Tag Archives: Garrett Wilson

The Tornado Report ku The Valley Forge Casino – June 20, 2015

Wilson KO a Caputo kuti Win PA State Cruiserweight Title

Ndi Tony “The Tornado” Penecale (Ringside)



Pamene inu akalembe nkhonya machesi pakati pa asilikali dzina lake "ng'ombe" ndi "The akathe Wankhondo,” it is inevitable that a slugfest will ensure. “The Bull vs The Ultimate Warrior.” In the words of Apollo Creed, izo "zikumveka ngati chilombo kanema."

Pamaso pa khamu Khama pa Valley Forge Casino, ndi wopanda munthu Pennsylvania State cruiserweight udindo pangozi, Garrett "The akathe Wankhondo" Wilson ndi Anthony "ng'ombe" Caputo Smith anachita 8 mphindi slugfest, mpaka kosangalatsa-kanema knockout.


Wilson (pamwamba pomwe), 195, la Philadelphia, analowa podwala kuchokera amphamvu kukondera motsutsa undefeated Vyacheslav Shabranskyy. Kudutsa mphete anali pafupi choyerekeza yekha mu wojintcha ndi mwamakani Caputo Smith, 197, ku Kennett Square, PA. It was an intriguing matchup between two throw-back fighters trying to rebound from some tough losses and secure a spot as a contender.


The bout opened with both fighters charging out of their corners like a couple of high-mountain rams and locking horns in the center of the ring. Neglecting there was a full ring to operate in; Wilson ndi Caputo Smith anaima zawo pansi, malonda nkhonya pakati pa mphete.


Pamene Smith anali amtopola, Wilson kwambiri anapambana woyamba wozungulira poponya apamwamba buku la nkhonya mkati, winging right hands to the head and landing short body shots. Wilson’s success continued in the 2nd wozungulira, monga anakapezeka buku mwakhama akuigwiritsa ufulu kwa thupi, kusiya kutupa kuzungulira Caputo Smith a ribcage.


Nthawi ya kuwombola la kumanzere ngowe, Wilson zinagwera pang'ono pokha nsanga, dropping Caputo Smith to a knee. Caputo Smith bounced up and was ready to resume his head-first attack. Wilson started to change his tactics, ntchito ouma jab kuti negate Caputo Smith a wolusa, kutenga magazi kuchokera Caputo Smith mphuno.


Akaziwo anali ana aang'ono Terre–ndi wankhondo-mzimu wake–Caputo Smith kept applying the pressure and engaging Wilson on the inside. Apanso, ngati nkhosa ziwiri zamphongo, they locked horns in the center of the ring. In a flash, Wilson analowa mmbuyo ndi anabweretsa homerun uppercut, kuika Caputo Smith kuphwa pa nsana wake, his head thudding off of the canvas. As the referee Shawn Clark counted, Caputo Smith vainly pulled himself to his feet. Despite courageously beating the count, iye anali mu mawonekedwe palibe kupitiriza, kukakamiza Clark kuletsa podwala pa 1:41 chilemba.


Wilson, watsopano PA State cruiserweight ngwazi, tsopano 14-9-1 (8 KO a) pamene Caputo Smith ikagwa 15-5 (10 KO a).


Ena mwauchidakwa:


* Milton Santiago, mlungu umodzi wokha pambuyo sekondale maphunziro, anali mwachidule chiopsyezo popindula akamakambirana pa Jose Miguel Castro.


Santiago, basi 18 zaka, anali kupikisana wake 11TH akatswiri podwala, ndi unyamata kukula ndi chikhulupiriro ndi zikufanana mnyamata Wilfred Benetiz, amene anali dziko ngwazi pamene iye anali ndi 17.


Santiago, 140, la Philadelphia, boxed bwino ndipo ankalamulira tempo motsutsana Castro, 138, wa Carolina, Puerto Rico. Try as he might, Castro sanathe kupeza kayendedwe motsutsa yokometseredwa Santiago.


Yokha hiccup kwa Santiago anabwera 2nd wozungulira, pamene monga iye anali pamwamba; iye zametedwa pachigama, sending him to the canvas for a brief count. Upon rising, Santiago anayambanso kulamulira, nkhonya Mwaluso.


Nayenso, Castro sanasiye kuyesera, n'kupeza zabwino uppercut mu 4TH wozungulira, ndipo anapitiriza pogwira wolusa kudzera 5TH ndipo 6TH. But no matter what he did, Santiago anali chabe sitepe kapena awiri patsogolo pake ndi cruised pansi Zikakhota, kupambana onse atatu makadi ndi zofanana zambiri 59-55.


Santiago bwino kuti 11-0 (3 KO a) monga Castro ikagwa pansi .500 ndipo tsopano 4-5 (2 KO a).


* Madzulo kwambiri kusangalatsa podwala anali asanu chonse slugfest pakati undefeated Erik Spring, 153, Kuwerenga PA, ndi wokwiya okonda Robert Sweeney, 154, Hampton VA.


The dueling-southpaws anayamba mwamsanga, onse anaima kutsogolo kwa mnzake, trading punches on near-even terms with Spring just a little bit better. Sweeney pressed the action in the 2nd wozungulira, ndi Spring analolera kuima nthaka yake ndi potsimikizira nkhonya.


The kwambiri ndi kwambiri-mpikisano podwala anapitiriza monga nkhondo ya kudzanja ngowe mu 3Rd round with the crowd enjoying the entertaining scrap. As the 4TH yozungulira anayamba, ndi mpweya mayendedwe anali kutenga ake msonkho ndi onse ndewu kutenga kwambiri mpweya monga iwo anapitiriza kuti azisinthanitsa mphamvu nkhonya.


Nkhondo anali pafupi kupita komaliza awiri zipolopolo, but Spring was just a little bit better down the stretch. The final bell was a welcome respite for the weary warriors.


Spring anadalitsidwa ndi akamakambirana chigonjetso mwa ambiri 58-56, 59-55, ndi n'zosadabwitsa lonse 60-54, kuwongolera ake undefeated umboni kuti 6-0 (1 KO), monga Sweeney ikagwa 3-3.


* Hafiz Montgomery anabweretsa wachangu gulu la kumbali yake akatswiri kuwonekera koyamba kugulu ndipo sprinted ndi mphete kukumana kukamenyana lolimba journeyman Brian Donahue.


Montgomery, 207, wa York, PA, anali nsanga ndiponso opukutidwa kuposa flabby Donahue, 203, la Philadelphia. Donahue anali okhutira kuponya lonse, single punches. Montgomery attacked in the 2nd kuzungulira ndi zinagwera ochepa thupi akatemera koma kuyenda pang'onopang'ono anayamba pang'onopang'ono monga kuzungulira patsogolo ndi Donahue n'kupeza ochepa jabs.


Kuyenda mmene chimasokoneza mu 3Rd ndipo 4TH rounds with a tired Montgomery landing a few punches and the slower Donahue offering a few sneers in return. It was no surprise as all three judges scored 40-36, awarding Montgomery ake debuting chigonjetso, kutumiza anthu ake mu ankakuwa atikhaulitse.


Montgomery Umapeza ake ovomereza kuwonekera koyamba kugulu ndipo tsopano 1-0 pamene Donahue ikagwa 3-13-2.


* John Madge anatenga sitepe yotsatira wake katswiri, kuika ake undefeated mbiri kukamenyana ndi lolimba ndiponso achikulire 35-nkhondo Mwamunayu Dionisio Miranda.


Madge, 167, wa Rutherford, NJ, anapeza nyumba oyambirira ake southpaw molunjika lamanzere, akuwaza Goliyati olondera ndi ndegeyo movutikira kwachifumu motsutsana Miranda, 169, ya Miami, Ku-. Not to be discouraged, Miranda zinagwera pang'ono dzanja lamanja mochedwa mu kuzungulira.


The podwala anali ndi chizolowezi ndi Madge n'kupeza ochepa zabwino ma potsindika ndi laser dzanja lamanzere pamene pang'onopang'ono Miranda anayesa pansi potsimikizira ndi zovuta koma infrequent dzanja lamanja.


Miranda anali bwino bwino mu 4TH yozungulira ndi ochepa zabwino dzanja lamanja oyambirira, koma Madge mwamsanga anayambanso ndi patsogolo. Wamkulu luso ndi ntchito mlingo anali okwanira kulamulira kanthu pa chomaliza awiri zipolopolo.


Madge cruised kuti akamakambirana Win ndi zambiri 59-55 ndipo 60-54 kawiri ndi akhala undefeated pa 11-0 (7 KO a), pamene Miranda madontho kuti 22-12-2 (19 KO a)


* Wina undefeated chiyembekezo, Earl Newman, anapanga wake mwayi chidwi mwa kuwononga Mwamunayu Lamont Capers asanu nkhanza zipolopolo.


Newman, 177, wa Brooklyn, NY, anayamba podwala m'malo pang'onopang'ono, kulola Capers, 177, wa Hawley, PA, to disrupt his momentum by clinching after each punch thrown. Newman started to warm to the task in the 2nd wozungulira, working behind a stiff jab and penetrating Capers defense with thudding body shots. A thunderous body shot suddenly drove the air from Capers, lopinda iye chinsalu.


Newman anali akutsutsana ndi louma Capers mu 3Rd wozungulira, and the only respite came when Capers took a low blow. The extra minute to recover did very little for him as he continued to take punishment. By the 4TH wozungulira, Capers anali kulambira moyo wopanikizika ndi Newman n'kupeza zotsatizana zisanu molunjika uppercuts, kutumiza Capers kwa chinsalu cha 2nd nthawi.


Newman anadza kufunafuna ndi kupha mu 5TH wozungulira, punishing Capers throughout the round before finally flooring him for the third time with a big uppercut. Capers managed to climb to his feet, koma anasonyeza kuti malifali Blair Talmadge kuti anali okwanira, asanauzidwe mwamsanga stoppage pa 2:56 chilemba.


Newman akhala undefeated 6-0 (5 KO a) ndi Capers amalowetsa kuti 5-7.


* Kuti akuonetsa luso lake wina undefeated chiyembekezo; Stephen Fulton anali chidwi mu dismantling Pablo Cupul zoposa zitatu limodzi kumbali zipolopolo.


Fulton, 123, la Philadelphia, sanazengereze kutenga nkhondo Cupul, 120, wa San Diego, MONGA. Fulton quickly found a home landing his jab to the body and arching his right hand over Cupul’s low left hand, landing it with ease. Despite his courage, Cupul chimene sangathe wodekha ndi nawonso lonse-lotseguka kupikisana.


Iwo anakhala oipa kwambiri wapita kwa womenya mu 2nd wozungulira, monga Fulton anaganiza kuwonjezera anasiya mbedza ndi thupi nkhonya ake zida, landing virtually every punch he threw. The beating continued through the 3Rd yozungulira ndi Fulton mu wolamulirayo lamulo, leaving a badly swollen and beaten Franco wobbling back to his corner. His corner and the doctor decided the punishment over three rounds was more than enough, wotseka pa podwala pamaso pa 4TH wozungulira.


Fulton komanso amadziletsa undefeated mbiri anasunga ndipo tsopano 6-0 (3 KO a) ndi Mwamunayu Cupul akusunsa kuti 8-18 (5 KO a).



* Samuel Quinones anabweretsa makombola kuti Valley Forge masabata angapo pamaso pa 4TH wa July, ndipo Shiwone Gortman anali N'zomvetsa chisoni kusonyezedwa chake chachikulu mapeto.


Quinones, 149, wa York, PA anali kupulumuka adakali kumangotsatira ku Gortman, 147, la Grand tchire, LANGA, amene anakaloŵa ku ngodya kuponya zakutchire, ineffective punches. Quinones established control late in the round with a combination at the bell.


Quinones anayamba dziko thudding patsogolo anasiya ngowe mu 2nd kuzungulira pamene Gortman anachepetsedwa kuponya wosakwiya, single punches. With Gortman breathing heavily, Quinones analowa ndi choopsa overhand mu 3Rd wozungulira, depositing Gortman flat on his back. It didn’t last much longer as Quinones attacked his wounded prey, kukakamiza Blair Talmadge kuletsa podwala.


Quinones zikutipatsa umboni wake kuti 9-3 (4 KO a) pamene Gortman tsopano 4-8-1 (2 KO a).


Mu zochitika osasamala, Jack Grady ndi Kevin García nkhondo ndi kutsutsana anayi chonse Nkhani.


Grady, 138, Buffalo NY, ataliatali lanky womenya ndi womangika kuyenda ndi amateurish luso anayamba mwamsanga, throwing long and sloppy punches. García, 135, Phoenixville PA, zinagwera ochepa owerengera.


Garcia slowly gained control as Grady tired with the bouts spiraling into a crude affair. After four uninspiring rounds, it seemed as Garcia had secured his second professional victory. One judge agreed, awarding him the win by the score of 39-37. Unfortunately for him, ena awiri oweruza sakanatha kusankha munthu wopambana, kutembenukira mu ambiri 38-38, ndi podwala kutchedwa ambiri Nkhani.


García tsopano 1-1-1 ndipo Grady akadali winless pa 0-1-1.


Chochitikacho, amachitira Marshall Kauffman a Mafumu Zokwezedwa, was again an entertaining show with an appreciative crowd. The Valley Forge Casino is a fan-friendly place to see a boxing match and there was a lot of mingling going on after the show. Garrett Wilson was wearing his newly-won belt, chanza, and taking photos with friends and fans. His career has been rejuvenated and his smile showed a man that was happy to be back on the right path. His eyes showed a man who knows he is now a target with that belt around his waist. It is exciting to see who he will fight next and where “The Ultimate Warrior” will go from here.




Wilson akutenga Caputo Smith atatu; Umapeza Pennsylvania State Cruiserweight udindo

Spring, Santiago, Newman, Magda, Fulton, Quinones ndi Montgomery zigoli Umapeza pa undercard

Penyani akumenyana ankafuna pa www.gfl.tv

Pakuti Zichitike Kumasulidwa

Valley Forge, PA (June 22 2015)–Izi kale Loweruka usiku pa Valley Forge Casino Amachita, Garrett Wilson yagoletsa ndi zokopa 3 kuzungulira stoppage pa Anthony Caputo Smith okhala mumpanda Pennsylvania State Cruiserweight udindo.

The amasonyeza analimbikitsa Mfumu Zokwezedwa ndipo akukhamukira moyo ndi www.gfl.tv

Wilson la Philadelphia zinagwera choopsa pomwe uppercut amene anandituma Caputo Smith kuphwa pa nsana wake ndi mutu wake bouncing pa lona. Caputo Smith ku- zolowerana mapazi ake koma kulimbanako ankatchedwa wosokonezeka 1:41.

Wilson la Philadelphia tsopano 14-9-1 ndi 8 knockouts. Caputo Smith wa Kennett Square, PA. tsopano 15-5.

Erik Spring anayesetsa kupambana 6 chonse akamakambirana pa Robert Sweeney mu Jr. Middleweight bout.

awiri malonda nkhonya ndipo anapereka lalikulu ntchito monga kapena anatenga chammbuyo sitepe. Nkhondo inaliko pafupi kotala ndipo uko kunali mbali ziwiri kanthu mu nkhondo.

Spring wa Kuwerenga, PA. apambana mwa ambiri 60-54, 59-55 ndipo 58-56 mokweza chizindikiro kwa 6-0. Sweeney wa Hampton, Virginia ndi 3-3.

Milton Santiago Jr. wangusuzgika ndi kung'anima knockdown koma zinali sizisintha ake 6 chonse akamakambirana pa Jose Miguel Castro mu Jr. Welterweight bout.

Santiago anali mwachidule anatumiza kwa chinsalu pamene iye anali atatsamira kumbuyo ndipo anali wa bwino knockdown. Iye sanali bwino anthabuse kuyambira pamenepo ntchito dzanja lake liwiro ndi zinagwera wambiri osakaniza ndi anabwera ndi chigonjetso mwa ambiri 59-55 onse makadi.

Santiago tsopano 11-0. Castro wa Puerto Rico ndi 4-5.

Earl Newman (6-0, 5 KO a) wa Brooklyn, NY. anakhalabe wangwiro ndi kukatseka Lamont Capers (5-7) mu kuzungulira awo asanu uchitike asanu chonse Kuwala Heavyweight podwala. Nthawi ya stoppage anali 2:56

John Magda (11-0) anali workmanlike ndi kusinja kuika 6 chonse akamakambirana pa Mwamunayu Dionisio Miranda (22-12-2) mu Super Middleweight nkhondo. Ambiri anali 60-54 kawiri ndi 59-55.

Stephen Fulton anakhalabe undefeated pamene yagoletsa ndi stoppage pambuyo kuzungulira ake atatu 6 chonse Featherweight podwala. The podwala kuletsa pambuyo Fulton (6-0, 3 KO a) la Philadelphia anatsegula kagawo pa diso lakumanja la Capul (8-18).

Samuel Quinones Jr. yagoletsa ndi 3 kuzungulira stoppage pa Shiwone Gortman mu uchitike 6 chonse Welterweight podwala. Quinones waponya Gortman ndi zovuta overhand pomwe kuzungulira atatu ndipo anamaliza iye mwamsanga pambuyo pa 38 masekondi atatu a wozungulira. Quinones wa York, PA tsopano 9-0 ndi 4 knockouts. Gortman la Grand tchire, Texas tsopano 4-8-1.

Hafiz Montgomery ya Atlantic City wochita bwino ovomereza kuwonekera koyamba kugulu ndi kuwina 4 chonse akamakambirana pa Mwamunayu Brian Donahue mu Heavyweight podwala.

Montgomery apambana mwa ambiri 40-36 onse makadi. Donahue tsopano 3-13-2.

Kevin García (1-1-1) wa Pheonixville, PA. ndipo Jack Grady (0-1-1) wa Buffalo, NY anamenya nkhondo ambiri kujambula ndi Jr. Welterweight bout. Ambiri anali 39-37 pakuti García pamene awiri oweruza yagoletsa 38-38.

Mfumu Zokwezedwa akubwerera izi Loweruka ndi odzaza 10 podwala khadi kuchokera Sands Casino Betelehemu kuti izikhala undefeated Jamal James kutenga Mike Balasi

Kulemera kwa Valley Forge, PA

Valley Forge, PA (June 20, 2015)-Kulemera kwa Loweruka Usiku wa Mfumu Zokwezedwa khadi pa Valley Forge Casino Amachita zimene kuwerenga Pennsylvania State Cruiserweight udindo ndewu Garrett Wilson ndi Anthony Caputo Smith.
Garrett Wilson 195 – Anthony Caputo Smith 197.2
(Pennsylvania State Cruiserweight Title)
Milton Santiago 140 – Jose Miguel Castro 138
Earl Newman 177.2 – Lamont Capers 177
Kevin García 135.4 – Jack Grady TBA
Stephen Fulton 123.3 – Pablo Cupul 120.1
Erik Spring 153.4 – Robert Sweeney 153.4
Hafiz Montgomery 207 – Brian Donahue 203
Shiwon Gortman 147.3- Samuel Quinones 148.7
John Magda 167.5 – Dionisio Miranda 169.7
Kulimbikitsa: Mfumu Zokwezedwa
Malo: Valley Forge Casino Resort
1St Bell: 7 Madzulo neri
Telecast: www.gfl.tv
Matikiti ndi wogulira pa $100, $75 ndipo $50 ndipo akhoza anagulidwa ku ticketmaster ndi www.ticketmaster.com
1 bout adzayambira pa 6:45 Madzulo ndi zitseko kutsegula pa 6 Madzulo.

Garrett Wilson – Anthony Caputo Smith kuwerengetsa kanema

Valley Forge, PA (June 15, 2015)–M'munsimu wapadera mphindi 15 kuwerengetsa kanema previewing izi Loweruka wa Pennsylvania State Cruiserweight Championship pakati Garrett Wilson ndi Anthony Caputo Smith kuti zidzachitika pa Valley Forge Casino Amachita.

Izi ndi boma kuwerengetsa kuti yaikulu cruiserweight udindo podwala pakati pa ng'ombe, Anthony Caputo Smith ndi Garrett “The akathe Wankhondo” Wilson. Ife kulowa mkati mwa maphunziro awo m'misasa ndipo funsani omenyana ndi aphunzitsi awo June 20 nkhondo pa Valley Forge Casino Amachita.

The podwala mutu waukulu usiku wa nkhonya amachitira Mfumu Zokwezedwa

Websites kuti nsanamira kanema ndi kutsegula kugwirizana ndi kukopera / muiike ndi ophatikizidwa kachidindo.

Matikiti ndi wogulira pa $100, $75 ndipo $50 ndipo akhoza anagulidwa ku ticketmaster ndi www.ticketmaster.com

1 bout adzayambira pa 6:45 Masana ndi zitseko kutsegula pa 6 Madzulo.

Mfumu Zokwezedwa Press Conference kanema osonyeza Garrett Wilson ndi Anthony Caputo Smith

Philadelphia (June 12, 2015)–M'munsimu kanema ku Thursday a Mfumu Zokwezedwa atolankhani kuti zinachitika pa Chickie ndi Pete a ku South Philadelphia.
The atolankhani inali ndi mawu Garrett Wilson ndi Anthony Caputo Smith. Wilson and Caputo Smith will take part in the featured bout when they vie for the Pennsylvania State Cruiserweight championship on Loweruka, June 20 pa Valley Forge Casino Amachita. The fight will top an 8 podwala khadi.
Websites kuti nsanamira kanema ndi buku / muiike ndi ophatikizidwa kachidindo.
Kin's Promotions Press Conference
Mfumu Zokwezedwa Press Conference
Matikiti ndi wogulira pa $100, $75 ndipo $50 ndipo akhoza anagulidwa ku ticketmaster ndiwww.ticketmaster.com
1 bout adzayambira pa 6:45 Madzulo ndi zitseko kutsegula pa 6 Madzulo.

Garrett Wilson to battle Anthony Caputo Smith for Pennsylvania Cruiserweight title on Saturday June, 20 pa Valley Forge Casino Amachita

Plus Keenan Collins to battle Pavel Miranda in co-feature; Local favorites Coy Evans plus undefeated Earl Newman, John Magda, Stephen Fulton, Milton Santiago Jr. & Erik Spring
Valley Forge, PA (June 1, 2015)Lachiwelu usiku, June 20, King’s Boxing will present a championship night of boxing at the Valley Forge Casino Resort.
Kwenikweni chochitika, Garrett “The akathe Wankhondo” Wilson chidzathandiza Anthony Caputo Smith in a 10-round battle for the Pennsylvania Cruiserweight championship.
Wilson of Philadelphia has a record of 13-9-1 ndi 7 knockouts and has lived up to his nickname as he is willing to fight anybody at anytime. He has fought seven undefeated fighters and countless contenders.
Wilson, 32 won the USBA Cruiserweight title with a 12-round unanimous decision over former world title challenger Omar Sheika. He defended the the twice with thrilling knockout wins over Chuck Mussachio (17-1-2) and Andres Taylor (20-1-2).
Those fights set him for an IBF Elimination bout against Alexander Alekseev (23-2-1).
Wilson fought well but came up just short on the scorecards. In his next bout, Wilson jumped up to Heavyweight to fight current number-one ranked Vychslav Glazkov. Wilson took the fight on two days notice and gave a good account of himself before dropping a decision.
Wilson will be looking to break a 4-fight losing streak.
Caputo Smith wa Kennett Square, PA ali ndi mbiri 15-4 ndi 10 knockouts.
The 30 year-old is like Wilson as he willing to fight anybody.
He won his first thirteen bouts and then captured the Pennsylvania Light Heavyweight title with a 10-round unanimous decision over Dhafir Smith. Caputo Smith then stepped up and lost to undefeated Seanie Monaghan (18-0) on the Juan Manuel MarquezTimothy Bradley Pay Per View undercard in Las Vegas.
Caputo Smith moved up to win the Pennsylvania Cruiserweight title with a 10-round split decision over Tony Ferrante.
Caputo Smith is on a two fight losing streak after dropping fights to BJ Flores (29-1-1) and former interim world champion Ola Afolabi (20-3-4).
Mu 8 chonse Co-Mbali, Keenan Collins (15-9-3, 10 KO a) wa York, PA chidzathandizaPavel Miranda (19-10-1, 6 KO a) wa Tijuana, Mexico in a Middleweight bout.
Mu 6 chonse ayi:
Coy Evans (10-2-1, 2 KO a) asamenyana Jose Bustos (7-4-3, 4 KO a) wa Ciudad Juarez, Mexico in a Jr. Opepuka bout.

Earl Newman (5-0, 4 KO a) wa Brooklyn, NY asamenyana Lamont Capers (5-6) wa Hawley, PA in a Cruiserweight bout.
John Magda (10-0, 7 KO a) wa Rutherford, NJ will take on an opponent to be named in a Super Middleweight bout.
Stephen Fulton (5-0, 2 KO a) of Philadelphia will take on an opponent to be named in a Featherweight bout.
Samuel Quinones (8-3, 3 KO a) wa York, PA will fight an opponent to be named in a Jr. Welterweight bout.
Opepuka Milton Santiago (10-0, 3 KO a) la Philadelphia, PA will take on an opponent to be named
In 4-rounds bouts:
Kevin García (1-1) wa Phoenixville, PA asamenyana Jack Grady (0-1) wa Buffalo, NY mu opepuka podwala.
Eric Spring (5-0, 1 KO) chidzathandiza Robert Sweeney (3-2) of Hampton, VA in a Jr. Middleweight bout.
Matikiti ndi wogulira pa $100, $75 ndipo $50 ndipo akhoza anagulidwa ku ticketmaster ndi www.ticketmaster.com
1 bout adzayambira pa 6:45 Madzulo ndi zitseko kutsegula pa 6 Madzulo.