标记档案: 菲德尔·蒙特罗萨·穆尼奥斯

“下 & 肮脏的” 梅尔罗斯的官方结果, 嘛


约瓦尼斯·巴拉扎前往 23-1 在他的U.S. 登场

 “下 & 来自梅尔罗斯的肮脏”官方结果, 马萨诸塞州

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约瓦尼斯巴拉扎 (ř) 对豪尔赫·马丁·加西亚来说太过分了


塞勒姆, 质量. (十月 30, 2021) – 哥伦比亚次中量级冠军 Jeovanis “我回来”巴拉扎 (22-1, 15 科斯) 击败阿根廷左撇子 Jorge “Tomatito” Martin Garcia (13-7-1, 6 科斯) 通过 8 轮的一致决定,在昨晚的“Down & 脏”卡, 由雷耶斯拳击俱乐部在梅尔罗斯的梅尔罗斯纪念馆提供, 马萨诸塞州.

“下 & 肮脏的,” 新英格兰唯一正在进行的职业拳击系列赛, 直播并独家播出throwdownsports.com.

“所有战士的努力, B 推广组派送, 因为我们晚了一个小时开始,”发起人迈克尔雷耶斯评论道. “主要活动很棒, 8 为冠军而战. 加西亚有一颗地狱般的心. 他是一个冠军. “梅克”完成了他的工作. 他看到了我们在健身房讨论过的一些他需要做的事情. 总体, 这是一个很好的经验。”

哥伦比亚和阿根廷在体育运动中是苦涩的劲敌,就像南美版本一样, 虽然是拳击, 波士顿红袜队和纽约洋基队.

两位主赛事战士都在美国首次亮相. 更熟练的 Barraza 经受了艰难的考验, 坚定的加西亚, 但是 Barraza 的身体射击始终为他强大的头部射击奠定基础.

在第六轮, Barraza 持续的压力和有效的组合最终让疲惫的加西亚筋疲力尽, 谁两次降落在画布上, 但他不会低头. 第七轮是巴拉扎的击球练习, 除了厨房水槽,他用其他所有东西打了加西亚. 尽管凶残的身体攻击让加西亚跪倒在地, 他又一次站了起来,不知怎么活到了最后.

“这是一场非常好的战斗,”巴拉扎在他的战斗后说. “他 (加西亚) 比我想象的要坚强. 重要的消息是,我是第一次在美国参加比赛,并带着冠军腰带离开。”

巴拉扎, 谁投了一个几乎关闭 (80-69, 80-69, 79-70), 收集了另一个冠军腰带和, 更重要的是, 在他的 11 月中毫发无损地从战斗中出来. 13 在阿纳海姆摊牌 (例如) 与亚历克西斯·罗查 (17-1, 11 科斯) 在 DAZN 节目的联合专题中, 由金童促销提供, 由杰米·蒙吉亚 (Jamie Munguia) 和. 加布里埃尔·罗萨托.

“我不需要改变任何事情,”巴拉扎指出. “我可以继续为这场战斗而训练, 尤其是陪练, 因为我可以继续和我为这场战斗打过架的那些人在一起。”

在共功能的事件, ABF 大西洋中量级冠军 Anthony “Big Daddy” Hines (7-0, 4 科斯) 成功捍卫了他在去年六月夺得的冠军头衔, 对阵菲德尔·蒙特罗萨·穆尼奥斯 (39-26-1, 31 科斯), 前哥伦比亚轻重量级冠军.

多切斯特波士顿地区的战斗, 在对阵哥伦比亚淘汰赛艺术家的前两轮比赛中,海因斯出击并横向移动, 第三节加快步伐, 海因斯以强大的权利击败穆尼奥斯. 穆尼奥斯声称他在第四局中被非法击中脑后,战斗暂停,让医生检查他. 几分钟后动作继续. 由于意外的头撞导致 Munoz 到甲板上,Hines 在这场激烈的战斗中受到的伤害最大,因此战斗在第五轮被推迟.

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Anthony Hines 保持不败,并保留了他的 ABF 大西洋冠军腰带

也在多切斯特打架, 轻量级乔纳森·德皮纳 (5-1, 4 科斯) 磨损了一个勇敢的斯泰西安德森 (0-8), 最终在第三轮让他离开, 德皮纳在最初的击倒中用反击权击败了他的对手. 片刻之后,这就是她为安德森写的全部内容, 谁被困在一个中立的角落, 并殴打直到他永远倒下。

受欢迎的洛厄尔 (嘛) 战斗机加布里埃尔“威胁”莫拉莱斯 (3-0, 2 科斯), 做生意的木匠, 把他工具箱里的所有东西都展示给他大声的喜悦, 热情的粉丝群, 停止熟练工巴勃罗·德索萨 (0-24) 在第二轮. 自然轻, 莫拉莱斯降级次中量级德索萨, 第一个在第二个左勾拳, 紧接着是右路再次将他送到垫子上. DeSouza站在裁判的计数命中之前 10, 但他显然无法继续.

不败的多米尼加共和国轻量级前景亚历杭德罗“El Abusador”保利诺 (4-0, 4 科斯), 战斗新伦敦的出 (CT), 在意大利本土基督徒“厄尔尼诺忍者”达尼洛圭多胜过一位更有经验的战士 (8-20, 6 科斯). 保利诺在第一回合结束时将圭多击倒,并在第二回合结束比赛, 将 Guido 装饰了三遍, 最后一个上勾拳完美执行,技术淘汰赛的时间已经不多了.

达拉斯重量级 Vercell Webster (2-4-1, 2 科斯) 以前不高兴丹尼斯文图拉 (4-1, 3 科斯) 通过一个 4-一轮技术淘汰赛. 韦伯斯特在第一轮直接将文图拉击中圣殿,一场比赛文图拉从未真正恢复过. 同样的一枪打在头上, 降落在同一个 (红色的) 角落, 再次装扮文图拉. 他打败了伯爵, 但裁判梅丽莎凯利不喜欢文图拉的回应方式, 她停止了战斗.

打开动作, 普罗维登斯重量级肖恩贝改进为 3-0 (3 科斯) 首次亮相的布兰登·格伦迪(Brandon Grundy)在首轮比赛中途因右手受伤而严重残疾时. 在环医生检查他之后, 战斗持续了一段时间,因为 Bey 对被困在绳索上的 Grundy 进行了一系列未得到回应的拳击, 直到裁判凯文霍普在比赛中挥手示意 2:24 圆一个标志.



主要赛事 – ABF 美洲超级重量级锦标赛

约瓦尼斯巴拉扎 (23-1, 15 科斯), 巴兰基亚, 哥伦比亚

WDEC8 (8069, 80-69, 79-70)

豪尔赫·马丁·加西亚 (13-8-1, 6 科斯), 拉瓦勒将军, 布宜诺斯艾利斯, 阿根廷

(Barraza 赢得 ABF 美洲大陆超次中量级冠军)

共同特征— ABF 大西洋中量级锦标赛

安东尼·海因斯 (8-0, 4 科斯), 多切斯特, 嘛

WDEC6 (58-54, 57-55, 57-54)

菲德尔·蒙特罗萨·穆尼奥斯 (39-27-1, 31 科斯), 巴兰基亚, 哥伦比亚

(海因斯保留了 ABF 大西洋中量级冠军头衔)


韦赛尔·韦伯斯特 (1-4-1, 1 KO), 达拉斯, TX

WTKO4 (0 :37)

丹尼斯文图拉 (4-0, 3 科斯), 林恩, 嘛

肖恩·贝 (3-0, 3 科斯), 普罗维登斯, RI

WTKO1 (2:24)

布兰登·格兰迪 (0-1), 麦吉希, AR


加布里埃尔·莫拉莱斯(Gabriel Morales) (3-0, 2 科斯), 洛厄尔, 嘛

WTKO2 (2:24)

保罗·德索萨 (0-24), 沃本, 嘛


乔纳森·德皮纳 (6-1, 4 科斯), 多切斯特, 嘛

WTKO3 (1:03)

斯泰西·安德森 (0-8), 阿尔伯克基, NM


亚历山德罗·保利诺 (5-0, 5 科斯), 新伦敦, CT通过多米尼加共和国

WTKO2 (2:58)

克里斯蒂安·达尼洛·吉多 (8-21, 6 科斯), 虎, 布宜诺斯艾利斯, 阿根廷途经意大利


Website: www.ReyesBoxingClubwww.AFightingChanceinc.org

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Instagram的: @雷耶斯拳击, @FightingChance501c3

LinkedIn: @迈克尔雷耶斯

Facebook的: /迈克尔·雷耶斯, /雷耶斯拳击公司, #FightingChance501c3

Witherspoon decisions Capers in Atlantic City

Lockett upsets Prince Badi Ajamu
wins by Buaza, 希尔顿, 科尔特斯 & 希门尼斯
大西洋城, 新泽西州 (三月 12, 2018)–Chazz威瑟斯庞 raised his winning streak to eight in a row as he went the eight-round distance by won a unanimous decision over Lamont Capers that headlined a seven-bout card at The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City.
演出, which took place this past 星期六, was promoted by Mis Downing Promotions and Silverspoon Promotions.
Witherspoon was able to outpoint the crafty Capers. Capers was very competitive, but it was Witherspoon’s size and harder punches that proved to be the difference as he captured the via 78-74, 78-74 和 77-75 分数.
保罗斯伯勒的威瑟斯庞, 新泽西现在 37-3. 刺山柑, who was fighting for the 2nd time in seven days 是 9-12-4.
威利斯洛基特 took a six-round majority decision over Prince Badi Ajamu in a cruiserweight bout.
塔科玛公园洛克, MD以分数获胜 59-55, 58-56 和 57-57, 并且现在 16-22-6. 卡姆登的阿贾姆, 新泽西州是 28-4-1.
超轻量级 约翰·鲍萨(John Bauza) remained undefeated with a six-round unanimous decision over David Morales.
Bauza of North Bergen, NJ 在所有牌上均以 20 分获胜 60-54, 并且现在 9-0. Morales of Managua, 尼加拉瓜 13-9.
迈克·希尔顿 won a three-round technical unanimous decision over Hector Perez.
The fight was a terrific back and forth brawl when Perez suffered a cut over his right eye in the third frame.
Perez almost made a quick night for himself as he dropped Hilton in the 1st round. Hilton stormed back to register his own knockdown’s in round two and three.

该得分 28-26 on all cards at the time of he stoppage.

Hilton of Trenton, 新泽西州是 10-0. Perez of Pleasantville, 新泽西州是 3-2
埃德加·科尔特斯 won a four-round unanimous decision over Kevin Asmat in a featherweight bout.
得分 38-37 两次, 39-36 for Cortes, 葡萄园的, 新泽西州, 现在是谁 6-4. Asmat of North Bergen. 新泽西州是 3-2.
Alejandro Jimenez made a successful pro debut with a 2nd round stoppage over Derrick Pitts in a bantamweight bout.
The time of the finish was 3:00. Pitts is 0-2.
Dan Murray and Latorrie Woodberry fought to a no-contest when Woodberry hurt his shoulder in the 1st round of their scheduled four-round welterweight bout.
I am ecstatic about 星期六 night’s card,” said Mis Downing of Mis Downing Promotions. “The fights were terrific and very competitive. I want to thank the Claridge Hotel and a special thanks to The Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame. I also want to thank Mayor Frank Gilliam for supporting our event. We are excited about what is to come in the future, and we will have a very big announcement shortly about our next event, which will be a very special night of boxing.

Mis Downing Promotions要感谢他们的赞助商,其中包括大西洋城拳击名人堂, 克拉里奇酒店, 幻多奇度假村, AEI保险, 紧急回应, 头发X, 购买智能电机 & 新视野物业管理.

Chazz Witherspoon ready for big fights in the heavyweight division

Witherspoon takes on Mike Sheppard 这个星期六night at The Claridge Hotel
安东尼 “液” Young to battle Fidel Monterrosa Munoz in co-feature
Gabriel Pham fights Blake Mansfield; Prince Badi Ajamu tussles with Willis Lockett
Plus undefeated fighters Mike Hilton and John Bauza in action
大西洋城, 新泽西州 (三月 8, 2018)–重量级 Chazz “绅士” 威瑟斯彭 is looking for a big fight in the suddenly hot heavyweight division. In order to get into the mix he will need a victory 这个星期六 night when he takes on veteran Mike Sheppard in in the eight-round main event on at 克拉里奇酒店大西洋城.
The WitherspoonSheppard bout will headline a nine-bout card, promoted by Mis Downing Promotions and Silver Spoon Promotions.
威瑟斯彭, 36-3 同 28 击倒, is on a six-fight knockout streak, and has not lost in almost six years.
Witherspoon will be making his first start since stopping Carlos Sandoval in the 4th round on October 1, 2016.
“一切都很好, and despite me having a layoff, I am never too far out of shape, so I don’t expect to have any ring rust,” 说 36 year-old native of Paulsboro, 新泽西州.
In Sheppard, Witherspoon is taking on a veteran, who has fought a handful of top heavyweights.
He is a veteran, and he has 25 胜, so you have to respect that. I am not taking him lightly.
Witherspoon is done taking layoffs, and he does not expect anymore layoffs.
I want to stay as busy as possible, so I can be ready for big fights. I am closing in on 40 胜, so with the heavyweight division getting hot again, I feel with my record, that I should be able to get into the mix. I always like fighting in Atlantic City. It is a 40 minute drive from my home. It has been a pleasure working with Mis Dowing Promotions, and I look forward to a great night 周六.”
在八轮的共同特征, 安东尼·扬 (18-2, 6 科斯) 大西洋城的 菲德尔·蒙特罗萨·穆尼奥斯 (38-16-1, 30 科斯) of Mexico in a welterweight fight.
在六轮的较量, 迈克·希尔顿 (8-0, 7 科斯) 特伦顿, 新泽西州将在 Hector Perez (3-1, 2 科斯) 普莱森维尔的, NJ in a cruiserweight bout.

巴迪·阿贾穆亲王 (28-3-1, 15 科斯) 卡姆登, 新泽西州的面孔 威利斯洛基特 (15-22-6, 5 科斯) 塔科马公园, Maryland in a cruiserweight fight.

加布里埃尔范 (9-1, 4 科斯) 大西洋城, 新泽西州发生在 布雷克菲尔德 (6-1-1, 4 科斯) 伯灵顿, NC in a super middleweight showdown.

在六轮比赛中, 约翰·鲍萨(John Bauza) (8-0, 5 科斯) will take David Morales (13-7, 12 科斯) 马那瓜, Nicaragua in a super lightweight contest.


凯文·阿斯玛特(Kevin Asmat) (3-1, 2 科斯) 北卑尔根, New Jersey will fight 埃德加·科尔特斯 (5-4) 葡萄园的, New Jersey in a featherweight bout.

Alejandro Jimenez of New Jersey will make his pro debut against Derrick Pitts (0-1) in bantamweight bout.

丹·默里 (3-1) Lanoka港, 新泽西之战 Latorrie Woodberry (1-6-1)罗阿诺克, VA 参加初级次中量级比赛.

门票价格 : $150 用于VIP马戏团; $120 for stage seating; $85 for premium and $60 一般入学, and can be purchased by calling Michelle at 609-712-3854mrgeglus12@aol.com

Mis Downing Promotions要感谢他们的赞助商,其中包括大西洋城拳击名人堂, 克拉里奇酒店, 幻多奇度假村, AEI保险, 紧急回应, 头发X, 购买智能电机 & 新视野物业管理.

Chazz “绅士” Witherspoon to take on Mike Sheppard in headlining bout on Saturday, March 10th at The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City

安东尼 “液” Young to battle Fidel Monterrosa Munoz in co-feature
Gabriel Pham fights Blake Mansfield; Prince Badi Ajamu tussles with Willis Lockett
Plus undefeated fighters Mike Hilton and John Bauza in action
大西洋城, 新泽西州 (三月 1, 2018)–重量级 Chazz “绅士” 威瑟斯彭 将在老将 Mike Sheppard in in the eight-round main event on 星期六, March 10th克拉里奇酒店大西洋城.

The bout will headline a nine bout card dubbedRing Redemptionis promoted by Mis Downing Promotions in association with Silver Spoon Promotions.

保罗斯伯勒的威瑟斯庞, 新泽西州有纪录 36-3 同 28 击倒.

该 36 year-old Witherspoon is a 14 year-veteran who has wins over Michael Alexander (11-0), Talmidge Giffiths (24-6-3), 乔纳森Haggler (18-1), Adam Richards (21-1), Ty Cobb (14-2), 尼克Guivas (11-2-2) & Michael Marrone (21-5.

Witherspoon is on a six-fight knockout streak, with the latest being a 4th round stoppage over Jonathan Sandoval on October 1, 2016 in Trenton, 新泽西州.

Sheppard of Palestine, West Virginia has a record of 25-22-2 同 11 击倒.

Sheppard is a 21 year-professional who has fought a whose-who of fighters that include former world champions Ruslan Chagaev, Antonio Tarver and James Toney: as well as world title challenger Gerald Washington.

Sheppard is coming off a loss to undefeated Simon Kean on December 16, 2017 拉瓦尔, 魁北克, 加拿大.

Seeing action in the eight-round co-feature will be welterweight Anthony “液” Young of Atlantic City, NJ taking on Fidel Monterrosa Munoz.

该 29 year-old Atlantic City native and seven year veteran will be making his 11th start on the boardwalk.

Young has won seven fights in a row, which includes his last outing, when he took a six-round unanimous decision over Carlos Winston Velasquez on August 19, 2017 在克拉里奇酒店. This will be Young’s fifth fight at The Claridge and fourth in a row.

Munoz of Ecatapec, 墨西哥的纪录 38-16-1 同 30 击倒.

该 29 year-old Munoz is a 12 年的老将, and is the former Colombian lightweight champion. Munoz has a win over Oscar Cuero (8-0) and has been in the ring with world champions Humberto Soto & Antonio Demarco as well world title challengers Pablo Cesar Cano and Lenny Zappavigna.

在六轮的较量, 迈克·希尔顿 (8-0, 7 科斯) 特伦顿, 新泽西州将在 Hector Perez (3-1, 2 科斯) 普莱森维尔的, NJ in a cruiserweight bout.

巴迪·阿贾穆亲王 (28-3-1, 15 科斯) 卡姆登, 新泽西州的面孔 威利斯洛基特 (15-22-6, 5 科斯) 塔科马公园, Maryland in a cruiserweight fight.

加布里埃尔范 (9-1, 4 科斯) 大西洋城, 新泽西州发生在 布雷克菲尔德 (6-1-1, 4 科斯) 伯灵顿, NC in a super middleweight showdown.

在六轮比赛中, 约翰·鲍萨(John Bauza) (8-0, 5 科斯) will take on an opponent to be named in a super lightweight contest.


凯文·阿斯玛特(Kevin Asmat) (3-1, 2 科斯) 北卑尔根, New Jersey will fight 埃德加·科尔特斯 (5-4) 葡萄园的, New Jersey in a featherweight bout.

Alejandro Jimenez of New Jersey will make his pro debut against Derrick Pitts (0-1) in bantamweight bout.

丹·默里 (3-1) Lanoka港, 新泽西之战 安东尼·史密斯 (1-2, 1 KO) 弗雷斯诺, California in a junior welterweight bout.

门票价格 : $150 用于VIP马戏团; $120 for stage seating; $85 for premium and $60 一般入学, and can be purchased by calling Michelle at 609-712-3854mrgeglus12@aol.com

Mis Downing Promotions要感谢他们的赞助商,其中包括大西洋城拳击名人堂, 克拉里奇酒店, 幻多奇度假村, AEI保险, 紧急回应, 头发X, 购买智能电机 & 新视野物业管理.