Tag Archives: George Groves

Chris Eubank Jr.. vs. Avni Yildirim WBSS superfinalni četvrtfinale

Chris Eubank Jr.. vs. Avni Yildirim
Svjetsko prvenstvo u IBO super srednjoj kategoriji
2 poslije podne. I / 11 a.m. PT
Subota, Listopada. 7, 2017 * Stuttgart, Njemačka
Provjetravanje živim u Kanadi Ove subote
Isključivo na SUPER KANAL
(Fotografska usluga Svetske bokserske super serije)
Edmonton, Kanada (Listopad 4, 2017) – Svjetlost reflektora vraća se natrag u super odjeljenje za ove subote je World Boxing Super Series (WBSS) turnir kada Međunarodna bokserska organizacija (IBO) Super srednjoj svjetski prvak Chris “Sljedeća generacija” Eubank Jr.. brani svoj naslov protiv neporaženog izazivača Avni “G.. Robot” Yildirim u četvrtfinalnoj akciji, uživo u Kanadi ekskluzivno na Super Channelu iz Hanns-Martin-Schleyer iz Stuttgarta, Njemačka.
The “Eubank Jr.. vs. godina” kartica, s početkom u 2 poslije podne. I / 11 a.m. PT,keeps Canadian boxing fans at ringside during the entire $50-million WBSS tournament, live this weekend from Germany and exclusively on Super Channel, koja je u Kanadi stekla prava za emitiranje svjetske serije Super boks od MP & Silva, vodeća tvrtka svjetski mediji koji pruža medijskih prava, digitalni, tehnologije i sponzorstva usluge.
The 28-year-old Eubank Jr. (25-1, 19 Kos), fighting out of the United Kingdom, is managed by his father, Chris “Simply The Best” Eubank (45-5-2, 23 Kos), who is a former World Boxing Organization (WBO super middleweight champion.
U 2015, Eubank Jr.. Zaustavio Tony Jeter (20-4-1) in the second round to capture the Interim World Boxing Association (WBA) middleweight crown. Eubank Jr.. captured his IBO title this past February, premlaćivanja Renold Quinlan (11-0) u 10th krug. In his most recent action, the skilled Brit won a 12-round unanimous decision over multiple world champion Arthur Abraham (46-5) in his first and only world title defense to date.
This is the first fight for me in this tournament and I am here to make a statement,” Eubank Jr.. rekla. “I am the man; I’m the man to beat. There will be no mercy for Yildirim. I am here to win, Nisam ovdje zbog prijateljstva. Nisam ovdje da bih izgledao lijepo i bio slavna osoba, Ovdje sam na ovom turniru da bih postao prvak.
Jako se radujem ovoj borbi. Mislim da je to sjajan spoj. Stilovi se svađaju i razlog zašto sam izabrao ovog čovjeka na Gandi draftova je taj što je borac. Izlazi naprijed. Vrlo je aktivan, vrlo je otvoren, on riskira, koju će platiti za ovu borbu. Ja ne mogu čekati!
“Imam cilj. Imam izazov koji moram ispuniti, a to je osvojiti trofej Muhammad Ali Ali i dokazati da sam najbolji na svijetu.”
Uznemiren Yildirim (16-0, 10 Kos). 26, je vladajuće Svjetsko boksersko vijeće (WBC) Međunarodni srebrni prvak u srednjoj kategoriji, koju je prvotno zarobio prije dvije godine, prihvativši odluku od 10 kola od bivšeg svjetskog prvaka Glen Johnson (54-20-2). Yidirim has successfully defended his title five times against Janne Forsman(KO1), Walter Sequeira (17-2), Jackson Junior (KO2), Schiller Hyppolite (TKO3),Aliaksandr Sushchyts (KO12) a Marco Antonio Periban (DEC12).
This tournament is a chance for me to fight the best in the world,” Yildirim commented. “It is an honor for me. I am here to destroy everyone in the tournament. I am not an Instagram or Facebook fighter like Eubank Jr. I am Avni Yildirim and I am here to destroy. I will do anything to win this fight and win this tournament. Osjećam se dobro. Ja sam vrlo spremni. Let’s fight!”
Five exciting bouts on the “Eubank Jr.. vs. Yildirim” kartica, promovirao Sauerland Event, emitirat će se Kanadom isključivo na Super Channelu. The Eubank Jr. vs. Yildirim main event is scheduled to start at 5 poslije podne. I / 2 poslije podne. PT.
In the 10-round co-featured event, Germany’s undefeated prospect Stefan Haertel (14-0, 1 Kos) faces Ukrainian challenger Viktor Polyakov (13-1-1, 6 Kos) in a WBSS super middleweight substitute fight.
Other televised fights on Super Channel includes International Boxing Federation (IBF) Youth super middleweight champion Leon Bauer (12-0, 8 Kos) vs. Atin Karabet (3-1, 2 Kos), Njemačke, in the six-round televised opener, German super middleweightDenis Radovan (6-0) vs. Njemački Tiran Metz (14-2-4, 6 Kos) u osam okrugli nastup, and undefeated British super middleweight Zach Parker (13-0, 10 Kos) vs. MatinguZulu KingKindele (9-6, 3 Kos) U osam okrugli utakmicu
Sve borbe i borci su podložne promjenama.
Sedam. 9 – Četvrtfinalno finale u Berlinu, Njemačka
WBO Cruiserweight World Championship
Oleksandr Usyk (13-0, 11 Kos), Kijev, Ukrajina
Marco Huck (40-5-1, 27 Kos), Berlin, Njemačka
(Usyk je zadržao titulu WBO krstarice)
Sedam. 16 – Super srednja četvrtfinala u Liverpoolu, UK
WBC Super Middleweight Diamond Championship
Callum Smith (23-0, 17 Kos), Liverpool, Merseyside, UK
Erik Skoglund (26-1, 12 Kos), Nykoping, Švedska
(Smith je osvojio naslov srednje super težine WBC Diamond)
Sedam. 23 – Četvrtfinalno krucijalno finale u San Antoniju, Teksas, SAD
yunier Dorticos (21-0, 20 Kos), Miami, Florida, SAD putem Kube
Dmitrij Kudryashov (21-1, 21 Kos), Izazivač, Volgodonsk, Rusija
(Dorticos je zadržao naslov WBA krstarice)
Sedam. 30 – Četvrtfinalno finale u Rigi, Letonija
Mairis jelene (23-0, 18 Kos), Prvak, Riga, Letonija
Mike Perez (22-3-1, 14 Kos), Izazivač, Pluta, Irska putem Kube
(Briedis je zadržao naslov prvaka WBC)
Listopad 14, 2017 – Četvrtfinale super srednje težine:
SSE Arena, Wembley, London, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo
WBA Super Middleweight World Championship
“Svetac” George Groves (26-3, 19 Kos), Prvak, Kovač, London, UK – Prsten #3
Jamie Cox (24-0, 13 Kos), Swinton, Wiltshire, UK

Listopad 21, 2017 — Četvrtfinalni krugovi:
Prudential Center, Newark, New Jersey, SAD

IBF Cruiserweight World Championship
“Željezo” Murat Gassiev (24-0, 17 Kos), Prvak, Vladikavkaz, Rusija – Prsten #2
Krzysztof “Diablo” Włodarczyk (53-3-1, 37 Kos), Izazivač, Piaseczno, Poljska – Prsten 10
Former IBF & WBC Cruiserweight World Champion

Listopad 27, 2017 – Super srednja četvrtfinala:

Sportska i kongresna dvorana u Schwerinu, Njemačka

Juergen Braehmer (48,3 35 Kos), Schwerin, Mecklenburg-Zapadna Pomeranija, Njemačka
bivši WBO & WBA poluteškoj svjetski prvak
Opljačkati “Dobro Napravljeno” Arktička divlja guska

(22-0, 15 Kos), Saint Paul, Minnesota, SAD
Usyk vs. jelen, Dorticos vs. Gassiev/Wlodarczyk winner
Super srednji utezi
Smith vs. Eubank/Yildirim winner, Groves/Cox winner vs. Braehmer / Brant pobjednik
Sve WBSS borbe bit će dostupne i na Super kanal na Potražnja.
Super Channel nedavno je emitirao velike boksačke događaje uživo poput Brook vs. Spence Jr., Pacquiao-Horn, Eubank, Jr. vs. Abraham, Lomachenko vs.Marriaga i Crawford vs. Indongo.
Za gledanje sve akcije World Boxing Super Series uživo, kao i uzbudljivije boks doći, boriti navijača u Kanadi mogu se obratiti davatelju kabelsku pretplatu na Super kanal i sve to nudi svojim, uključujući premium serije, filmove i još mnogo toga, za nisko kao $9.95 na mjesec.

Polish Contender Mateusz Masternak Meets Once-Beaten Stivens Bujaj in World Boxing Super Series Cruiserweight Reserve Match Saturday, Listopad 21 u Prudential Centru u Newarku, NJ.

Više! Unbeaten Polish Super Welterweight Maciej Sulecki Takes On Former Title Challenger Jack Culcay
Na čelu s prvakom Cruiserweighta Muratom Gassievom, bivšim prvakom Krzysztof Wlodarczyk
u Četvrtfinalna akcija WBSS-a
NEWARK, NJ. (Rujan 27, 2017) – Tvrdoglavi poljski kandidat Mateusz Masternak (39-4, 26 Kos) borit će se jednom pobijeđeni Stevens Bujaj (16-1-1, 11 Kos) u 10-kolu Svjetske bokserske superserijske rezervne utakmice na Subota, Listopad 21 u Prudential Centru u Newarku, NJ.
Dodatna akcija će uključivati ​​super-težinski dvoboj u 10 kola između neporaženog poljskog suparnika Maciej Sulecki (25-0, 10 Kos) i bivši naslov izazivač Jack Culcay (22-2, 11 Kos).
Listopada 21 događaj je na čelu s prvakom IBF-a Murat “Željezo” Gassiev i bivši svjetski prvak Krzysztof Włodarczyk skretanje u četvrt-finalnoj akciji Svjetske bokserske super serije.
“Ovo će biti fantastičan show za fanove da izađu i provedu noć punu akciju Listopad 21 u Newarku, New Jersey,” rekao je Richard Schaefer, Predsjednik i izvršni direktor Ringstar Sportsa. “Poljski ponos bit će u punoj snazi, jer Mateusz Masternak i neporaženi Maciej Sulecki preuzimaju jake protivnike u važnim utakmicama dok love aspiracije svjetskog naslova. To će naravno dovesti do glavnog događaja i konačnog četvrtfinala krucijalne težine Svjetske bokserske supersezone, šutke prvaka Murata Gassieva protiv bivšeg prvaka iz Poljske,Krzysztof Wlodarczyk.”
Promoted by Ringstar Sports in association with World Boxing Super Series, tickets for the live event are on sale now and are available atTicketmaster.com. Tickets are also available to purchase at the Prudential Center box office.
“U svojoj top formi znam da mogu pobijediti bolje borce od Bujaja,” rekao je Masternak. “Mislim da mi ne može nauditi. Svaka je borba važna, boks te to uči svaki dan. Ali Bujaj je odskočna daska do mojih velikih borbi. Kaže da me prije nekoliko godina pobijedio u sparingu, ali kako je to moglo i proći da je odlazio brže nego što je stigao? Nemam vremena pogriješiti i izgubiti takvu borbu, tako da ću biti spreman na sve kad uđemo u ring.”
Borba izvan Vroclava, Poljska, Masternak je izborio vrh prvaka i izazivača u kruzer diviziji i ulazi u ovu borbu pobjednik njegova posljednja tri natjecanja. 30-godišnjak se borio protiv Tonyja Bellewa, Grigory Drozd i Youri Kalenga, dok su također pokupili europsko prvenstvo u krutoj težini, pobjedom nad Juhom Haapojom. Masternak se tijekom karijere borio u devet zemalja i vraća se borbi protiv Sjedinjenih Država. prvi put od svog četvrtog pro bota u 2006.
“Spremite se vidjeti najbolje Stivens Bujaj ikad,” rekao je Bujaj. “Ja sam trenirao dva, ponekad i tri puta dnevno. Ovim sportom se bavim od kad sam bio 15 godina star, i sve se svodi na ovaj trenutak. Ovo je moje svjetsko prvenstvo. Bit će to borba mog života i spremna sam učiniti sve što treba. Ranije sam sparitirao Masternaka i dominirao sam osam rundi i oni su me poslali kući. Spreman sam završiti ono što sam započeoListopad 21!”
Albanski borac koji živi u New Yorku, Bujaj je bio dvostruki njujorški prvak Zlatne rukavice prije nego što se uključio u borbu 2010 i pobijedio u svojoj prvoj 18 pro botovi. 27-godišnjak je tri puta pobijedio u 2016, uključujući pobjedu nad tada neporaženim Sergiom Ramirezom prije nego što je ispustio utakmicu s neporaženim Constantinom Bejenaruom. Bujaja su tijekom karijere ometale povrede, ali vraća se u ring zdrav i spreman da nastavi uspon na vrh divizije.
Predstavljajući Varšavu, Poljska, Sulecki je oduzeo svoju najimpresivniju pobjedu do sada prošle godine, kada je zaustavio tada neporaženog protivnika Huga Centeno Jr. u 10th i završni krug njihove borbe. 28-godišnjak je od tada pokupio pobjede nad Damiamom Bonellijem i Michi Munozom jer traži svjetsku titulu od 154 kilograma. Sulecki će se drugi put vratiti u Prudential Center nakon što je nokautirao Josea Miguela Berrija 2015 na mjestu u Newarku.
Culcay je izvorno rođen u Ekvadoru, ali odrastao je u Njemačkoj i Indiji 2008 zastupao je Nijemce na 2008 Olimpijske igre. 32-godišnjak je bio dominantan u osvajanju svog prvog 14 profesionalno se bori i skuplja WBA među-kontinentalni superveleslalomski naslov. Culcay je sastavio još jedan niz pobjeda u sedam borbi i osvojio WBA privremeni superveleslalomski naslov WBA, prije nego što je odustao od odlučivanja u ožujku, Demetriju Andradeu, svjetsku titulu..
Za više informacija posjetite worldboxingsuperseries.s ili www.ringstar.com

Slijedite na Twitteru @WBsuperSeries, @Ringstar i postati fan na Facebook-u facebook.com/WBSuperSeries a facebook.com/Poziv zvjezdice Sport. Večerašnju borbu promovisao je Ringstar Sports u suradnji sa Svjetskom bokserskom super serijom.


30/09/17 – Četvrtfinale krucijalne težine:
Mairis Briedis vs. Mike Perez (WBC svijet)
Riga Arena, Riga, Letonija

07/10/17 – Četvrtfinale super srednje težine:
Chris Eubank Jr vs. Avni Yildirim (IBO Svijet)
Hanns-Martin-Schleyer Halle, Stuttgart, Njemačka

14/10/17 – Četvrtfinale super srednje težine:
George Groves vs. Jamie Cox (WBA super)
SSE Arena, Wembley, London, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo

21/10/17 – Četvrtfinale krucijalne težine:
Murat Gassiev vs. Krzysztof Włodarczyk (IBF Svijet)
Prudential Center, Newark, New Jersey, SAD

28/10/17 – Četvrtfinale super srednje težine:
Juergen Braehmer vs. Rob Brant

Kongresna dvorana u Schwerinu, Njemačka

Broj sudionika: 16
Broj pojaseva: 7
Broj svjetskih prvaka: 6
Broj bivših svjetskih prvaka: 3
Broj neporaženih boraca: 9
Kombinirani zapis sudionika: 423 pobjeda, 17 gubici, 294 Kos

Mairis Briedis vs. Promjena vremena početka kartice Mikea Pereza u Kanadi na Super kanalu – 2 PM / I

Mairis Briedis vs. Mike Perez
Četvrtfinale WBSS krucijalne težine
Provjetravanje živim u Kanadi Ove subote
Isključivo na SUPER KANAL
(Fotografska usluga Svetske bokserske super serije)
Edmonton, Kanada (Rujan 27, 2017) – Vrijeme početka za ove subote je zračenje u Kanadi dodatnih World Boxing Super Series (WBSS) turnirska akcija, uz Svjetsko boksersko vijeće (WBC) Svjetski prvak u krutoj težini Mairis jelen (22-0, 18 Kos) protiv izazivačaMikrofon “Buntovnik” Perez (22-2-1, 14 Kos), je 2 poslije podne. I / 11 a.m. PT, ekskluzivno na Super Channel uživo iz Riga Arene u Rigi, Letonija.
Preliminarne emisije počet će emitirati na Super Channel u 2 poslije podne. I / 11 a.m. PT, planiran je početak glavnog događanja Briedis-Perez 5 poslije podne. / 2 poslije podne. PT.

Četiri uzbudljive borbe na “Elk vs. Perez” kartica, promovirao Sauerland Event, emitirat će se Kanadom isključivo na Super Channelu.

Sve borbe i borci su podložne promjenama.
Sedam. 9 – Četvrtfinalno finale u Berlinu, Njemačka
WBO Cruiserweight World Championship
Oleksandr Usyk (13-0, 11 Kos), Kijev, Ukrajina
Marco Huck (40-5-1, 27 Kos), Berlin, Njemačka
(Usyk je zadržao titulu WBO krstarice)
Sedam. 16 – Super srednja četvrtfinala u Liverpoolu, UK
WBC Super Middleweight Diamond Championship
Callum Smith (23-0, 17 Kos), Liverpool, Merseyside, UK
Erik Skoglund (26-1, 12 Kos), Nykoping, Švedska
(Smith je osvojio naslov srednje super težine WBC Diamond)
Sedam. 23 – Četvrtfinalno krucijalno finale u San Antoniju, Teksas, SAD
yunier Dorticos (21-0, 20 Kos), Miami, Florida, SAD putem Kube
Dmitrij Kudryashov (21-1, 21 Kos), Izazivač, Volgodonsk, Rusija
(Dorticos je zadržao naslov WBA krstarice)
Sedam. 30 – Četvrtfinalno finale u Rigi, Letonija
Svjetsko prvenstvo u krucijalnoj težini
Mairis jelene (22-0, 18 Kos), Prvak, Riga, Letonija
Mike Perez (22-2-1, 14 Kos), Izazivač, Pluta, Irska putem Kube
Sve WBSS borbe bit će dostupne i na Super kanal na Potražnja.
Super Channel nedavno je emitirao velike boksačke događaje uživo poput Brook vs. Spence Jr., Pacquiao-Horn, Eubank, Jr. vs. Abraham, Lomachenko vs.Marriaga i Crawford vs. Indongo.
Za gledanje sve akcije World Boxing Super Series uživo, kao i uzbudljivije boks doći, Fanovi borbe u Kanadi mogu se obratiti lokalnom davatelju kablova i pretplatiti se na Super Channel i sve th

Mairis Briedis vs. Četvrtfinale Mike Perez WBSS krucijalne kategorije

Provjetravanje živim u Kanadi Ove subote
Isključivo na SUPER KANAL
(Fotografska usluga Svetske bokserske super serije)
Edmonton, Kanada (Rujan 26, 2017) – World Boxing vijeće (WBC) Svjetski prvak u krutoj težini Mairis jelen (22-0, 18 Kos) riskira svoj svjetski naslov i neporaženi rekord protiv izazivača rođenog iz Kube Mikrofon “Buntovnik” Perez (22-2-1, 14 Kos) ove subote kada je visoko konkurentna World Boxing Super Series (WBSS) turnir se nastavlja s više četvrtfinalnih akcija, s početkom u 5 poslije podne. I / 2 poslije podne. PT, emitirati uživo u Kanadi ekskluzivno na kanalu Super Channel iz Riga Arene, Letonija.
The “Elk vs. Perez” čestitka će kanadskim bokserskim fanovima pružiti još jednu priliku da gledaju nagradne igrače svjetske klase koji se takmiče na WBSS turniru u vrijednosti 50 milijuna dolara, žive iz Latvije, isključivo na Super Channel, koja je u Kanadi stekla prava za emitiranje svjetske serije Super boks od MP & Silva, vodeća tvrtka svjetski mediji koji pruža medijskih prava, digitalni, tehnologije i sponzorstva usluge.
32-godišnji Briedis, koji je u svojoj najnovijoj borbi osvojio svjetski naslov WBC-a u krutoj težini, prihvativši jednoglasnu odluku od 12 kola bivšeg svjetskog prvaka Marco “Capt'n” Huck (40-3-1) prošlog travnja u Njemačkoj. Bivši europski prvak u kickboxingu, Briedis će imati izrazitu prednost boreći se protiv Pereza kod kuće u Rigi, Letonija.
“Stvarno sam sretan što mogu pokrenuti Svjetsku boksersku super seriju kod kuće pred vlastitom publikom,” Rekao je Briedis. “Borimo se da osvojimo trofej Muhammad Ali, ali i sam stavljam u pitanje svoj svjetski naslov. Ovo je velika stvar. Za Latviju, ovo će biti prvo veliko svjetsko prvenstvo u povijesti, pa se nadam da ću vidjeti rasprodanu arenu.
“Iz mog prethodnog iskustva s latvijskom publikom, Doista mogu reći Mikeu Perezu da mu boks pred publikom u Rigi neće biti lak. Zajednica boksača širom svijeta naučit će koliko strastveni i glasni mogu biti ljubitelji Latvije! Moj pripremni kamp do sada ide jako dobro i mogu uvjeriti svoje obožavatelje da ću biti u najboljem redu kad 30th rujna stiže.
“Ovo je prva borba turnira, prva obrana mog WBC World cruiserweight naslova, i stvarno sam sretna što ću to moći napraviti pred domaćom publikom. Na ovom turniru nema lakih borbi. Mike Perez već se iznio u diviziji teške kategorije i čini se da je u obliku svog života spuštajući se na kruto težinu.”
Sa sjedištem u Corku, Irska, odakle se potukao s Kube, Perez će se boriti kao krstaš samo drugi put kad je kampanje za većinu svojih 9 Dvogodišnja profesionalna karijera u teškoj kategoriji. 31-godišnji jugozapadnjak ne boji se boriti se s Briedisom u njegovom dvorištu i ostaje samouvjeren.
“To je prilika za cijeli život,” Primijeti Perez. “Borbe u Latviji nisu problem za mene. Baš me briga gdje se borim. Borit ću se bilo gdje. Osjećam se dobro, Uvjeren sam, i radujem se Rigi. Imam priliku postati svjetskim prvakom u svojoj prvoj borbi na turniru, pa nisam mogao tražiti bolje.
Breidis je dobar šampion, ali jedva čekam da vratim pojas kući. Sretan sam što se borim za trofej Muhammad Ali-a i postao sam neprikosnoveni prvak u krutoj težini na ovom turniru. Ne sumnjam da ću učiniti upravo to. Naporno sam radio ovih nekoliko godina i zaista sam se posvetio tome da dobijem ovu priliku i nitko me neće iskoristiti za to. Imam puno iskustva i kao amaterski i kao profesionalni, puno sposobnosti i sada u kruzer težini puno brže stojim i mogu bacati brže kombinacije, pa se osjećam kao puno bolji borac. Doista vjerujem da mogu osvojiti trofej Muhammad Ali. Tako ja to vidim. Mislim da ću pobijediti. Ne vidim nikoga da je pobjeđuje. Najbolji sam kruzer na natjecanju.”
The “Elk vs. Perez” pobjednik će se probiti u polufinale i suočiti se sa WBSS br. 1 sjeme, neporažena Svjetska bokserska organizacija (WBO) cruiserweight prvak Oleksandr “Mačka” Usyk (13-0, 11 Kos), koji su zaustavili Hucka u 10th kolo njihovih WBSS četvrtfinala bori se ovog rujna. 9 u Berlinu.
Četiri uzbudljive borbe na “Elk vs. Perez” kartica, promovirao Sauerland Event, emitirat će se Kanadom isključivo na Super Channelu.
U suradnji opremljenog događaja, bivši WBO cruiiserweight svjetski prvak Krzysztof Glowacki (27-1, 17 Kos), opasni Poljak koji je prije godinu dana ironično izgubio pojas od naslova Usyka, klizava je prema licuLeonardo Damian Bruzzese (18-3, 6 Kos), Italije putem Argentine, u WBSS krucijalnoj težini za zamjenske borbe u 10 kola. Također emitiranje uživo na Super Channelu je lagana utakmica u 10 rundi u teškoj kategoriji između Norvežanina Tim Robin (16-3, 9 Kos) a Sergej Gorokhov (8-2, 6 Kos), Rusije. Pronalazi otvarač televizora 2016 Olimpijski brončani Filip Hrgovic, Srbije, debitirajući protiv neporažene Belgije u teškoj kategoriji Ali Baghouz (10-0-1, 6 Kos) u osam okrugli nastup.
Sve borbe i borci su podložne promjenama.
Sedam. 9 – Četvrtfinalno finale u Berlinu, Njemačka
WBO Cruiserweight World Championship
Oleksandr Usyk (13-0, 11 Kos), Kijev, Ukrajina
Marco Huck (40-5-1, 27 Kos), Berlin, Njemačka
(Usyk je zadržao titulu WBO krstarice)
Sedam. 16 – Super srednja četvrtfinala u Liverpoolu, UK
WBC Super Middleweight Diamond Championship
Callum Smith (23-0, 17 Kos), Liverpool, Merseyside, UK
Erik Skoglund (26-1, 12 Kos), Nykoping, Švedska
(Smith je osvojio naslov srednje super težine WBC Diamond)
Sedam. 23 – Četvrtfinalno krucijalno finale u San Antoniju, Teksas, SAD
yunier Dorticos (21-0, 20 Kos), Miami, Florida, SAD putem Kube
Dmitrij Kudryashov (21-1, 21 Kos), Izazivač, Volgodonsk, Rusija
(Dorticos je zadržao naslov WBA krstarice)
Sedam. 30 – Četvrtfinalno finale u Rigi, Letonija
Svjetsko prvenstvo u krucijalnoj težini
Mairis jelene (22-0, 18 Kos), Prvak, Riga, Letonija
Mike Perez (22-2-1, 14 Kos), Izazivač, Pluta, Irska putem Kube
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Yunier Dorticos Delivers Powerful Second Round Knockout Over Dmitry Kudryashov in World Boxing Super Series Cruiserweight Quarter-final Saturday Night from the Alamodome in San Antonio

Once-Beaten Keith Tapia Drops Lateef Kayode on His Way to Unanimous Decision Victory in WBSS Cruiserweight Reserve Match
Former World Champion Nonito Donaire Returns & Wins Unanimous Decision over Mexico’s Ruben Garcia Hernandez
Kliknite OVDJE for Photos from Francisco Perez/Ringstar Sports
SAN ANTONIO (Rujan 24, 2017) – WBA Cruiserweight World Championyunier Dorticos (22-0, 21 Kos) retained his title and stamped his place in the World Boxing Super Series Cruiserweight Semi-finals Subota night with a sensational second round knockout of Dmitrij Kudryashov (21-2, 21 Kos) in their quarter-final bout from the Alamodome in San Antonio.
The unbeaten champion Dorticos landed a thunderous overhand right after Kudryashov threw a glancing jab during a second round exchange and sent the Russian to the canvas. Kudryashov attempted to get to his feet, but referee Rafael Ramos had seen enough and ended the bout at 2:10 into the second round.
I knew that he was going to come at me and I waited and delivered the shot,” said Dorticos. “Once it landed I knew it was over. It is an honor to be competing in the World Boxing Super Series. To be able to go after the Muhammad Ali Trophy is a privilege and a pleasure. I want to prove to the world that I am the best cruiserweight in the world right now.
After a first round that saw both men feel each other out and land only a few significant blows, a heated exchange erupted in the opening moments of the second round with power punches being thrown from all angles.
Dorticos appeared to hurt Kudryashov early in the round as he connected with a right hand that froze Kudryashov on the ropes. Dorticos piled on and delivered numerous right hooks with no response from his opponent until Kudryashov was eventually able to fight off of the ropes.
I’m very upset right now,” said Kudryashov. “I was very well prepared. We’re at a heavy weight and one punch can change everything. He hit me with a good shot and I have no excuses. I thought that I would be able to get up at the eight count but the ref decided to stop the fight. The ref knows when to stop the fight so I agreed with it. All respect to Dorticos but I was expecting a victory and I was expecting to stop him. I have to give him all the credit večeras.”
Shortly after the action returned to the center of the ring, Dorticos was able to land the decisive blow and signal an end to the match. Dorticos will continue his quest for the Muhammad Ali Trophy in the semi-finals when he takes on the winner of the WBSS quarter-final bout between IBF Champion Murat Gassiev and former champion Krzysztof Wlodarczyk on Listopad 21 in New Jersey.
I know that I want to fight Murat Gassiev,” said Dorticos. “I know he’s watching me, and I’ll be watching him. If he can take care of business, I would love to fight him. I’m ready to make that fight happen.
In the WBSS cruiserweight reserve match, jednom tukli Keith Tapia (18-1, 11 Kos) dropped previously once-beaten Lateef Kayode (21-2, 16 Kos) and won a unanimous decision in their 10-round contest.
I usually start warming up in the fourth or fifth round, but I started much fastervečeras,” said Tapia. “I knew I had the advantage in speed and I took advantage of it. I haven’t been in the ring for a year, but my team got me ready and in great shape for this fight. My timing was the key to the fight. My trainer told me Kayode would drop his left hand and I’d be able to land my right hand, and that’s what I did.
Tapia sprinted out of his corner to start the fight and set the tone early, smothering Kayode in the corner with a flurry of punches. While Kayode was able to survive the round on his feet, it set the pace for the remainder of the match.
I tried to stay on my game plan,” said Kayode. “He was very fast but he did not hurt me. I thought I deflected a lot of his shots. When I tried to attack him he started moving. I had to adjust my game plan. I didn’t see the punch that knocked me down. I heard the bell and then the punch was there. I think he started the punch before the bell rang.
Representing Puerto Rico, Tapia found a home for his powerful right hand all night and connected flush on Kayode’s chin and dropped him as the bell sounded to end round six. Kayode was again able to continue to continue but found more trouble in the late rounds as he was stunned late in round eight and had a cut that started earlier in the fight open up at the end of round nine.
Nakon 10 rounds the judges awarded Tapia the unanimous decision by scores of 100-89 dva puta i 99-90.
Fights like this are going to get me to the championship level,” said Tapia. “I’ve always felt like I’m a champion since I started in this sport. Spreman sam se boriti nikoga. I’ll take a couple days off then get right back in the gym.
Additional action saw former four-division world champion Nonito Donaire (38-4, 24 Kos) return to the ring and score a dominant unanimous decision victory over Mexico’s Ruben Garcia Hernandez (22-3-1, 9 Kos) in their 10-round fight for the WBC Silver Featherweight World Title.
I boxed very well, which is something I haven’t done in a long time,” said Donaire. “I moved my legs well and maintained it throughout the whole fight. I’ve always been an aggressive boxer but this time I used my jab and combinations. I had the urge to just brawl and I felt like I hurt him. But ultimately I did a great job showing versatility in my game.
Donaire was able to control the fight with his speed and movement that was unmatched by his opponent. Hernandez was game and continued to come forward all night, but was unable to disrupt Donaire.
Nonito was very smooth and moved around well,” Said Hernandez. “I couldn’t get to him because of that. He adjusted to everything I did. It was a fair decision at the end of the night. I thought he was going to come to brawl but he changed the strategy on me. I thought I fought hard and I’m going to work hard to get back in the ring.
Hernandez’s aggressiveness was used against him by Donaire, who waited for his charging opponent and was able to pick him off with an array of hooks and uppercuts.
After 10-rounds all three judges saw the fight in favor of Donaire by scores of 100-90, 99-91 a 97-93.
It’s a great pleasure to be part of the Ringstar Sports family,” said Donaire. “I’m grateful for this opportunity and I know there is more to come. I’m going to get back in there and keep showing what I can do.
Za više informacija posjetite worldboxingsuperseries.s ili www.ringstar.com

Slijedite na Twitteru @WBsuperSeries, @Ringstar and become a fan on Facebook at facebook.com/WBSuperSeries a facebook.com/Poziv zvjezdice Sport. Večeras je borbu je promovirao Ringstar Sports u suradnji sa World Boxing Super Series.


30/09/17 – Četvrtfinale krucijalne težine:
Mairis Briedis vs. Mike Perez (WBC svijet)
Riga Arena, Riga, Letonija

07/10/17 – Četvrtfinale super srednje težine:
Chris Eubank Jr vs. Avni Yildirim (IBO Svijet)
Hanns-Martin-Schleyer Halle, Stuttgart, Njemačka

14/10/17 – Četvrtfinale super srednje težine:
George Groves vs. Jamie Cox (WBA super)
SSE Arena, Wembley, London, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo

21/10/17 – Četvrtfinale krucijalne težine:
Murat Gassiev vs. Krzysztof Włodarczyk (IBF Svijet)
Prudential Center, Newark, New Jersey, SAD

28/10/17 – Četvrtfinale super srednje težine:
Juergen Braehmer vs. Rob Brant

Kongresna dvorana u Schwerinu, Njemačka

Broj sudionika: 16
Broj pojaseva: 7
Broj svjetskih prvaka: 6
Broj bivših svjetskih prvaka: 3
Broj neporaženih boraca: 9
Kombinirani zapis sudionika: 423 pobjeda, 17 gubici, 294 Kos

‘KO Doctor’ vs. ‘Russian HammerWBSS quarterfinal has fight-of-the-year potential

Dan Rafael, ESPN Senior Writer
When the World Boxing Super Series brackets for the eight-man, single-elimination tournaments in the cruiserweight and super middleweight divisions were unveiled in July, one bout stood out as a potential fight-of-the-year candidate.
It was the cruiserweight quarterfinal bout between world titleholder “Ko Doktor,” yunier Dorticos, a “Ruska Hammer,” Dmitrij Kudryashov, a pair of knockout artists with crowd-pleasing styles.
They meet in the first WBSS bout to take place in the United States u subotu at the Alamodome in San Antonio.
The fans are going to get an amazing show on [Subota],” said Dorticos 31, a Cuban defector fighting out of Miami. “This is definitely the best fight of the tournament and the best man will win. We’re both going to leave it all in the ring and fight with our hearts until the very end.
I’m working hard and getting ready to take advantage of this opportunity. I have a strong opponent in front of me, but I know what I’m capable of. I’m going to go out there and study him the first few rounds and then break him down. I have to execute my game plan.
Ne. 4 seed Dorticos (21-0, 20 Kos) will be making his first defense since being elevated from an interim titleholder. With three other titleholders — Oleksandr Usyk, Murat Gassiev and Mairis Briedisalso taking part in the tournament, the winner will be able to unify the division, which is Dorticosgoal.
It’s an honor for me to be part of such a prestigious tournament,” rekao je. “This is my opportunity to put myself on top of this sport with the other big names and champions. This is what me and my team have worked so hard to accomplish. I want to fight all of the champions. That is my plan because I see myself as the best fighter in this division and now I can go out there and prove it.
The winner of the tournament will receive the Muhammad Ali Trophy. Dorticos said winning it would mean as much to him as winning the other belts.
I idolized Muhammad Ali just like everyone else in this sport, and to earn the trophy with his name would be something very special for my life and career,” rekao je.
The unseeded Kudryashov (21-1, 21 Kos), 31, Rusije, has similar goals heading into this fight.
My main motivation is to become world champion and show that I’m the best in the division,” said Kudryashov, who will be fighting outside of Russia for the first time. “I’m the most powerful fighter in this division and everyone will see that on [Subota]. I have a newborn daughter, but I’m still training harder than ever and it has just added to my motivation to go win this tournament.
Fighting for the Muhammad Ali Trophy is huge for me. It is a big responsibility to make sure that I honor his name. This is possibly the biggest prize that boxers can fight for in a tournament that couldn’t be more important.
Kudryashov has won three fights in a row since his only defeat, a second-round knockout to Olanrewaju Durodola. Kudryashov avenged the loss in his last fight, a fifth-round knockout win over Durodola on Lipanj 3.
Ne. 1 seed Usyk (13-0, 11 Kos), Ukrajine, scored a 10th-round knockout of former titlist Marco Huck in their Sept. 9 quarterfinal, and will face the winner of the fight between world titleholder Mairis Briedis (22-0, 18 Kos), Ne. 3 seed from Latvia, and unseeded Mike Perez (22-2-1, 14 Kos), a Cuban defector now based in Ireland, in the semifinals in early 2018. Briedis and Perez meet Sedam. 30 at Riga Arena in Riga, Letonija.
The Dorticos-Kudryashov winner advances to the semifinals to face the winner of the fight between world titleholder and No. 2 seed Murat Gassiev (24-0, 17 Kos), Rusije, and unseeded mandatory challenger and former titlist Krzysztof Wlodarczyk (53-3-1, 37 Kos), Poljske, who meet Listopada. 21 at the Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey. The finals are due to take place in May.
U subotu card will also feature a 10-round cruiserweight fight between tournament alternates Keith Tapia (17-1, 11 Kos), 27, od Bronxu, Njujork, and former world title challenger Lateef Kayode (21-1, 16 Kos), 34, a Nigeria native fighting out of Los Angeles.
Dodatno, former four-division world titleholder Nonito Donaire, out of action since losing his junior featherweight world title by controversial decision to Jessie Magdaleno nearly a year ago, will return to face Ruben Garcia Hernandez in his first fight since signing with Ringstar Sports promoter Richard Schaefer.
Donaire (37-4, 24 Kos), 34, the “Filipino Flashwho lives in Las Vegas, is returning to featherweight, where he once held a world title, to face Garcia Hernandez (22-2-1, 9 Kos), 24, Meksika, u 10-okrugli nastup. A Donaire victory likely will propel him into a much bigger fight in the first part of the 2018.

World Boxing Super Series & Ringstar Sports to Donate 10% of Gate for Saturday’s Dorticos vs. Kudryashov WBSS Quarter-final to San Antonio Food Bank to Aid the Hurricane Harvey Relief Effort

Ulaznice za Subota, Rujan 23 at the Alamodome in San Antonio Available at Ticketmaster.com
SAN ANTONIO (Rujan 21, 2017) – World Boxing Super Series and Ringstar Sports announced Thursday that 10 percent of the gate for Saturday’s Yunier Dorticos vs. Dmitrij Kudryashov WBSS quarter-final taking place at the Alamodome in San Antonio will be donated to the San Antonio Food Bank to aid the ongoing relief effort after Hurricane Harvey.
Every dollar donated creates seven meals for those in need. Ulaznice za događaj uživo, which is promoted by Ringstar Sports in association with World Boxing Super Series, su po cijeni od $250, $125, $100, $50, a $30, te su na prodaju sada. Ulaznice su dostupne na Ticketmaster.com.
San Antonio is a fantastic fight city and now fans will have the chance to catch world class boxing while also helping a great cause,” rekao je Richard Schaefer, Predsjednik i izvršni direktor Ringstar Sportsa. “The relief efforts after Hurricane Harvey are ongoing and World Boxing Super Series and Ringstar Sports are proud to be able to help wherever we can. I hope that the tremendous fight fans in San Antonio will show up in full force so that we can raise a lot of money and help a lot of people in need.
The San Antonio Food Bank is proud to benefit from the ticket sales for the World Boxing Super Series and Ringstar Sports event ove subote,” said Chloe Palacios, Corporate Giving Manager for the San Antonio Food Bank. “Every dollar raised will allow us to provide support to those affected by Hurricane Harvey. We greatly appreciate the opportunity provided by World Boxing Super Series and Ringstar Sports and look forward to this exciting event!”
The Rujan 23 event will also feature a reserve match between once-beaten cruiserweights Keith Tapia a Lateef Kayode, while former world championNonito Donaire returns to take on Mexico’s Ruben Garcia Hernandez.
*To apply for media credentials visit http://www.swansonpr.com/credentials.
Obožavatelji u SAD -u. can stream the WBSS action live by signing up atWorldBoxingSuperSeries.com on fight night. Make sure to follow the WBSS on all of your social platforms for updates from fight week and fight night.
Za više informacija posjetite worldboxingsuperseries.s ili www.ringstar.com

Slijedite na Twitteru @WBsuperSeries, @Ringstar and become a fan on Facebook at facebook.com/WBSuperSeries a facebook.com/Poziv zvjezdice Sport

Photos are free to use, but please credit World Boxing Super Series.

23/09/17 – Četvrtfinale krucijalne težine:
Yunier Dorticos vs. Dmitrij Kudryashov (WBA svijet)
Alamodome, San Antonio, Teksas, SAD

30/09/17 – Četvrtfinale krucijalne težine:
Mairis Briedis vs. Mike Perez (WBC svijet)
Riga Arena, Riga, Letonija

07/10/17 – Četvrtfinale super srednje težine:
Chris Eubank Jr vs. Avni Yildirim (IBO Svijet)
Hanns-Martin-Schleyer Halle, Stuttgart, Njemačka

14/10/17 – Četvrtfinale super srednje težine:
George Groves vs. Jamie Cox (WBA super)
SSE Arena, Wembley, London, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo

21/10/17 – Četvrtfinale krucijalne težine:
Murat Gassiev vs. Krzysztof Włodarczyk (IBF Svijet)
Prudential Center, Newark, New Jersey, SAD

27/10/17 – Četvrtfinale super srednje težine:
Juergen Braehmer vs. Rob Brant

Kongresna dvorana u Schwerinu, Njemačka

Broj sudionika: 16
Broj pojaseva: 7
Broj svjetskih prvaka: 6
Broj bivših svjetskih prvaka: 3
Broj neporaženih boraca: 9
Kombinirani zapis sudionika: 423 pobjeda, 17 gubici, 294 Kos

World Boxing Super Series Yunier Dorticos vs. Dmitry Kudryashov Final Press Conference Quotes & Fotografije

Dorticos vs. Dmitry Cruiserweight Quarter-final This Subota, Rujan 23 from the Alamodome in San Antonio
Kliknite OVDJE for Press Conference Photos
Kliknite OVDJE for Undercard Workout Photos
Kredit: Francisco Perez/Ringstar Sports
SAN ANTONIO (Rujan 20, 2017) – Fight week in San Antonio officially kicked-off as yunier Dorticos a Dmitrij Kudryashov went face-to-faceSrijeda at the final press conference before their Subota, Rujan 23World Boxing Super Series cruiserweight quarterfinal showdown taking place at the Alamodome.
Također u pohađanje Srijeda were once-beaten cruiserweights Keith Tapiaa Lateef Kayode, who meet in a WBSS reserve match, plus former world champion Nonito Donaire, who battles Mexico’s Ruben Garcia Hernandez.
Ulaznice za događaj uživo, which is promoted by Ringstar Sports in association with World Boxing Super Series, su po cijeni od $250, $125, $100, $50, a $30, te su na prodaju sada. Ulaznice su dostupne na Ticketmaster.com.
Obožavatelji u SAD -u. can stream the WBSS action live by signing up at WorldBoxingSuperSeries.com on fight night. Make sure to follow the WBSS on all of your social media platforms for updates from fight week and fight night.
Prior to the press conference, local undercard fighters participated in a media workout at Rumble Gym by Jesse James Leija in downtown San Antonio before they enter the ring u subotu noć.
Evo što su sudionici konferencije za medije imao reći Srijeda:
Yunis Dorticós
I’m happy to be a part of this great event. U subotu night you will see what I’m all about. Subota is going to be an explosive matchup and I will leave with my belt.
This is definitely going to be an exciting fight but I have to focus on my game plan and being at the very top of my game u subotu.
I’ve trained really hard for this fight. None of the storms in Miami have slowed me down at all. There will be no excuses on fight night.
To be a part of this tournament is truly an honor and I know that it’s going to put me at the top of this division. I’ve always believed in my abilities and now I can go prove myself against the best.
Winning the Muhammad Ali Trophy would mean so much to me because he is the fighter that everyone looks up to and tries to be like. Subota night is my first step toward that goal.
The fans in San Antonio are in for a great show. That’s on my mind every time I step into the ring and this is really a great opportunity to give the fans something memorable.
I am excited to see all the fans u subotu noć. We both have a lot of knockouts so this is going to be a great fight. Ja ću se moja ruka podignuta u subotu.
This chance to become a world champion for the first time is something that I have worked towards for many years. This is my dream and the fact that it brings me closer to the Ali Trophy adds even more excitement.
I know that I have a very tough opponent in front of me. We’ve worked so hard to prepare my body and mind for 12 rounds of war. There is no way I can lose this fight.
My training camp has been very strong. I’ve been more focused than ever on winning this fight. I knew that I would need to have a great training camp to advance and leave here with the title.
I always train to deliver a knockout. That is my goal for myself. But I will definitely also be ready to go the full 12 kola. I’m going to leave it all in the ring u subotu.
Being a part of this tournament brings me a lot of joy because it gives me the chance to fight the best. That is why I started boxing and now it is time for me to prove that I’m the best in the world.
I’m hyped to fight and do what I have to do. I have a really tough opponent and I respect him 100 posto. I’m ready to rock and roll and show off all my skills.
This is a great chance for me to prove that I am an elite fighter in this division. I’m going to keep working hard until I get my chance at the best.
We’ll see what happens when we step into the ring but it’ll be a lot of action for all of the fans. I’m ready to show off the ‘Machine Gunand get this win.
I want to shout out to Puerto Rico because they’re going through a lot right now with the storms and they’re always in my heart.
“Spreman sam se boriti. U subotu everyone is going to see a good show and a great fight with two warriors.
This fight is going to be fought hard all the way until the end. I am going to leave everything in the ring and get this victory any way that I can.
I’m ready to show that I still have what it takes to be the best in the world and I’m planning on getting this win u subotu.”
I’m thankful to Ringstar Sports for believing in me. The second half of my career is going to be an explosion. It’s going to be an amazing ride and everyone is going to see great fights. You know I’ll get in there with anybody.
I think that people take things for granted in this life. I want to enjoy this time in my career and make the best of it. I know that I have a lot left in the tank.
I’m thrilled to be here in one of the best cities for boxing in the world. I trained in Las Vegas for this fight so I will be able to handle the heat all week.
I’m ready to destroy everybody in my path. That’s the game plan. I want to get back to that world title shot. I will happily fight anybody for that shot to reclaim my place at the top of the division.
This is very exciting for me. To be on the card with the World Boxing Super Series is a great honor for me. Having the best fighting the best is exciting for everyone and I’m glad to be here for it.
RICHARD SCHAEFER, Predsjednik & CEO Ringstar Sport
San Antonio is a fight town. In my opinion it is one of the best fight towns in the United States. The fans can remember countless great fights with awesome crowds and I think we will have that again u subotu.
I made a commitment to San Antonio and the fight fans here that if they showed up, I would bring them more fights. That’s what I hope will happen u subotu. If you show up, I will continue to bring big fights here.
The World Boxing Super Series cruiserweight tournament features eight fighters, including four world champions and four of the number one ranked challengers for each title. This shows the hunger that all of these fighters have to prove that they are the best in this division.
This is the second quarter-final matchup of the cruiserweights and I have to say that all of the major U.S. boxing media and around the world are calling Dorticos vs. Kudryashov the best fight of the tournament.
I am going to guarantee that u subotu noć, you will see a knockout. That’s the only thing these two fighters know how to do. I don’t know who or when, but I’m very comfortable saying this will end in a knockout. These are two guys who know that this is their opportunity to elevate themselves to the forefront of this sport.
Nonito Donaire is a legend who doesn’t need much introduction. He’s one of the biggest names in the sport because he’s one of those guys you will never see a boring fight from. He always brings excitement and he always gives it his all.
The reserve match between Keith Tapia and Lateef Kayode is a very even matchup with two once-beaten fighters. You will see fireworks for this fantastic matchup as both men know that this win could get them into the WBSS.
Za više informacija posjetite worldboxingsuperseries.s ili www.ringstar.com

Slijedite na Twitteru @WBsuperSeries, @Ringstar and become a fan on Facebook at facebook.com/WBSuperSeries a facebook.com/Poziv zvjezdice Sport

Photos are free to use, but please credit World Boxing Super Series.

23/09/17 – Četvrtfinale krucijalne težine:
Yunier Dorticos vs. Dmitrij Kudryashov (WBA svijet)
Alamodome, San Antonio, Teksas, SAD

30/09/17 – Četvrtfinale krucijalne težine:
Mairis Briedis vs. Mike Perez (WBC svijet)
Riga Arena, Riga, Letonija

07/10/17 – Četvrtfinale super srednje težine:
Chris Eubank Jr vs. Avni Yildirim (IBO Svijet)
Hanns-Martin-Schleyer Halle, Stuttgart, Njemačka

14/10/17 – Četvrtfinale super srednje težine:
George Groves vs. Jamie Cox (WBA super)
SSE Arena, Wembley, London, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo

21/10/17 – Četvrtfinale krucijalne težine:
Murat Gassiev vs. Krzysztof Włodarczyk (IBF Svijet)
Prudential Center, Newark, New Jersey, SAD

27/10/17 – Četvrtfinale super srednje težine:
Juergen Braehmer vs. Rob Brant

Kongresna dvorana u Schwerinu, Njemačka

Broj sudionika: 16
Broj pojaseva: 7
Broj svjetskih prvaka: 6
Broj bivših svjetskih prvaka: 3
Broj neporaženih boraca: 9
Kombinirani zapis sudionika: 423 pobjeda, 17 gubici, 294 Kos

U organizaciji Comosa AG, svjetska bokserska super serija započet će u rujnu 2017, s odjeljcima Cruiserweight i Super Middleweight. U svakom težinskom razredu, osam elitnih boksera borit će se protiv njega na eliminacijskom turniru u stilu, s četiri četvrtfinala (pad 2017), dva polufinala (rano 2018) i jedno finale (Svibanj 2018). Ovo čini sedam najboljih borbi po težinskom razredu, i ukupno 14 bori se u prvoj sezoni kako bi bio postavljen na premijernim mjestima širom svijeta. Pobjednici Svjetske bokserske super serije s pravom će dobiti Najveću nagradu u boksu, trofej Muhammad Ali. Please visit our website WorldBoxingSuperSeries.com for more information or follow @WBSuperSeries on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.

World Boxing Super Series Debuts in the U.S. Ove subote, Rujan 23 as Yunier Dorticos vs. Dmitry Kudryashov Cruiserweight Quarterfinal Headlines Exciting Night at the Alamodome in San Antonio

Tickets Available at Ticketmaster.com or Stream the Action on
SAN ANTONIO (Rujan 18, 2017) – World Boxing Super Series action will hit the United States for the first time this week as the Yunier Dorticos vs. Dmitrij Kudryashov quarter-final showdown lights up the ring this Subota, Rujan 23 from the Alamodome in San Antonio.
This will be the third straight week of WBSS quarter-final action after Callum Smith impressively got the super middleweight tournament underway by dropping and beating previously unbeaten Erik Skoglund Saturday in Liverpool. The tournament kicked-off in spectacular fashion one week prior to that with unbeaten star Oleksandr Usyk delivering a TKO victory Marco Huck in Germany in the first cruiserweight quarter-final.
Perhaps the most anticipated fight of the quarter-finals, U subotu main event pits the WBA champion Dorticos against the Russian knockout artist Kudryashov. The two men have combined for 41 knockouts over their 42 pro victories and will each look to emphatically punch their ticket to the WBSS semi-finals.
The Dorticos vs. Kudryashov winner will face the winner of the quarter-final matchup between IBF champion Murat Gassiev and former champion Krzysztof Wlodarczyk that was recently announced for Listopada. 21 in New Jersey. With a shot at title unification on the line, the stakes are sky high as the competitors vie to be the fighter left holding the Muhammad Ali Trophy next year.
Ulaznice za događaj uživo, which is promoted by Ringstar Sports in association with World Boxing Super Series, su po cijeni od $250, $125, $100, $50, a $30, te su na prodaju sada. Ulaznice su dostupne na ticketmaster.com.
Obožavatelji u SAD -u. can stream the WBSS action live by signing up atWorldBoxingSuperSeries.com on fight night. Make sure to follow the WBSS on all of your social platforms for updates from fight week and fight night.
Rujna 23 event will also feature a reserve match between once-beaten cruiserweights Keith Tapia a Lateef Kayode, while former world championNonito Donaire returns to take on Mexico’s Ruben Garcia Hernandez.
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23/09/17 – Četvrtfinale krucijalne težine:
Yunier Dorticos vs. Dmitrij Kudryashov (WBA svijet)
Alamodome, San Antonio, Teksas, SAD

30/09/17 – Četvrtfinale krucijalne težine:
Mairis Briedis vs. Mike Perez (WBC svijet)
Riga Arena, Riga, Letonija

07/10/17 – Četvrtfinale super srednje težine:
Chris Eubank Jr vs. Avni Yildirim (IBO Svijet)
Hanns-Martin-Schleyer Halle, Stuttgart, Njemačka

14/10/17 – Četvrtfinale super srednje težine:
George Groves vs. Jamie Cox (WBA super)
SSE Arena, Wembley, London, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo

21/10/17 – Četvrtfinale krucijalne težine:
Murat Gassiev vs. Krzysztof Włodarczyk (IBF Svijet)
Prudential Center, Newark, New Jersey, SAD

27/10/17 – Četvrtfinale super srednje težine:
Juergen Braehmer vs. Rob Brant

Kongresna dvorana u Schwerinu, Njemačka

Broj sudionika: 16
Broj pojaseva: 7
Broj svjetskih prvaka: 6
Broj bivših svjetskih prvaka: 3
Broj neporaženih boraca: 9
Kombinirani zapis sudionika: 423 pobjeda, 17 gubici, 294 Kos

U organizaciji Comosa AG, svjetska bokserska super serija započet će u rujnu 2017, s odjeljcima Cruiserweight i Super Middleweight. U svakom težinskom razredu, osam elitnih boksera borit će se protiv njega na eliminacijskom turniru u stilu, s četiri četvrtfinala (pad 2017), dva polufinala (rano 2018) i jedno finale (Svibanj 2018). Ovo čini sedam najboljih borbi po težinskom razredu, i ukupno 14 bori se u prvoj sezoni kako bi bio postavljen na premijernim mjestima širom svijeta. Pobjednici Svjetske bokserske super serije s pravom će dobiti Najveću nagradu u boksu, trofej Muhammad Ali. Please visit our website WorldBoxingSuperSeries.com for more information or follow @WBSuperSeries on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.

Callum Smith vs. Erik Skoglund Kicks-off Super Middleweight action in World Boxing Super Series

Za immediate release
Provjetravanje živim u Kanadi Ove subote
Isključivo na SUPER KANAL
(Slike ljubaznošću World Boxing Super Series)
Edmonton, Kanada (Rujan 13, 2017)The focus shifts from cruiserweights to super middleweights ove subote (Sedam. 16) u World Boxing Super Series (WBSS) quarterfinals action as undefeated, elite 168-pound fighters Callum “svijet” Kovač a Erik Skoglundthrow-down at Echo Arena in Liverpool, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo.
Canadian boxing fans will be able to watch all the tournament action live, including Smith vs. Skoglund, on Super Channel, koja je u Kanadi stekla prava za emitiranje svjetske serije Super boks od MP & Silva, vodeća tvrtka svjetski mediji koji pruža medijskih prava, digitalni, tehnologije i sponzorstva usluge.
The “O” must go in U subotu initial super middleweight fight in WBSS tournament as undefeated boxers Smith and Skoglund battle in the 12-round main event, airing live on Super Channel at 6 poslije podne. I / 3 poslije podne. PT, for the vacant World Boxing Council (WBC) Diamond Championship.
The “Smith vs. Skoglundcard start time on Super Channel is TBA (check for updated details onwww.superchannel.ca).
(L-R) – Callum Smith & Erik Skoglund
Kovač (22-0, 17 Kos), fighting at home in Liverpool, is rated No. 8 by The Ring magazine. He is a former WBC Silver and European super middleweight champion who is a rising star.
A ring is a ring no matter where it is, but course, I’m happy to be fighting in Liverpool,” Smith admitted. “This is my home and this is where all my best performances as a professional have been. I like fighting in Liverpool, and with the crowd behind me, I will have an added advantage.
“Na ovom turniru nema lakih borbi. It’s the best fighting the best, but I believe I made the right decision (choosing Skoglund) u Monte Carlu (at the WBSS Draft Gala). That’s not to say Skoglund is not a good fighter. I think he is a very good fighter. His record speaks for itself, but I think stylistically, he was the right choice for me.
It’ll be a tough test. Na papiru, Skoglund is probably the best fighter I’ve ever faced, and I will need to be at my best to beat him. But every time I’ve been up against it in my career, and every time there’s been that fear factor, it’s brought out the best in me and I’m hoping for the sameSubota.”
Skoglund (26-0, 12 Kos) was ranked by all four major sanctioning bodies as a light heavyweight before moving down in weight to compete in the WBSS as a super middleweight. The 26-year-old Swede has been the IBO, WBA International and European champion.
This is a huge opportunity for me to prove myself at the highest level,” Skoglund said. “Callum Smith is a top-level fighter and one of the tournament favorites. This is what the World Boxing Super Series is all about – Najbolje borbe najbolji! That’s why I entered and that is why I’m really looking forward to this fight.
“Za mene, it’s no problem fighting in Liverpool. Naravno, I am always thankful for the opportunity to fight in front of my fans in Sweden, but I’m happy not having that pressure on my shoulders for this fight and I will enjoy being the underdog for once.
The inaugural season of the World Boxing Super Series features two weight classes (cruiserweight & super srednjoj), 16 Borci, i ukupno 14 main events. Stručni panel pozvao je na natjecanje najbolje svjetske boksere, naime, najboljih 15 boraca četiriju glavnih saveza: WBA, WBC, IBF i WBO. U svakom težinskom razredu, eight boxers will battle it out in a bracket-style elimination tournament, with four quarterfinals (Rujan & Listopad 2017), two semifinals (Siječanj & Veljača 2018) and one championship final (Svibanj 2018).
World Boxing Super Series is a new revolutionary bracket-style elimination tournament featuring the world`s best boxers and a total of $50 milion nagrada. Nokaut format natjecanja vidjet će da će se najbolji bokseri na kraju natjecati za trofej Muhammad Ali Ali, najveća nagrada u boksu. Turnir organizira novoosnovana tvrtka Comosa AG, švicarska tvrtka registrirana sa glavnim vlasnicima Highlight Event & Zabava, Modern Times Group i tim Sauerland. Comosa AG radi u partnerstvu s boksericama, promotori i menadžeri širom svijeta, te u skladu s četiri glavne svjetske bokserske federacije, stvoriti novu globalnu platformu za sport.
“Smith vs. Skoglundcard and several preliminary bouts, promoted by Matchroom Boxing, će zraka isključivo u Kanadi na Super Channel.
Sve borbe i borci su podložne promjenama.
Sedam. 9 – Četvrtfinalno finale u Berlinu, Njemačka
WBO Cruiserweight World Championship

Oleksandr Usyk (13-0, 11 Kos), Kijev, Ukrajina

Marco Huck (40-5-1, 27 Kos), Berlin, Njemačka
(Usyk je zadržao titulu WBO krstarice)
Sedam. 16 – Super srednja četvrtfinala u Liverpoolu, UK
WBC Super Middleweight Diamond Championship
Callum Smith (22-0, 17 Kos), Liverpool, Merseyside, UK
Erik Skoglund (26-0, 12 Kos), Nykoping, Švedska
Sedam. 23 – Četvrtfinalno krucijalno finale u San Antoniju, Teksas, SAD
WBA Cruiserweight World Championship
yunier Dorticos (21-0, 20 Kos), Prvak, Miami, Florida, SAD putem Kube
Dmitrij Kudryashov (21-1, 21 Kos), Izazivač, Volgodonsk, Rusija
Sedam. 30 – Četvrtfinalno finale u Rigi, Letonija
Svjetsko prvenstvo u krucijalnoj težini
Mairis jelene (22-0, 18 Kos), Prvak, Riga, Letonija
Mike Perez (22-2-1, 14 Kos), Izazivač, Pluta, Irska putem Kube
All WSBB fights will also be available on Super kanal na Potražnja.
Super Channel nedavno je emitirao velike boksačke događaje uživo poput Brook vs. Spence Jr., Pacquiao-Horn, Eubank, Jr. vs. Abraham, Lomachenko vs.Marriaga i Crawford vs. Indongo.
Za gledanje sve akcije World Boxing Super Series uživo, kao i uzbudljivije boks doći, boriti navijača u Kanadi mogu se obratiti davatelju kabelsku pretplatu na Super kanal i sve to nudi svojim, uključujući premium serije, filmove i još mnogo toga, za nisko kao $9.95 na mjesec.