标记档案: 赌博

DraftKings 与 SHOWTIME Sports® 合作提供淘汰赛游戏体验

首款针对不断扩展的体育娱乐平台的拳击游戏, SHOWTIME 体育独家, 首次亮相 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® 赛事

(二月 28, 2019) – DraftKings 公司. 和 SHOWTIME Sports 今天宣布合作,将通过 SHOWTIME Sports 独家定制的 Pick ‘Em 风格游戏,强强联手,让拳击迷沉浸在他们喜爱的运动中,该游戏将在本周六的 3 月 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING 赛事中首次亮相 2ND.

这款新的 Pick ‘Em 风格游戏要求玩家选择每场电视转播的战斗的获胜者, 确定所有 SHOWTIME 拳击赛事的获胜方式并预测比赛何时结束,包括 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®, 的ShoBox: 新一代®, 拳击表演: 特别版和 SHOWTIME PPV®. 选手将根据每场拳击比赛中正确预测的次数获得积分. 个人战斗卡的奖励包括 $5,000 前五名决赛选手均获得 SHOWTIME 拳击奖品包. 另外, 总体 2019 选择“他们”获胜者将被授予

要查看和玩 DraftKings 和 SHOWTIME Sports Pick ‘Em 游戏,请访问 www.draftkings.com/showtime

“我们与 SHOWTIME Sports 的合作是我们不断努力创新并通过最全面的体育产品满足客户需求的另一个典型例子,”埃兹拉·库查兹说, DraftKings 首席商务官. “拳击运动以令人难以置信的热情和对这项运动的参与吸引了狂热的粉丝, 此次合作将增强我们与新兴玩家社区建立最佳联系的能力。”

“与 DraftKings 的独特合作为观众带来了有趣的陪伴体验,并提供了与所有 SHOWTIME 拳击赛事长达一年的联系,“斯蒂芬·埃斯皮诺萨说, 总统体育 & 事件编程, 欣欣网络公司. “我们很高兴与美国领先的体育科技娱乐品牌合作. SHOWTIME Sports 继续为粉丝提供新鲜和创新的方式,让他们享受拳击带来的最好体验。”

拳击是世界上最具传奇色彩和最受欢迎的运动之一,拥有热情的粉丝群, 无论是国内还是国际. 近年来,电视格斗体育赛事的收视趋势一直令人印象深刻, 拳击是历史上最畅销的按次付费电视赛事. 为了服务这个庞大且不断增长的粉丝群, DraftKings 和 SHOWTIME Sports 正在通过创意合作重塑球迷体育娱乐体验, 其中将包括定制奇幻游戏和其他游戏创新.

本周六的 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING 活动将是粉丝们第一次有机会玩这种 Pick 'Em 风格的游戏. 周六的三场比赛电视转播的主角是前世界冠军埃里斯兰迪·拉拉 (Erislandy Lara) 挑战不败的 WBA 超次中量级冠军布莱恩·卡斯塔尼奥 (Brian Castaño),以及重量级竞争者路易斯·奥尔蒂斯 (Luis Ortiz) 的回归.

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DraftKings 是一家全球体育科技和娱乐公司,相信参与游戏生活会更有趣. 其使命是通过每日梦幻体育的独特组合,让粉丝更接近他们喜爱的比赛, 体育博彩和媒体平台, 合并的, 递送 “游戏中的游戏。” 公司成立于 2012 通过马特·卡利什, 保罗·利伯曼和杰森·罗宾斯, DraftKings 总部位于波士顿, 嘛, 并提供每日幻想体育比赛 11 职业体育运动在 8 包括美国在内的国家, 加拿大, 英国和澳大利亚. 根据新泽西州和密西西比州的州法规运营, DraftKings 体育博彩移动和零售, 允许该州的玩家参与美国主要赛事的投注. 和国际体育.

欣欣网络公司. (SNI), CBS公司的全资子公司, owns and operates the premium television networks SHOWTIME®, THE MOVIE CHANNEL™ and FLIX®, 并且还提供 SHOWTIME ON DEMAND®, THE MOVIE CHANNEL™ ON DEMAND 和 FLIX ON DEMAND®, and the network’s authentication service SHOWTIME ANYTIME®. 欣欣数码有限公司, SNI的全资子公司, 运营独立的流媒体服务 SHOWTIME®. SHOWTIME is currently available to subscribers via cable, 星展银行, 和电信提供商, 并通过亚马逊作为独立的流媒体服务, 苹果®, 谷歌, LG智能电视, Oculus Go, Roku®, 三星智能电视和Xbox One. 消费者还可以通过亚马逊的主要视频频道订阅SHOWTIME, 现在直播, 富宝电视, 葫芦, 吊带电视, 索尼 PlayStation™Vue, 和 YouTube 电视. 观众还可以通过 Showtime.com 在电脑上观看. SNI also manages Smithsonian Networks™, SNI和史密森学会的合资企业, 提供史密森尼频道 (Smithsonian Channel™) 和史密森尼频道 Plus™ (Smithsonian Channel Plus™). SNI营销和分销的体育和娱乐活动的展览用户在付费观看基础上,通过SHOWTIME PPV. 欲了解更多信息, 到 www.SHO.com.

Crypto Boxers Announces Open Call for Contenders to #GetIntheGame

五月 23, 2018 – 加密义和团, 在blockchain技术的第一个也是唯一的拳击游戏运营, has announced an open call for all boxers to #GetInTheGame! Professional contenders, of all ranks, can now apply to have their own avatar created for game inclusion and thereby receive residual income after the game’s launch.Crypto Boxers is slated to launch this summer and will feature real life boxing professionals as collectible tokens for the virtual fighting action on Ethereum, an open-source, public, blockchain-based distributed computing platform and operating system featuring smart contract functionality.




By playing Crypto Boxers, gamers engage in virtual matches with the boxer of their choice, creating an actual ‘gloves onin the ring experience! By offering gamers a unique opportunity to compete while exploring the new realm of digital currency via their wins and losses, Crypto Boxers will do for cryptocurrency what Madden did for the game industry. Moving beyond the PlayStation realm, the game allows the player the opportunity to not only just compete, but to also earn upon winning as the game’s virtual boxers reap digital rewards for their wins.




Boxing champion Yahu “岩石” Blackwell is spearheading the game after delaying his initial fight game release to expand the concept as a means to merge into the cryptocurrency space. Hall of Famer and legendary referee 乔 “先生. Fair But Firm” 科尔特斯 is the first celebrity announcement with his own avatar calling all the fights on the game!




This all started as a boxing game then became an innovative cryptocurrency concept,” 说明 安德鲁·吉列姆, Blackwell’s manager and Crypto Boxer consultant. “We then sat down as a team to discuss how can we make the game a more inclusive experience for the entire boxing community. It just made sense to invite our industry’s pioneers, current contenders and newcomers toGet in the Gamewith us! By coming on board now, fighters have an opportunity to earn long term residual income by lending their personas as fight opponents for gamer selections. It becomes a win-win for all involved!”




Crypto Boxers has received an overwhelming positive response with numerous professional boxers already signed up. Perspective participants can log on at HTTP://menminesmedia.com/2018/05/01/all-boxers-get-in-the-game/ for sign up details and information.




Crypto Boxers is currently fielding offers from multiple silent investors and will make the game available for pre-orders in the upcoming months. To stay updated on launch details and to earn early game rewards, sign up at HTTP://cryptoboxers.io/.




Follow Crypto Boxers on 叽叽喳喳, Facebook的, 和 Instagram的 and #GetIntheGame now!