Tag Archives: Don Fullmer

Bobby Cassidy, Sr. & Jr.. Ring 8’s October Guest Speakers

Osteguna, Oct. 19 at Plattdeutsch Park Restaurant in Franklin Square, NY
NEW YORK (Urria 18, 2017) – New York State Boxing Hall of Fame inductee Bobby Cassidy, Sr. eta bere semea, Bobby Cassidy, Jr.., will be the Ring 8 guest speakers at its next monthly meeting bihar Gau (Osteguna Gau, Oct. 19, 7 p.m. ET start), at Plattdeutsch Park Restaurant (1132 Hempstead Turnpike) in Franklin Square, New York.
Cassidy, Sr. (59-16-3, 27 Kos) fought professionally between 1963 and1980, capturing the Irish-American and New York State light heavyweight titles. His most notable victory, agian, was a 10-rpound split decision at the Felt Forum over world title challenger Don Fullmer in 1971. Bobby will speak about his career as a boxer and trainer.
Cassidy, Jr., who is a longtime sportswriter at Newsday, will discuss the rich boxing history of and documentary he made about the famed Sunnyside Gardens in Queens, where his father had a 21-3 record as one of the main attractions there. In addition to his work as a sportswriter, Bobby Jr. is also a playwright having penned the acclaimed theatrical piece, “Kid Shamrock,” which was about his father’s life.
ABOUT RING 8: Ring 8 zortzigarren zer zen orduan Beteranoen National Boxerrak Association bezala ezagutzen filiala bihurtu – hortik datorkio, RING 8 – eta gaur erakunde horrek lema oraindik jarraitzen: Boxeolariak Boxerrak laguntzea.
RING 8 da erabat gutxiago zorioneko pertsonak laguntzeko boxeo komunitatea duten laguntza eska dezake alokairua ordaintzen dagokionez konpromisoa, mediku-gastuak, edo dena justifikagarriak premia.
On line Joan www.Ring8ny.com RING buruzko informazio gehiago 8, bere United States mota horretako talde handiena baino gehiagorekin 350 kideak. Annual membership dues are only $30.00 eta kide bakoitza RING at buffet afari bat izateko eskubidea 8 hileroko bilerak, Uztaila eta abuztua kenduta. Boxeolariak aktibo guztiak, amateur eta profesionala, bai, uneko boxeo lizentzia edo liburu batekin ari osagarriak RING bat izateko eskubidea 8 urteroko berri. Ring of Gonbidatuak 8 kideek ongi etorriak dira bakarrik kostua $7.00 Pertsona bakoitzeko.