Tag Archives: Fred Lear


Lewiston, Maine (September 29, 2016) – They started their amateur careers at a perfect 3-0, hurrenez hurren. Orain, Fred Lear(3-2) eta Ali Zebian (3-3) are both hoping to get back to their winning ways.


The mixed-martial-arts (MMA) bout between Lear and Zebian will take place onAzaroa 4 at “CES vs. NEF: Supremacysuper-show in Lewiston. The televised portion of the fight card, “CES 39,will air live on AXS TV. Lear and Zebian will battle on the non-televised portion of the card, “NEF 26,at the bantamweight limit of 135-pounds.


Fred Lear is a member of Young’s MMA in Bangor, Maine. He made his NEF debut at “NEF IX” Biddeford, Maine in the summer of 2013. Lear would finish two of his first three bouts, with a unanimous decision victory over the always-tough Carl Langston (5-8) sandwiched in between.


Lear has dropped his last two, including a title-qualifier to Henry Clark (3-2) last September in Lewiston. He will be looking to rebound from that loss, but he knows Zebian presents a hefty challenge. It is a challenge that Lear welcomes.


Fighting Ali Zebian on November 4th is a monumental opportunity,” declared Lear. “He is powerful, talented and well coached. I love to compete and am excited for the fight to come.


Ali Zebian represents Fighting Arts Academy (FAA) Springfield, Massachusetts. He was just 19-years old when he made his mixed-martial-arts debut in 2013. The start to his career was nothing short of stellar. Zebian finished his first three opponents by technical knockout.


While Zebian has lost his last three, those losses have been to opponents coming in with a combined record of 8-3-1. He has faced stiff competition, and he will face it once again on Azaroa 4 against Fred Lear.


Ali is one of the strongest and most tenacious guys I have ever trained with,” said Zebian’s FAA teammate Nick Newell. “Simple errors cost him his last couple fights, but time off competing to focus on his technique have made him a new man. FAA head coach Jeremy Libiszewski and I have noticed his potential for some time now, and it’s finally all starting to come together.


Sarrerak “CES vs. NEF: Supremacy” etan hasiko $25 and are available now atwww.TheColisee.com edo Colisée kutxa bulegoa deituta 207.783.2009, extension 525.


Txartel ekitaldi eta borroka eguneratzerik buruzko informazio gehiago lortzeko, mesedez bisitatuwww.CESMMA.com eta www.NewEnglandFights.com.


Lewiston, Maine (Uztailaren 2, 2015) - New England Borrokak (NEF), Amerikako zenbaki-ko erregional borrokan sustapena, bere misto borroka-arteen XIX ospatuko da (MMA) Ekitaldia, “NEF XIX,” on Larunbata, September 12, 2015 Androscoggin Bank Colisee Lewiston at, Maine. Lehenago, gaur egun, the promotion announced the first amateur bout on the fight card. Fred Lear (3-1) aurreikusten da betetzen Henry Clark (2-1) 140 liberakoa catchweight batean.


Lear made his amateur debut with NEF in the summer of 2013. He has accumulated a perfect record of 3-0 NEF kaiola batean, his only amateur loss coming outside the promotion on a fight card in New Hampshire this past spring. Two of Lear’s three victories in NEF have come by strikes while in mount position. He has exhibited one of the most effective ground-and-pound offenses of any amateur currently on the NEF roster. Lear is a member of Young’s MMA in Bangor, Maine.


“Clark prestatzeko, begira egon beharko dugu lortu 1% Egunero hobeto,” esan zuen bere borroka camp Lear Young-en. “Ohiko arabera, hau taldeak ahalegin bat izango da, eta aitortzen dut, eta erronka errespetatu aurretik gurekin. Henry is dangerous and versatile.


Lear is correct in his conclusion. Henry Clark represents the Choi Institute in Portland, Maine, and he has shown a wide array of abilities in his first three bouts both on his feet and on the mat. In his debut fight at “NEF XV” azken jaitsiera, Clark bere Sheldon Bang aurkako lehen txandan deigarri batekin zorrotz (2-2) prior to submitting Bang off his back in the second with a triangle choke. Clark recognizes that Lear is especially deadly in top position, baina ziur zuen etorri daiteke kanpoan irabazi dituzten September 12 Lewiston.


“Erabat borroka honi buruz zoroa naiz,” -oihu Clark. “Hau borroka zehatza nahi dut gero eta borroka-artista gisa da. Fred is super tough and a nightmare once he gets on top of you. Hori esanda, I feel as though I have the skill and ability to ruin Fred’s night on Irailaren 12an. I’m hungry for this challenge.


New England Borrokak’ Hurrengo ekitaldia, “NEF XIX,” gertatzen Larunbata, September 12, 2015 Androscoggin Bank Colisee Lewiston at, Maine. Sarrerak “NEF XIX” besterik etan hasiko $25 eta salgai daude orain www.TheColisee.com edo Colisée kutxa bulegoa deituta207.783.2009 x 525. Txartel ekitaldi eta borroka eguneratzerik buruzko informazio gehiago lortzeko, mesedez bisitatu sustatzeko web gunean www.NewEnglandFights.com. Horrez gain, NEF bideoak ikusi ahal izango duzu www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, horiek jarraitu Twitternefights on eta Facebook talde ofiziala batzeko "New England Borrokak."