Архивы: Эррол Спенс младший

отчет Box Fan Expo Тони Пенекале на рингсайде

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В прошедшем уик-энде в среднем весе между Канело Альваресом и Дэниелом Джейкобсом также состоялась ежегодная выставка Box Fan Expo, проводится в конференц-центре Лас-Вегаса. Удивительные памятные вещи, демонстрируемые в прямом эфире, и любительский боксерский бой дополнили множество бойцов чемпионов мира прошлого и настоящего, доступных для быстрой встречи и приветствий..

Как пожизненный поклонник бокса, Мне было жаль, что я потратил на это мероприятие чуть более двух часов, прежде чем отправиться обратно на T-Mobile Arena для начала боев в андеркарте. Время, которое я мог провести, было очень приятным. Цены были разумными, чтобы соответствовать этим кулачным легендам, и у них было несколько минут, чтобы поговорить и сфотографироваться. Среднее $20 -$25 цена на фотооперацию была значительно ниже, чем то, что было бы потеряно в казино за один раз..

Джеймс Тони был там в костюме, доказывая, что он может даже сделать плед выглядеть стильно. Для парня, известного своей неприветливой природой, он был очень любезен и упомянул, что он будет в Филадельфии для живого шоу в июне 7 и надеется увидеть меня там.

Следующим на стенде был телекомпания Зала Славы Аль Берштейн, с которым я имел честь брать интервью в 2011 году. Когда мне рассказали, что я восхищаюсь его классной работой и являюсь фанатом с тех пор, как он работал с Барри Томпкинсом на ESPN в четверг ночью поединки, он был скромным и благодарным.

Линия для встречи с Роем Джонсом-младшим. было долго, но стоило подождать. Время разговора с Роем было коротким, Я смог упомянуть, что для меня было честью встретиться с одним из величайших исполнителей моего поколения и как я сидел в нескольких футах от него, когда он был на съемочной площадке Creed II..

В то время как линия встречи с легендарным Шугар Рэй Леонард была исключительно длинной, Вы могли видеть, что он действительно наслаждался, высвечивание этой улыбки за миллион долларов и проведение его знаменитой фотосессии с фанатами. К сожалению, со временем не хватает, У меня не было возможности встретиться с одним из моих любимых бойцов в детстве. Я хотел бы показать ему фотографию, когда мне было четыре года, отмахиваясь от боксерской груши Sugar Ray Leonard, которую мне дали.

В нескольких шагах был один из самых известных соперников Sugar Ray., Великий Томас "Хитман" Хернс. В то время как Hitman показал некоторое замедление, поскольку он состарился, он все еще оказывается внушительной фигурой, но теперь он заменяет этот грозный взгляд теплой улыбкой.

Также на встречу с Томасом Хирнсом был действующий чемпион IBF в полулегком весе Тевин Фармер, поддерживающий филадельфийский, который я имел возможность наблюдать за 7-4-1 подмастерье боксера 29-4-1 чемпион мира.

Мой визит не был бы полным без остановки, чтобы увидеть «Пазманийского дьявола» Винни Паз, всегда один из моих любимых боевиков и харизматичных личностей. Вместо рукопожатия, он приветствовал меня с большим объятием и выразил разочарование тем, что мой отец не присоединился ко мне на выставке.

В короткие сроки, там было невозможно встретить всех великих бойцов, включая Майкла Спинкса, Риддик Боу, Эррол Спенс, Энтони Диррелл, и Earnie бритвы. С выходными Синко де Майо, линии для некоторых из мексиканских легенд, обернутых вокруг пола конференц-центра. Майки Гарсия, Марко Антонио Барера, Эрик Моралес, и Хуан Мануэль Маркес оказались исключительно популярными. Но ничто по сравнению с ревом про-мексиканской толпы, когда великий Хулио Сезар Чавес был представлен.

Посещение этого мероприятия было воплощением мечты, и я мог только пожелать, чтобы у меня было больше времени, чтобы провести на этом мероприятии. Все было так профессионально сделано, и присутствующие были не по себе.

Слава к Коробка Вентилятор Экспо для такого исключительного события.

Послушайте эпизод нашего радиошоу в начале этой недели для большего понимания от Тони “Торнадо” Пенекаль об этом событии.

Полная галерея:

БОКС ИКОНА И 8-кратный чемпион мира Томас Хернс ПОДТВЕРЖДЕНО НА ЕЖЕГОДНЫЙ 5TH BOX FAN EXPO, Синко де Майо в выходные дни, суббота МАЙ 4, В ЛАС-ВЕГАС

Box Fan Expo является конечным вентилятором опыта события, которое дает любителям бокса возможность встретиться и приветствуют лучшие боец, нынешние и бывшие чемпионы мира, бокс знаменитости и промышленные люди в близком контакте личной настройки.

Билеты на-свободной продаже в Eventbrite


Лас-Вегас (Мая 1, 2019) – Бокс Иконка &Восемь-кратный чемпион мира Томас Хернс hasconfirmed, что он появится, есть стенд и провести встречу и со своими поклонниками на пятом ежегодном Box Fan Expo в субботу мае 4, 2019 в Las Vegas Convention center.The Expo открыт с 10 a.m. для 5 вечера, Во время Синко де Майо выходные. Бокс Expo также совпадет с долгожданным боем между Канел Альварес против Дэнни Джейкобс, что состоится позже в тот же вечер на T-Mobile Arena.

Билеты на Box Fan Expo доступны на Eventbrite – HTTP://boxfanexpo.eventbrite.com/

Хернс сделает его 4 появление в эти годы’ Expo и будет подписывать перчатки, фото,личные вещи, а также есть товары для продажи для любителей наслаждаться. Поклонники бокса также будут иметь возможность сфотографироваться с этим боксерским Living Legend также известным как “Hitman”.

Хернс присоединяется Рой Джонс-младший, Мэйвезер Акции, Энтони Диррелл, WBA, Хулио Сезар Чавес-, Риддик Боу, Майки Гарсия, Эррол Спенс младший, Марко Антонио Баррера, Миа Сент-,Джон, Хуан Мануэль Маркес, Винни-Пас, Девин Хейни, Эрни Бритвы, Аль Бернштейна, Майкл Спинкс, WBC, Эрик Моралес, Джеймс Тони и Джесси Варгас в качестве ранней приверженности Box Fan Expo в этом году, с большим количеством звезд бокса будет объявлено.

О Томас Хернс
Хернс более известен как знаменитый “Hitman”, стал первым боксером в истории, чтобы выиграть мировых титулов в четырех подразделений. Он также стал первым бойцом в истории, чтобы выиграть пять мировых титулов в пяти различных подразделений. Хернс был назван Ring Magazine бойцом года в 1980 и 1984 и является самым известным за его бои с Шугар Рэй Леонард, Марвин Хаглер и Роберто Дюран. Он был введен в боксерский зал славы в 2012.

О Box Fan Expo
Box Fan Expo является конечным боксом опыта вентилятора событий, которая позволяет поклонникам встретиться и приветствуют бокс суперзвезда сегодня, нынешние и бывшие чемпионы мира, Легенды о спорте и другие знаменитости бокса. Поклонники могут ожидать испытать различные взаимодействия, такие как автограф и фото сессии, Вбрасывание с вашими любимыми боксерами, картинки с кольцом карты Девушки, В прямом эфире DJ Music, шанс выиграть призы, покупки товаров и памятные вещи из разных кабин экспонентов, “ВСЕ ПОД ОДНОЙ КРЫШЕЙ“. Вы не хотите пропустить это нужно обязательно присутствовать на Expo!

Box Fan Expo был огромный успех у поклонников и бокс людей индустрии. Многие звезды бокса присутствовали четыре последние Выставки, такие как Флойд Мэйвезер, Майк Тайсон, Роберто Дюран, Томми Хернс, Марко Антонио Баррера, Рой Джонс-младший, Андре Уорд, Майки Гарсия, Маркос Майдана, Хуан Мануэль Маркес, Эрик Моралес, Эррол Спенс младший, Серхио Мартинес, Кит Турман, Дэнни Гарсия, Тим Брэдли, Deontay Уайлдер, Амир Хан, Шон Портер, Фернандо Варгас, Заб Джуда, Джеймс Тони, Джесси Варгас, Vinny Pazienza, Mia St.John, Лев Санта-Крус, Баду Джека, Терри Норрис , Риддик Боу , Эрни Бритвы, Леон Спинкс, Дэнни Джейкобс, Авенир Mares, Хорхе Линарес, Брэндон Риос и многие другие…

Среди экспонентов: бокс промоутеры, шестерня, одежда, оборудование, энергетические напитки, Доплата продукты, вещательные СМИ, санкционирование органов, и другие компании, желающие принять участие в очередной раз есть шанс продемонстрировать свою бренд поклонник и бокс промышленность.

Билеты на коробке Fan Expo можно ознакомиться на сайте:

В течение следующих нескольких дней, ведущие к событию, будут больше обновлений на многих звездах, которые совершающие их появление на боксерском Expo. И для тех, кто в индустрии бокса или других участников (непромышленных), кто хотел бы принять участие и заказать стенд, связаться Box Fan Expo:

Номер телефона: (514) 572-7222 или номер Лас-Вегас (702) 997-1927

По любым вопросам, пожалуйста, напишите: boxfanexpo@gmail.com

Для получения более подробной информации о Box Fan Expo визита: HTTP://www.boxfanexpo.com

Следуйте Box Fan Expo на Twitter и Instagram: @BoxFanExpo

Следуйте Box Fan Expo на Facebook в: HTTPS://www.facebook.com/BoxFanExpo


Box Fan Expo является конечным вентилятором опыта события, которое дает любителям бокса возможность встретиться и приветствуют лучшие боец, нынешние и бывшие чемпионы мира, бокс знаменитости и промышленные люди в близком контакте личной настройки.

Билеты на-свободной продаже в Eventbrite


Лас-Вегас (Апреля 23, 2019) – Легенда бокса & чемпион мира в четырех дивизионах Рой Джонс-младший. подтвердил, что он появится, есть стенд и провести встречу и со своими поклонниками на пятом ежегодном Box Fan Expo в субботу мае 4, 2019 в Las Vegas Convention Center. Экспо открыто с 10 a.m. для 5 вечера, Во время Синко де Майо выходные. Бокс Expo также совпадет с долгожданным боем между Канел Альварес против Дэнни Джейкобс, что состоится позже в тот же вечер на T-Mobile Arena.

Билеты на Box Fan Expo доступны на Eventbrite –

Джонс сделает его второе появление в этом году’ Expo и будет подписывать перчатки, фото,личные вещи, а также есть товары для продажи для любителей наслаждаться. У поклонников бокса также будет возможность сфотографироваться с этой легендой живого бокса, многие считают одним из величайших фунтов за фунт, и лучший боксер всех времен.

Джонс присоединяется к Мэйвезер Акции, Энтони Диррелл, WBA, Хулио Сезар Чавес-, RiddickBowe, Майки Гарсия, Эррол Спенс младший, Марко Антонио Баррера, Миа Сент-,Джон, Хуан Мануэль Маркес, Винни-Пас, Девин Хейни, Эрни Бритвы, Аль Бернштейна, Майкл Спинкс, WBC, Эрик Моралес, Джеймс Тони и Джесси Варгас в качестве ранней приверженности Box Fan Expo в этом году, с большим количеством звезд бокса будет объявлено.

О Рой Джонс-младший.
Рой Джонс-младший. американский профессиональный боксер, который выиграл множество чемпионатов в среднем весе, Супер средний вес, Полутяжелые и тяжелые дивизии. Он единственный боксер в истории, который начал свою карьеру в среднем среднем весе, и дальше, чтобы выиграть титул в супертяжелом. Он также известен за проведение WBC, WBA, IBF, IBO в, NABF в, WBF, и IBA в полутяжелом весе; рекордные семь поясов одновременно. Джонс оставил свой след в истории бокса, когда он выиграл титул WBA в супертяжелом, стать первым бывшим чемпионом в среднем весе, чтобы выиграть титул в супертяжелом 106 годы. По состоянию на февраль 2018, Джонс является рекордсменом по количеству побед в единоборствах в полутяжелом весе за всю историю бокса., в двенадцать. Журнал Ring назвал Джонс Боец года в 1994, и Всемирный боксерский зал славы назвал его бойцом года 2003. Он также является трехкратным лауреатом премии Best Boxer ESPY. (1996, 2000, и 2003). Джонс был назван “Истребитель Десятилетия” для 1990-х годов Ассоциацией писателей бокса Америки.

О Box Fan Expo
Box Fan Expo является конечным боксом опыта вентилятора событий, которая позволяет поклонникам встретиться и приветствуют бокс суперзвезда сегодня, нынешние и бывшие чемпионы мира, Легенды о спорте и другие знаменитости бокса. Поклонники могут ожидать испытать различные взаимодействия, такие как автограф и фото сессии, Вбрасывание с вашими любимыми боксерами, картинки с кольцом карты Девушки, В прямом эфире DJ Music, шанс выиграть призы, покупки товаров и памятные вещи из разных кабин экспонентов, “ВСЕ ПОД ОДНОЙ КРЫШЕЙ”. Вы не хотите пропустить это нужно обязательно присутствовать на Expo!

Box Fan Expo был огромный успех у поклонников и бокс людей индустрии. Многие звезды бокса присутствовали четыре последние Выставки, такие как Флойд Мэйвезер, Майк Тайсон, Роберто Дюран, Томми Хернс, Марко Антонио Баррера, Рой Джонс-младший, Андре Уорд, Майки Гарсия, Маркос Майдана, Хуан Мануэль Маркес, Эрик Моралес, Эррол Спенс младший, Серхио Мартинес, Кит Турман, Дэнни Гарсия, Тим Брэдли, Deontay Уайлдер, Амир Хан, Шон Портер, Фернандо Варгас, Заб Джуда, Джеймс Тони, Джесси Варгас, Vinny Pazienza, Mia St.John, Лев Санта-Крус, Баду Джека, Терри Норрис , Риддик Боу , Эрни Бритвы, Леон Спинкс, Дэнни Джейкобс, Авенир Mares, Хорхе Линарес, Брэндон Риос и многие другие…
Среди экспонентов: бокс промоутеры, шестерня, одежда, оборудование, энергетические напитки, Доплата продукты, вещательные СМИ, санкционирование органов, и другие компании, желающие принять участие в очередной раз есть шанс продемонстрировать свою бренд поклонник и бокс промышленность.

В течение следующих нескольких дней, предшествующих событию, будут больше обновлений на многих звездах, которые совершающие их появление на боксерском Expo. И для тех, кто в индустрии бокса или других участников (непромышленных), кто хотел бы принять участие и заказать стенд,


Unbeaten Former Champion David Benavidez Scores Second-Round TKO of J’Leon Love, Undefeated Former Champion Luis Nery Earns Dominant Fifth-Round TKO of McJoe Arroyo & Heavyweight Fan-Favorite Chris Arreola Stops Jean Pierre Augustin In Round Three

Former Heavyweight Champion Charles Martin Wins Via Disqualification on PBC Prelims on FS1

Нажмите ВОТ для фото с Frank Micelotta / FOX Sports
(пароль: foxsports)

Нажмите ВОТ для фото с Райаном Hafey / Premier бокса чемпионов
(Photos added shortly)

Арлингтон, Техас. (Март 17, 2019) – Эррол Спенс младший. retained his IBF Welterweight World Championship in his hometown in front of 47,525 fans with a unanimous decision over four-division world champion Майки Гарсия in the main event of the first Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event Saturday night from AT&T стадион в Арлингтоне, Техас.

The motivation fighting in front of my hometown crowd made me feel great,” сказал Спенс. “These people have supported me since day one and I wanted to put on a good performance for all of them.

I really appreciate the love and support of the fans tonight,” сказал Гарсия. “It’s a great night and all the credit to Errol, он великий чемпион. He’s the truth. He executed his game plan very well.

The bout started technical, with Spence pumping a consistent jab and attempting to cut the ring off while Garcia was patiently looking for a chance to counter. Garcia had some success early throwing counter left hooks over Spence’s jab, but was never able to get in a rhythm against the busier champion.

He came out here with a good game plan and kept the distance at his favor,” сказал Гарсия. “I couldn’t get my rhythm going and he did what he had to do. I tried to make adjustments and he kept executing.

В четвертом раунде, Spence dominated most of the action before Garcia made a late surge and forced Spence into a defensive crouch for the final moments of the round. Garcia kept that energy going early in round five, putting Spence on the defensive temporarily before he regained his momentum and returned to connecting on powerful straight lefts.

Spence increased his body-punching as the fight went on and looked to wear down the fighter who was moving up in weight. Garcia began bleeding from his nose in round eight, at which point Spence increased his output and landed 35, 29, 34 и 25 punches in rounds nine through 12 соответственно, в соответствии с Compubox.

Throughout training camp, a lot of commentators thought he was too smart and I couldn’t box as well as him,” сказал Спенс. “I showed I can box and I can move my head if I want to. The game is to be smart, it’s the sweet science. I had the size and reach advantage, so why not use it to take away the jab? It’s a weapon for me and it takes away one of his weapons.

I was able to hold my own,” сказал Гарсия. “I felt good and I felt strong myself. I think he felt my power, but he definitely has power also.

While Garcia showed his mettle in making it the distance, Spence was simply too effective, with one judge even scoring round 11 10-8 for Spence. Spence threw a career-high 1082 punches and out landed Garcia by a staggering 345 для 75 поле.

After 12-rounds of action, all three judges saw the fight for Spence, десятками 120-108 в два раза и 120-107.

I give Mikey Garcia all the credit for taking this fight,” сказал Спенс. “Mikey and I put on a great show in front of all these lovely fans. I respect him so much and I appreciate him for stepping up.

We just went 12-rounds with a great welterweight champion,” сказал Гарсия. “That’s a feat no one has done recently. I’m proud of what I was able to do. I have to go back and think about it. I will probably go back to lighter divisions but we’ll have to think about it.

После боя, Spence declared that he wanted to fight boxing legend and welterweight titleholder Мэнни Пакьяо следующий, who entered the ring after the fight.

He’s broken records here before, he’s a legend in the sport and it’d be my honor to fight him next,” сказал Спенс.

Да, why not?” Саид Пакьяо, when asked about facing Spence next. “We’ll give the fans a good fight. I’m so happy to be here at AT&T Stadium and I hope I will be back here soon.

В со-главном событии, unbeaten former 168-pound world champion Дэвид Бенавидес(21-0, 18 КО) преобладают J'Leon Любовь (24-3-1, 13 КО) to earn a second-round stoppage in their super middleweight matchup.

It’s a dream come true to fight on this stage in front of these fans,” Said Benavidez. “These fans give me the motivation to get up every day and go the extra mile.

From the opening bell Love sought to crowd the taller Benavidez, but the 22-year-old Benavidez quickly made him pay, landing a powerful left hook that stunned Love. Love was able to last the round, but took more powerful hooks from Benavidez before the bell.

I expected to knock him out, but when I hit him with the first god shot, Я знал, что он не продержится,” Said Benavidez. “I tried to pace myself, but it wasn’t necessary tonight.

Benavidez wasted little time in the second round, delivering power shots that put Love on the run. Benavidez caught Love with a clean combo on the ropes that stunned Love and forced referee Laurence Cole to jump in and stop the bout 1:14 в туре два, as Benavidez began to throw furious combos.

He was getting his shots off, but I don’t think I was taking too much punishment,” Said Любовь. “I wasn’t out of the game completely but he did catch me with a couple good shots.

После боя, Benavidez set his sights on WBC Super Middleweight Champion Anthony Dirrell, who was in attendance at the fight.

I saw Anthony Dirrell with the WBC belt. He can’t call himself champion until he fights me. That’s my belt. I’m going to go get it. It’s mine.

Additional action featured former bantamweight champion Луис Нери (29-0, 23 КО) knock down former champion McJoe Арройо (18-3, 8 КО) four times on his way to a fifth-round victory by stoppage in his U.S. дебют.

We’re two great fighters who were here to put on a show,” Said Нери. “That’s what you have to expect from fighters of our caliber. I’m happy to start on the right foot here in my U.S. debut and show everyone I’m still the best at bantamweight.

Nery stalked Arroyo from the opening bell, throwing big power shots that forced his opponent to fight off his back foot. С 45 seconds left in round two, Nery scored his first knockdown with a left that stunned him and follow-up combination that put Arroyo on the canvas.

Arroyo was unable to keep the hard-charging Nery from coming forward and again hit the mat late in round three, as a wide left hook hurt Arroyo before he was put down from a flurry that followed. The trouble continued for Arroyo in round four, as he was knocked down twice more in the final minute of the round.

I never felt like I was dazed or anything, they were just hard punches,” said Arroyo. “I went down but got right back up. If it were up to me I’d have kept going. I have to give respect to my opponent for his performance. This isn’t the end of my career. I’ve seen him fight before but I was surprised by his power. It was his night tonight.

After the fourth round, Arroyo’s corner stopped the bout, making the official stoppage 10 seconds into round five. Nery dominated the bout, out landing Arroyo 87 для 36, при посадке 44 процентов его ударов власти.

We’re going to train hard and hopefully by June, we’ll have the belt back,” Said Нери. “I want to win back my belt, then unify the division.

The opening bout on pay-per-view saw heavyweight fan-favorite Крис Арреола (38-5-1, 33 КО) score a third-round stoppage over previously unbeaten Jean Pierre Augustin (17-1-1, 12 КО).

Augustin is a hungry kid who tried to make a name off of me,” Саид Арреола. “I lose and I’m out, but I’m not going out. I touched him a couple of times and saw he was hurt. I stayed calm and the stoppage came.

After blood started pouring from Arreola’s nose towards the end of round two, the Riverside, California-native got off to a quick start in round three, connecting with a straight left that stunned Augustin and nearly sent him to the canvas in the opening seconds.

As the round progressed, Augustin tried to hold and move to regain his composure, but was eventually caught with a flurry in the neutral corner that put him on the canvas. While he got up and was able to continue, another flurry in Augustin’s corner, including a big overhand left, eventually forced referee Neal Young to stop the fight 2:03 в трех круглых.

Every fighter feels like they can continue, Но что есть, то есть, it’s out of my control,” said Augustin. “I was more stunned than hurt, but he jumped on me and finished.

In the dominant final round Arreola landed 18 из 30 электрические удары, compared to just three punches landed in the round by Augustin.

“Я люблю борьбу,” Саид Арреола. “We’re both were trying to beat each other up and I love it. I’m blessed to be a fighter.

Перед оплатой за просмотр, PBC Prelims on FS1 featured former heavyweight champion Чарльз Мартин (26-2-1. 23 КО) winning via disqualification against previously unbeaten Gregory Corbin (15-1, 9 КО) in the eighth-round of their showdown. After deducting a point from Corbin in rounds four, five and six because of low blows, referee Mark Calo-oy stopped the bout in round eight after another low blow. The official time of the disqualification came 53 seconds into round eight.

I don’t think he really wanted to fight, he wanted to hit me low and see how much he could get away with,” сказал Мартин. “I could sense that he didn’t want to engage anymore.

“Это то, что есть, I thought I was hitting him on the belt,” said Corbin. “We wanted to go to the body, I thought he was tired. I hurt him once, but the low blows did it for me.

We’re going to get back in camp, take a few days off and then get back to work,” сказал Мартин. “We’re staying busy in 2019.

The event was promoted by Man Down Promotions and Garcia Promotions, in association with TGB Promotions and Ringstar Sports

Для получения более подробной информации: визит www.premierboxingchampions.com, ХТ
и www.foxdeportes.com, Следуйте по щебетатьPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions и @Swanson_Comm или стать поклонником на Facebook в www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports &www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


Welterweight Champion Spence Jr. & Four-Division World Champion Garcia Headline PBC on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View Event This Saturday from AT&T стадион в Арлингтоне, Техас

I’m going to punish him and make him wish he took his brother’s advice
to not take this fight,” – Кладовая для продуктов

Getting this victory will forever leave my name in the history books. No other fighter is daring to do what I’m doing,” – Гарсия

Нажмите ВОТ for Photos from James Smith/Dallas Cowboys

Нажмите ВОТ for Photos from Jason Janik/FOX Sports

Нажмите ВОТ для фото с Шон Майкл Ham / TGB Promotions
(Photos added shortly)

Арлингтон, Техас. (Март 13, 2019) – Unbeaten IBF Welterweight World ChampionЭррол Спенс младший. and undefeated four-division champion Майки Гарсия went face-to-face at AT&T стадион в Арлингтоне, Texas Wednesday at the final press conference before they go toe-to-toe at the same venue this Saturday in a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event.

Spence and Garcia shared their thoughts on Saturday’s highly anticipated event and posed for photos for media in attendance ahead of this historic event.

Tickets for Saturday’s event, which is promoted by Man Down Promotions and Garcia Promotions, in association with TGB Promotions and Ringstar Sports, уже в продаже, и могут быть приобретены на SeatGeek.com, официальный поставщик билетов AT&T стадион.

Вот то, что участники пресс-конференции должен был сказать среда:

Эррол Спенс JR.

This is a dream come true fighting in my hometown at AT&T стадион. I can’t wait to put on a great performance. Seeing Mikey’s face here today, it’s got me hungrier than ever to put on a great performance

The size difference won’t matter. Skill for skill and talent for talent, I’m more dominant than him in every aspect. I’ll beat him at anything he wants to do. On paper he’s the toughest opponent to date, but once we get in the ring we’ll find out.

I don’t think anyone has the power to knock me out. We don’t allow that kind of mentality into training camp. I hope he tries though.

Mikey is supposed to think he’s going to win this fight. He called me out, so they obviously think that they see something. I’m glad he’s as confident as I am. I hope he keeps that same energy inside of the ring.

Our training camp, we train for a hard 12 раундовый бой. We prepare for a bruising fight. If I knock him out early, then that’s a bonus. We trained for the distance because we know anything can happen in a fight.

I’m always calm, that’s just my demeanor. I could talk to Mikey Garcia in the locker room before the fight then come out and knock his head off. I’m always on go. I’m naturally like this. I’ve been ready to go for eight weeks. I’m tired of seeing him and I’m just ready for fight night.

I can’t worry about what Mikey sees in me. I let my coach worry about it. Everyone thinks they see something looking on the outside, but it’s a lot harder once you’re in the ring.

This win makes me pound-for-pound number one. Mikey has a great record and a big fan base and I feel like winning this fight turns me into a star. Everyone wants to take Floyd Mayweather’s place as the face of boxing, and this puts me on the right track to become the face of boxing and the best fighter in the world.

This is a legendary fight. This is where we see what fighters are made of. There have been a lot of great fights when little guys came up and beat a bigger fighter. You can’t ever write off the little guy. This is going to be a hard fight.

I know I’m the best fighter in the world and I’m going to show it Saturday night. I’m going to punish him and make him wish he took his brother’s advice to not take this fight.


I have all the tools and all the skills needed to beat Errol Spence Jr. When it comes to timing, скорость, reflexes and defense, you name it, Я лучше.

Here in Texas, it’s like a second home. I’ve won two world titles here. Having great fan support at the grand arrival was a special moment for me.

I’ve got to go in there Saturday night and show why I picked this fight. I want to make history and this is the one that will get me there.

I’m prepared to do whatever it takes to win this fight. We trained very hard. Мы можем пойти 12 rounds for sure. Но, if I get a chance to hurt my opponent, I’m definitely going to jump on him and get the knockout.

“субботний вечер, Errol is going to find out why I picked this fight. All of my opponents say they don’t see anything special when they watch me, until they get into the ring.

I know what I have to do on fight night. I know all the work that I put in. I didn’t put all that effort in for nothing. субботний вечер, Я должен выполнить. Once I get inside the ring, that switch will turn on.

I have to fight the best fight of my life. If I don’t, then I can’t overcome the challenge. You don’t win a fight with size and weight. We fight smart, we fight intelligently and pick our shots. There are a lot of factors. That’s how I win this fight.

Getting this victory will forever leave my name in the history books. No other fighter is daring to do what I’m doing. I’m here to make history and this fight does that. This fight is about big challenges and obstacles.

All the attention and buzz about this fight is for real. It’s not often you get a fight like this. Undefeated champions in their prime facing each other. If you want to witness history, you better buy a ticket or the pay-per-view.


Getting up on the stage today, it was like fight night. I feel what Errol and Mikey are feeling. It’s go-time for both of these guys.

Mikey Garcia is a great opponent, but he’s still just another opponent. We’re going to go in there and show him why we’re better. Errol is feeling great, so I am too.

Ring intelligence is definitely one of Mikey’s best attributes. But he’s never been in the ring with Errol. Errol has been in the ring sparring with Floyd Mayweather before and I don’t think Mikey has the same ring intelligence as him.

Errol knows what he should be doing and what he shouldn’t be doing during fight week. He will be ready on Saturday night.

Роберт Гарсия, Garcia’s Brother & Тренер

Not only have all of our sparring partners told us this, but his opponents always say the same thing. Once they’re in the ring, they realize how hard Mikey hits and how strong he is. Spence doesn’t know that but he’ll find out Saturday.

A lot of fighters have problems with southpaws like Spence, but Mikey has a lot of experience facing lefties and I’m confident that won’t be a factor.

Spence’s style is pretty basic, so it’s not too hard to find sparring partners to emulate him. Spence does everything right, just like Mikey. From a preparation standpoint, his style isn’t a big challenge.

We haven’t just been facing regular sparring partners. They’re experienced, talented and undefeated fighters. He’s facing middleweights to get ready for this one and I know he will be.

# # #

О Спенс В.С.. ГАРСИЯ
Order the PPV и визит PremierBoxingChampions.com для Fight Night Info and more on Эррол Спенс младший. и Майки Гарсия.

Спенс против. Garcia is a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event that is headlined by unbeaten IBF Welterweight World Champion Errol Spence Jr. defending his title against four-division world champion Mikey Garcia on Saturday, Март 16 из AT&T стадион в Арлингтоне, Техас.

The PBC on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View undercard begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and will feature undefeated former super middleweight champion David Benavidezbattling veteran contender J’Leon Love, unbeaten former bantamweight champion Luis Nery taking on former champion McJoe Arroyo and fan-favorite Chris Arreola facing unbeaten Jean Pierre Augustin.

Prelims on FS1 and FOX Deportes begin at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT featuring former heavyweight world champion Чарльз Мартин squaring off against unbeaten Dallas-native Gregory Corbin.

Спенс против. Garcia will be shown on big screens across the nation through FathomEvents. Билеты можно приобрести на сайте www.FathomEvents.com или в участвующих в театральных кассах отделений.

Для получения более подробной информации: визит www.premierboxingchampions.com, ХТ
и www.foxdeportes.com, Следуйте по щебетатьPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions и @Swanson_Comm или стать поклонником на Facebook в www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports &www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

About AT&T стадион:
AT&T Stadium is one of the largest, most technologically advanced entertainment venues in the world. Designed by HKS and built by Manhattan Construction, the $1.2 billion stadium features two monumental arches, the world’s largest HDTV video board cluster, an expansive retractable roof and the largest retractable end zone doors in the world. Features of the stadium include seating for 80,000 and expandability for up to 100,000, на 300 роскошные люксы, club seating on multiple levels and the Dallas Cowboys Pro Shop, open to the public year round. The stadium is also home to a world-class collection of contemporary art, made up of over 50 pieces from an international array of curated artists displayed on the walls and in the grand public spaces of the venue. In addition to being the Home of the Dallas Cowboys since opening in 2009, the stadium has hosted Super Bowl XLV, the 2010 NBA All Star Game, the 2014 NCAA Men’s Basketball Final Four, the 2015 College Football Playoff National Championship Game and the annual Goodyear Cotton Bowl Classic. The venue has also played host to high school and college football, концерты, championship fights, international soccer matches, and other special events. Для получения более подробной информации, перейти к www.attstadium.com.


Unbeaten Welterweight Champion Spence and Undefeated Four-Division Champion Mikey Garcia Square-Off in PBC on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View Event Saturday, Март 16
из AT&T стадион в Арлингтоне, Техас

David Benavidez Joins Spence in Dallas while Chris Arreola Participates in Garcia Workout in Riverside Ahead ofRespective Pay-Per-View Showdowns

Нажмите ВОТ for Photos from Dallas
Кредит: Renato Rimach/TGB Promotions

Нажмите ВОТ for Photos from Riverside, ТАКОЙ КАК. (Photos forthcoming)
Кредит: Luis Mejia/TGB Promotions

Арлингтон, Техас. (Март 5, 2019) – IBF Welterweight World Champion Эррол Спенс младший. и чемпион мира в четырех дивизионах Майки Гарсия hosted separate media workouts in Dallas and Riverside, ТАКОЙ КАК. respectively on Tuesday as they near their historic showdown that headlines the first Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event Saturday, Март 16 из AT&T стадион в Арлингтоне, Техас.

Spence hosted media at World Class Boxing Gym in Dallas and was joined by undefeated former super middleweight champion Дэвид Бенавидес, который берет на себяJ'Leon Любовь in PBC on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View action. Garcia’s workout also featured heavyweight fan-favorite Крис Арреола, who participated in the workout at Robert Garcia Boxing Academy and will face Jean Pierre Augustin in Pay-Per-View action beginning at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

Tickets for this showdown, который продвигается TGB Promotions и Ringstar Sports, уже в продаже, и могут быть приобретены на SeatGeek.com, официальный поставщик билетов AT&T стадион.

Here is what the fighters and more had say Tuesday from the two media events:

Эррол Спенс JR.

“Я очень рад за эту борьбу, especially to have it at AT&T стадион. Я 100% focused and ready for next week. This fight is going to have a bigger crowd, be more electrifying and will just be an amazing event overall.

A lot of times when I’m in AT&T Stadium watching the NFL games, or watching Pacquiao fights or Canelo fights, the jumbotrons are so big that you get caught up looking up even when you’re ringside. It’s great because there isn’t a bad seat in the place with the jumbotron.

This is definitely one of those crossover fights for me. Garcia is the biggest name to date that I’m fighting on American soil. It’s just great being so young in my career, fighting in my first pay-per-view and fighting with a guy like Garcia who brings over a different fanbase.

You can tell how I looked ten weeks ago compared to how I look now. I’m not overlooking Garcia. I’m in tip-top shape, slim and ready. The difference is that now in a pay-per-view fight you have to be more dedicated and focused to promote the fight, showing that you are a star in boxing and sports media.

If you know me and you know my boxing style, you know I’m never in a boring fight. Even if it’s just me beating up my opponent, or them just being hurt, I’m always going to try to stop my opponent and put on a spectacular performance.

I put that pressure to look great on myself, not just because I’m undefeated or because everybody says this about me, I do it for myself to put on a great performance and a great show. I want to do that so great guys can look at me and think about if they want to fight me or not. That’s why a lot of guys don’t want to fight me.


A lot of people underestimate the power when they face me. They don’t see my physical size as a threat. But you know they feel the power once we’re in the ring and definitely change their minds.

“(I wanted to fight Spence) because he’s the best right now in the (полусреднем) разделение. Я хочу сделать заявление. I want to make a mark, and you know I have to do that against the best.

I believe I’m a better fighter overall. When it comes to footwork, I think I have the better footwork. When it comes to speed, I think I have better speed. When it comes to defense, I have better defense. With timing, I have better timing. All of these things are what will help me win this fight. The only thing that he has going for him that’s apparent is the size, height, weight and reach.

I’ve always said I’m better than him. Not by a lot, but just enough to beat him. He also reminds me of myself in a lot of ways, как он борется, the way he is. He does everything well, good footwork, хорошая скорость, controls the fight at his distance that he likesIn a lot of ways, it resembles the way I fight. But I still feel that I’m better in every one of those ways and that’s what I’m betting on.

DAVID Benavidez

I’m extremely excited to be fighting in front of 40,000-plus people in the co-main event on March 16. It’s like a dream come true fighting at AT&T стадион.

I’m looking forward to going in and getting a knockoutI’ve been training extremely hard. Three months of training for this camp. It’s been good. I have like six pounds left to lose, so I haven’t struggled with the weight at all. I’ve been on a diet for at least three months now. The work has been done in and outside of the ring. Everything has been perfect leading up to this fight and I’m extremely ready.

It was difficult (losing my title). I beat myself for that belt. В 2019, we are not taking any steps back, only forward.

There are a lot of good fights I know that can be made. Так, I am very excited to do my part and hopefully face-off against Anthony Dirrell, Caleb Plant or Callum Smith at the end of the year. I’m already in line to fight for the WBC title, but I’ve got to first take care of my job with J’Leon Love.

Love is a good boxer, контр-панчер. He’s been in the game for a while now. Но, как я сказал,, I’m ready for anything. I’ve studied him a lot, so I’m just ready for anything he presents.

I want to become the undisputed champion (at super middleweight). That’s my ultimate goal. Then I can talk about moving up. Сейчас, I want all the belts.

Крис Арреола

“Сейчас, my career is all about putting in the work and my legacy. I’m not in this anymore for money. I love money, but I’m comfortable. I’m here for legacy. I want to leave something behindI’m chasing a title.

I feel mentally sharper now. Mentally I’m just relaxed in the ring. Some people are amped the whole round. But no, I know how to relax and work the ring and work my fight.

The main thing this time around is I’m fighting a lefty and the first three or four times being in the ring sparring it’s a little different. It’s different angles and different punchesSo that’s the main thing that’s probably the hardest part is lefties and getting used to it.


I just think Errol is so hungry and he has the ability to be great. The way he adjusts in the fights and he really sets the tone. Больше всего, his fights have been one-sided. Regardless who he’s fighting against, how great they are, what their record is, what they said they’ll do to him, he’s just been able to have one-sided affairs. Hopefully we can have the same thing in this fight.

This has been a tremendous training camp. I’ve seen how hard Errol has worked and how motivated he is. He’s extremely confident, and rightfully so. Марта 16, I know Mikey is going to come prepared, but so are we. Whatever Mikey brings into the ring, we’re going to have the answer.

Роберт Гарсия, Mikey’s Brother & Тренер

Mikey has been there before in many championship fights. Очевидно, this is the biggest challenge against a bigger, heavier guy. But at this point in training, I think we’re in great shape. Мы знаем (Эррол) is going to be the heavier guy in the ring, but he’s not going to be the better or smarter guy.

We’re going to fight a technical fight, especially in the first few rounds, to figure out what Errol Spence is brining into the fight. But if we have to back him up and fight on the inside, then we’re going to do what’s necessary.

Ричард Шафер, Председатель & Генеральный директор Ringstar спорта

FOX is really putting their weight behind boxing, and you’ve seen what that meant for other sports. When UFC got involved with FOX, you saw how it elevated the sport of MMA and UFCFOX is doing the same thing now on the boxing side and I really believe it will elevate boxing. It brings the general market to this sport, and I think that’s what we’re going to see here with this pay-per-view.

When you have a fight like Spence and Garcia, boxing fans know about it. Sports fans know about it. But the general market doesn’t really know about it. Так, I think if you can market towards the general market it just opens up the flood gates as it relates to pay-per-view. And that’s the advantage FOX has compared to an ESPN.

Former Heavyweight Champion Charles Martin Battles Unbeaten Dallas-Native Gregory Corbin in Premier Boxing Champions Prelims on FS1 Leading up to the Errol Spence Jr. против. Mikey Garcia PBC on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View Event

Суббота, Март 16 из AT&T стадион в Арлингтоне, Техас
Prelims Begin at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT

Tickets On Sale Now at SeatGeek.com

Арлингтон, Техас. (Февраль 22, 2019) – Former heavyweight world championЧарльз Мартин will square off against unbeaten Dallas-native Gregory Corbin in a 10-round bout on Premier Boxing Champions Prelims on FS1 leading up to the Errol Spence Jr. против. Mikey Garcia PBC on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event Saturday, Март 16 из AT&T стадион в Арлингтоне, Техас.

Prelims begin at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT and will lead up to the pay-per-view event at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT that is headlined by unbeaten IBF Welterweight World Champion Errol “Правда” Спенс младший. defending his title against undefeated four-division champion Mikey Garcia in a highly anticipated and historic showdown.

Tickets for this showdown, который продвигается TGB Promotions и Ringstar Sports, уже в продаже, и могут быть приобретены на SeatGeek.com, официальный поставщик билетов AT&T стадион.

Родился в Санкт-. Louis but now fighting and training out of Southern California, Мартин (25-2-1, 23 КО) showed heavy hands in racking up 20 заглушки в 23 fights before he captured a heavyweight world title with a victory over Vyacheslav Glazkov in January 2016. The 32-year-old bounced back from a defeat against Anthony Joshua to score two stoppage victories before losing a close decision to unbeaten Adam Kownacki in September.

Fighting out of his hometown of Dallas, Corbin (15-0, 9 КО) will look to remain unbeaten in front of a friendly crowd. The 38-year-old has stopped five of his last six opponents, including his most recent victory over Homero Fonseca in August. He will fight in his home state for the ninth time as a pro on March 16.

# # #


Unbeaten Welterweight World Champion Spence Battles Undefeated Four-Division World Champion Garcia In Historic Showdown On First Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View Event

Суббота, Март 16 Из AT&T стадион в Арлингтоне, Техас
Tickets On Sale Now at SeatGeek.com

Нажмите ВОТ for Photos from Don Alexander/Dallas Cowboys

Арлингтон, Техас. (Февраль 19, 2019) – Непобедимый полусреднем весе чемпион мираЭррол Спенс младший. and undefeated four-division world champion Майки Гарсия went face-to-face at a press conference in Arlington, Texas Tuesday as they previewed their showdown that headlines a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event on Saturday, Март 16 из AT&T стадион.

Spence and Garcia were joined by Dallas Cowboys Owner, President and General Manager Jerry Jonesat the same stadium where they will battle for the welterweight title and pound-for-pound supremacy.

Tickets for the March 16 событие, который продвигается TGB Promotions и Ringstar Sports, уже в продаже, и могут быть приобретены на SeatGeek.com, официальный поставщик билетов AT&T стадион.

Вот что сказали участники пресс-конференции во вторник:

Эррол Спенс JR.

“Это мечта. This is something that still hasn’t really hit me yet. I try not to get caught up in the moment, but this is my favorite team that I’ve watched since I was sitting on my dad’s lap.

Every time I see Mikey I get excited and anxious and want to go to the gym and spar. On Sunday, Я проводил спарринги 18 rounds because of the whole press conference and face off on Saturday. Looking into Mikey’s eyes, I can see how hungry he is and that’s motivating me.

Mikey is very difficult because of how me places his punches. He’s always thinking and he has a high ring IQ. But I’ve been clicking on all cylinders. I’m strong mentally and physically and prepared for anything he brings to the table. A win here can definitely catapult me and I’m ready to make it happen.

Any athlete would love to have their home team supporting them. It just so happens I have the most popular team in the world right here in Dallas. It means a lot because they don’t have to do that. I’m very humbled and it feels great to represent Dallas. I always support my people here.

“Я 100 percent prepared and focused on Mikey Garcia. I’m hungry and I’m already on weight. I can’t wait to put on another show. Март 16, you have to make sure you don’t miss it. It’s going to be a legendary night.


This fight deserves a home like this. This fight deserves this type of atmosphere and energy. I was a Cowboys fan myself growing up and now I’m here in their home about to have the biggest fight of my career. Это невероятно, but here we are. I’m excited to make this a memorable night. This is history in the making.

I’m very excited for what’s coming in a few weeks. This is a fight that I really wanted and it’s definitely the biggest challenge of my career. To fight the best welterweight in the division is no easy task. Эррол Спенс младший. is going to bring the best out of me.

I’m sure Errol is getting ready for the biggest fight of his career just like I am. That’s what’s going to make this interesting. That’s the recipe for a tremendous fight. It’s not very common to see two of the pound-for-pound best, still undefeated and fighting each other in their prime.

We’ve been implementing techniques that will help me improve my speed, explosiveness and reaction time, while also adding a little bit of mass. I think all of that is going to be beneficial to me on fight night. I feel very happy with the results.

If I don’t take these risks, then I won’t be rewarded. I want to be recognized as one of the greatest and the best of this generation. How can I achieve that if I don’t take these risks? That’s why I’m taking the biggest fight available.


I’m very happy to be here. It’s been a really good ride with Errol and myself. This is our 10й year working together and this is a beautiful place for everything to culminate. Mikey is a true fighter and he has a phenomenal trainer in his brother and father. We’re prepared for him and in shape right now. We’re ready to go.

Роберт Гарсия, Garcia’s Brother & Тренер

We’ve had a great training camp and our sparring partners are doing a great job preparing us for a very tough challenge. By the time the fight comes, you’re going to see what Mikey is all about. Everyone who watches this fight is going to enjoy a great night of boxing.

JERRY JONES, Dallas Cowboys Owner, President and General Manager

I don’t know if we’ve ever had an event here that has this kind of stature and the combination of two men standing in there on their own, and at the very best stage of their career. This is two champions meeting and that is something very rare for fans.

When we built this stadium I thought a lot about boxing. The Dallas Cowboys constituency is particularly into boxing. We have a fantastic Mexican and Hispanic fan base and when we have fights at this stadium, there is a great affinity for boxing. When there is a fight of this caliber at this stadium, then we know we’re doing something very special.

These two fighters are uniquely associated with this stadium and the Cowboys. Эррол Спенс младший. literally lives next door and is from this particular area. The last night he had at The Star, he had his Cowboys gear on and made our players and myself so proud.

Our home away from home, Окснард, California is where Mikey Garcia used to watch the Cowboys practice. We have a lot of kinship with these two fighters and our fans are in for a tremendous treat.

These two fighters are worthy of this stadium. Their skill level and ability to compete is worthy of this stadium. This is a special event that will be taking place on March 16.

Том Браун, Президент TGB Акции

“Эррол Спенс младший. vs Mikey Garcia is one of the most intriguing fights of the year. It’s a fight that will determine who is pound-for-pound the best fighter in the world.

We’re thrilled to be at the home of the best professional franchise in sports, in the Dallas Cowboys. This is the perfect place for this event that features two unbeaten champions in their primes, putting their records on the line. Mikey and Errol are destined to walk out of that tunnel and into that ring to engage in a battle that will never be forgotten.

# # #


Unbeaten Welterweight World Champion Spence Battles Undefeated Four-Division World Champion Garcia In Historic Showdown On First Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View Event

Суббота, Март 16 Из AT&T стадион в Арлингтоне, Техас
Tickets On Sale Now at SeatGeek.com

Нажмите ВОТ для фото с Frank Micelotta / FOX Sports

Нажмите ВОТ for Photos from Andy Samuelson/
Премьер Бокс чемпионов

Нажмите ВОТ for FOX Sports Press Conference Video

ЛОС-АНДЖЕЛЕС (Февраль 16, 2019) – Непобедимый полусреднем весе чемпион мира Эррол Спенс младший. and undefeated four-division champion Майки Гарсия previewed their upcoming showdown and faced-off live on FOX at a press conference in Los Angeles Saturday as they near their battle for pound-for-pound supremacy that headlines a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event on Saturday, Март 16 из AT&T стадион в Арлингтоне, Техас.

Spence and Garcia were joined on stage at the press conference by a living legend,Томас “Наемный убийца” Хернс, who won titles in five weight divisions and fought Sugar Ray Leonard in one of the most memorable welterweight fights in history.

The event also featured an interview via satellite with Dallas Cowboys Owner, President and General Manager Jerry Jones, who shared his thoughts on the electrifying event coming to AT&T стадион, before Spence and Garcia were gifted personalize Cowboys jerseys by two Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders.

Tickets for the March 16 событие, который продвигается TGB Promotions и Ringstar Sports, уже в продаже, и его можно приобрести на SeatGeek.com, официальный поставщик билетов AT&T стадион.

Also in attendance at the press conference were undefeated former 168-pound champion Дэвид Бенавидес and heavyweight fan-favorite Крис Арреола, who compete on the PBC on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View undercard as Benavidez battles veteran contender J'Leon Любовь, while Arreola matches up against unbeaten Jean Pierre Augustin.

Here is what the press conference participants had to say Saturday from Microsoft Theater at L.A. Живая:

Эррол Спенс JR.

I train old school so I don’t worry about how Mikey is planning to get stronger at the weight. I’m not worried about it and I don’t think it will make a difference in the fight. I’m just going to focus on what I have to do to be at my best.

Size always matters, but when you get in there, в конце дня, it’s about skills and intelligence. I’m not going to rely on size. I’m going to focus on my talent. If I can roll through him, then I’ll show my killer instinct and try to get him out of there. I’m going to use my ability to break him down.

At first I thought he was just chasing my name when he was calling me out. Once it became real, I saw how serious he was. At that point I was very confident it would happen.

I’m not the bully here because Mikey really pushed for the fight. The other champions weren’t available at the time, plus Mikey is the only top fighter who called me out. I knew this was a fight I wanted.

Mikey is undefeated, has a great skill set and has won a title at 140-pounds. I don’t see him as that small a fighter. He has a technical style that’s very traditional. He likes to use angles to set his opponent’s up.

We’re focused on what I can do and what our game plan is. I always spar the same people no matter what because they get me into the condition I need to be in and they have me primed for any challenge.

The welterweight division has always been one of the strongest divisions in the sport and it is like that now. We just need to fight each other. I’m ready to fight any of them. Whoever ends up on top from this group, will end being a Hall of Famer. That’s how you become an all-time great.

This is something I’ve been waiting for my whole life. I’m focused and prepared for this challenge. It’s going to be all eyes on me and Mikey in that ring and I can’t wait.

I’m happy that someone is challenging me. I’ve been looking for an opponent like him. He’s established himself in this sport. I’m happy to be able to take on this challenge. I’m looking for a skillful Mikey Garcia to bring the best out of me on March 16.

My vision is that my hand will be raised in victory, whether it’s a knockout or a 12-round grueling fight, I’m preparing for the best Mikey Garcia skill wise, strength wise and as far as his ring intelligence.


These are the kinds of challenges I want. I need someone like Errol Spence Jr., with his demeanor and style, to bring the best out of me. I want the world to finally see the full Mikey Garcia.

The training that we did in the Bay Area definitely helped me. We are going up in weight and needed to do a different type of training. We wanted to make sure that we gained a little bit of mass so that I can be able to hold off Errol Spence’s weight and strength.

The key to my strength training was that we didn’t want to lose my speed and explosiveness. I can see now that I’m back in sparring that I still have that speed while also gaining the muscle we had to.

If people say Errol is bigger, that’s just obvious. But who’s faster? Who has better timing? There’s a lot more that goes into this sport and who’s going to win this particular fight.

This has been one of the toughest camps I’ve ever had. We’re working on a lot of different methods and techniques to be at our very best. He’s going to be bigger than me on fight night, but that’s part of the challenge. I’ve know that since the beginning and that’s why we’ve trained the way we have.

When I saw him fight Lamont Peterson I decided that Errol Spence Jr. was the fight I wanted one day. People tried to talk me out of it, but now they’re all on board. People have now started to see what I’m going to be capable of on March 16.

I want the best Errol Spence Jr. I know he’s a great fighter with a lot of skills and talent. He hasn’t needed to use all of his skills, как и у меня. He does everything well, but nothing spectacular. I just feel like I’m the better fighter. I think I have the advantage everywhere except maybe power, but we’ll find out on fight night.

This is history in the making. I’m trying to establish a great legacy. This is the kind of fight that I need. I know my fans are going to show up and give me a lot of support. This fight truly excites me and motivates.

I’m not going to let this fight slip away. I’m going to establish myself as one of the best of the generation and eventually one of the best of all time.

Even though some people believe I’m the underdog, I don’t see myself that way. I’m undefeated and I think Errol knows that I pose a challenge. It’s no easy task for either one of us. This is the fight that I need for my legacy.


This fight is all about the skillset, not the size. Size will come into play a little bit, but we’re going to show the skillset that we have to beat this guy. That’s what Errol is going to show.

Mikey Garcia has a good technical style. But there’s always a method to take down a great fighter. I think that a day like today will inspire us even more to work even harder. We can see him right in front of us. Its real and we can’t wait.

When I first saw Errol we were actually sparring each other. We started working together and I got to see him walk through guy after guy. We knew he was a great athlete, but it took time to build to where I started to realize he was something special.

Роберт Гарсия, Garcia’s Brother & Тренер

This is a big challenge for us to go up in weight to fight the best welterweight in the world. But it’s not like itsnever been done before and I know Mikey has the skills and power to pull it off. That’s what we’re coming to Dallas to do.

This is an opportunity for Mikey to continue building his legacy. He wants to be known as one of the greatest fighters of all time and a win over Errol Spence Jr. is a big step toward that.

I don’t think they’ve overlooking Mikey. “They know the talent he has. They’re getting ready for a great fight like they’ve done before. I think they know that they’re in for a real fight.

DAVID Benavidez

I’m back here in this stage and that’s all that matters. I’m living and learning. I can’t wait to be in position to again fight for the world title.

‘I actually sparred with J’Leon Love when I was 15-years-old. He’s a great fighter who’s a veteran. Я не с видом его. I’m training for this fight like it’s a world title fight. Whatever style he comes with, Я буду к этому готов.

I’m better than ever. Everything has been a lesson learned. I had to sit out while I lost my spot, so now I’m more motivated than ever. This year we’re leaving the past in the past and coming back stronger.

Крис Арреола

I’m excited to be back. It was a long layoff where I spent time with my son and watched him grow. I missed that feeling of being in front of fans and getting that nervous energy right before a fight.

I’m anticipating and I’m hoping for a rowdy crowd on March 16. There will be a lot of Spence and Garcia fans and a whole lot of great fights. Us Mexicans, we love fights.

I know that my opponent is a southpaw and he’s slick. He’s going to try to out box me. I know he’s not going to want to stay in my wheelhouse. I have to be in shape to go the distance and be ready for shots coming from different angles.

JERRY JONES, Dallas Cowboys Owner, President and General Manager

On hosting Spence and Garcia at separate Cowboys home games last season:
It was just good to rub elbows with champions. I want all that they have to rub off on me and the Dallas Cowboys.

The fact that FOX is involved and their interest in this fight is amazing. We’ve had great events with FOX, including the Super Bowl. Our stadium was really built for boxing. These fighters will be standing 70 feet tall suspended above the ring on the video board. It’s an excellent way to feel like you’re so close you’re receiving the blows from these great fighters.

We’re so excited for our Mexican-American fan base. This is a great area for boxing. We endear ourselves to be involved with an event like this in anyway the Cowboys can. Especially with two great fighters like Spence and Garcia.

I think you’ll see a fight with outstanding champions involved on March 16. You don’t get to see the best against the best very often. At AT&T стадион, you’ll see it in a way that can’t be matched at normal sports venues. The aura of having thousands of fans like at a football game is unmatched. It’s a grand experience and we’re proud to be a part of boxing.

Ричард Шафер, Председатель & Генеральный директор Ringstar спорта

The winner of this fight will be pound-for-pound the best in the world. Everybody would agree both of these guys are near the top of that list, and I believe whoever wins will be number one. This is a coronation for who is today the king of the sport.

Mikey Garcia is technically one of the best fighters in the world. Эррол Спенс младший. is a strong, determined fighter who just wants to prove that he’s the best. This fight is a chance for both guys to prove they’re the best in the world.

Том Браун, Президент TGB Акции

This is a true blockbuster event, worthy of this incredible press conference live on FOX. These two fighters are not only superstars of the sport, but the winner of this fight will be able to make the claim of being number one pound-for-pound.

FOX and the Dallas Cowboys have given a tremendous amount of support to this event and we anticipate an unforgettable evening on March 16. Mikey Garcia is truly daring to be great against a fighter in Errol Spence Jr. who has established himself as the class of the 147-pound division.

# # #

О Спенс В.С.. ГАРСИЯ
Спенс против. Garcia is a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event that is headlined by unbeaten IBF Welterweight World Champion Errol Spence Jr. defending his title against four-division world champion Mikey Garcia on Saturday, Март 16 из AT&T стадион в Арлингтоне, Техас.

The PBC on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View undercard will feature undefeated former super middleweight champion David Benavidez battling veteran contender J’Leon Love, unbeaten former bantamweight champion Luis Nery taking on former champion McJoe Arroyo and fan-favorite Chris Arreola facing unbeaten Jean Pierre Augustin.

Для получения более подробной информации: визит www.premierboxingchampions.com, ХТ
и www.foxdeportes.com, Следуйте по щебетатьPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions и @Swanson_Comm или стать поклонником на Facebook в www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports &www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

About AT&T стадион:
AT&T Stadium is one of the largest, most technologically advanced entertainment venues in the world. Designed by HKS and built by Manhattan Construction, the $1.2 billion stadium features two monumental arches, the world’s largest HDTV video board cluster, an expansive retractable roof and the largest retractable end zone doors in the world. Features of the stadium include seating for 80,000 and expandability for up to 100,000, на 300 роскошные люксы, club seating on multiple levels and the Dallas Cowboys Pro Shop, open to the public year round. The stadium is also home to a world-class collection of contemporary art, made up of over 50 pieces from an international array of curated artists displayed on the walls and in the grand public spaces of the venue. In addition to being the Home of the Dallas Cowboys since opening in 2009, the stadium has hosted Super Bowl XLV, the 2010 NBA All Star Game, the 2014 NCAA Men’s Basketball Final Four, the 2015 College Football Playoff National Championship Game and the annual Goodyear Cotton Bowl Classic. The venue has also played host to high school and college football, концерты, championship fights, international soccer matches, and other special events. Для получения более подробной информации, перейти к www.attstadium.com.

Unbeaten Welterweight World Champion Errol Spence Jr. Battles Undefeated Four-Division World Champion Mikey Garcia In Historic Showdown On First Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View Event

Суббота, Март 16 Из AT&T стадион в Арлингтоне, Техас

Tickets On Sale Now at SeatGeek.com

Blockbuster Event to Feature Unbeaten Former 168-Pound Champion David Benavidez, Undefeated Former Bantamweight Champion Luis Nery & Fan Favorite Chris Arreola In Separate Bouts on Four-Fight Pay-Per-View Card

Арлингтон, Техас. (Февраль 14, 2019) – Unbeaten IBF Welterweight World Champion Эррол “Правда” Спенс младший. defends his title against undefeated four-division champion Майки Гарсия in a highly anticipated and historic showdown for pound-for-pound supremacy that headlines a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event on Saturday, Март 16 из AT&T стадион в Арлингтоне, Техас.

The four-fight pay-per-view card will also see unbeaten former super middleweight world champion Дэвид Бенавидес taking on veteran contender J'Leon Любовь в 10-раундовом вскрытии, undefeated former 118-pound champion Луис Нери борьба с экс-чемпиона McJoe Арройо in a 10-round attraction and fan-favorite Крис “Кошмар” Арреола facing unbeaten Jean Pierre Augustin for 10-rounds of action.

Tickets for this showdown, который продвигается TGB Promotions и Ringstar Sports, уже в продаже, и могут быть приобретены на SeatGeek.com, официальный поставщик билетов AT&T стадион.

Spence and Garcia will go face-to-face on Saturday, Февраль 16 at a press conference in Los Angeles that will air live on FOX from the Microsoft Theater at L.A. Live in downtown Los Angeles beginning at 4:30 p.m. И / 1:30 p.m. PT. The press conference is open to ticket holders for the Leo Santa Cruz vs. Rafael Rivera featherweight championship fight.

Во Вторник, Февраль 19, Spence and Garcia will square off at a press conference from
AT&T Stadium where they will finally go toe-to-toe on March 16.

Garcia is stepping up two weight classes from his last fight to challenge Spence for the welterweight title in Spence’s backyard, not far from the Dallas suburb of DeSoto where Spence grew up a lifelong Dallas Cowboys fan. Garcia will be fighting in Texas for the ninth time as a pro and figures to be buoyed by the large contingent of Mexican and Mexican-American fans that will be in attendance.

His task has historical parallels to the paths taken by great fighters like Shane Mosley, Juan Manuel Marquez and Manny Pacquiao, who all moved up multiple weight classes to challenge all-time great welterweights. Mosley and Pacquiao were both successful in moving up from lightweight to defeat Oscar De La Hoya, while Marquez’s rise to welterweight was halted in a decision loss to Floyd Mayweather.

Spence is a power-punching welterweight who has stopped his last 11 opponents heading into this intriguing matchup against the brilliant tactician that Garcia has established himself as. With a clash of two superb boxers in the prime of their careers and squarely in the top-five of the mythical pound-for-pound rankings, the winner can stake a claim as the best boxer in the sport today.

“Эррол Спенс младший. против. Mikey Garcia is a matchup of two highly-skilled and accomplished fighters in a true blockbuster showdown,” сказал Том Браун, Президент TGB Акции. “Fans will get to see the hometown hero Spence against the Mexican-American superstar Garcia with huge contingents of fans uplifting them to put on a performance to match the moment. Combined with a jam-packed pay-per-view undercard of action fights, this has all the makings of a once-in-a-lifetime event.

“Спенс против. Garcia is an event that transcends boxing and is a coronation that will crown the new ‘King of Boxing,"” сказал Ричард Шафер, Председатель и генеральный директор Ringstar Sports. “Помимо главного события, fight fans will be treated to a spectacular night of boxing featuring three of the most exciting Mexican fighters in the sport in David Benavidez, Luis Nery and Chris Arreola. This is exactly what a pay-per-view card is and should be all about: entertainment and non-stop action from the first bell to the last!”

We are proud to host a boxing match of this magnitude with Errol Spence Jr. and Mikey Garcia,” said Dallas Cowboys Owner, President and General Manager Jerry Jones. “AT&T Stadium was built to house the greatest sporting events on the planet, and we feel we have another incredible boxing event on the horizon with this matchup in our building on March 16.

Кладовая для продуктов (24-0, 21 КО) is no stranger to big stadium events as he won the IBF title by traveling to England to take on then-champion Kell Brook at Bramhall Lane soccer stadium on May 27, 2017. In front of a raucous crowd of over 27,000 loyal Brook supporters, the 28-year-old Spence stopped Brook in round 11 to wrest away the title.

This will be Spence’s third defense of the title. After beating Brook, he successfully defended it with an eighth-round stoppage of two-division champion Lamont Peterson and then knocked out mandatory challenger Carlos Ocampo in the first round in his last fight at Ford Center at The Star in Frisco, Техас, near his hometown of Desoto, Texas on June 16. Spence turned pro shortly after representing the U.S. на 2012 London Olympics with much promise and rose to the championship ranks with wins over former champion Chris Algieri and veteran contenders Leonard Bundu, Alejandro Barrera and Chris van Heerden.

I can’t wait for March 16th. It doesn’t get bigger than this,” сказал Спенс. “Fighting at AT&T Stadium in my hometown is a dream come true. If I beat Mikey Garcia the way I plan on beating him, I will be the guy in the sport. This is my year and Mikey isn’t going to stop me. I am training like this is the biggest fight of my life and I want to put on a great show for the fans and win convincingly.

Гарсия (39-0, 30 КО) is striving to put together a legendary career and is aggressively pursuing that goal. He has won world championships at featherweight, младший легкий, lightweight and junior welterweight. He now eyes a welterweight title against the consensus class of the division in Spence. Fighting out of Moreno Valley, Калифорния, Garcia unified the IBF and WBC Lightweight World Championships in his last bout by scoring unanimous decision victory over Robert Easter, Младший. в июле 28.

The 31-year-old first reached the championship ranks by blitzing through the featherweight and junior lightweight division, defeating Orlando Salido, Хуан Мануэль Лопес, Roman Martinez and Juan Carlos Burgos to establish himself as a star in the sport. Garcia has been on a fast track since ending a nearly 2-1/2-year hiatus with a knockout victory over Elios Rojas in 2016. After the victory over Rojas, Garcia scored a KO victory over Dejan Zlaticanin for the WBC lightweight championship in January 2017, before defeating four-division champion Adrien Broner in July and then captured a title at 140-pounds by dropping and defeating Sergey Lipinets last March.

In my career I’ve always sought to fight the best in boxing and this fight against Errol Spence Jr. is just that,” сказал Гарсия. “I want to be known as one of the all-time greats and what better way to do that than to win a welterweight title and become a five-division world champion. I have a tremendous amount of respect for Errol and what he’s accomplished, but I fully expect to leave the ring at AT&T Stadium with the welterweight world title. This is a match that I’ve been looking forward to for a long time and I plan on giving the fans a performance they’ll never forget.

The 22-year-old Benavidez (20-0, 17 КО) became the youngest fighter to ever win a super middleweight title in 2017 when he defeated Ronald Gavril at just 20-years-old. Борьба из Феникса, Benavidez’s older brother Jose is also a pro fighter who challenged Terrence Crawford last year. Benavidez most recently won a rematch against Gavril last February, and as WBCChampion in Recesshe will look to reclaim his belt against the winner of the Anthony Dirrell vs. Avni Yildirim bout for the vacant title on February 23.

Born in Detroit but fighting out of Las Vegas, Любовь (24-2-1, 13 КО) has long been amongst the top contenders at super middleweight and most recently lost a decision to Peter Quillin in August. The 31-year-old had been previously unbeaten in seven bouts heading into the contest against Quillin.

Currently riding a nine-fight knockout streak, Нери (28-0, 24 КО) will look to get one step closer to a fight to regain a bantamweight title when he steps into the ring March 16. The 24-year-old from Tijuana, Mexico twice traveled to Japan and stopped Shinsuke Yamanaka in WBC title fights. В 2018 he stopped Jason Canoy and Renson Robles heading into his U.S. debut against Arroyo.

A 2008 Olympian for his home country of Puerto Rico, Арройо (18-2. 8 КО) captured a 115-pound championship with a technical decision over Arthur Villanueva in their 2015 столкновение. After dropping decisions against Rau’shee Warren and Jerwin Ancajas, the 33-year-old most recently defeated Sander Diaz last June.

An exciting brawler inside the ring, Арреола (37-5-1, 32 КО) is well-known for challenging the best heavyweights in the sport throughout his career, and for becoming a popular attraction in and around his native Los Angeles for his fighting style and persona. The 37-year-old faced the likes of Vitali Klitschko, Томаш Адамек, and Bermane Stiverne, before challenging Deontay Wilder for his title in 2016. After a brief retirement, Arreola returned to stop Maurenzo Smith last December.

Unbeaten and fighting out of Louisville, Augustin (17-0-1, 12 КО) will face his toughest and most experienced test to date in Arreola. Родился в Гаити, Augustin turned pro in 2014 and has steadily climbed up the heavyweight rankings.

Для получения более подробной информации: визит www.premierboxingchampions.com, ХТ
и www.foxdeportes.com, Следуйте по щебетатьPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions и @Swanson_Comm или стать поклонником на Facebook в www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports &www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

About AT&T стадион:
AT&T Stadium is one of the largest, most technologically advanced entertainment venues in the world. Designed by HKS and built by Manhattan Construction, the $1.2 billion stadium features two monumental arches, the world’s largest HDTV video board cluster, an expansive retractable roof and the largest retractable end zone doors in the world. Features of the stadium include seating for 80,000 and expandability for up to 100,000, на 300 роскошные люксы, club seating on multiple levels and the Dallas Cowboys Pro Shop, open to the public year round. The stadium is also home to a world-class collection of contemporary art, made up of over 50 pieces from an international array of curated artists displayed on the walls and in the grand public spaces of the venue. In addition to being the Home of the Dallas Cowboys since opening in 2009, the stadium has hosted Super Bowl XLV, the 2010 NBA All Star Game, the 2014 NCAA Men’s Basketball Final Four, the 2015 College Football Playoff National Championship Game and the annual Goodyear Cotton Bowl Classic. The venue has also played host to high school and college football, концерты, championship fights, international soccer matches, and other special events. Для получения более подробной информации, перейти к www.attstadium.com.