标记档案: 戴夫Rickels

裸关节格斗冠军赛利用实时评分在BKFC 11 威奇托, 堪萨斯这个星期六, 三月 14

费城, Pennsylvania
三月 10, 2020

裸关节格斗冠军赛 (BKFC) 将采用革命性的全新实时评分, 由堪萨斯州体育委员会提供, 在BKFC 11: 埃尔南德斯VS. 威尔逊, 这个星期六, 三月 14, 在INTRUST银行竞技场威奇托, 堪萨斯州. 在这样做, BKFC会不会成为第二个促进堪萨斯州, 和第一裸关节推广使用该系统并立即让战士, 自己的角落, 和球迷知道法官’ 一轮轮成绩.

“BKFC 11” 将在美国和加拿大播出, 专门在付费观看 (9 点ET / 6时PT) 通过多屏媒体, Inc., 在所有主要的电视发行网点 $29.99. 它也将提供给BKFC国际广播全球合作伙伴,并通过流都在家庭和外的家庭连接设备通过 FITE.

为现场活动门票现已公开发售,并可以在网上购买www.selectaseat.com, 通过电话855-733-SEAT (7328) 和面对面的选择-A座票房INTRUST银行竞技场.

“当我得知堪萨斯州运动委员会打算在3月份开始发售,我很好奇 1 所有的战斗发起人的事件在他们的国家使用实时评分的选项, 但我想看看它在使用前先我做了约11 BKFC的决定,” 说BKFC创始人兼总裁大卫·费尔德曼. “在看到它在上周五的Invicta的MMA事件完美执行由堪萨斯委员会, 再加上继起战斗机和战斗球迷的表演非常积极的响应, 我知道这是绝对去BKFC正道。”

实时评分, 也被称为开放式进球, 目前由堪萨斯州体育委员会专门提供在北美. 该系统的变化已被用于世界拳击理事会和荣耀跆拳道.

“香农纳普和Invicta的最后一个星期五合作战斗的冠军利用实时进球后, 我们收到的只是积极反馈的战士和他们的营地,” 说堪萨斯州运动委员会执行董事亚当Roorbach. “虽然绝对不是强制性的, 实时评分是提供给所有的战斗发起人和促销堪萨斯州. 我们很荣幸能够举办BKFC 11, 并期待着他们利用这个系统。”

BARE KNUCKLE格斗锦标赛PRESENTS装卡强调了本地人才走进拳坛上周六, MARCH 14 威奇托, CAN.

BKFC 11 完整的阵容由威奇托本地公布事件的标题 & 2016 奥运铜牌得主为中美. 尼科·埃尔南德斯住在按次付费搜索从INTRUST银行体育场

威奇托, CAN. (二月 27, 2020) – 令人兴奋的全阵容 裸关节格斗冠军赛 (BKFC) 上周六的对决, 三月 14 将采用当地优秀人才,更, 所有领导到BKFC 11 与家乡球迷喜爱的重头戏, 威奇托本地和 2016 奥运会铜牌得主为美国, 尼科·埃尔南德斯 步入对同胞的威奇托本地环 Chancey威尔逊 在INTRUST银行竞技场威奇托, 五月. 和现场的按次付费观看.

“BKFC 11” 将在美国和加拿大播出, 专门在付费观看通过多屏媒体, Inc., 在所有主要的电视发行网点 $29.99. 它也将提供给BKFC国际广播全球合作伙伴,并通过流都在家庭和外的家庭连接设备通过FITE.

为现场活动门票现已公开发售,并可以在网上购买www.selectaseat.com, 通过电话855-733-SEAT (7328) 和面对面的选择-A座票房INTRUST银行竞技场.

“现在很长一段时间, 我们一直想带BKFC堪萨斯, 所以我不能更高兴,我们终于在这里,” 说BKFC创始人兼总裁大卫·费尔德曼. “我不怀疑,在堪萨斯州的两个最流行的装饰最战机将交付为他们的球迷. 这将是BKFC的威奇托一个伟大的夜晚, 堪萨斯州!”

威奇托本土和前Bellator老将 戴夫 “穴居人” Rickels 在竞争中合作的主要事件175磅回合, 而强硬的裸关节的重量级竞争者 我Shewmaker的 返回到行动采取前Kronk健身房业余突出 乔希伯恩斯 在一个特殊的吸引力.

地方风味继续与一对全威奇托的对决作为Bellator老将, 职业拳王和职业拳击手 科迪·卡里略 面临10打职业拳击老将耶利米书页 在一个155磅重的战斗, 而Bellator和锋线老将 乔·沃尔夫 针对Bellator老将相匹配 L.J. Hermrick 在165磅重的作用. 更多, 威奇托本土和前UFC竞争者 杰克·林齐 战斗 肯尼学校, 谁在BKFC行动击败哈里斯斯蒂芬森由KO十一月,在165磅回合.

此次推出的产品还包括UFC老将 乔希 “牙医” 下 在反对强硬的一个185磅重的吸引力 罗尼福尼, 谁会让他的第二BKFC启动. 此外, 恭Ferea 海伦·佩拉尔塔 将在其BKFC的125磅重的复赛满足 7 在对决八月佩拉尔塔赢得了决定.

四舍五入了堆叠卡的BKFC回报 达科他科克伦 梅尔文Guillard 在185磅回合. 科克伦击败了克里斯·勒贝上BKFC 6 六月, 而Guillard手伤中败在BKFC由于退休 7 对艾萨克·瓦利·弗拉格. 更多, 雅各我 将裸关节战斗添加到包含亲MMA简历, 拳击和跆拳道, 当他在Bellator老将 万里麦当劳 在130磅的对决.

# # #

六月 2, 2018, 总部位于费城的裸关节格斗冠军赛 (BKFC) 由格斗运动的历史,当它推出了第一部法律, 批准,自美国监管裸关节活动 1889. “BKFC 1: 开端” 发生在夏延, 怀俄明州和特色 10 专业的较量, 所有怀俄明格斗体育委员会的主持和控制下. BKFC仅使用建立谁曾在拳击比赛专业战斗机, MMA, 跆拳道和/或泰拳. 所有BKFC发作的认可,并通过ABC会员运动委员会监管. 欲了解更多信息,请访问www.bareknuckle.tv 或在Twitter上关注的 HTTPS://twitter.com/bareknucklefc Instagram上的 HTTPS://www.instagram.com/bareknucklefc/ 在YouTube上,HTTPS://www.youtube.com/
信道/ UCEeMsInLdrUbIkbEcNm7g-A

BARE KNUCKLE格斗锦标赛BRINGS第一个事件堪萨斯周六, MARCH 14!

拥有原生威奇托 & 2016 奥运铜牌得主为中美. 尼科·埃尔南德斯在主赛事

更多! 威奇托本地 & 前Bellator老将戴夫Rickels
在共同特征 & 强硬Shewmaker的萨姆在

BKFC 11 住在按次付费查看从
INTRUST银行竞技场威奇托, 堪萨斯州

上周四出售门票, 一月 30 在 10 A.M. CT!

威奇托, KS. (一月 27, 2020) – 裸关节格斗冠军赛(BKFC) 将在周六提供裸关节行动的一个令人兴奋的夜晚, 三月 14 在威奇托在INTRUST银行竞技场进入环家乡球迷的最爱标题, 堪萨斯州和现场上付费观看.

主要事件会看到威奇托本土的BKFC出道 2016 奥运会铜牌得主为中美. 尼科·埃尔南德斯 在一个轻量级的战斗, 同时威奇托本土和前Bellator老将 戴夫 “穴居人” Rickels 在竞争中合作的主要事件165磅回合. 更多, 强硬的裸关节的重量级竞争者 我Shewmaker的 返回到动作在一个特殊的吸引力.

“我们一直在与亚当专员向Roorbach带来BKFC堪萨斯, 并于3月 14 我们将尽我们期待已久的首次亮相,” 说BKFC创始人和总裁大卫·费尔德曼. “这不仅令人兴奋的是在这种状态下与一个伟大的佣金和伟大斗争的球迷, 但我们在堪萨斯州的两个最流行的装饰最战士在此卡上竞争. 三月 14, 我们有 2016 奥运会拳击铜牌得主尼科埃尔南德斯和前Bellator老将戴夫 “穴居人” Rickles. 三月 14 威奇托将是电动的夜晚!”

“BKFC 11” 将在美国和加拿大播出, 专门在付费观看通过多屏媒体, Inc., 在所有主要的电视发行网点 $29.99. 它也将提供给BKFC国际广播全球合作伙伴,并通过流都在家庭和外的家庭连接设备通过 FITE.

为现场活动门票开始发售这款周四, 一月 30 在 10 A.M. CT和可在网上购买 www.selectaseat.com, 通过电话855-733-SEAT (7328) 和面对面的选择-A座票房INTRUST银行竞技场.

从威奇托不败24岁, 堪萨斯加盖了在一个令人印象深刻的业余生涯 2016 奥运会时,他击败了战斗机从意大利, 俄罗斯和厄瓜多尔,夺得他的次特轻量级铜牌. 埃尔南德斯是第一个中美. 由于男子拳击金牌得主 2008. 自从三月转为职业选手 2017, 埃尔南德斯编制了 7-0 记录, 包括四胜淘汰赛. 他是第二奥海与BKFC签署, 和第一奥运会金牌得主.

“它是我的目标,在INTRUST银行竞技场战斗自从它最早建,” 埃尔南德斯说. “我还没有在威奇托打. 我已经打了接近, 但在我的城市不实际, 所以我感到非常兴奋这场斗争. 我迫不及待地做戏,并带出城上月 14. 我已经准备好脱下手套和打击裸关节的BKFC!”

的31岁老将 23 Bellator较量, Rickels将他BKFC首次在他的家乡球迷面前. Rickels转战两次 2019, 击败欧塞尔马修斯和输给雅罗斯拉夫Amosov. 他赢取了八他的前九个Bellator战斗, 第四是所有时间在Bellator胜挑战的Bellator轻量级冠军 2013. 总体, 他已经折磨了一个令人印象深刻 21-6 在他的职业综合格斗生涯纪录.

“我在威奇托建我的名字,我在这个城市签署Bellator掀起了演出的就在这里,” 说Rickels. “人谁住在这里的支持帮助让我我在搏击运动谁. 因此,任何机会,我得到在他们面前表演, 我会跳就可以了。”

战斗Gravois米尔斯出来, 密苏里州, Shewmaker的已经在五个回合BKFC自开张BKFC竞争 1 与埃里克·普林德尔的一大亮点卷轴击倒. 击败莫里斯·杰克逊后, Shewmaker的在第一次BKFC重量级的冠军之争失去了一个分裂的决定,阿诺德·亚当斯. 他在二月反弹击败乔尔游行 2019 在BKFC 4, 在另一BKFC重量级冠军的争夺战的前分裂画, 这次反对大通谢尔曼在BKFC 5 四月.

# # #

六月 2, 2018, 总部位于费城的裸关节格斗冠军赛 (BKFC) 由格斗运动的历史,当它推出了第一部法律, 批准,自美国监管裸关节活动 1889. “BKFC 1: 开端” 发生在夏延, 怀俄明州和特色 10 专业的较量, 所有怀俄明格斗体育委员会的主持和控制下. BKFC仅使用建立谁曾在拳击比赛专业战斗机, MMA, 跆拳道和/或泰拳. 所有BKFC发作的认可,并通过ABC会员运动委员会监管. 欲了解更多信息,请访问www.bareknuckle.tv 或在Twitter上关注的 HTTPS://twitter.com/bareknucklefc Instagram上的 HTTPS://www.instagram.com/bareknucklefc/ 在YouTube上,HTTPS://www.youtube.com/
信道/ UCEeMsInLdrUbIkbEcNm7g-A

完整的 BELLATOR 171 结果, QUOTES & 照片


Video Highlights Here

赤帝Njokuani (17-4) 打败 梅尔文Guillard (32-17) 通过一致决定 (30-25, 30-24, 30-26)

Quote: I felt like the fight was pretty good, I had taken it on short notice, so I didn’t really have a lot of time to prepare for it,” Chidi Njokuani said. “总体, I thought I did alright, but like I said, I just didn’t have a full camp and I could tell the difference.

照片: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/per4k86majpp5m7/AACAUkbQzegBSRD_TQ6OVkl0a?dl=0

大卫Rickels (18-5) 打败 Aaron Derrow (14-9) 通过在将军澳 :45 第三轮

Quote: I can’t wait to re-watch that walkout. Shoutout to everyone that helped with that, including Sean Grande,” David Rickels said. “现在, give me the fun fights. Give me whoever wants it. I dropped him with a good combination 30 seances in and set the tone, I really wanted to get the finish and after 今晚, I’m one step closer to being the best of the best.

照片: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/km0yv4a45r6tiee/AAAZ8aLX6To6KuU1zIOrtMKCa?dl=0

杰西卡·米德尔顿(Jessica Middleton) (2-0) 打败 Alice Yauger (4-5) 通过一致决定 (29-28, 30-26, 30-26)

Quote: Blood and pain, isn’t that what you guys wanted? 她很坚强, after the first round I was like ‘holy crap,’ Jessica Middleton said. “I’m not truly happy with my performance, I want to get better and I will come back stronger and more efficient. Emily Ducote is great, I’d love to fight her, but I’m ready for any flyweight, 我已经准备好了。”

照片: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/qx27fz4n49oakqx/AAAvwiCrRmPgTVdzb0eI9MRga?dl=0

A.J. 麦基 (6-0) 打败 布兰登·菲利普斯 (6-2) 通过一致决定 (29-28, 29-28, 30-27)

Quote: I thought the night went well. It’s a fight and you never know what result you’re going to get in a fight. End of the day, I’m coming home with the victory,” A.J. McKee said. “I knew I could go out there and wrestle, but I wanted to do something different and entertain the fans.

照片: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/492bpnr154drzqo/AACkb5DI-_f1oB5lHXFFK6jTa?dl=0

Preliminary Photos Here:

贾罗德·特里斯 (2-0) 打败 Kevin Woltkamp (1-3) 通过淘汰赛 3:17 第二轮的

Quote: “按计划一切顺利 今晚. I told my coaches that I have the best left hook in the world and my opponent better watch out for it,” Jarod Trice said. “I’m going to take fights from 185 到 265 pounds and best believe that they all can catch these hands

泰瑞尔财富 (2-0) 打败 Will Johnson (0-1) 通过在将军澳 4:27 第二轮的

Quote:It was a good fight and a good win, but I took a few shots the groin that really made it difficult for me 今晚,” Tyrell Fortune said. “I’ll take the win, but I paid for it.

乔丹年轻 (6-0) 打败 克里斯·哈里斯 (7-1) 通过一致决定 (30-26, 30-27, 30-27)

Justin Overton (4-2) 败 加斯顿Reyno (6-2) 通过技术提交 (后方裸体扼流圈) 在 :34 第二轮的

艾伦·布朗 (3-1) 打败 Carmella James (0-1) 通过一致决定 (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

Domo Garcia (1-0) 打败 Will Lavine (0-1) 通过提交 (三角阻气) 在 2:08 第二轮的

机会相遇 (9-2) 打败 Jake Lindsay (11-6) 通过分裂的决定 (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

约翰尼·马里戈 (3-0) 打败 Joe Fulk (4-5) 通过在将军澳 1:23 of round one

曼尼·梅拉兹 (9-3) 打败 Scott Heston (4-2) 通过一致决定 (29-27, 29-28, 29-28)

Mike Breeden (1-0) 打败 Craig Farley (0-1) 通过在将军澳 4:38 圆 1

Full Bellator 171 Weigh-In Results, 视频 & 照片




完成称重的照片这里 / Weigh-In Video Here


莫凡, KANSAS. (一月. 26, 2017) -The官方秤上称体重的 Bellator 171: Guillard VS. Njokuani took place this evening in front of a rowdy crowd just outside the Kansas Star Arena in Mulvane, 堪萨斯州. 参赛者们现在已准备好行动 明天, with the event airing LIVE on SPIKE at 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT.

The event is headlined by a 180 磅. catchweight main event featuring 梅尔文Guillard (32-16-2, 3 NC) 和 赤帝Njokuani (16-4, 1 NC). 在当晚的合作主要事件, Kansas’ own 戴夫Rickels (17-4, 2 NC) returns to the Bellator MMA cage to take on Aaron Derrow (14-8) in a lightweight feature fight. The Spike-televised main card also offers an enticing featherweight clash pitting undefeated phenom A.J. 麦基 (6-0) 针对 布兰登·菲利普斯 (6-2), as well as a female flyweight contest pairing 杰西卡·米德尔顿(Jessica Middleton) (1-0) 针对 Alice Yauger (4-4).

Bellator 171: Guillard VS. Njokuani takes place at the Kansas Star Arena in Mulvane, 堪萨斯州, and airs live and free on Spike at 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT, 而初步的较量将串流直播上 Bellator.com and The Bellator移动应用.


主卡: (住在SPIKE - 9 P.M. AND/8:00 P.M. CT)

重量级主赛事: 梅尔文Guillard (178.1) VS. 赤帝Njokuani (179.7)


轻型合作的主要事件: 戴夫Rickels (170.3) VS. Aaron Derrow (169.8)


羽主卡布特: A.J. 麦基 (145.6) VS. 布兰登·菲利普斯 (146.8)*


飞锤主卡布特: 杰西卡·米德尔顿(Jessica Middleton) (126) VS. Alice Yauger (125.7)

初步卡: (Bellator.com - 7:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. CT)

中量级初步回合: 克里斯·哈里斯 (184.7) VS. 乔丹年轻 (187)

羽初步回合: 加斯顿Reyno (145.2) VS. Justin Overton (146)

重量级的初步回合: 贾罗德·特里斯 (223.6) VS. Kevin Woltkamp (238)

重量级的初步回合: 泰瑞尔财富 (244.4) VS. Will Johnson (228.1)

飞锤初步回合: 艾伦·布朗 (125) VS. Carmella James (124.2)

重量级初步回合: Will Lavine (170.8) VS. Domo Garcia (170.5)

重量级初步回合: 机会相遇 (170) VS. Jake Lindsay (170.9)

轻量级初步回合: 约翰尼·马里戈 (135.5) VS. Joe Fulk (135.9)

重量级初步回合: 曼尼·梅拉兹 (170.2) VS. Scott Heston (170.1)

轻量级初步回合: Craig Farley (155.5) VS. Mike Breeden (155.9)



好莱坞, CALIF. — (一月. 13, 2017) – A pair of heavyweight fights featuring undefeated blue chip prospects 贾罗德·特里斯(1-0) 和 泰瑞尔财富 (1-0) have been added to the Bellator.com-streamed preliminary card of Bellator 171 at the Kansas Star Arena on Jan. 27.

Also added to the preliminary portion of Bellator 171艾伦·布朗 (2-1), 谁将会采取 Carmella James (登场) in a female flyweight clash. The new additions join a competitive undercard that is highlighted by a middleweight fight pitting the undefeated 克里斯·哈里斯 (7-0) 针对 乔丹年轻 (5-0), 随着 加斯顿Reyno (6-1, 2 NC) 与 Justin Overton (3-2).

A catchweight bout putting 梅尔文Guillard (32-16-2, 3 NC) 反对淘汰艺术家 赤帝Njokuani (16-4, 1 NC) will serve as the evening’s main event, while fans will have the opportunity to see the return of “The King of Kansas” 大卫Rickels (17-4, 2 NC) in a lightweight co-main event fight with Aaron Derrow (14-8). 不败的Phenom A.J. 麦基 (6-0) 将在 布兰登·菲利普斯 (6-2) in a featherweight feature fight and Kansas’ own 杰西卡·米德尔顿(Jessica Middleton) (1-0) challenges Alice Yauger (4-4) in a female flyweight bout on the SPIKE-televised main card.

门票 Bellator 171: Guillard VS. Njokuani 开始 $24 而在销售现在KansasStarEventCenter.com, 以及Ticketmaster.com. 本次活动将现场直播和免费秒杀 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT, 而初步行动将流于Bellator.com和Bellator移动应用.

A highly touted wrestling prospect out of Detroit, 密歇根, Jarod Trice will make his second appearance inside of the Bellator MMA cage and is looking to build off of an impressive professional debut. The 27-year-old standout was awarded three All-American honors, as well as a National Title at 120 公斤和两个希腊罗马国家冠军, prior to joining the Bellator MMA fray in 2016. Now Trice is looking to make a name for himself in the world of MMA, after delivering an exceptional performance in his first career win over Tommie Britton at Bellator 167 just over one month ago. Kansas’ Kevin Woltkamp (1-2) will challenge Trice, and will look to play the role hometown spoiler when he competes in front of thousands of friends and family.

After earning state championships in nearly every national age-group in both freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling during high school, Fortune went on to compete at Grand Canyon University’s highly acclaimed program, where he was named the 2013 Division II Wrestler of the Year, taking home a NCAA Division II championship in the process. The Portland, 矿石. native began his career under the direction of Bellator MMA last year, earning a sensational first round knockout victory in his debut at Bellator 163. The 26-year-old now hopes to preserve his unblemished record when he enters the cage for the second time against Will Johnson, who will be making his professional debut.

来自圣保罗, 巴西, Ellen enters the bout looking to build off the momentum she came into Bellator with after signing with the Viacom-owned promotion last year. The flyweight prospect began her professional career with back-to-back victories in 2015, including one victory coming after a brilliant knockout win in the opening round of action. 现在, the 20-year-old Brazilian makes her second appearance under the Scott Coker-led promotion in the same venue where she made her debut.

完成 Bellator 171: Guillard VS. Njokuani 主卡:

175 磅. 重量级主赛事: 梅尔文Guillard (32-16-2, 3 NC) VS. 赤帝Njokuani (16-4, 1 NC)

轻量级功能战: 戴夫Rickels (17-4, 2 NC) VS. Aaron Derrow (14-8)

羽量级功能扑灭: A.J. 麦基 (6-0) VS. 布兰登·菲利普斯 (6-2)

Flyweight Feature Fight: 杰西卡·米德尔顿(Jessica Middleton) (1-0) VS. Alice Yauger (4-4)


中量级初步回合: 克里斯·哈里斯 (7-0) VS. 乔丹年轻 (5-0)

羽量级 Preliminary 回合: 加斯顿Reyno (6-1, 2 NC) VS. Justin Overton (3-2)

Weltereweight 初步回合: Will Lavine (登场) VS. Domo Garcia (登场)

重量级初步回合: 机会相遇 (8-2) VS. Jake Lindsay (11-5)

轻量级初步回合: 约翰尼·马里戈 (2-0) VS. Joe Fulk (4-4)

重量级初步回合: 曼尼·梅拉兹 (8-3) VS. Scott Heston (4-1)

轻量级初步回合: Craig Farley (登场) VS. Mike Breeden (登场)

重量级的初步回合: 贾罗德·特里斯 (1-0) VS. Kevin Woltkamp (1-2)

重量级的初步回合: 泰瑞尔财富 (1-0) VS. Will Johnson (登场)

飞锤初步回合: 艾伦·布朗 (2-1) VS. Carmella James (登场)





好莱坞, CALIF. — (一月. 12, 2017) – A featherweight feature fight pitting A.J. 麦基 (6-0) 针对 布兰登·菲利普斯 (6-2) 已被添加到的穗电视主卡 Bellator 171 at the Kansas Star Arena on Jan. 27.

此外, Kansas’ own 杰西卡·米德尔顿(Jessica Middleton) (1-0) 将在 Alice Yauger (4-4) in a female flyweight clash, while Uruguayan knockout artist 加斯顿Reyno (6-1, 2 NC) highlights a stacked preliminary card when he meets Justin Overton (3-2).

The evening’s main event features a 175-pound catchweight showdown between MMA veteran 梅尔文Guillard (32-16-2, 3 NC) and knockout specialist 赤帝Njokuani (16-4, 1 NC). “The King of Kansas” 大卫Rickels (17-4, 2 NC) also returns to the Bellator cage, as he will take on Aaron Derrow (14-8) in a lightweight feature fight.

门票 Bellator 171: Guillard VS. Njokuani 开始 $24 而在销售现在 KansasStarEventCenter.com, 以及Ticketmaster.com. Additional main and preliminary card bouts will be announced in the coming weeks.The event will be broadcast live and free on SPIKE at 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT, 而初步行动将流于Bellator.com和Bellator移动应用.

McKee enters the Bellator MMA cage undefeated and continues to prove that he is one of the top young prospects in the sport of MMA. With each of McKee’s six professional fights coming under the direction of Bellator MMA, the 21-year-old Team BodyShop product has made a name for himself from day one, showing both exceptional power and elusiveness every time he steps into the cage. After finishing each of his first five opponents with opening round victories, “Mercenary” was finally taken the distance in his most recent bout with 雷·伍德, earning a hard-fought unanimous decision win atBellator 166. 长滩人, 加利福尼亚州。, McKee will return to the Midwest in search of his first win of 2017.

Taking his ninth professional fight, 27-year-old Brandon Phillips will participate in the main card action for the first time in his Bellator MMA career. Phillips began his professional career with a bang, delivering five consecutive victories, 四击倒, and earning well-deserved attention from the Scott Coker-led promotion. Phillips made his Bellator MMA debut in 2016, collecting a unanimous decision victory over 竹卡威利斯 Bellator 159. After recording finishes in five of six career wins, the Oklahoma City native will make the short trip up North to Kansas Star Arena, where he will have the opportunity to add to that impressive total.

Fighting out of Wichita, 堪萨斯州, 28-year-old Jessica Middleton will look to add to her impressive professional debut, a clutch victory over 艾伦·布朗 at last year’s Bellator 159 when she competes on Jan. 27. Following an undefeated amateur career, the hometown favorite now hopes to preserve her unblemished professional mark in a flyweight fight with Alice Yauger. An eight-fight veteran of MMA, Yauger enters the bout having won each of her last two contests and three of her past four. Hailing from Arlington, 得克萨斯州, the 38-year-old Yauger hopes to use her experience advantage when she makes her promotional debut against the younger Middleton.

Making his fourth appearance under the Bellator MMA banner, Reyno enters the bout in search of his third win under the promotion and second in a row. A native of Montevideo, 乌拉圭, Reyno has delivered finishes in each of his six career victories, including five straight first round stoppages to begin his professional career. “Tonga” will now direct his attention to Kansas Star Arena and 一月. 27, where he will look to build off of an impressive knockout win over L.J. Hermreck at Bellator 159.

更新 Bellator 171: Guillard VS. Njokuani 主卡:

175 磅. 重量级主赛事: 梅尔文Guillard (32-16-2, 3 NC) VS. 赤帝Njokuani (16-4, 1 NC)

轻量级功能战: 戴夫Rickels (17-4, 2 NC) VS. Aaron Derrow (14-8)

羽量级功能扑灭: A.J. 麦基 (6-0) VS. 布兰登·菲利普斯 (6-2)

Flyweight Feature Fight: 杰西卡·米德尔顿(Jessica Middleton) (1-0) VS. Alice Yauger (4-4)


中量级初步回合: 克里斯·哈里斯 (7-0) VS. 乔丹年轻 (5-0)

羽初步回合: 加斯顿Reyno (6-1, 2 NC) VS. Justin Overton (3-2)

Weltereweight Preliminary Bout: Will Lavine (登场) VS. Domo Garcia (登场)

重量级初步回合: 机会相遇 (8-2) VS. Jake Lindsay (11-5)

轻量级初步回合: 约翰尼·马里戈 (2-0) VS. Joe Fulk (4-4)

重量级初步回合: 曼尼·梅拉兹 (8-3) VS. Scott Heston (4-1)

轻量级初步回合: Craig Farley (登场) VS. Mike Breeden (登场)



好莱坞, 例如. (一月. 10, 2017) – A catchweight bout pitting 梅尔文Guillard (32-16-2, 3 NC) 针对 赤帝Njokuani (16-4, 1 NC) 将作为重头戏 Bellator 171 at the Kansas Star Arena on 一月. 27.

The SPIKE-televised main card will feature the return of “The King of Kansas” 大卫Rickels (17-4, 2 NC), who will meet Aaron Derrow (14-8). 最后, a middleweight fight pitting undefeated prospect 克里斯·哈里斯 (7-0) 针对 乔丹年轻 (5-0) will be featured during the preliminary portion of the event.

门票 Bellator 171: Guillard VS. Njokuani 开始 $24 而在销售现在 KansasStarEventCenter.com, 以及Ticketmaster.com. Additional main and preliminary card bouts will be announced in the coming weeks.The event will be broadcast live and free on SPIKE at 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT, 而初步行动将流于Bellator.com和Bellator移动应用.

在开始他的职业生涯后 11-0, Guillard continued to make a name for himself under the direction of UFC, where he fought 22 times over a nine-year stint. “The Young Assassin” has made 50 professional appearances inside the cage over his 15-year career, making him one of the most experienced veterans Njokuani has ever faced. 同 21 他 32 professional wins coming by way of knockout, we can be sure to see fireworks fly when Guillard returns to action inside Kansas Star Arena on 一月. 27.

拉斯维加斯土生土长的, 内华达, Njokuani enters the cage riding momentum of an impressive streak that has seen him win seven consecutive bouts and 11 他最后的 12. 自从加入Bellator MMA战局 2015, the 28-year-old Njokuani has collected three victories, including a pair of knockout finishes. 最近, “Chidi Bang Bang” made quick work of rising star 安德鲁·菲奥霍 ‘Bellator 167,’ handing the Portuguese powerhouse the first loss of his young career with a brutal stoppage just 21 战斗开始几秒. 同 10 他 16 career wins coming by way of knockout, Njokuani brings a fearless style of fighting that pairs perfectly with his equally unshakable opponent Guillard.

更新 Bellator 171: Guillard VS. Njokuani 主卡:

175 磅. 重量级主赛事: 梅尔文Guillard (32-16-2, 3 NC) VS. 赤帝Njokuani (16-4, 1 NC)

轻量级特征回合: 戴夫Rickels (17-4, 2 NC) VS. Aaron Derrow (14-8)


中量级功能赛: 克里斯·哈里斯 (7-0) VS. 乔丹年轻 (5-0)



莫凡, KS. (七月 22, 2016) – In the main event of the evening, Darrion考德威尔 (9-1) was submitted by 乔Taimanglo (23-6-1) in an absolutely shocking upset :09 seconds into the third and final frame.

随着战败, 该 2009 NCAA Div. 1 National Champion was handed the first loss of his career, 而 “Juggernauthas the entire Island of Guam rocking with his guillotine submission win. “这个狼” was cruising heading into the third and final frame, but after shooting for a takedown, Taimanglo slapped on a choke and didn’t relinquish the hold until Caldwell tapped. The fight was slated to be a title eliminator, but because of Taimanglo failing to make weight, it remains to be seen who will challenge next for 爱德华多·丹塔斯’ 称号.

Guillard Assassinates ‘Cavemanin Front of Hometown Faithful

梅尔文Guillard (33-16-2) put 戴夫Rickels (17-5) to sleep in front of his hometown fans during the co-main event of “Bellator 159: 考德威尔 VS. Taimanglo.” 后 90 seconds of closely contested action, “The Young Assassin” caught “The Caveman,” then followed with a series of vicious elbows that ended the action at 2:14 of round one.


战斗结束后, Guillard made it clear that he is done as a lightweight and will carry on his Bellator MMA career at 170-pounds, and hopes to fight renowned welterweight 保罗“Semtex型爆炸物”戴利.

Ducote Taps Vargas in Flyweight Bout

艾米丽·杜科特(Emily Ducote) (3-1) 布鲁纳·巴尔加斯 (2-1) the first loss of her short career, landing an overhand right that she quickly followed up with a rear-naked choke, forcing the referee to call a halt to the action at :29 第二轮的. 战斗结束后, Ducote dedicated the fight to her grandmother, who has helped her a great deal throughout her upbringing and supported her decision to pursue a career in mixed martial arts. Look for Ducote to make waves in the flyweight division in the future.

Weichel ‘WeaselsOut Split Decision Win

In a fight that had plenty of title implications for both 145-pounders, 丹尼尔Weichel (37-9) weaseled out a close decision victory against 伊曼纽尔·桑切斯 (13-3) on Friday night, receiving the benefit of the doubt from two of the three cage side judges. Weichel has now been on the positive end of 10 straight decisions, while Sanchez has been involved in four straight consecutive split decisions.


布兰登·菲利普斯 (6-1) 打败 竹卡威利斯 (8-3) 通过一致决定 (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

克里斯·哈里斯 (7-0) 打败 Matt Foster (6-9) 通过提交 (后方裸呛) 在 1:23 of R1

Trey Ogden (6-1) 打败 曼尼·梅拉兹 (8-3) 通过提交 (断头台阻气) 在 2:37 of R2

菲利普林斯 (10-1) 打败 威廉·维亚纳 (7-3) 通过KO (拳) 在 1:14 of R2

杰西卡·米德尔顿(Jessica Middleton) (1-0) 打败 艾伦·布朗 (2-1) 通过一致决定 (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

加斯顿Reyno (6-1) 打败 L.J. Hermreck (3-2) 通过TKO (拳) 在 3:57 of R3

约翰尼·马里戈 (2-0) 打败 Andy Riley (2-2) 通过提交 (Armbar) 在 2:44 of R1

费尔南多·马丁内斯 (15-10-1) 打败 马西奥·纳瓦罗 (14-13) 通过分裂的决定 (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)



SANTA MONICA, 加利福尼亚州. (六月 29, 2016) – A gem of a featherweight contest pitting divisional standouts 伊曼纽尔·桑切斯 (13-2) 和 Daniel “The Weasel” Weichel (36-9) 已添加到主卡 “Bellator 159: 考德威尔 VS. Taimanglo” 七月 22 inside Kansas Star Arena in Mulvane, 堪萨斯州. Completing the televised card, 菲利普林斯 (9-1) 将面临 威廉·维亚纳 (7-2) in light heavyweight action and Brazilian strawweight 艾伦·布朗 (2-0) 将在她的宣传处亮相 杰西卡·米德尔顿(Jessica Middleton).


The fights join a main and co-main event that has the MMA world abuzz, featuring the undefeated Darrion考德威尔 (9-0), who will meet 乔Taimanglo (22-6) in a 135-pound main event to determine the No. 1 contender for Bellator MMA’s Bantamweight Championship. In support, Kansas’ own 戴夫Rickels (17-4) will return to Mulvane’s Kansas Star Arena to face the always-exciting 梅尔文Guillard (32-16-2). 此外, multiple preliminary contests have also been confirmed, namely, the debut of recent strawweight signee 布鲁纳·巴尔加斯 (2-0) who will be facing 艾米丽·杜科特(Emily Ducote) (2-1) and Uruguay’s favorite MMA superstar, 加斯顿Reyno (5-1), 他对当 L.J. Hermeck (3-1). Both of these preliminary bouts will stream live on Bellator.com该Bellator移动应用 在开始 7 P.M. AND.


“Bellator 159: 考德威尔 VS. Taimanglo 曲调住在尖峰 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT. 对于赛事门票开始只是 $27 and can be purchased at Ticketmaster.com,KansasStarEventCenter.com or the Kansas Star Arena box office. 门的事件在开放 5:30 P.M. CT local time and the first preliminary bout will commence one hour later.


“The Weasel” has shown great consistency as of late, recording wins in eight of his last nine fights dating back to 2012 over fighters the likes of 帕特·柯伦格奥尔基Karakhanyan. Since joining Bellator MMA in 2014, the German featherweight has posted a 5-1 记录, proving time and time again that he belongs among the division’s elite. 他的 36 职业生涯胜, 21 得来的提交方式, making Weichel one of the most skilled athletes on the ground. The 31-year-old submission specialist will look to build off his deserving unanimous decision win against Karakhanyan at“Bellator 147: Thomson vs. 维拉塞卡,” as he prepares to take on “El Matador” inside Kansas Star Arena on 七月 22.


Sanchez also enters this contest having won five of his first six bouts under the Bellator MMA banner. Hailing from Milwaukee, Wisconsin and training at the world-renown Roufusport camp, “El Matadorhas recently put together an impressive run, claiming wins in nine of his last 10 打架. The 25-year-old most recently defeated 丹尼尔·皮内达 via split decision at the record-shattering “Bellator 149: 沙姆洛克VS. 格雷西“event in Houston. Sanchez will enter the cage riding a three-fight winning streak, all of which subsequently ended in split decision victories.


仅在 30 岁, Viana has impressed only nine fights into his professional career. 最近, Viana put his unique skillset on full display against Houston Alexander at “Bellator 146: 加藤VS. Manhoef,” emerging victorious after a second-round knockout. The Brazilian light heavyweight now has seven career finishes to his name, including three in the first round, and will look to add to that total when he enters the cage with fellow Brazilian competitor Philipe Lins on 七月 22.


从纳塔尔海陵, Lins has consistently impressed through his first 10 专业的较量, recording nine wins, with four victories coming by way of knockout. After winning his first four professional fights, Lins decided to take an extended break from MMA from 2007 直到 2011. After the hiatus, Lins rallied off five wins, including his first two bouts under the Bellator MMA umbrella. 现在, “Monstro” will look to return to the cage for the first time since a brutal knee injury that he suffered against Kelly Anundson at “Bellator 122” 早在 2014.


Undefeated to start her professional career, 艾伦·布朗, 20, competed twice in 2015, winning both of her bouts. A member of Team Nogueira Campinas in Sao Paulo, Ellen recently did a stint of training at the world-renown Blackzilians gym in Florida, where she continued to hone her budding striking and skills on the mat. It’s also worth noting that Ellen’s listed on this year’s “Top-Ten Brazilian Prospects” compiled by MMAFighting.com.


Eight years the elder of Ellen, Middleton will be making her professional debut after a stellar 4-1 amateur record on the regional scene. If unfamiliar with her work, look no further than her spectacular finish of Holly Torrez via spinning-backfist 这里.


完成“Bellator 159: 考德威尔 VS. Taimanglo” Fight Card:

Bellator MMA Bantamweight Main Event: Darrion考德威尔 (9-0) VS. 乔Taimanglo (22-6)

Bellator MMA Lightweight Co-Main Event: 戴夫Rickels (17-4, 1 NC) VS. 梅尔文Guillard (32-16-2, 2 NC)

Bellator羽量级MMA特征回合: 丹尼尔Weichel (36-9) VS. 伊曼纽尔·桑切斯 (13-2)

Bellator MMA Light Heavyweight Feature Bout: 菲利普林斯 (9-1) VS. 威廉·维亚纳 (7-2)

Bellator MMA Strawweight Feature Bout: 艾伦·布朗 (2-0) VS. 杰西卡·米德尔顿(Jessica Middleton) (登场)




Bellator MMA Strawweight Preliminary Bout: 布鲁纳·巴尔加斯 (2-0) VS. 艾米丽·杜科特(Emily Ducote) (2-1)

Bellator羽量级MMA初步回合: 加斯顿Reyno (5-1, 1 NC) VS. L.J. Hermreck (3-1)

Bellator MMA中量级初步回合: 曼尼·梅拉兹 (8-2) VS. Trey Ogden (5-1)

Bellator MMA重量级初步回合: 克里斯·哈里斯 (6-0) VS. Matt Foster (6-8)

Bellator MMA轻量级初步回合: 马西奥·纳瓦罗 (14-12) VS. 费尔南多·马丁内斯 (14-10-1)

Bellator MMA轻量级初步回合: 约翰尼·马里戈 (1-0) VS. Andy Riley (2-1)

Bellator MMA中量级初步回合: Josh Pfeifer (4-2) VS. 亨利·林赛 (5-5)

Bellator羽量级MMA初步回合: 竹卡威利斯 (8-2) VS. 布兰登·菲利普斯 (5-1)


关于Bellator MMA

Bellator MMA是一家领先的混合武术组织拥有众多最好的战斗机在世界. 在老将拼子斯科特·科克尔的方向, Bellator提供近 400 全球万户家庭超过 120 国家. 在美国, Bellator上可以看到穗, 在MMA电视龙头. Bellator MMA是由一个执行团队,其中包括顶尖行业人士在电视节目制作, 现场活动编排, 战斗机研制/关系, 会场采购, 赞助创建/开发, 国际牌, 市场营销, 广告, 宣传及佣金的关系. Bellator总部设在圣莫尼卡, 加利福尼亚州和娱乐巨头维亚康姆所拥有, 家与观众通过电视对面引人注目的内容连接世界上首屈一指的娱乐品牌, 影, 在线和移动平台.