Tag Arsip: GCP

Greg Cohen Promotions Inks South African Bantamweight MzuvukileOld BonesMagwaca to a Promotional Contract

Greg Cohen Promotions proudly announces the signing of South African bantamweight MzuvukileOld BonesMagwaca.
Magwaca (17-0-2, 10 KOs) from Duncan Village, East London, Afrika Kidul, is the current WBA International Bantamweight Champion and the former WBF Africa Junior Flyweight Champion and IBO Inter-Continental Flyweight Champion.
A seven-year professional, Magwaca trains at theAll Winners Boxing Clubin Mdanstane, East London, Afrika Kidul, with the guidance of ZolaniLast BornTete, a world rated bantamweight and former IBF World Super Flyweight Champion, as well as GCP stablemate and current IBO World Featherweight Champion Lusanda “Méksiko” Komanisi.
Since I was eight years old, when I first wore a pair of old gloves from my elder brother who was a professional boxer himself, I dreamed of becoming a world champion one day,” said Magwaca. “Now that dream is going to be a reality through Greg Cohen Promotions. The Young African Lion is about to pounce!”
We are proud to sign undefeated WBA International Bantamweight Champion Mzuvukile Magwaca, our second fighter from the All Winners Boxing Club in East London, Afrika Kidul,” said Clifford Mass, GCP Vice President of Business Development. “He trains alongside two of the best fighters in South Africa, Lusanda Komanisi and Zolani Tete, and he is ready to take his career to the next level. We have big plans for Bones.
Magwaca’s manager, Mlandeli Tengimfene, says his fighter just needed to find the right contacts to guide him to a world championship. “‘Old Boneswill take America and the world by storm. He is a gem and a marvel to watch. He is also tall for his division and a maestro in the ring behind his educated jab. This boy is the future at bantamweight and with Greg Cohen Promotions behind him, the sky is the limit.

GCP tanda Louisiana Louisiana Lightweight Mason Menard ka Kontrak promosi

Nagreg Cohen promosi proudly announces nu penandatanganan of lightweight “Rock Hard Mighty” Mason Menard ka kontrak promosi.

Menard (29-1, 21 KOs) ti Rayne, Louisiana Louisiana, dimimitian tinju dina yuswa dalapan jeung miboga 82 gelut amatir. Anjeunna nyandak hiji medali perunggu dina 2007 AS. Nationals jeung milu dina 2008 Percobaan Olimpiade di 132 pon kitu saméméh ngarobah professional dina 2007.

Dina jajaran dibayar, Menard geus kawengku Louisiana Louisiana Propinsi Lightweight Judul, Kabéh American UBO Lightweight Judul, jeung Judul UBO World Lightweight.

“Kuring yakin kuring gé bisa narima kasempetan badag alatan GCP teu televised gelut jeung nu kahayang mah kudu, keur ka batur pikeun meunangkeun kuring ditempo nasional / sakuliah dunya,” ceuk hiji Menard happy ngeunaan deal nu. “Kami pisan untung geus ditandatanganan bareng GCP, bakal méré kuring outlet kuring kudu ditempo, ka jadi hiji superstar tinju. Ieu kabeh timing Allah!”

Cohen, anu ogé handles punching murderous Ismael Barroso, Sora ngahiung Australia nempo Josh King, Ghana Kang undefeated Rafael Mensah jeung sensasi Kanada Tony Luis, nyebutkeun Menard bakal nyieun Sajaba wilujeng sumping ka stabil nya lightweights kelas dunya.

“Teu jiga naon kuring ningali di Mason Menard,” ceuk Cohen. “Kuring néangan maju ka gawe bareng manéhna jeung Pangatur nya, Chad Broussard. Jadi jauh dina karirna, Mason geus tarung heboh di nagara imahna. Urang bade ngawanohkeun manéhna sesa dunya tur mantuan manéhna jadi jawara dunya.”

Fight kahiji Menard Kang handapeun banner GCP bakal ngumumkeun teu lila.

Ngeunaan Nagreg Cohen promosi


Salah sahiji outfits tinju sacara Premier promosi, Nagreg Cohen promosi (GCP) nyaeta ngaran well-dimangfaatkeun pikeun pementasan-kelas dunya kajadian tinju professional jeung promosi pejuang panarjamah elit di sakuliah dunya.


Ngadegkeun jeung CEO Nagreg Cohen geus aub jeung tinju professional di sagala rupa Kamampuh saprak ahir taun 1980 an, honing karajinan sarta ngadegkeun dirina minangka pangusaha tinju internasional shrewd.


Dibédakeun ku pangabisana ka titik sarta ngamekarkeun bakat atah, Cohen dijieun headline pikeun hidayah ahli panemu, antara loba batur, urut WBA Junior Middleweight Jawara Austin “Henteu Asa-Asa” Lauk Trout, nu Cohen mantuan pituduh ti nu teu dipikanyaho prospek New Mexico ka elit tingkat superstar bayar-per-pintonan.


Salian Trout, Nagreg Cohen promosi geus digarap jeung ngaran ngadegkeun saperti urut jawara hasil ngahijikeun Tatar sarta dua-ayeuna heavyweight Hasim “Nu Rock” Rahman (50-8-2, 41 KOs); jeung sababaraha-beurat jawara dunya kelas sadaya-waktu gede James “Lampu Out” Toney (74-7-3, 45 KOs).


-Dipeunteun dunya contenders lumangsung dina GCP roster antarana Arash Usmanee, universal diakuan salaku luhur-10 super featherweight; urut WBA International Middleweight Jawara jeung-dipeunteun dunya middleweight contender Jarrod Fletcher; top-dipeunteun featherweight Joel Brunker; cruiserweight Lateef Kayode; Kanada aksi lightweight jeung TV pahlawan Tony Luis, jeung WBA jeung lima waktu Irlandia Nasional Amateur Jawara, Dennis Hogan; jeung Rising sensasi Welterweight Cecil McCalla.


Nagreg Cohen promosi geus hosted kajadian-kelas dunya tinju di tempat finest sapanjang Amerika Serikat jeung dunya jeung ogé proudly disadiakeun bakat jeung / atawa eusi pikeun sababaraha jaringan televisi kaasup HBO, Waktos Na Pertunjukan, ESPN, Néglasari Olahraga Network, BPS Olahraga Network, Msg jeung rubah Olahraga Net.

Inpo nu leuwih lengkep, nganjang gcpboxing.com. Panggihan urang dina Facebook diwww.facebook.com/GCPBoxing. Twites: GCPBoxing.