Tag Archives: piuma

Nate americano dei pesi piuma “Il treno” Landwehr conquista il titolo della sfida M-1

Il campione russo dei pesi gallo Movsar Evloev mantiene la corona
INGUSCEZIA, Russia (Luglio 22, 2018) – Piuma americano Nate “Il treno” Landwehr (nella foto a sinistra) continuato a rotolare, mentre si fermava Khamzat Dalgiev per conquistare il titolo piuma M-1 Challenge, nella notte scorsa M-1 sfida 95: Battaglia nelle montagne 7 evento principale in Inguscezia, Russia.
Nel caso in cui co-optional, Campione dei pesi gallo M-1 Challenge Movsar Evloev sfidante brasiliano sconfitto Rafael Dias per conservare la sua corona.
Una spettacolare serata di combattimenti professionali di arti marziali miste, con un cast di talento di combattenti internazionali provenienti da nove paesi diversi, è stato evidenziato dal trionfo di Landwehr.
Combattendo da Clarksville, Tennessee, Landwehr (11-2-0) ha combattuto il campione in carica Dalgiev (10-2-0) dall'inizio alla fine in una partita formidabile. Landwehr ha finito il suo avversario russo (nella foto sotto), che ha vinto 10 combatte di fila da quando ha perso il suo debutto da professionista, nel secondo round con un elettrizzante attacco a terra e libbra per assicurarsi l'ambita cintura del titolo dei pesi piuma M-1 Challenge.
Movsar (10-0-0) ha mantenuto intatto il suo record da professionista perfetto – tutti i suoi combattimenti MMA sono stati in eventi M-1 Global – concludendo la lotta nel quinto e ultimo round, quando ha anche usato un forte attacco a terra e libbra per sconfiggere (nella foto sotto) il collaudato Dias per mantenere la sua corona di pesi gallo M-1 Challenge.
Aushev Khamzat (12-3-0), di Russia, ha usato un soffocamento nudo posteriore per presentare Jorge Rodrigues (38-11-0), del Brasile, a metà del round di apertura in un combattimento contestato a un catchweight di 158 libbre.
In un altro combattimento contestato a un catchweight da 158 libbre, Magoomdkamil Malikov (6-0-0), di Russia, ha vinto una decisione unanime sull'invasore brasiliano Eduardo Correia Costa (9-1-0) in battaglia di imbattibilità in precedenza.
Pesi massimi dell'Azerbaigian Zaur Gadzhibabayev (7-2-0) ha preso una vittoria decisione unanime da Yuri Protsemko (15-7-1), dell'Ucraina.
Sul undercard, pesi massimi russo Oleg Popov (3-1-0), Piuma russo Musa Khamkhoev | (4-2-0) e pesi gallo russi Zalimbeg Omarov (10-1-0), ha vinto decisioni unanime contro, rispettivamente, combattenti russi precedentemente imbattuti Adam Bogatyrev (6-1-0) e Alexander “The Viking” Kutafin (5-2-0), e sfidante del titolo M-1 passato Alexey Nevsorov (12-4-0), di Russia.
Medi russo Beckhan Mankiev (3-0-0) bloccato in un soffocamento nudo posteriore per una vittoria per sottomissione sul kazako pro-debuttante Mikhail Akilov (0-1-0) al primo turno, Welter russo Movsar Bokov (5-1-0) ha vinto una decisione a maggioranza tre round da Belek Abdizhaparov (4-1-0), del Kirghizistan, e il peso gallo americano Edward Massey (4-1-0) ha avuto un impressionante debutto M-1 Global, usando un calcio devastante per knockout Mate Sanikidze (3-1-0), della Georgia.
Russo leggero Temerlan Ozdoev (4-0-0) e il peso piuma del Kazakistan Sergey Morozov (12-4-0) ha usato attacchi a terra per vittorie tecniche a eliminazione diretta al primo turno, rispettivamente, contro Quanto volete “La pantera” Ucar (9-7-0), della Turchia, e ucraino Zaka “Lezgin” Fatullazade (11-5-0).
Risultati completi e immagini aggiuntive di seguito:
Nate Landwehr (11-2-0, M-1: 3-0-0), USA
WTKO4 (4:36 – arresto a terra e libbra)
Khamzat Dalgiev (10-2-0, M-1: 7-2-0), Campione, Russia
(Landwehr ha vinto il titolo piuma M-1 Challenge)
Movsar Evloev (10-0-0, M-1: 10-0-0), Russia
WTKO5 (0:21 – arresto a terra e libbra)
Rafael Dias (15-6-0, M-1: 1-2-0), Brasile
(Evloev ha mantenuto il titolo dei pesi gallo M-1 Challenge)
Aushev Khamzat (12-3-0, M-1: 3-0-0), Russia
WSUB1 (3:02– Chole nudo posteriore)
Jorge Rodrigues Silva (38-11-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Brasile
Magomedkamil Malikov (6-0-0, M-1: 3-0-0), Russia
Eduardo Correia Costa (9-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Brasile
Pesi massimi
Zaur Gadzhibabayev 7-2-0, M-1: 5-1-0), Azerbaijan
Yuri Protsemko (15-7-1, M-1: 1-2-0), Ucraina
Pesi massimi – 3 X 5
Oleg Popov (3-1-0, M-1: 1-0-0-), Russia
Adam Bogatyrev (6-1-0, M-1: 2-1-0), Russia
Beckhan Mankiev (3-0-0, M-1: 3-0-0), Russia
WSUB1 (4:48 – Barra del braccio)
Mikhail Akilov (0-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Kazakhstan)
Movsar Bokov (5-1-0, M-1: 4-1-0), Russia
Belek Abdyjaparov (4-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Kirghizistan
Pesi leggeri
Tamerlan Ozdoev (4-0-0, M-1: 4-0-0), Russia
WTKO1 (3:36 – arresto a terra e libbra)
Sado Ucar (9-6-0, M-1: 0-3-0), tacchino
Pesi piuma
Musa Khamkhoev | (4-2-0, M-1: 3-1-0), Russia
Alexander Kutafin (5-2-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Russia
Sergey Morozov (12-4-0, M-1: 6-3-0), Kazakhstan
WTKO1 (4:31 – arresto a terra e libbra)
Zaka Fatullazade (11-5-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Ucraina 134.7 lbs. (61,1 kg)
Edward Massey (4-1-0, M-1: 1-0-0), USA
WKO1 (0:18)
Mate Sanikidze (3-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Georgia
Zalimbeg Omarov (10-2-1, M-1: 7-1-1), Russia
Alexey Nevzorov (12-4-0, M-1: 5-3-0), Russia 144.62 lbs. (65,6 kg)
Nate Landwehr ha ottenuto un calcio dalla sua performance vincitrice del titolo
Nate Landwehr ha ottenuto un calcio dalla sua performance vincitrice del titolo

E ancora il campione, Movsar Evloev
Cinguettio & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global

In “The Rage” con….. Khamzat Dalgiev

M-1 sfida 95 questo Sabato in Inguscezia, Russia
Khamzat Dalgiev (R) si collega contro Ivan Buchinger

SAN PIETROBURGO, Russia (Luglio 18) – Piuma campione M-1 sfida Khamzat Dalgiev (10-1-0, M-1: 7-1-0) difende il suo titolo questo sabato contro il suo sfidante americano, Nate “Il treno” Landwehr (10-2-0, M-1: 2-0-0), in la sfida M-1 95: Battaglia nelle montagne evento principale, questo sabato in Inguscezia, Russia.




Un combattente MMA dotato a tutto tondo, Dalgiev è entrato “The Rage” per un colloquio individuale:


Quando hai iniziato per la prima volta in MMA?




KD: “Ho iniziato ad allenarmi nel judo da bambino e mi è piaciuto molto. Dopo un campionato, dove i giudici hanno preso alcune pessime decisioni che mi hanno impedito di diventare il campione nazionale, Ho deciso di andare avanti. A quel tempo non c'erano palestre MMA in giro, quindi ho appena guardato i video di combattimento e speravo di iniziare a combattere un giorno. Dopo un po 'un mio amico mi ha parlato dell'apertura di una palestra di MMA e ho capito che questa era la mia occasione. Ricordo di essere rimasto lontano da The Rage in uno dei primi spettacoli M-1 Global in Inguscezia, sognando di entrare nella rabbia un giorno da solo.”


Su cosa hai dovuto lavorare di più per diventare il combattente che sei oggi?




KD: “All'inizio della mia carriera, la cosa più difficile per me è stata colpire, perché avevo solo un background di wrestling. Ma posso dire con certezza che è molto più facile per un lottatore imparare a colpire che per un attaccante imparare a lottare.. Dopo alcuni mesi di duro allenamento, Ho avuto la mia prima battaglia.




“Nei miei primi combattimenti, Ho preferito usare le mie abilità di wrestling per sconfiggere i miei avversari, ma mentre il mio colpo stava migliorando, Ho iniziato a usarlo sempre di più e mi è piaciuto molto. Nel prossimo incontro mi piacerebbe aggiungere la quarta vittoria ad eliminazione diretta al mio record.”


Puoi parlarci un po 'della tua unica sconfitta da professionista avvenuta al tuo debutto??




KD: “Nella mia lotta di debutto, Ho combattuto un combattente molto più esperto, Ali Bagov, chi aveva più di 20 combatte pro per il suo record. Non mi importava del suo record perché quelli sono solo numeri e non ho mai scelto i miei avversari. Se vuoi essere il migliore devi combattere il meglio.




“Quella sconfitta nel mio incontro di debutto mi ha cambiato molto come combattente. Ho acquisito esperienza, ha iniziato ad allenarsi più duramente e da allora, con l'aiuto di Dio, Ho vinto 10 combatte di fila. Anche se potessi cambiarlo e rifiutare di accettare quella battaglia, Non lo farei mai perché quella lotta è stata una delle più importanti della mia carriera.”


Qual è la chiave del tuo successo?




KD: “Se vuoi avere successo, devi lavorare sodo 24/7 e non risparmiare sforzi. Devi fissare un obiettivo e fare del tuo meglio per raggiungerlo, eliminando tutti gli ostacoli sulla tua strada.


Puoi guardare indietro alla tua prestazione vincitrice del titolo e spiegare cosa è successo?




“Nella lotta per il titolo contro Ivan Buchinger, Avevo grande fiducia che la cintura del titolo sarebbe stata la mia. Ero estremamente motivato e non sentivo i suoi pugni. Poteva sparare un buon colpo alla mia testa che ha causato un atterramento lampo, ma non mi ha scosso. Non ho perso la concentrazione e ho continuato a controllare la lotta. Stavo ascoltando il mio angolo e con il loro aiuto ho eliminato il campione.




“Per quella vittoria il presidente dell'Inguscezia Yunus-bek Yevkurov, mi ha fatto un regalo generoso – Toyota Camry – e quando sono tornato a casa quella notte, L'ho dato a mia madre perché credo che una madre sia la persona più importante nella vita per qualsiasi persona. Non sono sempre a casa, non abbiamo padre e mio fratellino è troppo piccolo per aiutare nostra madre, così la madre potrebbe usare una macchina per rendere la sua vita un po 'più facile.


Cosa provi per il tuo avversario, Nate Landwehr?


KD: “Nate Landwehr è un combattente molto aggressivo e lo adoro. Continua a spingere i suoi avversari tutto il tempo, non importa cosa, e anche se mangia dei pugni, non si ferma, e questo è esattamente il modo in cui combatto. Niente mi può fermare! Così, Non ho dubbi che la nostra battaglia sarà la migliore della notte!




“La migliore vittoria è la vittoria veloce, quindi vorrei finire "Il treno’ presto. D'altronde, una dura battaglia di cinque round mi darebbe molta più esperienza e una spinta alla mia carriera. Comunque, Farò del mio meglio e userò ogni opportunità per finire il mio avversario. Il mio obiettivo è diventare un combattente migliore e lasciare un segno nella storia delle MMA!”




Detentore del titolo dei pesi piuma M-1 Challenge Movsar Evloev (9-0-0, M-1: 9-0-0) fa la sua seconda difesa del titolo contro Rafael Dias (15-5-0, M-1: 1-1-0) Nel caso in cui co-optional.







Cinguettio & Instagram:

@ M1GlobalNews


@ M1Global






Prossimi M-1 Challenge Events:

Luglio 21 – M-1 sfida 95 in Inguscezia, Russia

In “The Rage” con….. Nate Landwehr

M-1 sfida 95 questo Sabato in Inguscezia, Russia
Nate Landwehr (sopra) ha battuto Mikhail Korobkov al suo debutto nell'M-1 Global lo scorso settembre

SAN PIETROBURGO, Russia (Luglio 17) – Combattente americano Nate “Il treno” Landwehr(10-2-0, M-1: 2-0-0) sfida il campione dei pesi piuma M-1 Challenge Khamzat Dalgiev (10-1-0, M-1: 7-1-0) questo sabato in la sfida M-1 95: Battaglia nelle montagne evento principale, questo sabato in Inguscezia, Russia.




Combattendo da Clarksville, Tennessee, Landwehr è entrato “The Rage” per un colloquio individuale:


Come hai ottenuto il tuo soprannome, 'Il treno”?




NL: “Il mio amico ha iniziato a chiamarmi Nate Train alla fine della scuola media. Ho aggiunto "il’ lì dentro così potevo parlare di merda sul campo di football al liceo, Mi piaceva solo dirlo: 'Sei appena stato investito dal treno!’ Quando ho iniziato a combattere è stato un gioco da ragazzi. Ero molto bravo nel calcio ed è lì che mi sono innamorato del contatto e dei colpi duri.”


Da dove viene il tuo comportamento aggressivo, fisicamente e verbalmente, venire da?




NL: “Sono sempre stato forte e fiducioso. Di Più, Mi piaceva mettermi in mostra e parlare di merda, così mi sono preso in molti, molte lotte. Non ero un toro. Ero troppo piccolo per quello, ma mi metterei in una situazione e dovrei lottare per uscirne.”


Quando è cambiata la tua carriera nelle MMA?




NL: “Stavo lavorando a tempo pieno fino a quando non ho perso per la seconda volta nella mia carriera. Dopo quella perdita, ho lasciato il mio lavoro, ha iniziato ad allenarsi a tempo pieno e da allora non ha perso.”


A chi dai il maggior merito in termini di dove ti trovi in ​​questo momento in MMA?




NL: “Mia moglie, Robyn, è il più importante. Senza di lei non sarei niente. Mi ha supportato sin dal primo giorno. La maggior parte dei combattenti inizia con solo se stessi credendo di poterlo fare, Ho iniziato con due.”


Come ti senti a combattere in Russia?




NL: Sono stato in molti posti in tutto il mondo viaggiando con mia moglie. Così, Sono stato molto felice di poter andare in Russia e di essere pagato per questo. La Russia è molto bella e l'architettura lì è sbalorditiva. Non vedo l'ora di esplorare e sperimentare di più la sua terra e la sua cultura in futuro. Consiglio di andarci se non ci sei mai stato!”


Mentre la tua lotta per il titolo si avvicina, come ti senti riguardo a questa inquadratura del titolo?




NL: “Non vedo l'ora che arrivi il mio titolo e non vedo l'ora. Mi ricorda il film ROCKY IV. I fan avranno uno spettacolo che non dimenticheranno mai. Molti fan russi mi amano e mi scrivono personalmente sui social network dicendo, Ho messo in scena i migliori combattimenti che hanno visto e mi ringrazio per questo. Il mio compito principale è creare credenti!”


Come sei stato trattato dai fan russi?




NL: “Dopo gli ultimi due combattimenti, Ho avuto le più grandi linee di fan per scattare foto e firmare autografi. Ciò che mi rende speciale è la mia passione e il mio cuore. Potresti non ricordare l'intero combattimento, ma ricorderai la sensazione che hai provato quando hai visto uno spettacolo di Nate the Train!”


Cosa ti aspetti dal campione, Khamzat Dalgiev?



DL: “Mi aspetto un uomo altamente motivato pronto a fare tutto il necessario per mantenere quel titolo, combattendo davanti ai suoi fan e nel suo paese d'origine, ma non sarà abbastanza per sconfiggermi. Questo ha scritto Fight of the Year dappertutto, seguito da Knockout of the Night per me. Sono disposto a camminare attraverso l'inferno per diventare un campione del mondo e niente può fermarmi in questo momento. Sono un uomo in missione iniziata con un ragazzo e il suo sogno.”



Nel caso in cui co-optional, Detentore del titolo dei pesi piuma M-1 Challenge Movsar Evloev (9-0-0, M-1: 9-0-0) fa la sua seconda difesa del titolo contro Rafael Dias (15-5-0, M-1: 1-1-0).









Cinguettio & Instagram:


@ M1GlobalNews


@ M1Global







Prossimi M-1 Challenge Events:


Luglio 21 – M-1 sfida 95 in Inguscezia, Russia




Ruben Villa Defends WBO Youth Title Saturday from Sacramento, COME

Photo by Carlos Baeza / Thompson Boxing


PHILADELPHIA, Penn. / ARANCIONE, Calif. (Giugno 26, 2018) – Unbeaten featherweight standout Ruben Villa (11-0, 4 KO) di Salinas, Calif stars in the main event this Saturday when he takes on Mexico’s Ricardo Lopez (7-2-2, 6 KO) in an 8-round fight that will mark his third start of the year.




The bout will take place this Saturday, Giugno 30, from Omega Products International in Sacramento.




The slick southpaw defends his WBO Youth title that he won in April in his hometown. Villa thoroughly outpointed Marlon Olea for his first championship as a professional.




I’m anxious to get back in the ring,” disse Villa, who is managed by Danny Zamora. “I like being active. I’m defending my title for the first time. I’ll have a lot of fans in attendance so I’m ready to put on a great show.




Villa is promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing.




Biglietti “Nuovo sangue” sono al prezzo di $40, $60, & $100, and are available for purchase by calling 714-935-0900, or online at ThompsonBoxing.com.




All fights will be live streamed on TB Presents: New Blood via Thompson Boxing Facebook and ThompsonBoxing.com.




The livestream starts at 7:45 p.m. PT / 10:45 p.m. ET with Beto Duran as the blow-by-blow announcer and Steve Kim providing expert, color commentary.




Apertura delle porte alle 6:30 p.m. local time with the first bout at approximately 7:45 p.m. Omega Products is located at 8111 Fruitridge Road, Sacramento, COME 95826, e può essere raggiunto a 916-635-3335.


Per aggiornamenti regolari sui nostri combattenti, eventi, e promozioni, please check Pagina Facebook di promozioni banner , e seguici su Instagram e Cinguettio BannerBoxing





Rivalta Inks Puerto Rican Amateur Standout Luis Melendez to Managerial Contract

Fort Lauderdale, Florida-based boxing manager Henry Rivalta proudly announces the signing of 19-year-old featherweight prospect Luis “El Chucho” Melendez to a promotional contract.
A stand-out amateur in Florida and his native Puerto Rico, Melendez will be making his professional debut under the guidance of Rivalta in July.
Born and raised in Bayamon, Puerto Rico, Melendez started boxing at age 11. He went on to have 124 combattimenti dilettanti, winning a number of Puerto Rican and international titles including the Junior Olympics, Olympic Cup, and the Puerto Rican Nationals from 101 lbs. a 132 lbs.
Melendez says the managerial deal is the culmination of a long association the pair have held. “When I was about 15, I went to spar at the Mike Tyson Gym in West Palm Beach and I was sparring a pro and Henry saw me. He told me he likes what he sees and since then he’s had his eye on me. Now that I’m reaching my dream of going pro, Henry is the right person to help guide my career.”
A throwback fighter with a style more suited for the professional ranks, Melendez calls his style ‘smart aggressive.’
I have a very pro style. I sit down on my punches. I like to throw combinations a lot. I like to break my opponents down. I like to go to the body. Or, depending on the opponent, I can box you. I can also hit and not get hit when I need to.”
Melendez says training at KO Fitness in Hialeah, Florida, with trainer Michael Robles is going well and he’s excited to get started on his professional career. "Mi sento benissimo. This is my dream. I have always loved the pros. I used to watch and say ‘man I will be there one day.’ I’ve always had that style. I want to win titles in six divisions. I want to be the best pound for pound. I want to be the next face of Puerto Rico.”
“Luis has all the talent to become a world champion,"Ha detto Henry Rivalta. “He’s been a stand-out since he was a kid and he’s developed into a very good fighter. I’m happy to finally be working with him in the professionals. I look forward to a long and prosperous relationship with this next great fighter from Puerto Rico.”


Watch The Encore Presentation Lunedi A 10 P.m. E/PT On
Fare clic QUI for Full-Night Video Recap
Fare clic QUI per le foto da Stephanie Trapp / SHOWTIME

LOS ANGELES (Giugno 9, 2018) – In an electrifying war that had the STAPLES Center crowd on its feet chanting for more, Leo Santa Cruz defended his WBA Featherweight World Championship by winning a unanimous decision against four-division world champion Abner Mares in their rematch Saturday night on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®.




In almost an exact replica stat-wise of the first fight that Santa Cruz won by majority decision in 2015, the Los Angeles-native and three-division world champion Santa Cruz won on all three of the judgesscorecards against Mares by scores of 115-113, 116-112, e 117-111.




Con la vittoria, Santa Cruz (34-1-1, 19 KO) takes one more step toward a possible unification fight in the competitive 126-pound division, one of boxing’s deepest.




“E 'davvero bello,” Santa Cruz said. “Abner is a great fighter. He left his heart out there. It was a tough fight but thank God we got the victory. I had to be smarter, that’s why it was not a bigger war but it was a good one.




Similar to the first time the two Mexican-American warriors met, which resulted in more than 2,000 punches being thrown, un totale di 1,992 totals punches were thrown in Saturday’s fight with Santa Cruz throwing 1,061 to Mares’ 931. Santa Cruz landed 357 punzoni rispetto al 208 for Mares.




Madri (31-2-1, 15 KO) started fast, winning the first two rounds on SHOWTIME’s unofficial scorer Steve Farhood’s card before Santa Cruz kicked it in another gear and went to work.




It was a ‘Fight of the Yearlike I told you,” dette Mares. “I hope you like the fight because we fought for you, Los Angeles. Vincere o perdere, we did it for the fans. E 'stata una grande lotta.”




Ha aggiunto: “È quello che è. I don’t want to discuss scores. The judges decided that, and that’s it. I’ll do it again. Facciamolo ancora. Mares-Santa Cruz 3.




In what SHOWTIME announcer Mauro Ranallo termed aFeatherweight Fiesta,” Santa Cruz dictated the pace from the third round on, utilizing his reach and working off the jab.




Santa Cruz suffered a cut above his left eye in the eighth round. “A cut is a cut, it wasn’t bothering me as much,” Santa Cruz said. “I didn’t let that distract me. I had cuts before. You keep on fighting.




Madri, a former three-division world champion and a veteran of 10 combattimenti del campionato del mondo, had famed trainer Robert Garcia in his corner for this fight. “I said it before the fight: whoever wins this fight will be the number one featherweight. Santa Cruz won so he’s No. 1. I tip my hat off to him.




When asked if he’s the No. 1 featherweight in the division, Santa Cruz replied: “Hopefully I am. I’ll leave it to the fans to decide. Voglio Gary Russell Jr. il prossimo. I want to unify. I’m ready for everyone, whoever and whenever.




In the co-main event of the doubleheader, Jermell Charlo (31-0, 15 KO) recorded a majority decision victory by outpointing former world champion Austin Trota (31-5, 17 KO) to defend his WBC Super Welterweight World Championship. Charlo’s four-fight knockout streak ended in his third world title defense. Two judges scored it 118-108 e 115-111 in favor of Charlo, and third scored it 113-113.




Sometimes you knock them out, sometimes you just beat them.” Detto Charlo, who has now defended his 154-pound title three times. “I went to fish, I tried to get some trout but I couldn’t catch him on the hook. I know they’re used to seeing me knock boys out but at least they saw me take care of business.




Charlo recorded two knockdowns in the bout. Trout hit the canvas for the first time in the final minute of the third round as Charlo applied heavy pressure, first connecting on a big right followed by a counter left hook that knocked Trout off balance. Just eight seconds into the ninth, Trout went to one knee on a Charlo left hook to the side of Trout’s head. It was the sixth time Trout had been down in his career. Charlo continued to exert punishment on the game but tiring Trout.




Take those knockdowns away I won the fight,” said the southpaw Trout, 32, who also went the distance in a unanimous-decision loss against Jermell’s twin brother and interim middleweight titleholder Jermall in 2016. “I can’t make any excuses, the better man won with those knockdowns.




Both Jermell and Jermall are really good. They are the future. But I’m not done yet. I’m not defined by my results. I’m defined by the risks I take. I’ve taken the risks and I’ve stood my ground every time against giants and killers. And I’m still here.




More accurate than Trout connecting on his punches the entire fight, Charlo went on a relentless attack in the 10th, connecting on multiples power punches that seemed to faze Trout. Charlo continued his attack in the 11th e 12th, choosing to stay upstairs as opposed to going to the body.




Trout will tell you who will win that fight,” Charlo said of a potential unification with IBF and WBA 154-pound titleholder Jarret Hurd. “That’s why he survived 12. If Hurd sat in front of me and took those shots he’s done.




During the SHOWTIME BOXING CHAMPIONSHIP telecast it was announced that WBC Lightweight World Champion Mikey Garcia e campione del mondo dei pesi leggeri IBF Robert Pasqua Jr. will meet in a 135-pound unification showdown between unbeaten stars Saturday, Luglio 28 live on SHOWTIME from STAPLES Center.




We were fighting at 140 but I always had my mind set act coming back to lightweight,” Ha detto Garcia. “The only fight that made sense was a unification and the fighter available was Robert Easter Jr. He’s a champion and the man to beat. It’s great to be back to finally give my fans here in Southern California a fight. Now that we are I get to give them a unification match and the biggest fight of my career to date.




I got my fight on July 28, but there’s been a lot of talk about [Vasyl] Lomachenko and me over the past year. If I get through Robert Easter I’d be unified champ and the only other fight that makes sense is Lomachenko,” Ha aggiunto.




Easter recently changed trainers and is now working with Kevin Cunningham. “Lomachenko and Mikey are two skillful guys in the lightweight division and two guys I want to fight,” Easter said. “Me and Mikey will do the talking in the ring. My height and my reach will give anyone problems as long as I use them skillfully.




Saturday’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING doubleheader will replay on Monday at 10 p.m. ET / PT su Showtime EXTREME.


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Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.come www.staplescenter.comseguire su Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @LeoSantaCruz2, @AbnerMares, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions@STAPLESCenter e @Swanson_Comm o diventa fan su Facebook all'indirizzowww.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions e www.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter. PBC was sponsored by Corona and La Cerveza Mas Fina.

Leo Santa Cruz vs. Abner Mares 2 & Jermell Carlo vs. Austin Trout Final Press Conference Quotes & Foto

Two World Title Showdowns Featured Sabato, Giugno 9 In diretta su SHOWTIME dallo STAPLES Center di Los Angeles
Fare clic QUI per le foto da Stephanie Trapp / SHOWTIME

LOS ANGELES (Giugno 7, 2018) – Featherweight world champion Leo Santa Cruz and four-time world champion Abner Mares went face-to-face at the final press conference Thursday, two days before they enter the ring for their highly-anticipated rematch this Saturday, Giugno 9 from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




Also squaring-off at the final press conference were super welterweight world champion Jermell Charlo e l'ex campione del mondo Austin Trota, who step into the ring on the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast that begins at 10 p.m. ET / PT (delayed in the West Coast).




I biglietti per l'evento dal vivo, che è promosso da Ringstar Sport e Promozioni TGB, iniziare a $50, più le commissioni applicabili, e sono già in vendita. To purchase tickets visit AXS.com or click QUI.




Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday from the Chick Hearn Press Room at STAPLES Center in Los Angeles:






The first fight was a really good one, but I think this one will be even better. Mares is a great fighter with a great trainer in Robert Garcia, and that’s the kind of challenge I want. We both want to give the fans great fights.




I’ve learned a lot from my last few fights. I’m not coming in here worried about losing, I just worry about giving the fans a great show. If Mares is better than me that night, then he will win. But I’ve worked too hard and I’m going to be at my peak on Saturday night.




I think that Mares has gotten a lot better. Robert Garcia is a trainer who has brought him up to a different level. He’s made a lot of improvements. I learned from the Frampton fights and my dad is a good trainer too. It’s even all the way around and it’s going to be a great fight.




I think the winner of this fight will be number one in this division. Gary Russell Jr. is a great fighter and I definitely want a rematch of our amateur fight. But me and Abner put a lot of pressure on our opponents and I don’t think Gary would like the pressure from either of us.




My team motivates me every day in the gym. They’re right next to me running every day towards the same goal. That’s what I love about training camp because it makes me work even harder.


Abner Mares




I could stand up here and tell you what I’m going to do Saturday, but you’ve seen the first fight. You know how exciting the first fight was. I have even more to prove and I’m going to leave it all on the line this time.




This is going to be an exciting fight. I know Leo has matured as an athlete and fighter by fighting Frampton twice. But if you look at my last couple of performances, they speak for themselves. I think both of us are seasoned and better fighters right now.




There’s no doubt that the winner of this fight is number one in this division. There’s some great fighters at featherweight, but we’re fighting for the top spot in this division.




Our focus isn’t on looking for a stoppage. That was my mistake the first fight. I tried to destroy him. I’m going to follow instructions and show I’m the better fighter in there.




If I win Saturday night, and the fight is just as exciting as the first one, I’m ready for a trilogy. Facciamo in modo che accada.




I’m going to fight my heart out and win this fight this time. Che l'uomo migliore vincere. We’re going to give the fans what they want to see. I’m calling this ‘Fight of the Yearguaranteed.


Jermell Charlo




My brother and I have been doing this a long time. Austin Trout has done it a long time as well. I’m hoping everyone gets there early, because I’m bringing excitement to the table right from the start.




Some critics say that me and my brother haven’t fought the people required to be on the pound-for-pound list. My race to the top continues Saturday night to prove all those people wrong.




A knockout is possible. If he wants that to be the way it goes, then I’m capable. Derrick and I have a great plan that we’re ready to use. None of our experience in the past matters, we’re both 0-0. Anything can happen on Saturday night.




I look to do what my brother did against Trout, but way better. If that’s with a knockout or just picking him apart, Sono pronto. I’m fighting for a lot more than just a win on Saturday. We’re going to keep shining and do what we have to do.




We want everyone to know that my brother and I come from the trenches. We made it this far, so we’re not stopping now. Nobody is standing in my way. I know Trout wants a belt, but this is the wrong belt to go after.




I have to deal with Austin Trout. Jarrett Hurd is not my focus right now. I definitely want to unify titles soon and I hope he comes out ringside on Saturday night so I can look at him after this fight. Everyone knows what time it is.






I’m very excited to be here and have another once in a lifetime opportunity. I believe this is destiny. I’m coming into the lion’s den and I’m going to come out unscathed.




As great as my win against Miguel Cotto was, I don’t think it compares to this fight here. People complained about Cotto being old after I beat him, but with Jermell, there’s no excuse you can make up. He’s an undefeated world champion, so if I get the win, this is definitely bigger than Cotto.




I don’t think he’s overlooking me because I bet his brother told him not to sleep on Trout. Everyone’s going to see what I’ve been saying on Saturday night.




My training camp with Barry Hunter was fantastic. We got all the work in that I needed and Barry is someone who always pushes me to be better than I believe I’m capable of.




I learned from my mistakes when I fought the bigger brother. I’m going to be even better on

Saturday and it’s going to be a totally different result.




For everyone sleeping on me, you better wake up. It’s going to be an awakening on Saturday night.


JOSE SANTA CRUZ, Padre di Santa Cruz & Allenatore




Now all there is left to do is wait for fight night. The work up to this point has been done and it has been done well. We are ready to do what needs to be done when the time comes.




Usually at this point ahead of a fight the biggest feat is to make weight but he had no problem there. Leo was on target weight about a month ago so it’s not something we’re worried about at this point. He’s eating good and maintaining weight well and feeling really strong for this fight.




Leo is in incredible shape and I am confident he will win on Saturday. I’m sure Abner and his team are going to bring their best and we’re bringing our best too, but on fight night there will only be two who will clash. We’re ready for war.


ROBERT GARCIA, Madri’ Allenatore




Just the fact that Abner is in my training camp and we communicate so well, it’s given me a lot of confidence. Everyone has done a great job doing their part in camp and I believe we’ve worked on all the tools we need to defeat Leo Santa Cruz.




Leo is a great fighter but Abner knows he can win this fight. The confidence he’s gained, and how much more seasoned Abner looks since joining my camp, should translate to a strong performance Saturday.




This has been a really smooth training camp and that’s exactly what Abner needed. We’re primed for a big victory.


DERRICK JAMES, Trainer di Charlo




I think that Jermell has shown a great level of maturity while also being an aggressive fighter. He’s also very positive about what he wants to do every day in camp, and in the ring on Saturday.




Being able to spar with Errol Spence Jr. every day in camp has definitely helped Jermell. They say it all the time, but iron sharpens iron and that’s the mentality we have to help both guys improve and get to where we know they can get to.




Austin is a crafty fighter who has a lot of experience and a lot of tools. The most important thing though is that we’re focused on getting Jermell to be the best version of himself on Saturday night.


Richard Schaefer, Presidente & CEO di Ringstar Sport




Finally the wait is over. We waited three years for this rematch. Everyone asked me when this fight was going to happen. Now there’s just two days to go.




You know it’s a big fight when you have the fight here at the premier venue in Los Angeles, STAPLES Center. These fighters here deserve it, because they are the best fighters in the sport, regardless of division. They’re going to show everyone on Saturday night why we love boxing so much.




Each of these fights could have been a main event in its own right. I’m glad that these fighters were okay all being together on an event that really elevates the sport of boxing.




Jermell Charlo is a once-in-a-generation talent in this sport. He has all the skills you need, but also has that one thing that makes you a superstar. He has charisma, and you cannot learn that. Tuttavia, anyone who is doubting Austin Trout, is making a big mistake. I have no doubt that he’ll be more than ready for this challenge.




I’ve been fortunate to follow these main event fighters from their first fight, all the way to now, with them being multiple time world champions and fantastic men outside of the ring. Leo and Abner live the kind of lives that make this sport proud. But on Saturday night, may the best man win.




SHOWTIME delivers week after week of the best fighting the best. This fight is no different and will be another treat for the fans watching on SHOWTIME who have come to expect these great matchups.


STEPHEN ESPINOZA, President Sports & Events Programming, Showtime Network Inc.





These four guys up here have been on SHOWTIME a combined 41 volte. That’s a lot and it doesn’t happen by accident. The reason it happens is because these fighters embody everything we want SHOWTIME Boxing to be about. They have some of the strongest resumes in the sport. None of these guys have ever shied away from taking a tough fight. They don’t come with excuses, they want the best and biggest fights. We’ ae proud to have all four of them on SHOWTIME.




Right now we have a matchup between two of the biggest stars and faces of Southern California boxing. The featherweight division has seen top five fighters on SHOWTIME already this year-This is a rematch between two more of the top 5. Nel primo combattimento, they threw a combined 2,000 punzoni, which I would bet will be matched again on Saturday.




Austin Trout has been in there with the biggest and best stars in the sport of boxing. But Jermell has quite a bit of momentum. He has four consecutive stoppages, which is very impressive at the championship level. As everyone has said this is another main event quality matchup and I look forward to seeing it on Saturday night.




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Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.come www.staplescenter.comseguire su Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @LeoSantaCruz2, @AbnerMares, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions@STAPLESCenter e @Swanson_Comm o diventa fan su Facebook all'indirizzowww.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions ewww.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter.PBC è sponsorizzato da Corona, Finest Beer.

Jermell Charlo Los Angeles Media Workout Quotes & Foto

Unbeaten Super Welterweight World Champion Battles Former World Champion Austin Trout Sabato, Giugno 9 In diretta su SHOWTIME dallo STAPLES Center di Los Angeles
Fare clic QUI for photos from Dave Mandel/SHOWTIME

LOS ANGELES (Maggio 31, 2018) – Unbeaten super welterweight world champion Jermell Charlo has arrived in Los Angeles ahead of his upcoming showdown Saturday, Giugno 9 live on SHOWTIME against former champion Austin Trota as part of action from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast beings at 10 p.m. ET/PT and is headlined by the featherweight world championship rematch between Leo Santa Cruz e Abner Mares.




I biglietti per l'evento dal vivo, che è promosso da Ringstar Sport e Promozioni TGB, iniziare a $50, più le commissioni applicabili, e sono già in vendita. To purchase tickets visit AXS.com or click QUI.




With just over a week to go until fight night, Charlo conducted a media workout with Los Angeles-area press Thursday at Gloveworx boxing gym in Century City.




Here is what Charlo and his trainer, Derrick James, had to say Thursday:


Jermell Charlo




“Sono pronto ad andare. I’m well-prepared. I’ve been in training camp for about 10 settimane. When you guys saw me before, I wasn’t this built but now I’m ready and I’m excited. I can take on any man in this division.




“Campo di addestramento è stato grande. We had world champion Errol Spence Jr. in camp and a bunch of undefeated fighters. I stopped a few, dropped a few, but that’s not the name of the game. It’s all about training and getting the work done to be prepared for June 9.




Trout is a veteran fighter but I don’t believe he’s going to stand in the pocket and try to fight me. I don’t think there’s a single fighter in this weight division that would try to do that, not even [Jarrett] Hurd. If Trout does try that, the night will end fast.




I’m definitely growing as a fighter and growing as a man. If Trout wants to bang, let’s bang. I don’t care what Barry Hunter has or what he does, it’s not going to be able to beat me and Derrick James. I don’t necessarily think Trout is as tough as me so if he can’t put up the skills and match my ability, he won’t beat me that night.




The Lara-Hurd fight was a great fight. Hurd did what he had to do but I’m a completely different fighter from Erislandy Lara. I’m not here to waste punches. I’m not saying Lara didn’t do a great job but I do believe that his conditioning wasn’t there. I’ve focused my whole life on training. I’m single, I don’t have a family that I have to focus on like some of these other guys. It’s all boxing.




This is a doubleheader. I’m not a co-main event or a featured star bout. I did that years ago. How many people leave after I fight? Everybody left after the [Erickson] Lubin fight. I’m going to continue to do what I do. I definitely want to headline for you guys and do it here at STAPLES Center and possibly in Brooklyn. I prefer L.A. anche se, it’s all nice people and palm trees. They don’t have that in New York.




I have a great team behind me that won’t allow me to get distracted by the bright lights of L.A. I don’t believe that it’s in my mind to worry about anything outside of the ring. My objective is to win Saturday night and then I can get out of the ring and have a great time with my brother.




I’m trying to come in and change some things about boxing. I believe I can make it happen. I think every boxer should have their own media day. [Leone] Santa Cruz had his own media day. Abner [Madri] had his own media day. I had my own media day. If we can continue that task as fighters, I think it will bring a much bigger audience to boxing.




I don’t think that whenever the WBC reaches out about a fight that they’re doing it just to play around. This sport is serious. We would love to be a part of a GGG fight. We’re tired of hearing the media say to put the Charlos in there with better competition. I’ve heard that every fight. As long as I’m winning fights and I’m entertaining the fans, that’s what I’m going to do.




I think I could definitely fight at 168. I might just keep growing through the weight divisions. It’s easy.




I was super excited about the video that came out today with Gizzle. It was astounding to me to see an artist come out and produce a song like that about the Charlos and it was even better with the video of the knockouts that me and my brother have.




My fight is won in the gym. I definitely dedicate myself every time I go into a training camp and I spend thousands of dollars on my body and on my training. I sacrifice the fun of being in L.A. to train and be in the best condition possible to fight.


DERRICK JAMES, Trainer di Charlo




“[Jermell] sparred with Errol [Spence] yesterday and he looked phenomenal. He feels great. I think he and Errol are really similar in their level of fighting. At this point he makes weight pretty easily, he’s doing well and I know he wants to unify. Così, until that happens I see no reason for him to go up in weight. Ora, with Austin Trout we’re facing a physical fighter and a physical threat to everybody. With him it could be an easier fight or it can be a hard fight. As we know Jermell is a phenomenal fighter who’s very skilled so I’m not thinking about they’re what doing. [Jermell] might be but I’m not.




Austin Trout is a great guy and he’s a great boxer. Even at an older age, his skill set is so good. If you think about Floyd [Mayweather], even at an older age he was beating everyone he was fighting. Così, the way I look at it is that he is going to come back hungrier and he’s looking at this as getting an opportunity to get a new fight.




I always go in thinking it’s going to be a tough fight. I can’t go in there thinking of it in any other way. If I was thinking it would be easy, I’d be an idiot and I wouldn’t be here now. I have to keep pushing myself to be better and these guys will be ready for a tough fight.




Jermell is always pushing to do more and do it better. He’s always looking to go further than training. If I tell him to do something he does it and learns from it. He’s a great student. I think he has a lot of heart and a lot of desire, and you will see that come out on June 9th.”



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Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare
www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.com e www.staplescenter.com seguire su Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @LeoSantaCruz2, @AbnerMares, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions @STAPLESCenter e @Swanson_Comm o diventa fan su Facebook all'indirizzo www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions and www.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter. PBC è sponsorizzato da Corona, Finest Beer.


Undercard Action Saturday, Giugno 9 at STAPLES Center in Los Angeles Features 2016 U.S. Olympian Karlos Balderas Plus Welterweight Showdown Between Ivan Redkach & Brian Jones & Di Più!

Featherweight World Title Rematch Between Leo Santa Cruz &
Abner Mares Headlines Action Live on SHOWTIME

LOS ANGELES (Maggio 31, 2018) – The undercard for the featherweight world championship main event between Leo Santa Cruz e Abner Mares will feature unbeaten 2016 U.S. Olimpionico Carlos Balderas in a six-round super featherweight fight against Mexico’s Pedro Lopez and a welterweight showdown pitting Ivan Redkach contro Brian Jones Sabato, Giugno 9 allo Staples Center di Los Angeles.




The Santa Cruz vs. Mares rematch headlines action live on SHOWTIME in a telecast that also features unbeaten super welterweight world champion Jermell Charlo difendere il suo titolo contro l'ex campione del mondo Austin Trota as part of an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




I biglietti per l'evento dal vivo, che è promosso da Ringstar Sport e Promozioni TGB, iniziare a $50, più le commissioni applicabili, e sono già in vendita. To purchase tickets visit AXS.com or click QUI.




Additional undercard action will feature unbeaten junior lightweight prospect Jose Gomez entering the ring, the pro debut of Westminster, Calif. prospettiva Lina Licona for a four-round light flyweight attraction, Antonio Santa Cruz in a bantamweight attraction against Mexico’s Jordan Baletero and the older brother of Karlos Balderas, Giuseppe Baldera, stepping into the ring for a four-round super bantamweight bout.




Rounding out the night are unbeaten Oak Hills, Calif. prospettiva jerry perez taking on Louisiana’s Josh Ross in junior lightweight action, imbattuto Arnold Alejandro in a four lightweight matchup, imbattuto Angel Alejandro in four rounds of featherweight action, and Ukraine’s Viktor Slavinski in a junior lightweight matchup against Texas-native Carlos Trevino.




The 22-year-old Balderas (4-0, 3 KO), un messicano-americano di prima generazione, gareggiato negli Stati Uniti. Squadra olimpica di pugilato nel 2016 Giochi a Rio de Janeiro, Brasile prima di diventare professionista ad aprile 2017. In rappresentanza di Santa Maria, Calif., Balderas scored stoppages in his first three fights before earning a shutout unanimous decision over Jorge Rojas Zacazontetl in February. He will take on the 26-year-old Lopez (7-3-1, 3 KO) who fights out of Tijuana, Mexico and scored a knockout over Dario Medina in his last outing.




Originally from Ukraine but fighting out of Los Angeles, RedK (20-4-1, 16 KO) was in one of the most exciting short fights of 2017 when he engaged in a back-and-forth bout against John Molina Jr. that contained the drama of most 12 round fights condensed into just four. Redkach was able to drop Molina early before succumbing to the veteran and the 32-year-old will look to bounce back against the Los Angeles-native Jones (14-8, 8 KO), who’s last four wins have all come by stoppage.


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Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.come www.staplescenter.comseguire su Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @LeoSantaCruz2, @AbnerMares, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions@STAPLESCenter e @Swanson_Comm o diventa fan su Facebook all'indirizzo www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions e www.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter.PBC è sponsorizzato da Corona, Finest Beer.

Leo Santa Cruz vs. Abner Mares 2 Sabato, Giugno 9 Live on SHOWTIME from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles in an Event Presented by Premier Boxing Champions

Crosstown Battles
A Los Angeles Boxing History Lesson
“Los Angeles, one of the world’s greatest boxing cities, has probably developed more sensational box-office attractions than any other city.
Hap Navarro, Hollywood Legion Stadium matchmaker,


LOS ANGELES (Maggio 30, 2018) – The first Leo Santa Cruz vs. Abner Mares clash, a candidate for “Fight of the Year” in 2015, was a hard fought crosstown Los Angeles battle for supremacy in the featherweight division won by Santa Cruz via a 12-round majority decision at STAPLES Center on August 29.




This Southern California natural hometown bash produced a strong live gate to go along with a peak of 1.641 million viewers on ESPN, their strongest numbers since 1998. The fierce, bloody war left Mares unfulfilled until their long-awaited rematch could be finally realized three years later. The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast on Saturday, Giugno 9 is approaching as we await the exciting, high-voltage return of Santa Cruz vs. Madri.




Historically, Los Angeles has been the hotspot for slugfests between legendary local Mexican-American fighters. Known for their big hearts in the ring, Mexican-American boxers have electrified fans with their explosiveness and courage. When you mix in the fact that Southland boxing fans are loyal to the end, you have the ingredients for the much anticipated barnburner between Los Angeles-based rivals, Santa Cruz vs. Madri.




The rematch is bound to instill and bolster Mexican national pride in the hearts of the growing Southland Latino boxing community. STAPLES Center will surely be divided equally between those rooting for either Santa Cruz or Mares. With this fight just over a week away, we look back to similar exciting bouts between popular Los Angeles fighters.




A strong bitterness carried over from many years earlier was in full force during the pre-fight build up between former sparring partners and former world champions Mando Ramos and Raul Rojas. These Harbor-area fighters openly played mind-games with each other and tossed hateful personal insults back-and-forth in order to gain a psychological edge. In this crucial crossroads fight for both, Ramos, di Long Beach, was led to believe that San Pedro’s Rojas was not in shape. Ramos proceeded to take it easy and coasted during training camp. When word got out that Rojas was in top-form, it occurred to Ramos that he’d been had. Ancora, Ramos mustered enough salvo to knockout Rojas in six rounds on December 10, 1970 at the Olympic Auditorium.




Ramos helped write another chapter of boxing history in the area as the long-awaited grudge match between two popular Chicano icons, Ramos and Ruben Navarro, also pitted the neighborhoods of Harbor vs. Maravilla against each other. The two fighters, who had been mouthing off to one another for three years, finally agreed to meet in the ring to claim exclusive bragging rights for the title ofbest lightweight in town.” Former world lightweight champion Ramos pulled off a close 10-round unanimous decision over top-contender Navarro, “The Maravilla Kidof East L.A., at the Olympic Auditorium on September 30, 1971.




In one of the most anticipated dream matches in Los Angeles boxing history, “Schoolboy” Bobby Chacon, of Sylmar, knocked out Danny “Piccolo rosso” Lopez, of Alhambra, in the ninth round to win the mythicalCity Featherweight Championship.Chacon was in his wheelhouse all night long, rocking Lopez repeatedly with his right hand throughout the fight. This clash of local rising stars in the featherweight division, promoted by Aileen Eaton and the Olympic Boxing Club, occurred in front of a sold-out crowd of 16,027 at the Los Angeles Sports Arena on May 24, 1974. The fight produced so much interest that another 2,671 fans watched on closed-circuit TV at the Olympic Auditorium, located on the corner of 18th & Grand in downtown Los Angeles. Steve Springer of the Los Angeles Times wrote in 1995 about the fight as a measuring stick for boxing fan passion in the area, detto “you would have to go back to Chacon-Lopez to find such excitement for a pair of Los Angeles fighters.




It was the first time in boxing history that two college graduates fought for the world title when WBC welterweight champion Carlos Palomino, of Westminster, successfully defended his title against Armando Muniz, of Montebello, by 15th-round TKO at the Olympic Auditorium on January 21, 1977. Many local boxing writers called this knockdown, drag-out war, il “Fight of the Year”, and in the rematch held May 27, 1978 nella stessa sede, Palomino once again stopped Muniz, this time by 15-round unanimous decision.




Santa Cruz and Mares grew up together on the same Southern California boxing scene. Both appeared on many of the same boxing cards, and Santa Cruz even picked up an IBF bantamweight belt vacated by Mares. Ora, for these two Mexican warriors with almost identical boxing statistics, the road to greatness leads them both once more to STAPLES Center for surely another sensational ring-war.




Come fight night on June 9, 2018, the boxing world will be treated to another classic Los Angeles slugfest between two certified Mexican warriors. This bout truly promises to be the next chapter written in the long history of exciting Los Angeles crosstown battles. Nearly three years in the making, anticipation will be high and a screaming audience again on their feet, as they witness Maresquest for redemption in his rematch with Santa Cruz. As popular and well-liked as these two hometown heroes are in the Southland boxing community; there will be only one fighter who will walk out of STAPLES Center with his hands raised tall. Che l'uomo migliore vincere.




I biglietti per l'evento dal vivo, che è promosso da Ringstar Sport e Promozioni TGB, iniziare a $50, più le commissioni applicabili, e sono già in vendita. To purchase tickets visit AXS.com or click QUI.




The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast will also feature unbeaten super welterweight world champion Jermell Charlo difendere il suo titolo contro l'ex campione del mondo Austin Trota as part of an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.


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Story written by Gene Aguilera, author of Latino Boxing in Southern California (2018) e Mexican American Boxing in Los Angeles (2014), Arcadia Publishing. Aguilera has been inducted into the WBC Legends of Boxing Museum, National Boxing Hall of Fame, and his 2014 release was chosen asBook of the Yearby the West Coast Boxing Hall of Fame.





Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.com, e www.staplescenter.com seguire su Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @LeoSantaCruz2, @AbnerMares, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions@STAPLESCenter e @Swanson_Comm o diventa fan su Facebook all'indirizzo www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions e www.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter.PBC è sponsorizzato da Corona, Finest Beer.