Tag Archives: Dmitriy Salita

Salita Promotions Signs Women’s Superstar Christina Hammer to Multi-Fight Promotional Contract

Promotor Dmitriy Saleta es complau d'anunciar la signatura d'unificat campió mundial de pes mitjà de la dona invictes Christina Hammer a un contracte promocional de múltiples baralles.
Ja una superestrella a Europa, “senyora Hammer” (22-0, 10 KOs), de Dortmund, Alemanya, (a través d'Novodolinka, Kazakhstan) és l'actual campió de pes mitjà del CMB i OMB. També ha ocupat anteriorment la WBF de pes mitjà, així com campionats de pes súper mitjà OMB i WBF.
Sota la direcció de promoció de Saleta, Martell farà el seu debut en la boxa als Estats Units Divendres, Gener 12, al Turning Stone Resort Casino a Verona, Nova York, on the non-televised undercard of 1 ShoBox: La Nova Generació transmissió per televisió (10 p.m. I/PT), Featuring unificada de les dones súper mitjà campió del món Claressa Escuts’ CMB i la FIB defensa del títol davant el retador obligatori Tori Nelson. Hammer està programat per a una baralla de 10 assalts, aspectes més destacats dels quals seran mostrats per SHOWTIME.
“Mai vaig tenir cap dubte que la meva manager Harald Pia i jo arribar a un acord,” va dir un martell feliç de la signatura. “M'encanta els EUA,” va continuar. “Si té èxit aquí, que serà un èxit a tot arreu. Des del començament de la meva carrera en la boxa ha estat un somni per a mi per lluitar en els EUA. No puc esperar que Gener 12.”
Hammer s'uneix a la llista de Promocions Saleta, que també inclou la superestrella de les dones, unificat campió súper mitjà i medallista d'or en dues ocasions Claressa Escuts, així com món, Europeu (2X) i rus (6X) campió amateur i 2012 Olímpic, Elena Savelyeva.
“Christina té totes les eines per esdevenir una estrella als EUA,” va dir Dmitriy Saleta. “les seves habilitats, la personalitat i l'atractiu fora de l'anell fan Christina un lluitador únic i especial en la divisió de pes mig ple de talent. Jo crec 2018 serà un any històric per a la boxa de les dones a tot el món.”
Hammer és un boxejador tècnicament excel·lent, però la seva força física excepcional és el que la separa de la resta dels combatents de les 160 lliures del món. Ella va ser votada FMB Dona Boxador de l'Any a 2011 i 2013; l'OMB Dona Boxador de l'Any a 2013; BDB la Dona boxejador de l'any en 2016; HERQUL la Dona boxejador de l'any en 2017 i és l'única dona a Europa per guanyar l'anell de diamants de l'OMB.
“Sempre és un plaer treballar amb socis altament professionals,” Pia va dir el gerent de l'operació. “Estic segur que tenim un contracte que és bo per a totes les parts. Christina és molt feliç d'estar lluitant a la U.S. És un somni d'ella per tenir èxit aquí i ella no pot esperar per mostrar la U.S. públic que és Christina Hammer!”
Les entrades per a l'esdeveniment, el qual és promogut per Saleta, Actualment a la venda per $75 per a les dues primeres files de primera fila, $65 per a seients de primera fila i tots els altres, amb els preus en el restant $49 i $37, més les taxes aplicables. Les entrades poden adquirir-se en persona o trucant a la taquilla Turning Stone Resort a 800.771.7711 o en línia a Ticketmaster.
En el primer partit de transmissió Uzbekistan poder colpejador Shohjahon Ergashev (11-0, 11 KOs) s'enfrontarà a companys invicte i classificat entre els 10 Sonny Fredrickson (18-0, 12 KOs) de Toledo, Ohio. En la baralla co-estel·lar, Jesse Hernández (10-1, 7 KOs) s'enfrontarà a Ernesto Garsa (9-2, 5 KOs; 1-3 WSB) en un 10 assalts pes súper gall baralla.

Salita Signs Co-Promotional Deal with Russian Heavyweight KO Artist Apti Davtaev

Dmitriy Salita of Salita Promotions proudly announces the signing of Russian heavyweight prospect Apti Davtaev (13-0-1, 13 KOs) a un acord de co-promoció, in association with KA promotions and Kazbek Aslambekov.
Already the promoter of top heavyweight contender Jarrell Miller, Salita says that the 6′ 5″ KO artist Davtaev has strong potential to also rise to the top of the big man’s division.
The heavyweights are once again infused with lots of talent, and Aptispunching power and size will make him a real threat to the best in the division,” Said Paraula. “I am very happy to team up with and work together with KA promotions and Kazbek Aslambekov in progressing Apti to the heavyweight world title.
The heavy-handed 28-year-old Davtaev hails from Kurchaloi, Rússia, and is trained by Hampasha Magomedov in the city of Grozny in the Ahmat Boxing Club. A relentless pressure fighter, he won the WBC Slovenian title in just his tenth pro fight.
L'objectiu, he says is to fight in North America and enter the world stage.
My goal is to become the heavyweight champion of the world,” Said Davtaev. “I am very confident that I will accomplish this goal with Salita Promotions and Kazbek Aslambekov. Professional boxing is on a high level, especially in my weight class, in the USA, so that is where I want to be.
I am very happy about our working relationship with Salita Promotions,” said Aslambekov. “It’s a company that is shown great results and fast growth in the boxing world. I am very impressed with the work that they have done for their various fighters the proper tools and strategic guidance quickly elevates the boxers they work with.
Salita says his newest heavyweight will be getting the preparations necessary to become a star in boxing.
We will bring Apti to our training base in the US, where he will get world-class training
and continue his development as a fighter,” va continuar Word. “I am proud to be working with him and his team.

Davtaev is scheduled to fight Novembre 20, in a 10-round fight in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, and then will be travelling to the US to continue his training for his first fight in North America.

Artista KO de pes welter júnior invicte Shoh Ergashev Afegit a Jacobs vs.. Arias Undercard


El de mirar, 25-sensació de knockout d’anys Shohjahon “Descendent de Tamerlà” Ergashev s'ha afegit a la targeta inferior no classificada del Dissabte, Novembre 11, Danny Jacobs vs.. Luis Arias i Jarrell Miller vs.. Esdeveniment de boxa de Mariusz Wach al NYCB LIVE: Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum a Uniondale, Nova York.
Jacobs vs. Arias i Miller vs.. Wach són presentats per Matchroom Boxing USA, en associació amb Brooklyn Sports & Entreteniment, Promocions Salita i Roc Nation Sports. Es transmetrà en directe a la Boxa del Campionat Mundial de HBO a partir de les 10:00 p.m. I/PT. Les entrades es poden comprar a ticketmaster.com, NYCBLIVE.com, trucant 800-745-3000 o a la taquilla del Ticketmaster del Coliseum.
Considerada una de les millors perspectives actuals que surten d’Àsia Central, el popular Ergashev (9-0, 9 KOs) és quatre vegades campió nacional al seu país d'origen. Com a professional, el perillós sud ha guanyat els seus últims cinc combats a la primera ronda.
“Vaig venir als Estats Units per demostrar que sóc el millor lluitador del món,” va dir Ergashev. “Busco la eliminatòria en cada baralla i Novembre 11 no és diferent. És el meu escenari més gran i muntaré un espectacle!”
Per preparar el seu enfrontament de sis rondes, Ergashev s’està entrenant al gimnàs Kronk de Detroit amb el conegut Javan SugarHill Steward, qui diu que es veu temible en combats.
“És un gran puncher, amb bon atletisme i gran potencial,” va dir Steward. “Tinc moltes ganes de treballar amb ell i veure’l desenvolupar-se a la divisió júnior de pes welter, rica en talent.”
El promotor Dmitriy Salita diu que tot i que Ergashev és un nom nou als Estats Units, ja és conegut a la seva comunitat uzbeka.
“Shoh té el poder, habilitats i carisma per ser una estrella de la boxa,” Said Paraula. “També té una base de fans molt fidel. Tot i que és la seva primera baralla als EUA, tindrà centenars de persones de la seva comunitat a la ciutat de Nova York i de tot el país, i fins i tot de Rússia, venint a donar-li suport Novembre 11.”
En la seva última aparició, al juny a la Floyd Mayweather Boxing Academy de Zhukovka, Rússia, Ergashev va necessitar menys d’un minut per enderrocar dues vegades l’oponent Sunatollo Rakhmatulloev i aturar-lo 0:50 de la primera ronda.

En una altra acció d’aquella nit, invicte oficial de policia de la ciutat de Nova York, Dimash “Llampec” Niyazov (12-0, 5 KOs) nascut a Shymkent, Kazakhstan, ara resideix a Staten Island, Nova York, també lluitarà en un combat lleuger de sis rondes a la part no televisada de la targeta inferior.

BROOKLYN BOXING a Long Island és una extensió de la marca BROOKLYN BOXING ™ de SE. Per obtenir més informació, visita brooklynboxingshop.com.
Les entrades per a l'esdeveniment en viu, a la venda ara, es poden adquirir a ticketmaster.com,NYCBLIVE.com o trucant al 800-745-3000. Les entrades també es poden comprar a la taquilla del Ticketmaster del Coliseum.

Salita Promotions Signs Elite Russian Female Elena Gradinar to Co-Promotional Contract

The female fighting stable of promoter Dmitriy Salita has grown again, as Salita proudly announces the signing of Russian featherweight Elena Gradinar to a co-promotional contract (juntament amb Alexander Nevsky grup de promoció situada a Rússia).
El invicte de 27 anys d'edat, Gradinar (6-0, 1 KO) com boxejador professional, va ser 73-8 com a aficionat, guanyant nombrosos tornejos nacionals i internacionals amateurs.
A resident of Saint Petersburg, Rússia, Gradinar has attained the designation of Sport Master of Russia. Com amateur, she notched victories over current World Amateur Bantamweight Champion Dina Zheloman of Kazakhstan, current European and Russian Amateur Super Lightweight Champion Alexandra Ordina, current Russian Featherweight Champion and Bronze medalist of Europe, Natalia Samokhina, as well as two victories over former Russian Featherweight Champion Ekaterina Sycheva.
Trained and managed by well-known Russian boxing figure Igor Shafer, Gradinar says she hopes the co-promotional deal with Salita will improve her visibility in North America, leading to greater opportunities.
I am very proud to sign with a Russian/American promoter, Dmitriy Salita, who is doing great work with Claressa Shields and becoming one of the main North American promoters of female boxers,” Said Gradinar. “I look forward to fighting in the United States against the best they have to offer and becoming a world champion.
Elena is a talented boxer that will add international flavor to the outstanding female bantamweight division which includes outstanding boxers like Heather Hardy, Cindy Serrano, Jelena Mrdjenovich and others,” va dir Dmitriy Saleta. “Russia has many male world champions and Elena will follow in their footsteps.”\

Elena Gradinar will fight for the first time under her new co-promotional banner in a 10-rounder against Maria Jose Nunez in Narva, Estònia, a Octubre 21.

Salita Signs Super Bantamweight Powerhouse Jesse Angel Hernandez to a Promotional Contract

Dmitriy Salita of Salita Promotions proudly announces the signing of super bantamweight prospect Jesse Angel Hernandez to an exclusive promotional contract.
A 26-year-old southpaw from Fort Worth, Texas, Hernández (9-1, 7 KOs) first came to Salita’s attention last Agost 4, at a Salita Promotions event at the MGM Grand Detroit, and live on ShoBox: La Nova Generació, where he sored an impressive TKO 5 over Russia’s formerly undefeated Vladimir Tikhonov (16-0). Tikhonov, a Salita fighter, was overwhelmed by the strength, heavy hands and fearsome body attack of Hernandez.
It was a display of offensive firepower that promoters look for in a prospect.
Hernandez compiled a 68-6 record as an amateur before turning pro in 2009. Hampered by inactivity for five years, due to managerial issues and a shortage of local gyms, he has rededicated his career since returning in 2014.
Hernandez comes from a boxing family and is one of 16 brothers and sisters. Nine of the boys were boxers and six turned professional, including JoseEl Loco” Hernández, who scored a draw against former world champion Mickey Bey, and Rodrigo Hernandez, who fought to the only draw with Leo Santa Cruz.
It’s like a blessing to sign with Salita,” va dir Hernández. “I feel like we are very good fit. A company with great potential to make hardworking fighters into championship level athletes. I plan on making a name for myself and eventually win a world title.
A true force in the ring, Hernandez says as he progresses to bigger fights, his relentless style will become even more effective.
I was made for 12 rounds or more. I have an advantage that will help me reach my plan of dominating the 122-lb. division and eventually move up and hopefully do the same at higher divisions. I would like to fight anybody who holds a title once I get my opportunity. I want to fight whoever is the best when I get to that level. I fear no one. If you have ranking points or a title, I hope to see you in my future.
Jesse has an exciting, aggressive TV-friendly style,” va dir Dmitriy Saleta. “I am confident that with more fights and exposure he will be on his way to being a big name in the super bantamweight division.

Salita Signs Russia’s Heavily Decorated Former Amateur World Champion Elena Savelyeva to a Co-Promotional Contract

Dmitriy Salita of Salita Promotions is proud to announce the signing of one of the most decorated female amateur boxers in the world, Russia’s Elena Savelyeva, to a co-promotional contract, juntament amb Alexander Nevsky grup de promoció situada a Rússia.
Savelyeva, ara 1-0 com boxejador professional, va ser 134-15-1 com a aficionat, winning the world, Europeu (2X) i rus (6X) championships during her illustrious career. She represented her homeland in the 2012 Summer Olympics and competed in the first-ever women’s Olympic boxing match in history.
Turning her sights on professional boxing, she is now looking to win a world title in the pros and looking to settle the score with her amateur arch rival Nicole Adams.
My goal is to become a world champion in all the major sanctioning bodies and be recognized as one of the best boxers in the world,” said Savelyeva. “Signing with Salita Promotions will progress my career and open doors for me to help me reach my goals. I look forward to fighting the best in the world and reaching the highest levels of pro boxing soon.
Paraula, who already promotes women’s superstar Claressa Shields, says his latest signing will add spice to an already heating-up world of women’s boxing.
Elena is one of the most accomplished female boxers in the world,” Said Paraula. “And with her numerous international, national and world titles, she will add flavor and excitement to the growing sport of woman’s professional boxing. Russia has some of the best boxers in the world and now there is a very skilled lady boxer joining that elite group.

Salita’s co-promoter, Alexander Nevskiy, says the deal with Salita will give Savelyeva greater reach and strengthen her possibilities. “This is a great initiative to do a joint boxing business with a growing US promotional company, said Nevskiy. “This partnership is very important for us to develop and advance both our male and female boxers from the FSU territories in the US and Global market.

Savelyeva’s next fight is scheduled for Setembre 23 in Borisov, Bielorússia. It will be an eight-rounder against fellow Russian Eugenia Zablotskaya.

Claressa Shields Dominates to Win WBC Silver Belt, Sets Detroit Brawl Gate Record; Has Sights on World Championship Next

Photos by Boy Ryder

In just her first eight-round fight, Claressa “T-Rex” Shields scored a spectacular unanimous decision victory last Friday, Juny 16, at the Masonic Temple in Detroit to win the WBC Silver Super Middleweight Title.

Escuts (3-0, 1KO) dominated tough SydneyGinger the NinjaLeBlanc (4-2-1), winning all eight rounds on all three judgesscorecards en route to adding the WBC Silver belt to her NABF Middleweight Championship belt. LeBlanc was simply no match for the blazing fists of crowd favorite Shields, who has convincingly established herself as a world championship-class contender in women’s boxing after just three professional fights.
Escuts’ bout was the main event of a jam-packed Detroit Brawl event which set a new gate record for promoter Dmitriy Salita’s popular Detroit-based series.

Claressa is one of the best boxers in the world!” va dir Dmitriy Saleta. “Regardless of gender, her skills and experience are that of the elite fighters in the world. She is improving with each fight and the sky is the limit. Claressa is ready for the top fighters in her division and we will work on making a big championship fight happen next.

In the 10-round co-main event, transplanted Detroit cruiserweight Alexey Zubov moved to 15-1, 9 KOs with a surprisingly easy 10-round decision over Detroit’s highly regarded Demetrius Banks (9-1, 4 KOs).
Des de la campana inicial, the superior work rate of Zubov told the story, as the confused Banks had no answers for the big Russian’s jab. All three judges scored the fight 99-91. There were no knockdowns.
Two of the best cruiserweight prospects in the world met in Detroit,” va continuar Word. “The winner is now a real contender, ready to fight the best in the world. Alexey is much improved since his time training with Sugar Hill at the Kronk Boxing Gym. The magic of Kronk is alive and came to life in Alexey’s performance. Great things on the horizon for him!”
Another of Salita’s growing stable of promising contenders, Detroit bantamweight Ja’Rico O’Quinn (7-0, 5KOs) had too many tools for the outgunned David Martino (2-3, 2 KOs) and won by dominant unanimous decision (60-54, els tres jutges). A talent to watch, O’Quinn basically walked the determined Martino into his lightning-fast shots for six rounds.
Ja’Rico’s defense was superb in his fight. His opponent was rarely able to even touch him. He is going to be a force at 118 lliura. in the not-too-distant future.
Another surging contender from the Salita stable, junior welterweight wrecking ball Bakhtiyar Eyubov (13-0, 11 KOs) necessaris només 1:41 of round one to chew up and spit out Mexico’s Cesar Soriano. Eyubov targeted the body of Soriano and took away his breath with thudding left hoods to the liver that ended things quickly. Eyubov is an animal.
Bakhtiyar went up a weight class because no one will fight him. This fight showed why,” Said Paraula. “He is too strong for most fighters to stay in with for very long. He will be in a big fight in the near future. He’s ready.
In other results, Michigan’s Antonio Urista (8-2, 2 KOs), pulled off a surprising upset with a six-round unanimous decision (59-53 i 58-54 i 58-54) over Turkmenistan’s Serdar Hudayberdiyev (3-1, 2 KOs). Urista dropped Hudayberdiyev with a looping right hand and he never fully recovered. Both fighters suffered cuts in this rugged affair.
To open the show, Michigan light heavyweight Darren Gibbs (1-2, I KO) picked up his first professional victory with a 30-second TKO1 over debuting Scott McCurdy; Jacob Bonas (3-0-1, 2 KOs) scored a TKO3 over Tony Brooks (1-2) and Dimash Niyazov (10-0-3, 5 KOs) stayed undefeated with a fifth-round TKO over a surprisingly determined Ramon Guevara (10-24-2, 6 KOs).
Thank you to everyone involved in this terrific show,” va dir Dmitriy Saleta. “The fans of Michigan asked for world-class boxing and they’ve responded by filling the Masonic Temple. And thank you to all my great sponsors for all their help and congratulations to all the fighters for their brave performances. It is onward and upward for Claressa Shields, who will be back later this summer against a world-class fighter. Clearly, she is ready for anyone in the world.
Per a més informació sobre el “Detroit Brawlor Salita Promotions, visita www.salitapromotions.com. Facebook i Refilo: @DetroitBrawl

Sydney LeBlanc Steps in to Face Two-Time Gold Medalist Claressa Shields for WBC Silver Super Middleweight Championship at Detroit Brawl, Looking for an Upset this Friday

SydneyGinger the NinjaLeBlanc is stepping in on three daysnotice to face Women’s NABF Middleweight Champion, Claressa “T-Rex” Shields of Flint, Michigan, in the eight-round main event of Salita Promotions’ “Detroit Brawlaquest divendres, Juny 16, 2017, at the Masonic Temple in Detroit.
33-year-old LeBlanc (4-1-1) from Gretna, Louisiana, represents a step up in competition from original opponent Mery Rancier, who was unable to participate due to visa issues. A six-year pro who was already in training for a fight on June 10, LeBlanc says she’s eager for the chance to upset the two-time Olympian and budding women’s superstar Shields.
I’ve been pro boxing for nine years, since before the Olympics had a women’s division and I’ve taken a lot of time off because of a lack of available opponents,” explained LeBlanc. “These Olympians are reopening the gates for all female fighters. Everybody was on the shelf for years. This is the first time female boxing has been popular since the Ann Wolfe days, so I’m very appreciative of the opportunities they are bringing. I’ve never watched any of my opponents before a fight, but I know about Claressa Shields and I want to fight her. I’m looking at this fight as a good chance to see where I’m at, skill-wise and I’ll be ready.
escuts vs. LeBlanc will be contested for the WBC Silver Super Middleweight Championship.
Once again sponsored by the Greektown Casino Hotel, entrades per a “Detroit Brawlare priced at VIP $200, Box Seats are $100 i $55, Seating is $40, and are available at all Ticketmaster outlets and Ticketmaster.com.
In the 10-round co-main event, undefeated Detroit cruiserweight Demetrius Banks (9-0, 4 KOs) will take on Detroit via Russia’s Alexey Zubov (14-1, 9 KOs).
In the night’s main supporting bout, undefeated welterweight pulverizer Bakhtiyar Eyubov (12-0, 10 KOs) of Aktjubinsk, Kazakhstan, will look to stay busy waiting for his next high-profile step, as he attempts to inflict his crowd-pleasing style on always-tough Cesar Soriano (27-35-1, 16 KOs) Iztacalco, Mèxic, over six rounds.
In another of the chief supporting bouts, Detroit’s rising talent andGreat Lakes KingJa’Rico O’Quinn (6-0, 5 KOs) returns to action in a six-round bantamweight brawl against David Martino (2-2, 2 KOs) of San Felipe, Mèxic.
Also scheduled is an all-action six-round super welterweight battle between Antonio Urista (7-2, 2 KOs) of Lansing, Michigan, and highly decorated former amateur star Serdar Hudayberdiyev (3-0, 2 KOs) of Turkmenabat, Turkey.
Opening the night will be a six-round super lightweight tilt between Staten Island, New York via Kazakhstan’s Dimash Niyazov (10-0-3, 4 KOs) and Grand Rapids, Michigan, veteran Ramon Guevara (10-24-2, 6 KOs); as well as a four-round welterweight bout between undefeated Jacob Bonas (2-0-1, 1 KO) of Bellville, Michigan, and Clinton Township, Michigan’s Tony Brooks (1-1).
En la nit del combat, portes s'obren a les 7:00 pm and the fights begin at 8:00 pm.
Per a més informació sobre el “Detroit Brawlor Salita Promotions, visita www.salitapromotions.com. Facebook i Refilo: @DetroitBrawl

Exciting Undercard Announced for Next ‘Detroit BrawlShow at Masonic Temple, Featuring the Return to Michigan of Claressa Shields

The undercard has been announced for promoter Dmitriy Salita blockbusterDetroit Brawl” a Divendres, Juny 16, 2017, at the Masonic Temple in Detroit and it features an impressive mix of local and international prospects in high-stakes match-ups.
Fins ara, five exciting bouts are scheduled in support of the eight-round main event featuring two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Claressa “T-Rex” Escuts (2-0, 1 KO) of Flint, Michigan, taking on Mery Rancier (7-8-3, 5 KOs) de Sant Domingo, República Dominicana, for the WBC Silver Super Middleweight Championship and the 10-round co-main event between undefeated Detroit cruiserweight Demetrius Banks (9-0, 4 KOs) and Detroit via Russia’s Alexey Zubov (14-1, 9 KOs).
Les entrades per “Detroit Brawlare priced at VIP $200, Box Seats $100, Floor Seating $100 & $55, and balcony seating $40, and are available at all Ticketmaster outlets and Ticketmaster.com.
In the night’s main supporting bout, undefeated welterweight pulverizer Bakhtiyar Eyubov (12-0, 10 KOs) of Aktjubinsk, Kazakhstan, will look to stay busy waiting for his next high-profile step, as he attempts to inflict his crowd-pleasing style on always-tough Cesar Soriano (27-35-1, 16 KOs) Iztacalco, Mèxic, over six rounds.
In another of the chief supporting bouts, Detroit’s rising talent andGreat Lakes KingJa’Rico O’Quinn (6-0, 5 KOs) returns to action in a six-round bantamweight brawl against David Martino (2-2, 2 KOs) of San Felipe, Mèxic.
Also scheduled is an all-action six-round super welterweight battle between Antonio Urista (7-2, 2 KOs) of Lansing, Michigan, and highly decorated former amateur star Serdar Hudayberdiyev (3-0, 2 KOs) of Turkmenabat, Turkey.
Opening the night will be a six-round super lightweight tilt between Staten Island, New York via Kazakhstan’s Dimash Niyazov (10-0-3, 4 KOs) and Grand Rapids, Michigan, veteran Ramon Guevara (10-24-2, 6 KOs); as well as a four-round welterweight bout between undefeated Jacob Bonas (2-0-1, 1 KO) of Bellville, Michigan, and Clinton Township, Michigan’s Tony Brooks (1-1).
This is an exciting show from top to bottom,” said promoter Dmitriy Salita. “Every fight has been chosen for its excitement level. I am proud to be presenting it to the boxing savvy fans of Detroit, America’s comeback city and home for world-class boxing.
More fights, opponents and rounds will be announced shortly. En la nit del combat, portes s'obren a les 7:00 pm and the fights begin at 8:00 pm.
Per a més informació sobre el “Detroit Brawlor Salita Promotions, visitawww.salitapromotions.com. Facebook i

Refilo: @DetroitBrawl
About Salita Promotions
Salita Promotions was founded in 2010 per Dmitriy Saleta, a professional boxer and world-title challenger who saw the need for a promotional entity to feature boxing’s best young prospects and established contenders in North America and around the world. Viewers watching fighters on worldwide television networks including Showtime, ESPN, Spike TV, Universal Sports Network and MSG have enjoyed Salita Promotions fight action in recent years. We pride ourselves on offering our fighters opportunities inside and outside the ring. Salita Promotions looks forward to continuing to grow and serve the needs of fight fans around the globe.

All-Time Boxing Great Thomas Hearns Visits Claressa Shields in Training at Berston Field House in Flint

Two-Time Olympic Medalist Preparing for Divendres, Juny 16, WBC Silver Super Middleweight Title Fight Against Mery Rancier at Salita PromotionsDetroit Brawl at Masonic Temple in Detroit
Photos by Silvia Jones
Two-time Olympic Gold Medalist and Women’s NABF Middleweight Champion, Claressa “T-Rex” Shields had a very special visitor at her gym yesterday, none other than all-time Michigan great Thomas “Sicario” Hearns.
Hearns, from Detroit, is the 1980 i 1984 El Ring Magazine “Boxejador de l'Any” and the first boxer in history to win world titles in five weight divisions: welter, light middleweight, de pes mitjà, super middleweight and light heavyweight.
22-year-old Shields (2-0, 1 KO) of Flint, is currently preparing for her eight-round main event against Mery Rancier (7-8-3, 5 KOs) de Sant Domingo, Dominican Republic for the WBC Silver Super Middleweight Championship at Salita Promotions’ “Detroit Brawl” a Divendres, Juny 16, 2017 at the Masonic Temple in Detroit.
Once again sponsored by the Greektown Casino Hotel, entrades per a “Detroit Brawlare priced at VIP $200, Box Seats are $100 i $55, Seating is $40, and are available at all Ticketmaster outlets and Ticketmaster.com.
I came out to see her because I want her to do well. I think it’s wonderful that a female fighter is the best from Michigan right now,” said Hearns. “The world is all about change and this is change for the better. I feel good about it. The champions from the past from Michigan are passing the torch to the next great fighter from here and that’s Claressa. The fans in Michigan should come out and help support her because she is the future.
Shields said she was humbled to have such an all-time great supporting her.
To have Tommy Hearns come out to my gym means a lot to me, I feel like I’m moving my career in the right direction and getting the right attention. I’m not just some girl putting on some gloves. It means a lot to be the latest big-name fighter to come from Michigan. I’m glad Tommy Hearns chose to come here and it does feel like a passing of the torch. He is very supportive and it feels great to be respected by such a great world champion.
Shields says her training is going extremely well for her third professional and second championship fight.
Training so far has been going really good. We’re 29 days out of the fight and I’m in the best shape of my life. I trained hard for my six-rounder and that only went four rounds and I feel like I’m still in shape from that. Now I’m getting ready for eight rounds and I feel great. I’m fighting at 168 pounds and I’m at 168 ara mateix. I haven’t been having weight problems and I’m eating right and running every day.
Shields promoter, Dmitriy Salita, says Hearns indicated he was very impressed with Shieldsgym work.
Claressa is the next boxing superstar from the state of Michigan,” ell va dir. “It’s a very special passing of the torch from such a living legend who lives in Detroit as Tommy Hearns. Sr. Hearns, who is a Detroit boxing icon and a great ambassador of the sport, was very impressed with Claressa’s skills and training regimen.
Salita says he sees Shieldspotential for superstardom and her ability to revive the energy in Michigan boxing.

Detroit is Americas Greatest Comeback city. We are going to see a revival of world-class boxing, ushered in by a young lady from Flint who despite growing up in very difficult circumstances, is a two-time Olympic Gold Medalist, the most accomplished boxer every to come out of the USA boxing program. This is only her third pro bout, and she is fighting for the WBC Silver title on Juny 16. We are witnessing something very special here and it’s very ironic that it’s all taking place close to Detroit, which is fighting back for its own recognition again as one of Americas Greatest cities.
More fights, opponents and rounds will be announced shortly. En la nit del combat, portes s'obren a les 7:00 pm and the fights begin at 8:00 pm.
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About Salita Promotions
Salita Promotions was founded in 2010 per Dmitriy Saleta, a professional boxer and world-title challenger who saw the need for a promotional entity to feature boxing’s best young prospects and established contenders in North America and around the world. Viewers watching fighters on worldwide television networks including Showtime, ESPN, Spike TV, Universal Sports Network and MSG have enjoyed Salita Promotions fight action in recent years. We pride ourselves on offering our fighters opportunities inside and outside the ring. Salita Promotions looks forward to continuing to grow and serve the needs of fight fans around the globe.