Tag Archives: Danny Garcia

Brandon Rios Los Angeles Media Workout Quotes and Photos

Danny Garcia vs. Brandon Rios, Plus David Benavidez vs.
Ronald Gavril Super Middleweight World Title Rematch Takes Place Saturday, Otsaila 17 Live on SHOWTIME from Mandalay Bay
Events Center in Las Vegas
Klikatu HEMEN for Photos from Idris Erba/Team Brandon Rios
LOS ANGELES (Feb. 7, 2018) – Mundu txapeldun ohia Brandon “Bam Bam” Rios hosted a Los Angeles media workout Asteazkena in advance of his welterweight title eliminator against Danny “Swift” Garcia Larunbata, Feb. 17, bizi SHOWTIME from Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas and presented by Premier Boxing Champions.
Co-eginbideak In SHOWTIME txapelketa boxeoa telecast (10 p.m. ETA/7 p.m. PT), undefeated super middleweight world champion David BENAVIDEZ eta goi-hauek contender Ronald Gavril square-off in a rematch of their thrilling September 2017 bout bertan BENAVIDEZ hutsik titulua irabazi zatitu erabakia arabera.
the telecast Opener In, welterweight contender Yordenis Ugas cumple Ray Robinson in an IBF 147-pound title eliminator.
Zuzeneko gertaera sarrerak, hau da, Mayweather Eskaintzak eta Promozioak TGB sustatutako, salgai daude gaur egun eta eskuragarri daude AXS.com tan.
Hemen da borrokalari esan nahi izan zuen Asteazkena from NGBA Boxing Gym:
I’m training really hard and I’m ready to get back in the ring. My weight is perfect right now and I’m just ready to give the fans a great show.
This is the kind of fight that I asked for because I know that beating a guy like Danny Garcia will mean a lot to my career and put me on the fast track to accomplish my goals.
Danny has a lot of power on his hook. He throws it hard and is accurate. We’ve worked hard to prepare for this moment and I’m excited.
Having Robert Garcia here makes me much happier in training. I love the instructions from him and Donald Leary, and I love having them as my corner. Sparring the young guys in Robert’s gym really has helped me. Those guys are hungry and always pushing to prove themselves. I have to keep elevating my game.
As long as I beat Danny Garcia, I know that it puts me back to the top of this division. I’m here again and I’m doing it right this time. I want to make the most of this part of my career. I don’t want to ever wonderwhat if?'”
“Irabazteko noa. That’s my mentality. I’m going into this fight with that same hunger and drive to never be defeated. I’m going to do whatever I have to do to win this fight.
We’re expecting to fight the best version of Danny Garcia. I know he had his first loss and wants his title back, so he’ll be prepared. I think we’re going to give the fans a great show.
I feel rejuvenated and more mature than ever before. I’ve already been to the top. I just want to do things right this time so I can get back up there and stay there. I’m taking this camp very seriously to be at my best on February 17. I’m going to go out there and execute the game plan.
We’re going to give 150 tickets to first responders of the Las Vegas incident last year and it means a lot to me and my whole team. Those men and women work very hard and put their lives on the line to protect us all around the world. It means a lot to me for them to come to this show.
ROBERT GARCIA, Rios’ Trainer
For this fight Brandon has been so motivated and training so hard. He’s very close to weight already and we’ve had more than enough rounds of sparring.
Brandon is like my little brother and he’s definitely part of the family. I’ve always been in touch with him even when I wasn’t training him. When we agreed to team up again, the promise was that he had to stay healthy and train hard and show us that he wants to be champion again. Since that day, he’s been on a mission. He’s doing it the right way.
Danny Garcia is a great two-division world champion. We expect him to be confident and I’m sure he’s training hard to get a good win. Brandon is going to be motivated to give everyone a great fight. His mind set is to go out and beat Danny Garcia and that’s what he’s going to do.
Brandon is training hard to do what people don’t believe he can do. His confidence is like never before. I see the same Brandon that we’ve seen in the best moments of his career.
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Informazio gehiago www.SHO.com/Sports eta www.premierboxingchampions.com, TwitterSHOSports on jarraitu, @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, and @MandalayBay or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/ShoBoxing, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions eta www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. Premier Boxing Txapeldunen da Corona Extra aurkeztutako, finest Beer.

Philadelphia-Native & Two-Division World Champion Danny Garcia Talks Underdog Mentality for Hometown Philadelphia Eagles & Iragartzen Super Bowl LII ere Garaipena

Garcia ohia txapelduna Brandon Rios hartzen Welterweight World Izenburua Eliminator in Larunbata, Otsaila 17 Live SHOWTIME on Mandalay Bay Events Center Las Vegas-tik
PHILADELPHIA (Urtarrilaren 31, 2018) – Philadelphia bertakoak eta bi zatiketa munduko txapeldun Danny “Swift” Garcia ditu underdog rola thrived hainbat aldiz ikusi du goi Txapeldun slew garaitzeko zion karrera osoan zehar. Garcia Just like Amir Khan eta Lucas Matthysse gainean garaile bere garaipen handienetako bitan, Garcia en jaioterrian Philadelphia Eagles aurka igande honetan Super Bowl LII in New England Patriots aurka apurtutzat itxura izango.
“Zaudenean underdog, energia hori eta haserrea hori erabiliz doubters duten ezer egin dezakezu erakusteko buruz guztiak da,” esan zuen Garcia. “Nahikoa duzu zeure burua sinesmena absolutua duten eta ezer irabazi ahal izango duzu.”
borrokalaria oraindik bizi da eta trenak bere jaioterrian For, besterik kirol hainbeste zale eremu batean bezala, Eagles etxera ekartzen Super Bowl garaipen bat haurtzaroko ametsak amaiera izango litzateke.
“Eagles dira I behaketa ditudan Ume txiki bat izan dut geroztik,” esan zuen Garcia. “Txikia nintzenean mugitu auzo bat non futbola benetan garrantzitsua izan zen I eta lagundu duten maitemindu ninduen kirol batera.”
Garcia irudikatzen du bere hiri hartan ikusi du izenburu irabazi zion super arin eta welterweight at karrera osoan zehar, berriz garaitu esaterako Khan bezala goi borrokalariak, Matthysse, Lamont Peterson, Zab Juda, Robert Guerrero, Erik Morales eta Paulie Malignaggi. Garcia Philadelphia borrokatu ziren, duela bi borroka denean Azken garaipen bat entregatu zuen bere zaleen jaioterrian Liacouras Center Temple Unibertsitatean.
“Ez dago Philly kirol zale toughness da,” esan zuen Garcia. “'Rocky’ lagundu molde antzeko gure herriaren irudia. Nire alaba Philly izeneko I hainbeste me hiri hau irudikatzeko esan nahi duelako. Dena ez dut Philly da. Nik beti Eagles Super Bowl irabazi buruz amestu.”
Garcia honako behar dira Super Bowl bere jaioterrian Philadelphia Eagles garaipen bat bere irabazi denean txapeldun ohia hartzen zuen espero Brandon Rios welterweight munduko titulua eliminator batean Larunbata, Otsaila 17 SHOWTIME bizi Mandalay Bay Events Center Las Vegas-tik.
“Hau da, Philadelphia hilabete handi bat izango da,” esan zuen Garcia, “New England beat goaz uste dut 28-17. Oraindik gogoan dut lehen Super Bowl New England aurka atzo bezala. galera hori nirekin itsatsita eta taldeak eta hiri ditu gehiegi ezagutzen dut. Hau da gure modua aukera dago.
“Ezin dut itxaron Eagles ikusteko irabazi Super Bowl eta ondoren, naiz gai joan Las Vegas aste pare bat joan, Philly nire bizkarrean batera, Brandon Rios beat.”
Garcia vs. Rios SHOWTIME txapelketa boxeoa telecast ere unbeaten super middleweight munduko txapelduna arteko errebantxa ezaugarriek titularrak David BENAVIDEZ eta goi-hauek contender Ronald Gavril. Zuzeneko gertaera sarrerak, hau da, Mayweather Eskaintzak eta Promozioak TGB sustatutako, salgai daude gaur egun eta eskuragarri daude AXS.com tan.
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Informazio gehiago www.SHO.com/Sports eta www.premierboxingchampions.com, TwitterSHOSports on jarraitu, @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, @MandalayBay eta @Swanson_Comm edo fan Facebooken bihurtu tanwww.Facebook.com/ShoBoxing, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions eta www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. Premier Boxing Txapeldunen da Corona Extra aurkeztutako, finest Beer.

Yordenis Ugas eta Ray Robinson IBF 147 kiloko Izenburua ezabatzeari Match ere Clash Live SHOWTIME larunbatean, Otsaila 17 Mandalay Bay Las Vegas-tik & Aurkeztutako Premier Boxing Txapeldunen arabera

Bi-Division Txapelduna Danny Garcia ohia munduko txapelduna Brandon Rios hartzen ekitaldi nagusian & 168-Pound txapelduna David BENAVIDEZ defendatzen Izenburua errebantxa Top Contender Ronald Gavril Against ere Co-Feature in






LAS VEGAS (Urtarrilaren 30, 2018) - Welterweight contenders Yordenis Ugas eta Ray Robinson 12-txandan IBF 147 kiloko titulua ezabatzea batean aurrez SHOWTIME zuzenean bout Larunbata, Otsaila 17 Mandalay Bay Las Vegas-tik Premier Boxing Txapeldunen aurkeztutako ekitaldi batean






Ugas vs. Robinson hasten SHOWTIME txapelketa boxeoa tripleheader batean 10 p.m. ETA/7 p.m. PT hori bi zatiketa txapeldun arteko borroka baten arabera headlined Danny Garcia Mundu txapeldun ohia hartuz Brandon Rios welterweight izenburua eliminator batean. Co-Ezaugarri ikusiko 168 kiloko munduko txapeldun David BENAVIDEZ Bere izenburua defendatzeko aurkako errebantxa ere goi-hauek super middleweight contender Ronald Gavril.






welterweight Showdown hau IBF en kopuru bi boladan txapelduna Errol Spence Jr. ospatutako titulua lortzeko posizioa impugna egingo.






Zuzeneko gertaera sarrerak, hau da, Mayweather Eskaintzak eta Promozioak TGB sustatutako, salgai daude gaur egun eta eskuragarri daude AXS.com tan.






Ekintza osagarria arena barruan bilduko 175 kiloko contender Lionell Thompson (19-4, 11 Kos) borrokalari hard-sakatuz Edwin Rodriguez (29-2, 20 Kos) 10-txandan matchup batean, contender arin Ladarius Miller (14-1, 4 Kos) eta antzinako munduko txapelduna Argenis Mendez (24-5-1, 12 Kos) 10 txandan Showdown ohia eta goi-postu amateur kirrinka Joe Spencer bere pro debuta egingo du aurka Uriel Gonzalez (1-2-1, 1 KO) lau txandan 154 kiloko bout batean.






Ugas (20-3, 9 Kos), nor izan zen Kuban jaio eta orain Las Vegas bizi, kirol boxeolariak gehien bat eta azkar-riser a welterweight zatiketa dago. aho batez erabaki bat galdu Amir Imam to ondoren 2014, Ugas 31 urteko urtebete aireratu boxeo batetik eta itzuli zen malko bat. Abuztutik 12 hilabeteko span batean zehar 2016 abuztura 2017, Ugas bost borrokak zuzen irabazi, off joka goi contenders eta irtenbideak Jamal James barne, Bryant Perrella, Levan Ghvamichava, Thomas Dulorme eta Nelson Lara, iragarki laburrak zereginak garaipen bat baino gehiago barne.






Robinson (24-2, 12 Kos) Philadelphia borrokalaria epitome da - consummate boxeolari bat beti dator borrokatzera eta atsegin lanpetuta egoteko. Ugas Robinson ibilbidearen erronka gogorrenetan bat irudikatuko du. southpaw 32 urteko hiru aldiz borrokatu ziren iaz, eta zazpigarren txandan erabaki tekniko garaipen bat Breidis Prescott gorako Atlantic City on off datozen June 30.






out biribilketak borrokak gauean ari unbeaten Andres Cortes (6-0, 4 Kos) Sei txandan arin borroka batean, boladan Brian Gallegos (6-0, 4 Kos) Sei super luma ekintza-txandetan, super flyweight contender Ava Knight (14-2-4, 5 Kos) Sei txandan erakarpen eta unbeaten perspectiva in Jonathan Esquivel (6-0, 5 Kos) borrokalari Cameron Burroughs (4-2, 3 Kos) Sei txandan middleweight borroka batean.


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Informazio gehiago www.SHO.com/Sports eta www.premierboxingchampions.com, TwitterSHOSports on jarraitu, @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, @MandalayBay eta @Swanson_Comm edo fan Facebooken bihurtu tan www.Facebook.com/ShoBoxing, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions eta www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. Premier Boxing Txapeldunen da Corona Extra aurkeztutako, finest Beer.


10 Karpa Events First Half Of Across 2018
12 World Champions; 14 Undefeated Fighters
12 Munduko Txapelketa Borrokak
Danny Garcia * Deontay Wilder * Jermall Charlo * Mikey Garcia * Erislandy Lara
Adrien broner * Keith Thurman * Leo Santa Cruz * Abner Mares
* Jermell Charlo * Errol Spence Jr..
NEW YORK Urtarrilaren 24, 2018 SHOWTIME Kirolak eta Premier Boxing Txapeldunen iragarri dute SHOWTIME txapelketa boxeoa telebista hamaikakoa® for the first half of the year. Airing 10 zuzeneko mundu-mailako nazioarteko ekitaldiak – protagonista 12 munduko txapeldun eta 12 munduko titulua borrokak – PBC eta Showtime dira industria goi-hegaldi boxeo denboraldi baterako estandar bat eta antolaketa maila bat lehenago inoiz kirolaren ikus ezarriz.
The schedule features more than two dozen elite fighters competing in boxing’s deepest and most talent-laden weight divisions and boasts the largest collection of stars in the sport today. arbel zazpi goi-10 sailkapenean borrokalari matchups eskaintzen, lau goi-bost sailkapenean borrokalari matchups, lau goi-10 libra-libra emaitzarik munduko txapeldun eta munduko bat izenburua bateratze bout.
Led SHOWTIME eta PBC arabera, boxeo bizi errenazentista bat ere 2017 ezarritako munduko txapeldun Mikey Garcia ekin, Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia, Deontay Wilder, Leo Santa Cruz eta Anthony Joshua, batera budding izar Gervonta Davis, Errol Spence Jr., Jermell eta Jermall Charlo eta David BENAVIDEZ. In 2018, guztiak zentro etapa hartzen ari Floyd Mayweather by erretiroa estela, Wladimir Klitschko, Miguel Cotto eta beste batzuk.
“izarrak benetan lerrokatzea, eta Showtime eta PBC izango da berriro ere ezarri erritmoa mugarri boxeoa urte bat,” esan zuen Stephen Espinoza, Lehendakaria, Kirol & Gertaera Programazioa, Showtime Sareak Inc. “To bultzada positiboa jarraitzeko, gure helburua da koherentea oinarri on the borrokak onena emateko ahalik eta zabalena audientzia. This lineup delivers pivotal bouts with frequency and purpose – guztiak gure harpidedun doan. SHOWTIME urrun eta kanpoan da No. 1 boxeo zale nazio helmuga.”
The 27 borrokalari honek industria-puntako propioak hamaikakoa inauguratu 731 guztira garaipen, 106 world title victories and a staggering win percentage of .957. Fourteen of the fighters are undefeated and all but four have earned at least one world championship. Also included in this lineup are four of the consensus top-10 ranked welterweights, adostasun bi goi-bost sailkapenean featherweights, eta adostasun goi-bost 154 kiloko zatiketa borrokalari hiru.
boxeo ekitaldien arbel osoa Airs SHOWTIME plataforma guztietan zuzeneko – telebista, mugikorren eta sare horrek internet streaming zerbitzua.
In 2017, SHOWTIME Kirol entregatu industrian ordutegia esanguratsuenak eta koherentea – 25 nights of live boxing featuring 33 munduko txapelketa borrokak eta baino gehiago 70 bouts in all. Berriro ere, izar distiratsuena off aurre egingo sarea boxeoa ordutegia osatu eta sinesgarria aurkezten gisa, behean agertzen:
Aurkeztutako Premier Boxing Txapeldunen arabera
Jan 20 SPENCE vs. PETERSON Brooklyn
IBF Welterweight Munduko Txapelketan
IBF Arina Munduko Txapelketan
Feb 17 GARCIA vs. RIOS Las Vegas
WBC Welterweight Izenburua Eliminator
WBC Super middleweight Munduko Txapelketan
Itsasoa 3 WILDER vs. ORTIZ Brooklyn
WBC Heavyweight Munduko Txapelketan
WBC behineko middleweight txapelketan
Itsasoa 10 GARCIA vs. LIPINETS San Antonio
IBF Junior Welterweight Munduko Txapelketan
Barthélemy vs. RELIKH II
WBA Super arin Munduko Txapelketan
April 7 LARA vs. HURD
154-Pound Munduko Txapelketan bateratzea
WBC Super arin Izenburua Eliminator
Maiatza 19 KEITH THURMAN Brooklyn
WBA / WBC Welterweight Munduko Txapelketan
Maiatza 19 STEVENSON vs. JACK Canada
WBC Argia Heavyweight Munduko Txapelketan
June 9 SANTA CRUZ vs. MARES II Los Angeles
WBA Featherweight Munduko Txapelketan
WBC Super Welterweight Munduko Txapelketan
June 16 ERROL SPENCE JR. Dallas
IBF Welterweight Munduko Txapelketan
2018 Egutegia By
Jan. 20: Spence vs. Peterson – Barclays Center Brooklyn
boxeoa gehien handiko txapeldun gazte batek, unbeaten IBF Welterweight Munduko txapelduna Errol Spence Jr.. (22-0, 19 Kos) Atao off ordutegia zortzigarren txandan ohia bi zatiketa munduko txapelduna eta goi-10 sailkapenean welterweight of TKO batekinLamont Peterson (35-3-1, 17 Kos) in Spence first title defense. Co-Ezaugarri In, boladan IBF Arina munduko txapelduna Robert Pazko Jr.. (20-0, 14 Kos) estua irabazi, Mundu ohia txapelduna baino gehiago split-erabakia garaipena Javier Fortuna (33-1-1, 23 Kos) ekintza-kit borroka batean.
Feb. 17: Garcia vs. Rios – Mandalay Bay Events Center Las Vegas
Bi zatiketa munduko txapeldun Danny Garcia (33-1, 19 Kos) returns to the ring to begin his quest toward another welterweight world championship. Garcia’s long reigns at 140 eta 147 pounds ended last March in a close decision loss to unified champion Keith Thurman. Orain, Garcia gogorra ohia munduko txapelduna erronka izango Brandon Rios (34-3-1, 25 Kos), all-ekintza borrokalaria nor izan borrokatu ziren kirol onenak. Co-nagusia gertatuz gero, boxeo gazteena munduko txapeldun, 21-urteko David BENAVIDEZ (19-0, 17 Kos), Bere lehen titulua defentsa egingo goi contender aurka errebantxa in Ronald Gavril (18-2, 14 Kos). super middleweights zirraragarria borroka batean joan den irailaren duten BENAVIDEZ erabaki polemikoa amaitu borrokatu ziren.
March 3: Wilder vs. Ortiz – Barclays Center Brooklyn aurrera
heavyweight munduko txapelketa zatiketa susperraldia jarraitzen. Amerikako boladan, Do Not. 1 heavyweight, WBC Munduko txapelduna Deontay Wilder (39-0, 38 Kos),ikaskide unbeaten CHALLENGER aurre egingo Luis Ortiz (28-0, 24 Kos) adostasun matchup aurreikusitako batean goi-5 sailkapenean heavyweights. Wilder preziatua berde gerriko ekitaldia egin du urtarriletik aurrera 2015 eta sei arrakastatsua izenburua defentsak egin. Orain, Wilder Ortiz big zulaketa energiarekin Kubako pugilist oso kualifikatua aurpegiak. co-nagusia Ekitaldia ohia super welterweight txapelduna eta goiko middleweight contender bilduko Jermall Charlo (26-0, 20 Kos) behin-jipoitu contender hartu Hugo Centeno Jr.. (26-1, 14 Kos)behineko WBC middleweight Munduko Txapelketan.
March 10: Garcia vs. Lipinets – Freeman Coliseum San Antonio
Goiko libra-libra borrokalariak boxeoa bat, Mikey Garcia (37-0, 30 Kos) historia egiteko mundu izenburu bat atzemateko laugarren pisu klase batean saiatuko dira. bere bidea zutik unbeaten power-puncher eta IBF Jr. da. welterweight txapelduna Sergey Lipinets (13-0, 10 Kos), nork bere lehen titulua defentsa egiteko. Bi 140 kiloko izenburu izango bi zatiketa txapeldun gisa lerroan izango Rances Barthelemy (26-0, 13 Kos)Badirudi lehen Kubako boxeolari bihurtu inoiz irabazi munduko tituluak hiru pisu klase ezberdinetan zuen aurpegiak denean Kirly Relikh (21-2, 9 Kos) Beren polemikoa maiatzaren bout rematch batean, oraingoan hutsik WBA Super arin titulua.
April 7: Lara vs. Hurd – kokapena TBD
WBA Munduko txapelduna Erislandy Lara (25-2-2, 14 Kos) and IBF World Champion Jarrett Hurd (21-0, 15 Kos) izenburuak bateratzeko definitzeko une batean 154 kiloko zatiketa bilduko. In 2017, SHOWTIME telebistaz zortzi matchups goiko bost guztia protagonista sailkapenean super welterweight txapeldun eta challengers ez ofiziala Txapelketa batean. bateratze Partidu hau Kubako Lara wizardry teknikoak indarra eta ausardia Hurd of aurka Pit.
April 21: Broner vs. Figueroa – Barclays Center Brooklyn aurrera
Lau zatiketa munduko txapeldun Adrien broner (33-3, 24 Kos) ezarri du bere burua, ez bakarrik gisa handienetako bat kirol marrazten, baina borrokalari gisa nor da beti lehia gogorrenak aurre egiteko prest. Hori denean boladan ohia munduko txapelduna hartzen zuen jarraituko du Omar Figueroa (27-0-1, 19 Kos), all-ekintza brawler bat duten inoiz urrats bat hartzen atzera, as the former champions meet in a WBC Super Lightweight Final Eliminator. The co-main event will feature one of boxing’s brightest young stars in Gervonta Davis (19-0, 18 Kos) 23 urteko boladan ohia txapelduna itxura bere titulua berreskuratu gisa.
Maiatza 19: Thurman defendatzen Worlds Izenburuak – Barclays Center Brooklyn aurrera
Keith Thurman the bateratu 147 kiloko munduko txapeldun bakarra eta adostasun Ez dago. 1-sailkapenean borrokalaria boxeoa preeminent pisua zatiketa. boladan Thurman The(28-0, 22 Kos) WBA titulua izan ditu geroztik 2015. the WBC gerriko zuela irabazi erabakigarria baino gehiago aurrez unetan gertatu Danny Garcia joan den martxoan ikusiena urteko bout hasi, SHOWTIME Boxing aurkezpena CBS on. ukondoa lesio bat kirurgia beharrezkoa dela honako, Thurman izango ekintza itzultzeko aurkari baten aurka zehazteke.
Maiatza 19: Stevenson vs. Jack – Kanada tik
WBC Argia Heavyweight munduko txapelduna Adonis Stevenson (29-1, 24 Kos) knockouts lortu du bere zortzi titulu defentsak, sei eta agian aurre egingo bere erronka gogorrenetan denean batailak zuen bi zatiketa txapeldun Badou Jack (22-1-2, 13 Kos).Jack 175 kiloko mundua bere argi heavyweight debuta titulu bat harrapatu abuztuan eta gerrikoa askatu ahal izateko, berehala egin goi-bost sailkapenean argi heavyweights of matchup honetan.
June 9: Santa Cruz vs. Mares II – Aurrera Los Angeles
euren ostean 2015 titulua Showdown ekarri Staples Center Epaileak bere oinak to, WBA Featherweight txapelduna Leo Santa Cruz (34-1-1, 19 Kos) eta hiru zatiketa munduko txapeldun Abner Mares (31-2-1, 15 Kos) topo egingo dute beren Los Angeles jaioterrian partekatutako. Santa Cruz, nor ere izenburuak izan ditu hiru zatiketa ere, azken sei urteetan, jarraitzen emankorrenak borrokalari bat kirola gaur. Madres, antzinako mundu bantamweight at txapeldun, super bantamweight eta luma, helburua zehatza mendeku hurbil gehienak erabakia galera Santa Cruz to ondoren 2015. goi-partaidetzaren adostasun arteko matchup hau goi-bost sailkapenean featherweights argitasun gehiago emango pilatuta zatiketa bat biltzen dituen Gary Russell Jr., Carl Frampton and Lee Selby. The consensus No. 1 tan borrokalaria 154 kilo, Jermell Charlo (30-0, 15 Kos) bere WBC Super Welterweight Munduko Txapelketan defendituko co-Ezaugarri aurkari baten aurka zehazteke.
June 16: Spence defendatzen Welterweight Izenburua – Dallas aurrera
Fresh off nagusitzen performance bat goi-10 ohia welterweight txapeldun aurka, libra-libra handia Errol Spence Jr.. (23-0, 20 Kos) Bere Dallas jaioterrian itzultzen du IBF Welterweight Munduko Txapelketan bigarren defentsa.
About Showtime Sareak Inc.
Showtime Sareak Inc. (SNI), osorik jabetzako CBS Corporation filiala, jabea eta premium telebista SHOWTIME funtzionatzen®, MOVIE CHANNEL ™ eta Flix®, eta, era berean, eskaintzen Showtime Eskaria On®, Filma CHANNEL eskari eta Flix DEMAND ON ™®, eta sarearen autentifikazio-zerbitzua SHOWTIME edonoiz®. Showtime Digital Inc., osorik jabetza SNI subsidiarioak,, stand-alone streaming zerbitzua Showtime funtzionatzen®. SHOWTIME is currently available to subscribers via cable, DBS eta TELC hornitzaileak, eta stand-alone streaming zerbitzu bat Apple bitartez®, Urtea®, Amazon, Google, Xbox One eta Samsung. Kontsumitzaileak ere SHOWTIME izena eman dezakezu Hulu bidez, YouTube TV, Sling TV, DIRECTV orain, Sony PlayStation® Vue and Amazon Channels. SNI ere kudeatzen Smithsonian Sareak, SNI eta Smithsonian Institution arteko joint venture bat, bertan Smithsonian Channel eskaintzen, eta eskaintzen Smithsonian EarthSN LLC Digital bidez. SNI merkaturatzen eta pay-per-view oinarri SHOWTIME PPV bidez kirol eta aisialdi ekitaldiak erakusketa banatzen harpidedun®. Informazio gehiago lortzeko, joan www.SHO.com

Danny Garcia vs. Brandon Rios & David BENAVIDEZ vs. Ronald Gavril Los Angeles Prentsaurrekoa Aurrekontuak & Argazkiak

Garcia vs. Rios & BENAVIDEZ vs. Gavril 2 Gertatzen Larunbata, Otsaila 17 SHOWTIME bizi Mandalay Bay Events Center Las Vegas-tik & Aurkeztutako Premier Boxing Txapeldunen arabera
Klikatu HEMEN Scott Hirano / SHOWTIME argazkiak egiteko
Klikatu HEMEN Chris Farina argazkiak / Mayweather Promozioak for
Klikatu HEMEN Erick Ramirez argazkiak egiteko /
Premier Boxing Champions
LOS ANGELES (Urtarrilaren 9, 2018) – Bi zatiketa munduko txapeldun Danny “Swift” Garcia eta antzinako munduko txapelduna Brandon “Bam Bam” Rios joan aurre-aurre lehen aldiz Asteartea Prentsa Los Angeles hitzaldi batean euren nagusien gertaera Showdown ari iragartzekoLarunbata, Feb. 17 SHOWTIME bizi Mandalay Bay Events Center Las Vegas eta Premier Boxing Txapeldunen aurkeztutako.
Era berean, parte-hartzaile Asteartea ziren WBC Super middleweight munduko txapelduna David BENAVIDEZ eta goiko contender Ronald Gavril, Euren zirraragarria munduko titulua borroka errebantxa bilduko irailetik telecast co-ezaugarria ere.
Zuzeneko gertaera sarrerak, hau da, Mayweather Eskaintzak eta Promozioak TGB sustatutako, salgai daude gaur egun eta eskuragarri daude AXS.com tan.
Hemen da borrokalari esan nahi izan zuen Asteartea Conga L.A gela batetik. Live:
“benetan ona sentitzen dut adimen eta fisikoki oraintxe. Nire gorputza atseden eta prest handi bat izan da 2018 hasita Otsaila 17.
“zentratu behar da honelako borroka bat lortu behar duzu, eta uste dut Brandon Rios daki. gogor entrenatzen ari naiz, zuen gehiegi espero dut orain. Inoiz ez dut borroka bat hartu off joan.
“Hau da boxeolari baten borroka klasiko bat puncher brawler bat versus. guztia eta hasiera prestatuta behar noa 2018 eskuineko off. borrokalaria Beti izan naiz egon behar dut.
“osasuntsu eta indartsu eta borrokatzeko prest nago. galtzea naiz jarriz Keith Thurman nire atzean eta aurrera. to Danny Garcia izaten ardatz daukat Otsaila 17. Ezin dut sakatu eta saiatu gehiegi egin, Aski dut garaipena lortzeko.
“bai 140 kiloko tan aldi berean txapeldun izan ginen eta ez genuen aukera izan ondoren, borrokatzeko iristeko, baina guztiak boxeoa erritmoaren buruz. Gauzak ohi lan egin eta orain prest buru-to-burua joan gara.
“Inoiz ez dut atzera behera eta Brandon Rios ikusten nigan ezagutzen dut. Beti etortzen naiz borrokatzera. Honez gure estilo eta gure determinazio matchup handia izango da.
“Azken hiru nire aurkariak borrokak ikustea gustatzen zait. me zer zuen borroka gauean itxura adierazle ona ematen dela uste dut. Nire azken borroka zinta dira I behaketa ditudan gehiegi hain handia joko plan bat elkarrekin lor dezakegu.
“Thurman aurkako borroka ona borroka egin nuen bezala sentitu dut. ez benetan ihardun zuen. Laugarren txandan, funtsean zen itzal boxeoa ondoren pentsatu nuen. Ez dut errua zion mutu izan da nirekin aurrean stand duzulako. doikuntza batzuk egin beharko dugu eta gehitu jadanik ez dut ondo.
“dut ez direla eskaintzen Shawn Porter borrokaren baina horrek borroka handi bat izango litzatekeela uste dut. aurrera etorriko gustuko ditu eta handi boxeolari eta kontra-puncher bat naiz. Zale Maite litzatekeela uste dut, baina Shawn Porter ibili zer egin zuen desiratuz izan behar du.”
“Denek nire estiloa daki. Ez naiz hemen dantzan, Banoa, borrokatu. ere ez noa nire bihotza out mundu hori naiz oraindik onenetako bat dago out erakusteko.
“indartsu sentitzen naiz eta rejuvenated sentitzen dut. Nire gorputza gainerako batzuk beharrezkoak nire borrokak guztia gerrak daudelako. ordainleku bat hartu du nire gorputza eta orain beti bezain ondo sentitzen naiz. Mundu desberdinak Brandon Rios bat erakusteko prest nago.
“onenen aurka borrokatzeko onena izan da saiatu behar duzu. Danny Garcia izan da ireki kirol honen goialdean denbora luzez. Beti nago proba bat egiteko prest.
“gisa izan behar dut eta ez beti prestakuntza eta nire pisua hartu bezain serio erabiltzen dut. gazte eta mutu nengoen eta akatsak egin nuen. akats horiek nire iraganean daude eta ni forma handia dut oraintxe.
“Izan dut benetan gogor entrenatzen osoa gas depositua bat borrokan gauean dute. dudan geratu erretiratu zitekeen, baina oraindik daukat niretzat, eta ez dago oraindik gehiago kirol hau atera nuen lortu ahal. Benetan maite dut boxeoa eta ilusioa itzuliko da honelako borroka handi batean nago.
“Beti nago ziur lortuko dut Biribilean. Izateak Robert Garcia hor nire anaia izaten ari da nirekin. besterik beste hori, eta I fidatzen erabili dut ahotsa da.
“Atzera Biribilean izatea zen pixka nerbio-wracking bat baina pozik eraztuna herdoila lortzeko off nengoen. zer egin behar izan nuen eta pozik esperientzia hori bidez lortu zen. benetan eskertzen du jarrera hori Danny Garcia borrokatzea izan naiz.
“Nik prest goiko borrokalariak edozein borrokatzea izan naiz. itxaron dut eta nire denbora hartu banekien aurka nuke duenarentzat urratsa litzateke delako. zer nahi nuen lortu nuen eta orain denbora aprobetxatu da.”
“adierazpen bat egin behar izan nuen Otsaila 17. naiz Mandalay Bay utziz dut nire sorbaldan gerriko batekin. Azken lortzeko behar dut eta hori zer ari den egiten ari nintzen.
“Honez nire ametsa izan da apur bat mutil izenburuak bateratzeko izan dut geroztik, eta hori da orain bidean nabil. pisua klase historian onenetako bat izan nahi dut, eta nago oso zaila betetzeko duten lan I.
“gazteena super middleweight munduko historian txapelduna naiz eta Gavril erakusteko zergatik noa. oso motibatuta are azken aldiz baino hobeto begiratu naiz eta knockout lortu.
“Hazi nintzen garaian non denek borrokatu ziren denak. Ez zen hainbeste energia eta ilusio borroka bakoitzean, eta hori zer ari den zaletu ekarri bila I. Hau da, borroka handi bat ez duzula nahi galdu izango da.
“lehen borrokan garbi irabazi nuen bezala sentitzen dut. Gavril pentsatzen zuen etorri eta kolpatu me out orain joan, baina hainbeste konfiantza badu, egin behar zuela lehen borrokan. oso gogor entrenatzen ari naiz oraintxe bertan joan eta malko hura sortu.
“Borroka honetan estrategia apur bat desberdina izango da. Hori plangintza ari gara gauza batzuk ditugu. Baina oraindik ere gerra bat izango da, fan errespetatzen borrokalaria izan nahi dudalako. ikuskizuna lapurtzen espero dut.
“txapelduna naiz sentitzen naiz naiz posizio etorkizun hurbilean borrokak handi batzuk egin bezala, beraz,. Munduko Boxeo Super Series 168 kiloko txapelketako irabazlea nahi dut. Ohore beste Txapeldun gisa zutabea bera izan naiz eta ezin dut itxaron haiekin Biribilean.
“Ez nuen ahaztu Gavril lehen aldiz. contender bat izan zen banekien eta gogorra eta borrokatzeko prest ere etorri zen. Bere estiloa ezagutzen dut orain, beraz, naiz hobea lortzean lan egiteko joan joan. Badira gauza asko lehen borrokan dut egin behar izan ziren. aprobetxatu oraingoan noa.”
Ronald Gavril
“Nik ez dut uste bezain ona izan zen jendeak esan bezala, gure lehen borroka sartu zen joan. Ez zuen borrokatu ziren benetako borrokalariak, beraz, zer gertatu zen igo zen inor kontra ikusi duzu.
“Benetan zoriontsu hemen izango eta jarrera hori errebantxa for izan naiz. David BENAVIDEZ eskerrak eman dit aurka egitea onartu nahi dut. lehen borroka irabazi dudala uste nuen banekien honetan nahi nuen berehala orain. errebantxa hau irabazi dut.
“Asko ikasi nuen lehen borroka-tik. Zer hobeto egin oraingoan daukat ezagutzen dut. estrategia egokitu egingo da, eta, are gogorrago lan egingo dut camp prest izan nahi du. adimen eta fisikoki ahal dudan onena izateagatik nabil.
“borrokalaria gazte bat oraindik gauza ikasteko asko ditu da. Oraintxe txapeldun izan zen, baina prest egon behar izan zuen. Honek ez du haren aldeko borrokan erraza izan. ez naiz hura minik eta borroka irabazteko joan.
“Gauzak baino hobeto asko egin dezaket lehen borrokan. Lehenengo partidan trebetasunak dudala frogatu dut, eta orain garaipena lortzeko hobetu egingo dut. Hemen nago arrazoi bat. Ez da berarentzat erraza borroka bat izango da.
“bakarra naiz David BENAVIDEZ pentsatzen oraintxe. I guztia jarriz naiz errebantxa honetan sartu eta gerriko lortzean. When I irabazi, gainerako arduratuko da bera.”
# # #
Informazio gehiago www.SHO.com/Sports eta www.premierboxingchampions.com, TwitterSHOSports on jarraitu, @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, @MandalayBay eta @Swanson_Comm edo fan Facebooken bihurtu tanwww.Facebook.com/ShoBoxing, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions eta www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. Premier Boxing Txapeldunen da Corona Extra aurkeztutako, finest Beer.


Gehiago, 168-Pound Champion David Benavidez Makes First World Title Defense in a Rematch with Ronald Gavril in the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Co-Feature
Sarrerak salgai Larunbata, Abendua 23 at 10 a.m. PST!
LAS VEGAS (Abendua 21, 2017) – Bi zatiketa munduko txapeldun Danny “Swift” Garcia returns to the ring to take on former world champion Brandon “Bam Bam” Rios on welterweight Showdown batean Larunbata, Otsaila 17 bizi SHOWTIME Mandalay Bay Events Center Las Vegas hartan eta aurkezten dituen Premier Boxing Champions.
Co-Ezaugarri In, boxeo gazteena munduko txapeldun David “Banderaren” BENAVIDEZ will defend his Super Middleweight World Championship for the first time against Ronald Gavril Beren irailaren zirraragarria errebantxa in 2017 bout bertan BENAVIDEZ hutsik titulua irabazi zatitu erabakia arabera.
Txartela dago Mayweather Promozioak eta TGB Promozioak sustatutako elkartea DSG Promozioak batera. The Benavidez-Gavril rematch is co-promoted by Sampson Boxing. Tickets for the live event go on sale Larunbata, Abendu. 23 at 10 a.m. PST and will be available at AXS.com.
I’m excited just to get back in the ring,” esan zuen Garcia, who was reigning world champion for the better part of six years dating back to his win over Hall of Famer Erik Morales in 2012 Martxoaren bidez 2017. “I needed the time off to recuperate and let my body heal.
Garcia (33-1, 19 Kos) was a unified world champion at super lightweight and welterweight and has fought and defeated many of the most formidable opponents in both divisions spanning two generations-Morales, Zab Juda, Kendall Holt, Amir Khan, Lucas Matthysse, Paulie Malignaggi and Lamont Peterson among them. Four of his five opponents in the welterweight division were world champions and 10 Bere azken of 14 opponents were world champions or former world champions.
I was the reigning champion for six years, so I needed the rest,” continued the 29-year old Philadelphia fighter. “I’m ready to kick off the year in style and take over the welterweight division.
Bere azken borroka batean, a welterweight clash of world title holders, Garcia lost via split decision to now unified 147-pound world champion Keith Thurman in a hard-fought, exciting fight that aired live on CBS. The SHOWTIME BOXING on CBS broadcast drew the biggest boxing audience of the year, more than five million viewers which remains the largest audience to witness a primetime boxing broadcast since 1998.
Orain, Garcia looks to re-establish his once dominant position at welterweight, a division that boasts more top-10 pound-for-pound fighters in the sport than any other weight class; fighters including world champions Errol Spence Jr., Thurman, Shawn Porter, Kell Brook, Lamont Peterson and more.
What’s interesting in this fight with Brandon Rios is our styles. We both like to come forward. This kind of matchup will bring out the best in both of us. I’m excited to be back in Las Vegas. I’ve had some of my best performances and some of my biggest fights there. I beat Lucas Matthysse and Amir Khan in Vegas. You fight in Las Vegas, you’re a superstar,” added Garcia.
Garcia Like, Rios has fought many of the top welterweights of this era including world champions Timothy Bradley and Manny Pacquiao. The hard-nosed slugger from Oxnard, Kalifornia., ditu 34 garaipen, 25 knockout. The 31-year-old Rios always comes prepared to battle. With an aggressive style and granite chin, he is one of the most entertaining boxers in the sport. In his last fight he scored a TKO victory over Aaron Herrera on June 11. A victory over Garcia, a top-10 welterweight in his own right, would immediately change the course of Rioscareer and demand that he be placed among the top-ranked in the division.
I’m excited to prove my critics wrong again,” said Rios. “I’m bring a ‘Bam BamRios slugfest to my fans. Danny is a great fighter, but I will beat him just like I have beat others in the past. I am focused and will make this a classic Mexican-Puerto Rican battle!”
SHOWTIME is poised to start the year with two crucial welterweight main event matchups,” esan zuen Stephen Espinoza, Executive Vice President and General Manager of SHOWTIME Sports®. “Following the January 20garren event pitting Errol Spence Jr. vs. Lamont Peterson, Garcia vs. Rios features two of the most battle-tested and ferocious 147-pound fighters in the world. Add in the Benavidez vs. Gavril II co-feature, a fight that is guaranteed to deliver dramatic action, and we are picking up right where we left off in 2017 delivering the most compelling and important matchups in boxing’s deepest divisions.
We’re looking forward to the action at Mandalay Bay Events Center in February,” esan zuen Leonard ELLERBE, CEO Mayweather Promotions. “Both Garcia and Rios are seasoned fighters that have faced the toughest competition in the welterweight division and they are both very hungry for a big win. The co-feature rematch between the youngest reigning world champion David Benavidez and challenger Ronald Gavril we already know will be thrilling. All four of these men have proven that they’ll put it all on the line in the boxing ring to leave no doubt about who the better man is. Horrez gain, we are working on a crowd-pleasing undercard now. Everyone on this card will need to bring their ‘A gameto Las Vegas in order to be victorious on Otsaila 17.”
Danny Garcia is one of the most battle-tested, skillful boxers in the sport. What he did in running through the 140-pound division before moving up to welterweight is simply amazing,” said Tom Brown, TGB Promozioak lehendakaria. “‘Bam BamRios is a throwback warrior. He never met a fight that he backed down from. Putting Garcia and Rios into the ring against each other promises nothing but fireworks in a match that should provide maximum entertainment for fans. It’s the kind of fight that belongs in Las Vegas, a classic battle that harkens to welterweight wars of the past. The first match between Benavidez and Gavril left enough room for doubt that a rematch should settle any remaining questions. I’d expect both boxers to come in with something to prove and that translates into a fan-friendly match.
The 21-year-old Benavidez (19-0, 17 Kos) became the youngest reigning world champion in boxing and the youngest 168-pound champion in history at 20-years, nine months old when he scored a split decision against Gavril to win the super middleweight title on September 8. The bout featured multiple swings of momentum, thrilling exchanges and a wild 12garren txandan. Benavidez and Gavril pushed each other to deliver the best performance of their respective careers thus far.
I feel I won the fight,” said Gavril immediately after the decision. “I dominated the pace. I can’t say anything elseThe only thing I can do is to ask for a rematch.
On Otsaila 17, Gavril will get it.
No excuses this time,” esan Sampson Sampson Boxing Lewkowicz. “The minute Benavidez finished the fight I requested the rematch-on behalf of the winner-for the sole reason that he needed to win by emphatically and not by split decision. I wanted the public to be able to have the rematch so that everyone will know who the best is. I expect this time Gavril will say that he’s really been beaten. As the youngest reigning champion in the sport today, I want no doubt that Benavidez is the better man. It was a great fight the first time and this time we’ll see who the best truly is. Aitzakiarik. No doubt.
Phoenixetik borrokan, Ariz., Benavidez had scored 10 straight knockouts leading up to the match against Gavril. His eight-round KO victory over Rogelio Medina put him position for the vacant title.
This is a fight that my father, my team and I decided to take again to show everybody that I’m really the champion and there’s more to me than just being the youngest world champion,” Benavidez said. “I feel like I’m the better fighter and I’m going to definitely show it this time. I learned from that first fight that he puts on a lot of pressure. He likes to throw at the same time that I’m throwing. There are a couple different approaches to take against that. It’s going to be a great night of fights. Danny Garcia and ‘Bam Bam’ Rios, these are two fighters I look up to in the sport and it’s an honor to fight in their undercard. My training has been going well. We decided to bring in a strength and conditioning coach and I feel really strong. I believe I’ll be very prepared.
Gavril (18-2, 14 Kos) rose rapidly through the ranks by scoring seven straight victories including four by knockout since 2015. The 31-year-old Gavril was born in Bacau, Romania and now lives and fights out of Las Vegas. He fought a brilliant match against Benavidez, seizing control in the middle rounds and even dropping the young contender in the 12garren with less than a minute left in the fight. Azken batean, it wasn’t enough as Gavril lost on two of the three judges’ scorecards.
I can’t wait to get into the ring again and take that belt,” said Gavril. “I learned his game plan quickly during the first fight, I blocked it well then, and I plan to do the same again. He has fast hands and power, I won’t take that from him, but I am prepared for whatever plan he comes in the ring with. I know I have what it takes to win this time. Preparing for this fight the second time around has been different, training has been more intense, and my team is preparing me to take him out once and for all. I can’t let him win. Some people said I won back in September, and were surprised by my performance. I thought it was close, and I thought the knock down gave me the advantage to win. All I can do is be ready. I don’t think either of us will upset the fans on fight night. I want to thank Floyd Mayweather and Leonard for another opportunity against Benavidez. He’s a great fighter and tough competitor and this will certainly be a great fight.
Informazio gehiago www.SHO.com/Sports eta www.premierboxingchampions.com, TwitterSHOSports on jarraitu, @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, @MandalayBay eta @Swanson_Comm edo fan Facebooken bihurtu tan www.Facebook.com/ShoBoxing, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions eta www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions

FACE OFF SAMUEL VARGAS vs. ALI FUNEKA NABA Welterweight Championship

OHARRA berehalako
Samuel Vargas vs. Ali Funeka
HeadlinesFace Offin NABA title fight
Abu. 19 in Brampton, Kanadan

TORONTO, Ontario, Kanadan (Uztailaren 5, 2017) – North American Boxing Association welterweight champion Samuel Vargas has been on boxing’s biggest stage and he’s determined to prove that he still belongs there.
The 28-year-old Vargas (27-3-1, 14 Kos) steps up in one of the most significant fights of his career, Abuztua 19, as he defends his NABA title against three-time world title challenger Are “Rush HourFuneka (39-6-3, 31 Kos) in the main event of Lee Baxter Promotions’ (LBP) second event at the Brampton Powerade Centre, “Face Off”, in Brampton, Ontario, Kanadan.
Vargas-Funeka is inarguable one of the highest-level bouts to be staged in Toronto in several years.
Sam is still at a stage in his career where he’s improving and to challenge a guy who’s been a world title contender for the better part of a decade shows that he’s still hungry and still wants to test himself,” sustatzailea Lee Baxter esan.
The tough-as-nails Vargas, who fights out of Toronto, is riding the momentum of a dominant win by 10-round unanimous decision over Armando Robles (31-5-2, 18 Kos), at LBP’s first Powerade Centre event this past March, as well as a homecoming victory for Colombia-native’s fifth-round knockout this past May over former world title challenger Marco Antonio Avendano (30-10-1, 22 Kos).
An impressive victory over his battled-tested South African opponent will certainly re-position Vargas in the world boxing scene, where he was a little more than year ago, when he fought two of the premier welterweights in the world, former WBA Super World Super Lightweight titlist Danny Garcia (32-0, 19 Kos), and current International Boxing Federation (IBF) Munduko txapelduna Errol Spence Jr.. (15-0, 12 Kos), in losing yet invaluable fight experiences for Vargas against world-class opponents.
We always have our eye on big fights for Sam. A win over Funeka would really resonate in the boxing world,” Baxter added.
Funeka has some unfinished business in theGreat White Northhaving lost in 2009 in one of the most controversial decisions in recent memory to Joan Guzman (29-0) Quebec City. Although many viewers had Vargas defeating Guzman, including HBO’s unofficial scorer Harold Lederman, who scored the bout 117-111 for Funeka and called for an investigation into the judging that soon followed, resulted in a questionable 12-round majority draw for the vacant IBF World Lightweight Championship.
Canadian fans have always had a soft spot for Funeka,” Baxter noted. “The crowd at the Pepsi Coliseum was on his side and they fell in love with him that night. He deserves this fight as much as Sam does.
Hala eta guztiz ere, Funeka has remained a fighting contender ever since, going on the road and battling some of the sport’s top stars. Iaz, he upset previously undefeated Russian prospect Viskhan “Little Tyson” Murzabekov (12-0) by 12-round decision in his opponent’s homeland. Duela gutxi, the dangerous South African veteran fought a bloody battle with Jeff Horn (15-0-1), who last Saturday upset future Hall-of-Famer Manny Pacquiao to become the new World Boxing Organization (WBO) 147-pound division world champion. Funeka even dropped the tough Australian before being stopped in the sixth round of their fight last December in New Zealand.
Funeka represents a measuring stick for Vargas to gauge comparisons of him against some of the top welterweights in the world.
Will Vargas have an easier time with Funeka than Horn? The answer will be known Abu. 19.
Sarrerak, Honela hasten $40.00, are on sale and available to purchase through Ticketmaster at this link.
Twitter & Instagram: @LeeBaxterMgt

Facebook: /LeeBaxterTattoo



Hall of Famer Sugar Ray Leonard, Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia, Shawn Porter & More Discuss The Latest In Series Of Welterweight Blockbusters


SHOWTIME txapelketa boxeoa® Live jaialdian 5:15 p.m. ETA/2:15 p.m. PT From Bramall Lane In Sheffield, Ingalaterra


NEW YORK (Maiatza 23, 2017) – IBF Welterweight World Champion Kell Brook and undefeated rising star Errol Spence face off Larunbat honetan SHOWTIME bizi (5:15 p.m. ETA/2:15 p.m. PT) in the latest in a series of significant welterweight matchups between the best fighters in one of boxing’s deepest divisions.


Six of the top eight welterweights in the world* will have fought in the first five months of 2017 – all on SHOWTIME or CBS – as a de facto tournament continues in the 147-pound class to determine the No. 1 fighter in a division long controlled by the retired Floyd Mayweather.

*Source: Transnational Boxing Rankings


WBA and WBC Welterweight World Champion Keith Thurman unified the titles on March 4 with a split-decision victory over Danny Garcia in a rare matchup of undefeated champions. Lamont Peterson picked up the secondary WBA Regular title on Feb. 18, and on April 22 Shawn Porter knocked out Andre Berto to become the mandatory challenger to Thurman’s WBC belt. The remaining welterweight champion, Manny Pacquiao, is set to defend his WBO title against Jeff Horn on Uztailaren 2.


Now it’s Brook and Spence’s turn to take center stage in boxing’s glamour division.


Larunbat honetan Sheffield, Ingalaterra, Brook (36-1, 25 Kos) will make the fourth defense of the IBF belt he won via majority decision over Porter in 2014. The 31-year-old, nor ez da inoiz eraitsi, will be the decided hometown favorite in front of what is expected to be 25,000-plus fans in the first world title fight in the 162-year history of Bramall Lane.


The 27-year-old Spence (21-0, 18 Kos) has long been considered one of boxing’s most prized prospects. The IBF’s No. 1 contender has knocked out eight straight opponents and has improved as his level of opposition has risen – his last six opponents held an impressive combined record of 151 wins against just eight losses. The Dallas resident travels abroad for this long-awaited title opportunity as he attempts to become the first American to dethrone an Englishman on British soil in nearly a decade.**


With both Spence and Brook affirming their intention to unify the division after Maiatza 27, see below for what legendary Hall of Famer Sugar Ray Leonard and current top welterweights have to say about Larunbata en IBF title matchup.


SUGAR RAY LEONARD – Former Undisputed Welterweight World Champion

I’m really excited about this fight in particular, mainly because both fighters have to be on their A-game. I know there is talk about Kell’s eye surgery being a psychological problem, but from personal experience, I don’t see that being the case. I never thought about my eye once the doctor gave me the green light.


“To ask me who is going to win this fight, I have my favorite in Errol Spence. Baina, based on the each fighter’s physical artillery, one punch can turn the tables around. Ari esan zuen, I am going to sit back and watch a great night of boxing.”


KEITH THURMAN – Unified WBA & WBC Welterweight World Champion

“This is an interesting fight. I have not followed Kell too much, but I have obviously seen Errol fight in the U.S. Errol is a tough, young fighter who is just getting into the public’s eye, and Kell obviously has the strength of the British crowd on his side.


“It should be a tough fight that really speaks to the strength of the welterweight division. Both fighters are men that I would be open to fighting as I continue to unify the division in 2018. As a fight fan, let’s see what’s ‘Special’ about Kell Brook, and we’ll see if Errol Spence can show us he’s ‘The Truth.’ It should be a great fight and I’ll be watching.”


DANNY GARCIA – Former Welterweight World Champion

I think this is a 50/50 borroka. I think the person with the better game plan is going to win. There is a lot of pressure to go into someone’s backyard like Spence is doing, and he’s never faced a fighter in his prime before like Brook. It is definitely a test for him and a big step up in competition. If he is ready, he can do it. He just has to go in there and stay focused.


The welterweight division is the best division in boxing. I still feel like I am one of the best welterweights in the world even though I came up short. I never thought I would say a loss would make me stronger because I didn’t see myself losing. I want my titles back and to be seen as the best in the best division.


SHAWN PORTER – Former Welterweight Champion & Current WBC No. 1 Contender

“I’m glad Errol is getting his title shot, and I’m happy he’s going to England for it. I’m obviously pulling for the American. Errol is a phenomenal athlete and a great boxer. I think he’s ready to show the world something, but Kell is right up there in that top tier of welterweights. People who tune in should be thrilled. I know I’m looking forward to it.


“The welterweight division is awesome, top to bottom. We’re right where we need to be and should be. Boxing returning back to the masses with PBC came at the perfect time for me and the rest of the top welterweights. There are so many of us capable of winning a title right now.”


LAMONT PETERSON – WBA (Regular) Welterweight World Champion

“This is going to be a tough fight, but I think Errol should win. At least I’m pulling for Errol to win. He’s got to overcome the idea that there will probably be 30,000 people cheering against him, so he has to show the judges that he deserves to win.


“Brook is a good fighter and is going to bring his best, but I think Errol, in the end, is the better fighter. But he will have to prove it.


The welterweight division is one of the best in boxing right now. We’ve got a lot of good fighters in their prime making the division strong. And guys are willing to fight each other. We are seeing the kind of fights the fans want to see. If this keeps up it could bring boxing back to where it was in the days when Sugar Ray Leonard, Roberto Duran, Thomas Hearns and Marvin Hagler all fought each other. So it’s really good for boxing right now.


**Timothy Bradley dethroned another Sheffield native, Junior Witter, in 2008 in Nottingham.

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Box Fan Expo is the ultimate fan experience event that gives boxing fans the opportunity to meet-and-greet top fighters, current and former world champions, boxing celebrities and industry people in an up-close personal setting.
Tickets On-Sale Now at EventBrite
On berehalako
Las Vegas (Maiatza 4, 2017) – Premier Boxing Champions stars Leo Santa Cruz, Abner Mares,Daniel Jacobs,Shawn Porter,Rances Barthelemeta, Alfredo Angulo have confirmed that they will appear to Meet & Greet their fans at the PBC Booth at Las Vegas Convention Center for the 3rd edition of Box Fan Expo that will take place Saturday May 6, 2017 batetik 10am to 5pm, during Cinco De Mayo weekend. The Boxing Expo will also coincide with the mega fight between Canelo Alvarez vs Julio Cesar Chavez jr, that will take place later that evening.
Boxing fans will have an opportunity to get autographs signings of gloves, photos and merchandise. Fans can register to win the PBC fan pack as well be greeted with giveaways at this yearsExpo.

PBC is a television boxing series organized by Al Haymon boxing. The Television series seeks primarily to bring renewed mainstream exposure to the sport of boxing, emphasizing a modernconcert”- like atmosphere, “high-quality” txartelak, television broadcasts through major networks and cable channels as opposed to pay television and pay-per-view events, and the use of technology to provide enhanced insight to the bouts.

PBC joins Leo Santa Cruz, Abner Mares, Daniel Jacobs, Shawn Porter, Rances Barthelemy, Alfredo Angulo, Brandon Rios, Jorge Linares, Marcos Maidana, Jessie Vargas, WBA, Mayweather Promociones, Marco Antonio Barrera, Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame, Yuriorkis Gamboa, Al Bernstein, Thomas Hearns, Kronk Boxing, WBC, Christy Martin, Mia St.John, Fernando Vargas and Joel Casamayor among early commitments to this year’s Box Fan Expo.
Box Fan Expo has been a huge success with fans and boxing industry people. Many boxing stars have attended the last two Expo’s such as Mike Tyson, Roberto Duran, Tommy HEARNS, Roy Jones Jr., Sergio Martinez, Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia, Tim Bradley, Deontay Wilder, Amir Khan, Shawn Porter, Fernando Vargas, Zab Juda, James Toney, Vinny Pazienza, Mikey Garcia , Mia St.Johns, Leo Santa Cruz, Badou Jack, Terry Norris , Riddick Bowe , Earnie shavers, Leon Spinks and many more
Besteak beste, boxeo engranaje bezala Erakusketariak, arropaz, new equipments, energy drinks, alcohol, supplement products, broadcasting media, sanctioning bodies and other companies who wish to participate will once again have a chance to showcase their brand to fans, media and the boxing industry.
Box Fan Expo Sarrerak eskuragarri daude online at:
Box Fan Expo is the ultimate boxing fan experience event, which allows fans to Meet and Greet Boxing Superstars of today, current and former world champions, Legends of the sport and other boxing Celebrities at their booth. On Site, fans will experience different activities from Autograph Sessions, Photo Sessions, FaceOff with your favorite boxers, as well as a chance to purchase merchandise and memorabilia from their booth, plus so much moreyou won’t want to miss this must-attend Expo!
Box Fan Expo will also feature top boxing organizations, sustatzaileek, ring card girls, famous trainers and commentators as well as boxing gear companiesALL UNDER ONE ROOF”.
Throughout the next few days leading up to the Event, there will be more announcements on the many stars that will commit their appearance at the Boxing Expo.
And for anyone in the Boxing industry or other Exhibitors (non-industry), who would like to be involved and reserve a Booth, contact Box Fan Expo:
Telephone number: (514) 572-7222 or Las Vegas Number (702) 997-1927
Edozein zalantza izanez gero, mesedez, bidali: boxfanexpo@gmail.com
Box Fan Expo buruzko informazio gehiago dago eskuragarri: http://www.boxfanexpo.com
Box Fan Expo Twitter-en jarraitu ahal izango duzu at: https://www.twitter.com/BoxFanExpo


Box Fan Expo is the ultimate fan experience event that gives boxing fans the opportunity to meet-and-greet top fighters, current and former world champions, boxing celebrities and industry people in an up-close personal setting.
Tickets On-Sale Now at EventBrite
On berehalako
Las Vegas (April 26, 2017) – 2 Aldiz munduko txapelduna Marcos Maidana has confirmed that he will appear to Meet & Greet his fans at the Las Vegas Convention Center for the 3rd edition of Box Fan Expo that will take place Saturday May 6, 2017 from 10am to 5pm, during Cinco De Mayo weekend. The Boxing Expo will also coincide with the mega fight between Canelo Alvarez vs Julio Cesar Chavez jr, that will take place later that evening.
Maidana will appear for the first time at this yearsExpo at the World Boxing Association “WBA” booth and will be signing gloves, photos and merchandise. Boxing fans will also have a great opportunity to take pictures with “Txinatarrak” the Argentinean boxing star. Fans will also be greeted with surprises by Maidana and the WBA at this yearsExpo.
Maidana is an Argentine former professional boxer who competed from 2004 ra 2014. He is a two-weight world champion, having held the WBA (Regular) super lightweight title from 2011 ra 2012, and the WBA welterweight title from 2013 ra 2014. An exciting and versatile pressure fighter to watch in the ring, Maidana was well known for his formidable punching power, always delivery incredible performances and was never stopped in any of his 40 profesionala borrokak.
Marcos Maidana joins, WBA, Jessie Vargas, Mayweather Promociones, Marco Antonio Barrera, Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame, Yuriorkis Gamboa, Al Bernstein, Thomas Hearns, Kronk Boxing, WBC, Christy Martin, Mia St.John, Fernando Vargas and Joel Casamayor among early commitments to this year’s Box Fan Expo.
Box Fan Expo has been a huge success with fans and boxing industry people. Many boxing stars have attended the last two Expo’s such as Mike Tyson, Roberto Duran, Tommy HEARNS, Roy Jones Jr., Sergio Martinez, Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia, Tim Bradley, Deontay Wilder, Amir Khan, Shawn Porter, Fernando Vargas, Zab Juda, James Toney, Vinny Pazienza, Mikey Garcia , Mia St.Johns, Leo Santa Cruz, Badou Jack, Terry Norris , Riddick Bowe , Earnie shavers, Leon Spinks and many more
Besteak beste, boxeo engranaje bezala Erakusketariak, arropaz, new equipments, energy drinks, alcohol, supplement products, broadcasting media, sanctioning bodies and other companies who wish to participate will once again have a chance to showcase their brand to fans, media and the boxing industry.
Box Fan Expo Sarrerak eskuragarri daude online at:
Box Fan Expo is the ultimate boxing fan experience event, which allows fans to Meet and Greet Boxing Superstars of today, current and former world champions, Legends of the sport and other boxing Celebrities at their booth. On Site, fans will experience different activities from Autograph Sessions, Photo Sessions, FaceOff with your favorite boxers, as well as a chance to purchase merchandise and memorabilia from their booth, plus so much moreyou won’t want to miss this must-attend Expo!
Box Fan Expo will also feature top boxing organizations, sustatzaileek, ring card girls, famous trainers and commentators as well as boxing gear companiesALL UNDER ONE ROOF”.
Throughout the next 10 days leading up to the Event, there will be more announcements on the many stars that will commit their appearance at the Boxing Expo.
And for anyone in the Boxing industry or other Exhibitors (non-industry), who would like to be involved and reserve a Booth, contact Box Fan Expo:
Telephone number: (514) 572-7222 or Las Vegas Number (702) 997-1927
Edozein zalantza izanez gero, mesedez, bidali: boxfanexpo@gmail.com
Box Fan Expo buruzko informazio gehiago dago eskuragarri: http://www.boxfanexpo.com
Box Fan Expo Twitter-en jarraitu ahal izango duzu at: https://www.twitter.com/BoxFanExpo