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克里斯科爾伯特在放映時間的主要賽事中一致​​決定戰勝 TUGSTSOGT NYAMBAYAR,保持不敗


點擊 這裡 從以斯帖林/ SHOWTIME照片

點擊 這裡 從肖恩·邁克爾火腿圖片/

CARSON, CALIF. (七月 4, 2021) - 不敗的後起之秀 克里斯“黃金時段”科爾伯特 一致決定戰勝 圖格斯特斯托格特尼姆巴亞爾 週六晚上,在卡森 Dignity Health Sports Park 的 SHOWTIME 主賽事現場直播中保留他的臨時 WBA 超羽量級冠軍頭銜, 加利福尼亞州. 在英超拳擊冠軍賽.

24歲的科爾伯特 (16-0, 6 科斯) 當他著陸時,他騎著優勢刺拳取得了勝利 112 橫跨 12 根據 CompuBox 循環, 浮力 218 到 78 優勢降落拳. 這位布魯克林本地人使用刺拳設置了各種有效的力量拳,他能夠從正統和左撇子姿勢落地.

“我們有一個很棒的訓練營,”科爾伯特說. “我們與米歇爾·里維拉(Michel Rivera)的一個大個子打了很多仗, 所以我在營地用我的速度和刺拳進行了很多練習. 刺拳一直是這項運動的關鍵。”

蒙古的寧巴亞爾 (12-2, 9 科斯), 誰現在在洛杉磯打架, 在不到兩週的通知時間內介入與科爾伯特戰鬥, 在訓練營受傷後取代前冠軍尤里奧基斯甘博亞. Nyambayar 在他 130 磅的處子秀中取得了成功, 科爾伯特甚至注意到奧運銀牌得主的力量, 但他無法保持持續的進攻或讓忙碌的科爾伯特無法控制節奏.

“他攜帶了一個 126 磅的力量,”科爾伯特說. “拳擊是關於擊球而不是被擊球. 我不得不使用我的穆罕默德阿里戰術,像蝴蝶一樣漂浮,像蜜蜂一樣刺痛. 這是一場偉大的戰鬥和“拖船”’ 只為我進行了一個半星期的培訓,做得很好. 我向他脫帽致敬,只祝他職業生涯一切順利。”
科爾伯特的賽后採訪: https://twitter.com/ShowtimeBoxing/status/1411543856345145345

科爾伯特利用他多才多藝的進攻手段在記分卡和統計數據上取得了很大的優勢, 控制 Nyambayar 的拳頭在他連接時降落 106 力量拳到 78 Nyambayar 擊出的總拳數. 後 12 發, 評委們的分數證實了科爾伯特的統治地位, 因為他以分數贏得了決定 117-111 和 118-110 兩次.

“我是WBA第一,”科爾伯特說. “所以你知道現在幾點了. 我會按照計劃進行,看看接下來會發生什麼。”

在合作的主要事件, 崛起的輕量級競爭者 米歇爾·里維拉 (21-0, 14 科斯) 打進了精彩的淘汰賽 喬恩·費爾南德斯 (21-2, 18 科斯) 在他們的 WBA 輕量級冠軍淘汰賽第八輪.
在這裡觀看淘汰賽: https://twitter.com/ShowtimeBoxing/status/1411521691201724417

“我非常興奮,非常高興能贏得這場胜利,“里維拉說. “費爾南德斯很強壯, 經驗豐富的對手迫使我改變了我的比賽計劃。”

一名不敗的多米尼加戰士,現在在邁阿密訓練, 里維拉似乎在第四輪控制了比賽, 當他開始為最終結束戰鬥的右手尋找歸宿時. 然而,在第六輪比賽中,牌桌暫時逆轉, 因為費爾南德斯用乾淨的右手將里維拉放在了他職業生涯中第一次出現在畫布上的頭部.

“從第一輪開始我就知道我必須小心對待他,“里維拉說. “他的手很重,比我高, 但總的來說,我的速度更快、技術更熟練。”

這位23歲的球員能夠經受住西班牙人費爾南德斯帶來的風暴,儘管被擊倒,但還是挺過了這一輪. 在第七輪恢復勢頭後, 里維拉以決定性的右手突破,在第八局早些時候將費爾南德斯擊潰, 促使裁判傑克賴斯揮手結束比賽 44 幀中的秒數. 里維拉舉辦了一場 87 到 76 優勢降落拳, 並連接上 37% 他的權力拳, 相比 27% 從費爾南德斯.

“接下來我想和羅蘭多·羅梅羅打架,“里維拉說. “一旦我真的面對他, 我想對陣 Gervonta Davis 或 Teofimo López。”

在戰鬥之夜之前, SHOWTIME主持人Brian Custer採訪了Bellator MMA No. 1-羽量級選手A.J. 麥基, 誰將在 7 月的 Bellator MMA 羽量級世界大獎賽決賽中面對現任冠軍 Patricio Pitbull 31 在洛杉磯論壇.
麥基採訪: https://twitter.com/SHOsports/status/1411527740646465537

“我要去那裡挖掘我的花樣,我要震驚世界,”麥基說. “他為這項運動做了很多工作,長期以來他一直是我的目標, 自從我開始出現. 我一直在呼喚他的名字 17 打架,現在是時候開始了。”

當被問及這場戰鬥是否是為了不. 1 在 Bellator 磅對磅名單上的位置, 麥基 說: “確實. 把手放下. 這場戰鬥是為了磅對磅最好的, 我覺得, 在世界上. 在 145 英鎊, 沒有太多人可以阻止我自己或比特犬。”

麥基補充說: “這不會走遠. 風格上, 這對他來說是一場糟糕的比賽. 沒什麼私人的,但我的風格不適合他……. 我必須待很久, 保持定位和我的腳. 距離是這場戰鬥的重要組成部分. 並從角度抓住他。”

緊接著 SHOWTIME 電視轉播, ALL ACCESS: 戴維斯VS. 巴里奧斯結語 網絡首播. 現在也可以在 SHOWTIME Sports YouTube 頁面上觀看,並且可以觀看 這裡.

週六的 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING 電視轉播將在周日重播, 七月 4 在 9 A.M. ET / PT在Showtime EXTREME. 在星期一, 七月 5, Gervonta“坦克”戴維斯VS. 馬里奧·巴里奧斯(Mario Barrios)將重新播出,其中包括令人興奮的埃里克森·魯賓(Erickson Lubin)對. 傑森羅薩里奧 WBC 超次中量級冠軍消除者 10 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime EXTREME.

資深體育解說員布賴恩·卡斯特主持了 SHOWTIME 電視轉播,而多才多藝的格鬥運動配音毛羅·拉納洛與名人堂分析師阿爾·伯恩斯坦和三級世界冠軍阿布納·馬雷斯一起處理了逐擊動作. 名人堂的三殿殺進欣欣轉播團隊 – 艾美獎® 獲獎的記者吉姆·格雷, 非官方得分手史蒂夫·法胡德和世界著名的拳擊台播音員小吉米·列儂. 執行製片人是四次艾美獎得主大衛·丁金斯, JR. 電視轉播由 Ray Smaltz III 製作,並由 Chuck McKean 執導. 前初中量級世界冠軍 Raúl “El Diamante” Marquez 和體育播音員 Alejandro Luna 擔任西班牙語二級音頻編程專家分析師 (SAP).

欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上關注@ShowtimeBoxing, Instagram 上的@PremierBoxing 和@TGBPromotions @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing 和 @TGBPromotions 或在 Facebook 上成為粉絲 www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.

克里斯科爾伯特 VS. TUGSTSOGT NYAMBAYAR 最終新聞發布會報價和照片 – 不敗的新星克里斯科爾伯特本週六面對強硬的競爭者Tugstsogt Nyambayar, 七月 3 住在Showtime

點擊 這裡 從以斯帖林/ SHOWTIME照片

點擊 這裡 從肖恩·邁克爾火腿圖片/

CARSON, CALIF. (七月 1, 2021) – 不敗的臨時 WBA 超羽量級冠軍 克里斯“黃金時段”科爾伯特 和強硬的競爭者 Tugstsogt“王拖船”Nyambayar 週四在最後的新聞發布會上對峙,然後他們在本週六的 SHOWTIME 現場直播的主要活動中相遇, 七月 3 在卡森的尊嚴健康體育公園舉行的頂級拳擊冠軍賽中, 加利福尼亞州.

週四的新聞發布會上還有不敗的後起之秀 米歇爾·里維拉 和輕量級的競爭者 喬恩·費爾南德斯, 誰在 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING 電視轉播的聯合主賽事中脫穎而出 9 P.M. ET /下午6時. PT.

要打開電視節目, SHOWTIME 將播放上週六晚上 Gervonta Davis 和 Mario Barrios 之間激動人心的按次計費主賽事的特別重播.

該活動由TGB Promotions推廣. 門票現已發售,可在 AXS.com 購買.



“我正要敲門 [尤里奧基斯] Gamboa 冷, 現在“King Tug”必須淘汰.

“我的努力終於有了回報. 我所要做的就是保持專注, 投入的, 並且有紀律, 幾年後我將成為拳擊界的代言人.

“這個場地以戰爭而聞名. 週六晚上來,我一定會帶來熱量.

“我已經為這場戰鬥做好了準備. Nyambayar 知道他週六會遇到麻煩. 沒有人可以在一周半的通知時間內與我打架,而不會惹上麻煩.

“我和米歇爾·里維拉在邁阿密訓練期間一起打了很多回合. 我們在整個訓練營中都做得很好,我已經準備好並且很興奮能夠參加比賽.

“我一直在擊倒他們放在我面前的每個人. 他們仍然沒有給我應得的尊重. 我只需要在周六晚上繼續做我的事,讓他難堪.

“我不能告訴你他是不是我最難對付的對手. 我知道他沒有打我, 這是一個承諾. 一個 126 磅的體重不可能超過我.

“他是一名只有一次失利的鬥士, 他可以從那回來. 但周六晚上沒關係. 他應該對自己有信心. 他不能說他週六要洗, 但這就是將要發生的事情.

“我感謝‘Tug’參加戰鬥, 但周六晚上我要進去, 支配並毆打他. 這是日產vs. 一輛蘭博基尼, 我是蘭博.

“我同意‘King Tug’可能是比 Yuriorkis Gamboa 更好的對手. 但如果是 Gamboa 也沒關係, “國王拖船”, 或者阿諾德施瓦辛格和我在一起, 週六晚上的結果總是一樣的.

“這週我的頭髮是橙色的,以獻身於對抗多發性硬化症的事業. 我的朋友之一, 戴夫, 回到新澤西有它,他告訴我他小時候如何癱瘓並且還患有多發性硬化症的故事. 然後第二天我在健身房的 Stairmaster 上看到了他大約一個小時. 我看到了,並意識到我沒有任何藉口可以不去健身房. 我做不同的頭髮顏色讓人們感到特別. 我想讓他們知道我正在為他們而戰.

“在 130 磅重的師中沒有人能打敗我. 我要繼續證明每一次踏入擂台. 我將提供一個主導的表現. 當我阻止他時不要感到驚訝.

“我認為這不會過去 10 發. 我將在周六晚上繼續證明我有權力. 我沒有貶低他的技能, 但我只是不一樣。”


“我對這場戰鬥感到非常興奮. 這是我的第一次戰鬥 130 磅,我想展示我能做什麼. 我已經準備好迎接這個機會.

“只要知道這一點, 我們是來贏的. 我的團隊在這裡取勝. 我準備好迎接克里斯科爾伯特了. 而已.

“我不在乎我是在短時間內以更高的重量戰鬥. 我相信自己. 我可以在 122, 我可以在 126 我可以在 130.

“兩週的通知對我來說已經足夠了. 如果我不參加戰鬥, 科爾伯特不會打架. 所以他應該感恩. 讓我們看看發生了什麼. 我要打他的屁股.

“我相信我的速度,我相信我的力量. 我相信自己. 我只想測試自己. 這是一個很好的機會,而不是一個好的戰士。”

“我不認為他能阻止我. 週六晚上看我. 我準備好了.

“我不擔心他說的任何話. 我只專注於視線. 我真的相信自己,我會在周六晚上傷害他.

“與小加里羅素相比,科爾伯特的速度相似。, 所以它不會是我以前沒見過的東西. 隨著時間的推移,拉塞爾之戰的調整已經在健身房進行.

“我很高興能在 Dignity Health Sports Park 打球,因為洛杉磯是我的第二故鄉. 在這裡戰鬥並在那裡有一群人觀看是非常令人興奮的. 蒙古球迷將於週六出現。”


“我有一個很好的訓練營,我有一個很好的團隊, 由我的教練 Herman Caicedo 和 Jukka Toivola 領導. 我知道這是一個很好的機會,我為這場戰鬥付出了很多努力. 我對七月很興奮 3 我知道這是我展示我偉大和閃耀的機會.

“喬恩·費爾南德斯(Jon Fernandez)是一名出色的拳擊手,也是一名出色的拳擊手. 我對他了解不多, 但我知道他是西班牙人而且他是個高個子. 他打得很重,但我處於在這場戰鬥中表現出色的狀態.

“我敢肯定,在 7 月 3 當人們在觀看戰鬥時, 他們會看到誰是最好的拳擊手. 我準備好了一切. 如果他想戰鬥而不是盒子, 我也會戰鬥. 我有技能. 我相信我比他快. 我對他的身高沒有問題. 你可以在我過去的戰鬥中看到我在哪裡戰鬥 144, 我穿大拳擊手也很好看. 我沒有問題. 每個人都必須在七月進行調整 3 在Showtime, 他們會看到米歇爾·里維拉擊敗喬恩·費爾南德斯.

“我等這個機會很久了. 我是多米尼加人, 在多米尼加共和國,你沒有多少機會. 我來到這裡,我正在揚名. 每個人都會知道,我已經準備好與頂級名流抗爭了 135 – 最好的拳擊手. 我有技能和天賦. 我很年輕,我很漂亮, 太.

“他聽起來很自信,這很好. 我也有信心. 這導致了一場偉大的戰爭. 他有很多淘汰賽, 但他們並不反對像我這樣的拳擊手. 我很專注. 就像我說的, 他是一個很好的拳擊手, 但我更好. 我相信我的才華,我相信我的狀況.

“在這次新聞發布會之後,我的觀點保持不變. 費爾南德斯是一名自豪的鬥士,我期待他說的話. 我也是一個自豪的戰士,我相信我比他更好. 我認為自己準備得更充分,準備好被認為是 135 磅級別的頂級拳擊手之一.

“與 Chris Colbert 一起訓練是一次很棒的經歷, 陪練非常棒. 他讓我變得更好, 就像我讓他變得更好. 他是個很棒的人. 我的多米尼加戰友傑森·羅薩里奧祝我好運,並告訴我他知道我有一天會成為世界冠軍, 他會支持我並觀看多米尼加共和國的比賽.

“我當然相信我是多米尼加共和國的下一個世界冠軍. 我可以擊敗所有頂級拳擊手, 前五名, 在 135 磅的分區中. 我想在 135 因為我知道現在這是一個強大的部門. 我希望每個人都知道我這個體重.

“我保證會打好. 每個人都將在 7 月 3 日看到擂台上的下一位超級巨星。”


“我很高興能來到這裡參加這場戰鬥. 馬德里和墨西哥的訓練營很棒. 我們做了出色的準備. 我面臨著一個偉大的對手米歇爾·里維拉, 但這是我進入拳擊大聯盟需要打開的大門. 我不打算錯過這個機會.

“我很高興他對自己的能力充滿信心, 但我認為這是一個 50-50 比賽. 這將是一場偉大的戰鬥,我們絕對處於同一水平. 技能水平沒有區別. 我要在周六晚上用我的身高炫耀我的拳擊能力.

“里維拉是一位非常出色的拳擊手, 並且有很多技能, 但我相信我有同等的技能和更多的權力. 如果我得到開口, 我可以擊倒里維拉.

“我保證我們將進行一場精彩的表演並在擂台上放煙花. 戰鬥結束時我會舉手.

“沒有什麼比在洛杉磯打架更. 我以前已經來過這裡, 但沒有什麼能比得上大秀.

“西班牙的每個人都在支持我. 我的畢爾巴鄂市給了我所有的愛,他們相信我 100%. 甚至一些著名的足球運動員也聯繫了我. 畢爾巴鄂競技隊的球員和 (前西班牙國家隊前鋒) 費爾南多·托雷斯.

“我想獲勝,以便為其他在我身後並享受這個機會的西班牙拳擊手打開大門——比如我的兄弟埃克爾, 誰即將完成職業首秀. 我想讓他感到驕傲,讓西班牙在拳擊領域名列前茅.

“如果我贏了, 不只是因為我的力量. 這將是一場勢均力敵的戰鬥, 但我會付出一切來取得勝利。”

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科爾伯特 VS. Nyambayar將不敗的臨時WBA超羽量級冠軍 克里斯“黃金時段”科爾伯特 面對強硬的競爭者 Tugstsogt“王拖船”Nyambayar 週六, 七月 3, 在卡森的 Dignity Health 體育公園直播 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING 電視節目, 加利福尼亞州。, 在英超拳擊冠軍賽.

SHOWTIME 電視轉播開始於 9 P.M. ET /下午6時. PT 特別重播了上週六晚上令人興奮的按次計費主賽事之間的戰鬥 Gervonta戴維斯馬里奧·巴里奧斯 在來自加利福尼亞的現場聯合主賽事之前,以不敗的新星為特色 米歇爾·里維拉 與輕量級競爭者作戰 喬恩·費爾南德斯.

欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上關注@ShowtimeBoxing, Instagram 上的@PremierBoxing 和@TGBPromotions @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing 和 @TGBPromotions 或在 Facebook 上成為粉絲www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.

克里斯·科爾伯特在 7 月的放映時間裡與強硬的競爭者 TUGSTSOGT NYAMBAYAR 交手 3

更多, 崛起的不敗米歇爾里維拉麵臨輕量級競爭者

喬恩·芬ndez 在周六的 WBA Title Eliminator, 七月 3

在卡森的尊嚴健康體育公園, 加利福尼亞州.

CARSON, 加州。(六月 22, 2021) – 不敗的臨時 WBA 超羽量級冠軍克里斯“黃金時段”科爾伯特將面臨強硬的競爭者Tugstsogt“王拖船”Nyambayar週六, 七月 3, 在卡森的 Dignity Health 體育公園直播 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING 電視節目, 加利福尼亞州。, 在英超拳擊冠軍賽.

Nyambayar 換下 Yuriorkis Gamboa, 原本計劃在訓練營受傷之前面對科爾伯特.

SHOWTIME 電視轉播開始於 9 P.M. ET /下午6時. PT,將擁有不敗的後起之秀米歇爾·里維拉與輕量級競爭者作戰喬恩·芬在聯合主賽事的 135 磅 WBA 冠軍消除者中.

電視轉播還將重點介紹不敗的超輕量級競爭者理查德森Hitchins對現蕾達爾文價格在 10 輪決鬥中.

該活動由TGB Promotions推廣. 門票現已發售,可在以下網站購買AXS.com. 希欽斯 VS. 價格與梅威瑟促銷活動共同促銷.

“這個陣容在七月 3 以備受吹捧的後起之秀為特色,在與希望發表自己聲明的對手的激烈對決中,“湯姆·布朗說, TGB促銷總統. “克里斯科爾伯特在一場又一場的戰鬥中給人留下了深刻的印象, 他將面對一向強硬的 Tugstsogt Nyambayar 進行一場大考驗. 也面臨著他職業生涯中最嚴峻的考驗, 米歇爾·里維拉(Michel Rivera)將在與競爭者喬恩·費爾南德斯(Jon Fernández)的激動人心的對決中上場. 這是一張整夜排成一排的卡片。”

代表他的家鄉布魯克林, 紐約州, 科爾伯特 (15-0, 6 科斯) 迅速攀升至 130 磅的排名, 第一次參加高水平比賽 15 親打架. 已經確立為具有令人眼花繚亂的拳擊技巧的戰士, 科爾伯特在他的最後一場比賽中展示了他從頭到腳戰鬥的能力, 當他在回合中停止猛烈擊球 Jaime Arboleda 11 他們的十二月 2020 衝突. 這位 24 歲的球員轉為職業球員 2015 在他的前八場比賽中擊敗了三名不敗的戰士. 在 Arboleda 戰鬥之前, 科爾伯特在對陣小米格爾·貝爾特蘭的比賽中打進了精彩的第一輪淘汰賽. 九月 2019 並在 1 月份以 12 輪優勢戰勝前冠軍傑茲瑞爾·科拉萊斯(Jezreel Corrales) 2020.

“我很高興能在七月重返賽場 4 週末,”科爾伯特說. “我可以在前一天晚上的 SHOWTIME 放煙花. 我們將把它帶到加利福尼亞的尊嚴健康體育公園, 但我知道我會支持我的紐約家人. 這只是另一天, 另一美元. 我有工作要做, 那就是以任何必要的方式獲得勝利, 但我希望主宰. 不過,我希望 Nyambayar 能帶來他的 A 級遊戲,因為他知道他會和一個怪物在一起. 我可能不是世界上最大的拳手, 但我知道如何完成一個人並讓他離開那裡, 並在 7 月 3 這正是我想要做的。”

28 歲的 Nyambayar (12-1, 9 科斯) 代表祖國蒙古獲得銀牌 2012 奧運會,現在住在南加州, 約翰普爾曼訓練他的地方. Nyambayar 在他廣泛的業餘職業生涯之後以不敗的 Harmonito Dela Torre 和前臨時冠軍 Oscar Escandon 的勝利提升了羽量級排名. 他在一月份擊敗前冠軍克勞迪奧·馬雷羅(Claudio Marrero)時贏得了他的第一個世界冠軍頭銜 2019, 在放棄與長期衛冕的 WBC 羽量級冠軍小加里·拉塞爾的冠軍爭奪戰之前. 二月裡 2020. 在他 7 月的超輕量級首秀之前 3, WBC 排名第二的羽量級選手 Nyambayar 最近兩次擊倒 Cobia Breedy 並最終在 9 月贏得了決定,這是他的第一次失利 2020.

“當我接到關於這場戰鬥的電話時, 我抓住了這個機會,”尼亞巴亞爾說. “我迫不及待地想參加比賽. 我為這樣的戰鬥而生. 我將把這一切留在擂台上,並在 7 月 3 日為粉絲們帶來一場精彩的表演。”

出生在聖多明各, 多米尼加共和國,現在在邁阿密戰鬥, 里維拉 (20-0, 13 科斯) 衝進現場 2019 讓他的美國. 以戰勝 Juan Rene Tellez 的比賽首次亮相. 這位 23 歲的年輕人繼續在 2020, 增加對菲德爾馬爾多納多的補時勝利. 一致決定戰勝輕量級競爭者拉達里烏斯·米勒. 最近, 里維拉在今年 2 月重返擂台擊倒安東尼梅爾卡多.

“我迫不及待地想在 7 月 3 日再次展示我的技能,”里維拉說. “費爾南德斯將帶來他的最佳表現,這正是我想要的. 我的教練赫爾曼·凱塞多(Herman Caicedo)和我一直在尋找這場戰鬥的最佳方法,我很高興能夠執行它. 喬恩是一個粗獷而強硬的戰士,可能是我迄今為止遇到過的最好的戰士,我期待著挑戰. 我知道我很快就會為世界冠軍而戰, 所以我只是保持專注和自律,直到那個時候到來。”

25歲的費爾南德斯 (21-1, 18 科斯) 在他職業生涯唯一的瑕疵之後,以五連勝的成績進入這場比賽, O'Shaquie Foster 在決定上輸給了 2018 上的ShoBox: 新一代. 畢爾巴鄂人, 西班牙, 費爾南德斯將在美國作戰. 七月第四次 3. 費爾南德斯在拳擊巨星塞爾吉奧·馬丁內斯的指導下,將尋求讓自己重新回到與里維拉的世界冠軍爭奪戰中. 在他的最後一戰, 費爾南德斯在二月首輪淘汰阿里斯蒂德斯佩雷斯 2020 衝突.

“球迷們將非常享受與里維拉的這場戰鬥,費爾南德斯說. “我們倆都將全力以赴,爭取成為冠軍的機會. 這就是拳擊的全部內容. 我們師全是偉大的戰士, 所以你需要爭取最好的成為最好的. 我的訓練進行得很順利,我相信此刻, 我正處於職業生涯的黃金時期。”

布魯克林本地人, Hitchins (12-0, 5 科斯) 轉為職業球員在 2017 在代表海地參加 2016 奧運會. 這位 23 歲的球員展現了令人印象深刻的技能,因為他在職業隊伍中積累了不敗紀錄, 這是廣泛的業餘職業的產物. 在他的最後一次郊遊, 希欽斯取得職業生涯最佳勝利, 因為他贏得了對前世界冠軍Argenis Mendez的決定. 在過去的三場比賽中,希欽斯在贏得 10 輪決定方面增加了他的競爭力.

“在我去年 12 月的最後一場戰鬥之後, 我馬上回到擂台上,一直在訓練和調整東西,以幫助我真正達到那個明星水平,“Hitchins說. “我一直都有工具, 但人們現在才認識到我的才能. 每個對手都給我帶來了不同的東西, 我計劃繼續適應這個場合,為粉絲們表演。”

價格 (17-1, 10 科斯) 4月重返賽場,在第五輪淘汰索爾·科拉爾. 他之前的郊遊是在 12 月 2019 當他膝蓋受傷迫使他在與馬利克霍金斯的戰鬥中TKO失利時,普萊斯在記分卡上領先. 最初從聖. 路易斯現在在休斯頓戰鬥, 普萊斯是格蘭布林州立大學的一名出色的田徑運動員,之後轉為職業選手並贏得了他的第一個冠軍 16 打架.

“每個夢想都有一個過程和一個價格標籤,”普萊斯說. “那些接受過程並付出代價的人, 活出夢想. 那些不, 只是夢想. 我迫不及待地想在七月重返賽場 3 並表現出色。”

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欲了解更多信息,請訪問www.SHO.com/sportswww.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上關注@ShowtimeBoxing, Instagram 上的@PremierBoxing 和@TGBPromotions @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing 和 @TGBPromotions 或在 Facebook 上成為粉絲www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.

Dat Nguyen camp quotes

Dat Nguyen vs Miguel Flores this Tuesday on PBC Toe-To-Toe Tuesdays on FS1 and Fox Deportes

Vero Beach, 佛羅里達 (二月 20, 2017)–This Tuesday 晚上,在 Silver Street Studios in Houston, 得克薩斯州, 超羽量級 阮逸 (19-3, 6 KO的) will look to unseat undefeated 米格爾·弗洛雷斯 (21-0, 9 KO的) 在一個主要事件 PBC TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 & FOX體育.
Nguyen of Vero Beach has been working hard in training camp in effort to secure a career defining win
“陣營已經很大. I’ve never had a better one,” said Nguyen. “這次, I get to set the training camp the way I wanted to be trained so everything has been perfect. Getting good sparring was my main concern, and I had one of the best sparring partners for this fight. I’ve been sparring with a world class fighter Samuel Neequaye. He’s a super lightweight and a very strong fighter that threw punches in bunches and he didn’t take a step back. I think he’s the best fighter from Ghana fighter out there right now. To spar with a high caliber fighter like him has made me a sharper and stronger fighter. I have fought 10 rounds twice, but it was always short notice. I’ve been never was prepared for it, but this camp I have sparred 10 rounds multiple time against a world class sparring partner who said he’s already in fight shape when we started sparring.
Because of that kind of camp, Nguyen feels he has the best opportunity for this win.
I feel strong and mentally fresh and in good spirits. I know the hard work has already been done in the gym, sparring and the road work. God has a plan for me and it seems like everything is falling into place the last couple weeks of camp.. I feel blessed, and ready to give the fans a great show so please tune in.
Nguyen, who has been a professional for 13 歲月, knows that a win over Flores will put him in position the major fight that he has been coveting for years,
A win would mean better things for me and my family. I’ve struggled all of my career to get to this point so I’m not going to lose focus now. I want to thank god for watching over me and blessing me everyday of good health. I want to thank all of my fans and countrymen for their love and support.

Unbeaten Super Lightweight Darwin Price Battles Las VegasHylon Williams While Undefeated Prospect Brandon Figueroa Faces Miami’s Raul Chirino on Televised Undercard of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 &BOXEO DE CAMPEONES om FOX Deportes Tuesday, 二月 21 at Silver Street in Houston, 得克薩斯州

Houston’s Miguel Flores Headlines Against Tough Contender Dat Nguyen In Televised Action Beginning at 10 P.M. AND/7 P.M. PT
HOUSTON (二月 14, 2017) – Unbeaten super lightweight 達爾文價格 (11-0, 6 科斯) enters the ring against tough contender Hylon Williams (16-3-1, 3 科斯) while fast-rising prospect 布蘭登·菲格羅亞 (10-0, 7 科斯) meets Miami’s Raul Chirino (10-4, 5 科斯) as part of an exciting night of action on 總理拳擊冠軍 腳趾到腳趾星期二在FS1和 拳擊冠軍 福克斯Deportes體育場 星期二, 二月 21 from Silver Street in Houston, 得克薩斯州.
電視報導開始於 10 P.M. AND/7 P.M. PT and is headlined by undefeated prospect 米格爾·弗洛雷斯 battling tough contender 阮逸 in a 10-round super featherweight attraction.
門票現場活動, 這是由國王的促銷推廣, are on sale now and can be purchased online at www.ticketmaster.com 或致電 1-800-745-3000.
Price and Williams will meet in an eight-round super lightweight fight while Figueroa is set to battle Chirino in a six-round super bantamweight fight. Additional action will feature once-beaten unbeaten super flyweight 達米安·巴斯克斯 (9-0, 4 科斯) in a six-round bout and Russia’s Medzhid Bektemir (18-1, 12 科斯)in a four-round light heavyweight fight.
Rounding out the night is unbeaten welterweight prospect Eduardo Garcia in a four-round battle and once-beaten middleweight 少年卡斯蒂略 in a six-round bout against Mexico’sJuan Carlos Rojas.
最初從聖. 聖路易斯, Price’s road has led him to Houston where he now trains with noted coach Ronnie Shields. An exceptional athlete who was highly regarded in track and field as a teenager, the 26-year-old turned pro in 2013. His activity ramped up in 2015 as he took home four victories before 2016 saw him earn impressive victories over previously unbeaten Semajay Thomas and once-beaten Javontae Starks. He will be opposed by the 26-year-old Williams who was an alternate on the 2008 中美. Olympic team and has gone the distance in losses to world champions Rances Barthelemy and Yuriorkis Gamboa.
The brother of former world champion Omar, the 20-year-old Figueroa turned pro in May of 2015 by defeating Hector Gutierrez and followed that up by stopping Ricardo Mena, Ramiro Ruiz and Francisco Muro to close out the year. The Weslaco-native has stayed busy in 2016, picking up six victories, including five by way of stoppage. He takes on Miami’s Chirino, who enters this bout with wins in three of his last four contests.
在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @ FS1, @FOXDeportes和@Swanson_Comm並成為粉絲在Facebook上 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, 和www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. 可在亮點 www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.FS1上的PBC & FOX Deportes由Corona Extra贊助, 最好的啤酒.

Undefeated Prospect Miguel Flores Faces Top Contender Dat Nguyen in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes Tuesday, 二月 21 at Silver Street in Houston, 得克薩斯州

更多! Undefeated Prospects Brandon Figueroa & Darwin Price Featured in Separate Televised Attractions
HOUSTON (一月 26, 2017) – 不敗上升的前景 米格爾·弗洛雷斯 (21-0, 9 科斯) headlines in his hometown as he battles 阮逸 (19-3, 6 科斯) in the 10-round super featherweight main event of 總理拳擊冠軍 腳趾到腳趾星期二 在FS1和 拳擊冠軍 福克斯Deportes體育場 星期二, 二月 21 from Silver Street in Houston, 得克薩斯州.
電視報導開始於 10 P.M. AND/7 P.M. PT and will feature unbeaten prospect 布蘭登·菲格羅亞 (10-0, 7 科斯) in a six-round attraction and undefeated 達爾文價格(11-0, 6 科斯) in an eight-round super lightweight matchup.
I’m very thrilled to be headlining another show on FS1 and FOX Deportes, especially in my home state of Texas,” 弗洛雷斯說. “Dat Nguyen is a very talented fighter who’s been in the ring with some good opponents. His only losses were against fighters who were undefeated at the time. I’m expecting a rough fight, which should make for good television. Everyone should tune in because this is going to be a great fight with a lot of action.
I’m excited to be back in the main event on a great network like FS1 and FOX Deportes,” said Nguyen. “I know my career has had its ups and downs, but a win over Flores would bring me back to the top. Flores is young, hungry and undefeated. I once had that fear of losing, so I know what it will take to beat him. I would like to thank all of my fans and countrymen for their support and I will make them proud.
門票現場活動, 這是由國王的促銷推廣, are on sale now and can be purchased online at www.ticketmaster.com 或致電 1-800-745-3000.
從米卻肯州一個不敗的戰鬥機, 墨西哥, 但戰鬥了休斯敦, 弗洛雷斯自轉為職業選手中並沒有失去 2009 在剛剛17歲. The 24-year-old had a big 2015 beginning in May with a victory over German Meraz and followed up by wins against Juan Ruiz, Carlos Padilla and Alfred Tetteh. He started 2016 with a headlining win over Mario Briones at The Dancehall in January before dominating Ruben Tamayo over 10 rounds in May and most recently scoring a decision over previously once-beaten Ryan Kielczweski in August.
Born in Bien Hoa, Vietnam as the son of a Vietnamese POW, Nguyen and his family moved to the United States when he was eight-years-old. Nguyen earned a full scholarship to Northern Michigan University as part of their Olympic boxing program and would go on to win a silver medal at the National Golden Gloves and a bronze medal at the U.S. 世錦賽. Fighting out of Vero Beach, 佛羅里達, Nguyen’s losses have all come from undefeated opponents and he enters this fight having won back-to-back contests.
The brother of former world champion Omar, the 20-year-old Figueroa turned pro in May of 2015 by defeating Hector Gutierrez and followed that up by stopping Ricardo Mena, Ramiro Ruiz and Francisco Muro to close out the year. The Weslaco-native has stayed busy in 2016, picking up six victories, including five by way of stoppage.
最初從聖. 聖路易斯, Price’s road has led him to Houston where he now trains with noted coach Ronnie Shields. An exceptional athlete who was highly regarded in track and field as a teenager, the 26-year-old turned pro in 2013. His activity ramped up in 2015 as he took home four victories before 2016 saw him earn impressive victories over previously unbeaten Semajay Thomas and once-beaten Javontae Starks.
在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @ FS1, @FOXDeportes和@Swanson_Comm並成為粉絲在Facebook上 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, 和www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. 可在亮點 www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. FS1上的PBC & FOX Deportes由Corona Extra贊助, 最好的啤酒.

Darwin Price works behind his jab to set up seventh-round TKO of Javontae Starks in Premier Boxing Champions on NBCSN Main Event

注意: This piece is posted on the Premier Boxing Champions website and was written by Sean DeFrank. For more PBC news, 到 www.premierboxingchampions.com.

CLICK 這裡 對於照片
圖片來源: 總理拳擊冠軍

聖安東尼奧 (七. 3) – Darwin Price stayed true to his jab against Javontae Starks, and in return it stayed true to him.
Working consistently behind his piston-like left hand 星期六 夜晚, Price was able to follow up with power shots as he earned a seventh-round TKO in a 142-pound main event at Cowboys Dancehall in San Antonio.
達爾文價格 (11-0, 6 科斯) frustrated Javontae Starks (13-2, 7 科斯) throughout the scheduled eight-round bout with his jab, which he doubled to set up combinations.
After a measured first two rounds in which both boxers threw almost nothing but jabs, Price loaded up a right hand behind a pair of jabs to knock Starks to the canvas in Round 3.
I had to pick up the tempo, so I kept the jab going. I had to be smart,” Price said. “He’s a technical fighter, so I had to keep it tactical in the ring, so I kept using the jab, keeping him at bay, feigning and moving my feet because my speed was a lot faster than his.
In the seventh, Price landed another crisp double jab followed by a straight right that had Starks hurt and trying to hold on. Price began throwing wildly with both hands in an attempt to finish off Starks, who was pinned against the ropes.
價格, 27, then connected on a straight right that stunned Starks and began to dial in with both hands as referee Mark Calo-Oy briefly separated the fighters before stepping right back in to stop the fight at 1:52 該輪.
I kept on bringing the double jab with the right hand because he was open with the right hand, I just didn’t throw it in the beginning that much,” Price said. “But it brought that knockdown and it brought that knockout, so I’m thankful for that.
價格, who was a star distance runner at Grambling State University for four years before starting his pro boxing career, had won his last two fights by eight-round unanimous decision.
It was the second straight defeat for Starks, who was fighting for the first time in more than 300 days since losing an eight-round decision to Samuel Figueroa last year in Orlando, 佛羅里達.
Despite fighting at the lowest weight of his pro career, the 27-year-old Minneapolis native made no excuses after the loss.
He had a pretty good stiff, quick jab and it took me a second to come in and get heated up,” Starks said. “I’ve been off since last October; he just pretty much fought a couple of months ago, but he came in and did his job. He did what he was supposed to do, stuck to his game plan, and he made it difficult for me to get through the jab.
在undercard的行動, Kent Cruz (11-0, 6 科斯) earned an eight-round unanimous decision over Rickey Edwards (11-1, 3 科斯) in a clash of unbeaten 140-pound prospects. Cruz floored Edwards in Round 2 with an overhand right to take early command of the bout.
David Perez (8-0, 4 科斯) delivered a lights-out right hand to gain a sixth-round KO of Gustavo Molina (12-13, 5 科斯) in a 122-pound bout. Perez put Molina down in Round 3 before finishing him off in the final round of the fight.
Dominican 2012 Olympian Junior Castillo (11-1, 9 科斯) gained a six-round unanimous decision over Josue Obando (12-11-1, 10 科斯) in a 162-pound bout.
Justin Pauldo (8-1, 4 科斯) defeated Eric Anton (4-4, 1 KO) by six-round unanimous decision in a 135-pound bout.

Undefeated Rickey Edwards Takes On Fellow Unbeaten Kent Cruz In Premier Boxing Champions on NBCSN Action Saturday, 九月 3 From The Dancehall in San Antonio 8 P.M. ET /下午5時. PT

更多! Unbeaten Prospect David Perez Battles Mexico’s Gustavo Molina & Super Welterweight Contender Junior Castillo Featured
In Undercard Action
SAN ANTONIO (九月 2, 2016) – 不敗 裡基·愛德華茲 (11-0, 3 科斯) is set to take on unbeaten Kent Cruz (10-0, 6 科斯) in an eight-round super lightweight contest as part of 總理拳擊冠軍 NBCSN 星期六, 九月 3 from the Dancehall in San Antonio.
Edwards was originally scheduled to face unbeaten Cuban Yordan Frometa, who was forced to withdraw due to an injury.Televised coverage begins at 8 P.M. AND/5 P.M. PT and is headlined by super lightweight prospects 達爾文價格 Javontae斯塔克斯 在八輪較量.
門票現場活動, which is promoted by Leija Battah Promotions and TGB Promotions, 售價為 $20, $85 和 $100 和 $1,000 和 $850 for tables, before taxes and fees and are on sale now. 購買門票, 通話 (210) 988-8821訪問 HTTPS://lbtickets.ticketleap.com/sept32016/ or in person at Champion Fit Gym at 6824 San Pedro Ave.
Additional action features undefeated prospect David Perez (7-0, 3 科斯) entering the ring for six-rounds of super bantamweight action against 古斯塔沃·莫利納 (23-12, 9 科斯), super welterweight contender 少年卡斯蒂略 (10-1, 9 科斯) of the Dominican Republic in a six-round bout against Mexico’s Josue Ovando (12-10-1, 10 科斯) and Orlando’s Justin Paulido (7-1, 4 科斯) in a six-round lightweight fight against Eric Anton (4-3, 1 KO) of Plano, 得克薩斯州.
Rounding out the night of action is the pro debut of San Antonio’s 周梁淑怡巴里奧斯 in a four-round super lightweight showdown against Amanda Garza (1-0), San Angelo’s Brandon Soto taking on Waco’s Tanner Dodd (0-2) in a four-round super featherweight battle and San Antonio’s Xavier Wilson (1-0) against fellow San Antonio-native Frank Brown in a four-round lightweight fight.
A former New Jersey Golden Gloves champion from Paterson, Edwards fights out of Houston and is unbeaten since turning pro in 2013. The 26-year-old was busy in 2015 as he racked up five victories including a knockout over Marco Antonio Solis. Edwards has defeated previously unbeaten boxers John Delperdang and Azriel Paez in his last two fights. He takes on the unbeaten 23-year-old Cruz. 親自 2013, Cruz picked up a victory over Jerome Rodriguez in April of this year.
A 20-year-old rising prospect fighting out of Houston, Perez turned pro in April of last year with a first round stoppage of Deseante Armstrong. Perez would pick up four more victories in 2015 and has already won three times in 2016. His last outing saw him defeat previously once-beaten Adan Ortiz in his first six round bout and he will now take on the 27-year-old Molina out of Tlaxcala, 墨西哥.
一 2012 Olympian for his native Dominican Republic, Castillo recorded a significant victory in April when he defeated previously unbeaten and highly regarded Kyrone Davis over eight rounds in April before dropping a decision to Justin DeLoach in June. Castillo turned pro in 2013 並提出他的U.S. 12月出道 2015 with victories over Eduardo Flores and Roland Nagy before his triumph in April. Now he will battle the 26-year-old Ovando fighting out of Guadalajara, 哈利斯科, 墨西哥.
欲了解更多信息,請訪問 萬維網.premierboxingchampions.com, TGBPromotions.com and www.nbcsports.com/boxing,. 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, LeijaBattahPR, @TGBPromotions, @CowboysDanceHal和@Swanson_Comm,並成為Facebook上的粉絲在 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.facebook.com/NBCSports. 可在亮點www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.PBC on NBCSN is sponsored by Corona, 最好的啤酒.

Undefeated Prospect Darwin Price Meets Once-Beaten Javontae Starks In Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions on NBCSN Saturday, 九月 3 From The Dancehall in San Antonio

更多! Battle of Unbeaten Prospects
裡基·愛德華茲 & Yordan Frometa
8 P.M. AND/5 P.M. PT
SAN ANTONIO (八月 23, 2016) – Super lightweight prospects 達爾文價格 (10-0, 5 科斯) 和 Javontae斯塔克斯 (13-1, 7 科斯) will meet in an eight-round battle that headlines 總理拳擊冠軍 (PBC) 上 NBCSN 行動 星期六, 九月 3 from the Dancehall in San Antonio.
行動開始於 8 P.M. AND/5 P.M. PT and features unbeaten super lightweights 裡基·愛德華茲 (11-0, 3 科斯) 和 Yordan Frometa (10-0, 7 科斯) competing in an eight-round bout.
This is another step for me after my win in June,” said Price. “I’ve prepared hard in training and I’m anxious to return to San Antonio to fight Javontae Starks. I’m planning on another impressive performance.
I’m very thankful for this opportunity to return to the ring and fight Darwin Price,” said Starks. “This is a perfect time to show the boxing world that I’m recovered from my loss and that I still have what it takes to become a world champion.
門票現場活動, which is promoted by Leija Battah Promotions and TGB Promotions, 售價為 $20, $85 和 $100 和 $1,000 和 $850 for tables, before taxes and fees and are on sale now. 購買門票, 通話 (210) 988-8821訪問 HTTPS://lbtickets.ticketleap.com/sept32016/ or in person at Champion Fit Gym at 6824 San Pedro Ave.
最初從聖. 聖路易斯, Price’s road has led him to Houston where he now trains with Ronnie Shields. An exceptional athlete who was highly regarded in track and field as a teenager, the 26-year-old turned pro in 2013. His activity ramped up in 2015 as he took home four victories including a win in his first eight-round bout against Alvaro Ortiz in November.
戰鬥從明尼阿波利斯, 明尼蘇達州, 斯塔克斯折磨了一個令人印象深刻 98-16 轉為職業選手之前業餘紀錄 2009. At nearly six-foot, Starks used his length and skills to win the first 13 fights of his pro career including victories over Jeremiah Wiggins and Carlos Galvan. He suffered his first defeat to unbeaten Samuel Figueroa but will look to bounce back with a win on September 3.
A former New Jersey Golden Gloves champion from Paterson, Edwards fights out of Houston and is unbeaten since turning pro in 2013. The 26-year-old was busy in 2015 as he racked up five victories including a knockout over Marco Antonio Solis. Edwards has defeated previously unbeaten boxers John Delperdang and Azriel Paez in his last two fights.
After a successful career in the Cuban amateur program, Frometa turned pro in 2015 and has fought out of Quito, 厄瓜多爾. The 27-year-old is unbeaten having fought three times in the U.S. in addition to bouts in Ecuador and the Dominican Republic. Frometa has been busy with six wins in 2016 including a stoppage of Antonio Rodriguez in his last contest.
欲了解更多信息,請訪問 萬維網.premierboxingchampions.com, TGBPromotions.com and www.nbcsports.com/boxing,. 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, LeijaBattahPR, @TGBPromotions, @CowboysDanceHal和@Swanson_Comm,並成為Facebook上的粉絲在 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.facebook.com/NBCSports. 可在亮點www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.PBC on NBCSN is sponsored by Corona, 最好的啤酒.

Unbeaten Prospect Brandon Figueroa Takes On Cuba’s Oldier Landin in Featured Undercard Bout on Saturday, 六月 25 from The Scottish Rite Auditorium in San Antonio

更多! Full Card Featuring Local Prospect Kendo Castaneda, Justin Pauldo, Brandin Chaulker & 更多
PBC on NBCSN Tripleheader Begins at 11 P.M. AND/8 P.M. PT
SAN ANTONIO (六月 22, 2016) – Unbeaten local prospect 布蘭登·菲格羅亞 (7-0, 5 科斯) will battle Cuba’s Oldier Landin (4-1-1, 4 科斯) in a six-round super bantamweight showdown that highlights undercard action on 星期六, 六月 25 from the Scottish Rite Auditorium in San Antonio.
六月 25 活動設有 總理拳擊冠軍 NBCSN tripleheader that is headlined by a clash of rising super welterweight prospects 賈斯汀迪洛克 少年卡斯蒂略. 電視報導開始於 11 P.M. AND/8 P.M. PT and features unbeaten 瑞安 “牧童” 卡爾 對墨西哥的 路易斯 “Muecas” 索利斯 plus a battle of unbeaten prospects as 達爾文價格 發生在 Semajay托馬斯.
門票現場活動, which is promoted by Leija Battah Promotions and TGB Promotions, 售價為 $100, $85 和 $20 更多 $1000 和 $850 for tables, 不包括服務費, 與現已公開發售. To purchase tickets call 210-988-8821 or visit Champion Fit Gym at 6824 San Pedro Ave. 聖安東尼奧, 得克薩斯州 78216.
Further undercard bouts will see Orlando-born prospect Justin Pauldo (6-1, 4 科斯) take on Phoenix’s Jesus Aguinaga (4-3-1) in six-rounds of lightweight action, the pro debut of Houston’s Laurynas Arbaciauskas in a four-round super lightweight battle against Corpus Christi’s Omar Reyes (1-3) 和英格蘭的 Steve Woodall (10-1-1, 7 科斯) in a six-round lightweight bout.
Rounding out an exciting night of fights are a slew of unbeaten San Antonio-prospects as 劍道卡斯塔涅達 (9-0, 3 科斯) enters the ring in welterweight action, Brandon Soto (1-0, 1 KO) against Texas-native John Van Meter (0-1) in a four-round super featherweight clash, unbeaten super featherweight Brandin Chaulker (3-0, 1 KO) in a four-round bout against 丹尼爾·阿里亞加 (0-2-2) and a four-round super middleweight attraction between fighters making their pro debuts as Tommy Kamara 戰鬥 Rynell Riley.
The brother of former world champion Omar, the 19-year-old Figueroa turned pro in May of last year by defeating Hector Gutierrez and followed that up by stopping Ricardo Mena, Ramiro Ruiz and Francisco Muro to close out the year. The Weslaco-native has stayed busy in 2016 picking up three more victories via stoppage over Harold Reyes, Jahaziel Vazquez and Jonell Nieves. He will be opposed by the 28-year-old Landin from Havana, Cuba who made his U.S. debut in February by knocking out Alex Roman in Florida.
# # #
欲了解更多信息,請訪問 萬維網.premierboxingchampions.comwww.nbcsports.com/boxing, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, LeijaBattahPR, @NBCSports和@Swanson_Comm並成為粉絲在Facebook上 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.facebook.com/NBCSports可在亮點 www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC on NBCSN is sponsored by Corona Extra, 最好的啤酒.