Tag Archives: Derek Camps




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LOS ANGELES, CALIF. (Jan. 20, 2017) –Els pesos oficials de Bellator 170: Ortiz vs.. Sonnen va tenir lloc divendres al matí davant una multitud turbulenta a l’interior de l’hotel Sheraton Gateway de Los Angeles, Califòrnia. Els competidors ja estan preparats per a l’acció aquesta nit al Fòrum, amb l'esdeveniment que s'emet en DIRECTE i GRATUET a SPIKE a 9 p.m. I/8 p.m. Connecticut.

L’èpic esdeveniment està encapçalat per un llegendari enfrontament de pes pesat lleuger Tito Ortiz (18-12-1) contra Michael Sonnen (28-14-1). El coprincipal esdeveniment de la nit compta amb un enfrontament de pes welter Paul Daley (38-14-2) contra Brennan Ward, (14-4), mentre Ralek gracie (3-0) i HISAKI Kato (7-2) en un combat de pes mitjà a la carta principal de Bellator 170: Ortiz vs.. Sonnen.


Targeta principal: (En directe a SPIKE - 9 p.m. I/8:00 p.m. Connecticut)

Esdeveniment principal de pes pesat: Tito Ortiz (204.8 lliures.) vs. Michael Sonnen (205.8 lliures.)


Co-principal esdeveniment de pes pesat: Paul Daley (170.8 lliures.) vs. Brennan Ward, (170.9 lliures.)


Batalla de la targeta principal de pes mitjà: Ralek gracie (183.9 lliures.) vs. HISAKI Kato (185 lliures.)


Batalla de la targeta principal de pes ploma: Georgi Karakhanyan (145.9 lliures.) vs. Emmanuel Sánchez (145.6 lliures.)


Pes de la targeta principal pes pesat: Derek Anderson (160.1 lliures.) vs. Derek Camps (154.2 lliures.)


Targeta preliminar: (Bellator.com - 6:30 p.m. I/5:30 p.m. Connecticut)

Batalla preliminar de pes ploma: Chinzo Machida (145.3 lliures.) vs. Jamar Ocampo (145.2 lliures.)

Catchweight Preliminary Bout: Colleen Schneider (129 lliures.) vs. Chrissie Daniels (126 lliures.)

Batalla preliminar de pes pesat: Jack May (261 lliures.) vs. Dave Cryer (239 lliures.)

Batalla preliminar de pes ploma: Henry Corrals (144.3 lliures.) vs. Cody Bollinger (146 lliures.)

Batalla preliminar de pes mitjà: Kevin Casey (184.8 lliures.) vs. Keith Berry (184.8 lliures.)

Pes preliminar de pes welter: Guilherme “Bomba” Vasconcelos (169.3 lliures.) vs. John Mercuri (170.4 lliures.)

Pes preliminar de pes welter: Gabriel Green (154.9 lliures.) vs. Entrellaçat Turner (155.6 lliures.)

Catchweight Preliminary Bout: Christian González (182.4 lliures.) vs. Daniel Rodriguez (178.3 lliures.)

Batalla preliminar de pes ploma: Demarcus Brown (146 lliures.) vs. Alex Soto (147.4 lliures.)

Lluita preliminar lleugera: Jacob Rosales (154.7 lliures.) vs. Ian Butler, (158.9 lliures.)

Pes preliminar de pes welter: Johnny Cisneros (170.6 lliures.) vs. Curtis Millender (171 lliures.)

Lluita preliminar lleugera: Mike Segura (155.6 lliures.) vs. Tommy Aaron (145.5 lliures.)

Batalla preliminar de pes gallo: Rob Gooch (136 lliures.) vs. James Barnes (134.5 lliures.)



QUÈ: Bellator 170 Fan Fest

ON: De Dave & Buster’s a The Promenade al Howard Hughes Center

6081 Centre Dr..

Los Angeles, TAL COM 90045


QUAN: Dijous, Gener 19

8:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.


QUI: Royce Gracie

Kazushi Sakuraba

Wanderlei Silva

King Mo

John McCarthy

Matt Mitrione

Royce Gracie

El nom Gracie és sinònim de MMA, i això es deu en gran part a Royce Gracie, un home que es considera que va inventar l’esport tal com el coneixem avui. El guanyador dels primers esdeveniments UFC, Gracie anava a desmantellar diversos oponents en una sola nit, molts dels quals eren molt més grans que ell. Durant molts anys no va haver-hi cap resposta per a la tècnica de Gracie Jiu-Jitsu que va lluitar. Avui, és difícil trobar un lluitador MMA que no s’hagi format en l’art del jiu-jitsu brasiler que va inventar el seu pare. Al febrer de 2016, Gracie va titular el títol de "Bellator 149", un esdeveniment que va trencar els registres de visió de l'empresa que romanen intactes fins als nostres dies..


Kazushi Sakuraba

Amb un currículum increïble destacat per les victòries sobre quatre membres de la llegendària família Gracie, inclòs Royler, Renzo, Ryan, i Royce Gracie, Sakuraba ha heretat el sobrenom de "El caçador de Gracie". L’artista marcial mixt japonès és especialment recordat pel seu primer enfrontament amb Royce, una marató de noranta minuts que va acabar amb un TKO (parada de cantonada) gairebé victòria de Sakuraba 17 fa anys que. Gracie venjaria més tard la seva pèrdua, guanyant una decisió unànime guanyant a Sakuraba a “K-1 Dynamite USA!!" a l’interior del Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. Ara, gairebé una dècada després, les dues llegendes es retroben i Bellator MMA us dóna l'oportunitat d'estar-hi quan passi!


Matt Mitrione

Matt Mitrione va portar originalment el seu talent a la graella del futbol, signant com a agent lliure no redactat amb els New York Giants a 2002. Després de breus estades amb els San Francisco 49ers i Minnesota Vikings, Mitrione va entrar a la gàbia MMA i des de llavors no ha mirat enrere. El veterà UFC de catorze vegades va començar la seva carrera professional amb victòries en els seus primers cinc combats, quatre de les quals van arribar per eliminatòria. Conegut com un dels primers classificats en aquest esport, el natiu d’Indianapolis, de 37 anys, va acabar recentment la seva carrera amb el seu antic empresari, prenent la decisió de provar una agència gratuïta. Mitrione ara intentarà duplicar l'èxit que va trobar al llarg de la seva carrera, quan coneix Fedor Emelianenko a San José aquest febrer.


Wanderlei Silva

L'exsuperestrella de l'UFC, Wanderlei Silva, també hi assistirà Gener 20, mentre "The Axe Murderer" es prepara per al seu debut amb Bellator MMA en l'esperat any de 2017. L’home que l’ha cridat constantment des que es va unir a la promoció dirigida per Scott Coker, Michael Sonnen, competirà a l'esdeveniment principal de "Bellator 170" només un dia després del "Fan Fest". Un veterà de 48 combats, Silva es va unir a la lluita MMA de Bellator després d'una il·lustre carrera amb UFC, passant per les centrals de pes mitjà Cung Le, Brian Stann, i l'actual campió de la divisió Michael Bisping. Amb 25 de la seva 35 victòries en la carrera per eliminatòria, el brasiler brasiler de 40 anys té moltes ganes de fer sentir la seva presència dins de la gàbia MMA de Bellator. Uniu-vos a nosaltres per "Bellator 170" "Fan Fest" a Los Angeles i coneixeu la llegenda ell mateix abans de fer el seu debut promocional.


King Mo

"King Mo" ha estat un pilar fonamental amb Bellator MMA des de llavors 2013, lluitant contra tothom, tant la divisió pes pesat pesat com la pesada. Aquesta serà la segona aparició de Lawal a l’esdeveniment “Fan Fest” de Bellator MMA, donant als aficionats una altra oportunitat de conèixer l'explosiu davanter fora de la gàbia. Després de la seva recent victòria sobre l'esdeveniment principal Satoshi Ishii, "Mo" ara posa el punt de mira en altres combats amb "pes pesat" per saciar la seva set.


John McCarthy

Conegut per molts com a "Gran" John McCarthy, l'àrbitre de MMA de llarga data centrarà la seva atenció en el "Fan Fest" de Bellator MMA i convocarà els trets en un dia ple de diversió amb alguns dels millors aficionats que aquest esport ofereix. McCarthy ha oficiat diversos combats memorables promoguts per Bellator MMA, la UFC i altres, convertint-se en un dels àrbitres més notoris de la història de l'esport.

INFO LLUITA: Bellator 170: Ortiz vs.. Sonnen es porta a terme en Dissabte, Gener 21 del Fòrum de Los Angeles i s'emetrà en directe i gratuïtament a SPIKE a 9 p.m. I/8 p.m. Connecticut. Les molt esperades reproduccions de targetes en directe a Bellator.com i l’aplicació mòbil Bellator a partir de 6:50 p.m. I/3:50 p.m. PT.


Les entrades per a l'esdeveniment comencen a les $36 i estan a la venda a Bellator.com, així com Ticketmaster.com.


La carta principal èpica està encapçalada per un llegendari xoc de pes pesat que enfronta les superestrelles Tito Ortiz (18-12-1) contra Michael Sonnen (28-14-1). Addicionalment, un esdeveniment co-principal de pes welter amb Paul Daley (38-14-2) contra Brennan Ward, (14-4) i un combat de pes mitjà entre Ralek gracie (3-0) i HISAKI Kato (7-2) també apareixerà a la targeta principal televisiva Spike. Per últim, un concurs de pes ploma picades Georgi Karakhanyan (26-6-1) contra Emmanuel Sánchez(13-3) i una batalla lleugera recentment anunciada Derek Camps (17-6) i Derek Anderson (14-2, 1 NC) conclou la primera targeta principal de Bellator MMA del nou any.


A la targeta preliminar transmesa per Bellator.com, peses mosca femenines Rebecca Ruth (6-2) i Colleen Schneider (10-7) s’unirà als debuts promocionals propis de LA Kevin Casey (9-5-1, 2 NC) i artista knockout de pes pesat Jack May (8-3). A la targeta també apareix el retorn previst de Chinzo Machida (4-2), Henry Corrals (12-3), Guilherme “Bomba” (8-3), i Cody Bollinger (19-6).



SANTA MONICA, CALIF. — (Gener 3, 2017) - Abans de tancar la porta de la gàbia al Fòrum de Los Angeles, els lluitadors d'esdeveniments principals i co-principals de "Bellator 170: Ortiz vs.. Sonnen ” va participar en una conferència multimèdia. Si no estiguessis a la línia, ho podeu escoltar en aquest lloc, o bé llegiu un parell de les cometes següents.


En l'esdeveniment principal de la nit, Tito Ortiz (18-12-1) adquireix Michael Sonnen (28-14-1). Addicionalment, Ralek gracie (3-0) i HISAKI Kato (7-2) es reunirà en una baralla de pes mitjà, mentre Georgi Karakhanyan (26-6-1) i Emmanuel Sánchez (13-3) batalla. Per últim, un fantàstic equip de pes welter fantàstic Paul Daley (38-14-2) contra Brennan Ward, (14-4) també està configurat per a la targeta principal televisiva Spike.


Les entrades limitades per al megaesdeveniment comencen a les $36 i estan a la venda a Bellator.com, així com Ticketmaster.com. L’esdeveniment s’emetrà en directe i gratuïtament a SPIKE a 9 p.m. ET / 8 pm. Connecticut. El “Bellator 170: Ortiz vs.. Sonnen ”sota targeta, reproduccions en directe a Bellator.com i a l'aplicació mòbil Bellator a partir de 6:50 p.m. I / 3:50 p.m. PT.


Q: Per a Paul Daley ... Vam tenir l'oportunitat de parlar abans que teníeu previst lluitar contra Derek Anderson "Bellator 163." Va fer el pes, però la baralla no va passar. Així, què canviarà aquesta vegada? Fareu alguna cosa diferent en la vostra preparació i què espereu de Brennan Ward?

Paul Daley: Les coses no van anar segons el previst en l’últim esdeveniment en què estava previst competir. Vaig fer el pes, però va ser el que va passar després d’això el problema. Aquests problemes s’han solucionat i hauríem de tenir-ho tot encarrilat i estic preparat per competir en la que serà la baralla més emocionant de la carta..

Q: Per a Brennan Ward ... Tots dos heu definitivament lliurat emocionants eliminatòries en les darreres actuacions, així que vull saber quina és la vostra expectativa de la lluita i si creieu que serà un aparador ràpid.

Brennan Ward,: No formen només dos nois com Paul i jo sense cap motiu — en una targeta com aquesta, probablement és la carta més gran de l'any i una de les cartes Bellator més grans de tots els temps == Estan posant la nostra combinació per un motiu. Saben que els focs artificials s’apagaran i saben que aquesta baralla no s’allunya. En Paul i jo acabem les baralles, és el que fem. Com va dir ell, segur que farem la lluita més emocionant de la nit.

Q: Sé que aquest clip de tu i Tito lluitant a la universitat ha estat donant voltes, doncs, què espereu de Tito aquesta vegada en comparació amb el Tito que veieu aleshores?

Michael Sonnen: Miri, Tito és un gran lluitador. Era un lluitador infern ... El vaig agafar en una posició en aquell partit, No hi penjo el barret. Estic bombardejat per ser-hi i competir contra un Saló de la Fama com Tito. Faré tot el que pugui per vèncer-lo, però no descarto el bé que té aquest noi.

Q: Fa temps que et veiem allà amb Liam McGeary en aquesta baralla pel títol. Així, de llavors a ara, què ha canviat i què ens mostrarà?

Tito Ortiz: Ara fa tres anys que treballo. Venia de la UFC i Bellator em va donar l'oportunitat de revigorar la meva carrera i vull marxar segons els meus propis termes. Vull marxar amb respecte. Scott Coker ja ha fet una feina increïble amb la companyia i em vaig tornar a asseure, pensant en quina seria la meva última baralla. De sobte, Estic veient Bellator a Spike TV i Chael Sonnen surt cridant, dient-me covard i dient que vol lluitar contra mi i juro que mai no hi ha hagut cap somriure més gran a la cara. Ja em preparava per lluitar al novembre. I wasn’t sure who my opponent was going to be, but I was getting in shape. I’ve been training now for almost four months and this is probably one of the longest camps I’ve had and it’s time to showcase my skills. Chael says he’s fighting because he’s jealous and that’s the wrong way to come into a fight. I’m going in to get redemption and to me Chael is my enemy. This is no game, this is nothing fun, this is what I do for a living. I train and I go out to try and hurt my opponent. I know what I need to do. I need to defend the takedown, I need to watch out for the punches, I need to watch out for the guillotine. I know all of the moves that Chael has done and my job is to go in and destroy him. En Gener 21, two days before my birthday, I want to get the ‘Fight of the Night.’ I hope Chael’s in great shape because when I’m on top of him, he’s going to shit himself. I’m going to throw my elbows through his face and like I said, this is no joke. This is serious to me because my family’s watching, my kids are watching, and all of my fans are watching. I’ve given so much for this and I’ve sacrificed everything. I sacrificed my Thanksgiving, Christmas, and my New Year’s for this.

Q: Of all the guys you’ve verbally dueled with in your career, how would you size up where Tito stands? How does he compare to other guys that you’ve gone back and forth with verbally?

Michael Sonnen: Home, it’s painful. It was painful just listening to him read through that list of notes. He just rattled off all of his bullets right there in one answer and I think he asked to go to the bathroom during it, which was a little weird. I don’t care, I never thought about Tito Ortiz. I didn’t come to this organization to fight Tito Ortiz. I’ve been chasing Wanderlei Silva around, but Wanderlei is busy until the summer. They called me and asked if I’d fight Tito on Gener 21 and I didn’t have anything else going on, so I said yes.

Q: Beyond this fight, what are your goals in Bellator?

Michael Sonnen: I want to compete at Bellator. I want to be a champion, get to the top, and compete with all the guys. I want to find a weight class. I’d like to do it at 205-pounds, but I think there’s an opportunity at 185 and now we have some big signings at heavyweight and catchweight too. I just think there’s a lot of opportunity over here. I can tell you as far as training, working hard and being prepared, that’s what I do. I do it every day. I will bring my skills to the fight and if they’re enough I’ll win; If they’re not, I won’t. That’s just the way that this sport is played and I’m just looking forward to competing with these guys.

Q: Coming back to compete in California, with your history with that athletic commission, you’ve already taken an out-of-competition test. How do you look at that process? Were you surprised by the test? Was there an understanding that it was going to be a part of the deal to get you back in California?

Michael Sonnen: I was surprised by it. That’s why the test works. I was not ready to be tested and I didn’t know that I was going to be tested and I haven’t thought about it a whole lot. You have to understand that when you’re a guy with my background that’s just coming off of a suspension, that’s the way it goes. You’re going to have more tests than other guys and that’s just fair.

Q: Finalment, can you just size up the marketplace since you left UFC and since they’ve been purchased?

Michael Sonnen: Miri, I’m brand new. I only know a few guys at Bellator. I know three people, that’s how new I am. I’ve been to two Bellator shows; one at Mohegan Sun Arena and one in San Jose. Both events were sold out! When I was in San Jose, I was sitting there and down the ramp comes the greatest heavyweight of all time, Fedor Emelianenko. Coker signed him and didn’t even say anything to anybody. The place was packed and the ratings were going higher. I wanted to come to Bellator when I saw Ken Shamrock walk the ramp and I thought this is awesome. Connecticut and then California, both sides of the country and both sold out. The household name that Bellator has become is amazing. I used to have to explain to people what UFC and what MMA was. When I tell people I’m with Bellator, they know exactly what it is. When Tito and I met in that college wrestling match, there was 80 people there tops, nobody cared. It was a big sacrifice just to show off in front of 80 gent. To show off in front of a sold out arena, a record-breaking show, is fun. We get Paul Daley and Brennan Ward to entertain us before we have to go out and take care of business.

Q: Tito, do you have any comment to Chael’s comments earlier about you reading from a script and all?

Tito Ortiz: This guy knows that he bit off a little more than he can chew. I’ve been through 20 years of competition, won world titles, and stepped into that cage over and over again. La prova està en el púding. I’m sitting here listening to the tone that Chael has and it sounds like he’s drowning and on Gener 21, he’s going to be drowning in his own blood.

Michael Sonnen: I told you he was out of bullets! I warned you ahead of time!

Q: Chael, congratulations on Celebrity Apprentice last night…great to see you on the debut there. How difficult is it for you to balance the Celebrity Apprentice, ESPN, your podcast, and training all together?

Michael Sonnen: I hate days off. I hate it more than anything. When I look at my calendar before I go to bed, I hate seeing gaps in there. So as far as training goes, I’m in the gym three hours a day. It’s an hour in the morning, maybe even less, two hours in the afternoon, I’m out the door in three in a half hours tops. Així, that leaves me with another 20 hours in the day and I like to fill it. I don’t like to sleep a lot and that’s just the way it goes. I like to stay busy, but nothing interferes with preparation for the competition. I haven’t missed a practice, a run, a workout, a sparring session; I go every day. I go to practice every day no matter what, dues vegades al dia. There are parts when I’ll pick up the intensity and work a little harder and then there are parts when I’ll take a break to get a drink of water, but it doesn’t change for me. Estic llest per anar, Això és.

Q: Chael, I know you said that you had a little more of a looser camp, where you’ve trained with a lot of different fighters, especially due to all of the traveling. How has it been, having access to some elite fighters in other parts of the country?

Michael Sonnen: I love working out in other parts of the country and I love going to different gyms. And that’s something new to me, because I didn’t used to travel. I was just locked at home in Portland, Oregon, but we had a hotbed out there, with guys like Randy Couture and Evan Tanner, I could name drop for you and it would really impress. We had a really great system out there, but it dried up and some of those guys retired. Some of them moved away and some of the gyms closed down, so all of these new traveling has been great. I’ve got a lot of rounds in and worked out with Georges St-Pierre and a bunch of hammers out there that you’ve never heard of yet, but you will. I’m getting good work in and I’m learning from these guys. The one thing that I try to do, and I copied Randy Couture on this, is always train with the kids. He would be in high school workout rooms doing some wrestling practice and it was very hard for the next generation to ever get ahead of him because he always trained with that younger generation. Així, I spend a lot of time with those kids and I have my own practices on top of that. I’m not positive that I can take Tito down, I’m not positive that I can out-box him; everything has to get better. I have to get stronger, Més ràpid, better with more technique and better strategy and it all takes time.

Completi "Bellator 170: Ortiz vs.. Sonnen” Main Card:

Esdeveniment principal de pes pesat: Tito Ortiz (18-12-1) vs. Michael Sonnen (28-14-1)

Co-principal esdeveniment de pes pesat: Paul Daley (38-14-2) vs. Brennan Ward, (14-4)

Batalla de la targeta principal de pes mitjà: Ralek gracie (3-0) vs. HISAKI Kato (7-2)

Batalla de la targeta principal de pes ploma: Georgi Karakhanyan (26-6-1) vs. Emmanuel Sánchez (13-3)

Punt lleuger de la targeta principal: Derek Camps (17-6) vs. Derek Anderson (14-2, 1 NC)


Bellator.com-Streamed Preliminary Card:

Batalla preliminar de pes ploma: Chinzo Machida (4-2) vs. Jamar Ocampo (2-0)

Batalla preliminar de pes pesat: Jack May (8-3) vs. Dave Cryer (11-2)

Batalla preliminar de pes ploma: Henry Corrals (12-3) vs. Cody Bollinger (19-6)

Batalla preliminar de pes mitjà: Kevin Casey (9-5-1, 2 NC) vs. Keith Berry (15-13)

Pes preliminar de pes welter: Guilherme “Bomba” Vasconcelos (8-3) vs. John Mercuri (8-7)

Pes preliminar de pes welter: Gabriel Green (3-0) vs. Entrellaçat Turner (2-2)

Catchweight Preliminary Bout: Christian González (2-0) vs. Daniel Rodriguez (2-0)

Lluita preliminar lleugera: Jacob Rosales (4-2) vs. Ian Butler, (3-2)

Pes preliminar de pes welter: Johnny Cisneros (9-5) vs. Curtis Millender (9-3)

Lluita preliminar lleugera: Mike Segura (4-4) vs. Tommy Aaron (2-1)

Batalla preliminar de pes gallo: Rob Gooch (4-3) vs. James Barnes (6-2)

Lluita preliminar contra el pes de la mosca: Rebecca Ruth (6-2) vs. Colleen Schneider (10-7)


‘Bellator 170: Ortiz vs.. Sonnen’ Fight Card Complete With Two New Matchups


SANTA MONICA, CALIF. — (Desembre 28, 2016) – The stacked main card of "Bellator 170: Ortiz vs.. Sonnen ” has added even more ammo to its arsenal with the news that Derek Camps (17-6) i Derek Anderson (14-2, 1 NC) will compete in a lightweight feature fight on Gener 21, 2017 inside The Forum in Los Angeles, Califòrnia. Addicionalment, a female flyweight bout pitting Rebecca Ruth (6-2) contra Colleen Schneider (10-7) has been added to the preliminary portion of the event.


The lightweight clash joins a main card that is highlighted by a legendary faceoff between superstars Tito Ortiz (18-12-1) i Michael Sonnen (28-14-1). Addicionalment, Ralek gracie (3-0) i HISAKI Kato (7-2) es reunirà en una baralla de pes mitjà, mentre Georgi Karakhanyan (26-6-1) i Emmanuel Sánchez (13-3) batalla. Per últim, un fantàstic equip de pes welter fantàstic Paul Daley (38-14-2) contra Brennan Ward, (14-4) també està configurat per a la targeta principal televisiva Spike.



Les entrades limitades per al megaesdeveniment comencen a les $36 i estan a la venda a Bellator.com, així com Ticketmaster.com. L’esdeveniment s’emetrà en directe i gratuïtament a SPIKE a 9 p.m. I/8 p.m. Connecticut. La "Bellator 170: Ortiz vs.. Sonnen ” targeta de sota, reproduccions en directe a Bellator.com i a l'aplicació mòbil Bellator a partir de 6:50 p.m. I / 3:50 p.m. PT.


Campos enters the bout riding a recent string of success, as the 28-year-old lightweight put together a flawless 2016 campaign that included a pair of noteworthy victories over Djamil Chan i Melvin Guillard. “The Stallion” continues to provide entertaining fights, as the Lubbock, Texas native has finished opponents in 10 de la seva 17 victòries, including five knockouts and three of the first-round variety. Campos will be searching for his first three-fight winning streak under the Bellator MMA umbrella since 2013.


Following an explosive start to his professional career, collecting victories in 11 de la seva primera 12 extrems, including one no-contest, Anderson has continued his success under the direction of Bellator MMA. Since joining the Scott Coker-led promotion in 2013, “The Barbaric” has tallied five impressive wins, highlighted by two knockouts and a pair of victories over Patricky Freire. Hailing from San Diego, Qualif., Anderson has finished 11 de la seva 14 victims, and will not have to travel far as he prepares for number 12. With back-to-back victories over the aforementioned Freire and most recently Vostè Awad a “Bellator 160,” Anderson has quickly entered the mix as one of the division’s top contenders. The 26-year-old lightweight will now look to take down the Bellator MMA veteran Campos and add yet another big name to his admirable resume.


The 37-year-old Ruth will be making her third appearance under the Bellator MMA banner and first of her 2017 campanya, following a year in which she earned her first promotional victory over Ukrainian submission specialist Lena Ovchynnikova. Prior to joining the Scott Coker-led promotion in 2016, “Ruthless” strung together an impressive 5-1 record to begin her career, including five knockout victories and three first round finishes. With wins in four of her last five contests, Ruth will look to start the year off on the right foot and add to her already impressive MMA resume.


The recently signed Schneider will be making her Bellator MMA debut on Jan. 21, as she also enters the contest having won four of her last five bouts. With six of her 10 victòries en la seva carrera per la via del nocaut o submissió, look for Schneider to attack early and often in a flyweight clash that features two of the more dangerous opponents in the division. Standing at 5’9”, the 34-year-old Schneider will hold a significant height advantage over the veteran Ruth, who stands about five inches shy of the former Invicta FC product. Hailing from Los Angeles, Qualif., Schneider will also not have to travel far for this incredible event, as the hometown crowd will surely be pulling for “Thoroughbred” at Inglewood’s famous Forum.



Ruth and Schneider will join a preliminary card that features the promotional debuts of Kevin Casey (9-5-1, 2 NC) i Jack May(8-3), as well as the return of Chinzo Machida (4-2), Henry Corrals (12-3), Guilherme “Bomba” (8-3), i Cody Bollinger (19-6).


Completi "Bellator 170: Ortiz vs.. Sonnen” Main Card:

Esdeveniment principal de pes pesat: Tito Ortiz (18-12-1) vs. Michael Sonnen (28-14-1)

Co-principal esdeveniment de pes pesat: Paul Daley (38-14-2) vs. Brennan Ward, (14-4)

Batalla de la targeta principal de pes mitjà: Ralek gracie (3-0) vs. HISAKI Kato (7-2)

Batalla de la targeta principal de pes ploma: Georgi Karakhanyan (26-6-1) vs. Emmanuel Sánchez (13-3)

Punt lleuger de la targeta principal: Derek Camps (17-6) vs. Derek Anderson (14-2, 1 NC)


Bellator.com-Streamed Preliminary Card:

Batalla preliminar de pes ploma: Chinzo Machida (4-2) vs. Jamar Ocampo (2-0)

Batalla preliminar de pes pesat: Jack May (8-3) vs. Dave Cryer (11-2)

Batalla preliminar de pes ploma: Henry Corrals (12-3) vs. Cody Bollinger (19-6)

Batalla preliminar de pes mitjà: Kevin Casey (9-5-1, 2 NC) vs. Keith Berry (15-13)

Pes preliminar de pes welter: Guilherme “Bomba” Vasconcelos (8-3) vs. John Mercuri (8-7)

Pes preliminar de pes welter: Gabriel Green (3-0) vs. Entrellaçat Turner (2-2)

Catchweight Preliminary Bout: Christian González (2-0) vs. Daniel Rodriguez (2-0)

Lluita preliminar lleugera: Jacob Rosales (4-2) vs. Ian Butler, (3-2)

Pes preliminar de pes welter: Johnny Cisneros (9-5) vs. Curtis Millender (9-3)

Lluita preliminar lleugera: Mike Segura (4-4) vs. Tommy Aaron (2-1)

Batalla preliminar de pes gallo: Rob Gooch (4-3) vs. James Barnes (6-2)

Lluita preliminar contra el pes de la mosca: Rebecca Ruth (6-2) vs. Colleen Schneider (10-7)




AUSTIN, TEXAS (Setembre 16, 2016) — It took 15 minutes of heavyweight action during the main event of “Bellator 161: Kongo vs. Johnson” to decide a winner between Cheick Kongo (25-10-2) i De Tony Johnson (10-3), però al final, era “The Darknesswho emerged victorious via majority decision el divendres nit.

The action between the two sluggers varied between heavy punches and elite wrestling, but the grappling of Kongo won out, as the 41-year-old got the better part of the action in the final ten minutes and began his newly signed extension with Bellator MMA on a high note.

The heavyweight title picture remains unclear, but if one thing’s certain, it’s that Kongo will have a claim to the strap when the promotion decides to put the title back on the line.


Guillotine Choke Fuels Joe Warren to Victory in Co-Main Event

Joe Warren (14-5) i Sirwan Kakai (12-5) traded blows for over ten minutes of heart pounding action in the evening’s co-main event, but it was Warren who finished on top after delivering a neck crank submission just 1:04 a la tercera ronda. Després de la victòria, the self-proclaimed “Baddest Man on the Planet” is now tied for second all-time in Bellator MMA victories with 12. The former two-division champion Warren has now won seven of his last nine contests and has once again proven why he belongs among the division’s elite. The loss marks the first time over Kakai’s eight-year career that he has been finished by an opponent.

Anastasia Yankova Outlasts Veta Arteaga in Flyweight Marathon

In a highly-anticipated women’s flyweight battle, undefeated Russian Anastasia Yankova (4-0) came out on top against Costura Arteaga (2-1) per decisió dividida. With the win the 25-year-old Yankova continued along her brisk path to stardom with a comeback performance that two out of three cage side judges saw in her favor. Yankova impressed in her first ever fight in the US, recording her fourth career victory and second with the Scott Coker-led promotion. The win is the first to go the distance for Yankova, with each of her initial three coming by way of submission. For Arteaga, the difficult judges’ decision leaves her with the first loss of her professional career.

Compelling Lightweight Opener Ends in Unanimous Decision win for Lubbuck’s Campos

During the opening contest at "Bellator 161: Kongo vs. Johnson," Texas’ own Derek Camps (17-6) scored a come-from-behind unanimous decision (29-28 x3) win over Dutch knockout artist Djamil Chan (12-3). After absorbing a devastating blow that sent him to the canvas early in the opening round of action, “The Stallion” quickly recovered and responded in a big way in rounds two and three. The 28-year-old Campos scored his second straight win and sixth since joining the Bellator MMA fray. For Chan, the loss ends an impressive run of seven consecutive victories over a dominant four-year stretch.

Resultats preliminars de targetes:

Armando Villareal (1-0) derrotat Tommy Burghardt (0-1) a través de la submissió (estrangulament per l'esquena) a 2:08 de la primera ronda

Sean Clements (1-0) derrotat David Ramirez (0-1) per decisió unànime (30-26, 30-27 2x)

Matt Mazurek (4-4) derrotat Jose Guerra (0-3) per decisió dividida (29-28, 30-27, 28-29)

Daniel Pineda (22-12) derrotat Marc Dickman (11-3) a través de la submissió (estrangulament per l'esquena) a 2:07 de la tercera ronda

Emily Ducote (4-1) derrotat Kenya Miranda (2-3) a través de la submissió (armbar) a 4:37 de la segona ronda

Rey Trujillo (21-15) derrotat Deuce King (15-18) a través de la submissió (reverse arm triangle) a 1:20 de la primera ronda

Garrett Scott (2-0) derrotat Waylon Bronstrup (0-1) a través de la submissió (estrangulament per l'esquena) a 0:50 de la primera ronda

Nick González (19-13) derrotat Warren Stewart (11-23) per decisió dividida (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)




SANTA MONICA, CALIF (Agost 30, 2016) – A female flyweight bout pitting Kenya Miranda (2-2) against Emily Ducote (3-1) has been added to the preliminary portion of “Bellator 161: Kongo vs. Johnson,” which takes place on September 16 at the H-E-B Center at Cedar Park, Texas.

Addicionalment, featherweights Mark Dickman (11-2) and Daniel Pineda (21-12) have agreed to slug it out while Gregory Babene (17-11-1) i Francisco “Kiko” França (13-4-1) square off in a middleweight bout that will also be featured on the Bellator.com-streamed preliminary card.

The fights join a heavyweight main event pitting Cheick Kongo (24-10-2) against Tony Johnson (10-2) and a bantamweight showdown pitting Joe Warren (13-5) against Sirwan Kakai (12-4). Addicionalment, a lightweight feature fight featuring Derek Campos (16-6) against Djamil Chan (12-2) and a female flyweight battle between Anastasia Yankova (3-0) and Veta Arteaga (2-0) will also highlight an electric main card.

"Bellator 161: Kongo vs. Johnson” will air LIVE and FREE on SPIKE at 9 p.m. ET / 8 pm. Connecticut. Les entrades per a l'esdeveniment des de només $25 and can be purchased at Bellator.com, Ticketmaster, or the H-E-B Center at Cedar Park Box Office.

En 28, Miranda will be making her Bellator MMA debut when she steps into the cage on September 16. Since begining her professional career in 2014, Miranda has recorded a pair of wins, both of which came at the expense of opponent Natalia Cristina Silva. In her first career victory, the Brazilian prospect finished her challenger with a second round knockout and followed up the impressive performance with an equally splendid first round rear-naked choke submission. A native of Belo Horizonte, Brasil, Miranda will look to prove she belongs with the world’s best when she meets her “Bellator 161: Kongo vs. Johnson” opponent.

Ducote burst onto the Bellator MMA scene following a second-round rear-naked choke finish of Bruna Vargas at “Bellator 159: Caldwell vs. Taimanglo.” The win earned the the 23-year-old Oklahoma native an exclusive contract with the Scott Coker-led promotion, and was her third straight win in 2016 since dropping the opening bout of her young mixed martial arts career. Training out of American Top Team’s affiliate in OKC, “Gordinha” will look to keep the momentum going when she takes on another top Brazilian prospect on September 16.

At 32-years-old, Dickman has quietly climbed the ranks as one of MMA’s most consistent featherweights. After beginning his professional career 5-0, the Las Vegas native continued his hot start, emerging victorious in nine of his first 10 extrems. The knockout artist will be making his second appearance under the Bellator MMA umbrella, after defeating Thomas Diagnevia brutal third round knockout at “Bellator 154: Davis vs. King Mo.” Of his 11 professional victories, seven have come by way of KO, punctuated by three first round finishes. “Tricky” enters this fight having won six of his last seven bouts and his last two, as he tries to add to his career total and remain unbeaten since joining the Bellator MMA circuit.

Best known as a submission specialist, the 30-year-old Pineda has spent time with multiple local promotions as well as the UFC during his 33-fight career. Nicknamed “The Pit,” Pineda enters the cage having won three of his last four bouts and the opportunity to earn his first victory since joining the Bellator MMA fray. Hailing from Houston, Pineda will have the hometown edge over his opponent as the Scott Coker-led promotion will take its talented roster to Cedar Park and the H-E-B Center for the first time. Dating back to 2012, each of his last six wins has come by way of submission, with five of them occurring in the opening round of action. It’s worth noting that all 21 of Pineda’s wins have come by way of knockout or submission.

Hailing from Paris, França, 29-fight veteran Babene will be making his second appearance under the Bellator MMA banner. The 32-year-old “Blade” emerged victorious in his promotional debut earlier this year, when he defeated Brandon Farran with a first round rear-naked choke submission at “Bellator 150: Kongo vs. Spartan.” The French middleweight has amassed 17 career wins thus far, 14 of which have come by way of knockout or submission. Babene will face one of the stiffest tests of his career, as he prepares to face rising middleweight “Kiko” France.

France will be fighting for the third time under the direction of Bellator MMA, after earning a victory over Ben Reiter in his Bellator debut at “Bellator 146: Kato vs. Manhoef.” The 33-year-old nicknamed “Kiko” will also be making his 19th overall appearance in the cage, where he has accrued 13 professional wins; 12 of which have come by way of submission. The Gilbert, Arizona native is currently riding a hot streak, claiming victories in six of his last eight fights (including one draw). The veteran submission specialist will have his hands full, as he prepares to enter enemy territory and challenge Babene in his home state of Texas on September 16th.

Actualitzat "Bellator 161: Kongo vs. Johnson” Main Card:
Esdeveniment principal de pes pesat: Cheick Kongo (24-10-2) vs. De Tony Johnson (10-2)
Bantamweight Feature Bout: Joe Warren (13-5) vs. Sirwan Kakai (12-4)
Batalla de funció de pes mosca: Anastasia Yankova (3-0) vs. Costura Arteaga (2-0)
Lightweight Feature Bout: Derek Camps (16-6) vs. Djamil Chan (12-2)

Bellator.com-Streamed Preliminary Card:
Lluita preliminar contra el pes de la mosca: Kenya Miranda (2-2) vs. Emily Ducote (3-1)
Batalla preliminar de pes ploma: Marc Dickman (11-2) vs. Daniel Pineda (21-12)
Batalla preliminar de pes mitjà: Gregory Babene (17-11-1) vs. Francisco França (13-4-1)

Sobre Bellator MMA
Bellator MMA és una organització mixta líder Arts Marcials amb molts dels millors boxejadors del món. Sota la direcció del veterà promotor de lluita, Scott Coker, Bellator està disponible per a gairebé 400 milions de llars a tot el món en més de 120 països. Als Estats Units, Bellator es pot veure en Spike, el líder de la televisió MMA. Bellator MMA està compost per un equip executiu que inclou professionals de la indústria superior en producció de televisió, orquestració d'esdeveniments en viu, desenvolupament lluitador / relacions, obtenció de locaciones, creació / desenvolupament de patrocinis, llicències internacionals, mercadeig, publicitat, publicitat i comissió de relacions. Bellator té la seu a Santa Monica, Califòrnia i propietat del gegant de l'entreteniment Viacom, la llar de marques de primera classe d'entreteniment del món que es connecten amb el públic a través d'un contingut atractiu a través de la televisió, pel·lícula, plataformes en línia i mòbils.

Sobre Spike:
Spikeis available in 98.7 milió de llars i és una divisió de Viacom Media Networks. Una unitat de Viacom (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Media Networks és un dels creadors més importants del món de programació i contingut en totes les plataformes de mitjans de comunicació. Spike’s Internet address is www.spike.com and for up-to-the-minute and archival press information and photographs, visit Spike’s press site at http://www.spike.com/press. Follow us on Twitter @spiketvpr for the latest in breaking news updates, darrere de les escenes d'informació i fotos.




Crèdit: Bellator MMA

TORINO, ITÀLIA. (Abril 15, 2016) – An electric, packed house was on hand Saturday night to bear witness to Bellator MMA’s inaugural international event, "Bellator 152: Pitbull vs. Souza," at Italy’s largest indoor arena, El Pala Alpitour. The venue, which housed several events during the 2006 Jocs Olímpics d’Hivern, provided an incredible atmosphere for the historic card.

En l'esdeveniment principal de la nit, Patricky "Pitbull" Freire (16-7) welcomed Kevin Souza (15-5) to Bellator MMA with a unanimous decision loss (30-27, 30-27, 30-27). The matchup between the two Brazillians was well contested, as Souza took the fight on short notice after replacing Derek Campsbecause of injury only a week ago. “Pitbull” spent much of the bout trying to figure out his opponent’s unorthodox style, but in the third and final round, “Pitbull” was able to score a couple solid shots and a takedown to cement his position on the scorecards.


Few fighters can inspire a nation the way that Rome’s Alessio Sakara (18-11) had his Italian countrymen rooting for him tonight. The support paid off, as “Legionarius” got the better of Brian Rogers (12-9) in a slugfest for the ages. Crisp, precise, power-punches connected with Rogers putting him on the canvas, forcing the TKO stoppage at 2:29 of round two and making Sakai’s Bellator debut one to remember.


One of MMA’s hottest prospects, A. J. McKee (4-0) defeated Milan’s Danilo Belluardo (5-2) in front of his home crowd on Friday. Although the audience was raucous in support for Belluardo, they cheered with great appreciation for McKee’s performance and sportsmanship following his victory. During his fight against J.T. Donaldson at "Bellator 147: Thomson vs. Villaseca," McKee was cut above the eye, the sight of his own blood seemed to cause the 20-year-old to hit the turbo button. Similarly tonight, McKee was on the wrong side of an accidental low blow and after a short resting period, “Mercenary” came out swinging with a torrid pace, ultimately connecting with a left kick to the ribs of Belluardo that sent him falling to the mat. The referee gave him a moment to defend himself but McKee rained down an efficient flurry of ground and pound, earning the TKO at 2:44 of the very first frame. Sending a message to Scott Coker and the molt deep Bellator featherweight division that he means business, McKee said in his post-fight interview: “If you ain’t got the belt, I ain’t got my eye on you.”


Anastasia Yankova (3-0) quickly fought her way into a full mount against Àngel Rosa (0-1) and applied a slick armbar submission to hand Pink a loss in her professional debut at 1:35 de la primera ronda. The young Russian striker has had the Italian fans clamoring to see her in action all week long, and had them on their feet celebrating her first-round victory. Yankova has now finished all of her professional MMA fights via submission and after the bout made it clear that she will be in action sooner, que tard, “I promise to come back soon and have my second fight in Bellator, Yankova said. “It is really great to be a part of Bellator, I feel really happy.


Two Italian competitors who regularly compete with Oktagon, Daniele Scatizzi (7-2) i Daniele Miceli (2-1) kicked things off at "Bellator 152: Pitbull vs. Souza” with a fast paced featherweight scrap. Scatizzi was able to secure a dominant position on Miceli’s back, sinking his hooks in and raining down unanswered strikes, forcing referee “Big John” McCarthy to call a stop to the action at 3:20 of round one and declaring Rome’s Scatizzi victorious by TKO.




Completa les fotos de pesada aquí


TORINO, ITÀLIA. (Abril 15, 2016) – After Friday’s weigh-ins at the Turin Palace Hotel, all of the "Bellator 152: Pitbull vs. Souza” competitors are set to enter the cage inside of Italy’s largest indoor arena, El Pala Alpitour. The event airs on SPIKE demà, Dissabte, Abril 16 a 10 p.m. I/PT.


The mixed martial arts portion of Bellator MMA’s first event overseas will also include the promotional debut of Italian fan-favorite Alessio Sakara (17-11), que s'enfronta Brian Rogers (12-8) en un enfrontament de pes pesat lleuger i una de les perspectives joves més prometedores de MMA, A. J. McKee (3-0), que lluita Danilo Belluardo (5-1) a 145 lliures.


També, Anastasia Yankova (2-0) farà el seu debut promocional contra Àngel Rosa en accions de pes mosca MMA i competidors d'OktagonDaniele Miceli (2-0) i Daniele Scatizzi (6-2) completarà la targeta MMA amb un enfrontament de pes ploma.


Targeta principal: (En directe a SPIKE - 10 p.m. I/PT)

Kevin Souza (70.3 kg / 155.2 lliures.) vs. Patricky Freire (70.5 kg / 155.2 lliures.)

Alessio Sakara (92.25 kg / 203.9 lliures.) vs. Brian Rogers (93.05 kg / 205.3 lliures.)

Danilo Belluardo (66.05 kg / 145.4 lliures.) vs. A. J. McKee (65.95 kg / 145.5 lliures.)

Àngel Rosa (58.65 kg / 129.3 lliures.) vs. Anastasia Yankova (59.35 kg / 130 lliures.)

Daniele Miceli (76.10 kg / 167.5 lliures.) vs. Daniele Scatizzi (76.2 kg / 168.2 lliures.)



SANTA MONICA, TAL COM. (Abril 11, 2016) – Injuries to both Derek Camps i John Teixeira have forced Bellator MMA to find replacements to compete against brothers Patricky "Pitbull" Freire (15-7) i Patricio "Pitbull" Freire (24-3) d'abril 16 i 22 respectivament.

Com a resultat, the Scott Coker-led promotion has put its newest free agent acquisition to work immediately, with the news that Kevin Souza (15-4) will compete against Patricky at 155-pounds, in the first fight of his freshly inked multi-fight contract during the main event of "Bellator 152: Pitbull vs. Souza.”

Mentrestant, in the co-main event of "Bellator 153: Henderson vs. Koreshkov," Patricio will now fight the tenacious Henry Corrals (12-2), who agreed to face the former Bellator MMA Featherweight Champion on less than two weeks notice.

"Bellator 152: Pitbull vs. Souza” també inclourà el debut promocional del favorit dels fans italians Alessio Sakara (17-11), que s'enfronta Brian Rogers (12-8) in a light heavyweight matchup, while one of MMA’s most promising young prospects, A. J. McKee (3-0), baralles Danilo Belluardo (5-1) a 145 lliures. També, Anastasia Yankova (2-0) farà el seu debut promocional contra Àngel Rosa en accions de pes mosca MMA i competidors d'Oktagon Daniele Miceli (2-0) i Daniele Scatizzi (6-2) completarà la targeta MMA amb un enfrontament de pes ploma.

"Bellator 153: Henderson vs. Koreshkov” is also brimming with must-see mixed martial arts action as well, with the promotional debut of Benson Henderson (23-5), who challenges Andrey Koreshkov (18-1) for the 170-pound strap, Brennan Ward, (13-3) goes to battle contra “Cyborg” Santos (20-16), Michael Pàgina "Venom" (9-0) cares Jeremie Holloway (7-1), i Brent Primus (6-0) meets “Toninho Furia” (27-5).

"Bellator 152: Pitbull vs. Souza” s'emet el dissabte SPIKE, Abril 16 a 10 p.m. ET / PT, mentre "Bellator 153: Henderson vs. Koreshkov” airs at a special start time of 8 p.m. ET / 7 pm. Connecticut, which is immediately followed by the debut of "Bellator Kickboxing: Torino " a 11:00 p.m. ET / PT.

S’ha acabat amb una eliminatòria emfàtica Ryan Couture a "Bellator 148: Daley vs. Uhrich ” llançar 2016, Patricky “Pitbull” will look to extend his current winning streak when he takes on the debuting Kevin Souza.

A member of the Blackzilians, the 31-year-old has been victorious in 10 del seu passat 11 fights as a professional and put together an impressive 3-1 run with the UFC. The multi-time, post-fight bonus award winner has a knack for the spectacular, amb 10 finishes coming in the opening round and 13 fora de 15 victories ending before reaching the judges’ quadres de comandament. The Salvador native has competed exclusively at 145-pounds, but due to the fight being on short notice, Souza will step up and compete against “Pitbull” en el pes lleuger.

Henry Corrales continues his run of never turning down a fight in Bellator MMA, after agreeing to fight Patricio “Pitbull.” The fight will be Corrales’ third in the Viacom-owned promotion, after bouts against current featherweight titlist Daniel Straus and newly re-signed contender Emanuel Sanchez. A former King of the Cage bantamweight champion, “OK” has finished 10 de la seva 12 wins as a pro.

Completi "Bellator 152: Pitbull vs. Souza” Main Card:

Bellator MMA Lightweight Main Event: Patricky "Pitbull" Freire (15-7) vs. Edimilson “Kevin” Souza (15-4)

Bellator MMA Light Heavyweight Co-Main Event: Alessio Sakara (17-11) vs. Brian Rogers (12-8)

Bellator MMA pes ploma Característica Bout: A. J. McKee (3-0) vs. Danilo Belluardo (5-1)

Bellator MMA Flyweight Feature Bout: Anastasia Yankova (2-0) vs. Àngel Rosa (Debut)

Bellator MMA Funcionalitat de pes ploma: Daniele Miceli (2-0) vs. Daniele Scatizzi (6-2)

Completi "Bellator 153: Koreshkov vs. Henderson” Main Card:

Bellator MMA mundial de pes welter baralla pel títol: Andrey Koreshkov (18-1) vs. Benson Henderson (23-5)

Bellator MMA pes ploma Co-Esdeveniment Principal: Patricio "Pitbull" Freire (24-3) vs. Henry Corrals (12-2)

Bellator MMA welter de funcions: Brennan Ward, (13-3) vs. Evangelista "Cyborg" Sants (20-16)

Bellator MMA welter de funcions: Michael Pàgina (9-0) vs. Jeremie Holloway (7-1)

Bellator MMA Característica Lleugera Bout: Brent Primus (6-0) vs. Gleristone "Toninho Fúria" Sants (27-5)

Sobre Bellator MMA:

Bellator MMA és una organització mixta líder Arts Marcials amb molts dels millors boxejadors del món. Sota la direcció del veterà promotor de lluita, Scott Coker, Bellator està disponible per a gairebé 500 milions de llars a tot el món en més de 140 països. Als Estats Units, Bellator es pot veure en Spike, el líder de la televisió MMA. Bellator MMA està compost per un equip executiu que inclou professionals de la indústria superior en producció de televisió, orquestració d'esdeveniments en viu, desenvolupament lluitador / relacions, obtenció de locaciones, creació / desenvolupament de patrocinis, llicències internacionals, mercadeig, publicitat, publicitat i comissió de relacions. Bellator té la seu a Santa Monica, Califòrnia i propietat del gegant de l'entreteniment Viacom, la llar de marques de primera classe d'entreteniment del món que es connecten amb el públic a través d'un contingut atractiu a través de la televisió, pel·lícula, plataformes en línia i mòbils.

Sobre Spike:

Pic està disponible en 98.7 milió de llars i és una divisió de Viacom Media Networks. Una unitat de Viacom (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Media Networks és un dels creadors més importants del món de programació i contingut en totes les plataformes de mitjans de comunicació. Spike’s internet address is spike.com i up-to-the-minute i la informació de premsa d'arxiu i fotografies, visiteu el lloc de premsa de Spike a spike.com/press. Follow us on Twitter @SpikeTVPR for the latest in breaking news updates, darrere de les escenes d'informació i fotos.

About Oktagon:

Carlo Di Blasi created Oktagon in 1996. At its beginning the show was dedicated to free fight, the name that was given initially to MMA (Arts Marcials Mixtes). Other disciplines such as Kickboxing, Muay Thai and Savate were gradually added from the early 2000’s onwards. During the last 20 years Oktagon has reached a huge popularity, both in Italy and abroad, creating many superstars in the process including Bellator welterweight Paul Daley as well as The Petrosyan brothers (Giorgio i Armin), Robin Van Roosmalen, Valentijn Overeem, Ric Verhoeven i Artem Levin.


Nova York, Nova York, Abril 7, 2016 - Matt Mitrione, a former NFL defensive lineman and current Bellator MMA heavyweight will join Bellator MMA play-by-play announcer and The Voice of the Boston Celtics, Siguin Gran as the broadcast duo for Bellator’s inaugural kickboxing event, "Bellator Kickboxing: Torí"A la Dissabte, Abril 16 from the historic Pala Alpitour in Torino, Itàlia. The announcement was jointly made today by Bellator President Scott Coker and Jon Slusser, Vicepresident Sènior, Esports i Especials, Spike TV.
Mitrione joined Bellator MMA in early March after a stellar start to his career in the UFC. His 14-bout stint with that promotion began in 2009 on “The Ultimate Fighter,” airing on Spike. His list of formidable opponents included: Kimbo Slice, Gabriel Gonzaga, Ben Rothwell, Derrick Lewis, Brendan Schaub, Roy Nelson, Shawn Jordan, and Travis Browne among others.
Prior to competing in MMA, Mitrione earned a scholarship to play defensive tackle for the Purdue Boilermakers, not far from where he grew up in Springfield, Malalt. Després de la universitat, he played in the NFL for the New York Giants, San Francisco 49ers and Minnesota Vikings until 2005.
Sean Grande has served as Bellator’s play-by-play announcer since July of 2015. Completing his 18th season in the NBA and 15th as the voice of the Boston Celtics, Conta la èpica de Gran del termini de dos mesos a la 2008 World Championship cemented his status as one of the nation’s elite play-callers. He is joined by analyst Cedric Maxwell for all Boston Celtics games. Since shortly after their 2001 aparellament, "Gran i Max" s'han convertit en una de les combinacions més populars i emblemàtics de Boston en l'aire.
Al maig 20, 2013, Gran va fer el seu debut en les Grans Lligues, after being named the alternate play-by-play voice of the World Champion Boston Red Sox. It completed his cycle of broadcasting major pro sports (NBA, NFL, NHL, WNBA i MLS).
"Bellator Kickboxing: Torí” will be televised Divendres, Abril 22 a 11:00 p.m. I/PT, immediately following “Bellator 153: Koreshkov vs. Henderson” on Spike.
Completa el "Bellator Kickboxing: Torino ”Fight Card:
Bellator Kickboxing Esdeveniment principal de pes mitjà: Melvin Manhoef (37-12) vs. Alexandru Negrea (8-2)
Bellator Kickboxing 165-Pound Feature Bout: Mustapha haida (37-3-3) vs. Karim Ghajji (95-12)
Bellator Kickboxing Welter Feature Bout: Raymond Daniels (10-3) vs. Francesco Moricca (15-2-1)
Bellator Kickboxing Batalla de funció de pes mosca: Denise Kielholtz (43-2) vs. Veronica Vernocchi (31-6-1)
Bellator Kickboxing Pes gall Feature Bout: Kevin Ross (30-9) vs. Matteo Taccini (24-3-1)