Tag Archives: Denisas Lebedevas

Buvęs laikinasis „Cruiserweight“ pasaulio čempionas Youri Kalenga papildė “Kasablankos mūšis” korta

Pasaulio mėgėjų čempionas Mohammadas Rabii
Pagrindiniame turnyre debiutuoti namuose
Vasaris. 18 Kasablankoje, Marokas
CASABLANCA, Marokas (Vasaris 2, 2017) – Buvęs laikinasis kreiserio svorio pasaulio čempionas Jurijus “El Toro” Kalenga teiks vyriausiąją paramą Vasaris 18 už debiutuojančią Maroko mėgėjų bokso sensaciją Mohammadas Rabii ant “Kasablankos mūšis” korta, pateikė „Nowhere2Hyde“, Kasablankos „Complexe de Sportif Mohammed V“ arenoje, Marokas.
Kalenga (22-3, 15 Kos), kovos iš Prancūzijos Kongo keliu, šiuo metu yra įvertinta Nr. 12 Pasaulio bokso asociacijos (WBA) ir Nr. 16 Pasaulio bokso tarybos (WBC). Nokautas menininkas imasi Garrettas “Galutinis kariai” Wilson (17-11-1, 9 Kos), Filadelfijos, kuris yra buvusi Jungtinių Valstijų bokso asociacija (USBA) ir Šiaurės Amerikos bokso federacija (NABF) čempionas.
Į 2014, Kalenga užėmė WBA laikinąjį titulą, priėmęs 12 raundų padalijimo sprendimą 32-1 Mateusz Masternak Monake, po sėkmingos titulinės gynybos Kanadoje prieš 12-0 Dentonas Daley būdu 12oji apvalus techninis nokautas.
Kalenga niekada nebuvo nuobodžios kovos. Du iš trijų jo karjeros pralaimėjimų buvo dabartiniam „WBA Super“ kreiserio svorio čempionui Denisas Lebedevas (26-2), kurį Kalenga numetė ketvirtame raunde, priimant vieningą 12 turų Rusijoje sprendimą, ir pernai birželį jis pirmą kartą per savo septynerių metų profesionalo karjerą buvo sustabdytas 20-0 yunier Dorticos Paryžiuje dėl laikinosios WBA dirželio.
23 metų Rabii nugalėjo 2016 Olimpinis aukso medalininkas Daniyar Yeleussinov vidutinio svorio kategorijos čempionato finale 2015 AIBA World Amateur Championships to capture a gold for his native Morocco. Rabii won a bronze medal at the 2016 Olimpinės žaidynės Brazilijoje, dropping a highly-disputed decision (0-3) in the semifinals to Uzebek boxer Shakhram Giyasov, the eventual silver medalist.
The ultra-charismatic Rabii has reachedrock starstatus in Morocco, testament by an average of 6-million Moroccans viewing each of Rabbi’s Olympic matches on Arryadia Television. “We are very excited to work with our television partners, Arryadia, on our February 18oji show as the first of five shows in 2017 featuring Mohammed Rabii,” propaguotojas Gary Haid sakė. “Rabii has the entire nation of Morocco behind him and he will be challenging for top welterweight honors in no time at all.
Rabii will take on veteran Hungarian boxer Adomas “Blogas berniukas” Mate (24-10, 17 Kos) in the six-round main event.
Also in action on “Kasablankos mūšis” will be former World Boxing Association (WBA) ir Tarptautinės bokso organizacijos (IBO) world featherweight champion, Simpiwe Vetyeka (29-3, 17 Kos), who is world ranked No. 4 pagal WBA, Ar ne. 6 iki Žiedas magazine, ir Nr. 7 pagal WBC. The gifted South African faces undefeated Hungarian prospect David Nerna (8-0, 8 Kos) per 10 turas bijau.
Netherlands light middleweight Gevorg Khatchikian (24-2, 12 Kos) will also be in action against Ugandan MedKabonaSebyala (16-8-1. 13 Kos) in another 10-rounder. Khatchikian, who will be fighting as a 154-pounder for the first time as a professional, has only lost twice as a pro, both to present super middleweight world champions, Jamesas Degale (IBF) ir Gilberto Ramirezas (WBO).
Hyde manages Rabii, Kalanga and Vetyeka.
Tickets are now on sale for the Vasaris. 18 show in Casablanca.
"Twitter": @nowhere2hyde,

Warriors Boxing Congratulates Murat Gassiev for Title Winning Victory and Issues Challenge to the Entire Boxing World

‘Explain to me why Denis Lebedev is still world champion.
Warriors Boxing and Ural Boxing wish to congratulate the fighter they co-promote, brand-new IBF Cruiserweight World Champion Murat “Geležis” Gassiev, for his title-winning victory on December 3 against Denis Lebedev at the Khodynka Ice Palace in Moscow, Rusija.
In an entertaining fight, Gassiev (24-0, 17 Kos) iš Vladikaukazas, Rusija, dropped his countryman Lebedev in the fifth round and won a split decision by scores of 116-112 ir 116-111 against a score of 114-113 for the now-former champ.
In losing, Lebedev remained the WBA World Champion, as that belt was not on the line in the fightwhich is where Warriorschallenge to the boxing world lies.
I challenge anyone in the boxing world to give me a logical explanation why Denis Lebedev was allowed to keep his WBA title after losing,” sakė Leonas Margules, Prezidentas Warriors Boksas. “Neither fighter was over the cruiserweight limit. This was a unified champion defending his titles. It’s absurd and it sets a dangerous precedent in boxing. Why would any unified champion ever put all their belts on the line again if they could keep one or two, even if they lose?”
The pair were supposed to meet for both the WBA and IBF belts, but somehow less than a week before the fight, the WBA was convinced to allow this highly irregular move, which allowed Lebedev to remain WBA Super World Cruiserweight Champion, laimėti ar prarasti, above WBA “reguliarus” World Champion Beibut Shumenov and WBA “Tarpinis” World Champion Yunier Dorticos.
We went along with this travesty and fought anyway, but only because Lebedev’s team threatened to pull the fight if we didn’t. It’s a ridiculous situation and I want the boxing world to know what went down here.
Margules says Lebedev’s camp are now using the Russian media to claim Gassiev is refusing a rematch.
Let me set that straight right now. We would LOVE to fight Lebedev again. We’ll beat him even more easily this time. But only if he actually puts the WBA belt on the line, the one my guy has already won from him in the eyes of everyone but the sanctioning body.
Boxing politics aside, Margules and his team say they are happy with the way the 23-year-old Gassiev looked in going 12 rounds for the first time in his life.
Murat fulfilled the promise he has shown throughout his ascension to the top of the division,” said Margules. “He was in his first 12-rounder and he kept his composure. He didn’t blow his energy when he had the guy down in the fifth. And he didn’t panic when the champion, who is a very tough guy, had a few good rounds in the middle of the fight. I am very happy to be promoting a terrific fighter like him.

He reminds me of a young Rocky Marciano,” said Warriors Boxing’s COO Luis DeCubas. “He’s like a tank coming forward that you can’t stop. He will get to you eventually. He’s a star in this sport. I am sure the Shumenov/Dorticos winner would much rather fight the real unified champion Gassiev, instead of the loser Lebedev. These types of situations really hurt our sport.

Apie Warriors Boksas
Įkurta 2003, Kariai Boksas veikia filosofija paprasta-duoti geriausius boksininkų pasaulyje kovoti ventiliatoriai, juos suderinti konkurencingose ​​seansų, ir tokiu būdu padeda atkurti bokso sporto naujos kartos.
Su sėkmingų Pay-Per-View šou serija ir supakuoti namų į savo kredito, Kariai verslo modelis veikia stebuklų sporto, kad buvo skaudžiai reikia inovacijų ir energijos, kad kompanija atneša prie stalo.
Kai jis ateina į ją, nors, reklamos įmonė yra tik tokia gera, kaip kovotojų ir kovoja ji skatina. Kariai Boksas PAREIŠKĖ visais frontais, su žymiais seansų pvz Lara-Molina, Cayo-Peterson, Abraomas-Miranda I ir II, Miranda-Pavlik, Miranda-žalia, Archyvas: Briggs, Archyvas: Vardas, Urango-Hatton, Urango-Bailey, Cayo-Maidana ir Ibragimov-Holyfield.
Daugiau informacijos apie Warriors Boksas, visit their website at www.WarriorsBoxing.com.

Team Shumenov responds to Lebedev vs. Gassiev world title fight announcement

LAS VEGAS (Rugpjūtis 17,, 2016) – Team Shumenov believes it is worth reviewing recent history enlight of the recent announcement that WBA Super/IBF cruiserweight world champion Denisas Lebedevas will defend against Murat Gassiev in late November or early December in Russia: A condition for allowing Lebedev to fight IBF cruiserweight champion Victor Emilio Ramirez gegužės 21, 2016 was that Lebedev had to fight WBA cruiserweight world champion Shumenov Beibu within 120 dienos. (Lebedev hasn’t made a mandatory defense since April 10, 2015.) Shumenov has done everything to make that fight, while Lebedev has done nothing but run from his mandatory title fight. When it first became obvious in June that Lebedev was trying to avoid his mandated WBA title fight, Shumenov repeatedly requested that the WBA order a purse bid.
Lebedev ignored the WBA and then recently sought, after the WBA deadline had passed, a special permit allowing him to fight Gassiev, which Shumenov officially objected to within 48 valandos. WBA Tarpinė Sunkusis pasaulio čempionas yunier Dorticos has also objected. At this present time, nors, Team Shumenov is still waiting to hear the WBA’s ruling in terms of stripping Lebedev if he decides to fight Gassiev instead of Shumenov.
It really is very simple. Shumenov wants to fight Lebedev, who is doing everything he can to avoid it. If Lebedev doesn’t care to meet his obligations and conditions of his prior special permit, he should relinquish his title. Lebedev and his people need to rejoin the rest of us in the real world and stop claiming that Shumenov has not been pushing for this fight.
According to a recent report, Lebedev’s camp members erroneously reported that, “Shumenov is not exactly pushing the issue” (to fight Lebedev next).
Ventiliatoriai gali draugas Beibut Shumenov savo Facebook gerbeju puslapis ne www.facebook.com/BeibutShumenov.

Team Shumenov petitions WBA to declare purse bid for mandatory title fight vs. Lebedev or strip Lebedev of his world cruiserweight title belt

LAS VEGAS (Liepa 22, 2016) – It has been more than a month since World Boxing Association (WBA) world cruiserweight champion Shumenov Beibu (16-2, 10 Kos), based on the much publicized WBA Cruiserweight Tournament rules and regulations, petitioned the WBA to either declare a purse bid for a title fight between WBA Super cruiserweight champion Denisas Lebedevas, or strip Lebedev of his title belt for being non-compliant.
Praėjusių metų liepos, Shumenov defeated B.J. Gėlės by way of a 12-round unanimous decision to become the WBA mandatory challenger for Lebedev, who hasn’t fought a mandatory defense since April 10, 2015.
The WBA issued a resolution this past April that Lebedev, who defeated Victor Emelio Ramirez in May to also become International Boxing Federation cruiserweight champion, must fight Shumenov within 120 dienos of the latter’s May 21, 2016 knockout victory over Jaunesnysis Wright.
On record for making changes to insure only one world champion in each division, incredibly, the WBA presently has 38 different world title belt holders in only 17 different weight classes. Only three WBA divisions have one world champion – Super lengvas, lightweight and light flyweightand eight have three world titlists, including its cruiserweight division, which presently has world champions in Lebedev, Shumenov and Interim champion yunier Dorticos, who is the WBA second mandatory challenger.
In an apparent public relations move, the WBA has suddenly declared this month a rash of mandatory defenses, tačiau, declaring and actually making these title fights are two different things, as Shumenov has unfortunately learned. The WBA should have ordered a Lebedev vs. Shumenov purse bid on June 21, 2016, when the two sides couldn’t come to an agreement, but the WBA failed to do so. When Shumenov repeated his request for a purse bid in June, the WBA failed once again to act.
WBA Rule D: Purse Bids
1. Call For Purse Bid. Bout participants shall reach an agreement on holding the bout no later than ninety (90) days before the expiration of the mandatory period. To confirm an agreement has been reached, the WBA must receive acceptable bout contracts signed by the boxers certifying they have reached terms for the bout. If no agreement has been reached, the Championships Committee, with the approval of the President, can call for Purse bid. A boxer may also request a purse bid at any time.
Lebedev’s promoter, Andrei Ryabinsky, has been quoted in stories about having a deal in place for his fighter to defend his IBF title first. In effect, the WBA is allowing Lebedev to hold the WBA Super cruiserweight title belt hostage, leveraging it against his IBF crown. Shumenov, who is a former WBA Super light heavyweight champion, has now proudly worn the WBA belt around his waist for a total of nearly five years.
I was looking forward to fighting Lebedev and I don’t understand his unwillingness and refusal to step in the ring with me,” Shumenov sakė.
Team Shumenov is extremely disappointed in the WBA’s failure to act on making the fight with Lebedev that it mandated, in addition to being discouraged by the WBA’s failure, after several requests had been made, to either set a purse bid date or strip Lebedev of his world title belt. Not knowing if or when the WBA is finally going to rule has left Shumenov unable to book any fights. The WBA’s failure to enforce its own purse bid rule, or strip Lebedev, has unfairly prevented Shumenov from earning a living while at the peak of his pro boxing career.
Shumenov is the only native Kazakh to be a two-division world champion. Now a resident of Las Vegas, he also represented his native Kazakhstan at the 2004 Olympics in Greece.
Ventiliatoriai gali draugas Beibut Shumenov savo Facebook gerbeju puslapis ne www.facebook.com/BeibutShumenov.

One on One with Beibut Shumenov

WBA cruiserweight world champion wants
Denis Lebedev fight to happen this summer

LAS VEGAS (Birželis 5, 2016) – Pasaulio bokso asociacija (WBA) Sunkusis pasaulio čempionas Shumenov Beibu(17-2, 10 Kos) stopped No. 11-neįvertintas Junior “Uraganas” Wright (15-2-1, 12 Kos) į 10oji apvalios jų gegužės 21gtitle fight to remain mandatory challenger for unified WBA Super/International Boxing Federation (IBF) Sunkusis pasaulio čempionas Denisas Lebedevas (29-2, 22 Kos). The WBA mandated a Lebedev-Shumenov fight within 120 dienos of May 21.

Shumenov, 32, yra 2004 Kazakhstan Olympian who lives and trains in Las Vegas. During his 9-year professional boxing career, Shumenov has defeated four world championsGabrielis Campillo, Bairono Mitchell, Williamas Joppy ir Montell Griffinas – taip pat septynių pasaulio čempionų titulą varžovai. Jis yra 8-2 (4 Kos) pasaulio pavadinimas muštynes
Below find a one-on-one interview with Shumenov:
(Photo by Yumio Yamada)
Evaluate your performance against Junior Wright in your last fight?
BS: “I am 100-percent a completely different fighter than in my previous fight against B.J. Gėlės. Bet, at the beginning of this fight, I had a little bit of ring rust. The inactivity is really hard for me. I would like to be busier and fight more often. I already started training and doing light exercises, right after my fight on May 21st. In my next fight, I will be even more different fighter against Lebedev.
How does it feel to be the only fighter from your country to be 2-division world champion?
BS: “I don’t really think about those things. My main goal is to unify all of the titles and fight all the best fighters.
You’ve always wanted to unify as a way of determining who the best or real champ is. Į 20-11, you almost fought a unification as WBA light heavyweight but then-WBO champion Juergen Braehmer who suddenly went home a few days before the scheduled unification fight. How does it feel to know that you will be fighting Lebedev for WBA super and IBF cruiserweight titles within 120 dienos nuo gegužės 21?
BS: “This has always been my goalto unifyand I’m motivated even more knowing that I am going to fight for those two titles very soon.
Do you think a deal will be made between your manager, Al Haymon and Lebedev’s promoter, Andrei Ryabinsky, or will it go to purse bid?
BS: “It doesn’t concern me, whether it goes to a purse bid, or where the location is. Tačiau, I hope the parties can get the best deal worked out for everyone involved.
If Lebedev doesn’t want to fight you and he relinquishes his WBA super title belt, where do you go from there, fight second-mandatory challenger Yunier Dorticos?
BS: “I have heard rumors that Lebedev doesn’t want to fight me and, if this is true and he relinquishes his WBA Super belt, then I want to fight Dorticos because every organization should only have one champion in each division. I hope this isn’t the case, as I have been waiting to fight Lebedev since I won the WBA interim title (mandatory) back in July of 2015. The WBA has ordered us to fight within 120 dienos of May 21st. Aš pasiruošęs, willing and able to fight him and I hope he is ready, per daug.”
Ventiliatoriai gali draugas Beibut Shumenov savo Facebook gerbeju puslapis ne www.facebook.com/BeibutShumenov.

World champion Beibut Shumenov to defend title vs. Junior Wright this Saturday night in Las Vegas

LAS VEGAS (Gegužė 18, 2016) – Pasaulio bokso asociacija (WBA) Tarpinė Sunkusis Pasaulio čempionas Shumenov Beibu (16-2, 10 Kos) makes his first title defense šį šeštadienį naktis (Gegužė 21) against WBA No. 11-neįvertintas Junior “Uraganas” Wright (15-1-1, 12 Kos) at The Chelsea inside of The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas.
I’m happy to get the opportunity to fight šį šeštadienį naktis,” Shumenov sakė, “but I wish that I could fight more often. I’ve been ready since January. Every training session I gain new knowledge. I am a completely different fighter than in my last fight.
Shumenov’s last fight was back in July, in which he defeated B.J. Gėlės (31-1-1, 20 Kos) by 12-round unanimous decision in Las Vegas to capture the vacant WBA Interim title, making the former WBA light heavyweight champion Shumenov the first professional boxer from Kazakhstan to be a two-division world champion.
By becoming the WBA Interim cruiserweight champion, Shumenov also became the No. 1 ranked mandatory challenger for WBA Super cruiserweight titlist Denisas Lebedevas (28-2, 21 Kos), who also fights šį šeštadienį in Russia against International Boxing Federation (IBF) čempionas Viktoras Emilio “Tysonas de Abasto” Ramirez (22-2-1, 17 Kos) in a unification match.
The WBA has already mandated that the Lebedev-Ramirez must fight Shumenovwithin 120 dienos. The WBA, tačiau, has failed to explain why it also declared a WBA “reguliarus” cruiserweight world title fight šį penktadienį night in France between No. 2 yunier Dorticos ir Nr. 5 Jurijus Kalenga (since upgraded to No. 3), especially after announcing that it would work this year to have only one world champion in each weight class.
Shumenov, žinoma, is risking his mandatory position by fighting Wright, the former 5-time Chicago Golden Gloves champion. “I need to stay active,” Shumenov explained why he’s taking such a risk. “Kiekvienas kova, I gain experience and it also helps me develop my fighting skills.
The 12-round Shumenov vs. Wright title fight is on the non-televised portion of The Cosmopolitan show.
Ventiliatoriai gali draugas Beibut Shumenov savo Facebook gerbeju puslapis newww.facebook.com/BeibutShumenov.

Beibut Shumenov orientacija Lebedevas-Ramirez Sunkusis unifikavimo pavadinimas kovoti nugalėtojas

LAS VEGAS (Kovas 22, 2016) – Pasaulio bokso asociacija (WBA) Tarpinė Sunkusis Pasaulio čempionas Shumenov Beibu (16-2, 10 Kos) yra taikomos pagal gegužės 21-ajame susivienijimas pavadinimas nugalėtojas tarp WBA titlist Denisas Lebedevas(28-2, 21 Kos) ir Tarptautinės bokso federacijos (IBF) čempionas Viktoras Emilio “Tysonas de Abasto” Ramirez (22-2-1, 17 Kos).
Kai Shumenov nugalėjo B.J. Gėlės(31-1-1, 20 Kos) praėjusių metų liepos Las Vegase, buvęs WBA šviesos sunkiasvoris čempionas tapo WBA Tarpinė čempionas, taip pat jos Nėra. 1 privalomas varžovas.
Lebedevas, tačiau, nėra kovojo privalomą kovą nuo paskutinio Balandis 10 kurioje jis laimėjo 12-turas sprendimą per tada laikinajame WBA čempionas Jurijus Kalenga. Lebedev made a voluntary tittle offense last November, sustabdymas Lateef Kayode aštuntame ture.
Shumenov bus grįžti į žiedo kitą mėnesį (Balandis), Išsami informacija būsimą, ir tada jis bus iššūkis Lebedevas-Ramirez nugalėtojas per 90/120 dienų nuo jų rezultatus.
“Aš laukiu, turintys galimybę kovoti su Lebedevas-Ramirez nugalėtojas, nes jis visada buvo mano tikslas suvienodinti pavadinimus,” Shumenov paaiškino. “Lebedev has always been my target. Ramirez is the other fighter I’ve really wanted to fight and my manager tried to make a fight between us, taip pat.
“Aš buvau sporto salėje nuo paskutinio mano kovos, mokymo sunku patobulinti savo įgūdžius. Dabar, I am a completely different fighter since I fought last July. My team is extremely happy and confident that I can beat all of the other world cruiserweight champions.
Praėjusių metų gruodžio, Shumenov buvo planuojama ginti savo tarpinę WBA karūną su dviejų laiko pasaulis Sunkusis čempionas Krzyesztof “diablo” Włodarczyk (50-3-1, 36 Kos), bet rimta medicininė problema dėl šeimos narį privertė Shumenov pasitraukti iš minėtos kovos.
“Galimybę kovoti su Lebedevo / Ramirez nugalėtojas dideliame suvienijimo kovos tiesiog atėjo apie šį metais ir aš neturėjau šią parinktį atgal, kai aš sutikau iš pradžių kovoti WŁODARCZYK atgal gruodį ir aš negalėjo numatyti, kas atsitiks su mano šeimos asmeniškai,” 32-year-old Shumenov said. “Aš neturiu jokių problemų gesinimo WŁODARCZYK ateityje, but only after I fight the Lebedev-Ramirez unification winner. Papildomai, bet kada, Aš neturiu jokių problemų gesinimo WBA Nr. 2-reitinguojami yunier Dorticos.
“Dabar, Aš ne mano gesinimo žydėjime dar tebedidinamas, mokymo su savo treneriu, Izmaelis Salas. I want to show the world my skills before I get too old. Literally, Esu pasirengęs kovotirytoj and I’ve been ready for months. I’ll be back in the ring next month and then I’ll get my shot at the Lebedev-Ramirez winner.
Ventiliatoriai gali draugas Beibut Shumenov savo Facebook gerbeju puslapis ne www.facebook.com/BeibutShumenov.

Beibut Shumenov daro istoriją vėl žiedas

KOMANDA SHUMENOV: (L-R) Treneris asistentas Rodney Crisler, Pasaulio cruiserweight čempionas Beibut Shumenov, Chingis Shumenov, pagrindinis treneris Izmaelis Salas, cut-vyras Jokūbas “Dygsnis” Duran asistentas treneris Jeffas Grmoja.


LAS VEGAS (Rugpjūtis. 3, 2015) – Naujai karūnuotas Pasaulio bokso asociacija (WBA) Tarpinė cruiserweight čempionas Shumenov Beibu (16-2, 10 Kos) neseniai pateko į istoriją dar kartą, nugalėti B.J. Gėlės (31-2-1, 20 Kos) būdu 12 turas vienbalsiu sprendimu, kaip Premier Boksas Čempionų serija aktorius, kuris eteryje liepa 25oji nuo NBCSN gyventi iš Las Vegaso Palms.

Shumenov, 31, tapo privaloma varžovas už WBA “reguliarus” cruiserweight čempionas Denisas Lebedevas (27-1, 20 Kos, 1 NC), Rusijos, taip pat pirmą kartą Kazachstanas gimtoji užfiksuoti pasaulio čempionų titulą dviejose skirtingose ​​svorio kategorijose tapusiomis WBA šviesos sunkiasvoris čempionas iš 2010-2014.

Boksas židinį Kazachstanas išleido penkis kitus pasaulio čempionai per pastarąjį ketvirtį amžiaus: 1990 WBC Jaunesniojo Aratoly Aleksandras, 2000 WBC sunkaus svorio Olegas “Didelės O” Maskaev, 2001-2003 – IBF Sunkusis svoris Vasilij “Tigras” Jirov, 2010-2012 WBA Super vidutinio svorio Dimitri Sartison ir valdantieji WBA / WBC vidutinio svorio tarpinė Genadijus Golovkin.

Be kumščiu istorinio kovoti atgal į 2010, Shumenov nugalėjo ginti WBA šviesos sunkiasvoris čempionas Gabrielis Campillo viaa 12 turas sprendimas įsteigti už Mažiausiai-kovų rekordą, 10, tapti pasaulio čempionu stambios organizacijos į 175-svaras skyriaus.

“Aš labai didžiuojuosi, kad vieną rekordą bokso,” 2004 Olimpo Shumenov sakė. “Man didelė garbė būti pirmas kovotojas iš mano šalyje tapti pasaulio čempionu du padaliniai. Norėčiau padėkoti savo vadybininku, Al HAYMON, suteikėte man šią galimybę. Lebedevas yra pagrindinis tikslas ir, jei aš praeiti šį egzaminą, Noriu kovoti geriausius kovotojus į cruiserweight pasidalijimas.”

Shumenov išgyveno stiliaus transformacijos, pagal garsaus Kubos trenerio kryptimi Izmaelis Salas, kurie dirbo su sporto Kazachijos pakeisti jį nuo agresyvaus, šlifavimo kovotojas į išsamesnė, visi aplink boksininkas. Shumenov nesuprantamas Flores, kas tikimasi Shumenov ateiti pas Jį ir mainų štampus, kuris būtų suteikęs natūraliai didesnis, stipresnis Flores pranašumą. Užuot, Shumenov meistriškai supakuota savo kelią į pergalę, naudojant šoninį judėjimą, kampai ir pozicionavimo sužlugdyti Flores neefektyviai agresijos, todėl darant nebalansinių štampus ir neįvykusias avarijas masyvo.

Po kovos, Shumenov paaiškino stebina pokyčius jis išgyveno po treniruotės su Salas nuo sausio. “Aš vis dar mokymosi procese. Kaip mano treneris sako, nėra jokių apribojimų, ir aš vis dar tobulinami, ką jis mokė mane. Tai tikrai nužengia sunkaus darbo daug, pakartojimų raumenų atmintį. Mano kojų šiai kovai atėjo iš mano treneris. Aš buvau laimingas, kad būtų pergalingas, bet aš vis dar matau save gauti daug geriau, bendras, kaip visiškai boksininkas.”

(L-R) Shumenov & Salas

Salas, taip pat traukiniai Pasaulio bokso taryba (WBC) Pasaulio Lengvas čempionas Jorge Linares (39-3, 26 Kos), Be tvarkymo praeities ir dabarties pasaulio čempionai, pavyzdžiui, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Yuriokis Gamboa, Danny Žalia, ir Jesse Vargas.

“Yra visiems proceso požiūriu biologinių mechanika,” Salas komentavo. “Yra specialybių mokymo mokau, kurie nėra naudojami dažnai bokso, specialūs pratimai judesių dinamikos. Aš iš pradžių išmoko treneris Kubos sistemos, kuris yra panašus į sovietinės sistemos, kurioje pirmasis Beibut išmoko, bet aš taip pat buvo visame pasaulyje mokymosi skirtingus metodus, mokymo. Jis vis dar reikia laiko pasaulinės klasės kovotojas, kaip Beibut, kuris buvo pasaulio čempionu kaip profesionalus, ir turėjo daug mėgėjų rungtynes. Jorge Linares buvo du kartus pasaulio čempionas, kol mes pradėjome dirbti kartu. Beibut vis ten. Jis vis dar ne visa jėga, šiuo momentu, naudojant tik 40-50 procentų savo įrankiais.”

Shumenov yra teisininkas ir sėkmingas verslininkas, kuris kalba penkiomis kalbomis. Nors jis du kartus pasaulio čempionas, jis vis dar bokso studentas, ir Salas jo labai gerbiamas profesorius.

“Jis (Salas) kuklus, bet genijus,” Shumenov reikalauja. “Jis prašo ir klauso mano nuomones. Mes koncentruojamės į pagrindus ir jis paaiškina viską, kad mane. Mūsų komanda turėjo kasdienybę stovykloje, kurioje mes dalinomės savo žinias po kiekvieno mokymo sesijos. Iš mūsų keturių (Shumenov, Salas, Grmjoja ir Crisler) tapo viena.”


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