الوسم المحفوظات: ديليان وايت

موحد الوزن الثقيل العالمي بطل العالم انتوني JOSHUA MEDIA تجريب الاقتباسات & صور للدفاع عن عنوان ضد كارلوس تكام أكتوبر. 28 LIVE ON SHOWTIME® AT 5 من بعد ظهر. و / 2 من بعد ظهر. PT

"لا يمكنني أن أخسر, ولا أريد أن أخسر ". - أنتوني جوشوا

انقر هنا للصور; الائتمان مارك روبنسون / ماتشوروم للملاكمة

عمل بطل العالم الموحد للوزن الثقيل أنتوني جوشوا على وسائل الإعلام يوم الثلاثاء في شيفيلد, انجلترا, بينما يواصل الإحساس البريطاني غير المهزوم الاستعداد لمواجهته ضد منافسه الإلزامي IBF كارلوس تاكام في السبت, أكتوبر. 28في 5 عصرا. و/2 عصرا. PT يعيشون على شوتايم من ملعب الإمارة في كارديف, ويلز.

"هذا أمر يجب الفوز به لنفسي ولأجل كارلوس تكام |,قال جوشوا لقناة سكاي سبورتس, الذي سيقدم القتال في المملكة المتحدة على Sky Sports Box Office. "بقدر ما يريد أنصاري رؤيتي أفوز, لا يزال هناك عدد قليل من الناس يشككوني ويريدونني أن أخسر وتعطل خطتنا. إنهم لا يريدون رؤية الكريم يرتفع إلى الأعلى ".

جوشوا (19-0, 19 كوس) لا يأخذ Takam (35-3-1, 27 كوس) بخفة, وقال إنه يشعر بالضغط الإضافي على مواجهة خصم جديد في وقت قصير حيث أن Takam يحل محل Kubrat Pulev المصاب.

”عشرون فوز, 20 بالضربة القاضية ليست سيئة, لكن الملاكمة لا ترحم. لذا لا تسألني ماذا تفعل من أجلك 21شارع شجار,قال جوشوا. "لا يمكنني أن أخسر, ولا أريد أن أخسر.

"الملاكمة هي رياضة لا ترحم بمعنى أنه إذا فاز تاكام علي, ستبقى تلك الخسارة في سجلي مدى الحياة. هذا سيكون دائما إرث. لن يكون, 'يا, كان بطل العالم, وقد أبلى بلاءً حسنًا في رياضة الملاكمة, لا, لا, فظة إهانة. سيكون, "إنه 19-1." هذا هو الإرث الجديد وأنا لا أريد هذا الشوائب في سجلي الآن.

"لقد عرفت عن كارلوس تاكام لفترة طويلة وهو جدا, مقاتل جيد جدا. كان يتحرك في طريقه إلى أعلى تصنيفات الاتحاد الدولي لكرة القدم, لذلك كنت دائما أراقبه على أي حال.

"أعتقد أن إيدي قام بعمل رائع لتعيين شخص ما في مكانه في حالة حدوث هذه الحوادث المؤسفة. وحين سمعت النبأ كنت أحارب تاكام, لجميع الناس, انه قوي جدا, لعبة مقاتلة. هذه فرصته لصدمة العالم.

“Takam بالفعل صعب بقدر ما يأتي. إنه صعب للغاية. هو فقط يواصل السير إلى الأمام, وهذا أمر محبط للهمم بالنسبة للمقاتل.

“عندما أكون هناك معه, سيكون من الممتع أن نرى مدى استعداده للعبة, وأي حريق هو مستعد لمرورهم ".

# # #

خروج بوليف - تاكام في مواجهة جوشوا

IBF تثبيت Frenchman إلزامي لـ أكتوبر 28 مواجهة حاسمة

استبدل كارلوس تاكام كوبرات بوليف بصفته المنافس الإلزامي للاتحاد الدولي لكرة القدم لأنتوني جوشوا في استاد الإمارة في كارديف يوم أكتوبر 28, مباشر على Sky Sports Box Office.

تم تصنيف الفرنسي تاكام في المرتبة الثالثة مع مجلس الإدارة وكان يبحث عن مواجهة مع النجم البريطاني, ويحصل على فرصته الذهبية في انتزاع ألقاب جوشوا في العاصمة الويلزية بعد إصابة بوليف بإصابة في الكتف أثناء السجال.

"تلقيت مكالمة من كالي ساورلاند في وقت متأخر من بعد الظهر لإخباري أن بوليف أصيب في كتفه وربما تم استبعاده من القتال - وقد أكد ذلك طبيبه لاحقًا,"قال المروج إدي هيرن. تنص قواعد IBF على أن الإلزامي سينتقل إلى المقاتل التالي في الصف وهو كارلوس تاكام.

"عندما تم الإعلان عن معركة بوليف ، أبرمت صفقة مع فريق Takam لبدء المعسكر والاستعداد لهذه المعركة. عندما اتصلت بهم هذا المساء ، شعروا بسعادة غامرة وعلى استعداد للذهاب. إنه موقف صعب بالنسبة لـ AJ بعد أن استعد بدقة لأسلوب وارتفاع بوليف, يواجه الآن أسلوبًا وتحديًا مختلفين تمامًا في Takam - لم يحدث هذا في مسيرته من قبل ولكنه جاهز لجميع القادمين أكتوبر 28."

اشتباك جوشوا مع تاكام هو جزء من ليلة ضخمة من الإثارة في كارديف حيث 2012 ويهدف خصم الرجل اللدود ديليان وايت للميدالية الذهبية في الألعاب الأولمبية في لندن إلى اتخاذ خطوة عملاقة لتحقيق أول لقب عالمي له من خلال مواجهة روبرت هيلينيوس للحصول على حزام WBC الفضي.

كال يافاي يدافع عن لقبه في WBA Wold Super-Flyweight ضد المنافس الياباني الإجباري Sho Ishida والإحساس الأيرلندي Katie Taylor يتحدى للحصول على لقبها العالمي الأول حيث تتنافس مع بطلة العالم في وزن الوزن Anahi Esther Sanchez للحصول على تاج WBA Lightweight.

هناك معركة يسيل لها اللعاب بين البريطانيين والكومنولث في الوزن الخفيف الثقيل بين فرانك بوجليوني, مباراة العودة لينروي توماس وديف ألين على لقب الكومنولث للوزن الثقيل وفريق جي بي أوليمبيان والموهبة الويلزية جو كوردينا يظهر في الجولة الخامسة للمحترفين.

يبقى عدد محدود من التذاكر معروضة للبيع عبر www.StubHub.co.uk.

إمكانية الوصول, تذاكر عربات الإسعاف والكراسي المتحركة - يرجى الاتصال بإستاد الإمارة عبر 02920 822432 - أيضا معروض للبيع من منتصف النهار الثلاثاء.

باقات الضيافة الرسمية متاحة للشراء مباشرة من تجربة ملعب برينسيباليتي. يتوفر كل من الجناح الخاص وحزم الصالة المميزة للشراء, بأسعار تبدأ من 450 جنيه إسترليني للشخص الواحد + ضريبة القيمة المضافة. لمزيد من المعلومات يرجى الاتصال بالفريق على 02920 822 413.

السفر الرسمي & باقات الضيافة متاحة أيضًا عبر Sportsworld عبر www.sportsworld.co.uk أو عن طريق الاتصال 0208 9712966

يرجى التأكد من التخطيط للسفر إلى المدينة قبل شراء التذاكر الخاصة بك وإتاحة الكثير من الوقت لإجراء فحوصات أمنية إضافية في المكان – يرجى زيارة HTTP://شبكة الاتصالات العالمية.Principalitystadium.wales/event / v / joshua-v-pulev-2017-10-28 لعرض صفحة السفر لهذا الحدث.




Matchroom Sport Announces Joshua To Defend Against Long-Reigning Heavyweight Kingpin Wladimir Klitschko أبريل 29 At Wembley Stadium


انقر هنا للصور; الائتمان Matchroom الرياضة


Anthony Joshua extended his perfect record to 18-0 مع 18 knockouts in a dominating defense of his IBF Heavyweight World Championship over American challenger Eric Molina السبت on SHOWTIME from Manchester Arena in Manchester, انجلترا. لقطات فيديو: http://s.sho.com/2hqHTo8.


Joshua floored Molina with a huge left in the third, leaving the Texas native crumpled in the corner. Molina looked dazed and barely beat the count, but he was again in trouble and defenseless seconds later, مما اضطر الحكم لوقف المسابقة في 2:02.


بعد المعركة, Matchroom Sport managing direction Eddie Hearn announced that Joshua will make the third defense of his title on أبريل 29 against long-reining heavyweight kingpin Wladimir Klitschko at London’s Wembley Stadium.


“Disaster avoided هذه الليلة,قال جوشوا. “He started off teeing off with some haymakers early on. There are not too many tactics he can do. It’s hard for him to come in and fight when you aren’t giving him any options. Someone who is boxing with you can give you options, but someone who is boxing on his back feet cannot.”


“This is the start of my story and there will be many more things to come when I step into this ring. I’m not one to talk and I’m not one to mess around, but if I did start talking I think people would find out what I’m all about. I’ve stayed consistent and I’ve stayed patient and I’m still undefeated.”


“We are moving into a huge arena (ويمبلي). He’s a very respectful man outside of the ring, and he’s very competitive in the ring. This is the step up people have wanted. Klitschko wants his belts back and may the best man win.”


Said Klitschko: “He is the best man in the heavyweight division and his record speaks for itself. This is the fight that the fans want and that is why this fight will happen.”


“Do you want to see a big fight? Do you want to see a fight where two Olympic champs are involved? Do you want to see the fight between A.J. and W.K.? You got it.”



SHOWTIME الدولي للملاكمة® Airs at 5:30 عصرا. و/2:30 عصرا. PT
العيش على شوتايم; Encore Presentation During يوم السبت شوتايم بطولة الملاكمة® بث

انقر هنا To Download Press Conference Photos (Credit Matchroom Boxing)

IBF Heavyweight World Champion أنتوني جوشوا weighed in at 249 جنيه and American challenger اريك موليناقياس 237 ½ جنيه for their heavyweight showdown غدا/السبت at Manchester Arena live on موعد العرض®(5:30 عصرا. و/2:30 عصرا. PT).

The SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL® presentation originates from Galen Center at USC in Los Angeles, site of that evening’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast. WBC بطل العالم الوزن الثقيل ديونتاري وايلدر will join host براين كستر and analysts آل بيرنشتاين و بولي Malignaggi as part of the SHOWTIME announce team for Joshua vs. مولينا.

Undefeated sensation and 2012 Olympic Gold Medalist Joshua (17-0, 17 كوس) will make the second defense of his title against Molina (25-3 19 كوس), a Texas native getting his second shot at a belt in his quest to become the first Mexican-American heavyweight world champion.

An encore presentation of Joshua vs. Molina will air as part of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast later that evening, following the main event showdown between WBA Featherweight World Champion يسوع كويلار and three-division former champ أبنير ماريس. في ميزة التعاون, Jermall تشارلو will defend his IBF Junior Middleweight World Championship against fellow-undefeated challenger جوليان وليامز.


“I want to shatter his dreams and keep that title.” – Anthony Joshua

“I’m not here to take it on points, I am here to put him on the floor and take his belt.” – Eric Molina


SHOWTIME الدولي للملاكمة® Airs at 5:30 عصرا. و/2:30 عصرا. PT
العيش على شوتايم; Encore Presentation During يوم السبت شوتايم بطولة الملاكمة® بث


انقر هنا To Download Workout Photos (Credit Matchroom Boxing)


IBF Heavyweight World Champion أنتوني جوشوا and American challenger اريك مولينا worked out for the British press يوم الثلاثاء في مانشستر, انجلترا, as they prepare to square off هذا السبت at Manchester Arena live on موعد العرض® (5:30 عصرا. و/2:30 عصرا. PT).


The SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL® presentation originates from Galen Center at USC in Los Angeles, site of that evening’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast. WBC بطل العالم الوزن الثقيل ديونتاري وايلدر will join host براين كستر and analysts آل بيرنشتاين و بولي Malignaggi as part of the SHOWTIME announce team for Joshua vs. مولينا.


Undefeated sensation and 2012 Olympic Gold Medalist Joshua (17-0, 17 كوس) will make the second defense of his title against Molina (25-3 19 كوس), a Texas native getting his second shot at a belt in his quest to become the first Mexican-American heavyweight world champion.


An encore presentation of Joshua vs. Molina will air as part of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast later that evening, following the main event showdown between WBA Featherweight World Champion يسوع كويلار and three-division former champ أبنير ماريس. في ميزة التعاون, Jermall تشارلو will defend his IBF Junior Middleweight World Championship against fellow-undefeated challenger جوليان وليامز.


Here is what Joshua and Molina had to say during fight week:




“Eric is coming here to win and he’s got a goal in his sights and dreams to fulfill. I want to shatter his dreams and keep that title. He gave Wilder a real test, rocked him, and boxed through the fight with an injury. So he’s got ability, power and heart.

“Eric has only lost to the best. He’s looked at as an underdog because a lot of it is about hype. This is his chance to announce himself. He might say he can beat me, but we won’t know until the night if he can pull it off.


“This fight isn’t about Deontay Wilder. Deontay is supposed to be this KO artist with one-punch power and he’s been a pro for eight years now so he’s got vast experience in the game. Eric put up a great fight against him and watching it I thought ‘that’s the type of guy that I want to be in.’ Someone that fights with their heart on their sleeve, that’s why we’re here now. It’ll be a comparison in the back of my mind but that doesn’t make me a better fighter than him or vice versa if I do better or worse than Deontay.


“A man that gets up after being knocked down has my full respect and he has shown he has massive heart. His mentality is that he’s got nothing to lose, and that makes him dangerous. There’s been upsets in the past but that’s not happening at this stage of my career.


“Molina is Wladimir Klitschko, he is David Haye, he is Wilder. He is a hurdle I have to overcome. It’s not about them, it’s about me. I won’t disrespect Eric, but I don’t play games, I come to dominate. I don’t care how long the fight with Molina goes; one or 12 جولات, I just need to dismantle my opponent.


“I’m not fighting Klitschko. He’s going to be there في.يوم السبت, as is Haye, but they’re not in front of me. مسيرتي, my discipline and my consistency, that’s the package that we’ve been sending out to the rivals and that speaks louder than any performance في.يوم السبت. أريد أن أفوز, I want to look good and I want to entertainbut the most important thing for me is going in there and doing the job.


“I’m not learning in the shadows, I’m under the bright lights on Box Office in the UK and on SHOWTIME in the U.S. I have to perform every time that I box. There’s so many wolves in the pack that want to come and destroy what I’ve built.


“We’re close to getting some huge fights. If I get through السبت then I fight Klitschko; it doesn’t get much bigger, so the division is moving forward. People have just got to be patient and enjoy the ride.


“The U.S. is a big market for me and I am sure it won’t be long until I make my U.S. لاول مرة. Whether that’s against Wilder, سنرى. He’s got the injury to recover from. I have a lot of people asking me when we’re taking the show to the States, but I don’t think they mean Alabama! They are hoping for Las Vegas, أعتقد — that’s a trip we’d all love to make.”




“Knockout is the only way I am going to win. I’m not here to take it on points, I am here to put him on the floor and take his belt. Any heavyweight can KO any other heavyweight, and I can KO Joshua. I’m a hard-punching heavyweight so I am extremely confident.


“I’m unpredictable – and any man in this division can be KO’d on any night. To become champion, that’s the ultimate goal, and I think I have what it takes to knock him out.


“Joshua has great balance, he’s athletic, tall, uses his reach – but there are things about him we don’t know yet and he knows it, أيضا. We know he can punch and has the attributes to become a legend, but that missing piece of the puzzle is the chin. Can he take a punch? He hasn’t taken anything up to this date. A good boxing puncher can KO you with a shot at any given moment.


“I don’t question his stamina, but I do want to see him take a good shot. It’s the big question – and I’ve hurt everybody that I’ve been in the ring with. Does he have grit and determination? We’ll find out.


“I’ve been an underdog all my life so it doesn’t faze me. Joshua is young, انه قوي, he’s got all the attributes of a great champion. But there are a lot of things that he’s yet to experience in the ring, and that’s what I have to capitalize on. Eventually he has to go through those things and get taken to those places that he hasn’t been yet. I have to take him there to win.


“Who else in the last 18 months is going to fight Joshua and Wilder? Who is willing to do that to win? No one wants to get in with this guy. This is my route to get the world title. It’s not about Klitschko, it’s about me. Any man can be destroyed on any given night. Joshua knows that’s true. He’s got to beat me to get the fight, but I have a great chance to KO this guy.


“I don’t pay too much notice to what people think. When I fought Wilder the whole world gave me one round — هذا هو. He’s going down in one round, he’s going to get blasted away. I’ve heard it all before, all the negative feedback. Let people think what they want, I feed off it. I have nothing to lose in a fight like this and everything to gain. It’s a very dangerous fight and the type of fight that I really perform in.


“Dillian Whyte has given Joshua his toughest test so far, then probably (دومينيك) BREAZEALE. He hasn’t been pushed. He hasn’t been taken to a place where he’s had to dig deep. There are some holes in his game that we feel we can execute and hurt him.


“Lots of people didn’t want the fight; it’s a business and I wanted it. I’ve shared the ring with Wilder and now I’m going in with Joshua. These aren’t just words; I’m putting it into action, there’s a difference.


“Wilder is the most dangerous heavyweight in the world, Tyson Fury is the most skilled, the combination of both would beat Johsua. The most feared is Luis Ortiz. You have the heavyweights that no one wants to get in with. Everyone is calling everyone out, but when it comes down to it, it means nothing if you don’t get in there. You just have a certain bunch of guys that don’t want to fight another bunch of guys.


“Against Wilder I learned that I can get up. I can fight back and still win rounds. I learned I can fight through an injury; that I can bite down on the gumshield and give more than I ever thought I could give. It was a big stage against Wilder in his backyard so I’ve been on the big stage before. It doesn’t concern me at all – been there, فعلت ذلك. I’ve lost on the big stage but I’ve also won on the big stage.”



SHOWTIME الدولي للملاكمة® Airs at 5:30 عصرا. و/2:30 عصرا. PT العيش على شوتايم; Encore Presentation During يوم السبت شوتايم بطولة الملاكمة®بث

ووتش, حصة & Embed “Wilder Road To Recovery” Video: HTTP://s.sho.com/2gcc2TI

Download: HTTPS://we.tl/V82xszVTFc

الصورة الائتمان: ستيفاني تراب / SHOWTIME


نيويورك (ديسمبر. 2, 2016) – WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder will join the SHOWTIME announce team as a guest analyst for the IBF Heavyweight World Championship fight between undefeated champion Anthony Joshua and American challenger Eric Molina on السبت, ديسمبر. 10, يعيشون على شوتايم (5:30 عصرا. و/2:30 عصرا. PT).


وايلدر (37-0, 36 كوس) will join host Brian Custer and analysts Al Bernstein and Paulie Malignaggi for the SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL® presentation from Galen Center at USC in Los Angeles, site of that evening’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast.


The “Bronze Bomber” just completed rehab for a fractured right hand and torn right bicep (see video above) as he (وايلدر) sets his sights to unify the division in 2017. Wilder is acutely familiar with Molina, having defeated the fellow-American in the first defense of his title in June, 2015 على شوتايم.


I know firsthand just how tough Eric Molina is,” Wilder said. “He’s coming to win because it’s a chance for him to win a world title, and he’ll definitely push Joshua. Whoever wins will have to see me eventually because it’s my goal to collect all the belts and become the undisputed heavyweight champion.


Joshua is making the second defense of his title against Molina, who is getting his second shot at a belt in his quest to become the first Mexican-American heavyweight world champion.


An encore presentation of Joshua vs. Molina will air as part of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast later that evening, following the main event showdown between WBA Featherweight World Champion Jesus Cuellar and three-division former champ Abner Mares. في المباراة الافتتاحية, Jermall Carlo will defend his IBF Junior Middleweight World Championship against fellow-undefeated challenger Julian Williams.



Molina Aims To Become First Mexican-American Heavyweight Champion


في 5:30 عصرا. و / 2:30 عصرا. PT From Manchester England

نيويورك (ديسمبر. 1, 2016) – If strength of schedule had anything to do with a boxer’s ranking, اريك مولينا (25-3, 19 كوس), من يسلاكو, تكساس, might be rated amongst the top boxers in his division.

يعتبر: In June of last year, Molina went to Birmingham, علاء., to challenge undefeated WBC Heavyweight World Champion ديونتاري وايلدر (37-0, 36 كوس). مولينا, a prohibitive underdog, lost but had his moments, including staggering Wilder with a wicked shot in the third round.

في شهر أبريل الماضي, Molina traveled to Poland and knocked out one of that country’s all-time great champions, توماس ADAMEK, في 10عشر جولة.

والآن, في السبت, ديسمبر. 10, يعيشون على موعد العرض, Molina will travel to Manchester, انجلترا, to challenge unbeaten IBF Heavyweight World Champion and hugely popular local favorite أنتوني جوشوا (17-0, 17 كوس). مرة أخرى, he will enter the ring as a significant underdog.

“A lot of heavyweights haven’t walked the streets that I’ve walked through,’’ Molina said. “This is an evil sport. You lose, they write you off. It’s hard to bounce back like I have. Nothing has been given to me. I’ve earned it. I’ve done it the hard way. I enjoy the world underestimating me, but they don’t understand the struggles I’ve been through.

“This is my second world title shot, my third major fight في 18 أشهر, and I’ll be the first Mexican-American heavyweight champ in history if I win. I’m coming into this fight like this is it for me. This is my last shot. I’m ready to fight with everything I have.

“I love these big, big fights. They don’t scare me. There is no fear in me.”

Here are Molina’s responses to a recent Q&A:

On his upcoming assignment against Joshua

“I feel great about this fight. These are the kinds of fights I want and want to be in. Before I fought Wilder I had 35 days to train; for this I’ve had about five weeks. We feel this gives us plenty of time to fix what we have to fix in training.

“This is a mission I set out for – to become the first Mexican-American heavyweight champion of the world. This is my mission. I’m looking forward to fighting Joshua and embracing the opportunity. I work very hard and put everything into it every day. I want to be the first Mexican-American heavyweight champion.

“The magnitude of this fight is everything. I put everything in. But I know I have to stay focused and relaxed.”

What do you think of Joshua?

”Obviously, he does a lot things well, but there are a lot of areas to his game we haven’t seen yet, and I’m going to test him in those areas. He really hasn’t had to take too many punches in his fights. I’m going to have to put him in spots where he’s uncomfortable. There has to be a game plan and there will be for Joshua.”

Who are the top heavyweights in the world?

“Joshua has got a great attitude. I’d say he’s the No. 1 الوزن الثقيل, ahead of Wilder and Tyson Fury.”

On how this fight came about

“Once I got wind that the Klitschko fight might not be happening, بدأت أفكر, ‘well, if not Wlad, then who?’ I looked at the rankings and didn’t see a lot of possibilities so I knew I had a chance. ثم, I got a call from Eddie Hearn with an offer and I signed a few days later. I feel truly blessed. I feel like this is my time.”

How would you describe how your career is going?

“I no longer second guess what I can do. Fighting on the road so much; fighters need that kind of experience to compete against a fighter like Joshua. You have to stay in the moment and keep focused at what you are there to do and not allow the atmosphere in the arena get to you.

“I’ve fought some of the biggest fights on the road, so I’m accustomed to it and definitely think that is my edge over (Dominic Breazeale and Charles Martin).

“Some fighters have to go down to become champion. It’s not that easy to become champion. My road sure hasn’t been that easy. I got beat by Wilder, but then I knocked out Adamek and now I’m fighting Joshua.

“I’ve been in the underdog situation. I’ve been in these fights, and that doesn’t affect me. أنا مستعد لذلك. '

Where are you training?

“I’m training in Weslaco with my team at my own private gym. We’ve brought in some sparring partners. I took a year off from teaching so I was in the gym anyway, but now I’m training for a world title again. We’ve been working hard, putting in extra time on strength and conditioning. The plan is to take our time, try to put everything together and not rush anything. So far we’re right on the mark.’’

When do you depart for England?

“We are leaving on Dec. 2 أو ديسمبر. 3. قبل ذلك, I just need to concentrate on staying in the moment, which is to continue focusing on training and letting the future take care of itself.’’

What were your takeaways from the Wilder fight?

“In the Wilder fight, look at the first knockdown. You see how I landed on my left ankle. I rolled it over and it hurt – and got worsebut I kept fighting. The ankle was in a cast for six-seven weeks afterward.

“Take out the Wilder fight and it puts me in right in the mix with any heavyweights in the world. لي, that fight was confirmation that no heavyweight can just run through me. That is one of the differences between my attitude now and before.

“At one point I didn’t have the experience –I had no amateur fights – or the confidence I have now. I now know what I can do and can’t do, I know my strengths and weaknesses more and just feel that I’ve matured into a top contender. I’m now confident in my power and the things that I can do.’’

How do you rate the victory over Adamek in your last fight?

“It was pinnacle of my career. To knock him out there, it was the biggest win of my career and set me up now for the biggest fight of my career against Joshua. I have such nice memories of that fight. I t took a full team effort to beat Adamek and it will take another full team effort to beat Joshua. Our backs are against the wall but we’ll be ready.’’


انقر هنا للصور; Credit Lawrence Lustig/Matchroom Boxing

LONDON (نوفمبر. 4, 2016) – Undefeated IBF Heavyweight World Champion أنتوني جوشوا (17-0, 17 كوس) ومنافسه اريك مولينا (25-3, 19 كوس) went face-to-face Friday at the kickoff press conference at Dorchester Hotel in London to formally announce their heavyweight world title fight on السبت, ديسمبر. 10, live on SHOWTIME from Manchester Arena in Manchester. كان هناك 17,000 tickets sold on the first day to purchase tickets.

جوشوا, a British sensation and the 2012 Olympic Games heavyweight gold medalist, will be making the second defense of the title he won over تشارلز مارتن آخر أبريل 4. Joshua knocked out previously unbeaten دومينيك Breazeale in the seventh round last يونيو 25 in his initial defense.

Molina will be getting his second opportunity at a world title. Molina has won two straight since challenging WBC title holder ديونتاري وايلدر في 2015, بما في ذلك 10عشر-TKO الجولة على بطل العالم السابق توماس ADAMEK آخر أبريل 4 في بولندا.

Here’s what the heavyweights said:


“I don’t think that I’ll be rusty. I’m not going to say camp is smooth or great because it’s always tough and exhausting for the body. I needed a break because I live in the gym, it’s what I’ve been doing since I was 18 and I haven’t taken my foot off the gas since. The task is to express myself under the bright lights in the arena and show what we’ve worked on in the dark corners of the gym.

“I started preparing my body for camp and then training for this date. I don’t want to mention Wladimir Klitschko too much because that’s not the relevant opponentEric Molina is the man that will stand across the ring from me on ديسمبر 10. He’s a tough competitor and represents a strong challenge to me. We are competing for my belt and the guys that want to become world champion raise their levels by 50-60 في المئة.

“There’s nowhere to hide on fight night. There’s no change in my focus for Eric. Wladimir doesn’t enter the equation for me. People will talk about him and I’ll answer the questions, but that’s as far as it goes. He’s not in my mind, Eric is.

“It takes courage to step into the ring. Deontay Wilder is known as a one-punch KO artist and Eric stood up to his power, so it shows that he’s here to push the champion and take my title.

“I don’t get involved in other people’s issues or stories, it’s nothing to do with me. It wasn’t that long ago that no one cared what I was doing, so I don’t really have to prove myself to anyone aside from myself.

“The division has been blown wide open but they’ve been saying that for a while and they will keep saying it until someone dominates the division again. It’s not so much about brand and hype, it’s about guys like Eric that come with true heart and are gladiators and fight for the love of the sport, and leave everything in the ring on fight night.

“There’s a lot at stake and with Sky Sports and SHOWTIME behind us, this is a big stage to show what you have got. I’m serious about what I do and about moving forward. I don’t have a script, I can only speak from the heart; whatever Eric’s destiny is, that’s what will happen on the night. If his destiny is to become heavyweight champion, ليكن. But my destiny is to carry on the path I am on and put in a dominant performance on an explosive night of boxing in Manchester."


I’ve been in these fights before. I have no amateur experience so I’m learning no the joband I’m getting better every fight. I fought five rounds against Wilder with a busted ankle, so everything you saw from me was done on one ankle. That’s the kind of guy this young man is facing. I fight with everything I’ve got. Even if I’m hurt, I still fight, because I know that one punch at any given moment can win me the fight. Anything can happen in the heavyweight division.

“I knew this fight was coming my way because nobody wants to fight him. Let’s be real. All the other fighters want to go and fight other guys and for the other belts and not face Anthony Joshua. I’m a guy that’s been in with Wilder – no one wants to fight Wilder, لكنني فعلت, and that’s why I’m in London today and will be in Manchester on ديسمبر. 10 putting it all on the line, body and soul. I want that IBF belt, I don’t have the option to go for another belt or down another route. This is it for me, and that means he’s going to have the toughest fight of his career, I can guarantee that.

“Tomasz Adamek had never been KO’d, so the momentum from that win in Poland was big. I felt it was time to take time off from work and put 100 percent into this.

“Back home, people know me as a certain type of fighter. On day one of my career I lost in the first round and that’s why on the back of my shirt it says ‘The Art Of Bouncing Back.’ Those aren’t just words. Boxing is the most brutal sport when it comes to trying to bounce back. Once you lose, everybody is gone from your side. There are fighters out there that say they want to bounce back but they don’t have the guts to put themselves in a position to do it. I put myself in the fight with Wilder and I went to Poland and beat Adamek to bounce back and show people who I am.

“You have to prove yourself in this sport and then you can claim the rewards. I didn’t have an easy road to get here, I’ve had to do it the hard way and I’ve earned my way here.’’

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جوشوا مقابل. Molina and Whyte vs. Chisora land on huge December 10 عرض

AJ welcomes American to Manchester – Whyte and Chisora meet for Brit belt – Yafai in World title action – Quigg returns


Anthony Joshua MBE is set to defend his IBF World Heavyweight title against Eric Molina at the Manchester Arena on ديسمبر 10, live on Sky Sports Box Office in the UK and on Showtime in the U.S.


Joshua puts his crown on the line for the second time and fights his third American in a row having destroyed Charles Martin inside two rounds to rip the title from the St. Louis man in April at The O2 in London and then stopping Dominic Breazeale in the seventh round at the same venue in June, extending his unbeaten run in the paid ranks to 17 انتصارات, all inside the distance.


Molina becomes the latest man to attempt to derail the Olympic Gold medal hero, the Texan is looking to get his hands on the top prize in his second World title tilt after challenging Deontay Wilder for the WBC crown in June 2015. The 34-year-old enters the bout full of confidence after travelling to Poland and knocking out Tomasz Adamek in the tenth round of their clash for the IBF Inter-Continental strap in April.


“I am pleased that everything is now set for ديسمبر 10 and I can concentrate on getting the business done in the ring,قال جوشوا. “There has been plenty of talk about who I may face but all I’m doing is concentrating on finishing Molina in style and putting on a great show.


“Every fight is dangerous in this division and this is no exception. I saw Molina have a great fight with Wilder and he is now coming off a strong KO win against Adamek in Poland.


“I’m expecting this to be the toughest fight of my career so far and I will be ready for an all-out war.”


“There is no Heavyweight in the world that has bounced back like I have,” said Molina. “That’s the man that Joshua faces on ديسمبر 10, and that man is a very dangerous one.


“He’ll fight the toughest Molina that anybody has ever seen, just like Adamek fought the toughest Molina.


“I’m confident. These type of fights don’t shake me up, I’m a very strong mental fighter. I know exactly what I’ve got to do to prepare myself in the amount of time. I know exactly what I’ve got to do, عقليا, بدنيا, to go there and perform.


“When you walk out into the atmosphere, half the battle is the mental battle, and if you can stay in the moment mentally you have a shot in any fight.”


There’s a huge card in support of the main event as Dillian Whyte defends his British Heavyweight title against bitter London rival Dereck Chisora in an official eliminator for the WBC title. Whyte makes the second defence of his strap after seeing off fellow Brixton man Ian Lewison in Glasgow last month, while former World title challenger Chisora can get his hands on the Lord Lonsdale belt for the second time.


Scott Quigg returns to action after treatment on his broken jaw following his unification blockbuster with Carl Frampton, and the Bury star moves up to Featherweight as he looks to regain his status as a World champion.


Kal Yafai can become Birmingham’s first World champion but the unbeaten 27 year old faces a tough task to rip the WBA Super-Flyweight title against Luis Concepcion, the two-weight World champion that will enter the ring in his 11عشر World title outing.


Irish amateur sensation Katie Taylor boxes for the second time in the paid ranks after making her pro debut at The SSE Arena, Wembley on تشرين الثاني 26, Heavyweight wrecking ball ‘King Kong’ Luis Ortiz fights in Europe for the second time after clashing with Malik Scott in Monte-Carlo on تشرين الثاني 12 and Hosea Burton will defend his British Light-Heavyweight title against Frank Buglioni.


“The Heavyweight division has been turned on its head in the last few months and while many are standing still waiting, I’m delighted to get this huge card up and running in Manchester,"قال المروج إدي هيرن.


“I have spoken to Eric Molina at length and I know this is going to be a big test for Anthony. We saw in the Wilder fight that he can punch and doesn’t give in and is coming off a strong knockout win against Adamek in his back yard in Poland. We have requested an exception from the IBF for this fight and although the plans are for a major unification in the spring this fight requires Anthony’s full focus.


“The card is one of the strongest we have produced, supported by a huge all-British Heavyweight grudge match between Dillian Whyte and Dereck Chisora which will be an official eliminator for the WBC World title.


“We are delighted to see the return of Scott Quigg who will now campaign at Featherweight and Birmingham’s Kal Yafai has a chance to make history in a brutal fight against World champion Luis Concepcion.


“One of the most exciting Heavyweights in world boxing Luis Ortiz will feature and Ireland’s Katie Taylor will continue to break the mould in front of a sold out 21,000 يحشد. The re-scheduled Britsih Light-Heavyweight clash between Hosea Burton and Frank Buglioni is sure to produce fireworks and there will also be further names added in the following weeks.”


Tickets go on sale to Matchroom Boxing Fight Pass members at midday on Thursday November 3 from the Fight Pass members via this link: bit.ly/JoshuaMolina. Tickets are priced at £40, £ 60, £80, 100 جنيه إسترليني, 150 جنيهًا إسترلينيًا, £200, £300 and £500, with Inner Ringside VIP tickets priced at £800 – due to the high demand for the event, tickets are capped at FOUR per Fight Pass member.


Tickets go on general sale at midday on Friday November 4. Tickets priced £40 to £500 will be available from http://www.manchester-arena.com/ وعلى 0844 847 8000 VIP tickets are £800 and available exclusively from Matchroom Boxing www.matchroomboxing.com.