標記檔案: 丹尼爾·雅各布斯


保險開始在ESPN在 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT


布魯克林 (六月 17, 2015) – 中量級世界冠軍 丹尼爾 “奇蹟的人” 雅各布 (29-1, 26 科斯) 返回到環在他的家鄉布魯克林採取前世界冠軍 塞爾吉奧 “拉丁蛇” 猜拳 (28-3-2, 9 科斯) 作為電視開門紅 總理拳擊冠軍ESPN 黃金時段 星期六, 八月. 1 在巴克萊中心與電視報導在開始 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT.


這場鬥爭將先不敗的超級巨星之間的對決 丹尼 “迅速” 加西亞 (30-0, 17 科斯) 和布魯克林自己 保利 “魔人” Malignaggi的 (33-6, 7 科斯).


“我只是高興能夠成為這個偉大的卡,並能夠在巴克萊中心執行是一種榮譽,” 雅各布說. “我很期待製作出最好的機會,最重要的是我想給布魯克林的球迷一場精彩的演出. 我現在能去我自己的後院工作。”


“我又回到了“畫板,’ 努力工作,現在我很幸運成為這個偉大的事件的一部分,” 莫拉說, “I don’t plan to let this opportunity get by me. 上 八月 1, 我來布魯克林取勝。”


門票現場活動, 這是由DiBella娛樂與斯威夫特促銷推廣協會, 售價為 $250, $150, $75 和 $45, 不包括適用的服務費和稅款, 現已公開發售. 門票可在 www.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.com並在美國運通票房在巴克萊中心開始 星期四, 六月 18 中午. 要通過電話進行充電, 致電特瑪在 (800) 745-3000. 對於團體票, 請致電800-GROUP-BK.


鼓舞人心的數字誰將會在巴克萊中心爭取第四次, 布魯克林的雅各布完成了他從路癌症倖存者的冠軍去年八月,當他擊敗了賈羅德·弗萊徹的中量級冠軍. 在 2011, 同時追求在環總冠軍, 癌症威脅他的生命,讓他在場邊 19 個月. 當他回來, 他拿起他離開的地方,此後一直沒有失去. 這位28歲的看起來保住自己的勢頭,當他面對莫拉上八月. 1.


美國全國廣播公司的優勝者 “競爭者” 系列, 34歲的莫拉是前世界冠軍,在超中量級,尋找到一個量級冠加入到他的名字. 洛杉磯本地擁有戰勝ISHE史密斯, 彼得·曼弗雷多JR. 和弗農阿甘並進入在五拼連勝這場戰鬥. 他最近擊敗亞伯拉罕漢在今年二月將他的第一個職業開始在布魯克林 八月. 1.


除了晚上的重頭戲和合作的主要事件, 選擇的undercard較量將現場直播ESPN3進行. ESPN Deportes體育場也將轉播的鬥爭作為生活的一部分,其 夜戰鬥 系列和ESPN國際將在其在拉丁美洲的網絡呈現現場報導, 巴西, 加勒比和太平洋地區. 現場直播也將可通過WatchESPN計算機上, 智能手機, 平板電腦, 亞馬遜消防電視和消防電視棒, 蘋果電視, 的Chromecast, 年, 的Xbox 360 並通過下屬的視頻提供商之一的Xbox.


欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.barclayscenter.comwww.dbe1.com. 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, DannySwift, PaulMalignaggi, LouDiBella, @ESPNBoxing, @BarclaysCenter和@Swanson_Comm,並成為Facebook上的粉絲在 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/fanpagedannyswiftgarcia, www.facebook.com/PaulMalignaggi, www.facebook.com/barclayscenterwww.facebook.com/ESPN. 按照使用#PBConESPN和#BrooklynBoxing談話.

丹尼爾·雅各布斯 & 哈羅德·韋斯頓戒指 8 演講嘉賓圖片

(L-R) – 2015 名人堂應徵者哈羅德·韋斯頓和WBA中量級冠軍丹尼爾·雅各布斯的紐約州拳擊館為主講嘉賓,在昨晚的戒指 8 月度會議. 前世界中量級冠軍




關於RING 8: 環 8 成為當時被稱為全國退伍軍人義和團協會第八子公司 – 故, RING 8 – 今天該組織的宗旨仍然: 義和團拳民幫助.


RING 8 完全致力於在拳擊界誰可能需要援助的支付房租方面支持不那麼幸運的人, 醫療費用, 或任何合理需求.


去行 www.Ring8ny.com 關於RING更多信息 8, 其在美國的超過的最大群體 350 成員. 每年的會費是唯一 $30.00 每個成員都有權享用自助晚餐RING 8 月度會議, 除七月和八月. 所有活動的拳擊手, 業餘和專業, 與當前的拳擊執照或書都有權免費RING 8 年度會員. 環客人 8 歡迎會員在只有成本 $7.00 每人.


丹尼爾·雅各布斯 & 哈羅德·韋斯頓戒指 8 演講嘉賓週二晚上在紐約

紐約 (五月 18, 2015) – 世界拳擊協會 (WBA) 丹尼爾 “奇蹟的人” 雅各布 和 2015 名人堂應徵者的紐約州拳擊哈爾 哈羅德·韋斯頓明天 晚上的 (星期二, 五月 19) 特別響 8 主講嘉賓奧尼爾的餐廳, 位於 64-21 53RD驅動的MASPETH, 紐約.


雅各布 (29-1, 26 科斯), 戰鬥了布魯克林, 是一個靈感在克服了癌症成為世界冠軍. 一個優秀的業餘拳擊手, 雅各布是一位金牌獲得者在 2003 少年奧林匹克國家, 2004 & 2005 國家PAL, 2004 & 2005 全國金手套錦標賽.


去年八月, 雅各布斯抓獲空置WBA 160磅重的部門世界冠軍, 停車 賈羅德·弗萊徹 (18-1) 在第五輪. 在他的第一個世界冠軍頭銜的防禦今年四月, 雅各布掛號雙贏 12 輪技術擊倒 迦勒特魯阿克斯 (25-1-2) 在芝加哥.


韋斯頓 (26-9-5, 7 科斯) 有一個優秀的職業拳擊生涯,直到他在退役 1979 他的戰鬥與後 托馬斯·赫恩斯. 韋斯頓的最顯著的勝利,是對世界冠軍 (和同胞NYSBHOF應徵) 維托安託費爾莫 在 1973, 由於通過削減至第五回合技術擊倒的方式. 韋斯頓轉戰繪製與另外兩個世界冠軍, 索爾Mamby, 誰也入選的NYSBHOF類 2015, 和 維爾弗雷多·貝尼特斯.

關於RING 8: 環 8 成為當時被稱為全國退伍軍人義和團協會第八子公司 – 故, RING 8 – 今天該組織的宗旨仍然: 義和團拳民幫助.


RING 8 完全致力於在拳擊界誰可能需要援助的支付房租方面支持不那麼幸運的人, 醫療費用, 或任何合理需求.


去行 www.Ring8ny.com 關於RING更多信息 8, 其在美國的超過的最大群體 350 成員. 每年的會費是唯一 $30.00 每個成員都有權享用自助晚餐RING 8 月度會議, 除七月和八月. 所有活動的拳擊手, 業餘和專業, 與當前的拳擊執照或書都有權免費RING 8 年度會員. 環客人 8 歡迎會員在只有成本 $7.00 每人.





點擊 這裡 對於照片

信貸: 盧卡斯·努南/英超冠軍拳擊

文華財經 (四月 25, 2015) – Premier boxing Champions took Chicago by storm星期五 night with an exhilarating fight card featuring three captivating fights on from the UIC Pavilion.


The televised opener showcased 羅伯托 “威脅” 加西亞 (37-3, 23 科斯) getting an eight-round unanimous decision win over 詹姆斯·史蒂文森 (22-2, 15 科斯). The first main event saw 丹尼爾 “奇蹟的人” 雅各布 (29-2, 26 科斯) 在 12round knockout win over the hard-nosed 迦勒 “金色” 特魯阿克斯 (25-2-2, 15 科斯). The night’s second main event featured 八斗傑克 “開膛手” (19-1-1, 12 科斯) earning a majority decision over 安東尼 “狗” Dirrell的 (27-1-1, 22 科斯).


Below are comments offered by the televised fighters as they discussed their performances tonight:




He fought a great fight tonight.






I was in great shape for tonight and I believed in myself. All the talk from Dirrell and his camp never got to me.


Nothing he did tonight frustrated me. 他是一個好戰士, and I didn’t fight a perfect fight, 但我得到了贏.


I knew they couldn’t rob me. I thought I clearly won. I had a tough start to my career, but I re-focused myself with my team and got back on track.


It’s a blessing to be part of PBC. Bringing boxing back to primetime is incredible for the sport. I’m not even from this country originally, but I have lots of fans here and this series will only help me gain more.


I want George Groves next.




I was in tremendous shape for this fight. I knew I was ready to go 12 發. He’s a veteran when it comes to fighting down the stretch, so I had to be prepared.


At the end of the sixth round I hit him with a right that caused him to stumble into the ropes. I wasn’t sure at that moment if he was really hurt, or if he was just playing opossum. My corner let me know when I really had him hurt though and I took advantage.


He didn’t hold as much as I thought he might. I’m glad it turned out that way, but I was prepared for it if he did.


He was physically stronger than I thought he’d be, but he never really hurt me tonight.


PBC is an unbelievable outlet for us boxers. My hope is that I can continue to grow my brand and become a star inside and outside of the sport of boxing.


I’m out to prove that I’m the best in this division. I want whoever Al (海蒙) says next.




I wanted to pressure him, but I couldn’t get my punches off the way I wanted to. His movement was great and it was just an off night for me.


I couldn’t get him to engage me and I think that ended up winning him the fight.


There were a couple good shots that buzzed me, but no shots that really hurt me all that much. There were no devastating blows or anything. A fighter always wants to continue on, but the ref did his job.


PBC is fantastic for bringing in casual fans who wouldn’t have otherwise watched our fights. This is truly groundbreaking. After a fight like that I hope that more and more fans will continue tuning in.


I’m heading back to the gym to put in hard work. Hopefully I’ll be back on another PBC card against whoever Warriors and Al (海蒙) say.




I felt like Stevenson was just trying to survive, whereas I was trying to win. I could tell that my punches were bothering him. I could hear him breathing very heavily.


I was just trying to get back to it tonight. My last fight was almost nine months ago here in this same venue. I needed to get this fight under my belt to keep up my drive and continue working toward the goal.


I usually have to chase the guys I’m fighting. Even with the punchers like (安東尼) Margarito I end up having to chase them down. I took all that previous experience and used it tonight. It basically felt like a sparring session for me.


PBC is an incredible opportunity for fighters like myself and I plan on continuing to take advantage of it.


I have a great team behind me and we’re just interested in moving forward. I’m ready for a big step though. I want Shawn Porter next. I made a commitment to fight him, and I plan on sticking to that.




Nothing he was doing was really getting to me. 事實是, I took this fight on a week and a half notice. I honestly thought I pulled it off. Everyone knows who really won tonight.


I was getting in a groove, but then my back started hurting me and that took me out of it a little bit.


PBC gives fighters like me a chance to showcase my skills to so many more people than we’ve been used to.


I’m ready for all takers in my weight class. I’m heading back to the gym immediately and I’ll be ready for whatever’s next.


# # #

The card was co-promoted by Warriors Boxing and Mayweather Promotions. 欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.spike.com/shows/premier-拳擊冠軍, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, WarriorsBoxProm, @MayweatherPromo and @SpikeTV and become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromo,www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotionswww.Facebook.com/Spike.

PREMIER拳擊CHAMPIONS秒殺最後的新聞發布會行情 & 照片

點擊 這裡 對於照片

圖片來源: 盧卡斯·努南/英超冠軍拳擊

文華財經 (四月 22, 2015) – Fight week officially kicked-off Wednesday in Chicago as fighters on the 總理拳擊冠軍 fight card participated in the final press conference before entering the ring on Friday, 四月 24 在UIC館.


The night of fights features 安東尼 “狗” Dirrell的 (27-0-1, 22 科斯) 作戰 八斗傑克 “開膛手” (18-1, 12 科斯) 和 丹尼爾 “奇蹟的人” 雅各布 (28-1, 25 科斯) 承擔 迦勒 “金色” 特魯阿克斯 (25-1-2, 15 科斯). The televised action on Spike begins at 9 ET/8 CT.


門票現場活動, 這是共同促進勇士拳擊和梅威瑟促銷, 售價為 $151, $101, $51, 和 $31, 不包括適用的服務費, 與現已公開發售. 要通過電話與充電主要信用卡, 致電特瑪在 (800) 745-3000 或UIC館票房為 (312) 413-5740. 門票也可在 www.ticketmaster.com 或者通過訪問UIC館票房 (星期四星期五 9:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.).






I’m a better fighter now because I’m working harder. You have to work harder to stay at this level. Now everybody is gunning for you because you have what they want.


I’m glad that because of this platform, everybody knows what I’ve been through now. People can see that anything is possible. Going through something like defeating cancer has helped me achieve my dreams.


Badou Jack is a good fighter, but he hasn’t fought a guy like me.


在週五 night I just have to hope that Jack doesn’t run. I want him to stand in there with me and we’ll see who’s better. I’m going to test his chin like nobody else has.




I had the best training camp I’ve ever had and I’m ready to bring the title back to Las Vegas.


I don’t do the social media trash talking, I save it for the ring and 在週五 I’m going to show the world why I deserve to be world champion.


I respect Anthony Dirrell for winning the fight against cancer. I lost two of my amateur trainers to that disease and I’ll be dedicating this fight to them.


His team likes to bark and talk a lot of trash but they can’t fight for him. 例如 星期五 night it’s just going to be the two of us in the ring.


I don’t bark, I don’t talk trash, I let my fists do the talking.


Opportunities like this don’t always come around and I will make sure I don’t let this one slip away.




Fighting here in Chicago serves as extra motivation for me. I’ve always been the guy fans favored at Barclays Center, and I may have gotten a little spoiled. So I’m excited to be the guy that people want to see lose. Truax will probably have a larger crowd supporting him, and those fans will motivate me to be stronger and fight better 在週五.


People love a great story. I’m extremely proud of my story and for having beat cancer, but let’s not forget about my skill set.


Truax can say he’s tired of hearing about ‘The Miracle Manall he wants, but he shouldn’t be thinking about my cancer when we get in the ring. He should just fear me. I’m going to be a cancer to him once we start fighting.


I’m not saying I’m going to knock him out. I’m just saying I’m going to win because that’s what I came to do. I’ll take a win however I can get it.




This is a huge fight and a huge opportunity for me. It’s a career-changer and life-changer for my career in boxing. I’ve got to be smart in this fight.


I couldn’t be in any better shape right now. Physically I’m mature at 31-years-old. This is the right spot for me and a great opportunity.


I want to thank all of my fans and you should expect to see a lot of people from Minnesota coming down to see me. It’s going to be great to celebrate with all of them.


# # #


欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.spike.com/shows/premier-拳擊冠軍, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, AnthonyDirrell, BadouJack, DanielJacobsTKO, GoldenCalebT, WarriorsBoxProm, @MayweatherPromo and @SpikeTV and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromo, www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotionswww.Facebook.com/Spike.


文華財經 (四月 21, 2015) – 國際拳擊名人堂入選者 喬 “Pride of WhalesCalzaghe has been added to the broadcast team as a special analyst for the 總理拳擊冠軍 (PBC) 上 斯派克電視 四月 24 fight card taking place at Chicago’s UIC Pavilion.

Before retiring in 2009, Calzaghe set the record as the longest continuously reigning world champion in the history of boxing, making more than 21 defenses of his super middleweight title along the way. When Calzaghe finally hung up the gloves he had amassed an astonishing unblemished record of 46-0, 32 KOs that featured notable wins over Mikkel Kessler, Bernard Hopkins and Roy Jones Jr.

Calzaghe will enter the booth for Spike TV to help analyze the first main event of the evening featuring 丹尼爾 “奇蹟的人” 雅各布 (28-1, 25 科斯) 因為他面臨 迦勒 “金色” 特魯阿克斯 (25-1-2, 15 科斯), followed by the second televised bout of the evening between 安東尼 “狗” Dirrell的 (27-0-1, 22 科斯) 和挑戰者 八斗傑克 “開膛手” (18-1, 12 科斯).

# # #

門票現場活動, 這是共同促進勇士拳擊和梅威瑟促銷, 售價為 $151, $101, $51, 和 $31, 不包括適用的服務費, 與現已公開發售. 要通過電話與充電主要信用卡, 致電特瑪在 (800) 745-3000 或UIC館票房為 (312) 413-5740. 門票也可在 www.ticketmaster.com 或者通過訪問UIC館票房 (星期四星期五 9:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.).

斯派克電視上轉播的行動開始於 9 P.M. AND和 8 P.M. PT (延遲在西海岸).

欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.spike.com/shows/premier-拳擊冠軍, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, AnthonyDirrell, BadouJack, DanielJacobsTKO, GoldenCalebT, WarriorsBoxProm, @MayweatherPromo and @SpikeTV and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromo, www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotionswww.Facebook.com/Spike.




文華財經 (四月 20, 2015) – A slew of local favorites and exciting fighters come to UIC Pavilion in Chicago on 星期五, 四月 24 as part of a stacked undercard topped by hard-punching 羅伯托 “威脅” 加西亞 (36-3, 23 科斯) 作戰 詹姆斯·史蒂文森(22-1, 15 科斯) in the first televised bout and heavyweight bruiser 亞瑟引腳 (17-1, 12 科斯) 承擔 泰·柯布 (18-6, 10 科斯).


These exciting undercard bouts will precede the Premier Boxing Champions on Spike doubleheader featuring 安東尼 “狗” Dirrell的 (27-0-1, 22 科斯) 作戰 八斗傑克 “開膛手” (18-1, 12 科斯) 和 丹尼爾 “奇蹟的人” 雅各布 (28-1, 25 科斯) 承擔 迦勒 “金色” 特魯阿克斯 (25-1-2, 15 科斯) 斯派克電視上轉播的行動開始於 9 ET/8 CT.


基思·塔皮亞 (13-0) will be showcased in an eight-round cruiserweight bout, Ramiro Carrillo (7-0, 4 科斯) 發生在 Ramon Guevara (10-23-2, 6 科斯) in four-rounds of welterweight action, Maciej Suiecki (19-0, 4 科斯)面孔 Daryl Cunningham (30-7, 11 科斯) in an eight-round middleweight fight and Semajay托馬斯 (5-0, 3 科斯) 去反對 Jose Santiago (3-5, 3 科斯).


Remaining undercard fights will pit 亞歷克斯·馬丁 (7-0, 5 科斯) 針對 喬納森·加西亞(4-12) 在八輪次中量級回合, Ricky Edwards (5-0, 2 科斯) 戰鬥 Javier Garcia (6-8-1, 2 科斯) in six-rounds of junior welterweight action, Joe F. 克薩達 (5-0, 4 科斯) 作戰 Edgardo Torres (2-3, 2 科斯) in a six-round lightweight attraction and埃迪·拉米雷斯 (7-0, 5 科斯) 面對 Mario Hermosillo (12-19-4, 2 科斯) in a six-round junior welterweight bout.


門票現場活動, 這是共同促進勇士拳擊和梅威瑟促銷, 售價為 $151, $101, $51, 和 $31, 不包括適用的服務費, 與現已公開發售. 要通過電話與充電主要信用卡, 致電特瑪在 (800) 745-3000 或UIC館票房為 (312) 413-5740. 門票也可在 www.ticketmaster.com 或者通過訪問UIC館票房 (星期四星期五 9:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.).


這項運動近老將 15 歲月, 加西亞 is looking for his ninth consecutive victory when he fights at UIC Pavilion for the third time on 四月 24. 出生於墨西哥, 不過話說搬到韋斯拉科, 德克薩斯州在年輕的時候, 加西亞能堆積足夠的勝,最終贏得自己是在拍攝前世界冠軍馬加里托. 雖然他失去了這一決定, Garcia has rebounded nicely on his curreny hot streak, which includes wins over Breidis Prescott and Victor Manuel Cayo. Garcia will take on the 32-year-old史蒂文森 out of Baltimore.


只有一個損失不​​敗科比詹寧斯在他的紀錄, 26歲的will look to build on his most recent victory, 11月一致決定. 2014 over heavyweight star Tomas Adamek. 生於維利奇卡, 波蘭, he has made a name for himself in Chicago having fought there twice before and picking up knockout victories each time. He will be challenged by the 39-year-old 科布, out of Wichita Falls, 得克薩斯州.


An undefeated cruiserweight prospect, the 24-year-old 塔皮亞 轉為職業球員在 2011 and has not lost since. Fighting out of Santurce, 波多黎各, he will face the 32-year-old 威廉姆斯who fights out of Jackson, 密歇根.


Having fought four times before at UIC Pavilion, the 24-year-old Carrillo will hope to have the home crowd behind him when he goes for his eighth professional win on 四月 24. His opponent is the 31-year-old 格瓦拉 who was born in the Dominican Republic but fights out of Grand Rapids, 密歇根.


Eager to make his U.S. 亮相 四月 24, 25歲的 Sulecki has never lost since turning pro in 2010. Fighting out of Warsaw, Poland he faces Daryl Cunningham out of Detroit.


A young undefeated prospect and just 22-years-old, 拉米雷斯 makes his fourth straight start at UIC Pavilion on 四月 24. He was a Chicago Golden Gloves champion and a National Golden Gloves runner-up. Born in Aurora, 伊利諾伊, Ramirez will face the 28-year-old Hermosillo out of Tijuana, 下加利福尼亞州, 墨西哥.


Another young, 不敗的前景, 愛德華茲 fights for the first time outside of his home state of New Jersey for the first time on 四月 24. The 24-year-old from Paterson will take on the 32-year-old 加西亞 out of San Juan, 波多黎各.


Another staple of UIC Pavilion, all five of 克薩達‘s pro victories have come at UIC Pavilion. A 25-year-old out of Alsip, 伊利諾伊, he will look to remain undefeated when he takes on the 28-year-old Torres from Vineland, 新澤西州.


Making his fourth consecutive start at UIC Pavilion in his hometown of Chicago, the highly regarded 托馬斯 will look to start 2015 with his sixth professional win. The 22-year-old was an accomplished amateur who was the 2011 USA Boxing National Champion. His next challenge is 聖地亞哥 out of Bayamon, 波多黎各.


# # #


欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.spike.com/shows/premier-拳擊冠軍, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, AnthonyDirrell, BadouJack, DanielJacobsTKO, GoldenCalebT, WarriorsBoxProm, @MayweatherPromo and @SpikeTV and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromo, www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotionswww.Facebook.com/Spike.

Never Give Up: A Boxing Survival Story

總理拳擊冠軍: Dirrell vs Jack – 四月 24 – Live on Spike


Never Give Up: A Boxing Survival Storyis a compelling half-hour original Spike documentary featuring two of boxing’s true inspiring warriorsDaniel Jacobs and Anthony Dirrell.


Heart is something that every fighter must have to win, to thrive, and to survive. This documentary focuses on the heart and grit displayed by two fighters as they overcome their most deadly opponent yet, cancer. Daniel Jacobs and Anthony Dirrell refused to go down without a fight, and both made miraculous recoveries en-route to becoming two of the best in their respective divisions.

Never Give Uprecounts the parallel and amazing paths Dirrell and Jacobs have taken. From being teammates during amateurs and their early professional success; to their scary diagnosis and inspiring recovery; all the way until 2014 when they respectively won their first championships one week apart.

Enclosed is the entire half-hour program for you to embed. We are offering this to you prior to premiere on Spike (星期五, 四月 17 在 11:30下午ET/PT。)

星期五, 四月 24 LIVE on Spike at 9:00下午ET/PT, 首次, these two CHAMPIONS and SURVIVORS defend their titles on the same card when Jacobs fights Caleb Truax and Dirrell will takes on Floyd Mayweather Jr. protégée Badou Jack.


欲了解更多信息, 訪問 萬維網.premierboxingchampions.com, www.spike.com/shows/premier-拳擊冠軍, 或 www.warriorsboxing.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, AnthonyDirrell, BadouJack, DanielJacobsTKO, GoldenCalebT, WarriorsBoxProm, and @SpikeTV. Or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromowww.Facebook.com/Spike.

Undefeated Chicago Prospect Ramiro Carrillo Signs with Warriors Boxing

‘El LobitoWill Make Warriors Debut on Blockbuster 四月 24 Event at UIC Pavilion


Warriors Boxing’s newest exclusive promotional signee, Mexican-born, Chicago-based super lightweight RamiroEl LobitoCarrillo, will make his first appearance under his new promotional banner on the 星期五, 四月 24, 總理拳擊冠軍 (PBC) “Dirrell的VS. 千斤頂” event at the UIC Pavilion in Chicago.


Carillo (7-0, 4 科斯) will be part of a jam-packed undercard in support of the Spike TV-broadcast Anthony “狗” Dirrell的 (27-0-1, 22 科斯) VS. 八斗傑克 “開膛手” (18-1, 12 科斯) 12-round super middleweight main event.


In the night’s first televised bout, 丹尼爾 “奇蹟的人” 雅各布 (28-1, 25 科斯) will face top contender Caleb “金色” 特魯阿克斯 (25-1-2, 15 科斯) in a 12-round middleweight bout.


門票活動, 這是共同促進勇士拳擊和梅威瑟促銷, 售價為 $151, $101, $51, 和 $31, 不包括適用的服務費, 與現已公開發售. 要通過電話與充電主要信用卡, 致電特瑪在 (800) 745-3000 或UIC館票房為 (312) 413-5740. 門票也可在 www.ticketmaster.com 或者通過訪問UIC館票房 (星期四星期五 9:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.).


斯派克電視上轉播的行動開始於 9 P.M. AND和 8 P.M. PT (延遲在西海岸).


Before getting off to an undefeated professional career, 24-year-old Carrillo was a heavily decorated amateur, 去 215-14. He was a four-time Chicago Golden Gloves Champion and a two-time National Silver Gloves Champion. He won the National Blue and Gold Tournament and was the runner up in the Mexican Olympic Trials.


綽號 “El Lobito”, meaning little wolf, Carrillo is an aggressive boxer/brawler who loves to go to the body. So much so that a high percentage of his professional knockouts have come from body shots.


Carrillo is co-trained by his father Antonio and former world champion David Diaz and managed by Ernesto Pedroza.


I am very proud to be signing with Warriors,” said Carrillo. “All of the pieces are in place for me now. I have a strong team to help me reach my dreams of winning the world championship. All I have to do is train hard and win.


Ramiro makes an excellent addition to our roster,” said Leon Margules of Warriors Boxing. “He is an outstanding young fighter with a bright future. We will be looking to provide him with every opportunity he deserves in boxing. I love that he has the rare gift of being a debilitating body puncher in an age where so few fighters pay attention to the lost art.


We are all very excited about this opportunity,” said Ernesto Pedroza. “Ramiro is extremely serious about his career and works very hard. From what I see, competition wise, we feel that signing with Warriors will provide him with the platform to become a world champion soon.


欲了解更多信息, 訪問 萬維網.premierboxingchampions.com, www.spike.com/shows/premier-拳擊冠軍, 或 www.warriorsboxing.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, AnthonyDirrell, BadouJack, DanielJacobsTKO, GoldenCalebT, WarriorsBoxProm, and @SpikeTV. Or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing,www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromowww.Facebook.com/Spike.






文華財經 (三月 16, 2015) – 總理拳擊冠軍 (PBC) 在釘電視返回與動感十足的連賽星期五, 四月 24 在UIC館在芝加哥作為硬打 安東尼 “狗” Dirrell的 (27-0-1, 22 科斯)對挑戰者面臨關閉 八斗傑克 “開膛手” (18-1, 12 科斯) 在超中量級行動.


當晚的第一個主要活動將看到 丹尼爾 “奇蹟的人” 雅各布 (28-1, 25 科斯) 爭奪它令人興奮的老將 迦勒 “金色” 特魯阿克斯 (25-1-2, 15 科斯) 在一個回合中量級.


門票現場活動, 這是共同促進勇士拳擊和梅威瑟促銷, 售價為 $151, $101, $51, 和 $31, 不包括適用的服務費, 與現已公開發售. 要通過電話與充電主要信用卡, 致電特瑪在 (800) 745-3000 或UIC館票房為 (312) 413-5740. 門票也可在www.ticketmaster.com 或者通過訪問UIC館票房 (星期四星期五 9:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.).


斯派克電視上轉播的行動開始於 9 P.M. AND和 8 P.M. PT (延遲在西海岸).


“我非常高興能夠在釘電視戰鬥,我打算成為的傢伙每個人都在談論當夜晚結束,” 說Dirrell的. “這對我來說是一個很好的平台,我更有動力比以往任何時候都做戲的球迷. 八斗傑克是一個強硬的對手,但我要使它成為一個非常糟糕的夜晚他。”


“這對我來說是一個很好的機會,我不會讓它溜走了,” 傑克說. “我知道安東尼Dirrell的是一個非常熟練的戰鬥機,但他要感受別樣的力量,當我打他. 我期待著成為上月的超中量級冠軍 24.””


““奇蹟的人’ 又回來了! 我很高興這場鬥爭中,我知道這將是球迷一個偉大的夜晚,我希望做戲,” 雅各布說. “每個人都在芝加哥和大家一起看釘電視將是在一種享受。”


“我很高興能夠在這樣一個大的鬥爭,競爭如此巨大的舞台,” 說特魯阿克斯. “雅各布是一個好戰士,我很尊敬他, 但他從來沒有在擂台上與我這樣的人. 我會,如果他低估了我他付出。”


“我們很高興能成為將英超冠軍拳擊回穗電視和到UIC館在芝加哥首次,” 說萊昂Margules, 勇士拳擊總統, 共助催化劑與梅威瑟促銷活動的. “芝加哥有一個偉大的鬥爭歷史,有兩個冠軍戰, 四月 24 將在歷史上又一個偉大的篇章。”


“我們很高興能夠共同促進拳擊這個偉大的夜晚,” 倫納德說Ellerbe, 梅威瑟促銷的CEO. “”八斗傑克是一個勤奮上進的戰士誰一直投入工作,以賺取這個世界冠軍的射擊. 我期待煙花的夜晚並於4月 24. 梅威瑟促銷活動將有另一個冠軍。”


“我們很高興能提供給我們的觀眾一個引人​​注目, 誰曾在環和它以外的絕大多數障礙毆打世界級對手的動感十足的活動,展示戰士去拳擊的大舞台,” 說喬恩Slusser, 高級副總裁, 體育, 斯派克電視.


Dirrell的已經看到了比大多數在他的職業生涯更逆境他在拳擊比賽中的時間已經受到嚴重損害的兩倍. 首先十二月 2006 當他被診斷出患有非霍奇金淋巴瘤,並缺陣 20 個月,又在5 2012 當他打破了他的左小腿和左手腕在一次摩托車事故. 弗林特, 密歇根州本土從來沒有讓那讓他失望然而,他不停地贏得戰鬥和工作他的方式的專業隊伍. 在 2014 他贏得了他的第一個總冠軍, 當他在複賽擊敗迎戰Sakio郵幣卡自己 2013 平局. 現在,30歲的容貌放在另一個展 四月 24 在芝加哥.


自簽訂梅威瑟促銷在31歲的傑克已經在課程上為世界冠軍的射擊 2013. 強硬的戰鬥機了拉斯維加斯斯德哥爾摩方式, 瑞典, 失去了第一次 2014 但反彈在他的下一個回合10輪一致決定勝利賈森埃氏在八月和持續十二月留下深刻的印象時,他停止了舊金山塞拉利昂在第六輪. 現在, 該 2008 岡比亞奧運選手將獲得的大舞台上一個鏡頭時,他對Dirrell的上 四月 24.


將要進入環另一個勵志人物, 布魯克林的雅各布完成了他的路,從癌症倖存者冠軍去年八月,當他擊敗了賈羅德·弗萊徹為他的中量級冠軍. 在 2011, 他在追求一個總冠軍時,癌症威脅他的生命,讓他走出環的 19 個月. 但是,當他返回, 他拿起他離開的地方, 由於具有不丟失. 現在, 他看起來建立在他的氣勢對抗強硬的對手 四月 24.


出生於Osseo, 明尼蘇達州, Truax is an experienced veteran who has fought professionally since 2007. 在他的家鄉戰鬥大多, 31歲贏得了他的第一次 14 他對他的戰績第一的污點戰鬥前, 一個與​​菲爾·威廉斯在借鑒 2010. 特魯阿克斯會贏得四個打架, 包括戰勝威廉姆斯為他贏得了一個 2012 與前鋒泰勒打. 特魯阿克斯下降一個艱難的決定,泰勒,但由於已經不敗八戰鬥. 現在, 他進入了職業生涯的最大的打擊 四月 24 在芝加哥.


欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.spike.com/shows/premier-拳擊冠軍, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, AnthonyDirrell, BadouJack, DanielJacobsTKO, @GoldenCalebT和@SpikeTV,並成為Facebook上的粉絲在 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotionswww.Facebook.com/Spike.