Arkivji Tag: Erik Morales

Philadelphia-Native & Two-Division World Champion Danny Garcia Talks Underdog Mentality for Hometown Philadelphia Eagles & Tbassar Vitorja fil Super Bowl LII

Garcia Jieħu fuq Ex Champion Brandon Rios fil welterweight dinja Titolu eliminatur IS-SIBT, Frar 17 Live fuq Showtime minn Mandalay Bay Avvenimenti Center fil Las Vegas
PHILADELPHIA (Jannar 31, 2018) – Philadelphia indiġeni u champion dinja żewġ diviżjoni Danny “Swift” Garcia għandha thrived fir-rwol underdog diversi drabi matul il-karriera li rat lilu telfa multidirezzjonali ta ċampjins top. Eżatt bħal Garcia trijunfanti fuq Amir Khan u Lucas Matthysse fi tnejn jirbaħ akbar tiegħu, Hometown Garcia Philadelphia Eagles se tħares tkun ittellef l-odds dan il-Ħadd fil-Super Bowl LII kontra l-Patriots New England.
“Meta int underdog, dan kollu dwar l-użu li l-enerġija u li rabja biex juru l-doubters li inti tista 'tagħmel xejn,” Said Garcia. “Inti biss għandhom ikollhom dan it-twemmin assoluta fl-yourself u inti tista 'tirbaħ xejn.”
Għall-ġlied li għadu qed jgħix u ferroviji fil Hometown tiegħu, bħad entużjasti sportivi tant fil-qasam, -Eagles jġibu dar rebħa Super Bowl tkun l-qofol tal-ħolm tfulija.
“Stajt ġew jaraw il-Eagles peress I kien kid ftit,” Said Garcia. “Meta I kien ftit mort għal viċinat fejn futbol kien verament importanti u li għen lili jaqgħu fl-imħabba ma 'l-isport.”
Garcia rrappreżentat belt tiegħu matul karriera li rat lilu tirbaħ titoli fil super ħfief u welterweight, filwaqt li kien jisfratta ġellieda top bħal Khan, Matthysse, Lamont Peterson, Zab Judah, Robert Guerrero, Erik Morales u Paulie Malignaggi. Garcia ġġieldu fl Philadelphia żewġ tissielet ilu meta hu mogħtija rebħa eliminatorja għal fannijiet Hometown tiegħu fil Liacouras Center in Tempju Università.
“Hemm toughness li entużjasti sportivi Philly,” Said Garcia. “"Rocky’ moffa għen li l-immaġni simili tal-poplu tagħna. I jismu bint tiegħi Philly għaliex dan ikun ifisser tant li lili biex jirrappreżentaw din il-belt. Kollox I do huwa għall Philly. Stajt dejjem ħolmu dwar l-Eagles jirbħu l-Super Bowl.”
Garcia tittama li tkun segwitu rebħa Super Bowl għall Hometown tiegħu Philadelphia Eagles ma 'rebħa ta' tiegħu stess meta jieħu fuq eks champion Brandon Rios fil-eliminatur titolu dinja welterweight IS-SIBT, Frar 17 jgħixu fuq Showtime minn Mandalay Bay Avvenimenti Center fil Las Vegas.
“Dan se jkun xahar kbir għall Philadelphia,” Said Garcia, “I think we qed tmur biex tħabbat New England 28-17. I still remember l-ewwel Super Bowl kontra New England bhalu kien bieraħ. Li t-telf mwaħħla miegħi u naf li għandha għat-tim u l-belt wisq. Dan huwa ċ-ċans tagħna għall tpattija.
“I ma jistgħux jistennew biex tara d-Eagles jirbaħ l-Super Bowl u mbagħad jien ser jmorru lil Las Vegas fi ftit ġimgħat, ma Philly fuq dahar tiegħi, li tħabbat Brandon Rios.”
Garcia vs. Rios aħbarijiet l telecast Showtime kampjonat boxing li wkoll karatteristiċi l-rematch bejn unbeaten champion tad-dinja super middleweight David Benavidez u konkorrent top-rated Ronald Gavril. Biljetti għall-avveniment live, li hija promossa mill Promozzjonijiet Mayweather u l-Promozzjonijiet TGB, huma għall-bejgħ issa u huma disponibbli fil
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Għal aktar tagħrif żur u, segwitu TwitterSHOSports, @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, @MandalayBay u @Swanson_Comm jew isiru fan fuq Facebook, u Premier Boxing Champions hija ppreżentata mill Corona Extra, ifjen Birra.

Yordenis ugas u Konfrontazzjoni Ray Robinson fil IBF 147-Lira Titolu Eliminazzjoni Match Live fuq Showtime is-Sibt, Frar 17 minn Mandalay Bay fil Las Vegas & Ippreżentat mill Premier Champions Boxing

Żewġ Diviżjoni Champion Danny Garcia Jieħu Fuq Ex Dinja Champion Brandon Rios fil Main Event & 168-Lira Champion David Benavidez Jiddefendi Titolu fil rematch Kontra Fuq Konkorrent Ronald Gavril fil-Ko-Karatteristika






LAS VEGAS (Jannar 30, 2018) - kontendenti welterweight Yordenis ugas u Ray Robinson se tiġi f'kunflitt fil-12 round IBF eliminazzjoni titolu 147-lira bout jgħixu fuq Showtime IS-SIBT, Frar 17 minn Mandalay Bay fil Las Vegas avveniment preżentata mill Premier Champions Boxing






ugas vs. Robinson kicks off tripleheader Showtime kampjonat boxing fil 10 p.m. U/7 p.m. PT li huwa headlined minn battalja bejn żewġ diviżjoni champion Danny Garcia teħid fuq eks champion tad-dinja Brandon Rios fil-eliminatur titolu welterweight. Il-ko-karatteristika se tara champion tad-dinja 168-lira David Benavidez tiddefendi titolu tiegħu fi rematch kontra ogħla rata konkorrent middleweight super Ronald Gavril.






Dan Showdown welterweight se tiġi kkontestata għall-IBF ta numru tnejn pożizzjoni għall-titolu miżmum mill champion ilu ma jitlef Errol Spence Jr.






Biljetti għall-avveniment live, li hija promossa mill Promozzjonijiet Mayweather u l-Promozzjonijiet TGB, huma għall-bejgħ issa u huma disponibbli fil






azzjoni addizzjonali ġewwa l-arena se karatteristika konkorrent 175-lira Lionell Thompson (19-4, 11 Kos) battling ta 'impatt qawwi Edwin Rodriguez (29-2, 20 Kos) fi matchup 10-tond, konkorrent ħfief Ladarius Miller (14-1, 4 Kos) u eks champion dinja Argenis Mendez (24-5-1, 12 Kos) clashing fi Showdown 10-tond u ex kklassifikati top dilettanti joe Spencer se tagħmel id-debutt pro tiegħu kontra Uriel Gonzalez (1-2-1, 1 KO) ta 'erba round bout 154-lira.






ugas (20-3, 9 Kos), li twieled fil-Kuba u issa jgħix fil Las Vegas, huwa wieħed mill-boxers traffikużi fid-isport u malajr riser fid-diviżjoni welterweight. Wara li tilfu jkunx hemm deċiżjoni unanima Amir Imam fil 2014, l ugas 31-il sena ħa sena 'l barra mill-boxing u daħal lura fuq xi tiċrita. Matul medda ta '12-il xahar minn Awwissu 2016 sa Awissu 2017, Ugas rebaħ ħames tissielet dritta, iħabbtu off kontendenti top u l-prospetti inklużi Jamal James, Bryant Perrella, Levan Ghvamichava, Thomas Dulorme u Nelson Lara, inklużi jirbaħ multipli fuq inkarigi Avviż qosra.






Robinson (24-2, 12 Kos) huwa l-epitome ta qlubija Philadelphia - Boxer kkunsmahx li dejjem niġu għall-ġlieda u jħobb li tissospendi busy. Ugas se jirrappreżenta waħda mill-isfidi ħorox tal-karriera Robinson. Il southpaw 32-il sena ġġieldu tliet darbiet aħħar sena u huwa ġejjin off seventh tond rebħa deċiżjoni tekniku fuq Breidis Prescott fil-Belt Atlantiku fuq Ġunju 30.






It-tundjar-lejl ta 'ġlied huma unbeaten Andres Cortes (6-0, 4 Kos) fil-ġlieda ħfief sitt rawnd, undefeated Brian Gallegos (6-0, 4 Kos) f'sitt rawnds ta 'azzjoni featherweight super, konkorrent flyweight super Ava Knight (14-2-4, 5 Kos) fil-sitt attrazzjoni tondi u prospett unbeaten Jonathan Esquivel (6-0, 5 Kos) battling Cameron Burroughs (4-2, 3 Kos) fil-ġlieda middleweight sitt rawnd.


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Għal aktar tagħrif żur u, segwitu TwitterSHOSports, @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, @MandalayBay u @Swanson_Comm jew isiru fan fuq Facebook fil, u Premier Boxing Champions hija ppreżentata mill Corona Extra, ifjen Birra.

Danny Garcia vs. Brandon Rios & David Benavidez vs. Kwotazzjonijiet Ronald Gavril Los Angeles Konferenza Istampa & Ritratti

Garcia vs. Rios & Benavidez vs. Gavril 2 Iseħħ IS-SIBT, Frar 17 jgħixu fuq Showtime minn Mandalay Bay Avvenimenti Center fil Las Vegas & Ippreżentat mill Premier Champions Boxing
Ikklikkja HERE għal Ritratti mill Scott Hirano / Showtime
Ikklikkja HERE għal Ritratti mill Chris Farina / Promozzjonijiet Mayweather
Ikklikkja HERE għal Ritratti mill Erick Ramírez /
Premier Boxing Champions
LOS ANGELES (Jannar 9, 2018) – dinja champion żewġ diviżjoni Danny “Swift” Garcia u eks champion dinja Brandon “Bam Bam” Rios marru wiċċ imb'wiċċ għall-ewwel darba It-Tlieta waqt konferenza stampa fil-Los Angeles biex iħabbru prinċipali tagħhom Showdown avveniment qed iseħħIS-SIBT, Frar. 17 jgħixu fuq Showtime minn Mandalay Bay Avvenimenti Center fil Las Vegas u ppreżentata mill Premier Champions Boxing.
Ukoll fl-attendenza It-Tlieta kienu WBC Super Middleweight Champion tad-Dinja David Benavidez u top konkorrent Ronald Gavril, li jiltaqgħu fi rematch tal-ġlieda eċċitanti tagħhom titolu dinja minn Settembru fit-ko-karatteristika tal-telecast.
Biljetti għall-avveniment live, li hija promossa mill Promozzjonijiet Mayweather u l-Promozzjonijiet TGB, huma għall-bejgħ issa u huma disponibbli fil
Hawnhekk huwa dak li l-ġellieda kellhom jgħidu It-Tlieta mill-Kamra conga fil L.A. Live:
“Inħoss verament tajba mentalment u fiżikament dritt issa. korp tiegħi huwa mistrieħa u lesta li jkollhom kbir 2018 bidu Frar 17.
“Int għandek tkun iffukata biex jirnexxu fil-ġlieda bħal din u naħseb Brandon Rios jaf li. Jien taħriġ iebes so I hope hu wisq. Jien qatt ma ser jieħdu ġlieda off.
“Din hija ġlieda klassiku ta 'Boxer zgħir versus brawler. Jien ser jiġu ppreparati għal kollox u l-bidu 2018 off dritt. I għandhom ikunu l-ġlied stajt dejjem kien.
“Jien b'saħħtu u qawwi u lesti għall-ġlieda. Jien tqegħid t-telf li Keith Thurman lura lili u timxi 'l quddiem. Għandi biex tiffoka fuq jkunu Danny Garcia fuq Frar 17. I ma tista 'tagħfas u jipprova jagħmel wisq, I biss ikollu jikseb l-rebħa.
“Konna kemm ċampjins fl-istess ħin ta '140-liri u aħna ma jiksbu opportunità għall-ġlieda kontra imbagħad, iżda dan kollu dwar ħin fil-boxing. Affarijiet għandhom tendenza li jaħdmu barra u issa aħna lesti li jmorru ras għal ras.
“Jien qatt ma reġgħu lura u naf li Brandon Rios jara li fija. Jien dejjem jaslu għal ġlieda. Huwa ser tkun matchup kbir bi stili tagħna u determinazzjoni tagħna.
“I simili jaraw l-aħħar tliet ġlied tal-avversarju tiegħi. Naħseb li tagħti me indikazzjoni tajba ta 'dak li għaddej biex look like fuq lejl ġlieda. Stajt ġew jaraw tejp tal-aħħar ġlieda tiegħi wisq hekk nistgħu tikseb pjan logħba kbira flimkien.
“Ħassejtni qisni I ġġieldu ġlieda tajba kontra Thurman. Hu ma verament jidħlu. Ħsibt wara r-raba rawnd kien bażikament dell boxing. I do not tort lilu għaliex inti għandek tkun mutu li joħorġu quddiem lili. Aħna ser tagħmel xi aġġustamenti u żid għal dak I diġà tagħmel tajjeb.
“I ma ġewx offruti l-ġlieda Shawn Porter imma naħseb li jkun ġlieda kbira. Huwa jħobb biex tressaq u jien kbir Boxer u kontro-zgħir. Naħseb li l-fannijiet se imħabba tiegħu, iżda Shawn Porter għandu joqgħod attent dak li qed jixtiequ għal.”
“Kulħadd jaf istil tiegħi. Jien ma hawn biex żfin, Jien ġejjin biex jiġġieldu. Jien ser fil hemm bil-qalb tiegħi biex juru d-dinja li jien xorta wieħed mill-aħjar hemmhekk.
“Inħoss qawwija u inħoss rejuvenated. korp tiegħi meħtieġa xi mistrieħ minħabba kollha ta 'ġlied tiegħi huma gwerer. Hija ħadet pedaġġ fuq il-ġisem tiegħi u issa inħoss tajba daqs qatt qabel. Jien lest li juru d-dinja Brandon Rios differenti.
“Inti għandek għall-ġlieda kontra l-aħjar li jipprova jkun l-aħjar. Danny Garcia kien fil-quċċata ta 'dan l-isport għal żmien twil. Jien dejjem lest għal test.
“I użati biex mhux dejjem jieħdu taħriġ u l-piż tiegħi mod serju kif I għandu jkollhom. I kien żgħażagħ u mutu u I magħmula żbalji. Dawk l-iżbalji huma passat tiegħi u jien fil-forma kbira dritt issa.
“Stajt ġiet taħriġ verament diffiċli li jkollhom tank mimli gass fuq lejl ġlieda. I setgħet qagħdu rtirati iżda għadni fil lili u għad hemm aktar nista 'nikseb barra ta' dan l-isport. I verament imħabba boksing u jien eċċitati li jkun lura fil-ġlieda kbar bħal dan.
“Jien dejjem kunfidenti meta nasal fil-ċirku. Wara Robert Garcia fil hemm qed ikollha my brother miegħi. Huwa biss ieħor vuċi li jien użati biex u li I trust.
“Li lura fiċ-ċirku kien ftit ftit nerv-wracking imma I kienet kuntenta li jiksbu l-sadid ċirku off. Jien ma dak li kellu jagħmel u kien kuntent li tinkiseb permezz din l-esperjenza. Ninsab verament thankful li jkun f'din il-pożizzjoni għall-ġlieda kontra Danny Garcia.
“Stajt ġiet lesti għall-ġlieda xi waħda mill-ġellieda top. Stennejt u ħa ż-żmien tiegħi għaliex kont naf jiena ġlieda min ikun iżidu l. Sibt dak li ridt u issa wasal iż-żmien li tieħu vantaġġ.”
“I għandhom jagħmlu dikjarazzjoni dwar Frar 17. Jien jħallu Mandalay Bay ma 'l-ċinturin fuq l-ispalla tiegħi. Għandi biex jiksbu l-eliminatorja u dan huwa dak li jien tfittex li tagħmel.
“Huwa kien ħolma tiegħi peress I kien kid ftit li jgħaqqad titoli u dan huwa dak li jien jaħdmu lejn issa. Irrid li jkun wieħed mill-aħjar fl-istorja tal-klassi ta 'piż u jien jaħdmu ferm diffiċli biex ittemm dak.
“Jien l-iżgħar super middleweight champion tad-dinja fl-istorja u jien ser juru Gavril għaliex. Jien estremament motivati ​​biex tħares anke aħjar minn aħħar darba u jiksbu l-eliminatorja.
“I kiber fl-era fejn kulħadd ġġieldu kulħadd. Ma kien hemm daqstant enerġija u eċċitament ma 'kull ġlieda u dan huwa dak li jien tfittex li tressaq lill-partitarji. Dan se jkun ġlieda kbira li inti ma tridx taqbeż.
“Inħoss bħal I rebaħ l-ewwel ġlieda b'mod ċar. Gavril jaħseb hu għaddej li ġejjin u knock me out issa, imma jekk ikollu fiduċja tant, huwa għandu jkollu jsir li fl-ewwel ġlieda. Jien taħriġ estremament diffiċli dritt issa li jmorru fil hemm u kedd up lilu.
“L-istrateġija ta 'din il-ġlieda se tkun xi ftit differenti. Għandna xi affarijiet li aħna qed tippjana. Iżda huwa għadu għaddej biex tkun gwerra, għaliex nixtieq li tkun fan ġellied ħbiberija. Jien bit-tama li steal l-ispettaklu.
“Jien l-ċampjin hekk inħoss bħal jien f'pożizzjoni li tagħmel xi ġlied kbir fil-futur qarib. Irrid li l-rebbieħ tal-World Boxing Super Serje kampjonat 168-lira. Jien onorat li jkun fl-istess kolonna bħall-ċampjins oħra u I ma jistgħux jistennew li jiksbu fil-ċirku magħhom.
“I ma jinjoraw Gavril-ewwel darba. Kont naf li kien konkorrent u hu jkun ġie iebsa u lesti għall-ġlieda. Naf istil tiegħu issa hekk jien ser jmorru jaħdmu jkollna aħjar. Kien hemm ħafna affarijiet I għandu jkollhom jsir fl-ewwel ġlieda. Jien ser tieħu vantaġġ f'dan il-ħin.”
Ronald Gavril
“Jien ma naħsibx li kien tajjeb daqs in-nies qal li kien nidħlu ewwel ġlieda tagħna. Huwa ma kienx iġġieled ebda ġellieda reali, sabiex inti raw dak li ġara meta huwa mar kontra wieħed.
“Ninsab verament kuntenta li jkun hawn u jkun f'din il-pożizzjoni għal rematch. Nixtieq nirringrazzja David Benavidez talli qbilt għall-ġlieda kontra lili. Ħsibt li I rebaħ l-ewwel ġlieda so I kien jaf jien ridt dan immedjatament. I qalgħu dan rematch.
“Tgħallimt ħafna mill-ewwel ġlieda. Naf dak li nagħmel aħjar f'dan il-ħin. L-istrateġija se jiġu aġġustati u jien ser jaħdmu saħansitra aktar diffiċli fil-kamp biex ikunu lesti. Jien jaħdmu fuq huma l-aħjar li nista mentalment u fiżikament.
“Hu qlubija żgħażagħ li għad fadlilha ħafna ta 'affarijiet li jitgħallmu. Dritt issa hu l-ċampjin, imma hu se jkollu biex ikunu lesti. Dan mhux se jkun ġlieda faċli għalih. Jien ser fil hemm biex iweġġgħu lilu u tirbaħ il-ġlieda.
“I tista 'tagħmel ħafna affarijiet aħjar milli fl-ewwel ġlieda. I ppruvat li għandi l-ħiliet fl-ewwel logħba, u issa I se ttejjeb li jiksbu l-rebħa. I am hawn għal raġuni. Huwa mhux se tkun ġlieda faċli għalih.
“Jien biss ħsieb dwar David Benavidez dritt issa. Jien tqegħid kollox fis dan rematch u jkollna l-ċinturin. Meta nirbaħ, l-bqija se jieħu ħsieb innifsu.”
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Għal aktar tagħrif żur u, segwitu TwitterSHOSports, @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, @MandalayBay u @Swanson_Comm jew isiru fan fuq Facebook, u Premier Boxing Champions hija ppreżentata mill Corona Extra, ifjen Birra.


Aktar, 168-Pound Champion David Benavidez Makes First World Title Defense in a Rematch with Ronald Gavril in the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Ko-Karatteristika
Biljetti dwar il-Bejgħ IS-SIBT, Diċembru 23 fi 10 a.m. PST!
LAS VEGAS (Diċembru 21, 2017) – dinja champion żewġ diviżjoni Danny “Swift” Garcia returns to the ring to take on former world champion Brandon “Bam Bam” Rios in a welterweight showdown on IS-SIBT, Frar 17 jgħixu fuq SHOWTIME at the Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas and presented by Premier Boxing Champions.
Fil-ko-karatteristika, boxing champion dinja iżgħar David “Il-Bandiera Aħmar” Benavidez will defend his Super Middleweight World Championship for the first time against Ronald Gavril in a rematch of their thrilling September 2017 bout in which Benavidez won the vacant title by split decision.
The card is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions in association with DSG Promotions. The Benavidez-Gavril rematch is co-promoted by Sampson Boxing. Tickets for the live event go on sale IS-SIBT, Diċembru. 23 fi 10 a.m. PST and will be available at
I’m excited just to get back in the ring,” Said Garcia, who was reigning world champion for the better part of six years dating back to his win over Hall of Famer Erik Morales in 2012 permezz ta 'Marzu 2017. “I needed the time off to recuperate and let my body heal.
Garcia (33-1, 19 Kos) was a unified world champion at super lightweight and welterweight and has fought and defeated many of the most formidable opponents in both divisions spanning two generations-Morales, Zab Judah, Kendall Holt, Amir Khan, Lucas Matthysse, Paulie Malignaggi and Lamont Peterson among them. Four of his five opponents in the welterweight division were world champions and 10 tal-aħħar tiegħu 14 opponents were world champions or former world champions.
I was the reigning champion for six years, so I needed the rest,” continued the 29-year old Philadelphia fighter. “I’m ready to kick off the year in style and take over the welterweight division.
Fl-aħħar ġlieda tiegħu, a welterweight clash of world title holders, Garcia lost via split decision to now unified 147-pound world champion Keith Thurman in a hard-fought, exciting fight that aired live on CBS. The SHOWTIME BOXING on CBS broadcast drew the biggest boxing audience of the year, more than five million viewers which remains the largest audience to witness a primetime boxing broadcast since 1998.
Issa, Garcia looks to re-establish his once dominant position at welterweight, a division that boasts more top-10 pound-for-pound fighters in the sport than any other weight class; fighters including world champions Errol Spence Jr., Thurman, Shawn Porter, Kell Brook, Lamont Peterson and more.
What’s interesting in this fight with Brandon Rios is our styles. We both like to come forward. This kind of matchup will bring out the best in both of us. I’m excited to be back in Las Vegas. I’ve had some of my best performances and some of my biggest fights there. I beat Lucas Matthysse and Amir Khan in Vegas. You fight in Las Vegas, you’re a superstar,” added Garcia.
Bħall Garcia, Rios has fought many of the top welterweights of this era including world champions Timothy Bradley and Manny Pacquiao. The hard-nosed slugger from Oxnard, Calif., għandha 34 jirbaħ, 25 billi eliminatorja. The 31-year-old Rios always comes prepared to battle. With an aggressive style and granite chin, he is one of the most entertaining boxers in the sport. In his last fight he scored a TKO victory over Aaron Herrera on Ġunju 11. A victory over Garcia, a top-10 welterweight in his own right, would immediately change the course of Rioscareer and demand that he be placed among the top-ranked in the division.
I’m excited to prove my critics wrong again,” said Rios. “I’m bring a ‘Bam BamRios slugfest to my fans. Danny is a great fighter, but I will beat him just like I have beat others in the past. I am focused and will make this a classic Mexican-Puerto Rican battle!”
SHOWTIME is poised to start the year with two crucial welterweight main event matchups,” qal Stephen Espinoza, Executive Vice President and General Manager of SHOWTIME Sports®. “Following the January 20th event pitting Errol Spence Jr. vs. Lamont Peterson, Garcia vs. Rios features two of the most battle-tested and ferocious 147-pound fighters in the world. Add in the Benavidez vs. Gavril II co-feature, a fight that is guaranteed to deliver dramatic action, and we are picking up right where we left off in 2017 delivering the most compelling and important matchups in boxing’s deepest divisions.
We’re looking forward to the action at Mandalay Bay Events Center in February,” Said Leonard Ellerbe, CEO Mayweather Promotions. “Both Garcia and Rios are seasoned fighters that have faced the toughest competition in the welterweight division and they are both very hungry for a big win. The co-feature rematch between the youngest reigning world champion David Benavidez and challenger Ronald Gavril we already know will be thrilling. All four of these men have proven that they’ll put it all on the line in the boxing ring to leave no doubt about who the better man is. B'żieda, we are working on a crowd-pleasing undercard now. Everyone on this card will need to bring their ‘A gameto Las Vegas in order to be victorious on Frar 17.”
Danny Garcia is one of the most battle-tested, skillful boxers in the sport. What he did in running through the 140-pound division before moving up to welterweight is simply amazing,” said Tom Brown, President tal Promozzjonijiet TGB. “‘Bam BamRios is a throwback warrior. He never met a fight that he backed down from. Putting Garcia and Rios into the ring against each other promises nothing but fireworks in a match that should provide maximum entertainment for fans. It’s the kind of fight that belongs in Las Vegas, a classic battle that harkens to welterweight wars of the past. The first match between Benavidez and Gavril left enough room for doubt that a rematch should settle any remaining questions. I’d expect both boxers to come in with something to prove and that translates into a fan-friendly match.
The 21-year-old Benavidez (19-0, 17 Kos) became the youngest reigning world champion in boxing and the youngest 168-pound champion in history at 20-years, nine months old when he scored a split decision against Gavril to win the super middleweight title on Settembru 8. The bout featured multiple swings of momentum, thrilling exchanges and a wild 12th round. Benavidez and Gavril pushed each other to deliver the best performance of their respective careers thus far.
I feel I won the fight,” said Gavril immediately after the decision. “I dominated the pace. I can’t say anything elseThe only thing I can do is to ask for a rematch.
Fuq Frar 17, Gavril will get it.
No excuses this time,” qal Sampson Lewkowicz tal Sampson Boxing. “The minute Benavidez finished the fight I requested the rematch-on behalf of the winner-for the sole reason that he needed to win by emphatically and not by split decision. I wanted the public to be able to have the rematch so that everyone will know who the best is. I expect this time Gavril will say that he’s really been beaten. As the youngest reigning champion in the sport today, I want no doubt that Benavidez is the better man. It was a great fight the first time and this time we’ll see who the best truly is. Ebda skużi. No doubt.
Fighting out of Phoenix, Ariz., Benavidez had scored 10 straight knockouts leading up to the match against Gavril. His eight-round KO victory over Rogelio Medina put him position for the vacant title.
This is a fight that my father, my team and I decided to take again to show everybody that I’m really the champion and there’s more to me than just being the youngest world champion,” Benavidez said. “I feel like I’m the better fighter and I’m going to definitely show it this time. I learned from that first fight that he puts on a lot of pressure. He likes to throw at the same time that I’m throwing. There are a couple different approaches to take against that. It’s going to be a great night of fights. Danny Garcia and ‘Bam Bam’ Rios, these are two fighters I look up to in the sport and it’s an honor to fight in their undercard. My training has been going well. We decided to bring in a strength and conditioning coach and I feel really strong. I believe I’ll be very prepared.
Gavril (18-2, 14 Kos) rose rapidly through the ranks by scoring seven straight victories including four by knockout since 2015. The 31-year-old Gavril was born in Bacau, Romania and now lives and fights out of Las Vegas. He fought a brilliant match against Benavidez, seizing control in the middle rounds and even dropping the young contender in the 12th with less than a minute left in the fight. Fl-aħħarnett, it wasn’t enough as Gavril lost on two of the three judges’ scorecards.
I can’t wait to get into the ring again and take that belt,” said Gavril. “I learned his game plan quickly during the first fight, I blocked it well then, and I plan to do the same again. He has fast hands and power, I won’t take that from him, but I am prepared for whatever plan he comes in the ring with. I know I have what it takes to win this time. Preparing for this fight the second time around has been different, training has been more intense, and my team is preparing me to take him out once and for all. I can’t let him win. Some people said I won back in September, and were surprised by my performance. I thought it was close, and I thought the knock down gave me the advantage to win. All I can do is be ready. I don’t think either of us will upset the fans on fight night. I want to thank Floyd Mayweather and Leonard for another opportunity against Benavidez. He’s a great fighter and tough competitor and this will certainly be a great fight.
Għal aktar tagħrif żur u, segwitu TwitterSHOSports, @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, @MandalayBay u @Swanson_Comm jew isiru fan fuq Facebook fil, u


Manny Pacquiao speaks at today’s Final press conference in Australia
Edmonton, Alberta, Kanada (Ġunju 28, 2017) – The final [press conference was held today fordin is-Sibt tal-lejl “Battle in Brisbane,” featuring World Boxing Organization (WBO) Welterweight World champion Manny “Pacman’ Pacquiao (59-6-2, 38 Kos) and his title challenger, Jeff Horn (16-0-1, 11 Kos).
Battle of Brisbane: Pacquiao vs.. Horn,” presented by Top Rank and Duco Events. se arja din is-Sibt filgħaxija, exclusively in Canada on Super Channel, live from Suncorp Stadium in Brisbane, Awstralja.
Super Channel subscribers will be able to watch four exciting fights, jibda 9 p.m. U / 6 p.m. PT, fuq il- “Battle of Brisbane” card, headlined by Pacquiao vs. Horn.
As a warm-up to theBattle of Brisbane” fuq Lulju 1, Super Channel will present two replays of previous Pacquiao bouts on Il-ġimgħa Ġunju 30jibda 7 p.m. U / 4 p.m. PT on SC1:

Manny Pacquiao vs Oscar de la Hoya
– Diċembru. 6, 2008

Manny Pacquiao vs Ricky Hatton
– Mejju 2, 2009 (IBO World super lightweight title)
These fights will also be available on Super Kanal On Demand.
Here is a link to Pacquaio’s interview today with official press conference host Ben Damon:
IS-SIBT night’s Super Channel telecast will also feature two-time Irish Olympian Michael Conlan (2-0, 2 Kos), from Belfast, in a six-round featherweight bout against Jarrett “Juarez” Owen (5-4-3, 2 Kos), of Brisbane.In the 12-round co-feature,Internazzjonali Federazzjoni Boxing (IBF) junior bantamweight world champion Jerwin “Boy Pretty” Ancajas (24-1-1, 16 Kos), of Cavite City, Filippini, will defend his title against top-rated contender Teiru Kinoshita (25-1-1, 8 Kos), of Kobe, Ġappun. The live telecast will open with an eight-round middleweight bout between Shane Mosley, Jr. (10-1, 7 Kos), tal Pomona, Calif. and son of former three-division world champion “Zokkor” Shane Mosley, u David Toussaint (10-0, 8 Kos), of Canberra, Awstralja.
Kollha ġlied u ġellieda huma soġġetti għal bidla.
Twitter: @SuperChannel
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Manny Pacquiao & Freddie Roach Workout quotes from Australia

Edmonton, Alberta, Kanada (Ġunju 27, 2017) – Organizzazzjoni Dinjija Boxing (WBO) Welterweight World champion Manny “Pacman’ Pacquiao (59-6-2, 38 Kos) and his Hall-of-Fame trainer, Freddie Roach, held a media workout today in Australia, preparing for din is-Sibt night’s showdown between Pacquiao and his title challenger, Jeff Horn (16-0-1, 11 Kos).
Battle of Brisbane: Pacquiao vs.. Horn,” presented by Top Rank and Duco Events. se arja din is-Sibt filgħaxija, exclusively in Canada on Super Channel, live from Suncorp Stadium in Brisbane, Awstralja.
Super Channel subscribers will be able to watch four exciting fights, jibda 9 p.m. U / 6 p.m. PT, fuq il- “Battle of Brisbane” card, headlined by Pacquiao vs. Horn.

As a warm-up to theBattle of Brisbane” fuq Lulju 1, Super Channel will present two replays of previous Pacquiao bouts on Il-ġimgħa Ġunju 30jibda 7 p.m. U / 4 p.m. PT on SC1:

Manny Pacquiao vs Oscar de la Hoya
– Diċembru. 6, 2008

Manny Pacquiao vs Ricky Hatton
– Mejju 2, 2009 (IBO World super lightweight title)
These fights will also be available on Super Kanal On Demand.
See Pacquiao and Roach quotes below from today’s workout:
MANNY PACQUIAO: We have a really good plan for this fight. We worked hard in training camp both in Manila and in General Santos City. I’m totally focused for this fight. I am not looking past this fight because at this point in my career, every fight is the most important. There are no tomorrows if I don’t win today.
Jeff Horn is OK. I’ve watched video of his fights. He brings a lot of action into the ring.
I know what he is feeling. I remember everything about my first world title fight.
Being a senator and training for a fight is hard. It takes discipline and time management. Luckily, the Senate has been in recess for the past few weeks and I have been able to focus on training for my world title fight.
A Senator’s job is to defend his peopleto fight for their rights.
I know Jeff Horn used to be a teacher. Fil-ċirku, I’m a teacher too.
I am ready for Jeff to come out and be aggressive. If he does that it will be a great fight for the fans.
The biggest crowd I ever fought in front of was at Cowboys Stadium against Joshua Clottey. I’m told this could be bigger [51,000+]. I am very excited for doing that, even though they may not be rooting for me. I am also very happy that ESPN will be televising it l U.S. Now everyone can see it. It’s good for boxing.
FREDDIE ROACH: Manny is a performer. He loves people, loves a big audience. Brisbane has all that for this fight. He’ll be fighting in front of the biggest crowd of his career.
Not everyone gets the opportunity to fight for a world title. It was always my dream but I never fought for one. Huwa big deal. Jeff Horn earned this opportunity. He is the WBO’s mandatory challenger.
Manny gave me 110% in training camp. He always does. No one works harder in the gym. The difference in this camp from recent ones has been his aggression. He’s scored several knockdowns and I haven’t seen that in years. He has kept his foot on the pedal throughout, even when he’s had a sparring partner in trouble. After his ring work he is singing and dancingnot wellbut that’s not the point. He is really hungry to make a statement in this fight against Horn. He’s even playing Shakira during his workouts again and he hasn’t done that in years.
IS-SIBT night’s Super Channel telecast will also feature two-time Irish Olympian Michael Conlan (2-0, 2 Kos), from Belfast, in a six-round featherweight bout against Jarrett “Juarez” Owen (5-4-3, 2 Kos), of Brisbane.In the 12-round co-feature,Internazzjonali Federazzjoni Boxing (IBF) junior bantamweight world champion Jerwin “Boy Pretty” Ancajas (24-1-1, 16 Kos), of Cavite City, Filippini, will defend his title against top-rated contender Teiru Kinoshita (25-1-1, 8 Kos), of Kobe, Ġappun. The live telecast will open with an eight-round middleweight bout between Shane Mosley, Jr. (10-1, 7 Kos), tal Pomona, Calif. and son of former three-division world champion “Zokkor” Shane Mosley, u David Toussaint (10-0, 8 Kos), of Canberra, Awstralja.
Kollha ġlied u ġellieda huma soġġetti għal bidla.
Twitter: @SuperChannel
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Facebook: /superchannel

Super Channel to airBattle of BrisbaneManny Pacquiao vs. Jeff Horn International Card July 1st live from Australia


(L-R) – Manny Pacquiao & Jeff Horn
(picture courtesy of 7 News Brisbane)
Edmonton, Alberta, Kanada (Ġunju 26, 2017) – Super Channel is pleased to announce that it has acquired the exclusive rights in Canada to air the July 1st Organizzazzjoni Dinjija Boxing (WBO) World Welterweight Championship bout between reigning champion, future Hall-of-Famer Manny “Pacman’ Pacquiao, u isfidant Jeff Horn, jibda 9 p.m. U / 6 p.m. PT, live from Suncorp Stadium in Brisbane, Queensland, Awstralja.
Battle of Brisbane: Pacquiao vs.. Hornis a presentation of Top Rank and Duco Events. Super Channel will air four exciting fights from this card, headlined by Pacquiao vs. Horn, esklussivament fil-Kanada.
Super Channel is ecstatic to be bringing a non-pay-per-view Pacquiao bout to Canadian fight fans as a follow up to the exciting Brook vs Spence IBF Welterweight Championship we brought them in May” qal Troy Wassill, Director of Programming, Domestic Distributors and Sports. “We keep hearing from our viewers that they want more boxing on Super Channel and the ‘Battle of Brisbaneis going to deliver exactly what they are looking for.
The world has followed amazing Manny since he burst onto the scene in his U.S. debutt fil 2001, where he knocked out Lehlo Ledwaba to win his second of a record eight division world titles,” Sala ta 'promotur Fame Bob Arum miżjud. “It’s going to be an unbelievable event.

As a warm-up to theBattle of Brisbane” fuq Lulju 1, Super Channel will present two replays of previous Pacquiao bouts on Il-ġimgħa Ġunju 30jibda 7 p.m. U / 4 p.m. PT on SC1:

Manny Pacquiao vs Oscar de la Hoya
– Diċembru. 6, 2008

Manny Pacquiao vs Ricky Hatton
– Mejju 2, 2009 (IBO World super lightweight title)
These fights will also be available on Super Kanal On Demand.
Pacquiao (59-6-2, 38 Kos), a former two-term congressman, was elected to a Philippine Senate seat in May 2016, capturing more than 16 million votes nationally. An international icon, Pacquiao is the only fighter to win eight world titles in as many different weight divisions. A three-time Fighter of the Year and the reigning BWAA “Fighter tal-Deċennju,” Resumé Pacquiao tal-karatteristiċi rebħiet fuq Hall preżent u futur ta 'Famers, Inklużi Oscar De La Hoya, Ricky Hatton, Marco Antonio Barrera, Erik Morales, Miguel Cotto, Shane Mosley, Juan Manuel Marquez u Timothy Bradley.
Mill 2008 biex 2010, five of his seven victories were in world title fights, in five different weight classes, li jvarjaw minn 130 biex 154 liri. No active boxer has sold more live tickets in the U.S. minn Pacquiao, li huwa wkoll kreditati bl b'aktar minn 18 million domestic pay-per-view buys. After his disappointing unanimous decision loss to Floyd Mayweather, Jr. fuq Mejju 2, 2015, a world championship fight that generated a record 4.5 million pay-per-view buys and more than $400 million in television revenue alone, a healthy Pacquiao (he had suffered a torn rotator cuff in his right shoulder during the fourth round of the Mayweather fight) returned to the winner’s circle on April 9, 2016, winning the rubber match against five-time world champion Bradley. In a battle of Top-10 pound for pound fighters, Pacquiao sent Bradley to the canvas twice en route to a dominant 12-round unanimous decision victory. Fuq Novembru. 5, Pacquiao regained the WBO welterweight title for a third time when he shellacked the once-defeated defending champion Jessie Vargas via another dominant 12-round unanimous decision. Pacquiao has been trained by Hall of Famer Freddie Roach peress 2001.
Unbeaten hometown-favorite Horn (16-0-1, 11 Kos), fighting out of Brisbane (Queensland, Awstralja), enters the fight of his life having won his last three battles — kollha 2016 — kontra Ali Funeka, Rico Mueller u Randall Bailey, ġewwa l-distanza. They had a combined record of 105-14-4 when he fought them. Il 2012 Australian Olympian’s background belies the warrior he has become inside the ring. Well-schooled inside and outside the ring, Horn received his Bachelor of Education degree from Griffith University and taught high school Physical Education even as he embarked on his professional boxing career.
Horn started boxing at age 18 after being picked on by bullies and he has been an advocate of anti-bullying campaigns. Immensely popular throughout Australia, the 29-year-old Horn has become a national gate attraction in his own right. Selected as the 2015 Australian Boxer of the Year, Horn is trained and managed by Glenn Rushton, the only trainer he has ever had, and assisted by former WBC super welterweight world champion John “Il-kruha” Mugabi.
Il Lulju 1 telecast will also feature Irish Olympic hero Michael Conlan (2-0, 2 Kos), from Belfast, in a six-round featherweight bout against Jarrett “Juarez” Owen (5-4-3, 2 Kos), of Brisbane, u Federazzjoni Internazzjonali Boxing (IBF) junior bantamweight world champion Jerwin “Boy Pretty” Ancajas (24-1-1, 16 Kos), of Cavite City, Filippini, defending his title against top-rated contender Teiru Kinoshita (25-1-1, 8 Kos), of Kobe, Ġappun. The live telecast will open with an eight-round middleweight rumble between Shane Mosley, Jr. (10-1, 7 Kos), tal Pomona, Calif. and son of former three-division world champion “Zokkor” Shane Mosley, u David Toussaint (10-0, 8 Kos), of Canberra, Awstralja.
Some of the greatest boxers in history have confirmed they will be ringside, Inklużi Roberto Duran, Evander Holyfield, u Thomas Hearns.
Kollha ġlied u ġellieda huma soġġetti għal bidla.
Twitter: @SuperChannel
Instagram: @SuperChannelTV


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Spinks brothers, Michael Carbajal, Erik Morales and Salvador Sanchez are also among the greats to be honored Awissu. 12 at Caesars Palace.
LAS VEGAS – Ex champion dinja Thomas Hearns, li flimkien ma ' Zokkor Ray Leonard, Marvellous Marvin Hagler u Roberto Duran dominated boxing in the 1980s and became known collectively asThe Four Kings,” headlines a 14-person class of inductees into the Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame, Hall CEO/president Michelle Corrales-Lewis announced Wednesday.
Hearns was chosen in the non-Nevada resident boxer category, along with Michael Spinks, Erik Morales, Michael Carbajal, women’s boxing star Lucia Rijker and Salvador Sanchez. Elected in the Nevada resident boxer category was Ken Norton, Leon Spinks and Richie Sandoval.
Chosen in the non-boxer category were referee Davey Pearl, public relations specialist Debbie Munch, promoter Mel Greb, trainer/cut man Rafael Garcia and Nevada Athletic Commission chair Dr. Elias Ghanem.
Norton, Sanchez, Greb and Ghanem will be inducted posthumously.
The members of the Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame’s star-studded fifth-induction class will be honored at a gala dinner at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas on IS-SIBT, Awissu. 12. Ticket will be released Thursday, February 16th at 12pm on .
We are very proud of this class of inductees, and it contains some of the greatest fighters who ever lived,” Corrales-Lewis said. “I’m looking forward to our gala dinner when we can honor these richly deserving people and allow their fans to say hello.
Hearns was one of the standouts during the 1980s and participated in a series of great bouts in Las Vegas with Leonard, Hagler and Duran. His 1985 bout with Hagler at Caesars Palace is still regarded by many as the greatest fight in boxing history.
The Spinks brothers, Michael and Leon, become the first set of brothers inducted into the Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame. Both won gold medals for the U.S. fil- 1976 Olympics in Montreal and then went on to win world titles in the pros.
Norton, known primarily for a series of close bouts with the legendary Muhammad Ali, also competed in one of the great heavyweight title bouts ever. He lost the WBC title by a razor-thin decision to Larry Holmes in 1978, among the finest heavyweight championship fights ever held.
Pearl was among the best referees of all-time and worked more than 70 championship bouts. He was the referee for both Leon Spinks’ xokkanti 1978 upset of Ali as well as for Leonard’s dramatic 14th-round knockout of Hearns in 1981.
The Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame is an IRS 501 (c)3 charity and all donations are tax deductible. The Hall’s charitable contributions over the five years since its formation have helped boxers in need and boxing-related charities. Donations are welcome.
The Hall was founded in 2013 by noted boxing broadcaster Rich Marotta.
Għal aktar informazzjoni, phone 702-3NVBHOF, jew 702-368-2463.
Michael Carbajal Best known as the first junior flyweight to earn a $1 million purse, Carbajal won world titles at junior flyweight and flyweight. Known asLittle Hands of Stonefor his punching power, Carbajal was 49-4 ma 33 Kos.
His rivalry with HumbertoPetiteGonzalez was one of the best of the early 1990s and their 1993 fight was The Ring Magazine Fight of the Year. Fl 2004, The Ring named Carbajal as the best junior flyweight in history.
Huwa kien 98-10 as an amateur and won a silver medal at the 1988 Olympics in Seoul, Korea t'Isfel.
Thomas Hearns – Hearns, 58, won recognized world titles at welterweight, welterweight super, middleweight, super middleweight and light heavyweight during a career in which he went 61-5-1 ma 48 Kos.
He’s most remembered for his savage three-round battle with Hagler in 1985, but he participated in many of the decade’s biggest and most electric bouts. He fought in Las Vegas 16 ħinijiet, jmorru 11-4-1 b'disa knockouts.
Erik MoralesOne of the most exciting fighters of the early part of the 2000s, Morales is best known for his series of outstanding fights with arch rival Marco Antonio Barrera. Morales went 52-9 ma 36 knockouts but is best known for his trilogy with Barrera, two of which were named Ring Fight of the year.
Morales won major world titles at super bantamweight, featherweight, super featherweight and super lightweight, becoming the first Mexican born fighter to win titles in four weight classes.
He also engaged in a spectacular trilogy with Manny Pacquiao, beating him in the first and dropping the last two.
Ken NortonThough he was the heavyweight champion before losing his belt to Larry Holmes in one of the great title bouts ever, Norton was best known for his three fights with the legendary Muhammad Ali. Norton defeated Ali in 1973 in San Diego in their first bout, breaking Ali’s jaw.
Ali won the two subsequent bouts, inkluż 1976 match at Yankee Stadium for the title. Some observers believe Norton deserved to win all three fights.
The Holmes fight was sensational and the two men stood in the center of the ring at Caesars and slugged it out in the 15th u fażi finali.
Lucia RijkerRijker is regarded as one of, if not the best, women boxers in history. She was 17-0 ma 14 knockouts in boxing and was 37-0-1 ma 25 knockouts as a kick boxer.
In her boxing career, she scored dominant wins over the likes of Jane Couch, Marcela Acuna and Chevelle Hallback.
She later appeared in the Oscar-winning film, “Million Dollar Baby.
Salvador SanchezSanchez tragically died in an auto accident in Mexico at just 23 snin qodma, robbing the world of one of the elite fighters in history well before his time. Sanchez was 44-1-1 ma 32 knockouts and was the lineal featherweight champion from 1980 until his death in 1982.
He won the title by knocking out Danny “Aħmar Little” Lopez, but is best known for a dominating eighth-round stoppage of Wilfredo Gomez. Gomez was 33-0 ma 32 knockouts but was no match for Sanchez.
Richie SandovalSandoval held the bantamweight title for two years, but his career, as great as it was, is a question of what might have been. Huwa kien membru tal- 1980 U.S. Olympic boxing team, but he lost his chance at a medal when President Carter decided to boycott the Games in Moscow.
Sandoval won the first 29 fights of his pro career, racking up 17 knockouts, and beat the great Jeff Chandler for the bantamweight belt.
But tragically, Sandoval suffered serious boxing related injuries in a 1986 bout with Gaby Canizales and was forced to retire.
Leon Spinks Spinks is most known for upsetting Muhammad Ali in 1978 in just his eighth pro fight to win the heavyweight championship. He lost the title in a rematch and failed in two other attempts to win a title. He was stopped by Larry Holmes in a heavyweight title fight in 1981 and lost a cruiserweight title challenge in Reno to Dwight Muhammad Qawi in 1986.
A colorful figure known asNeon” Leon, he was an acclaimed amateur who was 178-7 ma 133 KOs and the light heavyweight gold at the 1976 Olympic Games in Montreal.
He finished his professional career with a 26-17-3 mark and 14 Kos.
Michael SpinksSpinks was 31-1 in his career and won both the light heavyweight and heavyweight titles. He moved up from light heavyweight to defeat Larry Holmes at the Riviera in 1985, denying Holmes the opportunity to go 49-0 and match Rocky Marcianos record.
He won the light heavyweight title in his 17th pro fight in 1981 at the Imperial Palace in Las Vegas when he bested the much more experienced Eddie Mustafa Muhammad. Spinks held the light heavyweight title for four years, before giving it up to move to heavyweight to fight Holmes.
A 1976 Medalist deheb Olimpiku, Spinksonly pro loss came in his final fight when he was knocked out by Mike Tyson in a bout for the undisputed heavyweight title.
Rafael Garcia – Garcia, 87, is best known for his cap he wears festooned with pins and for working as Floyd Mayweather’s hand wrapper. But he had a long career as both a cut man and a trainer and was outstanding at both. He worked with elite fighters such as Mayweather, Roberto Duran, Alexis Arguello and Wilfredo Gomez.
Dr. Elias GhanemGhanem as the long-time chairman of the Nevada Athletic Commission, and was responsible for helping it to earn the moniker, “The greatest commission in the world.
Ghanem, a physician whose patients once included Elvis Presley, played a key role in the hearings after Mike Tyson bit Evander Holyfield, and also was instrumental in bringing the Oscar De La Hoya-Felix Trinidad bout to Las Vegas in 1999.
Mel GrebKnown asThe father of professional boxing in Southern Nevada,” Greb was a promoter and matchmaker who first brought Muhammad Ali to Nevada. Then known as Cassius Clay, Greb promoted Ali’s seventh pro fight in 1961. That week, he introduced Ali to wrestlerGorgeous” George, and Ali patterned himself after George in many ways.
Greb died in 1996 fi 75 snin qodma.
Debbie MunchCaesars Palace in Las Vegas was a legendary host for many of boxing’s biggest fights in the 1980s and early 1990s, and Munch, a public relations expert, was instrumental in it.
She was widely respected by promoters, boxers and the media and helped many journalists immeasurably with their boxing coverage.
Davey PearlPearl was small of stature, but was a giant as a referee. He worked more than 70 world title bouts, including Muhammad Ali-Leon Spinks and Sugar Ray Leonard-Thomas Hearns.
Pearl was also a highly regarded judge.