Tag Arsip: Essex

McGivern Secures Light Heavy Title the Hard Way at Historic Clacton-on-Sea Event.

Ringside Report: Gianluca Di Caro


On Saturday night at the Princess Theatre in Clacton-on-Sea, Essex, Professional Boxing made a most welcome return to the seaside town after almost 80 taun, when Colchester’s Tommy Jacobs presented his latest boxing promotion, aptly titled ‘History’.


The previous pro boxing in the town, back in February 1939, see Ireland’s Mike Kavan beat London’s Charlie Mack at the then recently opened Butlin’s holiday camp.


Clacton is a town that’s steeped in boxing history, although since the second world war mainly of the Amateur variety, in fact Tommy Jacobs himself fought in the town on numerous occasions during his Amateur career and one of the greats of the sport is immortalized by the restaurant at the bowling alley on Clacton Pier, Armstrong’s, which is named after the American boxer John Henry Armstrong who beat British champion Ernie Roderick also in 1939.


It seemed rather appropriate that the very first of the pro boxing contests of this new era should feature the current World Boxing Foundation (WBF) International and European Champion, as well as promoter of the event, Tommy Jacobs, in a non-Championship six round contest against Dundalk, Ireland’s Michael Kelly.


Right from the opening bell Jacobs took to the fight to his highly experienced opponent, albeit with just tentative testing jabs, but as the round progressed the action became more full on, with Jacobs backing up Kelly on to the ropes before letting rip with slick combinations to body and head.


Kelly, a previous multi-title challenger in his own right, initially covered up and absorbed the shots but soon began to counter effectively.


More of the same early in the second, although must credit Kelly for his slick responses that prevented Jacobs from having quite the same level of success in the first stanza, however as the clock entered the final 20 seconds or so of the round Jacobs started letting rip with big shots to the body with increasing success, so much so that literally in the final seconds Kelly was forced to take a knee after a particularly vicious left.


Unfortunately Kelly struggled to catch his breath and rise to his feet in time to beat Referee Lee Murtagh’s count, official time of the stoppage being 2 Minutes and 56 Seconds of the second round.


Following the fight Tommy Jacobs announced that the reason he undertook a non-championship six rounder and not the originally planned WBF Intercontinental title fight against Albanian Xhuljo Vrenozi, was that he has been proposed to potentially challenge Australia’s two time World Champion Sam Soliman for the World Boxing Foundation (WBF) World title in December.


The second bout of the night see Dean Porter making his professional debut against Liverpool’s Steven Sunners (2-0-0).

What a cracking all action affair, from start to finish both lads really went for it hammer and tongs.


After four scintillating closely fought rounds it came as no surprise that the result was going to be close, and close it was, Referee Lee Murtagh’s scorecard reading 39-38 in favour of Liverpool’s Steven Sunners.


Next up was a four round Featherweight contest between Clacton’s very own Ben ‘The ClaxicanCook and Belfast’s Chris Wong, both of whom were making their pro debuts.


The first couple of rounds, as with Porter-Sunners, were so closely fought that it wasn’t easy to call the winner of each round, however in the 3rd the decision was made a little easier after Cook landed a cracking body-shot late in the round to send the Irishman to his knees.


After four highly entertaining all action rounds Referee Lee Murtagh’s scorecard read 40-37 in favour of local hero Ben Cook.


As with the previous contest this was an all action thriller of epic proportions, so much so that it was without doubt it was the Fight of the Night.


Have to say really enjoyed this fight and hopefully after this pair get a few fights under their belts there’ll be a rematch as I would love to see these two in action against each other again, ieu alus nu.


The fourth fight of the night see Ipswich Super Middleweight Rob Elden making his pro debut against Liverpool’s Lee Cooper.


Elden started hard and fast, taking the fight to his more experienced foe and letting rip with big shots to body and head. Initially Cooper covered up but soon started countering with some big shots of his own, however in doing so left an opening in his defence that the Ipswich man was quick to capitalise on with a big right to the head to send Copper to the canvas.


Copper made it to his feet and action resumed in very much the same vein, with Elden backing Copper up before letting rip with big shots, Cooper once again responded with big shots of his own. As the round approached the second minute, once again Elden found a chink in Cooper’s armour and this time landed a big right to the body to send the Liverpudlian to the canvas for a second and final time. Official time of the stoppage was one minute and fifty-nine seconds of the first round.


The headline fight of the night see Hove’s Navid Iran and Scotland’s Ben McGivern battling it out for the vacant Professional Boxing Council (PBC) Silver International Light Heavyweight title.


Battling it out is the correct term; this was a Battle Royale of epic proportions.


Right from the off Iran took the fight to McGivern, backing the Scot onto the ropes and letting rip with a flurry of big left and rights. McGivern sensibly covered up and waited an opportunity to counter, which he did with good effect once the opportunity arose.


However it wasn’t enough to prevent Iran coming back with a similar forceful attack almost immediately. McGivern once again managed to counter and initially take control.


As the round progressed Iran landed a couple of cracking shots that again forced McGivern to cover up. Irann kept up the pressure with big shots, whilst McGivern caught most with his gloves a big right got through the Scots guard, shaking him to the core.


How McGivern made it to the end of the round, I just don’t know, his legs were well and truly gone, but somehow he did.


Round two see Iran come out hard and fast, however McGivern was ready for the assault, again initially covering up but this time instead of just countering and covering, he spun his opponent and went hard on the attack himself.


Round three see McGivern taking the fight to Iran, which led to some great technical boxing ensuing from both protagonists.


The next few rounds were fought in similar vein. The final round though was an out and out war; both boxers throwing caution to the wind and an all out slugfest ensued for the entire final three minuteswhat an exhilarating round.


After eight fantastic rounds of boxing it was Ben McGivern declared victor by scoring referee Lee Murtagh, by a 79-74 titik margin.


Have to say whilst definitely the right result, the result just doesn’t convey just how close each and every round, but the first, ieu. These two really put on a magnificent show and was a serious contender for the Fight of the Night award.


What a great event to welcome pro boxing back to Clacton-on-Sea after a close to eighty-year hiatus, a return clearly appreciated by fans of the pugilistic arts who had packed the historic venue to the hilt almost an hour before the event was scheduled to begin.

Ngalawan laporan - HILLYARD SECURES WBU makuta, OZGUL baraya, Khan AND COUNIHAN mere pangaruh dina gaya

Ti kenca ka Katuhu: Shyam Batra, George Hillyard jeung Marianne Marston.


Laporan jeung Photo: Gianluca (Walungan) Di Caro


Dinten Jumaah fans peuting tinju ti sakuliah nagara dijieun jarah taunan maranéhanana ka York Aula di London eta kanggo kajadian nu kahiji, nu Shaym Batra diwanohkeun, WBU Championship dipingpin, Legenda & Prospek, di Ibu di 2015.

Aya meureun ngan geus lima gelut, di handap ieu leungitna boh Australia Piér Karam, anu gagal pikeun ménta visa di waktu bersaing judul WBU International Heavyweight, jeung Inggris sacara pisan sorangan Steven Bendall, nu lawan murag ngaliwatan di menit pamungkas, tapi fans, kaasup nu nu ngumbara ka sadaya jalan turun ti Birmingham, Rojongan ka Antonio Counihan, jeung Brebes, ngarojong Tasif Khan, kudu geus ngarasa ieu oge patut eta, nya éta hiji peuting sabenerna memorable tina tinju.

Pos nepi pintonan ieu Nazeing, Essex sacara George 'Hit Hard' Hillyard ngalawan hiji pergantian dina ahir taun Ceko sacara Michal Vosyka.

Ti kira ieu Vosyka nyokot kadali kana proceedings, nu bajoang Czech stylishly didominasi bagian awal tina babak lawang, dipake off jab leungeun kénca perkasa pikeun ngajaga Hillyard dina jarak aman.

HILLYARD, ieu leuwih ti eusi ka bide waktu diangkat jadi Vosyka pindah kira-kira cingcin nyintreuk jab-na di Hillyard pas manehna nyieun nu mana wae nu pindah ka nutup jarakna.

Ulah neangan kuring nu salah Hillyard teu darat sababaraha nembak awal dina, tapi ieu mah nepi ka kira-kira mark menit kadua yén lad Essex junun nyieun dampak nu mana wae nu nyata tapi lamun manéhna ieu jeung salah sahiji mérek katuhu exocets leungeun-Na, hiji shot hebat pisan nu ampir stooped Céko di lagu-Na.

Dina lampu kilat Hillyard ari alm di disoriented Vosyka jeung heboh ganda dibikeun narajang pikeun ngirim manéhna ka handap pikeun kanvas nu.

Vosyka boxed beautifully dina menit lawang atawa jadi tina pupuh kadua, albeit saeutik leuwih cautiously, jabs kuat-Na konstan jeung ganda flurries dibikeun kenca Hillyard euweuh pilihan tapi pikeun muterkeunana kaulinan dago sakali leuwih, néangan lawang ku kituna manéhna bisa ari leungeun katuhu gedé rék.

More nu sarua dina jajaran katilu, tapi saperti dina mimiti Vosyka dijieun kasalahan fatal méré Hillyard kasempetan capitalize dina lawang, Hillyard sacara teu slouch, manéhna aya kawas lampu kilat, letting alm kahiji jeung hak gedé teras asupkeun dibikeun barrage ganda pikeun ngirim Vosyka ka kanvas pikeun kadua kalina.

Vosyka ieu loba, leuwih cautious dina kaopat, manéhna ogé leuwih kabuka ti saméméhna, nu disadiakeun Hillyard komo leuwih kasempetan pikeun ngahukum manéhna waktu gedé.

Hillyard dijieun Vosyka ka arah sudut saméméh letting alm jeung lefts kuat sarta hak saméméh letting alm jeung kunang kénca gancang ka awak, Vosyka teu boga pilihan tapi mawa ka hiji dengkul, dina raraga neangan napas-Na deui.

Momen wasit Mickey Vann count rengse, Hillyard hartina ditémbak di sakuliah ring sarta anggap alm jeung leungeun katuhu gegedean ka sirah, salaku Vosyka reeled deui, off kasaimbangan jeung pos deui ka kanvas nu, Hillyard ari alm jeung hak gegedean ka sirah, ngirim Vosyka turun jeung kaluar fro golongan cacah.

Wasit Mickey Vann turun di sisi rawan Vosyka di lampu kilat, saperti ieu di dokter ringside jeung paramedics salaku hush hiji murag ngaliwatan hallowed York Aula.

Menit A atawa jadi saterusna tiiseun ieu shattered salaku buleud tina keprok ti balaréa raat kaluar, salaku Vosyka ieu mantuan ka suku-Na.

Sakali Vosyka ieu dijelaskeun sadaya jelas ku tim médis ringside, MC Steve Holdsworth dijieun pengumuman resmi, nu dituturkeun ku beubeur WBU International Championship keur dibere ka Hillyard jelas elated ku WBU Ambassador Marianne Marston.

Pangrojong Chief tempo stylish, unbeaten, Dumasar Hackney Turk Siar Ozgul lengkah turun beurat ka Welter ogé migawe genep-Na rounder kahiji, ngalawan kompetisi super tangguh dina bentuk Ceko sacara Vladimir Fecko.


Katuhu ti ati-Ozgul aman kadali cingcin puseur, ngamangpaatkeun jab sacara serius kuat pikeun pangaruh gede, Fecko sanajan ieu hajat dina kontrol gulat nu ti Turk ngora, nu ngakibatkeun sababaraha toe hebat pisan ka aksi toe.


Boh tokoh protagonis stepped nepi Pace dina pupuh kadua, Ozgul bener seemed pikeun meunangkeun kana aliran hiji, ngamungkinkeun dirina nyieun sawatara bukaan santun nguji mettle tina lad Czech, he he he he ari alm jeung nembak awak padet.


More nu sarua dina pasangan saterusna rounds, tapi ku buleud lima Ozgul, anu ogé dihareupeun dina scorecard wasit Ken Curtis ', bener indit for eta, naon buleud hiji, Ozgul showcased kaahlian gede pisan di gaya rupa, picking off Fecko di unggal kasempetan, ti hiji Asép Sunandar Sunarya tina sudut.


Fecko, anu oge sadar meunang manéhna diperlukeun knockout hiji, datang kaluar teuas jeung puasa pikeun babak final, Ozgul sing kuat nangtung taneuh sarta naon dituturkeun ngan bisa didadarkeun salaku toe ka perang toe royale ensued pikeun ampir sakabeh buleud, jauh ka delight tina ~ York Aula satia.


Sanggeus genep rounds heboh tina scorecard tinju wasit Ken Curtis 'maca Cicing kaluar 60-54 nunjuk meunangna pikeun ngora Ozgul adi - sanajan kudu ngomong Fecko dijieun ieu tarung naon deui ieu, enya Ozgul kaluar-boxed manéhna pikeun ngamankeun unggal babak tapi Fecko pantes puji pikeun kinerja nya oge.


Saméméh ka bout katilu acara MC Steve Holdsworth diwanohkeun tamu husus ka MC bout nu, taya lian nu penyanyi béntang sixties super jeung aktor Jess Conrad OBE, nu teras ngumumkeun yen eta bakal Siar Ozgul sacara sibling kolot, Di handap, nu bakal saterusna dina aksi, ngalawan Ceko sacara Karel Horejsek, dina opat buleud Lampu Heavyweight kontes.


Tanpa ragu gelut peuting, Siar fight sibling ngora sacara ieu kelas kahiji, tapi Onder sacara ieu tingkat sejen sakabehna.


Ieu hiji kaluar jeung kaluar perang, ieu sadaya ulah tina mimiti nepi ka rengse, jeung protagonis ayakeun keur daék concede taneuh nu mana wae nu sama sekali.


Pikeun sakabehna dua belas menit waktu cingcin, dua ieu ngan indit hammer jeung tongs di silih jeung loba waktu maranéhanana seemed dihijikeun ka silih sabab perang kaluar di suku deukeut.


Puji geus jadi lavished dina kadua Ozgul jeung Horejsek for siga nu pintonan megah sahiji kasenian pugilistic, Hanjakalna aya geus jadi jelema nu meunang jeung pecundang sarta eta datang salaku no heran ka saha nu wasit Ken Curtis ngoleksi unggal babak di ni'mat Ozgul, salaku ampir unggal punch manéhna threw teu ngan landed tapi éta ku jauh nu paling bermakna, kumaha ogé salaku mah ceuk anjeun teu bisa nyokot nanaon jauh ti lad Czech salaku manehna nyieun ieu tarung naon deui ieu, manéhna bener datang sareng hiji karsa, meunang, ngan ayeuna manéhna ieu ngalawan salah sahiji toughest Lampu Heavyweights kira-kira, sumur fans Turki teu nelepon Onder 'Little' Mike (perbandingan dina gaya jeung 'Beusi' Mike Tyson) pikeun euweuh.


Gelut kadua peuting tempo mulang ka Brebes sacara Tasif Khan ka ring, di handap ieu hiji sabbatical dua taun ti olahraga, di mana anjeunna Nyanghareupan Richard Voros, hiji petinju kacida dialam kick-petinju ti Hongaria, dina opat buleud Super Bantamweight kontes.


Voros sprung ti sudut diangkat jadi pas bel lawang raat jeung indit lempeng dina panarajangan, forcing Khan ka nutupan nepi, sanajan kitu teu nyokot Khan lila teuing pikeun ngahurungkeun hal kira-kira, jeung jab kuat alus, saméméh letting alm jeung scintillating ganda dibikeun flurry, nu kapaksa nu Hungaria ka nutupan nepi.


Jeung bit antara huntu-Na Khan nyandak kauntungan full ku letting alm jeung kombinasi super gancang di bakal.


Daya jeung akurasi nembak Khan sacara mayar dividends ampir geura jeung dina kira-kira tilu puluh mark kadua Voros ieu unceremoniously dikirim ka kanvas pikeun pertama kali sareng hak masif.


Khan bener dimimitian pikeun meunangkeun kana wirahma hiji, jadi teu jadi picking off Voros jeung nembak kuat ka awak jeung sirah jeung impunity, albeit for ngan pondok bari salaku dina saukur saméméh mark menit manéhna ngantep alm jeung nu bener sejen cracking pikeun ngirim Voros ka kanvas pikeun kadua kalina.


Voros dijieun ka suku-Na, ngan bisa subjected ka barrage badag nu lian dina punches, nu kapaksa Voros ka nutupan nepi di hiji harepan hawa nyieun ka ahir babak nu, no kasempetan, Khan ngan terus nepi barrage nepi ka wasit Ken kanu geus katempo cukup jeung stepped ka nyimpen Hungaria ti karuksakan salajengna dina genep puluh kalima mark kadua.


Nu bout bubuka peuting diulas salah sahiji, lamun teu, nu prospek Lightweight ngora Britania luhur, Birmingham sacara Antonio Counihan, dina genep rounder, ngalawan Hongaria sacara David Leutik.


Counihan, anu datang kana gelut jeung hiji unbeaten dina opat catetan pro outings, nunda dina kinerja kelas World sejen, enya nak ieu téh alus nu, Low kaluar-tinju, hiji dua puluh lima fight Samaun, jeung betah ti mimiti ka finish awal.


Counihan dikawasa bout ti mimiti, dina ngalakonan jadi showcased kaahlian bidang nu teu ngan earned manéhna tempat dina sing sakuat amatir Inggris tapi ogé accolade of jadi nu kaptén tim Inggris.


Rounds sarébu nepi ka dua leuwih kawas hiji pameran ku Counihan, sahingga bisa hirup kalawan picking off lawan-Na leuwih ngalaman betah, punches-Na nya klinis jeung kuat ka ekstrim, jadi loba sahingga Kis dijieun datangna ka kanvas dina boh jajaran kahiji jeung kadua buleud.


Ku midway ngaliwatan Counihan katilu stepped nepi Pace nu saeutik, dina cara eta nunda Kis cara luar zona kanyamanan nya eta nu Hungaria teu boga pilihan tapi ngan nutupan luhur jeung ka asa boga manéhna bisa nyieun ka ahir babak nu, Hanjakalna pikeun manéhna unsuccessfully, salaku dina dua menit jeung lima belas kadua tanda Counihan landed hiji peach tina leungeun katuhu pikeun ngirim Kis ka dek for jaman ayeuna katilu jeung final.


Nu Brummie youngster geus bener dibawa ka kaulinan pro dina gaya, Leutik aya walkover, ku longshot acan Counihan dijieun eta kasampak jauh teuing nu panggampangna tur catetan-Na ayeuna nangtung di lima bouts, lima ngéléhkeun, opat ku finish stoppage.


Ieu nya pintonan gede, teu ngan ti pejuang imah, puji kudu pindah ka sakabeh lawan teuing, bisa leuwih ti kitu ka likes tina Karel Horejsek jeung Vladimir Fecko, nu bener teu mawa kaulinan A maranéhanana, tapi unggal lawan datang jeung teu pangalusna maranéhanana, Ngan Counihan, Khan, nu baraya Ozgul jeung Hillyard éta saukur polos heboh dina peuting.


Mun ieu standar kajadian we bisa ngaharepkeun dina 2015, Kuring for jeung salah teu bisa ngadagoan kanggo saterusna - mawa eta dina!


HILLYARD KOs VOSYKA pikeun ngamankeun WBU internasional makuta


Dinten Jumaah burit, di aula York di Bethnal Green, London, Jeezy, Essex sacara George Hillyard nunda dina kinerja heboh neunggeul Ceko sacara Michal Vosyka, pikeun ngamankeun Dunya tinju Union (WBU) Judul International Super Middleweight.

Vosyka dimimitian gancang, dipake off jab leungeun kénca-Na kuat nu Czech stylishly didominasi bagian awal babak kahiji, gampang ngajaga punching Hillyard gedé dina jarak aman.

HILLYARD, seemed eusi ka bide nya waktu salaku loba taller Vosyka danced kira-kira nyintreuk jab-na di lad Essex unggal waktu manehna nyieun nu mana wae nu pindah ka nutup jarak antara eta.

Sanajan manéhna geus junun darat sababaraha nembak, acan nepi kira-kira mark menit kadua Hillyard junun bener megatkeun ngaliwatan jeung lahan salah sahiji dagang batu padet anu nembak leungeun nya kan, nu jelas shook Vosyka ka inti.

Hillyard diréaksikeun incredibly gancang ka capitalize dina state disorientated Vosyka sacara, letting alm sareng dibikeun narajang ganda kirimkeun Czech ka kanvas nu.

Dina babak kadua Vosyka sakali deui boxed beautifully, tapi saeutik leuwih cautiously, gaya tinju kreatif nya éta jelas frustrating Hillyard, saha deui ieu dijieun pikeun muterkeunana kaulinan dago, ngan nyokot nu mana wae nu kasempetan nu dibuka nepi ka ngantep alm.

More nu sarua dina jajaran katilu, tapi saperti dina mimiti Vosyka dijieun kasalahan fatal méré Hillyard lawang, nu budak Essex capitalized dina dina instan, letting alm kahiji jeung hak gedé teras asupkeun dibikeun barrage ganda pikeun ngirim off kasaimbangan Vosyka ka kanvas pikeun kadua kalina.

Datang kaluar dina Vosyka kaopat ieu jalan leuwih cautious, nu disadiakeun Hillyard komo leuwih kasempetan pikeun ngahukum manéhna, nu manéhna dina cara gedé sanggeus kira tilu puluh detik atawa jadi.

Hillyard dijieun Vosyka ka tali jeung ngan ari alm jeung lefts masif jeung hak boh awak jeung sirah saméméh letting alm jeung tulang jahat crushing kenca pikeun awak, teu heran Vosyka kapilih pikeun nyokot dengkul hiji, guna ngumpulkeun putus ti onslaught kungsi tungtung.

Salaku wasit Mickey Vann réngsé nu wajib dalapan count Hillyard ditémbak di sakuliah ring sarta anggap alm kalawan leungeun katuhu Maha, nu dikirim Vosyka off kasaimbangan jeung pos deui ka kanvas nu, Hillyard ieu nyokot no Chances jeung dituturkeun dina kalawan katuhu komo heavier ka sisi sirah Czech sacara.

Mickey Vann ieu lempeng ka rawan Czech jeung di detik jadi éta Dr Rashid jeung tim médis-Na.

Sanggeus kira hiji menit atawa jadi Vosyka ieu mantuan ka stool hiji jeung nu lega York Aula riungan némbongkeun pangajén maranéhanana kalawan buleud tina keprok.

Sanggeus nu maranéhanana éta komo leuwih vokal, lamun MC Steve Holdsworth dijieun meunangna pengumuman resmi, saméméh World tinju Uni Ambassador jeung arus MBC International Super Bantamweight Jawara, Marianne Marston, dibere Hillyard jeung spoils oge earned tina meunangna, beubeur WBU International Championship.

Di handap ieu bout nu Jawara anyar jelas overjoyed spoke sakeudeung ngeunaan tarung.

"Kuring leuwih bulan, bener leuwih bulan.

Aya saena naon euy mah hayang, judul WBU, Kuring geus digawé bener teuas pikeun mastikeun mah ieu siap for gelut ieu, spent dua belas minggu jauh ti kulawarga mah leuwih Christmas jeung Taun Anyar, ayeuna kuring bisa ngomong ieu patut eta, eta sadayana mayar off na mah kudu beubeur.

Pribadi ti titik mah of view mah teu bener ngalawan cara kuring apal mah bisa, sing hormat ka Michal (Vosyka) manéhna meuli gelut ka kuring, bener messed nepi mah A Game Play.

Lamun mah menyakiti manéhna di babak kahiji, sadaya mah bisa ngalakukeun ieu néangan nu shot gedé sadaya waktu, hehehehe eta digawé kaluar OK, tapi kuring ngarasa mah bisa geus boxed manéhna leuwih alus.

Hehehehe, tapi ayeuna aya saena judulna, henteu masalah, ieu naon atuh hayang.

Kecap fight mah saterusna geus dijejeran nepi, kecap anu lamun kuring meunang, nu geus, pertahanan kahiji mah bakal ngalawan Michael Zerafa di Australia.

Jelas eta nu henteu asup jeung disegel can, salaku sagalana geus jadi sapuk balik panto nutup minggu ieu, pas éta sakabéh dipigawé, lamun ayeuna teh duit katuhu hehehehe Abdi gé jadi bade Australia tarung Michael Zerafa.

Kuring teu bisa hatur fans cukup for nu ngadukung maranéhanana hebat pisan, mangga tetep ngarojong kuring salaku urang ngaléngkah ka hal leuwih badag jeung leuwih alus.

Judul WBU ieu geus dibikeun kuring tajongan nu alus katuhu nepi backside nu, Geus aya janji mah bakal leuwih ti siap for gelut mah saterusna teuing, Kaula ninggalkeun nganggur kasempetan, Aku deui di gym hal kahiji Senen, no messing ngeunaan, ieu beubeur mah jeung kuring aint bade ari saha nyokot ti kuring.

Kuring teu bisa hatur Komisi tinju Malta jeung cukup World tinju Union, pikeun méré kuring kasempetan ieu pikeun minuhan ngimpi mah jadi hiji Jawara.

Pasangan saterusna taun bade jadi bener seru ayeuna, urang geus gonna balik sadaya jalan, ieu téh naon euy mah diperlukeun, onwards jeung ka luhur. "

Mangga online pikeun www.wbuboxing.org atawa www.wbueurope.eu pikeun inpo nu tambahan dina WBU upcoming jeung gelut judul WBU Éropa dititah.

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