Tag Arsip: featherweight


Lewiston, Maine (Juni 8, 2015) - Gelut New England (NEF), Amérika sacara jumlah-hiji promotion fight regional, bakal tahan dicampur-bela diri-seni ka anak (MMA) kajadian, “NEF XVIII: Dilakukeun dina Amérika,” Saptu ieu wengi, Juni 13, 2015 di Androscoggin Bank Colisee di Lewiston, Maine. Saméméhna ayeuna, the promotion announced the addition of an amateur featherweight bout to the fight card. Carl Langston (4-8) ieu rencanana papanggih Alex Adang (2-1) at the featherweight limit of 145-pounds.


A fixture of NEF MMA amateur cards, Langston, of Young’s MMA in Bangor, Maine, replaces Johnson’s original opponent, and Langston teammate, Harun Lacey (5-1), who was injured last week. The Lacey-Johnson fight was scheduled to determine the first-ever NEF MMA Amateur Featherweight Champion. The bout between Langston and Johnson, kumaha oge, will be a non-title affair.


Langston is riding high off a victory over Sheldon Bang (2-2) last February. It was Langston’s first victory in the NEF MMA cage. Likewise, Johnson is looking to extend his own streak of two wins in a row to three in NEF action. A member of Ruthless MMA & Boxing of Benton, Maine, Johnson submitted Dustin Shorey (0-1) di “NEF XVII” this past April.


NEF officials further announced today that the Langston-Johnson contest is currently scheduled to open the show at “NEF XVIII” Saptu ieu.


Tiket pikeun “NEF XVIII: Dilakukeun dina Amérika” mimitian jam saukur $25 jeung nu diobral ayeuna di www.TheColisee.com atawa ku nelepon kotak kantor Colisee di 207.783.2009 x 525. Kanggo inpo nu langkung lengkep ihwal kajadian jeung fight apdet kartu, mangga buka website kampanye nu aya di www.NewEnglandFights.com. Salaku tambahan, Anjeun bisa lalajo video NEF di www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, turutan éta kontak dina Twitternefights jeung ngiluan gugus Facebook resmi "New England gelut."


Ngeunaan gelut New England


Gelut New England ("NEF") nyaéta gelut pausahaan kajadian promosi. Misi NEF nyaéta pikeun nyieun kajadian kualitas nu pangluhurna pikeun pejuang Maine sarta fans sapuk. Tim eksekutif NEF sacara miboga pangalaman éksténsif dina ngokolakeun olahraga tempur, produksi kajadian, Hubungan média, pamasaran, hukum jeung pariwara.



Lewiston, Maine (Mei 21, 2015) - Gelut New England (NEF), Amérika sacara jumlah-hiji promotion fight regional, bakal tahan dicampur-bela diri-seni ka anak (MMA) kajadian, “NEF XVIII: Dilakukeun dina Amérika,” dina Saptu, Juni 13, 2015 di Androscoggin Bank Colisee di Lewiston, Maine. Saméméhna ayeuna, the promotion announced the addition of an amateur featherweight bout to the fight card. The matchup will feature Jeremy Tyler (4-3) di hareup Johnny Karajinan (3-0) at the featherweight limit of 145-pounds.


Jeremy Tyler will be making his return to the NEF cage after an extended absence of nine months. A member of Marcus Davis’s famed Team Irish gym in Brewer, Maine, Tyler will look to rebound from the first back-to-back losses of his career. Both of those losses came to Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) competitors. It is a gym affiliated with Johnny Craftsteam New England United (NEW), so the Juni 13 fight will be an opportunity for Jeremy to gain a measure of revenge as well. Like his opponent at “NEF XVIII,” Tyler has proven himself a submission specialist with all four of his victories coming by way of capitulation.


I’m very excited to be stepping into the NEF cage for the first time in 2015,said Tyler. “I am looking forward to the opportunity to fight John Crafts who is a highly ranked MMA fighter with a very good Jiu Jitsu game. I believe the NEF fans will be very happy with the match-up and feel this will make for an entertaining fight. Expect to see an improved performance from me. I took some time off after my last fight to focus, build upon my technique and add to my overall skill sets. I am ready to unleash the game I’ve been developing in the cage so 13 Juni can’t get here fast enough.


Originally scheduled to challenge for the NEF MMA Amateur Bantamweight Championship at “NEF XVIII,” Johnny Crafts was left without a fight after his original opponent pulled out due to injury. That was until Jeremy Tyler stepped up to the challenge this week. This fight will mark the first time Johnny Crafts, who holds a brown belt in BJJ, has competed above the bantamweight limit of 135-pounds. Crafts was voted the “2014 Rookie of Taun” by NEF fans.


I’m very excited to be fighting Jeremy Tyler,” said Crafts. “He’s a well-rounded fighter with good experience. I’m looking to test the waters at 145 for my first time and see how I feel fighting up. I was pretty disappointed in the title fight falling through, but I assure everyone that this fight will be just as exciting to watch.


Tiket pikeun “NEF XVIII: Dilakukeun dina Amérika” mimitian jam saukur $25 jeung nu diobral ayeuna di www.TheColisee.com atawa ku nelepon kotak kantor Colisee di 207.783.2009 x 525. Kanggo inpo nu langkung lengkep ihwal kajadian jeung fight apdet kartu, mangga buka website kampanye nu aya di www.NewEnglandFights.com. Salaku tambahan, Anjeun bisa lalajo video NEF di www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, turutan éta kontak dina Twitternefights jeung ngiluan gugus Facebook resmi "New England gelut."


Ngeunaan gelut New England


Gelut New England ("NEF") nyaéta gelut pausahaan kajadian promosi. Misi NEF nyaéta pikeun nyieun kajadian kualitas nu pangluhurna pikeun pejuang Maine sarta fans sapuk. Tim eksekutif NEF sacara miboga pangalaman éksténsif dina ngokolakeun olahraga tempur, produksi kajadian, Hubungan média, pamasaran, hukum jeung pariwara.

Bellator MMA continues to strengthen its roster with addition of Brazilian featherweight GleristoneToninho Furia” Santos

Santa Monica, Calif. (April 14, 2015) – Bellator MMA officials are proud to announce the addition of exciting Brazilian featherweight prospect GleristoneToninho Furia” Santos (27-4), who has signed an exclusive, multi-fight deal.


Santos’s debut date and opponent will be announced in the near future.


Lila dianggap salah sahiji prospek top Brazil Kang, nu Santos 26 taun umurna debut di 2005, waktu manehna kakara 16 tahun jeung victories milik di mimiti salapan bouts professional nya. Lahir di Campina Grande, Paraíba, Santos ayeuna boasts a coret menang salapan-fight nu ngarupakeun hiji luar biasa 16-1 di jaman baheula-Na 17 appearances. "


Toninho” joins several other talented Brazilian fighters on the Bellator roster including Featherweight World Champion Patricio “Pitbull” Freire, Welterweight World Champion Douglas Lima, Bantamweight World Champion Marcos Galvao, Eduardo "Dudu" Dantas, Patricky "Pitbull" Freire, Rafael Carvalho, Neiman Gracie, Goiti Yamauchi amongst others.

Speight delighted to secure Home Advantage



26 year old “The Genius” Jamie Speight has a wish come true on 16th Mei 2015 when he co-headlines the massive Goodwin Boxing “Master Class” bill at York Hall defending his Southern Area Featherweight title against Ian Bailey.


“I am over the moon at signing with Steve Goodwin” said Jamie “With everything he has done for me so far I could not be happier. This is the first time in years I have not had to go on the road and be the away fighter and have waited to be promoted as the home fighter for so long”.


Speight has had an up and down career but being sent as the away fighter meant that to Speight he never had the rub of the green or the advantage given to other fighters. Only two years ago Speight took Josh Warrington the distance in Warrington’s back yard and then subsequently lost a contentious decision to Lewis Pettitt once again in the opponent’s corner.


Mei 2014 and Speight once again was in the opponents corner when he stopped Craig Whyatt to win this belt he is now defending but now the time has come for Speight to enjoy home advantage.


“I just want a fair crack of the whip and with Steve now in control of my career I know I will get that. I need to win this title as the next day I am flying with the Goodwin team to Turkey for a training camp and that needs to be a celebration.” Speight added “My aim is the British title at Featherweight and provided I keep winning Steve has promised he will deliver that to me.”


“This is a tough fight. Ian Bailey does not receive the credit he deserves. Like myself Ian has taken short notice fights and yet stops people with winning records. We have given him 2 months notice so he can prepare as well as myself and may the best man win.”


The Speight v Bailey clash is one of four 50/50 intriguing Southern Area title fights on the bill with three masters titles as well making this one of the best non TV shows seen in London for a long time.


Adam Dingsdale defends his Southern Area Lightweight title against Prizefighter finalist Michael “Chunky” Devine.


Philip “Quicksilver” Bowes (9-1) challenges for the Light-Welterweight version against the unbeaten former Prizefighter Champion Johnny Coyle whilst Johnny Garton makes his second defence of the Welterweight version against former English title challenger Martin Welsh.


The charismatic Danny Connor competes for the International Masters Lightweight title whilst Hampshire’s “Dangerous” Danny Goode fights for the Masters Super Middleweight Title. Adam Salman completes the trio of Masters title bouts when he competes for the Light Welterweight version.


Two of Ricky Hatton’s “Upton Clan” Paul and Anthony continue their rise to the top with 6 round contests.


The exciting Light Middleweight Joey Vaughan (1-0) has his first contest since signing with the Goodwin’s whilst the show sees the eagerly awaited debuts of Andrew Joicey (Welterweight) and Mwenya Chisanga (Light-Welterweight).


Jamie Arlain (1-0) also has his first contest after a long year break from the sport and after signing with the Goodwin’s whilst exciting unfefeated Light-Middleweight John Cash (4-0) has a six round contest.


The card is completed with Ben Hall (6 rounds) Dean Byrne (4 rounds) and David Leo (4 rounds) all facing selected opposition.


Tickets are available from any of the boxers directly or on line at www.iboxingtickets.com


Bellator MMA continues to grow women’s featherweight roster with Roberta “Crusher” Paim, Alexis “Sneaky Zebra” Dufresne jeung Iona Razafiarison

Santa Monica, Calif. (Maret 12, 2015) – Bellator MMA tetep committed ka ngembang division featherweight wanoja luhur di bela diri dicampur, and the latest additions to the company’s roster include Roberta “Crusher” Paim (4-0), Alexis “Sneaky Zebra” Dufresne (5-2) jeung Iona Razafiarison (2-0).


Kaping Debut jeung lawan bakal ngumumkeun pikeun sadaya tilu pejuang dina mangsa nu bakal datang.

Paim, Dufresne jeung Razafiarison Miluan Arlene “Angerfist” Blencowe (5-4), Julia “Nu Jewell” Kauntungan (7-2),Marloes “Rumina” Coenen (22-6), Holly “Lil Bear” Lawson (0-1) jeung Talita “Katilu” Walnut (6-0) dina roster featherweight wanoja Bellator MMA sacara.

“Arurang reueus jadi bringing tilu atlit ieu Sarbini ka division featherweight awewe urang sacara,” ceuk Bellator Présidén témbal Coker. “I see several potential matchups that would make for some great fights. We will continue to build and support the premiere women’s featherweight division in MMA.

A asli tina Rio Grande teu Sul, Brazil, 5-suku-6 Paim ieu undefeated ngaliwatan kahiji opat contests tina karir professional nya. Sedengkeun teu nyaman di buruan kaluman, nu Paim kuat geus dipaké kaulinan nu keuna kuat pikeun ngeureunkeun gelut, ogé. Pajoang sacara éksklusif di nagara asli nya sahingga jauh, Paim ngabogaan can pikeun manggihan hiji lawan tunggal sanggup abadi mangsa katukang buleud lawang, salaku manéhna geus dicokot pulang heula-buleud rengse dina unggal appearances nya to date.

Nu Dufresne 24 taun heubeul nyaeta Tim Quest nu bajoang jeung lima waktu jawara dunya Internasional Brasil Jiu-Jitsu Féderasi. Dufresne tos perhatian nya ka seni bela diri dicampurkeun dina 2012 jeung rattled off lima ngéléhkeun padeukeut pikeun ngamimitian karir nya – lima hasil datang di lawang ka babak jeung averaging saukur dina 77 detik panjangna. Nu leuwih anyar, Dufresne ngaragragkeun pasangan kaputusan keras perang bari nyieun amprok di 135 kilogram tapi ayeuna mulih deui ka dirina kelas beurat leuwih alami 145 pon kitu keur dirina perdana Bellator MMA.

Razafiarison nyaeta ékspor Perancis anu geus notched victories dina dua contests panarjamah kahiji nya. Nu Razafiarison 30 taun heubeul, ahli grappling anu geus dilatih dina tenda pangungsian di seluruh dunya, perang nu panganyarna dina Januari, lamun manéhna earned kira meunang kaputusan leuwih Sandra Ameziane. Dina perdana panarjamah nya, Razafiarison ngoleksi hiji kintunan munggaran-buleud.


Ngeunaan Bellator MMA

Bellator MMA nyaéta hiji organisasi Seni bela diri anjog campuran featuring loba pejuang pangalusna di dunya. Dina arah Samaun fight promoter témbal Coker, Bellator geus sadia ka ampir 400 juta imah di sakuliah dunya di leuwih ti 120 nagara. Di Amérika Sarikat, Bellator bisa ditempo dina Spike TV, pamingpin televisi MMA. Bellator MMA ieu comprised hiji tim eksekutif nu ngawengku professional industri luhur di produksi televisi, kajadian orchestration hirup, ngamekarkeun bajoang / hubungan, ngayakeun tempat, nyiptakeun sponsor / tumuwuhna, lisénsi internasional, pamasaran, pariwara, publisitas jeung komisi hubungan. Bellator dumasar di Santa Monica, California jeung dipiboga ku buta hiburan Viacom, imah ka merek hiburan Premier di dunya anu nyambung jeung audiences ngaliwatan eusi compelling di sakuliah televisi, gerak gambar, platform online jeung mobile.


Ngeunaan Spike TV:

Spike TV geus sadia di 98.7 juta imah sarta ngarupakeun division tina Viacom Media Jaringan. A unit tina Viacom (NASDAQ: Liwat, VIAB), Viacom Media Jaringan mangrupa salah sahiji Birokrat anjog di dunya program jeung eusi di sakuliah sadaya platform média. Alamat Internet Spike TV nyaéta www.spike.com jeung up-ka-nu-menit jeung inpo pencét archival jeung foto, ngadatangan loka pencét Spike TV nu aya di http://www.spike.com/press. Turutan urang dina Twitter spiketvpr pikeun panganyarna dina megatkeun warta anyar, balik deui-pamandangan informasi jeung poto.

Mario BARRIOS Nuhun boga BREAKOUT taun

Photo Ku Paul Gallegos

San Antonio, TX (Januari 27, 2015)Rising star and undefeated featherweight phenom, Mario Barrios (7-0, 3 KOs), is looking to take his career to new heights in 2015. After fighting six times in 2014, Barrios nyaéta dina jalur cepat accomplishing ngimpi panemu jadi jawara dunya.


Ngadeg 6'1, Barrios has the height and reach advantage against most of his opponents. With lighting fast hands, Barrios also possesses good footwork and power. With adviser Al HAYMON nyieun manéhna, Barrios karasaeun manéhna dina posisi hebat pisan.


My team and I are very excited about this upcoming year,” Ngadawuh Juhari Barrios, “Haymon Boxing is taking the sport to a whole new level and I want to position myself as one of the best prospects. I know with a few more fights under my belt I’ll be able to move up to 10-round bouts and hopefully fight for a regional title. The goal is to stay busy and focused on my future. I’m very grateful to have Al Haymon guiding my career. He’s the best in boxing. I’m looking forward to my next fight which will be announced very soon.

'Axeman’ Walters ngéléhkeun olahragawan Betawi tina Taun

Leon Margules tina Galau tinju wishes ka congratulate WBA Super World Featherweight Jawara Nicholas “Nu Axeman” Walters pikeun keur ngaranna olahragawan Betawi tina Taun di 54th RJR Olahraga Yayasan Nasional Awards.


29-Walters taun heubeul (25-0, 21 KOs), pituin tina Montego Bay, Jamaica, kungsi spektakuler 2014, stopping dimangfaatkeun juara Vic Darchinyan (WHO 5) jeung Nonito Donaire (WHO 6).


“Meunangkeun olahragawan taun geus jiga sia olahragawan di dunya,” Walters ka wartawan di Gala diayakeun di ngahargaan-Na.

“Kami pohara reueus janten bagian ti “Tim Walters” ceuk Leon Margules. “Manéhna téh bajoang superstar anu kagungan taun breakout-Na taun ka tukang.”


Margules nyebutkeun hal ngan bakal meunang leuwih alus pikeun béntang Betawi.


“Ieu moal jadi ahir jaman manéhna ngéléhkeun pangajén bergengsi ieu. Aya sababaraha gelut gedé pikeun Nicholas dina cakrawala nu salajengna bakal semén manéhna minangka salah sahiji pajuang luhur kaulinan urang.”

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Ngeunaan Galau tinju

Diwangun dina 2003, Galau tinju beroperasi dina sederhana falsafah-bawa boxers pangalusna di dunya tarung fans, cocog eta di bouts kalapa, jeung di cara eta bantuan ngadegkeun deui cabang olahraga tinju keur generasi anyar.


Sareng hiji runtuyan suksés Pay-Per-Témbongkeun nempokeun jeung imah nu dipak pikeun kiridit anak, modél bisnis Galau ieu keajaiban digawé di hiji olahraga nu sorely merlukeun tina inovasi jeung énergi nu pausahaan brings kana tabél.


Lamun asalna handap pikeun eta sanajan, hiji pausahaan promosi ngan jadi alus salaku pejuang jeung gelut eta promotes. Galau tinju geus dikirimkeun dina sadaya fronts, jeung bouts beredar saperti Lara-Molina, Cayo-Peterson, Ibrahim-Miranda I jeung II, Miranda-Pavlik, Miranda-Green, Ibragimov-Briggs, Ibragimov-Klitschko, Urango-Hatton, Urango-Bailey, Cayo-Maidana jeung Ibragimov-Holyfield.


Kanggo inpo nu langkung lengkep ihwal Galau tinju, didatangan ramatloka maranéhanana di www.WarriorsBoxing.com.