠军, 穆罕默德·阿里的儿子二月初在佛罗里达机场被拘留. 观看我们在 YouTube 上举办的首届 FNU 格斗体育秀:

Caleb Plant Wins Unanimous Decision Over Thomas Awimbono In Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 And FOX Deportes

Tugstsogt Nyambayar Wins by 10 Round TKO Over Jhon Gemino
点击 这里 for Photos from Premier Boxing Champions
(Photos Will Be Available Shortly)
伯明翰, AL. (二月 25, 2017) – Undefeated rising prospect Caleb Plant (15-0, 10 科斯) scored a unanimous decision (100-89, 100-89, 99-90) victory over an experienced Thomas Awimbono (25-7-1, 21 科斯) in the main event of Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 and FOX Deportes from the Legacy Arena in Birmingham, AL.
在揭幕战电视, Tugstsogt Nyambayar (8-0, 7 科斯) emerged victorious with a hard-fought 10round technical knockout over Jhon Gemino (15-8-1, 7 科斯).
Here is what the fighters had to say following their bouts:
Tonight was about staying controlled. I didn’t want to go out there and force anything. I just wanted to relax and settle in behind my jab, use my faints, and just take the shots that were there for me.
I’m hoping that a win like this opens up some doors for me. 该 168 lbs division is in my back pocket. I’m just taking it one fight at a time and we’ll reach our goal.
Going the distance to get a win over an experienced fighter like Awimbono shows a lot about my potential. He’s been in there with some great fighters, but I fought my fight and got the win.
I dropped him early with a flurry, but it’s hard against a guy who didn’t want to engage. You’ve got to take what they give you. Otherwise I risk going in too aggressive and getting caught off guard, which I can’t allow. I have to remain patient and find my spots.
I’m hoping for bigger fights every time. We don’t want any soft touches. I’ve been trying to get fights with some top prospects, guys with some minor titles, but they won’t take the fight. I can’t let that bother me though, because I know I’m a high risk for these guys. It might be early in my career, but I can make the adjustments and do it all.
It meant a lot to get a win like that against a rugged fighter on short notice.
We were looking for a knockout much earlier, but Gemino was really tough tonight. He showed a lot of heart, but thankfully we got the win.
Even though this was a heavier weight than I’m used to fighting at, I had no problem handling his size.
Fighting on a card like this on FS1 and FOX Deportes means the world to me. This was a big opportunity to showcase my skills.
I want anyone they put in front of me next. I’ll face whoever.
I’m not trying to make excuses, but we took this fight on very short notice. I’m very frustrated with my performance tonight.
I’ll do everything I can to get another fight in the U.S. and I promise to always give it my all. I hope the fans enjoyed our fight tonight.
“我愿意打任何人, I just wish I had more time to prepare for Nyambayar.
# # #
The card was promoted by DiBella Entertainment in association with TGB Promotions and Bruno Event Team.
欲了解更多信息, 访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.alabamatitlefight.comwww.dbe1.com, http://www.tgbpromotions.com/Http://www.foxsports.com/presspass /主页foxdeportes.com. 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, BronzeBomber, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @LouDiBella and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/FoxSportswww.Facebook.com/FoxDeportes. 按照使用#PBConFOX谈话. 中国人民银行FOX由电晕赞助, La Cerveza Mas Final.

Deontay Wilder Scores Sensational Fifth Round KO Over Gerald Washington To Retain Heavyweight World Title

Jarrett Hurd Defeats Tony Harrison By Ninth Round KO To
Secure IBF Junior Middleweight Title
Dominic Breazeale Stops Izuagbe Ugonoh In Action-Packed
Brawl To Win by Fifth Round KO
点击 这里 for Photos from Premier Boxing Champions
(Photos Will Be Available Shortly)
伯明翰, AL. (二月 25, 2017) – Undefeated heavyweight world champion Deontay “青铜轰炸机” 怀尔德 (38-0, 37 科斯) knocked out Gerald “黑公鸡” 华盛顿 (18-1-1, 12 科斯) in the fifth round of the main event of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes at the Legacy Arena in Birmingham, AL.
In front of a crowd of 12,346 球迷, Wilder was able to give his home state crowd another scintillating victory. Although Washington stole some of the early rounds, Wilder’s patience paid off as he was able to find his pace and finish Washington in the fifth frame.
In the blistering televised opener, 多米尼克Breazeale (18-1, 16 科斯) stopped previously unbeaten Izuagbe Ugonoh (17-1, 14 科斯). Ugonoh controlled the fight early landing heavy blows to both Breazeale’s body and head, but Breazeale was able to compose himself and stormed back to knock out Ugonoh in impressive fashion.
The co-main event featured Jarrett Hurd (20-0, 14 科斯) knocking out Tony Harrison (24-2, 20 科斯) in the ninth round of their contest.
Here is what the fighters had to say following their bouts:
I knew he was going to come in excited to fight for a world title. I just kept calm and found my rhythm. I really knew he was going to tire out, and when he did I took advantage.
It was all about timing. I’m very smart when it comes to using different tactics in the ring.
Fighting here in Alabama is a blessing. The people here show up to support me and I love them for it. I’m always going to support and be here for my Alabama family. To see the crowd’s response tonight meant a lot to me.
As I’ve been saying, I’m looking to unify the division. I think it’s critical to have one fighter and one champion, and that’s Deontay Wilder. Let’s hope Joseph Parker is ready for me because I’m definitely ready for him.
I just got a little impatient. I was trying to go for it. It was an even boxing match. I could have kept it like that and kept it boring. I don’t know why I fell asleep there. I guess I lost a little focus.
I caught him with one shot when he was coming in. But instead of me keeping that play going and keep pushing him back and keep him in control by keeping him in the center of the ring, I tried to get on him. I was trying to play a little counter punch role and catch him coming in. 他刚刚抓住了我.
It’s just an experience. You have to follow the game plan and stay focused, stay patient. You may not get all the shots you want in the beginning, but you have to play the game all the way out and then things will start to happen.
We wanted to take our time with him because Harrison can box and move. But every time he fights he wears down toward the end.
During the sixth round, he caught me with a good shot inside my left eye. But I managed to fight through it and get the win.
It feels great to be a champion. I’ve never had a feeling this great before. It’s pure Accokeek power. I can finally pull my pants up now. My pants were falling down, but I finally got my belt.
It took a little time for me to find my pace, but eventually I found my Rhythm. Izu came in in great shape and with guns blazing. He came at me with some stuff that I wasn’t expecting. Him being the lighter guy I wasn’t really expecting the power he possessed.
I was able to connect some big shots tonight, especially with my right hand. You see what happens when I put him down and he never really recovered.
Coming off the loss to Joshua, this win puts me right back in there. This is what I’ve always asked for. My team does an incredible job of getting me any fight I ask for, and I wanted to fight an undefeated guy like Izu. 他是一个大, 强, athletic guy.
“今晚, the story was about me having the heart of a lion, getting knocked down, but getting right back up to finish this fight.
I expected that I was going to knock him out. I believed I would accomplish that, but he didn’t surprise me with anything. I was landing some good shots to both his body and his face.
Breazeale showed a lot of heart though, and I think that his experience really helped him. I think a fight like Anthony Joshua really helped him realize that he could take anything and win the fight. He did that tonight.
“老老实实, I just got tired. I gave him what I had and then I got tired. When he came back at me I wasn’t able to keep up and finish through on my game plan.
The plan was to really use my double jab, and I’m not making any excuses. This is the fight game. 这是一个伟大的机会,让我, a big step up, and I was hoping to get it done. 我没有, but that is part of sports. I’m not used to losing, but that time came today. I’m still a dangerous man to fight.
# # #
The card was promoted by DiBella Entertainment in association with TGB Promotions and Bruno Event Team.
欲了解更多信息, 访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.alabamatitlefight.comwww.dbe1.com, http://www.tgbpromotions.com/Http://www.foxsports.com/presspass /主页foxdeportes.com. 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, BronzeBomber, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @LouDiBella and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/FoxSportswww.Facebook.com/FoxDeportes. 按照使用#PBConFOX谈话. 中国人民银行FOX由电晕赞助, La Cerveza Mas Final.

Deontay怀尔德VS. Gerald Washington PBC on FOX & 福克斯驱逐最终新闻发布会语录 & 照片

Heavyweight World Title Showdown Headlines Action Saturday, 二月 25 从传统的体育场在伯明翰, 阿拉巴马州
点击 这里 for Photos from Jennifer Hagler/Premier Boxing Champions
伯明翰, AL. (二月 23, 2017) – 重量级世界冠军 Deontay怀尔德 不败 杰拉尔德·华盛顿 去觌 星期四 at the final press conference before their primetime showdown that headlines 总理拳击冠军 FOX FOX体育星期六, 二月 25 from Legacy Arena at the BJCC in Birmingham, 阿拉巴马州.
Also in attendance and featured in televised action beginning at 8 P.M. AND/5 P.M. PT were rising super welterweight contenders 托尼·哈里森 贾勒特赫德, who battle for a vacant junior middleweight world title, plus hard-hitting 多米尼克Breazeale 和不败 Izuagbe Ugonoh, who meet in a 10-round heavyweight battle.
门票现场活动, which is promoted by DiBella Entertainment and TBG Promotions in association with Bruno Event Team, 开始 $25 (不包括适用的费用) 与现已公开发售. Tickets are available through Ticketmaster and by visiting AlabamaTitleFight.com.
Additional action on FS1 and FOX Deportes begins at 10 P.M. AND/7 P.M. PT and features unbeaten super middleweight 迦勒厂, who was in attendance at 周四 事件.
这里是战士不得不说 星期四:
My time off has allowed me to get a better relationship with my left hand. There are so many different ways to throw a jab that I didn’t think I could do. Working with one arm allowed me to be exposed to a lot of new things. It’s going to be a different Deontay Wilder in the ring.
“它已经为我的旅程. I know there’s a purpose to all of it and there’s a reason why I’m here and why I’m the champ. Everything has manifested my way.
This is a fantastic card 周六 night and I know these other guys can’t wait to get into the ring.
星期六 night is going to be an electric fight. I love my state and I love being able to come back to Alabama. Home is where my heart is. It feels good to continue to give back.
I’m overwhelmed. I’m so ready for this fight. Everyone has a story to tell. Everything that has happened with my opponents is in the past. I’m in love with this sport. I have a goal to reach in this sport and I will reach it.
I always put myself in the position of my opponents and think about if that was me. That’s why I have so much passion for this sport and I give it my all. I don’t want to end up like my opponents. I don’t want to see what those lights looks like from the bottom.
I want people to look back on my legacy and see that it was a long journey. I’ve paved the way for my city and my state. I’ve laid the bread crumbs and now people can follow.
When my first opponent dropped out, the first name that came to my mind was Gerald Washington. I appreciate the way he conducted himself. Every time I saw him, he always shook my hand and told me he was ready.
I know Gerald is excited. I was too. I know what it’s like to be able to fight for one of the most prestigious belts in the world. 但, it’s my belt. I’m still enjoying it. Even though I’m heavyweight champion of the world, I’m still humble. I keep the belt in its case, until it’s time for me to fight again. I’m not satisfied. There is still more to attain.
I’ve had an incredible run to get me hear. I’m thankful to Deontay for picking me for this fight. He could have chosen a lot of opponents, but he picked me and I’m grateful for that.
“这是一个梦想成真. I started boxing as a kid but I didn’t know what I wanted to do. I’ve had a long road, but now I’m here fighting for the heavyweight championship of the world. This just means so much to me.
My trainer John Pullman and I started working together and we’ve gotten through every obstacle. It’s hard work but we put in the work together and now we’re here. That’s what life is all about. You have to take risks and when it’s time, it’s time to handle your business. It’s my time and I’m ready.
I’m so happy to be able to do what I love. I’m going up against Deontay Wilder, the Bronze Bomber, 在他的后院. You can’t take away what he’s accomplished. But I’m here to handle my business.
I try to live as a champion and now it’s my opportunity to be a champion. I’m going to grab this opportunity and take it.
As a competitor, I was already excited about the fight when they called me about fighting Hurd. I said yes immediately. Jarett Hurd’s name is mentioned every time you mention the 154-pound division. I started this off wanting to be the best and to do that, I have to beat the best.
It was a fight for me that I jumped on immediately. When I got the call that it was going to be a title fight, I knew that this was going to be a legacy fight.
I think we have mutual respect heading into this fight. He respects me just as much as I respect him. 但 星期六 夜晚, I’m looking to gain my respect as a fighter. For both of us, I think a lot of questions have been raised about who we’ve fought. These questions are answered 周六 夜晚.
This is a fight where you have to respect both fighters. The city of Detroit is coming out to see me bring this world title home and I’m sure Maryland is expecting the same from Hurd. It’s going to be a great atmosphere.
From the time that I started at six-years-old, this day has been the pot at the end of the rainbow. I’m fighting a great fighter for a great belt in a great weight class.
I just have to go out there and take it one round at a time. I believe that I have too much in the arsenal. I can’t get too excited, even if I see an opening to stop the fight, I’m going to do it the smart way. I’m in shape to go 12 rounds but if I see my opportunity, 我打算把它.
I’m looking to continue the legacy. It’s going to be an amazing fight. I love Deontay, but I’m looking to steal the show. This is the best division in boxing. I’m coming out hard and I know my opponent is too. We’re both ready to lay it all on the line for this world title.
We were excited when we first got the fight with Tony Harrison and we were even more excited when we found out it would be for a world title. This is every champion’s dream and I get a big opportunity on a big network. Everyone gets to see who Jarrett Hurd is.
This means everything. Staying undefeated is something that opens a lot of doors for you. I’m in quality fights so I’m doing something well. I have another great opponent in front of me, 但 二月 25 我会成为世界冠军.
We had a really good long training camp. I didn’t need to do anything too drastic to make weight. I’m a big fighter for this division but I’ve never had a problem with weight. 我已经等不及在环获得.
My father was born in Birmingham, Alabama so to be able to have my world title shot here is exciting for my whole family. 这对我来说是一个很大的战斗. I’ve trained hard and I’m prepared for it.
I want this fight to answer a lot of questions. Some people say I’m not the fastest or that I don’t have enough defense. I want to be an undefeated fighter but I also want to build a legacy. I want to be on the platform with the best. I think this fight will give me that credibility.
The jab is going to be really important. Tony Harrison has a really nice jab and the winner of the jab battle is going to be victorious. My jab and taking away his jab is going to win the fight for me.
My time is here. There will be a new 154-pound champion 周六 夜晚. My pants are falling down and I need my belt!”
It’s great to be back on this stage. I’m ready to come back and show my boxing skills. Deontay and Gerald are going to put on a great show and I’m excited to be a part of it.
My opponent is definitely an unknown character. We prepared for everything to get ready for a guy that will move a lot. It’s big for him to be fighting on a big card like this for his first U.S. 战斗. I’m glad he took the fight.
I just need to be a pressure fighter. I’ve been down and gotten up. 我一直在那里最好. I can’t let him get comfortable. I’m going to bring him a kind of fight he’s never seen before.
I’ve been training hard with Manny Robles and we’ve done some phenomenal things over the last 10 周. I’ve been on the big stage and I’m ready to do it again. I feel good and I’m prepared put on a show.
I’ve been training in Las Vegas for three years and I’m very excited to make my U.S. 登场 星期六夜晚. It’s a great opportunity and I’m glad to get a big fight straight away against a good former title challenger who is also an Olympian. I couldn’t have wished for anything better than this.
I’ve watched a lot of Dominic’s fights, even before I knew I was going to fight him. We know what he’s good at and we know where he makes mistakes. All my training partners were taller than me, so I’m comfortable fighting against big guys.
“对我来说, this is everything. If you’re a fighter and you train hard to be a champion, then this is the stage you want to reach. When you get here, the question is, are you comfortable with it? I’ve always believed that this is where I belong and now I have the opportunity. Now I just want to have fun and do what I do best.
I think this is going to be a very explosive fight. I’m in the best shape I’ve ever been in. I prepared for a better Dominic Breazeale than who fought Joshua. I think it’s going to be a beautiful night.
My road has been very rocky. 我已经转战世界各地, but everything happens for a reason and happens at the right time. The time is now for me.
“我度过了一个很棒的夏令营. I know everyone says that, but this really has been my most productive camp. I’ve had great sparring since I moved to Las Vegas. It’s going to be fireworks 周六.
I know my opponent has been in there with some tough guys. 他从未停止. 这就是我们想要的. Soft touches won’t get me to where I’m headed. This is my closest fight to my hometown of Nashville since I turned pro so I’m expecting a lot of support.
I’m not here to take the easy road. 这是我现在的时间. This is a great opportunity and I think it’s going to be a great fight. I’m excited to get in the ring.
Coming from where I came from, all of this is surreal. My hard work got me here. I’m blessed to be here and I feel like I deserve it.
Everything went so smoothly during camp and now it’s time to put it together in the ring. I’ve always been able to show out when the pressure’s on.
I’m looking to win and win in impressive fashion. I’m going to have a strong defense but I’ll have to put the heat on him. This is the kind of pressure I love.
I want big fights. I’m focused on getting myself better every day. I have a great team around me and I feel like I can beat anybody.
# # #
球迷可以在FOX Sports GO上直播直播比赛, 可通过FS1或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 这场比赛可在 FOXSportsGO.com 的桌面版和应用商店中观看, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司. 此外, the show will be simulcast on FOX Sports on SiriusXM channel 83 卫星收音机和在SiriusXM应用.
欲了解更多信息, 访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.alabamatitlefight.com万维网.dbe1.com,HTTP://万维网.tgbpromotions.com/HTTP://万维网.foxsports.com/presspass/主页foxdeportes.com. 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, BronzeBomber, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @LouDiBella and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/FoxSportswww.Facebook.com/FoxDeportes. 按照使用#PBConFOX谈话. 中国人民银行FOX由电晕赞助, La Cerveza Mas Final.