Tag Archives: Francisco Ramos Serrano

Global Sports Á Presents Best í hnefaleikum á föstudag, February 16th live from Tijuana, Mexico

Dewayne Beamon takes on Francisco Ramos Serrano in main event

Global Sports Á (GSS) @GSStreaming is announcing a 6 Live Fight Broadcast partnership with Fight Hub TV @FightHubTV starting with their upcoming February 16th show. Fight Hub TV will live stream the undercard fights from Global Sports Streaming’s show Best in Boxing @bestinboxing. Best in Boxing broadcasts 12 að 13 fights per show and now with a pay per view model in place will work with Fight Hub TV as the lead in to the PPV broadcast. Fight Hub TV will live stream six to seven fights on their YouTube channel youtube.com/fighthub. Fight Hub TV has over 300,000 subscribers and is the largest independent boxing YouTube channel.

This is a great partnership for Global Sports Streaming. Marcos Villegas has built a quality channel with a loyal following and we are honored to be working with his company.Armando Bareño founding member of Global Sports Streaming is on a mission to expand the sport of boxing and working with Fight Hub TV is only accelerating the process. “I’ve always felt that the sport of boxing does a disservice to itself by not broadcasting the developmental stages of a fighters career.Armando and his Global Sports Streaming team are working to broaden the viewership by broadcasting fights that are overlooked by television networks.

I’m very happy in joining Global Sports Streaming and Borizteca Boxing in this venture. It’s the perfect opportunity to provide live fights that provide knockouts to our core subscribers and fight fans via our platform. We look forward to this event and others that will see Fight Hub TV move into broadcasting live fights and events in 2018.
Marcos Villegas created Fight Hub TV in 2009 og síðan en hefur byggt borðar Hub í stærsta og mest áskrifandi að stafrænu vettvangur fyrir box í heiminum og næststærsti í öllum Bardagaíþróttir. Box aðdáendur og bardagaíþrótt aðdáendur hafa sannarlega fundið Hub Fight TV að vera a mikill uppspretta af upplýsingum um uppáhalds bardagamenn þeirra og viðburði.

Berjast fans geta horft á undercards á youtube.com/fighthub og breyta yfir í bestinboxing.com að horfa á borga á útsýni hluta kortsins. Spennandi horfur Dewayne Beamon (13-0 10Kos) af Goldsboro, North Carolina will be fighting Angel Francisco Ramos Serrano (17-1-1 12Kos) of Ensenada, Mexico in the main event.

The pay per view platform is just step one for Global Sports Streaming as they are preparing to launch their own Netflix style sports streaming service in the second quarter of 2018. “This is an idea I’ve had in my head for years and it’s finally in the process of being built. We will be expanding our sports coverage to an assortment of sports programming. Við munum vera að þróa eigin forritun okkar og vinna með íþrótta framleiðendur til að þróa efni fyrir vettvang,” fram Armando.
Öðrum bardagamenn áætlað að birtast á útsendinguna er frábær featherweight Mario Ramirez (9-1, 3 Kos), frábær léttur Armando Tovar (8-1, 6 Kos), frábær veltivigtar Kevin Torres (6-0-1, 5 Kos) og opnun upp Pay-Per-View hluti verður frábær featherweight Roberto Meza (8-1, 4 Kos)
Þátturinn hefst á 7 PM PST á www.youtube.com/fighthub, og á 10 PM PST áwww.bestinboxing.com fyrir $2.99