Tag Archives: Gabe Rosado

AC Sports Management Presents: “Protect Yourself At All Times: The Documentary

Dallas, TX (Hydref 24, 2016) – 2016 has been a huge year for boxing manager, Adrian Clark. Along with being named one of Forbes magazines top 30 dan 30 game-changers in sports, he also created the ‘Boxer-Manager Agreement’, which serves as a contract for the fighters to sign manager’s. Mae'r rhan fwyaf diweddar, Clark released his second book titled, ‘Protect Yourself at All Times: A Guide for Professional Boxersavailable at Barnes & Noble and Amazon.com.

Y 30 year-old owner of AC Sports Management, LLC is now following up the Protect Yourself at All Times book with a documentary which is to release in the spring of 2017.
The Protect Yourself at All Times campaign is something that is much needed in the sport of boxing. With no regulation in the sport to protect the athletes, I am making a conscious effect to bring awareness directly to the fighters in hopes to transcend the sport for the fighters.Clark stated.
Clark is the strategic partner of Willie Monroe Jr who just won the WBO Intercontinental title on HBO PPV vs Gabe Rosado. He also represents James de la Rosa who squares off against Curtis Stevens on the undercard of Ward-Kovalev, Nov 19th on HBO PPV.