標記檔案: 戴夫Rickels

裸關節格鬥冠軍賽利用實時評分在BKFC 11 威奇托, 堪薩斯這個星期六, 三月 14

費城, 賓夕法尼亞
三月 10, 2020

裸關節格鬥冠軍賽 (BKFC) 將採用革命性的全新實時評分, 由堪薩斯州體育委員會提供, 在BKFC 11: 埃爾南德斯VS. 威爾遜, 這個星期六, 三月 14, 在INTRUST銀行競技場威奇托, 堪薩斯州. 在這樣做, BKFC會不會成為第二個促進堪薩斯州, 和第一裸關節推廣使用該系統並立即讓戰士, 自己的角落, 和球迷知道法官’ 一輪輪成績.

“BKFC 11” 將在美國和加拿大播出, 專門在付費觀看 (9 點ET / 6時PT) 通過多屏媒體, 公司, 在所有主要的電視發行網點 $29.99. 它也將提供給BKFC國際廣播全球合作夥伴,並通過流都在家庭和外的家庭連接設備通過 FITE.

為現場活動門票現已公開發售,並可以在網上購買www.selectaseat.com, 通過電話855-733-SEAT (7328) 和面對面的選擇-A座票房INTRUST銀行競技場.

“當我得知堪薩斯州運動委員會打算在3月份開始發售,我很好奇 1 所有的戰鬥發起人的事件在他們的國家使用實時評分的選項, 但我想看看它在使用前先我做了約11 BKFC的決定,” 說BKFC創始人兼總裁大衛·費爾德曼. “在看到它在上週五的Invicta的MMA事件完美執行由堪薩斯委員會, 再加上繼起戰鬥機和戰鬥球迷的表演非常積極的響應, 我知道這是絕對去BKFC正道。”

實時評分, 也被稱為開放式進球, 目前由堪薩斯州體育委員會專門提供在北美. 該系統的變化已被用於世界拳擊理事會和榮耀跆拳道.

“香農納普和Invicta的最後一個星期五合作戰鬥的冠軍利用實時進球後, 我們收到的只是積極反饋的戰士和他們的營地,” 說堪薩斯州運動委員會執行董事亞當Roorbach. “雖然絕對不是強制性的, 實時評分是提供給所有的戰鬥發起人和促銷堪薩斯州. 我們很榮幸能夠舉辦BKFC 11, 並期待著他們利用這個系統。”

裸露的拳頭爭霸錦標賽呈現了由當地人才在星期六進入圓環突出顯示的裝載卡, MARCH 14 在威奇托, 能夠.

BKFC 11 Wichita Native主持的活動宣布了完整陣容 & 2016 美國奧林匹克銅牌得主. Nico Hernandez通過INTRUST銀行競技場按次付費觀看直播

威奇托, 能夠. (二月 27, 2020) – 完整的陣容令人興奮 裸關節格鬥冠軍賽 (BKFC) 週六攤牌, 三月 14 將擁有當地頂尖人才,還有更多, 所有導致BKFC 11 主賽事與本地球迷的最愛, 威奇託本地人和 2016 美國奧運銅牌得主, 尼科·埃爾南德斯 步入對陣威奇託本地人的行列 Chancey威爾遜 在INTRUST銀行競技場威奇托, 五月. 並按次付費.

“BKFC 11” 將在美國和加拿大播出, 專門在付費觀看通過多屏媒體, 公司, 在所有主要的電視發行網點 $29.99. 它也將提供給BKFC國際廣播全球合作夥伴,並通過流都在家庭和外的家庭連接設備通過FITE.

為現場活動門票現已公開發售,並可以在網上購買www.selectaseat.com, 通過電話855-733-SEAT (7328) 和面對面的選擇-A座票房INTRUST銀行競技場.

“很久了, 我們一直想將BKFC帶到堪薩斯州, 所以,我終於來了,我感到非常興奮,” 說BKFC創始人兼總裁大衛·費爾德曼. “我毫不懷疑,堪薩斯州最受歡迎的兩架戰鬥機將為他們的粉絲們帶來勝利. 這將是威奇托BKFC的美好夜晚, 堪薩斯州!”

威奇託本地人和前Bellator退伍軍人 戴夫 “穴居人” Rickels 在主賽事中參加175磅的比賽, 同時硬碰裸指關節重量級競爭者 山姆·舒克梅克 採取行動,應對前Kronk Gym業餘選手 喬希伯恩斯 在一個特別的吸引力.

作為Bellator的退伍軍人,Wichita攤牌對決延續了當地風味, 職業拳擊手和職業拳擊手 科迪·卡里略 面對10戰鬥職業拳擊老手耶利米書頁 在一個155磅重的戰鬥, 而Bellator和Strikeforce的資深人士 喬·沃爾夫 與Bellator老將比賽 L.J. Hermrick 以165磅的動作. 更多, 威奇託本地人和前UFC競爭者 傑克·林賽 戰鬥 肯尼學校, 他在11月的BKFC行動中被KO擊敗了Harris Stephenson,在165磅的回合中.

陣容還包​​括UFC資深球員 喬希 “牙醫” 下 對抗重擊的185磅重吸引力 羅尼福尼, 誰將使他的第二次BKFC開始. 此外, 恭Ferea 海倫·佩拉爾塔 將會以125磅重的BKFC重賽 7 在八月的對決中,佩拉爾塔贏得了決定.

四捨五入是BKFC的回報 達科他科克倫 梅爾文Guillard 在185磅的回合中. Cochrane在BKFC上擊敗Chris Leben 6 六月, 而吉拉德(Guillard)因在BKFC擊敗中受傷而受傷 7 對以撒·瓦利·弗拉格. 更多, 雅各布·阿金 將為包括專業MMA在內的簡歷增加無節制的戰鬥, 拳擊和跆拳道, 當他接任Bellator老手時 萬里麥當勞 在130磅的對決中.

# # #

六月 2, 2018, 總部位於費城的裸關節格鬥冠軍賽 (BKFC) 由格鬥運動的歷史,當它推出了第一部法律, 制裁以來美國監管裸關節活動 1889. “BKFC 1: 開端” 發生在夏延, 懷俄明州和特色 10 專業的較量, 所有懷俄明格鬥體育委員會的主持和控制下. BKFC僅使用建立誰曾在拳擊比賽專業戰鬥機, MMA, 跆拳道和/或泰拳. 所有BKFC發作的認可,並通過ABC會員運動委員會監管. 欲了解更多信息,請訪問www.bareknuckle.tv 或在Twitter上關注的 HTTPS://twitter.com/bareknucklefc Instagram上的 HTTPS://www.instagram.com/bareknucklefc/ 在YouTube上,HTTPS://www.youtube.com/
信道/ UCEeMsInLdrUbIkbEcNm7g-A

裸拳比賽冠軍賽在星期六首次出現在堪薩斯州, MARCH 14!

特色威奇託本地人 & 2016 美國奧林匹克銅牌得主. Nico Hernandez在主賽事中

更多! 威奇託本地人 & 前Bellator老將Dave Rickels
在共同特徵中 & 硬漢Sam Shewmaker在

BKFC 11 透過按次收費觀看
威奇託的INTRUST Bank競技場, 堪薩斯州

週四發售門票, 一月 30 在 10 A.M. CT!

威奇托, KS. (一月 27, 2020) – 裸關節格鬥冠軍賽(BKFC) 將在星期六提供令人興奮的裸指關節動作之夜, 三月 14 由家鄉球迷的最愛登場,在威奇託的INTRUST Bank競技場打響, 堪薩斯州和按次計費.

主要事件將是威奇託本地人和 2016 美國奧運銅牌得主. 尼科·埃爾南德斯 在輕量級戰鬥中, 威奇托(Wichita)本地人和前Bellator退伍軍人 戴夫 “穴居人” Rickels 在共同比賽中參加165磅的比賽. 更多, 精打細算的拳頭重量級競爭者 山姆·舒克梅克 在一個特別的景點恢復活動.

“我們一直在與專員Adam Roorbach合作,將BKFC帶到堪薩斯州, 然後在三月 14 我們將進行期待已久的處女作,” BKFC創始人兼總裁David Feldman說. “擁有如此出色的佣金和出色的戰鬥迷,在這種狀態下不僅令人興奮, 但是我們在堪薩斯州有兩個最受歡迎,裝飾最全的戰鬥機. 三月 14, 我們有 2016 奧運會拳擊銅牌得主Nico Hernandez和前Bellator老手Dave “穴居人” ckle子. 三月 14 在威奇托將是一個電夜!”

“BKFC 11” 將在美國和加拿大播出, 專門在付費觀看通過多屏媒體, 公司, 在所有主要的電視發行網點 $29.99. 它也將提供給BKFC國際廣播全球合作夥伴,並通過流都在家庭和外的家庭連接設備通過 FITE.

現場活動的門票將於本週四發售, 一月 30 在 10 A.M. CT,可以在線購買 www.selectaseat.com, 通過電話855-733-SEAT (7328) 和面對面的選擇-A座票房INTRUST銀行競技場.

來自威奇託的不敗24歲, 堪薩斯州的職業生涯令人印象深刻 2016 奧運會擊敗意大利戰士, 俄羅斯和厄瓜多爾獲得輕型輕量級銅牌. 埃爾南德斯是美國第一個. 男子拳擊冠軍以來, 2008. 自三月份轉為職業選手以來 2017, 埃爾南德斯(Hernandez)已編撰了 7-0 記錄, 包括四場淘汰賽勝利. 他是第二位與BKFC簽約的奧運選手, 和第一位奧運獎牌獲得者.

“自從最初建造INTRUST Bank競技場以來,這一直是我的奮鬥目標,” 埃爾南德斯說. “我還沒有在威奇托打架. 我在附近戰鬥, 但實際上不在我的城市, 所以我為這場戰鬥感到非常興奮. 我迫不及待地要表演,​​並在三月帶出這座城市 14. 我準備摘下手套,為BKFC搏擊裸指!”

一位31歲的老將 23 喇叭手的回合, Rickels將在他的家鄉球迷面前首次亮相BKFC. Rickels參加了兩次戰鬥 2019, 擊敗AJ Matthews並輸給Yaroslav Amosov. 他在前九場Bellator比賽中贏得了八場, 是Bellator歷史上的第四次勝利,並在Bellator的輕量級冠軍賽中受到挑戰 2013. 總體, 他的表現令人印象深刻 21-6 在他職業MMA生涯中的記錄.

“我在威奇托(Wichita)建立了自己的名字,並因在這座城市的表演而與Bellator簽約,” 里克斯說. “住在這裡的人們的支持使我成為了我從事格鬥運動的人. 所以我有機會在他們面前表演, 我會跳上它。”

擺脫Gravois Mills, 密蘇里州, 自從在BKFC上首次亮相以來,Shewmaker已經參加了五次BKFC比賽 1 借助Eric Prindle的高光滾輪淘汰賽. 擊敗莫里斯·傑克遜後, Shewmaker在有史以來第一次BKFC重量級冠軍爭奪戰中輸給了Arnold Adams一個分裂決定. 他在二月份反彈擊敗了Joel Parades 2019 在BKFC 4, 在另一場BKFC重量級冠軍爭奪戰中進行平局之前, 這次在BKFC對陣Chase Sherman 5 四月.

# # #

六月 2, 2018, 總部位於費城的裸關節格鬥冠軍賽 (BKFC) 由格鬥運動的歷史,當它推出了第一部法律, 制裁以來美國監管裸關節活動 1889. “BKFC 1: 開端” 發生在夏延, 懷俄明州和特色 10 專業的較量, 所有懷俄明格鬥體育委員會的主持和控制下. BKFC僅使用建立誰曾在拳擊比賽專業戰鬥機, MMA, 跆拳道和/或泰拳. 所有BKFC發作的認可,並通過ABC會員運動委員會監管. 欲了解更多信息,請訪問www.bareknuckle.tv 或在Twitter上關注的 HTTPS://twitter.com/bareknucklefc Instagram上的 HTTPS://www.instagram.com/bareknucklefc/ 在YouTube上,HTTPS://www.youtube.com/
信道/ UCEeMsInLdrUbIkbEcNm7g-A

完整的 BELLATOR 171 結果, QUOTES & 照片


Video Highlights Here

赤帝Njokuani (17-4) 打敗 梅爾文Guillard (32-17) 通過一致決定 (30-25, 30-24, 30-26)

Quote: I felt like the fight was pretty good, I had taken it on short notice, so I didn’t really have a lot of time to prepare for it,” Chidi Njokuani said. “總體, I thought I did alright, but like I said, I just didn’t have a full camp and I could tell the difference.

照片: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/per4k86majpp5m7/AACAUkbQzegBSRD_TQ6OVkl0a?dl=0

大衛Rickels (18-5) 打敗 Aaron Derrow (14-9) 通過在將軍澳 :45 第三輪

Quote: I can’t wait to re-watch that walkout. Shoutout to everyone that helped with that, including Sean Grande,” David Rickels said. “現在, give me the fun fights. Give me whoever wants it. I dropped him with a good combination 30 seances in and set the tone, I really wanted to get the finish and after 今晚, I’m one step closer to being the best of the best.

照片: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/km0yv4a45r6tiee/AAAZ8aLX6To6KuU1zIOrtMKCa?dl=0

Jessica Middleton (2-0) 打敗 Alice Yauger (4-5) 通過一致決定 (29-28, 30-26, 30-26)

Quote: Blood and pain, isn’t that what you guys wanted? She was tough, after the first round I was like ‘holy crap,’ Jessica Middleton said. “I’m not truly happy with my performance, I want to get better and I will come back stronger and more efficient. Emily Ducote is great, I’d love to fight her, but I’m ready for any flyweight, 我已經準備好了。”

照片: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/qx27fz4n49oakqx/AAAvwiCrRmPgTVdzb0eI9MRga?dl=0

A.J. 麥基 (6-0) 打敗 Brandon Phillips (6-2) 通過一致決定 (29-28, 29-28, 30-27)

Quote: I thought the night went well. It’s a fight and you never know what result you’re going to get in a fight. End of the day, I’m coming home with the victory,” A.J. 麥基 說. “I knew I could go out there and wrestle, but I wanted to do something different and entertain the fans.

照片: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/492bpnr154drzqo/AACkb5DI-_f1oB5lHXFFK6jTa?dl=0

Preliminary Photos Here:

Jarod Trice (2-0) 打敗 Kevin Woltkamp (1-3) via knockout at 3:17 第二輪的

Quote: “按計劃一切順利 今晚. I told my coaches that I have the best left hook in the world and my opponent better watch out for it,” Jarod Trice said. “I’m going to take fights from 185 到 265 pounds and best believe that they all can catch these hands

泰瑞爾財富 (2-0) 打敗 Will Johnson (0-1) 通過在將軍澳 4:27 第二輪的

Quote:It was a good fight and a good win, but I took a few shots the groin that really made it difficult for me 今晚,” Tyrell Fortune said. “I’ll take the win, but I paid for it.

喬丹年輕 (6-0) 打敗 Chris Harris (7-1) 通過一致決定 (30-26, 30-27, 30-27)

Justin Overton (4-2) 敗 加斯頓Reyno (6-2) 通過技術提交 (後方裸體扼流圈) 在 :34 第二輪的

艾倫·布朗 (3-1) 打敗 Carmella James (0-1) 通過一致決定 (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

Domo Garcia (1-0) 打敗 Will Lavine (0-1) 通過提交 (三角阻氣) 在 2:08 第二輪的

Chance Rencountre (9-2) 打敗 Jake Lindsay (11-6) 通過分裂的決定 (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Johnny Marigo (3-0) 打敗 Joe Fulk (4-5) 通過在將軍澳 1:23 圓一個

Manny Meraz (9-3) 打敗 Scott Heston (4-2) 通過一致決定 (29-27, 29-28, 29-28)

Mike Breeden (1-0) 打敗 Craig Farley (0-1) 通過在將軍澳 4:38 圓 1

Full Bellator 171 Weigh-In Results, 視頻 & 照片




Complete Weigh-In Photos Here / Weigh-In Video Here


MULVANE, KANSAS. (一月. 26, 2017) –The official weigh-ins for Bellator 171: Guillard VS. Njokuani took place this evening in front of a rowdy crowd just outside the Kansas Star Arena in Mulvane, 堪薩斯州. The competitors are now ready for action 明天, with the event airing LIVE on SPIKE at 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT.

The event is headlined by a 180 磅. catchweight main event featuring 梅爾文Guillard (32-16-2, 3 NC) 和 赤帝Njokuani (16-4, 1 NC). 在當晚的合作主要事件, Kansas’ own 戴夫Rickels (17-4, 2 NC) returns to the Bellator MMA cage to take on Aaron Derrow (14-8) in a lightweight feature fight. The Spike-televised main card also offers an enticing featherweight clash pitting undefeated phenom A.J. 麥基 (6-0) 針對 Brandon Phillips (6-2), as well as a female flyweight contest pairing Jessica Middleton (1-0) 針對 Alice Yauger (4-4).

Bellator 171: Guillard VS. Njokuani takes place at the Kansas Star Arena in Mulvane, 堪薩斯州, and airs live and free on Spike at 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT, 而初步的較量將串流直播上 Bellator.com and The Bellator移動應用.


主卡: (Live on SPIKE – 9 P.M. AND/8:00 P.M. CT)

Catchweight Main Event: 梅爾文Guillard (178.1) VS. 赤帝Njokuani (179.7)


輕型合作的主要事件: 戴夫Rickels (170.3) VS. Aaron Derrow (169.8)


羽主卡布特: A.J. 麥基 (145.6) VS. Brandon Phillips (146.8)*


飛錘主卡布特: Jessica Middleton (126) VS. Alice Yauger (125.7)

初步卡: (Bellator.com – 7:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. CT)

中量級初步回合: Chris Harris (184.7) VS. 喬丹年輕 (187)

羽初步回合: 加斯頓Reyno (145.2) VS. Justin Overton (146)

重量級的初步回合: Jarod Trice (223.6) VS. Kevin Woltkamp (238)

重量級的初步回合: 泰瑞爾財富 (244.4) VS. Will Johnson (228.1)

飛錘初步回合: 艾倫·布朗 (125) VS. Carmella James (124.2)

重量級初步回合: Will Lavine (170.8) VS. Domo Garcia (170.5)

重量級初步回合: Chance Rencountre (170) VS. Jake Lindsay (170.9)

輕量級初步回合: Johnny Marigo (135.5) VS. Joe Fulk (135.9)

重量級初步回合: Manny Meraz (170.2) VS. Scott Heston (170.1)

輕量級初步回合: Craig Farley (155.5) VS. Mike Breeden (155.9)



好萊塢, CALIF. — (一月. 13, 2017) – A pair of heavyweight fights featuring undefeated blue chip prospects Jarod Trice(1-0) 和 泰瑞爾財富 (1-0) have been added to the Bellator.com-streamed preliminary card of Bellator 171 at the Kansas Star Arena on Jan. 27.

Also added to the preliminary portion of Bellator 171艾倫·布朗 (2-1), 誰將會採取 Carmella James (登場) in a female flyweight clash. The new additions join a competitive undercard that is highlighted by a middleweight fight pitting the undefeated Chris Harris (7-0) 針對 喬丹年輕 (5-0), 隨著 加斯頓Reyno (6-1, 2 NC) 與 Justin Overton (3-2).

A catchweight bout putting 梅爾文Guillard (32-16-2, 3 NC) against knockout artist 赤帝Njokuani (16-4, 1 NC) will serve as the evening’s main event, while fans will have the opportunity to see the return of “The King of Kansas” 大衛Rickels (17-4, 2 NC) in a lightweight co-main event fight with Aaron Derrow (14-8). Undefeated phenom A.J. 麥基 (6-0) 將在 Brandon Phillips (6-2) in a featherweight feature fight and Kansas’ own Jessica Middleton (1-0) 挑戰 Alice Yauger (4-4) in a female flyweight bout on the SPIKE-televised main card.

門票 Bellator 171: Guillard VS. Njokuani 開始 $24 而在銷售現在KansasStarEventCenter.com, as well as Ticketmaster.com. The event will be broadcast live and free on SPIKE at 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT, while preliminary action will stream on Bellator.com and the Bellator Mobile App.

A highly touted wrestling prospect out of Detroit, 密歇根, Jarod Trice will make his second appearance inside of the Bellator MMA cage and is looking to build off of an impressive professional debut. The 27-year-old standout was awarded three All-American honors, as well as a National Title at 120 kg and two Greco Roman National Titles, prior to joining the Bellator MMA fray in 2016. Now Trice is looking to make a name for himself in the world of MMA, after delivering an exceptional performance in his first career win over Tommie Britton at Bellator 167 just over one month ago. Kansas’ Kevin Woltkamp (1-2) will challenge Trice, and will look to play the role hometown spoiler when he competes in front of thousands of friends and family.

After earning state championships in nearly every national age-group in both freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling during high school, Fortune went on to compete at Grand Canyon University’s highly acclaimed program, where he was named the 2013 Division II Wrestler of the Year, taking home a NCAA Division II championship in the process. The Portland, Ore. native began his career under the direction of Bellator MMA last year, earning a sensational first round knockout victory in his debut at Bellator 163. The 26-year-old now hopes to preserve his unblemished record when he enters the cage for the second time against Will Johnson, who will be making his professional debut.

Hailing from Sao Paulo, 巴西, Ellen enters the bout looking to build off the momentum she came into Bellator with after signing with the Viacom-owned promotion last year. The flyweight prospect began her professional career with back-to-back victories in 2015, including one victory coming after a brilliant knockout win in the opening round of action. 現在, the 20-year-old Brazilian makes her second appearance under the Scott Coker-led promotion in the same venue where she made her debut.

完成 Bellator 171: Guillard VS. Njokuani 主卡:

175 磅. Catchweight Main Event: 梅爾文Guillard (32-16-2, 3 NC) VS. 赤帝Njokuani (16-4, 1 NC)

Lightweight Feature Fight: 戴夫Rickels (17-4, 2 NC) VS. Aaron Derrow (14-8)

羽量級功能撲滅: A.J. 麥基 (6-0) VS. Brandon Phillips (6-2)

Flyweight Feature Fight: Jessica Middleton (1-0) VS. Alice Yauger (4-4)


中量級初步回合: Chris Harris (7-0) VS. 喬丹年輕 (5-0)

羽量級 Preliminary 回合: 加斯頓Reyno (6-1, 2 NC) VS. Justin Overton (3-2)

Weltereweight Preliminary Bout: Will Lavine (登場) VS. Domo Garcia (登場)

重量級初步回合: Chance Rencountre (8-2) VS. Jake Lindsay (11-5)

輕量級初步回合: Johnny Marigo (2-0) VS. Joe Fulk (4-4)

重量級初步回合: Manny Meraz (8-3) VS. Scott Heston (4-1)

輕量級初步回合: Craig Farley (登場) VS. Mike Breeden (登場)

重量級的初步回合: Jarod Trice (1-0) VS. Kevin Woltkamp (1-2)

重量級的初步回合: 泰瑞爾財富 (1-0) VS. Will Johnson (登場)

飛錘初步回合: 艾倫·布朗 (2-1) VS. Carmella James (登場)





好萊塢, CALIF. (一月. 12, 2017) – A featherweight feature fight pitting A.J. 麥基 (6-0) 針對 Brandon Phillips (6-2) 已被添加到的穗電視主卡 Bellator 171 at the Kansas Star Arena on Jan. 27.

此外, Kansas’ own Jessica Middleton (1-0) 將在 Alice Yauger (4-4) in a female flyweight clash, while Uruguayan knockout artist 加斯頓Reyno (6-1, 2 NC) highlights a stacked preliminary card when he meets Justin Overton (3-2).

The evening’s main event features a 175-pound catchweight showdown between MMA veteran 梅爾文Guillard (32-16-2, 3 NC) and knockout specialist 赤帝Njokuani (16-4, 1 NC). “The King of Kansas” 大衛Rickels (17-4, 2 NC) also returns to the Bellator cage, as he will take on Aaron Derrow (14-8) in a lightweight feature fight.

門票 Bellator 171: Guillard VS. Njokuani 開始 $24 而在銷售現在 KansasStarEventCenter.com, as well as Ticketmaster.com. Additional main and preliminary card bouts will be announced in the coming weeks.The event will be broadcast live and free on SPIKE at 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT, while preliminary action will stream on Bellator.com and the Bellator Mobile App.

McKee enters the Bellator MMA cage undefeated and continues to prove that he is one of the top young prospects in the sport of MMA. With each of McKee’s six professional fights coming under the direction of Bellator MMA, the 21-year-old Team BodyShop product has made a name for himself from day one, showing both exceptional power and elusiveness every time he steps into the cage. After finishing each of his first five opponents with opening round victories, “Mercenary” was finally taken the distance in his most recent bout with 雷·伍德, earning a hard-fought unanimous decision win atBellator 166. A native of Long Beach, 加利福尼亞州。, McKee will return to the Midwest in search of his first win of 2017.

Taking his ninth professional fight, 27-year-old Brandon Phillips will participate in the main card action for the first time in his Bellator MMA career. Phillips began his professional career with a bang, delivering five consecutive victories, 四擊倒, and earning well-deserved attention from the Scott Coker-led promotion. Phillips made his Bellator MMA debut in 2016, collecting a unanimous decision victory over 竹卡威利斯 Bellator 159. After recording finishes in five of six career wins, the Oklahoma City native will make the short trip up North to Kansas Star Arena, where he will have the opportunity to add to that impressive total.

Fighting out of Wichita, 堪薩斯州, 28-year-old Jessica Middleton will look to add to her impressive professional debut, a clutch victory over 艾倫·布朗 at last year’s Bellator 159 when she competes on Jan. 27. Following an undefeated amateur career, the hometown favorite now hopes to preserve her unblemished professional mark in a flyweight fight with Alice Yauger. An eight-fight veteran of MMA, Yauger enters the bout having won each of her last two contests and three of her past four. Hailing from Arlington, 得克薩斯州, the 38-year-old Yauger hopes to use her experience advantage when she makes her promotional debut against the younger Middleton.

Making his fourth appearance under the Bellator MMA banner, Reyno enters the bout in search of his third win under the promotion and second in a row. A native of Montevideo, 烏拉圭, Reyno has delivered finishes in each of his six career victories, including five straight first round stoppages to begin his professional career. “Tonga” will now direct his attention to Kansas Star Arena and 一月. 27, where he will look to build off of an impressive knockout win over L.J. Hermreck at Bellator 159.

更新 Bellator 171: Guillard VS. Njokuani 主卡:

175 磅. Catchweight Main Event: 梅爾文Guillard (32-16-2, 3 NC) VS. 赤帝Njokuani (16-4, 1 NC)

Lightweight Feature Fight: 戴夫Rickels (17-4, 2 NC) VS. Aaron Derrow (14-8)

羽量級功能撲滅: A.J. 麥基 (6-0) VS. Brandon Phillips (6-2)

Flyweight Feature Fight: Jessica Middleton (1-0) VS. Alice Yauger (4-4)


中量級初步回合: Chris Harris (7-0) VS. 喬丹年輕 (5-0)

羽初步回合: 加斯頓Reyno (6-1, 2 NC) VS. Justin Overton (3-2)

Weltereweight Preliminary Bout: Will Lavine (登場) VS. Domo Garcia (登場)

重量級初步回合: Chance Rencountre (8-2) VS. Jake Lindsay (11-5)

輕量級初步回合: Johnny Marigo (2-0) VS. Joe Fulk (4-4)

重量級初步回合: Manny Meraz (8-3) VS. Scott Heston (4-1)

輕量級初步回合: Craig Farley (登場) VS. Mike Breeden (登場)



好萊塢, 例如. (一月. 10, 2017) – A catchweight bout pitting 梅爾文Guillard (32-16-2, 3 NC) 針對 赤帝Njokuani (16-4, 1 NC) will serve as the main event of Bellator 171 at the Kansas Star Arena on 一月. 27.

The SPIKE-televised main card will feature the return of “The King of Kansas” 大衛Rickels (17-4, 2 NC), who will meet Aaron Derrow (14-8). 最後, a middleweight fight pitting undefeated prospect Chris Harris (7-0) 針對 喬丹年輕 (5-0) will be featured during the preliminary portion of the event.

門票 Bellator 171: Guillard VS. Njokuani 開始 $24 而在銷售現在 KansasStarEventCenter.com, as well as Ticketmaster.com. Additional main and preliminary card bouts will be announced in the coming weeks.The event will be broadcast live and free on SPIKE at 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT, while preliminary action will stream on Bellator.com and the Bellator Mobile App.

After beginning his professional career 11-0, Guillard continued to make a name for himself under the direction of UFC, 他戰鬥的地方 22 times over a nine-year stint. “The Young Assassin” has made 50 professional appearances inside the cage over his 15-year career, making him one of the most experienced veterans Njokuani has ever faced. 同 21 他 32 professional wins coming by way of knockout, we can be sure to see fireworks fly when Guillard returns to action inside Kansas Star Arena on 一月. 27.

拉斯維加斯土生土長的, 內華達, Njokuani enters the cage riding momentum of an impressive streak that has seen him win seven consecutive bouts and 11 他最後的 12. 自從加入Bellator MMA戰局 2015, the 28-year-old Njokuani has collected three victories, including a pair of knockout finishes. 最近, “Chidi Bang Bang” made quick work of rising star Andre Fialho ‘Bellator 167,’ handing the Portuguese powerhouse the first loss of his young career with a brutal stoppage just 21 seconds into the fight. 同 10 他 16 career wins coming by way of knockout, Njokuani brings a fearless style of fighting that pairs perfectly with his equally unshakable opponent Guillard.

更新 Bellator 171: Guillard VS. Njokuani 主卡:

175 磅. Catchweight Main Event: 梅爾文Guillard (32-16-2, 3 NC) VS. 赤帝Njokuani (16-4, 1 NC)

輕量級功能回合: 戴夫Rickels (17-4, 2 NC) VS. Aaron Derrow (14-8)


中量級功能賽: Chris Harris (7-0) VS. 喬丹年輕 (5-0)



MULVANE, KS. (七月 22, 2016) – In the main event of the evening, Darrion考德威爾 (9-1) was submitted by Joe Taimanglo (23-6-1) in an absolutely shocking upset :09 seconds into the third and final frame.

With the defeat, 該 2009 NCAA Div. 1 National Champion was handed the first loss of his career, 而 “Juggernauthas the entire Island of Guam rocking with his guillotine submission win. “The Wolfwas cruising heading into the third and final frame, but after shooting for a takedown, Taimanglo slapped on a choke and didn’t relinquish the hold until Caldwell tapped. The fight was slated to be a title eliminator, but because of Taimanglo failing to make weight, it remains to be seen who will challenge next for 愛德華多·丹塔斯’ 稱號.

Guillard Assassinates ‘Cavemanin Front of Hometown Faithful

梅爾文Guillard (33-16-2) put 戴夫Rickels (17-5) to sleep in front of his hometown fans during the co-main event of “Bellator 159: 考德威爾VS. Taimanglo.” 後 90 seconds of closely contested action, “The Young Assassin” caught “The Caveman,” then followed with a series of vicious elbows that ended the action at 2:14 圓一個.


戰鬥結束後, Guillard made it clear that he is done as a lightweight and will carry on his Bellator MMA career at 170-pounds, and hopes to fight renowned welterweight 保羅“Semtex型爆炸物”戴利.

Ducote Taps Vargas in Flyweight Bout

Emily Ducote (3-1) Bruna Vargas (2-1) the first loss of her short career, landing an overhand right that she quickly followed up with a rear-naked choke, forcing the referee to call a halt to the action at :29 第二輪的. 戰鬥結束後, Ducote dedicated the fight to her grandmother, who has helped her a great deal throughout her upbringing and supported her decision to pursue a career in mixed martial arts. Look for Ducote to make waves in the flyweight division in the future.

Weichel ‘WeaselsOut Split Decision Win

In a fight that had plenty of title implications for both 145-pounders, 丹尼爾Weichel (37-9) weaseled out a close decision victory against 伊曼紐爾·桑切斯 (13-3) on Friday night, receiving the benefit of the doubt from two of the three cage side judges. Weichel has now been on the positive end of 10 straight decisions, while Sanchez has been involved in four straight consecutive split decisions.


Brandon Phillips (6-1) 打敗 竹卡威利斯 (8-3) 通過一致決定 (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Chris Harris (7-0) 打敗 Matt Foster (6-9) 通過提交 (Rear-Naked Choke) 在 1:23 of R1

Trey Ogden (6-1) 打敗 Manny Meraz (8-3) 通過提交 (斷頭台阻氣) 在 2:37 of R2

菲利普林斯 (10-1) 打敗 威廉·維亞納 (7-3) 通過KO (拳) 在 1:14 of R2

Jessica Middleton (1-0) 打敗 艾倫·布朗 (2-1) 通過一致決定 (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

加斯頓Reyno (6-1) 打敗 L.J. Hermreck (3-2) 通過TKO (拳) 在 3:57 of R3

Johnny Marigo (2-0) 打敗 Andy Riley (2-2) 通過提交 (Armbar) 在 2:44 of R1

費爾南多·馬丁內斯 (15-10-1) 打敗 馬爾西奧·納瓦羅 (14-13) 通過分裂的決定 (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)



SANTA MONICA, 加利福尼亞州. (六月 29, 2016) – A gem of a featherweight contest pitting divisional standouts 伊曼紐爾·桑切斯 (13-2) 和 Daniel “The Weasel” Weichel (36-9) has been added to the main card of “Bellator 159: 考德威爾VS. Taimanglo” 七月 22 inside Kansas Star Arena in Mulvane, 堪薩斯州. Completing the televised card, 菲利普林斯 (9-1) 將面臨 威廉·維亞納 (7-2) in light heavyweight action and Brazilian strawweight 艾倫·布朗 (2-0) will make her promotional debut against Jessica Middleton.


The fights join a main and co-main event that has the MMA world abuzz, featuring the undefeated Darrion考德威爾 (9-0), who will meet Joe Taimanglo (22-6) in a 135-pound main event to determine the No. 1 contender for Bellator MMA’s Bantamweight Championship. In support, Kansas’ own 戴夫Rickels (17-4) will return to Mulvane’s Kansas Star Arena to face the always-exciting 梅爾文Guillard (32-16-2). 此外, multiple preliminary contests have also been confirmed, namely, the debut of recent strawweight signee Bruna Vargas (2-0) who will be facing Emily Ducote (2-1) and Uruguay’s favorite MMA superstar, 加斯頓Reyno (5-1), 他對當 L.J. Hermeck (3-1). Both of these preliminary bouts will stream live on Bellator.com該Bellator移動應用 在開始 7 P.M. AND.


“Bellator 159: 考德威爾VS. Taimanglo 曲調住在尖峰 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT. 對於賽事門票開始只是 $27 並且可以在Ticketmaster.com購買,KansasStarEventCenter.com or the Kansas Star Arena box office. 門的事件在開放 5:30 P.M. CT local time and the first preliminary bout will commence one hour later.


“The Weasel” has shown great consistency as of late, recording wins in eight of his last nine fights dating back to 2012 over fighters the likes of 帕特·柯倫格奧爾基Karakhanyan. Since joining Bellator MMA in 2014, the German featherweight has posted a 5-1 記錄, proving time and time again that he belongs among the division’s elite. 他的 36 career wins, 21 得來的提交方式, making Weichel one of the most skilled athletes on the ground. The 31-year-old submission specialist will look to build off his deserving unanimous decision win against Karakhanyan at“Bellator 147: Thomson vs. Villaseca,” as he prepares to take on “El Matador” inside Kansas Star Arena on 七月 22.


Sanchez also enters this contest having won five of his first six bouts under the Bellator MMA banner. Hailing from Milwaukee, Wisconsin and training at the world-renown Roufusport camp, “El Matadorhas recently put together an impressive run, claiming wins in nine of his last 10 打架. The 25-year-old most recently defeated 丹尼爾·皮內達 via split decision at the record-shattering “Bellator 149: 沙姆洛克VS. 格雷西“event in Houston. Sanchez will enter the cage riding a three-fight winning streak, all of which subsequently ended in split decision victories.


僅在 30 歲, Viana has impressed only nine fights into his professional career. 最近, Viana put his unique skillset on full display against Houston Alexander at “Bellator 146: 加藤VS. Manhoef,” emerging victorious after a second-round knockout. The Brazilian light heavyweight now has seven career finishes to his name, including three in the first round, and will look to add to that total when he enters the cage with fellow Brazilian competitor Philipe Lins on 七月 22.


從納塔爾海陵, Lins has consistently impressed through his first 10 專業的較量, recording nine wins, with four victories coming by way of knockout. After winning his first four professional fights, Lins decided to take an extended break from MMA from 2007 直到 2011. After the hiatus, Lins rallied off five wins, including his first two bouts under the Bellator MMA umbrella. 現在, “Monstro” will look to return to the cage for the first time since a brutal knee injury that he suffered against Kelly Anundson at “Bellator 122” 早在 2014.


Undefeated to start her professional career, 艾倫·布朗, 20, competed twice in 2015, winning both of her bouts. A member of Team Nogueira Campinas in Sao Paulo, Ellen recently did a stint of training at the world-renown Blackzilians gym in Florida, where she continued to hone her budding striking and skills on the mat. It’s also worth noting that Ellen’s listed on this year’s “Top-Ten Brazilian Prospects” compiled by MMAFighting.com.


Eight years the elder of Ellen, Middleton will be making her professional debut after a stellar 4-1 amateur record on the regional scene. If unfamiliar with her work, look no further than her spectacular finish of Holly Torrez via spinning-backfist 這裡.


完成“Bellator 159: 考德威爾VS. Taimanglo” Fight Card:

Bellator MMA Bantamweight Main Event: Darrion考德威爾 (9-0) VS. Joe Taimanglo (22-6)

Bellator MMA Lightweight Co-Main Event: 戴夫Rickels (17-4, 1 NC) VS. 梅爾文Guillard (32-16-2, 2 NC)

Bellator羽量級MMA特徵回合: 丹尼爾Weichel (36-9) VS. 伊曼紐爾·桑切斯 (13-2)

Bellator MMA Light Heavyweight Feature Bout: 菲利普林斯 (9-1) VS. 威廉·維亞納 (7-2)

Bellator MMA Strawweight Feature Bout: 艾倫·布朗 (2-0) VS. Jessica Middleton (登場)




Bellator MMA Strawweight Preliminary Bout: Bruna Vargas (2-0) VS. Emily Ducote (2-1)

Bellator羽量級MMA初步回合: 加斯頓Reyno (5-1, 1 NC) VS. L.J. Hermreck (3-1)

Bellator MMA中量級初步回合: Manny Meraz (8-2) VS. Trey Ogden (5-1)

Bellator MMA重量級初步回合: Chris Harris (6-0) VS. Matt Foster (6-8)

Bellator MMA輕量級初步回合: 馬爾西奧·納瓦羅 (14-12) VS. 費爾南多·馬丁內斯 (14-10-1)

Bellator MMA輕量級初步回合: Johnny Marigo (1-0) VS. Andy Riley (2-1)

Bellator MMA中量級初步回合: Josh Pfeifer (4-2) VS. Henry Lindsay (5-5)

Bellator羽量級MMA初步回合: 竹卡威利斯 (8-2) VS. Brandon Phillips (5-1)


關於Bellator MMA

Bellator MMA是一家領先的混合武術組織擁有眾多最好的戰鬥機在世界. 在老將拼子斯科特·科克爾的方向, Bellator提供近 400 全球萬戶家庭超過 120 國家. 在美國, Bellator上可以看到穗, 在MMA電視龍頭. Bellator MMA是由一個執行團隊,其中包括頂尖行業人士在電視節目製作, 現場活動編排, 戰鬥機研製/關係, 會場採購, 贊助創建/開發, 國際牌, 市場營銷, 廣告, 宣傳及佣金的關係. Bellator總部設在聖莫尼卡, 加利福尼亞州和娛樂巨頭維亞康姆所擁有, 家與觀眾通過電視對面引人注目的內容連接世界上首屈一指的娛樂品牌, 影, 在線和移動平台.