Tag Archives: Errol Spence Jr.

Welterweight Champion Errol Spence Jr. & Four-Division Champion Mikey Garcia to Square Off at Unprecedented Live Press Conference on FOX & FOX Deportes This Saturday, Helmikuu 16 at 4:30 p.m. JA / 1:30 p.m. PT from Microsoft Theater at L.A. Elävät

Fighters to Preview Blockbuster Showdown During Nationally Televised Press Conference Leading up to Saturday, Maaliskuu 16 FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View from AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas

LOS ANGELES(Helmikuu 11, 2019) – Unbeaten welterweight championErrol Spence Jr.and undefeated four-division championMikey Garciawill go face-to-face at a special FOX PBC PRESS CONFERENCE that will air live on FOX and FOX Deportes this Saturday, Helmikuu 16 at 4:30 p.m. JA / 1:30 p.m. PT from Microsoft Theater at L.A. Live in Los Angeles.

Errol Spence Jr. versus Mikey Garcia is one of the most intriguing fights of the year and having them face off before a live audience on network television is an unprecedented and unique way to build interest for this fight,” said Bill Wanger, EVP of Programming, Live Operations and Research, FOX Sports. “We’re excited to highlight these two undefeated fighters before they go toe-to-toe in the ring.

This is a historic occasion. I can’t recall the last time, if ever, in my 30 years in the sport when there has been a press conference live on broadcast television,” said Tom Brown, President of TGB Promotions. “It’s just further proof of the commitment that FOX has to the sport and the PBC boxers. It’s also a win for the fans who tune-in because they will get a sneak peek at what awaits when these two champions step into the ring at AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas on March 16.

“Spence vs. Garcia is a more than a fight. It is an event that will determine who is pound-for-pound the best fighter in the world,” sanoi Richard Schaefer, Ringstar Sportsin puheenjohtaja ja toimitusjohtaja. “It is an event that transcends boxing. The legendary AT&T Stadium is the perfect host for this event, where two champions in the prime of their careers will put their records and their legacies on the line. Maaliskuun 16, the world will be watching and witness one of the biggest events of our generation.

The hour-long show on FOX will be hosted by Kate Abdo along with analysts Ray Mancini and newly crowned IBF World Super Middleweight Champion Caleb Plant. Kenny Albert hosts the press conference with fighters in the ring, while Jimmy Lennon Jr. introduces fighters. Heidi Androl serves as the reporter, adding interviews during the show. Spence and Garcia will preview their upcoming FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View showdown taking place Saturday, Maaliskuu 16 from AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas.

Boxing fans can tune-in at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT for more PBC on FOX and FOX Deportes coverage as a three-fight broadcast kicks off from Microsoft Theater with WBA Featherweight World Champion Leo Santa Cruz defending his title against Mexico’s Rafael Rivera in the main event.

Keskipainoiset legendat, Champions & Kilpailijat ennustavat Danny Garcian vs.. Shawn Porterin keskisarjan maailmanmestaruuskilpailu

Sugar Ray Leonard, Errol Spence Jr., Keith Thurman, Manny Pacquiao & Lisää Keskustele lauantaina, Syyskuu 8 Matchup Live SHOWTIME Barclays Centeristä Brooklynissa & Esittämä Premier Boxing Champions

BROOKLYN (Syyskuu 5, 2018) – Menneisyyden huippupainotähdet, nykyisyys ja tulevaisuus ovat punninneet ajatuksiaan odotetusta ottelusta, joka asettaa entiset keskipainon mestarit Danny Garcia ja Shawn Porter toisiaan vastaan ​​avoimesta WBC Welterweight World Championship Saturday -tapahtumasta, Syyskuu 8 päätapahtumassa suorana SHOWTIME Barclays Centeristä, BROOKLYN BOXING ™ -koti.




Showtime CHAMPIONSHIP NYRKKEILY televisiointi alkaa 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT ja Kuuban välillä on keskipainoinen tittelin eliminoija Yordenis ugas ja Argentiinan Cesar Barrionuevo ja raskaansarjan toiminta, joka lyö lyömättömän puolalaisen sluggerin Adam Kownacki entistä raskaansarjan mestaria vastaan Charles Martin.




Liput livetapahtuman, jota edistävät TGB Promotions ja DiBella Entertainment, yhdessä DSG Promotionsin kanssa, alkavat $50 ja ovat nyt myynnissä. Tickets can be purchased at ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, tai soittamalla 800-745-3000. Lippuja voi ostaa myös American Express -lipputulosta Barclays Centeristä. Ryhmä alennukset ovat saatavilla soittamalla 844-BKLYN-GP.




Tässä on mitä joukko nykyisiä ja entisiä keskipainohävittäjiä oli sanottava Garcia vs.. Porterin maailmanmestaruuskilpailu:


Sugar Ray Leonard, Hall of Fame & Entinen yhtenäinen keskipainoinen maailmanmestari




“Minusta tuntuu, että Danny Garcia vs.. Shawn Porter -taistelulla on jännittävä taistelu siitä, mitä olen nähnyt molemmista lahjakkaista taistelijoista. Joten tässä on ennustukseni, joka perustuu siihen, mitä tunnen molempien taistelijoiden tuovan kehään




Garcia voittaa, jos hän käyttää tarttumistaan ​​pitämään Porterin kaukana ja tasapainossa, mutta Porter saa voiton, jos hän muodostaa yhteyden ja satuttaa Garciaa aikaisin ja saa hänet hylkäämään nyrkkeilymahdollisuutensa ja taistelemaan kuin etana — kuten tein ensimmäisen taisteluni vastaan ​​Roberto Duran.




Näin näen tämän ottelun, jonka pitäisi olla jännittävä taistelu!”


ERROL SPENCE JR., Voittamaton IBF: n keskipainoinen maailmanmestari




“Haluan ehdottomasti taistella Danny Garcian vs.. Shawn Porter. Se on tiivis taistelu. Valitsin aina Danny Garciaa vastaan, ja hän osoitti aina väärin. Shawn Porter on aina kova taistelu, koska hän tulee esiin ja antaa kaiken. Hän yrittää pohjimmiltaan sinua. Mutta tässä taistelussa, on vaikea mennä Danny Garciaa vastaan. Valitsen Danny Garcian voittamaan jaetun päätöksen.”


KEITH THURMAN, WBA Welterweight maailmanmestari; Entinen yhtenäinen mestari




“Rakastan rehellisesti tätä taistelua, ja pidän sitä valtavana taisteluna ja yhtenä vuoden parhaista otteluista. Minulle, taistellessaan molempia vastaan, Uskon, että kukin kykenee satuttamaan toisiaan ja saamaan toisensa sieltä pois.




“Tiedän, että suurin osa faneista aikoo nojata kohti Danny Garciaa hänen tyrmäysvoimallaan ja mahdollisuudellaan siihen. Sitten on Shawn, kenellä on kunnollinen lyönti, vaikka hän keskittyy tuotokseensa enemmän kuin yhden lyönnin vahvaan iskuunsa, ja sillä on arsenalissaan satuttaa Danny Garciaa.



“En lyö vetoa siitä, että Shawn saisi pudotuksen, mutta haluaisin Shawnin saavan voiton, yksinkertaisesti hänen tuotoksensa vuoksi. Luulen, että Dannyn ainoa mahdollisuus voittaa on pudotus, mutta jopa uhkapelimiehenä, En voi laittaa rahaani Dannylle. Otan Shawn Porterin päätöksellä.”


Manny Pacquiao, Moninkertainen keskipainoinen maailmanmestari




Annan edun Danny Garcialle. He ovat molemmat rakeisia taistelijoita, mutta mielestäni Garcia on hieman teknisempi ja hieman enemmän renkaan kenraalia. Sen pitäisi olla suuri taistelu, ja on mahdollista, että taistelen voittajaa vastaan, mutta meidän on katsottava, mitä tapahtuu.”


MIKEY GARCIA, Neliosainen maailmanmestari




“Mielestäni tämä on erittäin hyvä ottelu. Shawn Porter on sellainen urheilija, joka tuo aina taistelun sinulle paineella ja äänenvoimakkuudella. He molemmat tulevat taistelemaan, ja he voivat molemmat ottaa sen ja ruokia sen.




“Danny Garcia voi käyttää taitojaan nyrkkeilyyn ulkona ja työskennellä etäältä. Luulen, että Danny pystyy nyrkkeilemään vielä vähän ja voittamaan enemmän tiukkoja kierroksia hyvin läheisessä taistelussa. En ole varma, tehdäänkö päätös jaettu vai yksimielinen päätös. Uskon, että Danny käyttää enemmän näitä taktiikoita voittaakseen jännittävän päätöksen.”


JORDENIS UGAS, Paras keskipainoinen kilpailija




“Kunnioitan suuresti Shawn Porteria, ja luulen, että siitä tulee suuri taistelu, mutta, Danny Garcialla on enemmän tekniikkaa, ja hän on myös kohdannut ja voittanut parempia vastustajia kuin Porter. Kallistan Danny Garciaa kohti vetääksesi voittoa.


ROBERT GUERRERO, Entinen monen divisioonan maailmanmestari




“Tämä on erittäin viihdyttävä taistelu faneille. Näen Dannyn ottavan hyvän taistelun, mutta Porter tekee taistelusta karkean, ja Garcia ei pidä tällaisista taisteluista. Menen Porterin kanssa voittamaan jaetulla päätöksellä.”


VICTOR ORTIZ, Entinen keskipainoisen maailmanmestari




“Luulen, että siitä tulee nopeatempoinen taistelu. Shawn työntää eteenpäin, mikä tekee siitä karkean Dannylle, ja Danny yrittää hallita etäisyyttä. Menen Dannyn kanssa, antaa hänelle hieman etua ja sanoa, että hän voittaa päätöksellä.”


JAMAL JAMES, Welterweight Contender




“Se on hyvä. Shawn on kiireisempi kuin Danny, aktiivisempi ja kantaa paljon vauhtia taistellessaan. Mutta se ei ole aina hyvä asia, koska Garcialla on voimaa ajoituksellaan, hän voi saada kiinni Porterin tulossa. Luulen, että Shawn Porter vetää sen pois. ”


BRANDON RIOS, Entinen maailmanmestari & Keskipainoinen tittelihaastaja




“Se on todella kova taistelu ennustettavaksi. Jos Danny pystyy torjumaan todella hyvin ja pitämään Shawn Porterin poissa Porterin tullessa, sitten näen Dannyn pysäyttävän hänet.




Mutta jos Shawn Porter pystyy painostamaan Dannya kuten tavallisesti, En näe Shawn Porterin pysäyttävän Dannya, tai mitään, mutta näen hänen voittavan jaetulla päätöksellä, jos hän voi olla rinnassaan koko yön. Mutta jos Porter naulataan johonkin näistä vasemmasta koukusta tai suoralla oikealla kädellä, Sanon, että Porter menee alas. Menen Dannyn kanssa, koska hän pudotti minut.”


BRYANT PERRELLA, Welterweight Prospect




“Se voi laskea kuinka hyvin Shawn Porter voi viedä Danny Garcian lyönnit taistelussa, jota on todella vaikea ennustaa, ja kuinka hyvin Danny voi liikkua, koska hän ei ole tunnettu siitä, että hänen jalkansa ovat samanlaisia ​​kuin Keith Thurmanin kaltainen kaveri.




Mutta jos Shawn pääsee lähelle ja tukahduttaa Dannyn lyönnit, hän tekee siitä vaikean taistelun. Mutta Dannylla on todella painavat kädet ja hän istuu laukauksissaan hyvin, ajoitus ja vastalävistys kaverit, jotta Porter voisi pelata hänen käsiinsä.




Perustuu puhtaaseen, tehokkaita kovia laukauksia ja antaa hänelle reunan läheltä, kilpailukierrokset, Kallistun kohti Danny Garciaa. Shawn on kova kuin kynnet, joten näen sen kulkevan matkaa, mutta vain pieni etu Dannylle.”


SAMMY VASQUEZ JR., Welterweight Contender





Menen Shawn Porterin kanssa. Ei pysäytyksellä, mutta Shawn aiheuttaa liikaa painetta eikä Danny Garcia heitä tarpeeksi lyöntejä eikä käsittele painetta. Näit sen, kun hän taisteli Guerreroa vastaan, joka ei näyttänyt liian pahalta siinä taistelussa.




“Danny voi voittaa pudotuksella, jos hän tarttuu Shawniin sillä koukulla, mutta Shawn on työhevonen ja hän painostaa paljon enemmän kuin luulen Dannyn koskaan nähneen taistelussa. Shawn ei ehkä ole alttiina sille, ellei hänellä ole asianmukaista pään liikettä, mutta uskon, että hän tulee.”




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Lisätietoja osoitteesta www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, seurata Twitterissä @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, DannySwift, ShowtimeShawnP, @LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, tai tulla faniksi Facebookissa osoitteessa www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing ja www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. PBC: tä sponsoroi Corona, Finest Beer.



Danny Roman Defends WBA Super Bantamweight World Championship In SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Co-Feature;


Catch The Encore Presentation Monday At 10 p.m. JA/PT Showtime EXTREME®


Klikkaa TÄSTÄ for Kuvat; Pisteitä Amanda Westcott / Showtime


Klikkaa TÄSTÄ for Kuvat; Credit Ryan Hafey/PBC


FRISCO, TEXAS (Kesäkuu 16, 2018) – Errol Spence Jr. defended his IBF Welterweight World Championship with a first-round knockout of previously undefeated mandatory challenger Carlos Ocampo in a homecoming fight Saturday on SHOWTIME at Ford Center at The Star. VIDEO: https://s.sho.com/2HTG4Zv




A sellout crowd of more than 12,600 fans packed Ford Center at The Star in Frisco to witness Spence’s first homecoming defense as champion and his first fight in Dallas since 2015. The consensus top-5 pound-for-pound fighter did not disappoint, pounding the body from the opening bell with his trademark body attack and superb ring generalship.




Spence, who was making his second defense as a 147-pound champion, floored Ocampo with a brutal 1-2 body shot combo, the second punch landing flush on the challenger’s side and instantly flooring him as the opening round concluded. Ocampo (22-1, 13 KOs) crippled over in pain while on the canvas, was unable to beat the count and remained on the floor for more than two minutes while Spence celebrated his victory.




“I was a little disappointed. I wanted to give the crowd their money’s worth,” Spence said. “I wanted him to sustain a bit and give him some punishment, but the body shot got him and I dropped him.”




It was the ninth time Spence (24-0, 21 KOs) has floored an opponent with a body shot in his 24 ammattikäyttöön taistelee.




“I knew if I hit him again he would probably drop,” Spence said. “That was my game plan. I’m the body snatcher. If he reacts weirdly, I just keep going to the body and I keep breaking him down.”




Taistelun jälkeen, Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones joined Spence in the ring to congratulate him on the victory.




“This moment is a dream,” Spence said. “I wanted to play for the Dallas Cowboys and now I’m fighting in front of the Dallas Cowboys and Jerry Jones. Thank you to the whole Dallas Cowboys organization.




“We’ll definitely be back after I unify some titles. We’ll make this an annual thing where I fight here.”




Jones was thrilled with what was the first boxing event inside the Ford Center at The Star, the centerpiece of the 91-acre campus of the Dallas Cowboys World Headquarters and practice facility.




“This room was full of Dallas Cowboys football players supporting you,” Jones said. “They share your passion. I saw a guy in this ring who knew what he wanted. When you knock a guy out by hitting him once on the side of his back, you’re bad to the bone.




“I love his awareness. He had a plan from the beginning. He is exceptionally gifted. He has family that is behind him and our family, the Cowboys, want to be behind him as well.”




Taistelun jälkeen, SHOWTIME Sports reporter Jim Gray, who was inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame last Sunday, asked Spence what he would like to do next.




“I want to fight the best,” Spence promised. “Danny Garcia and Shawn Porter are fighting each other (for the WBC title) and I definitely want to make that a unifying fight. We both have the same management, we both fight on SHOWTIME. Why not make that happen? I definitely want that fight whenever it’s available.”




Vuonna televisioidaan yhteistyössä ominaisuus, Danny Roman defended his WBA Super Bantamweight World Championship with a unanimous decision over previously undefeated Moises Flores in a 12-round fight that was scored 116-112, 118-110, 120-108.




The champion Roman (24-2-1, 9 KOs) was the faster and sharper fighter from the opening bell. Roomalainen, who was making the second defense of his 122-pound belt, pounded the body repeatedly over 12 kierrosta, connecting on a staggering 50 percent of his body shots. Kukkia (25-1, 17 KOs), who failed to make weight for the title fight and was unable to win the belt, tired in the latter half of the fight and was largely a stationary target for Roman for 12 kierrosta.




Both fighters threw more than 1,000 lyöntejä, yet it was Roman who was the more effective boxer, connecting on an impressive 42 prosenttia valtaansa laukausta.




“I was trying to box him. We tried to do a smart fight,” Roman said. “We tried to take him out, but unfortunately we couldn’t.




“I would like to unify. I would like to challenge any of the champions. I’d love to face Rey Vargas or Isaac Dogboe. I don’t mind going back to Japan either.”




“I know I messed up in training,” Flores said. “I didn’t make the weight, but I still wanted to perform and give it everything I have.




“We both hit each other a lot. Löin (Roomalainen) with some good shots, I just couldn’t finish him. I was probably around 60 percent energy-wise. From the fifth round on I had to just fight with pure heart.




"(Roomalainen) put on a great show for the fans, and that’s what makes me feel great. That’s all I wanted was to put on a good fight.”




Vuonna avaaminen bout Showtime MESTARUUSKILPAILU NYRKKEILY televisiointi, Javier Fortuna suffered an injury while falling through the ropes due to an accidental push in the fourth round and his 140-pound matchup with Adrian Granados was ruled a No Decision.




Granados (18-6-2, 11 KOs) and Fortuna (33-2-1, 23 KOs) both came out swinging from the opening bell. In a wild fourth round, Fortuna was deducted two points, first for punching to the back of the head, and second for holding. After the second point deduction, the former 130-pound champion Fortuna aggressively moved forward and unloaded a series of shots.




Hetkeä myöhemmin, Granados and Fortuna were clinching along the ropes near Granados’ corner when Fortuna fell backward through the ropes, whipping his neck as he fell back. Complaining of pain and lack of movement, Fortuna was stabilized with a neck brace and removed from the ring on a stretcher in what was later described as a precautionary measure.




Tuolloin työnseisaus, Grandos was leading on all three of the judges’ scorecards.




“I didn’t push him. I think he fell with his own,” Granados said. “I think he was looking for an excuse on his way out. We were both battling, but I knew he could feel I was getting stronger. He caught me with a shot and it just turned me up.




“First and foremost I just want to pray that he’s OK. Let’s do the rematch. I’ve been dying for a fight at 140.”




Saturday’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast will re-air on Monday at 10 p.m. ET/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME and will be available via SHOWTIME ON DEMAND and SHOWTIME ANYTIME.




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About The Star

The Star is the 91-acre campus of the Dallas Cowboys World Headquarters and practice facility in Frisco, Texas. Developed as a first-of-its-kind partnership between the City of Frisco and Frisco ISD, The Star features Ford Center, a 12,000-seat stadium that hosts Frisco ISD football games and other events; Cowboys Fit, a 60,000 square-foot gym developed in partnership with leading fitness developer, Mark Mastrov; Cowboys Club, a members-only club where the country club meets the NFL; The Omni Frisco Hotel, a 16-floor, 300-room luxury hotel; Baylor Scott & White Sports Therapy & Research at The Star, a 300,000 square-foot center of excellence for sports medicine set to open in 2018; as well as a variety of shopping, dining and nightlife options as part of the Entertainment District. For more information on The Star, vierailu www.TheStarInFrisco.com.




Lisätietoja osoitteesta www.sho.com/sports , www.premierboxingchampions.com ja www.thestarinfrisco.com. Follow us on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, ErrolSpenceJr, @PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, @TheStarinFrisco and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing ja www.Facebook.com/thestarfrisco. PBC sponsoroi Corona Extra, Finest Beer.


Errol Spence Jr. vs. Carlos Ocampo Final Press Conference Quotes & Kuvat

Unbeaten Welterweight World Champion Faces Undefeated Challenger This Saturday, Kesäkuu 16 Live on SHOWTIME from Ford Center at The Star in Frisco, Texas in an Event Presented by Premier Boxing Champions
Klikkaa TÄSTÄ for Kuvia Amanda Westcott / Showtime

FRISCO, TEXAS (Kesäkuu 14, 2018) – Lyömätön välisarjan maailmanmestari Errol Spence Jr. ja huippuluokan haastaja Carlos Ocampo spoke to media at the Dallas Cowboys World Headquarters Thursday as Spence nears his homecoming title defense against his unbeaten challenger this Saturday, Kesäkuu 16 live on SHOWTIME from Ford Center at The Star in Frisco in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




Showtime CHAMPIONSHIP NYRKKEILY televisiointi alkaa 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and features super bantamweight world champion Daniel Roman defending his belt against unbeaten Moises “Chucky” Kukkia ja entinen maailmanmestari Javier Fortuna clashing with Adrian Granados in a 10-round 140-pound special attraction, all of whom were in attendance at Thursday’s final press conference.




Liput tapahtumaan, which is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with Man Down Promotions, ovat nyt myynnissä ja niitä voi ostaa osoitteesta www.SeatGeek.com.




Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday ahead of the first boxing event to take place inside Ford Center at The Star:






I’m really happy to be here and I’m so happy that everyone came out. Saturday night is going to be great. I’ve been training for 10 weeks and I’m 100 percent focused on Ocampo. I’m here to do my job, which is to win and look good winning.




Ocampo is very dangerous because he has nothing to lose. It’s his first title fight, which is a position I’ve been in before. I had a lot of fire and I felt like I had nothing to lose. I’m sure he’s been training hard and is focused. I know he’s fighting for him family so he’s going to come to fight. I want a guy who’s going to test me so the crowd gets their money’s worth.




I’ve had pressure my whole boxing career. Being on Olympian and a top prospect was pressure, but then I also went overseas to take the title from a top fighter. I’ve always overcome the pressure on me and I’m going to overcome another test on Saturday night.




Every fight is a statement fight. Sillä ei ole väliä kuka Minä taistelen. All eyes are on me in the welterweight division. People want to see if there are chinks in my armor, so it’s important for me to put on a great performance and prove I’m the best welterweight in the division.




Dallas already is a boxing town, just not enough boxing comes here. I can be the star who has annual fights and bring the city out like we’re doing Saturday night. I’m going to prove we’re a boxing city in Dallas and that Texas is a boxing state period. I do this for the whole state.




We work hard every camp and we’re 100 percent dedicated. There hasn’t been much difference in this camp than normal. The sparring with Jermell Charlo was top quality and has me prepared for Saturday night.




I’m ready to line up those other champions. I’ve said that since I was 15-0. I want to fight every opponent and take them out no matter who it is. I’m here to prove that I’m the best in the division.






We’re here on the same stage and I’m ready. I’m appreciative to be here and I’m calm. I have nothing to lose. He has all the pressure of being in his hometown. I’m just relaxed and ready to fight.




I’ve studied his fights enough. What’s most important is that I know that he has everything to lose and I don’t. He has a home field advantage, but at the end of the day, it’s just two guys in the ring.




I’ve gotten a great reception from the people here in Dallas. I’ve been treated like a champion and after Saturday I’ll be a world champion. You don’t want to miss this fight.




He can try to come and knock me out, but this is my dream. This is what I’ve trained my whole life for and I’m not going to let this chance pass me by.




I’m going to use my height, distance and jab throughout the fight. The counter will be important for me. I’m going to look to catch him so he better be ready.




“Aion jättää kaikki kehässä. I’m going to show what I have and give everyone a great performance from start to finish.






Flores is a tough opponent. I don’t overlook anybody. I know he’s going to come in and fight. Defending my belt is the only thing that’s on my mind.




We work hard like always. The only thing that changes in camp is strategy, and we will be ready for anything Flores can bring.




We’re going to be ready for his pressure. I’m going to fight a smart fight. If we have a chance to take him out early, then I’m going to jump on it. You never know what could happen in a fight.




Flores is not an easy opponent. Nobody is at this level. I just work hard every day like it’s my first shot at a world title. I know that if I put in the work, everything will come together in the ring.




Roman is a good fighter, that’s why we’re here. Hopefully on Saturday night he won’t be able to take my volume of punches. I’m going to bring pressure for every moment of the fight and we’ll see if he holds up.




Everyone knows that I like to come forward and make exciting fights. There will be drama and I’m expecting to come out of there with my hand raised.




On Saturday night I’m going to get redemption for everything that happened in my last fight and deliver a win and an exciting fight. This is a chance that I’ve worked and trained hard to get again.






Everyone knows what I can do here in the ring. I’m very glad to be here meeting Granados, because we’re going to give the fans a a great fight on Saturday that’s going to steal the show.




I know that Granados has fought a lot of top opposition, but on Saturday night, I’m going to be a different fighter than he’s ever seen in the ring.




This will be a battle. Everyone will see on fight night what the difference is between me and him. I’m a special fighter. I’m going to prove it again on Saturday.






It’s been a long hard road to this fight. I know I have marks on my record, but I can easily say that I know all of them have been controversial. I’ve pushed through everything and I know that I’m truly respected as a fighter.




I’m always going to bring the same fire and determination to the ring. If my opponent is brave enough to stand with me, then it’s going to be all-action. Suuntaan tai toiseen, I’m coming to break him down and get the victory.




‘Recently I’ve gone against a lot of opposition that is naturally bigger than me, but I’ve never backed down or been afraid of any of them. This fight is going to prove that I belong in the upper echelon of boxing.




I’ve checked out Fortuna’s fights and he’s a scrapper. He likes to bang too in the ring just like I do. It’s all the recipes for a can’t miss fight.


DERRICK JAMES, Spence Trainer




I’m very happy to see everybody out here and we’re so glad that the fans are getting involved. This city means everything to me and Errol, so to bring a great night like this and have this huge reception from the fans, is a little bit of extra motivation.




I think we’re going to see a great fight. Ocampo is very tough opposition and Errol has trained very hard. We’re going to see the best Errol Spence on Saturday night and I’m sure we’ll see the best Carlos Ocampo, which should make for a fun night for the fans.


BRITTANY GOOSSEN BROWN, Vice President of TGB Promotions




We are so excited for Saturday night and to be bringing the first boxing event inside Ford Center at The Star. Dallas is a great fight town and who better to headline the first title fight here in 50 years than hometown favorite Errol Spence Jr.? He is sure to put on a great performance for his hometown fans.




It has truly been a pleasure to work with the entire Dallas Cowboys organization throughout this promotion and we hope this is just the start of bringing sellout crowds here to the heart of Texas. We can’t wait to see you all there on Saturday night.


STEPHEN ESPINOZA, President Sports & Events Programming, Showtime Network Inc.




SHOWTIME is thrilled to be here at The Star for the first boxing event inside of Ford Center. Week after week and month after month, we’ve delivered the best fighters in the most meaningful fights to boxing fans. Saturday is the 11th SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING this year. These events have featured more than 15 mestaruutensa taistelee, just in the first six months of the year. We’re doing more boxing and more high quality boxing than any other network by far.




Saturday is no exception, especially in terms of quality. Errol Spence Jr. is a consensus top five pound-for-pound fighter. He’s knocked out 10 straight fighters and it was 2014 when an opponent last went the distance. Errol is in many ways our Dak Prescott (Dallas Cowboys quarterback), he’s a young star, a fan favorite and we expect him to be one of the faces of the sport for years to come.




If you know of the tradition of Mexican fighters in this sport, then you know that Carlos Ocampo cannot be overlooked. He’s coming to win and that makes him very dangerous and should create an exciting fight.




Both of the opening bouts leading up to the main event on SHOWTIME are significant bouts with fighters that bring all action styles to the ring.




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About The Star

The Star is the 91-acre campus of the Dallas Cowboys World Headquarters and practice facility in Frisco, Texas. Developed as a first-of-its-kind partnership between the City of Frisco and Frisco ISD, The Star features Ford Center, a 12,000-seat stadium that hosts Frisco ISD football games and other events; Cowboys Fit, a 60,000 square-foot gym developed in partnership with leading fitness developer, Mark Mastrov; Cowboys Club, a members-only club where the country club meets the NFL; The Omni Frisco Hotel, a 16-floor, 300-room luxury hotel; Baylor Scott & White Sports Therapy & Research at The Star, a 300,000 square-foot center of excellence for sports medicine set to open in 2018; as well as a variety of shopping, dining and nightlife options as part of the Entertainment District. For more information on The Star, vierailu www.TheStarInFrisco.com.




Lisätietoja osoitteesta www.sho.com/sports , www.premierboxingchampions.comja www.thestarinfrisco.com. Follow us on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, ErrolSpenceJr, @PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, @TheStarinFrisco and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing ja www.Facebook.com/thestarfrisco. PBC sponsoroi Corona Extra, Finest Beer.



Unbeaten Welterweight World Champion Faces Carlos Ocampo This Saturday, Kesäkuu 16 Live on SHOWTIME from Ford Center at The Star in Frisco, Texas in an Event Presented by Premier Boxing Champions
Klikkaa TÄSTÄ for Kuvia Amanda Westcott / Showtime



DALLAS (Kesäkuu 13, 2018) – Lyömätön välisarjan maailmanmestari Errol Spence Jr. spent time giving back in his hometown Wednesday, as he handed out meals at the Salvation Army in Dallas ahead of his homecoming world title defense live on SHOWTIME this Saturday, Kesäkuu 16 from Ford Center at The Star in Frisco, Texas in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




I’m excited to be back at Salvation Army again,” said Spence, who has spent time at the charity ahead of previous fights and during the holidays. “We’ve done events like these before and it’s always one of my favorite ways to give back. I’m glad to be able to come back and do something a little extra for my hometown fans that support me during this fight week.




Liput tapahtumaan, which is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with Man Down Promotions, ovat nyt myynnissä ja niitä voi ostaa osoitteesta www.SeatGeek.com.




I can’t wait to step into that ring and feel the love from the people in my city,” said Spence. “The least I could do was give something back this week. Lauantai-iltana, I’m giving everyone in the city a great show and a memorable night of action.




Showtime CHAMPIONSHIP NYRKKEILY televisiointi alkaa 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and features super bantamweight world champion Daniel Roman defending his belt against unbeaten Moises “Chucky” Kukkia ja entinen maailmanmestari Javier Fortuna clashing with Adrian Granados in a 10-round 140-pound special attraction.




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About The Star



The Star is the 91-acre campus of the Dallas Cowboys World Headquarters and practice facility in Frisco, Texas. Developed as a first-of-its-kind partnership between the City of Frisco and Frisco ISD, The Star features Ford Center, a 12,000-seat stadium that hosts Frisco ISD football games and other events; Cowboys Fit, a 60,000 square-foot gym developed in partnership with leading fitness developer, Mark Mastrov; Cowboys Club, a members-only club where the country club meets the NFL; The Omni Frisco Hotel, a 16-floor, 300-room luxury hotel; Baylor Scott & White Sports Therapy & Research at The Star, a 300,000 square-foot center of excellence for sports medicine set to open in 2018; as well as a variety of shopping, dining and nightlife options as part of the Entertainment District. For more information on The Star, vierailu www.TheStarInFrisco.com.




Lisätietoja osoitteesta www.sho.com/sports , www.premierboxingchampions.comja www.thestarinfrisco.com. Follow us on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, ErrolSpenceJr, @PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, @TheStarinFrisco and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing ja www.Facebook.com/thestarfrisco. PBC sponsoroi Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Carlos Ocampo Training Camp Quotes & Kuvat

Unbeaten Challenger Takes on Welterweight World Champion
Errol Spence Jr. Lauantai, Kesäkuu 16 live on SHOWTIME from
Ford Center at The Star in an Event Presented by
Premier Boxing Champions
Klikkaa TÄSTÄ for Photos from Team Ocampo

Super Bantamweight World Champion Daniel Roman Defends Title Against Unbeaten Moises Flores Saturday, Kesäkuu 16 Live on SHOWTIME® from Ford Center at The Star

Lisää! Former World Champion Javier Fortuna Battles
Adrian Granados in a 140-Pound Special Attraction
Welterweight Champion Errol Spence, Jr. Headlines With
World Title Defense Against Mandatory Challenger
Carlos Ocampo in Homecoming Event Presented by
Premier Boxing Champions

FRISCO, TEXAS (Kesäkuu 4, 2018) – Super bantamweight world champion Daniel Roman will defend his belt against unbeaten Moises “Chucky” Kukkia Lauantai, Kesäkuu 16 live on SHOWTIME from Ford Center at The Star in Frisco, Texas in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




The event will also see former world champion Javier Fortuna clashing with Adrian Granados in a 10-round 140-pound special attraction that kicks off the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® televisiointi at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.




Undefeated welterweight champion Errol “Totuus” Spence, Jr. will defend his IBF world title in a Dallas-area homecoming at the Dallas Cowboys facility against unbeaten mandatory challenger Carlos Ocampo in the main event. It will be the first boxing event inside Ford Center and Spence’s first hometown fight as world champion.




Liput tapahtumaan, which is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with Man Down Promotions, ovat nyt myynnissä ja niitä voi ostaa osoitteesta www.SeatGeek.com.




This is shaping up to be a fantastic card with the addition of the 122-pound championship fight between Daniel Roman and Moises Flores and former champion Javier Fortuna taking on Adrian Granados in a 140-pound special attraction,” said Tom Brown, Presidentti TGB Kampanjat. “None of these boxers have reverse in their gear box, which promises entertaining battles for the fans at The Star and those watching at home on SHOWTIME.




The 27-year-old Roman (24-2-1, 9 KOs) will be making his second title defense of the WBA 122-pound championship he won with a TKO victory over Shun Kubo last September in Japan. 28-vuotias, of Los Angeles, Kalifornia., returned to Japan and made his first title defense with a unanimous decision victory over Ryo Matsumoto this February. Roman enters this bout having won 16-straight fights.




Everyone knows I want to fight the best and Flores is right up there,” said Roman. “He’s unbeaten for a reason and he’s the number one challenger for my title. En ota häntä kevyesti. I’m motivated to be great. I’m more focused now than ever before. I’m not going to let Flores, or anyone else take my belt. The plan is simple. Pick him apart round by round just like I’ve done in my other world title fights.




Kukkia (25-0, 17 KOs), Guadalajara, Jalisco, Meksiko, returns to the ring after a no contest against Guillermo Rigondeaux in a fight that saw Flores hit and knocked out with a shot that was initially called legal, but was eventually ruled to have come after the bell, thus causing the no contest. The 31-year-old scored an impressive win with a decision victory over Oscar Escandon in 2015 that earned him an interim 122-pound title and followed that up with victories over previously once-beaten fighters Luis Emanuel Cusolito and Paulus Ambunda.




I’m going to make Daniel Roman fight me every round until the end,” said Flores. “He’s a good boxer and a counter puncher, but I’m a warrior so I’ll be ready for anything he brings. If he can’t hold up to my power, then he’s going down early. This is a must-win and I’m determined to become a world champion on June 16.




Onni (33-2-1, 23 KOs) won the super featherweight title with a unanimous decision against Bryan Vasquez in 2015 and enters this fight looking to bounce back from a split-decision loss to lightweight champion Robert Easter, Jr. in January on SHOWTIME. The 28-year-old Fortuna, La Romana, Dominikaaninen tasavalta, failed to make weight for the Easter fight and will now seek to challenge in the 140-pound division.




I know that Adrian Granados is a warrior, but this fight breaks in my favor because I am simply the better fighter,” sanoi Fortuna. “I respect Granadosstyle and I know he surprises a lot of people with his resiliency in the ring. I’m fully prepared to out-box him on fight night. I’m not concerned about moving up in weight either because once we step into the ring, I’ll be the bigger guy.




The 28-year-old Granados (18-6-2, 12 KOs) has garnered a reputation as a boxer willing to accept all challenges and one who always pushed his opponents to the brink. Fighting out of Chicago, he looks to get back on the winning track with a victory over Fortuna. Last year Granados lost a unanimous decision to former welterweight champion Shawn Porter and a split-decision to four-division champion Adrien Broner. Before those two losses, Granados had put together a five-match win streak that included a TKO victory over Amir Imam.




Javier Fortuna is a crafty southpaw, but I’m going to be stronger and better than ever back at 140-pounds,” said Granados. “I feel like I can knock out anybody at this weight. After I beat Amir Imam, everyone has been ducking me at this weight class. I’m going to make a statement about where I belong in boxing and give the fans a great show like I always do.


About The Star

The Star is the 91-acre campus of the Dallas Cowboys World Headquarters and practice facility in Frisco, Texas. Developed as a first-of-its-kind partnership between the City of Frisco and Frisco ISD, The Star features Ford Center, a 12,000-seat stadium that hosts Frisco ISD football games and other events; Cowboys Fit, a 60,000 square-foot gym developed in partnership with leading fitness developer, Mark Mastrov; Cowboys Club, a members-only club where the country club meets the NFL; The Omni Frisco Hotel, a 16-floor, 300-room luxury hotel; Baylor Scott & White Sports Therapy & Research at The Star, a 300,000 square-foot center of excellence for sports medicine set to open in 2018; as well as a variety of shopping, dining and nightlife options as part of the Entertainment District. For more information on The Star, vierailu www.TheStarInFrisco.com.




Lisätietoja osoitteesta www.sho.com/sports , www.premierboxingchampions.comja www.thestarinfrisco.com. Follow us on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, ErrolSpenceJr, @PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, @TheStarinFrisco and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing ja www.Facebook.com/thestarfrisco. PBC sponsoroi Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Errol Spence Jr. Dallas Media Workout Quotes & Kuvat

Welterweight World Champion Makes Homecoming Defense Against Undefeated Challenger Carlos Ocampo
Lauantai, Kesäkuu 16 Elää Showtime® from Ford Center at
Dallas Cowboys Headquarters at The Star
Klikkaa TÄSTÄ for Photos from Stacey Verbeek

DALLAS (Toukokuu 30, 2018) – Lyömätön välisarjan maailmanmestari Errol Spence Jr. hosted a media workout at his gym in Dallas Tuesday as he prepares for his homecoming title defense at Dallas Cowboys Headquarters against undefeated challenger Carlos Ocampo Lauantai, Kesäkuu 16 live on SHOWTIME from Ford Center at The Star in Frisco, Texas in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




The IBF titleholder spoked to media at the R&R Boxing Club along with trainer Derrick James, as the two prepare for Spence’s second title defense after winning the title from then unbeaten champion Kell Brook last May.




Liput tapahtumaan, which is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with Man Down Promotions, ovat nyt myynnissä ja niitä voi ostaa osoitteesta www.SeatGeek.com.




Here is what Spence and James had to say Tuesday:






It feels good to be fighting back at home in Dallas. This is where I started and where my core fan base is. It’s great to fight in front of my people and even better that I can do it as a world champion now.




I wanted to make my first title defense in Dallas, but everything happens for a reason and now I have this great opportunity to fight at the Dallas Cowboysfacility. It’s an incredible venue that has everything you would want. It’s going to be a great atmosphere on June 16.




We’re working hard on our game plan and sharpening our skills in camp to make sure I’m the best version of myself when I step into the ring against Ocampo.




Timing is key in boxing. It’s more important than speed and it’s something I really focus on when I’m training. It’s timing and accuracy. You can be fast but if you don’t land, it doesn’t mean anything.




I’m a versatile fighter who is able to switch it up. I can box from the outside but also go on the inside. These are things that we’re always working on in the gym. Our opponent may bring something different than we expected into the ring, so we work on having a plan for everything.




It’s great to have another world champion like Jermell Charlo in camp with me. Iron sharpens iron and we just work hard every day so that we can push each other to the next level. All of that helps me become victorious.




I wouldn’t say I have one skill that sticks out the most in my arsenal. I’m a balanced boxer who can do everything. I can jab, throw a combo and show strong defense. I balance all of the attributes you need in the ring and that’s what makes me a great boxer.




I’ve been putting this division on notice for a while. Kesäkuu 16 is another day that we’re going to give another one-sided performance and dominate. I’ve had the welterweight division on notice since my first fight. They know I’m here.




Whoever wins the fight between Danny Garcia and Shawn Porter for the WBC title will have to fight me. I’m ready to unify. I’m ready to take the belt from either one of those guys.


DERRICK JAMES, Spence Trainer




Errol is an incredibly hard worker in the gym and he always has been. We’re just making sure he’s on task and able to be peaking on June 16. I have no worries that he’s going to be distracted by fighting at home.




There can definitely be a lot of distractions at home, but Errol is determined and I know he has the mentality that will allow him to put on his best performance. We’ve been preparing for anything Ocampo could possibly bring to the ring.





I’m excited that my two daughters will be able to come to the fight. This night is all about our community and giving everyone here something to cheer about. The city has indicated that they’re really coming out to support Errol and he’s going to reward them.




If we keep putting in the work like we have been, everything is going to come naturally on fight night. We’ve taken a look at what Ocampo likes to do and we’ll be ready. Lopussa päivän, I think Errol is going to put on a great performance for this city.




# # #


About The Star

The Star is the 91-acre campus of the Dallas Cowboys World Headquarters and practice facility in Frisco, Texas. Developed as a first-of-its-kind partnership between the City of Frisco and Frisco ISD, The Star features Ford Center, a 12,000-seat stadium that hosts Frisco ISD football games and other events; Cowboys Fit, a 60,000 square-foot gym developed in partnership with leading fitness developer, Mark Mastrov; Cowboys Club, a members-only club where the country club meets the NFL; The Omni Frisco Hotel, a 16-floor, 300-room luxury hotel; Baylor Scott & White Sports Therapy & Research at The Star, a 300,000 square-foot center of excellence for sports medicine set to open in 2018; as well as a variety of shopping, dining and nightlife options as part of the Entertainment District. For more information on The Star, vierailu www.TheStarInFrisco.com.




Lisätietoja osoitteesta www.sho.com/sports , www.premierboxingchampions.comja www.thestarinfrisco.com. Follow us on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, ErrolSpenceJr, @PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, @TheStarinFrisco and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing ja www.Facebook.com/thestarfrisco. PBC sponsoroi Corona Extra, Finest Beer.


Joshua Greer knocks out Glenn Dezurn, Charles Foster dominates Alvin Varmall Jr. & Arnold Khegai defeats Adam Lopez in co-featured bouts

Catch Replay Maanantai, Toukokuu 14 At 10 p.m. JA/PT Showtime EXTREME®

Klikkaa TÄSTÄ Ladata valokuvia; Luotto Stephanie Trapp / Showtime

PHILADELPHIA (Toukokuu 12, 2018) – Blue chip lightweight prospect Devin Haney rose to the occasion in what was the toughest test of his career, defeating veteran Mason Menard via ninth-round TKO in the main event of ShoBox: New Generation Perjantai on SHOWTIME from 2300 Arena Philadelphiassa.

Haney (20-0, 13 KOs) entered the fight as a highly regarded prospect who had never been tested. He faced his first test perjantaina in what was a scheduled 10-round bout against ShoBox veteran Menard (33-3, 24 KOs).

Haney took control of the fight from the opening bell and never relinquished it. The 19-year-old picked off Menard with a dominating jab from the outside and used lateral movement to avoid getting hit. Menard was unable to land any meaningful punches and he looked sluggish compared to Haney’s consistent movement and athleticism.

After nine rounds of domination, Menard’s corner had seen enough and stopped the fight following the round. Haney passed the toughest test of his career with flying colors, never once letting Menard take control of the fight.

“The plan was to go in there and work off the jab,” Haney said. “If the knockout came, I would take it but I just went in there, put on a boxing clinic and showed the world that I could go the full 10 kierrosta.

“I feel like I put on a performance. I was relaxed and did my job. I’m definitely the next superstar. There’s only bigger and better things from here on out. I work very hard. I went in and put on a good performance against a guy that people said could knock me out or hurt me.

Following the fight, a defeated Menard was respectful of Haney’s performance.

“He never hurt me. He was catching me with the best shots he could and never hurt me. But the kid can definitely fight,” Menard admitted.

Vuonna 10-kierroksen co-ominaisuus, super bantamweight prospect Joshua “Don’t Blink” Greer (17-1-1, 9 KOs) scored his third ShoBox knockout against Baltimore native Glenn Dezurn (9-1-2, 6 KOs).

The fight was explosive from the outset, with both fighters pushing the pace. Greer took advantage of Dezurn’s high guard to work the body, while Dezurn pushed forward to engage Greer on the inside. Greer began to dominate in the third round, when a big right hand hurt Dezurn with two minutes remaining.

“I knew he would come hard so I put I the work in the gym to make sure I was ready,” said Greer. “I’m just happy everything paid off.”

Greer hurt Dezurn again in the fifth round with a straight left, and eventually tied him up against the ropes with a succession of blows that almost had Dezurn’s trainer Barry Hunter stopping the fight. After the round, Hunter warned Dezurn that he would stop the fight if Dezurn didn’t fight back.

Despite almost going down in the fifth, Dezurn survived for three more rounds. The injured and exhausted Dezurn wasn’t able to put anything behind his punches and hit the canvas in the eighth round for the first time in his career before referee Benjy Esteves stopped the fight with 1:47 remaining.

“I got caught with a few good shots, but I recovered quickly and I was still in the fight,” Dezurn said. “I have a lot of heart, which is a gift and a curse for me.”

A confident Greer was pleased with his performance after the fight.

“I wasn’t surprised I could knock him out,” Greer said. “I knew I could break his will.”

In an eight-round featured attraction, light heavyweight prospect Charles Foster (16-0, 8 KOs) remained undefeated with a unanimous decision win against Alvin Varmall Jr. (15-0-2, 12 KOs), sijoitettiin 77-75, 78-74, 79-73.

Foster dominated the fight from the outset, controlling the scrappy Varmall, who became the 174th fighter to suffer his first loss on ShoBox. Varmall made a valiant attempt to get inside in the early rounds, but a more disciplined Foster held him at bay, with Vermall stumbling and getting tied up inside.

“My experience was the difference,” Foster said. “He was loading up on one punches and I was sticking to my game plansticking behind the jab, working the body.”

Foster peppered Varmall with his lead left hand, tagging his opponent enough to break him down and eventually tire him out. Varmall landed a couple of statement shots but wasn’t able to hurt Foster and by the later rounds, his punches lacked power.

“When he would come on the inside he couldn’t hurt me,” Foster said. “I was the one controlling the entire fight.”

In the opening bout of the four-fight telecast, super bantamweight Arnold Khegai kept his unblemished record intact with a unanimous decision over veteran Adam Lopez, sijoitettiin 77-74, 77-74, 78-73.

Making hänen US-. debyytti, the controlled Khegai (12-0-1, 8 KOs) pressed the action from the start. Khegai worked the jab and stayed mobile, capitalizing on a wobbly Lopez (16-2-3, 8 KOs) with a perfectly timed counter punch with 30 seconds remaining in the second round. Khegai stayed busy in the early rounds with consistent counter punches, but earned a point deduction for a hit to the back of Lopez’s head with seconds remaining in the sixth round.

“That was my first fight in the U.S. and I wanted to show something special,” Khegai said. “Everyone was waiting for the knockout, but I wanted to show my boxing skills. I could have gone for the KO in the middle of the fight, but I wanted to prove that I could box.”

Despite a slight dip in productivity in the later rounds, the Ukrainian stayed efficient, lasku 31 body shots compared to just 15 from Lopez.

Lopez, caught off guard by Khegai’s fighting style, was disappointed by his performance in his record-setting seventh ShoBox ulkomuoto.

“I was expecting him to be a dirty fighter, but it kind of threw me off my game. The referee kept telling me ‘don’t retaliate, don’t retaliate.’

"I couldn’t really land my hard shots. I landed a couple,” Lopez said. “I stunned him in the fourth or fifth with a right uppercut. He got rocked a little bit, but he’s a good fighter. He got out of it.”

Tapahtuma edistettiin Greg Cohen kampanjat yhdessä Devin Haneyn promootiot ja Hard Hitting Promotions.

# # #

Barry Tompkins nimeltään ShoBox toimia eturivin kanssa Steve Farhood ja entinen maailmanmestari Raul Marquez palvelee asiantuntija analyytikot. Vastaava tuottaja oli Gordon Hall kanssa Richard Gaughantuottavat ja Rick Phillips ohjaamisen.

Lisätietoja osoitteesta www.sho.com/sports seurata Twitterissä @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox, tai tulla faniksi Facebookissa osoitteessa www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.


A short, but murderous puncher, fighting behind a squat, peekaboo style, light heavyweight Alvin “Iron Majik” Varmall Jr. enjoys the comparisons people make between himself and former heavyweight champion “Iron” Mike Tyson.




“I always appreciate the comparison,” said Varmall, “I added ‘Iron’ to my old nickname ‘Majik’ because Mike Tyson is one of my favorite fighters and, by the grace of God, I ended up training at Cus D’Amato’s KO Boxing Gym in Catskill, New York, the same gym that Tyson did, and learning his style in its purest form.”




Currently the only pro fighter training out of the famed gym, Varmall (15-0-1, 12 KOs), originally from New Orleans, Louisiana, will take on New Haven, Connecticut’s Charles Foster (15-0, 8 KOs) perjantaina, Toukokuu 11 in an eight-round featured attraction of a ShoBox: New Generation quadrupleheader, elävät Showtime klo 10 p.m. ET/PT from 2300 Arena Philadelphiassa.




In the 10-round main event Louisiana’s Mason Menard (33-2, 24 KOs) takes on undefeated Devin “The Dream” Haney (18-0, 12 KOs) of Las Vegas for the USBA Lightweight Championship. Vuonna 10-kierroksen co-ominaisuus, super bantamweight prospects Josh “Don’t Blink” Greer (16-1-1, 8 KOs) and Glenn Dezurn (9-1-1, 6 KOs) will meet and in the opening televised fight, super bantamweight Arnold Khegai (11-0-1, 8 KOs) will face Adam Lopez (16-2-2, 8 KOs) in kahdeksan kierroksen ottelu.


Liput tapahtumaan, which is promoted by Greg Cohen Promotions, Hard Hitting Promotions & Devin Haneyn promootiot, hinnoitellaan $125 VIP, $70 varten eturivin ja $50 for general admission and are available at the 2300 Arena Box office or online at www.HardHittingPromotions.com.




The 26-year-old Varmall says he’s been emulating the all-time-great Tyson from his earliest days in boxing.




“The Cus D’Amato style, I guess you could say, is my foundation. From the beginning of my career as an amateur, my first trainer, Rodney Jenkins, he started me out with the peekaboo style and it works the best for me. I ended up having 21 fights with 19 KOs and won the USA Nationals at heavyweight.”




Varmall says he’s in perfect shape and ready to begin carving out his own prize fighting legacy.




“I’m absolutely ready for this opportunity. I’ve waited a long time for it and it’s finally here. I trained the hardest I’ve ever trained and did a lot of things different for this camp. I’m definitely ready to showcase my talents and abilities. To say I’m not nervous, I’d be lying, but it’s about controlling that feeling. That’s what we learn at the Cus D’Amato Gym, how to control our feelings and use that as something to catapult us, instead of hindering us. After it’s all said and done, everyone can say what they want about my performance because I always come to bring my very best.”




Varmall says he realized early in his career that his punching power was well above average by sparring with a full-size heavyweight veteran in Louisiana.




“I was sparring with this guy, “Big” Fred Kassi. He’s from New Orleans. You know how big Fred is. One time, before sparring, he came to the corner and he said, ‘Majik, let me check your gloves. I just want to make sure we’re playing fair.’ After that, my trainer said, ‘see? Kerroin sinulle, you punch hard!"




Lopussa päivän, Varmall says, he’s not out to match the great Tyson in achievement or legend. He’d rather carve out his own place.




“At the end of the day Mike Tyson was Mike yson and Alvin Varmall Jr. is Alvin Varmall Jr. Even though we both have the foundation of the same style, I do it in the way that is most comfortable for me. That’s what Mike did too. That’s what’s going to help me reach my full potential.”


Tietoja Greg Cohen Kampanjat




Yksi nyrkkeily premier myynninedistämistarkoituksessa asuja, Greg Cohen kampanjat (GCP) on hyvin arvostettu nimi lavastus maailmanluokan ammattilaisnyrkkeilyyn tapahtumia ja edistää eliitin ammatti taistelijoita ympäri maailmaa.




Perustaja ja toimitusjohtaja Greg Cohen on ollut mukana ammattilaisnyrkkeilyyn eri tehtävissä vuodesta 1980-luvun lopulla, hoonaus veneet ja luoda itsensä viisas kansainvälinen nyrkkeily liikemies.




Erottaa hänen kykynsä havaita ja kehittää raaka lahjakkuutta, Cohen ensimmäisen kerran myynninedistämistarkoituksessa otsikoihin hänen asiantuntevaa opastusta, muiden joukossa, entinen WBA Junior Keskisarja mestari Austin “Epäilemättä” Taimen, joka Cohen auttoi opas tuntemattomilta New Mexico mahdollisuus huippu pay-per-view-tason supertähti.




Lisäksi Trout, Greg Cohen Promotions on työskennellyt perustettu nimiä kuten entinen yhtenäinen ja kaksi kertaa raskaansarjan mestari Hasim “Rock” Rahman ja kaikkien aikojen suuri usean painoluokan maailmanmestari James “Lights Out” Toney.




Cohen currently promotes undefeated WBO NABO Heavyweight Champion a top contender Jarrell Miller, top-rated middleweight contender Robert Brant, and former WBO NABO Lightweight Champion and world-rated contender Mason Menard, muiden joukossa.




Greg Cohen Promotions on isännöinyt maailmanluokan nyrkkeily tapahtumia hienoimmista paikoissa kaikkialla Yhdysvalloissa ja maailmassa ja on myös ylpeänä edellyttäen lahjakkuutta ja / tai sisältöä useita tv-verkkoihin CBS Sports Network, HBO, Showtime, ESPN, NBC Sports Network, CBS Sports Network, MSG ja FOX Sports Net.




Lisätietoja, vierailu gcpboxing.com. Löydä meidät Facebookista osoitteessa www.facebook.com/GCPBoxing. Viserrys: GCPBoxing.