Tag Archives: Garrett Wilson

The Tornado Umbiko ovela The Valley Forge Casino – June 20, 2015

Caputo Wilson KO sika Win PA State Cruiserweight Isihloko

By Tony “The Tornado” Penecale (Ringside)



Uma usayina umdlalo wesibhakela phakathi amasosha okuthiwa "The Bull" futhi "The Ultimate Warrior,” it is inevitable that a slugfest will ensure. “The Bull vs The Ultimate Warrior.” In the words of Apollo Creed, it "Uzwakala njengomoya movie monster."

Phambi kwesixuku nomdlandla at the Valley Forge Casino, kanye singenamuntu Pennsylvania State Cruiserweight isihloko sengozini, Garrett "The Ultimate Warrior" Wilson and Anthony "The Bull" Caputo Smith zalwa i slugfest umzuzu 8-, isiphetho Knockout aliqokomisa-esondweni.


Wilson (ngenhla kwesokudla), 195, of Philadelphia, yangena iziqubu off ukubonisa eyiqhawe ngokumelene Ezingakanqotshwa Vyacheslav Shabranskyy. Ngaphesheya ring kwaba Clone eduze of ngokwakhe esiyisigqigqi futhi nolaka Caputo Smith, 197, kusukela eKennett Square, PA. It was an intriguing matchup between two throw-back fighters trying to rebound from some tough losses and secure a spot as a contender.


The bout opened with both fighters charging out of their corners like a couple of high-mountain rams and locking horns in the center of the ring. Neglecting there was a full ring to operate in; Wilson and Caputo Smith wema emhlabathini wabo, Ukuhweba punches in the maphakathi ring.


Nakuba Smith kwaba nolaka, Wilson eduze wanqoba emzuliswaneni wokuqala ngokuphonsa umqulu ephakeme punches ngaphakathi, winging right hands to the head and landing short body shots. Wilson’s success continued in the 2nd round, njengoba wazithola esesifundazweni umqulu amalungelo lokuqobela kanzima umzimba, kusale welts emhlabeni ribcage Caputo Smith.


Ngesikhathi exchange of izinkintsho kwesokunxele, Wilson lawela nje kancane ngokushesha, dropping Caputo Smith to a knee. Caputo Smith bounced up and was ready to resume his head-first attack. Wilson started to change his tactics, usebenzisa jab elukhuni ukuba negate uchuku Caputo Smith, drawing igazi emakhaleni Caputo Smith.


Esemncane Terre–futhi nge neqhawe-umoya lakhe–Caputo Smith kept applying the pressure and engaging Wilson on the inside. Again, like izinqama ezimbili, they locked horns in the center of the ring. In a flash, Wilson sihlehlele emuva futhi lakhipha uppercut Homerun, nokufaka Caputo Smith flat emhlane wakhe, his head thudding off of the canvas. As the referee Shawn Clark counted, Caputo Smith vainly pulled himself to his feet. Despite courageously beating the count, Wayekhona akukho shape uqhubeke, sokuphoqa Clark ukunqanda iziqubu at the 1:41 uphawu.


Wilson, the new PA State Cruiserweight iqhawe, manje 14-9-1 (8 KO sika) kanti Caputo Smith liwela 15-5 (10 KO sika).


Kwezinye iziqubu:


* Milton Santiago, kuphela isonto emva kokuphothula esikoleni esiphakeme, waba uvalo kafushane ngokuwina isinqumo ngazwilinye phezu Jose Miguel Castro.


Santiago, nje 18 ubudala, kwaba ukuncintisana yakhe 11th iziqubu professional, futhi ukuvuthwa kwakhe bobusha futhi Yithemba okusikhumbuza a young Wilfred Benetiz, owayeneminyaka engu iqhawe somhlaba lapho eneminyaka kuphela 17.


Santiago, 140, of Philadelphia, Boxed kahle futhi elawulwa Tempo ngokumelene Castro, 138, of Carolina, E-Puerto Rico. Try as he might, Castro asitholanga isigqi ngokumelene Santiago stylish.


The ingwici kuphela Santiago beza 2nd round, lapho njengoba ayesendleleni usisekela; yena waba zigundiwe esilevwini, sending him to the canvas for a brief count. Upon rising, Santiago baphinde baphatha izintambo, boxing masterfully.


Yena, Castro akayekanga ukuzama, kokufika a uppercut nice in the 4th round, futhi waqhubeka uchuku akhe abuhlungu ngokusebenzisa 5th futhi 6th. But no matter what he did, Santiago kwaba nje isinyathelo noma ezimbili ngaphambi kwakhe futhi cruised phansi elula, ngokuwina on wonke amakhadi ezintathu by inqwaba ezifanayo 59-55.


Santiago ngcono ukuba 11-0 (3 KO sika) njengoba Castro liwela ngaphansi .500 futhi manje 4-5 (2 KO sika).


* Iziqubu Kusihlwa sika bezijabulisa kakhulu kwaba eziyisithupha-round slugfest phakathi Ezingakanqotshwa Erik Spring, 153, Ukufunda PA, futhi ngicasukile-nomqondo Robert Sweeney, 154, Hampton VA.


The dueling-southpaws waqala ngokushesha, kokubili emi phambi nomunye, trading punches on near-even terms with Spring just a little bit better. Sweeney pressed the action in the 2nd round, futhi Spring wayezimisele abama futhi counter yakhe Punch.


The iziqubu okukhulu futhi kakhulu-yokuncintisana waqhubeka impi ilungelo-izingwegwe the 3rd round with the crowd enjoying the entertaining scrap. As the 4th round waqalwa, ijubane obumangalisayo wayethatha kuyalimaza nge kokubili nokulwisana ukuthatha Donsa njengoba beqhubeka ukushintshanisa amandla punches.


Le mpi kwase close angena sokugcina emahlandla lamabili, but Spring was just a little bit better down the stretch. The final bell was a welcome respite for the weary warriors.


Spring bavuzwa ngokuboniswa ngazwilinye isinqumo ukunqoba inqwaba 58-56, 59-55, futhi ebanzi ngokumangalisayo 60-54, ngcono irekhodi lakhe Ezingakanqotshwa ukuba 6-0 (1 KO), njengoba Sweeney liwela 3-3.


* Hafiz Montgomery waletha qembu elishisekayo abalandeli for DEBUT yakhe professional futhi sprinted kuze ring ukuhlangabezana yamelana journeyman ezinzima Brian Donahue.


Montgomery, 207, of York, PA, kwaba masinya nokuningi luze ukwedlula Donahue flabby, 203, of Philadelphia. Donahue kwaba okuqukethwe ukuphonsa ububanzi, single punches. Montgomery attacked in the 2nd round lawela ambalwa isibhamu umzimba kodwa ijubane lakhe zaqala ukubambezela njengoba nxazonke sathuthuka Donahue kokufika limgwaza ambalwa.


Ijubane kakhulu kwehlisiwe in the 3rd futhi 4th rounds with a tired Montgomery landing a few punches and the slower Donahue offering a few sneers in return. It was no surprise as all three judges scored 40-36, nekuniketa Montgomery debuting yakhe ukunqoba, ukuthumela abalandeli bakhe uxokozele ezijabule.


Montgomery iwina DEBUT yakhe pro futhi manje 1-0 ngenkathi Donahue liwela 3-13-2.


* John Madge wathatha isinyathelo esilandelayo career yakhe professional, ngokubeka irekhodi lakhe Ezingakanqotshwa yamelana ezinzima futhi ayekuthola 35-impi nomakadebona Dionisio Miranda.


Madge, 167, of Rutherford, NJ, athola ekhaya ekuseni for southpaw iqonde ngakwesobunxele sayo, zihlukanise abaqaphi kokwehla flush Umphikisi wakhe emelene Miranda, 169, of Miami, FL. Not to be discouraged, Miranda lawela ngasekupheleni ezandleni ezimbalwa ilungelo in the round.


The iziqubu bawela enkambweni nge Madge kokufika a nenhlanganisela omuhle ambalwa linamazwi laser washiya isandla sakhe kanti Miranda kancane wazama ukuhlala phansi futhi counter ngezandla kanzima kodwa okuvamile ilungelo.


Miranda ngaphumelela yakhe umhlabeleli in the 4th round nge ezandleni ezimbalwa omuhle ilungelo ekuseni, kodwa Madge ngokushesha baphinde umfutho. Kunabangewona ikhono kanye nomsebenzi rate wakhe babe ngokwanele ukulawula isenzo phezu wokugcina emahlandla lamabili.


Madge cruised a ngazwilinye isinqumo win by inqwaba 59-55 futhi 60-54 kabili futhi uhlala Ezingakanqotshwa at 11-0 (7 KO sika), ngenkathi Miranda lehla 22-12-2 (19 KO sika)


* Enye ithemba Ezingakanqotshwa, Earl Newman, wenza kakhulu ithuba lakhe ukuze zikhange ngokubhubhisa nomakadebona Lamont Capers e emahlandla emihlanu ngesihluku.


Newman, 177, of Brooklyn, NY, waqala iziqubu kunalokho kancane, Capers sivumele, 177, of Hawley, PA, to disrupt his momentum by clinching after each punch thrown. Newman started to warm to the task in the 2nd round, working behind a stiff jab and penetrating Capers defense with thudding body shots. A thunderous body shot suddenly drove the air from Capers, alo kuye ngendwangu.


Newman wagcina behlasela Capers ekhathele eyingcuba in the 3rd round, and the only respite came when Capers took a low blow. The extra minute to recover did very little for him as he continued to take punishment. By the 4th round, Capers kwaba kwimodi basinde elihlanzekile nazo Newman kokufika uchungechunge uppercuts emihlanu iqonde, ukuthumela Capers ukuba ngendwangu for the 2nd Isikhathi.


Newman bazizele bona ngokubulala in the 5th round, punishing Capers throughout the round before finally flooring him for the third time with a big uppercut. Capers managed to climb to his feet, kodwa kuboniswe ukulamula Blair uTalmadge anakho ngokwanele, ukugqugquzeleka i umisiwe ngokushesha ngesikhathi 2:56 uphawu.


Newman uhlala Ezingakanqotshwa 6-0 (5 KO sika) nge Capers ilele ku 5-7.


* Out sikhangise amakhono akhe kwakungenye ithemba Ezingakanqotshwa; Stephen Fulton Lalilihle e ukuqaqa Pablo Cupul phezu ezintathu nezinhlamvu eyodwa emaceleni.


Fulton, 123, of Philadelphia, abachithanga sikhathi ekuthatheni empini Cupul, 120, of San Diego, NJENGE. Fulton quickly found a home landing his jab to the body and arching his right hand over Cupul’s low left hand, landing it with ease. Despite his courage, Cupul kwakumane nje slow kakhulu futhi uvulwe ukuncintisana.


It waba kubi kakhulu fighter ngokuvakashela e 2nd round, njengoba Fulton wanquma ukwengeza kwesokunxele hook nomzimba punches ukuba zinkulumo zakhe, landing virtually every punch he threw. The beating continued through the 3rd round nge Fulton njengomyalo obusa, leaving a badly swollen and beaten Franco wobbling back to his corner. His corner and the doctor decided the punishment over three rounds was more than enough, kokuma iziqubu phambi 4th round.


Fulton futhi igcina amarekhodi akhe Ezingakanqotshwa walondoloza futhi manje 6-0 (3 KO sika) futhi lo mshayeli Cupul isithela ukuba 8-18 (5 KO sika).



* USamuweli Quinones baletha iziqhumane ukuba Valley Forge emasontweni ambalwa ngaphambi 4th of July, futhi Shiwone Gortman kwaba umamukeli ngeshwa of isiphetho sakhe grand.


Quinones, 149, of York, PA kwadingeka ukusinda naleli gagasi ekuseni kusukela Gortman, 147, of Grand Prairie, MY, bahlasela kusukela ekhoneni uphonsa zasendle, ineffective punches. Quinones established control late in the round with a combination at the bell.


Quinones waqala nomhlaba thudding nomthofu washiya izingwegwe the 2nd round ngesikhathi Gortman lancipha uphonsa slow, single punches. With Gortman breathing heavily, Quinones wangenela a ngonya overhand ilungelo in the 3rd round, depositing Gortman flat on his back. It didn’t last much longer as Quinones attacked his wounded prey, sokuphoqa Blair uTalmadge ukuze anqande iziqubu.


Quinones uphakamisa irekhodi lakhe ukuba 9-3 (4 KO sika) kanti manje Gortman kuba 4-8-1 (2 KO sika).


In a indaba inobudlabha, Jack Grady futhi Kevin Garcia wawufuna a Eshubile ezine-round draw.


Grady, 138, Buffalo NY, a fighter amade futhi lanky nge esiyinkinga ukunyakaza futhi amateurish namakhono waqala ngokushesha, throwing long and sloppy punches. Garcia, 135, Phoenixville PA, lawela a tibali ambalwa.


Garcia slowly gained control as Grady tired with the bouts spiraling into a crude affair. After four uninspiring rounds, it seemed as Garcia had secured his second professional victory. One judge agreed, awarding him the win by the score of 39-37. Unfortunately for him, nabanye abahluleli ababili akakwazanga ukunquma on a winner, turning in inqwaba 38-38, kanye iziqubu simenyezelwa draw iningi.


Manje Garcia kuba 1-1-1 futhi Grady namanje winless at 0-1-1.


Umcimbi, kugqugquzelwa Marshall Kauffman AmaKhosi Promotions, was again an entertaining show with an appreciative crowd. The Valley Forge Casino is a fan-friendly place to see a boxing match and there was a lot of mingling going on after the show. Garrett Wilson was wearing his newly-won belt, ukuxhawulana, and taking photos with friends and fans. His career has been rejuvenated and his smile showed a man that was happy to be back on the right path. His eyes showed a man who knows he is now a target with that belt around his waist. It is exciting to see who he will fight next and where “The Ultimate Warrior” will go from here.




Wilson okhipha Caputo Smith in ezintathu; Kunika Pennsylvania State Cruiserweight isihloko

Spring, Santiago, Newman, Magda, Fulton, Quinones futhi Montgomery score iwina on undercard

Buka nokulwisana on ukudleka www.gfl.tv

For Eliseduze Release

Valley Forge, PA (June 22 2015)–Lokhu esidlule ngoMgqibelo ebusuku ngesikhathi Valley Forge Casino Resort, Garrett Wilson amaphuzu block 3 nxazonke umisiwe phezu Anthony Caputo Smith wasithatha isihloko Pennsylvania State Cruiserweight.

The show wakhushulelwa by Promotions seNkosi futhi kusakazwe bukhoma by www.gfl.tv

Wilson of Philadelphia lawela a uppercut ngonya ilungelo ukuthi wathumela Caputo Smith flat emhlane wakhe nekhanda lakhe oshaya ngendwangu. Caputo Smith bazama ukuthola ukuthi izinyawo zakhe kodwa impi wabizwa ngokuthi off at 1:41.

Manje Wilson of Philadelphia 14-9-1 kanye 8 knockouts. Caputo Smith of eKennett Square, PA. manje 15-5.

Erik Spring wasebenza kanzima ukunqoba 6-round isinqumo ngazwilinye phezu Robert Sweeney in a Jr. Middleweight iziqubu.

the ezimbili adayiswa punches and enikeziwe isinyathelo esikhulu njengoba neither wathatha isinyathelo emuva. Le mpi yalwiwa at amakota close futhi kwakukhona okukhulu ezimbili ngendlela isinyathelo kulo ukulwa.

Spring of Ukufunda, PA. won by inqwaba 60-54, 59-55 futhi 58-56 ukukhulisa uphawu lwakhe ukuze 6-0. Sweeney of Hampton, Virginia kuba 3-3.

Milton Santiago Jr. wahlushwa ngenxa a flash knockdown kodwa kwakuvumelana kakhulu kulo 6-round isinqumo sakhe ngazwilinye phezu Jose Miguel Castro in a Jr. Welterweight iziqubu.

Santiago kwaba kafushane ithunyelwa ngendwangu ngesikhathi abathambekele emuva futhi kwaba ngaphezulu a knockdown balance. Kusobala ukuthi awuzange ubuhlungu futhi kusukela ngaleso sikhathi uberegisa ngesivinini isandla lawela inala inhlanganisela wafika ekhaya ukunqoba izikolo 59-55 on wonke amakhadi.

Manje Santiago kuba 11-0. Castro of Puerto Rico kuba 4-5.

Earl Newman (6-0, 5 KO sika) of Brooklyn, NY. wahlala ephelele ngovimba Lamont Capers (5-7) round ezinhlanu okuhlelelwe eziyisithupha-round Light Heavyweight iziqubu yabo. Isikhathi stoppage kwaba 2:56

John uMagda (11-0) kwaba workmanlike futhi ishaya ngamandla wafaka isinqumo 6-round ngazwilinye phezu nomakadebona Dionisio Miranda (22-12-2) ayolwa Super middleweight. Izikolo zaba 60-54 kabili futhi 59-55.

Stephen Fulton wahlala Ezingakanqotshwa njengoba yena amaphuzu umisiwe ngemuva nxazonke amathathu 6-round wakhe featherweight iziqubu. The iziqubu samiswa ngemuva Fulton (6-0, 3 KO sika) of Philadelphia kwavula Imi phezu iso langakwesokunene Capul (8-18).

Samuel Quinones Jr. amaphuzu a 3rd round umisiwe phezu Shiwone Gortman in a okuhlelelwe 6-round Welterweight iziqubu. Quinones kwehla Gortman nge overhand ilungelo kanzima round ezintathu futhi waqeda kuye ngokushesha emva at 38 imizuzwana round ezintathu. Quinones of York, Manje PA kuba 9-0 kanye 4 knockouts. Gortman of Grand Prairie, Manje Texas kuba 4-8-1.

Hafiz Montgomery Atlantic City wenza DEBUT pro yimpumelelo ngokuwina 4-round isinqumo ngazwilinye phezu nomakadebona Brian Donahue in a iziqubu Heavyweight by.

Montgomery won by inqwaba 40-36 on wonke amakhadi. Manje Donahue kuba 3-13-2.

Kevin Garcia (1-1-1) of Pheonixville, PA. futhi Jack Grady (0-1-1) of Buffalo, NY balwa draw iningi in a Jr. Welterweight iziqubu. Izikolo zaba 39-37 ngoba Garcia kanti amajaji amabili amaphuzu 38-38.

Yenkosi Promotions ubuyela lokhu ngoMgqibelo nge eziningi 10-iziqubu ikhadi kusukela Sands Casino eBhetlehema ukuthi izoba Ezingakanqotshwa Jamal James ethatha Mike Balasi

Izisindo kusukela Valley Forge, PA

Valley Forge, PA (June 20, 2015)-Izisindo for Saturday Promotions ikhadi ebusuku King at the Valley Forge Casino Resort ukuthi izoba yasePennsylvania State Cruiserweight igama impi phakathi Garrett Wilson and Anthony Caputo Smith.
Garrett Wilson 195 – Anthony Caputo Smith 197.2
(Pennsylvania State Cruiserweight Isihloko)
Milton Santiago 140 – Jose Miguel Castro 138
Earl Newman 177.2 – Lamont Capers 177
Kevin Garcia 135.4 – Jack Grady TBA
Stephen Fulton 123.3 – Pablo Cupul 120.1
Erik Spring 153.4 – Robert Sweeney 153.4
Hafiz Montgomery 207 – Brian Donahue 203
Shiwon Gortman 147.3- Samuel Quinones 148.7
John uMagda 167.5 – Dionisio Miranda 169.7
Umgqugquzeli: Promotions King
Irestjurandi: Valley Forge Casino Resort
1st Bell: 7 PM ET
Telecast: www.gfl.tv
Amathikithi kuthiwa ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe at $100, $75 futhi $50 futhi kungaba uthenge at ticketmaster futhi www.ticketmaster.com
The iziqubu 1st uzoqala 6:45 PM kanye iminyango okuvula at 6 PM.

Garrett Wilson – Anthony Caputo Smith Countdown isiqophi

Valley Forge, PA (June 15, 2015)–Ngezansi ekhethekile engu-15 Countdown isiqophi kokubheka lokhu ubuqhawe ngoMgqibelo Pennsylvania State Cruiserweight phakathi Garrett Wilson and Anthony Caputo Smith ezizokwenzeka esigodini Forge Casino Resort.

Lona Countdown esemthethweni elikhulu Cruiserweight isihloko iziqubu phakathi The Bull, Anthony Caputo Smith and Garrett “The Ultimate Warrior” Wilson. Siya ngaphakathi ukuqeqeshwa amakamu abo futhi uxoxe lo fighters abaqeqeshi babo mayelana June yabo 20 ukulwa Valley Forge Casino Resort.

The iziqubu Headlines ubusuku enkulu isibhakela kugqugquzelwa Promotions King

Websites ongase afake ividiyo ngokuchofoza isixhumanisi bese ukopisha / unamathisele ikhodi linamathele.

Amathikithi kuthiwa ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe at $100, $75 futhi $50 futhi kungaba uthenge at ticketmaster futhi www.ticketmaster.com

The iziqubu 1st uzoqala 6:45 PM with the iminyango okuvula at 6 PM.

Promotions yenkosi Press Conference isiqophi featuring Garrett Wilson and Anthony Caputo Smith

Philadelphia (June 12, 2015)–Ngezansi ividiyo kusuka NgoLwesine Inkomfa Promotions cindezela yenkosi esenzeka nge- Chickie kanye Pete eNingizimu Philadelphia.
Ekhuluma esithangamini sabezindaba kwaqokonyiswa ngamazwi kusukela Garrett Wilson and Anthony Caputo Smith. Wilson and Caputo Smith will take part in the featured bout when they vie for the Pennsylvania State Cruiserweight championship on Saturday, June 20 at the Valley Forge Casino Resort. The fight will top an 8 iziqubu ikhadi.
Websites kungenzeka sokubhala video by ikhophi / unamathisele ikhodi linamathele.
Kin's Promotions Press Conference
Promotions yenkosi Press Conference
Amathikithi kuthiwa ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe at $100, $75 futhi $50 futhi kungaba uthenge at ticketmaster futhiwww.ticketmaster.com
The iziqubu 1st uzoqala 6:45 PM kanye iminyango okuvula at 6 PM.

Garrett Wilson to battle Anthony Caputo Smith for Pennsylvania Cruiserweight title on Saturday June, 20 at Valley Forge Casino Resort

Plus Keenan Collins to battle Pavel Miranda in co-feature; Local favorites Coy Evans plus undefeated Earl Newman, John uMagda, Stephen Fulton, Milton Santiago Jr. & Erik Spring
Valley Forge, PA (June 1, 2015)Ngomgqibelo ebusuku, June 20, King’s Boxing will present a championship night of boxing at the Valley Forge Casino Resort.
In the umcimbi main, Garrett “The Ultimate Warrior” Wilson kuzothatha on Anthony Caputo Smith in a 10-round battle for the Pennsylvania Cruiserweight championship.
Wilson of Philadelphia has a record of 13-9-1 kanye 7 knockouts and has lived up to his nickname as he is willing to fight anybody at anytime. He has fought seven undefeated fighters and countless contenders.
Wilson, 32 won the USBA Cruiserweight title with a 12-round unanimous decision over former world title challenger Omar Sheika. He defended the the twice with thrilling knockout wins over Chuck Mussachio (17-1-2) and Andres Taylor (20-1-2).
Those fights set him for an IBF Elimination bout against Alexander Alekseev (23-2-1).
Wilson fought well but came up just short on the scorecards. In his next bout, Wilson jumped up to Heavyweight to fight current number-one ranked Vychslav Glazkov. Wilson took the fight on two days notice and gave a good account of himself before dropping a decision.
Wilson will be looking to break a 4-fight losing streak.
Caputo Smith of eKennett Square, PA has a irekhodi 15-4 kanye 10 knockouts.
The 30 year-old is like Wilson as he willing to fight anybody.
He won his first thirteen bouts and then captured the Pennsylvania Light Heavyweight title with a 10-round unanimous decision over Dhafir Smith. Caputo Smith then stepped up and lost to undefeated Seanie Monaghan (18-0) on the Juan Manuel MarquezTimothy Bradley Pay Per View undercard in Las Vegas.
Caputo Smith moved up to win the Pennsylvania Cruiserweight title with a 10-round split decision over Tony Ferrante.
Caputo Smith is on a two fight losing streak after dropping fights to BJ Flores (29-1-1) and former interim world champion Ola Afolabi (20-3-4).
In the 8-round co-feature, Keenan Collins (15-9-3, 10 KO sika) of York, PA uyothatha onPavel Miranda (19-10-1, 6 KO sika) of Tijuana, Mexico in a Middleweight bout.
Ngo 6-round iziqubu:
Evans Coy (10-2-1, 2 KO sika) ezolwa Jose Bustos (7-4-3, 4 KO sika) of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico in a Jr. Iziqubu Esilula.

Earl Newman (5-0, 4 KO sika) of Brooklyn, NY ngeke silwe Lamont Capers (5-6) of Hawley, PA in a Cruiserweight bout.
John uMagda (10-0, 7 KO sika) of Rutherford, NJ will take on an opponent to be named in a Super Middleweight bout.
Stephen Fulton (5-0, 2 KO sika) of Philadelphia will take on an opponent to be named in a Featherweight bout.
Samuel Quinones (8-3, 3 KO sika) of York, PA will fight an opponent to be named in a Jr. Welterweight iziqubu.
Esilula Milton Santiago (10-0, 3 KO sika) of Philadelphia, PA will take on an opponent to be named
In 4-rounds bouts:
Kevin Garcia (1-1) of Phoenixville, PA ngeke silwe Jack Grady (0-1) of Buffalo, NY in a iziqubu Esilula.
Eric Spring (5-0, 1 KO) kuzothatha on Robert Sweeney (3-2) of Hampton, VA in a Jr. Middleweight iziqubu.
Amathikithi kuthiwa ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe at $100, $75 futhi $50 futhi kungaba uthenge at ticketmaster futhi www.ticketmaster.com
The iziqubu 1st uzoqala 6:45 PM kanye iminyango okuvula at 6 PM.