Tag Архив: Дани Гарсия


Box Fan Expo е върховното събитие за фенове, което дава възможност на бокс феновете да се срещнат и поздравят топ бойците, настоящи и бивши световни шампиони, бокс знаменитости и хора от индустрията в близка лична обстановка.
Билети в продажба сега в EventBrite
Las Vegas (Март 15, 2018) – Двукратен световен шампион Шанън Бригс “Да вървим шампион” е потвърдил, че ще се яви, имат кабина и провеждат среща & Поздравете с феновете си в Конгресен център в Лас Вегас за четвъртото издание на Box Fan Expo който ще се проведе Събота май 5,2018 от 10сутринта до 17:00, по време на бойния уикенд на Cinco De Mayo.
Бригс ще се появи за първи път на тазгодишното изложение, където ще стартира и представя новия си “Champ RX” “Да вървим шампион” продукти. Бригс ще подпише ръкавици, снимки и има стоки, за да се насладят на феновете. Феновете на бокса също ще имат чудесна възможност да се снимат с тази боксова звезда, известна още като “Оръдието”.
За Шанън Бригс
Бригс е американски професионален боксьор. Двадесетгодишен ветеран от спорта, той е двукратен бивш световен шампион в тежка категория, след като е държал линейното заглавие от 1997 към 1998, и заглавието на WBO от 2006 към 2007. Бригс участва в някои от най-големите битки в историята на бокса и се бие с някои от най-големите имена, включително Джордж Форман, Ленъкс Люис, Виталий Кличко и Рей Мърсър.
Относно Champ RX
Champ RX LLC., е създаден съвместно през 2017 от двукратния шампион в тежка категория Шанън Бригс. Champ RX е първата компания, която предлага CBD продукти, които са 100% THC безплатно.
Champ RX обслужва професионални спортисти, тъй като повечето са тествани за THC. Champ RX работи с няколко професионални спортни екипа и организации, за да могат да предлагат продукти и да провеждат изследвания за това как CBD продуктите могат да помогнат при CTE и други мозъчни заболявания и увреждания, причинени от спорта.
Бригс се присъединява, Badou Jack, Кели Павлик, Ерик Моралес и Фернандо Варгас като ранен ангажимент за тазгодишното Box Fan Expo.

Box Fan Expo постигна огромен успех с феновете и хората от бокс индустрията. Много боксови звезди са присъствали на последните три изложения като Флойд Мейуедър, Майк Тайсън, Roberto Duran, Tommy Hearns, Marco Antonio Барера, Roy Jones Jr., Marcos Maidana, Sergio Martinez, Keith Търман, Дани Гарсия, Тим Брадли, Дионтей Уайлдър, Amir Khan, Shawn Porter, Fernando Vargas, Zab Юда, James Toney, Vinny Pazienza, Mikey Garcia , Миа Сейнт Джонс, Лео Santa Cruz, Badou Jack, Тери Норис , Riddick Bowe , Earnie самобръсначки, Leon Спинкс, Danny Jacobs, Авенировите Mares, Хорхе Линарес, Брандън Риос и много други…
Изложители като боксова екипировка, облекло, ново оборудване, енергийни напитки, алкохол, добавки продукти, излъчващи медии, санкциониращите органи и други компании, които желаят да участват, отново ще имат шанс да покажат марката си на феновете, медиите и боксовата индустрия.
Билетите за Експо Box Fan са достъпни онлайн на:
Box Fan Expo е най-доброто събитие за бокс фенове, което позволява на феновете да се срещат и поздравяват бокс суперзвезди от днес, настоящи и бивши световни шампиони, Легенди на спорта и други бокс знаменитости на щанда си. На място, феновете ще изпитат различни дейности от Autograph Sessions, Фотосесии, FaceOff с любимите си боксьори, както и шанс за закупуване на стоки и сувенири от техния щанд, плюс още много други… няма да искате да пропуснете това задължително изложение!
Box Fan Expo ще включва и най-добрите боксови организации, промотори, пръстен картички момичета, известни треньори и коментатори, както и компании за боксова екипировка “ВСИЧКИ ПОД ЕДИН ПОКРИВ”.
През следващите няколко седмици преди събитието, ще има ежеседмични актуализации за многото звезди, които ще ангажират появата си на Boxing Expo. И за всеки в боксовата индустрия или други изложители (непромишлени), които биха искали да участват и да резервират щанд, контакт Box Fan Expo:
Телефонен номер: (514) 572-7222 или номера на Лас Вегас (702) 997-1927
За всички запитвания, моля пишете: boxfanexpo@gmail.com
Повече информация за изложението Box Fan е на разположение на: HTTP://www.boxfanexpo.com
Можете да проследите Box Fan Expo на Twitter в: HTTPS://www.twitter.com/BoxFanExpo

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Box Fan Expo е върховното събитие за фенове, което дава възможност на бокс феновете да се срещнат и поздравят топ бойците, настоящи и бивши световни шампиони, бокс знаменитости и хора от индустрията в близка лична обстановка.
Билети в продажба сега в EventBrite
Las Vegas (Март 13, 2018) – Двукратен световен шампион Badou Jack е потвърдил, че ще се яви, имат кабина и провеждат среща & Поздравете с феновете си в Конгресен център в Лас Вегас за четвъртото издание на Box Fan Expo който ще се проведе Събота май 5, 2018 от 10 до 17 часа, по време на уикенда на Cinco De Mayo.
Джак отново ще се появи на тазгодишното изложение, където ще стартира и представя новия си “Ripper Nutrition” HTTP://rippernutrition.com заканали. Джак ще подпише ръкавици, снимки и стоки. Феновете на бокса също ще имат чудесна възможност да се снимат с тази боксова звезда, известна още като “Изкормвача”. Джак също ще се изправи срещу шампиона на WBC в полутежка категория Адонис “Свръхчовек” Стивънсън нататък Май 19 в Канада. Битката ще бъде популяризирана от Mayweather Promotions.
Шведският професионален боксьор, който е повишен от Mayweather Promotions, притежаваше титлата в супер средна категория на WBC от 2015 към 2017. През месец април 24, 2015 той победи Антъни Дирел, за да спечели шампионския пояс на WBC и го защити успешно срещу Джордж Гроувс на MGM Grand Las Vegas на септември 12, 2015 по време на мексиканския уикенд за независимост. Той се състезава в a 2017 Кандидатът за "Битка на годината" срещу Джеймс Дегейл, завършил с мнозинство в Barclays Center в Бруклин миналия януари. Той дебютира в полутежка категория, побеждавайки световния шампион на WBA Нейтън Клевърли през август и сега ще изглежда трикратен шампион срещу Стивънсън.
Джак се присъединява, Кели Павлик, Ерик Моралес и Фернандо Варгас като ранен ангажимент за тазгодишното Box Fan Expo.

Box Fan Expo постигна огромен успех с феновете и хората от бокс индустрията. Много боксови звезди са присъствали на последните три изложения като Флойд Мейуедър, Майк Тайсън, Roberto Duran, Tommy Hearns, Marco Antonio Барера, Roy Jones Jr., Marcos Maidana, Sergio Martinez, Keith Търман, Дани Гарсия, Тим Брадли, Дионтей Уайлдър, Amir Khan, Shawn Porter, Fernando Vargas, Zab Юда, James Toney, Vinny Pazienza, Mikey Garcia , Миа Сейнт Джонс, Лео Santa Cruz, Badou Jack, Тери Норис , Riddick Bowe , Earnie самобръсначки, Leon Спинкс, Danny Jacobs, Авенировите Mares, Хорхе Линарес, Брандън Риос и много други…
Изложители като боксова екипировка, облекло, ново оборудване, енергийни напитки, алкохол, добавки продукти, излъчващи медии, санкциониращите органи и други компании, които желаят да участват, отново ще имат шанс да покажат марката си на феновете, медиите и боксовата индустрия.
Билетите за Експо Box Fan са достъпни онлайн на:
Box Fan Expo е най-доброто събитие за бокс фенове, което позволява на феновете да се срещат и поздравяват бокс суперзвезди от днес, настоящи и бивши световни шампиони, Легенди на спорта и други бокс знаменитости на щанда си. На място, феновете ще изпитат различни дейности от Autograph Sessions, Фотосесии, FaceOff с любимите си боксьори, както и шанс за закупуване на стоки и сувенири от техния щанд, плюс още много други… няма да искате да пропуснете това задължително изложение!
Box Fan Expo ще включва и най-добрите боксови организации, промотори, пръстен картички момичета, известни треньори и коментатори, както и компании за боксова екипировка “ВСИЧКИ ПОД ЕДИН ПОКРИВ”.
През следващите няколко месеца преди събитието, ще има ежеседмични актуализации за многото звезди, които ще ангажират появата си на Boxing Expo. И за всеки в боксовата индустрия или други изложители (непромишлени), които биха искали да участват и да резервират щанд, контакт Box Fan Expo:
Телефонен номер: (514) 572-7222 или номера на Лас Вегас (702) 997-1927
За всички запитвания, моля пишете: boxfanexpo@gmail.com
Повече информация за изложението Box Fan е на разположение на: HTTP://www.boxfanexpo.com
Можете да проследите Box Fan Expo на Twitter в: HTTPS://www.twitter.com/BoxFanExpo


PHILADELPHIA – PA State junior middleweight champion Тайрън Brunson will be honored with three Briscoe Awards for the eventful year he had in 2017. During the year, Brunson’s efforts won him three bouts, two belts, and kept his career on track for a big fight in 2018. For these accomplishments, Brunson will take home three Бриско Awards на March 25thPhilly Fighter of the Year”, “Philly Fight на годината”, и “Performance of the Year”. This will be the first time a fighter has won three Briscoes in a single year.
“Дани Гарсия, Стив Cunningham, Bryant Jennings and Tevin Farmer have all won two before, but Brunson will be the first guy to get three on the same day,” said John DiSanto, founder of the Briscoe Awards. “Tyrone had a great year in 2017, so I’m happy for him. The voters got it right.
В допълнение към “Fighter на годината” награда, Brunson’s give-and-take battle with former world champion Kermit Cintron was named the “2017 Philly Fight на годината”. In the fight, Brunson came off the floor twice to stop Cintron in round five. For that win, Brunson also earned the Briscoe Award for thePerformance of the Year”. Along with Brunson, Cintron will receive the Briscoe Award for his participation in the “Fight на годината”.
A number of other fighters will also be honored in various categories like: “Аматьор на годината, “Prospect на годината”, “Нокаут на годината”, Новобранец на годината”, и т.н..
Advance tickets for the Март 25, 2018 Briscoe Awards cost $20 and are currently available for sale at BriscoeAwards.com, или като се обадите 609-377-6413. Tickets will not be sold at the door. The $20 admission includes food, draft beer, wine, soft drinks, and a souvenir program and ticket. The Briscoe Awards will be held at the VBA Clubhouse, 2733 Clearfield Street, Филаделфия, PA, 19134.
The Briscoe Awards are presented by Philly Boxing History Inc., a 501c3 Non-Profit organization dedicated to preserving and honoring the great legacy of boxing in and around the city of Philadelphia. За повече информация, call John DiSanto at 609-377-6413.


Box Fan Expo е върховното събитие за фенове, което дава възможност на бокс феновете да се срещнат и поздравят топ бойците, настоящи и бивши световни шампиони, бокс знаменитости и хора от индустрията в близка лична обстановка.
Билети в продажба сега в EventBrite
Las Vegas (Март 9, 2018) – Бивш шампион в средна категория Кели Павлик е потвърдил, че той и “Панч линията” Екипът на подкаст ще се появи в “Пръстен живот” кабина за среща & Поздравете феновете си на Конгресен център в Лас Вегас за четвъртото издание на Box Fan Expo, което ще се състои Събота май 5, 2018 от 10от до 5чм, по време на уикенда на Cinco De Mayo. Boxing Expo също ще съвпадне с мега битката между Saul “Canelo” Алварес срещу Генадий “GGG” Golovkin, което ще се състои по-късно същата вечер.
Павлик ще се появи за първи път през тези години’ Експо. Кели и “Панч линията” отборът ще има стоки, които да продава на своите фенове, както и снимки и сувенири. Те също така ще популяризират своето ново шоу от Boxing Expo.
Кели Павлик Известен като “Призракът”, е американски бивш професионален боксьор, който се състезава от 2000 към 2012. Павлик е израснал в южната част на Йънгстаун, Ohio. Той спечели единния WBC, WBO, Звънете на списанието и титлите в средна категория, побеждавайки Джермейн Тейлър през 2007, която беше обявена и за „Бой на годината“ от Асоциацията на боксовите писатели на Америка. Павлик направи три успешни защити, преди да ги загуби от Серджо Мартинес през 2010. На January 19, 2013 Кели Павлик обяви оттеглянето си от бокса.
Днес Павлик е водещ на шоуто Podcast Boxing “Панч линията” HTTP://punchline.live/ с неговия домакин Джеймс Домингес.
Box Fan Expo постигна огромен успех с феновете и хората от бокс индустрията. Много от боксовите звезди присъстваха на последните две изложби като Майк Тайсън, Флойд Мейуедър-младши, Roberto Duran, Tommy Hearns, Marco Antonio Барера, Roy Jones Jr., Marcos Maidana, Sergio Martinez, Keith Търман, Дани Гарсия, Тим Брадли, Дионтей Уайлдър, Amir Khan, Shawn Porter, Fernando Vargas, Zab Юда, James Toney, Vinny Pazienza, Mikey Garcia , Миа Сейнт Джонс, Лео Santa Cruz, Badou Jack, Тери Норис , Riddick Bowe , Earnie самобръсначки, Leon Спинкс, Danny Jacobs, Авенировите Mares, Хорхе Линарес, Брандън Риос и много други…
Изложители като боксова екипировка, облекло, ново оборудване, енергийни напитки, алкохол, добавки продукти, излъчващи медии, санкциониращите органи и други компании, които желаят да участват, отново ще имат шанс да покажат марката си на феновете, медиите и боксовата индустрия.
Билетите за Експо Box Fan са достъпни онлайн на:
Box Fan Expo е най-доброто събитие за бокс фенове, което позволява на феновете да се срещат и поздравяват бокс суперзвезди от днес, настоящи и бивши световни шампиони, Легенди на спорта и други бокс знаменитости на щанда си. На място, феновете ще изпитат различни дейности от Autograph Sessions, Фотосесии, FaceOff с любимите си боксьори, както и шанс за закупуване на стоки и сувенири от техния щанд, плюс още много други… няма да искате да пропуснете това задължително изложение!
Box Fan Expo ще включва и най-добрите боксови организации, промотори, пръстен картички момичета, известни треньори и коментатори, както и компании за боксова екипировка “ВСИЧКИ ПОД ЕДИН ПОКРИВ”.
През следващите няколко месеца преди събитието, ще има ежеседмични актуализации за многото звезди, които ще ангажират появата си на Boxing Expo. И за всеки в боксовата индустрия или други изложители (непромишлени), които биха искали да участват и да резервират щанд, контакт Box Fan Expo:
Телефонен номер: (514) 572-7222 или номера на Лас Вегас (702) 997-1927
За всички запитвания, моля пишете: boxfanexpo@gmail.com
Повече информация за изложението Box Fan е на разположение на: HTTP://www.boxfanexpo.com
Можете да проследите Box Fan Expo на Twitter в: HTTPS://www.twitter.com/BoxFanExpo

Световно класираният полусредна категория Тарас Шелестюк Готов за елита на дивизията

Непобеждаван 2012 Носител на олимпийски бронзов медал, който търси битки с Търман, Износване, Килер за храна, Победител на Гарсия или Хорн-Крофорд
PHILADELPHIA, PENN./ORANGE, Халиф. (Март. 1, 2018)- Непобеденият и класиран в световен мащаб претендент в полусредна категория Тарас Шелестюк е готов да започне лов на големи дивечи 2018.
The 2012 Носител на олимпийски бронзов медал от Суми, Украйна, който сега се бие от Лос Анджелис, Калифорния, спечели големите регионални титли, и той чувства, че е пренебрегнат от възприемания елит на 147 паунд дивизия.
Shelestyuk, 16-0 с 10 нокаута, продължава да работи върху занаята си, докато чака да се осъществи голяма битка.
“Искам да се бия с Кийт Търман, Дани Гарсия, Shawn Porter, Ерол Спенс или победителят в Джеф Хорн – Теренс Крофорд се бие,” Саид Shelestyuk.
“Знам, че имам уменията и родословието да победя тези момчета. Просто се нуждая от моята възможност, и знам, че това ще дойде скоро. Работя усилено във фитнеса, и спарирах с Виктор Ортис за неговия двубой с Девън Александър, както и шампионът на WBA в супер полусредна категория Брайън Кастано.”
Шелестюк също помага в кариерата на съпругата си Алина. Алина е модел на пистата, който е направил множество фотосесии в Лос Анджелис.
Шелестюк е популяризиран от Banner Promotions и Thompson Boxing.
За редовни актуализации на нашите бойци, събития, и промоции, Моля Харесай Страница за промоции на банери, и ни последвайте Instagram и Twitter BannerBoxing.


David Benavidez Remains Boxing’s Youngest World Champion With Unanimous Decision Over Ronald Gavril In SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Co-Feature
Гледайте преиграването Понеделник, Февруари. 19 При 10 p.m. И/PT На SHOWTIME EXTREME®
Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Стефани Trapp / SHOWTIME
Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Крис Фарина / Мейуедър Промоции
Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Райън Hafey / Premier боксови шампиони
LAS VEGAS (Февруари. 17, 2018) – Former two-division world champion Danny Garcia returned with a vengeance, knocking out Brandon Rios in a WBC Welterweight Title Eliminator in the main event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Събота on SHOWTIME from Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas.
Returning for the first time since dropping a close split-decision to Keith Thurman in a welterweight world championship unification fight in March of 2017, Garcia reminded fans of his position amongst boxing’s elite at 147 pounds with an early candidate for 2018 Нокаут на годината.
Garcia (34-1, 20 Нокаута) did his best work in the center of the ring, where he was able to box at a distance and fend off Riosfurious pace. Rios, who returned in 2017 from a brief retirement, was most effective against the ropes where he gave Garcia trouble with his constant pressure and his favorite weapona wide overhand right.
In the ninth round with the fight where Garcia wanted itin the center of the ringthe Philadelphia native landed a huge counter right to the chin that sent Rios flat on his back. Rios beat the count, but was clearly wobbly on his feet, forcing referee Kenny Bayless to halt the contest at 2:25 of the ninth.
I felt the ring rust a little bit in the beginning,” Саид Garcia, who recorded the 20th knockout of his career. “He’s a good inside fighter and he was giving me some good uppercuts. Аз се чувствах добре, it was a good nine rounds. Той дойде да се бие. I came to box, I did that. I came to bang, and I gave the fans what they wanteda knockout.
I just noticed when I was getting my punches off he was standing right in front of me and I just let it go. As soon as I got the fight in the middle of the ring where I wanted I landed good shots. I was just letting my hands go and the punch landed.
След борбата, SHOWTIME Sports reporter Jim Gray asked Garcia how the loss to Thurman affected him.
The loss was tough. I have the mindset of a winner,” Garcia said. “I hate losing. I took it like a true champion and I bounced back like a true champion.
I would love the rematch with Keith Thurman. It’s on him. Whenever he’s ready we’ll fight.
WBA and WBC Champion Thurman isn’t the only potential blockbuster on the horizon for Garcia. Former welterweight champion and the WBC’s No. 1 ranked contender Shawn Porter looms for what would be a massive showdown between the former champions.
След борбата, Rios (34-4-1, 24 Нокаута) was frustrated with the stoppage and promised to return.
I’m mad. I don’t like going out like that,” Rios said. “I’m a warrior, I got back up and I wanted to continue. I guess they stopped it but I’m mad. I’m mad because I got up.
I was doing good. I got lazy with the jab and he came over with the right hand and he caught me. I’m a warrior. I’m still in the game. I didn’t think he did much to hurt me. I think it was closer than what he thought it was. He just caught me with a lucky punch. I was ready to continue.
Boxing’s youngest world champion, David Benavidez, left no questions in a rematch with Ronald Gavril, defending his WBC Super Middleweight World Championship with a dominating 12-round unanimous decision in Събота co-feature on SHOWTIME.
The 21-year-old Benavidez and Gavril had fought to a close split-decision in one of 2017’s best fights that saw Benavidez drop to the canvas in the final minute of the 12тата и последен кръг. The Phoenix native had no trouble in the immediate rematch, utilizing a stiff jab and a steady diet of combo shots to win a near-shutout over the game Gavril.
Benavidez (20-0, 17 Нокаута) wore down Gavril with an intelligent body attack, pounding the midsection to open up power shots and jabs to the head. Benavidez had his best round in the fourth, connecting on a huge right uppercut that nearly floored Gavrilwho appeared to be saved by the ropesand then pounced with a series of damaging combo shots.
Benavidez appeared to hurt his right hand in the second half of the fight and stepped off the gas in the 10th, 11th and 12th. But Benavidez, who connected on 41 процента на Неговата сила снимки, still landed the harder shots and utilized a stiff left jab to keep Gavril largely at bay.
I knew he was going to come aggressive. He’s a one-trick opponent,” Benavidez said. “I knew I could jab and box him all day. When I saw the opening I took it. I didn’t knock him out thoughhe’s a tough son of a gun.
Both my hands hurt but I have that warrior’s mentality so I kept pushing.
I want to be the best in division. So whoever they put in front of me that’s what I want to do.
Гаврил (18-3, 14 Нокаута) didn’t make any excuses for dropping what was an action-packed affair that was scored 119-109 и 120-108 два пъти.
He tried to box me on the outside,” Gavril said. “It was good fight. Той беше най-добър човек довечера. Какво мога да кажа? I want to go back in the gym and come back stronger.
In the opening bout of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, Yordenis Ugas scored the biggest win of his career, knocking out Ray Robinson in the seventh round of an IBF Welterweight Eliminator.
Угаш (21-3, 10 Нокаута) now holds the IBF’s No. 2 position to undefeated champion Errol Spence Jr.
Угаш, a former amateur standout who is now 6-0 since moving up to the 147-pound class, set the tone with a knockdown in the closing minute of the opening round. Robinson (24-3, 12 Нокаута) survived and was later deducted a point for hitting after the bell as the fourth round came to a close. The illegal punch floored an unexpected Ugas, who rebounded and continued to dominate the subsequent rounds.
In the opening minute of the seventh, the 31-year-old Ugas landed a massive right that floored Robinson, who beat the count but was clearly hurt. Ugas unleashed an onslaught with a series of combos, forcing referee Robert Byrd to step in to halt the contest at 1:05 with Robinson defenseless against the ropes.
Ugas landed 51 percent of his power shots and was comfortably ahead on all three judges at the time of the stoppage.
I felt like I was the stronger fighter by far and he didn’t hurt me,” Саид Угаш. “He lost a point for hitting me after the bell sounded, and knocked me down, but even that didn’t hurt me. He was very awkward and his style threw off my timing.
Luckily I was able to land body shots that I knew were hurting him. I was able to dictate the pace and we never in trouble.
I want Errol Spence next. Everyone wants Errol.
# # #
За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/Sports и www.premierboxingchampions.com, последват в TwitterSHOSports, @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, and @MandalayBay or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/ShoBoxing, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionsи WWW.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. Premier Boxing Champions was presented by Corona Extra, La Cerveza Mas Fina and promoted by Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions.

Tensions Flare At Final Press Conference For Danny Garcia vs. Brandon Rios Welterweight World Title Eliminator

David Benavidez Promises To Knock Out Ronald Gavril In WBC Super Middleweight World Championship Rematch In Co-Feature Of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Tripleheader
Събота, Февруари. 17, Живей SHOWTIME® от Събития Център Mandalay Bay в Лас Вегас & Представено от: Премиер боксови Champions
Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Стефани Trapp / SHOWTIME
Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Крис Фарина / Мейуедър Промоции
LAS VEGAS (Февруари. 15, 2018) – Две разделение световен шампион Дани Гарсия и бивш световен шампион Брендън Риос faced off Thursday at the final press conference for their WBC Welterweight World Title Eliminator тази събота, February 17live on SHOWTIME from Mandalay Bay Events Center, и представен от Premier боксови шампиони.
Garcia, who returns for his first bout since a unification showdown with Keith Thurman, promised to put on a show, while a confident Rios assured he was 100 percent prepared for what he deemed amake or break” борба.
Събота co-main event stole the show Thursday as undefeated WBC Super Middleweight World Champion David Benavidez promised to send top-rated contender Роналд Гаврил into retirement in their anticipated rematch of a thrilling 2017 split-decision. Гаврил, who floored Benavidez in the final minute of their Fight of the Year nominee, promised a different outcome in Събота повторен мач.
телевизията на SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс започва в 10 p.m. И/7 p.m. PT with welterweight contenders Йорденис Угаш и Рей Робинсън facing offin an IBF 147-pound title eliminator.
Билети за събитието на живо, , която е възложена на Мейуедър Промоции и TGB Промоции, са в продажба в момента и са на разположение на AXS.com.
Here is what the fighters had to say from Rhythm & Riffs Lounge in Las Vegas:
I took a little under a year off just to enjoy my life. I’ve worked hard my whole life; I’ve been boxing for 20 години. I just wanted to be a regular person and let my mind rest, spend time with my daughter and enjoy some of my money.
“Повече от всичко, I just felt like I needed the rest. It wasn’t about the hunger because I’ve always had passion for the sport. Обичам бокса. I love the competition.
I’m back now and I’ve been in camp for three months. Аз тренирам усилено. I feel great and I feel confident.
It was a close fight against Thurman. I walked out of there with no injuries. Thurman was the one with the elbow injury, so he took more punishment than me. I could easily be unified champion of the world right now. В края на деня, I’m a champion. That’s my mindset. What doesn’t break me, makes me stronger.
It feels great to be from Philly right now. The atmosphere is crazy. When the Eagles won the Super Bowl, it felt like I won. They motivated me to go out there and do what I have to do.
It’s the Danny Garcia show so I’m going to go in there and do what I want to do. I’m going to dictate the pace. If we want to bang, we can bang. If we want to box, we can box.
I’ve faced fighters that came straight at me before. I’ve faced fighters that moved. I’m prepared for whatever. I’m a young veteran in the sport and what made me a true champion is adapting to anything and overcoming adversity. If I have to overcome adversity в събота нощ, then I’m going to do that because that’s what I was built for.
I need to get a victory в събота нощ. I can’t overlook anybody. I’ve seen some crazy things happen in boxing. One punch can change everything, so I’m just focused в събота нощ.”
“Аз съм готов 100 на сто. I’m ready to give the fans an exciting show and that’s what I’ve prepared for. That’s my style. I always come forward and I come to fight. We ain’t dancing, we’re going to be fighting.
Robert Garcia has always been my brother. He’s a brother from another mother. It felt great to be back with Robert Garcia and I’m just ready for the fight now. Him and Donald Leary have me confident in myself, and that’s the most important thing.
I’m going to take advantage of every opportunity. This can make or break me. I’m doing everything right in training and dieting. I usually say I can’t wait until weigh-ins but this time I can’t wait until Събота.
There’s no weight issue at all. I’m perfectly on-weight right now. I’m perfectly fine health-wise, there’s no injuries. Аз съм 100 percent ready.
ДАВИД Бенавидес
I’m going to put Gavril into retirement after this fight. Отивам да го нокаутирам. This is going to be the fight of the night so you guys don’t want to miss it. He’s not going to want to box again after I get done with him.
He dropped me but I wasn’t hurt at any point of that fight. I got back up and smiled. I did not feel his power at all.
It wasn’t a tough decision to give him a rematch because it was a great fight. I just want to give the fans the fights they want to see. They said the first one was a war, let’s make this one a war too.
I’m not offended by Gavril’s talk because he’s a good fighter. This is just more hype for the fight and more motivation for me to go in there and make it a war.
“Този път, there’s going to be a little bit more boxing. I really want to put this guy away so in order to do that, I need to step up every part of my game.
Роналд Гаврил
In the first fight, I proved to everybody that I have the skill and the power to be the best in this division. I thought that I won the fight, особено с нокдаун. So now, I had more than eight weeks to prepare for this fight when I only had four weeks for the first fight. I’m better now.
I was not surprised Benavidez gave me the rematch because it was such a good fight. I think Benavidez talks to much. He said before the first fight that he was coming to stop me in four rounds or five rounds. He cannot stop me. И сега, he said the same thing before this fight. He can’t do that. Why do you think he got a new fitness coach?”
Йорденис Угаш
Moving up from 140 към 147 в 2016 has been great for me. Putting on the extra weight only makes me stronger.
I’m ready to fight Robinson. чувствам 100 percent and after I fight him в събота, I’m looking forward to fighting (Ерол) Spence if I’m successful.
I’m going to jump on the fact that I have length and reach on him. I have the height advantage. I can find a way to come in and attack the body first.
“Това определено е най-голямата битка на кариерата ми. It’s an eliminator so I’m going for the win в събота нощ.”
At one point, I used to put a lot of pressure on myself because of my name. I put so much pressure on myself that I even think I lost a couple fights. I look up to Sugar Ray Robinson, but I’m here to put my own footprints in the sand.
I have learned from every fight and gotten better every fight as a pro and as a person. I have a great team now and they have only added to my craft.
I feel confident. I did all of the hard work in the gym with my team. This is the easy part. I can box with a blindfold on. That’s the one thing I know how to do – борба. В събота, all of my hard work is going to pay off.
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За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/Sports и www.premierboxingchampions.com,последват в TwitterSHOSports, @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, and @MandalayBay or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/ShoBoxing, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionsи WWW.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. Premier боксови шампиони е представен от Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Дани Гарсия срещу. Brandon Rios Plus David Benavidez vs. Ronald Gavril and Yordenis Ugas vs. Ray Robinson Fight Week Media Workout Quotes & Снимки

Събота, Февруари. 17, Живей на SHOWTIME от Събития Център Mandalay Bay в Лас Вегас & Представено от: Премиер боксови Champions
Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Стефани Trapp / SHOWTIME
Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Крис Фарина / Мейуедър Промоции
LAS VEGAS (Февруари 14, 2018) – Две разделение световен шампион Дани Гарсия и бивш световен шампион Брендън Риос hosted a media workout in Las Vegas on Wednesday ahead of WBC Welterweight World Title Eliminator this Saturday, Февруари 14 live on SHOWTIME from Mandalay Bay Events Center, и представен от Premier боксови шампиони.
В съвместно основното събитие, undefeated WBC Super Middleweight World Champion David Benavidez и най-класиран съперник Роналд Гаврил meet in a rematch of their thrilling September 2017 мач, в който Бенавидес спечели вакантната титла от съдийско решение.
The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXINGtelecast begins at 10 p.m. И/7 p.m. PT with welterweight contenders Йорденис Угаш и Рей Робинсън facing offin an IBF 147-pound title eliminator.
Билети за събитието на живо, , която е възложена на Мейуедър Промоции и TGB Промоции, са в продажба в момента и са на разположение на AXS.com.
Here is what the fighters had to say from House of Blues at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas on Wednesday:
I’m just hungry for this fight. At the end of the day I have the passion for boxing, and I love the competition. That’s what motivates me and that’s what has motivated me to get back in there and get back on top. It all starts в събота нощ.
I can’t worry about what [Brandon] is doing. At the end of the day I know he trained his heart out for this fight and this is an opportunity of a lifetime for him. Това е голяма борба за мен. I have to go in there and show that I’m one of the best fighters in the world. I just have to go in there and be Danny Garcia.
It’s great to be back here in Vegas. This is a big-fight atmosphere and it just motivates me. I feel good and I can’t wait to go in there and fight.
I’m going to do a little bit of everything, it just depends how I feel. I’m gonna bang, I’m gonna box. Отивам да го архивирате. I’m going to do everything.
I try to knock everyone out in the first round. I’ll go and get that check. Twelve rounds or less. I’d like to get it done in under eight or six. But if not I’ll go 12 кръга. I have a great team and I’ve been training hard.
I don’t blame Keith Thurman for not wanting to fight me again. I wouldn’t want to fight me two times in row. My journey and my superstardom start again в събота нощ. My job then is to show the work and that I’m still one of the superstars of this sport.
“Аз съм 29 years old and in the prime of my career. It starts now. I’m ready to get back on track.
I represent Philly wherever I go. I represent all Latinos all around the world. When you’re a world champion boxer you represent everyone around the world.
He likes to bang…да го направим. I feel like I’m the stronger man and there’s no need to back up. If that’s what it takes to get the job done.
“Аз съм готов. I’ve been training really hard and I’m focused and dedicated to the boxing game. In the past I was immature and just being a kid and being a dork and just going with heart and ballsthat’s what I was doing it with. But now I want to get back to the top and I know what it takes to get there.
I don’t care what the critics say because at the end of the day that’s what they are, just critics. It’s all good. I can tell you right now I’m in shape. Аз съм на теглото вече.
Everyone knows the way I fight. Going all out is my style. I’ll walk through brick walls to get the victory. Everyone will see в събота night the new and improved Bam Bam.
Think about why I looked like [crap] След последния ми бой. I’ve been through wars after wars and wars in my previous fights, and that takes a toll on your body. It happens. And I realized it and I took a step back and I wasn’t doing it right with dieting and training. I was doing it with heart and balls.
Now I feel rejuvenated and fresh. So you will see the new and improved Brandon. I feel young and not war-shot, or whatever you guys want to call it. I want to go out there and prove everyone wrong. I’m going to prove every one of you wrong. There’s going to be a smile on my face when I win this fight and I will put up my middle finger to all of you.
Danny’s a strong fighter and he has power in both hands. He’s a great counter-puncher. One thing I like is he doesn’t move or run, he likes to bang it out, and that suits my style better. But if he does run, we’ll be ready for that too. I sparred with young guys, така че аз съм готов.
Thanks to all of you guys for calling me out, and calling me a cherry, or whatever. Харесва ми. It’s all good. That’s the chip on my shoulder I got. I’m not a cherry, I might be a wild berry, but I’m not a cherry.
ДАВИД Бенавидес
The preparation we had for this camp was amazing. Three months in training camp, we made a lot of changes for this fight and we’re ready to go in there and take care of business.
Winning the title changed my confidence but it changed my work too. Now I know everybody is gunning for my title and I don’t want to let it go. All the work and sacrifice it took for me to get thisI’m not going to let it go.
“Чувствам се много силно. Теглото е добро. I feel amazing and you guys are going to see it comeСъбота.
I don’t think Gavril can do any better than he did in the last fight. He’s a one trick pony and he doesn’t have many tricks left, he’s getting old. We’ve been working on a lot of different styles for this fight and I feel more than ready.
I’m very motivated. I stayed very dedicated to this training camp. I’m ready to go in there and play no games. I’m going to do what I say and I’m going to knock Gavril out.
I feel I could have done better in the first fight. Having everybody tell me Gavril should have won and him talking a lot of smack, it’s the motivation and drive that I needed to train the way I did in this camp.
The sickness during the first fight took a lot out of me but my mentality is that I’m a warrior and I’m always going to push through it no matter what. Този път, we didn’t have any injuries or sickness so I can’t wait to put on a show в събота.
This is the first time I’ve really had a chip on my shoulder. All the hard work it took for me to get this belt, and people say it was just given to me? No way, I’m going to go in there and show why I’m the youngest champion in the super middleweight division.
I want to become the best in the division. I want to earn every victory and fight the best. I would love to fight the World Boxing Super Series winner. I’ll be ready for anybody. I worked so hard to get this, nobody can take it from me.
I’m thinking it will be a knockout around Round 5. It’s going to be a combination of the body and chin. It’s not really looking for the knockout, it’s just setting it up. I’m not going in just throwing haymakers, but I’ll set it up and if it comes, it will come in spectacular fashion.
Роналд Гаврил
I trained a little bit different this time. I had way more time than the first fight to prepare. Last time was four weeks, this time I had a full 10 седмици. I have done a lot of rounds of sparring and a lot of work related to this fight.
I learn after every fight. From the first fight against Benavidez, I learned even more because it was a tough, tight fight.
His people tried to make him a superstar before he fought me. I don’t know what people said after the first fight, but they should wait until after the rematch. I’m the stronger fighter.
The difference in this fight is going to be who boxes smarter. I feel I’m the smarter fighter because if I need to box, I box; if I need to put pressure, I put pressure. I can adapt.
I think this is going to be the fight of the year. It’s going to be special. The fans should all come see this fight because it’s going to be amazing with two warriors.
“Аз не търся нокаут. I’m looking to win every round. But I also don’t want to leave it in the judgeshands like last time, така че ще видим какво ще се случи Събота.
I’m ready to win. It would be a dream come true. This is why I came here to America from Romania.
Йорденис Угаш
We are both good fighters. But I am ready to put on the fight of the night for the fans and I will be victorious.
I’m more than ready to get back in the ring. I know what’s at stake. This is a title eliminator and it is the biggest fight of my career. I’m ready to get even better and show the world that I’m ready to be at that top tier of boxing.
Because of the intensity of this fight, I think it has the potential to be the fight of the night. This is going to shine over all the other fights.
Training camp was perfect. My team did everything to prepare me for this fight. I dotted every ‘Iand crossed every ‘T’ за тази битка. This was one of the best camps I’ve had and I’m excited to get in the ring в събота.
Carrying Sugar Ray’s name is obviously a pleasure. Growing up, I had a lot of pressure on myself with my name being Ray Robinson. Sometimes I think I even lost fights because I put too much pressure on myself having that name. So now, I make sure I don’t put too much pressure on myself.
This is the type of fight that I roll out of bed for. You get tired of fighting regular guys. I’m an old school fighterI love fighting guys that look good on paper and nobody knows who’s going to win and it’s up to his camp and my camp. I haven’t been this excited for a fight in a long time.
I expect hell. That’s how I’ve been preparing. If it’s anything less than that, he’ll be sorry. That’s how I’ve been traininglike we’re fighting for a world title. I’m going to bring all the hardship I’ve had in my life into this fight в събота нощ.
I’m an old school fighter. I’ll fight people in their grandma’s back yard if I have to. Няма значение кой Боря. I’ll just do it Kimbo Slice-style. Once we conquer Събота, we are supposed to fight Errol Spence and even if that doesn’t happen, we’re looking for a world title. Ерол Спенс, (Keith) Търман, Аз съм готов да разтърси.
Every time we put the gloves on, we want to do something special. Especially with this fight being on SHOWTIME, we just made sure we prepared the right way. But it doesn’t matter if it’s on TV or not, we still have to put on a good fight.
Each fight that I have is a stepping stone in my career. This is no different just because it’s in Vegas. I’m not going to put too much pressure on myself and blow this up and make it bigger than what it needs to me. Vegas, the crowds, светлините – that’s all cool and dandy but at the end of the day I still have to do my job.
# # #
За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/Sports и www.premierboxingchampions.com,последват в TwitterSHOSports, @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, and @MandalayBay or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/ShoBoxing, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionsи www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. Premier боксови шампиони е представен от Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Premier Boxing Champions Presents a Bounty of Boxing With a Blockbuster Doubleheader Broadcast on Separate Networks From Two Sites Featuring Sensational Fights in The 147 & 168 Pound Divisions on Saturday, Февруари 17

Action Kicks Off With Victor Ortiz vs Devon Alexander In Primetime On FOX & FOX Deportes от Дон Хаскинс център в Ел Пасо, Тексас в 8 p.m. И/5 p.m. PT
The Nightcap Features a Thrilling Clash Between Former Champions Danny Garcia and Brandon Rios Plus Exciting Champion David Benavidez Battling Ronald Gavril In A Rematch in Las Vegas on SHOWTIME 10 p.m. И/7 p.m. PT
LAS VEGAS (Февруари. 14, 2018) – Fans can enjoy a six-fight boxing feast тази събота as Premier Boxing Champions presents two shows on separate networks from two locations, showcasing matches in the welterweight and super middleweight divisionstwo of the hottest divisions in the sport – февруари 17.
The evening will kick off with former welterweight world championsVictor Ortiz (32-6-2, 25 Нокаута) и Devon Alexander (27-4, 14 Нокаута) in a true crossroads battle live in primetime in the main event on FOX and FOX Deportes from Don Haskins Center on the UTEP campus in El Paso, Texas starting at 8 p.m. И/5 p.m. PT.
Also in televised action on the show, Калеб “Сладки ръце” Растение (16-0, 10 Нокаута) will clash with Рохелио “тлъст” Медина (38-8, 32 Нокаута) in a 12-round IBF super middleweight title elimination bout and sensational 2016 U.S. Олимпиец Karlos Balderas (3-0, 3 Нокаута), a first generation Mexican-American, ще поеме Jorge Rojas (4-2-1, 2 Нокаута) в лек мач.
Following that will be a spectacular tripleheader live on SHOWTIME that will be headlined by former two-division champion Дани Гарсия (33-1, 19 Нокаута) бой бившия световен шампион Brandon “Bam Bam” Rios (34-3-1, 25 Нокаута). In televised undercard attractions, 168-паунд шампион David Benavidez (19-0, 17 Нокаута) will defend his title against Роналд Гаврил (18-2, 14 Нокаута) in a rematch and Йорденис Угаш (20-3, 9 Нокаута) придобива Рей Робинсън (24-2, 12 Нокаута) in an IBF 147-pound title elimination bout.
Boxing fans are in for a real treat on Февруари 17 as six exciting bouts will unfold in two shows on two separate networks. There are no NFL games, no NBA games and no MLB games. So get ready to binge watch boxing all night,” - каза Тим Смит, Вицепрезидент по комуникациите за бокса на Хеймън. “These shows include something for every boxing fanscrossroads battles, championship clashes, contenders climbing the ladder to titles and a sensational prospect embarking on a brilliant career. It should be a fun night for the fans.
Both shows hold significance in the 147-pound and 168-pound divisions. Garcia, Alexander and Ortiz are all seeking to return to the welterweight championship ranks and Rios wants to stay in contention for his first welterweight crown. В 21-годишната Бенавидес, the youngest current world champion, looks to be spectacular in the rematch with Gavril and continue on his ultimate goal of unifying the titles at 168 паунда, while Plant, Medina and Gavril are seeking to get to where he is now.

Danny Garcia Philadelphia Media Workout Quotes & Снимки

With Quotes & Photos from Linebacker Dannell Ellerbe of the
Super Bowl Champion Philadelphia Eagles
Two-Division Champion Battles Former Champion Brandon Rios in Welterweight World Title Eliminator Live on SHOWTIME Събота, Февруари 17 от Събития Център Mandalay Bay в Лас Вегас & Представено от: Премиер боксови Champions
Кликнете ТУК for Photos from Chet Susslin/SHOWTIME
PHILADELPHIA (Февруари 9, 2018) – One day after the city celebrated its first Super Bowl championship, две разделение световен шампион Danny “Swift” Garcia was joined by Philadelphia Eagles linebacker Dannell Ellerbe at a media workout in Philadelphia as Garcia prepares for his welterweight world title eliminator against former champion Брендън Риос Събота, Февруари 17 живеят на SHOWTIME от Събития Център Mandalay Bay в Лас Вегас.
The Premier Boxing Champions event also features undefeated super middleweight world champion David Benavidez и най-класиран съперник Роналд Гаврил squaring-off in a rematch of their thrilling September 2017 мач, в който Бенавидес спечели вакантната титла от съдийско решение. TheSHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс телевизията започва в 10 p.m. И/7 p.m. PT с , полусредна категория претендент Йорденис Угаш бой Рей Робинсън in an IBF 147-pound title eliminator.
Билети за събитието на живо, , която е възложена на Мейуедър Промоции и TGB Промоции, са в продажба в момента и са на разположение на AXS.com.
Here is what Garcia, Ellerbe, Mayweather Promotions CEO Leonard Ellerbe and Danny’s father and trainer, Angel Garcia had to say Петък from DSG Boxing Gym in Philadelphia:
“В края на деня, everyone at welterweight has to prove themselves. The pieces will fall into place. Eventually we’ll all fight each other. I’m just going to keep taking it one fight at a time.
“Развълнуван съм да се върна на ринга. I feel rejuvenated. My body feels fresh. Training camp has gone really well and now it’s time to get in there and go to work.
I learned from the Keith Thurman fight not to leave anything in the hands of the judges. It was a close fight that could have gone either way. I have to go for the kill, so it is what it is.
I was just enjoying myself for a little bit after the Thurman fight. I knew that I’d be back so it was good to get some time with my family and away from boxing. Now I’m back and ready to go.
“Това е нова глава в кариерата ми. There are new obstacles to overcome. Just like I’ve always had in my career. I’m going to take it one fight at a time so I can get back to where I belong.
Once you’re a champion, you’re always a champion. На Февруари 17 I’m going to show everyone why I’m one of the best fighters in the world.
I’ve had my best performances in Las Vegas against Amir Khan and Lucas Matthysse. Las Vegas is where the stars fight so I’m happy to be fighting there again.
I’ve been preparing for everything. I’ve been working on boxing and brawling; it’ll just depend how I feel when the fight starts. I’m going to be ready for 12 rounds regardless.
DANNELL ELLERBE, Philadelphia Eagles linebacker
Just to know how starving Philadelphia has been for a Super Bowl championship, and to bring the first one, it’s a great feeling. These fans give you energy and make you play better.
It’s all love between the Philly athletes. We all show up for each other’s events and support each other. That’s really big to have a supportive community and I’m sure everyone will be rooting for Danny следващата събота.”
ANGEL GARCIA, Баща на Дани & Треньор
Brandon Rios is not going to be an easy opponent. Това ще е голяма борба. Rios is a very tough fighter. There’s no way this is going to be an easy fight and Danny knows that.
Danny knows he can’t take anything lightly because Brandon Rios will be prepared. But he’s not going to win. Danny Garcia has never taken a beating; he gives them out.
Brandon Rios better keep his hands up. We’ll be ready in one week for Danny Garcia to be at his best. You’re going to see him once again show his great skills.
LEONARD Ellerbe, Главен изпълнителен директор на Мейуедър Промоции
“Гарсия срещу. Brandon Rios is a great stylistic matchup. Rios is a very aggressive fighter who likes to put pressure on. Danny is a boxer-puncher, but I think you see that Danny really comes forward. He’s a guy who’s boxing skills are underrated.
Danny Garcia has been a unified champion and shown he’s one of the best fighters in the world. Като Февруари 17, he’s going to make a big statement. There’s a lot of justified talk about other welterweights, but Danny Garcia is a name in this division who is here to stay.
The Benavidez vs. Gavril rematch is a fantastic fight. It’s a fight people have been looking for since the first time they faced off. I think it’s going to live up to what everyone has expected. I know Ronald has made some adjustments, and I’m sure Benavidez has made some too. I think it’s going to be an all-out war.
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