Архивы: Дэнни Гарсия


Box Fan Expo является конечным вентилятором опыта события, которое дает любителям бокса возможность встретиться и приветствуют лучшие боец, нынешние и бывшие чемпионы мира, бокс знаменитости и промышленные люди в близком контакте личной настройки.
Билеты на-продажу сейчас на Eventbrite
Лас-Вегас (Апреля 24, 2017) – 3 Чемпион мира Джесси Варгас подтвердил, что появится на Meet & Приветствуйте своих поклонников на Las Vegas Convention Center для третьего выпуска Коробка Вентилятор Экспо который состоится суббота мая 6, 2017 с 10:00 до 17:00, Во время Синко де Майо выходные. Boxing Expo также совпадет с мегабоем между Канело Альваресом и Хулио Сезаром Чавесом-младшим., который состоится позже в тот же вечер.
Варгас снова появится на выставке Expo в этом году в Supreme / Магазин Hykso и Box Fan Expo подпишет перчатки, фотографии и товары. У любителей бокса также будет прекрасная возможность сфотографироваться с мексиканско-американской звездой бокса..
Варгас является мексиканским американским боксером-профессионала, который является экс-чемпионом мира веса, проведя WBA (регулярное) и IBO супер легкие названия в 2014 и WBO в полусреднем титул в 2016.
Варгас присоединяется, Мэйвезер Акции, Марко Антонио Баррера, Невада бокса Зал славы, Юриоркис Гамбоа, Аль Бернштейна, Томас Хернс, Кронк Бокс, WBC, Christy Martin, Mia St.John, Фернандо Варгас и Джоэл Касамайор среди первых участников Box Fan Expo в этом году.
Box Fan Expo был огромный успех у поклонников и бокс людей индустрии. Многие звезды бокса посетили две последние выставки Expo, например, Майк Тайсон., Роберто Дюран, Томми Хернс, Рой Джонс-младший, Серхио Мартинес, Кит Турман, Дэнни Гарсия, Тим Брэдли, Deontay Уайлдер, Амир Хан, Шон Портер, Фернандо Варгас, Заб Джуда, Джеймс Тони, Vinny Pazienza, Майки Гарсия , Mia St.Johns, Лев Санта-Крус, Баду Джека, Терри Норрис , Риддик Боу , Эрни Бритвы, Леон Спинкс и многие другие…
Экспоненты, такие как бокс передач, одежда, новое оборудование, энергетические напитки, алкоголь, Доплата продукты, вещательные СМИ, согласующие органы и другие компании, которые желают принять участие в очередной раз есть шанс продемонстрировать свою бренд поклонник, СМИ и бокс промышленности.
Билеты на коробке Fan Expo можно ознакомиться на сайте:
Box Fan Expo является конечным боксом опыта вентилятора событий, которая позволяет поклонникам встретиться и Приветствуйте бокса суперзвезд сегодня, нынешние и бывшие чемпионы мира, Легенды спорта и другие боксерские Знаменитости на своем стенде. Местный, болельщики будут испытывать различные виды деятельности от Автограф сессий, Фотосессии, Вбрасывание с вашими любимыми боксерами, а также возможность приобрести товары и памятные вещи из своей будки, а также многое другое… Вы не хотите пропустить это нужно обязательно присутствовать на Expo!
Box Fan Expo также будут представлены топ организации бокса, промоутеры, кольцо карты девочки, известные тренеры и комментаторы, а также бокс передач компании “ВСЕ ПОД ОДНОЙ КРЫШЕЙ”.
В течение следующих нескольких недель перед Мероприятием, будет больше объявлений о многих звездах, которые выступят на Boxing Expo..
И для тех, кто в индустрии бокса или других участников (непромышленных), кто хотел бы принять участие и заказать стенд, связаться Box Fan Expo:
Номер телефона: (514) 572-7222 или номер Лас-Вегас (702) 997-1927
По любым вопросам, пожалуйста, напишите: boxfanexpo@gmail.com
Более подробная информация о Box Fan Expo доступна на: HTTP://www.boxfanexpo.com
Вы можете следить за Box Fan Expo на Твиттере: HTTPS://www.twitter.com/BoxFanExpo


Box Fan Expo является конечным вентилятором опыта события, которое дает любителям бокса возможность встретиться и приветствуют лучшие боец, нынешние и бывшие чемпионы мира, бокс знаменитости и промышленные люди в близком контакте личной настройки.

Билеты на-продажу сейчас на Eventbrite
Лас-Вегас (Март 28, 2017) – 2-Чемпион мира по времени и обладатель золотой олимпийской медали., Юриоркис Гамбоа подтвердил, что он появится и будет иметь стенд для встречи & Приветствуйте своих поклонников на Las Vegas Convention Center для третьего выпуска Коробка Вентилятор Экспо который состоится суббота мая 6, 2017 Во время Синко де Майо выходные. Boxing Expo также совпадет с мегабоем между Канело Альваресом и Хулио Сезаром Чавесом-младшим., который состоится позже в тот же вечер.
Гамбоа появится впервые в этом году’ Expo и будет подписывать перчатки, фотографии и продажа товаров. У болельщиков будет возможность сфотографироваться с бывшей чемпионкой мира и олимпийской чемпионкой..
Он будет собирать деньги для удивительной женщины по имени Ивонн Луго., кто страдает ПКД, наследственное хроническое заболевание почек. Ей срочно нужна трансплантация печени и почек.. Гамбоа щедро тратит свое время и силы на сбор средств в надежде спасти ее жизнь.. Пожалуйста, перейдите в HTTPS://ivonnes.fund и помогите этому великому делу.
Гамбоа присоединяется к списку более 50 действующие и бывшие чемпионы мира по боксу, выступавшие на Экспо, встречаться со своими поклонниками лично.
Гамбоа — кубинец. профессиональный боксёр. Он бывший единый полулегкий вес чемпион мира, проведя WBA название от 2009 для 2011, и IBF название от 2010 для 2011. Как любитель он выиграл золотую медаль в легкий вес разделение на 2004 Олимпийские игры, и бронза в полулегком весе на турнире 2005 Мировой чемпионат.
Гамбоа присоединяется к Элу Бернштейну, Томас Хернс, Кронк Бокс, WBC, Christy Martin, Mia St.John, Фернандо Варгас и Джоэл Касамайор среди первых участников Box Fan Expo в этом году.
Box Fan Expo был огромный успех у поклонников и бокс людей индустрии. Многие звезды бокса посетили две последние выставки Expo, например, Майк Тайсон., Роберто Дюран, Томми Хернс, Рой Джонс-младший, Серхио Мартинес, Кит Турман, Дэнни Гарсия, Тим Брэдли, Deontay Уайлдер, Амир Хан, Шон Портер, Фернандо Варгас, Заб Джуда, Джеймс Тони, Vinny Pazienza, Майки Гарсия , Mia St.Johns, Лев Санта-Крус, Баду Джека, Терри Норрис , Риддик Боу , Эрни Бритвы, Леон Спинкс и многие другие…
Экспоненты, такие как бокс передач, одежда, новое оборудование, энергетические напитки, алкоголь, Доплата продукты, вещательные СМИ, согласующие органы и другие компании, которые желают принять участие в очередной раз есть шанс продемонстрировать свою бренд поклонник, СМИ и бокс промышленности.
Билеты на Box Fan Expo можно приобрести онлайн.
Box Fan Expo является конечным боксом опыта вентилятора событий, которая позволяет поклонникам встретиться и Приветствуйте бокса суперзвезд сегодня, нынешние и бывшие чемпионы мира, Легенды спорта и другие боксерские Знаменитости на своем стенде. Местный, болельщики будут испытывать различные виды деятельности от Автограф сессий, Фотосессии, Вбрасывание с вашими любимыми боксерами, а также возможность приобрести товары и памятные вещи из своей будки, а также многое другое… Вы не хотите пропустить это нужно обязательно присутствовать на Expo!
Box Fan Expo также будут представлены топ организации бокса, промоутеры, кольцо карты девочки, известные тренеры и комментаторы, а также бокс передач компании “ВСЕ ПОД ОДНОЙ КРЫШЕЙ”.
На протяжении всего следующего 6 недель до мероприятия, будут еженедельные обновления на многих звездах, которые совершающие их появление на боксерском Expo. И для тех, кто в индустрии бокса или других участников (непромышленных), кто хотел бы получить дополнительную информацию о возможностях спонсорства или зарезервировать стенд, связаться Box Fan Expo:
Номер телефона: (514) 572-7222 или номер Лас-Вегас (702) 997-1927
По любым вопросам, пожалуйста, напишите: boxfanexpo@gmail.com
Более подробная информация о Box Fan Expo доступна на: HTTP://www.boxfanexpo.com
Вы можете следить за Box Fan Expo на Твиттере: HTTPS://www.twitter.com/BoxFanExpo



Re-Watch Keith Thurman’s Split-Decision Victory Over Danny Garcia In Main Event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on CBS, представлен Premier Boxing Champions


Фото кредит: Аманда Уэсткотт / ПОКАЗЫВАНИЕ


CBS Sports Network will air an encore presentation of Субботу razor-close welterweight unification between Keith Thurman and Danny Garcia сегодня вечером/Понедельник на 10 p.m. И. Thurman and Garcia landed within five punches of each other across all 12 rounds of their showdown for the WBA and WBC 147-pound crowns, with Thurman narrowly edging Garcia to unify the division via split decision in front of a record crowd at Barclays Center in Brooklyn.


Понедельник encore presentation of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on CBS, представлен Premier Boxing Champions, will also feature Erickson Lubin’s one-punch KO of Jorge Cota in a WBC 154-pound title eliminator, a victory which sets the 21-year-old on a path to become the youngest world champion in boxing today.


Турман против. Garcia will be available commercial free to SHOWTIME subscribers next week. This offering, including bonus coverage from between rounds of the main event, будет доступна на SHOWTIME ON DEMAND®, SHOWTIME В ЛЮБОЕ ВРЕМЯ® and on the SHOWTIME Streaming Service.


The entire two-fight broadcast will also be available on CBS ALL ACCESS.

CBS Earns Highest-Rated Primetime Broadcast with SHO BOXING on CBS

НЬЮ-ЙОРК (Март 5, 2017) – CBS was the No. 1 network in prime time в субботу ночь, according to Nielsen overnight ratings, with the live broadcast of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on CBS, представлен Premier Boxing Champions. The broadcast, which was produced by SHOWTIME Sports, featured a welterweight world championship unification fight between undefeated champions Keith Thurman (WBA) and Danny Garcia (WBC). Thurman won a close split decision to unify the belts.


The broadcast earned a 2.2 rating from 9 p.m. - 11:15 p.m. И, вверх 22% over the previous June 25, 2016 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on CBS broadcast featuring Keith Thurman vs. Шон Портер (1.8 rating).


*Full data including viewership for the boxing broadcast on CBS will be available in the coming days.



Кит Турман (28-0, 22 КО) of Clear Water, Штат Флорида., defeated Danny Garcia (33-1, 19 КО) of Philadelphia via split decision to become the Unified Welterweight World Champion. The main event aired live on CBS and took place at Barclays Center, дом Бруклина БОКС ™.


The broadcast was produced by SHOWTIME Sports® for the CBS Television Network. The event was held at Barclays Center in Brooklyn, Нью-Йорк, before a record-setting crowd of 16,533, the largest crowd for a boxing event in that arena.


The close fight, which was only the third time undefeated champions came together to unify the 147-pound division, was scored 116-112 Турман, 115-113 Thurman and 115-113 Гарсия.


Фото кредит: Стефани Трапп
Бруклин, Нью-Йорк (Март 5, 2017)Last night at the Barclays Center in New York, Сан - Антонио родной, Марио Барриос (18-0, 10 КО), remained undefeated with a stellar performance, defeated his opponent Yardley Suarez (20-7, 11 КО) by sixth round TKO.
With newly acquired trainer, Вирджил Хантер, в своем углу, Barrios was able to execute his game plan to perfection from the opening bell. After landing plenty of head shots early, Barrios went to the body and ended the fight with a barrage of punches, forcing the referee to stop the bout in the sixth round. С победой, Barrios is now 2-0 at super-lightweight.
I felt really strong going into this fight and it showed сегодня вечером as I was able to get the stoppage,” Саид Марио Барриос. “I was having success early in the fight, landing a lot of solid head-shots. Then I started going to the body and got him out of there.
Окрестности, who recently moved up from super-featherweight to super-lightweight, feels comfortable fighting at 140-pounds.
I plan to stay at this weight and make a run toward a world title in this division” Барриос-прежнему. “I feel with a few more fights at super-lightweight, I’ll be able ready to fight for a world title. The road to the top is not going to be easy, but I’m certain I’ll be ready to fight any of the champions once I climb up the rankings.


Erickson Lubin Knocks Out Jorge Cota in WBC Super Welterweight Title Eliminator: ВИДЕО
Смотреть повтора Понедельник на 10 p.m. на CBS Sports Network
Нажмите ВОТ для фотографий от Tom Casino / SHOWTIME &
ВОТ для фото с Амандой Westcott / SHOWTIME
Нажмите ВОТ для фотографий из Ed Диллер / ДиБелла Entertainment
Нажмите ВОТ for Photos from Andy Samuelson/Premier Boxing Champions
Бруклин (Март 5, 2017) – Кит Турман is the unified welterweight world champion.
Турман (28-0, 22 КО) unified boxing’s glamour division with a split-decision victory over Дэнни Гарсия (33-1, 19 КО) в субботу, defending his WBA belt and picking up Garcia’s WBC crown on boxing’s biggest stage in primetime on CBS from Barclays Center, дом Бруклина БОКС ™.
Событие, which was produced by SHOWTIME Sports® for the CBS Television Network, marked the highest-attended boxing event in Barclays Center history with 16,533 fans witnessing just the 10й unification in division history.
The close affair, which was only the third time undefeated fighters unified the 147-pound division, was scored 116-112 Турман, 115-113 Thurman and 115-113 Гарсия.
The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on CBS main event, which was presented by Premier Boxing Champions, was a tale of effective aggression and ring generalship. Thurman came out swinging and was the busier and more accurate fighter in nine of the 12 раундов. “Один Раз” Thurman was more tactical in the second half of the fight, utilizing lateral movement and working off his jab. Garcia picked up the pace and was more active in the final rounds, but it was too little too late for the previously undefeated Philadelphia native.
I thought I out-boxed him.” Саид Турман, who likely earned a spot on boxing’s mythical pound-for-pound list with the impressive victory. “I thought it was a clear victory, but Danny came to fight. I knew when it was split and I had that wide spread, I knew it had to go to me.
I was not giving the fight away. I felt like we had a nice lead, we could cool down. I felt like we were controlling the three-minute intervals every round. My defense was effectivehe wasn’t landing.
A former unified champion at 140-pound, Garcia was aiming to be the first fighter in history to unify titles at 140 и 147 фунты.
I came up short сегодня вечером,” сказал Гарсия, who entered the bout with a 7-0 record in world title bouts. “I thought I was the aggressor. I thought I pushed the pace. But it didn’t go my way.
I thought I won and I was pushing the fight. But it is what it is. I’ll come back strong like a true champion. I would love a rematch to get these titles.
SHOWTIME Sports analyst and unofficial scorer Steve Farhood scored the fight 116-112 для Турман.
Непобедимый супер полусреднем Эриксон Любин (18-0, 13 КО) нокаутировал Хорхе Кота (23-2, 20 КО) in a WBC 154-pound title eliminator, dropping the previously once-beaten Cota with a flush overhand left at 1:25 (ВОЗ) четвертого раунда.
Lubin now becomes the No. 2 challenger to WBC Welterweight World Championship Jermell Charlo, who is due a mandatory bout against No. 1 contender Charles Hatley.
The Orlando-native Lubin landed 47 percent of his power shots across four rounds of shutout boxing.
I baited him with the jab. I knew he was going to come with the big shots early,” Lubin said to reporter Jim Gray. “I put a few tricks on him, I landed that overhand and it was night-night. I put my hands down to bait him in, I did a squat and then it was night-night. I was ready to follow-up with a right but he was already out.
At just 21-years-old, Lubin now has an opportunity to become the youngest world champion in boxing today.
That would mean a lot to me; that would mean a lot to Orlando, Флорида,” Lubin said. “This is my second time knocking someone out in front of Ray Leonard. He’s one of my favorite fighters of all time. It’s an honor to do this on CBS.
# # #
Keith Thurman vs. Danny Garcia is a welterweight world title showdown between undefeated 147-pound titlists. Заголовки 12-раундового боя ЧЕМПИОНАТ SHOWTIME ПО БОКСУ на CBS, представленный Премьер Бокс чемпионов, Суббота марта 4 от Barclays Center, дом Бруклина БОКС ™. In the co-main event undefeated rising star Эриксон Любин battles once-beaten knockout artist Хорхе Кота in a super welterweight title eliminator bout on CBS at 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT.
Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.SHO.com/Sports Следуйте по щебетатьSHOSports, KeithFThurmanJr, DannySwift, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter ИSwanson_Comm или стать поклонником на Facebook по www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. PBC спонсируется Corona, Finest Beer.

ALL ACCESS Daily: Турман против. Гарсия – Part Three | 4-Part Digital Series


ЧЕМПИОНАТ SHOWTIME ПО БОКСУ на CBS, представлен Premier Boxing Champions, Live in Primetime on CBS at 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT from Barclays Center In Brooklyn


Нажмите ВОТ Для фотографий; Кредит Аманда Уэсткотт / SHOWTIME



Кит Турман: 146 ¼ фунта

Дэнни Гарсия: 146 ½ фунтов

Судья: Майкл Гриффин; Книга судей: Джон McKaie (N.Y.), Кевин Морган (N.Y.), Джозеф Паскуале (N.J.)



Эриксон Любин: 153 ¾ фунтов

Хорхе Кота: 153 ¾ poounds

Судья: Earl Brown; Книга судей: Фрэнк Ломбарди (Conn.), Alan Rubenstein (Пенн.), Том Шрек (N.Y.)



# # #



Keith Thurman vs. Danny Garcia is a welterweight world title showdown between undefeated 147-pound titlists. Заголовки 12-раундового бояЧЕМПИОНАТ SHOWTIME ПО БОКСУ на CBS, представленный Премьер Бокс чемпионов, Суббота марта 4 от Barclays Center, дом Бруклина БОКС ™. In the co-main event undefeated rising star Эриксон Любин battles once-beaten knockout artist Хорхе Кота in a super welterweight title eliminator bout on CBS at 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT.


Билеты на турнире, который способствует ДиБелла Entertainment, начинаются $50 (не включая применимые сборы) и уже в продаже. Билеты можно приобрести в Интернете по адресу www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com или по телефону 1-800-745-3000. Билеты также доступны в кассах American Express в Barclays Center. Групповые скидки можно по телефону 844-BKLYN-GP.


Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.SHO.com/Sports Следуйте по щебетатьSHOSports, KeithFThurmanJr, DannySwift, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter ИSwanson_Comm или стать поклонником на Facebook по www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. PBC спонсируется Corona, Finest Beer.

Keith Thurman vs. Danny Garcia Final Press Conference Quotes & Фото

Welterweight World Title Unification Headlines
Представлено Премьер бокса чемпионов, Суббота, Март 4
Из Barclays Center в Бруклине
Нажмите ВОТ для фото с Амандой Westcott / SHOWTIME
Нажмите ВОТ для фотографий из Ed Диллер / ДиБелла Entertainment
Бруклин (Март 2, 2017) – Undefeated welterweight world champions Кит Турман и Дэнни Гарсия пошел лицом к лицу Четверг at the final press conference before they headline ЧЕМПИОНАТ SHOWTIME ПО БОКСУ на CBS, представленныйПремьер Бокс чемпионов, это Суббота, Март 4 in primetime from Barclays Center, дом Бруклина БОКС ™.
Кроме того, в посещаемости Четверг and opening the broadcast at 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT were undefeated rising star Эриксон Любин and once-beaten knockout artist Хорхе Кота, who meet in a super welterweight world title eliminator.
Билеты на турнире, который способствует ДиБелла Entertainment, начинаются $50 (не включая применимые сборы) и уже в продаже. Билеты можно приобрести в Интернете по адресу www.ticketmaster.com, WWW.barclayscenter.com или по телефону 1-800-745-3000. Билеты также доступны в кассах American Express в Barclays Center. Групповые скидки можно по телефону 844-BKLYN-GP.
Вот то, что участники должны были сказать,:
Кит Турман
This fight has been brewing for a long time. Both of us wanted this fight. There’s a reason why this fight is happening. We’re young, we’re hungry and we’re not trying to wait around. It’s time for this to go down.
“У меня был отличный лагерь. Для меня в этом нет ничего нового. I’m happy to be in this moment with all these people here. I’ve had a dream since I was a little boy to be not just your average champion, but to be a great champion. Before I had that dream, Ben Getty believed in me and it’s because of him that I’m where I’m at today. He predicted this before anyone.
Danny is a smart fighter. He’s swift. He keeps rising to the top. He knows he has people underestimating him now and that fuels him. Для меня, I’m fueled by legacy. I want greatness for myself.
It’s Danny’s reputation against my reputation. We’re both prideful fighters. You’re putting two of the best together. He wants to prove that he can be a unified champion in two divisions and I’ve been waiting for this opportunity to get fights like this. I want to show how and why I’m better than my competition. Суббота night is my platform to show the world how great of a champion I am.
Danny looks ready. But I stay true when I look at you. His eyes wandered, so I wondered a little what that means. What really matters is how the fight starts. You find out if the fighter carries momentum, or if it shifts. What happens, when we land our first big punches?
He feels confident and I feel confident. I believe that I have more to offer. I feel that I can box my way to victory. I visualize outcomes. I don’t think Danny wins without a stoppage. If it goes to the scorecards, it’ll favor me.
There hasn’t been one opponent who’s gotten in the ring with me and said that my power isn’t for real. I think my power and my boxing IQ will be the same. I can change it up. I can do what I need to do, so you are unable to do what you want to do.
This is going to be a fight that you can’t miss. It’s going to be right in your house. If you can’t make it to the arena, you can make it to the couch. This is elite world class championship boxing in primetime. This is for all sports fans.
Дэнни Гарсия
This deserves all the media attention that it’s getting. I’ve been a champion for five years already and I’ve been a unified champion. Суббота I have an opportunity to unify another division. It’s always been a dream to unify multiple divisions and now I have my chance.
We put in all the hard work. We did everything we had to do. I feel really good and I feel confident. В Субботу ночь, I’m going to be a unified champion again.
“Я борюсь, чтобы выиграть. I fight to secure my family’s future and that’s what it’s all about. That’s what we train so hard for. I’m going to give the fans something to watch в субботу.
Legacy is very important to me. I have more milestones than Thurman. This is his biggest fight. Я был в больших боях раньше. Every championship fight is a part of history.
People say he’s the bigger man because he’s been at this weight longer than me. I’m taller than him, I’m wider than him and I have a bigger back than him. I feel like I’m the fresher welterweight.
You can’t chase a legacy or money. When you get desperate, you’ll try to take a shortcut. Everything I do is for the love of the sport. I’ve been blessed to be in this position.
I started boxing because I wanted a trophy. I wanted to show my friends a trophy. I didn’t know the value of a dollar, that came later.
“Я был слабым, прежде чем. All ‘underdogmeans is that there are a whole bunch of people who don’t know what I can do. I rise to the occasion every time. I win because I’m better. В Субботу night I’m going to prove it again.
I made sure that I ate the right things and done everything perfectly during camp. This training camp went great thanks to my team and you’ll see the results в субботу.
If you don’t know me now, you will after Суббота ночь. This fight is in honor of my dear friend and cutman, Тодд Harlib. I wish he could have seen this, but I know he’s looking down on me,
“Такой Как Суббота night I’m going to make my mark in the division. I will become the youngest champion this year. Запомни мои слова. We know my opponent is coming to fight. I’ve proven myself in past fights but I’m still young. I will become the mandatory challenger в субботу ночь.
These type of fights bring the best out of me. Я молод, fierce and hungry. I’m excited to get in the ring and perform.
I’m very thankful for this opportunity. I’m coming to fight and I’m coming to win.
This is a big opportunity for me and I’m going to take full advantage. My dream is to win a world title and I know I have what it takes.
“Я знаю, что есть жесткая противника Суббота night who people think very highly of. I have to believe in my training and keep throwing punches until I get the victory.
I’m very happy to be fighting in New York city as part of this great card and I’m going to put on a show.
Лу ДиБелла, Президент ДиБелла Entertainment
It really doesn’t get better than this for a boxing fan. This is as significant a fight as you can make in boxing right now and it might be the best fight you can make in boxing.
The fact that this fight is on broadcast television on CBS is a huge plus for our business and anyone who loves boxing, For a fight of this magnitude available to so many people is a tremendous thing for boxing.
Were on pace to set all sorts of records in terms of attendance and gate for boxing in the history of the great borough of Brooklyn.
“Главное событие в субботу doesn’t need a lot of hype. It’s just the second primetime fight on CBS in 40 years and the most significant fight on network television in a generation.
Keith and Danny have been on a collision course for their whole careers. These guys wanted to fight each other. This is one they both really wanted to happen now.
Стивен Эспиноза, Executive VP & Главный Управляющий, Showtime спорта
The sport of boxing is on the rise and SHOWTIME is proud to be a part of it. We are leading the industry with the strongest lineup of fights in boxing. No one is doing for boxing what SHOWTIME is. We’re doing everything possible to spread the word about these great events to fight fans.
We’re delivering the best fights and bringing it to the widest audience possible. Субботаis no exception. Two undefeated champions in the prime of their careers. It’s elite fighter versus elite fighter and on free television, not PPV.
When two fighters meet at Barclays, it is always special. В июне, Турман против. Shawn Porter was a Fight of the year candidate, В Июле, Санта-Крус против. Frampton was a Fight of the Year candidate. January of this year, Badou Jack vs. James DeGale was another Fight of the Year candidate. В Субботу ночь, this will be another special fight.
When the best fight the best, special things happen. Леонард против. Hurns, Тринидад против. De La Hoy, Мэйвезер. Пакьяо. Big fights and memorable fights. This has always been boxing’s glamor division. В Субботу night you will found out who the top fighter in this division is.
The co-feature we have one of boxing’s brightest, most talented prospects in Erickson Lubin. If you don’t know him, you should. He’s taking on the toughest opponent of his career. An experienced fighter, a monster puncher and a real tough test. This whole card is worthy of this slot on CBS.
BRETT YORMARK, генеральный директор Бруклин Спортс & Развлечения
В эту субботу the nation will see world class championship boxing at its best and on display at Barclays Center in front of millions of primetime viewers on CBS. These are two undefeated superstars in the ring and we are proud to be the host.
We will have our biggest crowd ever for a boxing event в субботу, намного. It’s on pace to be one of the biggest non-Nets sporting event, in terms of gross revenue, in Barclays Center history.
Barclays Center is Danny’s home away from home. Since fighting in our first event in 2012 he has gone on become one of the sport’s biggest names
Keith has fought twice in Brooklyn and cemented his legacy in the sport and brought himself new fans. We’re thrilled to have him back for this great event.
# # #
Keith Thurman vs. Danny Garcia is a welterweight world title showdown between undefeated 147-pound titlists. Заголовки 12-раундового боя ЧЕМПИОНАТ SHOWTIME ПО БОКСУ на CBS, представленный Премьер Бокс чемпионов,Суббота марта 4 от Barclays Center, дом Бруклина БОКС ™. In the co-main event undefeated rising star Эриксон Любин battles once-beaten knockout artist Хорхе Кота in a super welterweight title eliminator bout on CBS at 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT.
Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.SHO.com/Sports Следуйте по щебетатьSHOSports, KeithFThurmanJr, DannySwift, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter ИSwanson_Comm или стать поклонником на Facebook по www.Facebook.com/SHOSports,www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. PBC спонсируется Corona, Finest Beer.

Top Fighters, Тренеры & Journalists Make Keith Thurman vs. Danny Garcia Predictions Ahead of Primetime Showdown This Saturday, Март 4 в Barclays Center в Бруклине

Премьер Бокс чемпионов, Broadcast Coverage Begins at
9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT
Бруклин (Март 2, 2017) – As fight night nears for the highly anticipated welterweight world title unification showdown between Кит Турман и Дэнни Гарсия, top boxing personalities including fighters, trainers and journalists are weighing-in with their predictions for the main event of ЧЕМПИОНАТ SHOWTIME ПО БОКСУ на CBS, представленный Премьер Бокс чемпионов, это Суббота, Март 4 от Barclays Center, дом Бруклина БОКС ™.
Broadcast coverage begins at 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT with undefeated rising star Эриксон Любин battling once-beaten knockout artist Хорхе Кота in a super welterweight title eliminator bout.
Билеты на турнире, который способствует ДиБелла Entertainment, начинаются $50 (не включая применимые сборы) и уже в продаже. Билеты можно приобрести в Интернете по адресу www.ticketmaster.com, WWW.barclayscenter.com или по телефону 1-800-745-3000. Билеты также доступны в кассах American Express в Barclays Center. Групповые скидки можно по телефону 844-BKLYN-GP.
Here is what boxing experts, journalists and fighters had to, along with their predictions:
Шон Портер, former 147-pound champion, Keith Thurman MD 12 Дэнни Гарсия:I’ve watched both Danny Garcia and Keith Thurman all the way through the amateurs and now in the pros. They’re both really good fighters. Both strong. Both intelligent. Both make good adjustments over the course of a fight. I’m choosing Thurman to stay undefeated because, I think not only is he a little stronger, and a little smarter, but I also think his boxing ability is superior to Garcia’s.
I think he’s going to give Danny problems when he moves. I think Thurman is going to have Danny off-balance. I think Thurman is going to make it very hard for Garcia to set up his offense. And I think based off of that one element Thurman will win a majority decision
Майки Гарсия, three-division and 135-pound champion, Danny Garcia W 12 Кит Турман: I think Danny Garcia takes it. He finds a way to win. He has experience and has been able to make adjustments to get the win. Garcia by decision over Keith Thurman.
Джарретт Херд, 154-чемпион фунта, Danny Garcia W 12 Кит Турман: I haven’t seen Danny Garcia hurt before, but I’ve seen Keith Thurman hurt to the body against Luis Collazo. Garcia took punches from hard-hitting Lucas Matthysse. No matter how much Garcia’s been the underdog, he always finds a way to pull the upset.
Другое Берто, former 147-pound champion, Keith Thurman W 12 Дэнни Гарсия: Это будет великий бой. I’m learning toward Keith Thurman over Danny Garcia.
Роберт Герреро, multi-division champion, Keith Thurman W 12 Дэнни Гарсия:I’m picking Keith Thurman to win by decision over Danny Garcia. Both fight with a lot of heart, and it’s going to be a Fight if they Year type of fight. I just think Thurman has more weapons in his arsenal. Both are undefeated, so may the best man win.
Кевин Iole, Yahoo! Спортивный, Keith Thurman UD 12 Дэнни Гарсия: I love this fight and I really feel that it’s a toss of a coin. Danny Garcia has faced better opposition, but I feel that Keith Thurman is about to make a statement.
Тим Дальберг, Associated Press, Danny Garcia W 12 Кит Турман: Прежде всего, this looks to be a terrific fight, so props to both fighters for risking their undefeated records and not hiding behind belts. This could easily go either way; I see it going to a decision with Danny Garcia winning. I think he’s fought the better opponents and will be able to land the bigger punches against a boxer in Keith Thurman who will at times give him fits.
Боб Велин, USA Today/Boxing Junkie, Keith Thurman TKO 10 Дэнни Гарсия: Keith Thurman is fresh, confident as hell after beating Shawn Porter, as relaxed as I’ve seen him, in the best shape of his life and, thanks to Angel Garcia’s mouth, perhaps just a little bit extra motivated to shut that mouth. Danny Garcia is an underrated boxer and puncher and will give Thurman all he can handle. But eventually “Быстро” will succumb to Thurman’s power. Both men have a strong desire to be the face of the welterweight division, if not all of boxing. Я считаю “Один Раз” will prevail.
Mike Coppinger, USA Today, Boxing Junkie, Danny Garcia SD 12 Кит Турман:Danny Garcia is the more experienced, опытный боец, and it should be apparent on March 4. The underrated Philadelphian never got enough credit for upset wins over Amir Khan and Lucas Matthysse, and it seems he’s being overlooked again. Keith Thurman will bring it, and both men could be hurt in a fight with many big exchanges. But I say Garcia ekes out a deserving nod.
Гордон-Марино, Wall Street Journal, Danny Garcia W 12 Кит Турман: I am picking Danny Garcia by a decision. I think Garcia has superb skills. Keith Thurman is explosive but wild and I think Danny will be able to capitalize on the many openings that Thurman will give him. Danny has a good jab and he closes the distance well. I think Garcia is a multi-dimensional fighter whereas with Thurman, all his eggs are in the knockout basket. On the mental side, both of these guys have great confidence in themselves and a mighty will to win. They both have solid chins. This is a terrific matchup.
Томас Гербаси, BoxingScene.com, Keith Thurman W 12 Дэнни Гарсия: Keith Thurman has been fighting at a higher level more consistently than Danny Garcia as of late, and the Shawn Porter fight showed him to be able to make adjustments on the fly when necessary. All should serve him well в субботу.
Бобби Кэссиди, Newsday, Danny Garcia W 12 Кит Турман: Any time you have two undefeated fightersin the prime of their careersit’s extremely difficult to pick a winner. I think the difference in this fight will come down to experience. Danny Garcia has been fighting better competition for longer. He’s been here before and when the going gets tough, he’ll be able to weather the storm and box through it. While Keith Thurman holds the decisive edge in power, I think Danny is more versatile. He’s quicker and is the better boxer. Danny has more tools to win the fight than Thurman and he’s going to need all those tools. I think Garcia wins a close unanimous decision.
Митч Абрамсон, RingTV.com, Danny Garcia UD 12 Кит Турман: I think Danny Garcia has the better chin, has fought the better competition and punches harder than Keith Thurman, who has become more of a fighter who relies on movement as he’s fought better competition. Garcia has also been more active of late, fighting in November while Thurman will have been off since last June. While the fight will be highly competitive, I think Garcia will pile up enough early rounds to win a tight unanimous decision.
Джейк Донован, FightNights.com, Keith Thurman MD 12 Дэнни Гарсия: The last welterweight unification title fight between unbeaten champs ended in a controversial decisionfor the fight time, one going against Oscar de la Hoya who was denied victory versus Felix Trinidad in 1999. My hunch is this night becomes Garcia’sOscar nightin his career for the wrong reasons, as he finally does enough to convince even his harshest critics that he belongs among boxing’s elite, only for Thurman’s hand to be raised at night’s end in a controversial decision.
Zachary Alapi, Fansided, Danny Garcia MD 12 Кит Турман: Although Garcia has been criticized for his level of opposition since defeating Lucas Matthysse, he remains a technically sound, battle-tested fighter who always seems to find a way to adapt and win. Look for Garcia’s vaunted left hook, кадры тела, and more precise punches to edge out Thurman’s incredible combination of power and speed. Garcia never seems to jump off the proverbial page, but he should be able to do только enough to negate Thurman’s superior attributes and dictate tempo. Expect a close decision that will reflect the quality of both fighters and that could necessitate a rematch.
Джо Santoliquito, RingTV.com/CBS Philly/Sherdog, Keith Thurman W 12 Дэнни Гарсия: I think Keith Thurman has too much firepower for Danny Garcia. Thurman has taken on much tougher opponents over the last two years, and that can only make a fighter sharper and better. С другой стороны, I don’t think Garcia has pushed himself the way that he could. Это должен быть большой бой.
Бернард Фернандес, The Sweet Science, Keith Thurman MD 12 Дэнни Гарсия: I got called a homer for picking the Philly guy, Дэнни Гарсия, against Amir Khan, Lucas Matthysse and Lamont Peterson when a lot of my colleagues in the boxing writing fraternity went the other way. На этот раз, it seems feasible to lean the other way. Call it Keith Thurman by majority decision.
Cliff Rold, BoxingScene.com, Danny Garcia W 12 Кит Турман: Danny Garcia seems to come up biggest in big moments, underachieving when the lights are dimmer.
Keith Thurman has a power advantage, but Garcia maybe the better boxer. With Garcia’s left hand counter being a tonic to a Thurman who sometimes lunges, in what could be a messy fight at times, I’ll go with Garcia by the skin of his teeth.
Норма Frauenheim, The Ring/15rounds.com, Keith Thurman UD 12 Дэнни Гарсия:Amir Khan and Lucas Matthysse are two good reminders of just how foolish it is to pick against Danny Garcia, who is always at his resilient best when odds and pundits line up against him. But Keith Thurman knows that, and he’s smart enough to know that history repeats itself if its lessons are ignored. He won’t.
Thurman also knows how to use a very good jab, which could be a foil against Garcia’s dangerous counter andif consistentenough to score points in a narrow, perhaps controversial victory.
Райан Songalia, RingTV.com/The Rappler, Danny Garcia W 12 Кит Турман: I like this fight. Boxing needs more match ups between two undefeated champions in their prime with everything to lose. When you have real stakes, there’s no need for added drama. I’m going with Danny Garcia in a close one. I think his experience, his dedication to the body work, and his jab will be the slight difference against Keith Thurman. It seems that every time Garcia’s in a situation like this, he finds a way to win.
Paul Magno, The Boxing Tribune, Keith Thurman SD 12 Дэнни Гарсия: I can’t wait for this one. Keith Thurman-Danny Garcia is one of the most intriguing fights in recent memory-almost a textbookwill vs. skillbout between two 20-something elite-level fighters in their prime. Garcia has a cool precision about him and a well-honed skill set. Турман, с другой стороны, is an explosive, physical fighter who is equal parts awkward and overpoweringly athletic. If Thurman boxes from the outside, using his legs and trying to play it calculated and safe, Garcia will be able to pick him apart and eventually take him out.
Однако, if Thurman bull rushes in, like he did against Shawn Porter, Garcia will have trouble. I’m expecting the latter. Garcia is a technical fighter at heart and will have trouble with a Thurman who is mauling him and making it difficult for him to execute. I see this as a close fight that will have a constant ebb and flow of action, но, в конечном счете, an in-your-face Thurman will have just a bit too much energy and raw ambition for Garcia. I see a split decision in favor of Thurman with all three scorecards in the 115-113 или 116-112 range and talk of a rematch buzzing even before the decision is announced.
Джеймс “Smitty” Кузнец, In This Corner TV, Keith Thurman W 12 Дэнни Гарсия: My pick is that Keith Thurman will beat Danny Garcia by decision with his overall versatility and athleticism.
Diego Morilla, The Sweet Science/Prize Fighters, Keith Thurman W12 Danny Garcia: Дэнни Гарсия, to put it bluntly, is due to lose. Not only because his father’s big mouth makes us wish that he will finally learn a lesson, but rather because he has gotten used to fighting barely at the level of his opponent and getting away with it.
Keith Thurman has all the vulnerabilities that Garcia could easily exploit in his favor, but it’s hard to envision Danny surviving the kind of action that Thurman endured and overcame against Shawn Porter and others.It will be a tough, fast-paced fight in which Thurman will probably allow Garcia to steal a few rounds with his great counterpunching skills, но “Один Раз” will apply the right pressure at the right time during the fight to earn a solid victory by unanimous decision.
Гэри “Цифровой” Уильямс, Fightnews.com, Keith Thurman late-round KO Danny Garcia: I am going with Keith Thurman, possibly by late-round knockout. Thurman’s boxing movement will be the key. It will be tough for Danny Garcia to get inside. Garcia is going to try to make it a rough one but I just think Thurman will be too much overall.
Alec Kohut, freelance boxing writer, Danny Garcia W 12 Кит Турман: Danny Garcia has all the tools. Power in both hands, great footwork and wonderful ring generalship. Кит Турман, слишком, has great skills, but not as refined as Garcia’s.
If there is a knock on Garcia, it’s that if his power punches aren’t landing, he does not wear down an opponent for a late stoppage. He wins rounds and goes for the decision, which is what’s going to happen here. I’d love to predict a back and forth gut wrenching fight, but I believe Garcia will win, not by winning the fight, but by winning the majority of the rounds.
John J. Raspanti, Maxboxing.com, Ringside Boxing Show, Doghouseboxing.com, Keith Thurman W 12 Дэнни Гарсия: This matchup is a classic 50-50 борьба. I see Keith Thurman winning the early rounds with his faster hands and feet. The underrated Danny Garcia will find success to the body and begin to rally. The bout will be close going into the last three rounds, but I see Thurman doing a little more to win the fight by a close 12-round decision.
Ронни Шилдс, trainer of Jermall Charlo and others, Keith Thurman D 12 Дэнни Гарсия: Keith Thurman-Danny Garcia is a 50-50 борьба. Both guys are well-schooled, and I predict that it will end in a split-draw.
Стивен Эдвардс, trainer of 154-pound contender Julian Williams, Danny Garcia W 12 Кит Турман: Keith Thurman has the faster feet and more skiddish style. Although he is looked at as the puncher, Danny Garcia has to not chase Thurman. Garcia has to make Thurman come to him so he can counter punch. Garcia’s dilemma is does he chase Thurman or does he wait. He always makes the right decision. I say that he waits and wins a controversial decision.
Деррик Джеймс, trainer of 147-pound contender Errol Spence Jr.: Danny Garcia SD 12 Кит Турман: It should be an interesting fight. Danny Garcia has the speed, and he should be able to use that to his advantage. С другой стороны, Keith Thurman should have more power and if he lands, Garcia may be in trouble. I am focused on our fight with Kell Brook, but I hope that we are able to fight the winner, which I think will be Garcia by close split-decision victory.
Ernesto Rodriguez, trainer of 154-pound champion Jarrett Hurd, Keith Thurman W 12 Дэнни Гарсия: I pick Keith Thurman due to adjustments to box when he’s in trouble and his ability to hurt you with a punch. Tough bout to pick but I’m picking Thurman to beat Danny Garcia by decision.
Абель Санчес, trainer of Gennady Golovkin, Danny Garcia W 12 Кит Турман:По-моему, Danny Garcia wins a tough, hard-fought decision. I never really thought that Keith Thurman would be able to pull it out in a hard, 12-раундовый бой.
Рубен Герреро, father and trainer of Robert Guerrero, Keith Thurman W 12 Дэнни Гарсия: I think Keith Thurman is going to win the fight, but he needs a knockout. If it goes to the distance, I think they’ll give it to Danny Garcia.
Кевин Каннингем, trainer of Devon Alexander, Keith Thurman W 12 Дэнни Гарсия: I’ve got Danny Garcia winning by a decision over Keith Thurman.
FINAL TALLY: Турман: 18, Гарсия: 14, Привлечь: 1
# # #
Keith Thurman vs. Danny Garcia is a welterweight world title showdown between undefeated 147-pound titlists. Заголовки 12-раундового боя ЧЕМПИОНАТ SHOWTIME ПО БОКСУ на CBS, представленный Премьер Бокс чемпионов,Суббота марта 4 от Barclays Center, дом Бруклина БОКС ™. In the co-main event undefeated rising star Эриксон Любин battles once-beaten knockout artist Хорхе Кота in a super welterweight title eliminator bout on CBS at 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT.
Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.SHO.com/Sports Следуйте по щебетатьSHOSports, KeithFThurmanJr, DannySwift, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter ИSwanson_Comm или стать поклонником на Facebook по www.Facebook.com/SHOSports,www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. PBC спонсируется Corona, Finest Beer.