标记档案: 埃里克·沃克

EPIX® 确定《竞争者》的首映日期, 揭示 16 拳手们争夺冠军腰带

马克·伯内特 (Mark Burnett) 的 12 集拳击比赛系列

从米高梅电视台和派拉蒙电视台到首映 八月 24

洛杉矶 – 六月 27, 2018 - 付费付费电视网络 EPIX® 宣布 16 拳手们将在拳击系列赛的复兴中为了冠军腰带而相互对峙 竞争者 这个秋天. 备受期待的 12 集季剧, 来自米高梅电视台和派拉蒙电视台, 将于8月在EPIX首播. 24, 2018 在 10 PM ET / PT.




由不败拳击冠军安德烈主持 “上帝之子”病房, 该网络首个同类竞争性纪录片系列将重点介绍 16 拳手们在艰苦的淘汰式战斗中挑战自己的极限,考验他们实现拳击梦想的勇气和决心. 拳手们将由传奇拳击教练弗雷迪·罗奇 (Freddie Roach) 监督, 和费城著名教练纳齐姆·理查森 (Naazim Richardson).




“《竞争者》将无剧本的电视节目发挥到了极致. 它有令人难以置信的职业战士和真正的职业战斗. 你座位边缘的戏剧和真实故事奠定了我们观众期待的基调,我喜欢它,”马克·伯内特说, 米高梅电视台总裁.




“随着这个新的迭代 竞争者, 重点是坚韧不拔, 拳手们为拳击荣耀而战的个人故事,”迈克尔·赖特说, 总统, EPIX. “对我们来说,找到不仅在拳击场上展现出拳击技巧和韧性的人非常重要, 但除此之外,他还表现出了内心的深度和幽默感. 我们的 16 战士们都是活泼的, 艰难的, 有趣的, 敏感的, 驱动和启发, 我们很高兴我们的粉丝能够了解他们的故事,并在赛场内外为他们加油。”




该 16 参赛者来自各种职业拳击背景和生活阶段, 带来他们独特的故事, 个性, 该系列的优势和动机.




每位拳手都将争夺新的 160 磅中量级冠军 竞争者 并将获胜者的六位数钱包带回家——奖品, 哪, 为所有的战士, 代表着他们的家人和亲人能够过上更好的生活,陪伴他们度过旅途中的风风雨雨.




该 16 战斗机上 竞争者 这个季节是:



  • “乌克兰雄狮”伊夫根·赫特罗夫, 龄: 29, 秩: 20, 故乡: 布鲁克林, 纽约州.– 乌克兰移民, 奥林匹亚, 伊夫根·赫特洛夫 (Ievgen Khytrov) 最近移居美国,追求成为世界冠军的梦想,并为家人创造更美好的生活. 一个专门的, 安静, 宗教人士. 他也是要打败的人.



  • “娃娃脸刺客”埃里克·沃克, 龄: 34, 秩: 68, 故乡: 斑块明, 该. – 被监禁于 15 岁月流逝 14 因抢劫和谋杀未遂入狱多年, “娃娃脸刺客”埃里克·沃克在监狱里学会了拳击. 他现在正在为生命的第二次机会而奋斗, 活生生的证据证明实现梦想永远不会太晚.


  • 约翰·“阿波罗小子”·汤普森, 龄: 29, 秩: 70, 故乡: 纽瓦克, N.J. – 六岁时母亲因艾滋病去世, 这位已婚表演艺术家, 画家和战士, 约翰·“阿波罗小子”·汤普森来这里是为了向世界证明,尽管他拥有令人印象深刻的头衔,包括 2015 WBA-NABA 超次中量级, WBO 洲际超次中量级和 Boxcino 锦标赛.


  • 马尔科姆·“惩罚者”·麦卡利斯特, 龄: 27, 秩: 172, 故乡: 长滩, 加利福尼亚州. – 成长过程中始终处于校园打架的中心, 马尔科姆·“惩罚者”·麦卡利斯特现在将他的精力投入到帮助其他人在丧失抵押品赎回权和他的孩子之外进行重建, 成长中的家庭. 在拳击比赛中创造了令人印象深刻的KO记录 2014 在争夺竞争者头衔的旅程中获得金手套头衔.



  • 布兰登·“大炮”·亚当斯, 龄: 28, 秩: 不活跃, 故乡: 洛杉矶, 加利福尼亚州. – 擂台上的勇敢斗士, “大炮”布兰登·亚当斯 (Brandon “The Cannon” Adams) 亲身体会到,在周围无人照顾的情况下,克服逆境并挺身而出照顾家人意味着什么. 来自贫困地区, 这位两个孩子的伟大父亲标志着他在中断三年后重返拳击界, 因输给其他竞争对手而引发, 约翰·汤普森.


  • 四元“现金”现金, 龄: 26, 秩: 161, 故乡: 拉斯维加斯, 内华达州. – 这位亚特兰大人是目前佐治亚州最快 KO 的记录保持者, 四次金手套州冠军和铜牌得主. Quatavious Cash 正在为他已故的母亲而战,并有机会证明与街头帮派作斗争的生活可以永远延续下去.



  • 肖恩·“小糖人”·莫斯利, 小, 龄: 27, 秩: 149, 故乡: 圣莫尼卡, 加利福尼亚州. – 唯一的竞争者, 传奇名人堂拳击手“Sugar”肖恩·莫斯利的儿子, 小肖恩·“小糖人”·莫斯利. 正在努力走出父亲的阴影并开创自己的遗产.


  • 丹尼尔·“卓普林”·瓦尔迪维亚, 龄: 25, 秩: 116, 故乡: 莱里, 加利福尼亚州. – 白天是天生的推销员和房地产经纪人, 绰号“卓普林” (“蚱蜢”) 为了他无穷无尽的能量, 墨西哥移民丹尼尔·瓦尔迪维亚 (Daniel Valdivia) 生来就是为了踏入拳击场. 拥有多个冠军头衔,包括 NABF 超次中量级冠军, 他追逐名誉是为了证明放弃大学学习拳击是正确的举动.



  • 迈克尔“银背”摩尔, 龄: 31, 秩: 252, 故乡:克利夫兰, 哦. – 从街头的艰苦生活中改过自新, 充满毒品, 死亡和家庭自杀, 迈克尔·摩尔是一位天生的骗子和领导者. 已婚并有两个孩子, 为了追求拳击梦想,摩尔带着家人不断地从一个州搬到另一个州.


  • 杰拉尔德“G5”谢雷尔, 龄: 24, 秩: 216, 故乡: 匹兹堡, 霸. – 一个原作的粉丝 竞争者系列成长, 杰拉德“G5”谢雷尔是一位不败且具有爆发力的战士,拥有无与伦比的自诩气势. 来自项目的欢呼, 这多次金手套, 银手套和少年奥运会参赛者, 这位当地动物园白天的保安, 和年轻的父亲在晚上, 希望将拳击荣耀带回家乡匹兹堡.



  • 摩根“大酋长”惠誉, 龄: 34, 秩: 154, 故乡: 匹兹堡, 霸. – 职业生涯饱受伤病困扰, 来自路易斯安那州南部的美洲原住民是三个孩子的已婚父亲. 知道他已经老了,不适合这项运动了, 摩根“大酋长”菲奇还有最后一次实现拳击梦想的机会.


  • 马科斯·“疯子”·埃尔南德斯, 龄: 24, 秩: 104, 故乡: 弗雷斯诺, 加利福尼亚州. – 从小就被欺负,一次事故导致他全身烧伤 30 他身体的百分比, “疯子”马科斯·埃尔南德斯正在为他患有自闭症的儿子而战, 希望他不会像以前一样被欺负. 与青少年奥林匹克运动会一起, 2012 蓝色和金色的头衔以及“墨西哥前锋”风格的战斗,他可能会被忽视和低估.



  • 泰隆·“新枪手”·布伦森, 龄: 33, 秩: 39, 故乡: 费城, PA – 当他需要卖毒品来养活自己的时候 13, 继父的最后通牒: 被禁足或去拳击馆是他的救命稻草. 现在是两个孩子的卑微父亲, 并坐在比赛中最好的排名之一, 他的 24 KO传递出他不会默默战斗的信号,但他的狂妄态度却不止一次击败了他.


  • 拉马尔·“欧米茄”·拉斯, 龄: 31, 秩: 115, 故乡: 威明顿, N.C. -由单亲妈妈抚养的四个孩子之一,也是家里第一个大学毕业的人, 拉马尔“欧米茄”拉斯为自己是失败者而感到自豪, 在喧闹的外表下是一位拳击手,他需要证明他能言出必行. HBO, ESPN 和 Showtime 的首轮 KO 说明了一切.



  • 约翰“摇滚”杰克逊, 龄: 29, 秩: 63, 故乡: 圣. 托马斯, 中美. 英属维尔京群岛 – 两个孩子的离婚父亲, 这位圆滑敏捷的拳击手, 维尔京群岛人约翰“摇滚”杰克逊开始战斗 12 岁, 追随他的世界冠军父亲朱利安杰克逊的脚步参加泛美运动会 2008 奥运会. 他出身富裕,但关心弱势群体,梦想让他的岛屿感到自豪,让最近遭受自然灾害的人们得到关注.


  • 德沃恩“独特”李, 龄: 30, 秩: 82, 故乡: 牙买加皇后队, 纽约州.

当他的一位朋友在 16, Devaun “Unique” Lee 知道他需要一条逃离皇后区肮脏街道的出路. 拳击让他保持直立. 长时间为飞机加油和照顾他五岁的女儿也是如此. 他一生的真爱. 父亲身份和这项运动是他将纽约州中量级冠军提升到新水平的动力.



原本的 竞争者 系列播出了四个赛季 (2005-2009) 并让多名拳手参与世界冠军争夺, 包括冠军得主塞尔吉奥·莫拉, 科尼利厄斯Bundrage, 萨基金牛座, 和萨姆·索利曼.



埃里克·范·瓦格宁 (Eric Van Wagenen) 与马克·伯内特 (Mark Burnett) 一起担任复兴系列的执行制片人和剧集主管. 该格式由米高梅电视台和派拉蒙电视台拥有.



EPIX 可通过有线电视在全国范围内使用, 卫星, 电信和流媒体电视提供商,包括 Charter Spectrum, 和一个朋友。他于二月去世, Verizon的FiOS, AT&牛逼的U - verse, 菜网, 吊带, PlayStation Vue 和, 截至六月 13, 康卡斯特.


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图片来源: Jann Hendry/Premier Boxing Champions
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图片来源: 伊德里斯艾尔芭/梅威瑟促销
拉斯维加斯 (十二月 18) – 该 “forcewas with Cuban star and newly crowned lightweight world champion Rances缪 (24-0, 13 科斯) as he won a 12-round unanimous decision over Russian southpaw 丹尼斯Shafikov (36-2-1, 19 科斯) in the headlining bout of the final 总理拳击冠军 (PBC) 在穗 fight card of 2015. The four-fight telecast, which was supported by non-televised fights featuring some of Mayweather Promotions’ 冉冉升起的新星, took place at the Pearl at Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas.
Coming off of a luxury world tour, 梅威瑟 returned stateside and sat ringside as promoter of tonight’s fights. The recently retired five-division world champion, who also learned today he was selected asSports Illustrated 年度战斗机, was animated and engaged through the final bell of the evening.
主要事件, which started off as a close toe-to-toe battle, ended in the Barthelemy’s favor as he swept the latter quarter of the bout. Shafikov controlled the beginning of the fight, staying in the pocket and throwing more powerful punches than Barthelemy as the Cuban had a difficult time adjusting to the significantly shorter, yet stronger, style of Shafikov.
The turning point of the fight occurred when a cut caused by a punch by Barthelemy opened up above Shafikov’s right eye in the eighth round. The blood began to poor furiously and referee Vic Drakulich called the ringside doctor over to inspect the cut. When the fight resumed, Barthelemy attacked the Russian’s eye and never let up for the remainder of the fight. He took advantage of the cut and coupled it with his height and reach advantage which led to a recipe for success as he is now a two-division world champion. The judges saw the bout 119-109 和 116-112 两次.
There were moments where I was trapped into my style of fighting. It took me a minute to adjust to Shafikov’s style and exchange punches with him,” 说缪. “I’m really happy with the number of punches I was able to get off.
I was really impressed with Shafiov’s warrior style. He never gave up even after getting hurt with punches that were affecting his fight. That really caught me by surprise and also that he was able to last the whole fight. The fact that he continued really says something about him as a fighter.
I’m not sure if I won the fight,” 说Shafikov. “I’m very disappointed and I want a rematch.
The co-main event saw a bizarre ending to what was to be a cruiserweight elimination bout. Detroit southpaw伊塞亚·托马斯 (15-0, 6 科斯) was winning the fight on all three judgesscorecards through round three when Russian power-puncher 穆拉特 “铁的” Gassiev (22-0, 16 科斯) threw accidental late blows to Thomashead after the bell. The punches forced referee 杰伊·纳迪 to make the tough call that the punchesdiminished the valueof Thomasability to continue. As the fight had not yet gone four rounds, unified rules state that the fight does not go to the scorecards, thus ruling it a no contest.
Chris Pearson (16-1 11 科斯), a promising super welterweight from Dayton, Ohio put his previously undefeated record on the line against fellow unbeaten 埃里克·沃克 (12-0, 6 科斯) of Plaquemine, Louisiana in the second televised bout. Walker came out strong, dominating the early rounds against Pearson, another member of the stable of rising stars from Mayweather Promotions. A wobbled Pearson persevered and attempted to turn the tide in an action-packed fifth round with a series of head shots.

The seventh round saw both fighters exchanging a brutal barrage of punches culminating with a fast-paced eighth and final round drawing a standing ovation from the crowd. The underdog Walker, who spent 13 years in Dixon Correctional Institute in Louisiana, scored a unanimous decision victory (79-71, 78-74, 80-72) winning the biggest fight of his life in front of a captivated national TV audience.

If you believe in God and work hard at what you’re doing, you’re going to succeed,” 沃克说. “Look at me now.
I had watched his previous fights and knew that my right hand would be too much for him and that I could land it anytime,” continued Walker. “My conditioning was really the difference tonight. I was in great shape and I was able to rely on that when the going got tough.

Pearson was disappointed in the decision and was left wanting a rematch.

“我向他脱帽致敬,” 皮尔逊说. “His punches were crisp and hard. I just couldn’t get going on anything consistently. I thought it was closer than the judgesscorecards and I definitely want a rematch as soon as possible.

在当晚的开幕回合, one of boxing’s fast rising stars, Gervonta “唯一的那个” 戴维斯 (14-0, 13 科斯) out of Baltimore put his undefeated record on the line against Mexico’s Luis Sanchez (17-5-1, 5 科斯) 在一个轻量级的冲突.

戴维斯, a 21-year-old protégé of Mayweather, lived up to his reputation as a budding superstar scoring a hard-fought ninth round knockout victory. Sanchez showed his toughness and resiliency as he forced Davis to fight three rounds longer than any fight of his career.Davis showed his speed and power in the eighth round as he landed an uppercut to knock down his determined opponent. 在第九轮, he threw a massive left hand to finish Sanchez, sending Mayweather to his feet in celebration.

It felt great to fight all of these rounds and get the work in,” 戴维斯说. “He’s a tough fighter and I learned a great deal tonight. It was a very good experience for me.
I just listened to my corner and Floyd, took my time and broke him down. I want to fight again as soon as possible for a world title.
梅威瑟, who was very pleased with Davis’ 性能, sees the young undefeated fighter’s future as bright.
It’s always good to go out there and get the W,” 梅威瑟说. “他还年轻. He’s still learning. We’re looking forward to him being a world champion some day.
Mayweather relished in the opportunity to promote one of the final fights of the year in his hometown of Las Vegas saying, “I’m so happy we were able to showcase on national television some of the talented fighters we have at Mayweather Promotions. 输赢, I am proud of all of them.
More importantly I want to wish everyone Happy Holidays and thank for them supporting me, Mayweather Promotions and The Money Team throughout all of these years. I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.
# # #
PBC on Spike was promoted by Mayweather Promotions and sponsored by Corona.
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LAS VEGAS (十二月 14, 2015) – Undefeated contender 克里斯 “年轻的国王” 皮尔森 (13-0, 10 科斯) will meet fellow unbeaten 埃里克·沃克 (11-0, 6 科斯) in a super welterweight battle while rising star Gervonta “唯一的那个” 戴维斯 (13-0, 12 科斯) 发生在 Luis Sanchez (17-4-1, 5 科斯) in a lightweight bout on 总理拳击冠军(PBC) 上 Spike 星期五, 十二月 18 from the Pearl at Palms Casino resort in Las Vegas.
中国人民银行穗由不败的古巴标题 Rances “孩子爆炸” 缪 (23-0, 13 科斯) 与俄罗斯的 丹尼斯Shafikov (36-1-1, 19 科斯) 在轻量级世界冠军争夺战. 电视报道开始于 9 P.M. AND/PT和功能底特律 伊塞亚·托马斯(15-0, 6 科斯) 与俄罗斯的 穆拉特 “铁的” Gassiev (22-0, 16 科斯) in a battle of unbeaten cruiserweights.
门票现场活动, 这是由梅威瑟促销与勇士拳击协会推广, 售价为 $100.50, 和 $25.50 再加上适用的费用, 与现已公开发售. 门票可在购买 www.ticketmaster.com 或致电明珠票房在 702-994-3200 或在特玛 (800) 745-3000.
Part of the stacked undercard of exciting fights will see former world champion 是他 “糖吉文” 工匠 (27-8, 12 科斯) 针对 汤米 “剃刀” Rainone (24-6-1, 5 科斯) in a super welterweight showdown and former world champion MickeyThe SpiritBey (21-1-1, 10 科斯) in a lightweight contest against unbeaten 纳伊姆·纳尔逊(12-0, 1 KO).
Rounding out the action is 29-year-old Romanian 罗纳德 “喧” Gavril (14-1, 10 科斯) against the Dominican Republic’s Mariano Hilario (12-4, 5 科斯) 在超中量级行动, 26-岁 布莱恩·卡斯塔诺 (13-0,9 科斯) againstMexico’s Aaron Garcia (12-4-1, 7 科斯) in a super welterweight tussle and 法比安 “TNT” Maidana的 (8-0, 6 科斯), brother of former world champion Marcos, in a welterweight bout against Washington’s Virgil Green (11-3, 4 科斯).
生于顿, 俄亥俄, 皮尔逊印象深刻了史蒂夫·马丁内斯强的胜利, Said El Harrak, Lanardo泰纳和此前保持不败的Acacio若昂·费雷拉在四个战斗之前,他在九月击败Janks特罗特. The 24-year-old looks to continue to rise within the junior middleweight division and cement his contender status with a victory over the 22-year-old Walker out of Plaquemine, Louisiana who is yet to lose since turning pro in 2013.
A highly regarded prospect who won the 2012 国家手套冠军, 21岁的戴维斯已经记录了四个停工胜利 2015. 最近, 巴尔的摩本机停止前世界冠军瓦尔克鲁兹在10月份的斗争恶性组合. Now he is challenged by the 23-year-old Sanchez out of Cancun, Mexico who owns victories over Miguel Beltran and Adan Mares.
After a long career that saw him go from the world of reality television as a star on “竞争者” to competing at the top level at 154 和 160 英镑, Smith finally put it all together in 2010, beginning a four-fight winning streak that culminated in a decision win over Cornelius Bundrage for a super welterweight world title in 2013, becoming the first native Las Vegan to ever win a world title. He continues to challenge the best and recorded his most recent victory in April by defeating Cecil McCalla. He takes on a dangerous veteran contender in New York’s Rainone who enters this fight having beaten Francisco Reza and Allen Litzau.
Bey returns to the ring on 十二月 18 以来在九月赢得了世界冠军的第一次 2014 与战胜米格尔·巴斯克斯. He has won three fights in a row including victories over Alan Herrera and Carlos Cardenas. 代表骑士, 俄亥俄, Bey looks to work his way back to title-contention beginning with the 25-year-old Philadelphia-native Nelson.
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