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Wilder vs.. Wyścig dogłębnego podglądu i analizy rewanżu

Przez: Tony Penecale

Mistrzostwa wagi ciężkiej zawsze były najbardziej godną uwagi nagrodą w sporcie. W ciągu ostatnich kilku lat, zmniejszyło się zainteresowanie pięściowymi gigantami. Zmieniło się to wraz z ekscytującą mocą Deontaya Wildera i charyzmatycznym pokazem Tysona Fury.

Ich pierwsze spotkanie zakończyło się kontrowersyjnym losowaniem, ponownie dzielą pierścień. Obaj panowie z niepokonanymi rekordami i tylko jednym remisem (przeciwko sobie) na ich księdze.

Wielcy ludzie zajmują centralne miejsce w kwestii niekwestionowanej nagrody. „The Bronze Bomber” i „The Gypsy King”…. Kto będzie panował najwyższy?

WIEK, REKORD, I statystyki

Wilder:  Wiek:   34 lat

Rekord:  42-0-1 (41 Knockouts)

Wysokość:  6"7"

Waga:  219 * * Waga do ostatniego ataku (11-23-19)

Dosięgnąć:  83"

Furia: Wiek:  31 lat

Rekord:  29-0-1 (20 Knockouts)

Wysokość:  6"9"

Waga:  254 * * Waga do ostatniego ataku (9-14-19)

Dosięgnąć:  85"



Mistrz wagi ciężkiej WBC (2015 -Pres)


Mistrz wagi ciężkiej WBA („15-16)

Mistrz wagi ciężkiej WBO („15-16)

Mistrz wagi ciężkiej IBF („15-16)

Mistrz IBO wagi ciężkiej („15-16)

Lineal Heavyweight Champion (2015 -Pres)



Dzikie kołysanie, często niechlujny wojownik z długimi ramionami i zmieniającą walkę mocą w obu pięściach, Wilder lubi ustawiać zasięg swoją wiodącą ręką i podążać za nim różnymi uderzeniami mocy. Swoją moc przenosi do późnych godzin walki i jest w stanie w każdej chwili dokonać nokautu.


Pewny siebie, zadufany w sobie, i czasami zarozumiały wojownik, Fury ma zwinne ruchy i szybkość jak na tak dużego wojownika. Łączy dobrą pracę nóg z ruchem górnej części ciała i umiejętnością boksowania zarówno ortodoksyjnego, jak i południowego, wytrącanie przeciwników z równowagi i przygotowywanie własnego ataku ofensywnego.


Wilder-Fury I: Fury rozpoczął walkę skutecznym ruchem, wytrącając Wildera z równowagi i niezdolny do wylądowania niczego znaczącego. Wilder był w stanie zadać kilka silnych dźgnięć 4th okrągły, cieknąca krew z nosa Fury'ego. Fury spędził czas w środkowych rundach jako południowa łapa i odnalazł sukces. Wilder zdobył knockdown w 9th okrągłe, ale jego kolejny atak sprawił, że był zmęczony, pozwolił Fury'emu odzyskać pęd dzięki 11th okrągły. Niezapomniany 12th piła okrągła Wilder przebija się i wyląduje kombinacją prawej i lewej ręki. Furia ciężko spadła na płótno, płasko na plecach. Zadziwiająco podniósł się, licząc 9 i pokonał Wildera po zakończeniu ostatniej rundy. Strzelił Alejandro Rochin 115-111 Wilder, Robert Tapper zdobył bramkę 114-112 Furia, i Phil Edwards zdobył bramkę 113-113.



* Moc - detonacja na końcu pięści Wildera, przede wszystkim jest prawą ręką, ma proporcje jądrowe. Podczas gdy jego lewa ręka nosi w sobie znaczny trzask, to prawa ręka Wildera jest dziś uważana za prawdopodobnie najbardziej niszczycielski cios w boksie. Może kończyć walki, lądując prawą ręką prosto na środku, łukiem go od góry, lub rozłupanie osłony jako nacięcia.

* Kondycjonowanie - na początku swojej kariery, kiedy kończył wszystkie swoje walki w ciągu kilku rund, pojawiły się znaki zapytania, czy Wilder zniknie w późniejszych rundach. Udowodnił, że potrafi równie mocno walczyć w późnych rundach i jest zdolny do nokautu aż do ostatniego dzwonka.

* Athleticism - Wilder łączy w sobie rzadką mieszankę rozmiarów, prędkość, moc, i zdolności atletyczne, gdzie łatwo sobie wyobrazić, że dominuje w każdym typie środowiska sportowego.


* Ruch - dla mężczyzny o wielkości i budowie przypominającej srebrnego grzbietu, Fury porusza się z gracją i zręcznością baletnicy. Jest lekki na nogach i posiada płynny ruch górnej części ciała, który jest niesamowity dla kogoś tak dużego.

* Zaufanie - Fury jest niezwykle pewny siebie i wierzy w swoje umiejętności. Na ringu nie okazuje strachu. Jego pewna siebie charyzmatyczna natura daje mu przewagę psychologiczną.

* Odporny - czy wspinał się po płótnie przeciwko Wilderowi, pokonując przerażające cięcie Wallina, lub walka z depresją i uzależnieniami, Fury wykazał się twardością i odpornością, które należy podziwiać.



* Niechlujny - Wilder wykazuje tak wielką wiarę w swoją moc, że często jest dziki i niechlujny w swoich ciosach i pracy nóg. Na ringu często wygląda bardzo amatorsko.

* Kłopoty z bokserami - wojownicy, którzy używają dobrego ruchu i umiejętności bokserskich, przeszkadzają Wilderowi. Z trudem stawia nogi i często jest o krok z tyłu. W obu walkach był za Luisem Ortizem i przez większość swojej pierwszej walki z Furym został zdeklasowany.

* Podbródek - kilka razy, kiedy Wilder był poważnie sprawdzany podbródkiem, wykazał pewne wady w swojej trwałości. Ortiz był ciężko ranny i bliski przegranej przez nokaut.


* Distractions - Fury uwielbia swoją nowo odkrytą sławę i rozmawia o WWE i MMA. Podzielił się ze swoim trenerem Benem Davidsonem i sam decyduje o sobie. Fury ma również zaklęcia w pierścieniu, w których traci skupienie i wielokrotnie znajdował się na płótnie podczas utraty koncentracji.

* Życie osobiste - to dobrze udokumentowane przeszłe osobiste demony Fury'ego z depresją i uzależnieniami, wraz z przyrostem masy ciała 400 funty Podczas gdy jego triumfy nad tymi demonami są godne podziwu, nie można zaprzeczyć trwałym efektom fizycznym.

* Skóra - Minęło zaledwie pięć miesięcy, odkąd Fury doznał straszliwej rany na prawym oku w walce z Otto Wallinem, wymagające 47 szwy. Podczas gdy lekarze uznali rany za wystarczająco zagojone, jego delikatna skóra mogła się ponownie otworzyć w najbardziej nieodpowiednim momencie.


Wilder:  (11/23/19) - Wilder ponownie strzelił przez nokaut zza pleców przeciwko Luisowi Oritzowi. Po rozegraniu większości pierwszych sześciu rund, Wilder ustawił swój zakres przeciwko męczącemu Ortizowi i wylądował prochującą prawą ręką, co spowodowało nokaut za jednym uderzeniem.


(9/14/19) - Fury przetrwał krwawą walkę z niepokonanym, ale nieznanym Otto Wallinem. Fury doznał rozcięcia w prawym oku 3rd okrągła, a krew wyraźnie wpłynęła na jego wzrok. Pomimo upośledzenia, Fury nadal kontrolował akcję i kilkakrotnie ranił Wallina w drodze do decyzji zwycięstwa.

3 Najlepszych występów


* Artur Szpilka (1/16/16) - Po wcześniejszym pozostawaniu w tyle, Wilder przejął 4th i zaczął się uspokajać i kontrolować akcję. Jedna prawa ręka w 9th runda sprawiła, że ​​Szpilka stracił przytomność, the 2016 Nokaut Roku.

* Złoty Puchar (1/17/15) - Wilder odpowiadał na pytania dotyczące swojej wytrzymałości, przechodząc w pełni 12 po raz pierwszy w swojej karierze, zdobywając tytuł WBC. Wilder wykorzystał swoje długie dźgnięcie i trzymał Stiverne na dystans dzięki niedocenianemu zestawowi umiejętności.

* Luis Ortiz (3/3/18) - Wilder przeżył kilka strasznych chwil w starciu z często unikanym kubańskim weteranem, zanim zwyciężył 10th okrągły nokaut. Wilder był zmartwiony umiejętnościami bokserskimi Ortiza na początku, zanim go powalił 5th okrągły. Rajd Ortiza w 7th miał Wildera poważnie ranny, ale Wilder był w stanie przegrupować się i zdobyć nokaut kilka rund później.


*  Władimir Kliczko (11/25/15) - Fury wkroczył na podwórko Kliczko i jednogłośną decyzją zniszczył jednolite i liniowe mistrzostwa wagi ciężkiej. Podczas gdy walka była ostrożna, Fury był w stanie pokonać Kliczkę lepszą pracą nóg, ruch, i wyższą wydajność dziurkowania.

* Derek Chisora (11/29/14) - Fury zdominował rewanż ze swoim brytyjskim rywalem, boks na odległość, przełączanie się między ortodoksyjną a południową łapą, i karanie swojego przeciwnika, aż róg zatrzymał walkę 10 jednostronne rundy.

* Deontay Wilder (12/1/18) - Z wyjątkiem dwóch powalenia i kilku ciekawych ocen, Fury kontrolował większość walki. Uniknął ciosów Wildera i wylądował skutecznymi kontrami, sprawiając, że Wilder wyglądał na zdezorientowanego i niezrównoważonego.



* Wykorzystaj jego dźgnięcie i zaneguj niezręczny styl Fury'ego

* Niech jego uderzenia mocy będą krótkie i zwarte

* Nie daj się zahipnotyzować ruchami górnej części ciała Fury'ego


* Zmień tempo i nie zgaduj Wildera

* Użyj ruchu bocznego, aby powstrzymać Wildera przed postawieniem stóp

* Nie bądź zarozumiały wobec lin



* Czy Wilder poradzi sobie z niekonwencjonalnym ruchem Fury'ego?

* Will Wilder zastosuje lepszy plan gry?

*  Czy Wilder poczuje się sfrustrowany?


* Will Fury będzie się za bardzo starał o nokaut?

* Czy Fury jest całkowicie skupiony na boksie? 

* Czy jego rozcięte oko jest podatne na ponowne zranienie?


Obaj walczący są wyjątkowymi showmanami, a ich wejścia na ring sprawią, że tłum będzie huczał. Podczas otwarcia dzwonka prąd będzie na wysokim poziomie. Z ich znajomością, będzie mniej wyczucia niż ich pierwsze spotkanie. Fury będzie na palcach, posuwając się naprzód, a Wilder będzie próbował wyrównać swoje postępy i zadać kontrataki. Na końcu 1st okrągły, Furia będzie drwić z Wildera i nastąpi wymiana słów.

Ciągły ruch Fury'ego i pojedyncze ciosy będą kłopotać Wildera, ponieważ jego kontrataki znajdą głównie puste powietrze. Kolejne rundy będą ekscytującą grą w kotka i myszkę z mniejszym Wilderem w roli kota, daremność próba osaczenia większego Wildera.

Wilder odniesie sukces z jego dźgnięciem w 6th i 7th rundy, a zapętlona prawa ręka złapie Furię na czubku głowy, strącając go z równowagi na płótno. Wściekłość wzrośnie, mrugnij do jego rogu, i wróć do akcji. Podniecenie sprawi, że Wilder będzie się dziko kołysał i sam spadł na płótno po tym, jak stracił nadmiernie przesadną prawą rękę.

Z Wilderem pozornie zmęczonym ramionami po jego uderzeniu w poprzednią rundę, Fury obróci się w południową łapę i wyląduje kilkoma twardymi prawymi rękami, następnie odbijają się poza zasięg jakichkolwiek kontrataków.

Ruch Fury'ego i wyższy wskaźnik pracy pozwolą przetrwać rundę mistrzostw, prowadząc go ponownie do widocznej przewagi w ostatniej rundzie.

Decyzja tym razem będzie jednomyślna, a strzelili Dave Moretti i Glenn Feldman 115-112 i Steve Weisfeld nieco bliżej 114-113, wszystko na korzyść „Króla Cyganów” Tysona Fury.


Abel Ramos Stuns Bryant Perrella in Co-main Event Welterweight Battle

Kliknij TUTAJ for Photos
Kredyt: Stephanie Trapp/TGB Promotions

Nashville, Tenn. (Luty 15, 2020) – Fighting in front of a raucous hometown crowd for the first time in his professional career, undefeated IBF Super Middleweight World Champion Caleb “Sweethands” Roślina (20-0, 12 KO) na pokaz.

Plant dominated mandatory challenger Vincent Feigenbutz (31-3, 28 KO) Niemiec, punktacji 10th-round TKO Saturday night in the FOX PBC Fight Night main event and on FOX Deportes from Bridgestone Arena in Nashville.

Roślina, who grew up in neighboring Ashland City, successfully made the second defense of the world title he won in January 2019 with a thrilling 12-round unanimous decision over then-titlist Jose Uzcategui. “Sweethands” lived up to his moniker, breaking down Germany’s Feigenbutz before putting him away.

I was super fueled by the crowd tonight,” Plant said. “I could have gone all night. The whole city came out. Nashville stand up!”

Plant gave them plenty to cheer about from the opening bell, landing his jab up and downstairs. The aggressive Feigenbutz, 24, struggled to land anything in return.

Plant began landing the combinations in the third, bringing the crowd to his feet with a series of well-placed volleys.

Watch early round highlights TUTAJ i TUTAJ.

Those shots slowly took their toll, but Feigenbutz was game. He came alive in the sixth, pinning Plant against the ropes and unloading his own combinations. Plant covered up and shook his head as if unbothered.

Watch Feigenbutz fight back in Round 6 TUTAJ.

Plant pounded Feigenbutz in the seventh and eighth, opening up a cut on his nose and swelling his right eye. The challenger absorbed more punishment in the ninth, causing the ringside doctor to take a hard look at him in between rounds.

Watch Plant dominate Round 9 TUTAJ.

The end came swiftly in the 10th as Plant, sensing his foe was weakening, pounded away until referee Malik Waleed mercifully stepped in. The official time of the stoppage was 2:23 of the 10th.

Watch the stoppage in Round 10 TUTAJ.

I felt great out there,” Wspomniany zakład. “I was relaxed and sharp. I told you I was going to stop this before the 12th round. I want to dedicate this to my daughter, to my mother, my grandfather and the whole city of Nashville.

The champion also stated his desire to unify versus unbeaten WBC counterpart and rival, David Benavidez.

Everyone knows I want that unification fight with David Benavidez,” Plant stated. “You know who the best 168-pounder is. If you want that, you’ve got to come see me. I want that fight; I’ve been asking for it and I’m tired of waiting!”

W przypadku co-main, Abel Ramos scored a stunning last second TKO victory overBryant Perrella in a scheduled 10-round welterweight match. Heading into the 10thand final round Ramos was told by his cornermen that he needed a knockout to win. Ramos (26-3-2, 20 KO) delivered, badly hurting and dropping Perrella twice in the waning seconds of the frame, prompting referee Jack Reiss to wave the welterweight co-main event off with just one second remaining.

I know the fight’s not over until it’s over,” powiedział Ramos. “That’s the game. I’ve been sick for two weeks. But no excuses. I wanted to come here and perform.

I watched the Chavez-Taylor fight like 10 million times and I never thought I’d be in something like that. It just goes to prove that fights are never over till it’s over. You have to fight every single second of every single round.

Watch Ramos stun Perrella at the end of Round 10 TUTAJ.

Perrella (17-3, 14 KO) was up on all three cards at the time of the stoppage; 87-84 and two scores of 88-83.

“To jest boks. It’s like Meldrick Taylor and Chavez,” Said Perrella, agreeing with Ramoscomments. “These things just happen. I’m not going to take anything away from my opponent. I was winning every round convincingly. Co mogę powiedzieć,? There was second left in the 10th round. It’s like a needle in the haystack. It is what it is.

Southpaw Perrella controlled much of the action, using side to side movement, angles and rapid-fire combinations to stifle Ramosoffense. A left hook in the third briefly buckled Ramos. Another in the fifth stunned him.

Perrella’s a tough fighter,” powiedział Ramos. “He’s a strong, strong fighter. Nie mam nic ale szacunku dla niego. I expected a tough fight and that’s what happened.

Ramos never stopped coming forward, picking up the pace as Perrella slowed down. Z 34 seconds remaining in the 10th, Ramos landed a perfect left uppercut flush on the chin. Perrella sank to the mat, getting up on unsteady legs. Ramos pounced once action resumed, unloading until a straight right drove Perrella to the floor again. Ponownie, he made it to his feet but couldn’t walk straight without stumbling. Reiss immediately waved it off at 2:59.

Everything was going well, and I was winning the fight, round by round,” Said Perrella. “I don’t know. To jest boks. That’s the thing about the sport. Jest jak jest. There’s nothing I can do about it. I’m not going to make up any excuses or take anything away from my opponent. It’s just an experience that you go through in life and you have to overcome it. Absolutely I’d like to do it again with him. We can get a rematch in for sure.

I want all the welterweights,” Ramos exclaimed. “I’d like to have another big TV fight and go out there and prove myself.

The FOX PBC Fight Night opener featured a back-and-forth battle between lightweightsAustin Dulay i Diego Magdaleno. Magdaleno produced one of the finest performances of his career, dropping Dulay on his way to a 10-round unanimous decision victory in a minor upset.

The 33-year-old Magdaleno (32-3, 13 KO) was simply busier, particularly down the stretch in this battle of southpaws.

I knew mentally I could break him down,” said Magdaleno. “If I attacked the body, I knew I could break him down. He’s a young prospect. He’s taller than me so my plan of attack was to get in close and go to the body.

Dulay disagreed with the decision. “I boxed the hell out of him every round, making him miss, catching shots, countering. Tak, he hit me with a few good body shots. That doesn’t replace the heavy shots that I hit him with every single round for 10 rounds straight. That is madness. And it was a unanimous decision? That’s crazy. That’s unbelievable to me.

Even Diego just told me that he had nothing to do with the decision. He knows. How can they do that to me in my hometown? That’s dirty man.

Fighting in front of his fellow Nashville residents, Dulay (13-2, 10 KO) started fast, landing several clean lefts in the second. Magdaleno never stopped coming forward, working behind the jab and landing to Dulay’s body.

Watch early round action between Austin Dulay and Diego Magdaleno TUTAJ iTUTAJ.

Some of those shots strayed low which elicited warnings from referee Jack Reiss. Jednak, the work paid off as Dulay’s output dropped over the course of the bout. The sixth featured some of the best exchanges of the bout. Magdaleno got the better of those, landing a right to the ribs followed by one upstairs.

Magdaleno continued to press the attack in the seventh, scoring the fight’s only knockdown with a hard left hook to the solar plexus.

Watch Magdaleno score a knockdown vs Dulay in Round 7 TUTAJ.

Once action resumed, Magdaleno pounded at his ribs until a left hook strayed low and dropped Magdaleno, causing Reiss to deduct a point.

Every round he was hitting me low and, in the back, and on the hips,” powiedział Dulay.
It was more times than he got called for. I won that fight 100%.

Wyczuwając, że walka się wymyka, Dulay picked up the pace over the last three rounds. It wasn’t enough to overcome Magdaleno’s work rate, which earned him a win by scores of 97-91, 96-92 i 96-92.

Experience has everything going for me. In my previous fight, I lost my head,” said Magdaleno. “This time I took my time. My camp said slow it down. Happy for the victory tonight.

On the non-televised undercard, former world bantamweight champion Rau’Shee “Nuke” Królikarnia (17-3, 4 KO) ended a 13-month layoff with a wide 10-round unanimous decision over Gilberto Mendoza (15-8-3, 7 KO).

The 33-year-old Warren used his fast hands to land an assortment of shots from his lefty stance. In the fourth, a clash of heads opened a cut over the left eye of Mexico’s Mendoza. Warren sought to close the show, but Mendoza was game, firing back though outgunned.

Two judges scored it 99-91 and the third judge had it 100-90.

It felt good to get back in there after being off for a year,” Warren said. “I didn’t feel like a rookie. I felt like I had to get a little rust off me. But I think I got most of the rust off when I was in the gym training. Going 10 rounds it felt good.

I hope to get back in May,” said Warren. “I only need 90 dni. I’ve already had my long layoff since last January when I fought on Pacquiao and Adrien’s card. I’m ready to get it on. I’m ready to move on. The only thing he did that I didn’t expect him to do was stay up.

The event was promoted by Sweethands Promotions, TGB Promotions and Sauerland Promotions.

# # #

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Unbeaten WBC Heavyweight Champion Wilder & Undefeated Lineal Heavyweight Champion Fury Square Off in Highly Anticipated Rematch Taking Place Saturday, Luty 22 in Historic Mega PPV Event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas

LAS VEGAS (Luty 13, 2020) – The upcoming rematch between WBC Heavyweight Champion Deontay “Brązowy Bombowiec” Wilder and lineal champion Tyson “The Gypsy King” Furia is the biggest heavyweight title fight in history.


Standing 6’7and 6’9″ odpowiednio, Wilder and Fury create the greatest combined height ever seen in a bout for the WBC, Ring Magazine and lineal heavyweight titles, standing a collective 13 feet and 4 inches. The only heavyweight title bouttaller,” że tak powiem, took place in 2007, when the 7-foot Nikolay Valuev defended his WBA heavyweight title against the 6’6″ Jameel McCline. But never before have the sport’s very best big men been as large as they are today.

To put in perspective how large Wilder and Fury are, it’s best to compare them to the land of giants: The NBA. Consider the fact that at 6’7and in the neighborhood of 220 funtów, Wilder is the same size as Los Angeles Clippers small forward Kawhi Leonard. Furia, meanwhile, is nearly identical to LeBron James in terms of height and weight.

These days, a look at the Top 10 of any rankings you choose shows that most contenders are built like Super Bowl champion tight end Travis Kelce, who stands 6’6and weighs around 250 funtów.

As anyone who watched the thrilling first contest between Wilder and Fury will know, the two are indeed athletes, far from the lumbering behemoths you might expect men of their measurements to be. Wilder might be known for his titanic one-punch power, but he’s displayed some truly dynamic movement in the ring as well. Go watch the tape of his knockout of Bermane Stiverne and watch him bound laterally to create angles before landing his devastating shots, juking like a wide receiver in the open field, and you can see why Wilder dreamt of playing college football at Alabama when he was in high school.

Fury never dreamt of doing anything other than boxing-how could you when you were named after a heavyweight legend and born into a family rich with fighting history in Ireland. But theGypsy Kingwas also born with remarkable nimbleness to go along with a lifetime of developed boxing acumen, gliding around the ring and boxing with a style that would befit a welterweight, not a power forward-sized heavyweight.

Wilder and Fury are distinctive because ironically, giants aren’t usually dominant in sporting fields. While some have been all-time greats-i.e. the 6’9Boston Bruins defenseman Zdeno Chara, who is a lock for the Hockey Hall of Fame-often times big men are known mostly just for being big, and don’t reach the pinnacle of their sport. And understandably so. Being colossally large is often a hindrance in as many ways as it’s an advantage, particularly when it comes to movement and dexterity. The NFL’s tallest player, seven-footer Richard Singh, played just eight career games, the MLB’s all-time tallest player, the 6’11Jon Rauch, was a journeyman reliever, and tennis’ 6’10and 6’11skyscrapers Ivo Karlovic, John Isner and Rilley Opelka have no majors to their names.

As human beings have become bigger and stronger over the years, naturalnie, so have boxers. Rocky Marciano, standing 5’10 ½and weighing just above 180 funtów, would be a tiny cruiserweight by today’s standards. Joe Louis and Muhammad Ali, considered by many to be the two greatest heavyweights of all-time, and certainly not tiny fighters in their time, stood 6’1 ½and 6’3″ odpowiednio. Theoretically, Louis would give up nine inches in reach to Fury, whose wingspan is 85″. There were outliers in earlier eras, of course-Jess Willard and Ernie Terrell were 6’6and above and captured heavyweight titles-but for decades it was possible to be the size of a modern cruiserweight and not just compete, but be an imposing figure in the division.

Things began to change in the late 80s and 90s, when Tony Tucker, Riddick Bowe and Lennox Lewis, a trio of 6’6heavies captured belts. But the modern era was ushered in by Vitali and Wladimir Klitscko, the 6’6brothers who essentially ruled the division for the better part of a decade before Fury unseated Wladimir for the lineal crown in 2015.

Boxing has had its share of giants through the years, many of which have fallen short of the elite levels. In recent times, fans will remember the much-hyped American prospect Tye Fields, a towering 6’8southpaw who despite a massive amount of hype, never fought for a world title. Julius “Ogniste piekło” Long started his career 5-0, and at 7’1with a 90reach looked like a force to be reckoned with, before settling in as one of the sport’s most notorious journeymen and reliable sparring partners.

Wilder and Fury are a remarkable blend of size and athleticism and are bucking the trend that you can betoo bigto be great. As the rematch nears, it’s exciting-or perhaps scary-to think about the next evolution of heavyweights that will come after these two. There was a time when the great George Foreman, at 6’3and with a 78″ dosięgnąć, or Larry Holmes at 6’3with an 81″ dosięgnąć, were considered among the most daunting physical presences to ever step in the ring. But Wilder and Fury have set a new physical standard. Will NBA-sized heavyweights become the norm in the coming years?

At least for the moment, Wilder and Fury are far from normal. They’re colossal presences, tak, but they’re also the two very best heavyweights in the world at the peak of their powers, looking to follow up one of the most memorable fights, and hotly debated draws in recent history.

Who will stand tall on February 22?

# # #

Wilder vs.. Fury II will see the highly anticipated rematch between unbeaten WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay “Brązowy Bombowiec” Wilder and undefeated lineal champion TysonThe Gypsy KingFury as they headline a historic, mega PPV event Saturday, Luty 22 z MGM Grand Garden Arena w Las Vegas.

The Wilder vs. Fury II PPV begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and features former heavyweight world champion Charles Martin squaring off against former title challenger Gerald “Czarny Kogut” Washington for a 12-round IBF Heavyweight Title eliminator in the co-main event. WBO Junior Featherweight World Champion EmanuelVaqueroNavarrete, znany jako “The Mexican Iron Manwill defend his title against Filipino contender Jeo Santisima in the PPV featured bout. Więcej, in the PPV opener, super welterweight sensation Sebastian “Ogniste piekło” Fundora will face 2016 Australian Olympian Daniel Lewis in a 10-round battle of unbeatens.

Tickets for the event are on sale now and can be purchased atwww.mgmgrand.com lub www.axs.com. The event is promoted by BombZquad Promotions, TGB Promocje, Top Rank and Frank Warren’s Queensberry Promotions. A Premier Boxing Champions presentation.

Więcej informacji: wizyta www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.toprank.com, http://www.
, www.foxdeportes.com i www.espn.com/boxing, śledź na TwitterzePremierBoxing, @trboxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @ESPN, @ESPNRingside, TGBPromotions, i @Swanson_Comm lub stać się fanem na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,www.Facebook.com/trboxing, www.facebook.com/foxsports, www.facebook.com/foxdeportes i www.facebook.com/espn.


Quartet of World Champions Anchor FOX Sports and ESPN
Wilder vs.. Fury II Pay-Per-View Broadcast

Wilder vs.. Fury II on FOX Sports PPV and ESPN+ PPV,
a Historic Joint Presentation, Starting Saturday, Lutego. 22 w 9:00 PM ET

LAS VEGAS – Dzisiaj, FOX Sports and ESPN announced an extensive Wilder vs. Fury II fight week and fight night programming lineup in advance of the highly anticipated rematch between undefeated heavyweight champion Deontay “Brązowy Bombowiec” Wilder and unbeaten lineal champion Tyson “The Gypsy King” Furia odbędzie się w sobotę, Lutego. 22, in a historic, joint presentation by FOX Sports PPV and ESPN+ PPV live from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

The Wilder vs. Fury II PPV begins at 9:00 PM ET and features former heavyweight world champion Charles Martin squaring off against former title challenger Gerald “Czarny Kogut” Waszyngton in a 12-round IBF Heavyweight Title eliminator as the co-main event. WBO Junior Featherweight World Champion Emanuel “VaqueroNavarrete, znany jako “The Mexican Iron Manwill defend his title against Filipino contender Jeo Santisima in the PPV featured bout. Plus in the PPV opener, super welterweight sensation Sebastian “Ogniste piekło” Fundora czeka 2016 Australian Olympian Daniel Lewis in a 10-round battle of unbeatens.

Prelims will begin at 7:30 PM ET on FS1, ESPNEWS and in Spanish on FOX Deportes and ESPN3, featuring two explosive bouts. ESPNEWScoverage will switch to ESPN at 8:00 PM ET.

Fight week and fight night programming will feature a quartet of former champions and current FOX Sports and ESPN analysts, including three-time world heavyweight champion Lennox Lewis, former two-division world champion and 2004 Patenty USA. Złoty medalista olimpijski Andre Ward, Dwukrotny mistrz świata wagi półśredniej Shawn Porter i przyszłe Hall of Fame Timothy Bradley. Lewis and Ward will join ESPN veteran broadcaster Joe Tessitore for ringside commentary. Bradley and Porter will join ESPN’s Max Kellerman i FOX Sports’ Brian Kenny (gospodarz) live on the desk. ESPN’s boxing insiders Oznacz Kriegel i Bernardo Osuna will serve as reporters alongside FOX SportsKate Abdo. Boxing Hall of Famer Larry Hazzard Sr. will serve as the unofficial scorer and rules expert, while Jimmy Lennon, Jr. will serve as ring announcer. Spanish-language coverage from site includes play-by-play from ESPN DeportesJorge Eduardo Sánchez and FOX DeportesAdrián García Márquez, alongside former champions Juan Manuel Márquez (ESPN) and Hall of Famer Erik “Straszny” Morales (FOX Sports) on the analysis. ESPN’ David Faitelson and FOX DeportesJaime Motta will provide commentary.

FOX Sports and ESPN’s presentation of Wilder vs. Fury II will feature unique production upgrades to bring fans closer to the ring and deliver views that enhance their experience. The production will include 35 camerasunprecedented for an ESPN boxing productionseven super-slow-motion and six robotic cameras, a 4D camera system that allows 360 degree replays, a mini FlyCam, a JITA camera for unique shots, as well as bumper corner cameras.

Covering the historic heavyweight battle, FOX Sports and ESPN will be producing an unprecedented amount of content from numerous locations in Las Vegas starting Tuesday, Lutego. 18. Lead up coverage includes:

SportsCenter on the Road (Tuesday-Sunday, from MGM Grand set near KÀ Theater): Toni Collins, Oznacz Kriegel, Bernardo Osuna, Joe Tessitore and Stan Verrett rotate to host segments for ESPN’s flagship news and information program.
Wilder vs.. Fury II Final Press Conference (Wednesday at 4:30 PM ET on FS1 and ESPN2): Watch Joe Tessitore, Brian Kenny and Shawn Porter preview Saturday’s showdown, while Kate Abdo hosts the fighters in their final press conference from the MGM Grand Garden Arena. Spanish-language coverage on ESPN Deportes and FOX Deportes.
Wilder vs.. Fury II Official Weigh-In: (Friday at 6:00 PM ET on FS1 and ESPN2 from the MGM Grand Garden Arena): Joe Tessitore, Brian Kenny and Shawn Porter discuss the heavyweight title fight, while Kate Abdo reports. Spanish-language coverage on ESPN Deportes and FOX Deportes.
Wilder vs.. Fury II Pre-Show on ABC: Will feature Joe Tessitore from the desk, with ringside analysis from Tim Bradley, Max Kellerman, Oznacz Kriegel, and Andre Ward, and reports from Bernardo Osuna.
Max on Boxing (Wtorek & Thursday from MGM Grand set near KÀ Theater; Środa & Friday from the MGM Grand Garden Arena): ESPN’s boxing series hosted by Max Kellerman airing on ESPN2 at 5:00 PM ET, Wtorek, Czwartek, Friday and 5:30 PM ET on Wednesday. Shows on Tuesday, Czwartek, Friday will each be one hour, while Wednesday will be 30-minutes following the live final press conference.
Speak For Yourself (Wednesday-Friday at 3:00 PM ET on FS1): Jason Whitlock i Marcellus Wiley co-host the 90-minute discussion and opinion-based program live on-set at the MGM Grand Hotel & Casino set near the MGM Grand Race & Sports Book.
First Take (Thursday-Friday at 10:00 AM ET on ESPN): ESPN’s morning debate show hosted by Molly Qerim with commentators Stephen. Kowal i Max Kellerman will have Smith, Kellerman and Qerim live on-set at the MGM Grand set near KÀ Theater.

Wilder vs.. Fury II Original Content
ESPN RingScience hosted by Andre Ward, exclusively on ESPN+.Countdown: Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury II, one-hour specialgoes behind the scenes and inside the lives of both fighters as they prepare for their long-awaited rematch. Re-airs during fight week across ESPN and FOX Sports platforms.
Inside Wilder vs. Fury II, an in-depth four part series which looks into the fighter’s preparation leading up to fight night. Re-airs across ESPN and FOX Sports platforms throughout fight week.
Wilder vs.. Fury II: The Roundtable premieres on ESPN Friday, Lutego. 14.
E60: (Sun at 7:00 PM ET on ESPN): Tyson Fury is a 31-year-old Englishman and unbeaten lineal champion. W 2017, he was on the brink of total self-destruction, and battled depression and anxiety. W lutym 22, Fury enters the ring to settle old scores when he takes on current WBC champion Deontay Wilder. Before he does, Fury sits down with I:60 reporter Jeremy Schaap to discuss his demons, the road to recovery and his comeback.
Andre Ward’s Unguarded with Tyson Fury, available now exclusively on ESPN+.

From FOXSports.com: Martin Rogers on how the epic Wilder vs. Fury rematch will shape the boxing landscape and their legacies.
‘One More Roundwith Wilder and Furyboth fighters break down the pivotal rounds from their first bout
The best ofInside PBC Boxingincluding both fightersKeys to Victory as broken down by Shawn Porter and Abner Mares
A host of original content on @PBConFOX’s social channels, including Wilder and Fury’s Top 3 Knockouts and their Boxing Mount Rushmores

From ESPN.Com: The Tyson Fury rollercoastera look at the highs and lows of a wild career
Mark Kriegel on how Tyson Fury’s decision to change trainers changed everything about this fight
The stories about Deontay Wilder you need to know, as told by those who know him best
Mark Kriegel on how Deontay Wilder became the unlikeliest American boxing icon
Breaking downThe punch”: An oral history of the 12th round in the first Wilder-Fury fight
How does each fighter get the job done? Tim Bradley offers up the gameplan for both fighters (E+)
Social: @ESPNRingside Twitter, Facebook and Instagram

FOX Sports and ESPN Fight Night Schedule for Saturday, Lutego 22:

Sob, 2/22

Time ET
11:00 AM
*A Los Golpes
1:00 PM
Wilder vs.. Fury II Pre-Show (Na żywo)
5:00 PM
Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury II (Early Undercards)

FOX Sports App, ESPN App unauthenticated (Angielski & Spanish),
6:00 PM
Wilder vs.. Fury II Pre Show (ABC Re-air)

7:00 PM
Wilder vs.. Fury II Live Pre-Show

FS1, ESPNEWS; Spanish: ESPN3, FOX Sports
7:30 PM
Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury II (Undercards)

Spanish: ESPN3, FOX Sports
8:00 PM
Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury II (Undercards)

Spanish: ESPN3, FOX Sports
9:00 PM
Wilder vs.. Fury II PPV
Available on PPV via major cable and satellite providers, FOX Sports app and ESPN+
Conclusion of PPV
Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury II Post Show (Na żywo)

Conclusion of PPV
Po hiszpańsku – Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury II Post Show (Na żywo)

ESPN, FOX Sports
*slight delay

Karta główna, Undercards and Early Undercards (All times ET)

9:00 PM
Deontay Wilder (C) vs. Tyson Fury (Lineal)
Charles Martin vs. Gerald Waszyngton
Special Feature
Emanuel Navarrete (C) vs. Jeo Santisima
Sebastian Fundora przeciwko. Daniel Lewis
8:00 PM
Amir Imam vs.. Javier Molina
7:30 PM
Subriel Matias vs. Petros Ananyan
5:00 PM
Rolando Romero vs. Arturs Ahmetovs
Gabriel Flores Jr. vs. Matt Conway
Vito Mielnicki Jr. vs. Cory Champion
Isaac Lowe vs. Alberto Guevara

Więcej informacji, wizyta FOX Sports Press Pass lub ESPNPressRoom.

# # #

Więcej informacji: wizyta www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.toprank.com, http://www.
, www.foxdeportes.com i www.espn.com/boxing, śledź na TwitterzePremierBoxing, @trboxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @ESPN, @ESPNRingside, TGBPromotions, i @Swanson_Comm lub stać się fanem na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.Facebook.com/trboxing, www.facebook.com/foxsports, www.facebook.com/foxdeportesi www.facebook.com/espn.


Former Heavyweight Champion Charles Martin Battles Former Title Challenger Gerald Washington in Title Eliminator in Co-Main Event

Junior Featherweight World Champion Emanuel Navarrete Defends His Title Against the PhilippinesJeo Santisima in PPV Featured Bout & Super Welterweight Sensation Sebastian Fundora Opens PPV in Battle Against 2016 Australian Olympian Daniel Lewis

Sobota, Luty 22 in Historic Mega PPV Event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas

LAS VEGAS (Styczeń 30, 2020) – Three exciting, high-stakes showdowns have been added to the PPV undercard for the historic, mega PPV event headlined by the highly anticipated rematch between unbeaten WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay “Brązowy Bombowiec” Wilder and undefeated lineal champion Tyson “The Gypsy King” Furiaodbywa się w sobotę, Luty 22 z MGM Grand Garden Arena w Las Vegas.

W przypadku co-main, former heavyweight world champion Charles Martin will square off against former title challenger Gerald “Czarny Kogut” Waszyngton in a 12-round IBF Heavyweight Title eliminator. The PPV begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and includes the PPV featured bout as WBO Junior Featherweight World Champion Emanuel “VaqueroNavarrete, znany jako “The Mexican Iron Mandefends his title against Filipino contender Jeo Santisima. In the PPV opener, super welterweight sensation Sebastian “Ogniste piekło” Fundora czeka 2016 Australian Olympian Daniel Lewis in a 10-round battle of unbeatens.

Tickets for the event are on sale now and can be purchased at www.mgmgrand.com lub www.axs.com. The event is promoted by BombZquad Promotions, TGB Promocje, Top Rank and Frank Warren’s Queensberry Promotions. A Premier Boxing Champions presentation.

The 33-year-old Martin (27-2-1, 24 KO) became heavyweight champion in January 2016 when he won by TKO against then unbeaten Vyacheslav Glazkov. After losing his title to Anthony Joshua, Martin has won four of his last five fights, with all of his wins coming inside the distance. Originally from St. Louis, now living in Las Vegas and currently training in Southern California with Manny Robles, Martin bounced back from a narrow decision defeat to Adam Kownacki in 2018 to earn victories in 2019 against Gregory Corbin in March and Daniel Martz in July.

It is great to be back on the big stage,” powiedział Martin. “Wilder vs.. Fury II is the biggest heavyweight fight in a long time and it’s great to be on the PPV. Luty 22 will get me one step closer to my goal of becoming two-time heavyweight champion. Gerald Washington is standing in my way, so it’s my job to go right through him toward my ultimate goal.

Waszyngton (20-3-1, 13 KO) is a six-foot-six heavyweight contender who was a former college football standout at the University of Southern California and a U.S. weteran navy. Born in San Jose, Kalifornia, Washington scored an impressive victory in his last outing, knocking out veteran contender Robert Helenius in July. Washington was unbeaten in his first 19 pro walki, before dropping his world title challenge against Deontay Wilder in February 2017.

This title eliminator is a very big opportunity for me and I’m going to do everything in my power to win on February 22,” powiedział Washington. “I have the right team behind me and the right mindset. I’ve known Martin my whole career and we even spent some time working together in the ring. I’m going to be at my best and I expect the same from him. It’s an honor to be a part of an event like this. Deontay and Tyson are both characters and I’m glad I can be a part of what’s going to be a great night of boxing on February 22.

Representing San Juan Zitlaltepec, Distrito Federal, Meksyk, Navarrete (30-1, 26 KO) captured his 122-pound title by defeating Isaac Dogboe in December 2018, and emphatically retained the title by stopping Dogboe in the final round of their rematch in May 2019. The 25-year-old stayed busy after securing the title, scoring stoppage victories in successful title defenses in August, September and most recently in December, when he knocked out Francisco Horta in Mexico. He is boxing’s most active world champion, as the Santisima bout will be his fifth title defense in nine months.

I am motivated to make my fifth defense in less than a year and especially because I’m proud to be part of a historic card headlined by Wilder vs. Fury II,” said Navarrete. “This is a great opportunity to put on an exhibition for the fans and showcase my talent once again. I’m very grateful to my promoters, Bob Arum and Fernando Beltran, for giving me these opportunities.

The 23-year-old Santisima (19-2, 16 KO) Kariera zawodowa w 2013 as a 16-year-old and has not lost a fight since his fourth career contest in 2014. A native of Masbate City, Filipiny, Santisima will ride a 17-fight winning streak into his U.S. debut and his first world title opportunity on February 22. His 2019 campaign saw him deliver victories over Alvius Maufani in August and Rene Dacquel in December.

I really appreciate this opportunity, as this has been my dream since I was a kid,” said Santisima. “Do tej walki, I will train and prepare to become the new champion. I don’t feel any pressure. I will just do my best on fight night to show the world who I am. I heard and read the news that this fight is a mismatch, but I will do my best to give a great fight.

Towering at nearly six-feet six-inches, Fundora (13-0-1, 9 KO) has used his height and length, combined with power and aggressiveness, to rack up an unbeaten record since turning pro in 2016. Fighting out of Coachella, Kalifornia, Fundora fought three times in 2019, including TKO victories over then unbeaten fighters Donnie Marshall and Hector Manuel Zepeda. The 22-year-old most recently fought to an exciting split-draw against fellow contender Jamontay Clark in August.

A 2016 Olympian representing his native Sydney, Australia, Chwytak (6-0, 4 KO) was unbeaten in 2019, his first year as a professional. The 26-year-old picked up his first five wins between his debut in March and his U.S. debut in November where he defeated Alexis Gaytan. Ostatnio, Lewis knocked out then unbeaten Rivo Kundimang in December.

# # #

Więcej informacji: wizyta www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.toprank.com, http://www.
, www.foxdeportes.comi www.espn.com/boxing, śledź na TwitterzePremierBoxing, @trboxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @ESPN, @ESPNRingside, TGBPromotions, i @Swanson_Comm lub stać się fanem na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.Facebook.com/trboxing, www.facebook.com/foxsports, www.facebook.com/foxdeportes i www.facebook.com/espn.


Unbeaten WBC Heavyweight Champion Wilder & Undefeated Lineal Heavyweight Champion Fury Preview Highly Anticipated Rematch Taking Place Saturday, Luty 22 in FOX Sports PPV & ESPN+ PPV from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas

Kliknij TUTAJ for Photos from Frank Micelotta/FOX Sports
Hasło: foxsports

Kliknij TUTAJ for Photos from Mikey Williams/Top Rank

Kliknij TUTAJ for Event Highlights from FOX Sports

LOS ANGELES (Styczeń 28, 2020) – Unbeaten WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay “Brązowy Bombowiec” Wilder and undefeated lineal heavyweight champion Tyson “The Gypsy King” Furia continued their war of words at a special attraction press event on Saturday at FOX Studios in Los Angeles, as they near their highly anticipated showdown taking place Saturday, Luty 22 in a historic, joint FOX Sports PPV & ESPN+ PPV from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

Tickets for the event are on sale now and can be purchased at www.mgmgrand.com lub www.axs.com. The event is promoted by BombZquad Promotions, TGB Promocje, Top Rank and Frank Warren’s Queensberry Promotions. A Premier Boxing Champions presentation.

The two gargantuan heavyweights traded words and shared updates on training camp leading up to one of the most heavily awaited fights in recent memory. A large media contingent was on hand to watch the undefeated titans square off once again, less than one month before they will finally meet in the ring to settle the score, 14 months after their unforgettable first clash.

Here is what the fighters had to say Saturday in Los Angeles:

Deontay Wilder

Things are going amazing. I’m the happiest I’ve ever been in my life. To come from where I come from, it’s amazing to be here. When you get a happy Deontay Wilder in training camp, you can definitely expect great things from me. To’ what I’m going to give you.

We haven’t seen his power displayed like he’s been talking about. It hasn’t been continuous, like mine. I think he has pillows as fists. That’s what I felt in our last fight.

With the strategies that he’s talking about, I don’t really know how to take it. I don’t know if he’s trying to throw me off my game by saying he’s going to knock me out. But it’s exciting to hear and I’m looking forward to February 22.

Everything on his body is a target, not just his cut. Everything that is permissible for me to hit, I’m going to hit it.

When you fight someone like me, it’s a mistake to tinker around with your training camp. I’m unpredictable in that ring. When you have too many opinions and too many people who think they have the remedy, it usually backfires.

I think this win will be more special than the others. Because of the history that we have, with that controversial draw. I consider Tyson a brother of this era, especially in the heavyweight division. The other fighters don’t want to let themselves loose and have fun. We’re both able to enjoy what we do day after day. Because when the bell rings, wszystko może się zdarzyć.

Fighting a guy like Fury, you have to be careful. Time goes by so fast in the ring. You’re trying to do everything that you prepared for. With what he brings to the table with his boxing skills, you have to have some awareness of the clock. But with my power, it’s his job to really watch the clock and try to avoid me for 36 protokół.

We both have to come in like we did the first fight, with our hearts on our sleeves and the warrior mentality that we always bring. When you get to this point, the scenery itself makes for a great fight. We all know when I come to fight, I don’t play around. We can play around here today, but we’re going to have that killer mentality in the ring.


I’m born ready. I’m feeling good in training camp. Everything has been going really well. There’s no injuries or excuses. It’s all dedication and sacrifice, one day after another.

The first fight I wanted to go in there and out box him. It didn’t work. No matter what people say, I didn’t win. I count a draw as a loss.

We’re giant heavyweights. I’ve had 20 nokautów, so I’m very capable of knocking people out. When you underestimate someone else’s power, you usually end up unstuck. Whether I’m a great puncher or not, I don’t believe anybody else can match me with heart and determination. I’m going to put my iron will on Deontay Wilder.

I felt that I needed to get an edge in this fight. It’s not personal with me and my trainers, cutmen and nutritionists. It’s business. If I think someone else is going to improve my business, I’ll do it.

How do you beat a massive puncher? You have to back him up. He gets massive leverage in those long arms while coming forward. I have to put him on the back foot and make him absorb some of my power.

I’m the Gypsy King. There’s only been one and there’s only likely to be one going forward. That’s one belt that Deontay Wilder can’t ever win.

He had a great performance against Ortiz. He did what he was supposed to do. He knocks guys out. He was relaxed and calm under the pressure. I was impressed. Not by the knockout, but by the way he was conducting himself under pressure.

I’m always real. Deontay Wilder has knocked out 43 opponents in a row. Even if I hate this guy, I respect that. He has amazing power and his name is up there with all-time greats. He’s a great puncher who gets the job done.

# # #

Więcej informacji: wizyta www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.toprank.com, http://www.
, www.foxdeportes.comi www.espn.com/boxing, śledź na TwitterzePremierBoxing, @trboxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @ESPN, @ESPNRingside, TGBPromotions, i @Swanson_Comm lub stać się fanem na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.Facebook.com/trboxing, www.facebook.com/foxsports, www.facebook.com/foxdeportesi www.facebook.com/espn.


Wschodząca gwiazda Chris Colbert Drops Były mistrz Jezreel Corrales & Wygrywa jednogłośną decyzję o zdobyciu tymczasowego tytułu WBA Super Featherweight & Najlepszy prospekt wagi półśredniej Joey Spencer zarabia jednomyślnie nad Erikiem Springem

Jorge Cota, Vito Mielnicki Jr. & Romuel Cruz Zwycięski w FOX PBC Fight Night Prelims na FS1 & FOX Sports

Kliknij TUTAJ dla zdjęć z promocji Stephanie Trapp / TGB

PHILADELPHIA (Styczeń 19, 2020) – Jeison Rosario zdobył tytuły WBA i IBF Super Welterweight World z szokującą przerwą w piątej rundzie ulubionego miasta rodzinnego Juliański “J-Rock” Williams Sobotnia noc w głównym wydarzeniu FOX PBC Fight Night oraz w FOX Deportes z Temple University's Liacouras Center w Filadelfii.

“Jak tylko weszłam na ring, Wiedziałem, że nie może mnie skrzywdzić,” powiedział Rosario. “Wiedziałem, że moja moc oddziałuje na niego od razu. To wielkie zwycięstwo dla mnie i całej Republiki Dominikańskiej.”

“Rosario był dziś lepszym człowiekiem,” Said Williams. “To był świetny powrót do domu dla moich fanów i przykro mi, że ich zawiodłem. To, co poszło nie tak dziś wieczorem, musi zostać naprawione. Niedługo przejdziemy do rewanżu i nie możemy się doczekać, aby zwrócić przysługę.”

W swojej pierwszej walce o tytuł mistrza świata, Rosario z Dominikany od samego początku trafił pięściami w moc i rozpoczął walkę z Williamem’ prawe oko w drugiej rundzie. Williams wyładowywał własne ciosy mocy, ale nie był w stanie powstrzymać Rosario.

Obejrzyj drugą rundę, w której Rosario otwiera wycinek nad Williamsem’ oko tutaj.

“Jestem teraz bardzo emocjonalny,” powiedział Rosario. “Kiedy przegrałem ostatnią walkę, powiedziałem, że nigdy więcej nie przegram, dopóki nie zostanę mistrzem świata i tak właśnie stało się dzisiejszej nocy. Przyszedłem przygotowany. Przed walką wiedziałem, że ją wygram.”

W piątej rundzie Rosario trafił w ciosy, które ostatecznie doprowadziły do ​​końca walki, uderzając go twardymi, prostymi prawymi rękami, co natychmiast spowolniło Williamsa.

“Muszę dużo podziękować mojemu zespołowi,” powiedział Rosario. “Miałem 16-tygodniowy obóz treningowy, który przygotował mnie do tego. Moje życie zmieniło się na zawsze i mogę wesprzeć moją rodzinę w zupełnie nowy sposób. Uświadomiłem sobie, że zamierzam wygrać, kiedy zaproponowano mi walkę. Wiedziałem, że jeśli złożę ofiarę, że zrobiłbym to, co dziś wieczorem. wiedziałam 16 tygodnie temu.”

Rosario wyczuł swoją chwilę i wystąpił z wielkimi ciosami, podczas gdy Williams próbował utrzymać i przeżyć. W końcu atak okazał się zbyt duży, a sędzia Benjy Esteves przerwał walkę 1:37 w rundzie. W czasie postoju, Rosario prowadził 39-37 na dwóch kartach, z trzecią zdobytą kartą 38-38.

“Nie byłam zaskoczona, że ​​był taki dobry,” Said Williams. “Powiedziałem wszystkim, że jest prawdziwym wojownikiem. Muszę to zaakceptować. Cięcie trochę zamazało moją wizję, ale to nie był powód, dla którego przegrałem. Był dziś lepszym wojownikiem. Mamy klauzulę rewanżu. Do zobaczenia wkrótce. Wrócę.”

Zobacz, jak Rosario kończy Williamsa w rundzie 5 tutaj.

W głównym wydarzeniu pojawiła się wschodząca gwiazda Chris “Prime Time” Colbert (14-0, 5 KO) upuść byłego mistrza Jezreel Corrales (23-4, 9 KO) w drodze do jednomyślnego zwycięstwa, które zapewniło mu tytuł WBA Super Featherweight.

“On jest wielkim wojownikiem,” Said Colbert. “Ludzie nie zdają sobie z tego sprawy, ponieważ miał złą decyzję przeciwko Ladariusowi Millerowi. Ale on jest świetnym wojownikiem. On jest bardzo niezręczny. Jest zręczny i szybki. Trudno go było złapać, bo biegł, ale przyszedł walczyć. Zdejmuję mu kapelusz.”

Akcja rozpoczęła się taktycznie, z Colbertem próbującym odkryć niezręczny styl byłego mistrza Corralesa. Colbert przeniósł się z ortodoksyjnego na południową i był w stanie kontrolować wczesną akcję pomimo wolnego tempa.

“Wykonałem tam swoją pracę,” powiedział Corrales. “Moją strategią było uderzenie, a nie trafienie. Czułem, że zmusiłem go do walki o wiele walki. Powalenie nie zostało zranione, to była moja równowaga. Nasze stopy zaplątały się i straciłem równowagę. Przybyłem tutaj, aby wygrać. Oboje wykonaliśmy swoją pracę, ale sędziowie ocenili jego pchanie bardziej niż uderzenie.”

Colbert w dalszym ciągu różnicował swój atak w miarę trwania walki, podczas gdy Corrales był w stanie odnieść sukces w środkowych rundach, wylądując prosto na lewą stronę, aby odeprzeć atakującego przeciwnika. W rundzie 10 Colbert zaczął się wycofywać, lądowanie czystego lewego haka, a następnie prawego haka na czubku głowy, który kładzie Corralesa na kolanie.

“Miałem zaufanie do walki,” Said Colbert. “Wiedziałem, że mam zamiar zdominować walkę i powiedziałem ci to wszystko, zanim doszło do walki. Biegł, a ja próbowałem go złapać, więc powiedziałem mojemu kątowi, stoczmy walkę z psem. Mamy 12 Rundy. Jestem w formie. Widzisz, Nie usiadłem ani jednej rundy. Jestem w formie i przyszedłem walczyć. Nie zamierzałam wychodzić bez tego tytułu.

23-latek z Brooklynu wydawał się silniejszy, gdy walka trwała i imponująco ukończyła rundy mistrzowskie, oszałamiające Corrales w słabnących momentach walki o interpunkcję spektaklu. Colbert był zwycięzcą we wszystkich trzech sędziach’ Karty, przez dziesiątki 117-110 dwa razy i 116-111.

“Strategią było użycie mojego dźgnięcia tak jak ja i próba ustawienia ciosów,” Said Colbert. “Ale jest bardzo niezręczny i ma spory dystans. Powoli, ale zdecydowanie postanowiłem przestać boksować, zamknij dystans i dosiądź go. Wiedziałem, że nie może mnie wyrzucić, Jestem z Brooklynu.”

Zobacz najważniejsze cechy Colbert vs.. Corrales tutaj i tutaj. Obejrzyj 10th rundy knockdown tutaj i 11th runda akcji tutaj.

W otwieraczu FOX PBC Fight Night, najlepsza perspektywa super wagi półśredniej Joey Spencer(10-0, 7 KO)pozostała niepokonana jednomyślną decyzją Erik Wiosna (13-4-2, 1 KO) po sześciu rundach akcji.

Walka z pozycji południowej łapki, Wiosna wyglądała, jakby wylądowała na dużych lewych lewach, ale rzadko była w stanie dogonić szybkiego 19-letniego Spencera. Spencer zdominował akcję swoją szybkością i poprzez duże haki podczas całej akcji.

“Byłem tam z klatką, długa południowa łapa,” powiedział Spencer. “Aby być uczciwym, kiedy facet walczy tak samo jak on, facetowi w moim stylu naprawdę trudno jest po prostu wyciągnąć coś z niczego. Był prawdziwym defensywnym facetem.”

Spencer był szczególnie skuteczny, skradając potężny lewy hak wokół osłony Springa. Wiosna próbowała wcisnąć akcję w późniejszych rundach i wymusić pożar, ale Spencer pozostał cierpliwy i wybrał swoje miejsca. Późno w szóstej rundzie, lewy hak od Spencera posłał Springa wlatującego w liny, zanim został uratowany przed kolejnym atakiem dzwonu.

“Na koniec naprawdę go nacisnąłem, powiedział, że skończę mocno, i uderzyłem go kilkoma dobrymi strzałami,” powiedział Spencer. “Gdybym to zrobił w pierwszej lub drugiej rundzie, Skończyłbym to wcześnie. Cieszę się, że dostałem sześć rund. Doświadczenie jest wszystkim. Jesteś tak dobry jak twoja następna walka. Cieszę się, że mogę się tam dostać i zdobyć trochę dobrego doświadczenia. Zrobiłem to, co w mojej mocy, i przestałem.”

“Za dużo czekałem,” powiedziała Wiosna. “Myślałem, że wejdzie i zaangażuje się bardziej, a ja patrzyłem na niego, ale on pozostał na zewnątrz. Byłem bardziej pod wrażeniem jego prędkości niż jego mocy. Jest utalentowanym wojownikiem, ale mógłbym być bardziej skuteczny.”

Po sześciu rundach, wszyscy trzej sędziowie widzieli walkę o Spencera, według wyniku 60-54 trzykrotnie. PBC 2019 Perspektywa Roku, Spencer będzie szukał kolejnego wielkiego roku 2020.

“W tym roku będę zajęty,” powiedział Spencer. “Będę miał rok czterech walk. To jeden z czterech. Chcemy przynieść trochę emocji i dobrej zabawy.”

Zobacz, jak Joey Spencer pieczętuje swoje 10. zwycięstwo w karierze potężną kombinacją tuż przed ostatnim dzwonkiem tutaj.

Przed kartą główną, FOX PBC Fight Night Prelims na FS1 i FOX Deportes zobaczyli Meksyk Jorge Cota (30-4, 27 KO) uzyskaj przestój w piątej rundzie Tomasz “Cornflake” Lamanna (28-3-1, 10 KO) 1:22 w ich walce o bardzo niskiej wadze, kiedy róg LaManny poradził lekarzowi z pierścienia, aby przerwał akcję.

Obejrzyj najważniejsze informacje na temat piątej rundy zatrzymania Thomasa LaManny przez Jorge Cota tutaj.

Akcja obejmowała także rewelacyjną 17-letnią perspektywę Vito Mielnicki Jr. (4-0, 3 KO) zdominować Preston Wilson (6-4-1, 4 KO) w drodze do jednogłośnej decyzji według wyniku 40-36 trzy razy w meczu półśredniej wagi. Otwierający Prelims był niepokonany Romuel Cruz (4-0-1, 2 KO) zdobyć zatrzymanie w pierwszej rundzie w wysokości Julio Garcia(3-4, 2 KO) 2:56 w swoim konkursie super bantamweight.

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Widzowie mogą żyć strumień PBC pokazy na FOX i FOX Sports TERAZ aplikacje lub FOXSports.com. Dodatkowo, Wszystkie programy są dostępne na Fox Sports na kanale SiriusXM 83 na radia satelitarnego oraz aplikacji SiriusXM.

Więcej informacji: wizyta www.premierboxingchampions.com, ht
i www.foxdeportes.com, śledź na TwitterzePremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, i @Swanson_Comm lub stać się fanem na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


Undefeated IBF Super Middleweight Champion Plant Makes Homecoming Title Defense Against Vincent Feigenbutz Saturday, Luty 15 z Arenie w Nashville Bridgestone, Tennessee Headlining FOX PBC Fight Night & Fox Deportes

Press Conference Also Featuring Welterweight Contender Bryant Perrella & Nashville Native Austin Dulay Ahead of Respective Showdowns on FOX

Kliknij TUTAJ for Photos from Gavin Nutt/Sweethands Promotions

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Styczeń 15, 2020) – Undefeated IBF Super Middleweight World Champion Caleb “Sweethands” Plants previewed his homecoming world title defense at a press conference in Nashville Wednesday, as he prepares to take on mandatory challenger Vincent Feigenbutz Sobota, Luty 15 in the FOXPBC Fight Night main event and on FOX Deportes from Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, Tennessee.

The press conference also featured welterweight contender Bryant Perrella, who takes on Abel Ramos w przypadku współ-main, plus lightweight contender and Nashville native Austin Dulay, who battles former title challenger Diego Magdaleno w telewizji otwieracz na 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT.

Bilety na imprezę, which is promoted by Sweethands Promotion, TGB Promotions and Sauerland Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased at ticketmaster.com.

Ashland, Tennessee’s Plant will bring world championship boxing back to Nashville and fight for the first time as a professional in his home state. Here is what the press conference participants had to say Wednesday at Bridgestone Arena:


It’s great to be back in my hometown and my home city. I’m even more excited to be bringing home a world title and to defend it February 15 at Bridgestone Arena. It’s been a dream of mine since as long as I could remember. Since I was a little kid.

I’m working harder than ever to make sure that I have my hand raised on February 15. I’m looking to do it in spectacular fashion, before the 12th okrągły. This fight is going to end in a knockout on my behalf. I want everyone who’s going to be in the building and tuned in to know that this world title is staying right here in Tennessee.

My dad and I have been going at this for 18 years straight, non-stop. Having this fight has been a dream that I’ve sacrificed a lot for. It’s a dream that on February 15, it won’t be spoiled.

It was a goal to become world champion, but it wasn’t the only goal. I think people tend to forget I only have 19 Walki. I feel like I just made it to the base of the mountain. Some people when they become champion, they feel like they become the hunted, but that’s not the case with me. I’m still hungry. If you’re in my way, I suggest you get out of it. Because I won’t miss you.

I’ve heard Feigenbutz is strong and physical and he thinks he’s going to come in and knock me out. Mike Lee thought he was going to knock me out and Jose Uzcategui said he was going to knock me out, but how’d that go for them?

“Na koniec dnia, boxing is hit and do not get hit. I have plenty of skills to spare. W lutym 15, I’m not playing with this guy.

All of these guys think they’re going to walk me down and throw more punches than me. But I throw more and land more punches than them. If he thinks he’s going to come in here and spoil my plans, I promise you that he’s got another thing coming.


I’m grateful to be here today and blessed to have the opportunity to showcase who I am as a fighter. I’m a fighter who’s built on quality over quantity. Nothing has been given to me. I’ve faced nothing but excellent opposition to this point.

I eat, sleep and breathe boxing. I’m ready for this. I’m a fast, strong and tall fighter, with a high boxing IQ. Luty 15 I’m coming to dominate. Operation Abel will be unable.

I have Ramos outmatched at every category and I’m going to dominate. I’m starting hit my stride as a fighter. Everything is coming together mentally and I have an amazing team working with me now. We’re just grinding every day and putting it all together to work towards our ultimate goal.


I’m really thankful to my whole team for making this fight happen and especially to Caleb for paving the way for a fight in Nashville. We’ve been training really hard and we’re training even harder for this fight to put on a show in my hometown.

I know my opponent is going to come ready, we know what he’s coming to do. Jestem podekscytowany, za to. I’m going to be ready for anything he brings.

“Nie mogę się doczekać do tej walki, put on a great performance and come back to Nashville again in the future for more big fights.

JUSTIN GAMBER, Plant’s Co-Trainer

We are thrilled to come back to Nashville for this fight. It’s going to be Caleb’s first pro fight in Nashville, and from the moment that we heard first about this, we’ve been really excited.

He’s had an incredible training camp as always. He’s been looking really sharp. Expect an explosive, powerful and better version of ‘Sweethandsthan you’ve seen yet. Caleb is always improving and always getting better. He’s taking it to another level.

I’ve seen Caleb fight as an amateur in Nashville, but to be a part of him doing it in the pros, it’s so special for me. Just know that he’s going to put on a show. Skills pay the bills and he’s got all the skills.

RICHIE PLANT, Plant’s Father & Współtrener

We’re so glad to be here in this position. As soon as we heard that this was going to be a reality, we were just overjoyed.

We started here about 18 years ago in boxing. Over the years we’ve grown, and now we have this amazing boxing team, one that I feel is the best in boxing. We’re just getting started. We’re excited to put on a show for our hometown and we’ll see everyone here on February 15.

# # #

Widzowie mogą żyć strumień PBC pokazy na FOX i FOX Sports TERAZ aplikacje lub FOXSports.com. Dodatkowo, Wszystkie programy są dostępne na Fox Sports na kanale SiriusXM 83 na radia satelitarnego oraz aplikacji SiriusXM.

Więcej informacji: wizyta www.premierboxingchampions.com, ht
i www.foxdeportes.com, śledź na TwitterzePremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, i @Swanson_Comm lub stać się fanem na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


Unbeaten WBC Heavyweight Champion Wilder & Undefeated Lineal Heavyweight Champion Fury Preview Highly Anticipated Rematch Taking Place Saturday, Luty 22 in FOX Sports PPV & ESPN+ PPV from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas

Kliknij TUTAJ for Photos from Scott Kirkland/FOX Sports
(Hasło: foxsports)

Kliknij TUTAJ for Photos from Ryan Hafey/Premier Boxing Champions

Kliknij TUTAJ za zdjęcia od Sean Michael Ham / TGB Promotions

Kliknij TUTAJ for Photos from Mikey Williams/Top Rank

LOS ANGELES (Styczeń 13, 2020) – Unbeaten WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay “Brązowy Bombowiec” Wilder and undefeated lineal champion Tyson “The Gypsy King” Furia continued their war of words and previewed their much anticipated rematch at a Los Angeles press conference on Monday before they square off Saturday, Luty 22 in a historic, joint FOX Sports PPV & ESPN+ PPV from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

Wilder vs.. Fury II will come 14 months after their thrilling first fight that saw Wilder retain the title via split draw, after Fury miraculously rose from a 12th round knockdown to finish the fight. It is one of the most memorable moments in recent heavyweight history, and on February 22 the two undefeated titans will take their war of words back into the ring to stake their claim as the best heavyweight in the world.

Tickets for the event are on sale now and can be purchased at www.mgmgrand.com lub www.axs.com. The event is promoted by BombZquad Promotions, TGB Promocje, Top Rank and Frank Warren’s Queensberry Promotions. A Premier Boxing Champions presentation.

The charismatic stars put their magnetic personalities on display at the press conference, each laying claim to a rightful victory in their first contest, while also declaring their intent on finishing the rematch with an emphatic knockout victory. Here is what the press conference participants had to say Monday from The Novo by Microsoft at L.A. Na żywo:

Deontay Wilder

It’s great to be back for another big event. This is the biggest title fight of this era for sure and I can’t wait. I’m always in my element. I’m always in the zone. Right now I just can’t wait for February 22.

My body feels like its walking into the sixth week of camp instead of the third week. It’s been amazing to have the quick turnaround after the Ortiz fight in November. I’m coming in shape. I put shape on top of shape and it’s allowed me to prepare even harder for Fury.

We all know in rematches I’m always sharp because I’ve been in there before and I know what my opponent is capable of doing and what they plan on doing. I’m prepared more than ever for this fight.

I knocked him out the first time we fought. I told him two years ago I was going to baptize him. Rising up is part of the baptism. But this a different story. This is unfinished business. Because he’s in WWE I’m going to make sure he gets knocked out of the ring, I might even come down with a flying elbow from the top rope.

Fury not wanting the rematch me immediately definitely made this fight bigger. We had two warmups. I had a lot more dangerous road than he had though. He played it safe, while I went to the mountain top and climbed it. I’m building for my legacy.

If he beat me, then why all the new trainers? Every day it changes. Firing and hiring. He wants to talk about being out of shape the first time, ale był w świetnej formie. He spent 100,000 pounds on all those camps. I still to this day have the same people with me and I don’t need to change it.

When you’re facing power there’s no way around it. You can’t prepare for that. You just have to hope that when it lands, it doesn’t do that much damage. He doesn’t even know how he got on the ground or how he got up in the first fight. He’s been dealing with feeling ever since the end of the first fight.

I’m going to do exactly what I said I would do. Mam zamiar go znokautować. I’m the lion. I’m the king of the jungle. I’m going to rip his head off his body. Everyone sit tight and buckle up. It’s going to be a fun ride on the way to giving everyone the best fight you’ve seen in your lives.

This is a major fight for the public and everyone should be excited. It doesn’tget any better than this. Two giants and two champions, putting it all on the line for everyone’s entertainment. We’re leaving it all in the ring to see who is the king.

There’s so many things that go through my head as I take my time to adjust and time my opponent’s movements. I’m building the data I need to set him up for that perfect punch. There’s a lot of things that come with skills. Not just the average fundamentals. There are a lot of different things and that’s what makes boxing what it is. My ring IQ is very high and that’s how I set them up. I know everything he wants to do. He gave me 100% of him already.

He believes in his heart that he’ll knock me out. I always teach people to speak it, believe it and receive it. The magic of it all is in the belief. Though he’s saying those things, I don’t feel in his energy that he believes that. I feel like he’s nervous because of what happened the first time.

I just learned from the first fight that I need to be calmer. I’m going to be a lot more patient in this fight, just like in the second Luis Ortiz fight. The object of boxing is to win, not just to win rounds. And I win in devastating fashion.


The consensus is either he knocks me out, or I win on points. Usually when people have that opinion, it goes the opposite way around. Expect him to box and me to be looking for the knockout.

He thinks I’m going to come out herky-jerky with my famous style, but I want him to meet me in the center of the ring and have a slugfest, best man wins. I didn’t have the gas to finish him in the last fight, but this time I can turn that screwdriver until he’s gone. Let’s make it a Marvin Hagler vs. Tommy Hearns type of fight. I’ll meet you Inthe middle of the ring on February 22. Just watch out for the right hand, because you’re going to sleep in two rounds.

We finally have the rematch and I can’t remember a bigger heavyweight fight in a long time. Maybe Lennox Lewis vs. Mike Tyson was the last big one like this and that was another U.S. vs. U.K. odkrycie kart.

Deontay Wilder hasn’t been returning my calls or messages since I beat him last time. He’s trying to keep his distance. He didn’t want to be around me so I can get in his head. But I don’t think you can really get in anyone’s head. At the end of the end of the day, it’s just talk. It doesn’t really matter what we say. It matters what happens on February 22.

What’s going to happen in this fight is that I’m going to get what I rightfully won last time. I’m going to get the green belt and keep my lineal title. And if he wants to rematch me after, I’ll beat him again. I’ve already beat him once, and I know I can beat him three times in a row.

“Mam zamiar wygrać, that’s what I do. Deontay Wilder can make all the excuses he wants to make. Everyone on his team can tell him he won that fight, but as a fighting man, you know when you win and lose a fight. I’m going to go out there give him a boxing lesson and knock him out.

You’re never a finished article, you can always improve. I like to keep freshening things up every now and again. I don’t make excuses. I won fair and square and we get to do it again. I’m ready for a fight today.

I’m the best of my era and I took that title from Wladimir Klitschko. Nobody disputed he was the best and I took that from him, until someone beats me, that’s my title.

He’s going to try to and the right hand. If I’m stupid enough to get hit with it, I deserve to lose. I hit the floor twice in the first fight, but it’s all about how you respond, I’m a fighting man. If he can’t finish me, I’m going to eat him up.

I’m looking for a knockout. That’s why I hired Sugarhill. He gets you to sit down on that big right hand. That’s what I’m looking for. There’s the game plan. If I wasn’t looking for a knockout, I would have sharpened up what I did in the last fight. I’m not coming for that. I’m looking for my 21st nokaut.

When I get him in there again, I’m going to make him feel the fury. I’ve never been as sure of anything in my whole life. As sure as I was this morning putting this suit on. 100 percent he can’t win He’s got a puncher’s chance like anyone else. I’m much sharper and more fit now. I’m ready to rumble right now. I hope he train hard and goes to bed sleeping thinking about me.

TOM BROWN, Prezes TGB Promocje

“W lutym 22, w MGM Grand Garden Arena, it’s going to be bombs away. We have two superstars here. The best two heavyweights in the world. Both fighters are going to show a lot of passion at this press conference and all the way leading up to this fight because there is so much at stake.

These are the best in boxing. There is nothing like a big heavyweight championship fight. We have the undefeated hardest punching, the most feared heavyweight in the world and I believe one of the all-time great heavyweights in Deontay Wilder.

There is a reason Fury and his team didn’t want the immediate rematch right after the first fight. He’s taken a couple of tune-up fights instead because he felt that power on December 1. That’s not going to change this time, he can just ask Luis Ortiz.

I was lucky enough to promote the first fight and I believe we have something special in this rematch. I look forward to a fantastic fight on February 22 and we’ll see everyone there.

TODD DUBOEF, President of Top Rank

We talk about boxing having a renaissance, but it’s really about the heavyweight division. That’s what is going to create that renaissance more than anything right now.

Tyson is so true, so gritty and he backs it up with everything he does. When you combine it with Deontay Wilder, you have two great personalities. This is really the beginning of the next super heavyweight run for the sport of boxing.


This fight here is one of those fights that you don’t want to miss. The first one was one not to miss as well and I’m sure you all watched the replay. You have two great champions here going at each other. Both fighters left the ring still undefeated last time and still wanting to settle the store. W lutym 22, the score will be settled.

The heavyweight division is still the biggest and most powerful division in boxing. It always will be. Everyone wants to see the fighters throwing the big blows. Wilder is one of the hardest hitters in history and Tyson is one of the best boxers. I’m happy to be training. with Tyson Fury. It’s been about 10 years since we trained together. He trained with me and Emanuel Steward and I’m here to complete what Emmanuel started.

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Więcej informacji: wizyta www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.toprank.com, http://www.
, www.foxdeportes.comi www.espn.com/boxing, śledź na TwitterzePremierBoxing, @trboxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @ESPN, @ESPNRingside, TGBPromotions, i @Swanson_Comm lub stać się fanem na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.Facebook.com/trboxing, www.facebook.com/foxsports, www.facebook.com/foxdeportes i www.facebook.com/espn.

Lekki Contender & Nashville Native Austin Dulay Takes on Former Title Challenger Diego Magdaleno in FOX PBC Fight Night Action & w FOX Deportes Saturday, Luty 15 z Arenie w Nashville Bridgestone, Tennessee

Unbeaten Super Middleweight Champion Caleb Plant Makes Homecoming Title Defense Against Vincent Feigenbutz in the Main Event

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Styczeń 13, 2020) – Lightweight contender and Nashville nativeAustin Dulay will fight in front of his hometown crowd when he takes on former title challenger Diego Magdaleno in a 10-round fight that opens FOX PBC Fight Night action and on FOX Deportes Saturday, Luty 15 z Arenie w Nashville Bridgestone, Tennessee.

FOX PBC Fight Night begins at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT and is headlined by IBF Super Middleweight Champion Caleb “Sweethands” Roślina defending his title in a homecoming bout against mandatory challenger Vincent Feigenbutz. Więcej, welterweight contenders Bryant “Goodfella” Perrella i Abel Ramos battle in the 10-round co-feature.

Bilety na imprezę, which is promoted by Sweethands Promotion, TGB Promotions and Sauerland Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased at ticketmaster.com.

Nashville’s Dulay (13-1, 10 KO) has won back-to-back fights by stoppage since his lone pro defeat to top contender Chris Colbert in April 2018. The 24-year-old has fought professionally since 2015 i wygrał swój pierwszy 11 Walki. He most recently scored a TKO victory over Yardley Armenta Cruz in February of last year, and his last time in the ring saw him stop Justin Pauldo in a fight that was later changed to a no contest. He will return to fight in Nashville for the first time since a 2017 zwycięstwo.

The 33-year-old Magdaleno (31-3, 13 KO) has twice challenged for a world title and will look for a signature victory on February 15 to get closer to another chance at the belt. The Las Vegas native previously dropped title fights against Roman Martinez and Terry Flanagan. Magdaleno won three straight fights between 2016 i 2018, including a triumph over Art Hovhannisyan, and most recently lost to lightweight champion Teofimo Lopez in February 2019.

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