标记档案: 加布里埃尔瓦尔加



Bellator 230: 卡瓦略VS. Nemkov 战卡:

瓦迪姆Nemkov (11-2) 打败 拉斐尔·卡瓦略 (16-4) 通过提交 (后方裸体扼流圈) 在 3:56 第二轮的

德拉戈什Zubco (3-1) 打败 赫塞迪·格尔热斯 (0-2) 通过一致决定 (29-28 X3)

基里尔Sidelnikov (12-6) 打败 多明戈斯·巴罗斯 (6-1) 通过一致决定 (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)

沃尔特Pugliesi (5-2) 打败 安德烈隆福寺 (8-5) 通过一致决定 (30-27 X3)

尼科洛·索利 (3-0) 打败 和卡塞尔 (4-4-1) 通过提交 (三角阻气) 在 3:15 of round one

Bellator米兰: Manhoef VS. 巴哈蒂 战卡:

梅尔文Manhoef (32-14-1, 2 NC) 打败 雅尼克财富 (9-5, 1 NC) 通过KO (罢工) 在 2:29 of round one

阿莱西奥Sakara (24-13, 2 NC) 打败 迦南格雷斯比 (8-8) 通过TKO (罢工) 在 0:23 of round one

斯特凡诺帕特诺 (13-3-1) 打败 阿什利·里斯 (8-2) 可见一致决定 (30-27, 29-27, 29-27)

拉斐尔·马塞多 (10-4, 1 NC) 打败 凯恩鼠标 (12-3) 通过分裂的决定 (30-27, 29-28, 28-29)

Bellator Kickboxing 12: 瓦尔加VS. 福斯蒂诺 战卡:

加布里埃尔瓦尔加 (18-6) 打败 克里斯蒂安·福斯蒂诺 (31-12-2) 通过一致决定 (50-45 X3) 保留Bellator跆拳道轻量级冠军

清Allazov (60-3, 1 NC) 打败 Sudsakorn线Klinmee (287-53-4) 通过一致决定 (30-27 X3)

切凯蒂卢卡 (24-5) 打败 亚历克斯·阿伏伽德罗 (46-6-3) 通过TKO (医生停工) 在 2:09 of round one

山Cangelosi (35-10-1) 打败 Kevin Ross (33-12) 通过一致决定 (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)

尤里·贝丝默特尼 (45-20-2) 打败 朱塞佩·多梅尼科 (51-10) 通过一致决定 (29-28 X3)

玉Jorand (1-0) 打败 西尔维娅夜 (66-18-4) 通过KO (踢) 在 0:12 第二轮的

恩迪Bonat (32-10-1) VS. Kebrom Neguse (33-2-2) 统治多数平局 (28-28, 28-28, 29-28)

露台Hnatchuk (12-0-1) 打败 贾科莫Licheri (7-1) 通过一致决定 (30-27 X3)

卢卡·马梅利 (9-2) 打败 帕维尔Szymanski的 (15-14-2) 通过一致决定 (30-27 X3)

请访问 Bellator.com 了解更多信息.


BELLATOR亮相米兰, 意大利上周六, 华侨城. 12 具有堆叠的事件具有双-MMA卡片和BELLATOR跆拳道的RETURN



更多, 加布里埃尔·巴尔加辩护,他Bellator跆拳道羽量级冠军反对克里斯蒂安·福斯蒂诺在 Bellator跆拳道12和罗马的亚历西奥·萨卡拉看起来招待意大利人群


LOS ANGELES  - Bellator返回意大利第七次在星期六, 十月. 12 与值得的三个独立的账单上独一无二的事件. 该MMA和跆拳道动作将全部由安联云发出 (防爆Palalido) 在米兰的心脏的格斗运动之一不可思议的夜晚.


派拉蒙网络 (和DAZN联播) 该卡的部分将由前中量级拳王头条新闻拉斐尔·卡瓦略 (16-3) 现蕾与瓦迪姆Nemkov (10-2) 在轻重量级事作为部分Bellator 230: 卡瓦略VS. Nemkov广播。Bellator 230将空气在U.S磁带延迟. 在9 P.M. ET / 8时三十分. CT.


另外, 在Bellator欧洲系列的第五批, Bellator米兰: Manhoef VS. 巴哈蒂, 将展出之间的炸药205磅重的对决梅尔文Manhoef (31-14-1, 2 NC) 和雅尼克财富 (9-4, 1 NC) 将串流直播的Bellator移动应用在中美在5 P.M. ET / 4时三十分. CTBellator米兰将现场直播在 10 P.M. BST在海峡 5 在英国. 也对卡, 意大利MMA传奇和Bellator大使阿莱西奥Sakara (20-13, 2 NC) 发生在轻重量级迦南格雷斯比(8-7) 在一个特殊的特征回合.


开幕当晚的行动将是Bellator Kickboxing 12: 瓦尔加VS. 福斯蒂诺, 通过当前Bellator自由搏击轻量级冠军固定卡加布里埃尔瓦尔加 (17-6) 卫冕他对阵巴勒莫称号, 意大利的克里斯蒂安·福斯蒂诺 (48-18), 而合作的主要也会看到清Allazov (55-3, 1 NC) 在158磅catchweight回合一争高下Sudsakorn(289-54-4). Bellator Kickboxing 12 将现场揭开序幕,行动上Bellator移动应用在11 A.M. ET / 10时. CT. 另外的较量将在未来几周内公布.


行动的整个夜场门票现已公开发售,并可以在Bellator.com 和Bellator.it.


从里约热内卢海陵, 巴西, 这位33岁的卡瓦略将让他在今年的第二次亮相, 下面通过一个印象深刻的胜利赤帝Njokuani 就在上个月. 由于与Bellator签约 2014, 美国强队战斗机已经收集了7场胜利, 他量级冠军完胜布兰登·哈尔西突出, 这为他后来跟着三个成功卫冕. 巴西的淘汰赛艺术家站在对面将是老乡国际巨头瓦迪姆Nemkov, 作为27岁的俄罗斯看起来添加到他目前五战连胜. 由于使他的专业首演 2013, 前者三宝世界冠军费多尔艾米连科-门生已串成 10 十几个回合的胜利, 八次击倒和八个第一轮结束突出他的简历.


使他的第八外观Bellator, 梅尔文·曼霍夫已建成自己的名字了,已经看到他完成一个24年的职业生涯中 28 他 31 通过淘汰赛受害者, 含 25 在行动的开幕分钟内的第一轮和八. 战斗在外面阿姆斯特丹, 多才多艺的43岁的也有 38 职业跆拳道胜在他的皮带, 这使他在商业最有经验的和动态的战斗机之一. 随着三胜自从加盟Bellator一对令人印象深刻的击倒, “没有慈悲”希望能找到他的方式回到冠军争夺以一次胜利在最近签署的巴哈蒂. “黑曼巴”进入Bellator笼他职业生涯的第二次, 希望当他在首轮的成品阿米尔Dadovic复制他在五月曾成功Bellator伯明翰. 这位29岁的中量级将使得在重量等级的跳起来挑战是什么,无疑是他8年的职业生涯中Manhoef最艰难的任务.


加布里埃尔·巴尔加是断食一个有力的胜利在他的混合武术登场, 打架,他完成了一个跳跃膝和拳在Bellator 224. 现在, 多伦多本地返回到那里他做了他的名字,并成为首届Bellator跆拳道145磅冠军的运动. 这位34岁的加拿大有超过四拼运行相符3胜淘汰赛, 其中包括总冠军的胜利了Kevin Ross 和山Cangelosi. 从巴勒莫海陵, 意大利, 福斯蒂诺将与支持他的国家的身后进入跆拳道环. 这位29岁的意大利人竞争了专业的战斗森佩尔阿凡提博洛尼亚,几乎持有 60 战斗以他的名字。现在, 他在Bellator跆拳道金牌射击,当他在10月12日竞争.


战斗在外面明斯克, 白俄罗斯, Chingiz Allazov将Bellator跆拳道的指导下,只是在他8年的职业生涯中第二次被竞争, 其中,26岁的Phenom赢得 55 过一个59回合拉伸胜利. 意大利在已经击败Klinmee去年刚, 前K-1超中量级冠军将尝试复制胜利令人兴奋的复赛. 从芭堤雅海陵, 泰国, 32岁的萨兹空·索·克林米 将他10月Bellator跆拳道登场. 12. The reigning Thailand and World Kickboxing Network Muay Thai welterweight world champion also hopes to add to his extensive professional resume, 包括 289 胜 74 击倒.


Born in Rome, Sakara will return to his home country for the sixth time since signing with Bellator in 2016. When fighting in Italy under the promotion, “Legionarius” has amassed three victories, all of which ended in a knockout. The 37-year-old former world title contender has earned 20 事业胜利, 含 16 finishes and 14 击倒, making him one of the most dangerous 205-pound athletes on the roster. Tasked with the opportunity to spoil Sakara’s homecoming is 39-year-old Oklahoman Canaan Grigsby, who is also known for his ability to put his adversaries away early in the fight. With seven of his eight career victories coming by way of knockout, 包括四个第一轮,结束, “超兽”会找他7年的职业生涯中最大的胜利,当他在Bellator笼子里面步骤的第一次.


更新Bellator 230: 卡瓦略VS. Nemkov战卡:

轻重量级的主要事件: 拉斐尔·卡瓦略 (16-3) 与瓦迪姆Nemkov (10-2)


更新Bellator米兰: Manhoef VS. 巴哈蒂战卡:

轻重量级的主要事件: 梅尔文Manhoef(31-14-1, 2 NC) 与雅尼克财富 (9-4, 1 NC)

轻重量级功能事件: 阿莱西奥Sakara (20-13, 2 NC) 与迦南格雷斯比(8-7)

重量级初步回合: 安德烈隆福寺 (8-4) 与沃尔特Pugliesi(4-2)


更新Bellator Kickboxing 12: 瓦尔加VS. 福斯蒂诺战卡:

跆拳道羽量级世界冠军的主要事件: 加布里埃尔瓦尔加(17-6) 与克里斯蒂安·福斯蒂诺(48-18)

158-英镑Catchweight合作的主要事件: 清Allazov (55-3, 1 NC) 与Sudsakorn线Klinmee(289-54-4)

羽量级布特: Enderson Bonat (21-9) Kebrom Neguse(33-2-2) 




请访问Bellator.com 了解更多信息.

全力争取结果 & 照片BELLATOR 211 & BELLATOR跆拳道 11




Bellator 211 照片此处

Bellator 211: Sakara与. Kauppinen 结果:

肯特Kauppinen (11-4) DEF. 阿莱西奥Sakara (23-13, 2 NC) 并通过KO 1:10 圆 1

多明戈斯·巴罗斯 (6-0) DEF. 赫塞迪·格尔热斯 (0-1) 通过在将军澳 2:53 圆 1

佩德罗·卡瓦略 (9-3) DEF. 卢卡·维塔利 (11-5) 通过分. (断头台) 在 0:43 圆 1

阿伦Amedovski (8-0) DEF. 易卜拉欣鬃毛 (7-2) 并通过KO 0:12 圆 1

基弗克罗斯比 (5-0) DEF. 奥兰多德安布罗西奥 (7-4) 通过一致决定 (30-27 X3)

乔治·多纳蒂 (15-4-1) DEF. 维迪奇Milakovic (5-4) 并通过KO 0:20 圆 1

安德烈隆福寺 (7-4) DEF. 沃尔特Pugliesi (4-1) 通过分裂的决定 (29-28 x2, 28-29)


Bellator Kickboxing 11 照片此处


Bellator Kickboxing 11: 瓦尔加VS. Cangelosi 结果:

加布里埃尔瓦尔加 (17-6) DEF. 山Cangelosi (34-10-1) 并通过KO 2:42 圆 1 保留冠军

Raymond Daniels (35-3) DEF. 扎卡里亚Laaouatni (10-4) 通过多数决定 (29-28 x2, 29-29)

尤里·贝丝默特尼 (42-19-2) DEF. Karim Ghajji (99-16-1) 通过一致决定 (30-26, 29-27 x2)

加布里埃莱箱 (20-2-1) DEF. 丹尼·特拉奥雷 (21-4) 通过一致决定 (30-27, 29-28 x2)

尤尼斯Rahmouni (14-4-1) DEF. 提香校园 (15-5-1) 通过多数决定 (29-28 x2, 28-28)

基督教Zahe (58-24-7) DEF. 塞缪尔·托斯卡诺 (28-12-3) 在 2:20 圆 1


Bellator Kickboxing 11 初步结果卡:

萨比尔Temirkhnov (13-4) DEF. 马修·科斯塔 (18-7-2) 通过在将军澳 0:39 圆 2

贾科莫Licheri (6-0) DEF. 菲利波Solheid (43-18-8) 通过分裂的决定 (30-27, 29-28, 28-29)

利玛窦邸撸嚓 (24-9-2) DEF. 贾科莫D'阿基诺 (22-3-8) 通过一致决定 (30-27 x2, 29-28)


请访问 Bellator.com 了解更多信息.






Full Bellator 203 照片 // 信贷: Bellator /卢卡斯·努南


Bellator 203 记分卡


Bellator 203 官方成绩:

帕特里西奥“斗犬” (27-4) DEF. 丹尼尔Weichel (39-10) 通过分裂的决定 (49-46, 48-47, 47-48)

*“Pitbull” retains Bellator featherweight world championship

阿莱西奥Sakara (20-12, 2 NC) DEF. Jamie Sloane (8-5, 1 NC) 通过TKO (罢工) 在 1:19 of round one

安德烈Koreshkov (21-2) DEF. Vaso Bakocevic (33-18-1) 并通过KO 1:06 of round one

阿伦Amedovski (6-0) DEF. 威尔·弗勒里 (4-1) 并通过KO 1:39 of round one

Maxim Radu (9-1) DEF. Simone La Preziosa (3-5) 通过TKO (罢工) 在 4:50 of round one

Michele Martignoni (4-0) DEF. Simone D’Anna (4-2) 通过KO (头踢) 在 :06 第一轮的秒数

*Martignoni ties record for fastest KO in Bellator history










ROME – Bellator fighters and officials gathered today at Piazza del Campidoglio (Rome’s Capitol Hill) in advance of the company’s first event in The Eternal City, which takes place at il Centrale Live Roma – Foro Italico this Saturday, 七月 14.




Fans tuning in Saturday evening are in store for a double main event featuring a rematch between 帕特里西奥“斗犬” (26-4) 和 丹尼尔Weichel (39-9) for the featherweight title, as well as Italy’s most famous mixed martial artist, 阿莱西奥Sakara(19-12), 承担 Jamie Sloane (8-3) 在轻重量级.




Bellator Kickboxing will also be on display, as featherweight champion Kevin Ross (45-13) defends his crown against 加布里埃尔瓦尔加 (21-6) and international sensation 乔治·彼得罗相 (85-2-2) 发生在 清Allazov (53-2).


Bellator 203 will be broadcast Saturday, 七月 14 free on Paramount Network at 8 P.M. ET /下午7时. CT and will be immediately followed by Bellator Kickboxing 10. Limited tickets remain and are on sale now at Bellator.com.


更新 Bellator 203 战卡:

羽量级世界冠军布特: 帕特里西奥“斗犬” (26-4) VS. 丹尼尔Weichel (39-9)

轻重量级功能事件: 阿莱西奥Sakara (19-12, 2 NC) VS. Jamie Sloane (8-4, 1 NC)

重量级主卡布特: 安德烈Koreshkov (20-2) VS. Vaso Bakocevic (33-17-1)

中量级主卡布特: 阿伦Amedovski (5-0) VS. 威尔·弗勒里 (4-0)

轻型主卡布特: Simone La Preziosa (3-4) VS. Maxim Radu (8-1)

羽初步回合: Simone D’Anna (4-1) VS. Michele Martignoni (3-0)




更新 Bellator Kickboxing 10 主卡:

羽量级世界冠军布特: Kevin Ross (45-13) VS. 加布里埃尔瓦尔加 (15-6)

轻量级特征回合: 乔治·彼得罗相 (82-2-2, 1 NC) VS. 清Allazov (56-2)

羽主卡布特: 加斯顿·博拉尼奥斯 (11-1) VS. Domenico Lomurno (31-8)

Women’s Flyweight Main Card Bout: 玛蒂娜·米切莱托 (21-11-3) VS. 专家的荣耀 (13-2-1)

200-磅. 重量级主卡赛: Mattia Faraoni (27-4) VS. Raffaele Vitale (57-9)




更新 Bellator Kickboxing 10 初步卡:

183-磅. Catchweight Preliminary Bout: 加布里埃莱箱 (18-2-1) VS. Alex Negrea (11-5)

重量级初步回合: Davide Armanini (29-1) VS. Fatmir Gordi (23-3)

轻量级初步回合: Antonio Campagna (26-15-3) VS. Florenzo Pesare (31-9)

Flyweight Savate Bout: Leonardo Caputi (13-8-4) VS. Tarik Totss (3-10-2)









完整的结果, 照片, 视频 & QUOTES FROM BELLATOR 190 & BELLATOR跆拳道 8 IN FLORENCE, 意大利


佛罗伦萨, 意大利 – A sold out crowd was on hand for Bellator’s return to the Nelson Mandela Forum in Florence, Italy to cheer on their national hero, 阿莱西奥Sakara, in his bid for the middleweight title at Bellator 190. 然而, reigning champion Rafael Carvalho emerged victorious in his third defense of the belt with yet another exciting performance. 凭借这场胜利, Carvalho is now tied with Alexander Shlemenko for most title defenses in promotional history.


另外, Bellator has announced plans for a summer return to Italy in the country’s capital city of Rome on 七月 7 with an event that will air on the soon-to-launch Paramount Network. The date marks the company’s first trip to Rome, after hosting multiple events in both Torino and Florence.


“After the success of our events in Torino and Florence, Italy over the last two years, we knew that it was time to do a show in Rome, a city rooted deep in combat sports history,” Bellator总裁Scott Coker的说. “The Italian fans have shown their passion for the sport and we look forward to bringing a huge card to Rome next year on 七月 7.”


Additional details about the card, including matchups, ticket and broadcast details will be announced shortly.


Bellator 190: 卡瓦略VS. Sakara 结果:

拉斐尔·卡瓦略 (15-1) 打败 阿莱西奥Sakara (19-12, 2 NC) 并通过KO 0:44 of round one


照片: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1mimwbtlv7zjc8q/AAATYi5x1XR6AT9CWR9XW1aNa?dl=0

Quote: “I trained really hard for this fight. I made many sacrifices to get here and get ready for a tough fight with [亚历西奥] Sakara. With my preparation, I was able to get a good result quickly and I’m happy about that. I hurt my hand a little bit in the final sequence, maybe I punched the mat, but I hope to get back in the cage as soon as possible to continue defending my belt.”


布兰登Girtz (15-7) 打败 卢卡·耶尔西奇 (10-3) 通过在将军澳 1:57 of round one


照片: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/42f9tpuq9tlmmo2/AAAVZtpCY5RiOtfhqwGxQ2oIa?dl=0

Quote: “I was just going out there to throw bombs and put him away quickly and that’s exactly what happened. That’s what I usually do. 训练营是伟大的, I was able to actually prepare for my opponent and it worked out well. I’ve had a great experience out here in Italy, it has been a journey and I treated it like an adventure. It was my first time fighting out of the country so everything was an adjustment and I came out nine days in advance to get acclimated. I want another tough opponent. Luka [Jelcic] was a tough guy, he was no slouch whatsoever. I want another top guy, that’s why I’m here – to fight the top guys and that’s what I’ve been doing since I got here to Bellator.”


亚历杭德拉拉拉 (7-1) 打败 莉娜·奥弗希尔温尼科瓦 (12-5, 1 NC) 通过后裸窒息 4:09 of round one


照片: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/j0e20cweikosmcr/AACc1OTFCsi6xmFNIxCRdFTwa?dl=0

Quote: “I was very excited for my Bellator debut and to be the first Colombian female in the promotion. I’ve been training incredibly hard, I felt that I was very well prepared for this fight. I just wanted to show the world how tough I am and I think I did that 今晚. I spent half of my camp in Guadalajara with Alexa Grasso and Team Grasso there, and then I also went up to work with Roufusport Academy in Milwaukee to prepare for the fight. Both camps were amazing for me, and I learned a great deal, I just want to keep learning and competing. I am prepared for whatever is next. I look forward to big challenges in Bellator.”


Carlos Miranda (11-3) 打败 米哈伊尔·尼卡 (6-1) 通过一致决定 (30-26, 30-27, 30-27)


照片: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/h2xekntid4tt03r/AAB1CBdvVX4cfuFA3FWKTDgva?dl=0


格雷戈里·巴本 (19-11) 打败 Tony Zanko (1-5) via arm bar at 2:04 of round one


照片: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/rqyfbyrdps1oejo/AABdgCAaFdb7u-MeN_ONq8ITa?dl=0


Video Highlights Here: http://qlnk.io/ql/5a2c8784e4b073ff34846f4f


Bellator Kickboxing 8 结果:


Raymond Daniels (13-3) 打败 Giannis Boukis (27-2) 通过一致决定 (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)


照片: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/dacqyn8gk1t6ov1/AABXyk_AvcaG8WUVZM3bWLJTa?dl=0


Quote: “Speed is definitely my advantage every time I get in the ring, and it was no different 今晚. 首先, I’d like to give all the glory to God, because through him, all things are possible. I’d like to thank my opponent for taking this fight. It’s an honor to come here and fight in front of the Italian people. This is an incredible country with beautiful people, beautiful food, beautiful wine, great history. This is a fighting country. I think I might have some Italian in my DNA because every time I come here my blood boils and I feel like I’m ready to spar, 我已经准备好战斗. To anyone who wants it: 快点, take a number and stand in line. You have seen my highlight reel, if you want to be part of it – 我答应你, I can make you famous.”


乔·希林 (23-9) 打败 Filip Verlinden (44-19-1) 通过一致决定 (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)


照片: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/liprom6xnlsvco3/AABPJD0B3Pe8d_8Gm5LmbNYua?dl=0

Quote: “I’ve got to watch the replay again. I thought Filip did a really good job and I was really excited to be fighting somebody of his caliber. Going into the fight, I thought he was the toughest guy Bellator has given me. When we were both with my last promotion, we were both top three the entire time I was there. I knew he was going to be a tough opponent, that’s why there was no trash talk from either one of us, I think we were both ready for a great fight and we delivered. I honestly was pretty frustrated with my performance and after the fight I told Jimmy (工匠) that I thought he had won. Now I’m back here in the locker room and everyone is telling me that I’m crazy for that take. I’d love to fight him again and finish him off. Maybe for a world championship. That’d be nice. But for now, I’m excited to go enjoy my vacation.”


约翰韦恩帕尔 (98-32) 打败 Piergiulio Paolucci (24-6-1) 通过在将军澳 2:32 第三轮


照片: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/er6m9gzbvk7knb5/AAAqbhlfJSLrXjwPsBMetIe9a?dl=0


Quote: “I’m very excited coming off of this performance. I thought my opponent was a bit awkward. I wanted to give him respect because I knew he had heavy hands. But once I felt that I could win, I started walking forward more and I threw a couple spinning back kicks just for fun, just to entertain. I had the one spinning heel kick that landed and thought that was pretty cool. I was pretty excited about that. I was just happy to get the stoppage really, because nobody wants to win by points. I’m inching closer to 100 victories and I’d love to hit that milestone here in such a major promotion like Bellator. Especially at my age of 41, being able to fight on the big stage is so surreal. I can’t believe that I’m still here competing in this sport that I love, and more than just competing, I’m being successful. I’ve got to thank Scott Coker, everyone at Bellator and Spike, and everyone that follows the sport for giving me the opportunity to do what I do. I’m really scared to be 41 and know that one day I’m going to have to retire, 但现在, I’m having too much fun to stop.”


Hamza Imane (50-12-2) 打败 Kevin Ross (45-13) 通过分裂的决定 (29-28, 29-28, 28-29)


照片: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/tz29hlhly6x48b6/AAC3AugQrbNxNWFAQXtIvc-2a?dl=0

加布里埃尔瓦尔加 (14-5) 打败 Roberto Gheorghita (30-7-3) 通过在将军澳 2:49 第二轮的

照片: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7s75mm0hl33pzse/AAD-U3845d0GcdY83eBB0EM6a?dl=0


Video Highlights Here: http://qlnk.io/ql/5a2c8784e4b073ff34846f4f





LOS ANGELES – Bellator returns to Florence, 意大利在 星期六, 十二月 9, when both Bellator MMA and Bellator Kickboxing, along with Oktagon, emanate from the Nelson Mandela Forum for another huge evening of combat sports action.


Bellator 190 will air free on SPIKE at 8 P.M. AND/7 P.M. CT and will be immediately followed by Bellator Kickboxing 8. Tickets for the event start at just €30 and are available at Bellator.com.


Bellator 190 will be headlined by current middleweight champ 拉斐尔·卡瓦略 (14-1), who will defend his title against Italy’s popular knockout artist, Alessio “Legionarius” Sakara (19-11, 2 NC). 此外, 布兰登Girtz (14-7) 发生在 Luca Jelcic (10-2) 在轻量级, 而 米哈伊尔·尼卡 (6-0) 会见 Carlos Miranda (10-3) in second lightweight clash. A women’s flyweight offering rounds out the card when 莉娜·奥弗希尔温尼科瓦 (12-4, 1 NC) 战斗 亚历杭德拉拉拉 (6-1).


与此同时, Bellator Kickboxing 8 boasts a pair of world champions in Raymond Daniels (12-3) 和 Kevin Ross (45-12) 承担 Giannis Boukis (27-1) 和 Hamza Imane (49-12-2) 分别, in non-title fights. Other kickboxing stars are on display as 乔“十字绣“举起手来”林女士 (22-9) challenges Filipino Verlinden (44-18-1), Aussie legend 约翰韦恩帕尔 (97-32) competes for the 130 time versus Piergiulio Paolucci (24-5-1) and Canadian featherweight 加布里埃尔瓦尔加 (13-5) rounds out the card in a matchup with Roberto Georghita (30-6-3).


完成 Bellator 190: 卡瓦略VS. Sakara 卡:

中量级世界冠军主赛事: 拉斐尔·卡瓦略 (14-1) VS. 阿莱西奥Sakara (19-11, 2 NC)

轻型主卡布特: 布兰登Girtz (14-7) VS. 卢卡·耶尔西奇 (10-2)

Women’s Flyweight Main Card Bout: 莉娜·奥弗希尔温尼科瓦 (12-4, 1 NC) VS. 亚历杭德拉拉拉 (6-1)

轻型主卡布特: 米哈伊尔·尼卡 (6-0) VS. Carlos Miranda (10-3)



中量级初步回合: 格雷戈里·巴本 (18-11) VS. Tony Zanko (1-4)

完成 Bellator Kickboxing 8: Daniels vs. Boukis 卡:

次中量级的主要事件 (non-title): Raymond Daniels (12-3) VS. Giannis Boukis (27-1)

中量级主卡布特: 乔·希林 (22-9) VS. Filipino Verlinden (44-18-1)

161 磅. 重量级主卡赛: 约翰韦恩帕尔 (97-32) VS. Piergiulio Paolucci (24-5-1)

轻型主卡布特 (non-title): Kevin Ross (45-12) VS. Hamza Imane (49-12-2)

羽主卡布特: 加布里埃尔瓦尔加 (13-5) VS. Roberto Gheorghita (30-6)





布达佩斯, HUNGARY -

官方 Bellator Kickboxing 6 主卡结果 & 引号:

Karim Ghajji (98-13-1) 打败 佐尔坦·拉扎克 (11-3) 通过分裂的决定 (50-45, 48-47, 46-49)

Karim Ghajji Quote:

We prepared really hard for this fight. Everything that we set out to accomplish, we did. I know I could do even better, but you know in fights it doesn’t go exactly the way you want every time. In the first round when I slipped, I hurt my knee and it was extremely painful but I knew I had to dig down and do more and more to win this belt, which means everything to me,” Ghajji said. “This is the most beautiful day of my life. Like we say: ‘Hallelujah! I got my belt back.I felt a lot of pressure to get this belt back, and what an amazing sensation it is to win it back. I look forward to fighting the best fighters Bellator has to offer to confirm that I am the champ, but also, I’d like to compete in MMA. In France we have a lot of tough MMA fighters at our gym and my ground and pound is quite destructive. I would like to do this.

乔·希林 (21-9) 打败 Alexandru Negrea (10-4) 通过一致决定 (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Joe Schilling Quote:

The fight was okay I was really surprised that he was so tough. He’s fought in Super Combat in Romania so he’s had a lot of tough European opponents that he’s fought against. Skill level I didn’t think he’s fought against the level of competition that I’ve competed against, but he did a really good job and he was really tough. He was trying to bait me into throwing with him and he’d try to catch me when I would come in, so I was trying to stay a lot more composed and show that I’m not that idiot that fought [Hisaki] Kato twice,” Schilling said. “I’ve made a lot of changes in my personal life. I’m a lot more focused and more serious and my goal 今晚 was to show the level of competitor and world class kickboxer that I am and I think I did that. Hats off to Alex, 他做得很好. There’s not that many people who can take those kinds of shots for three rounds. I think the judges decision was a little ridiculous. I don’t think I’d have given him half of one round let alone a round. I think they gave him the second, which is silly. 但, overall it was a good night, vacation starts now.

Raymond Daniels (13-3) 打败 Csaba Gyorfi (20-6) 并通过KO 0:36 第三轮

Raymond Daniels Quote:

Another opportunity to go out there and make a mark with that Bellator brand. I know my man Nick Diaz says: ‘Cut out all that spinning shit,’ but I think he means everybody but me,” Daniels said. “I’ve been training for many years in sport karate and the martial arts and you know it’s a lot like training to be a sniper so to speak. There’s holes and there’s windows and when your opponent gives you those holes you have to seize that opportunity. I saw that hole, I exposed it, and it happened to be with my spin kick which is one of my most powerful and devastating techniques. If I hit that mark with that kick it’s a home run, grand slam, I’m hitting it out of the park every time. I’ve been able to spar recently with several great MMA veterans like Rory MacDonald, 乔治街. Pierre and Tyron Woodley and I’ve had a lot of fun training with those guys so I’m definitely interested in doing MMA again. It’s a lot of fun to go at it with small gloves because people can’t use the big gloves as a shield to block my shots. I want to seize this Bellator Kickboxing title and continue to help build this kickboxing brand because I know they’re investing a lot of time into it. So yea, I’m definitely interested in crossing that bridge and getting some MMA fights, but my main focus is to take home that kickboxing gold.


乔琳娜·巴尔(Jorina Baars) (41-0-3) 打败 Irene Martens (20-10-2) 通过一致决定 (30-25, 30-25, 30-25)

Jorina Baars Quote:

“这是一个很好的战斗, I thought that Irene [Martens] was very tough. I had control from the very beginning of the fight and I kept it for all three of the rounds. I was a little disappointed in the first round but the second and third round I performed much better. She worked hard and moved a lot, so my strategy was to keep the pressure on her and try to put her in the corner and I think I succeeded at that,” Baars said after her win. “It was amazing to finally fight for Bellator. The organization is so professional. I’m looking forward to my future fights here and I hope to win the Bellator title.

的Gabor Gorbics (31-10) 打败 加布里埃尔瓦尔加 (13-5) 通过分裂的决定 (29-28, 29-28, 28-30)

Gabor Gorbics Quote:

I’m very happy with the win and I hope I continue to win here in Bellator,” Gorbics said. “I trained very hard for this. I’ve got a lovely family and team that helped me to prepare and I will get back in the gym 周一 to continue training.





“Bellator MMA: 炸药1“ - 星期六, 九月 19 - SAP中心, 圣荷西, 加利福尼亚州.

Bellator轻重量级冠军的争夺: 蒂托·奥尔蒂斯 (18-11) VS. ©利亚姆McGeary (10-0)

荣耀空置轻重量级冠军的争夺: 索尔Cavalari (31-2) VS. 扎克Mwekassa (13-2)

Bellator轻重量级比赛扑灭: 菲尔·戴维斯 (13-3) VS. 伊曼纽尔·牛顿 (25-8-1)

Bellator轻重量级比赛扑灭: 林顿瓦塞尔 (15-4-1) VS. 穆罕默德拉瓦尔 (15-4, 1 NC)

荣耀重量级功能扑灭:保罗·戴利 (37-13-2 MMA / 20-3跆拳道) VS. 冈萨雷斯 (24-13/1-2 跆拳道)

Bellator轻量级功能扑灭: 乔希汤姆森 (20-8) VS. 迈克Bronzoulis (18-8-1)

Bellator轻重量级的比赛替代布特: 弗朗西斯Carmont (23-10) VS. 菲利普林斯 (9-1)




关于Bellator MMA

Bellator MMA是一家领先的混合武术组织拥有众多最好的战斗机在世界. 在老将拼子斯科特·科克尔的方向, Bellator提供近 500 全球万户家庭超过 140 国家. 在美国, Bellator可以看出钉电视, 在MMA电视龙头. Bellator MMA是由一个执行团队,其中包括顶尖行业人士在电视节目制作, 现场活动编排, 战斗机研制/关系, 会场采购, 赞助创建/开发, 国际牌, 市场营销, 广告, 宣传及佣金的关系. Bellator总部设在圣莫尼卡, 加利福尼亚州和娱乐巨头维亚康姆所拥有, 家与观众通过电视对面引人注目的内容连接世界上首屈一指的娱乐品牌, 影, 在线和移动平台.


公司成立于 2012, 荣耀拥有和经营的荣国际体育 (GSI), 维持办公室在纽约一家专业的武术组织和电视内容提供商, 丹佛, 伦敦, 阿姆斯特丹, 新加坡. 光辉编程被认为是在比 170 领土. GLORY跆拳道规则是由多个作战学科,包括空手道的组合, 泰拳, 跆拳道和拳击的传统. 像我们 Facebook的, 跟随我们的Twitter @GLORY_WS, 并访问我们的网站 gloryworldseries.com.


Spike 在可 98.7 万个家庭,是维亚康姆媒体网络的一个部门. 维亚康姆的单位 (纳斯达克: VIA, VIAB), 维亚康姆媒体网络是全球领先的节目和内容的创造者在所有的媒体平台之一. Spike的互联网地址 www.spike.com 和达到了分钟和档案新闻信息和照片, 参观斯派克的新闻网站 http://www.spike.com/press. 跟随我们的Twitter spiketvpr 最新的新闻的更新, 背后的幕后信息和照片.



位于硅谷的心脏, SAP中心圣荷西是首屈一指的体育和娱乐场馆在北加州. 每年, SAP中心举办约 175 活动特色专业和业余运动员, 奥运健儿, 格莱美奖获得者, 国际唱片艺人, 和各种表演谁的儿童和家庭都上诉. SAP中心圣荷西是家庭对全国曲棍球联盟的圣何塞鲨鱼队以及竞技场橄榄球联盟的圣何塞SaberCats. 有关SAP中心圣荷西和即将到来的事件列表的详细信息, 访问SAP中心主页,www.sapcenter.com.


SANTA MONICA, 加利福尼亚州. (八月 10, 2015) - 深化 “Bellator MMA: 炸药1“ 作为首屈一指的格斗赛事 2015, Bellator MMA的竞争对手 保罗·戴利冈萨雷斯 将设店的荣耀跆拳道环内和期间展示他们卓越的技能引人注目必看穗电视主卡, 这发出 九月 19 从圣何塞在SAP中心, 加利福尼亚州.


具有里程碑意义的奇观将同时看到一个Bellator笼,并在同一时间在一个舞台地板上的荣耀跆拳道环 — 一些还没有在战斗体育景观中可以看出. 在当晚的重头戏, 蒂托·奥尔蒂斯 (18-11) 将挑战不败 利亚姆McGeary (10-0) 对于Bellator轻重量级世界冠军.


另外, 此前公布的拼牌有两个光荣称号跆拳道特色打架 扎克Mwekassa(13-2, 12 KO) 和 索尔Cavalari (31-2, 19 KO) 空置荣耀轻重量级的冠军,以及加布里埃尔瓦尔加 (26-2, 8 KO) 卫冕他对挑战者羽量级冠军 谢尔盖·Adamchuck (29-5, 14 KO).


在混合武术侧, Bellator MMA将进行四人, 一晚的轻重量级的比赛,以确定无. 1 在竞争者包括的宣传亮相师 菲尔·戴维斯 (13-3), 以及伊曼纽尔·牛顿 (25-8-1), 林顿瓦塞尔 (15-4-1) 并返回 穆罕默德“王莫”拉瓦尔 (15-4, 1 NC).


“Bellator MMA: 炸药1“ 现场播出和免费秒杀9 / 8C. 门票历史性事件开始只是 $30 并有售,现在在SAP中心票房,也可用于购买在Ticketmaster.com和Bellator.com.


“荣耀已经为这个事件的重要合作伙伴, 把几个世界级的, 跆拳道锦标赛赛事表,“Bellator MMA总裁斯科特·科克说:. “戴利和冈萨雷斯在我们的次中量级师二不可思议的前锋, 我们期待着看到他们在他们的手荣耀手套躺在就行了. 这将是非常高兴看到这场斗争的胜利者承担光荣的次中量级冠军Nieky Holzken的未来。“


“我们很高兴能有运动员戴利和冈萨雷斯测试其惊人的环内的口径” 说GLORY CEO乔恩·富兰克林. “根据规则光荣, 我们的球迷知道会马不停蹄的行动, 而且Bellator选择了这两个战士是完美的配合. 我们期待烟花。”


这会不会是戴利的第一次进入跆拳道环. “Semtex型爆炸物”已经采取了间歇性发作跆拳道在他近13年的格斗运动生涯, 再再 20-3 创纪录 14 一路上击倒. 最近, 在前锋线竞争对手打消了 丹尼斯·奥尔森 在MMA在行动 “Bellator 140: 利马VS. Koreshkov,” 在第二帧罢工整理他的敌人. 这已经不是什么秘密,32岁的渴望另一射击在近期Bellator MMA签署人 乔希Koscheck, 但首先一个非常游戏冈萨雷斯矗立在路.


尽管冈萨雷斯可能没有跆拳道的血统,他的对手拥有, “在疯狂的Menifee”是在同一时间在全国WBC泰拳重量级冠军. 此外, 冈萨雷斯已积累了大量的战斗在许多人认为的最古老的战斗学科: 拳击. 这位31岁的不会从克服逆境的Bellator MMA笼里面回避,它应该是在荣耀跆拳道环内没有什么不同 九月 19. 在他的最后一次郊游, 冈萨雷斯完成 柯蒂斯Millender 通过断头台阻气, 推他目前的连胜混合武术四个.


“Bellator MMA: 炸药1“ - 星期六, 九月 19 - SAP中心, 圣荷西, 加利福尼亚州.

Bellator轻重量级冠军的争夺: 蒂托·奥尔蒂斯 (18-11) VS. ©利亚姆McGeary (10-0)

荣耀空置轻重量级冠军的争夺: 索尔Cavalari (31-2) VS. 扎克Mwekassa (13-2)

荣耀羽量级冠军争夺: ©加布里埃尔瓦尔加 (26-2) VS. 谢尔盖·Adamchuck (29-5)

Bellator轻重量级比赛参赛者 (第一轮配对待定): 菲尔·戴维斯 (13-3), 伊曼纽尔·牛顿 (25-8-1), 林顿瓦塞尔 (15-4-1), 穆罕默德拉瓦尔 (15-4, 1 NC)

荣耀重量级功能扑灭: 保罗·戴利 (37-13-2 MMA / 20-3跆拳道) VS. 冈萨雷斯 (24-13/1-2 跆拳道)

